#hey carlos got airtime!
woodchoc-magnum · 4 years
911:Lone Star 2x08 Hate Watch
Here we go, though I heard mixed reports that this episode was better than the OG's 4x08? So we'll see.
Diaz for strength:
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And the hate is under the cut:
Things are almost instantly off to a bad start with TK as the very first person we see
Like don't even ease us into it
We're just going right into the schmaltz INSTANTLY
"My parents got back together" oh TK you are in for a RUDE SHOCK MY MAN
No masks at this party
No social distancing
Pandemic, what pandemic?
Just when I think Rob Lowe can't be more of an asshole, there he goes, out-assholing himself
Oh do you guys call cash registers "tills" in America? I thought that was a British/Australian thing
Please let him blow up
Please let him blow up
Oh wait does Carlos have more than 30 seconds in this episode? WHAT'S GOING ON?
Damn he didn't blow up
Uh oh TK's come home to Lisa Edelstein moving out
Wait was she just gonna fucking LEAVE? WITHOUT TELLING HIM?
Oh TK you dumb fuck
God he can't act, he is such a bad actor
Everything is in a fucking monotone
It's a complicated question? Bitch you're pregnant with someone else's baby and you're also in love with that someone else
Oh shiiit TK you're so dumb
She came down to Texas, fucked Rob Lowe's brains out, rushed back into everything and now she's pregnant and fucking back off to New York – smooth move
Who is this mysterious Enzo? I would like to meet him
Ronen can't act. I know I keep saying it but he's like a robot.
Is his dad a cop? Did I know this?
I can't remember the name of the guy who plays Carlos but here's what I'm going to say – dude is about a million times better at acting than Ronen Rubenstein. There is actual EMOTION IN HIS VOICE AND ON HIS FACE
Is his dad a lawyer? What's the deal here?
I feel like this is a conflict? Should the dad be investigating the son? Oh he's a Texas RANGER
I still feel like it's a conflict, ngl
I'm bored
Dude's dad doesn't believe him and he's gonna be proven wrong isn't he
Wow this dad is almost worse than Owen, he has no faith in Carlos whatsoever
What a dick
And the lack of concern from Rob Lowe about his ONLY SON IS FUCKING STUNNING
Okay so my theory is that Rob Lowe allowed Carlos to have lines in this episode of the show provided that he was the one in the scene with him
Look at Owen actually trying to do the right thing here and not be selfish for once, amazing, we love to see it
What is with everyone in this show having terrible fathers
I'm bored AGAIN
"there should be a heart behind that shield" god give me a fucking break, you're nicer to Carlos than you are to your own son you dick
No masks anywhere at the scene, no masks on anyone at the fire
It's like they remembered about the pandemic for the scene at the bank and then forgot about it again for the rest of the show
Ooh is there going to be an EXPLOSION?
What is with me and things blowing up – look I watch this show with the understanding that bonkers things are going to happen and I'm a simple person who likes when things go boom, what can I say?
Good explosion
Oh now daddy dearest knows that Carlos wasn't lying and he didn't fuck up
I bet he feels like a right fuckhead
I disagree with the assessment that this was better than 4x08 of the OG, at least the OG has people who can act – at the very fucking least
And no Rob Lowe
Oooh Carlos' dad is as cold as fucking ICE
Yeah Carlos you stand up for yourself, you're getting lines in this episode and I'm so happy for you
TK is such a whiny little bitch
His voice just grates on me, god he fucking sucks so much
That dude don't look so hot
God damn Nancy with the sick burns (her name is Nancy right?)
Oh TK leaving a CLUE what a smart little cookie, someone's been reading his Nancy Drew books hasn't he? (is that reference too old?)
"In American" BITCH
"we're not surgeons, we're paramedics" – he SAYS EVERYTHING IN A MONOTONE, there is no emotion in his voice AT ALL
Oh no Carlos is waiting for his man
Wait is Carlos going to save the day?!
No I bet Owen does, I will not get my hopes up
They're gonna perform surgery in a restaurant? I mean I suppose Hen and Chim could do it but I don't know about this bunch
Oh shit TK just knocked the FUCK OUT
It's about TIME
You know, if he actually relapsed because of these two assholes, they would totally fucking deserve it
Rob Lowe does not seem worried literally AT ALL
His son is missing and he's just like, okay cool
Oh wait he was playing it cool – okay fine, I retract my previous mean statement
I love that TK is just knocked the fuck out while the women do the work
Can I marry Gina Torres or is she already married or… what's the go there? Would she want an Australian wife with two cats?
These two dumb bank robbers really think this dude is going to live?
Oh shit the one nearly dead bank robber killed the other one
Carlos is going to find TK's special little clue and HE DID
What a good boyfriend
Good thing Rob Lowe has Carlos here, we can see who the brains are
Carlos is just out here solving mysteries, maybe HE'S the one who's been reading Nancy Drew (does anyone read Nancy Drew anymore?)
Ooh Carlos with the trusting of the gut YOU GO GIRL, go GET YO MAN
Though real talk you could do better
I mean ngl if this was Eddie storming in to rescue Buck I would be ALL OVER THIS, this shit is MY JAM but it's TK and Carlos so who fucking cares
I think Carlos' dad is flirting with Rob Lowe
Look at him standing up for Carlos
Oh and NOW the dad is being nice, okay
How the turn tables
This Strand family drama is the most boring fucking shit ever, I legit don't care
Look obviously they’re going to be all right because they already killed Zombie Tim this season, but still. Not Judd and Grace, the two best characters on the show!
