#hes too busy being a hero or wtv
jorrated · 6 months
sonadow (hands u the hornet nest)
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i think its whatever but fanon has destroyed it for me
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nat-ter · 5 months
ok. hear me out. batman and superman having petty rivalry. not bcus they actually hate each other but bcus there's a little misunderstanding going on between them.
the first time they met, superman wanted to impress the other hero (bcus yayy a new friend!) so he might have tried a bit too hard to look impressive to batman by putting on a more confident front than he generally feels.
batman has heard of the new hero in town (or the next one over wtv) and ofc there's this superhuman being who literally shoots laser out of his eyes not to mention the flying thing so in the most batman way possible, he's immediately cautious. and then comes this obnoxious alien to batman's own turf introducing himself as if he expects bruce to bow down to his feet and sing his praises just bcus he can, what, breathe ice? never! so begins the hostility. which took superman by surprise bcus here he comes, looking for partnership, maybe even friendship, but instead getting rude and obnoxious short replies in return.
first time superman is questioned his thoughts on the dark knight, he's honestly taken aback bcus since he hasn't had any contact with the other hero in the public's eye he didn't think ppl would ask him questions about gotham's bat. so, a bit flustered clark kent, in a very un-superman-like way, blurts out, "oh, that. i heard he's human." immediately after which he has to leave the scene bcus there was a tsunami somewhere. and so he unwittingly sets out the verbal war.
next time batman is questioned about his thoughts on superman, instead of leaving without any comment like he usually did, this time he stays and boy does he have something to say. or not, according to his words. but he did say smth and that highly contradicts his own words. "i have nothing to say about a twat in a primary colour who doesn't even know where undergarments go." and so officially begins the war.
clark hates batman bcus he thinks the man is a xenophobe (except he has seen batman interacting with other superbeings just fine and some of them may be meta but still it stings that he's the only one being treated with such hostility). bruce hates superman bcus he thinks the alien is looking down on him for being human with its shortcomings and hey this is a touchy subject for him okay back off. but neither of them actually never make any contact apart from trashing each other to the press whenever they can.
at first it was only pointed remarks that portrayed their distrust for each other like:
"at the end of the day what is batman but a furry with anger issues finding an outlet in the dark?"
"next time, maybe superman should use his ego to topple one of metropolis' finest buildings instead of himself. surely that will get the job done quicker."
but the longer it goes on, the more the two heroes enjoy themselves. and eventually the remarks grows more petty and childish and nothing like what two grown men who fight crimes should even say about each other.
"batman is probably hideous, maybe that's why he wears a mask that only shows the more attractive part of his face."
"who is to say there isn't ugly tentacle-like creatures hiding behind that pristine, god-like face."
unfortunately the longer the war wages, the more it sounds like the two of them are merely flirting in a backhanded way. which drives alfred and martha up the walls. alfred swears that he will leave the manor and maybe become a vegabond if he has to witness master bruce making a fool out of himself by pulling the proverbial ponytail in the playground any longer. martha is mad that her son has supposedly forget all the manners she had painstakingly grilled into him (she demands that clark immediately make peace with the bat but clark is so busy he doesn't even have time to visit his own ma lately and no it's not bcus he's afraid of the disappointed face™ nope. never).
it went from:
"i hardly think batman believes he's above the law, no, rather he believes that he is the law." (which is simply wrong, in bruce's opinion. no, he likes to think that he's operating outside of the law while perfectly abiding to it. alfred finds it dubious but it isn't like bruce will listen to him anyway)
"just because superman can fly, he thinks he's above us. i hardly think any god would run at the sight of a green rock." (which is also wrong, in clark's opinion. he has never run from a fight even when kryptonite is present. lois can seconded it even though she wishes he does run as fast as he can)
"maybe batman should smile more, that'll make him much more attra— i mean, approachable. which, i understand, will dispel the whole dark and broody and bat-themed performance he's got going on, of course, but im just saying, you know, the guy's got a pretty nice chin and—" ("clark!" hissed lois who's hiding among the people superman has just rescued from a burning building, only for superman's ears and shutting the man right up)
"people only trust superman because he's so stupidly handsome." ("wow, B, didn't expect batman to come out like that," sarcastically comments nightwing in batman's comm. batman growls)
it's driving everyone insane. alfred is ready to take a very long, a very well earned vacation, lois wants his best friend to get laid, martha is working up a rant and the two heroes can't seem to figure out their stance on the idea of one another.
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3elphie · 4 years
making a cake for oikawa’s birthday.
headcanon : making a cake for oikawa’s birthday with aoba johsai as your little helpers.
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so you asked everyone if they could come over to make a cake
ON THE DAY OF OIKAWAS BIRTHDAY because u guys were too indecisive to choose a day
and you had to text oikawa that you all would be busy for a couple hours which made him :((
funny thing is iwaizumi said he wasn’t going to make a cake for oikawa but here he is at your doorstep along with the others
so you give all of they ask for aprons but the thing is.... you only have girly ones
they’re like 😀😀😀😀
nd ur like “ok get the batter all over urself then” partly because u wanted to see them in a heart apron
so eventually they take it nd inside ur like Fuck yes but move on
you asked kunimi to get vanilla cake flour like the ones you find at the grocery stores
because you only had chocolate flour at ur house
“kunimi, can you give me the vanilla cake flour please!”
and he hands it over to you and ur like....
“these are brownies, kunimi.”
