#hey beter
admiral-alpaca · 10 months
Today is a national holiday.
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On this day 10 years ago, Family Guy killed off Brian for roughly two episodes (barely 30 minutes worth) and everyone was sad and angry about it for a few weeks. And now years later him getting hit by a car is relegated to jokes and meme edits. We still don't even know who drove the car that hit him, surprised it was never asked at a convention. So let's all raise a glass and say "Brian, look out!" to one of the wildest moments in Family Guy history.
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prideraiised · 13 days
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OH!? A SURPRISE PARTICIPANT! Typhlosion is very happy to see her! Even willing to put aside whatever scheme this was to trudge his...alarmingly large frame for some head scratches! Before going back to his evil scheming to fuck with Gold for no real reason. Rummaging through his box of tricks (props to cause trouble) and handing Lyra the original version from a while back. He does not elaborate.
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
🍾Track 5 - Don't Blame Me
*sorry for the delay folks! I made this chapter a little bit longer because you all have been so patient with me! I got my paper done and my teacher looked over it before I turned it in and she liked it! so I hope you all like this chapter! for Logan I am using Kimi during Lotus for his body claim and then for reader I am using Nico during Renault. the cars are going to be switching*
“And that is pole mate. Good job!” 
Logan was shaking as he took his cooldown lap around the track to get back to the pits. He was wondering if his radio was working correctly. 
“Did you say pole?” his voice shakily responded. 
“Yep! Great pace and congrats are in order.” 
He didn’t respond to that, still in disbelief. As he pulled the yellow and black car into Parc Ferme at the number 1 spot, his head whipped around. He let out a sigh in relief as his eyes landed on your own yellow car pulling into the number 2 spot. 
The blond went through his routine of turning off the engine and undoing the steering wheel before standing up and putting it back on. As he was bending down, he felt a slap to his back. Once the wheel had finally been placed in correctly, he turned in the direction of the hand. 
He could see your eyes crinkled through the opening of your visor as your hand clasped his. When he felt your glove, he finally recognized that this was not a dream and Logan was on pole for the first time in his career at the Bahrain Grand Prix. 
A flash of red also came up beside him and scrunched green eyes followed. 
“Mate, you were flying! Your time is so close to almost a one second gap!” he heard Charles say as the three of them took their helmets off so that they could be weighed. 
Logan let out a small laugh. “I was just driving.” 
You shook your head. “Just driving my ass. Lo, this is unbelievable.” 
The American turned his head to look at the other cars slowly pulling in. Max’s car was first in the line, signifying his P4 spot for tomorrow’s race. His face did not look happy as he took his own helmet off and glared at the stewards. Logan shrank in a bit at the sight of the angry Dutchman. When blue eyes met gray, Logan quickly turned his face to the side. 
“I think Max might be mad at me,” he muttered to you as you and Charles lined up for pictures. Charles sighed. 
“He’s not mad at you mate. He’s mad because they messed up their quali strategies. He was supposed to do three laps but they only let him do one.” 
Logan nodded his head and smiled for the flashing cameras. Once they were done and Charles went to be interviewed, Logan looked back at where the Dutchman had been. Only this time, Max was smiling wide as he looked at the two Lamborghini drivers. His hand waved them over. Logan nodded before making his way over to be interviewed after you were done.  
You had already found yourself conversing with Charles while Logan went over to Max. Logan was still a bit weary, but his fears melted once he was brought into a giant hug from the Red Bull driver. He sighed a bit and visibly deflated in hug. 
Once he pulled away, his eyes landed on some other familiar drivers that made his blood run cold. Alex and Oscar were looking at him like he just ran over their family dog and Lando had a murderous look in his eyes. 
Max saw the moment that Logan tensed. His gray eyes followed Logan’s line of sight and he sighed once he saw who he was looking at. He looked back to Logan. 
“He, dat is niet nodig. Negeer ze gewoon. Jij staat op pole en zij niet.” (Hey, there’s no need for that. Just ignore them. You’re on pole and they’re not.)
Logan sighed. “Waarschijnlijk eindig ik niet zoals altijd.” (I’ll probably just end up not finishing like always.) 
The Dutchman rolled his eyes. “Zeg dat niet. Je heb teen betere auto dan de meeste mensen op de baan. Laat ze niet bij je komen. Je bent een goede chauffeur.” (Don’t say that. You have a better car than most of the people on track. Don’t let them get to you. You’re a good driver.) 
Logan felt a bit better at the words being spoken to him. He was glad that he had begun to brush up on his Dutch so he wasn’t as rusty as he thought. He snorted as he looked at the other drivers’ wide eyes as they tried to look like they weren’t listening on their conversation. 
He looked over back at you and saw that you were pretending to tap a watch on your wrist. His eyes widened as the noticed the time. He turned to Max. 
“I got to go back to the garage. I think Y/n and I were going out to dinner tonight and you’re welcome to join if you want to. George and Lewis are also joining and she was supposed to ask Charles.”
Logan’s head turned back to you as he mentioned your name. Max smiled fondly at how he observed Logan looking at you. Hopefully, for Logan’s sake and mental health, you weren’t as oblivious as someone that was on the receiving end of his own glances. 
The American turned back to Max as he waited for the answer. The older man nodded. 
“Yeah, just text me the address and I’ll be there.” 
Max wished he would have said yes sooner, because the smile on Logan’s face practically rivaled the sun at the acceptance of a dinner invitation. 
“Great! I will see you there.” 
Logan gave the man a half hug before lightly jogging over to you. You saw the smile on Logan’s face as he got closer.
“Max said he can come to dinner,” Logan mentioned as the two of you began to walk to the garage. 
You smiled up at him. “Great because Charles also said that he can come as well. George and Lewis already have the address, and I made sure that the restaurant had vegan options before I gave them the location just in case we needed to change it or something.” 
Logan watched as you rattled on about the menu before he suddenly stopped as the two of you were in the hallway. Your brows pinched as you turned to your friend. 
“You ok Logs?” 
Logan’s face suddenly brightened as he pulled you into a hug. Although you were confused, your arms wrapped around his waist. He dug his face into the top of your head. 
“We’re P1 and P2 for tomorrow’s race,” he muttered. You let out a sigh of relief, thankful that his sudden stop wasn’t anything too serious. 