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Okay, this episode was marginally better than other episodes but it still sucked, so I’m giving it... 4 out of ten. Honestly, it does lose points because Rob Lowe is the one who shot the dude? Like actually wtf?
BUT it must be in Rob Lowe’s contract that nobody gets to do anything cool in this show but him so it does make sense.
Really not gonna miss Lone Star the next few weeks, see you after the hiatus for more hate watching!
And Eddie Diaz to cleanse our hearts and minds:
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9 notes · View notes
bellakitse · 4 years
Carlos and Grace save the world
Carlos is surprised at first when Grace seeks him out, but when she explains that she’s worried about her neighbor possibly being abused by her husband, Carlos instantly agrees to help.
They become friends.
The story I wish they had in 2x05
(I started working on this about two weeks ago when we heard that Grace and Carlos would have a story together in the last episode. I then put it on hold to work on the tarlos valentine’s event. At the time, I was worried that the story would be pointless after the episode, and then the episode happened, and the story was given about a minute of airtime, so I figured I would finish this.)
Warnings for: Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Threats of Violence, and Knife injury.
Carlos will admit he’s a little surprised when Grace seeks him out. They don’t really know each other that well. The only interaction they really have is when he’s answering one of her dispatch calls. Or when the 126 is having some kind of gathering at the station like now.
Still, they don’t really talk.
“Officer Reyes?” she greets him with a tentative smile, coming up to him as he pours himself a glass of water. Around them, the 126 and extended friends and family mingle. They’d finally come together to honor Tim the way they couldn’t when the wildfires were roaring.
“Mrs. Ryder, hello,” he answers politely. He points at the pitcher of cold water in his hand, offering to pour her some.
“I’m good,” she answers with a shake of her head and another smile. “And please, call me Grace.”
“Only if you call me Carlos, ma’am,” he gives her a smile of his own; it grows as she lets out an amused chuckle and nods in agreement.
“Okay, that’s a deal.”
“Good,” he says jokingly. He puts the pitcher back in the fridge before turning to give her his full attention, frowning when he finds her fidgeting, shifting from foot to foot nervously. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m not sure,” Grace blurts out, looking as surprised as him. “I wanted to talk to you about something, but now I’m not sure if I should, or if it’s any of my business – or if I’m even just imagining things and overreacting.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow at the woman’s run-on sentence. “Well,” he starts off slowly and with caution. “I know we don’t know each other very well – ”
“We should change that,” Grace interrupts him with a kind smile on her pretty face.
“I completely agree,” Carlos concurs, liking Grace’s welcoming presence even before this conversation. “But what I do know about you is that you just don’t seem like the type of person who overreacts. So why don’t you tell me what’s going on, and we’ll see if I can help,” he finishes with what he hopes is an encouraging look.
“TK got himself a good one,” she says with a fondness that makes him blush slightly. “Okay, so I have this new neighbor, Rosie,” she starts to tell him.
Carlos listens as Grace explains about the newly married couple on her block, Rosie, a jumpy young thing, and her husband, Derek. He frowns as Grace tells him about her first encounter with them, the way the girl went from friendly and lively when they were alone in her front yard to subdued the moment her husband showed up.
“I can’t explain it,” Grace lets out a frustrated exhale. “He was friendly enough; he didn’t grab her in any way that would raise concerns, and yet alarm bells went off the moment he walked up to us. Even as she was smiling, there was something in her eyes that has stuck with me.” Grace sighs again. “Like I said, maybe I’m overreacting, looking for trouble where there isn’t any.”
“Grace,” Carlos starts with a shake of his head. “I have been on a number of your calls, and I hear you over the radio. You are an amazing operator because you have good instincts. If you’re worried about this girl, I don’t doubt you saw a reason for it. What does Judd say?”
Grace’s expression softens at the mention of her husband, her eyes shining with love and affection. “I haven’t told him yet. Judd, bless him, is so tenderhearted and protective. If I said to him that I think something is wrong with this slip of a girl, you better believe he would be pounding down their door before we even find out if something is really wrong.”
Carlos gives her an understanding smile. “Sounds like TK,” he tells her, earning a chuckle in return.
“Why do you think they clashed when they first started working together?” she questions with a twinkle in her eye that lets him know she’s heard as many complaints about TK from Judd as he’s heard from TK about her husband. “Those two are reckless softies who want to save the whole world, and if no one is there to check them, they dive in headfirst,” she says with a pointed look at him.
“Is that supposed to be us?” he questions jokingly. “We’re going to keep them in check?”
Grace shrugs easily. “Well, I married mine, so I pretty much signed up for the job. You’re still dating, so that’s up to you to decide.”
“Can you be my support group?” he questions. It’s not like he really needs to decide after all. He might not be married to TK yet, but he has known since the night of the solar flares and maybe even before that, that it’s his job to keep TK safe.
Grace grins at him, her eyes crinkling at the corners from her smile. “We can meet on Wednesdays for pie.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Carlos says easily, only half-joking. He likes Grace’s easy energy and can see himself becoming good friends with her. “Now, how do I help you with Rosie?”
 “You and Grace were talking for a while back at the station.”
Carlos looks up from the book in his hand over at TK as he comes out of the bathroom into his bedroom. He licks his lips as he takes his boyfriend in, dressed only in a pair of grey sweats that rest low on his hips.
“Carlos?” TK questions as he runs a towel over his hair, a smile taking over his face when Carlos jerks his gaze from all the tantalizing skin.
“Huh?” he questions, blinking a few times, hoping to focus. He blushes slightly at the knowing chuckle TK gives him in response.
TK throws the towel in the hamper before he crosses the distance to him. He presses a knee on the bed by his thigh, throwing the other over him.
