#hes just my little boy....
blueiight · 1 year
kircheis spaceboys
thinking about siegfried kircheis is so uniquely painful bc if we're meant to think of lotgh as a meta narrative within a narrative then kircheis is a character who's legacy was enshrined in his death, his absence and the questions of how much better would it be if he was here (to the point that it became a joke in of itself). it rly makes me wonder what kind of character, what kind of young commoner boy would give up his whole life in every sense of the word for the sake of a minor noble's ambitions. he came from a stable home, was his parents’ only child. so its truly love for reinhard & annerose that drives him, which is the most altruistic motive of all the space generals & gunners we meet here. annerose and kircheis by virtue of being reinhard’s most cherished people occupy this saint-like quality in the narrative, but we learn annerose is a bit tortured. in talking to hilda we learn annerose blames herself for kircheis’s death, bc shes the one who told kircheis to be a good friend to reinhard, and annerose herself cant stand to even meet reinhard for 3 seasons /8 books over this. ‘now you have nothing else left to lose,’ annerose told reinhard at that juncture. which is remarkably cruel for reinhard in that shes saying kircheis is all u cared for, but also cruel for annerose bc shes essentially killing herself off metaphorically with kircheis. reinhard rationalizes annerose’s unusually cold words in these moments as her being a grieving lover. and its hard to say if she could do anything with her own love & how much of her love in the first place is rooted in annerose looking up to the only guy who didnt treat her like a concubine or a mommy. im reminded of book8 commenting on reinhard’s fraught relationship w annerose here. ‘In losing that which should not have been lost, Reinhard had allowed past to be severed from present; the brilliance of that long-ago spring light… were now far beyond.’ which is something reinhard also says in the ova.. in reinhard’s mind, he has to place annerose as dead in the past with kircheis to bear living. he has to place annerose with the ghost of kircheis, bc confronting how he lost his two most beloved people at such a critical success in his rise to power is too painful. bc we lose out on kircheis’s voice so early, his ghost quite literally haunts the narrative bc of his significance to one of the protagonist’s reinhard. reinhard’s other half literally is what everyone, including kircheis’s killer ansbach, calls kircheis. reinhard’s entire emotional stability was quite literally built on kircheis. but u have to wonder how things wouldve went if kircheis remained alive any longer than what he did considering that this is where he was at.👇🏾
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kircheis is a commoner here, whos entire rise to power was so intimately tied to his proximity to reinhard & annerose. so him asking this is not only a matter of his doubts on reinhard’s specific actions here but also implicitly meant to think on how hes dedicated more than half of his life to reinhard’s cause under the belief that reinhard was doing the right thing. a quest to overthrow a 500+ year old dynasty, to liberate ur cherished sister/friend who was sold in sexual slavery to the king, that r just causes. kircheis needs to believe reinhard is of the right character to be the steward & master of space. someone can readily rationalize their involvement in the war apparatus as fighting the ‘other’ side of the war, can readily rationalize their rise to power as a means to these righteous ends. but reinhard’s cruel acts in s1 like starving out the civillians of the fpa, cosigning the attack on westerland as political pretext , the lives of millions he couldve saved but chose to let braunschweig kill to use as proof of the boyar nobility’s evil , cannot be so easily excused , and reinhard’s hunger for power is now hardly related to liberating annerose or annerose at all bc he dont even have to do anything to free her. annerose is liberated by friedrich’s death. the ova puts the choice of ignoring braunschweig’s attack westerland on oberstein lying to reinhard about when the attack would take place. which is, weak! it makes reinhard look incompetent for keeping such a seditious subordinate, and morally whitewashes reinhard in this incident. oddly enough (or thankfully?) the ova treats it as if the book’s line of events occurred in that scene from then on, with kircheis unafraid to question reinhard for his complicity in this act & cutting no corners in their final confrontation. reinhard responds so cruelly bc he has no rebuttal to kircheis, he even says ‘kircheis will just have to understand the need for spilling blood’, and delegates him to being the ‘same as the rest’.. but the central questions kircheis raised here would not have the easy answers kircheis needed to stay as reinhard’s heart, as his other half. bc barring sending the fortress where kircheis died into the shadow realm , reinhard still wouldve done all the things he did in later seasons. and kircheis who has his own moral compass would have to diverge with reinhard inevitably. forever reminded of tanaka saying that this split was inevitable.. sad as it sounds, it was best for kircheis to die at this juncture. he is the legend inside a fictional legend, the balm to all of reinhard’s troubles forever n ever, the other half of reinhard’s heart thats left forever empty, with battle + blood used to fill reinhard’s lonely little soul. and kircheis even on the verge of death knew reinhard would destroy himself without him which is why he reminds him go take the universe. live for something without me. bc i couldnt bear to live to see what u would become.
