#hhhh sorry for not updating
bnesszai · 8 months
will 2024 finally be the year i finish Ichor and Blood
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jaxfromthatcircus · 11 months
Hey, it's me and this is my blog
SO guess what? I found acess to one of those funky computers that Caine keeps in secret... And made this! Isn't it cool? Eh, not like I have anything better to do anyways.
So I guess you people from the interneet can send me some cool asks about how things are going here, I just won't spill secrets okay?
...Who am I kidding, of course I will.
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Be aware that the person behind this blog IS AN ADULT and so is the character, mod is 19 and Jax is 22. Do NOT send me anything sexual if you're a minor. This blog may contain sexual or suggestive jokes and is considered 16+.
Be mindful that this blog is both based in canon AND headcanons, so some stuff might not be completely "in character". If you see something that you dislike, remember that the character IS an asshole but also the mod's just having fun with it lol don't need to harass anyone because of a silly gag.
This blog may contain mentions of drug and alcohol use as well as heavy topics like mental breakdowns, panic, and similar. Suicidal topics will be kept to a minimum but may always happen, so viewer discretion is advised.
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Meet the crew!
You can check out other blogs that I mainly interact with here! Amazing masterlist by yours @ask-abstracted-kaufmo truly, go give em some love!!
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Why did you not answer me?
If I did not answer your ask yet, there might be a reason:
- I'm sleeping or working
- I am searching for a more appropriate answer to the question (if it relates to canon stuff)
- There was an exactly same ask sooner so I'm killing two birds with one stone
- I'm editing an image for the ask
- I'm not following the order or the asks for a funny reason
- Too many asks, mod is sorry for this one-
- Update March 24: hhhh not great era, I'm sorry if I may take long but managing life has been crazy rn
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The children!
So far we have 9 kid anons that Jax is caring for
That doesn't mean you can't make your own silly anons to interact too, bring your ocs, it's fine! This is just a list of adopted children.
[Last update on 22/04/2024]
So far, we got:
cool anon
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"This is how Jax talks! Hi darlin' ;)"
This is how we're gona describe actions and anything that is not to be said out loud.
[mod coffee: and this is how yours truly, mod coffee, will appear here once in a while! hello ;) ]
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Other blogs also ran by me are @jaxrabbitoid-thehuman, @dogday-shines-bright and @ask-theredcrown check it out if you feel like it!
I made a mod blog where you can reach out to me! It's @mod-coffee-is-here!
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shinayashipper · 8 months
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There was something tempestuous in the spirit’s eyes, but Yugi couldn’t decipher the look, and the spirit’s voice was steady when he spoke again. “What do you think you know of me?” Yugi felt like he was walking onto thin ice, but honesty seemed like the least dangerous approach. “That I can trust you.” That made the spirit snort, and someone squealed as their hat went flying. “You are too quick to place your faith in others,” he said as he resumed walking.
The First Leaves that Fall by @c-l-y-d-e (clydeside on AO3) - Chapter 11 FANART
AUGH MAN OUGH AGHHH THIS FIC HHNNGHHN AGGHHHH You know I just *Feel* you know... every updates of This Fic... I just go HHNNGHHH OKAY... it's sooo... idk how to Explain... maybe it's the Heart of The Forest IDK IT MADE ME FEEL I love it??
this is one of my fave moments... the way Yugi just so Certain that he can **Trust** this... God?? Spirit?? Youkai?? HE STILL DOESN'T EVEN KNOW *WHAT* ATEM TRULY IS BUT THERE HE IS GOING ON A *DATE* WITH HIM jdsbjjdxjjdx ppfftt oh Yugi... Never change you little starfish...
