#hey look i used my own photo ref for the background
piratedllama-art · 1 year
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[done in procreate]
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captainmera · 1 year
Hello Mera..
I gotta say, thank you for creating "In Blood We Rise". Seriously I just wanna kidnap Theo and Oliver for being the cutest guys ever *slowly kidnaps them throught magic*
But in all seriousness, if you could give an advice to beginner comic artists, what would you give them?
first of all, thanks for reading! :D
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Further advise beneath cut:
My advice is to literally just go right ahead and start making the comic and post it to at least two comic medias.
Webtoons is one, another is tapas or comicfury. But hey! you can also make your own website using ComicControl! :)
But in all honesty, anything comic related - as in the making of pages - you will learn by doing it. I learned an incredible amount by just going ahead. I learned a lot about making bubbles better, too. My speechbubbles get much less cluttered now, for one. And less wordy..
Don't be afraid to enjoy your stuff shamelessly! There's no shame in having fun with your original stuff.
And work smarter not harder. I know there's discourse online about using references or taking your own photos as refs, or backgrounds- Heck, I don't use 3D models but I don't see why it's such a biggie if ppl do. You're here to tell a story, not prove to anyone you dont need help drawing.
Serve your story first. Sometimes that means cutting scenes you want to draw out. I've cut a lot of stuff away because it doesn't serve the story and the pages loses their beat.
I try to end each page with a cliff hanger, so that the weekly readers have something to look forward to!
But bulk-readers are important too. So now and then, re-read your own comic to see how it looks! Like an animator flipping through the stages of movement. You'll see what I mean when you get there and do it. You'll see your mistakes and recontextualise them and improve your work that way.
And try not to go back and fix it, just take what you've learned into the next page. Improve the next page with what you've learned.
Don't be afraid to experiment, there are no rules. Do what helps elevate the story, use the medium you create in be flexible and try not to tell yourself something isn't allowed - it is! Tell your story however you like.
You don't have to know X Y or Z before you start.
GO. BE WILD. IT'S ART!! You can go as crazy and abstract as you like! Play with panels, play with everything! Do circles, do funky shapes, go!
Have FUN with it! :D
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fagboyfriend · 1 year
how did you get so good at crowded perspective pieces?
hey lol. forgive me for the wait, i tried to answer this (twice) on the day u sent this and both times my app crashed after me typing out a whole thing so i just needed to. take a breath before trying again. im on vacation rn so i dont have all of my files/sketches so im gonna try and make do with what i have.
the real answer is that i only really started doing it recently! i really made the resolution to make my work more involved and resolved instead of just doodling a character on a random background.. i’m very inspired by cartoonists and comicmaking and so i want my illustrations to be fully resolved scenes that tell stories and communicate ideas. right now im focusing a lot on trans bodies in close proximity, small spaces and domestic t4t relationships. I started off with a few studies. I did sketches of some artists who drew enviroments i enjoyed and tried my best to grasp an understanding of spatial relationships. taking some life drawing classes also really helped ^_^
im gonna talk about my house party series bc its relevant but i used different methods to sketch each one!
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i used the csp perspective tool to create a linear grid to work off of, it’s very helpful, i knew i wanted a more centered composition for this one so i drew my center character first and figured out how to layer others around them from there!
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this one was a little more complex. i made a photo collage (i wish i had used my own refs but. we all make mistakes) and then went over it with a lasso tool blocking out chunks of color. then i turned off the collage layer and drew over the chunks until i was happy with my layout! for this composition, i wanted your eye to travel pretty nonstop around the peice so i chose to make it cluttered and vertical to overwhelm the viewer!
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this one was actually not sketched digitally!! i drew the characters in my sketchbook since i knew i wanted to go for a more layered and abstracted vibe, then used my lightboard to trace them on top of eachother.
I think creating crowd scenes is a lot about juggling space, figuring out how to make things look cramped but not have things blend into one blob. it’s difficult, but with patience you can learn to balance the elements effectivly.
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starkatana · 4 years
So Close
Pokemon Piers x Female Reader (OC)
You and Piers confess your feelings for each other but you’re only in the Galar Region for a limited amount of time. What do you two decide to do with your newly professed feelings?
