#hidden Jedi!ben Solo
clqoo · 7 months
ok so what if I said I needed reylo Rapunzel au more than I need air and more than I need water
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
I'd Have Two Credits
The field was silent, and Mara Jade Skywalker was almost invisible.
She would have been completely invisible, hidden in the long grass, but her red hair was sort of a giveaway… still, it was close enough.
Then she shifted slightly, and fired her blaster rifle.
The skeet she was shooting only appeared after she’d pulled the trigger, and skeet and blaster bolt converged before vanishing in an explosion.
“Not bad,” Kyle said. “What does Luke think about this kind of thing, by the way?”
“Shouldn’t you have asked that before agreeing to help?” Mara replied, firing again. A second target flew across the range and exploded, and Mara smirked slightly.
She was sure her husband wouldn’t have a problem, not really. He’d grown up a farmboy using a blaster to protect himself, after all.
“Aunt Mara?”
“Safing the range,” Mara declared, flicking the safety onto her rifle.
“Confirmed,” Kyle agreed, from inside the bunker, and Mara rolled over onto her back.
“Hey there, Young Ben,” she added, smiling up at Ben Solo. “What brings you out here?”
The teenaged trainee Jedi looked serious.
“Aunt Mara, I’ve got a problem,” he said. “I… don’t know who to ask, but… can you help?”
Mara picked up her comlink.
“This sounds private, Kyle,” she said. “Sorry.”
“Copy that,” Kyle agreed. “I’ve got some training of my own to do, anyway.”
Mara flicked the switch off, and sat up.
“Okay,” she said. “What’s the problem?”
“I’ve got… suspicions,” Ben answered. “I feel like people are keeping something from me.”
“Yeah, probably,” Mara agreed.
Ben blinked.
“Huh?” he asked.
“You don’t know everything about my past,” she pointed out. “That’s because some of it is private. You don’t know everything about Kyle’s past, either. I don’t know if Kyle knows everything about his own father’s past… but what you’re actually saying is that you think people are keeping something important from you. Is that right?”
Ben nodded agreement.
“It’s something to do with me,” he said. “It’s when… Uncle Luke is talking about me. When my parents are talking about me.”
Mara frowned, thinking.
“I do know what it is,” she said. “And I also know why you haven’t been told yet, Ben… and it might have been a mistake, but here’s why you haven’t been told.”
She patted the grass next to her, and after a moment Ben sat.
They looked out together towards the skies of Ossus, and the Jedi Temple some kilometres away.
“It’s because they don’t want to put too much pressure on you,” she said. “There are some things which are too much strain to comfortably put on a child… and I say that as someone who had too much strain put on them as a child.”
“You turned out all right,” Ben muttered, almost accusingly.
“Eventually,” Mara conceded. “Eventually. But it took a long time, kid, and it’s an ongoing process too. I still wake up sweating in the night, because of the person I used to be… because of the weight that was put on me, by someone who wanted me to be a tool. Rather than to grow up as a child.”
“I still don’t think it’s fair,” Ben said. “I’m old enough to know.”
“Maybe you are,” Mara allowed. “But maybe you aren’t – and once you know something, you can’t unlearn it. Your family is keeping this from you, but it’s out of love… and Luke didn’t take it well when he learned something similar, and he was over twenty at that point. So it’s partly about making sure you learn in the right way.”
She shrugged. “But, hey. I’ll keep a close eye on you, and see if I come to a different opinion, okay? You are my favourite nephew.”
“I’m your only nephew,” Ben objected.
“Makes it an easy choice, doesn’t it?” Mara asked. “Doesn’t make it wrong, though.”
They sat in companionable silence for another minute or so, and an insect buzzed past with wings that droned deeply and resonantly.
“You’d never know there’d been a supernova blast hit this place thousands of years ago,” Mara said, then saw Ben’s expression.
“Aunt Mara,” the teen began, sounding like he wasn’t quite sure if he should ask. “What should I do if I hear… voices?”
“Voices how?” Mara asked.
“Talking to me,” Ben answered. “Suggesting things. Telling me things.”
“Well, in my experience, a voice in your head is usually Emperor Palpatine,” Mara told him. “Persistent bugger, too. Took five years after he died to finally get rid of that voice… but, fortunately for you, Ben, I’ve got experience in how to deal with that kind of voice.”