You pulled back just a bit to look him in the face. As you studied him a bit, you realized how close the two of you were. 
Had he always had those green flecks in his blue eyes? 
And had you always had that freckle near your top lip? 
Logan’s head was a bit bent as he stared down at you. He glanced around as he lightly licked his lips as they had gotten dry in the desert air. His eyes eventually met yours again. His forehead moved down to rest against yours and you were just enveloped in him. 
Logan. Logan. Logan. 
He took up too much space in your soul, but you didn’t want him to ever leave. 
Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. 
You had moved into Logan’s heart years ago and still didn’t pay rent. Good thing Logan wanted to keep you there as long as possible. 
“We’re late to debrief.” 
A groan escaped his lips as Logan finally let you go. The two of you entered the conference room still wrapped in each other’s arms. Marissa gave Michael a knowing smirk as the two of you sat down next to each other. 
The two of you were listening intently at the chosen strategies for tomorrow’s race. It would be a two-stopper with Logan being pitted first to keep the lead. However, if it seemed as though you were faster, you’d be granted the opportunity to race against him. 
You truly hope that you were slower. You wanted Logan to show everyone what he could truly do. 
Michael knew that the two of you wanted hotel rooms next to each other and that is exactly what he got. However, he warned that Williams was also going to be in the same hotel and to look out for Alex and James. You jokingly said that you probably wouldn’t see them, it was a big hotel. 
But now that you were in an awkward elevator ride with Logan, Alex, and James, you weren’t laughing. 
Alex had sighed as he pressed a button, keeping his eyes low. He didn’t even want to see what floor the two of you were going to. But, his curiosity got the best of him and his eyes widened when he saw the penthouse buttons pressed. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. 
Once Alex and James stepped off the elevator and the doors closed, you and Logan burst into a fit of giggles. You actually had to hold onto Logan to keep standing up straight. 
“Did you see Alex’s eyes when he noticed what floor we were going to?” you could hardly get out with all the giggles. 
“James looked like he wanted to die!” Logan helped you out of the elevator since you were still gasping for breath. 
“I can’t wait for the press conference when James and Michael are in the same one,” you giggled. “It might not be for a few races though. I think the FIA wants little to no drama.” 
Logan sighed as he jumped on the giant bed once he entered the room. It was so nice going from an itchy single bed to a bed that had sheets probably worth more than his first salary. And the smell was so much more fresh. The environment of the room just helped him relax. He’d be lying though if he said he wasn’t nervous about tomorrow. 
But that’s why they were going out to dinner tonight, just to get the edge of just a bit before going to bed. It always hurt Logan when he had to go to sleep after a full night of isolation and his own thoughts. 
His breath hitched in his throat when you showed him the dress you were wearing for the night. It was tight in all the right places, showing off your strong body. He was glad that you were so comfortable in your own skin, seeing as you were a bit more muscular and wider. But you had to be to do your job. And Logan would pick you any day over anyone. 
He let out a low whistle which made you blush under his gaze. You took one of the pillows and threw it at his head. 
“We’re going to be late if you don’t get ready now.” 
You only got an eye roll in response, but Logan rolled over and got off the bed. You knew he didn’t need a lot of time to get ready, but you wanted to get there early. It was your turn to whistle when Logan walked out in a button up and some slacks. 
Logan may have turned a shade of pink as he rolled his sleeves up and sprayed some cologne. He somewhat knew that he was attractive. But, he still couldn’t help but compare himself to people like Lando or Charles. 
You grabbed your purse as Logan put his phone and wallet into his pockets. You turned to pout at him. 
“Can you drive?” 
And how could Logan ever say no to your puppy eyes. He even opened the door for you at the hotel and at the restaurant. You rolled your eyes as you took his hand, slinging your legs over the door frame of the Urus. 
“And they say chivalry is dead.” 
Logan snorted as he led you to the front of the restaurant. It wasn’t anything fancy, but real wealth was silent, or whatever the filthy rich people said. 
The man shot a smile at the hostess, and you could see her visibly swoon. You may have felt some jealousy bubble inside your chest, but it went away when Logan’s hand slithered across your lower waist, pulling you into his side. 
If it were just the two of you, you would have molded yourself against him. But this was a public place and the main floor was filled. Logan knew this was a possibility and booked a private room, out of sight from any unwanted eyes. (Mainly, he heard that McLaren might host a dinner here and he did not want Oscar or Lando to ruin anything.) 
Funnily enough, the two of you were the first ones there. You took a look at your phone and read the messages from the four different guys that they were almost there.
Logan and you took the liberty to get some wine for the table. He almost wanted to be petty and order the most expensive wine possible, just to flaunt a bit, since now he had a salary that rivaled Charles’s or even George’s. Eight figures would do that to a person. But he knew that you liked a more simpler wine when eating food. You claimed it helped the dishes taste better, since your tongue wouldn’t be doused with thick wine. 
The waiter had just come back with the bottle, when the same hostess opened the sliding doors, revealing Max, Charles, Lewis, and George. You smiled at them. 
“Did you four all drive together?” 
Max looked a bit sheepish. “Apparently we’re staying at the same hotel, so we just carpooled.” 
Since you and Logan were already sitting next to each other (definitely for moral support), the rest filled in the round five seater. Charles took a place by you, followed by George and Lewis. Max sat on the other side of Logan. 
Charles immediately looked at the menu. “I’ve never been here, but the dishes look fantastic.” 
It also helped that there was a plethora of Italian dishes. 
“I’ve been here once, like two years ago,” you said before taking a sip of wine. “We, uh Arrow, came to watch the opener since Pato was wanting to start training to be a reserve. I was told that there was a price limit. The limit they gave me didn’t even cover one dish. To my surprise, everyone was able to get what they wanted.” 
Lewis looked at you with a pity smile. You waved your hand. 
“It was fine in the end. I eventually left, took one of their new Mercedes, and drove to I think Burger King.” 
George almost spit his drink out at the story. Lewis smirked. 
“Sounds like something my teammate would do. And it would probably be my car he would steal.” 
It wasn’t long before the same waiter came to take the numerous orders. Knowing that everyone had a race the next morning, the dishes were light and protein packed. Lewis was delighted to see that there were many options for vegan dishes. 
