#hi hello i giggled all the way through drawing this it is soo silly
solarcas · 2 years
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Cas saving Dean from Hell, as seen on SPN 4x01 Lazarus Rising, totally and absolutely canon (2008, colourised)
Based on my own tags on this post by @chapeldean <3
[Open for better quality!]
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rodeo-boots · 3 years
Hello hello!!💖💖😊 hope you're doing alright and your day's going fine and smoothly over there, dear!😊🌺💐🌻🌹🌺💐🌻🌹
For writing requests, can I request a morbell story??☺ at the first of chapter 2 when gang is going to live in horseshoe overlook, Dutch sends Micah with Lenny to Strawberry and then something happens which ends with Micah in jail. But I want it to be 'Dutch sends Arthur with Micah to Strawberry' so! Just imagine what will happen😆👀. Boys probably end up in jail anyway but I think..maybe with Arthur, Micah would act different..?
Fluff is always welcome and I don't mind smut too at all! And I'm ok with any tags too like blood/gore, angst, different kinks or..
Love you and thank you soo soo much!💜💗💜
I'm sorry this took a hundred years, but I still hope you'll enjoy this!! I hope you've had some wonderful days yourself, Merry <33
Rating: T
Words: 2221
Warnings: one instance of a homophobic slur, off-screen murder
Dutch and his plans. His great plans that had gotten them in this entire mess to begin with. Arthur couldn't believe him these days, could only watch in bafflement as his mentor spoke one ridiculous idea after the other; but this one took the cake.
Why have a safe operation for once, right? Why send Arthur and Lenny to scout ahead and make sure West Elizabeth wasn't all swarmed by Pinkertons when you could have Micah, the very man who had gotten them in this situation to begin with. The man who's judgement had led them astray and towards the butchered ferry job in Blackwater, who's fantastic information had killed several of their people – with no telling if Mac and Sean were still out there, somewhere.
Obviously, Arthur had objected the instant he's heard what he was supposed to do. He had tried to talk to Dutch, to explain that Micah would find a way to turn even the easiest scouting mission into a bloodbath. Really, he had tried everything to convince him otherwise, to send him alone, for Goodness sake, but to no avail. Dutch's mind was made, and so he let his two best men ride out, in pursuit of information or fortune or anything, Arthur hadn't cared to ask.
"Oh, don't soil your britches, princess," Micah held onto Baylock's reins with a loose grip, his grin lopsided where he glanced at Arthur from the corners of his eyes. Of course had he caught onto his less than ideal mood, ever the observant type as he was. "We'll be havin' fun at the end of the day, I promise." His voice was syrupy sweet, almost sickeningly so, though Arthur had stopped listening to him a long time ago either way, staring ahead and onto the road in an attempt to accept his current fate.
He answered the man with a grunt, not overly eager to amuse himself. If it was up to him, they'd be in and out of the settlement within an hour, would take a look around and go, without being noticed in the best of cases. Those seemed rare these days, though.
"Lighten up." Arthur flinched when the man tossed him a bottle, barely catching it in his hands, an irritated gaze meeting Micah's smirking visage. The booze in Arthur's hands certainly wasn't the best, moonshine with a questionable label, glinting copper under the sunlight. His eyebrows furrowed, but he kept the bottle either way.
Maybe it was just what he needed now, a welcome distraction from the day Micah had planned for them to enjoy. Arthur was certain he'd enjoy it all the more if he witnessed as little of it as possible.
He uncapped the bottle, squeezing his eyes shut as the liquor burned down his throat, tipping it back further before tossing it aside. The glass shattered at the side of the road, Micah's own likely joining the shards where they lay, the man already reaching for another drink from his bottomless saddlebags. "See? Much better already." And this time, Arthur couldn't help but return his grin.
Arthur had been unable to keep track of time, with Micah's unrelenting talk, the bottles he passed him along the way. Strawberry was drawing closer by the moment and he knew it, traffic higher with every further step. It seemed to be a busy town, workers passing them by without a glance, whistling as they did the tasks of the day. Oh, how Arthur wished he could lead a life like theirs at times.
"You up for a meal, Morgan?" Micah clambered off his horse, shooting him another bright expression, his lids appearing heavier by the liquor he had consumed already.
"Dying of starvation," Arthur mumbled, a little heavier and slower as he dismounted his mare, holding onto the saddle to keep himself from falling gracelessly. He seriously had to overthink his approach to the drink some time, not as used to booze as he had been in his better days, wiping at his brow now before trailing after Micah and towards the hotel.
Even though they were new in the area, Micah seemed to know his way around, greeting the man behind the counter like an old friend before ordering their meals. Arthur didn't understand how he was standing straight after drinking all the way here, he himself barely holding onto the back of a chair. Hopefully with something in his stomach, his head would stop spinning again.
"Now, Mr. Morgan–" Micah waved his arm around in a great gesture of chivalry, pulling a chair out for Arthur to take. "Will you take this seat, and sit down with me?"
He grunted, plopping down onto the hard wood. Maybe if he followed along without complaint, Micah would take mercy on him and spare him more of his bluster. A single look at his self-satisfied smirk was enough for him to tell that that wouldn't be the case, however.
Their plates had emptied at a rapid pace, Arthur scarfing his food down eagerly, enlivened by the taste and the sensation of something in his stomach – something more agreeable than the liquor. He was chewing his second to last bite by now, glancing over and towards Micah and his plate with a furrowed brow. "Y'ain't hungry?" He asked, swallowing before he rubbed at the corner of his mouth. "S'real good–"
Micah had his eyes set on something else already, waving at him to be quiet before turning with a secretive stare. "You up for a game?" He asked, his drunkenness slowly manifesting in the drag of his voice, though the glint in his eyes was prominent as always.
Arthur shrugged, placing the fork in his hands aside, his gaze following the other man's. Upon seeing what he was seeing, however, his cheeks heated up in a cherry red, Arthur averting his eyes all at once. "The hell you on about?" He grumbled in irritation, not looking back at the woman Micah had focused on. Or rather, her cleavage.
"I bet'chu, I can hit her right in between those beauties." The corners of his mouth quirked up further, Micah taking his own fork in hand to prepare it as a makeshift catapult.
"You finally lost it now?" But Arthur couldn't help watching, not moving to stop the man as he took aim, his tongue peeking out between pursed lips. One second the fork was still loaded with mashed potato, the next, Micah tossed his head back with a shattering laugh, a scandalized gasp from the other table indicating that he had hit his target dead on.
The woman stood all at once, forcefully enough to make her chair tumble to the ground, not letting herself be stopped by the man at her side as she marched out of the building. Her face had been colored by embarrassment, by disgust, and while Arthur had every intention to feel bad for her, he couldn't. Instead, he found himself laughing along with Micah, giggling like the drunken fool he was, having to hold onto the wooden table as to not keel over.
Micah was a man of many ideas; few of them good. He seemed keen on seeing how far they could go before being kicked out of the establishment, doing the most in making those around him uncomfortable to elicit a response, Arthur rising to the challenge by doing just the same.
"Y'know what I could do?" Micah whispered, leaning closer to him as though his words were confidential, the lopsided nature of his smirk indicating that they were truly meant for all to hear. "Could lay you out on this table." His hand wandered up Arthur's thigh from where it had formerly rested upon his knee. He hadn't even noticed that. "I could fuck you silly for all these fine folks to see," he smiled, satisfied with the blush spreading over Arthur's cheeks and the tips of his ears.
He pushed the hand off his leg, keeping hold of the other man's wrist. "If that's what you want, I might just lay you out instead," he grumbled, though the threat within his words was lost in the slur of his voice. "Punch you out, s'what I mean."
They stared at one another for a tense few moments, Arthur's grip remaining firm around Micah's wrist.
With a sputtering laugh, he had to let go, however, shaking his head and reaching up to rub his eyes. Micah was quick to follow along, cackling like a maniac in his own right, even if his own words hadn't been all empty.
"C'mon, let's get outta here." Micah pat his knee in encouragement, grunting when he pushed himself to his legs. "I'm bored," he added, his eyes glinting mischievously. Arthur didn't care for his oncoming plans now, either way, keen on leaving the hotel to spare himself of further embarrassment, uncertain as to what he might've done already.
The past minutes, or hours, weren't as prominent in his brain as he would've liked, the influence of the drink undeniable in his every action. He didn't pass the bar-man another look, following after Micah as he ducked through the door, squinting when his eyes were met with darkness instead of the sun he had expected.
"How late's it?" He slurred, glancing at Micah in uncertainty, not at all remembering when or if Dutch would expect them back at camp.
Micah tugged him down the stairs, the grip he had on his sleeve almost desperately hard. "Don't worry your pretty little head," he cooed, glancing back at Arthur with an almost alluring gaze, pulling him closer to offer him some more stability. "We got all the time we need." But Micah's eyes were no longer trained to his. Instead, he had focused on his lips, licking his own almost nervously.
"I always meant to tell you, Arthur–" his hold started to feel a lot more like an embrace, Arthur swallowing lightly as he watched the emotions pass over the other man's face. He was much too drunk to make sense of them, releasing a tense chuckle when Micah didn't continue.
"Meant to tell me what?" He eventually asked, his own arms slowly smoothing around the other man's frame. From this angle, he almost looked good, less crazed than what Arthur usually saw of him, more like the person he kept hidden from plain view in front of everyone else.
He didn't receive an answer, blinking in bafflement when Micah leaned in to press his lips against his own.
Arthur stood frozen for a couple moments, unsure if this was yet another game of his, another attempt to make the people around them uneasy like they had succeeded in doing before.
Micah didn't pull away with a smirk at his lips, however, in fact, he didn't pull away at all, deepening the kiss instead. He tilted his head, moving his lips so uncharacteristically sweet against Arthur's own that he had no choice but to melt.
His hands pulled the man closer, their bodies flush, chests pressing against one another. It was like a lover's embrace, like the last thing Arthur had ever expected to share, least of all with Micah Bell. Here and now, it felt more than just right, though.
He pulled away with a soft exhale, brushing a strand of hair out of the other man's eyes, his motions gentle. "What was that all about?" He asked, though his tone wasn't teasing. If anything, he wanted to know if he understood correctly, wanted to be certain that Micah had enjoyed this kiss for more reasons than his drunkenness; the question of a possible repetition already sitting on the tip of his tongue.
Before he could formulate any of his thoughts, however, another voice broke the tranquility around them.
"If that ain't van der Linde's very special queens," the man slurred himself, the Irish accent still clear in his tone of voice. "This is O'Driscoll territory, we ain't wanna see the likes of you perverts 'round here." Arthur had heard worse in his life, not expecting anything better from the likes of Colm's boys. But a look into Micah's eyes was enough to tell, that he wasn't about to let this slide.
He loosened his hold on Arthur, turning to the man slowly, his stare narrowed at the O'Driscoll. "Run that by me one more time?" His voice was low, the shyness from before wiped clear away now that he was facing the person who had seemingly ruined their moment.
Without Micah's assistance in standing, Arthur plopped down to the muddy ground, staring at the man's back until the spinning of his head became too much. He laid back, letting Micah handle this on his own, smiling dumbly at the distant thought of him protecting his honor.
The shots were faint, just like the voices drawing closer once they had pierced the silence, once they likely had pierced the O'Driscoll's skull just as much.
Arthur felt Micah's presence by his side again, the man dropping down next to him, tossing his weapons aside mindlessly. "Guess that marks the end'a our night," he chimed, his voice drowning out the calls of the sheriff, the law cautiously surrounding them. "I told you we'd have fun, though," Micah spoke up again, chuckling at this small success of the day.
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firehedgehog · 4 years
Undertale choose your Adventure
A Crack Story, Originally written and posted on Wattpad. Dream was on a walk.. and then it went weird.
So originally as said, was posted on Wattpad where at the end of each chapter there was a set of Votes. The Story finally finished but you can still find the original stuff on Watt. Here is the completed version minus the votes. If you want to join in future Adventures, please keep an eye on my wattpad account under the same name.
It was a beautiful day in the multiverse, singing flowers blooming birds... no they actually were.
Its not a misprint.
And a Skeleton was making there way through the area.
Dream Thought it was a beautiful day.
No battles.
His brother wasn't causing issues, and Ink for once wasn't driving him up the wall.
Nothing could make this day go badly.
Then he saw someone ahead.
Standing there was Error, The Destroyer.
Ink rival..
Dream was on his own, and his attacks would only do so much.
So... what if he changed what he did.
Taking a deep breath Dream walked towards the destroyer, who was apparently snacking on chocolate.
"Hey good looking," Dream said with an easy grin.
Error blinked and looked at the gold garbed skeleton.
"What are you on Dream?" Error asked.
"Who said I was on anything," he purred back.
Error glitched a bit more then usual.
"What's Inky's plan now," he growled.
"Just my plans," Dream said leaning up.
Error fell down with a thud as Dream kissed him.
"Um..." Dream said as Error started rebooting.
"Get away from him Dream!" a voice growled.
And there was Nighty, looking as evil and goopy as always.
"Aw come on, he might be evil but at least he's cute and has a soul. Why do you always stop be from getting a boyfriend!" Dream pouted stamping his foot.
"Because your an immature idiot and think Ink for brains is a good choice half the time," Nightmare replied smugly.
Meanwhile Error had rebooted and hid in the bushes.
"No way! He just wants me for emotions! So let em have Error!" Dream cried.
"No way! Do you know how hard it was to get to the friend zone! I have to make it to the boyfriend zone next!" Nightmare snarled.
"So we both want him!" Dream said drawing his bow and arrows.
Error ate popcorn in the bushes.
It was nice to be wanted.
"We'll decide in a battle!" Nightmare called.
They leapt forward, attack on attack...
And somehow created a pentagram shape.
And activated it.
And Blinked.
"Blue?" Dream asked bewildered, as the other star sans seemed to appear in the pentagram.
"Wasn't I just making Tacos?" Blue said looking around a tray of food in his hands.
"I knew it!" Nightmare cried pointing at Blue.
"Knew what?" Dream asked.
"I knew Blue had to be secretly evil!" Nightmare yelled dramatically.
Error fell over laughing in the bushes, scattering his popcorn everywhere.
"Its is something I'm wearing?" Blue asked looking down at his clothing.
"EVIL!" Nightmare hissed.
"Brother... I'm sure this is a misunderstanding," Dream sighed, trying not to think of the weird thing Blue did.
"EVIL!" Nightmare cried.
"Can you guys send me home, the ovens still on," Blue asked with a sigh.
"He has to be evil, because he made friends with Error!" Nightmare protested, Blues eye twitched.
"That's jut the power of friendship, after all your Error's friend," Dream pointed out smugly.
"EVIL!" Nightmare ylled which was starting to get annoying.
"SEND ME HOME NOOOOOW!" Blue said in a warped voice an Error symbol appearing in one eye, the twins eeped and hugged each other.
When no return summon had happened, Blue got mad.
"So your just going to cry like babies," he said, voice still warped.
"Run you fools," Error said from his spot.
"Ha ha ah, I'm sure we'll be alright.. were friends right?"Dream asked nervously.
"We're going to die," Nightmare shivered.
"I'm sure it will be fine, after all Blue.. was the most innocent one right?" Dream said shivering.
Stars darn it.. why did the multiverse only 4th wall break for Blue.
"Well then... I'm guessing you both need punishment," Blue giggled a bit insanely, voice glitching even more.
White bones shifted, Errors appeared around his body.
"Why aren't you running yet?" Blueberror smiled, voice fully glitched like Error now.
Only for a Taco to land in his hands.
Nightmare and Dream stared.
It was a fully cooked fresh taco.
"Oh! A Taco!" Blueberror said, and ate the Taco.
Magically he seemed to turn back into normal Blue.
"Your just not you when your hungry Blue," Error said, putting away his 'In case of Blueberror box' back into its magical hiatus.
"Thanks Error," Blue said all smiled and sparkles.
"Evil..." Nightmare whimpered.
"Soo... whats going on?" Blue asked putting his tray into magical space.
"Wait a minute," Blue said, eye lights blazing "Were you asking out my Error on a date!"
"Your Error?" Dream said faintly.
Nightmare looked ready to have an Error type crash.
"Of Course! We've been dating for years," Blue said happily.
"You did get the wedding invites right?" Error asked confused as he stood beside Blue.
"Wedding..." Dream said wild eyed.
"Invitations!" Nightmare squeaked.
"After all I don't share, Error's mine," Blue said with a wicked grin.
Error smiled happily.
Ink sulked in the bushes, everyone was having so much fun.
And they hadn't even invited him!
Him.. the Creator!
Why hadn't he gotten an invite to this drama yet, or even the wedding.
"Um... you got invited," a voice said.
"Don't I have any friends," he sniffed.
"Hello?" the voice said.
"He's totally not paying attention," a second voice said.
"Time to forth wall break!" the first said gleefully.
"We're already breaking it!" the second said.
"Time to join the party!" GumdropWolfYT gleefully shouted, as he picked up and Ink and threw him towards the other four skeletons.
ObsessiveFangorl facepalmed and dragged the other away, quickly closing the forth wall behind them.
"Ahhhhhh!" Ink shouted as he went flying
Fate held up a scoreboard with a 9 out of ten.
Error, Blue, Nightmare and Dream had slammed across the area from Ink who had suddenly bowled them over.
It was clearly a Ten Fate.
Fine ignore me.
"Owwww," Blue said, he quickly got up and rushed to Error to press the 'Yes to Reboot' button.
"I see starrrs," Dream giggled clearly knocked over silly.
"I'm sooo done!" Nightmare said, opened a portal and left.
"Wait.. where did Ink go?" Blue said, looking for the resident soulless skeleton.
And Blinked when he spotted him.
"This.. is hilarious!" Reaper laughed taking pictures with his camera phone, he hadn't expected to come across Ink boi embedded into a hill side in a skeleton made crater.
Seconds made a dying sound.
"Hello Reaper!" Blue said happily, from beside the downed Error and Dream.
"Hey Blue, I see the moron was being a  moron again," Reaper said.
"Nah, just a badly patched forth breaking," Blue said cheerfully.
"So normal as usual then," Reaper cackled.
Suddenly Reaper paused, and stared.
“Is everything alright Error?” Blue asked, Error groaned and slowly got up.
“Geno..” Reaper whispered.
“Whoever Geno is, can take a number after this migraine,” Error said rubbing his skull.
“No, your Geno!” Reaper said shocked, his mate had vanished eons ago.
One minute there, the next nope.. cya later reality.
“I think I’d know if I was someone else,” Error said, after all Fate had said they’d created them from the anti-void.
Meanwhile Fate was trying to hide from Destiny’s glare.
“Yeah... you know what,” Reaper said with a smile.
“What what?” Blue asked bewildered.
Who was Geno?
“See ya, sorry you’ll have to cancel the wedding as I have I waifu to claim!” Reaper grinned, suddenly beside Error. He grabbed the destroyer who crashed, then both vanished.
“Get back with my Error!” Blue screamed going super sai.... I mean Blueberror and vanishing also.
Dream twitched.
Ink blinked and looked around wondering where everyone went.
If Reaper was anyone else, he’d be biting his fingers in frustration.
He’d found his Geno.
Geno so changed.
Geno.. who clearly didn’t remember him.
Yet... his soul pulsed, he could feel the link between them as soulmates.
What had broken Geno, his wonderful stubborn Geno.
Geno and himself, who had been discussing if they wanted children.
“Can you stop staring at me,” Error said grumpily, they were in Reapertale in Reapers home. Why Error hadn’t left yet, Reaper had bribed him with chocolate.
One of the things that apparently not changed between Error and his past self.
“Sorry... it’s just, I never figured out I’d find you this way,” Reaper said unhappily, after all how did one react to ones mate becoming the destroyer.