“oh shit sorry i just grabbed wtv i could”
so now you’re making chocolate cake!!!
out of everyone, i think iwaizumi would be the only like decent baker, he could bake a few things if he wanted to
but the rest...
you ask makki and hatsukawa to grab 2 eggs from the fridge, considering it’s an easy job
hatsukawa gives his egg to u just fine but here comes makki
“y/n, catch!” makki shouts across the room
you panick?!???? wtf makki this egg is not a ball!!!!
but ur hero iwaizumi saves it before it hits ur face 🥺
i’m js gna put you in the middle of everything, making the others put in cups one at a time would be tiring
so after you finish that, you ask kindaichi to kindly mix the batter with the automatic mixer
i think kindaichi would want to help, and he’ll put in his best effort too!! so he’ll turn the mixer on and
little does he know it’s on full speed
and the flour gets Everywhere.
“I’M SORRY, I’LL TRY HARDER!” he pleads as you pat his back saying it was ok
iwaizumi takes over the job... (cannot stop thinking about his biceps)
then the cake batter is done! while iwa mixed it you had already set the temp
yahaba decided it would be a good idea to put in pink, so the cake is now pretty and cute
but, kyotani thought it was a bit too cute... and dipped his finger in the batter and ate it 🙂
you all went silent as you guided him to get some water, hes gna need it
matsukawa would be like pink is too dull, let’s add more!!
resulting in half of the cake batter just being an explosion of colors
you finally manage to get it in the oven
“now time for the frosting!!!”
you were a bit scared to make the frosting, you knew the boys would eat it right away
and your predictions were not wrong...
yahaba is mixing nd he’s like.. my hand tired take kyotani
and mf stirs SO hard the frosting is all over the place
and so you and iwaizumi go to get clorox wipes to clean the half of the frosting that fell out the bowl up
but you come back to kyotani licking the floor and makki and hatsukawa licking the table
feels bad for kyotani he is literally going to barf
anyways you wait until the cake is done once you all are finished with the frosting
the boys had no mistakes with coloring the frosting, considering the we’re obsessed with food coloring
it’s all gone good and well, until you ask kunimi to check on the cake
instead of clicking the light on the oven, MF CLICKS THE OFF BUTTON
“whoops, my hand slipped”
“next time you won’t have a hand to slip ❤️”
you check on the cake anyways AND IT DEFLATED... LIKE THERES A SPACE IN THE MIDDLE THAT JUST SHRUNK and ur like wow this is going well
you put it in the oven for a bit more and it eventually comes out atleast edible
you then go back to watch tv so the cake can cool
“so, what’re we going to put in the middle of the cake boys.”
“i second that”
“yeah why not”
these headasses literally decided to put all the sprinkles in the hole instead of around the cake
but before that, you frosted the cake
it was and array of colors brown, red, white, orange, pink... more colors you didn’t know existed but the boys made it anyways
you asked who wanted to put the frosting on and iwaizumi IMMEDIATELY TOOK THE FROSTING BAG
in your head: ok he’s putting an h, a, p, p, y, b, d, a, y, s, h, i,
hold on
and he made it specifically on the brown section of the cake 😔
alright, it was finally time to call oikawa over
and so he acts clueless when you ask him to come inside but in reality he’s been waiting out there for five minutes about to barge in
he comes in like... where tf are you guys but he sees candles lit on what seemed like a cake behind the gifts on the kitchen counter
and before he could see the cake you all popped up singing happy bday
baby started crying 🥺🥺
you go over and pay his head and comfort him, leading to everyone giving him a group hug
you’re so nervous for him to see the cake
he heads over to the cake like “... 😀” pretending it looks nice
but he’s so happy you guys actually planned something
even though there was flour and eggs all over the place
he really appreciated the effort
he thought it was so sweet, it meaning the cake
anyways i love oikawa if i see any of u hating on him i’m gna grrrr at u
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
NSFW SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝well-deserved payback?❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「Teasing Bakugou had been something you have plotted but it wasn't like you had an ulterior motive behind it. Short skirts, skimpy underwear and whatnot. It took you a while until he finally had enough with your teasing and he decided to do something.」 [ NSFW under the cut! ]
Bakugou was clueless. He has no idea what kind of ploy you had in mind but he was starting to get a bit annoyed by it. Indubitably, you were acting innocent and if you commit no crime. When it started, he couldn't recall but it felt like you were doing this for days. At first, it was a short skirt and not just any short skirt, its stops above your mid-thigh. It was often that he griped about you wearing short skirts that fall right on your mid-thigh. However, this was far shorter than what he was used to. He did not like it and demanded you to go change, but being the stubborn person you were, you waved it off and told him that you were both gonna be late for school.
For the entire week, his felt his patience slowly thinning as each day passes. On Monday morning―the day this whole thing started―he was waiting in front of your door, knocking impatiently while yelling at you to hurry and threatening that he would leave you behind. He pointed out about your uniform skirt which he knew wasn't so short. You waved it off, mentioning about the possibility of suddenly growing taller and further stating the fact you're still a growing child.
This continued on till Thursday. You had refused to wear your skirt properly―he had assumed you were wearing super high just to piss him off. This attracted a lot of attention from other males. And he did not like it. 
Friday, he remembered that the teacher was absent. Everyone was busy doing their things in the class. Most were discussing about the Maths homework due tomorrow and stayed on their seats, opting to ask whoever was nearby. Bakugou had already finished most of it and decided to relax until he felt a message coming in. His phone vibrated once, he ignored it. Twice, thrice, four times, five times. And on the sixth, he annoyingly pulled out his phone to see who had texted him. 