Notes before reading:
Originally from Unova, in Galar for research.
You’re working with Sonia researching dynamaxing pokemon.
You’re full-time job is working at the pokemon nursery, you rehabilitate injured pokemon and you take care of abandon pokemon.
You have a Levanny as your pokemon partner.
AN: I’m back! I’ve been sitting on this forever thinking “why do i always have an OC when writing for different characters, i don’t know” I’m going to post it anyway! Hope you enjoy!
You are at a party in Hammerlocke hosted by Raihan in honor of the new champion because it’s long overdue after the Rose incident and the twins' fiasco. A party was what everyone needed to celebrate and unwind. You’re Sonia's plus one, and once you had a moment by yourself Raihan came over, drink in hand, smug look on his face, “Hey, y/n are you single?” he’s straight to the point, “Asking for a friend.”
Your face immediately gets warm. Your eyes quickly shift over at Piers before looking back at Raihan. As quick of a glance you thought it was to Piers, Raihan noticed, and his smug grin only got bigger. “Piers?” he asks.
“Is that the friend?” you respond.
He simply shrugs in response giving you a playful smile.
You give him an eye-roll and followed by a light shove. Your cheeks are pink with embarrassment and you’re only a tiny bit upset that Raihan was able to read you so easily.
He lets out a laugh, “Don’t be embarrassed.” He reassured, “So you know. He stares at you every time you look away.”
“Why are you telling me this?” As cute as you think Piers is, the thought that he could like you back never crossed your mind. “I don’t think he likes me much at all.”
You’ve been in town for about two weeks now, and every time you are around, he never seemed to be interested in you. He would only talk to you if someone else was already talking to you. When you two got into a conversation, you thought he was just being friendly. There was that time where he invited you to Spikemuth, but he invited everyone, and when you said thanks, he ran off without another word.
Raihan lets out a small laugh, followed by a slight headshake, “I’ve known Piers a long time. As fearless as he is on stage, offstage, he’s shy. Keeps to himself, and never draws any more attention to himself than he needs to.”
For some reason you didn’t believe that, but decided not to push the topic. “Again. Why are you telling me this?”
“because” Raihan sighs, “I’ll say it outright. Piers likes you, and I’m letting you know that he’s not going to make a move. You’ll have to do that.”
You turn to face Raihan, who mirrors you and smiles at you, “He’s a good guy, but he’ll always put everyone’s feelings before his own. He’s focused on getting Marnie set up to take over the Spikemuth gym. So, he’s just going to stare at you from afar and use Marnie as an excuse to come over and talk to you because my poor punk baby is never going to do it himself.”
“Please ask my brother out, y/n.”
You turn around, and Marnie steps up next to you two. “We have to make this conversation fast.” She says, “It’ll only be a matter of time before Piers comes up to join our conversation.” You look over at Piers, who makes eye contact with you, and you look away again, heart beating fast and blush washing over your face.
“I don’t know what you guys are talking about. He doesn’t like me.” You try to lie to yourself. You are only going to be here for three months you live in a different region, even if things went well and things worked out, how long would it last with the long-distance?
Marnie and Raihan roll their eyes sharing a glance.
“Everyone can tell that you two have a thing for each other.” Marnie gestured at you.
“Everyone except you two.” Raihan continued.
You don’t know what to say. All this information was coming so fast.
“And then I whipped out a peace sign saying I would win the next one.” Raihan let out a hearty laugh.
“What’s going on, you guys?” Piers asked as he walked up to your group. “Hey, y/n.”
“Hey, Piers.” You quickly sink into your drink, at the same time trying to shrink into the background to disappear. Now that you knew that he liked you back, you didn’t know how to act around him. Not that you knew before, but definitely not now.
“Raihan was just telling us how he lost to Leon. Again,” Marnie said.
How were these two so good at lying?
“Now, my goal is to defeat Leon AND Gloria.”
“Good luck with that.” Gloria laughed, joining their group as well with Hop and Bede close behind. “These two nincompoops want to duke it out in the stadium, can they Raihan?”
