#hey bestie welcome *back* to the tagging zone
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
shannon hi!! i've been eyeing bessie and thomas for a while, so could i ask for them and the prompt "smiling by instinct when they see the other/breaking into a grin and being unable to stop it" from the subtle otp prompts? thank youu and happy ttpd day!! ;)
BLU!!!! HELLO!!!! the fact it's been such a long-time-coming getting to this prompt, so very sorry for that lol! college finals hit and i was swamped and *NOW* we have some time haha! pleased to say, you are my final prompt from my prompt collection (and we can tell how long ago that was - i happily enjoyed ttpd day more than ANYTHING and i hope you did too!! <3 lets just say ive been looping 'loml' for some reason haha!!) THIS PROMPT!!!! literally for bessie and tommy i was obsessed with and went to town.....and then i went back and added a bunch of stuff because i went this is for BLU!!!! SO, i hope you enjoy these two!!! <3
my bessie marie
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(a/n): blu, my #1 bessie x tommy stan, please enjoy this look into the before and after of their lives <3 bessie carlisle is an absolute joy to write - from her good-hearted nature, willingness to be kind and caring to all, her steadfast and natural call to doing what is right and her easy-going humor - by far one of my favorite Silver Bullets girls to write! <3 she just always has such a presence in scenes for me - so please enjoy her and tommy! :D
Bessie Carlisle had always been in love with Tommy McKenzie down the street ever since she was little.
And that was just a fact.
She always lived by the truth, by the facts and by the book.
So usually when things went off the page, in a different direction than intended - that's when life started to go haywire. That's probably why she excelled in school - everything was either fact, truth, or reality. Things were what they were at the end of the day. Attending Barnard College had opened up more opportunities than she could imagine and with Tommy right in Columbia, they'd been able to get closer to one another more often than not in those times, sharing all those secret promises amongst one another before finally admitting their feelings their junior years. And since then, they'd been inseparable, side-by-side, doing everything and anything they could together. And it had all been fact, truth and reality.
Dinner on January 4th, 1942 changed that.
"Bes, honey!" her mom called up the stairs to her, as she slammed her book closed and came to the threshold to her room, hearing the doorbell ring, "Tommy's here, dear - we'll be eating in a bit though, your father's not home yet!"
"Coming!" Bessie called, a smile riding her features as she quickly turned to the little mirror above her dresser and smoothed out her baby blue dress, fixing the small collar and turned to hurry down the stars like she was a 16-year-old lovesick girl again.
Coming to the front door, she pulled open the golden handle and there stood on the other side was her Tommy McKenzie with that beautiful glowing grin on his face. A smile broke out on her own cheeks as she stepped forward and launched her arms around his neck, pulling him into her embrace, relishing the comfort it brought to have his arms wrap right around her at the contact.
"How's my Bessie Marie?" he whispered quietly in her ear, a small laugh leaving her lips as she gave him an extra tight squeeze before pulling back and resting her hands on his arms, meeting those bright blue eyes that never left her mind.
She was never just Bessie to him - always Bessie Marie. And supposedly, from some of his friends, he'd started calling her Bessie Marie at the end of high school, and they had teased him about it for years. And now she got to be his Bessie Marie.
"Happy. Happier now that you're here," she said with a grin, catching her eyes on the book in his hand, "new book?" Tommy grinned at her, before swooping down to press a kiss to her cheeks.
"Billie wanted to give it to you," Tommy said, pulling the book from hands and gently handing it to her with another one of his winning grins that had quite honestly won her over in the first place, "he knows how much you love to learn more about the lay of the land. You should've seen how excited he was to get it to you. He would've been standing here by my side if I didn't tell him I was going over for dinner and not just a hangout." Bessie broke out into laughter as she looked down to the book cover and found it entitled A Deeper Understanding into the Geography of the Appalachians.
Tommy's 13-year-old brother, Billie McKenzie, was by far one of the smartest people she knew and someone she'd become incredibly fond of with family dinners at the McKenzie's, along with library trips. He always had the best books and it always made her heart warm to know he was thinking of her when getting books out.
"Found it and he swore up and down that he had to give it to you," Tommy said, sticking his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, "you mentioned the Appalachians one time and he zeroed in on it." Bessie let out a chuckle and looked back up at Tommy, reaching up a hand to cup his cheek, her thumb delicately brushing against his soft skin, the quietness of his gaze holding that smile on her lips.
"I love it," she whispered softly, "thank you, my Tommy Dean." And yeah, she got to be his Bessie Marie, but he was her Tommy Dean.
That was their thing with each other. And it felt so sacred and special that she would never let it go.
Tommy smiled at her, and God his smile got her heart going in all sorts of directions, before he reached forward, his fingertips delicately resting on her waist, pulling her closer to him, flush against his tall and broad form, that soft smile gracing his lips.
Gently, he pressed his lips onto hers, and she could feel all her worries about school, what was going on across the Atlantic and Pacific, and every other horror that existed in this world drip away.
But, something in her stomach felt off, something about the hold he had on her, that look in his starry-eyes, like it was the last time he'd see her, made her uneasy. She pulled back from the kiss for a moment and looked into his eyes boring into hers. Her smile fell a bit - despite the fact they'd only been together for a year, they'd been friends, the best of friends much longer, and she could pick out anything that was wrong with him in a second.
"You okay, Tommy?" she asked him quietly, her eyes turning sad with the way he was watching her. Something deep down was telling her something was wrong, but she couldn't figure it out.
Tommy was already set for graduation, alongside her in early May - he was going to get involved in his father's business and go for an even higher degree. And they'd talked about it all - their future, staying in New York City or moving to the suburbs - they'd talked about marriage. All of it. Kids, a family, a black cat named Milo. But something was off. Something that made her want to hold Tommy as close to her as she could and tell him whatever was wrong would make things alright again.
"Yeah." Tommy whispered quietly, the corners of his lips struggling into a smile, "Just…." He stared at her a little longer than he normally did, his gaze roaming every inch of her face, like he was trying to memorize each and every aspect of her face from her lips, to the freckles across her cheeks and nose, to that scar on her forehead from the fall she had taken as a kid when playing with the local kids outside.
"Just what?" Bessie asked him quietly, reaching up to brush a piece of his brunette hair behind his ear - she really loved his hair - soft, lush, always beautifully combed and gelled. She loved him.
"Ask me again later." he said quietly, "Your mother's meal smells delicious." He smiled at that and Bessie couldn't help but feel her heart sag. Her gut was still telling her that something was off, something was wrong and she needed to figure it out.
Bessie smiled at him though, and took his arm, shutting the front door behind her as they waded into the family dining room where her mother was setting the giant roast she had cooked up - beef, carrots, onions, celery, potatoes, with a house-made salad and a champagne bottle to top it off along the table.
"Oh, Tommy, how are you, honey." her mother said, coming towards Tommy with open arms, pulling him into her.
Her mother loved Tommy McKenzie with her whole heart - she was always cooking him extra things; just last week, she had baked up strawberry scones, but made an extra blueberry one because she knew it was his favorite. She usually kept old newspapers and cut out different clippings she thought he'd like, along with always setting an extra spot at the table incase he'd be stopping by.
Her father was just as loving towards Tommy as her mother - probably more so. Her father loved having daughters, he always spoke proudly on it, but in a way, it healed that youthful boy part of her father, to have someone who was like a son. They talked politics, baseball, economics - everything. They'd sit outside at night, share a cigar or a cigarette, talking about life. They'd have a laugh and real heartfelt conversations. Her father usually made sure to invite him out when he could, or bring up opportunities that he heard about.
Bessie's little sisters loved Tommy, too. At 17 and 14, Jillian and Krissy Carlisle were always loving on Tommy when they could and if anything, Tommy had taught them the proper way to be loved right back.
"I'm doing well, Mrs. Carlisle, how about yourself?" he said, pulling back and squeezing her mother's arm gently, "Food smells delicious."
"Well, I knew you were coming, dear, and we can never have enough food," she said with laughter that sounded like Bessie's own, "go on, have a seat. Bessie, can you go grab some napkins?"
"Sure, Mom." Bessie said, looking to Tommy with a grin, before she stepped past them and into the kitchen, where she found Jillian and Krissy sitting there and giggling.
"What's got you two all giggly?" Bessie said, coming in and grabbing from the stack of napkins her mother always had in the corner, "Is that Joey Spinelli still coming around knocking, Jill?" Jillian let out a laugh and shook her head.
"Maybe-" Jillian started, but Krissy bounced up.
"He's in love with her! I swear!" Krissy said, "You gotta start asking Tommy what it means when a guy offers to buy your ice cream and not anyone else's - do you think he likes her?" Bessie looked to Jillian and raised a brow, watching as her sister's cheeks turned red.
"He bought only your ice cream, hm?" Bessie said with a smile, leaning back against the sink, "Jillian Cassidy Carlisle, when were you going to tell me this?"
"I didn't think anything of it!!" Jillian swore standing to her feet and waving her arms, "We were in a group, I was near the back, he offered because he was in the group, too. He was just being nice!" Krissy scoffed and crossed her arms.
"Just being nice my ass-"
"Watch your language, Kristen." Bessie said with a look to Krissy who pouted and crossed her arms.
"Ask the romance books, Jilly, you'll see otherwise." Krissy offered back.
"Romance books?" Bessie heard Tommy's voice say as he entered the kitchen, ducking through the entrance a bit because of his height, "Didn't think you'd be reading those yet, Krissy."
"Tommy! Tomo!" Krissy yelled excitedly, forgetting about her previous admonishment with Jillian and racing towards him, and jumping into his arms for a hug, "You won't believe it, Tomo!" her nickname for him, "Joey Spinelli down the street is in love with Jilly and she doesn't believe it!" Tommy let out a chuckle and glanced at Jillian standing there, red in the face and pouting.
"You sure about that?" Tommy asked Krissy who nodded."He bought her ice cream. The only one out of the group." Krissy offered.
"He was just being nice." Jillian surmised and placed her hands on her hips, "That's it." Tommy let out a chuckle, before Krissy let go of him and he looked to Jillian.
"Joey Spinelli, huh?" he asked her and Jillian nodded, "You know, I know his older brother - Luca Spinelli, I could ask hi-"
"Don't you dare, Tommy!" Jillian said, her cheeks turning a deeper red as she reached out and gave his shoulder a shove, "I can't face that." Tommy let out a chuckle as Krissy looked to Jillian with a smart look.
"You know Tommy bought dinner for Bessie that one time-"
"We were already dating, Krissy-"
"It counts!" Krissy said looking to Bessie, "Isn't that right, Tomo?"
"Sure, kiddo." Krissy proudly looked to Jillian.
"Party in the kitchen?" Everyone turned to find her father walking into the kitchen, work bag on his shoulder, suit looking as pristine as ever and a smile on his face.
"Dad!" Krissy called excitedly, as Bessie went over and hugged her father, Tommy shaking his hand and Jillian hugging her father jus as tight.
"How's it going, Mr. Carlisle?" Tommy asked her father as he pulled his work bag off.
"Same old, same old," her father said with another one of his winning smiles that hers looked nearly identical to, "stock market's up." Tommy laughed.
"Always a good day to hear that," he said and Bessie watched her father laugh.