BUT uh- actually my ACTUAL Favorite Scene of this chapter is:
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...when Yugi Pushed Atem Away to Save Kaiba JHZDVJNJMHJHDVJ HHHNNGHH UWAAAGHHH YEESSSS IT ISSSSS- This the one I showed you on DM before but I will Add this here too HHHNGHHH
I kinda wish that little injury Kaiba got will scar so Yugi can See it next chapters IDK SORRY YEAH PLEASE INJURE AND BULLY KAIBA AGAIN I LOVE TO SEE IT heh-
in summary, I LOVE this fic and THANK YOU for sending me Sparks to draw again it's been a while HHHHH tbh I can express it better with making these fanarts, to comment with words all I will let out is just "JHJXVDJBVBZMVJBJHDBVMJSZB" 😂😂 so pls don't mind this hhhh
for anyone else, pls do Read this fic (it's Puzzleship don't worry)
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fruity-fruition · 5 months
More Tenma Siblings Headcanons from the top of my head
Ok this one's more hurt/comfort-ish than my last one
Tsukasa's first creation in terms of script writing and song is actually a really scuffy lullaby made when Saki first felt really bad in the hospital after THE show (the one that made Tsukasa want to become a star).
Tsukasa decided to put on his first self-made show with a song specially for her.
When Toya first came to them upset (specifically the "Never Give Up Cooking!" Flashback), Tsukasa puts on the exact same show for him as well. In his logic, it's because of how well it worked for Saki, but in a more outsider's sense, it's a Tenma initiation. Toya has no escape now. He's stuck as a Tenma.
While the song is really REALLY awkward and scuffed (he's literally a pre-tween leave him be), it becomes a staple between the three.
Eventually, as they grow up, the song does get less awkward with some tweeks in lyrics, rhythm, etc.
It was a bonding moment between them as well, song-writing together. It helped both Saki and Toya discover their absolute love for creating, just like how the song was Tsukasa's first step to creation.
It became a habit for Tsukasa to at least hum it to them when they're cuddling, or when he's comforting them. Toya came running from home and needs a place to stay? He runs his hands through his hair while voicing out the melody. Saki's gets a sudden hit of separation anxiety? She hears the faintest hum coming from her brother, who doesn't mind at all that she's clinging onto him so hard.
This results is both Saki and Toya humming the song whenever they're stressed. Saki sometimes get scolded in the middle of the test for humming (she didn't even realised she started). VBS silently wonders about the melody Toya sings before shows.
There's an area conversation between Emu, Tsukasa and Kaito, where Emu asks Kaito if the flowers always sing the same song. Kaito responds "No, they sing other songs. But they like to sing this one. This song you're always hearing is a song very special to Tsukasa" (or something along those lines). And Tsukasa snaps his finger and went "oh, so that's why it sounded familiar!"
Yeah. Yeah it's this lullaby.
Tsukasa has a bunch of blank memories from his childhood because of how often he suppressed his emotions,
(Fun fact! Suppressing so much emotions can cause amnesia! A really funny thing considering Tsukasa is canonically really forgetful <3)
But this lullaby is the biggest constant thing from his memories. Basically an anchor that his childhood was actually his if that makes sense.
(This one is a bit incoherent sorry I really didn't know how to word this one out)
Saki has separation anxiety due to being ripped away from everything she knew at a young age, and while she thinks she doing better now, she still gets a sudden hit of it randomly.
Days like these, she either asks Leo/Need to hang out, or ask Tsukasa or Toya if she could go with them to practice
The first time the entirety of VBS (-Akito since he's met her earlier) meet Saki, they're majorly confused on why she's there. They're also super confused on why this girl keeps glaring at Akito when Toya's not looking.
Emu is absolutely ECSTATIC that Saki's there. Nene and Rui seem to think having her there offers some sort of improvement too. (Rui's trying to get in her good graces)
Hhhh I'll update if there's more. This is an addition to my previous post.
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evil-comic-artis-t · 1 year
Here's some things i found from the new update.
so, obviously, Spoilers!
TWs: Eyes, Unsettling imagery, derealisation, ect.
(I've been looking at this site for 6 hours now.... hhhh)
The drawings
When you first enter the site, a drawing of Home starts to appear. If you click on it, It will link you to a page labelled "I". You can find many other similar drawing all over the website, even one of the missing 404 page/end of website page all with singular words for a name.