“As far as I know, Fate created me as Ink’s counterpart. I’m linked heavily to the Anti-void. If I’m gone to long, I’m pulled back. I don’t know how I can be your Geno,” Error said sipping a giant chocolate milkshake.
“Anyway, you can prove it?” another voice said, Reaper and Error blinked as suddenly as Blue was there eating a Taco at the table.
“How did you get here!” Reaper said shocked, only he himself and Grim should have been able to enter without an invite.
“Technically I’m an error a glitch in the system,” Blue chirped, his form shifting to his other self then back.
Right... Geno use to walk through security like it wasn’t there also.
“And what do you plan to do if you find out he is my waifu?” Reaper asked.
“Well Share him of course, Error is the only one I ever wanted. And at least your cute too, my glitchy error codes would protect me too,” Blue said wickedly.
Reaper and Error blushed heavily.
“Right,” Reaper said shakily... we have a few ways to do this.
“And?” Error asked, interested either way.
“TIME TRAVEL!” TK!Sans shouted appearing in a flash of time travel.
“Out! When I find out how you keep getting in with time magic this better stop!” Reaper said annoyed, stupid time kids.
“Oh! Look at the time. Gotta go!” the time tot said and vanished, leaving Reaper grumbling.
“You were saying?” Blue said giggling.
“I have a gem that sends us back in time, out of phase so no one can see us and we can’t change anything,” Reaper replied. “We go back, tag Geno as he’s taken and follow!”
“Why didn’t you use it in the past?” Error asked.
“You need three people to use it, and every time I get someone to agree they start arguing on where they should go first,” Reaper said dryly.
“Lets do this!” Blue cheered.
“Welp. Lets do this,” Reaper said, pulling a weird grey gem from a shelf.
“How does it work?” Error asked.
“Oh, were already there,” Reaper cackled, and all three of them faded away.
Fate sputtered as her toy vanished.
Three figures appeared with a Zomp sound.
Yes, a Zomp sound.
No were not going to describe it more.
“The world looks grey,” Error said looking around.
“And there is Geno, the day he vanished!” Reaper said pointing to a bloody glitchy skeleton.
“Does this have a speed up option?” Blue asked as Reaper tagged Geno.
“Sure,” Reaper said and slammed the gem into a tree.
“Cool!” Blue chirped as the world sped up.
Suddenly strings zoomed out of nowhere like a lasso yeeted Geno out of the area.
“Not my strings,” Error said, “looks like fates.”
“Right, lets follow!” Blue said, and they quickly followed the tag on Geno.
“The Anti-void!” Error said as they appeared in endless white.
“And there is Geno!” Reaper smirked.
“Hey you, Glitchy boi!” a voice yelled in the voice.
“Yeah you!” the voice yelled as Geno pointed at himself.
“I need a destroyer, you’ll do,” the voice said.
“That’s fate...” Error said dryly.
“Um.. no thanks, I kinda have to tell Reaper something important,” Geno said.
“Who said you got to say no?” Fate asked.
A giant hammer fell from nowhere and hit Geno, covering the area with a cloud somehow.
“Um...” Reaper said at the scene.
“...” Error said as the dust cleared.
“Now my minion! Do your job!” Fate cackled.
“Riiight... lets go home,” Blue said sweatdropping.
“What’s with the weird sounds it makes?” Blue asked.
“No clue,” Reaper said.
“...” Error said.
“Error honey?” Blue asked in concern.
And crashed and rebooted.
“That’s new,” Blue said as the reboot stopped at 99% with a new choice.
‘Download and install Original Data YES/NO’
Blue quickly pressed yes.
“Thank you for choosing The Origination Reincarnation Station, please sit back and relax” a gentle female voice said, then Error exploded.
“What the stars!” Reaper said as they were knocked back.
“Error!” Blue cried.
“And welcome back the migraine,” a voice said, a non glitchy voice.
“Geno babe!” Reaper said happily.
“I need to sit down,” Error.. no Geno said getting up, Reaper quickly helped his spouse to a chair.
“Are.. you still Error?” Blue asked worriedly.
“Yes...” Geno said.
“Good, just because you got your old body isn’t stopping my wedding to you two!” Blue said smugly, the married couple blushed.
“You had news for me... when you vanished,” Reaper asked softly.
“Ah..” Geno said blushing heavier.
“Ohhhh.....” Blue said giggling suddenly.
“I... was kind of pregnant when Fate grabbed me... and still am, now that this body was freed,” Geno said summoning his ecto body, which was quiet far along.
“How did we not notice!” Reaper said in shock.
 “            Well... I never summon my ecto body, and my glitched state hid any                  signs. Also.. I’m half dead and your Death,” Geno said dryly.      
Meanwhile Blue started having millions of baby thoughts, Error/Geno was a beautiful Skeleton in both forms. And the three of them would make adorable children, he wondered how long it would take to talk Reaper to get him knocked up too.
“Heh heh heh... Blue said lost in his own head.
“I’m sorry...” Geno whispered holding Reapers hand.
“For what, your alive,” Reaper gently said, he leaned forward and touched there foreheads together.
“But... I cheated on you as Error,” Geno cried.
 “Shhh... that doesn’t matter. You had no clue you were anything but what Fate said love. And I can see you truly love Blue too.. he’s not bad, and if that’s the price I pay for you I’ll pay it a million times,”            Reaper promised to his teary eyed love.      
 “It won’t be easy, I’m stil            l                   th                  e                   Destroyer. The Error,”                  Geno said.      
 “And I’m Death, Death and Destruction go together,”            Reaper smirked.      
“Idiot,” Geno said.
“And Blue can be the Chaos,” Reaper giggled.
“Crap...” Geno suddenly said.
“Whats wrong?” Blue asked, coming out of his daydreams.
“Well... Its time, guess the baby got tired of waiting eons to be born,” Geno said wincing.
Reaper had left the building.
Okay fainted.
“Gahhh.... oh my stars!” Blue panicked and ran around like a headless chicken.
And there was Blue meeting the wall.
 “            Why...” he cried through the pain.      
The sound of crying.
 “Take it easy, your magic will b            e                   over stressed for th                  e                   next few weeks,” a voice said, yes.. Sci’s voice.      
 “            I will, thank you for allowing me here,” Genos voice came.      
“No problem, was hilarious to see you rushing in using magic to carry Blue and Reaper,” Sci cackled.
 “The Baby!”            Reaper said coming fully awake.      
“Over here,” Geno said amused.
Apparently there were in at a hospital, Blue was just coming too.
“Reaper.. meet our son,” Geno said happily, held in his arms was a tiny Skeleton with one eye light typical to a sans type.
“He’s perfect,” he said raspy voiced in awe.
“What’s his name?” Blue asked wide eyed.
“I think his proud papa should choose,” Geno said.
“Goth, taking parts of both our names,” Reaper said happily, here he was gettinga happy ending.
Death and his glitch.
Death and Destruction.
With Chaos at the side.
“Hey Geno, next kids mine,” Blue smirked.
Geno sputtered.
Reaper laughed.
“You have quiet the future kiddo,” Reaper told the newborn.
He couldn’t wait to see it.
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
The Woman in Velvet pt. 3
Aww yeah part three. This ones a long one. I worked extremely hard last night just for this one part lmao. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: Cursing?, Fluff, Angst.
Pairing: Arthur x Oc
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sandy had finally reached her apartment after her long, drawn out day. The sweet smell of liquor and cigarettes filled the room. She took a deep breath, took out a pack of cigarettes, and relaxed. Sandy tried to cut back on smoking, but it was hard during rough days like these. She turned on the radio. Good music was always a remedy to her.
"Here's a song that's been highly requested: Big Girls Don't Cry by The 4 Seasons."
Sandy smiled, and walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a wine glass, and poured herself some delicious chardonnay. Sandy usually drank more wine rather than fancy chardonnay, but today, she felt festive. She danced around her small kitchen, with the glass in her hand. The radio blasted her favorite song.
"Silly girl, shame on you, your mama said.
Silly girl, shame on you, you cried in bed.
Silly girl, shame on you, you told a lie.
Big. Girls. Do. Cry."
Sandy stopped dancing, and looked at the glass in her hand. Before she knew it, she drank the entire bottle of chardonnay. She giggled in a drunken haze. Her eyes welled up with hot tears, despite roaring up with laughter. 'A lonely old whore, huh? That's what I've come to.' Sandy thought to herself. She desperately didn't want to be alone, anymore. She had been lonely for most of her life. All she wanted was just someone to talk to, or even somebody to love her.
'What about Arthur from the elevator?' Sandy thought. She picked up a phone book and flipped through the pages.
Arthur sat next to his mother, watching the television.
"Don't you turn that dail we'll be right back to The Murray Franklin Show."
His mother was snoring soundly next to him. He decided to turn the TV off, and head to the living room.
'You scared her off.' He thought. 'She's never going to talk to you again.'
Arthur couldn't stop thinking about how he completely embarrassed himself in front of Sandy. He took out his joke book.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" He hissed to himself. He didn't know how to act around girls, especially girls he took a liking to. Despite, just meeting Sandy, Arthur felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He felt indebted to her. Hell, Sandy showed him more kindness, than anyone in his life, and he ruined it.
He erupted into roaring laughter, writing sloppily in his worn out joke book.
I guess Sandy hates me. Go figure. It's the first time I've ever spoken to her. She's so pretty to look at. Today I runied it. It's my fault.
He push down on his pen hard, drawing as much ink as possible, until it broke. He sighed, walking up to the kitchen, washing his hands in the sink. As he was drying his hands off, the telephone rang. Quickly, he reached over to it.
"Um, hello?" Arthur said, meekly.
"Heyy, Artie, how ya doing?" Sandy replied, drunkenly.
"Sandy? How did you get my number?" Arthur asked, fairly concerned. He had remember that Sandy had given her number to him, not the other way around.
"Well," she hiccups, "Ya know, I looked in the phone book."
"Oh?" Arthur said, extremely confused.
"Do ya wanna hang out? I'm so bored." Sandy whined.
Arthur's face got hot. Him, alone with Sandy. She must be joking.
"Me?" Arthur whispered.
"Yeah, who else? Come on, chuckles." Sandy grinned against the phone.
"I don't know. Let me go check on my mom." Arthur was slightly embarrassed admitting that he still lived with his mom.
"Aww, ok, momma's boy," Sandy giggled. "Meet me in my apartment in ten."
Arthur hung up the phone, and snuck into his mother's room. She was still sleeping. Arthur gave a breath of relief.
'Maybe, it's a joke.' Arthur thought. "It has to be." Why would she need to see him at 11:00 at night?
No matter what Arthur's reservations were. He decided to go. He gently locked his apartment door, and headed out.
Arthur gently knocked on Sandy's door, hoping it didn't wake up the neighbours.
"Aww, Artie, you made it!" Sandy said, with a drawn out slur. She had on a silky nightgown that barely went past her thighs and showed most of her skin, including her breasts.
Arthur blushed, trying to just look at her eyes rather than her exposed skin.
"Hi, Sandy. You wanted me over?" Arthur greeted.
"Yes, I did!" Sandy giggled throwing her hands around his neck.
Arthur's eyes went wide by this sudden physical contact. Suddenly, he was pulled into Sandy's apartment by the neck.
Arthur cleared his throat.
"I like your place." Arthur slowly took Sandy's hands off his neck.
"Mmhmm." She hummed, still in a very drunk state. "Come sit down." Sandy giggled and flopped down on the couch. Arthur chuckled nervously and joined her on the couch.
"Soo, Artie. What's your place like?" Sandy crossed her legs, getting in a more comfortable position.
"Uh, well it's small. My mom usually takes the bed, and I have to sleep on the couch to make sure she's comfortable." Arthur looked down at his hands.
"That's so sweet, Artie." Sandy smiled, clutching her heart. "Ya know what they say. If you have a good relationship with your mom, you'll have a good relationship with a girl the future."
Arthur tilted his head. "Really? Where'd you read that?"
"On a fortune cookie." Sandy snickered.
Arthur giggled. Sandy had made his night, despite being super drunk. Her silliness made Sandy more endearing to him.
"Hey, we should play a game." Sandy suggested.
"Ok." Arthur compiled.
"Let's play.. uh, truth or dare." Sandy uncrossed her legs, and shifted to the chair next to him. "I'll go first. Truth or dare?" Sandy asked.
Arthur scratched his head. He felt like he was at a teenage girl's slumber party. "Truth." Arthur stated.
"Is it true that you have a girlfriend?" Sandy teased, poking at his shoulder.
Arthur raised his eyebrow and chuckled. "No, I've never had a girlfriend before." Arthur answered.
Sandy let out a gasp. "Really? You're so cute, who wouldn't want to date you." Sandy pinched Arthur's cheeks, like if he was a child.
Arthur blushed and chuckled, pushing her hands off his cheeks.
"Now, you gotta ask me." Sandy giggled.
"Oh, right. Sandy. Truth or dare?" Arthur asked.
"Hmm, dare." Sandy answered.
Arthur thought for a second.
"I dare you to tell me why I'm here." Arthur dared.
Sandy frowned. "That's not a dare, Arthur."
"Sandy, please tell me why I'm here." Arthur insisted.
Sandy crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine, you're here because, I wanted you here. I was lonely. There. Are you happy?" Sandy snapped.
Arthur's gaze soften. "You're lonely?"
"Yeah, I have no friends, and the people I considered friends abandoned, especially boyfriends. Most people are very cruel to me, and call me just all sorts of names, but all I can do is just smile and take it." Sandy broke down into tears. "I drink, smoke, anything to really numb my mind. Just so I can relieve my stress. It sucks, Arthur. It sucks to be in a world where if you don't look like a starving model, everyone just hates you. I just wish that I had someone." Sandy held onto Arthur and cried in his chest.
Arthur hugged her tightly, gently petting her hair. His heart was breaking as he heard her cry.
"How could you think like that? Do you really think no one could ever love you?" Arthur gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"It's true. Not even my own family loved me. I'm a fucking failure of a human being." Sandy wailed.
All Arthur could do was hold her. "You don't have to feel like this, you know. You don't have to be lonely." Arthur's blue eyes met with Sandy's chocolate ones.
"What are you saying?" Sandy asked, holding onto Arthur's arms.
Arthur gently kissed Sandy's lips. She gave into the sweet kiss. The kiss lasted for a short minute. It wasn't too rough. It was sweet and delicate. Something Sandy hadn't felt in years.
Slowly after that Sandy fell asleep in Arthur's arms. He smiled at her sleeping state.
Arthur felt content with himself with her in his arms.
Sandy was his weakness. He couldn't help himself. Arthur Fleck was madly in love.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Jan 1 Dancitron Movie Night - Beetlejuice & an episode of the cartoon
Prowl showed up still somewhat drunk from the party he was at prior to movie night. Tragically, there was an Insecticon present who was definitely Bombshell and could not possibly be a different innocent Insecticon that might be named Bob, so he had to sober up so he could heroically protect the moviegoers from this fiend. And then once he was sober he realized he was silly.
After movie night Prowl and Soundwave spent a couple of hours trying to talk about Tarantulas’s sexual preferences without admitting how much either one of them knows about Tarantulas’s sexual preferences.