Carlos quickly drops his book on the bedside table, freeing his hands to place them on TK’s hips as he comes to sit on his lap. He runs his thumbs over the soft skin right at the edge of TK’s sweats. This time it’s his turn to smile in satisfaction as the simple touch causes TK to shiver under it, his eyes going hazy and soft as he looks down at him.
“Don’t think you’re distracting me,” TK accuses him softly, even as he sits more firmly on Carlos’ lap, arching into his touch as he moves his hands from his hips to his back, fingers touching the constellation of freckles he now knows by memory. “You two looked deep in conversation. Is everything okay?”
“Grace has a neighbor she’s worried about,” he tells him, watching as TK goes from soft to tense and alert. “She has a bad feeling about the woman’s husband and asked for my opinion as a cop.”
TK frowns, concern replacing the previously touch-induced daze on his face. It’s not surprising to Carlos in the least. He’s pretty sure he’s never met anyone more empathetic than his boyfriend.
“Does she think he’s hurting her?” he asks, worrying his bottom lip in distress.
Carlos runs his hands up and down TK’s back once more, this time not to arouse but comfort. “Maybe,” he says with caution. From everything Grace told him, he understands her worry, but he also doesn’t want to make up an opinion before having all the facts. “She’s going to visit her tomorrow with some food as a late ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ thing, and asked me to tag along.”
TK bites down on his lip even harder, causing Carlos to reach up and press his thumb against it until he releases it. “Hey,” he starts softly. He tips TK’s chin to look at him in the eyes. “It’s fine. I’m just going for support and to offer a helping hand if there’s something to Grace’s concerns.”
“You’ll be careful?” TK questions, his voice low and worried. “Domestic situations have a way of spiraling out of control quickly.”
“Of course,” he answers, tugging TK forward. He lets out a content sound as TK settles on top of him. He turns his face into TK’s damp hair, giving it a kiss. “Everything will be fine, I promise,” he whispers, holding his boyfriend close.
Later, the promise will ring loudly in his ears.
 “Relax,” he says to Grace quietly as they stand on Rosie’s front steps. He arrived at the Ryder’s home thirty minutes earlier and waited as Grace finished her peach cobbler before they crossed the street, food in hand. “You’re just being friendly, and I’m tagging along for the ride.”
“Right,” Grace murmurs back as she presses the doorbell. She spares him a look with a raised brow. “That’s a nice shirt, by the way.”
“TK got it for me a few weeks ago,” he says, running a hand down the light-weight cream color polo. “The color makes me look less intimidating, don’t you think?”
Grace’s mouth quirks upward in amusement. “Carlos, sweetheart, you’re massive. I don’t think a soft-colored shirt will hide what you’re packing. Luckily you have a kind, gentle face to balance out all those muscles.”
Carlos grins at her, his smile growing when she rolls her eyes at him. “Yeah, you’re cute,” she mocks sarcastically, her dimples winking at him.
Carlos laughs at the begrudging compliment and Grace’s teasing ways. It reminds him a lot of his sisters and the way they gently like to mess with him. He’s still mid-laugh when a young woman with long light-brown hair and big green eyes opens the door. Her eyes remind him of TK, and he instantly feels protective of her. He remembers Grace calling her a slip of a girl, and he understands why. She’s small and sweet-looking in a heavy long sleeve shirt and print leggings.
“Grace?” she questions curiously, her eyes shifting quickly from Grace to him and back again.
“Hi Rosie,” Grace greets her with a bright smile that convincingly hides the tension she had moments ago. “This is my friend Carlos,” she points to him, not adding anything else. Better to keep her attention off him as he studies her. He takes in her clothes again, the shirt so big the sleeves come down to her fingertips, the thickness odd for the current warm weather. “He was visiting, and I mentioned I hadn’t had a chance to properly welcome you to the neighborhood, so we made you cobbler. Can we come in?”
Carlos smiles in what he hopes is friendly and reassuring as Rosie sneaks a look at him again. She looks over her shoulder towards the inside of the house before giving them a nod. “Sure, Derek is not home anyway,” she says, stepping aside to let them in.
He lets Grace cross the threshold first, but not before sharing a pointed look with his friend. The mention of her husband and her being comfortable with letting them in because he isn’t home already setting an alarm off for him.
“Sorry about the mess,” she says as she follows them into the living room, where there are still a few moving boxes on the floor. “I haven’t had a chance to put everything away,” she says with a self-conscious chuckle. “I can’t make up my mind where I want things to go. It drives Derek crazy.”
“It’s fine,” he tells her with an understanding smile, speaking for the first time. “When I first moved into my place, it took me a month to put up curtains because I couldn’t decide what color I wanted.”
Rosie gives him a small smile, her shoulders relaxing slightly at his comment. It only makes Carlos more tense and aware. He’s already starting to see what Grace was talking about. Even with the friendly smile on the girl’s face, there is an air of tension around her as she moves – the slightest shake of her hands as she takes the cobbler from Grace while she asks where Derek is.
“Oh, who knows,” she answers with a smile that looks more like a grimace. “He likes to wander about. This looks delicious Grace, thank you. I can’t bake to save my life,” she says with an awkward laugh. “I’ll serve some up, be right back.”
They watch Rosie walk into the kitchen silently before they turn to each other.
“Okay,” he starts once they’re alone. “You’re right something is up. She’s nervous, even scared. She only let us in because he’s not here, and I don’t like how she put herself down twice already, like someone who’s used to hearing negative things about themselves.”
