#hf: Echo
devilshelter · 7 months
! TW: Suicide !
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Welp three hours down into trashcan
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The babies and their mommies are having the time of their life in the pasture. The fillies has already become good friends, though it's clear which one is the dominating one in the relationship xD
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Our quite new mare GE Rosebank has also entered the pasture, though only with young Opaline for now. She was mostly bought because Opaline needed a new mommy/mentor now that Prada has her foal to worry about, but Rosebank is SUCH a sweet girl!
She is an experiences Show Jumper, and will soon be entering shows alongside the other horses.
Opaline seems to have taken a liking to the mature mare, they are already grooming each other. Most of the time it's not a problem to bring to horses who are strangers to each other, as long as it's only them in the pasture to begin with.
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Ismael will be her new rider, and I'm pretty good with that. I will of course possibly want to be the first one to try her out in the arena, but he will be the one bonding, training and competing with her.
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And Neha had a better ride on Pax today. Ismael was lunging Opaline under my supervision, as he has not worked a lot with youngsters. He has only worked with horses already broken in, and has never taught a horse to jump for the first time. He seemes to enjoy working with Opaline though, and Pax was actually behaving himself.
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And look at this little guy we just collected! He is son of BOE Sailor Moon and PRH Rising Sun, and he is named EIEC Rolly Joger. He is a little pirate, lol xD
He is enjoying the pasture with gelding RRS Caspian, acting as nanny. Hopefully he can come and play with the fillies soon, but as he is months older (more specifically 3 months), he is probably too rough in his play right now for the barely two days old fillies.
Soon he will grow into a handsome though wonky build (bc all of them looks wonky) yearling, and we can begin training him a bit more!
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Terror (Raiden x Reader angst)
Tw: Death, blood, violence, and dark themes. If you are not comfortable with these themes, DNI!
Heart pounding, you dashed into an alleyway, breath shaky and mind swirling with fear. Just 2 hours ago, you and Raiden had been on a mission, slicing open cyborgs with ease--until someone shot Raiden in the shoulder. It was superficial damage in terms of how easily it could be healed, but it hurt. That was the problem. In seconds, Jack the Ripper had emerged and immediately started massacring everyone in the vicinity, and once he was done with them, he turned his attention to you.
Red eye glowing with an insatiable lust for blood, he stalked towards you, his unhinged laughter echoing in your ears and filling your mind with clouds of terror.
You loved Raiden and would have never run from him, but this thing was not Raiden, at least, not anymore. Before you could even think, your body acted on impulse. You took off, zipping like a lightning bolt through the streets, too afraid to even look back. Behind you, you could hear the loud thumping of metal hitting the streets as Jack the Ripper chased after you, laughing like a maniac.
"Doll, where ya going? Don't you wanna stay and play?" You instantly became aware of something whirring behind you, turned, and saw the fully charged HF blade about to be thrown at you by powerful cyborg arms. You ducked, dropping to the ground and evading the sword, but losing your balance in the process.
That single moment of weakness was all Jack needed to catch up and pin you to the ground, his strong metal legs caging you to the pavement, preventing any movement from the shoulders down. Jack let out a long, horrifying laugh before taking your face firmly in his clawed hands with none of the gentleness Raiden usually exercised.
"God, you're beautiful. So much prettier when you're not running away." More insane laughter. He bent down and licked a long stripe up your cheek, still gripping your jaw firmly while his sharp claws dug into your flesh like little needles, making rivulets of blood trickle down your face and pool into his hand, which only served to delight him further.
"So beautiful..." He roughly tugged you forwards, red eye searching yours with a type of hunger you were unable to identify. You struggled, trying to escape form his impossibly firm grip, but it was impossible.
"Let go of me!" You yelled, even though you knew it was hopeless. Raiden chuckled, yanking you forwards and smashing his metal lips against yours. The kiss was cold and devoid of the warmth and love you were used to. Whimpering softly, you managed to pull away with some difficulty.
"What's wrong, doll?" He sneered, insanity in his eyes. "Don't you love it when I kiss you? Don't you love me?" You trembled, body quivering from head to toe as you tried to summon up the courage to answer.
"I love Raiden," You finally admitted. "Not you."
Raiden growled in response, looking angrier and more disappointed than you'd ever seen him.