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These drawings usually link up to Wally Voice lines. The voice lines even match up to make a "conversation" between you and Wally.
Links to the voicelines:
(Edit! I believe the correct order is: "I will help you understand, neighbor. I will find a way soon.")
2. The bugs.
You've most likely noticed all the bugs roaming the website. If you click on them, They'll link to a series of 14 videos (mostly audio). The URL usually contains two letters, those being the characters taht star in the video (for example, the first one is ph, which is Poppy and Howdy).
(found the 3rd one! :D)
3. Staff Page
I didn't find this one on my own, I found it on @/krasytoonz blog!
In the Playfellow Exhibition, under all the photos is a link to a page called "crack-the-code". The page honestly gives me a total blank, but apparently it gives the password is "BSPJW". Click on the paper, then the safe to enter the password. You can enjoy the rest from there :]
I hope this helps or something. (I'm sorry for not telling where I've found them all exactly, I can't quite remember.)
You're the most @:)
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desceros · 7 months
i don’t think you have to apologize at all for not having a symphony update tbh! it’s very gracious of you to do so but i hope people remember that it’s your passion project first and foremost and not anything any of us readers (regardless of how involved or invested you allow us to be) should feel we have any say over, schedule wise. i love your writing and will always wait for it, and know a lot of your other readers will probably say the same!
(as an aside: something i noted when i first started following you in december was how prolific you were… like the fact i could check your blog every day and there was some food?? i was floored. but even your current posting sched impresses me—the fact that you say you’ll have something out one day and on that day IT IS OUT. idk maybe i am used to my old fandoms being more casual or being interrupted by life, as fandoms with adults tend to be like. so you writing and sharing as much as you do is not something i take for granted. thank you as always.)
(i hope this message reads as appreciative / friendly as i intend it to be hhhh… i’m sorry if not…)
thank you for your kind message! i have a rather long one in return, i do apologize, but it is me, so we should probably have all seen it coming! :D
so, i've kind of talked about it here and there, but i have a wrist that is pretty sensitive to overworking. in high school, i would practice music for hours and hours every day without properly stretching or taking breaks, because no one told me i should do so. as a result, i really wrecked the tendons, and my ulnar nerve in particular has a tendency to flare up. it's quite painful when it hurts, and before it starts properly hurting, i experience i kind of buzzing numbness that is distinctly uncomfortable. it's not severe enough for surgical intervention, but it's definitely a limiting factor in what i'm capable, mechanically, of doing in a day.
back around november/december, i was posting a lot more. but that was with me disregarding my wrist and pushing through the pain, such that for the first couple of weeks in january it was nearly impossible for me to write. this was emotionally agonizing, because i love writing so, so much, and i wanted to share everything in my head with all of you! i felt like i was failing on a precedent i had set for myself, and it's very irritating seeing my mountain of projects getting bigger because i can't write quickly enough to put a dent in it and not just because i was coming up with more ideas (which is, to be clear, still suuuuch a problem haahahhaa).
it got to the point where i started confiding in my partner and my friends about my issue, and they all insisted that i start slowing down. and they're right! i was being reckless with my health, knowingly this time, and they're absolutely correct that i need to take breaks. take days where i don't write. days where i rest, and stretch, and let my wrist heal and recover.
i know it sucks as a reader, i really do, especially if you came on board during that time when i was being super active. and i'm not apologizing, per se, since i'm certainly not going to apologize for prioritizing health over hobby. but i do understand the... hm. i'm going to say frustration, but perhaps i mean the disappointment, or the whiplash maybe, from having someone going from posting very very frequently to less so. i'm still what i'd categorize as an active, prolific writer, but it is infuriating to know that, without this injury, i'd be capable of much more. it annoys me to no end, i swear! but i am purposefully stepping back, for my health, and for the worry of my friends and love ones.
all that said! nothing is on hiatus, nothing is being cancelled, none of that. it's just going to take me longer to work through things than any of us would like, hahahaha. so i really do thank you for your sweet and encouraging message, and i appreciate all of you for every thoughtful wish you send, all of your funny comments on my fics, and your support. i'm actually getting to the happy problem that there are so many that it's not quite feasible for me to respond to all of them individually, but i do read and treasure each one. this is the most uplifting, positive fandom i've ever experienced, and it really does make a difference as a writer knowing that people are filled with joy when i share my art and then go and spin that joy back out into the world.