“Oh, hell yeah.” Raihan cheered, “I’ll ref! But first!” he takes his Rotom phone out, “Selfie!” and he brings the group together to snap a picture. It felt purposeful where Marnie took a step forward, giving peace symbols as Hop and Gloria get close to you, pushing you into Piers. You and Piers lock eyes, you feel your face turn bright red while you give him a sheepish smile. He smiles at you in return. When the camera snaps, neither of you were looking at the camera.
“This one’s a keeper!” Raihan said looking at the photo, “Let’s go to the stadium!” Raihan announced to the room. The kids run off with Raihan as they run past you and Piers. Piers instinctively pulls you close as the VIP room empties, leaving you in a daze as to what just happened. You two are some of the few remaining people in the room. You look up at him, and the two of you share a moment where his arms are around you protectively.
“Thanks, Piers.”
“No problem.” He hesitantly lets go of you and pulls at the ring on his choker, “Raihan always manages to get people pumped up for Dynamax battles.”
“It's fascinating.” You say, looking through the window over at the stadium, “I’m just curious what the lasting effects on dynamaxing pokemon are.”
“Is that what you’re working on with Sonia?”
“A little.” You look over at him and catch him looking away from you when Raihan’s words go through your head: He likes you.
“Do you want to watch?” he asked.
You shake your head no, “I’m good after that Swordbert and Shieldbert thing, I’m good without dynamax pokemon for now.”
He nods, “Alright then.”
You suck in a quick breath, you take a shot, “Do you want to get out of here?”
“Sure.” He agrees without any hesitation.
Crap. You didn’t think you’d get this far this fast. “Let’s go to the daycare and see some baby pokemon.”
He gives you a soft smile, “Sounds like fun.”
He orders a Corviknight, and it takes you two to route 5. Not only were you working with Sonia on the lasting effects on Dynamaxing pokemon, but you also helped out at the daycare. Your fulltime job is daycare caretaker, you help rehabilitate pokemon and care for the ones abandon by their owners. You two go inside the daycare and see your Levanny sitting outside the door of the nursery spitting silk as if she was knitting.
“How are things?” you ask her.
She lets out a soft coo and points to the door, telling you to be quiet. Then she starts pointing at you two and nods.
“Okay.” You blush, “C’mon Piers.” And you lead him out of the daycare.
“She takes her job very seriously.” Piers joked.
You laugh, “Yeah, she’s great at it.” You breathe relieved. Even your pokemon seem to think you two would be good together. “Sorry, we can’t see any baby pokemon right now. They’re all sleeping.”
“It’s alright.” He was so go with the flow, it was nice change of pace from your crazy structured day-to-day life and his presence is just so calming, “It’s a beautiful night,” he gestures down the bridge towards Hulbury, “care to join me?”
“Of course.”
The two of you silently walk down the cobblestone together taking in the view and the fresh air. The night was perfect. The sky was clear, the stars shined bright next to the moon in the sky, there's was enough moon in the sky to illuminate your walk, but not enough to drown out the beauty of the night. It was a picture-perfect evening. Other couples were walking around and standing on the bridge.
“This is romantic.”
You blush at his voice and the thought. “Yeah.” You let out a weak chuckle, “I walk this every day, and I never realized.”
“It’s… beautiful.” He stammered. You looked at him, he was pulling on his ring again.
You gently touched his upper arm, “I think so too.” He lets out a light sigh followed by a smile.
You two stop in the center of the bridge, overlooking the wild area with a gorgeous view of the Hammerlocke gate, “This is my favorite view.” You say leaning against the railing as he takes his place next to you.
“It’s beautiful.” There’s a noticeable pause between the two of you as you looked over the wild area. “Just like you.”
You stop and look over at him. He lets out a low cough, obviously looking away from you trying to avoid eye contact. A lightbulb went off in your head, he was trying to do that earlier too. He’s so precious.
“Piers,” you pause, I like you.
“What's up?” his voice sounded hopeful.
“Nothing, it's dumb.” You shake your head, giving yourself an eye roll. While he turns to look at you, you turn away looking in the opposite direction.