Ben didn’t say anything, but his expression looked relieved.
“If it’s about something horrible happening,” Mara began. “Like, an injury, or hurting yourself, you just think… yeah, that would suck. And then you keep going. If it’s telling you to do something, you think… do I actually want to do that? Will I still want it later?”
“And if it’s telling you something?” Ben checked.
“Then… best thing you can do is ask someone about if it’s true,” Mara replied. “But, you know, Ben… if a voice in your head tells you something that’s true, something you didn’t know, you know what that means?”
“...no?” Ben replied, frowning.
“It means you have every reason to think there’s an actual person, trying to manipulate you,” Mara said, her voice suddenly firm and her eyes very much like her maiden name. “And if it turns out that someone is trying to manipulate my nephew, I would very much like to know about it so I can ask them to stop. With a lightsaber.”
Ben was silent for about fifteen seconds.
“Is my grandfather Darth Vader?” he asked.
Mara promptly stood up.
“Right,” she said, and flicked the comlink on. “Kyle!”
There was a crash sound.
“What?” Kyle asked, sounding distracted. “I was getting the skeet shooter into position for testing my defence, and dropped it!”
“Never mind that now,” Mara replied. “Contact your friend Jan, we’ve got a force-user to track down and kill.”
“Right, right, on it,” Kyle replied.
That done, Mara crouched down again.
“Yes,” she said. “I wish you didn’t have to find out this way. Like I said, Luke didn’t take it well and he was over twenty at the time…”
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buffshipper8490 · 8 months
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Rating Mature
Chapter Summary
Rey, Poe, and Chewbacca face off against the Knights of Ren; Kylo reveals to Rey what he's discovered about their Force Bond...
Just across the way, the Knights of Ren stood, a wall of black armor, hate, and aggression staring her down. Even at the distance, she could feel the malevolence come off them in waves, a corruption so deep it felt like rot. Automatically, Rey reached for her saberstaff, hidden behind the folds of her sari. The outfit was impractical for this, but she’d make do. It dawned on her that this was why Jedi didn’t wear pretty things. She was going to end this, right here, right now. There was no way she was going to let herself be stalked across the galaxy by Kylo and his band of thugs. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you think you’re doing?” said Poe, stilling her hand before she had a chance to ignite the saberstaff. He took a pointed look around the crowded marketplace, children and other civilians all milling around in the line of fire. “Not here.” Too much collateral damage. Too many deaths. He was right. But that didn’t mean she had to be happy about it. An anger rose unbidden, an anger born of pure frustration. Just once, Rey wanted to do things on her own terms, consequences be damned. Just once, she wanted to finish things. But this wasn’t the way. It was never the way. She had to buy them some time, so she did the only thing she could think of. Kneeling and pressing her fist to the ground, she lashed out in the Force, a concussive blast that pushed back everything within range, sending tents and people including Poe and the Knights of Ren alike sprawling back in a rather impressive radius. Rey didn’t wait around to see if the Knights had been stopped, jumping off the small retaining wall and onto one of the razorsails below. Poe swam over to her in brisk, easy strokes as she unhooked the boat. “A little warning would have been nice!” he shouted as he climbed up the boat's ladder. “Get on!” Rey extended a hand, hauling him the rest of the way onto the deck with a smooth motion. “Do you even know how to sail?” demanded Poe, his clothes dripping steadily onto the deck, his dark curls clinging to his furrowed forehead. By way of answer, she summoned the Force, a phantom wind that filled the sail and sent them flying across the water at speeds that shouldn’t have been possible. "Heh," chuckled Poe, and he crossed the deck to do something with the sails that gave them an extra burst of speed. A blast then rocked the boat, water exploding all around them. They looked up as one, finding the jagged ship of the Knights of Ren hot on their tail— without the Knights of Ren inside. Kylo Ren was inside. It hovered mere meters above the water, the exhaust leaving a massive wake behind it as it continued to gain on them with each passing second. “Get to the bow cannon!” shouted Poe over the whine of the engines. “I’ll take the helm.” Rey did as he requested, leaving the driving to Poe as she quickly took aim with the weapon. Through the transparisteel viewport of the Knife Nine's cockpit she sensed Kylo at the helm. She could feel his rage, his frustration, his single-minded purpose of the chase, just like when he chased her in the Korilev debris field. She could also feel his conflict. He wasn't sure what to do with her if he were to catch her. His thoughts were an overwhelming, confused cacophony of violence, pain, and even sexual urges. There was small part of him that she recognized as Ben Solo, but that side of him was lost in the noise of Kylo’s conflicted mind. What Rey sensed for certain was an overwhelming desire— no, need— for her possession. She had to be his and his alone. Rey didn't belong to anyone. And she wouldn't give him the chance to make up his mind...