"Alright, dinner is set, everyone bundle in!" her mother called coming into the kitchen, pressing a kiss to her father's cheek. People chattered as they went to settle into chairs and pulled napkins onto laps, Bessie placing the stack of napkins she had pulled from the stack onto the middle of the table, before everyone was settled in. They said prayer, and then everyone sat awaiting when they would be allowed to dig in.
"May I say something real quick?" Tommy asked from beside Bessie, his voice a bit more solid and confident than it had been when she first had opened the door to him. She watched him for a moment, and her parents exchanged glances with each other before encouraging him on.
"Go on, Tommy," her mother said with a smile. Jillian and Krissy looked to Bessie who could only shrug. Tommy cleared his throat.
"I just….I wanted to thank you all for being like a second family to me. More than anything. Feeding me, taking care of me, allowing me to be with your beautiful daughter, Bessie Marie," he said with a smile, before reaching out and taking a grip on Bessie's hand and squeezing it tight, "and I felt it was important to tell you all this now that we're all here. Because it matters to all of you and to me and especially to Bessie." Bessie watched him.
"I enlisted. For the Marines." he said, his voice sounding slightly constrained in his throat as he spoke, "And I ship out for training in a month."
Bessie woke up to knocking on the door. Her head pounded, her mind was scrambled, and her heart ached. Jack Kidd had come and sought her out with a tapping on the door to the women's barracks, where the front door had an interesting poster saying Silver Bullets.
Marianne had gracefully painted the sign one evening until Frank, that pesky orange cat, had gotten the one corner of it and nearly tore it to shreds. Now, it hungry quite lopsided with teeth marks in the side. Judy surmised that is gave it some character. They all went along with that.
Annie had answered the door, looking half like she had fallen out of bed to get to the door and then had shaken Bessie awake at the call. Bessie came hurrying to the door, sticking her crusher cap on her head and attempting her best to get the tie on herself before following after Kidd to the mess hall.
"What's up?" she asked him - the thing with Jack Kidd was, he was firm, to the point and ironed things out into straight lines - but she had been just the same back to him and had earned the capability to not have to therefore, be so formal. Not everyone was like that but Bessie…..let's just say, she'd attended college before with plenty of stuck up pricks with enough money it was coming out of their eyeballs. Jack Kidd wasn't like that, but he seemed to get along with her capability to maintain herself above water with the higher-ups. Therefore, 'what's up' was probably the most pleasant thing she could've said.
"Seems that making me Air Exec was the most recent decision with that new Colonel Harding showing up - West Point guy." Kidd said and Bessie raised a brow.
"Damn, Air Exec, you look thrilled," Bessie said and Kidd sighed and glanced at her.
"Demoted Bucky then?" He nodded and she made a clicking noise with her mouth and nodded.
"So, what's that gotta do with me?" she asked him, stopping him and looking his way with a smile, "There a reason I'm up as the sun's rising, or is this just for fun?"
"Figured you could give us some extra hands in Operations, flight paths and all. You'll still fly in Silver Bullets, but I trust you more right now than some of these other guys with all these variables moving about." he said, "You'd get a new title, too."
"New title, huh? Which is?"
"Lieutenant. Lieutenant Carlisle. 1st that is."
"Take it or leave is, Bes, we got work to do."
"Alright, deal." she said, and followed him towards Operations. Opening the door for her, she stepped inside and removed her cap to find a group of the navigators all awake and huddled around the center table, talking quietly with one another and sending each other looks.
"What's this, Jack, a get-together or an intervention?" she murmured to her side and watched as Jack shut his eyes and sighed.
"Gathered all the navigators up. Seems like in coming missions, they want to go deeper into Germany," he said, catching her eye, "wasn't my plan. Not ideal. But it's what's happening." Bessie looked away from him and caught Crosby's eye, who removed himself from the group and came up and over to her.
"Met Harding yet?" he asked her, giving a salute to Jack, "He's been extra curious about your crew."
"Afraid not, Croz, but if he happens to stop in this morning, I'll be sure to shake his hand and butter him up," Bessie said, before giving him a smile and nodding to the rest of the navigators, "Boys. How's it going?"
"Morning, Bes." A few greetings came as she moved in beside Croz and stared down at the map of continental Europe in front of them and the formations of planes scattered about. For about half an hour, the group went over ideas, as well as drawn-out arguments for what the plan was for the next mission. And it wasn't until nearly about lunch time when they were dismissed, did a runner come in from outside, calling her name.
"Lieutenant Carlisle?" Bessie turned from her conversation with Crosby and walked over to the runner, who held out a letter in his hand and smiled at her quickly, "For you, ma'am, seemed urgent." Then he was gone, the letter was in her hand and her heart was racing.
Slowly, she looked at the front and there it was, her name, in his handwriting. She hadn't realized she missed until she had started getting his letters and seen him signing it as Bessie M. Carlisle. She didn't realize she'd been standing there frozen until she was heading outside and peeling open the letter in a rushed frenzy just to read it.
Dear Bessie Marie,
Just staring at those first words, she couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten a letter from him. A few weeks? Nearly a month? He had said the fighting had been bad. She didn't know how bad, he never did tell, probably not to freak her out or get her riled up. He knew that sort of stuff always did her in. He knew her too well sometimes. But just seeing those few words at the top had her breaking out in a wide grin, knowing he'd held that paper, writing to her, in that delicate bit of handwriting, just for her eyes to read. He usually always got that grin she wore right now on her face, even when he wasn't around. Even halfway across the ocean.
Dear Bessie Marie,
I'm sorry it has taken me a bit to find some footing and get to some letter writing. The war out here has been downright horrid and I wouldn't even want to try describing the horrors we have encountered here to you. I have no doubt, telling from your last letter, that you are experiencing the same in your own ways, if not worse in those flying birds. No doubt I must have worried you, and I'm sorry for that. As I sit and write here now, one of our younger guys, Armstrong, is sick with a fever and the shakes - he tells me he's been trying to write to his family, but he can't seem to think straight or hold a pencil long enough to get his thoughts out. I've been helping him the best I can, especially at night and usually the letter writing takes a whole lot of time then. But a lot of the guys just want to get those letters out, just want to make sure their families know they're okay. So, I didn't mean to worry you, Bessie Marie, just know I am safe.
I got a recent promotion; my Senior Officer thought I'd be suited best for moving up in the ranks. You can consider me your Lieutenant Tommy McKenzie now! I still have my guys with me - Armstrong and Godfrey included, those two goons, but I enjoy their presence so. As well as all the others I've been with. I think it's because of how fast we lose guys out here, they can't be switching you all around, up and down, sideways and back. They keep you where you're comfortable for the time being.
I hope you've been doing well though, my Bessie Marie. I know I write it every time, but it is me in my truest form that I can not wait to get back to you in Brooklyn. Just the two of us, in our own home, going about our everyday lives side by side. I wish things were that simply again, back home. I guess as a kid I thought going out and fighting this sort of war was all I ever wanted. But I think what I wanted most was just for things to be normal again. For you and I to have our own place, start a family, finishing out schooling, get comfortable. Dance at night, have dinners together, have our friends over, spend our nights side by side. I wish I hadn't wanted to race into my adulthood as fast as we both seemed to.
I hope your crew is doing well - Annie Bradshaw sounds like she's got herself in order to be leading the plane, especially after what happened to your Birdie. I'm really sorry again for those circumstances, and if I could hug you from this island I'm on, I would. Bradshaw sounds good though - I don't think the Air Force would make the same mistake twice. Tell the other women I said hi, and let Judy know that Godfrey's been enjoying the book she recommended. Little Women I believe? He found it on the shelves out here when he was sent on medical for a little while. Came back raving about the March family, he loved it I must say!
Bessie Marie, please know I count the days until we can be together again. For now, stay safe, write back whenever you possibly can, and know I am thinking of you across this war-torn sea. I love you with all of my heart and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of you. Stay safe in flight, my love!
Tommy McKenzie
Bessie stared at the letter with an onslaught of wet tears in her eyes, but unable to keep the smile from her face and truly feel those grieving emotions previously. Even if she couldn't look upon him fully, she could still see his face in her mind and that look he always gave her. Tommy McKenzie would always find a way to make her laugh even if she couldn't see it on his face. She smiled, wiping at the emotions crawling down her cheeks and let out a shaky sigh.
"Hey, Carlisle, you okay?" Bessie looked up and found Crosby coming towards her, hands shoved in his pockets, a concerned look on his face as he approached - if anything, Crosby was one of her closest companions outside of the girls and someone who looked out for her on the daily.
"Yeah, yeah," she said quickly, wiping carelessly at her cheeks again and letting out a sigh, "what's up?" Crosby watched her for a moment and then quirked out a grin.
"I asked you first." Bessie stared at him; she rolled his eyes and stepped forward to wrap an arm around his shoulders as they walked back towards the door to the inside of Operations.
"Must it always be how I am, what about you, Croz?" she said, squeezing his shoulders lightly, "Please, enlighten me." Crosby looked over at her and shrugged.
"You were the one outside."
"You were the one that came to find me."
"Key word, Carlisle; I came to find you." Crosby said with a chuckle, before his face dropped, "Seriously what's up." Bessie watched him for a moment as they continued to walk and then sighed.
"Nothing." she surmised, "Just….a letter from Tommy that's all." Crosby caught her gaze.
"Good, I'd assume?" Bessie smiled and nodded.
"Good." she said softly and then felt her smile widen, "Good."
14 notes · View notes
tokugou · 3 years
Hi. First: I love your GIFs! They're pleasing to see on my dash (and sometimes gives me niggling ideas for creating GIFs of my own but almost never do it cuz procrastination and my creativity sucks haha 😅)! Please keep creating! <3
Second, genuine question (and out of curiosity): Why do you self reblog your posts often? People can see your posts on their dash, and even on the search thingy. The search thingy doesn't let people see your self-reblogs (just the original post). Even though I've kinda been on and off of Tumblr for years, I don't really get how it works, so I'm a bit confused as to why you and other bloggers self-reblog your/their own posts?
You don't have to answer if you don't want to, though! I'm just genuinely confused and I don't know who/where else to ask/search 😅. Thanks in advance! Have a nice day! <3
I honestly don't know what I did to get dragged into this discourse
Thank you for polite question, I honestly don't know if I can help you a lot and if my answer will explain it as you expect. I also was on and off tumblr for a long time and often, but I can answer it based on my own experience on this becasue it was confusing to me too when I first met with self reblogging.