“It’s pretty warm for a sweater today,” Grace comments quietly, her brow wrinkling in the middle as she frowns. “I don’t want to be right about this, Carlos,” she whispers, obviously pained by the idea.
Carlos has only known Rosie for a few minutes, and he knows exactly how she feels. He opens his mouth to reassure her that they will not leave without helping the young woman when the front door opens and the hairs on the back of his neck rise.
Derek – is almost as tall as him but slimmer, with limp, dirty blond hair and cold blue eyes. He has a mean look on his face that Carlos doesn’t like one bit.
“Who the fuck are you?” he sneers at them, making zero effort to hide the fact that he is not happy they’re in his home.
“Derek!” Rosie exclaims as she walks back into the living room with two small plates in her hands. Her eyes are wide as she looks at her husband. “Hi, baby,” she says, trying to smooth her expression out but failing as her eyes dart back and forth rapidly. “You remember Grace, right? She’s our neighbor from across the street.”
“Hello again, Derek,” Grace greets him, but there isn’t a hint of a smile on her face as she looks at him like a bug.
Derek notices if the way his eyes narrow is anything to go by. He turns to him with a raised eyebrow. “And you? Who are you?”
Carlos wonders for a second how he should play this, but as he catches Derek’s angry looks at his wife and how Rosie seems to be shrinking into herself the longer she stands by the archway of the room, he decides to rip the bandaid off and let the chips fall where they may. “I’m a friend of Grace’s, Officer Carlos Reyes with Austin Police.”
The reactions are, unfortunately, instant. Rosie drops one of the plates she’s holding in fright while Derek snaps his neck to look at her.
“What the fuck have you been saying?” he questions her, taking a menacing step forward.
Carlos moves too, getting in the space between them, holding up his hands defensively to Derek. “Back up, man,” he warns him, his voice hardening.
The ugly twist of Derek’s face grows nastier, meaner, and now that he’s closer, Carlos can smell the bourbon coming off him.
“Seriously, Derek, back the fuck up,” he grits out through clenched teeth when the guy takes another step forward, ignoring his warnings.
“You don’t tell me what to do,” Derek all but shouts angrily. “This is my house, and I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”
“Like hurt Rosie?” Grace asks him with a stern look, and while Carlos understands the sentiment, he groans internally at the question and the way it takes Derek’s focus off him to Grace. Behind him, he can hear Rosie quietly crying.
“And what if I do,” Derek questions with another sneer. “What are you or anyone else going to do about it? She’s my wife. I can do what I want with her.”
Grace looks at Derek with the same look of disgust he feels. Quietly he pulls out his phone and sends a quick message to his partner, grateful he had the forethought of mentioning the situation to her before he came.
“Only cowards hurt their wives,” Grace answers with another nauseated look and shake of her head.
Carlos admires her bravery. It proves the wrong thing to say, though, as Derek sticks his hand in his pocket and Carlos catches a flash of silver.
“You have a smart mouth on you, don’t ya?” Derek snarls at Grace with a switchblade in his hand.
He moves, and Carlos does too without really thinking. Like with Rosie, he gets between Derek and Grace, only this time Derek is ready, and he swings his knife-carrying hand at him.
Grace and Rosie both shout, Grace quickly moving out of the way and towards the young woman when she tries to step forward to intervene.
“Derek, stop!”
“Put the knife down, Derek! He’s a cop!”
Derek doesn’t listen to either of them, and neither can Carlos, as he jumps back to avoid the knife being lunged at him. The fight happens for Carlos in a blur as he tries to avoid the blade, disarm Derek and keep him from turning his rage toward Rosie or Grace.
“Please stop!” Rosie screams again, loud, and so scared it breaks Carlos’ focus for a moment. Unfortunately, it’s a moment too long, and he lets out a shout of his own as the knife pierces his skin on the left side of his flank.
Grace shouts, alarmed. “Carlos!”
He holds her back with one hand as she rushes towards him. She shoves it away, placing hers on his wound to put pressure as his shirt quickly stains with his blood.
Derek stares wide at him, the realization of what he’s done coming over his face. He doesn’t have a chance to react further than that as Austin Police barges through the door, Carlos’ partner at the front.
Carlos leans on Grace heavily, and Rosie comes forward to help him stay up as the three of them watch Derek be dragged to his knees and handcuffed.
“You can’t stay out of trouble even on your day off, Reyes,” his partner shakes his head at him before signaling for EMS to come in.
He tries to roll his eyes at her, but he’s starting to feel lightheaded, and he’s just grateful when the gurney rumbles in.
Rosie and Grace hand him off, but not before Rosie apologizes, he tries to reassure her, but he finds it hard to speak as he gets sleepier. He thinks he hears Grace tell her it’s not her fault, and he nods tiredly in agreement.
Looking over at Grace, he smiles, hoping it will ease the worried look on her face. “TK is gonna be pissed about the shirt,” he jokes right before he passes out.
 Carlos wakes up to bright lights in his eyes. He groans, annoyed at them as he tries to cover his face and finds that he’s tugging on his IV.
The hospital, shit.
“Everything will be fine, I promise,” says a soft mocking voice to his right, and when he turns his head, he’s not at all surprised to find TK sitting there with a raised eyebrow, trying to hide his worry behind a sarcastic look. “Getting stabbed, needing surgery, and having your spleen removed doesn’t scream ‘everything is fine’ Carlos Reyes.”
“Hey, baby,” he rasps out, his throat dry like the Sahara. “Sorry about that.”
TK gets up with a deep sigh. He crosses the distance to him and leans down, pressing a kiss on his forehead before he lays his against Carlos’. “You were being a big damn hero, so I forgive you,” he whispers as he touches his nose to Carlos’. “But if you can please avoid getting hurt while you save the world next time, I would appreciate it.”