“I’m sure it’s not.”
You face him, and for the first time, you two make eye contact without the other turning away instantly. Everything about him takes your breath away. You feel your face get warm again. He’s so cute, especially in the moonlight. His bright blue eyes were so easy to get lost in. It wasn’t obvious, but he has such a welcoming and friendly energy that once you got past an exhausted looking Piers, that did scare some people, he is honestly the nicest person anyone would be lucky to be around.
“What?” he asked, his face grows concerned. You look ahead of you again, taking a deep breath trying to find your composure.
“Okay.” You wipe your hands on your shorts. “I’m going to take a shot here because of,” you rotate your hands around each other avoiding his eyes, “ideas.”
“Yeah?” you could hear his confusion.
“Has anyone told you anything.” you wonder aloud, looking back at him.
“I mean.” He looks away this time but back at you before continuing. “I think you’re cool, but I know you’re only here for what two more months?”
“Yeah.” You sigh. That was a big factor in why you didn’t want to get involved with anyone here. You were only in Galar for three months, you had two and a half left. There was no need to get into a relationship with each other or even bother about letting him know how you feel. As much as everyone wanted to, there was no point. Why make your small group of friends here awkward?
“I’ll just come out and say it.” You look over at Piers. “I have a crush on you.”
“What?” you say instinctively. Raihan said he wouldn’t make a move, but apparently, he didn’t know Piers as well as he thought he did. You heard what Piers said your brain just needed a second to comprehend and register what he said.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized, pulling at the ring on his choker, “I just felt like I would’ve exploded if I didn’t get it out right now.”
“No, it’s okay. I just….I like you too.” You respond, “I just don’t know.”
“Same.” He lets out a weak smile.
The silence is tense between you two.
“You leave in three months, and I just don’t want to make things awkward.” Piers said. “I really like hanging out with you and I don’t want that to change, but if….” His voice trailed off.
“Yeah! I totally get that.” You agreed, “We don’t want to force anything.”
“No. No. Definitely not.”
“So, we could just take this as it goes.” You say.
He nods, “Yeah…”
“So, because you said it. I do like you too.” You reassure him.
He gives you a smile, “Thanks, I was getting nervous for a minute there.”
“Have you not been nervous this entire time?” you joke, “I’ve been freaking out.”
He laughs, “No, I’ve been a nervous wreck this entire time.”
You two share another laugh together as you have before. It felt natural and easy being with Piers. You deeply wished something would happen between you and Piers, but there was time to see where this would go.
“So, we’re just going to see where this goes?”
“I’m okay with that if you are.”
“I’d really like that.”
“Okay.” He smiles at you, “Want to come over for dinner on Thursday? I have this new song I want you to hear.”
“Yeah,” you agree, “Text me when you want me over.”
It was a good feeling to get that off your chest. You two lean against the railing looking back out at Hammerlocke gate in silence, but closer together. You lean your head on his arm and take in the moment you have together. Piers settling into being your pillow.
“Thank you.” You say, “I’m glad.”
“Me too.” He responds.
Thursday came. He was just finishing up a training session with Marnie, while you sat in the back watching the two battle. Immediately after Piers comes up to talk to you about what he was planning to make for dinner.
“I hope that sounds okay.”
“Sounds awesome. I can’t wait.”
“I really hope you like the song too. I wrote it with you in mind.”
“Piers.” you hold your hand over your heart, when Marnie walks over and starts stabbing the air between you two.You two stop what you were talking about and stare at her.
"What are you doing?"  he asks her.
"Trying to cut the romantic and or sexual tension between you two.” She continues furiously stabbing the air, “Crap, it’s not working!”
You and Piers blush furiously.
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the-ria · 3 years
Hey you said a few posts ago that you've got a lot of refs for diner interiors/environments in general I can't remember which and I was wondering if you could share some cuz I have no idea what to look for in background refs
Yeah I did mention it a while back!
I can literally give you the link to my Pinterest board where I hoard all my background refs!
Here you go:
It has a LOT of different stuff which in one point or another I saved for inspiration.
