#hi hello thank u for following me ur really cool
macfrog · 1 year
ride it, cowgirl cowboy like me chapter ten
hey dudes. anyone up for some dbf? i seriously can't thank you guys enough for all the love y'all show this series. blows my mind every time. i have been super excited for this chapter for a WHILE. might be my fave so far. who knows. you can grab chapters 1-9 on my masterlist and also my ao3 if ur feeling fancy. love u all sm!!!!!! ✨💘💫
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pairing: dbf!joel x fem!reader
summary: joel picks you up from a girls’ night. you’ve plans for when you get home
warnings: 18+ (minors dni!!!) reader isn't an astrology girlie (sorry), more pining beCAUSE, alcohol consumption + a mention of the devil’s lettuce, very quick bit of unwanted touching, even quicker bit of protective joel, soft!joel, softdom!joel, one tiny mention of daddy, protected piv sex this time (feeling conservative slutty max will return), reader rides him into the sunset, age gap (reader is 23, joel is 48), cursing
word count: 6.7k
series masterlist | main masterlist | playlist
You lazily drag yourself over and over Joel’s dick, each stroke drawing you nearer and nearer to your high. When your body starts to falter, you feel him shift, and open your eyes to see him leaning over to the nightstand. His fingers grip the rim of the black cowgirl hat you’d worn that night. He lies back, flat against the mattress, and reaches up, placing the hat on top of your head. You smile. Joel speaks in a low, gentle, but commanding whisper. “There you go, cowgirl. Show me how it’s done.”
You never believed much in the power of the universe. Astrology, moons, manifestation. Whatever. None of it ever really meant much to you. You knew your star sign, knew which cool little symbol resembled you, and that was about it. Everything past that was…confusing and, frankly, a little overwhelming.
If the universe were to send you a sign, one huge, fluorescent, multi-colored, in-your-face sign, that it was on your side…this weekend might just be it.
Your dad’s downstairs, finishing up packing for his work trip. His departure is imminent. Sarah’s been in Nashville since last night. A series of texts she sent you at 3AM riddled with spelling errors and heart emojis tell you she’s been having a pretty good time so far.
You are Joel are…alone. All by yourselves. For a whole…twenty hours.
Can’t have it all, I guess.
Your eyes skim down the texts you sent him this morning, texts he is yet to reply to.
You: Merry Christmas!!!
You took his non-reply for confusion – he is almost fifty, maybe he doesn’t get the joke? It’s a pretty lame joke, anyways. Very lame. If your thumb hovers over the send button before you press it, it’s probably not that great a joke. And your thumb had most definitely hovered. So, you’d followed it up.
You: As in, today’s the day
You: I don’t mean it’s actually Christmas
You: I mean like, happy ‘we’re finally gonna be alone again’ day
You: Never mind
“Hello?” Anna’s voice cuts through your train of thought. “Are you even listening to me?”
You drop your phone, shaking your head clear of Joel. “Yep. Sorry. Just didn’t catch that last part. You froze.”
The image of her on your – pretty fucking dusty – laptop screen rolls its eyes, knowing you’re lying. “I don’t know whether to go with the pink or the black boots,” she says.
“Ain’t your dress yellow?”
Her head falls into her hands. She throws herself down onto her bed and slides her laptop closer. “That was, like, ten minutes ago. I’m goin’ with the pink strappy one now.”
“Pink does say rodeo.”
“Fuck you,” she snaps through a giggle. “Remind me what you’re wearin’, again.”
“Black hat, black boots, black dress.”
“You’re so boring.”
“Thanks. Really looking forward to our night out.”
Anna snorts and then stands back up, strides over to her closet and resumes rummaging. “Black jacket, too?” she calls over her shoulder.
“Uhuh,” you reply, glancing back down to your phone. “Although – it has rhinestones. And tassels. Not so boring after all, huh?”
Anna’s silence drags your eyes from the text thread back to your laptop screen. She’s frozen in place, twisted around with a dress in her hands, jaw on the floor. “Show it to me. Now.”
“Hold on,” you roll over and off your bed, your shoulder stiff from the position you’d been lying in, “I think I left it downstairs.”
“Tell your dad I say hey!”
You pad down the carpeted stairs in your socks, toward the sunlit hallway.
“Dad, have you seen my– Oh, fuck.”
As you round the corner at the bottom of the stairs, glancing over your left shoulder to the front door, your chest knocks into something hard. Steady. Strong.
Something you recognize the feel of before you’ve given him a proper look.
“Mind your step, baby,” Joel says, and your heart leaps.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here?” you whisper, peering around his body to look for your dad.
“He’s out front,” Joel tells you, then takes your shoulder and reels you in against his chest. “’m just here to help ‘im with his GPS.”
He plants a kiss on the top of your head and gives you a squeeze. Your head rests safely on his chest, arms link at his back. If you didn’t have plans tonight, and if your dad wasn’t, like, ten feet from you guys right now, you’d never let him go. Just follow him around, vice grip around his waist, surrounded by the smell and feel of him.
Not that that means anything. You’d do other stuff, too. You’re not…you know.
Your dad’s voice streams in through the open door and Joel releases you.
“It ain’t for workin’, Joel, I’m about to throw it at the f– Hey, kiddo.”
“Hey. What’s the matter with your GPS?”
You lean in to the tiny device in his hands. Joel’s elbow comes up to rest on your shoulder.
“Just won’t connect to the car. Every time I plug it in, it just…” He lifts his hands, screen loose in his fingers, and hands you a bewildered look.
You look at him, expressionless. “Why don’t you just use your phone?”
“Because I paid almost a hundred bucks for this thing, and I’ll be damned if I’m– Alright,” he stops himself, eyes shutting in exasperation, “I already explained this to him. I ain’t justifyin’ myself to the two of you.”
Joel’s laughing behind his hand, pretending to scratch his nose when your dad stalks off to the kitchen and throws the device down, snatching the instructions off the table.
The pair of you follow, both still trying to swallow your laughter. Joel wanders around the table and sits down beside your dad, fumbling with the screen. You dive into the coat closet at the bottom of the stairs and fish out your bejeweled, tasseled jacket.
“You lookin’ forward to your girls’ night?” Joel asks, eyes flitting up and down the leather jacket in your hands.
“Mhm,” you reply, opening your mouth to continue when your dad butts in.
“S’posed to be a girls’ night, but that boy Sam’s crashin’ it, ain’t he?”
“Well, we asked him.” You shrug. “It’s his night off.”
Your dad scoffs, shaking his head to Joel, who looks up to you with a confused expression. “’s the big deal with that?”
“Oh, wise up, Miller. He’s only goin’ ‘cause of…” He wags a finger in your direction, and a smirk peels across Joel’s lips.
“Is he, now?”
“Uhuh,” your dad replies, intense stare still on the instructions in front of him. “Makes no damn sense. I plugged it in using the cable they gave me in the box. Stupid thing…”
You shake your head to Joel, who’s still looking at you, bemused. He knows you and Sam are just friends. Also knows your dad is the most oblivious theorist to walk the planet. Just aiming his gun at the wrong target, is all.
“I’m gonna let you two get back to…that,” you say, turning to head back upstairs. “Anna says hi, by the way.”
Your dad’s eyebrows rise once, his eyes never lifting from his GPS. “Hi, Anna.”
“Hey, Anna,” Joel echoes, smirk on his lips.
“Not to you,” you throw back, hopping up the first step. You hear his chuckle as you disappear.
Anna’s reaction to your jacket in person matches that over Facetime: a deafening squeal. A squeal which she repeats almost every damn time she sees you throughout the night.
“So – fucking – cute!” she exclaims for the fifth time, fingers dancing through the tassels. “And it goes so well with your hat.”
You sip on your cocktail, nodding enthusiastically, pushing your eyebrows up underneath the brim of the black cowgirl hat on your head. Trying to match her energy. Your mind’s elsewhere.
Joel texted you a few hours ago. Told you to have a good night, said something about Sam, but you were stood right next to the dude, so you quickly locked your phone and slipped it back into your clutch.
Now, standing with your back against the wall of Franks, watching Sam play pool with Eve, you feel safe enough to read over the message.
Joel: Have fun baby. Be safe. Tell Sam good luck from me.
You squint at the screen, pulling it away from your face and leaning back in to read it over. Good luck? The fuck does he mean –
You: Good luck??
He replies almost instantly.
Joel: Yeah. Good luck winning you over. Took me, what, a week?
Oh, fuck off. You roll your eyes and throw your phone facedown onto the table where Anna and Kara sit, about twenty minutes deep into a conversation you missed the beginning of.
Your attention turns to the room before you – brick-walled, metal dome lightshades hanging over each pool table. Glass-paneled door to your left leading back through to the main bar. For being a tiny bar on a backstreet, Frank’s is pretty lively. There are bodies everywhere, bumping by each other, drunken arms slung over shoulders, hips swaying with the soft rock song blasting from out front.
You imagine your dad here with Joel, maybe Hank and Bill, too. Playing pool, beer bottles resting on the felt while they take their shot. Or sat on the rooftop, sipping on a whiskey. Talking about you and Sarah. What does Joel say about you when you’re not around?
And what does he want to say, but can’t, ‘cause it’s your dad? What does he think, and bite back when it bubbles to the surface?
Your straw gargles, slurping up the last few sips of your drink. You lean over to Anna and Kara, holding your empty glass up.
They both shake their heads, and you nod, turning on your own back to the bar.
You squeeze between two older women, both dressed smart and sharp. One of them – clutching a Manhattan – shifts out of the way as you pass.