And unsurprisingly, it was you.
Just from his lock screen alone, he was able to tell that you were the one sending all the messages. He turned in his seat, his eyes moving over to your seat, only to find it empty. Just seconds after, you came through the front door, holding onto your phone before tucking it back into your pocket. Bakugou narrowed his eyes at you as you made your way over to your seat. As you were seated at the back, you were able to see your boyfriend clearly. The exact moment Bakugou had seen whatever you sent, he locked his phone after one glimpse. Stifling a giggle, you watched as he angrily glared at you before turning in his chair again. 
He was now holding his phone protectively, shielding it from whoever was nearby. The moment you felt your phone vibrate against your thigh, you knew that he had responded to your text.
[First Name] [Last Name] hey katsukii look look [Image Attached] dont ignore me i kno u will like this im gonna spam till u pull out the phone katuski beb katsubaby give me attention
Bakugou Katsuki the fuck you thinking? sending a picture like that when we're in school?
[First Name] [Last Name] i felt a bit cute and wanted to share isit a crime to be nice and generous? ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ so what do you think of my new underwear? isnt it cute?
Bakugou Katsuki wtf are you wearing it right now?
[First Name] [Last Name] are you actually curious? ( ¬ ֊ ¬) what if i ammmm? are you blushing? ( *≧艸≦)
Bakugou Katsuki no im not and will you fucking stop with wtv ure fucking doing?
[First Name] [Last Name] im not doing anything(〃・w・〃) im just texting my lovely boyfriend, showering him with attention
He hated how you were so good at keeping this up, feigning innocent and all that. No, he was more surprised at how long he had endured your antics. His own patience and endurance shocked him even more than your persistence and new ploys. But even so, his patience was running thin. He managed to send you a few more texts before the next teacher came in to finish off the day.
Bakugou Katsuki you better fucking watch it later, princess
What was more irritating was what happened afterward. You had been summoned by Aizawa to assist with a few things which actually took a lot of time.
Once you got back to the dorms, the girls were in the kitchen, trying to whip up some dessert. Bakugou had reminded you about the homework that was supposed to be handed in soon and you asked for some help with it. While you skipped over to the kitchen after hearing Uraraka call you over, the ash blonde sat on the couch. With the long counter in the way, you had no choice but to go around it. Leaning forward and standing on the tip of your toes did nothing but reveal more skin of your upper thighs. He couldn't help his staring, can you even blame him for blatantly staring at your supple thighs? Just a few more inches and with you bending, he could see the curvature of your ass. Narrowing his eyes and exhaling loudly, he made a mental note to remind you of consequences of enticing him.
However, once you felt your boyfriend's eyes boring into your back and shamelessly checking out your legs, you found yourself smirking a bit. Jirou, who was mixing some melted chocolate had walked over towards you, asking if the mixture was okay. You glanced at Bakugou, noting that he was, indeed, staring at you. Attention shifting back to Jirou, you acted like you were ignorant about your boyfriend's gaze on you. Leaning forward until your butt was in the air, you swiped off the chocolate from the spoon Jirou was holding and had a taste. Bakugou's not-so-quiet hiss didn't go unnoticed and it was hard to contain the shit-eating grin that threatened to replace your innocent smile.
What on Earth are you wearing?! It was small but he was certain that it wasn't a g-string since the band was much thicker instead of being super thin. Whatever the fuck it was, he was pissed. How could you wear something so scandalous in public?
Too busy mentally cheering at your success, you failed to notice your boyfriend who had closed the distance between the two of you and was now looming over you. And when wordlessly grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the girls, you kept your innocent look, telling them how you had overstayed a bit. It wasn't a surprise when he pulled you into his room, locked the door and pushed you against it. His nostrils flared at the sight of your smile and his hands caged your body, preventing you from escaping.
"Care to explain? Drop the innocent act."
"My intentions are very pure. I was just trying to tease you a bit."
"By wearing short skirts to school where everyone can fucking see you, sending me panty shots in the middle of class and bending your ass over to show off your underwear?" As he listed the things you did, he was once again, amazed at how long he had endured.
"I was willing to let the skirt thing go. But the picture, anyone could've fucking see it." his hand moved from the door to your thigh, slowly sliding upwards until he felt the waistband of your panties. He grasped your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"You've been wearing this kind of shit the entire fucking day?"
"Oh, I've been wearing them all week." you seemed to be elated that your teasing had worked.
You gasped when his leg slipped between yours. His head dipped onto your neck, lips brushing against your jugular as he bit down to leave a dark mark on your skin that might last for days. The sensation made a whimper slip from your lips and Bakugou smirked after eliciting such a reaction from you. His lips curved into a sly grin as he moved his head to whisper in your ear. One of his hands slipped to your hips, the other still remained on your thigh, fingers digging into your skin as he jerked his knee, rubbing it against your panties. It drew out a rather loud moan, cheeks flushed as you hoped no one heard you.
"You're such a goddamn tease. No, you're acting like a fucking slut, desperate for sex. Showing off your ass when anyone could've walked in on you." he growled.
Being the one with their hands free, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Your hands moved frantically, unbuttoning his shirt and your hand before running your hands down his chiseled body. The gentle touches you left against his skin gave him goosebumps, making him groan in your mouth. You pulled away, tongue lolling out with a string of saliva connected to Bakugou's tongue. The hand on your thigh moved upwards to stroke against the material of your panties, just on your crotch, smirking deviously as he felt the material damp with your slick.