New fanfic link! Likes ❤️ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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kingdomhate · 9 months
Christmas With Them Scenarios! (Part One)
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Han Solo: It was your first Christmas together. Han was jittery and nervous, he's only ever had Christmas with his parents and that was when he was way younger. Especially when he would see you stringing up the different Christmas lights around the Falcon and tree. He did not want to mess this up. "Hey there, sweets. What're you up to now?" He inquires, snaking his arms securely around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. "Hey. I'm working on these ornaments now. What do you think the pattern should be?" You ask, one hand going to hold his over your waist. He shrugs. "Whatever you think fits, dollface." You nod, gazing at the tree for a few more seconds before moving, causing Han to unwrap his hands from your waist and retract his head. With an air of curiosity you grab two different colored ornaments and hold them side by side in each of your hands, trying to determine if they will go together. Shrugging you find them appealing, so you hook them onto the tree.
"What about the presents?" Luke chimes in, coming from behind Han. "I'm workin' on it!" Han frowns at him and you chuckle softly. "No worries, I've got a handful of presents already wrapped." Han jerks his head toward you. "Did you get me one already?" You nod. "Of course. Why?" Han's frown deepens into a scowl. "Nothing, nevermind. Be right back."
He runs out of the hallway you both were in and goes down into the little workshop Leia had established. "Leia." He calls for her. "Yeah?" She calls back, her voice nonchalant as she cleans her disassembled blaster. "I need your help. With this Christmas thing." "What about it?" She questions, not turning to him. "I don't know what to get Y\N. She's already got me something." At this, Leia turns, her eyebrow raised, sighing softly. "Look, just get Y\N something that's sentimental. Something that's a part of you. Knowing her, she'll love it." Han nods, thanking Leia and racing back into the Falcon and opening a hidden compartment, grabbing a little trinket he knows is perfect. (Well, as perfect as he can get.) Entering your shared room, he hastily wraps the present. The next day, on Christmas morning, Luke, Leia, you, Chewie and Han assemble by the tree, either sitting or standing. The bottom of the tree littered with shiny wrapping paper.
"Alright! Are we ready?" You announce, distributing the appropriate presents to the twins, Chewie and Han. Han gazes at the present, although wrapped, he knew you had poured your heart and soul into each and every one of these presents. Sitting next to Han, you see as he slips you the small, squared present and smile lovingly at him, your eyes gleaming with adoration and pure happiness. Nodding to the others, you all open your presents, Luke and Leia opening theres and smiling to each other happily, Chewie grumbling\grunting just as merrily as you open Han's present for you. You gasp softly, to see a wooden, factory\partially handmade bracelet of all of the planets Han has been to. You smile at him, unable to form words, leaning in and hugging him tightly. "You deserve it."
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Luke Skywalker: Still living with his aunt and uncle, he was still required to handle the harvest and take care of his Jedi duties with Ben, earning him no real breaks. However, with Christmas coming up, at dinner you announce the question you had been dying to ask of his aunt and uncle. "Do you guys think it would be bad if we all had Christmas together?" Aunt Beru takes a moment to think. "I don't see why not." You smile and nod, turning to Uncle Owen. He shrugs. "As long as Luke promises to work on the farm after." Luke nods affirmatively. "I promise."
"Then sure." More eager than ever, you finish dinner and hastily clean the dishes with precision and anticipation. You take Luke's landspeeder and scavenge the traders and ask as many people as you can if they have any parts that could be used to make multiple lights. With seemingly no hope, you ask one last person and to your surprise and relief, they had quite a few parts that you could use to make a few Christmas lights. After that, you worked diligently with Luke and Aunt Beru to create a string of lights that would fit a tree. Speaking of a tree, you had yet to get one. "I'll get it." Luke insists and you nod. "Okay, but be careful." He kisses your cheek. "Always." Before leaving to try and find a tree. In the meantime, you find (With Aunt Beru's help) a box of ornaments, mix and matched, but they would do.