Long reply under read more so to not trash other people' dash
first of all self promotion isn't a bad thing and i'm staring to think some of people here see it as a crime
compared to old one nowday t/mblr is a mess, lot of people left this site and most of them were content creators (either artists or gifmakers) and back then it seemd more welcoming to editors? People would rb your stuff no matter your popularity becasue hey it is content from my fav series i wanna see more i wanna keep it on my blog and show it to others so there was no need for people to self reblog becasue it circulated around a lot on its own.
new people who join this app are raised on i/stagram t/itter and/or f/book where LIKES means everything, you show your support by liking posts THIS NOT APPLY TO TUMBLR AND NEVER DID [you can check this amazing post about rebloging]. As nice as it is to get likes on your post becasue it is like a pat on a head - it is only a pat, doesn't mean anything on a long run. Reblog = spreading. If people don't spread it we stay unnoticed and we tend to self reblog more.
another thing that changed is: people no longer scroll from top to the last post they saw before going to sleep, cos why would they? You wake up in the morning open app while eating breakfast or drinking coffee and you sroll past ten or twenty post or an equivalent of hour or two of your absence - you dont go deeper cos it would be a waste of time - again, I say USUALLY, some ppl still do this and it is ok either way - which leads us to main point of self/reblog:
DIFFERENCE in TIME ZONE not all of our followers live in the same time-zone, when I post something in my free time it doesn't mean others have it too, most of them are probably sleeping or in working place at that hour. We self reblog so people who were absent (and we think might be interested in - becasue why not? they follow us for a reason right?) can see it when they get back on here. By reblogging ourself multiple times, that puts the post back on the follower’s dash and hopefully gives them a chance to see it.
most of people follow ton of blogs (one of my friend I met here told me they follow over 1k blogs) imagine even half of these blogs posting regulary, a few things per hour, the dash is messy and crowded OUR EDITS TEND TO GET LOST IN IT. Most of people follow a lot of blogs and might miss our posts becaue their dashes are WAY more active than these who follow five or ten blogs.
t/mblr fandoms aren't welcoming to new creators in my experience, to get notes you need to be popular/have lot of followers but you can't have lot of them if your posts aren't spread/seen and so on and so on it go in circle (a lot of ppl also only reblog popular posts and avoid these with litte of notes - don't know why it is like this, maybe they think these posts are suspicious?) so with self reblog we also give some of these fake notes to make a post more appealing, i guess? this one is just speculation.
the search function you mentioned is very rarely used tbh people don't go to search for things daily, they usually only do this when they join new series/ship/etc to check if there is something. People usually stick to what they see on their dashes. AND most importantly this option doesn't work as it should. It is some type of algoritm that promote post that are alive/active - even if your post is relativy new it might not show in search becasue it died quickly (as if it wasn't interacted with for some time). With search option it is 50/50 your thing either show there or not. ALSO REMEMBER search option is a terrible promoted thingy that doesn't show you everything so you better stick to /tagged/ thing you can enter manually while on dash if you are using web t/mblr.
people no longer go straight to specific blogs to check if they missed something, they might do it for their besties (as they call it) but other than that DASH is all people see and focus on, so the more often content creators self/reblog the higher chance followrs will see it.
we are not paid for what we do and it come to everything: edits, gifs, arts, writing, video and META POST we are not paid for it and no matter how many people say notes are just numbers these numbers are our motivational payment, the less you get the less you create because you just don't feel the point of sharing your creations if it is not received well or at all.
when I started posting I used to post new content daily even twice a day, nowdays seeing most of my edits not being well recieved in fandom I lost motivation to the point I was thinking of quiting because it didn’t give me joy anymore and I'm still considering it.
I personally never felt bothered seeing self rebbloged post, I follow a bunch of content creators, some of them sr twice a day some each hour, some more or less often. It often helped me to see something I would missed becasue I wasn't here and personally it often give me joy to see the post I remember seeing that had 2 notes when I rb it and now it is 500 or more.
to anyone who read it and still think self reblog is a bother: do not tell people to stop self reblogging. If you genuinely have a problem with self reblogging, just unfollow or block the person who does it and don’t make a fuss over it!
I hope I managed to answer you at least partly? I probably lost the point somewhere between first sentence and second but... well
8 notes · View notes
anika-ann · 5 years
Nothing but the Truth - Pt.1
The Photo Evidence
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader        Word count: 2480
Summary: A fake dating AU. Be sure that when you have one lunch outside the Tower, you will be found and accused of dating Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. Yep, that’s just your luck.
Warnings: swearing, fluff...?
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Story Masterlist
“So…” Tony crossed his arms on his chest, raising a challenging eyebrow, making you sink into your seat. He stood next to the hologram, staring you and Steve down with a glare so intense you thought he might have got possessed by a demon or something, because since when was Tony Stark able to look like a disappointed parent? That was Steve’s domain as far as you had been informed! “Either of you have anything to say for yourself?”
You gulped, averting your practically-boss’ gaze and pressed your lips into a thin line as your fingers fumbled with the hem of your blouse.
“So? Just so you know, the press is loving this. They have a freaking field day,” Natasha added, crossing her arms as well and you truly felt like you were five and were being hauled over the coals, your father and now your mum giving you a hard time over a broken vase or something.
You eyed Steve, who shifted in his seat, his eyes fixed on the photograph. He didn’t utter a word and you bit your lower lip, wondering what was on his mind.  
You would love to say that you had no idea how this happened.  
Except you had every idea.
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Meeting Steve in the lobby just outside the cafeteria, you couldn’t help but smile up at him and he returned the favour, a crinkle of green in his blue eyes.
There had been a time you had been intimidated by him – it had taken you several encounters to lose the stiffness in your shoulders, the barely audible tremble in your voice (that was when you actually found the courage to speak) – but now, seeing him almost every day, welcoming him with the corners of your lips upright felt like a second nature.
After all, he was one charming bastard. And what worse, he was a gentlemanly, honest and witty bastard, who was one of Sam’s closest friends, if not the best one; replacing you, which... okay, you could be Sam’s best female friend, you were alright with that.
You and Sam went a way back; you had been the first person to welcome him at the VA centre and as he was yet another charming bastard, even at that time, you instantly hit it off, mostly because of him; it was near to impossible not to seek his company, he was like… like some sort of a life-charger.
If you were being honest, there was a time when you thought you might even become more than friends, because who were you kidding, that man was ridiculously attractive, but when you met… he was still healing from losing his wingman and a relationship was the last thing on his mind. And later… you were too deep into your friendship, friend-zoned for eternity and too comfortable with each other, you guessed. You were alright with that and you wouldn’t trade his friendship for the world.
And then the world turned crazy, Sam had a literal run-in with Captain America, became at first a part-time and then a full-time Avenger and practically dragged you to the Avengers Tower to apply for a job in administrative. You had been hired on spot despite still being employed at the VA. But seeing as it was the only way of keeping Sam and your lunches together and as you weren’t too opposed to a change of scenery…
Sam introduced you to Steve way too early and against your will. Well, not that you didn’t want to meet the Captain, alright, but he was the kind of man that was not running in the same social circles – until recently – as you and Sam just brought him to one of your friendly lunch dates in the Tower cafeteria and nearly shook your hands for you. Which was… odd. You were rendered speechless and you didn’t say a word during the whole lunch.
However, Sam apparently had a vision in his head, needing his two besties going along perfectly and lunches in three became a regular thing so you would crawl out of your shell. And funnily enough, it worked and you and Steve fell into a rather easy friendship, most of that happening when Sam had been called away and you were forced to have lunch without him. You might have started to enjoy those even more than when he tagged along.
Which brought you back to today.
“Hey, Steve. No Sam today?”
He shook his head and you swore there might have been a tiny eyeroll to go with that gesture.
“Tony needed him, because of the Falcon wings. Urgently,” he emphasized, making you chuckle at the billionaire’s insistence. It didn’t surprise you, you heard of that infamous feature of his enough times.
You most definitely did not run in the same circles as the Avengers, unless they were Steve or Sam; sure, you had met them, because Sam was a mingler who mingled and adored you enough to insist on introducing you – bless his soul – but just because you worked at the Tower, it didn’t mean that you were in everyday contact with the Earth’s mightiest heroes. You were nothing but an office rat, one of way too many at the Tower, one wheel in the huge machine that was needed to run Stark Industries, which founded most of the Avengers’ work.
You just happened to be Sam’s – and if you dared to say it, Steve’s – friend.
“Where are you today?”
You blinked as he held the glass door opened for you, smiling at him in thanks and snapped back to reality.
“You keep zoning out on me. Anything… troubling you?” he asked gently as he fell to the line with you, ignoring the menu boards in favour of scanning your face for signs of distress. He was sweet like that.
You just shook your head, deciding on partly admitting the truth; partly, because you knew he wouldn’t be happy to hear you say anything resembling him being out of your league (of any kind of social interaction) and you wondering how the hell that happened.
“Eh, just remembering when we started getting lunch here,” you shrugged, eyeing the menu absently. “You know, all three of us?”
He hummed in affirmation, following your suit. “You wouldn’t talk to me.”
“Can you blame me?” A gorgeous man and a hero, biceps size of a bowling ball? With a smile that might as well serve as a powerstation with its brightness? “I was a bit stark-stuck, cut me some slack.”
“You wouldn’t talk to me until the third lunch.” Your heart stopped. He remembered the number of lunches? Worse, he remembered that at all? You felt your face get hot. Not in a pleasant way. “Sam was trying so hard to get us to talk and laugh, but it wasn’t working until-“
“Don’t,” you basically growled over your shoulder, only to see his signature shit-eating grin. Why had you ever thought he was a virtuous man?
You placed a soup on your tray and moved over to the salads.
“-until you attempted to stab a tomato-“
On a second thought, you weren’t in the mood for a salad today-
“-and it landed in my plate.”
“I hate you,” you mumbled, turning around with your tray, only to feel a bump from your side, causing you to sway the tray hazardously.
You would have been able to balance it and save it, but the soup was fucking hot as it splashed from the bowel to your abdomen and your hand and with a yelp, you let go of the tray in order to pull the burning-hot material of your blouse from your skin, your afflicted hand shaking wildly in attempt to cool itself at least a bit.
Before you could fully comprehend what was happening, you heard a shattering noise as the tray hit the ground, a ‘shit’ and a ‘sorry’ and you were being cooled down from a bottle of water which Steve charmed out of fucking nowhere, the cool liquid like a balm on your burned skin.
Yeah, you were soaking and you’d feel like dying of embarrassment because of people probably watching you later, but at the moment, you adored Steve for his quick reactions.
He was asking for another bottle of water, but you stopped him with a simple raise of your hand, eyes closed as you breathed through the pain; less sharp, but still present.
Whoever you had collided with was long gone, the staff eyeing you with concern and already rushing to you with cleaning supplies. Steve’s gentle hand led you away from the mess, brows furrowed as his eyes kept flickering from your face to spy in how much pain you were, to your slowly reddening burns.
“Let’s get you to the bathroom and then get you some dry clothes, okay?” he whispered over the buzz of cafeteria and nodded at the staff as they dismissed you both with a wave of a hand. You felt a different kind of burn in your face as many, way too many people stared at you.
You were sure some of them were cackling, you noticed even when you tried your best to keep your gaze glued to the ground; when you looked up and saw their gaze travel up a bit, whatever mean smile they had froze on their lips and they swiftly minded their business again. You only guessed that they had met Captain America’s disappointed glare; you had seen it, never been at the receiving end, luckily, but you didn’t blame them one bit and you were immensely grateful to Steve for not letting you do your walk of shame – in which you were an utterly innocent participant – alone.
He waited in front of the ladies’ room until you cooled your burns again, walked you to your office where you stored an extra set of clothes just in case of whatever and offered you an apologetic smile and soft ‘I’m sorry’ on his lips.
“…what are you sorry for?” you asked him, utterly confused and it distracted you for a minute from the embarrassment that had come knocking at the door of your mind. Christ, how many people saw your little scene? Did anyone snap a picture?
