#hes lowkey racist?
flintoaster · 2 years
Can i please just take a moment to say...
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
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Valentin Da Silva | 177/??
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lipstickhotchocolate · 2 months
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Based and right
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motorcycleboy9 · 6 months
I hope that in the other universe we're not a blond&black hair duo in the US during 80's in which one desperately wants to protect the other hates the social distributions and wishes to escape the world of cruelty and live as plain normal people
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tariah23 · 6 months
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I forgive you-
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ishomieokay · 8 months
"Superman would kick Homelander's ass", "he's nothing next to Metroman", "Goku gives him a run for his money", "the Avengers are stronger", you fools, you uncultured swines. We all know that there's only one person in the multiverse capable to stop that fake-ass blond bitch.
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when Elizabeth says to Norrington "[You didn't know] which side you chose?" and pulls her arm back, and he goes through two movies of character development because he had the plot wrong the entire time, but now he's in the last third of a trilogy, and he's not the main character, her love interest, her foil, or the antihero. But you know what? There isn't a martyr yet.
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Hey, PSA-Spoilers!
So, Netflix is releasing a new movie in four days (October 20, 2022). It is called ‘The School for Good and Evil’, and is based on a book series by Soman Chainani. It seems to be only covering the first book, though I imagine that there will be some kind of follow-up since literally everything this man has ever written is a New York Times bestseller. It’s a similar concept to Ever After High and Descendants, very well written, and I highly recommend that you watch it once it comes out.
the thing is
The thing is, there are two female leads. They are childhood best friends even though one of them is beloved by their village and the other hated, even though they are sorted into separate schools and taught to be enemies, even though there are so many people telling them to hate each other.
The thing is, at the end of the first book, one of the girls kisses the other one on the mouth. It is a kiss of True Love, something that already failed with her male love interest. It sends them home.
The thing is, this book, being that it is written by a queer author, has queer themes.
The thing is-and this is the spoilers-the girls are twins.
This is a plot twist from later on in the series. It’s something that’s wrapped up in a very complicated plot in the book it’s in. It is very unlikely that they could or would reveal this early. I feel like Netflix is likely to continue the movie series, and even if it isn’t, I feel like it would be fairly easy to get the books and read them yourselves for a….significant amount of people.
This book was written in 2013. By a gay man. I would like to participate in this fandom without the absolute shitshow that I know this will incite. Especially since the author is of Indian decent. Especially since one of the girls has been cast as black. Especially since this is so soon after the mess that was First Kill.
This was not queerbaiting, this was a gay author making a choice for his story. And maybe you could argue that he was forced, by his publishers, by societal expectations, but regardless; this man has been out-socially, if not publicly-since 2001. This was not an act of malice on his part, this was not a trick he played on you to deprive you of lesbian representation. Please, please be normal about this and leave him the fuck alone.
Okay, so some people are reading this as ‘don’t criticize this man about anything ever’, so I’ve decided to clarify: this is me, as someone who read the first book at about the time it came out, telling people to try to not be racist about this, letting them know that the author is queer-which in my mind at least reframes a few things-and trying to let people know that Sophie and Agatha are twins so they hopefully don’t get too caught up in the ship and then get disappointed/upset. I’m also trying to give this man the benefit of the doubt, but I’m definitely not trying to say that he’s never done anything bad ever, or that you can’t criticize him or his work. Just, please be normal about it.
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theklaapologist · 4 months
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If evil why friend shaped 🙄
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disaster-bi-shan · 11 months
started a re-read of annihilation but with the audiobook version and one thing that baffles me is making the director sound british/imperial, and it's even odder when there's segments with Actual imperials in the book
like elara gets flak for having an imperial accent, yet trant, the sis director, is using one?
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watching a german iconic comdey show about a patchwork family and remembering halfway through its main trope is that girl x the step brother
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goodoneguys · 4 months
not picard being PRO ANIMAL TESTING??? being like, “it’s ok as long as they don’t die” wtf 😓😓
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softmoonlite · 2 months
need a new job so bad like i’m tired of my current job and especially one of my fuck ass managers
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dreamliners · 10 months
roy and gator are both cut from the same cloth forsure. the way roy suddenly is taking orders and ease the tension with who im assuming is his father in law (idk) about the ammo issue is so telling.
roy has no real control of his personal, his wife left his controlling ass, and his father in law is the one whos really masterminding that whole 1776 bs.
it makes total sense that he would treat those working under him and his own son as lap dogs. the fact that he's still after his wife despite remarrying and having two young daughters himself, it still isnt enough.
as for gator, of course he's gonna act like his dad. his mom left, his peak days of hs athletism is behind him, all he has left is to be seen as worthy by his old man. gator driven by all his negative emotions and lack of support follows his father blindly because its all he has left.
both men couldnt prevent negative outcomes in their personal lives and as a result they lash out in their public/work lives. they think themselves as 'the law of the land' because its the only time they can act as in control.
however, noting that both are raging racists in their own idiotic manner, i'll say this, its both somewhat sweet and interesting that gator calls her dorthy and not nina, almost as if to still somewhat respect her. whereas his dad driven by embarassment and resentment is still hell driven on only thinking in the past tense.
tbh i dont think gator would have done any of this on his own accord. maybe he would have looked for closure but because of his dad's gaslighting/manipulation on the subject like many other things (i assume) he's willing to most likely die to see his father happy.
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lunityviruz · 4 months
I miss Chongyun so badly bro….
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torawro · 9 months
homelander is a deeply disturbed and traumatized individual that needs intensive therapy for the rest of his life and i get that, but UGH. he boils my blood in a way no character has done before like. he’s sick!
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