Finally after a few hours Luke came back with a medium sized tree, giggling happily you go over to him, kissing him with both glee and impressiveness. Both Luke and Uncle Owen help plant the tree in a great spot inside the center of the house, quickly you string up the lights, turning them on and taking a break to eat some dinner for the night. "Do we have any ornaments?" Uncle Owen asks, gazing at Aunt Beru and then you. "Yeah, we found a box earlier." You confirm. He nods. After dinner and doing the dishes, you and Luke hook the ornaments onto the tree while Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru stand back, holding each other as they marvel at the sight of their nephew having his first Christmas with the love of his life.
Lastly, presents had to be wrapped and you were on it. You had found a custom present for Luke and a few for Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen, wrapping it in crisp paper and setting it under the tree, as you do this, Luke finishes a few for his aunt and uncle and for you. On the morning of Christmas, both you and Luke hurried to the tree and sat patiently waiting for Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen to awake. "Are you ready? Go ahead." Tells Aunt Beru. With eagerness like children, you both unwrap your presents, giving Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen their respective presents as you open the presents from each other. Opening the present you gave him, tears threatened to spill over his eyes. He was so happy. "Thank you so much, Y\N." He exclaimed, kissing you sweetly as you smile lovingly at him. "You're welcome."
As you open the present he gave you, your eyes twinkled, and you remain speechless for a few seconds. The present was a handmade ornament which was a painted version of R2-D2. You laugh quietly and turn to Luke, hugging him tightly. "It's perfect, so, so perfect."
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jzfrost · 6 months
My friends and I together made this huge Star Wars story that happens after the Sequel Trilogy. I’m compiling them into stories.
(Note: this was made before some of the new Star Wars canon content, so not all of it will follow canon as more awesome Star Wars series and movies come out, but we kept it probable with the canon at the time.)
What if the Jedi had a hidden Temple?
What if Ben Solo had siblings?
What if Luke Skywalker had children?
What if many of the Jedi had descendants, directed by the Force?
What if Star Wars Legends and Star Wars Canon came together?
What if the true peril to the galaxy was yet to come?
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ao3feed--kylux · 1 year
Saving the sun for tomorrow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dVImU1p
by Opera_Pink
Ben Solo has two kinds of dreams. The nightmares that rip him out of sleep with terrible feelings of prophecy and unchangeable future where he is less a Jedi in Luke's footsteps and more a force wielding monster hidden in layers of black, crushing bones and slicing through his enemies with a crackling blade of crimson fire.
Words: 136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Brendol Hux, Phasma (Star Wars), Snoke (Star Wars), Ahsoka Tano, Wedge Antilles, Rae Sloane
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Dreams and Nightmares, Prophetic Visions, Force Visions (Star Wars), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dVImU1p
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beasanfi1997 · 10 months
I have a theory about Miramar, the name that Omega might have use while ahe Is in disguised, that It the full name of Mira Bridger, the mother of Ezra and i Hope that Tala Durith might be her Older sister because they are look alike, same nose, same color of skin excepted the color of their eyes, because Mira had Purple eyes and Tala had Brown eyes, and i have theory about Haja Estree that he might be Ephraim Bridger's friend. After the Battle of Endor, Haja came with Ryder Azadi, Jai, Mrs Sumar, Zare and Dhara Leonis came on Naboo to convince Ezra to return on Lothal that the boy refuse because he want to meets Lux Bonteri, Petro, Katooni, Ganodi, Byph, Gungi, Zatt, Vaash Ti, Rako, Bobby, Bene, Riyo Chuchi, Korkie Kryze, Lagos, Amis, Soniee and Mas Amedda before he return on Lothal that the people celebrate his return and acclaimed him like a Hero.