Towards the end of the meal, the guys asked for the check, not seeing that Logan had already asked for it ahead. He smirked as he quietly slipped his card into the booklet and handed it back. The hostess was nice as she explained that it had already been paid for. 
“Mate,” Charles started before Logan held his hand up. 
“It’s fine. Not like it’ll do anything to the checking account you know?” 
You smirked behind your cup. 
Max also had a grin. “You have big boy money now? How much were they paying you at Williams compared to Lamborghini?” 
Logan’s eyes looked up slightly as he mentally did the math. 
“So Williams ended my salary at 1 million, so,” he winced a bit, “Andretti upped it to 30 million, give or take.” 
You huffed. “At least you made it into the millions with Williams. Arrow was paying me around nine-hundred-thousand dollars.” 
George asked, “How much were the other drivers making?” 
“O’Ward was paid around 4 million.” 
Logan’s head whipped to you. “They were paying you that little?” 
You only shrugged, really not wanting to talk about your time with Arrow. “It’s fine. I’m getting paid the same amount at Logan so I’m good.” 
Around 9 p.m., Max mentioned that they should head back to the hotel. You and Logan agreed. However, as you walked out, your eyes caught familiar people. You scoffed and kept walking. Everyone looked in the direction that your head had been and also saw the big table full of the McLaren team, including Pato and David. 
Seeing your reaction, they just kept on walking. 
You’d show them tomorrow at the race how much they fumbled. 
Arrow and Williams needed to realize that they lost the best things that they. 
The next morning, you and Logan were there bright and early to go over last minute things. Logan also definitely found out that he has a staring problem, because his eyes could not leave you as you talked to one of your mechanics. 
It was nice to see you in your environment. Logan was also very happy with mechanics and a team that actually listened to what he said and suggested. Williams never did that. 
Logan felt peace as he sat in the car, waiting to get on the track. He had never felt like this at Williams. He always felt on edge, like one mess up and he’d be replaced midseason. Maybe if they didn’t put so much pressure on him, he wouldn’t have messed up so many times. 
He knew that he could drive well. 
“Just remember Logan, Y/n is going to help create a gap. No pressure, just smooth and clear driving,” his engineer Elio said over the radio. He had been thankful for the older man. He kind of reminded him of kind uncle. Not too old to be a grandpa, but older than Logan by almost 20 years. 
“Copy. Are we ready to go?” 
“Lights out in 5.” 
Logan inhaled deeply as he flexed his fingers on the steering wheel. 
“And it’s lights out and away we go for the 2024 Bahrain Grand Prix! Logan Sargeant maintains the lead at turn 1, his teammate right behind him. Max Verstappen gets ahead of Charles Leclerc but Leclerc is not going to give up. Oh! What is going on in the back! 
It looks like both McLarens have taken each other out at turn 2! Alex Albon has dropped two places and now resides in P17 with teammate Theo in P18. 
Sargeant is going into turn 3 and is still ahead with his teammate out of the DRS zone.”
“Ok Logan, it’s a virtual safety car. Keep pace nice and steady.” 
“Who was it?” 
Elio sighed before responding. “Both McLarens are out, debris is being cleared. Safety car ending in 1 lap.” 
Logan wanted to laugh so much on the radio. What were the odds of both McLarens getting out before the first lap of the race. 
Karma was Logan’s bitch. 
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The race remained pretty uneventful after the virtual safety car was lifted. You did an amazing job maintaining pace with Charles gaining and then falling back. It seemed like he was toying with you, but your car was slower on the corners and his car was slower on the straights. It balanced out perfectly. 
It was nerve wracking when your engineers decided to call both you and Logan into the pits at the same time for a double stack.
However, people should have never doubted at you and Logan both had pit stops under 2.5 seconds each, letting the two of you keep the lead that you built. You had come out behind some drivers, but they hadn’t pitted at all. 
The Lamborghini garage erupted with cheers as you and Logan got closer to the end, still in a respectable 1-2. 
“I know that Michael and Tonino are very happy with this driver set up. 
“Charles Leclerc crosses the line with the checker flag in P3 after an intense battle of his own with Verstappen who finishes in P4.”  
Logan stood on the nose of his car and just screamed as he hunched over. Every emotion was piling on him and this was the only way of escape. When he was finished, he was pulled down into your waiting arms. The two of you couldn’t help but jump up and down and just congratulate each other. 
Charles and Max watched with fond eyes (and maybe cringed when the two of you wouldn’t break eye contact – because they were thinking Is that how we look?). 
The smile on Logan’s face could not be wiped off as he stood in the middle of you and Charles for pictures. It never left as he was being interviewed by Nico Rosberg. 
“Logan how are you feeling right now?” 
He was a bit speechless, but he was able to formulate a sentence. 
“Well, it’s just phenomenal, what the team did. I knew I was breaking some hearts of the fans when I couldn’t give them the results that I wanted to give them. Last year, I kind of felt like a play thing for everyone to use, because I just kept being let down.” 
Nico put a hand on his shoulder. “Well, I certainly hope that is not the case for this year?” 
Logan shook his head. “Not at all. Andretti came to me like some paradise in the darkest part of my life. It just took me a minute to realize that I just needed them, a good team. I’d cross the line for them, figuratively and literally. Just hoping that if I do, my lap times won’t be deleted.” 
The German through his head back and laughed at the metaphor. Logan was able to chuckle as well. You quickly switched with Logan after he was done. 
This year, they did interviews a bit different and let the race winner go first, followed by runner up and P3. 
“Y/n, my my my, that was outstanding with how you built the gap. Mind telling us how you did that?” 
You brought the microphone to your lips. 
“Well, Nico, it felt like I was wasting my time a bit, and losing my mind, just because it was just me in my little space. Charles and Max really kept me on my toes for the first half, but after the pit stop the gap just kept increasing.” 
The blond man smiled at your confession. “You definitely look like you had a good race though.”  
You nodded. “Of course. I’ve been told that I get this wild look in my eyes, but racing is just fun for me to do and I love it. I think with some of my initial moves, they were a bit more defensive than what I would like. I know some people are going to be like ‘she’s gone too far this time.’ But in the end, it’s just racing. Charles and I had a great time and Max at the beginning. It was perfect.” 