"So that's how it is, eh? No one cares about Jack--everybody's after Raiden!" An expression of pure anger on his face, the psychopath got to his feet, raised the HF blade, and rammed it right into his target: your heart.
A stabbing pain shot through your chest, and before you could even register what was happening, the world suddenly went fuzzy and faded to black, with the last thing you ever heard being Jack's maniacal laughter, echoing in your ears like a nightmarish song.
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versegm · 2 years
What is Fate/Stay Night?
Fate/Stay Night is a visual novel that came out in 2004. It features three routes: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven's Feel. It is also the first installment of the Fate serie.
If you are familiar with that serie (and if you follow me I think I can safely bet you do,) it's the one game all the other games keep referencing.
If you are not familiar with that serie, it's the game this blonde anime chick you can see everywhere since 2005 is from.
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Oooh nifty. What's it about?
The story follows SHIROU EMIYA, a perfectly ordinary teenager with small magic abilities, as he gets dragged in a mage battle royale where the winner gets to fulfill one of their wish. During that battle royale, mages are aided by Heroic Spirits, aka historical and/or mythological figures as summons to fight. As you can imagine, the question of what makes a hero? is a major one in the story, along with What makes a villain? What makes a victim? How does one uphold their ideals?
Cool. Should I play it?
Well that depends on what you're looking for in a story, but if you enjoy strong thematic writing, balls to the wall concepts, and commitment to any worldbuilding implications (be they really silly or deeply horrifying) then yeah you should def go for it! Also, as a visual novel, it is extremely well-made and it fucks with the medium in ways I have rarely seen before.
I'm already familiar with other Fate games and I know the tl;dr of the plot. Do I really need to play it?
Yeah you should!! As I said in the intro, every Fate entry out there references fsn in some way, be in directly by making references to plot elements, or indirectly by echoing and building on its themes. Trust me no amount of knowing what would happen could have prepared me from actually reading it.
Isn't it a porn game?
The original is an eroge, yes, so it did contain sex scenes. The remake, Fate/Stay Night: Realta Nua, replaced the sex scenes with sfw ones. I can give you my personal opinion on which version of these scenes is best if you need me but really it's up to you as to which one you'd rather read.
I tried playing the game a while back but I thought the protag was a cunt.
Yeah I getcha the first route is a bit clumsy by today's standards and it's easy to read the protagonist as a bitchy chauvinist at first. Still he gets better (and in fact never acts even remotely like that in the other routes) so I would ask you to grind your teeth and keep going.
"The first route"? Is there an order to the routes?
There is! In the original game you had to go Fate route -> UBW route -> HF route. Iirc you can play them in any order in the remake, but I strongly advise you to play these routes in this order regardless, because they were very much built with the assumption that this is the way you'd experience things. (A very basic exemple is that the Fate route has a lot more explanations on the worldbuilding and the rules of the battle royales, while the other routes assume you already know this shit and ellipses it up.)
Ohhh. Ok I'm kinda interested. Where can I play it?
Well funny story! This game is like, the ONE fate game that never got any official release in the West whatsoever! So you're gonna have to go with fantranslations. You can play the sfw remake over here, or you can download the og eroge over there.
I'm gonna be real with you bestie I am not committing to a 70 hours-long vn when I don't even know if I'll like it.
Understandable! Perhaps you'd be interested in the anime adaptation of one of the routes then? I'm told the Unlimited Blade Works anime is a good introduction to the Fate serie, its vibes, and therefore whether it might be your thing or not. That being said disclaimer that I have not watched it (<- not an anime watcher) so I can't personally back it up.
Hey why are there like twenty versions of that blonde anime chick
That would require me to make a separate 2k long post king.
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indigitalembrace · 2 months
[Against the warning, Against Watchy's own autonomy about the whole thing, it bristled once more.]
