#hh dealbreaker
rubra-wav · 6 months
Valentino Taxidermy
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Click for better quality jfc what is this 💀
You as the reader fucking hate him so you kidnap him and cut off his wings. 👍 (I'm probably gonna write both of these because I have wanted to write gore, but like.. haven't found anything I would like to.)
Here's also the blood covered version. Decided the first one looked better in the end
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OC shit/actual context in Dealbreaker under cut
Backstory/concept: Atlas (my OC), after freeing so many of Valentino's soulbound employees, finally snaps and goes after Valentino directly.
He tricks him into a deal with him, promising Valentino his employees back for 'something in exchange'.
Atlas does not elaborate on what that is, smiling warmly as he speaks honeyed words to the demon.
Valentino, not being able to clearly read the fine-print of the contract and just wanting his souls back, agrees.
As he signs it, Atlas grins, looking down and revealing his eyes behind the blackout shades he wears.
The red x's replacing his pupils and the horrifying glint of his fangs in the dramatic lighting of the meeting room are the last things the moth demon sees before a chain shoots from behind Atlas's and wraps around his throat, choking him out.
"Call me Karma as I enact retribution upon you, filth :)"
As he wakes up again, Valentino quickly realises the weight of his error.
Or should I say.... lack of weight.
Atlas has a giant ass room filled with butterfly and moth taxidermy so they go in his collection 🙏
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Deciding to do the fluff alphabet for TADC! Copying my list I did for the creepypasta alphabet with some tweaking/swapping out some of the letters for other prompts! More info under the cut regarding rules and the alphabet itself!
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Same deal with wanting to do the entire circus + caine
You can request multiple characters, at the trade off that you can only choose less letters
1 character: any number of letters, yes including the whole alphabet
2 characters: 10 letters max
3 characters: 6 letters max
4 characters (max): 5 letters max
Obviously you can request multiple times! This is just per ask + I trust you guys wont go bananas
Same deal as normal requests, dont pressure me to do yours faster since its demotivating, I tend to usually do my requests in order of when they were sent
Now onto the list!
(A)bstract- how would they feel if you abstracted?
(B)onding- how they spend their time with you + general activities ?
(C)uddling- who's the big/little spoon? Do they like cuddling? How often do you guys cuddle?
(D)ates- ideal dates? What do you guys do in the circus, since its limited?
(E)motion- who's the more emotional one? How emotional are they in terms of the relationship?
(F)amily- if they ever escape the circus, and you two meet again, would they want a family with you?
(G)ift- how often do they give gifts? Do they themselves like receiving gifts?
(H)arsh- how often do you guys get into arguments? Who makes up first?
(I)n house adventure- do they pair up with you during Caines activities? How successful would you guys be at achieving the final goal?
(J)ealousy- are they a jealous partner? By how much, how do they get when they're jealous? How do they handle it?
(K)iss- where do they like to kiss/be kissed? Do they enjoy it?
(L)ove Laungage: how do they express their love to you/what makes them feel loved?
(M)ended- if you abstracted but somehow came back, how would they feel?
(N)O- dealbreakers? What could prevent or ruin a relationship with them?
(O)ddity- what is a quirk of theirs? Habit? The like?
(Q)uiet time- how do you two spend moments of silence? Is it uncomfortable?
(R)oses- do they give you flowers? If so what kind? Do they like receiving flowers?
(S)HH- secrets! Do they keep secrets from you?
(T)unes- what is "your song" that you two share?
(U)pset- how do they get when they're/you're upset, what do they do about it?
(V)alentine- while it's hard to keep track of time in the circus, what would they do for you for the holiday?
(W)ant- what do they want in a relationship?
(X)oxo- small acts of love, what do they do?
(Y)earn- how do they cope with separation?
(Z)zz- sleep, if they can sleep in the circus, what would it be like to share a bed with them?
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eerna · 3 months
helluva boss is still pretty bad like its better than hazbin hotel but thats like comparing mud and dirt lmao it still has the same writing mistakes with lore and characters than hazbin hotel but becuz there are more episodes its objectively "better"
Yeah, from what I've seen it shares a lot of flaws with HH, and those flaws are dealbreakers for me. That's what I meant by comparing them!