The podium was also the symbol of perfection. For the first time in decades, you got to hear the Star Spangled Banner play before the Italian anthem followed. You saw as Charles swayed back and forth and sang with it, a big smile on his face. 
Who doesn’t like the Italian national anthem? 
When the champagne came, it was a mess. Charles decided to go after you, and you went after Logan, who tried his best to spray the two of you back. While Charles went to spray his team below, Logan stopped right next to you. 
His blue eyes met yours and quickly darted to your lips that were sticky with the bubbly. 
He leaned down and whispered, “Don’t blame me, I’m about to do something crazy.” 
Logan didn’t wait for your reply and cut the distance between the two of you. You were shocked but quickly registered the feeling of his lips on yours. Your eyes immediately closed as you kissed back. 
Michael, who had gone up to receive the constructor’s trophy, quickly leaned over the rail. 
“Marissa, you owe me!” he shouted, making the Lamborghini team laugh. Many of them knew of the bet between the two siblings. 
Everyone else was shocked as the two of you were lost in your own little world. Well, you were lost until Charles came back over and dumped the rest of his champagne bottle on your heads. You quickly parted to spray him back. This time, the Ferrari driver was soaked as you and Logan attacked him. 
When the three of you stood for the picture, you on Logan’s left, Michael on his right, with Charles the other side of Michael. Your head got closer to Logan’s ear as you all smiled. 
“You’re crazy Logan Sargeant,” you whispered. 
Logan turned to face you, his bright smile back on his lips. 
“I’m not doing love right if it doesn’t make me crazy.” 
At the top, Logan missed the dark and pained looks of three drivers. Two in orange and one in blue. They all looked lonely in the sea of yellow and black. 
At the top, however, it wasn’t lonely. Logan had all that he needed. 
lamborghini_racing has posted
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lamborghini_racing happy drivers, happy boss, happy 1-2 🥳
liked by dior, lewishamilton, logangirlie, and 5,204,295 others
lambo_duo AYO THAT'S MY TEAM
papa_tonino grazie a tutti! grande gara! 💛🖤
venus2 grazie mr. tonino! glad we could bring it home first for you!
logangirlie when I say slay, I mean SLAYYYYY 💅
y/n_95 I think I cried a bit when I watched it - they really said childhood friends to lovers
formulala_delulu ngl that 1-2 was sexy. Logan leading by 15+ seconds with y/n in her own untouchable little world
lestappenlove Charles looked like he was going through a crisis when y/n and long wouldn't stop looking at each other in Parc Ferme
verstappenleclerc ikr - he was probably wondering if that's what he and Max look like
bee_lamborghini I just need every race to be like this one
venus2 has posted
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venus2 if you aren't crazy then you ain't doin it right 🖤🍾
liked by charles_leclerc, logangirlie, logang2, and 2,048,175 others
Logan.nation guys, I'm so proud of him. he really defied all the odds and showed them what they gave away! happy driver of the day as well Logan!
lambo_duo the pics go hard 🔥
phoenix95 proud of youuuuuuu 🥳❤️
venus2 i see you've taken Charles's class on instagram comments
charles_leclerc I taught my child well ☺️
lewishamilton your child 🤨
charles_leclerc *our child
loscar_no_more this was amazing (especially after you know who dnf-ed)
my_goat_logan the group picture on the podium was so wholesome
phoenix95 has posted
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phoenix95 I'll be usin for the rest of my lifeeeee 🐝
liked by armani, georgerussell63, y/n.nation, and 2,105,893 others
y/ns_world the helmet is peak (the inverted) >>>>>
charlie&y/n she really is Charles's daughter
leclerc_line so we have y/n, the oldest, ollie the middle brother, and Leo as the youngest
shark_leclerk except y/n is also Lewis's kid, Ollie and Leo are Max's
venus2 again with the caption?
phoenix95 yes, and?
venus2 ☹️
maxverstappen1 @.charles_leclerc and @.lewishamilton - your kid made mine and George's kid sad
georgerussell63 put her in timeout 🫵
phoenix95 we're good now (I gave him another kiss)
maxverstappen1 DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW
y/n.nation expert masterclass from y/n today!
lambo_duo her driving is a symbol of perfection!
venus&phoenix the duo we didn't know we needed
landonorris has posted
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landonorris definitely not what we wanted today, but we'll keep pushing 👊
liked by oscarpiastri, lando4norris, lannoLN4, and 1,204,295 others
lando_no_rizz you'll get back to it in Jeddah
loscar_no_more hmmmm maybe you're just not fit for f1?
logan2sargeant BYE 💀
ln4 next race is where it's at 👊
logangirlie karma at its finest
mclarengoldenboy head up lando, that win is coming!! 🏆
verstappen33 don't worry about lambo, they'll fall apart soon
bee_lamborghini make sure your drivers finish the race before you say something ☺️
norris4ever let's go lando!
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @disneyprincemuke @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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dunmeshi-darlings · 6 months
eeee i love your writing!!! could i get chilchuck comforting a crying reader (who's normally very bubbly and happy)? Bonus if they're crying bc they think their feelings for chilchuck are unrequited 🫣
Thank you kindly dear anon, i hope your day is going well and that you have rested well and ate well.
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Chilchuck was never good with emotions, both his and other peoples. He kept his own emotions hidden so as not to appear vulnerable. And when it came to other peoples emotions he was fine with the positive ones...but quickly became awkward when things turn negative.
In fact he might be the worst (well second worst possibly) when it comes to dealing with emotional issues. So when he walks in and sees you crying he freezes up like a deer caught in the headlights. Its such a foreign sight to him he wasnt even sure if he was seeing it right.
You have always been such a bright cheery person, No matter the situation you were always the one that had the biggest grin across your face telling everyone its going to be ok, to not give up and push on. That was one of the things chilchuck liked about you the most, even if he would talk about how a situation was impossible or that it was to dangerousm you were always the one reassuring him that things were going to be ok. He never said it but it really meant alot to him, usually he would just ignore it or blow it off but he knows deep down it helps him more than he lets on.
He stares at you sobbing, wide eyed for a few moments before quickly making his way over to you. "WOAH woah hey Y/N hey hey its ok! its ok, whats wrong are you hurt?"