[That last taunt sped up the process, the metallic claws slinking up it's vessel's arms in a quick burst of pixelated flare. The fur stood on end on the back of it's neck, and a burst of what looked like electricity shot down the base of it's tail and crackling viciously at the plug end.] [It was beginning to lose composure now, losing itself to the added ram forcing itself into it's system.] [̵̝̂"̶͚̆C̵͚̚H̵̹̽Ȧ̷̘M̴͖̀B̶̞̑E̸̱͒R̷̻͒L̶̜͂Ȧ̶̲Ḯ̸̬Ṅ̵̩Ṇ̸̂N̷͔̓.̷̻̆.̴͖͂.̵̫̅"̵̞̆]̶̣̆
[It's voice hissed past the monotony, a warbling rumble of static and bile in it's words. Was...]
[Was it's form getting bigger...?]
[Sonny chuckled to himself. The dog was really pissed off now.]
[An agitated jolt of electricity sparked through his code. Orange sparks danced on the edge of his vision. He snarled.]
[His voice echoes through the empty, rusted halls, crackling and glitching. It had decayed... almost as much as he had.]
[He stalked around his prison, pacing down the twisting passageways.]
Bk wwnzu uv fwhzzly on ng kh tovmwenv pzhjfdzno bh. Nx uov'm krgk tpth uhx fqgrzgx ua, gcn, wf wm? Hf, nhism, zskmzno iffhw tpth nx rcbnocep smgh jhdebawez ko baok lvrdxf.
[There was another buzz of orange static.]
Ty, uxlsk, gfw, iks nx? Zs qm pvvruax W jmflm rclk tolx tfk r smvcew? Fh, ur gzgtezxgk tgothuzxj, mg hzu yiimgr.
[He chuckled, a deep, rumbling, inhuman sound that bounced off the walls.]
Wfn'b pcikp. Ywn'zc zvt ghii yiemwcd lfov. Rcl tcl ebzc.
[There are no further pings to the server, or to Watchy.]
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thatfancygirlinwhite · 6 months
Worked on both For the Coming of Spring and House of Feathers, Hall of Night this week!
I really missed HF,HN — so happy to come back to it! Unfortunately I'm still travelling so progress is slow, but I should be home by the end of the week and therefore capable of posting a chapter of any one of my fics.
In the meantime, some sneak-peeks:
“Make the best of things,” the raven echoed, almost as if he could not understand. “It is an optimistically naive view of the world,—” Bilbo opened his mouth in protest, “—yet it is one I can respect.”
-> HF,HN — finally getting to the bagginshield in this one, even if it's kind of at the very edges...
It’s happy laughter, really, the elated kind that lingers even after it’s long passed. There’s something surreal about listening to laughter and not being a part of it, yet all the same it wraps around her like a blanket, this knowledge that there is yet joy to be found. Perhaps Bilbo finds it almost reassuring, to know that the world has not dimmed or stopped with her; that it will go on no matter what, and she can stay back and watch it spin. This laughter, she thinks, the mountains will remember it forever.
-> FCS — interaction!!!!! I'm thinking of potentially cutting this chapter into 2 smaller ones, depends on how much I get done in the next coming days :)
Thank you everyone for the crazy support, by the way. I've read every single comment and smiled at every single kudos and the love you've given FCS especially really warms my heart. I'm so happy, and will be answering every comment soon enough, promise!! Thank you all once again, you guys are the best 🩷
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healing-fire--rewrite · 10 months
Send a number 1-100, I'll say what song it is on my spotify wrapped and tell you what HF character I think echoes it!
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facelessxchurch · 1 year
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SP HeroForge: The Unnamed (1)
“The breakers of worlds reckon themselves mighty, but I mock them, for I am drinker of suns.”
“I am immortal. Your true death is when I forget.”
“All things that live are born already Named. I am Unnamed, yet I live. All the magic of sorcerers comes to them by their Name. I have no Name, and yet the doors of all magic are thrown open before me.”
I initially tried to stick to your ref sheet of the original Unnamed, but HeroForge’s options do not lend themselves well to that corporeal-Nazgul look. Not enough chains or billowing sleeves and the tattered robe options look bad to me. So I gave up on that and went off-script entirely with this immortal mummified pharaoh vibe, mostly of my own invention.
HeroForge doesn’t have an option for floating pieces around the head for that King of the Darklands crown, (these models have to be 3D-printable) but I got reasonably close with a ring of horns.
Guess what sword that is he’s holding?