“…one more conversation with him about squash,” she tells her companion, “and I am gonna blow my brains out…”
You edge over to the bar and slot into a free space, propping your elbows up on the wood. One of Sam’s coworkers – her name escapes you – notices you and shuffles over, smiling sweetly.
“How you doin’?” she asks, running a damp cloth inside a tumbler.
“Good,” you reply. “Could I just get a Bud, please?”
“Sure thing,” she says, and reaches behind to grab one. You slide her a note and she hands you change, and then you’re on your way back to the pool room.
As you slink by the two women, a weight knocks into your shoulder, almost sending your beer flying out of your hand.
“Sorry,” a rough voice sputters on your left, and you glance in its direction. Some broad dude in a tight t-shirt.
“’s fine,” you mumble, clutching your hat; a smell of weed choking your throat.
He passes by behind you, one hand lingering a little too long on your waist, and you saunter back over to Anna and Kara.
“That dude stinks, right?” Anna whispers behind a cupped hand, and you snort.
“He smells like he’s having a good night.”
“We’re talking about Romeo and Juliet over there. We’re basically third, fourth, and fifth wheeling,” Kara says, nodding over to Sam and Eve, who’re finished their game of pool and have now graduated to darts.
“I don’t…think that’s a thing.”
“Eve asked me if Sam was single earlier,” Anna says, lifting her straw to her red lips.
“What?” Kara spits out, choking on her drink. “Eve has a boyfriend!”
Anna giggles. “He’s kinda an ass, anyway. Look at them, they’re so sweet.”
“You say sweet, I hear morally wrong.”
“Who says it’s morally wrong?” you chirp, alcohol pushing the words over your lips before your brain’s had time to stop them. Your fingers clutch your phone, still laying on the table where you left it. “You?”
“Uh, it’s cheating, dude. What if Nick found out?”
“’s not that big a deal,” you reply, phone screen lighting your face in a blue hue, “they’re just having fun.”
Anna points to you, lifting her glass. “Here’s to havin’ fun, I guess.”
Kara lifts her own reluctantly and they clink, but you’re distracted. Already typing a message to Joel. Bored. Drunk. Morally wrong.
You: What you doing?
Joel: Watching TV. What you doing?
You: What ya watvhin ?
Joel: None of your business. Go get another drink. Looks like you’re not drunk enough.
You lift your head with a giggle, almost ready to turn your phone around to Anna and Kara and say, look what the dude I’m sleeping with just text me. And then, thankfully, your good sense kicks in and you bring the screen closer to your chest.
You: Kinda bored. Wanna come home now please
Bored, horny. It all means the same.
Joel says he’ll be at Frank’s in twenty minutes. You rest your chin on your palm and watch as Sam cheers Eve for hitting bullseye.
“I think they’re cute,” you whisper.
Anna and Kara are already preoccupied, taking photos of one another across the table. Kara leans into you and you smile, flash blinding your hazy eyes for a few minutes afterward. A few more pictures, couple boomerangs of your glasses cheersing, and then your phone’s vibrating.
Joel: Outside. No rush.
That last part is where he’s wrong. There most definitely is a rush, and it’s in the form of the heat that starts to pool between your legs.
“Alright,” you shimmy off your barstool and stretch your back. “My ride’s here.”
“What?” Anna almost screams, her hand slapping down on the table. “You’re leavin’?”
You nod. “Sorry, babe.”
“Don’t babe me, traitor. It’s, like, midnight.”
“Uh, it’s, like, almost 2AM. I’m tired. I don’t know how y’all do it.”
She sighs, conceding, and agrees to walk with you to the front door. Kara and Eve stop off by the bar to grab another drink. Sam holds the door open for you and Anna and you’re hit by a wave of cold night air, instantly cooling your hot, sweaty skin.
“Is that…Mr. Miller?” Anna asks, mouth falling wide open.
You glance down the street and notice his black truck, parked up by the curb. “Mhm,” you reply, “my dad’s out of town, so he’s picking me up.”
“Can he take me home, too?”
Sam snickers. “Wow, Anna. That’s just…Wow.”
She shrugs, lips closing around her straw as she stares at Joel’s truck. Something inside you lurches at the idea of Joel sitting there, his eyes glued on you, watching everything you do, everyone around you. And then again at the thought of Anna and her doting gaze on him.
“Alright, I guess that’s my cue to skip.”
Anna pouts. “One more drink?”
“I’m good, thanks,” you scoff, patting her head affectionately. I got business to attend to.
You give her a quick kiss on the cheek and Sam wraps an arm around your shoulder, giving it a squeeze before you’re wandering off toward Joel’s truck.
“Hey.” Something – someone – hooks around your elbow, and you turn back. It’s that same guy who stank of weed.
“Hi,” you reply, as sweet as you can, but trying to loosen his grip.
“Saw you inside, you out with friends?”
“Mhm. I’m just leavin’, my–”
“Few of us are headed upstairs. You wanna come?”
You glare at him a few seconds, before yanking your arm from his grasp. “Nah, no thanks. I’m leaving. Have a good night.”
You stagger off, feeling his eyes on you as you go. Joel’s truck headlights switch on, dazzling your eyes, and you quickly click around to the passenger side, throwing yourself in beside him.
Joel doesn’t say hey, doesn’t squeeze your thigh, doesn’t even look at you when you settle into the seat. Just asks –
“Who’s that kid?”
“Uh…not sure. Bumped into ‘im in the bar.”
“He give you trouble?”
“No,” you lean over the console, pulling your seatbelt over your body, and flash him a tipsy grin, “thought that was my job. Givin’ trouble.”
Joel doesn’t reply. Doesn’t take his scowl off the dude outside Frank’s, either. Your eyes meander across to his hand, locked in a tight fist around the wheel. Your smile drops.
“Joel. It’s fine. Can we go?”
When you lift a hand to the crook of his elbow and he feels your warmth on his skin, he tears his gaze away and it lands on you. Soft, gentle. His lip isn’t curled anymore. His brows lift.
His eyes watch your lips as you whisper the words to him.
“Want you to take me home.”
“’s go, pretty girl.”
Joel refuses, no matter how many times you ask, how hard you bat your eyelashes, how many promises you make, to stop by a drive thru.
“Please?” you ask one last time before he’s pulling in to his neighborhood.
He shakes his head. “Look at that, we’re already home.”
“I ain’t takin’ no for an answer, Miller, not until the engine’s off. We’re still driving.”
He doesn’t reply. Just pulls up in his drive, cuts the engine, and looks at you. Shrugs. “Oops.”
“Fuck you,” you groan, sliding down in your seat. “I’m starvin’.”
“Make you a big breakfast in the mornin’, how’s that sound?”
“Wanted a Big Mac, but whatever.”
Your fingers fumble for the door handle, clicking it open. You roll out of the truck and stroll around to meet Joel at the driver’s side. He snakes an arm around your shoulders, steadying you as you walk up his porch steps and into the house.
“I’m fine,” you murmur, glancing around his living room.
“Alright,” he says, tossing his keys and kicking his boots off.
Your eyes settle on the TV screen, paused. Probably around the time you text him. There’s a crowded hospital room onscreen, doctors in dark blue scrubs, all surrounding someone lying on a bed, someone who looks pretty familiar…
“Is that…fuckin’…Grey’s Anatomy…?”
Joel chuckles, peeling your jacket from your shoulders.
“That’s Meredith! When she–”
“She fell in the damn river,” Joel mutters, placing the tasseled leather over the back of his couch. “Derek had to go in after her. Intense stuff.”
“Right? I told you it was good!” You smack his arm. “I can’t believe you’re watchin’ it without me.”
“I ain’t watchin’ it,” he protests, “it was just on, ‘n I needed something to keep me awake. I’m still rooting for Meredith ‘n George.”
“We can watch it from the beginning.”
You nod, moving over to him. “And then I can be over here all the time, and you can make me all the grilled cheese I want, and we can lie in bed and…do stuff.” Your chin rests on his chest, flashing him a toothy grin. Hands swinging in his at your side.
Joel’s eyes narrow, but there’s a smirk on his lips. “You’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk. I had a couple drinks. I’m not drunk.”
“H’many fingers am I holdin’ up?” Joel asks, raising his fist. You punch it away.
“Ha-ha,” you say tonelessly, and wander away from him.
“Baby,” he calls you from behind. Sure, you’re tipsy, and he can be a cocky asshole – especially when he has to take care of you, but that’s a sound you’ll never get tired of hearing. Baby. You’re his darlin’, his sweet girl.
You spin around, very nearly losing your footing, and he’s standing with an arm out, ready for you to take.
You smile dumbly. Meander over, and take his strong hand in both of yours, wrapping your fingers around two of his to let him reel you in against his body.
“C’mon,” he whispers, as you lean against his frame. “Let’s get you upstairs.”
You follow him up, knowing where he’s leading you. You’ve spent more time in there the last few weeks than you have your entire life.
His room is cool, not cold, but comfortable. It’s Joel all over; the muted colors, the décor, the smell that calms you as soon as you stumble over the threshold.
He sits you down on the edge of his bed and kneels, pulling your boots off one by one.
You giggle.
“You laughin’ at me?”
“You’re like my own personal tr…No, not trainer. Wait. Personal ch–”
“Chef?” he says, snorting. “Not chef. Try again, soberhead.”
“Oh, I dunno.” You throw your arms up as he sits your boots against the wall, then stands and takes your hat off.
“This,” he says, placing it on the nightstand at your side of the bed, “is very cute. I like it.”