“If I haven’t been teasing you about the-“
“Oh my god, Steve,” you groaned when you caught up, your hand landing on his bicep on autopilot, a gesture to get him shut up, which was something you were used to from when you wanted to silence Sam whenever he was being stupid.
You quickly snatched your hand away when you realized that the sensation was slightly different, the bicep under your palm felt just a bit thicker and firmer than usual and you had in fact very much groped Steve.
Great, now both of your hands felt like on fire.
You gulped, hoping foolishly that he hadn’t noticed your slip. You had noticed, okay. You would have very interesting dreams tonight…
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you added.
He frowned, dissatisfied, but then his face lightened up. “Come on. Let’s grab a lunch-“ you froze at the horror image of you coming back to the hellhole of cafeteria only about a half an hour after you giving them the super-awkward show. “-somewhere. I’m paying. What are you in the mood for?”
And he asked with such cute inviting smile, his eyes shining, that stupid green spark dancing in blue sea and you didn’t even have the heart to point out that you hadn’t crashed into anyone, but had in fact been crashed into, let alone to tell him no.
It ended in a lovely lunch date and it… kinda felt like a lunch date, his long fingers gingerly checking on your burned hand at one point which wasn’t hurting at all anymore because he was your hero and… yeah, you might have been crashed into, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore that you had a freaking crush on Steve Rogers.
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Thinking about it, the photo did make it look like a date as well. So, you didn’t really blame that the tabloids plastered it over the front pages with Steve being who he was and him usually keeping his private life secured as Fort Knox. This was huge and would have been even huger if it wasn’t one big misunderstanding caused by a ridiculous game of chance.
“It was, eh, a coincidence, honestly. One thing led to another, we had a little incident in the cafeteria-“ Steve finally started to explain and you felt just the tinniest bit of the burden that had seated itself on your chest when you had been called into the small conference room disappear.
You had utterly and truly freaked out at the idea of explaining to Tony Stark and his PR why did every tabloid and some newspaper too now – only a day after, less than 24 hours in fact – thought that you were Steve’s girlfriend. One of the reasons being that you were not running in the same circles as the Iron Man, not really knowing him, another one that at some point you would have to admit how stupid it all was, because hello? You were no one special. How had they even drawn a conclusion like that?
Eyeing the photo, you were reminded exactly how.
Steve could apparently be very tender when he wanted to, which was by some miracle visible in the photo and in return, you might have been looking at him like he was the eighth wonder of the world. In addition, he had a teeny-tiny soft smile on his lips and the way his brows knitted in concern was not helping the whole situation.
Speaking of Steve’s tender fingers, they were connected to a large hand, to an impressive forearm and a massive bicep you had possibly dreamt about last night-
“Well, normally I’d say don’t tell me, tell the PR,” Tony smirked shortly and sighed. “But…”
Uh-oh. You did not like the ‘but’. What did the ‘but’ mean?
“…but this in fact might be a blessing,” Natasha finished, resigning to her posture of a disappointed mum and relaxing.
You were confused to no end by their cryptic talk. Shooting Steve a look, you were slightly relieved to see that he seemed to share the sentiment.
He was also apparently at loss of words.
So were you, but you managed to stutter out two: “…what? How?”
Tony grimaced and with a motion of his hand, ten different faces, five different men and five women, each in an individual frame, paired up as the line of men was on top (rude) and the women below them, appeared in the hologram, replacing the infamous photo evidence of your supposed relationship with Steve.
You still didn’t understand. And what Tony Stark said next didn’t help either.
“Because we need your help.”
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Part 2
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‘I solemnly swear I’ll work on that fic I’ve been promising to finish for ages.’
Eh, failed again.
For some reason, Smallville popped up in my mind recently (I blame Tom Welling’s cameo in the mega DC crossover). This fic is inspired by episode 8x05 ‘Committed’, if it means anything to anyone :D
Also, fake dating was on my non-existent to-do writing list.
Enjoy and leave feedback if you’re willing :-P
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msjr0119 · 4 years
A Second Chance
Part 1
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Book: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Drake x Riley (present tense), Liam x Riley (Past tense), Drake x Hana (Past tense)
*Majority of characters belong to Pixelberry*
Song inspiration: Let it be - The Beatles
Warnings: Do not read if you are under the age of 18. If you do you are consenting that you are over this age. If any of the trigger warnings affect you do not continue to read; adult language, suicide attempt (mentioned - past tense), miscarriage (mentioned - past tense), domestic abuse (mentioned - past tense), stabbing (mentioned - past tense), slight smut, grief.
Word Count: +4000 (long post)
Tags- if you want to be removed let me know: @pedudley @kacie-0156 @ladyangel70 @annekebbphotography @yukinagato2012 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @kimmiedoo5 @bascmve01 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @lodberg @cmestrella @axwalker @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @walker7519 @drakewalker04
Catch up with the Prologue here.
Riley hung up after leaving her message, scrutinising the room her heart felt empty. There were good memories of being back at Ramsford; her first date with Liam, but also the first kiss with Drake in the study. The two men who she loved with all her heart at that moment in time. Knowing that one of these men was still available in her life, she couldn’t shake off the fact the one who she had chosen to spend the rest of her life with wasn’t here anymore. She couldn’t wrap herself up in Liam’s clothes or hold on to her wedding photo close to her heart. Wishing that she didn’t give in so easily to Maxwell persuading for her to stay. Sobbing in to the pillows, she hoped that she would be able to sleep without her comforts. One day, the fact that Liam wasn’t here physically would sink in- however he was still there mentally. Always in her heart.
Drake tossed and turned in bed, Savannah knocked on the door interrupting him. Who needs sleep anyway? He thought to himself. These last few months she had become distant with him- not wanting to. Not purposely. Every opportunity she had to talk to him, she seemed to put her ‘foot in it’.
“Hey. Can I come in?” Standing in his boxers with a whiskey in his hand- he gestured for her to enter. “I’m sorry Bertrand and Bartie couldn’t be here to celebrate with you, I know FaceTime isn’t the same. They are on a flight now back.”
“It’s fine.” Knowing her brother wasn’t exactly in the mood- she wasn’t sure what to say.
“It was great that Riley showed up. People noticed that you were both close on the balcony.”
“We’ve always been close. It was nice to talk to her. I know what it’s like to hide away.” Savannah nodded remaining silent. She liked Riley as a friend, but even after all these years she was still pissed off that Riley had miscarried and never informed Drake immediately especially as he was the father.
“I’m going to go, I just wanted to check in on you. Liv explained how all of the kids all saw the two of you. Do you still love her?” Drake knew for a fact that she was possibly asking through the greatness of her heart- but he knew the main reason. Gossip.
“I was comforting her Sav. I love her, I always have done as a friend. After everything, Hana was- is my true love.”
“Drake... you’re close friends. Maybe you are what she needs to gain some closure on Liam. I love you.”
A few weeks after Hana’s death, he came out of his hovel. Knowing that he had to face reality at some point. Keeping himself busy helped somewhat- the minute he wasn’t busy doing something, he would think about who he had lost. At times he would look at Jackson, attempting to be strong for the two of them. Just looking at him reminded him of Hana, his wife, his child’s mother- certain facial expressions he pulled was like looking at Hana. Feeling like for those few weeks he had failed Jackson, he was relieved with the support that he had received. Hana would never be erased from his mind, she would always be in his heart and memories. Now was the time to support Riley along with everybody else.
The morning after the party, Maxwell broke and entered into Riley’s room- still feeling slightly drunk his brain wasn’t functioning correctly. Jumping on to the bed- she was soon awake.
“Morning, Blossom!” Sounding like a foghorn, she soon remembered how he was the human alarm clock.
“Fuck off!” Attempting to pull the duvet over her face, she wished for sure that she had just gone home to Valtoria or to the palace.
“That’s no way to speak to your bestie... your bestie who you’ve hardly spoken to in months I might add.” Snuggling into bed next to her, he placed his arm around her shoulder.
“I’m sorry. But seriously, Max? It’s seven o’clock!” Stretching her arms, she then rubbed her eyes. They were puffed up as she had been crying all night- or rather in the early hours of the morning.
“How about we go and mess the kitchen up? Give Bertrand a fright when he arrives home?”
“You are unbelievable...”
“I’m the fun Lord remember...”
“Not at this time in the morning your not.”
“Stab me in the heart why don’t you? Come on, get that stubborn ass out of bed!”
“Mom? Uncle Max?” Ayah, Louis and Ellie walked into the kitchen questioning the antics that they had witnessed in unison. Everybody else soon joined the crowd- all stood in a semi circle, with their jaws agape.
“Are you both drunk?” Olivia snapped, nearly slipping on oil that was surrounding the floor along with flour.
“Only a teeny bit drunk.” Maxwell responded as Riley bit her lip and turned a bright shade of red.
“Bertrand’s going to kill you both.” Drake sniggered to himself. “Come join us everyoneeee. Remember my brother isn’t here. Yet....”
Drake made his way over to Riley, who was covered in flour and chocolate spread.
“Hey, you. If getting drunk and making food makes you smile- you should have come to me instead of Maxwell.”
“Hey, marshmallow.” Playfully she flicked the spoon with chocolate still lingering on it- her aim was perfect as it landed straight onto his face. “Oops! We just need some graham crackers, then you’ll actually be impersonating a marshmallow or should I say s’mores?” Reaching up, she wiped the chocolate off his cheek with her thumb. “I’m only a marshmallow to you, Brooks. Or agent grumpy.” Her hand lingered on his cheek, as they gazed into each other’s eyes.
“What on earth has happened in here?” The whole household jumped in response to Bertrand’s bellowing voice- apart from Maxwell, who didn’t really give two shits about what Bertrand would think.
“Welcome home, Bro!”
“It was Riley. It was all her fault.”
“Would I suggest to do this? Really, Max?”
“Maxwell tidy up now! Your Majesty, your hignesses.” Bertrand bowed, before scrutinising the kitchen- knowing that if he was home on time this would have never happened.
“But.... but....”
“Maxwell grow up! I want it clean before I come back down...” Riley pulled her tongue out towards the Lord before making her way over to her children. Feeling immature doing this, she couldn’t help herself, Maxwell winked at her then provided her with a goofy smile.
“Are you three ready to go to Valtoria?”
“Erm....” Ellie bit her lip, not knowing how to inform their Mom that they had made their own plans. Since their father had passed away, they had tried to include their Mom in plans but she politely refused. Explaining that she had plenty of work to do.
“Erm?” Questioning her youngest child, she raised her eyebrows up towards her.
“We are actually going to the cabin tonight. To allow Louis to have a few relaxing days before becoming King.”
“Are you? Says who?” Drake queried as he joined the group, fully unaware that his house was going to be used like a fraternity house.
“Uncle Drake, Jackson said it would be fine.”
“I’m joking. You’re all welcome. Anytime. Unless you had something planned Brooks?”
“No, I didn’t have anything specifically planned. I’m busy with preparations anyway. I think you should all ask Uncle Drake before inviting yourselves next time. Make sure that you’re all back Wednesday at the lastest. Ring me every day, each and every one of you. I love you all.” Watching her walk away, he knew it was a good opportunity to let her hair down again. As she tidied the side up- she felt some arms go around her waist. Recognising his cologne as well as his touch, she gasped not expecting him to do this. Taking a deep breath, she allowed his hands to remain where they were as her heart fluttered.