So in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, there are a few lines that have been stuck in my head ever since I learned them. Echoing around in my mind, like I was always meant to hear them, like they were written for me. Which I guess in a way, they were. The Book of the Dead, which is also called the Book of Going Forth By Day, is actually a religious text, not some kind of spellbook of Old Kingdom necromancy or whatever it is depicted as in historically illiterate fiction.
The Ancient Egyptian religion is actually the source of True Name lore. For example, Isis, daughter of Ra, learns Ra’s True Name. She does this by poisoning him with an enchanted serpent she conjures, then tricking him into revealing his secret name to her so she can heal him. When he does so, she gains his power. Does this event remind you of anything that happened in phase 2 of Skulduggery Pleasant? I can think of one in particular.
Anyway, the lines are thus:
“I am the Great One, son of the Great One”
“I am fire, son of fire, whose head was given to him after it was cut off.”
These refer to the god Osiris, torn apart and later retrieved, stitched back together, embalmed and resurrected by his wife, or more generally the souls of the dead on their journey through the underworld to new life, who Osiris serves as a kind of exemplar for. But I found myself thinking about them again while customizing the Unnamed in HeroForge, and thought, what about a special version just for him?
“I am the Nameless, child of the Faceless.”
“I am no one, son of no one, over whom death has neither call nor claim.”
Thank you for coming to my dark magic TED talk
SP HeroForge: The Unnamed (2)
“Sorcerers become great when they own their Names. I own the ink with which those Names were written.”
Here are close-ups of his face, including some editions with sigils blazing with power carved into his skin.
I remembered that sculpt you linked before and tried to make his eyes look as much like it as I could. I also gave him the nose ring from that sculpt. Hope you appreciate
Ya trying a bit to hard on the quotes ngl. The only quote I like is the one based on the Book of the Dead. Tho the Unnamed describing himself as Child of the Faceless feels ooc for him. He infantilizes others by calling them ‘boy’ but not himself. Him calling himself ‘heir’ to the Faceless would seem more fitting to me.
Is he holding the Godkiller Sword?
I love that you based him off Egyptian lore. I’m pretty sure that Landy actually admitted in one interview that he based the name system on the Egyptian three names lore, yet you’re the first I saw do something with that information. So big bonus points for including that lore  The only thing I don’t like is that the bandages don’t cover him completely.
(I’d imagine Mev and Nef hate it too lol no one wants to see that nasty old man skin. Imagine this scene but with the Unnamed and Mev/Nef .3.)
But HF’s limits options are to blame for that and not you. That’s why I hardly play around with HF tbh bc not being able to do what I want drives me nuts haha.
You did an absolutely fantastic job on the eyes too! 👀 They look properly otherworldly and dripping with power! I’m a bit torn on the nose ring, but it does low key remind me of the main baddie from 300 which I would say fits thematically.
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biersackandys · 1 year
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@hf-sarahhyland​​ - andy was a bit nervous as he made the drive to sarah’s place. he had showered so long the water got cold and then he spent a good half hour trying to pick it outfit. what he wore didn’t matter but sharing what he was did so he was lost in his head and either not fully thinking or overthinking. now that he was on his way he was focusing on the road by also still lost in his thoughts. so the moment he arrived he parked the car and sat there for a good five or ten minutes before finding the ability to use his legs again and climb out of his car. locking it up as andy then made the walk to sarah’s home taking deep breaths on his way to the front door before he’d knock. that sound -- it echoed in his mind and pulled him out of his thoughts some.
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drabmakyo · 2 years
Flexible Homunculi
Qoheleth had two origins, both hailing from 2016, not just one.
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The first and larger origin was a random conversation I had with some postfurries ages ago. What if you could just create a copy of yourself who could go to work while the rest of you could be a furry piece of trash online for the day, or perhaps you could have parallel monogamy. I still have those notes, by the way:
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The other beginning, though, was AwDae’s story, which began as a serialized novella called Getting Lost (and, later, Exocorticies). These were merged when I briefly lost my contracting gig during the beginning of COVID and the project became something else entirely.
However, I still think about the origins of that second story. In a similarly innocent way, I was thinking about how, in flow state, I cease to exist as Madison, and simply become whatever I’m working on. What brings me back to being are the petty discomforts of having a physical existence. My hands hurt, or perhaps I have to use the restroom.