"So wet already, Princess."
He easily got rid of your panties, slipping his finger into your heat. You couldn't contain the moans and whimpers, your body involuntarily arched your body into his. Bakugou didn't hesitate to slip another finger inside your core, spreading them and stirring it inside you, relishing the way your insides tightened around his fingers. You couldn't stop your hips from moving, grinding against his fingers and moaning against his ears.
"Look at you, moving your hips so desperately. You look so lewd trying to get off from my fingers." he grinned maliciously.
"It's not my fault that you look hot when you're frustrated." you shot back. His fingers went even deeper, even curling inside you. Grasping his shoulder, your eyes clenched shut as you mewled his name, thighs twitching. He moved his hands to give your clit a few quick rubs. Your eyes rolled back as he nipped at your earlobe. Your climax was about to hit you and Bakugou could feel it from the way your insides convulsed around his fingers. You hisses when his fingers slipped out of your heat.
"Katsuki, why'd you stop?" your eyes were half-lidded from pleasure, breathing still ragged as your thighs shook. Fingers still coated in your slick, he moved it against your clit, effectively shutting your protests.
"It's not fair if you get all the fun, right? After all that stupid shit you pulled. I'm gonna take my sweet ass time with you." Bakugou growled deeply. All your clothes were tossed and the two of you stood against the wall, engaged in a kiss. His movements were rough and he dominated your mouth, sensually pressing his tongue against his and allowed them to dance. Your hands run up his arms, gripping on his shoulders while he squeezed your ass. He liked seeing you like this, face drunk from pleasure and eyes needy. He forced you on your knees, facing him. His erect dick was hovering over your lips.
You start with small, little licks that made his entire body shudder. He can never get tired of this sight, seeing you on your knees, slick oozing from your pussy and trickling down your thighs. Wrapping your hand around his length, you pumped it hard in your hand. This earned a groan from Bakugou who sank his finger into your hair, scratching at your scalp and urging you to continue. You licked long stripes against his length before sinking onto him, taking his entire cock into your warm, wet mouth. His breathing began to speed up and you could tell that he was really feeling it.
"You always look good on your knees sucking my cock. You really like sucking dicks, huh?"
"You like this? Taking my cock into your mouth and giving it a suck? You enjoy the taste of my cock?"
Unable to reply, you moaned around his length, sending vibrations across his entire dick. Bakugou groaned, his cock began to pulse around your mouth, the need to cum was growing stronger with each time you sucked. His grip on your hair tightened and began thrusting his hips. You gagged at the feeling of the tip hitting the back of your throat. He moved faster, watching as you struggled to take him in. Your hand squeezed his balls and Bakugou let out a howl. He watched your free hand snaked down to you neglected pussy, rubbing at your clit before pushing them inside your wet heat.
"So fucking naughty, getting deepthroat like this turns you on, huh? You enjoy this? Do you like it when I fuck your mouth? God, your pussy is leaking." 
Bakugou pulled out just before he could cum which shocked you. His cock was still throbbing, precum dripping from the slit. Both of your breathing were unstable but it took a while to regain your normal pace. He forced you up and facing the wall. Out of instinct, you found yourself bracing against the wall, hands pressed against the wall with your ass pushing out. Your pussy twitched as Bakugou teasingly rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit, smearing his precum all over it.
"Mmm.....A-Ah....." you exhaled as Bakugou slowly pushed his entire dick inside you. He stayed still for a good 10 seconds, giving you time to adjust to the sudden intrusion of his cock. He held onto your hips and began rocking them back and forth slowly.
"Mnghh...." the pitch of your voice rose when the tip of his cock hit you deep inside.
He began pushing his hips forward, starting a moderate pace that you were able to keep up. It wasn't fast nor was it too slow. As he did so, your head tipped back, mouth hanging open as you moaned his name uncontrollably. His hands were on your hips, moving your hips to his own tune. His right hand came to your front, rubbing circles on your clit. This position gave him a good look at you from behind, the dip of your back and the curve of your ass.
"Katsuki.....fuck!" you cried out when he pinched your clit. You kept your head down, biting your lip to suppress the moans. Your breasts swung along with your body, nipples hardened as the cold air blew against them.
While you were busy trying to maintain your position, Bakugou moved his hand to cup your breasts, kneading the flesh and pinching your nipples. Yet again, you threw your head back, back arching and ass rising, head rocking back and forth against his movements. Your entire body shook due to his pounding and you can't even do anything but respond to his movements. Bakugou groaned, the tightness of your pussy against his cock was too good. He dipped his head, sucking at your skin, leaving yet another mark on your neck.
"Do you like this?" It came out as a raspy growl, sounding more demanding than he had intended to.
"Y-Yes―Aaah!" your eyes widened, back arching when you felt a sting on your ass.
"You love being fucked against the wall, don't you? You're such a dirty girl." His thrusts became harder and violent up to the point your hands began to slip and you had to use your entire arm to keep yourself steady. It was hard to keep up, your body was so sensitive and can't even get him to slow down, considering the position you're being held in. A loud smack echoed in the room, your body tensed at the tingly sensation on your ass.
"Yes, I love it.....I love it, Katsuki.....!" you gasped. His hands went back to your hips, pushing you against the wall. The feeling of your bare nipples against the wall made you mewl. Bakugou lightly nipped your skin and leaned close to your ear.