He says quickly sitting down beside you putting an arm around you instinctually. He normally isnt one to get physical when it came to comforting people but it was just something he did before he even realized he was doing it.
"Im fine...im just stupid..a stupid stupid idiot...an idiot that should have known better" You said through tears before breaking into sobs again, chilchuck looked around awkwardly before pulling you into him to cry, he sat there patting your back trying to comfort you as best he could. patting your back and repeatedly saying it was ok softly.
Eventually when you finally manage to calm down he wipes away some tears from your face before speaking up. "Now tell me whats going on? what do you mean know beter?" You want to tell him the truth, it had been eating you alive for days and days now. But tonight you realized what the actual truth was, and it was to much and broke you to pieces, it was a truth you had tried to ignore but couldnt and it broke your very being. You dont want to tell anyone about it, let alone him...but you know he wont let you hide away and pretend like this wasnt happening. so you take a deep breath and speak.
"im sorry chilchuck...i know this is going to make you feel awkward...and i know..i know you dont feel the same way.....but i like you, i REALLY like you...i care about you more than anyone else. and i know its stupid and i should just get over it but...it hurts.." you admit to him, not even looking at him, With how you feel right now your sure you wouldnt want him seeing your face right now. He didnt say anything, he only stared wide eyed at you. You should have known this was how he was going to react, you know how he felt about inter group relationships so you know he wouldnt want any part of being with you. However your miserable thoughts were interrupted as he pulled you into a tight hug.
"hey dont talk like that...if there is anyone here thats an idiot its me. I do care about you, I really do. You mean alot more to me than you realize, and you help me stay sane down here." He says squeezing you tight, you sniffle softly as you cant believe what your hearing. "Im not great with emotions...both dealing with other people and my own. Whenever you would be so positive and cheery it would make me genuinely happy, but i didnt want to get to attached so id play it off or something but genuinely you have helped me so much down here. I also have....other reasons on why im so hesitant to show emotions that im not ready to talk about just yet...but i do care about you...in fact i think i might like you the same way you like me. I just struggle being open about things you know? i should have been honest with you and open about my feelings back...that way you wouldnt have to deal with this. Im sorry, But to make it up to you, once we rescue falin and leave the dungeon why dont i take you to dinner?"
You couldnt believe what you were hearing, he had feelings for you to?! you couldnt believe it, you could feel yourself hugging him close as you smiled into his shoulder. "That sounds great, id love to."
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armiaochima · 3 months
Helloooooooo amiii I am backkkkkk :)
*waves hand a bit tired* hey !^^ you feel beter óvò?
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noahher · 4 months
intro post
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Hey im noah!!
Im a minor, and trans ftm (he/him pronouns)
Music i like:
Nirvana, mcr, ptv, noahfincce, chappell roan, linkn park, green day, the offspring,...
Eum things i like:
Sharks (its an unhealty obbsesion atp) drawing, jiu jitsu, theatre, noahfincce,...
I dress mostly grunge and somethimes a emo but dressing basic helps me pass beter :/
Pleasee ask me things, or dm me i really like interacting with people :)
English is not my first language so sorry for spelling mistakes :)
More under the cut :)
Really cool people:
@geewaysgreendayhoodie my awesome online big brother <33
@princessg3rard my awesome online dad <33
@unhingedyetstillhere my shark obbsesd minecraft friend :) (also Jade, Rosa and renée)
@cloud-makers-make-pollution really cool friend <33
@remithegayshoebill another really cool friend (even tho you live on the other side of the world)
@im-a-skeleton-in-your-closet eeeh another reallly coool friend (there is only like 1 ocean inbetween us, bassicly nothing)
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes heheh im totally not the chappell roan frog anon :)
@perdita-is-lost pretty new but reallly coool friend
@areanoodles also new friend but youre really cool and nice :)
Im so sorry if i forgot you, my memory is absolute shit :/
I have dislexia, discalcia and disgrafia (and i probably wrote all of these wrong)
I love being tagged in things, so please do :)
Im a Total theatre kid, not really as in obssesed with other musicals but more with acting and playing myself
Im really introverted in rl but in some way kind of extrovert online
Yeah thats it thank u for reading this far :)
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holysalamy · 1 year
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Beter and my spider Oc... En ves de capturar a los villanos de los otros universos, se comio y digirío a uno. PERO HEY! Ya no más villano, no?
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centross-mistvale · 30 days
[An audio message pings on the comm and begins to play]
Dad- are you okay??
[Oscar’s voice- quiet and shaky]
Uncle Fen said you were passed out and he was taking care of you- and I do trust him to tell me the truth- especially about you, but i just wanted to be sure-
[He scoffed quietly at himself]
im an idiot, youre probably not gonna hear this- your inbox is probably full and- im sorry, im sorry-
Just- please get better soon… i love you dad
The message seemed to be written by shaking, weak hands
Hy kidd im oky I jus ned som tie to ge beter thts all
(Hey kid I'm okay I just need some time to get better that's all)
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 9 months
lee mikey: Mikey is decorating Christmas cookies and he's doing it somewhat differently when someone (you can pick who) says something rude and hurts Mikeys feelings. The other over hear it and are NOT letting their baby brother be sad.
Day 24. The Giggly cookie
Summary: Mikey has a small cookie-sell out, but when someone comments on his cookies he gets sad... next thing he knows he is getting cheered up by his brothers.
A/n: SO this is the last day of this christmas series, ofcourse I'm still open to request but it won't be a Daily comic, cause of 2 things, 1 i have a busy life, 2 MOST of these were rushed and for them to not be rushed i need time for that, so yh, I'm still open to request, just they won't get here easily. Merry Christmas and HAPPY new year! T-CESTERS AND PRO-SHIPPERS NOT ALLOWED. Enjoy!!
Lee: Mikey
Ler: Leo, Donnie and Raph.
Extra: the purple dragons.
Warrnings: Making someone sad, mentions of nuking, Tickling. Comfort.
Mikey had a sell out with his Christmas cooking! He thought some sweets would be perfect for the christmas-spirit! He was selling soo many Christmas treats as the snowflakes fell on the cookie boxes he hand made. Suddenly he saw 3 teenagers in purple satin jackets walk his way. He was suspicious, okay he didn't know these 3 people but...those jackets seemed familiar... The 3 teenagers made their way to the cookie stand as Mikey said.
