#hic sunt leones
palatinewolfsblog · 3 months
"Fairytales don't tell children that dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairytales tell children that dragons can be killed."
G.K. Chesterton.
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darthmatthewtwihard · 12 days
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darrowsrising · 4 months
How I imagine House Augustus' mansions (any of them), staircase edition:
This is the Staircase at Augustusburg Palace, created by Balthasar Neumann and according to google:
– considered a work of creative genius – is a rapturous structure which unites a lively movement of marble and stucco, jasper columns and caryatids, and culminates in the astonishing frescoed ceiling of Carlo Carlone.
It just fits 💖🦁
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marcogiovenale · 2 months
da oggi al 16 giugno, a roma: iper_ festival delle periferie, al mattatoio
programma: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/iper-festival-024-hic-sunt-leo/828666505791709
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blacklinesw9 · 2 years
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(via Hic sunt leones! 2.0 Mounted Print by Blacklinesw9)
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pylonium · 1 year
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I have more Red Rising pins/paraphernalia in storage at home but this is what I’ve put together with what I have at the moment. so bloodydamn stoked for Pierce’s book tour later this month!!!
bag is from BlueRobotto
“haemanthus” flowers are from Michaels
“live for more” pin is from dreamyandco on Etsy
“summon the Howlers” pin is from BrioandBrandish on Etsy
Darrow and Sevro pins are from @sushiwestern (Mar B. Heilburg) on Redbubble
“hic sunt leones” and slingBlade/pitviper pins are from @itsiparwing on Redbubble
Pegasus Legion and “I would have lived in peace…” pins are from CreativeLeighCrafts on Etsy
and the constellation stickers are also from Michaels
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crocodilesareboring · 4 months
Differenze culturali tra me, emiliano, e @mermaidemilystuff, toscana:
Per me fuori città significa nella città di fianco.
Per lei fuori città significa che le mura medievali del centro non sono mai crollate, il quartiere dietro la piazza è abitato da barbari, dopo la tangenziale Google maps segna hic sunt leones
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t-annhauser · 9 months
un pomeriggio in Brianza
Tanti anni fa stavo aspettando l'autobus alla fermata, avevo appena finito di lavorare, era un pomeriggio caldo e luminoso, sarà stato maggio/giugno, anche la circonvallazione con la sua rotonda erbosa sembrava una riserva naturale, quando improvvisamente si ferma un fuoristrada e sento chiamare da lontano il mio nome. Io sorpreso, quasi allarmato, mi volto e vedo farmisi incontro un tizio che lì per lì non mi dice niente, eppure lui sembrava conoscermi benissimo. Sarà capitato anche a voi qualche volta, di un tizio che vi saluta e voi rimanete lì impalati col vuoto nella testa, situazione imbarazzantissima, insomma, questo mi viene incontro e mi saluta con tanto di pacche sulle spalle, io mi voglio fidare, sembra un tipo apposto, e ricambio il saluto nel modo più naturale possibile. Piano piano, una parola qua, una là, comincio a ripescare quella faccia dal fondo della memoria, era uno che veniva ogni tanto in studio parecchi anni prima, un amico del capo che aveva pure lui un'attività, un tipo bassino con una gran parlantina che guidava macchine più grandi di lui, un soggetto tipico della Brianza, insomma, la base elettorale di Forza Italia. Si vedeva chiaramente che mi compativa, io che non guidavo e aspettavo l'autobus, io soggetto poco imprenditoriale, una specie di disabile ai suoi occhi, però parlava e parlava e io intanto guardavo in direzione dell'autobus che si ostinava a non arrivare. Mi dava una confidenza sovradimensionata rispetto alla nostra precedente frequentazione, lui faceva i safari in Africa, una cosa esotica perché è risaputo che per il brianzolo tipo sotto la linea del Po è tutto hic sunt leones, terre popolati da esseri inferiori da colonizzare con le fabbriche o da sfruttare per il puro divertimento, aveva la jeep con lo snorkel per guadare i fiumi, tipo Tom è Gerry quando si tuffano in un laghetto per scampare a uno sciame di vespe e respirano con la cannuccia, insomma, una roba da sboroni. Aveva insistito per avere il mio numero di telefono, io avevo ceduto per togliermelo di torno meditando di metterlo prontamente nella black list una volta sparito, alla fine finalmente mi molla e mi fa il segno da lontano della cornetta del telefono, con la promessa solenne che ci saremmo risentiti. Morale della favola: io mi sono dimenticato di metterlo nella black list e lui non mi ha più telefonato. Questa è la Brianza, e questi sono i suoi personaggi da cinepanettone.