“I’m cute, too, y’know,” you whisper, pouting.
He smiles, and leans down to give you a quick kiss on the lips, pointer finger under your chin.
“The cutest.”
“Ha!” you roar. Joel twists around you to undo the zipper at the back of your dress. “Joel Miller thinks I’m the cutest. Take that, Anna…”
He laughs. When he unzips you, he pulls the dress off your bare chest and down your legs. You don’t shy away, used to the idea now of him seeing you naked. Used to the idea of him seeing you in any vulnerable state; drunk, or naked, or in a sobbing mess on day two of your period.
You notice, even though you’re a tad dizzy with what alcohol is left in your system, that his eyes linger on your panties a moment before he turns and grabs a tee from a chair.
And something inside you ticks.
He’s pulling the shirt over your head. It smells like him. Intoxicates you much more and much quicker than any drink you could order from Frank’s.
You feed both arms through the sleeves, swallowing the question you were about to ask. He’s standing up now, telling you to get into bed.
He walks over to his dresser and begins removing his own clothing. He only sleeps in boxershorts. Your eyes track him as he yanks his t-shirt up over his toned shoulders; fingers undo his belt, unzip his jeans. Everything is discarded to the side for now; he has something more pressing to attend to.
His best friend’s daughter, laying in his bed, a pool of wet forming in her panties.
He just doesn’t know it yet.
As he slips under the covers beside you, you pull off your underwear in one quick movement. Joel doesn’t seem to notice, or so you think; his arms immediately take hold of your waist and pull you against his body. You’ve gotten into the habit of sleeping pressed against his torso, his thigh between your legs. Joel settles comfortably with you draped over him, and lets out a deep sigh.
“Joel?” you whisper again into the darkness, growing braver.
“Hm?” he replies, starting to fall asleep.
You toss ideas over in your head. None of them good, you’re sure, but you’re getting desperate. How he can’t feel your damp core on his thigh, you’ve no idea.
But then, maybe he can? Joel doesn’t miss anything, especially not where you and your…arrangement are concerned. Can he feel you? Is he deliberately ignoring it?
Maybe he has something up his own sleeve?
“I…was just wondering…”
“Wondering what, darlin’?” His voice is muffled, spoken through unmoving lips. You glance up at his face. His eyes are closed.
You grow more desperate.
“…wondering what your body count is?”
You ask it as innocently as you can, your voice wavering on the words body count. It gets him, though, as his eyes blink open a few seconds after you say it.
“I ain’t tellin’ you that. Go to sleep.” He closes them again.
“I wanna know.”
He ignores you.
“Joel,” you moan.
He calls you by name now, and you’re not sure if you’re pissing him off or turning him on – or both.
“Go. To. Sleep.”
“I’m not tired, though. Not yet.”
In response, Joel lets go of his hold on you and rolls over without another word. It’d sting if you weren’t soaking wet right now, and didn’t have a strong hunch he was hardening under the sheets.
“Joooel…” you whine, sitting up on your elbow. No use.
You take hold of his shoulder and tug him back toward you, rolling him onto his back. Like a deadweight, he remains frozen.
“Ugh,” you groan, and drag yourself on top of him, knees either side of his waist, ass hovering. When you sit back onto him, your core lining up with his crotch, your suspicions are proven right.
He’s hard.
Not as hard as he can get, as you’d like him to be, as you’ve felt him before…but he’s hard.
“Joel…” you mewl into the darkness, starting to grind your bare center over his boxers. The friction feels good, so you apply more pressure.
“If you don’t stop that,” Joel’s voice finally grumbles, “I’ll be sleepin’ downstairs.”
“Sex in the living room sounds good to me.”
His eyes open. “We,” one hand comes up to point between the both of you, as if he doesn’t expect your sobering self to understand which pairing he means, “are not having sex. No sex tonight.”
You sigh, shoulders dropping dramatically.
“Huff all you want, baby, it is not happening.”
“Why? Because you’re a few drinks too deep and it’s three in the morning. I’m tired, it’s been a long night waitin’ for you, I–”
“So let me make it up to you. I ain’t even drunk anymore.”
“Nuh-uh. Could count any number a’ fingers you put in front of me.”
“Funny.” He closes his eyes.
“Joel.” You drag your hips again. If anything, he’s harder than he was when you first sat down on him. “I had a few drinks, I’ve sobered up. C’mon…”
You bend your waist and lower yourself to align your lips with the side of his head, peppering the skin under his ear with soft kisses.
“I wanna ride you, daddy.”
This gets him. His eyes open again, staring up at the ceiling. His hands slowly come up to rest on your hips.
“Don’t– That’s low, even for you, kid.”
You giggle and straighten up. When your hands lightly trace down his chest, onto his midriff and follow the trail of hair to his boxers, he doesn’t stop you. Just watches from beneath hooded lids, tensing at each point your fingers touch.
You raise your eyebrows, watching his expression for any sign to stop, and it never comes. He remains in place when your fingertips hook around the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling down.
Joel breathes in deep when you reveal the tip of his cock, springing up to rest on his lower stomach. You feel your core clench. If he’s not inside you in the next five minutes, you might scream.
Well, you’ll be screaming either way.
You look back into his eyes and tilt your jaw, asking for permission.
“Go on,” he whispers.
Your hands take him eagerly, pumping up and down his shaft, and his head falls back onto the pillow with pleasure.
“Uhuh,” you mumble, focusing on his solid dick, but desperate for more. You give him a gentle squeeze and a groan passes his lips, his grip tightening on your body.
You let go of him and grind your hips along his length, folds coating his shaft in your wetness. Joel’s humming, watching as you pull yourself up and down him.
Then, you lean forward, and your hands take hold of him again. You give him a couple more strokes, eliciting a deep groan, and then line his bare cock up at your entrance, practically foaming at the mouth to sink down on him already.
“Woah, woah,” Joel takes hold of your wrist, “slow down, cowgirl. I gotta get a condom.”
You huff as he leans over to his nightstand and opens the drawer. “Don’t want one, Joel, I’m on the pill.”
“No way, baby,” he says through a chuckle, silver wrapper in his fingers. “We already did that, one too many times.”
“So just pull out?”
You sigh, frustrated.
Joel holds the packet out to you, smirk on his face like he doesn’t expect you to take it.
So, you do.
You steal it from him and tear the wrapper, fishing the rubber out between your two fingers. Pinching the top, you roll it down his shaft and pump up and down for good measure.
“Ready?” you ask, head tilted, cocky smile on your lips.
“Wait, wait,” he whispers, shoulders lifting off the mattress. He lifts the hem of your shirt, telling you, “Off,” before pulling it over your head, exposing your bare breasts.
He stares you down; legs wide open, straddling him, completely naked, nipples hardened, figure silhouetted against the slivers of light peeking through the shades from the streetlights outside. You’ve never felt so confident, mounted on top of Joel fucking Miller.
His eyes roll back and his head falls against the pillow. “Fuckin’ – knock yourself out, baby.”
You steady yourself with one hand on his chest, the other taking hold of his cock and guiding it to your entrance. You push his head through your folds a couple times, and Joel hisses at the feeling, before you sink down.
You stop after the tip the first time, but it draws the same reaction from you both. Joel groans even louder than before, and you moan as you push yourself back up.
Then, without warning, you sink the whole way down.
He’s so deep it brings tears to your eyes, so big that he’s stretching you out more than you thought possible, hitting all the right spots already before you’ve even begun.
Joel’s eyes are screwed shut, his grip on your hips digging into your skin so tight it almost hurts. His jaw is tight, holding back what you can only imagine are the neediest moans he could sound.
So, you decide to draw them from him.
You lean forward and begin bouncing, feeling his thickness pull out and push back into you, both hands on Joel’s chest now for balance. You’re whimpering, the burn of his cock stretching your tight cunt so good and borderline painful at the same time, but you don’t stop.
“Good girl, good fuckin’ girl,” Joel moans, opening his eyes to watch you ride his dick. “’attagirl, just like that.”
“Joel…” you cry, letting him bottom out each time, feeling his balls slam into your ass with each bounce.
“Yeah? You like that? Tell me, baby, use your words.”
“So – good – Joel – oh!” you shout.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl for me, huh?”
You fight against the urge to close your eyes; the pleasure between your legs and the knot beginning to tighten in your stomach are all you can see, hear, feel, but you want to watch him some more. You want to see what you do to him.
You lean forward even further, moving your hands to the pillow either side of his head, so you’re directly above him now. One of Joel’s hands comes to the back of your head, pulling you down until your foreheads are together, moans escaping your mouths only to be inhaled by the other.
Joel speaks to you quieter, through gritted teeth.
“Like ridin’ me, do ya? Like the way it feels?”
“Mhm,” you moan back, and he brings a hand down to slap your ass. You yelp. “Fuck…”
“You look so good, baby, so good. Such a fuckin’ whore for me, hm?”
Another stinging spank pulls a whine from you so filthy, so loud that you’re sure the neighbors will hear, even at this hour. Joel smirks back, resting his hand back on your hip, where he has a grip of you.
Then, he bucks his own hips, pushing into you deeper than before, so deep you see stars. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan, panting through the searing pain so good that you never want it to end.
“Joel – I’m gonna – fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“That’s it, sweet girl, cum all over me. Let go, baby, I’m here.”
That does it. The coil snaps, your walls clench. Joel lets out a guttural moan as you throw your head back and ride him through your orgasm. He coos you through it, squeezing your hips, whispering, That’s my girl, doin’ so good, baby as your body rocks back and forth on his cock.