Today Specs 7:52 pm ((hello hello)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm ((hello hello))
*What an eventful day it's been. He didn't have time to figure out the partial coverage, but he did have time to dry the fresh paint, so there's that. Now he's setting the couches and snacks in place and sitting down. This evening is going to be... interesting.* Specs 7:54 pm *the dragon tumbles in with cheerful aplomb and a cart full of treats. someone's been busy. does Laserbeak want any mercury cakes? they're shaped like butterflies and piled tantalizingly on top* Hello! Me 7:54 pm *guess who is here and is still Very Drunk* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:55 pm *Does the dragon really have to ask? Of course she does.*
[[Greetings, dragon.]] *Looks over. Hm. Avatar again? All right. Acknowledgment ping to Prowl.* Me 7:56 pm *Of course avatar again, how else would he be showing up.* *two acknowledging pings, because he's not sure if the first one went through.* Ratchet 7:57 pm *pops in* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm [[Good evening, Ratchet.]] Ratchet 7:57 pm Evening. Me 7:58 pm *takes his seat, slouches down.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm [[Do sit. He'll have something amusing in a moment.]] Me 7:58 pm *... slouches a little more.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm *...Is mildly concerned Prowl's going to fall over. Readies a feeler.* Me 7:59 pm *... he can just slouch forever and it's not uncomfortable because he's an avatar.* Specs 7:59 pm *the dragon finishes piling treats in the assigned area and finds a couch to perch upon* Ratchet 7:59 pm *squints at screen* Definitely Not Shockwave 7:59 pm ...*He isn't sure what he just walked back into.* Ratchet 7:59 pm *sloooowly takes a seat* Me 8:00 pm *slouches MORE. amazing.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm *...Soundwave reaches out and tries to tip Prowl back upright some.* Me 8:01 pm *it's too late. he's basically on his back on the couch.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Soundwave nods to everyone coming in.* *He'll just. Leave the feeler where it is, then.* Me 8:02 pm *he's intensely watching the math on the screen.* Ratchet 8:02 pm Well. Bevel 8:02 pm *arrives with an armful of datapads because who puts all their reading material into one convenient datapad, that's madness* Me 8:03 pm *and now he's slightly terrified.* ... I've forgotten how to do math. Ratchet 8:03 pm That's never happened quite that way to my knowledge, but Ironhide IS bad at math. ... 😀 ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Gently* (txt): Negative. Video mech: poor mathematician. *Gestures to Ratchet. See? Confirmation.* Ratchet 8:03 pm Who's on first! I'm. I'm doing Who's on first?? Swoop 8:03 pm ((this skit will NEVER get old. until the end of humanity, this skit will be funny)) Specs 8:03 pm I think the fur on my head is going to combust. Me 8:03 pm ... Oh. Okay. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm [[Ah, you know that skit?]] Bevel 8:04 pm *giggles as she drops them all onto her usual table* Me 8:04 pm *oh now Who's On First is on. This is much better.* Ratchet 8:04 pm Of course I do! I sent it to Prowl. Bevel 8:04 pm ((Who's the Band on Stage is my favorite riff on this Me 8:05 pm *claps a hand over his mouth so he can laugh* Ratchet 8:05 pm [[ WILY ]] Swoop 8:05 pm ((hi wily)) Specs 8:05 pm ((oh my god I thought Wily was called Why)) Definitely Not Shockwave 8:05 pm *He signs heavily at this terrible math humor, grabs a refreshment, and draws near to Bevel in a way that is looking for some sign that he is welcome to sit next to her.* Bevel 8:06 pm ((heya wily Definitely Not Shockwave 8:06 pm ((...*sighs) Swoop 8:06 pm Bob bob! Here! Look! *scampers indoors and gestures wildly* Wily 8:06 pm HELLO SWOOPING FRIEND. Me 8:06 pm *quietly raises a hand* I'm why. Swoop 8:06 pm It Dancitron : > Movie night Definitely Not Shockwave 8:06 pm ((...Ah, the skit changed. I shouldn't go afk mid-write.)) Swoop 8:06 pm Him Soundwave do movies here : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm (txt): Why, Soundwave's second favorite question. Wily 8:07 pm *lopes to Swoop and flops* THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HELLO NEW FRIENDS. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm (txt): Prowl deserves What. Bevel 8:07 pm *waves to Longarm* Hiya! Wily 8:07 pm IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU ALL. Swoop 8:07 pm *is easily bowled over by the bug and shrieks with excitement* Ratchet 8:07 pm Heh. Bevel 8:07 pm Hi, Bob! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm *...Oh dear. A giant bug. He'll just. Nod.* Me 8:07 pm No no. Second base is too much responsibility. Wily 8:07 pm HELLO BEVEL FRIEND Ratchet 8:07 pm Me'n Ironhide, Abbott and Costello... I like it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING grab your snacks)) Specs 8:07 pm ... *the dragon takes refuge in the air to avoid being trampled by this giant and enthusastic bug* Bevel 8:08 pm *don't mind all the datapads, Longarm. She'll just... gather them into a pile so there's room for other bots to put down their drinks and stuff* Wily 8:08 pm *which of course catches the bugs attention. He's waving at the dragon* Swoop 8:08 pm *hops up and down, yelling to the room* Him BOB come see movie TOO! Me Swoop bring FRIEND to see : > Definitely Not Shockwave 8:08 pm *He nods to this "bob", and returns Bevel's greeting. He sits as soon as there is a place to sit.* Me 8:08 pm *There's a loud voice here. Who's the loud voic-- JGJGDSK THAT'S BOMBSHELL* Windchill 8:08 pm *He's here, but is not alone. He's got a worm in a blanket propped up on one shoulder. Apologies to anyone hoping for a peaceful evening.* Me 8:08 pm *goodbye prowl is up the stairs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *Welp. Soundwave's just. Gonna go running up after him.* Wily 8:09 pm *Oblivious* Specs 8:09 pm Hello, um... *the dragon is NOT coming down* Have we met? Swoop 8:09 pm *is literally hanging off Bob's arm* Ratchet 8:09 pm Prowl....?? Me 8:09 pm *prowl chose a hell of a time to show up at a movie night drunk* Ratchet 8:09 pm *is not sure if he can go up the stairs* *maybe just hover at the bottom* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *If Ratchet wants to try, he'll find it doesn't close on him.* Wily 8:09 pm *Lifting his arm up and down* *shaking Swoop like a flag* Swoop 8:10 pm *kicks his legs up in the air and SHRIEK-laughs* *kicks his foot towards the bar* Bob! Bob! There GOODIES over there. Goodies for MOVIE NIGHT people. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm (txt): Calm, calm. Safe. Specs 8:10 pm *yeah, this is NOT safe for small and furry dragons. watch out Windchill you're getting a hat* Me 8:10 pm *Soundwave will find Prowl sitting against a wall with his knees up to his chest, otherwise very calm.* Swoop 8:10 pm *immediately drops when he hears Snarl's voice and looks around* Snarl????????????? Wily 8:11 pm I TOO HAVE BROUGHT THE SNACKS. TO SHARE. SHARING IS ALSO THE CARING. *Follows Swoop like a massive several odd ton puppy* Swoop 8:11 pm *cackles at the screen* That land before time DINOBOTS! Windchill 8:11 pm *Takes a seat and lets his spawn settle in his lap.* Ratchet 8:12 pm *yeah Ratchet's gonna make his cautious way up the stairs* Me 8:12 pm *looks up at Soundwave and says, very reasonably,* That's Bombshell. Swoop 8:12 pm Um! Um! Bob. *points to the bar, he's never brought goodies before but that's where they all live so let's do that* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Soundwave will kneel near Prowl and offer a hand. He's - not entirely sure what to do. Glance over to Ratchet.* Windchill 8:12 pm *Spawn doesn't care about movies and isn't paying attention at all.* Wily 8:12 pm OK. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:12 pm *He isn't completely oblivious to the sudden exit of their host, but Longarm isn't much for participating in the action.* *He studies Bevel's datapads curiously.* Swoop 8:13 pm What You Bob bringing? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm (txt): Negative. Different mental pattern. Bob, not Bombshell. Sunstreaker pet. Ratchet 8:13 pm Hey, Prowl. Specs 8:13 pm *peers down at Windchill and the chillspawn from atop her perch* Is this alright? Bevel 8:13 pm *is confident Ratchet and Soundwave have it taken care of and content to shuffle through her hastily put together stack for the datapad she'd been reading* Wily 8:13 pm *Open his bag* I HAVE THE RUST STICKS, AND THE SHEET METAL, AND THE CUBES OF MEDIUM GRADE. ALSO GLASS. Me 8:13 pm Excuse me. I am a Bombshell expert. Wily 8:13 pm *insecticon snacks may not be everyone snacks* Windchill 8:14 pm *Both of them peer back up, Windchill in confusion and the worm in insatiable hunger.* Eh? Swoop 8:14 pm *squeaks then breaks down into giggles* Bob only one eat sheet metal kehhehh Me 8:14 pm Hi, Ratchet. You'd better stay up here. There's a Bombshell down there. Swoop 8:14 pm *picks up a rust stick tho* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:14 pm If I may ask, Bevel...What are you reading? Specs 8:14 pm I think I am going to be your hat until either Whirl shows up or I am in less immediate fear of being stepped upon. I hope you don't mind. Wily 8:14 pm *wants to know what snacks are also here* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm ((okay warnings, soo..... some sexual humor, death and dark comedy, gross body distortions, possession, bad 80s representation of a witch doctor, uhhh harassment, things coming to life that oughtn't be, things like that)) Me 8:15 pm ((terrible interior design)) Ratchet 8:15 pm Right. Uh, I can... *he's never been up here before. quick glance at Soundwave??* ... uh, stay up here with you, if you want? Specs 8:15 pm *the dragon brought mercury cakes shaped like butterflies, nice crunchy energon treats with gooey centers, some delicious silver-mercury drops, and a canister labeled "Whirl," which is the only thing Bob should probably not take* Swoop 8:15 pm ((umm... what all is on the bar? I usually just have swoop grab a dish of whatever without looking.)) Bevel 8:15 pm Old stories and stuff about the Thirteen. Me 8:16 pm You will probably be safest if you do that. Ratchet 8:16 pm That Insecticon downstairs... Windchill 8:16 pm *Windchill considers this.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *Soundwave nods to Ratchet. He can stay up here as long as either Prowl or himself are here.* Ratchet 8:16 pm *you know what, Prowl doesn't need to hear that that Insecticon lives on Ratchet's Ark* Windchill 8:16 pm Well, Dragon...I don't know your name, sorry...that's fine. However. Ratchet 8:16 pm *at least until he's sober* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:16 pm You have a passion for...History? Wily 8:16 pm I DO NOT KNOW YOUR NAME EITHER. Specs 8:16 pm You can call me Specs, or Dragon, or whatever suits your fancy! 😄 Swoop 8:16 pm *pats Bob's side* Him Ravage make stuff sometimes. Bar stuff. Not goodie stuff. Wily 8:17 pm *more waving* I AM BOB. IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU, DRAGON SPECS. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm (txt): What reason, belief downstairs Insecticon designation: Bombshell? Windchill 8:17 pm *He nods; he'll try to remember and pick one.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Maybe if they know what it is they can counter it with facts?* Swoop 8:17 pm ((oh man we have a busy first movie night for bob)) Bevel 8:17 pm I am gonna try to find one of them. Me 8:17 pm He looks like him and he can talk. Wily 8:17 pm ((Bob has no idea what's going around him. He's just excited that there's so many people)) Windchill 8:17 pm I have fed her, *he hoists the worm, who begins wiggling at the disturbance* already, but she's prone to biting. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:18 pm I see...And how precisely do you plan to do that? Windchill 8:18 pm So don't get too close to her. Ratchet 8:18 pm Uh... huh. *not Prowl's most sparkling display of deductive reasoning* Magnum Ace 8:18 pm -pings at Soundwave. Hello, he's back to himself now- Specs 8:18 pm *the dragon kinda burbles at the worm* Understood! I'll keep my tail to myself. *oh goddess please don't step on her, Bob* Hello to you too, Bob. Swoop 8:18 pm *grabs Bob and drags him to sit on the floor in front of the screen, they are great doors and terrible windows* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Absent-mindedly opens a bridge for the Leaguers.* Wily 8:18 pm *Staring at the wiggly worm. So delighted by the wiggles* *Oop, no he's being "dragged off"* Bevel 8:19 pm Gonna ask Primus if these do not help any. Windchill 8:19 pm *He says biting, which is true, but the dragon is small enough that they're definitely at risk of being consumed entirely.* Swoop 8:19 pm It MOVIE time!!! *no inside voice* Wily 8:19 pm *And so Bob again flops next to Swoop and becomes a bugshaped pancake on the floor.* Swoop 8:19 pm *wants to movie """properly""" with his buddy* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm (txt): Helm cannon not present. This, noticed? Wily 8:19 pm IT IS THE QUIET TIME YES? *also no inside voice* Magnum Ace 8:19 pm -and trots in, and waves. Hello- Specs 8:20 pm *the dragon is also furry enough to give the worm hairballs* Windchill 8:20 pm *He sets the worm back into his lap, but she hasn't taken her single eye off of the dragon, her prey, just yet.* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:20 pm Huh. May I skim through one of them? Swoop 8:20 pm Keehee! Me Swoop am talking aaaaaalways. Kehh. Lots of bot movie talking. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *Someone downstairs is gonna have to contain the two toddlers. Try not to let them break everything.* Ratchet 8:20 pm *Bob is quite a bit bigger than Bombshell actually, but how would Prowl know that? Everyone in Ratchet's universe is smaller than Prowl's universe* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *Windchill, you're a parent. You're good at that probably.* Bull 8:20 pm *follows Magnum* Ratchet 8:20 pm *with the possible exception of Bob, who.... who knows where he came from, actually? He's huge, is all.* Wily 8:20 pm *dumps out all the snacks in front of him.* Windchill 8:20 pm *He'll try. His hands are full but he'll give it a shot.* Swoop 8:21 pm *puts a rust stick in his mouth then waves some of the sheet metal in front of bob's face* *dinner and a show* Wily 8:21 pm *Face mask retracts so Bob can go CRONCH* *and that's the end of the sheet metal* Swoop 8:21 pm *SQUEEEALS* Magnum Ace 8:21 pm -oh, look, new people...with...oh wow- Wily 8:21 pm ???? Bull 8:21 pm *Bull Armor settles in their normal spot, more relaxed than last time* Windchill 8:22 pm *The Worm hears crunching.* Wily 8:22 pm SWOOPING FRIEND YOU MADE A TEAPOT NOISE. Swoop 8:22 pm Keehee! Teapot? Keeehheeee! You Bob BIIIIIG bite Wily 8:22 pm *Does the worm want the snacks? Bob will share* Windchill 8:22 pm *She turns her long, fat body—fat with POWER!—around to see.* Me 8:22 pm He's probably an alternate. Maybe not all Bombshells have helm cannons. Magnum Ace 8:22 pm -big teeth. He's going to scramble up to Bull's side- Windchill 8:22 pm *Windchill visibly braces, knowing what's coming.* Bevel 8:22 pm Sure! *hands one about the Mutacons over to Longarm* Swoop 8:22 pm *lays side by side with Bob, watching the movie on his tummy* Wily 8:23 pm *shoving all the rust sticks toward swoop* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:23 pm *He half-listens to the movie while parsing through the text.* Specs 8:23 pm *the dragon carefully watches the worm to ensure that she doesn't get snacked upon too* Magnum Ace 8:23 pm .... Swoop 8:23 pm *cannot MUNCH as good in robot mode, but tries anyway* Wily 8:23 pm *nudging various other things in the directions of others wether they them or not* Windchill 8:23 pm *The Worm spots the food, and starts peeping like a very loud, very naked baby bird.* Specs 8:23 pm ((that dog fucking killed them)) Bull 8:23 pm *looks to Magnum, having not seen what made him nervous* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:24 pm ((Murder by thankless canine)). Windchill 8:24 pm *Windchill dons an expression of parental pain.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *He can't argue against that. If he can have all kinds of alternate shapes, so can the Insecticons. Hmm.*
(txt): ...Prowl wants movie upstairs? Swoop 8:24 pm *throws a rust stick at the peeping noise without looking using his mad bomber skills* Wily 8:24 pm *Waving at new people with tiny, secondary arms* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *He's probably not going to convince Prowl to go down there, but getting his mind off things? useful tactic? Uncertain.* Wily 8:24 pm THAT WAS A GOOD THROW. Windchill 8:24 pm *The stick bounces right off of her fat face.* Swoop 8:24 pm Me Swoop am very good at throw things Magnum Ace 8:24 pm That started off quick with death Me 8:24 pm ... The bar is downstairs. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *Soundwave points to the lounge screen.* Ratchet 8:25 pm I've got high grade covered, if that's the issue. Windchill 8:25 pm *Her mouth forms an O of shock.* Ratchet 8:25 pm *it's Ratchet, of course he's got booze. he's always got booze.* Bull 8:25 pm *looks at one of the new mechs he does not recognize and waves back* Wily 8:25 pm HOW GOOD AT THE THROWING OF THINGS? Swoop 8:25 pm VERY VERY Me 8:25 pm No, I was going to get fancy drinks. Five of them. Wily 8:25 pm *gives him a snack to throw. Prove it* Swoop 8:25 pm Me Swoop am bombardier *takes the treat* what hit? Ratchet 8:26 pm Oh? Any fancy drinks in particular? Wily 8:26 pm WHAT'S A BOMBASTADEER? Magnum Ace 8:26 pm -waves back at the one waving at them. The one with the scary set of teeth- Windchill 8:26 pm *Chill picks up the stick before his spawn goes to get it herself. She must be contained.* Swoop 8:26 pm It bot who drop bombs EXPLODE Wily 8:26 pm I THOUGHT YOU WERE A DINO. Windchill 8:26 pm Let's not throw food, guys. Wily 8:26 pm OH. I HAVE LEARNED A THING. Swoop 8:26 pm It JOB Me 8:26 pm ... I don't know, I have to look at them. Wily 8:26 pm OOPSIES. Bevel 8:26 pm *is gonna get up to get something to drink from the bar* Swoop 8:27 pm *tosses the goodie in the air and catches it* What You Bob want Swoop to hit? Windchill 8:27 pm *The worm snatches the stick from her dear old dad before he can even offer it, and goes to town with a loud crunching.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm (txt): ...Suggestion: Soundwave activates bar cameras. Prowl watches; Ratchet mixes, retrieves. This: acceptable?