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altocat · 8 months
Sorry for the long ask but I saw you’ve gotten more song recs do i decided to send in a few of my own because I’m bored and snowed in 👀
“I’m not a mountain” - Sarah Kinsley
If I could choose, I'd never lose/ I'd always take without giving/ I wrote down the truth in letters to you/ But I know you'll never get them
If I were a mountain, I'd stand my ground/ And maybe I'd never listen/ But if I were a mountain, I'd close my mouth and/ Maybe I'd be forgiving
But I'm not/ I'm not/ I'm not/ I'm not
I'm not a mountain/ I can't hold you on my own/ I'm not a mountain/ I will crumble when you go/ There in the square, my arms in the air/ And is it so bad to be alone?
I can do it on my own
Is it really so bad?/ Is it really so bad?/ I can do it on my own
(I discovered this song bc I got gifted tickets to Mitski and this is one of her openers and just… the brain rot)
Also “Pray” by The Amazing Devil
I’m not going to share lyrics because I might as well share most of the song. It just oozes crisis core angst into my soul, I love it but I know TAD can be an acquired taste.
Lastly, this isn’t a 1:1 song rec but sometimes I listen to “The Hand That Feeds” by The Crane Wives and want to cry while thinking of AGS… If only someone had been there to deliver that sort of lesson to them, the tragedy might have been less tragic.
My papa taught me how to howl/ How to bear my teeth and growl/ He taught me that the hand that feeds/ Deserves to be bitten when it beats
Hope you’re staying warm!
Bless you amazing people for the song recs. I'm constantly looking to update my playlists hhhh
Hope you're staying warm too!
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hchano · 1 year
Hi! I used to read Dream*Scar back when you basically just started on it - and I followed it for a long time before I dropped off for some reason (maybe you had a hiatus? I'm forgetful so that would explain it). I've been thinking of picking it up and read it again cus I loved it so much! And now I just realised I follow you on here, by complete coincidence - I didn't know I had randomly followed the creator of my all-time favorite webcomic. I'll take that a sign from the universe to definitely check your old and new stuff out. Your artstyle influenced me quite a bit back then, and I'm curious to see how it has developed. Have a great day! ^_^
😭 this always makes my heart really big. i hope ur still drawing and developing ur style! i think my art has improved over time, but not really changed too much overall. i haven't really been gunning to improve, just drawing whatever i feel like in the moment... which lately has been almost exclusively chibis 😂
also hhhh 🥲 i feel bad about d*s. i've gotten a lot of DMs asking if it's dead or if I'll update it soon etc, and I've said in the past i still had plans for it, but tbh life has kinda reared up, and a lot of emotional things have gone on that make me hesitant to return to it. a big part of that is honestly the fantastic racism aspects. i've grown a lot in the last 10+ years and when i think about that aspect of the comic, i feel very uncomfortable with it. i don't feel like it's something i can or was handling well, esp after the George Floyd incident, which obviously was not the first incident, but in the fallout, there was a big surge of amazing activists sharing their stories, and it exposed my naive white ass to exactly how bad systematic racism is. i feel like the handling of it in d*s is an afterthought, like the fact that it's not the main focus, it's just there... something about that sits wrong with me, and i don't feel like i can really portray it the same after gaining more understanding about it... if that makes sense.