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thisisdecemberista · 7 months
Some fic offerings that I wrote for Fic in a Box:
Hic Sunt Leones: A Brothers’ Guide to Life, Love, and and the Latvian Long-Snout (Bill & Charlie & Percy, background Percy/Oliver | Teen)
Percy doesn’t know how to do romance, Bill thinks he can help – and Charlie’s just enjoying the ride. A series of letters between the older Weasley brothers, set after the Second Wizarding War.
& home & home & home (or, a time loop) (Sirius/Remus | Teen)
After Sirius falls through the veiled arch in the Department of Mysteries, he finds himself back in 1981. A time loop fix-it, of sorts.
thorns, in amber (Sirius/Lily | Explicit)
They both love James more than anyone else in the world; they would do anything for him. Or: Lily and Sirius have an affair.
M is for Midnight (Regulus & Narcissa, Regulus & Sirius | Teen)
Regulus lives – except it turns out that living is the hardest part.
Dirty Is The Hand That Strikes The Pure (Sirius/Bellatrix | Explicit)
Sirius and Bellatrix are born promised to each other. A short tragedy in three acts.
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treeofliferpg · 1 year
Ideas de rol: Hechizos
Recordamos que el siguiente texto no ha sido redactado por el staff de ToL, solo lo hemos traducido para que pueda llegar a más personas. La autoría pertenece a @goodbyedearfriends. Su tumblr está desactivado, pero podéis leer el post original en nuestro tumblr bajo la etiqueta "idioma original".
ab intra - desde dentro
ab origine - de la fuente
absit iniuria - “que el insulto esté ausente”
absit invidia - “que la envidia esté ausente”
absit omen - “que el presagio esté ausente”
ab uno disce omnes - de uno, aprenden todos
abyssus abyssum invocat - el abismo llama al abismo
a capite ad calcem - de pies a cabeza
acta non verba - acciones, no palabras
ad altiora tendo - “Me esfuerzo por cosas más altas”
ad astra - a las estrellas
ad fontes - a las fuentes
ad meliora - hacia mejores cosas
ad oculos - a los ojos
ad undas - a las olas
ad victoriam - a la victoria
adsum - Estoy aquí
a fortiori - desde la fuerza/fortaleza
a mari usque ad mare - de mar a mar
audeamus - atrevamonos
audentes fortuna iuvat - la fortuna favorece a los valientes
audi, vide, tace - escuchar, ver, callar
beatae memoriae - una memoria bendita
bona fide - de buena fe
bono malum superate - vence al mal con el bien
capax infiniti - sosteniendo el infinito
carpe diem - aprovecha el día
carpe noctem - aprovecha la noche
cave - cuidado
ceteris paribus - todas las cosas son iguales
circa - alrededor
citius, altius, fortius - más rápido, más alto, más fuerte
clavis aurea - llave dorada
cogito ergo sum - Pienso, luego existo
compos mentis - en control de la mente
concilio et labore - con sabiduría y esfuerzo
concordia cum veritate - en armonía con la verdad
concordia salus - bienestar a través de la armonía
coniunctis viribus - con fuerza conectada
consummatum est - estar/está completo
corruptus in extremis - corrupto al extremo
crescit eundo - crece a medida que avanza
de novo - de/desde lo nuevo
de profundis - de/desde lo profundo/profundidades
dies irae - días de ira
dona nobis pacem - danos paz
ego te provoco - te desafío
esse est percipi - ser en lugar de parecer
esse quam videri - ser es ser percibido
esto quod es - ser lo que eres
ex animo - desde el alma
ex luna scientia - de la luna, conocimiento
ex scientia tridens - del conocimiento, poder
ex silentio - de/desde el silencio
ex undis - de/desde las olas del mar
experientia docet - la experiencia enseña
fac et spera - hazlo y espera
fac fortia et patere - haz un acto valiente y aguanta