“When I said you’re all welcome....That included you too. You need a break as well.” Hesitating, she wanted to say yes of course she did. But she still wasn’t confident leaving her ‘comfort zones’. Her lips opened to speak as she turned to face him- however another voice broke out.
“Welcome where? I need a break!”
“I think you’ll be grounded Max, if you don’t tidy up pronto.” Letting out a little laugh, she hoped that this would be the end of the conversation.
“Maxwell you can come, but only if Brooks does. I’m already babysitting four kids. I don’t need a child who is trapped in a middle aged mans body added to the list as well.”
“Please Riley. Please. Please. Please.......” As Maxwell continued to act like a child jumping up and down, Drake rolled his eyes back- attempting to figure out what could tempt her in coming.
“You can do the preparations in my office. Go back to the palace get your things, I’ll pick you up. Just let me know if you want to come.” Smiling at the two men, she pulled them into her embrace- kissing them both on the cheek. “I’ll let you know, Drake. Thank you. I better get going, I actually have a meeting.”
“What about me? Are you going to pick me up too, bestie?”
“Don’t ever call me that again, Beaumont. You can walk.”
Drake picked up Maxwell from Ramsford later on in the day. Maxwell scrutinised the truck hoping that Riley was in there, hiding- ready to surprise him. Drake was praying that Max had heard from Riley as he hadn’t. He wasn’t expecting her to come, but deep down he had wished that she would have the confidence to come out of her shell more.
“Maybe she was just trying yesterday because it was your birthday? Maybe the kids could convince her to come?”
“Max, when I left them- they couldn’t even remember each other’s names.”
Arriving at the cabin, the youngsters were cooking some food. Knowing that Jackson was capable with doing this without parental guidance, Drake decided this would be a perfect time to slip away for some alone time.
“Max. Look after these lot for me, I would say help them make their tents- but I think you’d be no help. I won’t be long.”
“Where are you going?”
“The rock.” Maxwell smiled softly, he knew that Drake went there to talk to Hana at least three times a week. After a little stroll, Drake arrived at the rock- it was located next to the river, the tranquil atmosphere relaxed him immediately.
“Hey Hana. Your husband is an old bastard now, I wish that you was here to celebrate with me yesterday. You and Li. Brooks turned up. She’s been down ever since the two of you gained your wings. I think she smiled for the first time. Remember when you always said to me, that everything will be okay. To not worry too much about it. That whatever happens, happens for a reason and to just let it be. You always spoke words of wisdom. Even back in my hour of darkness- when I thought I’d lost everything, you were standing right in front of me.” The last sentence said, he was referring to decades ago. The time when Riley got justice in court- justice for her miscarrying their child. Hana was there for him at the palace, talking to him- comforting him. It was the beginning of their relationship. Picking up the guitar, he cleared his throat before deciding to sing a song. A song where the lyrics were apt. ‘Mother Mary’ to Paul McCartney was his mother, in Drake’s situation ‘Mother Mary’ was Hana.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be. Yeah
There will be an answer, let it be.
And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
“I hope myself and Brooks can get through this, even after all this time it’s still not fully sunk in. Tell Liam that I’m stuck with all of his kids. Not that I mind. I can’t control them though- they are little shits like we once were. Ayah is the worse, she takes after her Uncle Leo! In more than one way...” Pausing he shook his head, the familiarity was uncanny.
“But then she’s like you Li, wanting to marry for love. Brooks told me about her abdicating and that Louis is taking over from you. I’ll look out for them all. I promise. I miss you both so much. When the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me - it’s you Hana. Everything reminds me of you. Hana, I wish I could show you how much I love you- my biggest regret was not telling you the day that you left. I always assumed that you’d never leave.”
“That was beautiful. You didn’t tell her either?” Turning around, he wondered how long he had the audience for. Placing the guitar at the side of him, he was slightly embarrassed that she had caught him.
“Hey. What are you doing here?”
“I was going to surprise you all. But I thought I’d come here before. The place the four of us snuck to for some peace and quiet whilst Max, Bertrand and Sav babysat. The fantastic four.” Walking closer to him, she sat down beside him- dangling her legs over the edge of the rock.
“So what changed your mind?”
“The wicked witch of the west, along with my counsellor. They both said that I needed a break, my mind wasn’t really focused on the preparations for Louis’s coronation or the social season.”
“That wicked witch of the west saved our lives, Ri. I still don’t trust her though...”
“I know she did, hence why she got the Royal Communications Director job given to her. I still want to finish damaging her nose.” Shrugging, Drake laughed. At the time he wasn’t in New York when she did that but wished he was to see Madeleine get her comeuppance. They remained in silence, admiring the view surrounding them. “Beer?” Drake asked, Riley looked up at him smiling before snuggling into him.
“Could you try and teach me to play one day? It would be a good distraction.”
“Erm... sure. I’m not that good. Didn’t Liam play Eleanor’s guitar infront of you?”
Shaking her head, she knew the reason why Liam never played it. It brought back sentimental memories of himself as a young boy when Eleanor played the guitar and sung to him- especially at picnics.
Drake sat behind Riley positioning the guitar correctly, guiding her hand he helped her pluck a few strings. “Think of a song you’d like to learn and we can practice.” Feeling his breath on her neck, sent her heart racing.
“Okay...” removing the guitar, Drake sat beside her again. They both laid down staring up towards the stars.
“Why them? I still don’t understand, Drake.” Not knowing how to respond, not knowing the answer himself- he just placed his hand over hers. Both of them shed tears, tears that the two of them had cleverly hidden in public. Genuine tears.
“Is it ever going to get better? I don’t think I can go through any more shit, Drake. It’s scares the hell out of me.” Turning onto his side, he caressed her cheek- wiping away the tears that were slowly falling down her cheek.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but I don’t know many people who can; survive jumping in the river Hudson, survive domestic abuse, survive a miscarriage, survive being stabbed. You are the strongest woman that I know. Most people would give up fighting. You’re an inspiration Riley, not only to your friends and family but to your country.” Drake knew that everything she had gone through was due to that one bad decision he had made in the past.
“I suppose I should thank you for making me strong then? I’m going to head back, just to make sure that Maxwell hasn’t set your home on fire.” Laughing, she knew that Maxwell was capable to be involved in any calamity.
“I’ll come with you.” Drinking the remainder of his beer, he stood up ready to return to the cabin. Riley placed her hand onto his arm, focusing her eyes on to his.
“You don’t have to. I interrupted you. I talk to Liam all the time, I still phone him. I know how important it is to have these moments. I’ll see you back at the cabin, Glen is waiting to escort me.” Providing him with a tight hug, they stayed in that position for a while. “I’ll see you soon.” Caressing his cheek, she smiled softly at him. Drake nodded towards Glen who was stood in the distance, as Riley walked away. Knowing that she was safe with her guard, he still felt the need to be that extra protection.
Let it be, he whispered. Picking up the guitar he slung it over his shoulder, then picked up the empty beer bottles. Gazing up towards the brightest stars one more time, he blew a kiss. I love you Hana. I love you Liam. I miss you both so much.
Jackson had set up a fire, if anything Drake was good at his son had definitely inherited it. There was an awkward atmosphere, Riley began to feel sentimental being in her friends house- her friend who wasn’t there anymore. However she kept smiling for the company surrounding her.
“Uncle Drake?” Louis sat next to Drake, both sets of eyes were focused on Riley.
“Yeah? What’s up mate?”
“I haven’t seen Mom laugh or smile in such a long time. I want to thank you and Uncle Max. I haven’t seen you smile much either.”
“No need to thank us, Louis. We all love your Mom. Even your Aunt Liv. And she doesn’t do ‘love’...” Louis knew that this statement was a fact, his Aunt was a cold hearted bitch- but deep down she would be caring, at times. Sighing, the young man bit his lip- he loved his Uncle as if he was a second father. Ever since Drake’s party there had been something lingering in his mind- the past relationship between his Mom and Uncle.
“You still love, Mom. Don’t you?”
“Excuse me?”
“We know. Uncle Leo told us everything at your party. You got my Mom pregnant before my father. So you must love her. I know you love Aunt Hana... but you also love Mom.” Savannah didn’t mention that, he thought to himself- now thinking how to get out of this awkward conversation.
“It’s complicated.”
“Tell me...”
“Please.” Drake gave in, seeing those sparkling baby blues pleading for some truth decades after these events occurred.
“Your father proposed to your mom at the end of his engagement tour. She rejected him, explaining that she loved us both. We slept together, I pushed her away. Saying that your father deserved her.... you don’t want to hear this.....”
“I do. Who is Nate and Kiara?” Those names hadn’t been mentioned in years. Liam was against it, not wanting to look in the past but towards the future. Drake explained that Riley moved back to New York. To get over losing her due to his own stupidly he slept with Kiara and that Riley had begun a new relationship with Nate. Tears began to creep down his face as he explained what Nate did to Riley and Leo. Then about the frightful night that Kiara stabbed the two of them.
“I regret how I treat your, Mom. How I never protected her. But between us all we are going to look after you all.”
“Who’s going to look after you?”
“I’m fine.”
“No your not, Uncle Drake. I think both you and Mom need each other more now than ever. Myself, Ayah, Ellie and Jackson were talking about it before. My father and Aunt Hana wouldn’t mind if those feelings resurfaced. They love you both.” Drake shook his head, slowly sipping his whiskey- he couldn’t believe that his godson was attempting to reunite them. They were friends. Only friends. Luckily Riley had forgiven him, if that was anybody else he wasn’t sure if they would forgive him so easily.
“Why are you whispering?” Maxwell interrupted.
“I’m just giving Uncle Drake my blessing.”
“Blessing? What for?” Looking towards Riley, he finally understood. “Ohhh. That kind of blessing.”
“He’s drunk, Max. Ignore him.”
“Personally I think you’re both too old to be fucking and sneaking away anyway. We’re not in our twenties anymore! Although saying that, I don’t think Glen is as good as Bastien, so you’d probably get away with it.” Shrugging, Louis burst out laughing at his ‘fun’ Uncles response. “Bast always knew about blossom sneaking off with the two of you. But seriously too old to be fucking and sneaking away.”
“Who’s too old to be fucking and sneaking away?”
“Maxwell was on about us ALL being too old to fuck. Wasn’t you Max?” Perking his eyebrows towards his friend, he hoped that Maxwell would suture his lips together.
“No. I was on about.....”
“I don’t care about your sex lives gentlemen. Come on Drake, make your infamous s’mores.. I’ve missed them.” Drake was grateful for Riley’s interruption, leaving the group- he distracted himself by making everybody s’mores. His forte.
A few hours later, Maxwell had passed out on the floor. The young adults had called it a night and decided to go to their tents.
“They are such lightweights.”
“You are such a hypocrite, I remember when you was a similar age.”
“Touché... thank you for putting up with us all. It’s been really nice spending time with you all.” Drake just smiled, he had attempted to keep a distance between the two of them. However that plan failed, as they sat together snuggling into the thin blanket that barely covered the two of them.