*Looks to both of them. He can't make Ratchet do anything.* Wily 8:27 pm *looks around. Sees a glass at the bar. Points* Windchill 8:27 pm *Clicks his tongue.* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:27 pm *Longarm raises a brow in intrigue while learning of these "shifter transformers".* Windchill 8:27 pm *Reaches out with a toe to tap Swoop.* Me 8:28 pm ... I don't want you to do things for me. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:28 pm *As snoopy as he is, he glances over at where he believes Bevel to have left off in her text.* Swoop 8:28 pm *doesn't hesitate, chucks the goodie so it hits the back wall of the bar then falls into the glass* Ratchet 8:28 pm *well, Ratchet was going to offer to go retrieve fancy mixed drinks anyway, maybe after Prowl looked at a... picture menu?? if Ravage has one?* Windchill 8:28 pm *Sighs.* Wily 8:28 pm *Is absolutely 900% delighted* DO IT AGAIN. Ratchet 8:28 pm *but Soundwave's suggestion is acceptable in his view* Windchill 8:28 pm Do NOT do it again. Swoop 8:28 pm *smacks Windchill's toe* You bad at sabotage! Kehheh! Ratchet 8:29 pm I could mix your drinks. I don't mind going downstairs for a bit. And I'll be... careful. Windchill 8:29 pm *Rolls his eyes.* You need to go outside if you're going to throw things. Wily 8:29 pm *Oop. Reprimands directed their way. Bob flattens himself* I AM SORRY. Swoop 8:29 pm Swoop dont want outside. Me Swoop want inside For movie Windchill 8:29 pm Then you Swoop stop throwing things. Wily 8:30 pm *oh right a movie is playing* Windchill 8:30 pm If you break Soundwave's stuff he'll get mad at you. Bevel 8:30 pm *it's about the Thirteen battling Unicron* Swoop 8:30 pm Me Swoop waaaaaaaaaay too good at throw thing for ACCIDENTAL break ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((this movie gets better if you imagine the mom as buzzsaw)) Wily 8:30 pm SWOOPING FRIEND IS A BOMMALIER Bevel 8:30 pm ((lol Wily 8:30 pm *got it in one* Windchill 8:30 pm No purposeful breaking allowed either, Swoop. Swoop 8:30 pm ((bob write swoop's resume for him)) Him Bob not ask for on purpose break : > Wily 8:31 pm ((A plus projectile. Good at throwing things. Best backpack)) Windchill 8:31 pm You guys can go play bombardiers outside. Me 8:31 pm ((he said "you can finally cook a decent meal" and she gave him a look like he was insane, for a split second i identified with her completely)) Wily 8:31 pm I DO NOT WISH TO BREAK THE THINGS THAT BELONGS TO OTHERS. Swoop 8:31 pm Noooo Wily 8:31 pm THAT WOULD NOT BE NICE. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:31 pm ((Hfhfhhff.)) *He makes a short "mmm" noise before returning to his own datapad.* Swoop 8:31 pm Dinobots not nice, Bob : > Wily 8:32 pm BUT YOU ARE NICE oO Oo !!!!!! Windchill 8:32 pm I'm not going to be nice either if you don't stop throwing things. Wily 8:32 pm *He picked a bad time to pay attention to the movie* Swoop 8:32 pm *opens his mouth to argue but ends up cackling instead* Bull 8:32 pm .... what sort of movie is this? *Bull whispers* Swoop 8:32 pm *he is into this movie now* Magnum Ace 8:32 pm -WELL THEN- I...haaaavel noidea Definitely Not Shockwave 8:33 pm *He considers this more mythology than history, but he wouldn't go so far as to insult her for her beliefs.* Wily 8:33 pm IT IS SCARY. Swoop 8:33 pm ((omg buzzsaw)) Bevel 8:33 pm *plops back down and offer a second cube to Longarm* Ratchet 8:33 pm [[ wow that IS buzzsaw ]] Definitely Not Shockwave 8:33 pm ((It's too accurate.)) Specs 8:33 pm *blinks* Swoop 8:33 pm ((this is why your sister trolls you so much)) Ratchet 8:33 pm [[ also i....... i need to sleep...... ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm }}I like her.{{ Swoop 8:34 pm You Bob scared??? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm ((aaaaa okay ;; get you a rest)) Bevel 8:34 pm ((night! Me 8:34 pm ((gnight~)) Wily 8:34 pm I AM FINE Magnum Ace 8:34 pm ((g'night! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Soundwave gently nudges Prowl.*
(txt): What action wanted, Prowl's, ours? Wily 8:34 pm ((niiight!)) Ratchet 8:34 pm [[ ratchet will stay with prowl ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm ((roger)) Definitely Not Shockwave 8:34 pm *He forms a pleased expression with his faceplate and takes the cube.* Swoop 8:34 pm Really really? Ratchet 8:34 pm [[ and/or get him some drinks ]] Wily 8:34 pm ....NO. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:34 pm Thank you, how thoughtful. Windchill 8:34 pm *He's going to TRY to watch the movie now.* Wily 8:34 pm I AM SORRY. LYING IS BAD. IT IS FINE NOW THOUGH Swoop 8:35 pm *giggles and pats Bob's helm* Wily 8:35 pm *chitters* Bevel 8:35 pm Welcome. *grins* Me 8:35 pm ((im trying to get him back downstairs tho)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm ((ratchet as seat sandwich whenever prowl sits?)) Wily 8:35 pm SHARK? Swoop 8:35 pm Us Dinobots scarier than movie. You not scared. Magnum Ace 8:36 pm ...so...um.. Specs 8:36 pm Now that's not something you see every day. Wily 8:36 pm *oh well if Swoop says it, must be true* OK ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *Quietly waits for Prowl's answer.* Swoop 8:36 pm : > Wily 8:37 pm *Will try to convince himself of this even if it confuses him. Dinobots aren't scary* Windchill 8:37 pm I like her eyeliner. Swoop 8:37 pm *drapes a wing over Bob like a blanket, there, now nothing can get him* Windchill 8:37 pm Not sure why she has a...glove? On her forehead though. *Human fashion is beyond him sometimes.* Bull 8:38 pm This movie is strange. Magnum Ace 8:38 pm Yeah. Wily 8:38 pm *Tucks in* Magnum Ace 8:38 pm I have no idea what is going on anymore Definitely Not Shockwave 8:38 pm These..."Mutacons", Bevel, has anyone bothered to study them? Me 8:38 pm *stares at Soundwave* ... I'unno. Don't—fuss over me. You can go back. Swoop 8:39 pm *has goodies and is the big bad dinobot protector, if Bird shows up tonight will be perfect* Windchill 8:39 pm *Bounces his baby now that she's done munching.* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:39 pm ((I'm fucking wheezing. Thanks, Soundwave, for making this whole movie 11000% more amusing.)) Wily 8:40 pm *Is cool with Swoop playing the part of security blanket. Super appreciates it even* Bevel 8:40 pm I do not think so. They went into space in *she pushes a couple datapads around and grabs one* this one, to find Amalgamous. I never met any when I was still in space but that was different universes. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm *Soundwave lifts his hands in an apologetic gesture. He's not trying to fuss. Just work out what's needed.*
(txt): If that, Prowl's wish, Soundwave complies. Me 8:40 pm Be careful. Don't get too close to him. Don't let him launch bugs at you. If you think he might, even if you think they can't get past your defenses, send me an emergency ping immediately. You have to send the ping BEFORE he bugs you or it's already too late. Swoop 8:41 pm Cowboy Windchill 8:41 pm (( God that reminds me of some local commercials. )) Specs 8:41 pm ((oh my lorf)) *the dragon peers down at the worm* What is her name? Definitely Not Shockwave 8:42 pm *He's doing his best to not seem disappointed.* Ah, I see. Unfortunate, their abilities could have been useful. Wily 8:42 pm CHALK IS MOST FUN. Windchill 8:42 pm I'll try a beetle guy. *Waggles his brows.* Swoop 8:42 pm You Bob do art thing with Sunstreaker? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *Nods.*
(txt): Soundwave watches Insecticon. If/when Prowl: capable, extra optics preferred. If not, second floor: safe. Acknowledged? Wily 8:43 pm *nods* I AM NOT THAT GOOD. BUT IT IS FUN. Windchill 8:43 pm *His spawn watches him as if he had lost his mind.* Wily 8:43 pm I SPILL ALL OF THE PAINT. THE CONTAINERS ARE SO VERY TINY. Swoop 8:44 pm Spill paint sound MORE fun to Me Swoop Me 8:44 pm ... Hm. *Soundwave needs Prowl's protection. He's not going to get it if Prowl's upstairs.* Windchill 8:44 pm *The bug perks up at the whistling.* Wily 8:44 pm IT IS VERY SLIPPERY. AND THE COLORS ARE MOST DELIGHTFUL. THE CARETAKER WAS NOT AS HAPPY. Swoop 8:44 pm Him Sunstreaker cleany clean bot Wily 8:45 pm HE DID PUT THE COLORS INTO HONEY AND LET ME PAINT TOAST. Windchill 8:45 pm *The bug looks confused: there's no bug to talk to there, only a boring screen!* Wily 8:45 pm THAT WAS MOST FUN. Bull 8:45 pm And things just got weirder. Bevel 8:45 pm Useful how? Swoop 8:45 pm Kehhehehh You bob eat EEEEVERYTHING Wily 8:45 pm *Can eat literally all the things. Even the dreaded sugar* Magnum Ace 8:45 pm Yeah Specs 8:45 pm *whistles at the worm* Wily 8:46 pm *reflexively chitters back at other bugs in the room* Magnum Ace 8:46 pm I'm...not sure where any of this is going Omicron 8:46 pm *predacon falls in, likely in a corner so not to squish anyone* Windchill 8:46 pm *Her head whips around so fast it might have injured a weaker worm.* Swoop 8:46 pm *can't chitter but he chirps once he realizes we're making noises, no reason just participating* Wily 8:47 pm *Has waved to everyone so far, why stop now.* HELLO NEW FRIEND. Specs 8:47 pm *lets out a soft noise, trying to imitate a flute sound* Bevel 8:47 pm *mimics Bob's chittering* Wily 8:47 pm *Which spurs Bob on more* Windchill 8:47 pm *A small head whips around again.* Omicron 8:47 pm hiiiii Windchill 8:47 pm *Windchill's just watching, his mouth twitching.* Me 8:47 pm So much for being drunk tonight. Okay—give me a moment. I've gotta make me be sober. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Helm tilt. Make him be sober?*
(txt): How possible, within moment...? Definitely Not Shockwave 8:48 pm Well...*Oh, how to say this without sounding like a mad scientist...* Cybertronians who can combine are notably more durable than lone individuals. Wily 8:48 pm *Looks like there's a chorus of strange vague sounds in the room and Bob is delighted* Swoop 8:48 pm *cackles at the "flat" joke, this movie speaks to him* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:48 pm I forget that most here aren't mid-war. Windchill 8:49 pm *The bug peeps questioningly.* Specs 8:49 pm *hm, this is definitely a Thing. whistles with a higher pitch* Wily 8:49 pm *Chirrrs back* Me 8:49 pm Turn my chip on. *Lowers his face into his hands. Give him a sec.* Wily 8:49 pm *If there is a call, he will respond.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm *He has no idea what Prowl is talking about, but he'll wait.* Windchill 8:50 pm *The worm stares at the dragon. That's not an insecticon! Betrayal!* Magnum Ace 8:50 pm -he is SO confused right now- Specs 8:50 pm *chirp chirp whistle* Magnum Ace 8:51 pm -about the movie and all the rest of the noise in the room- Windchill 8:51 pm *Her protomandibles twitch. Food that speaks gibberish?* Swoop 8:52 pm ((her neck 😀 )) Specs 8:52 pm *gently peeps at the worm. the worm looks interested?* Swoop 8:52 pm Look her smoke! Wily 8:52 pm SHE HAS A LEAK. Swoop 8:52 pm *blows out a puff of smoke himself* Bevel 8:52 pm *nods sort of in agreement* Being able to combine would be really useful but I do not think I would want to be stuck like the Mutacons are. Omicron 8:52 pm *Ice Queen finds a better place to stretch out on the floor, forelegs crossed and wings settling down on her back. Gives a relaxed chirp and then rumble, watches the others around* Wily 8:53 pm *passes tinier hands through smoke* Me 8:53 pm *... uuugh. second time in a day. He's gonna throw up.* ... *Nope. Nope, he's fine.* All right. M'good. Wily 8:53 pm OOOOOOH Windchill 8:53 pm *She lifts her upper body, exactly like an inchworm, and stares.* Swoop 8:53 pm *blinks at Bob, then grins* You Bob like smoke trick, huh? Wily 8:53 pm YES. Windchill 8:53 pm NO fire, Swoop. Wily 8:53 pm OH LOOK BIG CANDY Swoop 8:53 pm No fiiiiiiiiire Smoke! Windchill 8:53 pm *Nudges him with a foot.* Wily 8:53 pm !!!!!!!!!!!! Windchill 8:53 pm No smoke, Swoop. Magnum Ace 8:53 pm ........... Swoop 8:54 pm *blows a ring* Bull 8:54 pm *is unnerved* Swoop 8:54 pm Whyyyyyyyyy? Wily 8:54 pm *incredibly alarmed* Swoop 8:54 pm Why no smoke? Specs 8:54 pm *the worm is attentive! another whistle* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *He's... confused, but he'll nod. And stand up? Is he supposed to be going down there alone or no?*
*Gonna. Make his way toward the stairs. Maybe.* Magnum Ace 8:54 pm -nudges Bull- Outside for air? Wily 8:54 pm !?!?!?!?! Windchill 8:54 pm Because you might set off fire alarms that detect smoke. Swoop 8:54 pm *would argue the smoke rule but the bug at his side is alarmed for some reason* ??? Bull 8:54 pm *looks to Magnum* Yeah... I wouldn't mind a minute out. Windchill 8:54 pm And because I said so. Wily 8:55 pm *gathers Swoop up teddy bear style because that poor fly* Swoop 8:55 pm *lets himself be gathered* Why Bob startle? Magnum Ace 8:55 pm -going to have to find a way out, but they'll manage- Right, let's go Wily 8:55 pm HE ATE THE BUG Swoop 8:55 pm Oh! Windchill 8:55 pm *The worm is ignoring dad, and starts to climb for his shoulder.* Wily 8:55 pm HE HAD GIANT CANDY BUT HE ATE THE BUG Swoop 8:55 pm *pats Bob's cheek* *this is how you comfort people yes?* Wily 8:55 pm *Whiiiiiines* *....but yes* Me 8:56 pm *Stands up with, and follows.* No—don't go down there alone. I'm an avatar, he can't touch me. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:56 pm Indeed, most wouldn't volunteer for such an existence... It might just be a matter of finding a way to-- Ahem. I mean... presuming there *is* a way of reversing the effects, it could be used without any side effects. Swoop 8:56 pm *curls up and enjoys teddy bear duty* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:56 pm Permanent side effects, that is. Specs 8:57 pm *peers down at the worm and whistles more. yes, clearly they are connecting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *Soundwave pauses to allow time for Prowl to catch up and bobs his helm. He sees what's going on.*
(txt): Protection: appreciated. Come.
*Down to the seat. The long way that goes nowhere near the bug.* Bull 8:57 pm *follows Magnum towards the door* Windchill 8:57 pm *Windchill stops his spawn right in her six-limbed tracks before she can climb up and EAT the dragon.* Wily 8:58 pm *waves bye at people going outside with a free tinier arm* Windchill 8:58 pm *The worm huffs.* Swoop 8:58 pm *pats Bob's facemask with some goodies* Bevel 8:58 pm Maybe if they found Amalgamous he could help. *plucks another datapad she hasn't read through yet* These are really old records though so maybe they did find him and if they did I could to. Omicron 8:58 pm (what dragon?) Wily 8:58 pm *Face mask retracts. Snacks are noshed* Specs 8:58 pm *waves at the worm, but keeps her paw far away enough from the Maw of the Worm* ((this dragon)) Windchill 8:58 pm (( Spec. )) Me 8:59 pm *will stay closer to Soundwave than usual. Never lets the Insecticon out of the corner of his optics.* Omicron 8:59 pm (ah, hello fellow dragon then) Magnum Ace 8:59 pm -does Bull have their spare equipment or are they just going for a walk?- -once they get the door open- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm *Will obligingly glance toward Bob now and then to make it clear he's watching too.* Specs 8:59 pm ((fellow dragon)) Wily 8:59 pm *Bob waves with tiny hands* Bull 8:59 pm -always got his mitt and an extra ball on hand- Swoop 8:59 pm *has no skill at reading emotions and comforting people, but he has been WELL TRAINED by Bird to shove food at his friends* Omicron 9:00 pm *for what its worth, chirps at the insecticon, she likes them* Swoop 9:00 pm *keeps offering Bob a goodie at a time* Wily 9:00 pm *Bob will continue to eat as long as food is being passed his way* Swoop 9:00 pm *eventually, between the snuggles and food, this problem will fix itself* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:00 pm Yes, of course...Surely if they succeeded, you will as well. Windchill 9:00 pm *The worm will stare at the dragon on dad's head, for now.* Bevel 9:00 pm I hope so. Wily 9:00 pm *Bob chirps back* Magnum Ace 9:00 pm -good. They can practice a bit while nerves settle a bit- Bevel 9:01 pm Though I do not want any combiner powers like the Mutacons have. Swoop 9:01 pm Beetlejuice Wily 9:01 pm *Distraction is the best remedy. He has no attention span* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:01 pm ...Might I ask why you are motivated to do this, again? Wily 9:01 pm DO NOT JUICE THE BEETLES, THAT SOUNDS BAD Me 9:01 pm *... overhears mention of combiners.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *HOLD ON NOW who is talking about combiners and Mutacons? A glance toward Bevel.* Windchill 9:01 pm *He's going to keep any beetle juice comments to himself.* Specs 9:01 pm *the dragon will loaf on Windchill's head contentedly and grin at the worm* Swoop 9:01 pm *giggles and wiggles* What JUICE beetles means? Kehhehhhh Bevel 9:02 pm *suddenly all the attention, blinks a couple time at Prowl and Soundwave* Me 9:02 pm *keeps his optic on the insecticon and his audials on the combiner conversation* Wily 9:02 pm I DO NOT KNOW BUT I DO NOT LIKE IT Windchill 9:02 pm *The worm squints maliciously.* Omicron 9:02 pm I think you're safe insecticon, its like a name? Wily 9:02 pm OH. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm @Bevel: [[...Are you discussing something he should be concerned about.]] Wily 9:02 pm ALSO HELLO I AM BOB. Swoop 9:02 pm Ew Omicron 9:02 pm Hello bob, I'm Ice Queen. 😊 I'm a predacon queen Bevel 9:02 pm @Soundwave: No? Bull 9:03 pm We're going out to get some fresh air Soundwave. Wily 9:03 pm HELLOW QUEEN OF ICE. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT A PREDACON IS. I AM A BUG ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @Bevel: [[Keep it that way.]]