"What do you love?"
"I love your cock inside me! I love being fucked against the wall by you....Aaaah, feels so, ahhnn, so g-good!" 
"Who's the best, huh?" he snarled.
"You are!"
"That's it, cum, baby. I want to hear you scream my name when I shoot my cum inside you. Cum for me, princess."
"Katsuki! Ahhnn~!" With one last scream of his name, your back arched with the feeling of electricity shocking your entire being. You stilled for a second, walls clenching tightly around his cock. Your whole body reacted, trembling and quivering as you came on his cock, arousal coating his length. Bakugou came with a loud groan, shooting strings of his cum inside you that had you moaning at the warm feeling building in your stomach.
He pulled out, releasing his grip on you which resulted in you sliding onto the ground. Your could barely stand and you felt your thighs twitching. Bakugou licked his lips, seeing you sit helplessly on the ground, your abused hole twitching slightly with a mix of his and your cum oozing out. It was a delicious sight. He loved seeing you reduced to a mess, that blissful look on your face after being fucked thoroughly, the way you relied on him for everything because you were too tired. It stroked his ego.
Bakugou lifted you up with ease, forcing your back against the wall. Your draped your arms around his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist. He held you with one arm and his free hand grasped his dick, guiding it to your soaking entrance. He pushed the tip in and pulled out, he did this over and over as if telling you how slick your pussy had became after the first round. He pushed into your core with one movement, succumbing into the pleasure he loved to feel.
He squeezed your ass and you spread your legs even wider. Bakugou began to thrust faster, accuracy increasing with every thrust. It wasn't long till he found that spot which made your eyes roll back. You didn't know how he could manage such a fast pace while being so on point. 
"Fuck, you're always so fucking tight. Your pussy gets so tight around my cock. Whose pussy does this belong to, hm?"
"Yours Katsuki! Oh my god―Please fuck me harder.....Aaaahn...Ah! Faster! Deeper!"
"This ass....." a squeeze to your ass.
"This pussy....." he gave you one hard thrust.
"And these tits....." a fleeting kiss and a small suck on your nipple.
"......they're all mine." he smirked against your skin.
His room became echoed with the sound of your ass clapping against his pelvic area, your moaning loud in his ear as you leaned your head back against the wall.
"Tell me, princess. Who's pussy is this, hm?" he stopped his thrusting with his cock buried deep inside you. He leaned close to your face, watching as you let out soft whimpers with a sinful look on your expression.
"Ngh.....!" he groaned aloud, eyes scrunching shut as he came. You studied his face, a look of complete bliss all over his face as he ejaculated. Even as he pulled out, he was still cumming, painting your stomach and thighs in white. You were spent, muscles begging for a break.
You leaned your entire body against the wall, using it as a support as you slid down. Your bottom stung a bit but the cool flooring was soothing against the burning skin. Bakugou who was busy taking a break finally made his move. He lifted you up, his legs a bit sore from standing too long. He laid you on his bed and your groaned at the feeling of your muscles relaxing. Your breathing was heavy, he can see it from how your chest was rising up and down rapidly.
"You're a sore loser, Katsuki. My body is aching all over now." your arms and legs felt like jelly and it was certain that you wouldn't be able to go back to your room tonight. A soft sigh escaped your lips, turning to the side, eyes scrunching in disgust at how sweaty your body was.
"You brought it upon yourself."
"I knooow." you moaned dramatically, the ache of your muscles preventing you from moving too much. Bakugou glanced back at you, seeing how uncomfortable you looked, sweating and completely exhausted. He should've held back a bit. 'I think I overdid it.' he cursed to himself, standing up from the bed. His legs were aching too, from how fast he was thrusting earlier but it couldn't compare with your soreness.
"What do you want?" Bakugou grabbed a random shirt from his closet and slipped it on.
"I want your love." you winked with a smile.
"Whatever, dumbass." he rolled his eyes.
Total: 3474 words Published: 03.10.2019
We’re open for some limited edition prompts featuring Fall and Halloween! Read more here!
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 Oh, ha ha, isn't it a bit hot in here? Who else thinks that Bakugou dirty talking is fucking hot? Cause I do! (*ゝω・)ノ Can't say that this is my first time, since I've had experience writing smut but I tend to stick to the basics. I still have along way to go, actually. So, anon, we hope that we managed to satisfy your thirst with this. ― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! It's October! There are a lot of people doing Inktober, Kinktober while we chose Halloween prompts. We want to do a lot of things too but Lou is the main writer of this blog and she'll be busy with her studies since her holiday is ending soon. Anyways, we do hope you enjoyed this and sorry to make you wait for so long! ― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 21: Hey, It’s a Party, Lets All Get Kidnapped!
Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve worked on these. I’m back from my cross-country travels, I’ve overcome my food poisoning because of said travels, and I did like 2 Inktobers so I’m officially allowed to quit and then never do Inktober again till the end of the month so now that’s over with, lets get back to Yugioh. Thankfully, Joey is here to recap for us what has been going on so far in the show, via a phone call to his sister where he literally started off the episode saying this line.
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It is episode 21, Joey has run out of excuses, and the crew has decided that now is the time to finally find their friend who definitely is being tailed by a murderer with psychic powers.
Because no one wants to ever call the cops on this show.