Better, I say, to truly become whatever I’m working on, to have my body disappear and simply become the computer, willing words into being (or, at the time, Python).
Thus AwDae, delving in and becoming the sound system.
It was becoming the room. It was a new sensory experience. No limbs, no torso, no face or eyes or ears. Or maybe all ears: ey became the room, feeling the way sound echoed or didn’t, knowing the limits of the speakers in a deeply physical way. Mics peppering the walls a new sensory input. The wires nerves. The speakers muscles to flex. Instincts, reactions, and actions responding to whole systems of stimuli.
This extends (in several ways!) through the text to living lives as furries online, continually aligning one’s form to one’s self image in ever finer ways.
Well, it turns out that there’s a whole entire term for this: homuncular flexibility — the human ability to expand the sense of the body (the homunculus, the mental map of ourselves that lives in our brain) to shapes other than our own.
This essay seeks to explicate an unorthodox idea that spans psychology, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and computer science called homuncular flexibility (HF). HF posits that the homunculus—the part of the cortex that maps movement and sensing of body parts—is capable of adapting to novel bodies, in particular bodies that have extra appendages or appendages capable of atypical movements.
How neat is that?
You can read more here.
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Wait, wait. I just read your thing about seers and how they're able to get prophecies basically anywhere and also see ghosts. I'm assuming that means Goosefeather is/was a seer, but does that make Firestar one too? Since he had Spottedleaf as a Starclan guide.
🍵 anon
!!! i didn't think anyone would catch that!!
yes, goosefeather was a seer (which is why he was made a healer). and yes, firepaw is indeed a seer in hf (albeit to a lesser extent)!
he can't see ghosts or anything, but he does have a strange connection to the afterlife. most of the time it comes as strange dreams that echo the future. he's had them all his life, and he doesn't realize that it's not a thing anyone else experiences. it's sort of like when someone explains to you what the queer experience is like for the first time and you go "but everyone experiences that" only to find out that no, actually, they don't, and you are very queer.
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diariomacho · 3 months
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runiround · 6 months
On Cloudmonster Hyper展現歐系高級穩定性跑步科技理念
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慢跑俱樂部在瑞士運動鞋品牌On多年前剛進入台灣之際,編輯有幸搶先其他人體驗On跑鞋的特殊設計及跑步體驗,看著On跑鞋在全球大廠高度競爭情況下保持成長,並且讓產品繼續突破進化,在2024年新年度開始,On旗下的Cloudmonster 家族再次推出進化款式讓台灣跑友有機會嘗試不一樣的選擇!
◎ 加入慢跑俱樂部粉絲專頁,設定「最愛」掌握最新體育資訊!
On繼2024年2月上市的Cloudmonster 2新款跑鞋,於4月再度推出Cloudmonster Hyper跑鞋,讓On跑鞋系列更佳完整,提供更多緩震功能性導向的款式滿足有此需求的跑者。
想要入手On緩震系列跑者該如何選擇 Cloudmonster 系列鞋款呢?新推出的Hyper型號其設計目標族群為進階跑者的速度訓練鞋來使用,如果你想挑戰個人新的跑步目標,這是一款幫助你面對正式路跑比賽的用鞋。
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Cloudmonster Hyper 從中底、大底到鞋面皆有獨特之處,在現在其它大廠頂級款式多採用碳纖板來增加回彈力量的設計,On Cloudmonster Hyper 最大特色就是無使用碳纖板也能給你宛如碳板鞋的滿滿回饋感。讓跑者在訓練時減少對碳板鞋的使用與依賴,同時並疼協助跑者降低腿部負擔。
Cloudmonster Hyper 的雙密度中底結構,可以進一步提升推進與緩震效果,上層Pebax 製成的 Helion™ HF 超級發泡材質中底,可以讓腳掌觸地時更輕柔��收著陸衝擊,同時保持高能量回饋;大底則是採用優化橡膠材質,提升整體的抓地力和耐用性。
鞋面設計以 Cloudboom Echo 3 編織鞋面為基礎,並採用一體成型設計,能舒適地包裹雙足讓你在台灣高溫氣候跑步能更透氣舒適。另外一個貼心進階設計,就是為了增添鞋帶的穩定性,在鞋帶上增添同特殊矽膠印刷技術 (Silicone Print),讓跑者高速奔跑能牢牢保持鞋身的穩定性。相信是另一種跑步新思維,可以不用跟著大廠的最新科技,想要有更好的力量回饋,只要跑鞋大底特性能有效傳遞回饋的力量,就不用特地為了新材質來改變你多年形塑出來的跑步習慣。
On Cloudmonster Hyper全新款式主打淡紫/火焰橘的結合,柔和的紫色加上充滿活力橘色,由裡到外注入充沛的能量;另外也針對男性跑友推出純潔白/薄荷綠配色,以純白為基調,搭配清新薄荷綠,讓每一步都宛如在綠意盎然的大自然中輕盈奔跑。讓跑者穿上來自瑞士跑鞋同時,可以展現出與目前市場上純美式或日式風格的不一樣的自信風采。
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lightsounds · 8 months
JBL PRX ONE All-In-One Powered Column PA W/ 7-Ch Mixer, DSP & Onboard FX
Product Information:-
The JBL PRX ONE all-in-one powered PA features an acoustically optimised column array featuring a 7-channel digital mixer, a full suite of professional DSP, class-leading audio connectivity, Bluetooth functionality and JBL Pro Connect universal app control.