“I suppose we better get Maxi inside.”
“He’ll be fine, he slept with the peacocks surrounded by his own urine and vomit the other week.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“You’re lying, Drake.”
“I’m not... ask him yourself, when and if he wakes up.”
“I will do. Don’t you worry.”
“I’ll take him to bed, even if I’m going to break my back.”
“I’ll help you.”
“It’s fine, your Majesty.”
Knowing how stubborn she was, he wasn’t surprised when she stood up to help him with the dead weight. Assisting Maxwell to stand, they took baby steps getting him inside- after a few stumbles they flung him onto the couch. Resuming their position outside, they both got settled having having a beer- talking about Liam and Hana. Content in each other’s company.
“Drake who is here?” Looking at her with a perplexed expression- he was unsure as to why she asked this.
“Us, Maxwell sort of. Our children. Why?”
“Why does it sound like there’s an extra guest? Coming from Ayah’s tent?” Without hesitation, Drake shot up heading towards the young woman’s tent.
“Uncle Drake! Get out!” Covering herself up with the sleeping bag, she regretted not being quiet. Thankful in a way that her Uncle wasn’t looking directly towards her naked body.
“Theo! Get out!” Drake demanded with anger in his eyes. Riley popped her head inside the tent, disappointed in her daughter. Even if she sounded like a hypocrite.
“Mom, it’s not what it looks like... or sounds like...”
“Oh really, Ayah? Theo put that thing away... now!” Once the young man, covered his cock up- his body began trembling. He had always been scared of Drake and Leo- the overprotective uncles, but never Liam or Maxwell.
“I’m sorry, Sir Walker. Your Majesty. It wasn’t Ayah’s fault. It was all mine. I’m truly sorry. It was just sex. We used protection. I love, Ayah. I’ll never hurt her.” Hearing the words ‘it was just sex’, sent anger running through Drake’s veins. If Jackson had spoken like that, no matter how old he was he would ground his son. Grabbing the young man- he dragged him out of the tent. Surrounded by an audience and an echo of gasping, Ayah ran out apologising.
“Uncle Drake. Please don’t hurt him. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
“Touch her again, in my house or anywhere near my house- and I’ll kill ya! Got it Vancouver?”
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leahwithanidea · 4 years
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Hey! This week was full of good good adventures and good good opportunities to serve and train my lovely sisters in the Pueblo zone! I spent a day in Westcliffe, CO with my friend Sister Moulton! Every 6 weeks as a Sister Training Leader, I switch companions for a day so I can motivate, inspire, lift, train, and encourage other sister missionaries. We call this "going on exchanges." Sister Moulton and I spent the day at the local farmers market where we talked to a lovely hispanic man who gave us free tamales and taught me how to say a few things about Jesus Christ in Spanish, the most lively 20 year old girl in a cowboy hat who insisted I try her hand-grown tomatoes, and an old man who sliced us Palisade peach after Palisade peach to eat and then promised us a box of them if we helped unload his truck for the next week's farmers market. Sister Moulton has a difficult time talking to people, so I was able to help her start conversations and tell people about what we do as missionaries! I also had the privilege of spending the day with Sister Eller (literally one of my best missionary friends). Our day together was spent here in Pueblo West. It didn't go as smoothly as my day in Westcliffe. Mostly because nobody and their dog opened their door or answered their phones the entire day. It was a bit of a bummer. But Sister Eller and I ended the day eating some popcorn chicken from Sonic in the car. And then getting a text from a guy asking for weed. Typical Colorado. It's good to know that our phone number is close to a weed dealer's phone number. Sister Parker (my normal day-to-day companion) and I also welcomed another missionary to our comapnionship! We are now a trio for a few weeks! Our newest addition is Sister Steiner, a two-transfer missionary (!!) from Utah! The Pueblo Chile Festival also took place this week! Sister Park and Sister Steiner and I organised for a bunch of us missionaries in Pueblo to do the chalkboard experiment outside on the street. Basically you wear normal street clothes and don't wear your missionary name tag and you go by your first name and then you talk to people and they actually talk back to you because they're not scared away by your dress and name tag that says The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on it. It was a big success and I had a BLAST meeting people on the Riverwalk. Have a lovely week, my friends! Sister Leah Gaush Pueblo West, CO THE FLICKS:
1. Missionaries are goofballs (pt. 4). Elder Talbot (our Pueblo zone leader!), Elder Ofa (our lovely assistant to President Stevenson!), and Elder Tarver (our other lovely assistant to President). Aka my besties.
2. Sister Parker and I at zone conference last week. Squinty eyes. Typical.
3. Love me some scriptures.
4. Me in Westcliffe! So pretty.
5. A very low quality pic of the Pueblo zone from last week. Spot me and my bestie Elder Marin on the end. lol.
6. TRIO. Sister Steiner, Sister Parker, yours truly.
7. TRIO. At the riverwalk.
9. Elder Tarver's edit of us on the riverwalk. Love that guy.
10. Pueblo sun got us like..
11. Family portrait on Victoria Ave. (Elder McKeon, me, Sister Steiner, Sister Parker, Elder Talbot, Elder Tsagrinos) Pic creds go to the one and only Elder Hill.  
0 notes
msjr0119 · 5 years
Birthday One Shot
Happy birthday to my favourite American, my favourite Liam Stan, my bestie .... I hope you have a fabulous birthday and new year babe!!! @kacie-0156 I love you 💕🥰
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This one shot is based from my accidental Riam series (Hold On) that made us become friends- ever since we have spoken on a daily basis... we may live in different countries, the time zone is slightly annoying because when I’m asleep you’re awake and vice versa... but here ya go a bit of Riam smut 🥰🔥
Warnings: Swearing, Smut 😉
Tagging combined tag list:
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @cmestrella @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816 @indiacater
Liam woke up, seeing Ayah peacefully sleep. Every day he believed she looked more and more like Riley, which melted his heart. Wondering where his Queen was, he knew she wouldn’t leave their princess unoccupied- walking towards the door he heard familiar voices in the kitchen, Drake and Riley. Liam knew he shouldn’t be jealous, but at times he felt paranoid- especially due to their past.
“Please don’t tell Liam.”
“I won’t. Don’t worry. Our secrets safe. Happy birthday for tomorrow Brooks. Love you.”
“Thank you. Love you too Walker.” Liam witnessed, his best friend kiss her on the cheek, before leaving the quarters. Our secrets safe. Love you. What the fuck?
Thinking back to what they all had gone through, he believed that Riley and Drake were only friends- she chose him, she married him even though Drake confessed he was still in love with her. But there was still those lingering doubts. She chose him, through depression, a suicide attempt, being stabbed. She chose to spend the rest of her life with her king- shaking his head, he thought back to their time together.
“Heh.. well I didn’t want you waking up with tangled hair. Don’t get me wrong, you’d still be beautiful with tangled hair... it’s so good to hear your voice. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. Thank you for being there for me.”
“You gave us all a scare. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“I’m sorry Liam. I don’t know what I was thinking.... the minute I jumped.... I panicked. I shouted for help. I saw two men jump, then it was all a blur. I woke up... I’m sure Maxwell kissed me.”
“Don’t apologise, please. You don’t need to. And that he did. He obviously has the magic touch, as you didn’t respond to my kiss...”
“You... you kissed me?”
“I’m sorry Riley. It was just natural instinct. Every time I held your hand I kissed it... hoping that you would wake up. You decided to wake up the minute we all left you, you know.”
“You don’t need to apologise. Maybe Max should have kissed me before huh? I’m going to hang up. It’s been nice catching up Li. I’m sure you’re busy.”
“Never too busy for you. I’ve been worried about you. I miss you- I know I said it before. But I truly do.”
“Still a charmer I see, your Majesty.”
“Only for certain people Ri. Are you going to visit us? Come back? If not, I can visit you? It devastated me, thinking we’d lost you. You’re my friend Riley, I love you.”
“I don’t know Liam. I’m sorry, I was stupid. I was depressed- it’s not easy to admit that. I was a coward. I’m going to go. Love ya too. Talk soon.” I love you more Riley
- - -
“Hey Ri. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m just worn out. Maxwell is a persistent one. You should check out his Instagram. I don’t know how we’re all breathing still.”
“Heh. That he is. Have you had a good day apart from that?”
“I suppose so. What have you been up to?”
“Preparing for the ball. Paperwork. Council meetings. Oh you know, boring King duties. I could almost hate Leo for abdicating.”
“You sound busier than ever. I’ll let you get off. Li.. you’re a brilliant King considering. Don’t you ever forget that.”
“Thank you Lady Riley. That means a lot to me.”
“You’re welcome, your Majesty. I’ll see you soon okay? I love you.” I love you too Ri.
“Prince Leo of Cordonia and Lady Bethany of New York.... Duke Bertrand Beaumont of Ramsford.... Lord Maxwell Beaumont.... Lady Riley Brooks...”
- -
“Lady Riley.”
Riley turned around and ran up to Liam, jumping into his arms - catching him off guard. The embrace seemed to last for eternity. He placed her gently back on the ground, and held her tightly. Placing her head in the crook of his neck, she could hear his heartbeat increase. They both felt content in each other’s company- not moving from that position for a while. Riley finally looked into his sparkly baby blues, smiling. Liam wiped her tears that were sliding down her cheeks- admiring her beauty.
“I’m so happy that you came back. I’ve missed you so much Ri. Are you enjoying the ball?”
“I’ve missed you too. I am now. It was hard at first, I was debating whether to come or not. I’m not stupid Li, everyone is whispering about me.”
“Ignore them. They are only bored, and have nothing better to do. You are so strong coming back, you always have been strong. That’s one of the reasons I love you. Most people would have ran a mile.” He loves me. And there’s more than one reason why.
“Li... do... do you really love me?”
“Yes, Lady Riley.” Liam placed Riley’s hand on his heart, before kissing her forehead. “You’ve always been in here, Ri. Ever since we met. I was an idiot, to let you go. I should have stood up to myself and made my own decisions, protected you and showed how much I loved you. It broke me when you rejected my proposal- but I understand now, why. It tore me apart seeing you in hospital, I felt like I’d failed you....”
“Liam, I love you too.”
Riley stood on her tip toes, staring at the tall man in front of her. He cupped her cheeks and placed a long, lasting kiss on her cherry bud lips. When they parted, Liam wrapped his arms around her waist holding her fragile body protectively. It seemed as if the world had fallen away, until they heard someone cough.
“About time you two! Matchmaker Leo to the rescue...”
- -
Liam passionately kissed her, she melted back into him- he was like a magnetic force pulling her to him at every opportunity. She removed his tuxedo, her hands roamed around his body. Liam pulled her closer to him, not wanting to let her go. His soft touch, felt every inch of her body. Her head fell back, as he kissed the sensitive parts of her neck and earlobe. They both felt a jolt of electricity run through their bodies- both wanting more.
Riley fell backwards onto the bed, Liam supporting her as he hovered over her. Both looking deeply into each other’s eye. Ever since the first night in New York, this is what it had all been leading up to. Both of them had fought their sexual feelings - all until now, Riley knew Liam wanted this back in the social season but never forced it. Now it was reality.
“Are you sure? Do you want this?”