Carlos makes a humming noise in the back of his throat, closing his eyes for a moment as he basks in TK’s closeness.
“I would have to agree.”
Carlos opens his eyes to find two other people in the room he didn’t notice before. Grace and Judd sit on the other two chairs of the room, both standing when he looks over at them. They walk together to the foot of his bed, and Grace wraps her hand around his ankle, giving it a squeeze.
“If we are going to be friends and go on adventures together, you can’t end up stabbed, honey,” she says with a sweet smile on her face.
“Carlos and Grace save the world,” TK says with a proud but dry smile. He looks over at Judd, sharing a look with the older man. “God help us, brother,” he says, getting a severe nod in return from the cowboy, while Grace scoffs at both of them.
“We didn’t save the world,” Carlos protests at the repeat of those words.
“Tell that to that sweet, scared little thing you two helped get away from her abusive husband,” Judd answers, still somber.
“Yeah,” TK agrees with a nod. He combs a soothing hand through Carlos’ curls. “Pretty sure Rosie would tell you differently.”
“Is she okay?” He asks, seeking Grace’s eyes, letting a relieved exhale when she nods.
“Your partner had a social worker ready, and they are setting her up as we speak,” Grace assures him. “She said thank you.”
Carlos lets out another deep breath. “That’s good.”
Grace looks at him for a moment with a small frown on her face. “You had them ready, even when we weren’t sure if I was right – “
“I trust your judgment, Grace,” he interrupts, answering her silent question. “You knew – so I prepared.”
Grace gives his ankle another squeeze, and Carlos nods at her in understanding.
“We should go,” she says with a smile. “I’m sure TK wants to scold you some more and then smother you with kisses.”
TK lets out a sound of protest that has Judd snorting. It makes Carlos chuckle despite the pain it causes.
“Pie on Wednesday?” he asks Grace, grinning at the twinkle that enters her eyes as she smiles back widely at him.
“I’ll see you in my kitchen – 4ish?” she points at him. She starts to turn with Judd after he agrees, but the older man stands still, looking at him.
“Thanks for keeping my baby safe, brother,” Judd says to him quietly.
Carlos swallows hard, the weight of the words impacting him. He looks up at TK to find him staring at him with a soft loving look on his face. “You keep mine safe all the time, just returning the favor.”
The Ryders both smile at him as they leave; Grace makes a signal that she’ll call him, blowing him and TK a kiss before closing the door, leaving them alone.
“So you and Grace are friends now.”
“Yeah,” Carlos answers, smiling at the comment and how true it is. They’re friends now.
“That’s cool,” TK says, smiling as he sits at the edge of his bed. “But for mine and Judd’s sake, can you two keep the dangerous situations to a minimum?”
Carlos snorts at the comment, grinning when TK rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, I know,” he grumbles sarcastically. “Look who’s talking, right?”
“You said it, not me.”
TK shakes his head, but his expression goes soft as he looks at him. “I was so scared when Grace called me,” he tells him with a trembling smile. “But then she told us how you kept her and Rosie safe, and I was so proud of you, baby.”
Carlos reaches for him, tugging on his hand until TK gets the hint, and lies next to him on the small bed, resting his head on Carlos’ shoulder, his arm going around him, careful of his wound.
“I love you,” TK whispers into the slope of his neck.
Carlos closes his eyes as tiredness starts to take over again. He’s in some mild pain, and he’s sure there is gonna be a mountain of paperwork later waiting for him, but Grace and Rosie are safe, and he’s in TK’s arms, so everything is okay in his book.
He turns his face towards TK’s, finding it inches away as TK looks up at him.
Pressing a kiss against his lips, swallowing the soft, peaceful sigh TK lets out, he whispers back. “I love you too.”
228 notes · View notes
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hey so - this reply was written by me! I want to expand on this point a little past 280 characters
(when I say podcasts in this essay I’m specifically talking about fiction podcasts)
Podcasts are perhaps the only medium that has absolutely no gatekeeping. Writing books and stories requires help from big publishing houses - even if you self-publish, you’ll need a corporation like Amazon to provide the books for you. I actually have self-published before and I can *assure* you that gatekeeping is still present. TV shows and movies are also created by high-budget studios who re-hire the same famous actors to tell the same stories, except the white boy and girl who fall in love have slightly different lines. 
But podcasts? No barriers. No boundaries. You can get a $30 mic from Amazon, make a free podbean account, and start uploading episodes literally the same day. Sure, for a really high-quality production, you’ll need to invest more time and money, but it’s very doable. 
As such, almost anyone can get into podcasts. It doesn’t matter what you look like, because no one can even see your face. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a fancy degree from a good school. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a huge marketing budget, because if you’re smart with social media and create good content, you can get people to pay *you* for airtime on your show. 
Because the creator pool can be so diverse, it is. And the stories it tells are even more diverse! Want a Jewish gay man of unspecified race in a relationship with a Latinx scientist on the spectrum, who live in a town governed by two black women and populated by literally countless queer characters? You’ve got it! Want a story about a black nonbinary lady with depression who falls in love with an Asian man, who, bonus points, is also a well-written feminine gay man? You get that too! Want a crew of astronauts with women in leadership roles who are well rounded past being just a “strong female character”? Sure thing! A lesbian trucker searching for her wife, and actually having a healthy relationship that isn’t at all fetishized? Podcasts have that! You want shows that *actually* cast queer, trans, and non-white actors? Yes!!! Most popular podcasts do that!! Did you hear that - the *most popular* podcasts are created with diverse acting and creating bodies!!!!!!!
and here’s the part where I get personal. I’m a non-straight woman (I alternate between using the labels “bisexual” “queer” “homoflexible” and sometimes, because it’s quick and I’m mostly attracted to women and straight people don’t understand microlabels, “gay”) with several mental illnesses, including depression. The first podcast I ever listened to was Welcome to Night Vale. When Cecil and Carlos became a couple I almost wept. I had never, ever, had good queer representation in a show, much less two well-written characters I actually felt invested in. When they actually got married, I wept. I lay in my bed and cried for half an hour. I had never thought I would see a healthy gay couple in a show, ever. 