like that ☝️ being the main reason, but also a lot of personal stuff going on in my life has made me distance myself a bit from the characters. i miss them, but interacting with them now is kind of painful. like i still draw them from time to time but the whole thing is sort of tangled with something really unpleasant now and it just makes it hard to feel the same way about it. it's complicated and depressing tbh 🥲
anyway, u did not ask for a ramble, I'm sorry 😂 it's just come up a lot this week and I'm finally accepting it 🥹 i won't be deleting the comic, it's still gonna be around for ppl to read if they wanna. but unless i can finish the story summary i was working on, it prolly won't have much closure 🥲
to maybe make this a lil less sad, here's some doodles of vix from last year lol
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ouma-lovee · 12 days
Hi everyone....
I have more Kokichi merch coming because someone gave me (financially irresponsible) more money so I blew 20 bucks on aliexpress and now I have 3 pieces of merch on the way..!!!!
Oh and I have been updating the site, sorry for being so quiet about it but it's like important hahahaha hhhh hhhh h aaa aaa aaa hhhh h h
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cokowiii · 1 year
ohhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuu that update!!! And fuck poor Mikey hhhhhh love how Cali flips their lid over supposedly going out in their sleep before apparently pulling off some wicked ressurection necromancer magicks to get Raph back (HELLO!??!??!??!? FUCK YEAH!!!!??!?) Raph is so wholesome ;;
Will we get to see everyone flip the fuck out while Mari has his lil seance coma session with Raph by the way?? Do we get to see Mikey go fuck it and push the Emergency button like i noticed it hhhhhh will Yui get a heart attack, will Leo go "oh fucking shit did I do this I told hubby they fine but maybe Donnie should've changed them back fuck fuck fuuuu-" will Donnie just dump some revival-change-cali-back juice on Cali with a straight face while mumbling about how he should've just ignored Leo's suggestion?? Hhhh i jus wanna see people flip the f out tbh i am still not emotionally over that one scene u drew what, only a couple of weeks ago were Mikey couldn't wake Mari up easily like this page had such an impact on me idk the pacing was on point the anxiety was real fuuuu by the way by the fuxking way like damn the progress you made in such a short amount of time with the comic and all that jazz like bro what thd fuxk your updstes hit like a fright train like i don't like to compare artists bc i worry it gets taken the wrong way but like I wait for your updates just as hyped and giddy as I do for Cass comic you two are my absolute faves there is so much emotions and feels and dread and pain and fuck you people are so so good at having a crowd by the edge of their seats. I hope only good shit finds you bc the speed at which you put out updates and the quality and the emotional beats this is.. like damn damn DAMN. And fuck i adore cali they are such a bitchy gremlin but you can see how much the care about their family in their own way and they n Mikey are such a powercouple i love them i love this comic i love this story i love you for giving us some gokd fucking foood sorry that this is getting long but im loosing my shits over here ahhhhhh
Letting 3am me decide story choices is what usually happens
So happy you like it and being compared to Cass!!?? I don’t see it. They’re WAYSSSSS BEYOND ME
So happy you liked the update and now I’m getting more and more tempted to post tonight
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actualbird · 1 month
Ask meme:
how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form 
Like just. Tiny Dragon!Marius being lifted up. I can't get that out of my head.
For one due to that looooong cat meme I made, for two just... it's so funny. Like Marius von 188 cm and towering over everyone just becomes the tiniest most precious and very much traumatized dragon alive and some part of me find that very funny and some other part of me find that very sad.
also i just want you to know that has influenced my sims 4 gameplay (bc of course i made the von hagen family. no trauma because i can't seem to find that one in game and frankly they die too easily), and that's why i made him a mermaid because... ok look water creatures, close enough, there's no "descended from dragon".