I can see why Yugi and Grandpa might not, since Pharaoh may have done some criminal nonsense before he reformed at the end of S1 (I mean Season Zero isn’t not NOT canon) and I can see why Joey might not because bro mentioned that he had some sort of dealing with the mini-Yakuza or something in Season Zero (I look forward to that). Tristan already thinks he is a cop so I can see why he doesn’t either. But maybe Tea should call the police. She doesn’t work at the must-be-18-to-work-here-so-it’s-probably-a-stripper-joint-after-10-PM burger place anymore, she’d be fine. Probably.
I mean they did illegally invade a country last season and was complicit in the removal of that country’s leader’s right golden eyeball so like...yeah...
But now that Yugi has the company of three people inside of his head and Kaiba alongside him--who is always communicating with Mokuba on his jacket walkie talkie (like he went out of his way to make a jacket that has solely one function because it clearly doesn’t keep him warm without those arms--and the function is to call up his little brother and complain about the people who are two feet away and can hear him complaining about them), but this means Yugi actually has more people in his 2-person party than the other crew of 4 people. Anyway, he’s certainly not lonely.
But first we gotta throw Tea’s phone around and have some comedy hijinks.
(read more under the cut)
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Tea x Cell Phone giving me more energy than Tea x Yugi but that’s actually true of every teenager and their intense relationship with their phone. Accurate. Hell, it’s true of me as an adult.
I also love how they throw this phone in our face just to remind us how neither Yugi has called Tea or how Tea could easily call Kaiba AKA the guy in charge who knows where everyone is, since he’s in their High School phone book, but wtv. We gotta first sort out who’s gonna pick up Serenity from the hospital although her bandages aren’t even off yet.
We’ve already clarified how dangerous this whole tourney is, and the fact that during these finals they might be ground zero for when the world might actually stop functioning entirely, maybe don’t throw your blind sister into the mix? Girl has enough problems right now. Maybe keep her in the hospital preemptively. Y’all are probably going to end up there anyway. She can book you a reservation.
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I do appreciate the Tristan stance in this shot.
Anyway, sensing that the crew might actually do something, Bakura decides to show up and make some mad insane nonsense again. Ah, our wild card, Bakura, our Charlie Kelly.
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Lol What? His big master plan is to feign an injury? (I’m assuming this is fake? But he’s also sweating a whole lot? Maybe they had a fight club behind the scenes that got edited out?) But you know, if you’re gonna try to sell a broken arm then wouldn’t you want to like...wear an sling?
Wtv, we’ve already learned from last season that literally all these people are the very worst boy scouts and would absolutely die in the woods. Apparently they would also absolutely die if they had to administer actual first aid rather than vague card magic. I was kinda thinking that Marik miiiight be a better scout from all his tomb runs, but from the looks of it he’s too busy being as incompetently evil as possible to learn how to tie a simple bandage.
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Nice that Bakura waited until the moment Tristan left to start being shady again. I guess that Bakura also remembers that one time that Tristan hulk-punched him so hard - in the shadow realm where mere mortals should not be able to even move - that God-Mode-Bakura passed out for like 45 minutes.
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I’m a little confused at how this at all works with Marik’s plan, since it’s really not that hard to abduct Grandpa, but o well, this was the plan they went with. They ARE teens after all, and teens kind of live by the mantra of “I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time.” I guess it’s less complicated than making sure he watches a haunted VCR tape.
So off Grandpa goes with Bakura, meaning Gramps is probably going to be a card or some other sort of lifeless husk in a few episodes or so. It was a good run, Gramps.
Honestly, Bakura should just heavily suggest Gramps just go back to work the counter of his Super Gonna Curse You Weasley’s Wizard Wheezly’s, you know, the shop he actually owns. That shop who’s name is canonically “Turtle Game” (good name for a card shop, really gets it across. Great business decision.) And really, it’s been 2 days since he’s stayed open past 9 AM. Does he not pay rent? He seriously might not, we do not know who’s the owner of that house/shop. For all we know it’s Yugi’s Dad who is........somewhere?......
And speaking of missing people, the two most direction-less folks in the universe decided to make this show even longer when they could have easily skipped like 8 episodes if they had just crossed the street. Instead, they’re going to backtrack back to the Shamu exhibit while somehow not overhearing Bakura screaming in his British(?) accent.
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Sometimes I’m impressed by all the well placed irony in this show. Here come the two God-characters of the A-team. One has the infinite reaches of technology, the other has the infinite reaches of dark magic. They can do anything except navigate a map and find their friends who are within I assume a 10-block radius.
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Now I know, I know, Namu’s an actual name people actually have. Much like Mary Jane. Or AceBluntz420. But forgive me, I am from California.
Also I just went down a rabbit hole of K-pop and the only song I could find that said “tree” enough times was “tree of Sephiroth” which was a pretty good banger but not what I was going for. Again, I’m stymied by my naive, elementary level K-pop education. One day I will be a master of K-pop but I am yet just a newbie with a couple of Black Pink and BTS on my Spotify.
One day I will know enough about Kpop to know which of the songs are about romance and which are about weed but alas, I just like looking at the pretty lights and the pretty colors and the fun dancing like a newborn babe.
But anyway, couldn’t help but notice - THAT’S the name he actually chose for himself, huh?
I mean I looked it up and Namu is also a Buddhism reference in Japanese and that’s probably what the show makers were going for, but safe to say, Marik is clearly not a Buddhist. He is literally in charge of a Pharaoh cult. Well, used to be. It seems like Marik’s just out to destroy his own God. He’d be the hero in really any other anime with motives like that. Hm.