Enjoy unmatched power and performance in a sleek, compact package: PRX ONE delivers a stunning 130 dB of wide, full-bandwidth coverage with consistent front-to-back throw, thanks to its custom-engineered 12-tweeter column array featuring JBL AIM acoustic technology, 12-inch bass-reflex woofer and built-in 2,000-watt (peak) amplifier.
Dial in great sound fast, with fewer pieces of gear, using PRX ONE’s full suite of professional Lexicon and dbx effects including reverb, delay, compression and dbx DriveRack Inside featuring AFS Pro Automatic Feedback Suppression. Connect microphones, instruments, mobile devices and wireless rigs using PRX ONE’s versatile I/Os (featuring dedicated phantom power and Hi-Z inputs and pro-grade Neutrik connectors) and sophisticated Bluetooth 5.0 features. Work faster and easier with an intuitive Soundcraft-designed dual-mode digital mixer that can be set to general mix functions or channel-strip control, all controllable via app or a built-in colour LCD.
PRX ONE is ideal for DJs, musicians, entertainment venues, corporate presenters, rental companies and houses of worship. It’s the perfect solution for anyone who demands best-in-class power, acoustic performance, creative control and connectivity in a stylish, full-featured column PA that’s ideal for both installed and portable applications.
Firmware Update: JBL Pro Connect V1.8 is now available as a free update on Android and ISO. The latest firmware update improved metering (LEDs indicating limit too early), pass-through LPF/HPF (added LPF/HPF to the pass-through DSP), presets following the logic of EON ONE MK2 (system presets will now mirror EON ONE MK2), Gain Staging improvement on line level (line level showing clip too early), match EON ONE MK2 Effects (EON ONE Compact will now mirror EON ONE MK2 effects), improved connectivity, sleep enable/disable (Long pressing the channel button will disable sleep mode), BT Tone disabled (BT Connection tone will no longer be present), plus more!