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egophiliac · 5 days
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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Will the real FNAF Helpy please stand up?..
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fishing4trash · 2 months
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“He’s just 8” I have way to much time on my hands. It makes it more funnier that I just finished the Scott Tenorman must die ep.
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machinerot · 5 months
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dapper-lil-arts · 4 months
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Cadance X Shining Armor shippers have informed me that despite him being "just a basic ass white boy" that is exactly the appeal, lmao.
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densewentz · 1 month
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a quick silly sketch based off my earlier post about the Cat King having a mistaken identity crisis when Edwin and Co. don't recognize him in his new cat form post-esther
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drumlincountry · 4 months
Kabru/Mithrun is funny because it's: guy who lives to pull people's strings/guy who doesn't have any strings to pull.
Kabru/Laios is funny because it's: guy who lives to pull people's strings/guy who has one very obvious string to pull but the other guy doesn't want to pull it because its GROSS.
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jellydragons · 5 months
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dog time :)
ref + alt version:
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pros of knowing someone who can turn into a wolf:
free cuddles
everything else
he tends to get broody about it
in summary: ouppy :)
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ryllen · 5 months
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#reading this meme gives me comfort#twisted wonderland#twst#this is just what i think#who would u swap and where#honestly jack is probably the first and second tier once he gets comfortable with you#like it is so kind and warm it actually makes u forget ur woes#kalim and ace are just the tight huggers that's why they are on the top list#they squish u and that serotonin out#u're just little pouch of serotonin in their hands#trey is between giving u awkward back pat or hugging you#but i like to think even tho he's just pretending his hug is very comforting#deuce is just bewildered confused and flustered that's why he doesn't return the hug immediately#but he sure wouldn't want to let go afterwards#cater might seem like he would give a good hug but i imagine his true self be like o . o and then switch to ^ - ^ immediately after#vil is just a kind person in my eyes#he is mature and calm and nurturing if he wants to#i alter the meme wording by a bit to fit my perception more#if u put the birthday boy icons together it makes a heart omg#ruggie is honestly confusing me#he would probably only hug wholeheartedly if money is on the line#but i think he hugs his family and the kids at the slum very lovingly#idia is probably between the third and fourth tier but maybe he leans more towards hugging back than patting on the back#patting in the back is probably too cool for him#floyd'd examine u first and giving the how dare u touch me look menancingly but then be like ehe bcs it's little shrimpy i'll forgive u~
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shitouttabuck · 4 months
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something in your magnetism (2x01 / 6x18)
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egophiliac · 30 days
i love your riddle design so much, he's so pointy and british. so gracious. do you think he would enjoy a brazilian goiabada
thank you! ❤️🖤❤️ it's just. important to me on a level I can't explain that Riddle have an extremely pointy nose that he can stick into everyone else's business.
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also goiabada is sweet and fruity and red, I think he would like it very much indeed!
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not me stealth-editing because I forgot his antenna whoops
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isolophilian · 6 months
i think we need to understand the gravity of how quickly Percy blames himself and his disabilities for the way his world is. how he's been made to believe over years and years that he's weird, that there's something wrong with him. Percy saying he should've been paying attention. Percy saying there's something wrong with his brain. Percy calling himself broken.. he's just a kid man
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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bsd rewatch w my friend means obligatory art of my fav found family ever
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ricky-mortis · 1 month
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I heard that Corey Dorris sang Show Stopping Number at Innit- so I present: Corey!Hidgens
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