(I also hc that Marius can turn into like, a long ass fucking python and his favorite thing as a python is cuddles. like he's just a big ass snake that likes to lie down on you and/or chill under your clothes in winter because it's always too cold. 90% of the times it's Luke or Rosa being squished by the Marius Python. Artem is really kind of scared but willing to do it and Vyn comes in one day with a long tube thing, throws it in Human!Marius' face and goes "there, now stop whining about being cold" because yeah he made a whole ass python sweater)
HI ROSE!!! and OWAAAHHH oh my gosh, my noodle dragon marius fic.......i havent heard your name in literal years.....(sidenote: im SO SORRY i havent updated it in LITERAL YEARS i do wanna go back to it but there are....a lot of complicated plot stuffs i have to work out first ;-;)
that aside, im so glad the uppies moment was memorable for you, it's memorable to me too as the one who wrote it because EXACTLY i pictured it like the long cat meme and it is Peak Comedy to me to make marius, the Tallest, be Smol.
ur sims playthru sounds cool as hell!!! and SO DOES YOUR HC HHHH THATS SOOOOO CUTE. marius being able to shift into reptiles is such a fun thing to work with and the cuddles (needed for the coldblooded creature) will be LEGENDARY. vyn making marius a snake sweater that is SO SWEET. vyn can bitch all he wants but thats Love And Care, Right There!!!!
ask meme: tell me the FIRST scene from my fanfics that come to mind as the most memorable to you
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elmaxlys · 1 year
No way I interacted with the Donato's mask post and now I have to talk about him ooohhhhh noooooooo *swooning*
1. About Donato and food: I just love how Amon is a picky eater but he really loves Donato's food. I like to think about Donato practicing a recipe over and over until Amon can eat it and cheerfully exclaimed "This is good!". He's no doubt a cruel, merciless, brutal ghoul but everytime he tries a new recipe, he secretly gets nervous and waits for little Koutarou's reaction, like this scene of Haise and Mutsuki
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I think Donato actually enjoys that Amon eats a lot of his food (and maybe that's one of the reason why Donato couldn't get mad at him when he ate everyone's donuts). He takes pride in making his little boy grow up big and healthy, so one of his biggest concern when he's in Cochlea is if Amon is still eating properly or not.
2. Donato's smell: What do you think about Donato's smell? I don't have any idea about this but I like imagining about Donato being extra careful to clean out the smell of blood on him so his children wouldn't smell "something funny". Maybe he used scented candles in his room hmmm
Oooooh nooo I'm so sorry! Now I have to answer an ask about Donato, whatever shall I do :3c
1- YES YES YES YESSSS YOU GET IT. He cares about one (1) little guy but when he does he goes all out ❤
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(I know all the kids got their bdays celebrated but hhhh you know?)
Imagine, post Anteiku-raid Donato, who knows his son is alive through whatever means Souta uses to keep him updated on stuff, but also knowing that he doesn't eat anything and Kanou has to force feed him. That he'll never be able to eat his beloved donuts either. I think about Donato coming up with ghoul recipes he can adapt to fit his boy's tastes if it ever comes to that, while knowing his son will never let him cook for him again.
2- I personally think orphanage Donato smells of incense. It fits with his activities as a priest + it's a pretty strong smell so I think it'd work well to cover the smell of blood. His hands smell of flour and cooking spices.
In Cochlea, he smells like whatever soap they let ghouls use, plus dust and sweat.
Once he gets out, he smells of the city fumes and either old wood or metallic (idk why but it makes sense okay). His hands smell of blood the most, tho it lingers on his whole body, as he no longer cares to scrub it off completely. His hands in particular, as he uses his clones sometimes and they're made of his fingers.
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onlyswan · 10 months
You know Jk is leaving and I'll read your drabbles over and over again to fill the emptiness 😭 please never drop writing and update us anytime you have time to write... I'm looking forward for the next one! Love you and your in which series 🖤
hhhh i’ll try my best 🥲 i’m sorry my life has been soooo busy nowadays i can’t write as much as i want to :( but don’t worry !! i’ll forever be a writer !! 🥺 thank you anonie ilysm <3
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atherix · 2 years
idk if you still remember me um. i feel so silly writing this be its been such a long time since i last wrote you any asks and i feel so bad ugshshsg:( but its essay anon here :3 im so so sorry i havent been here in such a long time but my life has been crazy. recently but im alive and well now. ready to talk about the midnight series if youll still have me... ive actually been meaning to write this for some time but ive been so anxious about the fact that its been so long:( im literally writing this in a break between classes at my uni LMAO. but i couldnt wait i had to write now be im rereading the series and ill explode (/pos) if i dont
im reading everything again bc i missed some updates and i decided. might as well reread the whole thing! and oh boy i love your writing so much!!! and this series makes me so happy seriously, some life stuff has been tough for me recently but this is bringing me so much joy :3 i need to let you know this hehhe .