But generally speaking here's the stuff I'm looking for in environment/interior photos:
• General vibe or a story that a certain photo tells
For some of the refs I can SEE how characters will fit and interact in them. This also helps you to understand how you can tell a story just with surroundings
• Look for interesting compositions and/or lighting
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but still worth mentioning! You can learn a lot by looking where the focal point of the image is and what draws your focus the most.
Half the references I save simply have ~immaculate~ color pallets. Pay close attention how time of day, artificial lighting and weather change the color scheme and mood of the pictures! You can use that knowledge in your own art later
There's a lot more that can be said, but that's everything that my brain could give you right now fhjshd
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dottiechan · 4 years
Hey!! I've been following your blog for a while and I love your style! I read you are self taught. I want to learn how to draw people too so I thought I'd ask: can you recommend some resources that worked for you? Thank you soo much! 😸
Hi! Thanks for the ask, and for your kind words! 
A little something to consider though before I proceed with the rest of my answer - take everything I say/recommend with a grain of salt. “Self-taught” isn’t a mysteriously elusive concept, it doesn’t mean someone’s mastered a skill all by themselves, it simply means taking control of your own learning process and allowing yourself to find the methods and ways that benefit you. If something anyone recommends doesn’t work for you and makes you feel bad in any way, I say ignore it.
That being said, you can find the rest of my thoughts beneath the cut:
Find the right platform and tools
This is step 0. Nothing will feel right unless you find a form of artistic self-expression that resonates within you. I find digital art to be much more forgiving and not to mention cheaper than the more tradtional ways, but not every platform works for me. I’ve been using Autodesk Sketchbook for a while now because it is completely free, beginner friendly and has just enough tools to help you make more elaborate drawings as well, but I would break down crying if I had to learn how to use Photoshop (while some people excel at it!). As for tablets, I totally recommend the Wacom ones. I’ve been using my Wacom Intuos Comic tablet with my laptop for years and I’ve never had any issues with it.
I suck at human anatomy. There, I’ve said it. I’ve never learned it properly for drawing purposes, and every attempt I’ve made to do so simply left me frustrated, so unforntunately I don’t have many resources for you, per se. Whenever I try using anatomy guides or tutorials, my drawings end up looking weird. So I mainly only use references. IMO anatomy doesn’t matter much as long as the shapes look natural, and as long as your drawing conveys the message you want it to convey. References help guide you, while giving you the necessary freedom to make adjustments as you see fit (while on the other hand I personally find rigid anatomical “rules” restricting). Use references for everything - the lighting, the face, the hair, the hands, the clothes. I always have several photos saved to my phone while I’m drawing that I often look at. 
(If you want to learn how human anatomy works though, more power to you! There is an great amount of drawing tutorials out there by wonderful artists! :))
Some of my favourite places to go to for pose refs:
SketchDaily Reference Site
Google images of celebrities or models (cliche, I know, but it’s a good way to get many references of the same body type, face, etc.)
Some tips I wish someone told me when I got into digital art:
If you find poses or faces difficult at first, practice by tracing. A lot. Get familiar and even intimate with certain recurring lines or ratios or curves, and eventually they will come back to you when you draw without tracing. Gradually shift to just looking at references. This will take time, so be patient with yourself.  Tracing is a great way to warm up to a new platform and/or tablet too - this is how I got comfortable with my current setup 3 years ago.  (Out of respect for the creators, do not claim traced refs as your own work.)
It will probably take a while, so practice as often as you can. Unfortunately, there is no way around this, but instead of setting a goal (i.e. “I want to learn how to draw people”), try to enjoy the journey. Even when you think your drawings don’t come out as well or as realisitc as you want them to, you’re drawing people. And you can find unique solutions once you let go of this “ideal state” you want to reach. That’s when your style will emerge. :)
Something looks wonky or out of place in your initial sketch? No problem. Use the Quick transform > Lasso tool in Sketchbook to outline and drag the part where it would look better. I have salvaged so many sketches like this, such an easy fix to when you mess up the ratios in for instance a face.
Find The Brush. The One Brush to rule them all. The brush that makes you feel the most comfortable, the one that accomodates your style the most. (Mine is the Dry Marker. I feel like I could conquer the world with it.)