When you come back down to earth, your lids heavy and breathing staggered, you swear your body can’t take anymore. You feel so fucked out that you’re not sure you can sit up straight on top of Joel.
But he’s always been able to read your mind, and this is no different. He pulls himself up and into you, propped up with one strong hand on the mattress behind his back, the other wrapping around your waist. His cock is still buried deep inside you.
“Joel…” you whimper pathetically. “Can’t do it anymore…”
“That’s okay, baby, we’re gonna do this one together, alright? I got you. Can you do that for me? Just one more?”
You link your arms around his neck and lean into him; his strong form doesn’t shift, just takes on your weight and keeps the both of you upright as he starts to bounce you on his length again.
You’re overstimulated; your cunt swollen, fucked-out, drenched in cum, but Joel makes you feel so good that it’s impossible to let him stop. Your arms pull him in closer to your chest to steady yourself, and his groans echo in your ear.
“Good girl, that’s– that’s it, so fuckin’ tight for me, pretty girl.”
When it all becomes too much to take – Joel’s hand squeezing your waist, your clit rutting against the bottom of his stomach, his fucking cock buried so deep inside you that you swear you can feel him splitting you open – you push him back down onto the bed.
Once when you still lived in New York you read something in a Cosmo about spelling the word ‘coconut’ with your hips when riding a guy. You’d tried it a couple times with hookups, and it’d never done anything for you. They’d never done anything for you.
But here you are, nearing your second orgasm, on top of someone making such a mess of you that you brain can hardly compute to spell coconut, never mind your hips being able to round the shape of the word.
You lazily drag yourself over and over Joel’s dick, each stroke drawing you nearer and nearer to your high. When your body starts to falter, you feel him shift, and open your eyes to see him leaning over to the nightstand.
His fingers grip the rim of the black cowgirl hat you’d worn that night. He lies back, flat against the mattress, and reaches up, placing the hat on top of your head. You smile. Joel speaks in a low, gentle, but commanding whisper.
“There you go, cowgirl. Show me how it’s done.”
It’s all you need. It’s all it takes, by this point.
You brace yourself against his chest again, positioning yourself just right, and bounce on him until your vision starts to blur.
The noises slipping out of Joel’s mouth each time your bodies connect at the base of his cock push you closer and closer; every groan and whimper which passes his lips makes you sink your hips down even harder, pushing him deeper and deeper with every bounce.
“So – fuckin’ – big – inside me,” you slur, and Joel moans in response.
When he takes your hips in his hands again, you know he’s there. He’s just waiting for you to fall first.
You give in to him, feeling yourself close around his length, throwing your head back in pleasure as your second orgasm washes over you, igniting every inch of your body.
Joel’s groans meet yours as you lean forward again, slowly rolling your hips to coax him through his own orgasm. Watching him release, buried deep inside, he looks so good that you feel like you could cum again just at the sight.
You feel his cock start to go limp inside you and when he opens his eyes, panting, you smile sweetly at him.
“Fuck, darlin’.”
You giggle, hips still driving gently against his. “Good?”
“So good, baby, did so well. You’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispers with a trembling breath, taking your waist in both hands and giving it a tight squeeze. You roll to the side, letting his cock slip out of you, condom full of his seed.
You tumble onto the mattress beside him, both heaving, moaning messes. Your chests rise and fall in sync, fingers tangling and untangling by your sides.
Then Joel gets up, and wanders over to the bathroom, where you watch him through the open door as he pulls the filled rubber from his soft dick. He bins it, then runs a facecloth under the faucet, dabbing it across his own forehead as he makes his way back over to you.
You can’t hide your grin as you watch his naked form approach; tan lines where his t-shirt must end, dark hair decorating his arms, legs, chest, the base of his cock. He sits at the edge of the bed, arm outstretched with the flannel in hand.
You go to take it from him, but he doesn’t loosen his grip. Just pats it over your face gently, soft gaze on yours, your fingers intertwined around his wrist. Your eyes fall closed, the cold cloth a relief against your warm, sweaty skin.
“Feel nice?” he whispers.
You nod in response. Your chest swells at how soft he’s being, how tender. When he stands to throw the flannel back into the sink, you almost find yourself reaching out to hold him down.
He climbs over you, springing back down onto the mattress with a heaving sigh.
You prop yourself up and shimmy over, positioning yourself on top of Joel, chest-to-chest. He looks down and smirks, running a lazy hand across your cheek.
“You’re so good to me,” he mumbles.
You tilt your head with a smile and lay down on his chest. You can hear his heartrate slowly calming down. His fingers twist through your messy hair.
“I have no idea what you’re laced with,” he says, “but you got me.”
You smile. “Yeah?”
Joel nods. You shift positions, adjusting your aching hips safely between his thighs. “You hurtin’?” he asks.
You nod. “Mhm. But I like it. It’s you.”
Joel’s hands run through your hair and his fingertips trace your shoulders. His touch is so light it almost tickles. You turn your jaw and kiss the back of his hand.
“My dad gone, Sarah out, free house…” you mutter.
“So, you invite your mistress over.” You lift your head, smirking at him.
Joel’s chest vibrates with laughter. “You ain’t my mistress.”
“Oh really? What am I, then?”
“I am not having this conversation at 4AM, kid. Ask me again tomorrow.”
You’d think of something to throw back at him, messing with him, but your entire body aches, and your heavy eyes are starting to fold closed with how sleepy you suddenly feel.
You pull Joel’s sheets over yourself, turning your back to him. Joel instantly follows suit, pulling up right behind you, your back tight to his chest, his thighs cupping the back of yours, then slipping one between your legs.
His arms lock around your torso under the sheets. Safe. Secure. Nothing can happen to you as long as he’s got you.
“Ten,” his voice mumbles against the back of your head.
You turn so your ear is pressed against his lips. “Huh?”
“Ten. That’s my number. Includin’ you.”
He doesn’t ask to hear yours. You wouldn’t mind if he did, but he doesn’t. You don’t think he’s telling you to hear yours in exchange. He’s telling you because you asked. He’s telling you because, whether in attempt to turn him on or simply to know something about him that you didn’t before – something nobody else knows – it mattered to you.
He’s telling you because you matter to him.
You nuzzle back into him a little, a form of reply, and, as you start to fall asleep, you feel him place a gentle kiss to your ear.
taglist: @yvonneeeee @subconsciouscollapse @leahlovestwd @peqchsoup @whorror-s @k1ttybean @whichwitchwanda @abuttoncalledsmalls @anner--nanner @jpbplvr @laysmt @ankhmutes @bookishhella @cannolighost @luvrking @mellymbee @yourwinchesterbros @nostalxgic @scottstotts @daiseygriffithx @letsgroovetonighttt @huffle-punk @unbotheredbeeeee @iluvurfather @wildcat116 @godisawomansblog @55vvaa55 @koshkaj-blog @initforthebooks @theywhowriteandknowthings @thatgirljayy@sasakipsposts @casa-boiardi @milla-frenchy @aim-formyheart @taeslarityy @lxstbxyscave23 @joelmillerxapologist @capt-rex @giixo @capricorngf @feministfanboi @fifia-writes @darleneslane @theplumsoldier @sharp-cheekbones-locked @suzmagine @endlessthxxghts @ivebeenflagged @blognametakenn @jessahmewren @nobodycanseeinsidemysoul @ranahx @pedropascalsbbg @cartoon-garbage04 @caatheeriinee07 @kngslayr @hopplessilse @vickywallace @gracieispunk @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @casa-boiardi @earthtogrogu @sexygaypalpatine @serenaxpedro @brittmb115 @pascalpvnk @jediknightjana @mrsquill @uncassettodiricordi
(lmk if i’ve missed you out & check my taglist info for how to be added!)
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rubywithecat · 1 month
Kissing them when they are least expecting it (Bonten ver.) (fem. reader)
- It was supposed to be your dinner date with Mikey but he was having a call about whatever his business is with other executives on his phone for a long period of time. And you felt like you were left out and eating alone. You suddenly came up with an idea that might make him pay attention to you. “Mikey, look at me!” you said as u quickly stood up from your seat and leaned forward, sneaking a kiss on his lips. He was so stunned to speak for a good sec. “What was that, Mikey?” U heard from his phone. “Hello? R u there?” he was called out. His lips curled up. “I will call back later” he said, then hang up. He grabbed your leg with his under the desk, which makes you almost fall and he laughed. “Mikey! Stop!” You yelled but u were happy “Now ur paying attention to me” you proudly smiled like an achievement. “You little devil” he grinned. “Wait until we get home”
- “Let’s make a bet” your bestie challenged you at a club. “See that man at VIP over there? Kiss him and I will do your assignment for the whole month and you do mine if you fail” she said. “That’s not hard” you winked at her as you confidently walked in your heels. “Miss, you can’t enter this area, it’s for VIP only” a waiter requested. “Do I not look like a VIP?” You attempted and with your pretty privilege, u were let in. You observed the area. Then saw the opportunity and quickly grabbed a champagne glass, purposely bumped into kokonoi. “Omg! Why did you bump into me, sir?!” U gasped dramatically as he was clueless. “Excuse me?? It’s you who bump me?” He defended. “You can’t bully a girl just because she’s weak” you said you stood up on your toe and sneaked a kiss on his lip. “That’s a price you have to pay” you said as you looked at your bestie who was watching you and gave thumbs up. You proudly smiled back at her and quickly about to walk away, embarrassed and awkward. “Sorry, sir… Plz excuse me”. But before you could leave, he grabbed your hands and said, “I am not that cheap, Miss” he smirked as you realized u made the big mistake ever.