And then I found even more shows - shows like the ones I mentioned above. I found female characters. I found QUEER FEMALE CHARACTERS that I related to! And I found characters with depression written REALISTICALLY! I have never felt so seen!
I have so much love for podcast creators. One of my favorite things about this community is the allyship. People like Fink and Cranor, or the McElroy’s, who understand how important queer representation is, and provide it in abundance. People who validate, protect, and encourage their fans. Podcast fans keep podcast productions growing through Patreon or crowdfunding, and in return podcast creators... well, they rip our hearts out with emotions and eat them in front of us. But we love that!!!!
And this is why I’m so scared of podcasts becoming “mainstream”. Big corporations creating podcasts have nothing to gain from us except listenership. They’ll be sponsored by other large corporations, not fans or indie productions buying airspace. They can be “safe” when it comes to representation, and they probably will be. In short, they don’t have to create art. They can just create okay, nice enough stories. 
Podcasts are revolutionary. Do you know how many times I’ve seen a movie and said “that was a bad movie”? A shit ton of times! Do you know how many times I’ve listened to a podcast and thought “this is a bad podcast”? Never!! (Not fiction, at least - a bunch of “politics and current events” podcasts that I’ve tried turn my stomach). Even if the audio quality isn’t great, it’s always clear that the creators genuinely care about what they are making and the stories they’re telling and they’re not! Just! Adding! Representation! To be woke!
I genuinely might be dead right now if podcasts hadn’t come into my life. Welcome to Night Vale in particular - it has helped me fall asleep on nights when my intrusive thoughts felt like they were tearing me apart. It introduced me to this amazing medium and all the people who are a part of it. I don’t want to see this thing I love so much turned into a profit machine by capitalism. So I’m really, really nervous about podcasts becoming mainstream. 
TL;DR because the podcasting medium has essentially no gatekeeping, it can be very diverse, and it is. This has led to a great fan-creator dynamic of mutual support and created many positive examples of representation. If big studios and corporations are able to produce podcasts on large budgets with little consequence for a bad or boring story, they might drive the art form in a direction that makes it harder for smaller studios or indie creators to get into.
Please share your thoughts about this and also please follow my twitter. 
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weaverlings · 5 years
Cecil x Carlos, 25
(25 …as a ‘yes’)
Cecil was waiting for Carlos at home. This was not unusual; late nights at the lab were common. Normally, Cecil would occupy himself while he waited. He would find some media to consume, or food to prepare, or even try on an outfit or two to decide how to greet his fiance. 
Tonight, Cecil was waiting. 
As soon as he heard the front door open, he was off the couch to meet Carlos in the entryway. 
"Hey, Ceec." Carlos sighed, but smiled, seeing Cecil. It was tired, but honest. Cecil could not have described what this meant for him; that he got to be the person who made Carlos feel better after a day like this, that just the sight of Cecil was enough for something.
Cecil could not have described it then, because he wasn't thinking about it at all. He was just thinking about Carlos, in general, in front of him. Cecil opened his arms. 
"Carlos! Oh, I've been thinking about you all night! Are you alright? Is everything okay?"
Carlos settled against Cecil's chest, bunching fists into the fabric over Cecil's sides. Cecil placed a hand over Carlos' head, and held it over him. Carlos nuzzled into Cecil's shirt, and breathed, "Ugh." 
Cecil stroked his fiance's hair, kissed the top of his head, let him mutter for a moment and, above all, keep breathing.
"I just… cannot believe this. Which is ridiculous, you know? Because it happened and there's all sorts of physical evidence of the event. So much physical evidence."
"Ooh, honey… I'm sorry you have to deal with this." 
"Oh, me, too!" Carlos said, exasperated. "To actually answer your questions: Yes. And no. No, it's… I mean, most of the equipment is okay, and we can replace what's not, and we saved almost all of the data! So it will be okay. But right now, it's not. It's got to be cleaned out tomorrow - we got most of the hair swept up, but there are still so many fish bones - and then the City Council sent an officer from the Secret Police to inform us that quarantine procedures would be in place, so at this point we have no idea when we'll be able to get back in there, and… And it's not okay, but it will be. So at least there's that, right? It's just that it's going to be a long week, I guess."
Carlos looked up at him; this time, the smile clearly was forced, pushed just too wide at the edges where it had to be for him to hold it.  Cecil pressed a hand to Carlos' cheek, and kissed his forehead. 
Cecil mused, "It sounds like it. It sounds like it will be a long week, but… tomorrow… Tomorrow? Well. Just a second."
Cecil stepped away and pulled out his phone. He tapped out a quick text. There was an almost immediate chirp in reply, and he rolled his eyes as he read the next message. Another text. His phone rang, but Cecil just swiped it off, sent one final message, and silenced his phone before shoving it back in his pocket. He took Carlos' hands, lifted them excitedly between himself and his fiance.