🧡:Hello! How can i help you?-
💜Ke: OH I have an idea how you can help us... by running away with these horrible cookies of yours- I mean- who whould buy...these cookies?
Mikeys smile slowley faded away, a bit of iritation and hurt showing in his eyes as his smile turned to a frown. Kendras words did hit a bit...
💜Je: Yeah like dude what are these supposed to be?? Who are you waiting for?? A dog??? A rat??? Those look like traps that even the dumbest animal won't fall for!!
Jeremy snickered eith Kendra giving each other a high five as Jason added.
💜Ja: those don't even look good dude. You should get a beter skill.
Kendra and Jeremy stopped laughing glaring at Jason.
💜Ke: oh shut up Jason. That wasn't either funny or creative. *groan* come on guys. Let's go. We don't have time for some plain papper sweets.
The Purple dragons walked away laughing leaving the turtle hurt, he whanted to yell at them, he whanted to prove to them he's actually good, but for some reason he thought...were they right?
Mikey gathered all his cookies and stand and quickly went back into the lair. Trying to swallow his tears.
When he came back he sat in the kitchen, now in a bad mood, laying his head onto his arms as his eyes glossed up with a small pout on his face. Meanwhile his older brothers came back with the pizza, Leo and Donnie were arguing about something meanwhile Raph just listened with an annoyed face, when they saw Mikey they all went greet their brother.
💙:Hi Bud! Wassup?
When they all hear Mikeys voice their joy faded replacing with worry and concern.
❤️:Hey Mikey uh how did the sell out go!-
Before he could finish Mikey interrupted with a groan as he hid his face in his arms showing all of them that something did indeed happend.
Mikey then explained what hapoend making the 3 older turtles mad before trying and comforting their brother.
💜:Ah brother, don't litsen to those idiots that call themselves geniuses, they are just stuck up brats.
💙:Yea! Mikey, your baking and decorating is *chef kiss* those idiots should go suck a drain.
🧡:Maybe...but what if it's true...?
Raph was rubbing the younger shoulder slowley getting an idea as he slowley started tickling his sides while Leo and Donnie tried comforting Mikey, when Mikey felt the tickles he hid his face into the table making Donnie and Leo think he's crying before they heard.
🧡:RhahahaphHh SthOHOpp-
The faint and muffled giggles of the youngest turtle giving the other ideas. Leo started slowley tickling Mikeys armpits meanwhile Donnie started tickling Mikeys neck and shell.
Mikey bursted into giggles and laughter as he tried to kick them off but with no amount of effort he put in, he coudnt. Slowley the tickling increased making the boy laugh hysterically before the others let him breathe and stopped. Smiling at their youngest brother before Leo mumbled to Donnie.
💙:You nuked the purple idiots base right?
Before they started tickling Mikey agian to make sure he is infact in a great mood.
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tyoffee · 1 year
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starting with the cameos oh ymgod
BEN. BEN REILLY MY LITTLE EDGELORD. he is like fail girlfriend to me. I need to see more of the clone squad in part two (spiderboycough)
speaking of what everyone thought I love the changes from the trailer. Everyone saying oohhhh they're showing too much they're giving away the whole movie WRONG. YOU COULD NOT COOOMMPRREEHEEENDDD THE SHIT THAT WENT ON IN THERE.
miles' expression changes especially. he is Not as cringefail as initially believed put some respect on his name. he can be cringefail Later.
oh my godddd oh hyhg PAVITR.... PAVITR MY BEAUTIFUL BOY we need more of him we need more of him in part two do you hear me Sony.
'coconut oil, prayers and genetics' INCREDIBLE SHOWSTOPPING HILARIOUS
the way that the main tension in this movie is literally CAPTAIN STACY MUST DIE. so real
the thing is he usually doesn't too it's great
The movie is So good at letting you forget that the spider was glitching too. That's not his spider. Miles is the original anomaly OUUGGHGH (miguel was a Bitch for saying it like that tho)
THE WAY ULTIMATE MILES' SPANISH IS BETTER. HIS BRAIDS. HES ON THE STREETS MORE. HES THE FUCKING PROWLER. AUG god they're gonna tell us who the spider was for ik and I do hope it's miles. yeah there's a spiderman miles who can exist but it's not you. You weren't supposed to be here. AUG
Since we have the Jefferson memorial maybe ultimatum has a great expectations piece too. maybe that's how he's reasoned with who knows I'd love to think that the collider is the split off point between both of them
Though that'd mean there'd need to be an og spiderman to make wilson fisk lose his family which there isn't- hey wait how was the spider created without fisk doing his dimensional shit. I thought we weren't allowed to acknowledge Norman Osborn.
also also also speaking of alchemex Spot being bagel guy. Of course he is. Holes
Do you think that was the inspiration. Bagel hole.
Anyways I need a full turnaround sheet of Ultimatum/Prowler I need to see him I love the glow and the spray on symbol aaaugghh
I get the struggle tho. Beter and Captain Stacy made my dad cry.
i get my 2 hours of gatekeeping this movie b4 it drops in america and I'm losing it I need to talk abt it with other ppl but I'm also is it mean to want to hold it away from ppl who don't care abt spiderman and idk what they do draw weird porn of every new movie and ppl who will misinterpret it completely that feels selfish of me Anyways
THIS MOVIE IS A MASTERPIECE. literally it's art it's animation oh hhhhhgh it's so gorgeous I'm not kidding it's bresthestking (PAVITRS SWINGING!!!!!) but it's also just SO FUCKING GOOD. THE SCENES THE SHOTS THEY WENT CRAZY ON ENVIRONMENTS OH MY GLORD
I'm seeing it again in like 2 days . I will not be satiated until 2024.
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grimbothefool · 7 months
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Hey Beter
i was not lying about wanting to make an outfit ref. and i was right it did take forever
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musette22 · 2 years
Hi Minnie, I've got a stupid cold and feel like crap. I don't think I will be able to read today but maybe tomorrow will be beter - can you recommend some extremely fluffy, cuddly Stucky fics? I'm sure I will cry a lot but it always happen when I;m sick so it's ok if they'll make me cry🥺🥺🥺🤍
Aahh hey honey!! I'm so sorry, I was going to reply to this yesterday and then I forgot 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, that really sucks. I hope youfeel much better very soon! And in the meantime, have a look at this and this post with some fluffy and funny Stucky fics I've recced before! In addition, below are some other cute and funny and fluffy fics I've (re)read lately. I don't know if any of them are extremely fluffy and cuddly (I can't think of any like that off the top of my head, I'm sorry), but they are all very lovely and (mostly) feel good!