-Your neighbor’s house was broken into yesteday so u were scared to live alone at your apartment. You asked your friend, Kakucho to stay a night with you before you install the new security service cuz he’s the only fri of yours who can fight really good. He agreed when he came you invited him for dinner that you prepared beforehand. To admit, you have a crush on him but kept it secret not to ruin friendship. You guys talked and talked and it was so much fun. You were at 3 glasses of wine and kind of drunk but he wasn’t drunk at all. His talking, slowly became blurry in your ears and you were just staring at him, and then his lips and without telling him anything, you kissed him. He was caught off guard but you didn’t expect him to kiss you back but he did, and it was a nice long kiss. “U have no idea how much I fantasize about you” He said as he wickedly smiled as you were the one who caught off guard.
- You are his assistant and it’s your birthday. However, you didn’t skip work cuz you don’t have anyone to spend time with anyway. “Miss (ur last name), come into my office” Ran said as he walked past your desk so you followed him. You closed the office door behind you as you have entered. “Do you need anything, sir?” You asked formally and he shook his head. Then he suddenly pulled out a gift box from his desk drawer and gave it to you which really surprised you. “What’s that for, sir?” You asked, confused. “Isn’t it your birthday?” he replied. “Yeah… I didn’t think you would remember…” you replied. He blushed but acted cool. “Well, open it” he said as he looked at your reaction. You saw a really pretty and expensive necklace from Cartier. “Omg! Sir, I can’t accept it. It’s too expensive” you handed back. “Take it. I especially chose this for you”. “Really? If then…thanks a lot!” You were more than happy cuz it’s your first luxury item and you can’t help but without your own knowledge, you suddenly kissed his cheek. Then you were so embarrassed about what you had done! You apologized quickly. “I’m so sorry, sir! I’m sorry…” but interrupted by his kiss on your lips as he grabbed your neck. “Dont try to resist it now. You started it first, bby” he smirked.
- You are at an arcade and competing with him in virtual driving game. You properly scored well but when it’s his turn, he’s doing a lot better than you and got a perfect score. “Let’s rematch” you said feeling competitive. He smirked. “Just accept the fact that you can’t win me, bby but fine” he said as he got up from the seat. You scored a lil more than previous one but you don’t think you will win over him this time too so you came up with a wicked idea. He was nearly to complete his match and suddenly you kissed him and he lost focus which he crashed into another car and lost points. He scored less than you finally. “I win!” You yelled. “That’s cheating, y/n!” He defended. “Do you have any proof?” You teased him. He looked at you for a sec and grabbed you by your waist and pushed you back to the chair. “Rindou! wtf r u doing? Get off me!” You said. He trapped you on the chair as he lean closer. “You’re not getting away with this, love”
- You were arguing with him cuz you got yourself into almost having a car accident and he was worried. “You’re not driving anymore. That is.” He said as he took the car key from your hand. “Give me back!” You defended. “Why would I?” he replied proudly as your attempt to grab the key back failed. “You can’t control what I have to do!” You yelled. “Look, I’m not changing my mind and ur not getting your key back” he continued “You could have hurt and I’m gonna—“ He was interrupted as you suddenly kissed him. He was so shocked that his grips to key was weakened so you could quickly grab a key from him easily. “Got it!” you said and teased him with gesture and as you were gonna walk away, he laughed “Don’t underestimate me, sweetheart” and he pushed you down to the couch. At the same time, he also knelt onto it, facing you on your top. “It’s your fault for testing me” he smirked and grabbed your hands tight as the key dropped from the side and he ignored it cuz his only focus now is you. ;)
I hope you guys love this! Don’t forget to give me feedbacks, luvs <33 And likes and shares would be so much appreciated! Thanks :*
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
if its okay can i ask for a samon gokuu scenario with oblivious bestfriends + star gazing
tysm for this !!! stay safe !!!! stay hydrated !!! take care of urself!!!!
— samon gokuu // oblivious best friends // star gazing
[𖤐] hello anon! thank you for requesting for my event, and your req has finally been answered !! this is more like one (1) oblivious bsf (you) and one (1) bsf who kinda knows his feelings but also doesnt wanna think abt it. anywho, i hope you all enjoy my lovelies!!
wc: 870+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“...oi, (y/n), wake up.” samon felt like he was being challenged. he doesn’t know by who; God, maybe? if there was a higher power, it was definitely testing him right now. 
the only reason he had ventured over into your building was because he’d wanted to show you the stars. the sky was particularly clear that night, and ever since you were children, you had always loved to see the stars. in fact, it was one of the reasons that despite working in a prison in the middle of nowhere, you enjoyed your job. 
however, when he’d walked into your small office, you were fast asleep on top of a rather tall stack of papers, completely knocked out. the sight hadn’t surprised him, since it was not an unknown fact that you always tended to slack off when it came to paperwork, (he hadn’t realized it had gotten this bad, but he supposes that it makes sense). 
he’d gone to go wake you up and tell you, let’s take a break and go look at the stars for a bit, but when he’d gotten closer, he’d heard something that he was most definitely not supposed to hear. 
“samon…” you had mumbled, freezing him in his tracks. 
now, what was he supposed to do? 
hearing you utter his name in such a way had gripped his heart in a certain way, and now he wasn’t sure what the hell he was supposed to do next. ignore it and walk away? wake you up and confront you? ignore it and wake you up anyway? 
it seemed the choice had been made for him. 
“samon?! what’re you doing here?! why were you just standing there? you scared the hell out of me…” you exclaimed, clutching your chest to slow down your heart. 
“i just came to tell you the sky looks good right now. and i was standing there ‘cause i was about to wake you up…” he’d decided to take the cool and casual route at the moment, even though you’d caught him extremely off guard. “the clouds are all gone so i figured you would want to see it.” 
“oh, that actually all checks out. i was gonna call you a freak ‘cause you were watching me sleep, haha.” you laughed, standing up from your chair and stretching. “there’s no way i’m gonna be able to submit all this paperwork to warden hyakushiki by tomorrow, so i might as well! let’s go!” as you looped your arm around samon’s and started walking to the balcony, his thoughts began to go wild. 
he’d never really spent too much time thinking about his feelings, especially towards you; he was always focusing on his work and his prisoners. although they were still prisoners and he was still a guard, he’d grown fond of them, (though he would never admit this out loud to them) and helped them with things they brought to him. his little rivalry with hajime was also included with work, and because of this diligence, he never really allowed himself to even think of something aside from it. 
with you though, he found himself thinking less about work and more about normal things. normal things that a twenty-year old might think about, like having a girlfriend and doing things he enjoyed with her. he could teach her all about how to garden and the different kinds of plants and what you can do with them, and he could even train with her. 
except, in these fantasies, it wasn’t a random woman. it was you. 
and that was something that made him a little bit scared. 
now, samon gokuu is not a man to get scared and run away easily, and though he wasn’t running away from you, he was definitely a little scared. not because you’re scary, (at all) but wholly because it was something strange and unknown, and he had no clue what indulging his feelings would be like. he supposes it wouldn’t be bad though. being with you. 
your arm untangled from his as you two reached the balcony, the cool air of the night feeling refreshing. you walked up to the railing, leaning against it as you stared at the stars. 
“ahh, you were right; it’s so beautiful tonight.” you said, a warm smile on your face as you looked back at him. the slight breeze in the night lifted your hair a bit, framing your face damn near perfectly. 
you were beautiful. 
“yeah, um…it really is.” he managed to get out, feeling a little bit too entranced by you. his supposed best friend. he almost felt guilty for whatever he was feeling, but at the same time, he wants to be able to imagine having a future with you. 
as he joined you at the railing, you scooted a little closer to him, beaming up at him with such a joyful expression that it squeezed his heart just a bit, (it really just skipped a beat, he just didn’t want to say it). 
he keeps a small hope in his heart that one day, maybe, these same stars would look down on you and him as lovers. for now though? he’s content just being by your side.
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saiintofdiirt · 1 month
hiii again!!! i’m back :3
since ur an old wifies fan, i was wondering if u had any recommendations on what vids of his i should watch to like, start out?
i forgot my little signature last night oops. ok bye forever
~ ✧✦✧
hello welcome back!!! wifies has done a whole array of video types over time, so it might vary depending on what you like. personally, not a fan of the escape room videos cause like. . . its cool but i play minecraft to make lil towns so the mechanics are not that interesting to me. but if you like Ken, then you'll like wifies's escape room stuff! hes pretty genuine when he goes thru them, and hearing him think live is fun tbh.
he had a vsauce style era that was fun, and i think my favorite video from that time is F A R, which is about the farlands, and u get to see his fuckin ANCIENT intro cut along with his horrible mic and its so fucking funny. God. He Sounds So Young. What The Fuck. if you have a general interest in the farlands, AntVenom has great videos breaking down what they are (and if you want to see a horror story told using the farlands as a device, ROOTHOUSE by Zeemyth is incredible)
the ARG videos are where i have the most fun (is an unfiction freak) but i think Horrifying Discoveries in Minecraft Beta Footage is a good one to start bc the ARG is currently still active and theres a follow up video :> so if u get involved, u might even get a chance to actually play an ARG ! I think RGN might have a video on the same topic but i cant find it rn.