Always change the background colour from white to something a little darker. That way it is so much easier to add white highlights and make a face or a body look more 3 dimensional. (Especially if you’re lazy like yours truly, and would like to get away with not adding any colours to a drawing.)
Put everything on separate layers!!! Otherwise making even minor tweaks will be extremely difficult.
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threshasketch · 6 years
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Hey, thank you for checking out my art commission post! 
Commissions and Patreon and Ko-Fi are my only source of income right now, and every dollar helps me pay the rent, keep the lights and internet on, and (very important!) keep coffee pot full. ♥
First, a very important announcement:
Commission prices and guidelines have been revised as of 2/6/2020. All previous versions of my art commission guidelines are outdated, and will not be honored*.
*I want to make the changes here as fairly as possible, so anybody who contacted me about a commission before 2/6/2020 will still get the old prices for that commission, even if I haven’t responded to you yet. All commissions I am contacted about on or after this date will adhere to the new guidelines and pricing.
Why The Changes?
It’s become an annual thing for me to review and update my art commission guidelines, because after a year I can see that some items never get ordered and some prices are too low for the amount of time I’m spending working on them.
The prices haven’t changed much this year, and anything that has gone up, it’s because I’ve been doing commissions that involved those things and took me much longer than I thought they would. Price changes are not done to gouge anybody, but to try and be fair to myself for how hard I’m working.
As ever, I’m so grateful to everyone who has ever helped support me and my work – sincerely, thank you! ♥
Without further ado, onward, to the art!
Commission Guidelines
Child characters
Ship art (poly ships welcome!)
Specific poses by request
Pics with multiple characters
Characters from shows/comics/anime/manga/etc
Characters in outfits you send me a ref of (armor, a toga, fashionista ensemble, pink panties, you name it – talk to me)
Tasteful nudity (think pin-up style, coyly placed vases, that kind of thing)
Giant/tiny art
Different body types (I LOVE drawing different body types)
Backgrounds (not too complicated please)
Wings, horns, other non-human traits (♥)
Underage characters in romantic/sexual situations
Furries (nothing against these, I’m just not great at drawing them)
Mecha (see above)
Explicit sex/kink stuff (sorry…I’m sure there are others who will draw this for you out there)
Graphic violence
Anti-something art/hate
RPF, aka Real Person Fiction (same thought as explicit stuff)
Closely copying or editing somebody else’s artwork for you
Drawing Styles
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Coloring Styles
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Pricing Info:
First pick a drawing style:
Chibi line art: $20
Non-chibi line art: $30 (complicated poses/details may be more)
Then add a coloring/shading style:
Flat grays: $10
Flat colors: $15
Gray shading: $20
Color shading: $25
Digital painting: $40 (may be more depending on how realistic/complicated)
Add any extras:
Additional character: $10 per chibi character, $15 per non-chibi character, $25 per digital painting character
Simple background: $10
Detailed background: $20
Add ‘em up and you have your price! If you want a dot chibi couple pic with flat colors, for example, you’re looking at about $45. A non-chibi couple line art? Also $45.
Specialty Projects
Tattoo design: Standard commission prices for characters, style, etc, additional $50 for extra time and care making super high res, smooth line artwork in a one-of-a-kind custom design for you. I have designed several tattoos already. ♥ Tell me the planned tattoo location and I’ll shape the art to fit and display nicely. 
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(Tattoo belongs to @vibraniumarm​ , photo and ink work by Diaz Tattoo.)
Fanfic illustrations/covers: Minimum $50 per piece (Will vary based on number of characters/details, art and coloring style desired, etc. I’m an experienced big bang artist. Please check out my Supernatural Bang Master Post for 2018 for examples of fic covers I have done with links to the full art master posts below each cover.)
More examples from my own fics:
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Commission Conditions
Commissions provided in digital form only. I post commissioned art on my art blog and on Twitter with the name of who commissioned it – if you don’t want to be tagged by name or need to hold off the posting (say, for surprise birthday present art), please let me know. High-res file copies of commissioned art are provided on request, no extra charge. Payment is required before I begin to work.