“Yes Li, we’ve waited too long. I love you. I’m sorry for fighting it.”
Liam gazed into her baby blues- he knew she wanted him. He wanted her. Their first night together.
“I’ve wanted this for so long Ri. I love you.”
- -
“I’ll see you in a few days Ri. Here, I believe this should return to its rightful owner.” Riley allowed Liam to place the pearl bracelet around her wrist, before kissing her hand.
“I can’t believe you kept this after all this time.”
“It was yours, I told you that I kept that pearl hidden until I found a woman I loved to give it to. I thought you should have it returned to you, so you’ll know I’m with you- even if not in person.” Riley wrapped her arms around Liam’s neck, forcing a passionate kiss on her lovers lips. Their friends nearly vomited witnessing the two’s PDA.
“I’ll miss you. I’ll be thinking of you every second of the day. You don’t need good luck but good luck Ri.”
“Thank you my King. I’ll ring you when we arrive, and with an update every day at court. We’ll be back before you know it. What’s the worse that could happen?”
- -
“Liv. What’s he like?”
“Why are you asking? He’s handsome, don’t get me wrong, I can see why she was attracted to him. But he’s obviously mental.” Liam pulled out his engagement ring he proposed to Riley with all those months ago. His thumb ran over the diamonds. Olivia noticed- sorrow in her eyes.
“Is that the ring...?”
“Yes. If only I stood up to my father. Ignored the scandal, I could have protected her- I don’t know why I believed I couldn’t. She would be wearing this now. She wouldn’t have gone through all this pain. Drake wouldn’t have gone through all this pain.”
“Why are you bothered about Drake’s pain Li? He didn’t deserve her, he only gave a shit about his dick.”
“He was there for her when I wasn’t. He saved her life. They lost their baby, no matter what you think Liv.”
“Liam, it was a tragic accident. Riley can have children in the future, and so can Drake. It wasn’t meant to be. He’s with Kiara and Riley is yours.”
“I know Liv. But I still feel for them both.”
“Liam, you and Riley are good together. I hated her at first, but everyone knew you both loved each other. You two can have a future- marriage and children. That ring will be on her finger soon. I’m sure of it.”
- -
“Li. Do you know what time it is?”
“Why are you whispering? And it’s 5.10am Ri. I am capable of telling the time.”
“Okay Mr intelligent. I was whispering because Leo and Beth are asleep on the sofa. Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’ve missed you. Are you okay?”
“I’d be better if I was with you... Li hold on, someone’s at the door....” Riley tiptoed back into the living space. She didn’t know why she bothered as the knock had woken her friends up. She opened the door, immediately seeing his baby blues.
“I suppose I better hang up then...”
Riley pulled Liam in for a kiss, she was shocked but so happy to see him.
“Pack your bag Ri. You’re staying with me, no questions required. Let these lot catch up on sleep.”
“I can’t believe that you are here!”
“I couldn’t stay away any longer. You needed me no matter how much you denied it. I wanted to be here for you. And besides, I wouldn’t let you all face any more court alone after what she did.”
“You... you know?”
“I don’t know the full details- Leo wouldn’t tell me. But I know she was here, providing a fake alibi and by the look of your hand you’d have gotten into trouble if Leo and Bastien didn’t stop you.”
“Li, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
“Ri, don’t apologise. Someone was going to do it someday. I’m extremely tired. Are you going to join me? We can have a lie in. Then I’ll take you out for breakfast, my treat.”
“What would happen if a lady refused the King?” Riley asked seductively, biting her lip. Liam stepped closer to her and began to kiss Riley on the neck- he knew it was her ‘turn on spot’.
“I believe that the lady will get punished.”
Riley dragged the King over to the bed, before pushing him on it and straddling him. The kisses deepened as they became more passionate. They both stripped each other down to their underwear- they were both eager to touch and feel each other.
“Lay on your back, Lady Riley. You must obey your King’s order.”
- -
“Mr Cooper you have been found guilty on all accounts. The minimum sentence I can provide for you is 10 years. If you cause any hassle during your time in prison this will increase. You may take him down.”
Leo and Riley hugged their attorney, thanking her for all her work. They had won, and were ready to celebrate with their friends. Liam ran to Riley picked her up and spun her around. He couldn’t stop kissing her, he knew how hard it was for both her and Leo but he was incredibly proud of how strong the two of them had been.
“Ri, I love you. This is where our future begins. Leave the past behind us and start a fresh....”
- -
“Ri, please don’t leave me. I can’t lose you.”
Liam remained cradling Riley in his arms. He felt as if his whole world had collapsed- he didn’t know how many more tears his body could produce. The paramedics arrived and immediately began to save their saves- they were both given oxygen. Leo hugged his brother as the two victims were escorted out of the room.
“Riley Brooks, aged 25. Stab wound in the lumbar region. She still has a pulse, but it’s weak. The bleeding is being controlled every so often, she needs immediate surgery.”
“Drake Walker, aged 28. He also had a stab wound to the back. His pulse is also weak. The bleeding is now controlled. But he needs to be seen urgently.”
The guests all waited all the bottom of the stairs. They heard the paramedic on the phone to ER. Madeline wasn’t lying. Their friends were fighting for their lives. Reality hit when they saw Riley and Drake’s bodies on stretchers, being escorted outside to the ambulances. The friends all witnessed Liam barely holding it together. No wonder. Olivia walked over to him, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
“Li, they are both alive. They are both fighters. They will survive this and fight.”
Liam tried to compose himself, as he had an audience gawking at the scene.
“Liv... I can’t lose either of them. I’ll keep you all updated. Can you keep me updated on Kiara’s whereabouts? One thing I’m sure about- if they both die, Kiara’s a dead woman!”
- -
“I’m so glad you’re okay my darling. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you again. Thank goodness you are a fighter, I couldn’t cope with losing you again. I love you so much.”
Liam continued to hold her hand, refusing to let go of her again. Riley woke up a couple of hours later, her eyes blinked in response to the bright lights that were blinding her. She felt his hand holding her tightly- as she turned her head she saw Liam, he looked drained. Her eyes filled up with tears, she interlaced her fingers between his, causing him to stir. Riley removed the oxygen mask- enabling her to speak even if her voice was hoarse.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Memories of things you had said to me, flashed in my mind. I thought they was going to be my last memories. Do you remember when you said to me that you want a family, that no one knows how much time they have until it’s gone? That whole conversation at the Beaumont’s snapped me out of my gaze, I knew I had to fight to see you again. I love you so much Liam, I’m never going to stop proving how much I love you. I was so scared.”
“I can’t imagine what you both went through- I’m so proud of you both. And yes, I remember that conversation. Our first date? I meant every word. I do want a family. And these last few months have proven that you never know how much time is left. I hope one day you will be my family. I love you too much to let you go again.”
- -
Riley grabbed Liam’s hand and let it hover over her stomach. Liam was puzzled, he wondered if she was in pain due to the stab wound and that the pain was spreading around her body. Taking a deep breath- she handed him the three pregnancy tests each with two lines.
“I... I’m pregnant.” Liam stood frozen, not able to comprehend the news.
“Li, say something...please...”
“You’re pregnant... we are having a baby?” Disbelieving what he was holding in his hands. It was like he was dreaming.
Liam picked Riley up, she wrapped her legs around him. They stayed in that position for a while. He couldn’t stop kissing his baby’s mom. Finally he let her down, and just held her -the smile on his face would never be erased. Today was not the day to inform her about Kiara.
“You’ve made my life complete Riley. I’m cancelling my meetings. I want to spend time with you and this little one.”
- -
“Hello, my two favourite girls. I love you both.”- Liam couldn’t help rub Riley’s growing stomach- it was his new hobby. He truly was in love and in time he gained what he had always wanted- a beautiful woman and a beautiful Princess due to be born in a couple of months time.
“We love you too, Daddy.”
Liam spun Riley around, kissing her passionately- before bending down to kiss his Princess that was kicking inside Riley’s stomach. Every time his baby moved it melted his heart- he couldn’t wait to meet her. Already, he had fallen deeply in love with her.
- -
“Ri, I know this last year has been incredibly hard for the both of us. Losing you absolutely broke me. Seeing you fighting for your life twice- made me realise even more that I can’t lose you again. So many obstacles have prevented us from loving each other publicly, but you’ve always been in my heart-since the first night we met. It’s different now...”
Riley noticed Liam lose his usual stoic attitude, his voice was a nervous tone, he was shaking. Holding him tightly she had an inkling on what he was doing. They had been in this situation before. The night she broke his heart- for what? To be made a mug of. Regretting the first proposal rejection from the King, she had hoped this was why he was acting this way- in case she rejected him again.
“Li, I love you.” She said, providing him with a soft smile.
“Riley, I love you too. So much. I feel unbelievably lucky that you love me back.”
Liam cupped her cheeks, and placed a soft kiss on her cherry bud lips. When they parted, he slowly went down on one knee. Riley’s eyes became like a burst dam, pouring out uncontrollably.
“I am going to dedicate to be the best King and Father I can be, I am going to protect you both with all my heart. I know I will be a better man having you by my side. Riley Brooks, I’ve asked you this question before and I know that the last time was inappropriate timing. You’ve once again made my life complete, but... Will you marry me and make my heart burst with more pride? Please, say you’ll be my Queen?”
Riley bit her lip, before pulling Liam up and falling into his embrace. He held her protectively- impatiently waiting for her response. Both of their eyes contained tears due to emotion.
“I love you, my King. Of course I’ll marry you.” She whispered into his ear.
Liam was beaming, he rested his forehead against Riley’s. Taking her hand slowly, he kissed the side of her wrist- now knowing that his mothers ring would sit on her finger permanently. Taking her arm gently, he pulled her back into his embrace- before shifting her backwards towards the hedge, kissing her tenderly. The coldness of the hedge sent a shock down her spine. “Riley” he said softly. She’s mine, he thought.
- -
“Riley, what can I say? Without you I am nothing- with you I am more myself. Our love is unique. Together you and I make something that has never been seen before. I will always protect you from harm to stand against your troubles. If you grow weak, I’ll be there to fight your battles for you. I’ll help you with your responsibilities and make your problems my own in order to spread the weight a bit more evenly. I love and cherish you, secure in the knowledge that you are my best friend, my love, my kind and adoring wife, Queen and mother to my child. You look so beautiful to me today, you always look beautiful to me and will always be this beautiful to me, tomorrow, and the next day and the next. I will only love you more and more each day of our marriage. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I’m the one who gets to marry you. You make me a better man, and a better King. I love you, Riley Brooks.”
“You have made me feel more loved than I ever thought was possible, even with my past decisions. I am so grateful that we have come full circle and are in each other’s arms again. Today, I give you all that I am, and all that I have. Just as I give you my hand to hold today, I give you my heart- my whole life. I choose you today. And I would choose you again tomorrow. I would go on choosing you the day after, and every day for the rest of our lives. You are my life. I love you and I will always carry you in my heart, as I’ve always done. Thank you for all your support and love you have provided me, I feel so lucky that myself and our baby have you in our lives. I love you Liam, my King.”
- -
The King and Queen Of Cordonia, would like to announce the birth of Her royal Highness Princess Ayah Rhys of Cordonia.
