pelliper mail: a basket filled to the brim with pumpkin flavored cookies. There's also a pumpkin muffin in the bottom of the basket. They are all decorated like pumpkaboos
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They’re so cute! Maybe some of these will satiate all the Pumpkaboo outside…
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Which of your Pokemon….
👽 has the weirdest origin story?
(i'm being late to the party i know. Also sorry if this was asked before, i don't feel like going through the backlog to check :3)
Cuddlepie! 🙂
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Cute photograph of baby Ledyba to get your attention.
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Now that that’s done, here’s a fun game idea. Send me a Pokémon in my ask box and I’ll tell you my thoughts on it.
Update: Please remember to practice reblog ka-karma!
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…I don’t think I’ll go to school tomorrow.
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My friend Bonx was talking about auditioning for a Pokémon musical.
I’m worried he might be getting in over his head…
I mean, boys can’t be idols or wear skirts, right? And would they let him bring Molly onstage?
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hexoskeleton-anonymous · 10 months
Giratina has such cool mandibles…
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H-hi, everyone! You can call me "M." Rotomblr is my home away from home! (...and the Camphrier Academy Hex Maniac Club.)
Blog header source (warning for spider web imagery)
Blog background source
I made my icon myself, with images from Bulbapedia and Canva!
But enough about me! You all want to hear about my cute Pokémon, right? Well, um, have no fear! Heheh...
My team of cute little buggies!!!
Cuddlepie the Burmy!
Cuddlepie was my first real Pokémon! We don't like to battle much, so she's only level 12, but she already learned Struggle Bug in addition to Tackle and Protect, so that's some healthy progress! Her Overcoat ability makes her so soft, and she likes to gently rub it on my face. She's somewhat clownish about it, but that's a boon in and of itself! I keep her by my side in a Heal Ball for when I'm away from other people and in need of emotional support!
Floof the Spewpa!
Floof used to be a household pet, but he recently hit level 9, and the sassy little boy kept shedding his skin in the most inconvenient places. Since I'm the one who caught him for my dad in a Premier Ball long ago, I'm technically his trainer, so he stays with me at boarding school! I'm always finding him shooting string everywhere, but he always likes to fight about it when I try to discipline him. He's a very special boy, though! For instance, he already knew Iron Defense when I caught him all those years ago.
Bebe the Ledyba!
Pronounced "Beebee," my cute widdle Ledyba's only level 3! I found her outside in the berry gardens recently, using Supersonic to wail for help. I couldn't find her parents, so I put her in a Poké Ball. Oddly, she's normally quiet, which can cause some trouble since she's highly curious. Sometimes, the room'll be so quiet you can hear a pin drop, only for her to knock something off the kitchen table. She also knows Tackle, and sometimes I see her using a mysterious move that I don't recognize. It worries me, but I'm told it's normal for baby Pokémon to do that. I sort-of watch from afar, since I don't want to coddle her.
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Me looking at what species are safe to bring to Galar or Paldea
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[a photo of Floof, grumpily wrapped in a blanket]
Swaddled for his transgressions.
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Pokes the... pokes the ba-
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Apparently something big went down on the news? I don’t have cable, but Desdemona’s vines are pulling back a bit… She always did have an eye for politics…
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[A video attachment, taken from inside M.’s house. The view is mostly obscured by vines, but you can make out a Hex Maniac outside, cackling wildly next to a Trevenant. Several other ghost-types surround her.
“Only cursed days will come to those who tamper in the sacred gathering of seven through the Moon-Viewing Ritual!”
M. sighs.]
Yeah, Pokémoon Night is definitely cancelled… askbox is open, I guess?
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I can’t do Pokémoon Night… the vines have forced all my doors and windows shut…
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Rime sent Rune over to drop off my homework…
And a note.
[Attached photo: a lavender sticky note with a message written on it in cursive.
“Saw you didn’t show up to class today… You better come to the Moon Reading party on Wednesday or Desdemona might hit you with a Forest’s Curse…”
“Season’s Greetings, Rime”
End ID.]
What do I do? 🥺
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I’m never leaving this place again.
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Why are Ghost types even a thing!? What does that mean for dead people!?
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