Hopefully you enjoy something from here! I know its really long and i randomly sprinkled in other stuff but i think theyre all interesting by association :> thanks for asking <3
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guzhufuren · 11 months
hello hello not expecting u to 100% tell but also w he re do u find incorrect/text posts for ur meme gifs they are always so funny and on point(+if its by pinterest what do u even look it up as??) do have a good day week and job ur v funny and cool<33
hi darling!! thank you so much 🥺 my poor heart almost gave out on these compliments! yeah, it's no trouble, i can tell you how i find them!! basically i'm a professional tumblr diver but i'm gonna explain techniques in a more detailed way
technique 1. gold miners
you see a cool fun text post on your dash that has less than 5000 notes; you go in the tags and scroll to the very beginning of reblog chains; there you will find the people who somehow always find the best freshly birthed text posts; choose the people who tagged it as some variation of "#text post", "#txt" or they tagged it as "#x-character-core/coded" or even better, they tagged it as their oc - go to their blog and look through that tag, usually you will find a treasure mine of text posts; if all the posts you immediately see are well known and you saw them all over your dash already, then go back and start diving on the next person's blog through the tags and keep doing it until you are out of tagger rebloggers; when you find good text posts you gotta screenshot them (try to think ahead - maybe there is a show coming out in the near future that will fit this text post)
visual example: i always have various non-popular text posts in my queue that i will dive in later when i have the time. like these
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technique 2. oc and character tags again
you find a post that perfectly fits your blorbos but it has much more than 5000 notes so it's impossible to check all the rebloggers - that's fine, once again go in the notes for blog diving; start from the top and find specifically someone who tagged this post as their oc or their favourite character - that's your new source; go through the tag and it will certainly have text posts/tweets that fit your blorbo as well
visual example: i found this post for Pete and his poor burnt balls, one day i'm gonna go through it to see other people's blorbos who have suffered in a similar way, and i'm sure there will be lots of petecore stuff on their blogs
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technique 3. porn blogs are your best friend when it comes to mature tv shows
find one, just one, good funny very sexual text post and go in the tags for to see which mature bloggers reblogged it using a tagging system; it can be them categorising it as "#text post" or similar, it can be them sorting posts by kink so pay attention to tags like "#petplay" "#collars" and etc, you will be able to find lots of funny sexy posts the deeper you search through their tags
visual example: see, this post has only 1500 notes, so when i will go in the tags of it i will find approximately 10-15 people who tagged it well enough for me to scroll through their tagged reblogs and find other good stuff
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technique 4. when you are done with any of techniques explained above, choose best blogs to follow
while you dive in random tumblr users' blogs you will for sure stumble upon blogs that reblog amazing rare text posts; follow them and see what other gems they can bring to your dash in the future
other tips for people who make text post memes
- THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE! make sure the text screenshot that you placed on a picture/gif is large enough to be readable both on mobile and on web. check it on every gadget. i have really bad vision and squinting my eyes at the phone makes my head hurt, so i never look at memes that i can't read right away without zooming in. make them easily readable!!
- choose one style of screenshots of the text posts. it can be web screenshots, it can be mobile browser tumblr screenshots, if can be tumblr app screenshots. choose one and stick to it always, it will make your memes look neat. i always make screenshots of text posts on the tumblr app, then i put them all on a 750 pixel wide canvas, scale them down to 360 pixel width and copy paste them to 540 pixel wide pictures of blorbos. so we get something like this:
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have fun, please write me again if anything i explained is confusing, i'm not great with words <333
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sunnimonbun · 6 days
Hello!! when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals X) (Hello my precious Sunray! Copy and pasted this from Cat but I wanna leave a lil note here to tell ya I love ya <3 I am prepared from any K-pop rambling that may occur upon you receiving this >:) or any other music rambling for that matter!)
Hall Little fire lily :3 I have already done this with cat but! I have a lot of songs to show and with permission to rant…
Guerilla by Ateez - No idea how I failed to mention this song! It’s so powerful, one of my all time fav Ateez songs! Even better is that it’s a lore song (Bc why doesn’t the k pop groups have lore) The word Guerilla actually stands for a group of people that get together to go against something (usually authorities) which is what the ateez lore is about! But that ramble is for another day.
It is lacking in the dance aspect I would say- the dance for Guerilla is pretty damn goofy, however the fan chant for this song! If you have time search up “Guerilla Fanchant Ateez”. The atinys do not play with that one!
DO or DIE by Xikers - Ever wanna feel like a rebellious teen running on the rooftops in the city? This is the song. This IS THE SONG! Xikers is a rookie group (aka they are baby k pop idols, seriously they are all like 18-19 I think?) they are part of the same company as Ateez and have similar vibes yet not at all. And are amazing! Xikers really don’t seem like rookies in my very new k pop eyes, their music is so powerful and just makes you want to move. I really hope they can get big as a group because they deserve it :)
Astronaut by Stray Kids - I find it incredibly funny that my fav straykids song is ultimately one of the chiller ones. Stray Kids are a real noisy group in their music. I really can’t pin point what in has me so hooked, maybe it’s just the beat? I don’t know it’s catchy but not in a typical pop song way
Blue Hour by TXT - The collective suicide song! /j that’s a joke from the music video of this song. This is a typical catchy pop song but that’s just TXT’s style really. I’m fully in love with Taehyun’s part in the beginning. Also easier to sing a long to as TXT for some reason have a lot of English lyrics. And if ur wondering what time Blue hour is, 5:53pm.
Killin’ it by P1Harmony - It’s P1Harmony baby. One of the funner groups I’ve seen! Just recently learned all their names and stuff and I really need to listen to more of their songs. Killin’ it is a bop, it makes me feel cool and they say slay in it. Pwon also has Keeho… which isn’t easy to explain it’s just Keeho, he slays. Pwon also has Soul who is an incredible dancer, would recommend to check that out!
Youth by Ateez - I mentioned youth in my other thing I did with cat but youth is a beautiful song with an even cuter meaning/story behind it. The song is a unit song between two of the members (aka it’s not the whole group who made it). The two that worked on it (Mingi and Yunho) have known each other since before the joined the group. When they preform the song on stage they have a little intro bit that as adorable.
It’s The two of them calling the day before going to audition in front of a company to see if they get to be in that company. They’re just reassuring each other that they’ll do great not knowing that they’re both auditioning for the same company, which actually happened I’m pretty sure. It’s sucha sweet moment and really shows their fricking friendship.
Its also speculated that the song is also about how Yunho helped Mingi with his anxiety. Mingi as an idol went on hiatus for a long while because of anxiety and Yunho would call him everyday and stuff. So the song is really just about them and it’s so sweet. Also it has relatable lyrics, as an anxious teen I get hit hard whenever I read those damn lyrics.
Thank you for listening to my rant :)
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cupiidzbow · 9 months
OMG THE WAY I JUMPED AND KICKED MY FEET WHEN I SAW YOU FOLLOWED ME ?#?#($;##(# HELLO!!! your art is sooo lovely and i came to see more of it BUT i stayed cus your gushes are so cute to read + you seem super cool !! tom nook loves you btw literally visited residential services today and he rambled my ear off about how much he loved his husband >_<) !!!
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ALSO WUAGHHH that’s rlly so sweet I always feel so shy abt my gushes I’m glad you think they’re cute oh gosh thank u 😭 ALSO AUGHHUHHHHH (GETTING ELECTROCUTED) oh my god . I love him so much too i can’t believe he’s rambling abt me the same way I ramble abt him 😭😭😭😭 WHEEE TYSM ONCE I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU !!!!! 🥹🫶🏽💕💕💕
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
hi! i’ve been a lurker for a while so i’m just wondering if you had any advice on coming into the marauders tumblr fan space ?? i used to be a semi big acc in another fandom on twitter a few years ago so this is very New to me and everyone here seems so sweet and cool ! i haven’t written any full fics but i have like hundreds of little aus and snippets id love to share 😭 you were one of the first marauders accounts i followed from ao3 so really i just feel more comfy, also i love your writing <3 your jeggy and bartylily are actually The Only Ships Ever for me
hello darling!! and omg i wish i did but . i don't think so?? i was also very nervous about making this blog and actively participating in this fandom bc it had been . A While . for me. like, i never stopped being in fandoms bc i love media and i'm mentally ill lmao but the last time i wrote fics for one or interacted with other ppl i was?? 16??? 17?? besides i was in marauders twt first for like a couple of months and it was a fucking nightmare so i was lowkey terrified lmao
but honestly, if u really wanna be here then i think u should just go for it!! follow all the blogs u like and i can assure u that at least a handful of them will follow back. and even if they don't, send them asks!! interact with their posts!! reblog their art!! that's how u make friends in my experience, and if ur less anxious than me u can even try and dm them about something u both like or have in common. sometimes it'll flow naturally and nicely and you'll get a friend out of it and other times it'll end in a sweet conversation. and that's fine!! it's part of the process. just . don't force it and focus on having fun and enjoying what u like and sharing ur own art with others <33 post those snippets and aus, i'm sure lots of ppl will love them
and stop that's so very lovely!! it's still so crazy to me that there are ppl who follow me from ao3.. like !! wdym u like my writing to the point u wanna know whenever i share one of my silly stories !! see my posts and everything i have to say !!! what !!!
thank u very much babe <3 i'm very happy u enjoy my fics and that u love both my jegulus and my bartylily. they're all so so so dear to me and like u said . The Only Ships Ever
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Hello! I just found ur game today and i finished reading the demo <3 I LOVE IT AAAAAA here's the list of things i like:
1) Ash. ????? He's so sweet help?!?!?! I LOVE HIM. Dear ash u have successfully own my heart, u have them wrapped in ur pretty fingers the second page u appear
2) Dad, I love you w/ all my cold dead heart<3 DAD?! DAD!!! DON'T DIE PLS DAAAAAD NOOOOOOO tHE ANGST HELP ME I'm so sad now :( pls i need a snippet w/ happy moments to heal from this trauma :')
3) Uncle Luka strides across the lobby as if he owns the place. Oh wait, he does.