and ohhh midnight scar how i missed him..... hes everything to me seriously:( i can talk abt him for hours i love him so much!!! im at midnights past now so ill fully catch up soon but im fighting the urge to get up and jump around my room in happiness everytime scar and tubbo have a wholesome interaction . i love them so so much
ill probably write something longer tonight when i get home but i just had the urge to write out all my thoughts now, i hope im still welcome here even though its been so long :( i want to write my thoughts about the later parts of the series if youre willing to hear them . i know im extremely late but better late than never right!!
but as always i hope youve been doing alright!! im sending you all my good energy im hugging you through my phone right now . :3 this is probably the shortest message ive ever written LMAO but youll hear from me soon again!!
ESSAY ANON!!!! :o I think about you often in fact <3 I'm so glad to hear everything's alright, even if hectic! Of course you're always welcome here, I love hearing from you <3 Never apologize for prioritizing real life, always take as much time as you need and you can always pop in whenever you want <3
🥺 rereading?? Oh I love when people reread 🥺 I'm so hhhhh <3 I'm so glad my writing can bring you joy during a difficult time!! <3
Midnight Scar my beloved.... I will not lie to you or anyone, Midnights Past was 100% my excuse to write fluffy DadScar and SonTubbo 🥺 I thrive off wholesome interactions between them two honestly hhhh This also means you have not reached... mmm I am looking forward to your reaction to Midnight Alley :)
Oh you're always welcome here, Essay Anon, no expiration date <3 I'm so happy to hear from you again! I would love to hear your thoughts going forward, I always loved your little essays <3 It's never too late to ramble about fic!! You're also in time to join the angry mob that will probably come for my life soon-
Thank you!! <3 I hope everything gets better for you, Essay Anon, I'm so glad to know you're still around!! :D I'm sure I will hehe <3 I'll be here :D Well I might be at work but you know what I mean <3
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
HHHH okay wait wait 💬 + anyone from Carmine’s universe (I know not much but) let me hear the Rhys thoughts👏 (if he counts lol)
the only person aside from carmine that exists in this story is professor redwood, the guy who's actually investigating the entire ghost mess running around the town and the one to encounter what actually happened to carmine
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rhys is fully aware of redwood's existence. why, he's actually a former kanto champion back in his days, but he has retired to become a professor. rhys is the current kanto champion. so from this fact alone you can kind of imagine that they both have some sort of mutual respect between each other. they're not entirely close friends but they know each other due to the popularity.
since carmine is now a part of this misfortune, I imagine rhys and redwood encountering each other and working together to get carmine out of the ghost'd possession. for redwood, he's here to find out who was the perpetrator causing casualties to happen which is ghost. for rhys, he wants to save his brother and get him back since he's his only family. (maybe...)
i don't want to be too presumptuous with what happens next because they're still updating the games to have more chunks of lore, so I'll be looking forward to that and I'll hopefully be able to mix it up in the future! we actually got new information on carmine's background hours ago so this is my tell to not cook TOO HARD yet HWHAHAHHA
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feisaru · 1 year
Oooooo may I ask about 🫂 and 🎭 headcanons for Fei please?!