"Ooh, guess what? We just had some airtime open up tomorrow - an interview just had to cancel. No way around it. Sooo, if you want… you could come hang out at the station with me? We'll do a special All-Day, All-Ages Fun Fact Science Corner!" 
Carlos gasped, "Oh, Cecil! Oh!" 
He was bubbling, now, bubbling and bright and language escaped him, so he stretched up and pressed his lips to Cecil's: a long, enthusiastic yes.
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wmblog05 · 4 years
A Couch Potato's Guide to Poker on TV!
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I love Poker. I love to play it. I love to read about it. I love to watch other people play it, especially on TV. It's an inexpensive way to learn from the pros. You can see what they do in real-world situations, not just what they say they would do in their books. Watching Poker helps improve your game. You can learn pot odds, combinations, order of hands and many other basics as well as advanced, psychological strategy such as tells.
I watch a lot of Poker on TV. Yes, I do. Apparently, the networks are taking notice of the TV-viewing public. A lot of us are crazy for Poker. In this article, I'm going to discuss several, TV series that are still running now, that I highly recommend and regularly watch.
1) Celebrity Poker Showdown. This is on Bravo, usually on Thursday nights. Poker Pro Phil Gordon and comedian Dave Foley (Kids in The Hall, News Radio) are the moderators for this light, fluffy show featuring celebrities such as Alex Trebek, Ben Affleck, Rosie O'Donnell and Camryn Manheim. Some of the celebs are really very good. Of course, there is also that wonderfully evil moment when you can watch someone on the D-List or above sink on the river.
Phil gives expert commentary. There's a short film each week in which the basics of No-Limit Texas Hold 'Em and the betting rules are explained. It's entertaining TV even for newbies, pros and the star-struck alike.
2) The World Series of Poker. ESPN is currently showing episodes of the 2005 WSOP. The other night, I saw Johnny Chan win his record 10th WSOP bracelet in the Pot Limit Hold 'Em event. It was awesome. He beat out Phil 'Unabomber' Laak to take the lead against Doyle Brunson and Phil Hellmuth, who were both present during the match, for the all-time record bracelet wins. Hey, don't feel too bad for Mr. Laak. His girlfriend, the beautiful Hollywood actress, Jennifer Tilly, won the Ladies' Event at the WSOP this year.
A week or two prior to that, I got to see Josh Arieh, a very good player who doesn't get too much airtime (yet), play - and win - the Omaha tourney. It was great to see Omaha Hold 'Em played on TV for a change. I loved it.
Even if you're not a poker junkie like I am, you can appreciate the epic nature of the World Series of Poker with its international field featuring the best of the best - and a few Cinderella stories thrown in for good measure.
3) World Poker Tour on the Travel Channel. Travel the world from your chair and watch pros play in the World Poker Tour. They play in exotic locales such as Aruba and Paris. Host Mike Sexton is so knowledgeable  wm บาคาร่า about the game that he makes up for his co-host Vince Van Patten's shtick. The man tries to give nicknames to any hand combination possible. Some of his groaners include:
QQ - Siegfried & Roy or Paris & Nikki (Hilton)
55 - Sammy Hagar (after the song, 'I Can't Drive 55')
Rounding out the commentator group is the lovely Shana Hiatt. She interviews the pros and showcases different aspects of the poker-playing lifestyle on each episode. The WPT hosts names like Phil Hellmuth, Daniel Negreanu, Doyle Brunson, Howard Lederer and more. It's a veritable who's who of Poker and it comes fresh and new into your home each week.
These aren't the only Poker shows on TV. ESPN has a drama called TILT starring Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs) and Eddie Cibrian (Third Watch) which is a fictionalized version of a poker pro's dirty and dangerous life.
E! Entertainment Network, beginning on St. Patty's Day 2005, aired several episodes of E!'s Hollywood Hold 'Em Game. Laura Prepon, of That 70s Show, produced the show and starred in one of the episodes with her live-in love Chris Masterson (Malcolm in the Middle) and some friends, including Chris' brother and That 70's show star, Danny Masterson (Hyde). Other episodes had Mila Kunis (Family Guy, That 70s Show), Macauley Culkin - yes, that Macauley Culkin. He's Mila's beau - and Shannon Elizabeth. I haven't seen it on recently; but, I desperately hope that it comes back. It was pretty good poker and Phil Laak was the dealer/mentor/host.
The Game Show Network has Poker Royale. This is a 6-person tournament that runs for several weeks. There are several elimination rounds, then a finale. The first had all pros. It was men vs. women. The men won each individual match; but, the ladies, led by Kathy Liebert, Jennifer Harmon and Cyndy Violette took the final - and decisive match. The second installment had Celebrities vs. Poker Pros. I found it to be a watered-down version of Celebrity Poker Showdown. I missed Phil Gordon and Dave Foley, gotta admit. The third installment, which is currently airing, is the Comedians vs. Poker Pros. I didn't find this one too fun or funny; but, I've had other things to do lately.
Actually, I dropped watching that because the Fall Season picked up; and, well, I'd rather watch the Poker Superstars Invitational on FSN! This is awesome. It's a turbo tourney - the blinds go up really quick and the play is fast - featuring Johnny Chan, Carlos Mortensen and other luminaries. It's action-packed, high-stakes poker that goes by in the blink of eye.
If you can't find a good online or home game, why not sit down and watch one on TV? Chances are - there's one on the television right now. Go. Watch! Visit site
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christopheruearle · 8 years
Social Media Touchdown: How 20 Smart Brands Won the Biggest Content Game of the Year
Yesterday was a huge day for sports fans and brands across the nation. Diehard football fans wait all year for this special game and hope that their team (or at least a team they support) hits the turf for the big game.