AHAHAHHAHAHA I'M DYING uncle i love you too :'D
4) Mom, respectfully, 🖕🏻
5) Also, mr. Takashi u r freaking me out a lil bit...... you're uh.... A little bit uhh... creepy...?
6) Well, actually, he has the bad habit of blinking in near someone without any warning and scaring the shit out of them.
😂Uncle u r my soulmate
7) oh no, there's rin!..... and they stole my heart too! What do i do?!??...... haaaaaaaaaa
8) oh god the fighting scenes are so cool!!?! perfercto<3 oh mc is so cool. I'm so glad we can be cool<3 hehe
9) awww yeah my first kill! Scratch that, it's five!!! I killed five people yall!
10) oh my god please stop flirting right in front of us! You guys r cute, really but gods,
Alright, that's already too much detail about your uncle's sex life for tonight.
Not for tonight yo, for ever.
11) #the reason why i killed 5 ppl bcz i rlly rlly don't want to disappoint uncle & grandpa help #cuz mc is morally dubious/grey character, yay? yay!
.... Hmmmmmmmm oh lastly!!!!!
Thank you so much for creating this
Magnificent, beautiful, absolutely trophy worthy game! I love it so much mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh! I i love all the characters (oh they have so much life!) I love the fighting scenes (superpower badass?! Count me in!) I love how we can choose revenge as our main goal (f u distorted voice person. I will hunt u down to the ends of the earth. And I'll take everything u ever hold value, then let you live, cause life can be ur greatest blessing or ur cruelest nightmare, and I'll make sure you'll never have a peaceful dream for the rest of your counting days.), i love the family dynamics <3, i love how ur game can make me feel (oh the moral dilemma.... i almost almost let the cop live... but what abot uncle+grandpa disappointment?!?! I-i can't live with that! So off with ur head lil hypocrite police officer man!)
....sorry that's another paragraph......... I'll uh I'll stop now.... heheh... Sorry again if this bothers you, i won't send it again if it is.... :')
Okay! Have a good day/night/life dear author <3! Here have a 🍰🍩🎠 to light up ur time! Adios~
Aww thank you so much for the kind words 🥰 And don’t worry! I love reading these little snippets of comments on sections of the demo! 😁
Ash is only sweet for MC and Luka for now, of course ☺️ They’re mostly prickly and abrasive towards other people 😆
And yes 😭 Viktor… He’s such a good and loving dad 🥺 In case you haven’t read it yet, I recently released one of the Patreon side stories for public in celebration of hitting the 2K followers here! Here’s the link to the story! It’s a wholesome and fluffy side story, so hopefully it’ll help you recover from the angst 😆 I also have another 2-part side story from Viktor’s POV on my Patreon 😄
Please forgive Takashi, he’s just still a bit heartbroken about Viktor 😔 He’s usually a (pretty deadly and ruthless) himbo 😄 And glad you’re loving Luka as well 😂 He sometimes takes too much liberty with his teleporting/blinking ability 😆
It is indeed hard to not get charmed by Rin 😩 You might not have to choose between Ash and Rin 😉 (And yes guys, Ash and Rin poly is currently planned although might not get implemented right away yet since I’ll need some additional planning to accommodate it).
And yes, gotta make MC fight with style, you know? 😂 Gotta be cool and all, like Luka. Also, I’m a bit touched that your MC agreed to kill 5 people to make Grandpa and Luka proud 🥺 They would most certainly be happy to hear about it later on 😉
🤣 Luka agrees with your sentiment that it’s enough detail about his sex life for the entirety of MC’s life 😆
Ooh this is the second time I’ve seen someone wanting to let the killer live but not out of compassion and forgiveness, but to make them suffer even more 🤔 Interesting…
And wholesome family dynamics is just my weakness 😭 I have to include it in my first ever IF.
MC’s close bonds with Luka and Ash and Grandpa might be one of the little things left that MC really holds on to after the death of their dad, their mother figure (Cara), and their grandma. And loyalty to their remaining family is one of the core cornerstones that all MCs will share with one another no matter what.
I’ve always seen close family bonds between the Morozovs to be one of their most defining characteristics and strengths (and also weakness at the same time).
It’s the reason that Viktor couldn’t cleanly leave his past behind and sever Luka and Cara completely out of his (and MC’s) life after he ran away.
But at the same time, it’s also the reason MC survives the attack and is able to grow up to become the person they are today, loved, cared for, sheltered, and protected from the harsh underground world by combined efforts from Grandpa, Luka, and Ash.
This will also be the reason that Vigilante and Superhero MC won’t be able to turn against their own family. And the reason Luka and Grandpa and Ash wouldn’t leave MC behind and abandon them even when they chose those paths for themself.
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gen4grl · 3 months
hi! I followed you recently cuz your art is incredibly amazing, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry at the blue/leaf shipper who's giving you guys a bad name (I unfortunately know exactly whom you're talking about since they went out of their way to block me too and it's a real shame they're like this)
most of the blue/leaf folks I met are super cool and chill so I hope people won't assume anything bad! I might be mainly a blue/red person but you guys are so valid and I enjoy seeing other people's ship art and interpretations, shaking your hand in solidarity against gross people
omg hello!!! first of all thank u for the follow and compliment on my art, i always like yours too (both here and twitter) im surprised i haven’t followed till now tf?? 🥺✨🩷 i would say sorry about the block but honestly probably a badge of honour to be blocked by someone like that so cheers to us 🥂
and yeah while shipping culture tends to get a bad wrap (understandably so unfortunately) most people are just normal adults and who really dgaf what you ship and can be friends despite the differences. otherwise it’s giving “i don’t wanna be your friend cause you like pineapple on pizza” type vibe. i expect childish behaviour from actual children but seeing anyone over the age of 15 act like that actually SHOCKS me LOL. and yes!!! solidarity 🤝 i will die for blue/leaf but wow yall reguri artists are next level talented … blue gets a gorgeous partner squad assemble!
also ❤️💙💚 i checked ur blog out and wtf i am so jealous about ur blue figures… especially the 1/8th one 😭😭😭 literally one of my holy grails right there!!!!
thx u sm for the sweet message and i hope you have a fantastic rest of ur week🩷
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butcher--bird · 7 months
hi hello!! i got a boost of confidence to send an ask finally but i just wanted to say ive been following ur art for like. months and i really love ur art and ur stickers and like!! stuff. orginally i followed for ur spyke content but also you got me so attached to the kagi guy and im learning more about splatbands because every time you draw a splatoon i dont recognize i immediately go look them up and read the wiki oage and IAHDJF bottom lije is uhh youre feeding my splatoon hyperfix and i am so incredibly happy that you make art :] i hope you have an amazing and i think you're super cool
AHEAIHDWORHWJHN OHHH MY GODD THIS IS SOOOO SWEET ??? Augh...omg...another ask i would print out and keep in a locket tbh.
Art has been very tough for me recently I'm not gonna lie! So this really motivated me to draw when I can...I've been feeling so stuck haha. :')
ALSO holy shit good to know i've spread the good word of my boy Kagi omggg...I'm glad you like them!!! I've been growing rlly attached as well due to how much ive been toying with him and the characterization i use behind the scenes lmfaoooo. I'm trying branch out and draw *3* different characters instead of just 1. LMFAO. yall r getting EXLUSIVES bc i decided i dont wanna post my splatband stuff on twitter anymore lol
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fxreflyes · 9 months
Your pinned post makes me think of Frank Bidart poetry. Have you ever read any of him? For example whether you love what you love or live in divided and ceaseless revolt against it: what you love is your fate. ? What say Thee.
oh i love love love this!!! (pun not really intended haha). those are such powerful lines. i have not read any of his poetry, but i just looked up the poem you quoted from and the middle lines of the poem before the ones you wrote from the end are also so good (i mean the whole poem is),
"then I saw the parade of my loves
those PERFORMERS comics actors singers
forgetful of my very self so often I desired to die to myself to live in them
then my PARENTS my FRIENDS the drained SPECTRES once filled with my baffled infatuations
love and guilt and fury and sweetness for whom
nail spirit yearning to the earth"
him referring to all that he has loved as "spectres" or ghosts and saying he often desired to die to live in them. ugh. my understanding of the essence of the poem is that we are haunted by our love and our lives are dictated by it, whether in our seeking it out and following it or because we are in opposition to it? it's cool how the "what you love is your fate" is also a subversion in kind of nietzsche's amor fati, bc instead of love of fate, it's fate is love. but it's so interesting bc w/ love as fate, the idea is that you only have a bit of control over what you love, which can be destructive bc there is an illusion of choice. it definitely is the same meaning from my pinned post bc imo we rlly are made of all that we have once loved, even if we wished we hadn't or the love grew thorns or whatever may have happened. but that is beautiful in it's own right. to love & keep trying to love.
i also went down the rabbit hole of looking at this quote on google and found that the mountain goats posted this part of the poem on their twitter, which makes so much sense when i think about their song Love, love, love with the lyrics "Some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun / But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one / Love, love is going to lead you by the hand" so i wonder if the poem inspired the song! this was so cool to think abt,
thank u sharing and asking!! im sorry this was v rambling, but would love to hear ur thoughts & if you have any other of his poetry you would recommend!!