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Can you link your ao3 or wherever you're hosting your fanfiction i can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance : )
Hey anon!
So there's my Ao3 account, where all the fanfiction I have currently posted is hosted.
Here it is!
If you are, however, talking about either Halfway Home or The Empire of Preys, my two fanfiction monsters I keep on bringing up on this tumblr blog, neither of them are available yet. I am the kind of person who polishes my work as much as possible before posting it online, and so it gets stuck in limbo seemingly forever.
I have been working on Halfway Home for almost 7 years now (this fic is almost as old as its protagonist, how! very! dare!), which involved planning out the whole series, doing 4 drafts involving a complete rewrite and learning how to deal with prose in english. But I am nearing the finish line and I expect to post it, at long last, before the end of 2022*. (*I am, admittedly, very late in my schedule, but I will stick to my guns and prioritize this the second I'm not drowning in work anymore, and I do see the finish line quite clearly now so it should happen and I want this to happen because hhhh!!!!)
Regarding The Empire of Preys, which is at once a sequel, a prequel and a standalone (?? it's weird and awkward to explain and I'm sorry) and a way, way more politically-driven story than Halfway Home is aesthetically (if you're more interested in Jurlan, she appears in this one), I am currently one third done with the first draft (I even hit 60k earlier that week!). While I don't expect the story to take nearly as much time to shape up, because I am way more experienced now and incredibly more confident in this outline than I ever was with HH's, I still wouldn't bet on the story being out before 2024.
But if you are interested in my political salarian takes and do not wish to wait until 2024, I have a short story called The Leftovers that is already out and touch a little bit on my approach and my sensitivities in regards to salarian culture and its complexities.
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sandraharissa · 2 years
I rarely go here but I get the vibe that all the HB/HH “””critiques””” are just ppl who got deeply invested in the idea of the shows when they first came across it but that’s it. They observed the production process for years before they saw the final product and they felt like they were a part of the process in a way, bcos they waited and picked up on all the updates etc, and then the show came out and it wasn’t what they wanted cos they created their own idea of what they wanted to see/ spent a lot of time fantasizing how they would have done it. 
And imo it’s a case of ‘if you don’t like a specific kind of story, let’s broadly say comedies, why are you watching comedies, being upset that they aren’t documentaries, and suggesting how the story can be corrected to resemble a documentary more’. 
For example I’ve seen ppl criticize HB for being only very loosely based on the mythology, it’s ok if that’s a personal preference, but it’s not an objective critique of the show and it doesn’t make it poorly written. imo it’s clear it was never the intention to go really deep into the lore and create this lotr-esque worldbuilding that’s compatible with the mythology. It’s prefectly ok for stories to not have complex worldbuilding, it may be a dealbreaker for someone who really likes and values worldbuilding in a story, but it’s absolutely not necessary to make a good story. In HB the world is a backdrop for the character drama and comedy, it was never the focus and Idk where the expectation that it would or will be comes from, outside of these ppl’s own imaginations. The same goes for pretty much all of the other criticisms I’ve seen.
It’s like they don’t know what kinda show they’re watching. Another example, saying that ‘characters are unlikable’, like yes the characters being ‘unlikeable’ is actually what makes them funny/endearing to 99% of ppl who watch the show.
If you want a show that treats the matters of morality seriously and doesn’t make edgy jokes maybe don’t watch an adult animated comedy set in hell, y’know.
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lanzhanss · 5 years
ily Lyr~ Pei Su, Pei Ming, and Xie Lian for the ask meme!
Pei Su : One food you would never touch?  
there are a lot of things that i would never eat, im a v picky eater hh
Pei Ming : Name one thing you look for in a significant other and one dealbreaker
just answered it here
Xie Lian : What song should someone listen to if they want to know you better?
this,,,, this is a very hard question, i don’t really listen to songs anymore (wangxian and inquiry is an exception) so im sorry idk which one 
tgcf ask meme
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rtrixie · 2 years
The new Horus Heresy box is great in theory but MK6 beakie marines are actually a dealbreaker for me, never liked them to begin with and peak HH aesthetic is MK2-4
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wausaupilot · 6 years
HHS Finalizes Rule Seeking To Expel Planned Parenthood From Family Planning Program
Under the new rules, Title X recipients would be banned from making abortion referrals in almost all cases. Planned Parenthood called the new rules a dealbreaker.
Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News
The Trump administration Friday finalized a regulation intended to push Planned Parenthood out of the Title X federal family planning program, keeping a campaign promise to anti-abortion groups.
The program provides contraceptives, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and other primary health services to 4 million patients each year, many of…
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edgarwseidel · 7 years
Everybody Else Is Reading This
Joe Biden Apologizes To Anita Hill Above The Law
Trump Is Dangerously Cutting Corners In His Quest To Remake The Judiciary How Appealing
Former Eli Lilly USA President In Line To Be Next HHS Secretary (Updated) MedCity News
Bitcoin’s Inexorable Rally Interrupted By Fleeting Realization Of Its Utter Inability To Function As A Currency Dealbreaker
  from Updates About Oil And Gas https://breakingenergy.com/2017/11/15/everybody-else-is-reading-this-520/
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Further Hazbin Hotel lore/worldbuilding : Tech demons/ Vox-like demons
A/N This is hella disorganised because I'm just kinda rambling my thoughts on stuff so yeah. I was reading back on stuff I wrote and just thunk a really fucked up thought about Vox. Idk how to label this properly - I'll say it's crossed haha.
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In Hazbin Hotel, there don't seem to be any demons who are much like Vox (what I refer to as tech demons). This could be because they just haven't been shown - which fair enough.
BUT. What if it's something else?
What if the reason why there aren't any/ many tech demons in hell is because they end up getting chopped up and sold for parts to places like Voxtek or to Carmine's weapon industry?
I mean, think about it.
With the progression of things like social media and how often people use devices in society, you'd think that there would way more demons who are like Vox. So like, why aren't there?
Also, there would be a lot of money in that. Hell is ever changing, and people want to get ahead and protect themselves in whatever way they can, so of course, everyone's going to be fighting to try to keep up to stay alive.
I was looking back at stuff, and this ask really stuck out to me and now i have an extra fucked up headcanon to boot. I mentioned that Vox can't be upgraded in some regards (at least in my headcanon here), and that pisses him off. I say it has angst potential. BUT.
What if the reason why tech demons like himself don't exist/ keep getting torn up is also because he specifically CALLS for them to be destroyed?
Vox doesn't want to be replaced by some newer, shinier model. He's from the 50's, and there are certain things about himself he will never be able to fully adapt in some ways.
There's surely going to be/ has been demons like Vox who are far more recent who are just as or even more capable. So where are they? Why has he stayed the only dominant technology based overlord when there would be demons falling into hell after things in the living world have surely allowed for demons who are higher tech than he could ever be?
I think it's because he is so insecure and deranged about this that he not only has his company purchase dismembered tech demons for his work but actually calls for people to actually kill them.
I'm talking straight up advertises everywhere how much his people will pay for tech demons for experimentation upon them so that he doesn't have competition.
I can also see him having full groups of people working to find them as they show up in hell. He would be terrified of being replaced by someone new. Someone better than he is. So he wants any demons who are technology based/AI-like in any way to be killed as soon as possible so they don't have any time to form a presence at all.
So yeah, now I'm thinking about Vox personally seeing to it that demons like him - who would logically understand him and be able to connect with him in ways other demons cannot - are put down and him getting a sadistic as fuck power trip off of it like: "you're supposed to be better then me yet you're getting fucking killed fucking loser LMAO"
I can see him sitting his broadcast room after hours watching footage of that shit happening and laughing like it's prime entertainment.
Maybe he'd even broadcast it as such himself.
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rubra-wav · 7 months
YOU HAVE AN OC?? 😱😱 so yk..sharing is caring 😋.... lemme see..ykyk..
(I believe you've repeatedly asked stuff and I'd absolutely love it if you signed off with a name or an emoji kr sumn so ik its you for sure 🙏)
So, he's the persona/OC for this blog's aesthetic, header and alias; Atlas.
This is the current most up to date art I have of him that's not low effort like the response I had earlier today to that other thing i think you may have also sent?