@Bull: [[Acknowledged.]] Definitely Not Shockwave 9:03 pm *Longarm is slightly astonished. He turns his gaze in order to figure out who Bevel is making optic contact with.* Ali 9:04 pm ((there we go)) Bevel 9:04 pm I want to ask him for help with my powers. He's the ultimate transformer. He knows everything. Omicron 9:04 pm That's okay Bob, I'm...a beast-former. *chuurr/chirps?* Bull 9:04 pm Thanks. Swoop 9:04 pm *CACKLES* Him scare them Specs 9:04 pm *fluffs up and gets in a Real Comfy Loaf to observe the worm* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((SIMPATICO)) Ali 9:05 pm ((this is CC btw)) Bevel 9:05 pm *looks back at her datapads, Tara's not here, she's not telling anyone dangerous anything* Wily 9:05 pm *All the chirps. Even though he has no idea what a beast former is either* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:05 pm *Yes, of course she isn't.* Windchill 9:05 pm *The worm curls up in a doughnut shape for the moment, but doesn't take that glaring red optic off the dragon.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm ((welcome CC)) Definitely Not Shockwave 9:06 pm So you aren't looking for all of the thirteen, you simply require the assistance of this one? Ali 9:06 pm ((thanks)) Magnum Ace 9:06 pm -not going to go far, just far enough out to toss the ball around a bit- Bevel 9:06 pm *nods firmly* Windchill 9:07 pm *Windchill drapes the blanket over the worm, hoping she'll behave.* Specs 9:07 pm *just grins at the worm* Omicron 9:07 pm *shrugs wings and settles back down* Bull 9:07 pm *pulls out his catchers mitt* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm *Soundwave checks on Bob again before settling back. If Bevel is going to make this mistake, she can make it. But if... "Longarm"... ever hurts her, and he finds out, there will be problems.* Swoop 9:08 pm *sets his chin on Bob's shoulder and starts gnawing on a rust stick himself* Ali 9:08 pm ((this dog just burped in my face. rude)) Bevel 9:08 pm *...aw thanks Soundwave, best uncle* Wily 9:08 pm *passes snacks toward Swoop* Bevel 9:08 pm *suddenly music from the movie* Windchill 9:08 pm *Windchill can't see what the dragon is up to.* Wily 9:08 pm *Is actually paying attention to the movie suddenly* Ali 9:08 pm *comes in and finds a place to settle in- Swoop 9:09 pm *takes one more then pushes bob's hand to his own face instead* Keheh them dance ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Feeler wave to Crosscut.* Magnum Ace 9:09 pm -tugs his mitt on before taking the ball- I'm going to try a few different pitches this time Wily 9:09 pm *Cronches* Ali 9:09 pm *feelers?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Must remember this if he ever has unwanted intruders.* Wily 9:09 pm IS THIS A MUSICAL? Ali 9:09 pm *Bob!* Wily 9:09 pm THERE HAS NOT BEEN MucH MUSIC. Ali 9:09 pm *Oh no.* Swoop 9:09 pm Dunno Bevel 9:09 pm Maybe now there will be. Magnum Ace 9:09 pm ((meanwhile they're missing this because earlier stuff spooked them out of the room)) Definitely Not Shockwave 9:10 pm *Now, now, Longarm wouldn't attempt to personally threaten Bevel. Their interests thankfully do not directly interfere with one another.* Swoop 9:10 pm KAA! Me 9:10 pm *watches movie very uncomfortably* Specs 9:10 pm *the dragon will try to not to convince the worm to misbehave, but she can't help but be a little smug* Me 9:10 pm *Mind control. Ugh.* Ali 9:10 pm *Crosscut waves back at Soundwave but shifts a bit uncomfortably at the insecticon's presence- Swoop 9:10 pm *is still a teddy bear for Bob and completely misses Prowl's existence, let alone discomfort* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *He should have watched this movie before he picked it. All he knew was that there were ghosts and artists.* Bull 9:11 pm Alright, just start out light. No need to draw everyone's attention with another Asteroid Cannon. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm @P: (txt): Apologies. Unexpected. Wily 9:11 pm *Still mildly spooked by this not spooky movie* Me 9:11 pm *sharp nod.* Swoop 9:11 pm *can take some pretty aggressive hugs so Bob can to go town* Magnum Ace 9:11 pm Right...I didn't realize it would do that... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Crosscut is welcome to sit by the host if he wishes. It's probably the safest spot in the house.* Wily 9:11 pm *Well Bob does have four arms. All the better for stress hugs* Whirl 9:11 pm *slinks on in and makes his way to the usual table; he smells like he's been rolling in motor oila nd gunpowder all day. And looks it, too* Windchill 9:12 pm *The worm huffs in irritated boredom and begins shoving the blanket into her mouth for something to chew on. Windchill gives her a consoling pat.* Omicron 9:12 pm *dragonic yawn to streach jaws, snorts at the movie* Specs 9:12 pm *the dragon transfers from Windchill's head to Whirl's shoulder* Ali 9:12 pm *shutters at the thought of hugs from Bob* Whirl 9:12 pm Hey, dragon! Specs 9:12 pm Hello! Mind if I stay here! 😄 Definitely Not Shockwave 9:12 pm ...Would it be too forward to ask about the power you require assistance with? Ali 9:13 pm ((What's the table set up look like guys?)) Whirl 9:13 pm Nah, you're fine. You've got shoulder VIP parking status. Ali 9:13 pm ((Who is sitting by who I guess)) Magnum Ace 9:13 pm -still. Signals a curve-ball before tossing- Whirl 9:13 pm *and bobs his head to Windchill, and Soundwave, and Bevel--he's going to be doing a lot of head bobbing* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm ((usual concentric semi-circles of couches. prowl near soundwave, the leaguers outside, bevel near longarm i believe...)) Swoop 9:14 pm ((swoop and bob are on the floor in front of the screen)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Bob head to Whirl.* Bevel 9:14 pm Maybe but I do not mind. I am a Shifter. Not like the Mutacons. Like a regular one. Whirl 9:14 pm ((Whirl is at his usual Whirl table, with a dragon epaulette)) Bevel 9:14 pm *waves to Whirl and grins* Windchill 9:14 pm *Windchill's head is free!* Specs 9:14 pm *loafs up all nice and poofy* Wily 9:14 pm *Bob also bobs his head because everyone else is doing it so that must be the thing to do* Omicron 9:14 pm ((no idea, Icy's just laying down in whatever free space)) Ali 9:14 pm ((I see)) Windchill 9:14 pm Aw, well there goes my fancy hat. Whirl 9:15 pm *perks up* Oh, hey! You brought the wriggler! Definitely Not Shockwave 9:15 pm *He takes note of Whirl and turns back to Bevel.* Really? That's...Highly intriguing! Bull 9:15 pm *catches the pitch* The atmosphere still makes it stronger than normal. *tosses the ball back to Magnum* Windchill 9:15 pm I did! Swoop 9:15 pm You Bob scared? Whirl 9:15 pm And look, there's her future, right there on screen. Specs 9:16 pm *blinks* Wait, she's the baby? Wily 9:16 pm *Did the sheer alarm on his face give it away?* Whirl 9:16 pm Yep! Swoop 9:16 pm *turns Bob's face away and covers his optics* Whirl 9:16 pm *he beeps the Greeting Beep at Blue* Swoop 9:16 pm You Bob scaaardy bot Windchill 9:16 pm *He picks up the wiggler in question, giving her a bounce that doesn't dislodge the blanket shoved in her maw.* Swoop 9:16 pm *giggles and keeps Bob blind* Ali 9:16 pm so what made you all pick this film for tonight? *he takes out a flask of his own while attempting watch* Bevel 9:17 pm I like it but I want to be better at it. Magnum Ace 9:17 pm Yeah, I noticed that a bit too late -catches it before throwing another curve- to do anything Wily 9:17 pm *He'd argue but it is absolutely true* Windchill 9:17 pm Look who it is, Blue. Wily 9:17 pm I AM NOT TRYING TO BE. Whirl 9:17 pm It's me. *draws himself up, with great dignity* Wub. Specs 9:17 pm *imitates Whirl's beeping at the worm* Windchill 9:17 pm *Blue stares once she realizes Whirl is here, and gives a muffled BEEP of greeting.* *Chill snorts.* Whirl 9:17 pm *eyes the dragon sidelong* I taught her that. Omicron 9:17 pm Swoop, if you need, you can hide Bod behind me. I'm big enough and have big wings? Swoop 9:18 pm *peaks between his fingers at Bob* You Bob want to food instead? No movie. Wily 9:18 pm *all the nodding* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[He heard it was a story of good and bad human ghosts battling living humans for the right to a house. Buzzsaw said one of the characters was an artist.]] Windchill 9:18 pm *Blue beeps again, letting the blanket fall back into dad's lap. He limbs wiggle in excitement.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[Ghosts are of some interest to him.]] Swoop 9:18 pm *wiggles out of Bob's grip, hops ot his feet, and holds out both hands for Bob* Bevel 9:18 pm Buzzsaw likes ghosts? Specs 9:18 pm Sorry, was that out of order? Whirl 9:19 pm Nah, we both just said "hello." Definitely Not Shockwave 9:19 pm ...Apologies, I am extremely curious as to your current capabilities. Wily 9:19 pm *Bob takes the hand with one of his smaller ones* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[Buzzsaw has no real opinion on them.]] Specs 9:19 pm Oh, good! I was whistling earlier, but she didn't seem to think I was making sense. Me 9:19 pm *mutters* He didn't mention one of the characters is Lockdown. Ali 9:19 pm Hm, many species have superstitions but humans have many very interesting takes on the after life. Whirl 9:19 pm The beeping is a language Prf--that Zori taught me. Swoop 9:19 pm *pulls Bob up and leads him over to the bar and all its goodies* Windchill 9:19 pm That's because in Insecticon, you probably weren't. Specs 9:20 pm Honestly, that's fair. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *Glance.* (txt): Lockdown? Which? *None of them have guns for faces or collect body parts.*
[[Have you a favorite?]] Wily 9:20 pm *Follows hunched, and with droopy antennas * Windchill 9:20 pm *Blue reaches grabby hands for Uncle Wub.* Ali 9:20 pm *practically stumbled out of his chair to back away a bit when swoop and Bob approach the bar- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm [[...Why is there a single wall.]] Bevel 9:20 pm *shifts so that she looks and sounds like Longarm* I can look like almost anyone. Me 9:20 pm Beetleguts. *so close.* Bull 9:21 pm *catches the next pitch before tossing it back and signalling Magnum to try a change up pitch* Swoop 9:21 pm *has no idea what to do, so he settles Bob in front of LOTS of goodies* You Bob eat. Swoop come riiiiight back! Ok? Wily 9:21 pm OKAY. I AM SORRY SWOOPING FRIEND. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Watches the stumbling. Going to privately message Crosscut.*
@CC: [[...You are welcome to share this couch if that one does not suit you.]] Swoop 9:21 pm What sorry for? Whirl 9:21 pm Heh. Nice. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:22 pm *The "gem" on his forehead shines for a split second, out of a mixture of alarm and curiosity.* Wily 9:22 pm YOU ARE MISSING THE MOVIE. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:22 pm And you say you require *assistance* with this ability? Swoop 9:22 pm It ok! Me Swoop miss movie lot of times! You stay and eat goodie. Swoop come back. Whirl 9:22 pm *he holds up his claws, he will take the baby. She's going to get set on the table but he will take her* Wily 9:22 pm OKAY. *he will do as told* Swoop 9:23 pm *and with that Swoop scampers away from Bob and rushes up to Soundwave* Soundwave! Soundwave! Specs 9:23 pm *observes the wom with fascination* Ali 9:23 pm -Crosscut is pressed against the wall closest to the bar before sliding along to take a seat by Prowl and Soundwave instead- Windchill 9:23 pm *Windchill considers this, but hands the Long Worm over.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave picks Swoop up and puts him back by Windchill with feeler.* *No. Sorry.* Windchill 9:23 pm Don't let her eat anybody. Ali 9:23 pm -just away from the bug in general is fine, thanks- Swoop 9:23 pm !! *turns to Windchill instead* Him Bob SCARED! Bevel 9:23 pm *nods, shifting back to the Malgus form she'd been sporting earlier* Yeah, there are not any on my planet who know more than me. They all died during the war and I want to... I need to be better. Swoop 9:23 pm *looks expectantly* Windchill 9:23 pm *He'll be watching, but this is putting the worm back into general Dragon vicinity.* Whirl 9:23 pm *Blue is summarily set upon the table. It is her throne; Whirl speaks with the utmost seriousness* Don't eat my dragon. Windchill 9:24 pm *Windchill turns to Swoop.* Eh? Swoop 9:24 pm Him Bob SCARED of movie. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm @P: (txt): ...Lockdown appears when designation spoken thrice? Magnum Ace 9:24 pm -catches it, and nods- I mean, this last week has been nothing short of hectic -change up pitch incoming- Windchill 9:24 pm *Blue garbles nonsense and flaps her arms on the table.* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:24 pm *He clasps his servos about his waist and tilts his helm.* Omicron 9:24 pm @Soundwave(txt): needs some help with the poor insecticon? *worried chirp* Windchill 9:24 pm ...Does him Bob need to go outside for a break? Swoop 9:25 pm *SHRUGS* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm @I: [[If you believe you can offer it.]] Specs 9:25 pm *the dragon tries not to giggle at the worm antics. cute wom* Swoop 9:25 pm Him scared *looks expectantly at Windchill* Windchill 9:25 pm Bob can sit with me if he's scared. Wily 9:25 pm *Bob is going to town on snacks. Feels a little better* Whirl 9:25 pm *snips his claw at her. Whirl would, under normal circumstances, be trying to put on a tougher front for all the new folks, but he can't hide how delighted he is* Swoop 9:25 pm You make Bob not scared? Windchill 9:25 pm No promises, but I can try. Omicron 9:26 pm @Soundwave(text): I think I can Windchill 9:26 pm *Blue REACHES for the claw.* Bull 9:26 pm Hectic is one word for it. *catches the pitch before tossing it back * Windchill 9:26 pm *Luckily her grasp is slower than her mouth, still. She's not that coordinated.* Swoop 9:26 pm *grabs Windchill's hand* You come tell Bob no more scaredy Bob Whirl 9:26 pm *he will let her take it. She's free to gnaw it, if she likes, Whirl can't feel anything in his claws* *and if she's chewing his claw, she's not eating his dragon* Magnum Ace 9:26 pm -another catch- ...yeah. Good to go back to the movie now? Windchill 9:27 pm *Blue definitely puts her goopy mouth on it, her mandibles twitching.* *Tastes like...Wub!* Me 9:27 pm @Soundwave «He's crass, lewd, obnoxious, nearly intolerable to do business with...» Windchill 9:27 pm *Her butt wiggles, pleased.* Bull 9:27 pm I think so. We'll see how 'strange' the movie is now. Specs 9:27 pm *look at that great wom. an excellent wom* Windchill 9:27 pm *Windchill sighs.* Okay, I can sit on the floor with you guys. Bevel 9:28 pm Insect zoo? Magnum Ace 9:28 pm -hands Bull the ball back- Yeah. Let's go back inside Swoop 9:28 pm *draaaaaaaags Windchill over to the bar to tell Bob to be not scared* Wily 9:28 pm *Is eating a glass* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *What is that crunching--*
[[Put that glass down.]] Bull 9:29 pm *Stores the ball and mitt back in his storage before following Magnum back in* Wily 9:29 pm *Pauses mid crunch* Whirl 9:29 pm *Whirl occasionally wiggles it for her. He is bravely allowing this to continue, despite her gross mouth* Wily 9:29 pm *Puts the rest of the glass on the counter* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm [[Thank you.]] Bevel 9:29 pm Do you want to borrow that datapad, Longarm? *motions to the one she gave him earlier* It is only a copy of the data from the Hall. Wily 9:29 pm APOLOGIES. Omicron 9:30 pm Bob, do you like gold crunchies? Magnum Ace 9:30 pm ... Windchill 9:30 pm *Whirl is best uncle. Blue chiiiirrs around his claw, creating more slime.* Wily 9:30 pm I DO NOT KNOW *but the answer is probably yes* Magnum Ace 9:30 pm -turns Bull around- Ali 9:30 pm ((Do you guys think for a testing the waters on different muses sort of thing I could do like an OC? or just canon?)) Windchill 9:31 pm *Grunts, and allows himself to be 'dragged' down to Swoop and Bob's level.* Swoop 9:31 pm *looks up at Windchill and points at Bob at the bar* Tell Him ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Why interface, if disgusting?
[[Crosscut - you never did tell him what your favorite of their stories is.]] ((it's up to you)) Windchill 9:31 pm Bob. Wily 9:31 pm *whips his head around at his name* Me 9:31 pm @Soundwave «... Business. Obviously.» Ali 9:32 pm Sorry? I must have missed that question. what do you mean? Windchill 9:32 pm *Actually, he interrupts himself to address Whirl.* Wub. I'm down here now. Me 9:32 pm @Soundwave «Sorry—did I accidentally give the impression that I enjoyed it in the very slightest?» Windchill 9:32 pm *NOW for Bob.* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:32 pm *Had been distracted by the movie for a moment before registering Bevel's words.* Ah! Yes, I would. Thank you. Bull 9:32 pm *ugh* ... Windchill 9:32 pm What's up, Bob? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[You stated that humans have many interesting stories about the afterlife.]] Wily 9:32 pm THIS MOVIE IS SPOOKY. Whirl 9:32 pm *nods to him* Windchill 9:32 pm Yeah, it is. Swoop 9:32 pm Him Bob is a baaaaby Ali 9:33 pm Ah, yes. Hmm...I'm not sure I have a favorite. Wily 9:33 pm I AM NOT TRYING TO DO THE BEING SCARED THING. Windchill 9:33 pm *Gives Swoop a vicious poke. Shut up.* Swoop 9:33 pm *chirps* Bevel 9:33 pm *nods, will let Longarm enjoy the movie ending now* Wily 9:33 pm I DO NOT LIKE THE JUICE BEETLE MAN HE IS MOST UNKIND. Magnum Ace 9:33 pm -shoving Bull right back out the door. Noooope- Windchill 9:33 pm Neither do I, but he's not real. Specs 9:34 pm I didn't know that you could juice a beetle. Better to eat them raw, isn't it? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm @Prowl: (txt): Negative. That, confusion reason. *Ponder ponder.* Prowl believes alternative business deal: accepted, if proposed? Wily 9:34 pm .....I KNOW IT IS A MOVIE BUT THE IMAGES ARE SCARY. *Flops on the ground* Swoop 9:34 pm *immediately hops on top of Bob, it is the dinobot way to pile* Windchill 9:34 pm Well. It's okay to be scared. Wily 9:34 pm *Swoop is the best backpack* Whirl 9:35 pm Wow. They're super dead. Bull 9:35 pm ... S-shall we do a few more pitches. *He knows nothing good is going in the movie* Wily 9:35 pm *whines and nods* Ali 9:35 pm There are many of them that have a land or place they believe the dead reside, some that have days or times when they feel the plains of those two realms coexist, allowing their ancestors to 'visit'. I suppose I find ones with those be interesting Magnum Ace 9:35 pm I think that's a good idea. Back outside Windchill 9:35 pm We can go outside, if you like. Wily 9:36 pm *Takes a deep vent* Me 9:36 pm @Soundwave «I go with him because he offers advantageous bargains for extremely cheap prices. I go with /more/ advantageous bargains when they're available. Obviously.» Wily 9:36 pm NO. NO IT IS OK. Specs 9:36 pm ((wheeze)) Wily 9:36 pm I WILL DO THIS THING. IT IS NOT REAL. Windchill 9:36 pm *Blue finally gets tired of slobbering Whirl's claw and BEEPS.* Omicron 9:36 pm *Ice Queen gets up and moves over to the bar and shakes out her wings a little snffs at Bob from one side* Whirl 9:36 pm *looks down, beeping back* Specs 9:36 pm *peeps at the wom* Windchill 9:37 pm Okay, Bob. That's very brave of you. The more you watch it the less scary it will be. Probably. *Worm butt wiggles.* Wily 9:38 pm *nods* Swoop 9:38 pm *pats Bob* Bull 9:38 pm How about trying a few more fastballs? *pulls the glove and ball back out* Wily 9:38 pm *He will try to convince himself of this* THANK YOU. Windchill 9:38 pm Most of these aren't scary at all the next time you watch them. *He nods.* Swoop 9:39 pm Him Sunstreaker tell Me Swoop that Bob is pacifist. No fighting. Real fighting. But him not say no fake stuff. Whirl 9:39 pm Oh, look, Blue, it's you. *directs her attention to the screen* ...well. it WAS you. Windchill 9:39 pm *Blue watches his claw instead.* Whirl 9:39 pm There she is. A star. Specs 9:40 pm Oh, goddess. That's something else. Magnum Ace 9:40 pm Yeah, that sounds good. -adjusting his mitt again, gives Bull enough time to settle, before throwing a fastball- Windchill 9:40 pm *Chill tilts his head back* She doesn't really watch TV. I tried to get her to watch The Lord of the Rings and she did anything but. Whirl 9:40 pm Maybe she;s more of a stage play kinda worm. Windchill 9:40 pm *Shrugs.* Whirl 9:41 pm Praise Heqet. Specs 9:41 pm I don't know of any opera worms. Whirl 9:41 pm *solemnly* Windchill 9:41 pm *Blue peeps insistently and inches to get closer to her dear Uncle Wub.* Whirl 9:42 pm *he sits up a little taller to make sure the dragon is out of her reach, but otherwise allows her to wiggle closer* Bevel 9:42 pm Music number time! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm @Prowl: (txt): If believed preferable, offer non-interface Soundwave favor. Then, unpleasant personal interaction: avoided. If not, discard present comment.
*He would rather chop his cables off than deal with someone who acted like the Beetle creature. He'd prefer Prowl not need to either if there are other ways around things.*
[[You mean like the... which one was it. The Book of the D... no. The Book of Life.]] Omicron 9:42 pm *the predacon gets some energon and moves back to her spot, grooming her foreclaws* Wily 9:42 pm *Oop. The music is most amusing* Swoop 9:42 pm *cocks his head at Bob* You music bug? Windchill 9:43 pm *The worm migrates to Whirl's lap, and nearly hits her FOOL head on his chest.* Wily 9:43 pm IT IS SILLY Swoop 9:43 pm YOU silly kehhehh Whirl 9:43 pm PFFT. Ali 9:43 pm I'm not sure what that is. Wily 9:43 pm YOU ARE ALSO SILLY Whirl 9:43 pm *sits back a bit and tries to wrangle her into a more comfortable position* You were born way too big for this, you little pest. Swoop 9:44 pm *bounces with the music* Me 9:44 pm @Soundwave «I need more than one asset, you know.» Wily 9:44 pm *IT'S OVER. HE MADE IT* Bevel 9:44 pm *good job Bob* Windchill 9:44 pm *Blue doesn't CARE. Whirl has a fancy wiggle sash now.* Wily 9:44 pm *wiggles with Swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Ah. A young man voluntarily dies believing he is going to find his lover in the Allsp-- the human afterlife. At some point, he learns that it is possible for the dead to join him in the realm of the living.]] Specs 9:44 pm Impossible. She was born perfectly designed to be adorable. Omicron 9:45 pm -gives Bob and swoop a happy chirp- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Other assets not banned.