- -
My life is complete. I thought I’d lost you. Hold on, I kept thinking when you was in hospital. You held on, you survived. You came back into my life. You are my wife, my Queen, and my children’s mother. You are that woman who transformed my imperfections into perfections, just by the touch of your love. I don’t need the whole world to love me, as long as I have you, Ayah and bean I am a happy man - Who’s heart is filled with unconditional love.
“Good morning. Was that Drake that I heard?” Lying knowing full well it was. Placing his arms around her, he noticed that she flinched and was slightly distant from him. Eventually turning around to face her husband- she could see that his mind was working overtime.
“Yes. He just came... to... erm... ask how I was. Are you okay Liam?”
“Yes. I was just wondering where my Queen was.”
“I’m here my king. I love you.”
“I love you too. I don’t want you to ever leave me.” Riley looked confused at his last sentence, wondering why he was all of a sudden acting like this.
“I’m never going to leave you. Are you sure you’re okay Liam?” Nodding, his face wasn’t telling the full truth. Cupping his cheeks, she stood up on her tiptoes- brushing her lips against his, she noticed he soon became less tense.
“Ayah’s still asleep, how about we have some mommy and daddy time. I can’t wait for our baby to be here- I miss all the positions we used to do.” Liam said seductively whilst rubbing small circles onto her back before pulling her into his embrace- forgetting his paranoid thoughts for the mean time. “I love you Riley, I always have and I always will.” He whispered as he placed gentle kisses on her neck. “I love you too, Liam. It’s always been you.” She barely whimpered, his kisses on those delicate spots made her feel weak at her knees immediately. Liam firmly pressed his lips onto her, the tip of his tongue reached out- sliding across her lower lip. Opening her mouth slightly, gave him permission to enter- their tongues now dancing together. Once they broke the kiss, Riley looked into his eyes- he thinks there’s something going on with me and Drake. He thinks he can read people, but I’ve learnt from the best. How silly can he be? Drake is with Hana, I married Liam. Our past as a couple is in the past- we are the best of friends now. I’m pregnant with Liam’s child. Feeling a twinge in her stomach, she grimaced. Faking a smile, Liam noticed her hold her side. “Is he moving?” Instead of answering, Riley reached up for him, putting her small, warm hand on the back of his neck, lifting her lips to his. They kissed; lightly, then more urgently, his tongue back inside in her mouth, her hips tilted against his, her breasts against his chest, her whole body sending a message that was undeniable. Carrying her over to the kitchen table, he knew it was unhygienic to have sexual contact on the place where they ate as a family- but right now, it was a matter of urgency before their daughter decided to play cockblocker. Separating her legs as she sat on the edge of the table- he slid his hands between her legs, moving her panties to the side positioning fingers and thumb. He nuzzled against her, his lips on her neck, nibbling and kissing his way up to her earlobe, where she'd always moan in response. "Oh, Liam.” she whispered. "I love you, my king" she sighed, as he began working his fingers against the slick seam. His fingers stroked her slowly and gently. Losing herself inside her own pleasure, Liam watched her squeeze her eyes shut as she repositioned her hips up allowing him to pump harder. “Cum for me Ri.” Now frozen, all the muscles in her thighs became tense and quivered, and he felt her contract against his fingers. Removing his newly coated fingers, he seductively licked them before forcing a kiss on his wife’s lips. The mixture of saliva and her juices made Liam want to taste her more. Going down on her, he began laying sweet kisses from her neck; onto her breasts, on her stomach before arriving at the pelvic region. Placing sensual kisses on her inner thighs, he removed her underwear discarding it on the floor - then focused on her clit. Beginning with gentle circles, he licked up and down and all around. “Do you like it baby?” “Yes Liam.... do... not.... stop.”
After this encouragement, he began plunging his tongue in deep, he came back to her level- licking his lips. “You tasted so good baby.” He whispered in her ear. “Liam stop teasing me now, I want the main thing.”
Before she could recover, he pulled her closer to the edge laying her down. Liam always loved a standing up position, providing him with power and intense thrusting. Even though Riley was heavily pregnant, the King and Queen still managed to have a fantastic sex life. “Let me know if I hurt you or the baby Ri.” “Liam! Don’t leave me hanging, I want you. Please.”
Shaking his head at her, he teasingly rubbed his cock gently against her entrance- much to his wife’s annoyance. Sitting up ever so slightly - she provided him with that look- the look that she was about to commit treason. “Liam, do not piss off a pregnant woman.” “Oh so I can tease you once he’s here?” “Just fuck me already, your Majesty!” “Yes my Queen, lay back down beautiful.” He eventually entered her slowly, hearing her moan immediately. After the first thrust he decided to hold still, knowing that if he kept moving - if he gave himself up to her exquisite tightness, he would cum prematurely. He wanted her to cum at least once more- possibly ride out her high with him, and he definitely didn't want her to tease him the way he had done with her.
With every movement increasing, every moan Riley released was now becoming louder. As soon as her body began to jerk in response to her climaxing again, Liam found himself astoundingly moved. He knew he was close himself, but he wished he could hold off a bit longer- because soon they would be having sleepless nights. As Riley continued to cum, he felt an abrupt rush of his seed, racing through him. Holding on to her hips, he fixed his concentration onto his wife as he let out a low growl. When Riley felt the warmth of his climax, she sat up slowly. Liam pulled out, and immediately assisted his Queen to stand up. Kissing her on the lips, he then moved down to her stomach- which was now actively mimicking the Mexican wave.
“You’ve woke him up.” Riley laughed, still trying to catch her breath.
“Soon it’ll be him waking us up. I love you Riley Rhys.”
“I love you too Liam Rhys.” Sharing one last kiss, they both showered and got ready for their day.
After a relaxing day, they decided to have an early night. Every day that went by, Riley was lacking energy the closer it got to her due date. Rolling to the side, she slowly sat up- remaining at the edge of the bed she began the breathing technique. Turning her head towards Liam, she shook her head witnessing him snoring. Hating disturbing her husband, it was now time to tell him the truth.
“Liam!” Knocked out of his nightmares hearing Riley shout his name, he woke up- his whole body covered in sweat.
“Riley. What’s up?” Seeing her sat at the edge of the bed, her head held in her hands.
“I have to go Liam....” Liam’s heart sank at those words, immediately assuming the reason was because of her secret talk with Drake before.
“What? Are you seeing Drake again?”
“What? Are you insane? We are friends Liam!” Fucking knew it.
“I’m sorry, I just overheard you both before.”
“So that’s why you was acting odd. I knew something was up. I knew the reason why. Why didn’t you just ask me there and then Liam?”
“I don’t know Riley. What’s up with you? I can’t believe I’ve sweat this much in bed. Is the heating on or something?”
“That’s why I have to go Liam, it’s not sweat. My waters have broke.... when I was speaking to Drake before, I asked him to move back into the palace with Hana and Jackson because I had braxton hicks- I needed them to be here to be on stand by for Ayah. I told him to not tell you because I didn’t want to worry you incase it was a false alarm. But right now, this baby’s coming. Can you ring him, and Bastien.” Losing his usual stoic expression, he panicked. Stumbling out of bed, he quickly put some clothes on. Shaking, he eventually dialled the number- Drake answered immediately and Liam was grateful that it was only 10pm, any later he would feel guilty for disturbing his friend.
“Drake. Bean is on his way. Can you collect Ayah. Can you ring Bastien for me too, I need to see to Riley.”
“Hey buddy, of course.” Drake walked straight to the quarters, walking in and seeing Liam a nervous wreck made him chuckle- knowing he was exactly the same when Hana gave birth to Jackson.
“Where’s the little princess? So it’s wasn’t a false alarm then? Mother’s intuition.”
“No Drake, it was the fucking kitchen table sex that helped too.” Riley snapped, not meaning to sound rude or bitchy- but the contractions were coming quicker.
“Li, calm down buddy. You’ve done this before.”
“Difference is Drake, I wasn’t here when her waters broke with Ayah. It was you, Hana and Leo.”
“Stop arguing, and get me to hospital. I don’t want to deliver him here.”
Remembering the birth of Ayah, Liam nervously laughed at her comment during her last labour.
You son of a bitch! You are coming nowhere near me again... I’d have committed treason if you didn’t arrive in time....Yet here they were again. Feeling like a paranoid jerk, he was grateful for Drake looking after his daughter.
“You’re majesty, one last push. I can see the baby’s head. Just one more, I promise.”
Riley was lacking energy, she was uncontrollably sweaty, out of breath. Liam had been supporting her as best as he could and she was grateful. One more push and she would be holding their second child in her arms.
After one excruciating long push, the room was filled with tiny cries, Riley flung her head back- as the midwife weighed the baby. Relieved that it was finally over, she gave her husband another stern warning.
“Liam I told you this last time, but I mean it this time. You do not touch me ever again. I’m not going through this another time.” Liam shook his head, ignoring her as he fixated his gaze on his son. Kissing and hugging his Queen, he was so utterly proud of her again. Tears ran down his cheek, he didn’t care- he was overwhelmed with the view in front of him.
“Riley, he looks just like Ayah. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much.”
The midwife brought the Prince over to them, he weighed 8lb 6oz. Like Ayah he also had sparkling baby blues like both their parents that kept fluttering open every so often accompanied by a jet black head full of hair. Riley laid him on her chest- having that skin to skin bond. All the pain she had disappeared immediately as if it never existed. Stroking the newborns cheek, she had fallen in love instantly again.
“Hello, my little prince. Are you going to be a trouble caused like Uncle Leo? Or a charmer like daddy?”
Riley placed a kiss on the newborns head, Liam was just in awe seeing his wife and son together for the first time. Grateful that he was here for the whole labour this time. Liam held his sons tiny fragile hand, as he did when Ayah was born. He wrapped his hand around his father’s finger.
She’s already wrapped around your little finger Li. “Looks like he’s also wrapped around your little finger like our princess was.”
“Riley, how come our children look like you... he’s a mini you, like Ayah was. Daddy loves you so much our second little miracle, our Prince. You have NOW completed our family.” Emphasising the word ‘now’ purposely- Riley felt relieved. Their family was complete. Their two healthy children- were all they needed in their life. One of each gender. Riley smiled at Liam’s affectionate emotions towards their son. Moving up the bed so Liam could join them, the three of them snuggled close together.
“Happy birthday my Queen. I love you Ayah and Bean, so much.”
“He is the best birthday present I could have ever received. I love you and our children so much Liam. Thank you for providing me with this fairytale.”
The King and Queen Of Cordonia, would like to announce the birth of His royal Highness Prince Louis Alexander Rhys of Cordonia.
Weighing 8lb 6oz... born at 12.47am.
We would like to congratulate the couple on this fantastic news. The Prince also shares his birthday with his mother- her majesty. And we look forward to officially meeting our new Prince.
Ana De Luca - The trend
Six months after Louis was born, Riley was in the bathroom. That reoccurring feeling was happening all over again. Holding Louis in her arm, Ayah stood next to her. Picking up the item off the basin, her face dropped. She could swear she could see the colour drain from her face.
Liam I told you this last time, but I mean it this time. You do not touch me ever again. I’m not going through this another time.
“Fuck my life....” Riley paused, looking at her two children. Then focusing her gaze down to her stomach. “LIAM!!!”
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