Let me preface my next statement by saying I mean absolutely no offense to the amazing athletes that played their hearts out yesterday. But if you’re like me, the day is really about the cheesy/gooey/delicious food, the Puppy Bowl and of course, the ads.
On this day, brands hope that their creative and entertaining ads will reach an engaged and attentive audience as they’re glued to the television. In fact, the average commercial costs approximately $5 Million for a mere 30 seconds of airtime during the Super Bowl. That is some serious cheddar!
While some companies choose to invest in airtime, others choose to spend efforts on another channel with an engaged audience, social media. Some great brand creative, an attentive community manager and some budget to boost posts is a great way to catch the attention of consumers glued to a 2nd and 3rd screen.
Below are examples of brands that capitalized on a great opportunity to be social and share some great content during the 2017 Super Bowl.
Heartwarming & Inspired
Each year during the Super Bowl there are a handful of brands whose message gives you all the feels and this year was no exception.
Here’s to the #PowerOfDreams and the amazing things it has led to, like the all-new 2017 CR-V. pic.twitter.com/sfNNwJPnxn
— Honda (@Honda) February 2, 2017
This is the story of our founder, and his pursuit of the American Dream. #ThisBudsForYou
A video posted by Budweiser (@budweiser) on Jan 31, 2017 at 6:08am PST
Clever & Creative
On a day where an enormous amount of social content is being created by brands and consumers alike, these companies stood out by taking a clever and creative approach to their message.
Houston, we got a message from 250 miles above in the @Space_Station. #SB51 pic.twitter.com/Gac3kZ8LBt
— NFL (@NFL) February 5, 2017
Loving the @Gatorade lens on @Snapchat today! Last years filter gained more impressions than the # of people who saw the #SuperBowl pic.twitter.com/tWb6YeZE2O
— Carlos Gil ???? (@carlosgil83) February 5, 2017
There’s still time! Hussle into your nearby PetSmart to shop licensed NFL apparel so your entire family is Super Bowl LI-ready. And… break!! #SBLI http://ptsmrt.co/60038TJqT
A photo posted by PetSmart (@petsmart) on Feb 5, 2017 at 6:46am PST
Bite Squad
There is no I in guac. pic.twitter.com/i5bMh7l8QS
— Bite Squad (@BiteSquad) February 5, 2017
General Mills
Food is the most important part of today. Don’t fumble. Get the recipe, on our blog (link in bio). #biggame #food
A photo posted by General Mills (@generalmills) on Feb 5, 2017 at 12:39pm PST
Quick to Respond
Kudos to the content teams, social teams and community managers for the following brands. Events like the Super Bowl create the perfect opportunity to respond quickly.
Buffalo Wild Wings
.@SnoopDogg We’re not sure we know what you’re referring to here, Snoop… #HitTheButton
— Buffalo Wild Wings (@BWWings) February 5, 2017
Grumpy Cat
Glad you finally cleaned yourself up, @TerryBradshaw#BradshawStain #SB51 #Partner #SuperBowl pic.twitter.com/1tFkxQDVSO
— Grumpy Cat (@RealGrumpyCat) February 6, 2017
Aw, shucks, @bristei, thanks. Just doing our business ?
— Febreze_Fresh (@Febreze_Fresh) February 5, 2017
#TFW you find out your ad was pulled 6 days before the big game….#SB51 #NoFunLeague https://t.co/DADmbYoSPw pic.twitter.com/Sh7dN146nf
— GNC (@GNCLiveWell) February 5, 2017
Social Contests
Although I didn’t see as many social contests today as I had expected, these two brands garnered a lot of engagement from their various posts promoting live social contests during the Super Bowl.
Big Game, big moves. Show us your best #UnlimitedMoves & @JustinBieber will RT his fave. pic.twitter.com/5VrIQq9jrg
— T-Mobile? (@TMobile) February 2, 2017
Hey #PatriotsNation, RT for #Entry, because you could win 1 of 6 mini helmets signed by #DevinMcCourty #ForTheFans! https://t.co/T8ddyXGhkn pic.twitter.com/Vz5eo0GnCS
— Pepsi™ (@pepsi) February 5, 2017
Just Plain Entertaining
The brands in this category had some of the most entertaining and funny content during Super Bowl Sunday.
Big game field #goals #Doritos ?: Michael O’Connell from DoritosLegionoftheBold.com. See link in profile for more details.
A video posted by Doritos® (@doritos) on Feb 4, 2017 at 9:19am PST
Humpty’s right: you can file your taxes anytime, anywhere. Like on your couch, right before watching the Big Game…you get the idea. ?
A video posted by TurboTax (@turbotax) on Feb 5, 2017 at 2:13pm PST
BONUS: Teams with Low Rankings
The opening video featuring Rob Riggle and other celebrity guests was probably one of the funniest moments of the Super Bowl. If you didn’t get a chance to see it live, I’ve included the video below.
For two teams the #SuperBowl is everything. The other 30 “Lowly Teams” are waiting & wishing. @RobRiggle explains. #RigglesPicks pic.twitter.com/Hva3ojVhuS
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) February 5, 2017
Create Your Game Winning Social Content
While it’s clear that some of these brands invested big bucks in content for Super Bowl 51, others simply jumped on the opportunity to showcase some clever content. A special thank you to members of the Social Media Masterminds group on Facebook for helping me uncover some great Super Bowl content!
These 20 examples showcase only a fraction of the brands that created and promoted great content during Sunday’s game. Please share your favorites below!
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The post Social Media Touchdown: How 20 Smart Brands Won the Biggest Content Game of the Year appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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