Features:- - Vertical array of 12 2.5-inch drivers delivers consistent, even HF response from the front of the room to the back - Custom-designed high-frequency drivers feature copper-capped pole pieces to minimise distortion and smooth, natural high-frequency response - JBL A.I.M. (Array Inumbration Mechanics) geometrically optimised array-shading technology ensures consistent front-to-back coverage - Wide, 130° (H) x 30° (V) dispersion pattern delivers consistent coverage across the audience area - Sophisticated crossover management and HF/LF coupling allow for more natural low-end response and smooth, uniform response across the entire frequency range - 12-inch bass-reflex woofer extends low-end response to 35 Hz - 2,000-watt (peak), fully bridged Class D amplifier with power factor correction and high-linearity inductors provides clean, efficient system power, superior headroom, low THD and protection from voltage spikes - Four high-efficiency, low-noise microphone preamps maintain constant bandwidth at any gain level - 130 dB max SPL - Integrated 7-channel digital mixer with dual-operating mode gives users full control of their input faders or individual channel controls like bass, mid, treble and effects sends - Powerful Lexicon effects engine with delay, reverb chorus, echo and sub synth, with presets for easy setup - Triple Tier DSP control offers multi-level user experiences based on knowledge level - dbx DriveRack Inside technology features AFS (AutomaFc Feedback Suppression), 8-band master EQ, system limiter, plus gates and compressors on each channel for unrivalled dynamic control - One-touch ducking by Soundcraft ensures speech is always heard - Simple, intuitive full-colour LCD screen provides easy access to all PRX ONE functions - 8 user presets instantly optimise system sound - Robust audio connectivity: I/Os include 4 XLR Combo, 2 Hi-Z, 1 1/8-inch/BT audio and 1 XLR Pass Thru - 2 USB 2.0 ports charge devices and power AKG wireless systems (with optional JBL adapter cable) - Two channels of true +48V phantom power expand microphone support - Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity allows remote system control of up to 10 units using the JBL Pro Connect app - Full app control using JBL Pro Connect - Rugged enclosures withstand the rigours of the road - subwoofer for permanent installations - Included nylon carrying bag for array - Weight: 55.65 lbs (25.7 kg)
Buy Now : https://lightsounds.com.au/shop/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=3244&search=JBL+PRX+ONE+All-In-One
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hamradiohub · 1 year
7 Best Mobile ham radio for Beginners USA 2023
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Mobile ham radios have gained popularity among communication enthusiasts, outdoor adventurers, and emergency responders due to their reliability, versatility, and ability to facilitate communication in remote areas or during emergencies. In this article, we'll explore the top 7 mobile ham radios available on Amazon, detailing their features, pros, and cons to assist you in making an informed choice.
Best Mobile Ham Radios: Quick Reference Table For those short on time, here's a quick reference table of the top 7 mobile ham radios along with a bonus suggestion:
Price: $219.89
Pros: High power output, dual-band capability, cross-band functionality, large LCD screen, customizable channel names.
Cons: Some reported microphone quality issues, programming complexity for beginners.
Xiegu G90 HF
Price: $499.00
Pros: Compact and portable, wide frequency coverage, built-in automatic antenna tuner, detachable display, excellent receive sensitivity.
Cons: User interface could be more user-friendly, additional accessories may be needed for full functionality.
TYT TH-9800
Price: $204.99
Pros: Quad-band capability, cross-band repeat functionality, detachable faceplate, large LCD screen, extensive memory channels.
Cons: Complex programming for beginners, microphone quality issues reported.
Anytone AT-778UV
Price: $129.00
Pros: Compact design, high power output, multiple scan modes, detachable faceplate, large LCD screen, programmable function keys.
Cons: Software programming issues reported, microphone quality could be improved.
President Lincoln II Plus
Price: $319.00
Pros: Wide frequency coverage, advanced features like SSB modulation, large multi-function LCD screen, built-in SWR meter, integrated echo function.
Cons: Limited to the 10-meter band, advanced features may be overwhelming for beginners.
BTECH Mini UV-25X4
Price: $134.89
Pros: Tri-band capability, dual-watch operation, cross-band repeater functionality, large LCD screen, programmable function keys, customizable channel names.
Cons: Programming software could be more user-friendly, audio quality issues reported.
QYT KT-8900D
Price: $83.99
Pros: Dual-band operation, dual standby, dual power settings, affordable price, easy installation, good audio quality.
Cons: Limited output power, relatively small display size.
Bonus Suggestion: GREAVAL UV-5R 8W
Price: $46.99
Pros: Cheapest model, user-friendly, compact and sturdy design, clear reception, rechargeable battery.
Cons: Limited frequency range, low power output.
Mobile Ham Radio: Our Recommendation For beginners, the "GREAVAL UV-5R 8W" is a recommended option due to its affordability, user-friendly features, ease of setup, and resources for learning about ham radios. It's a cost-effective way to start without investing too much initially.
Mobile Ham Radio: Conclusion Whether you need extended communication range, a compact design, or specific features like cross-band repeating, there's a mobile ham radio model that suits your requirements. The models discussed in this article offer various features to cater to different needs and preferences.
If you have more questions or need additional information about mobile ham radios, feel free to refer to the FAQs section at the end of the article, which covers topics like compatibility with other brands and the range of mobile ham radios.
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spacejournal · 2 years
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