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He's what I've classed as a 'tech demon' (which is how I categorise Vox as well). Tech demons as i define them are sinners which are either robotic or AI in physical nature, and they usually have a particular affinity to do with technology, machinery, electricity, metals, etc. His main ability is Ferrokinesis (metal manipulation), however he does also have a particular affinity with technology as well.
As the art says, he's known as The Dealbreaking Demon/The Dealbreaker. This is because he essentially contacts seemingly random people out of the blue - some of them being fairly famous people - and then works with them to break their soul contracts.
Dealbreakers aren't unheard of in hell, but their reputations are always bad as they are usually trying to exploit their clients in some way or the other, and the ones with good intentions who actually deliver get taken out. This doesn't happen with Atlas however, as he doesn't physically go see his clients and is relatively anonymous.
He gets exposed however as he begins to take on the clients of current overlords, and they obviously begin investigating closer then others.
Due to this, his way of contacting people (online through targeted popups) is discovered even with all his efforts to hide the evidence, and he quickly becomes notable and seen as a fairly big threat to the control of many overlords as he's suddenly showing up and is very skilfully breaking contracts of souls they have owned for centuries in a few weeks or even as little as a few hours.
Atlas also doesn't use his powers for bad, per se, however he does use them to be a menace and is essentially a giant troll to people who he believes deserves it.
He's very vexing to many overlords as his intentions are so unclear, it's greatly troubling for several as it doesn't really seem that he's trying to gain power and rather wants to genuinely help people which is foreign.
He especially gains the attention of Vox as he's of course the one most effected by online trolling from another demon who can connect in with technology, and Atlas very quickly falls in love with making Vox's day worse and just being an asshole to him because his reactions are always so funny and over the top. (I am totally not enemies to lovers trash about them at all down the line no not at all 🙏)
When I properly make the OC reference sheets for him I'll set out a more solid thingy of him but yeah, thanks so much for letting me lore dump a bit on him omg <3
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rubra-wav · 7 months
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I was thinking about this while I was doing this course I had and was trying not to laugh because this implies Atlas can pass through Vox's face as well and I was just thinking about him doing it to mess with him.
Ie. Atlas putting his hand through Vox's screen and slapping him whenever he's annoying or just jumps full speed through his screen and barrelling into whatever Vox is facing towards.
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rubra-wav · 7 months
(Adding on from the last) You look as if you would come out of an alleyway at 3am looking deranged like something from a horror movie and then straighten up and go on like nothing happened.
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Sees someone looking and goes from looking murderous to looking normal again in seconds
More context here
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rubra-wav · 7 months
More context for the Alleyway comic? 👀
Ye sure! So I wrote a full post upon him and in that I mention that he has an extremely sadistic, murderous side he tries to hide so the people around him aren't hurt - that mostly being why he's in hell in the first place.
He uses past owners trying to harm those who he has dealbroken for as a vent for this, so he was coming down from one of his highs after absolutely shitrocking some people trying to come after one of his clients.
He doesn't like people to know about this side of him as it kinda wrecks the way he wants to be portrayed, so he instantly forces himself to calm down and then acts like nothing happened when he notices reader is watching him.
Atlas doesn't go after those who he doesn't believe deserve it, even if it would keep his persona clean, so he offers to escort reader home so they aren't harmed being out so late. The neighbourhood he was in was particularly known for crime, so he was concerned.
If reader were to accept, he would have done so without any further discussion of what they'd seen, acting like nothing had happened after straightening himself up. If they were to ask him about what happened, he would have just dodged the question, switching to another topic. Reader is home safely by the end of their interactions, not a scratch left on them.
If not, he would have insisted some more, but ultimately left them alone to do what they wanted.
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Atlas - The Dealbreaking Demon
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His thing is that he's basically a robotic/AI demon who uses his abilities for good (he can destroy contracts under certain circumstances and uses this to save people), and to mess with people who deserve it through their technology.
WIP? Idk. I can't be bothered to do any more on this for now. The hyperfixation juice has cancelled my ability to keep working on proper shading and stuff 👎
I need to draw a proper reference sheet for him in both this outfit and in his everyday clothing because I did one, but now that I'm looking back on it it looks terrible. I'll also write up a proper OC sheet for him atsp too (on the backburner bc Vox stuff is taking priority, tho)
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