I retain the copyright to my work. Under no conditions are you to sell it, print it to sell, repost it without credit to me as the artist, or claim it as your own work.
Revisions will be done within reason if you aren’t absolutely happy with the work (but that’s what I’m aiming for on the first try. ♥) If in doubt, please message me and we’ll work it out!
Payment Info
All prices are in US dollars, and I accept payments through PayPal. All I need is your PayPal email address, and I’ll send you an invoice of what commission item(s) we discussed, the price, the date and other important information in minutes. Once the invoice arrives, you can use PayPal to pay it in a few clicks. 
I switched to invoices because it helps me track my earnings/tax info, as well as being a proof of a commission agreement between us. It protects everybody involved. ♥
How to Contact Me:
If you’re interested in an art commission, you can contact me any of these ways:
Send me an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Threshasketch Art Commission”
Toss me a Tumblr ask / messenger message
Send me a direct message on my Twitter
I’m usually around and will get back to you as quick as I can. Actual art-making turnaround time is pretty speedy, but really depends on whether the commission is complicated or simple. 
I usually have a queue of commissions lined up, and I work on them in the order they were paid for. Please expect several weeks at the minimum for me to reach your place in the queue and create your art. Let me know if you have a specific time frame you need me to work within, and I’ll be sure I can meet that requirement before taking the commission on!
Think This Post Is Long Enough? Cripes.
If you’d just like to support my work and don’t have a specific art request in mind (fhdsfkdhdsk), you could buy me a Ko-Fi as a tip or become a Patron on Patreon as a monthly type of thing. (If you’re already a Patron, bless you and I love you to pieces!)
Congrats, you made it to the bottom of the post! Thank you for your interest in my art, hope the rest of your day is awesome! ♥♥♥
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winchester-reload · 5 years
Hey, I adore your drawing style! I would like to ask a follow up question to the anon askin about coloring. How do you use references? Do you have reference picture of a face on your screen? Do you ever use tracing?
Hello! And thank you!!!
To answer your question, I usually collect multiple reference photos for each piece I do. Often a couple face references at whatever angle I’m drawing and a couple pose references. I always have them in a separate window cleverly titled “Refs” (😂😒) and I usually put it side by side with my drawing window. Sometimes it’s a lighting reference, sometimes it’s a color reference, etc. I’m hella dependent on them because I come from a life drawing background and I can’t draw from memory.
As far as tracing goes, you’re kind of limited to the confines of your reference picture, which just means it’s gonna look a helluva lot like your photo without any of your particular style mixed in (and your style is worth mixing in!!) You certainly can trace if it makes you comfortable, imo. There’re so many different ways to create art, I think it’s most important you use whatever methods and tools you need to to make the art you want to create. (Side note: do not trace other people’s art, though. That’s one of those “dick move, bro” kinda things.) And it can be helpful if you’re having trouble with some line art and you can’t for THE LIFE OF YOU figure out where you’re going wrong. Just overlay your drawing with the reference, line it up, and check your dimensions! (I have absolutely done that.)
However, don’t use it as a crutch. That is to say, DONT SOLEY TRACE. Keep working and growing and applying the things you learn from tracing to your own drawings.
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august-leigh · 6 years
Commission Info! Paypal!
Hey there ladies and men and non-binary friends! Please take a look at this post if you’d like order a commission from me!
Digital Tools:
I usually use photoshop to create my art but I’m not opposed to drawing a real sketch or something.
Digital Examples:
Here are a couple examples but you can also peruse my tumblr for any styles I may have missed!
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Full Body with One Character (+ $5 for every other character)
  Sketch: $14
  Sketch with Color: $24
  Clean Line and Color: $38
Background?: We can discuss details about this if you’d like backgrounds in any of these options.
I will draw animals, oc’s, mild nudity, and from photo reference.
I love drawing fan OC’s and I love adapting my style as best I can. If there is a fandom you don’t see on my blog then don’t even worry about it! I will look into it for ya and make sure I do a good job!
I will not draw mech’s (unless you want a really bad mech) or porn.