Omega too might had meets Rae Sloane, that the Imperial woman that Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla meet her in New Dawn, or even Dosmit Raeh that Omega will name her daughter Rey, but a differents letter(I don't know that Basic would sound similar respect our earth language) After the Battle of Endor and One year before Ben Solo Born After the Battle of Jakku
I Hope that Omega was a friend for Ezra, After the Liberation of Lothal, because Ezra was a baby in Bad Batch and he didn't Remember her until 19 years later. I would like to see them in the heir of the Empire where Omega tried to convince Ezra to not worry about Ben before She will meets Dathan Palpatine.
Disney made a right choice to show us Ezra, Ben and Rey from 2014 to 2019.
I was fool because i was mistaken that Rey might be Ezra's child with Sabine Wren but i Remember that It was started when Obi-Wan meets Satine Kryze and before they will meets Ursa Wren before the events of Phantom Menace and It was started also where Obi-Wan Chase Jango Fett After he gets Clones, including Omega, Rex, Cody, Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Echo, Wolff and Wrecker on Kamino that It was the idea of Palpatine and Dooku until Mace Windu kills Jango on Geonosis and before Sabine Born during the Clone Wars and before Ezra Born on Empire Day and i realize that Clone Force 99 was the true responsable to made the origin of Ghost Crew starring with Kanan and Hera before they were hidden on Naboo, where Padme Amidala and Palpatine were Born. I was fool to not learned about those characters even Rebels and Force Awakens were connected. And because It bring all until Exegol, the new Kamino After Tarkin destroy Kamino in the end of Bad Batch season One.
Clone Wars season three predicted all because Anakin will Hide Ezra and Ahsoka on Naboo with clone force 99 and Martez Sisters, that Obi-Wan told at Anakin to save Ahsoka while they were on Mortis and even the Father see a vision, then Echo gets kidnapped by Separatists, and the he gets rescue by Bad Batch, After Anakin and Ahsoka meets Tarkin(that Anakin sees a vision from Mortis were Tarkin will Blow up Alderaan After we saw Padme use the speed bike during her Chase against the Bounty Hunters on Coruscant, that Luke and Leia will use the speed biker on Return of Jedi) and then Anakin and Ahsoka meets Chewbacca in the end of Clone Wars season three, that they will meets again on Empire strikes back. We also see Padme and Ahsoka that they help Satine to defense Mandalore, if Sabine might have Born between clone Wars season two or three, and even we see the future of Ahsoka and Lux Bonteri when Padme sees again Mina the mother of Lux.
Rebels season three too predicted all because we see Ezra meets Obi-Wan and he almost find out that Anakin Is the Chosen One from the Last Word of Darth Maul and then Bendu reveals at the audience that Thrawn will be killed by Ben in the Mandalorian after Ezra and Sabine saves the Rebellion with the help of the Mandalorians people, After they learn that Maul Is dead and even Thrawn was anger for It, and you realize that Ezra and Sabine will take care of Ben. I Wish that Tech and Qi'ra should have here in this season because Sabine mentioned them but without to Say their names while She fight against Arihnda Pryce meeting Wedge Antilles, that they will team up with Lando to destroy Death Star II.
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maybe-your-left · 2 years
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Young Jedi Benji baby and you, always sneaking off and hiding your relationship. There’s sexual tension every time you sneak away to smooch. Any hidden place, sneaking into each other’s rooms after dark. Just think - HEAVY PETTING.
Do with this information what you will👀
did i write this to set up for a commander-ren canonverse fic?
do i have time to add another fic to my agenda?
am i going to do it anyway?
enjoy :)
High Chosen
jedi Ben Solo x jedi Female Reader
kylo ren x female reader
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some music for the mood: https://youtu.be/pbyC8wYyoBs
There are moments. 
Moments, where everything is at peace. When you can sit down and breathe for the very first time, and clear every thought inside your brain. As it bounced around your skull, not punishing it for being there. 
Just acknowledging and moving along. 
Master Luke loves these moments. 
Sends you to different areas of the island, to soak up the sun, breathe in the sea air. Listen to a porg chirp at its family, where you can feel the universe become whole. 
There is no darkness, no voices, no threats or danger, there is only you. 
He tells you about it every morning when you rise with the sun and join on the morning hike. Bracing yourself against the harsh elements of the world around you, unable to ask for help. Jedis are not supposed to need it-no attachments-be free from the bonds of humanity. 
But when you sit, on your slab of rock, smoothed from months of perching upon it. You don’t feel the connection with nature or hear the songs of birds or the cries of people who need your help. 