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - haz lo que sea necesario
faciam ut mei memineris - Te haré recordar
facta, non verba - hechos no palabras
fortis et liber - fuerte y libre
fortis in arduis - fuerte en las dificultades
gloriosus et liber - glorioso y libre
hic abundant leones - aquí abundan los leones
hic et nunc - aquí y ahora
hic sunt dracones - aquí hay dragones
hinc illae lacrimae - por eso las lágrimas
hinc itur ad astra - desde aquí el camino conduce a las estrellas
igni ferroque - con fuego y hierro
in memoriam - en la memoria
in nocte consilium - el consejo llega de la noche a la mañana
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - las palabras escritas perduran
locus standi - derecho a estar en pie
luceo non uro - Brilla, no te quemes
luctor et emergo - lucho y emerjo
mare liberum - mar libre
memento vivere - recuerda vivir
more ferarum - como bestias
natura non contristatur - la naturaleza no se entristece
nec spe, nec metu - sin esperanza, sin miedo
noli me tangere - no me toques
ophidia in herba - una serpiente en la hierba
pro se - por uno mismo
propria manu - por la propia mano
quaere - buscar
quod abundat non obstat - lo que es abundante no obstaculiza
resurgam - me levantaré
semper ad meliora - siempre hacia cosas mejores
semper anticus - siempre adelante
semper apertus - siempre abierto
semper fortis - siempre valiente
semper liber - siempre libre
stet - dejaló descansar
tuebor - protegeré
vera causa - causa justa/verdadera
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latin-phrases-showdown · 10 months
Hic sunt dracones
"Here be dragons"
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The phrase was found on two twins globes from the early 16th century - the one of the left was made with 2 parts of an ostrish's egg. It was weighted so it couldn't roll and invert North and South-
Fantastical -and usually scary- creatures were depicted in 16th century maps to design unknow lands or dangerous places. See Olaus Magnus' carta marina below :
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In the middle ages, lions were the creatures used to mark such places, hence the phrase "hic sunt leones" (here be the lions), according to the Internet, but I have no formal proof of that.
You can read "hic abundant leones" (here lions are abundant) above the lion on this map, though :
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Stephen King wrote a short story called "Here There Be Tygers"
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thepapersnail · 2 months
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Frédéric Coché, from Hic sunt leones, 2007, oil on paper
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Banner in solidarity with Kurdish guerrillas displayed during football match in Italy
A banner reading "Biji Guerila" (Long Live the Guerrilla) was displayed during a football match of Hic Sunt Leones team in Bologna.
The day chosen by the activists was not random as the liberation of the city from Nazism is celebrated on 21 April. The sports center is in fact named after Mauro Pizzoli, nom de guerre "Pzulein", a partisan barbarously killed by the Nazis on 29 October 1944 at the age of 20. The day was also characterized by the cowardly attack of Turkish fascist forces in the Metina region with air forces and artillery.
From the activists statement:
"Times change but ideals don't. Just as fascism doesn't change. They wear different names and clothes but retain the same ideas of murder and destruction as always. 'Biji Gerila' is, therefore, not just a banner but a message of full sharing and absolute closeness to the Kurdish partisans."