*Where did that come from?* Bull 9:45 pm *after a few fastballs Bull signals Magnum to do a few screwballs* Wily 9:45 pm *chitters* Whirl 9:45 pm *stage whisper* Which is a damn miracle considering her dad. *sly glance at Windchill* Specs 9:45 pm *cackles* Windchill 9:45 pm She was... *Chill looks back to see what his spawn is up to, can't even pretend to be surprised at what he finds.* ...You talking shit about me? Specs 9:46 pm I'm complimenting the baby. u_u Swoop 9:46 pm *chirps and giggles* Him Sunstreaker right. You Bob not for fighting. You PLAY bot, kehehh. Ali 9:46 pm Ah, well than yes I suppose. There are quite a few cultures on Earth that hold similar beliefs. It's just the one that stands out to me, it's one with a more pleasant outlook on things Windchill 9:46 pm Good. She deserves all of the compliments. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Maybe he'll just be quiet and leave the subject alone. He doesn't understand where he's messed up and continuing on with it will probably make it worse.* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:46 pm ((Ah, the movie ended already.)) Wily 9:46 pm I DO NOT LIKE MAKING OWIES. PLAY FIGHTING IS FUN. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:46 pm *We presume that longarm was paying attention to it instead of staring absentmindedly at the screen.* Omicron 9:46 pm Its not nice to. *still grooming* Whirl 9:46 pm I'M the one talking shit about you. Wily 9:46 pm NOT REAL FIGHTING. Windchill 9:47 pm Yeah, I noticed. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:47 pm Oh dear, what are we watching now? Specs 9:47 pm It's teamwork. Whirl talks shit about, I compliment the baby, and we merge from there. Wily 9:47 pm *the relation between that and him being spooked by the movie is lost on him* Magnum Ace 9:47 pm -nods in agreement, and switches pitches- Think it's over? The movie I mean. Whirl 9:47 pm It's my solemn duty. *attempts to look solemn with a dragon on one shoulder and a huge grub wriggling sort-of in his lap* Windchill 9:47 pm *Reaches over to give Bob a pat.* We good, now? Specs 9:47 pm *the dragon gets Real Poofy in order to look like a proper epaulette* Wily 9:47 pm *Nods, plates shuffling at helm pats* Windchill 9:48 pm *It's too late for you, Whirl, you look ridiculous.* Wily 9:48 pm I AM OK. THANK YOU. YOU ARE VERY NICE. Windchill 9:48 pm Okay. I'm going back to my seat. *He's easy to find though, if he needs to come back.* Swoop 9:49 pm You Bob good at eat things. Us do instead kehhh Definitely Not Shockwave 9:49 pm ...Those ghosts spent all that time ensuring that those two weren't romantically involved only for them to go on...Interdimensional dates together later? Windchill 9:49 pm *Moves his giant butt back to the chair where he can supervise his worm.* Wily 9:49 pm *Bob is gonna tuck himself into a buggy loaf and hunker down* OK ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((this isn't the one i thought i bookmarked. damn it. well, i don't feel like digging it back up. we'll have this one and the second one and just cope)) Swoop 9:49 pm *gives Bob a dish with a few goodies left on it, the goodies are a coincidence though, Swoop's looking at the dish with a grin* Bull 9:50 pm Maybe; we would need to go back and check. Wily 9:50 pm *Bob eats the dish* Swoop 9:50 pm *claps* Windchill 9:50 pm *Blue, finally, settles down. For now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm [[It is his understanding that sequels do not follow the logic of the original material.]] Swoop 9:50 pm Again! Again! Magnum Ace 9:50 pm ...right. Think we should? Ali 9:50 pm They really did make everything into a cartoon. Wily 9:50 pm BUT THERE IS NO MORE DISH??? *He can not eat a thing he already ate* Swoop 9:51 pm *looks around for something else for Bob to eat* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:51 pm Hm. Poor writing. Whirl 9:51 pm All right, Blue, time to go on back. I need a drink, and I don't think they let grubs at the bar. Swoop 9:51 pm *grabs a pillow off the sofa and holds it out for Bob* Wily 9:51 pm *CHOMP* Bevel 9:51 pm He is not a very good jester. Specs 9:51 pm Oh! *the dragon perks up* I brought you something, too. Same thing as last time, though. Swoop 9:52 pm *CLAPS* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:52 pm Indeed. Wily 9:52 pm oO Oo Whirl 9:52 pm *he will pass her back to Windchill. He only now glances about the room, and is satisfied that they were watching the movie too closely to see him being embarrassingly paternal. Good* Windchill 9:52 pm *Reaches to take his worm back.* Whirl 9:52 pm ...*with the exception of the dragon* Oh, yeah? I... completely forgot what it was, but something I could taste, right? Me 9:52 pm *... Okay, he'll try that again.* Swoop 9:52 pm *picks up a chair* : > Wily 9:53 pm *Opens maw* Windchill 9:53 pm Blue: Wub! *It is time to yell.* Swoop 9:53 pm *is absolutely putting a chair in Bob's face if no one stops him* Bull 9:53 pm We can try at least. Windchill 9:53 pm *Chill gives her a bounce to maybe shut her up.* Wily 9:53 pm *Will absolutely eat this chair if no one stops him* *The chair is doomed* Specs 9:53 pm Cobalt, melanterite, and molybdenite. Wily 9:53 pm *CHOMP* Windchill 9:53 pm BOB! Wily 9:54 pm ???? Swoop 9:54 pm *SQUEALS* YAAAYYY! No more chair! : > Windchill 9:54 pm Don't eat Soundwave's things! Specs 9:54 pm ((I only wrote down part of it I hope that last one was the right one >_> )) Magnum Ace 9:54 pm -comes back in to see Bob eating a chair- ....... Wily 9:54 pm OOPS. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm *Soundwave vents. Out go Swoop and Bob.* Swoop 9:54 pm You Bob VERY good at EATING : > Bull 9:54 pm What the? Specs 9:54 pm That's a little more than an oops. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm *Sorry, kiddos. Naughty younglings get put in the bridge wiggler.* Wily 9:55 pm WE CAN FIX IT WITH THE GLUE? Windchill 9:55 pm *SIGHS.* Swoop 9:55 pm *gets space bridged back to the Ark with Bob* Omicron 9:55 pm *looks up from her grooming, pauses to check everyone, and goes back to what makes her beast mode happy* Swoop 9:55 pm ((Swoop and Bob made it through the movie. THat is something LOL)) Wily 9:55 pm *Welp. It was fun while it lasted even if it was scary at parts* Whirl 9:55 pm Oh, yeah. Hell, I'll take it! Wily 9:55 pm ((Toddlers actually did minimal damage all things considered XD)) Whirl 9:55 pm *ah, the WUBing begins. They should have named her Dubstep* Magnum Ace 9:55 pm -that was mildly terrifying- Windchill 9:56 pm *Dubstep is not an obviously Insecticon name!* Swoop 9:56 pm ((It's fine. Swoop's going to just feed Bob more stuff at the Ark. Although one wonders how Sunstreaker will take it once he finds out Swoop showed Bob a spooky movie.)) Specs 9:56 pm ^u^ *the most proud of puffs* Chef Specs, happy to serve! Whirl 9:56 pm *he's surrounded by cute things that are smaller than he is, HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HIS TOUGH GUY IMAGE UP AROUND ALL THIS* Bull 9:56 pm I'm not sure if this show is worse or better than the movie. Specs 9:57 pm *dragons are VERY tough* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm *Don't ask Soundwave, Whirl. He never figured it out himself.* Windchill 9:57 pm *Blue is super tough, just look at her!* Whirl 9:57 pm Go on and set it on the table, while I see what I can get in the way of booze. Windchill 9:57 pm *She's peering at Whirl from over dad's shoulder, waiting.* Magnum Ace 9:57 pm I...don't know either. Maybe...we should be getting home? Definitely Not Shockwave 9:57 pm If the netherworld is naturally strange and gross, why does their royalty not follow suit? Wily 9:57 pm ((Sunstreaker may not be happy, Swoop)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[Royalty always likes to imagine itself above the standards they set.]] Definitely Not Shockwave 9:58 pm ....Indeed, fair. Swoop 9:58 pm ((I look forward to the scolding XD)) Specs 9:58 pm Alright, I'll roll it over! *flies off to get Whirl's drink for him* Whirl 9:58 pm *he resist looking at her for a moment longer before he slooowly swivels his helm around. And zoops his neck. And gives a warbling-wail beep, which people fluent in Beep will know is a curse word* Me 9:58 pm @Soundwave «If I am pursuing the services of a bounty hunter, it's because I need services which a bounty hunter can better provide than anyone else. Someone who has a ship and a large crew that he can dedicate to nothing except hunting down a difficult target.» Swoop 9:59 pm ((ok imma head out)) Me 9:59 pm @Soundwave «You have a full-time job already.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm ((night!!)) Omicron 9:59 pm *Ice Queen chirps at whirl* Wily 9:59 pm ((same. Gotta sleep. Night! It was nice meeting everyone!)) Bevel 10:00 pm ((night y'all Windchill 10:00 pm *Chill turns his head to give Whirl an Eye, Blue imitates the same swear-beep back at him.* Magnum Ace 10:00 pm ((g'night! Omicron 10:00 pm (have a nice night!) Windchill 10:00 pm (( Goodnight! )) Me 10:00 pm ((gnight)) Bull 10:00 pm Yeah; it's a bit too weird after everything over the last week. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Bounty hunter, services not replaced. Interface payment replaced, if Prowl believes Lockdown accepts. That, offer purpose. Definitely Not Shockwave 10:01 pm ((The poor cgi really makes it.)) Magnum Ace 10:02 pm Yeah. Last week was...a mess. Time to go home then. Me 10:02 pm @Soundwave «The reason I arranged that payment with him is because it's a massive discount from anything else on the market.» Whirl 10:03 pm *he blinks and looks over to Ice Queen, drawing himself up and looking marginally more dignified* Yeah? *is is so very proud of you, Blue. Cussing like a sailor, just as he taught you* Omicron 10:03 pm Ice Queen: I know of you. 😊 I like ya Definitely Not Shockwave 10:04 pm (( I"m very curious as to what episode you had in mind, Soundwave.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm ((tbh i barely remember i was tired as heck this afternoon. i just remember i got tired of this one and decided not to use it)) Whirl 10:04 pm *peers* That... doesn't sound like something someone who's heard of me would say... who do you think I am, anyway? Windchill 10:05 pm *And there goes the spawn, trying to climb up dad's head.* *Windchill allows this, but raises a hand to keep her from falling. He can see nothing.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Nods. If that's Prowl's decision regarding the cost, that's fine.*
@P (txt): Understood. Discard, per suggestion. Omicron 10:05 pm Whirl the wrecker and former wrecker, acts a lot like someone in my line of... 'work' Definitely Not Shockwave 10:06 pm ((Ah! The skeleton man! I like that guy.)) Whirl 10:06 pm And that'd be? Omicron 10:06 pm -gives a fanged grin- Pirate Definitely Not Shockwave 10:07 pm (( Oh what a fuckboy.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm ((get lost princeboy)) Bevel 10:08 pm *agrees with Lydia, being friends is the best* Me 10:08 pm ((he gets over it quickly. i appreciate that.)) Ali 10:08 pm ((I'm gonna go)) Windchill 10:08 pm (( Gnight! )) Whirl 10:08 pm ((gnight!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm ((rest well)) Me 10:09 pm ((gnight)) Definitely Not Shockwave 10:09 pm ((Rest well.) Bull 10:09 pm ((Same; I'm gonna head out. Night)) Omicron 10:09 pm [have a good night!] Specs 10:09 pm ((night!)) Whirl 10:09 pm Mm-hmm. *he's still a bit reserved* I know a couple of pirates. You're not here looking to COLLECT, are you? Cos I've got half the galaxy after my bounty, and if so, then I suggest we take this outside. ((and also gnight!)) Windchill 10:10 pm *Muffled* No bounty hunting! *The worm squeaks, dad's blowing and yelling on her weak underbelly.* Omicron 10:10 pm Pffft, no, I'm more of a...smuggler then a hunter. more so when I have clutches on board... *snorts and shakes head* besides, I busted out of PLENTY of jjails and brigs that both Autobots and Decepticons are not pleased with me Magnum Ace 10:11 pm -time to go, this is weird- Soundwave? Can we get a bridge home? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm [[Of course.]] Whirl 10:11 pm Well, if you're an enemy to Autobots, then I'm sure I don't have to tell you to watch yourself. *another curt nod before he makes his way, at last, to the bar* Omicron 10:12 pm I wouldn't say an enemy to them, more anoyance Magnum Ace 10:12 pm -and as soon as it's up, he and Bull are going home. Good night everyone!- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm ((goodnight y'all)) Omicron 10:12 pm [good night again!] Me 10:12 pm ((it is REALLY weird watching beetlejuice being friends with lydia right after watching him peeking up people's skirts and trying to drag lydia into a child marriage)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm ((yeah there's a huge disconnect there)) Definitely Not Shockwave 10:13 pm So they decided to keep the parents, but they didn't keep the ghost couple who *actually* decides to take care of lydia? Bevel 10:13 pm ((did the maitlands just disappear? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm ((but i couldn't think of what else to fill the other 30 minutes with that wouldn't be completely unrelated)) Me 10:13 pm ((~AU timeline~)) Whirl 10:14 pm *is the bar being tended? He cranes his neck over to see if Ravage is about, and if so, he's lookin for his usual* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Ravage is snoozing, but if Whirl is careful, he ought to be able to wake the mech up without losing a limb.* Whirl 10:15 pm *what are his odds of mixing a drink without waking Ravage at all?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *How quiet can Whirl be?* Definitely Not Shockwave 10:16 pm *He's going to take his leave about now. It has been an....Interesting night. He nods to all familiar parties.* Bevel 10:16 pm *waves goodbye* Me 10:17 pm *A glance at the leaving Autobot; but doesn't say anything. Maybe next week.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm ((byeeee!)) Omicron 10:17 pm *waves a wing at* Whirl 10:18 pm *pretty quiet, when he needs to be; he'll start by snagging the necessary bottles and mixing it at a nearby table* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *In that case, Ravage will wake up (because like hell is he not doing so) but he will pretend to be asleep.* Specs 10:19 pm *the dragon yawns suddenly. it's time for furry beasts to sleep* Goodnight! *beeps at Wub and heads off* Windchill 10:19 pm *Tries to pry his daughter off of his face, fails miserably and only gets an indignant peep for his troubles. He's lucky she hasn;t developed claws yet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[Goodnight, dragon.]] Windchill 10:19 pm *Muffled 'bye'* Whirl 10:19 pm *bobs his head at the dragon* Whirl 10:20 pm *and there. His Gaugebuster is mixed. He'll consider this an IOU situation* Whirl 10:22 pm ...you mind if I bring this glass back next week, Soundwave? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Whirl escapes with all his pieces intact.*
[[He doesn't mind. He's sure you know Ravage can and will find you if you don't.]] Whirl 10:23 pm Pfft, as if I'd risk the wrath of the bartender. You know how much power you give to the person who mixes your booze? A lot. That's how much. Omicron 10:24 pm That's not a lie Whirl 10:24 pm Anyway-- *he'll set the glass down and pop on over to say goodnight to Blue. And also Windchill, maybe, while he's there. But he's clearly here to see the wriggler* Catch you two later. *the claw is offered for gnawing, one last time* Windchill 10:24 pm *Blue GRABS it, just to hold and yell at.* Whirl 10:24 pm And, Shovel! I'll probably be calling you over in this next week or so, maybe, if you're still interested in demolishing the inside of that ship. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm [[Goodnight.]]
@W: [[And don't worry. He'll erase the tapes of you handling the younglings.]] Whirl 10:24 pm ........... Me 10:24 pm *... oh right, Prowl was going to—* Whirl 10:24 pm @S: Thanks. Windchill 10:25 pm *More muffling* You headed out? Me 10:25 pm *...... never mind. it seems stupid now that he's sober.* Whirl 10:25 pm *well he suppose he shouldn't be surprised that Soundwave observed it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *Going to what?* Bevel 10:25 pm *looks up from a datapad, oh right that she can.. she can definitely probably be back for that* Yeah ok! Whirl 10:25 pm *snickers* There it is! Music to my audials. She's destined for the opera, Chill. And yep. Windchill 10:26 pm That's 'cause she takes after ME. And her mom. *Snorts. His mate just sings...differently, is all.* 'Kay. Oh! *That's enough to get a wiggle out of the worm, her abdomen is still getting the brunt of Windchill's speech here.* I forgot. I got the gun. It was so distracting that I forgot to update you, but now you know. Whirl 10:28 pm *bobs his head* Gotcha. And, yeah... new guns usually are. Windchill 10:28 pm We should test it out. In fact, I have an idea. We go to your place, later, you show me your boat and I show you my gun. That would be efficient, see. Whirl 10:30 pm Works for me. Plenty of space out there for target practice. Windchill 10:30 pm Cool. Okay, you're dismissed. Say 'bye' to Whirl, Blue. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Huffs softly at Prime's lines.* Whirl 10:31 pm *snorts* How gracious. All right, see all you losers later! *scoops his cup back up* Windchill 10:31 pm *Blue says "BLAH!" which is close enough.* Whirl 10:31 pm *oh, wait, he must wait for this goodbye* Bevel 10:31 pm *welp she's gonna go, she needs to finish reading these and... the music is not helping* Whirl 10:31 pm Excellent. She's the most eloquent baby insecticon I've ever met. Windchill 10:31 pm That's 'cause she's so smart, duh! Omicron 10:31 pm *eyeing the music, then soundwave* Windchill 10:31 pm Gets it from the other one. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Soundwave nods absently to Bevel and looks at the Predacon. What?* Windchill 10:32 pm *Blue beeps* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *When you have to watch dozens to hundreds of timelines, you take your humor where you can get it.* Whirl 10:32 pm *he's in a good mood, so he will not say anything snide about Blue's mom* *and, with one last head-bob, he trots off* Omicron 10:32 pm *Icy is making a face from the wierd song before, it was painful to her audios* Windchill 10:32 pm *Good.* *Chill waves, seeing as he can't see anything.* Bevel 10:33 pm *...sits back down for Starscream video* Windchill 10:34 pm *The worm peeps mournfully, her favourite Wub is gone.* Bevel 10:36 pm That was terrible. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[He found it rather amusing, himself.]] Bevel 10:36 pm *sticks her tongue out at Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm *Zori suddenly peeps out from Soundwave's throat.* #the red Starscream!! #oh I miss him Me 10:37 pm ((i like how we went from a hilarious g1 starscream/lion king video to an angsty armada starscream/lion king video)) ((oh look and in the sidebar we have an armada starscream amv to linkin park! that's peak 2003, right there)) Bevel 10:37 pm ((amazing Omicron 10:38 pm *thoughtful and looks at soundwave, forelegs cross* sooo...it is okay to bring a hatching with one coming here? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[If you can control them.]] Windchill 10:39 pm *Raises hand* I have a hatchling on my face. She hatched. From an egg. Omicron 10:39 pm Oh I can, and they can't go far at the moment anyway Windchill 10:39 pm Which is what you hatch from. Omicron 10:39 pm Most of my hatch from eggs too! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[And you, Windchill, are surprisingly skilled with younglings. He owes you for your assistance tonight.]] Bevel 10:40 pm *Optimus video? yep she's out bye* *she's leaving, the mun is staying because this video is epic af* Windchill 10:40 pm *Gives Soundwave a thumbs up.* I've had a few brats in my time. Bevel 10:43 pm ((soooooo good ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm [[He was only aware of this one.]] Windchill 10:44 pm That's because she's the brattiest. *Blue demonstrates this by shoving a foot in Windchill's eye, and he doesn't even bother to protest at this point.* Ugh. I've had her and one before. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[Where are the others?]] Omicron 10:45 pm that looks like what some of mine do when they try and fly before they are ready...... Windchill 10:46 pm *Grunts.* Grown up, that's where. *Don't ask, honestly. It's a mess.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm [[Ah. He sees.]] Me 10:46 pm ((... oh that's right, i need to finish playing wfc and foc someday)) Windchill 10:47 pm Blue isn't going to fly, she's just being a butt. I'm not even sure if she'll have wings yet. *He reaches up, gently prodding two proto-limbs on her back, which wiggle at the disturbance.* But she might. Omicron 10:47 pm (I love those games, they helped my with writing things on cybertron and cyber-fauna ) Windchill 10:47 pm (( They're pretty good! I need to replay them. Rise of the Dark Spark is good for the Cybertron bits and you get to play as SHOCKWAVE, FINALLY, but the Tyran stuff drags it down. )) Me 10:48 pm ((i love the aesthetic in them. every time i open the game i take like 50 screenshots.)) ((what am i going to do with the screenshots? i don't know.)) Omicron 10:48 pm (same them!) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Soundwave nods to Windchill. From what he understands of young produced that way, it will be a long time before they see such changes in the grub.* *His attention is mostly focused on the screen, though. Thinking. Like you do.* Omicron 10:49 pm Megatron was an aft in that world <_<;; ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm [[Yes, he was.]] [[But so was he. And most everyone else.]] Windchill 10:50 pm *It will be A WHILE. She's just over 15 feet long now and could grow to anywhere between 60 and a hundred. That's why she eats so much.* Me 10:50 pm I've found that he is in the vast majority of universes. Windchill 10:50 pm You say that as if— *is beaten by Prowl.* Yeah. Omicron 10:50 pm well, true enough. I meant how he treated the civilions Me 10:51 pm ... I say "vast majority" as if it hasn't applied to one hundred percent of the Megatrons I have witnessed or been made aware of so far. Omicron 10:51 pm he had the whole 'you stay under my rule, or leave' thing, then when those unarmed mecha tried to leave he started shooting the ships down ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm [[He knows of some who weren't. He has lost contact with their worlds, but he did know.]] [[But they were drops to an ocean.]] Me 10:52 pm ... You say that as though other Megatrons don't display similar tactics and behavior. In my universe he shot down fleeing neutral ships as well. Omicron 10:52 pm I witnessed it in a world like that *shrugs* I know he likely did Omicron 10:54 pm well, to move on from this, soundwave, you have a lovely bar here by the way. Very roomy! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[Thank you. It is designed to handle a crowd filled with tytons.]] [[...Very large mechs. Taller than Predaking.]] Windchill 10:55 pm *Snorts.* I feel personally attacked. Omicron 10:56 pm I appreciate it for what its worth, I like being able to stretch out in beast mode in doors.... its hard a lot of other places ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm [[Don't be. He is merely acknowledging its intended capacity.]] Me 10:56 pm *looks at the roof skeptically.* ... You're not fitting any titans in here. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *Slow glance over.* [[...They are in here every weekend.]] Omicron 10:57 pm maybe a young one? Me 10:57 pm ... Do your titans turn into shacks instead of cities? Omicron 10:57 pm avatar forms? Windchill 10:58 pm *Almost spits, but his spawn is messy enough without and so he refrains.* Me 10:58 pm *no wonder Soundwave didn't get the metrotitan limerick* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[Cities? Why would they turn int-- oh.]] *Helm shake.* [[No, no. Tyton. It's - a size category. You are thinking of Supremes.]] [[That is what they are here, anyway.]] Windchill 10:59 pm I don't think I've heard of it. Me 10:59 pm ... Titans are supremes, and tytons aren't titans. *Flatly.* So who's on first. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm [[Him, usually.]] Omicron 10:59 pm O_o ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[Laserbeak takes turns playing music when he is on break though.]]