You see a single image, a bright light. The sun, eclipsed by a shadow, standing tall, carved out by ages before it. Knowing of the heritage on its broad shoulders, every day it gets closer and closer until you can see its fingertips almost touch… 
“That’ll be all for today, young padawans,” Master luke’s voice breaks the connection, sending a sharp pain to throb at the base of your skull. Only soothed by the touch of another-forbidden. 
You slowly stand, brushing off the dust that accumulated while you were meditating. Seeing the others groaning, a few laughing how their backs hurt from sitting so straight. 
Years ago, you would’ve agreed, the rigidness of the body has to be as dedicated as the mind. When you aren’t committed, nothing will change. 
But that was before. 
Before him. 
“Join me.” 
—— 3 years ago ——- 
You squealed from the shores, ripping off your outer layers so you could run into the ocean. Giggling as the winds whipped your hair away from your face, freezing from head to toe as you stepped into the sharp sea. 
There was nothing like it, every Sunday you would run down the edge of the island. Almost falling on your face down the cliff, plummet to your doom. But you’d catch yourself, on something each time. Brought to you by your noble friend, caretaker, Ben. 
He had explained to you a thousand times before how you should be careful. Not run away from the group, even if it was the jedis rest day, you had to wake up!
You squealed from the waves, arms flailing in the salty air at the beach where Ben stood. Arms crossed and a scowl on his face, there were days where it would fade. 
Maybe even a dimple of a smile would appear, watching the waves crash over you before rushing to the shoreline. Desperate to catch your breath before staring at the sun rising, “Brisk today, isn’t it?” 
And Ben would always nod, and say, “Just like before.” 
But this morning he changed the routine, stripping on the beach, down to his tunic, you stared with wide eyes as the wraps on his forearms were bared to you and all the gods above. 
You’d never seen him without layers of beige you all were forced to wear, unable to see the pale flesh that lived beneath. Littered with constellations of freckles and moles, you stood solid against the current whipping around your shoulders. 
Feeling the force thrum through the air as he approached. Ben's jaw was clenched tight, glaring at the sky as you would usually. 
“Why do you do this!?” 
You stared at his throat bob as he hissed out pained breath after breath, no longer feeling the chill nip of the wintery waves but a warmth in your cheeks. 
Spreading down your chest, and deep into your soul. 
Your voice was small, barely a whisper over the ocean who demanded to be heard. 
“It reminds me that I’m alive.“ 
Every week, Ben joins you in the waves. 
Shows you new tricks, recently he’s been throwing balls of water at the back of your head. When you whine about not wanting to get your face wet, the showers were sparse and the ocean wasn’t as cleansing as one would imagine. 
You were hiding behind a large boulder, waiting in the waves for Ben to rush out and find you. Mind focused on creating a wave to finally knock him over so you could win your little game, be on top for once! 
Ben was silent, slowly moving. You could practically see it, the water lapping across his abdomen. Turning red from the piercing cold of the waves-but he never shivered. Or complained after the first time, so neither did you, instead engulfed by his presence. 
You scrunched into yourself more, seeing his hand reach out past the boulder. 
Reaching towards the dark gray abyss of clouds that Master Luke had warned was coming. To hide in your huts until it was safe, there was no changing mother nature's course. 
You watch carefully, feeling the force flow through his legs. Grounded at the bottom and up towards his finger tips. Crackling with life, how you wished you were as strong as him. 
But no one would surpass Ben-he was born to be great. 
You wanted to reach out, maybe feel some of the power he exuded when suddenly the sky cracked. Ben's hand shot towards you in a rush of rain and waves over taking your feeble form. 
You were sure you blacked out, only seeing the same image over and over again. 
A cold layer of snow, blanketing something dark and red, gasping in sharp breaths while the liquid stained whoever’s soul was laid to waste there… 
“We have to hurry,” Ben's voice cut through your fogged psyche. He fumbled with your clothes, trying and failing to wrap you in your lavender robes before giving up and hauling you in his arms. 
You stared out at the sea, watching the swirling vortex of rain contort into a face. Riddled with scars and screaming for whoever could hear. 
And the sharp pain was back, as Ben kicked through the small door of your hut. 