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marcogiovenale · 2 months
iper: festival delle periferie, roma, 10-16 giugno 2024, al mattatoio
programma: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/iper-festival-024-hic-sunt-leo/828666505791709
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blacklinesw9 · 2 years
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(via Hic sunt leones! 2.0 Pet Mat by Blacklinesw9)
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hcartachesx · 1 year
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if you’re hearing RUNNER UP by BAILEY SPINN playing, you have to know KENDRA CRANE (SHE/HER; FEMALE) is near by! the 31 year old 911 OPERATOR has been in denver for, like, 1 YEAR. they’re known to be quite PESSIMISTIC, but being HARDWORKING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KAT GRAHAM. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those RAINBOW BOOKSHELVES, HALF DRAWN SKETCHES CRUMBLED IN THE TRASH, AND STAYING UP ALL NIGHT MAKING SOMETHING FOR OTHERS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the CHERRY CREEK long enough!
This is probably going to be really long I am sorry. There are some wanted connections at the bottom as well as on my page!
Basic Info
Full Name: Kendra Anne Crane
Nicknames: Ken, Kenny
Age: 31
Birthday: January 18th, 1992
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: 911 Operator
Schooling: Parsons School for Design
Hometown: New York City, New York
Ethnicity: Americo-Liberian, Ashkenazi Jewish
Languages Spoken: English, ASL, Hebrew, French
Gender: Cisfemale
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Living in: Cherry Creek District (Owen’s Crescent)
Family Info
Maternal Grandparents: Alan and Bertie Cohen lived in Denver most of their lives. Alan was a business owner and mayor for ten years before retiring while Bertie was a teacher. They left their home in Cherry Creek to their granddaughter Kendra.
Parents: Neil and Amelia Crane are well known Manhattanites who participate in many charitable functions within New York. Neil is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and Amelia is a former fashion editor and socialite, sitting on the board of many charity groups.
Siblings: Mitchell Crane, the oldest of the Crane children, is a Yale School of Law graduate and a district attorney, on his way to becoming a judge and beginning his political career. Alana Crane, the youngest of the Crane children, is a socialite and social media influencer, having a hand in everything from modeling, travel, and small acting parts.
Pets: Mushu (ball python), Magnus Bane (cat), Oz (pitbull), Rowan and Aelin (lovebirds), Pax (horse)
Physical Info
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green 
Height: 5’2”
Tattoos: ‘Love’ in Hebrew along her back below her shoulder blade, ‘Hic Sunt Leones’ on her left wrist
Piercings: Two in each lobe
Character Inspo: Monica Gellar (Friends), Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill), Jen Lindley (Dawson’s Creek), Feyre Archeron (ACOTAR), Grace Ryder (911: Lone Star), May Grant (911), Amanda Rollins (Law & Order SVU), Olive Smith (The Love Hypothesis)
Kendra was the middle child of the Crane family, an upper class family from old money and history. The Cranes have been in politics, the stock market, car manufacturing… You name it, someone from their family was probably involved in it. While her mother came from a more simple background, she was still pretty well off as well. She has an older brother, Mitchell, who is following in their grandfather’s footsteps and getting into politics, gunning for Congress eventually, while her younger sister is more of a free spirit. 
Kendra was always the middle child, the scapegoat of the family. She was either ignored or being blamed for her sister’s problems, like somehow she was the reason her sister got super drunk at a party Kendra didn’t even attend. Alana had a lot of medical issues when she was born and almost didn’t make it, so she could do no wrong in her parent’s eyes. She got everything she ever wanted and the slightest accomplishment was ten times better than anything Kendra worked hard for. Sure, Kendra got straight As and an award in science, but Alana got homecoming queen.
Needless to say, there was always a bit of a competition between the two. Alana got all the praise, love, and attention, but she couldn’t match Kendra’s brilliance and talent. Kendra was super smart and talented in art. She got into Parsons School of Design easily while Alana decided to put college off and travel the world and finding herself (note: ten years later and she’s still ‘finding herself’).
Despite not getting much attention from her parents, she had the support of friends, grandparents, and professors who saw her talent and encouraged it. After graduating from Parsons, she started her own line of wedding dresses and became a huge hit very quickly. Her parents weren’t that impressed but at least other people saw her potential. 