Honestly, if it wasn’t for Marik wanting to vaguely rule the world I’d probably side with him completely, lets be real. Pharaoh is kind of a huge problem. And while I do like Pharaoh now, it took me kind of a while, and if Marik showed up S1 I’d be like “Yes, finally, please kill the already dead insufferable ghost.”
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So, Marik decides to become friends with Joey and Tea.
This sure was a lot of work to become friends with Joey and Tea. Did Marik not realize that if they’re also buds with a guy who is possessed by a ghost, they might have low enough standards that he doesn’t need to jump through any hoops?
Marik could have just walked up and said “hey, remember me? From class?” and these two would have been like “yeaaaah” because it’s been so long since they’ve attended that they would have had no idea that he was never enrolled.
Anyways, Pharaoh’s arrived to scream at the top of his lungs about a bomb threat at a theme park.
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Bummer that Mako Tsunami finished his act and I guess went back to his home island on the back of another whale he had parked outside the theme park.
Also it says a lot about what this town goes through that Yugi, shouting about how everyone’s going to die, doesn’t seem to perturb a single member of this audience. They’re just like “shaddup, I’m looking at the large dolphin.”
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The total amount of time that Marik could handle being friends with Tea and Joey : maybe about 30 seconds.
Which makes you wonder why he even bothered with this charade, but maybe he just wanted to get rid of Bakura because that guys kind of a mess.
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And then just when I thought it would never ever actually happen.
It happened.
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I don’t recall any era where non flip-phones had little antennae. I think this was kind of before my time. Good. Finally something on this show that I’m too young for.
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Jokes on this mook for thinking he could ever crush a Nokia with his shoe. Actually impossible. I’m sure there’s Nokias that have outlived being run over by a Jeep.
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Yo my payphones never had digital minute indicators on it. You can even read the numbers on the numpad? And there’s no gum lodged in the coin slot? This is not how I remember payphones.
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Yo second thought, maybe those are 33 seconds and not minutes? Eh, what do I know, I’m a millennial, I don’t really remember how those awful things worked. RIP payphones, you were always spooky and the worst. Like honestly if a ghost Pharaoh would live in anything, it would be a payphone. If you ever had to use a payphone with a phone card, then you’d understand that it’s more an unsolvable puzzle than any puzzle pyramid.
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And I guess that Mokuba just felt left out, so he decided to leave his brother and just wander off by himself on a rooftop where there’d be no witnesses?
Mokuba, why are you on the roof? How does everyone in Domino have roof access? And is the internet so bad in this town that you must be on a roof to get any signal?
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please admire the leg wraps on this guy’s ankles. They’re like high fantasy legwarmers.
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*why ever duel with cards when you can freakin fly*
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WOW, KIDS SHOW. That sure is dangling a small child off a helicopter!
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And like, Mokuba just hangs there for a while--no joke, he’s just hovering in the background of every shot for kicks and I’m just like...how did this kid’s show get made????? The 00′s was a different time.
This past week I’ve been watching my older brother’s 5 kids and so I’ve been watching their TV shows and youknow The Descendants 2 would have been a very different movie with edgy, rogue helicopters in it. Though I will admit Yugioh could do with a couple more dance sequences. (and Yugioh might legit have better fashion than The Descendants 2, why the hell was Cruella DeVil’s son wearing bright red baggy capri shorts to a cotillion ball? Anyway, I’m putting Descendants on my “possibly recap this later” list.)
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I get that the intern who was putting this scene together might not have known about the helicopter incident in the shot right before this when they drew in these people just on the street on their cell but mannnnnnn.
I love the implication that this happens so often to children in Domino that no one freakin cares anymore.
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Reminder that Kaiba refuses to believe in magic and has no idea wtf is going on. Like he knows there’s some yummy cards he wants--that’s it. He doesn’t think this is the end of the world, he doesn’t think anyone here is magic. He just thinks Yugi is a super weird kid from Spanish class who's voice keeps cracking and that Marik is some sort of weird mafia boss. He was not expecting this tourney to become kidnapping central and I mean no one could have predicted this next part either.
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So Marik’s plan, lets just walk through it.
These two loose to Kaiba and Yugi, then these two violently pass out, Pharaoh runs over and shakes up the fat one for a little bit, and then Kaiba and Yugi go to a theme park. These two guys intentionally lost and got beat up for no reason?
And then, he sends the same people who have Already Lost back to Yugi and Kaiba, to use a different deck than the one they used the first time?
Why not use this amazing deck they had the entire time the first time? Why are all of Marik’s plans so roundabout?
I mean I guess they had to lure these two to the roof but not really actually--once you beat Yugi in a game then boom the puzzle is yours so you don’t actually have to...whatever, they’re on a roof and and it’s edgy and it’s scenic and it’s gonna get real Jack Baur on us.
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oh man this workaround to “but they never actually go splat because they die before they hit the bottom” which is infinitely worse than actually just falling down.
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So seeing no other solution, they decide to endanger the lives of hundreds of people and play this exploding rooftop version of Yugioh.
I mean last season we sure did go through a lot of time trying to get Kaiba off a ledge of a tall building and now he’s just...back on that ledge. Well. OK then. These kids and ledges.
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Really was a line in the show that Kaiba listed the only two things these guys have done wrong and it’s like--well they used the wrong deck the first time. That was probably actually a really big thing they did wrong. Also they could have kept Pharaoh in an infinite rock-paper-scissors loop but passed up on the opportunity. TBH these guys make a lot of mistakes but we’ve been over this before, Kaiba can only remember 2 things. Weird that this has become canon, but here we are.