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orcelito · 1 year
You followed me back :O
I'm still in love with all your posts giving insight into ITNL and am still suuuuuuper looking forward to reading it whenever I finish Trimax
Saw you writing some posts about Vash with lightning scars originating from his right shoulder, which I am absolutely enamoured with the concept of. I'm not much of an artist but I do know my way around editing in Photoshop so I made something for you :3
He does look very cool.
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It sounds like you've been having a really rough time over the last couple of months, so I hope this helps brighten your day 💜
Posting this publicly bc I wanna b able to keep this bc MAN..... it doesn't line up exactly with the scar placement, but it's also a Really Good Reference... lets me picture what it would look like and it's SO GOOD... thank you 😭😭😭
& yea I followed back kinda out of nowhere just bc I see u in the tag a lot & you've been rly nice to me in general hdjhskfbs also of course posting things I like. So. Hello.
I'm looking forward to seeing ur thoughts about trimax heheheh. Truly nothing could prepare you for reading trimax. It is Life Changing.
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lady-layton · 2 years
hi! so I was combing thru ur PL tag, and I noticed u have a large collection of dvds/cds. i hope this doesnt come across as rude or imposing, but do you think it would be possible for you to "burn" and upload the videos/audio to youtube? highest priority has to be the interviews, esp with the seiyu, i don't think i've ever seen that ANYWHERE. even if most people can't understand the japanese, having an archive of this content allows us to archive the games, their development, and the fandom. second priority would probably be any commercials featuring cutscenes from the 3ds games, as they were never released in HD to this day. besides that, i have been able to find most of the CD releases online, but i was curious about the premium cd layton theme cover song. if you are worried about copyright law or just don't want to, that is understandable 👍 but as it stands, there is more and more layton content completely lost to time (like the flip phone exclusive official art and games) and without its preservation, the less and less there will be to celebrate as the anniversaries continue... i hope that's not too dramatic. as far as i can tell when it comes to copyright strikes, i uploaded layton game content to YouTube and never got any (i got one immediately over the utena anime) so i believe it is safe, but there are alternatives like gdrive etc. "burning" (copying) dvds is also very simple if you have a computer.
I REALLY really hope I don't come off as demanding. Ultimately it is 100% your decision. But the layton fandom of today (in its tiny size) would thank you. It also would be a nice way to look back in time, as I personally played all the games only in 2020. I'd love to know more about the process behind the development of the games in general, but as the fandom even at its peak was never huge (and bc its been 15 years...) very little of that has been recorded in western fandom, vs big IPs like Zelda or even Fire Emblem. It'd also be really cool to hear the thoughts of someone who was there when things WERE happening!
Regardless, I will respect whatever decision you make. Game (and game-adjacent) preservation matters a lot to me, but I do know how to take a "No". I hope you can understand my perspective however. 😔 While I don't think the fandom will ever fully revive (unless maybe we got a switch port of each trilogy like Ace Attorney), I hope the new generations of Layton lovers can appreciate each other as well as the old fandom they built upon. Thank you for hearing me out!
First of all thank you so much for this ask (o´∀`o) To be honest my plan with buying these commercial DVDs in the beginning was to preserve a part of Professor Layton history. There is so much about Professor Layton that have disappeared over the years, since some fansites and blogs have shut down long ago. So I really want to save as much as I can of what is left.
I've been looking into transferring the trailers, interviews and such to some online archive in some way. Sadly I have not had the time to properly sit down and research how to do it more exactly, but I do have a close friend of mine who is willing to help. If I get them uploaded somewhere I will absolutely share the links through this blog! It would be even more fun if a subgroup would be willing to help out with texting some of the clips as well. I have managed to collect quite a lot of these DVD's since I last updated my collection, but I should have the following:
3 different DVDs for Curious Village
4 different DVDs for Pandora's Box
2 different DVDs for Lost Future
1 promotional DVD for Eternal Diva
3 different DVDs for Spectre's Call
3 different DVDs for Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney
1 DVD for Layton Brothers Mystery Room
1 DVD for Professor Layton and the Phantom Thief
1 for Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
1 for Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy
1 for Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy DX
I also have this one DVD from Code NEO from 2007 that I remember purchasing because it said to have some Layton content. But it got to me just now that I have never checked it out. Perhaps I should do so, so I know what is on that disc haha.
About the premium CD I have been pondering over uploading it as well. I'm not so sure how comfortable I am with sharing MP3s online, but since it's from quite an old era by now and not released outside of the premium disc I could perhaps make an exception.
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crisps-craft · 2 years
Hi I don't see your ask box so I hope this is ok ;) I'm going through Ascension awakening / symptoms, and I was wondering if my Guides can give me some words of encouragement. Thank you. N.V.W.
Hello! 💜 I hope you are doing well :) and of course! I will try to read this to the best of my ability. I know that the awakening process can feel confusing and chaotic when it starts - but before i read i will provide u with some comforting thoughts about it that have helped me along the way. first, the awakening never ends - we are always learning and even the spiritual / psychic encounters we have keep surprising us. for ex., ive been reading tarot for years and last weekend i had the most intense encounter with channeling spirits that has ever happened to me. so enjoy the ride, and flow down the river where it takes you :) your guides are happy to help you at all times and they will show you the spiritual knowledge that is accessible to you at the right Divine Timing <3 i hope that could help. sometimes, when the awakening starts, we almost want to force it or 'make' it happen (i know i did when i was new to it lol) but ur guides will allow knowledge & experiences into your sphere of experience based off of what they know you are ready for :) so they r always holding ur hand in a way which is really cute
here we go!
cards: tower, 10 of pentacles, judgement, knight of wands, 6 of wands (reversed), 8 of wands, ace of wands, king of pentacles, 9 of swords, page of swords
so i think ur awakening / ascension started very abruptly and chaotically with the tower & 6 of wands reversed. with 6 of wands reversed, i almost feel like some sort of defeat or loss started it - like maybe there was a project or dream u were really pining for and then u didnt get accepted? some sort of disappointment, but its going to be a blessing in disguise because its not supposed to be your path. with the 10 of pentacles, ur guides r promising material security and so much abundance, ur just adjusting right now :) but whats cool about it is with this chaotic energetic occurrence that flipped your life upside down, you are running towards it instead of away from it or being stagnant! and i think that passion and zest is so admirable and your spirit guides are so proud of you
with page of swords, they r emphasizing you taking the time to research and learn! swords = air (communication / intellect)
so following where ur curiosity leads you will naturally let your existence unfold in the places and ways its supposed to. when i was channeling, the page of swords showed you at your computer looking up info and reading! i think u r using this newfound energy / passion on your curiosity and to learn - thats exactly what u r supposed to be doing and again ur guides r so happy to see it haha.
king of pent. showed me one of ur spirit guides who was channeled in- i got a warm grandpa like energy! he's very calm and sweet. definitely earth sign vibes - almost kind of monotonous but its because he is sooooo calm and chill. when you channel him (u can do this by taking deep breathes) u can feel him because he's so calming and grounding. oddly enough, in these moments u get so much clarity and he's so nice and kind about giving u info - very patient as a guide. with 9 of swords, he can see that you get anxious a lot and this encounter with this spirit realm kind of freaks you out sometimes (sometimes reality doesn't feel real to you - thats okay spiritual awakening can feel off putting. i would just remember to stay grounded thats all :) ) ur guide is so calm because he doesn't want you to get freaked out or anxious about the other side !
you've been getting a ton of signs - potentially even encounters with spirits i think. i almost feel like spirits having been showing up in your life physically - like not even in just the angel number signs way but moving stuff?? or literally just BEING there and u can feel it and it feels so surreal and kind of freaky. i dont wanna feed that into your head if it doesn't resonate but i have a feeling that that is why youve been feeling thrown off and maybe scared lately!
just make sure to cleanse and protect ur energy and space :) ur more energetically sensitive right now and you will get sooooo much peace of mind by doing this because u r a psychic radar right now and the way you are picking up energy without even realizing it is manifesting in a lot of disassociation and anxiety! i think u just have to redirect ur channeling and make it more focused with intent and u will find so much more control, knowledge, and peace of mind :)
so plz take care of yourself <333 im sending u so much love i hope this could help! lmk what resonated <33
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shojoboy · 1 year
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My name is Lucca but ppl call me Leo. I remade this year and have been kinda lost as to new blogs to follow so I am making this...reverse promo...
I'm really lookin for some animanga fans 2 follow!! I miss that scene!! If you are LGBT (cishets...u just aren't as cool im sorry) and post about any of the following shit:
Heavenly Delusion
Don't Call It Mystery + 7 Seeds
Skip and Loafer
Blue Period
Witch Hat Atelier
Dungeon Meshi
Hunter X Hunter
Chainsaw Man
Lupin III
Death Note (i STILL ship mattmello...)
CLAMP manga (unfortunately)
Seinen manga in general! I read a lot! Especially weird manga I love weird manga I'm always lookin for more Weird Manga
"Classic" anime and manga in general...I'm always hyped to check out more stuff from the 90s on down
BL and Yuri
ANd especially if u also like any of This shit:
My Chemical Romance
Orville Peck
Batman (99% only a villain liker tho lol)
weird old movies (Horror fans...hello)
comics in general! all genres all forms! I love when art is Sequential
ur local Library (please support. I work at one and I get bored if no one comes in)
Then follow me or like this post an I'll check u out! Thank u!
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