*Visor: great poker face.* Me 11:00 pm *HUFF.* Omicron 11:00 pm I could add a layer to this Prowl Me 11:00 pm Do. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[And he isn't surprised you haven't, Windchill. He finds it's unfamiliar off his world.]] Omicron 11:01 pm in my world there's different classes of Titians. and Supremes Windchill 11:02 pm That could be. Where I'm from, anyone larger than, say, Megatron, is classed as a giant fuck. It's a broad category. Omicron 11:03 pm XD ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Huff.* [[And what is Megatron? A pathetic one?]] Windchill 11:03 pm *Not the actual terminology, but the sentiment is there.* Me 11:03 pm So, in this universe, your "tytons" cap out at... *glances calculatingly over Soundwave, then at the ceiling.* ... Shuttles, probably? Windchill 11:04 pm He's just Megatron, I think. Omicron 11:04 pm If I remember right, there's platforms who are mostly under the surface of Cybertron, the city-formers on the surface. Stastions that are basicly a city in orbit. Then the ships in deeper space *looks up too* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Someone's in hidden bitter mode tonight.*
[[Mm, yes. Somewhere around that.]] *Nodding at Icy.* [[Yes. Trypticon was a space station, once.]] [[If we're offering examples.]] Omicron 11:05 pm He was fun to visit once... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Hello, instant suspicion.* [[And what would you be doing visiting that station.]] Windchill 11:06 pm *Shudders.* Me 11:06 pm What are we? *"We" as in himself and Soundwave; they're about the same height, they ought to be in the same size category, yes?* Windchill 11:07 pm You couldn't pay me to so much as look in Trypticon's direction, honestly. *Finally, Blue gets bored of lounging on dad's head and climbs down to coil against his chest, looking around at the remaining curiously.* *Chill vents a sigh of relief.* Omicron 11:08 pm He used to be fun! in my world at least. Before the whole dark energon and forcing out of octane and any other mech that could calm him down -chirps at the hatchling?- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Plating twitch. At least she seems to disapprove of that.* Omicron 11:10 pm Sorry Soundwave, I know that stuff is nasty in many worlds Windchill 11:10 pm *The worm smacks her lips.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm [[Then you're a cut above the rest. And he takes it you were never on the Nemesis, then, Windchill? Or is that not Trypticon where you are from?]]
*Said while eyeing Prowl critically* Windchill 11:13 pm Never. My...talents would have been wasted there anyway. Omicron 11:13 pm (I realized I was sliding around my kitchen doing a stupid dance to this song) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[Probably for the best. All things considered.]]
((lol)) Omicron 11:14 pm You're hatchling I hope knows better then to eat other hatchlings? Windchill 11:16 pm Nope. She'll eat anyone. I keep her with me for a reason. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Taps his finger against his thigh once in a decisive sort of way. Nods at Prowl now.*
[[-His- translates to peregrine. He is not experienced with classifying, but he thinks -you- would be a troqus. Troquae, were there more of you.]] Windchill 11:16 pm Well, Whirl's allowed to watch her. He knows. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm [[But only by a little bit. You could also be the class below it.]] Me 11:16 pm ... We're different sizes? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm [[You're not a flight model.]] Windchill 11:17 pm The first thing she did after hatching was to bite a chunk out of her carrier's hand. He was so proud, once the shock wore off. Me 11:17 pm ... Ah. So they're alt-mode categories as well. Omicron 11:17 pm ah, okay then, I'll stay over here then *keeps one wings more firmly folded on her back* Windchill 11:18 pm Good plan. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm [[Mixtures, yes.]] Me 11:18 pm What's the size down from troqus? Omicron 11:18 pm *listens in now* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[Carozzi. That was his, originally.]] Windchill 11:19 pm You can visit with her, but if she can get her hands on you she can get her mouth on you, and that's when things get...messy. Omicron 11:20 pm I'm more worried about my hatchling them myself. Kibble can be shed. its hard as hell but its possable Windchill 11:21 pm Yeah. Blue is...not a good playmate. Omicron 11:21 pm not all predacons start big Windchill 11:21 pm *Shrugs.* I wouldn't know about Predacons. Omicron 11:22 pm most are colony based, not unlike insecticons in some ways Windchill 11:23 pm *Vents deeply.* ...Yeah. Omicron 11:23 pm do you have a colony? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:24 pm *Listening. Might be useful in his dealings with Predaking. He's already got the gift he thought up.* Windchill 11:24 pm I'm not an Insecticon. Me 11:24 pm *Prowl has seen Soundwave's original frame. Prowl is barely taller and certainly less bulky than that. Firmly:* Carozzi. Windchill 11:26 pm *He might not be, but the thing in his lap? Yeah.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm *Prowl is better armored and less maneuverable, but he did say it was a close call, and he thinks Prowl ought to have the final say when it comes to that anyway.*
[[Carozzi, then.]] Me 11:26 pm *Prowl isn't picturing himself in his better armored and less maneuverable frame. A nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Ahhh. There you are, then.* Omicron 11:27 pm You don't really have to be an insecticon to be in a colony. hive. family group? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[He doubts you will have reason to spend much time here, as this isn't your home.]] And unlike Soundwave, Prowl isn't working for anyone on this Cybertron. [[But if you ever hear the word, now you will know what it is.]] Windchill 11:30 pm *Shrugs, fighting the urge to give the Predacon a dark look.* Sure. Me 11:30 pm I do spend an average of five hours a week here Omicron 11:31 pm *Icy lifts her forepaws a bit and settles back, she's smart enough to sense bad things might happen and looks around* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm [[Elsewhere here. The cities.]] *Quick glance over to Windchill and Icy. Is he going to have to intervene?* [[Or the Pits.]] Windchill 11:33 pm *It's nothing personal, he's just...touchy about that subject.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm [[...What is he where you are from?]] Omicron 11:33 pm *Icy would prefer not to fight or stress anyone out. not really.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Is it just the taxonomy entry?* Me 11:35 pm We don't really categorize by size. Size is kind of just an accidental side-effect of different alt-modes. Windchill 11:35 pm *He can control himself, it's nothing to be upset about. But, as Insecticons are among the Least Favoured of Primus' children, he's prone to getting defensive.* Omicron 11:36 pm (for what its worth, Icy loves insecticons.) Me 11:37 pm Broadly, you'd be some kind of combat aircraft. I'd have to look it up to see exactly what you are. Omicron 11:37 pm Would I just be a beast former? In your world I mean Me 11:38 pm ... In YOUR world, you aren't Cybertronian, are you? I mean—you're from Cybertron, but you aren't a member of the species called "Cybertronians." Correct? Windchill 11:39 pm *Blue, sensing her parent's ire, rediscovers the blanket she's been sitting next to, and promptly throws it on the floor.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm [[Unmanned aerial vehicle. From a human perspective. We didn't have shapes like this.]]
*Ah, now here is a thing he wants to hear those two talk about.* *Refrains from chuckling at Blue's antics, but it's hard.* Omicron 11:40 pm Well, yes, I am a cybertronian. Even those sparked off word are. Unless they do not want to be as such *Predacon blinked confused at Prowl* Me 11:41 pm You wouldn't be called an "unmanned aerial vehicle," you ARE the one manning yourself. Again—I'd have to look it up. You're built lighter and with less combat capabilities, I think that would put you under a different alt-mode than—for example—someone like Starscream. But, I don't know. You might be in the same category as him. Windchill 11:41 pm *Chill scoffs, leans forward to pick up the crumpled blanket with a grunt, and hands it back to his spawn, who accepts it eagerly.* That is not how we behave, young lady. Omicron 11:41 pm I am a primal Predacon, what your frame kinds evolved out of Prowl, in time...but I am Cybertronian from where I com from ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *That's actually kind of pleasing. He doesn't like the unmanned bit any more than he's ever liked the "drone" alternative.*
*...What happens if he stretches a feeler toward Blue - keeping it out of reach, of course - and wiggles the claws at her?* Me 11:42 pm Sorry, I thought you were— A Predacon, yes? In his universe, *gestures at Soundwave* Predacons are a different species from... Cybertronians-who-are-the-species-Cybertronian-and-not-just-from-Cybertron. Your Predacons are /not/ a member of a separate species, then? *honestly, why would Cybertronians call themselves "unmanned" if they ARE the man?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *They wouldn't. He said it was from the human perspective.* Windchill 11:43 pm *Windchill raises a hand, seeing as its free for the moment.* *Blue eyes the feeler, trying to decide if she's hungry enough to try stalking it or if, maybe, it's a toy. Kind of the same thing.* Omicron 11:44 pm If you want to get technical I guess we are a different species? I guarantee you have far more advanced internals and organs then I do. Windchill 11:45 pm *She shoves her blanket in her mouth, her practically vestigial legs kicking in place.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm *Wiggly tendrils. Eat that blanket, youngling. Give it the gnawing of its life.* Me 11:46 pm If we are different species, then you wouldn't be categorized as a "beastformer" or anything else. We don't try to put different species in our own species's taxonomy. It's like asking what type of Cybertronian an Ardurian roc is. No type of Cybertronian. They're from Arduria. Windchill 11:46 pm Where I'm from, different frame types are said to be derived from various Primes. Predacons and Insecticons are, supposedly, the most ancient and the original beastformers, but not necessarily the ancestors of other types. I never really looked into it though, so that's as much as I'm aware of. *Blue can't reach, but she's gonna swipe at the distant feeler anyway. She's only got one eye, depth perception isn't her strongest suit.* Me 11:47 pm The rules may be different in your universe. But in my universe, your being of a different species means, by default, you don't go in one of the boxes designed for our species. Omicron 11:48 pm From what I have always understood, if you have a spark, you are a cybertronian. As sparks only come from Primus. -confused predacon- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *Soundwave makes note of the Prime bit. He's heard that about their own planet, but he's not sure how that's possible. Unless they're like... approved factory production lines? But even so, there's so much variation...* *These things have always confused him, though.* Me 11:49 pm On my Cybertron, there are many different species that have sparks. They're all Cybertronian-as-in-from-Cybertron, but not Cybertronian-as-in-of-the-species-named-Cybertronian. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm [[Which would you be derived from, if he is allowed to ask?]]
*He huffs again at the missed swipe and adjusts the feeler's position so she can at least get in the right space next time, though still not far enuogh to actually grab.* Me 11:50 pm ... It's /very/ inconvenient that "Cybertronian" is both a demonym and a species. For the rest of this conversation I'm just going to refer to the Cybertronian species as Transformers. *That's the alien word for them and it's perfectly serviceable.* Omicron 11:50 pm Hmmm well that makes some sense I might be a weird case even in my world. As there's only trace primal predacons, thankfully no primitive ones any more Windchill 11:51 pm Who, me? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[Yes, you.]] Windchill 11:51 pm (( I had to pee lol. )) Windchill 11:52 pm *Blue kicks her feet to rev up some imaginary momentum, and swipes again, NEARLY lunging out of her sire's grasp in the process. Luckily, she is very long and Chill is paying attention enough to reel her back in.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm [[And for the record, if you]] looking at Icy [[were from here, we would not have a category. You were extinct when they were created, and your resurrected cousins are mostly uninterested in the discussions concerning our categories. Here, you are all simply Predacons.]] Me 11:53 pm In the universe I've been made familiar with *gestures again demonstratively at Soundwave* all currently living Predacons are clones of deceased ones. Is that also the case in your universe? Windchill 11:53 pm *Windchill hesitates, thinking before answering.* Omicron 11:53 pm Yes and no. Soundwave did do the whole cloning thing, I think because he didn't know about the predacons left. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:54 pm *Powerful little spawn. Windchill should be--*
[[He begs your pardon?]] Windchill 11:54 pm I would, hypothetically, be considered a descendant of Solus Prime, even though the reasoning for it makes little sense, as she was already dead. Omicron 11:55 pm Not you, I meant to say Schockwave with soundwave at first...but then soundwave- in my wold put a stopped it. Windchill 11:55 pm *He's left out why he would be linked to her, as that wasn't asked.* *Blue writhes in her parent's grip. She wants to be free to fight the skinny worm!* Me 11:56 pm *it's okay, prowl used to get their names confused all the time.* Windchill 11:56 pm *Windchill relents, letting her settle back down in his lap. So long as she doesn't go flying off into space and nobody gets hurt, it's fine.* Omicron 11:58 pm not sure if you can do it soundwave, but the mech from my would was the only one that could mimic a Queen's harmonics. If it wasn't for him, the cloned and hybrid mechs would have torn a chuch out of his side's forces ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm *A skilled question game player, eh? He'll poke at that part of it another time.*
*Aha. Thank you, Windchill. He'll make sure not to give her reason to topple to the floor while he continues entertaining her.* [[A - a what?]] Windchill 11:59 pm *She's pretty tough and would probably be just fine, but if the baby momma found out he would have to explain and it would be an ordeal, so he'd rather not.* Yesterday Omicron 11:59 pm A Queen? Windchill 12:00 am *Windchill mentally balks at the word 'Queen,' and plans to not contribute to that topic.* *Blue, for her part, is eyeing that feeler again.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am [[The... the one that rests at the center of the colony and produces all the eggs?]] Omicron 12:01 am Err...not exactly Windchill 12:01 am *TRIES TO NOT SPIT* *Just looks constipated instead.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *Has completely forgotten that Blue is looking at his feeler. He was thrown completely off guard by this data and his main understanding of Queens and what he thinks of them.* Omicron 12:03 am A Queen has to...well a predacon queen, like me. I can produce a big clutch or hatchlings...er, sparklings. but you keep those in the colonly....calm. Led. loved. Even if they leave Me 12:03 am *... why is everyone suddenly so awkward* Windchill 12:03 am *She bunches herself up, preparing to launch...but only hops as far as to drape herself over dad's arm to go for the feeler.* *Chill watches her with one eye, the other...is doing something else, presumably.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *Still hasn't noticed. She might just steal her prize if Windchill doesn't catch her.*
[[..........And he - that is, his alternate - can. Imitate the harmonics. The Queen's.]] Windchill 12:04 am *Swipe swipe flap flap flap goes the grubby hand.* Me 12:06 am *... is soundwave alright? he can imitate the sound of everything else, why is this alarming.* Windchill 12:06 am *Windchill, briefly, wonders whether his spawn as any decipherable surface thoughts for Soundwave to detect, but lets the notion go free.* Omicron 12:07 am Yes. He gave the sense that there was a Queen near by. with newly cloned predacons, or near raging ones, if they have the correct instincts, they're going to calm down and look for that Queen. She would be, well 'mother' for a lack of a better word. Somewhere to be protected or to protect. Where there's a queen, there's hunting grounds. In some cases a possible mate. Windchill 12:07 am *Windchill makes an odd face. It's all in the lips.* Omicron 12:08 am at least in my world? Me 12:08 am *paying more attention to soundwave's body language than to the rest of the conversation* Windchill 12:08 am That's...really interesting. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am *Is making no face. Still looks awkward somehow. He's frozen in place, with slightly dimmed biolights, and his helm is pulled back like he'd be sitting up straighter if he weren't locked in the slouch he had as a result of playing with the grub.*
[[...He sees. That is an interesting talent.]] *TO PUT IT MILDLY.* [[He will add it to his files.]] Me 12:10 am *hmm. here's what prowl can decipher from soundwave's body language:* Windchill 12:10 am *The bug yells at the feeler.* Me 12:10 am *jack shit.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *And now he notices what Blue's doing while he tries to regain his composure.*
[[Ah, ah. He sees you trying to steal the claw, bitlet.]] *Lightning-quick boop.* Me 12:11 am *... soundwave's biolights haven't brightened, so he's /probably/ not horny. that's it. that's all prowl's got.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am *Prowl can you not* Omicron 12:11 am I thought the files were funny honestly, in a sad way. Soundwave had two big predacons crouched behind him wanting pets becuase Soockwave hurt them Me 12:12 am *apparently, prowl really can not.* Windchill 12:12 am *Blue makes a shocked 😮 face, her mandibles frozen for half a second before she resumes swiping with a determined PEEP.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am [[He probably did a great deal to earn that trust. Beyond vocal imitations.]] Windchill 12:13 am *Windchill watches, lending no support toward her battle with Soundwave's appendage.* Omicron 12:13 am likely, I didn't get those Predacons until after he sent them to me Windchill 12:14 am *She must face this battle alone, she's Independent.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[Be good to them, then. You have his alternate's reputation to uphold.]] *Allows a swipe to graze the claw and lets it fall to the floor as though dead.* [[You have defeated your mighty enemy, youngling. Congratulations.]] Omicron 12:15 am 😊 oh I was, I helped them realize what it is to be a predacon. They're at peace with themselves long before they left. Windchill 12:15 am *Blue's eye tracks it, and stares in confusion. She's never killed anything before!* *More yelling, and pointing with a chubby grub finger.* Omicron 12:16 am That was a mighty battle young one. and you rose to the challenge! Windchill 12:16 am *Windchill leans over to look, and nods sagely.* Good job, Squirt. *He might have to stop her from climbing down to eat it, but that's par for the course.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *Soundwave carries on the theatrics by using the other feeler to grab the first one and 'push' it back into its housing. Can't have it looking like it snapped back to life, after all.* Windchill 12:18 am Tsk, we don't eat Soundwave. *He scoops her up where she can be bounced in his lap and practice kicking her feet.* *He will, though, send a ping of appreciation to Soundwave for the battle.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am *Soundwave nods. He did say he owed Windchill.* Windchill 12:19 am *This is fair.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am ((and if she ever comes back to dancitron with chill, we can figure out if he can get coherent thoughts off her then)) Omicron 12:19 am <_< so... with all your predacons cloned.. have you seen a real hatchling of one or no? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am [[Not on his own planet. He has seen the hatchlings of the Predacons cloned by an ally.]] Me 12:20 am *Since Prowl's universe doesn't have Predacons, will defer to Soundwave to answer that.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am [[...One of them sings.]] *Sort of.* Windchill 12:20 am (( She probably will, from time to time. It's good for her to be exposed to social situations, or, Windchill at least hopes she won't turn out like her parents in that regard. )) Omicron 12:20 am Singing is normal, if not a must in some cases <_< ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *He'll leave out that he turned to a total softie in their presence and gave a few of them airplane rides with his feelers.* Windchill 12:21 am ...Singing? Omicron 12:22 am *Icy lifts her head and starts to sing wordlessly, its not bad and seemingly for calming. Not long though, only a little bit* oooh yes. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:22 am *RECORDED* Windchill 12:23 am Hm. Cool. Omicron 12:23 am *the predacon considers soundwave thoughtfully* would you like to meet one? Windchill 12:23 am *Blue was watching that, but offers no comment.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:24 am [[Not tonight. But he would like the opportunity to compare those from different worlds, yes.]] Omicron 12:25 am *Icy nods, she's been watching how he's acted so far* I can bring one by. Or if you ever want to stop by my ship. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:25 am [[Whichever you think will be less stressful for them.]] Omicron 12:27 am Ship might be best depending. Though I would ask no weapons. *gives a slow, fanged filled smile, with a blue-white glow in the back of her maw. just a split second before calming down. She's still a big pretective predacon* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am [[He doesn't carry any that are not a part of his frame.]] Omicron 12:28 am *not harm meant, she is just careful with grab-able sized hatchling* Windchill 12:28 am *The worm huffs, and pats dad's chest with a questioning 'amnamnamnamnam?' to which he looks down, chin pressed against his armour, but he can barely see past his own boobs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:29 am [[He will make time for the trip as soon as he can. Thank you.]] *Stretch.* [[But we are keeping you away from your younglings and -your- youngling awake.]] Windchill 12:29 am *Nods.* Blue says she's either hungry, or wants her carrier, which is kind of the same thing. Omicron 12:30 am erm.... well, I have someone guarding them, he hasn't let me know that the rest have started to hatch out. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:31 am [[...That sounds painful.]] *Huff.* [[But he understands.]] Windchill 12:31 am *Time to swaddle the creature in her blanket so she can't wiggle out of his grasp so easily. She's usually good about being carried, but in a new environment he's not taking the chance.* Hmm? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am [[The thought that she might bite her - carrier? The other form, he assumes. Not that his haven't done the same when upset.]] *Another huff.* *Ravage chuckles from over by the bar.* Omicron 12:33 am *Icy starts to get up, stretching a little, there's a meep from under a wing but its kept closed still* Windchill 12:34 am Ah, yeah. *There is a brief struggle, as the worm is wiggly and thinks this is a great game and time to misbehave.* Same word...totally different meaning. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:35 am *...Suspicious glance at the meep, but he is fast approaching the limit of his large-group endurance without taking a quick break with someone else to do the entertaining. He'll inquire about it another time.* Windchill 12:35 am She's not likely to bite him, but she makes the same sound for wanting fuel and for wanting him, so I get to figure out which it is. *His mouth quirks, wryly.* Both are the right answer. Omicron 12:36 am at least there's that? Windchill 12:36 am *Finally, the beast is tamed, and he stands with his sub sandwich shaped spawn in tow.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:36 am [[That does help. Good luck.]] Windchill 12:37 am *Nods.* Good night, suckers. Omicron 12:37 am *Icy takes a few steps over, lifts and crosses a foreleg and dips her head to soundwave* Thank you for hosting and the conversation. Even the strange movie. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:37 am [[Good night. And to you, bitlet.]] Windchill 12:38 am *Snorts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:38 am *Oh, fancy. He's never seen a Predacon do that in their beast mode. He nods to Icy.*
[[You're welcome.]] Windchill 12:38 am Say goodnight, Blue. *He points at Soundwave so she knows where to look.* *Bluebottle, in true form, beeps rudely. Thanks a lot, Whirl.* ... ItsyBitsySpyers 12:39 am *He KNOWS what that beep is. Full upper torso trembling.* Omicron 12:39 am O-o <_< do I want to know? Windchill 12:39 am We're...gonna work on that. *Can't keep a straight face and has to leave now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:40 am [[Probably not.]] *It really is rude. He folds his hands on his lap and nods once more at Windchill's back.* Windchill 12:41 am We'll see you guys later. *Waves over his shoulder, and makes a break for it.* Omicron 12:42 am *tail twitch but comms her ship for a bridge home...pings Soundwave the comm to the ship and her if he wants come sometime* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:42 am *Pings acknowledgment and logs it in his records. He'll be sure to clear time out within the next couple of weeks.* Omicron 12:43 am *tiiiiny bring wedge shape head peeks out of the wing folds and pokes a forked glossa out at them all as icy leaves* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:43 am *HE KNEW IT. Goodbye, tiny one. He'll greet you another time.* Omicron 12:43 am (bye!) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:43 am ((bye!!)) Me 12:44 am ((bye)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:44 am *Soundwave shakes his helm for nobody's benefit save his own and settles back into his seat, retracting the spines a little so they won't scratch up on it.* Me 12:46 am *Sideways look at Soundwave* *And then, guesses,* Oviposition? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:48 am *Jolts straight up and into a twist, having never expected to hear that question coming out of Prowl's mouth.*
(txt): What? Why asked, that? Me 12:50 am *Well THAT'S certainly a reaction.* I'm trying to figure out why you were so... distracted by the idea that your alternate could imitate the sound of a queen, when you can imitate anything /else/ without such a reaction. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:51 am *In all fairness, he also might've temporarily forgotten Prowl was lurking there. Like others used to do with him.* Me 12:51 am You immediately focused on the egg-producing potential of queens, while it was something the Predacon de-emphasized. So. Oviposition? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:56 am *Of -all the times- Prowl could choose to be exceptionally observant. Maybe he should have joined Prowl in getting drunk back at that dedication ceremony. It'd be super helpful right about now.*
*Well. In for a credit, in for a shanix.*
(txt): ...Unknown. Tarantulas' situation: fascinating concept. Never witnessed. Soundwave cannot participate.