Kendra met Daniel Trent at a party, which she was attending to meet people who may fund her next collection. He was charming, sweet, and made her feel like the only girl in the room. He was a hedge fund manager, making a stupid amount of money for stuff she didn’t quite understand, but he was supportive of her own passions and job and it was a great love story. They dated for years before getting engaged. But things all crashed weeks before the wedding.
That was when she walked in on her fiance sleeping with her sister. Turns out, they had been sneaking around behind her back for two years of their four year relationship. He admitted that he was in love with Alana and wanted to end their engagement. 
This wasn’t exactly new to Kendra. Alana had a history of stealing her friends, crushes, and boyfriends before. But she had thought that Daniel wouldn’t do that to her, that he only wanted her. She had seen her sister try to flirt with him when she first introduced him to her family, but he had ignored her. Apparently not as much as she had thought.
She had enough of her sister and yelled at her, really telling her what she thought of her. And wouldn’t you know it, her parents took her sister’s side, saying that there was nothing they could do and they should just let the lovebirds be. And Kendra had enough. She blew up at her parents as well, telling them they always took Alana’s side and didn’t care about her. Even her older brother was taking their side. So that was the last straw of being ignored by her family. She left.
The one family member that had always been on her side was her Bubbe Bertie. Spending time in Denver with her mother’s mother was a time when she didn’t have to compete for attention, it was just given freely as well as love. And a few years ago when her bubbe died, she had left Kendra her house in Denver, Colorado. Her maternal grandparents Alan and Bertie Cohen had lived in Denver most of their lives and Alan was even the mayor for several years. She had always been happy at their house, so she decided to go and live in the inherited house. She hadn’t been to Denver much in the few years, but it was far away from her family and that is what was important. 
Kendra couldn’t stand her own job though. Designing wedding dresses was just breaking her already fractured heart even more. She had worked months on designing and making her own wedding dress for the wedding that didn’t happen. She had plenty of money so she didn’t have to work, but she needed something to do to get her mind off things. Back in high school, she had done a volunteer program at a mental health crisis hotline, which then led her to helping out at a 911 call center later on. She had enjoyed being able to help people and was good at it, even though it was stressful. So she decided to do that again. 
Kendra has been settled in Denver for 6 months now, trying to rebuild her life and forget about her heartbreak from both her fiance and her family. She is focusing on her job, her books, and her pets. 
She is very dedicated to her pets and puts in a lot of effort researching all they need before adopting them. She also extensively trains them when needed. Kendra is a huge fan of books and has a huge library in her new home. She also enjoys cooking, especially sweets, and crafts like crocheting, knitting, and the like.
Kendra is stubborn through and through. When she made up her mind to cut off her family, she refuses to change it. She can hold a grudge when she feels it is justified. She is hard working and dedicated to whatever she decides to do. She is loyal where no one has ever been loyal to her. She is intelligent and loves puzzles and anything that makes her think. She is a huge animal lover and will gladly donate her money to animals in need. She is the type to sacrifice herself for others. She is very artistic but hasn’t drawn or sewn anything since the breakup. She is more guarded with her heart, not trusting that people will stay with her.
Wanted Connections
Childhood friends: Kendra spent a lot of summers, winter holidays, and spring breaks in Denver, so maybe your muse and hers were friends during that time
First Kiss/Crush/BF: It would be so cute if during those times she was in Denver, she had a little crush or something and they would send each other letters and emails and everything until it kind of just fizzled into friendship because long distance is hard
Coworkers: If your muse would work within emergency services, maybe they would know each other! They could grab drinks together after particularly bad days
Fan: Kendra was pretty well known and popular in the bridal fashion world, so maybe your muse is a huge fan of hers and doesn’t get why she’s not doing it any more. Maybe they even encourage her to design again
Knew Her Grandparents: Kendra’s grandparents were very involved in the social scene in Denver, so perhaps your muse knew them or heard of them before!
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