Hope you feel better soon! 😘🤍
The Tipping Point by unicornpoe
First Place In The County Fair Of My Heart by attackofthezee (noxlunate)
fire escape by @sparkagrace
Portrait of a season by @rillils
Steady as the stars in the woods by @cable-knit-sweater
I Held You in Gloved Hands (And I’m Not Letting Go) by @voylitscope
Birthday Gifts and Gaffes by @dontcallmebree
"What, Like It's Hard?" by @moodymelanist
oh meet me, my darling, where the sun sets over the barley by charlesdk
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) by betts 
Itsy Bitsy Yoga by wearing_tearing
A Climb of Passion by @zenaidamacrouras1
help to make the season bright by @its-tortle
Across the Street by @nivellesart
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Holiday (bonus points if it's Halloween) / GPP
"Everyone ready?" Willie called from their room.
"Why are we doing a costume reveal again?" Carrie griped.
"Because it's fun!" Kayla exclaimed. "You remember fun right Care Bear?"
"I am plenty fun, thank you very much," was Carrie's reply.
"Yeah you are doll face!" Reggie shouted, and they could all hear the leer in his voice.
"Let's get on with it, I'm already regretting my life choices," Alex said.
Doors opened, and everyone emerged, and immediately, Willie laughed. "Yes, no one doubled this year!" At Kayla's confused expression, he explained. "Last year Luke and Reggie were both Han Solo."
"I was totally the beter Han," Luke grumbled, "But I let Reg have it."
"You made an equally cute cowboy," Julie assured him with a kiss to his cheek.
"Not as cute as Alex is this year!" Willie exclaimed.
"Excuse you, I am Ken," Alex replied, tilting his hat. "At your insistence, may I add."
"Well yeah, because you refused to be Alan," Willie replied, adjusting his red wig.
"I am so glad I decided to not go as Barbie," Carrie stated, though she had still stuck to her favourite colour palate in her Glinda the Good Witch costume, mirroring Kayla in her Elphaba get up; all green and black.
"You would have made a terrific Barbie," Flynn assured her, fixing her eyeliner in the mirror, her sparkly Cinderella dress leaving traces of glitter everywhere as she did.
"We ready for the party?" Julie asked, straightening her tight red dress and ensuring her horns were right.
"Ready as we'll ever be," Luke replied, blowing the blonde fringe out of his eyes. "Though next time I insist on going as Cobain, someone tell me to get a better wig."
"At least you look good with the facial hair," Reggie offered, picking at the fake little moustache he was sporting. "Cary Elwes should have words with the costume designer for this atrocity."
"Well you aren't allowed to grow a real one," Julie stated. "Not after last time."
There was a collective shudder. "You looked like a math teacher," Aex quipped.
"Yeah yeah, yuk it up," Reggie grumbled. "See if I share any of my discount candy tomorrow with you."
"I liked the goatee," Kayla stated.
"You can have the Tootsie pops then," Reggie replied.
"Sweet, those are my favourites anyways," Kayla replied.
"Ew, no one likes Tootsie pops," Carrie said, scrunching up her nose.
"I do."
"Your taste is questionable," Carrie argued back.
"I'm with you aren't I?"
Carrie hummed and pulled her in for a kiss. "You are, so for that I can forgive your awful taste in candy."
"Let's go lesbians," Flynn said, offering her arms to the girls. "And the rest of you queers as well."
"To the party!" everyone chorused.
"So... no to trick or treating at the fancy mansions along the way?" Reggie asked.
In the end, they may of hit up just a few houses. Hey, twas the season after all!
Plus, it meant full sized bars and gourmet chips, which no one was gonna turn down, not even Carrie.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
hi! i’m the anon who asked about your opinion on stancy and nancy’s selfishness a few days ago. thanks so much for your reply! i saw the tags your reblogged to that ask, and i actually wanted to add one something to the discussion.
i hope this doesn’t come across as trying to counter your answer. that’s not at all what i want to do. i actually completely agree that if nancy worked on some of here tendencies, stancy could be a pretty decent ship, and i also like the parallel of her presence wanting stve to be a beter person, and the opposite happening. i also agree that nancy’s relationships with other people have a lot of unexplored potential and that many of her issues are due to the writing.
i think the part where my opinion differs is because without the narrative supporting nancy, i have a hard time seeing stancy without steve’s anger, at least initially, about the way he was treated in their relationship. he knows nancy was using him, to an extent, when she called thier relationshp bullshit. she said they both murdered barb. steve may or may not know about the cheating, but he does know she got together with jonathan within a few days of their fight/break up, which would have raised some questions. and for me, i think this anger is as important as nancy’s grief over barb was, in that i can’t see stancy without it, in fandom or canon.
i guess robin is another example, although hostility, instead of anger, may be a better word. robin and nancy know each other as steve’s friend and steve’s ex. robn holds grudges; she was pissed at steve for eating a bagel wrong. it doesn’t make sense for her to follow around the girl who dumped him with starry eyes. i can’t really buy any of robin and nancy’s s4 friendship, because, for me, robin’s hostility should have been central to it. yes, nancy is a traumatized teen, but she's not the only traumatized teen the group.
again, i hope this doesn’t come across as me trying to counter your answer. i love your more positive takes on stancy, and i honestly think that having more positive views of characters can lead to a much better fandom experience.
i wanted to send this in more for discussion. i thought it was interesting how focusing on slightly different aspects of a character or their relationships (i.e. the potential for nancy and steve to grow vs focusing on steve's anger) could result in very different ideas on how we want their storyline to go. if you have any thoughts on this, i’d love to hear them!
thanks in advance :)
hey anon, that’s actually a really good point!!
i think when it comes to steve’s reaction to the break up at large (i’ll get into the cheating in a second), i can more forgive it than the way nancy’s actions are treated elsewhere because steve is just so totally in love with her. he can accept that he’s not the one she wants because he just wants her to be happy. which is why he steps aside. his love for nancy overrides any resentment he may feel.