Terms and Conditions:
- I own my art work and am able to post it anywhere I like (unless discussed otherwise).
- Do not claim my art work as your own.
- Do not resell my art or use it commercially (unless we agree otherwise).
- I will not begin the commission until I receive half payment.
- Full resolution and un-watermarked files will be delivered to you after final payment.
- I will not give refunds for full finished commissions.
- If for some reason I am unable to finish your commission I will give you the work I have and give you a refund for the remainder of the cost of work not completed.
How to Commission Me:
- Send me a message on here, Instagram, or email me at [email protected]
- Let me know you understand the terms and what you would like! Send me any and all references you’d like me to use.
- Once I have your paypal e-mail I can send you an invoice for the payment.
- Once I receive half-payment I immediately begin the commission. And I will send the final full resolution image to you once I receive the full payment.
Commission Request Form!:
  Intended Use:
  Character/Background Refs:
  Your Idea:
  Required File Size:
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steamysthings · 7 years
Um hey I wanted to ask you something how do you draw cats so good? I know you got to use a reference and all but like I'm using refs but I can't find out the proportions for example a sphynx cat and like I'm divided between using refs and tracing & people are saying don't do tracing it will get you addicted to it or put you in a trap but then others say it's good but people who say it's good just do it only ONE time so im really stuck :( and I need help I was wondering if you could help?
hi! I don't know how much help I'll be, but i can give you a summary of how I tend to draw things. This might be long, apologies!!Bottom line stuff: 1. Reference is your best friend! And an amazing tool for organizing your reference pictures is pureref (you can google it and download for free!). that's just my little shoutout there. 2. I'm coming an art college and a self-taught background. so this might be funky. 3. Cats are WILD to draw. they're very complicated and expressive.
I'll use a sphynx cat and focus on reference, since that's what you're trying to work on!
First off, I think tracing gets a rough name in art because people tend to assume that copying anything from reference in an art piece counts as tracing, and using it at all is an automatic no-no that will forever stunt your artistic growth. Not so true! For one, references are always good, and I tend to use more than one picture as a ref, because it helps you understand the underlying structure of what you're drawing, as opposed to just recognizing lines and drawing from there.
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Here's my array of references! I tried to choose pictures that showed off lots of aspects of the cat; some pics show the body shape really well, while others show off the face more clearly. There are tons of ways to use reference images, and honestly, all of them have been useful for me at some point.
- loose tracing over an image directly- 'frankenstein'-ing photos to create a close image to what you want to draw- refs and winging it
I'll try to give some simple examples to show what I mean. Normally when i decide, oh, I'm gonna draw a cat, I'll either loosely sketch up a pose I like and seek out anatomy references for similar poses, or I'll find a picture i like and recreate that pose. In this case i did the second. First, i found a pic, and loosely sketched over the pic in PS to get a feel for the main shapes in kitty-cat’s body.
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then, separately and right beside that image, I did a sketch based off of those shapes, and cleaned it up.
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When I do sketches like this, i like to use additional references to tighten up details, like the face - the initial pic wasn’t quite detailed enough on the face, so I used another photo to tidy up the shapes.
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(This is a form of ‘frankenstein’-ing pictures together to get the feel you want, but sometimes I will physically copy and paste pieces of a photo together (within reason) to get where I need to be. )
Tracing in this way - without physically tracing every single line - both gives your sketches more flow, and allows you to learn while you draw. It's the same idea with drawing from still life. The more you focus on the shapes that make up a cat or a vase or a horse or whatever you're drawing, the better you'll be at recognizing how to make them look the way you want without religiously following every line in an image.
Usually I’ll just use a reference to look at and draw from it, like here:
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Other times I'll do lots of practice sketches based off of images (or my own cat) and that works especially well for cats, because they're so flowy and full of life! Cats make the best animal shapes and there's so much variety in them.You can also just as easily make a little cheat sheet for your basic proportions, and draw from your imagination there.
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This is a very messy, loose tutorial, but i hope this helped! i would DEFINITELY try to do some like drawings, too, if possible. They should really help you get an eye for shapes, postures, and attitude (cattitude?). happy drawing!
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