(txt): Other Queen definitions: unknown. Soundwave's only knowledge source...
*He looks just to the left of Prowl's face. His lights dim a little more. Why not? Prowl already read him like a datapad.*
(txt): Xenomorph Queen, her function. This... awkward. Prowl knows future remodel plan. Me 12:57 am ... If you're uncomfortable talking about it, we can drop the topic. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:02 am *He shakes his helm.*
(txt): Negative. Prowl... trusted. Allowed.
*Besides, he owes Prowl some return tidbits for the pipe incident and its products.*
(txt): Soundwave... often rumored partial Insecticon. Known insect concept: Queens. Awkward connections present. Me 1:06 am *Ah. Yes. Accidentally confirming the unpleasant rumors was always... irksome.* Well. I won't tell anyone you're curious about the kink if you don't. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:10 am *Irksome, confusing, hysterically funny but horrifying, both repulsive and vaguely appealing for reasons he has no idea how to begin unfolding... in other words, complex.*
(txt): ...Appreciated.
*Looks away a little more, trying not to picture how on Cybertron he would get any work done stuck dangling from a ceiling like that. It's impossible.*
*...Looks back and leans close.*
(txt): How -Prowl- familiar? Me 1:14 am *... How does he answer honestly without saying Tarantulas has the kink? Obviously Soundwave knows SOME of Tarantulas's situation, but Prowl doesn't know if he knows ALL of Tarantulas's situation, and Prowl found out Tarantulas /could/ lay eggs ages before Tarantulas admitted he /enjoys/ laying eggs. So...* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:15 am *...Abrupt light brightening. He remembered something and had a thought. And now he's not looking at Prowl again.*
*Don't mind him. Go on.* Me 1:15 am I researched the sociological aspects of egg-laying after learning some about... as you say, Tarantulas's "situation." Oviposition included in that research. Me 1:16 am *There. Minorly misleading but perfectly honest—as within the bounds of their agreement.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:17 am (txt): ...Prowl: also curious?
*Prowl likes the fur. And the legs and the mandibles and the everything else. Why not the eggs, if he adores all the other stuff Tarantulas did to himself or can do with himself?* (txt): Regarding witness/experience. Not sociological research basis. Me 1:19 am ... Intellectually curious, not erotically curious, I'm afraid. *Before Soundwave's hopes get too high.* I'd be willing to experiment with it with a partner who desired to do so, but the concept doesn't arouse me. But it doesn't turn me off, either, provided eggs containing an actual living being aren't getting played with. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:23 am (txt): Preferences: acknowledged.
*Don't worry about Soundwave's hopes. He still isn't sure what they actually are when pinned down. One? The other? A combination? Who can tell. Not this noodle.*
(txt): Prowl should tell Tarantulas. Soundwave suspects Prowl: reason eggs exist. Me 1:23 am *Prowl's poker face is in fine form today.* Oh? ItsyBitsySpyers 1:29 am *Nod nod.*
(txt): If eggs: Tarantulas self-interaction interest only, efficient solution: avoid all scientific, surgical requirements; create, utilize proper toy version. Lower energy, material requirement - important, when alone. Higher availability reliance.
(txt): Tarantulas, Prowl past contains mutual creation. Prowl knows Tarantulas retains attachment, target: Springer, concept: parenthood. Without own Springer, Prowl's Springer acceptance, likely fantasy: create new life. This, related. Safe expression. (txt): Egg suspicion: hoped use always Prowl kink interaction. Me 1:33 am ... Huh. An intriguing theory. Well-defended. *His poker face remains flawless.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:35 am *Bobs his helm. Thank you. Still, he's not sure if that's Prowl's regular neutral expression or a purposeful one - and if the latter, a good or bad one.*
(txt): ...Soundwave: crossing boundary? Me 1:35 am No, no. Me 1:36 am ... In fact, I've been finding that, around other universes, I have /less/ boundaries than they consider average. In sexual discussions, anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:37 am *Tiny relief puff. Good. For a moment there, he thought... well, Prowl never prods at his doings concerning his other partner. It could've been seen as unfair that Soundwave had just done so.* Me 1:39 am *Prowl's just concerned about defending whatever secrets Tarantulas might have that Soundwave might not know about.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:40 am (txt): Prowl's decreased boundaries: appreciated. Soundwave's privacy habits: sufficient compensation.
*He tags that as humorous, just in case.* Me 1:41 am *Huff.* I'm plenty private in other ways, I'm sure it evens out. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:41 am *Another bob.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:43 am (txt): ...If Prowl's choice: sate intellectual curiosity, request: inform Soundwave, permit similar opportunity? *Thhhhhat was a little difficult to ask, but he doesn't know what other chance he has to find out, if not observing someone who can actually experiment with it.* Me 1:46 am ... I currently have some experimentation plans in place. It's going to involve modifying my avatar somewhat, of course. I'll let you know when the modifications are in place. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:47 am *Sits up.*
(txt): ...Prowl let Soundwave explain proven theory? *Well. Doesn't he feel a little bit foolish for that.* Me 1:48 am "Explain proven theory"? ItsyBitsySpyers 1:49 am (txt): If experimentation already planned, Prowl already knew truth, subject: Soundwave's suspicion. *At least it earned him some approval.*
(txt): Modification notice welcomed. Gratitude given. Me 1:50 am *Give him a moment to /very carefully/ select his words.* Me 1:51 am ... It isn't my place to either share or speculate on anything regarding Tarantulas's desires or preferences without knowing what he himself is willing to let be known about himself. *Maybe I know and maybe you know but I don't know that you know and you don't know that I know and so until you know that I know that you know and I know that you know that I know—* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:53 am (txt): ...Soundwave speculated. Place overstepped. Me 1:53 am *Soundwave DOESN'T know.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:54 am *He does know, actually. But Tarantulas never said he could tell Prowl.* Me 1:54 am You may speculate if you want. I just mean—I, as someone who is... more privy to his sexual life than most—shouldn't, to someone who isn't. ... Unless you two have been up to more than I know about. But if you have and you haven't told me and he hasn't told me, I expect that's none of my business. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:55 am *Contemplates.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:03 am (txt): Spare egg examined, mouth presence confirmed. Extended close, personal contact, purpose: experience greater intimacy level within comfortable range. Taunting sexual imagery exchanged. Personal discussion, subject: potential holoavatar equipment additions, preferences, designs, respective interests. Me 2:06 am *... Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that Tarantulas told Soundwave eggs are a sexual thing for him. It might mean he simply demonstrated the egg, the way he might demonstrate his alt-mode or mass-shifting, without any mention of sexuality; and Soundwave included it in that list since eggs were relevant to the conversation at hand. Soundwave hasn't /said/ that Tarantulas confirmed it's a sexual thing.* *Although now Prowl's curious—* What in the world were you doing with that egg that confirmed the presence of your mouth? Me 2:08 am ... Why are we still— Sorry, you should have been—using telepathy all this time. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:08 am (txt): ...Secret lick attempt.
(txt): Other senses involved during examination. That data also wanted. Me 2:09 am Can we just, assume that that's the default? Telepathy? Because nights when I've forgotten to grant permission until after movie night is long over have vastly outnumbered nights when I actually haven't wanted you to use telepathy. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:10 am *Kind of twitching his gaze from one optic to the other, enough that the movement of his visor is juuuust visible.*
[[...As long as you are certain it will not be a problem.]] [[Movie nights only, or all times?]] Me 2:12 am If it's a problem, we'll change it. Movie nights only, for now. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:13 am [[He accepts the request. And thanks you.]]
*And wonders if he got away with saying 1) that he licked the egg and 2) that he's been contemplating what it'd be like to add equipment like Prowl's to his avatar.* Me 2:14 am *Not quite. He's circling back to that.* How, exactly, did you try to /covertly/ lick the egg? You have to open your mask. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:18 am *Soundwave deactivates the lower latches and gently thumbs the bottom of his mask open a little bit, pushing it out but not up all that far. He pokes the tip of his tongue beneath it and forms a ring with his hands representing the egg. Hides it pretty well.* Me 2:19 am *Hmm. Prowl considers this critically.* ... All right. *Yes, that's reasonably subtle.* *... Is briefly seized by the urge to poke the tongue tip. Resists.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:20 am [[Tarantulas only noticed because he spotted a bit of oral lubricant on the egg before he could clear it off with a thumb. He couldn't offer up another explanation.]] *Soundwave might as well take his mask off the rest of the way. It's usually off while Prowl's around anyhow.* Me 2:22 am *Well hello there, good to see you.* Me 2:23 am *A satisfied nod. On to the next question, then:* Holomatter equipment additions. Yours or his? *That was, in fact, what had made Prowl realize that they'd gone all night in text instead of telepathy: if Soundwave had been thinking, that wouldn't have been ambiguous.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:24 am [[His own.]] *Still too unclear? He taps his chest to make sure.* Me 2:25 am *He got it that time.* Would it be too invasive to ask what additions? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:26 am [[...We were discussing--]] *HOLD ON. Brief wide-opticked moment. He just - he just figured out who Tarantulas was talking about when he mentioned other commissions during the addition conversation. It was Prowl. It was Prowl and the eggs THE WHOLE DAMN TIME.* Me 2:28 am ... Is that a yes? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:29 am *He can't believe he thought it was Smokescreen. Primus.*
[[We were discussing interface modifications. He... does not know that he wants permanent ones, but he has contemplated testing their presence on his avatar a few times.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 2:30 am [[Tarantulas asked which he would prefer if he were to pick one to start with. He settled on a valve for convenience and familiarity reasons - easier to hide and control, and not unlike a mouth. Tarantulas agreed.]] [[And fewer obvious surface signs of frame modification.]] Me 2:31 am ... Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:34 am [[He is not averse to testing the other one. He rather liked how you felt around his feeler.]] Me 2:35 am ... If you're interested for your own sake, then—by all means, experiment. Me 2:37 am But, I think it may be beneficial to reiterate—my interest in you, sexual and otherwise, is wholly divorced from whether or not you've got tactile equipment. So. If a primary motive for experimenting, is because you're—concerned that I might be... dissatisfied if you don't... then—dddon't let it be? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:43 am [[No. He knows you are pleased with him as he is.]] *It'd finally sunk in as of their first proper interface session.* [[It is just that--]] *Finger tapping.* [[He is - curious. He does not fully understand how to interpret the data he's received in the past, or why owning them is so popular. And--]] *Huff.* [[It would be nice to see what having an extra hand free is like. Or what things would be like if he were from your world instead of his, though he does not promise he would like the sensations if he did try.]] Me 2:45 am *Receives "what having an extra hand free is like" and the first interpretation his big, brilliant processor offers is that Soundwave thinks valves can serve as a spare hand and will probably use his for storage.* *Please hold, his poker face is dangerously cracking.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:45 am *Narrows his optics a little. Not in an angry way. Just in a "what are you thinking in there" way.* Me 2:47 am *Manages, with a nearly straight face,* Your feelers and mandibles already provide you with several extra free hands than most people. I—don't think you need to use a valve for one, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:48 am *It takes a solid 25 seconds for him to get that. When he does, his expression changes to one of deep, deep amusement.* Me 2:48 am *Oh good, Prowl was beginning to worry he'd have to explain the joke. That really WOULD make him crack up.* *... Affection ping. That's a nice look on Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:51 am [[Fine. He can always test it another way if you aren't interested in giving it something to hold.]]
*Soundwave's expression softens and slides a little closer to adoring amusement. He returns the ping.* Me 2:52 am *Huff.* Of course I'm interested. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:56 am [[He had hoped so.]]
*Some tension leaves his frame. He was... worried. About that. Probably not a lot of people out there who would do a good job of handling being told "I'm going to try fragging you and I may be completely repulsed by it."* Me 2:56 am ... If you want to know what having the equipment is like, though, just getting it in your avatar will probably be inadequate. Most mechs who weren't forged with tactile equipment need some serious software patches to get new dongles to operate properly as an interface array. You already have recreational interface subroutines, so that should make it easier to patch in. But without software patches, it might just feel like an extremely sensitive face-textured pocket. Me 2:58 am ... Since you CAN receive sexual arousal from touch, you'd probably need less new software. Maybe none, if you're lucky. I don't know, I haven't had to deal with it for millions of years. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:59 am [[He knows. He was considering asking Tarantulas for temporary rudimentary patches.]] *And nothing more than that. True surgery and recoding rights don't belong to him.* [[You haven't experienced arousal at being touched in millions of years?]] *That seems contrary to what he experienced, but...* Me 3:00 am No, I mean I haven't had to deal with the process of getting all the patches and such for millions of years. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:00 am [[Oh. Then you haven't always...?]] Me 3:01 am All cold constructed mechs are built without interface equipment. Some naturally take to it better than others. I took to it... about as poorly as one can take to it, without quite not taking to it at all. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:03 am *Soundwave leans back in his seat and folds his hands again, thinking. His optics even drift shut for a few seconds.* ItsyBitsySpyers 3:06 am *And they're open again. Conclusion arrived at, lawn chair set up, umbrella jammed into the sand.*
[[...Then you would be uniquely qualified for at least one test. He could trust you to understand him. And to be a patient tutor.]] Me 3:07 am I should hope I would be. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:08 am [[More than most, he thinks.]] Me 3:08 am *Grimaces.* I'm afraid so. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:09 am *That grimace has no reason to be there. He turns and nudges his crest against the side of Prowl's helm.*
[[It wasn't an insult.]] Me 3:10 am No—I didn't think it was. I'm just afraid I've had a rather distasteful amount of experience with those who are /less/ understanding and patient. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:15 am [[...Ah.]] *Prowl might catch a super-fleeting taste of Soundwave's sudden desire to find out who they were and make them pay for it. Then again, he might not. Soundwave will have tried his best to avoid coming through as a bloodthirsty, vengeful murderer just then.* [[He is sorry that's true.]] Me 3:18 am *Oh, he caught that. It's... a little unnerving but a little gratifying.* You may be pleased to hear that most of them are dead now. Not—not for related reasons. Just the war. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:22 am *So he did notice. Damn. Well, he's not being shoved away, so it can't have been an entirely unwelcome feeling. He'll take comfort in that.*
[[The further such mechs are from you, the better.]] Me 3:26 am You won't hear me disagree. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:28 am [[Then let us leave them behind you. He is tired, and it will do us both good to remember that things have improved.]]
*Going to slowly push off into a standing position and turn to face Prowl. Hand?*
[[If you wish...?]]
*He still remembers last Monday.* Me 3:29 am *That was a week ago. He takes Soundwave's hand.* I do. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:32 am *Something in his expression flickers, and it takes him a second before he can give Prowl a nod. His fingers curl around Prowl's hand without hesitating, though.*
[[Good. Come.]]
*Tug toward the stairs. They'll take the long way this time. He wants to spend a few extra moments holding this.* Me 3:34 am *... What was that?* ItsyBitsySpyers 3:34 am *Relief.* Me 3:35 am *... It's not something Prowl can identify at a glance. Maybe he'll find out later. For now—he'll follow Soundwave upstairs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 3:36 am *He will, if he can read that in an unusual amount of affectionate touches before the final sleepy cuddle. If not, Soundwave will tell him later, providing he asks.*
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