i do however think as he gains distance from the relationship, he would kinda think… maybe i deserve better than that. maybe nancy shouldn’t have stuck by me if she thought we killed barb. maybe she should’ve just waited for jonathan. but i think with time and the two of them growing as people, this is totally something they can have a conversation about, and look back on more maturely etc.
but the cheating is slightly different. even if you only recognise it as more emotional cheating than physical, it’s still a major issue of steve’s. especially if the person cheating is someone he wants a long, serious relationship with. i don’t think steve would go nuclear like he did in s1, he’s grown a lot emotionally since then, and he cares a lot more for nancy, so i just don’t think he’d want to do that to her. but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t affect him. at what point, and who he found out from would depend on how deeply he was wounded. i do think it’d probably make him take a step back, and reevaluate the relationship. and i think if it wasn’t nancy that told him, that could really have a bad impact on stancy. i kinda waver on whether i think nancy telling him in s2 vs s4 would be better. in s2 it’s a lot more raw, but at least he would know immediately. and in s4, he’s healed more from the relationship, but it’s been kept from him for so long.
but regardless (if it was one of better reveal options), i do ultimately think it’s something they could come back from. they’re young, and they’ve both made mistakes, and i think if nancy totally admitted she fucked up with the cheating, their relationship could recover. though i do think if we allowed steve to truly feel betrayed and angry, stancy wouldn’t be getting together anytime soon. at least until steve’s gotten over his mommy and daddy’s issues lmao.
and i think you’re totally right about robin too. it would make so much sense for her to hold a little grudge against nancy. for a couple reasons: 1. stancy shit. 2. nancy not knowing her at starcourt despite being in the same grade. 3. the barb shit (if we go by the books, which i wish we did!!!! makes them so much more interesting). i just think friction between robin and nancy could elicit so much growth for nancy. less so for robin i suppose, because i think a lot of her friendship with steve did that kind of work, but it would still have impact!
and don’t worry! i do really love discussions like these! focusing on characters in a more positive light is really enjoyable, but it can still be fun to pick apart the more fucked up things they’ve done. and i’m a hater at heart so ❤️ lmao
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Sign-ups update #1
Hey Doodlers! Sign-ups opened a couple days ago now, and we just wanted to post and say how blown away we are by the initial response. We're already over halfway to our participation count from last year! This is about what we expected, since more people are now aware of the gift exchange, but it's exciting nonetheless. We'll let you know the final tally when sign-ups close.
It's been so heartwarming to see both new and old faces on the sign-up form. To returning people, thank you for joining us once again, we're happy to see you! To new people, we're stoked about your excitement and can't wait to get the ball rolling!
Sign-ups close December 15th, so if you haven't filled out the form yet there's still plenty of time to do so. We'll be reblogging our announcement post periodically so nobody misses it, and encourage you all to do the same. The more people involved the beter!
Our DMS, asks, and email([email protected]) are always open for whatever you have to say. We'll update some more soon!
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k3fanblog · 11 months
HKM round 1 overview
All polls in this stage will last a week. I will upload 4 polls a day (I've found this a nice amount as both a voter and a poll maker), so the polls will be posted over the course of 8 days. This post will be updated with links to the polls when they go live and results when they finish.
Part 1:
10.000 luchtballonnen vs. Helden en soldaten -> 10.000 luchtballonnen (89.3%)
Hippie happy holiday vs. Boumbiboem -> Boumbiboem (53.8%)
Land van de regenboog vs. Meisjes doen de wereld draaien -> Land van de regenboog (76.9%)
Disco oma vs. 1.000 kleine matroosjes -> Disco oma (58.8%)
Part 2:
Altijd blijven dromen vs. De tafel van K3 -> Altijd blijven dromen (83.3%)
Aliyee vs. Jij en ik -> Aliyee (70.6%)
Iedereen K3 vs. Verlegen vlindertje -> Verlegen vlindertje (52.9%)
Jij bent mooi vs. Leve de cowboys -> Jij bent mooi (71.4%)
Part 3:
Pina colada vs. Pyjamaparty -> Pina colada (83.9%)
Feestje in de keuken vs. Hey mister deejay -> Feestje in de keuken (78.6%)
Liefde is overal vs. Hallo! -> Liefde is overal (83.3%)
Play-O vs Ciao amore mio -> Play-O (89.5%)
Part 4:
Bubbel vs. Hallelujah het is zomer -> Bubbel (76.5%)
Jodelee vs. Muziek -> Jodelee (70.6%)
Dieper dan de zee vs. Mami bisou -> Dieper dan de zee (76.2%)
Bikini vol zand vs. Vriend of vriendin (S.O.S.) -> Bikini vol zand (94.7%)
Part 5:
Love boat baby vs. Lila liedjesland -> Love boat baby (100%)
Prinsesje en superman vs. Do do do you love me -> Prinsesje en superman (53.3%)
Kusjessoldaten vs. Zo een liedje -> Kusjessoldaten (66.7%)
Beter als je danst vs. Vogeltjes -> Beter als je danst (75%)
Part 6:
Ushuaia vs. Meisjesdag -> Ushuaia (61.1%)
Jij bent mijn Gigi vs. Wat ik wensen zou -> Jij bent mijn Gigi (76.2%)
Whoppa! vs. On va danser -> Whoppa! (52.9%)
Jij bent de bom vs. La la later -> Jij bent de bom (90.9%)
Part 7:
Luka Luna vs. Choco choco -> Luka Luna (95%)
Liefde geeft je vleugels vs. Ra-ta-ta-ta -> Liefde geeft je vleugels (73.3%)
Piramide van liefde vs. Heyah mama 2.0 -> Piramide van liefde (53.3%)
Als het binnenregent vs. Mooier dan je denkt -> Als het binnenregent (after a tie-break)
Part 8:
Kus van de juf vs. Popgroep -> Kus van de juf (70%)
Dans van de farao vs. Verliefd zijn -> Dans van de farao (after a tie-break)
De aarde beeft vs. Voel je die zon -> Voel je die zon (60%)
Roller Disco vs. Mijn held -> Roller Disco (78.6%)
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