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I guess Kaiba suddenly remembered he had a grudge.
He forgot for a few episodes, but the grudge is back. He must have written it on the back of his hand “don’t forget you hate Yugi” and then when he went to  scratch an itch was like “OMG I can’t believe it, I forgot again!”
That bean.
Anyway, next week, on Yugioh:
Does Kaiba’s helicopters get into a helicopter fight with Marik’s helicopters and keep Mokuba dangling there the entire time? Does Joey get to throw a couple mooks over his shoulder like that time he took on 18 ruffians in a warehouse or will these ruffians be too ruffian even for Jo? Will Tea, after her hearts been consumed by darkness, and she becomes a nobody or a heartless or whatever, realize that she’s dating a dark wizard this entire time so it literally doesn’t matter?
Anyways, I mentioned K-pop so here you go, a moment of happy handsome boy Zen in this overwhelming world.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 18: Marik, a Self Proclaimed Card Expert, Mills Himself to Death
I’ve been a little under the weather, so I was like “I’ll hold off on the Yugioh post for a bit” which was a good choice because this was mostly a non-stop rant about art twitter.
I am so glad I deleted all 50000 words about Magritte. Y’all I got HEATED about Magritte when I caught a weird bug this weekend. I even started talking about ceramic funk. You would have loved it.
Anywhere, where were we? Oh yeah, Yugi has decided to stop crying into the pavement.
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Yugi’s feeling much better, thanks to Kaiba telling him that he doesn’t deserve any of the nice things that has ever happened to him. Just like what my sophomore year animation professor used to tell us every day as we cried into our light tables.
(Also, that same guy listened to Numa-numa unironically and I’ve never understood it. It keeps me up at night. Why was was my professor listening to Numa-numa yeaaars after it was stale, and why did he say “guys I found this great song, listen to it. I like to blast it when I’m speeding down the freeway” and how did he not know this was a meme? It was the first meme ever made how did he now KNOW? Who gave that horrible 40 yo man Numa-Numa!? I will never know, and it will be the last thought I have before my soul leaves this mortal plane. Damn you, Professor Kelly.)
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(read more under the cut)
The Kaibas are watching Yugi play and are making a pretty choice face in reaction to all the sweet Yugi brand of Hell that is going on here. Especially Mokuba.
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It is about this moment that Marik’s plan is thrown asunder. He has set up a deck that lets him draw a ton of cards, since every card in his hand makes his dragon stronger. In theory it’s like ya, make it as strong as possible--but, he decides to put a monster on the field that can do an infinite card draw combo if Pharaoh mind-controls it.
When you’re up against the Pharaoh who is all about mind-crushing and you don’t check his deck beforehand to see if he has the mind-control card? Marik.
Marik please.
Anyways Marik then mills himself to death on like turn 5. I have a soft spot for mill decks, so Congrats, Marik, that was the funniest, stupidest way to die in a card game on this show so far, other than that time that Kaiba’s corpse’s dragon inexplicably self-destructed, you hold the trophy now for stupidest card game loss.
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And Mokuba, who’s job as Battle City Commissioner is still sort of...undefined? Decides his job is to hurry down there and like personally interview the creepiest person who has ever stepped foot on this show.
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Mokuba and his complete lack of being able to sense danger. I guess that’s what happens when your brother is one step away from turning into a Gotham Villain. JK, Kaiba is about 3 steps past Gotham villain, and the only reason the bodies aren’t dropping around Kaiba is because he doesn’t have the right card to do that yet.
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Anyway, Kaiba and Pharaoh have this rivalry going on that makes sense because of their history but like they go to the same school amiright? Like they can just duel during lunchbreak? Why does it have to be a huge thing between these two every single time?
I mean I know the answer is because this is an anime, but these two are acting like they are going to duel with guns at high noon.
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Not like it matters because Marik has to constantly remind me that he’s the main villain of this show because whenever he’s not on screen I immediately forget.
There are so many villains on this show.
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I only just now realized this guys’ super scene purple-gray lipstick. Whenever I see purple lipstick IRL (which is not often obviously) it always makes me wonder, did they buy it like that from Mac or is it maaaybe DIY? What I’m saying is, I see this purple shade and I’m like I wonder if Marik got bored on that boat and did that crayon-to-lipstick pinterest tutorial (which I of course have never tried)? My bet is bored on the boat. That lavender lipstick is like 30 bucks, can’t buy purple at target.
But RIP, lavender lipstick.
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He put so much effort into that smokey eye and now it’s all smudged.
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This would have ended the season. If either Kaiba or Yugi got knocked out of the competition right now. Boom--the prophecy can’t happen. But, WTV.
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Ah and now our hero and our villain start a commuting race. Who will get there first, the guy in a boat that hasn’t yet pulled into harbor, or the guy on foot who has the cell phone number of all these kids that are in danger right now.
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I mean I guess you can take your time, Marik. Yugi will have to turn right around to pick up those holograms that he left all over the park back there.
So, next week, on Yugioh,
Does Joey even duel someone or is he too busy buying a sandwich? What shape will Joey’s guyliner be once he gets possessed? So did Kaiba overhear that all of Yugi’s friends will absolutely get possessed and just say “well I better fly away on my helicopter, have fun running off with your two legs”?
If you just got here, this is a link to read all these Yugioh recaps in chrono order from S1 Ep1.
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