And if you're still up for more, than 👗 and 🧸 headcanons for Saru please and thank you! uwu///
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry this took so long, I had to think about it
🫂: a hc about friendship
WHOA buckle up this one's a tad bit personal. Him and Saru have been in a "friendship" until they were around 20 years old. Maybe they updated the label to "BEST friends" once, but that was the peak of it (still was a huge step for Saru) (and this made me remember a really bad shitpost scenario ft. my OC). That's when Saru went "haha if it weren't for him, I would be dead by now, might as well just-" and pulled his head out of his ass (this means "stopped being a coward" for those who don't know) and really said "I love you" for the first time without beating about the bush (The reason Fei didn't feel the need to confess before Saru is a topic for another time but here's a hint: it was not because he was afraid of rejection). The thing is, by that point they had been kissing (and everything else basically) in high frequency for a few years already. Most things you'd think are a couple thing, they probably had done already. Their Something, as I like to call it bc that's how Saru started thinking about it one day as well, just had no real label beyond friends (which to Saru is already a special thing, anyway). And they didn't even really feel the need to label it. It was beyond categorization. Their special Something. I'm relatively new to this label in particular, but I guess this goes in the direction of the QPR domain (label that's v dear to me also). Yeah so turning their weird little beautiful Something into an official relationship was in and of itself just a matter of formalities. Quite literally almost nothing changed after they became official partners. But they sure do enjoy telling each other they love each other from that point on. (This makes me wanna reread the other times I've talked about this... damn)
Okay all jokes aside, the real hc was, Zanark and Fei actually get on pretty well. Fei gets on with a lot of people, sure, but Zanark is not so into being friends with everyone and he likes Fei a lot. He thinks Fei is amazing for still being the way he is, for not caving in and letting all that happened weigh him down forever although life has evidently dealt him a bad hand. But he also thinks Fei should most definitely not be shouldering all the burden by himself. I and a friend of mine agreed that it would have been nice if Fei had gotten to structure his thoughts in a more personal talk with someone before the final match. You know, unpacked a bit about Everything that was racing through his head, stated his motivations to someone, made up his mind on some stuff. More explicitly and in more depth and length than canon allowed him to. And even tho Zanark is no expert at comforting, we both thought that Zanark would have liked to check up on him. And Fei would have not had such a hard time explaining some things to him because they are from the same time etc etc. So we roleplayed something that you can imagine as a scene that happened off-screen. It was very very nice I loved that
🎭: a hc about what they lie about
Hard one. Fei doesn't lie a lot. He really sucks at that, as Saru mentioned once. He downplays things or avoids talking about certain topics altogether instead. So even if that's technically cheating, I'll tell you about that instead. He has a tendency to downplay his own feelings and needs. He wants to look after everything and everyone as much as he can and he forgets that he deserves breaks and somebody looking after him too.
👗: a hc about their clothing style
HHHH lotta thoughts on this one actually. But I'mma control myself. Saru is half This Guy Has No Fashion Sense, half Extra. He only knows how to dress when he really wants to. He's gender non-conforming about it. The harder you tell him he shouldn't wear this or that, the harder he wears it. Because he runs on spite. He will wear it because he can, fuck your whole life heteronormativity. He has overly specific kinds of clothes that he feels good in. He loves wearing heels because he is like the dog on the counter that likes feeling Tall.
Okay, so I don't get carried away any more, here's sth more specific: in his generally tad bit less bold first 3-5 years post-CS, he always found himself returning to oversized hoodies and pullovers. There was a rather simple black one that he wore often.
🧸: a hc about their childhood
Hah this one's hard... because these are the thoughts I really only speak about once in a blue moon, even privately with the people closer to me. Let me try and find something that won't feel so exposing (for lack of a better word) in my head.
Once again a beta hc that may change in the future: I like to think that similarly to Fei's rabbit, he once owned a monkey plush. Basically from birth on. I have not yet made up my mind about what exactly happened to it, but whichever was its fate, it wasn't good. Saru quickly grew to be not very fond of it because of who he got it from and what it stood for, to lightly put it. The plush has experienced his beginner attempts at externalizing his inner pain.
Ask game from which this is from
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