Laying you down on your cot, you finally focused on him. His face scrunched in fear, scared, blinking wildly while he tried to brush the bits of sand and sea that stuck. 
You tried to speak, overcome with the emotion of seeing him. Needing him-after so long of being friends you felt something different. That you couldn’t ever be without, and you lunged. 
Wet hands clasping onto his shivering jaw, succumbing to the most human of urges as your lips met. 
Ben froze. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to see him reject you, claiming that the jedi are not allowed this mortal feeling. They are above it-you couldn’t let it sway you to the darkness inside. 
But instead of the lecture you were sure to hear, he melted. 
A soft moan slipping through his lips as they pressed hungrily to your own. You pushed your fingers through his sandy hair, creating two knots to grab onto while your tongues licked for entrance. 
He tasted divine, like pure sin and absolution mixed into one. You felt truly at peace, scratching your nails against his scalp until he collapsed on top of you. 
Two bodies shivering from the cold, Ben leaned on his forearm, looking into your eyes for a brief moment before kissing you once again. 
You pressed your chest into his, nipples tightening through the damp fabric that separates you. His muscles tightening under the light scrape, you gasped into his mouth, “Oh, please.” 
The words barely tumbled out before you realized, a whine falling as he pulled away. Hands clasped to his own face as he stared into the lamp by your bedside. 
You watched him pace the room, talking to himself in low tones. Almost wrestling with a demon, you could feel the air charge around you, as deadly as the storm outside as it raged on inside you both. You rushed to him, without thinking you grabbed his arms. 
“It’s okay! Ben,” you gasped before you were zapped with a sharp pain. Cowering against the sidewall of your hut, cradling your hands to your chest. 
Ben blinked for a moment, both of you registering what he had done. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, shaking his hands to rid them of the poison that flowed, you watched him re approach your bedside. Leaned on his palms, “I didn’t-I didn’t mean to. It's just-we aren’t supposed to.” 
“I know,” you squeaked, trembling as you watched his pointer finger move to touch the tips of your shaking feet. The sharp pain lighter now, like a soft ember glowing in a fire. 
You looked down together, seeing his large palm engulf your ankle. Tugging you from the dark corner and flat on your back, Ben swallowed, “I should go, I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Leaving you, with only a chaste kiss on the lips that tingle throughout the storm. 
You thought about that moment over and over, turning it in your mind while you tried to sleep. 
Days went by, and no change in your routine, it was like it never happened to him. Still brooding and silent during your hikes across the mountains, through the dark waves of the island. In meditation sessions, you watched him floating above everyone else, unable to take your eyes off his scrunched face. 
But something was different, you could feel it. 
A string tied the two of you together, from the place where your chests had lightly touched, you caressed your sternum at night. Under the dim glow of the fire, you pressed into the contusion of skin and bone and took a deep breath. 
Seeing it again, that scene in the forest. 
Snowflakes cascading down, hitting your frostbitten face. You hummed as you felt it melt on your skin, blinking awake to the sight of a body laying on the ground. Shivering, hulking, a mass of muscle shrouded by darkness. 
A trail led your footsteps towards the beast, breathing rasping against the fallen snow. 
You reached out, feeling the force flow through the bond. Eternally tethered now to this thing. 
Your voice whispered the word, rolled it along your tongue. Oh-yes, it tasted decadent, just like Ben's fleeting kisses. You licked your lips, moaning a little as you approached the being once more, the pain in your chest rising and rising until you were in front of it. 
You could almost see its face… 
“What are you doing?” 
Ben's words ripped you from your vision, shooting off your cot gasping for air. Like you were pulled from the dark waters at the shores of your hut. You clutched your chest, trying to keep your modesty, you’d been laying in the nude. 
Caressing your chest by yourself wasn’t something he needed to witness, draping your tunic from your waist over your heaving breasts. 
He moved into the dim light, the door to your hut closed behind him. Shrugging as he sat down on your cot, creaking under his weight, “What were you doing? I could hear you mumbling something?” 
Confusion painted your brow, how could he have heard you? His hut was the farthest away from yours, unless he was… “Were you spying on me, Ben?” 
His cheeks flushed, jackpot. 
“You were!” 
You squealed, leaning into his side playfully to jostle him from another mood. 
“I wasn’t-I just heard you and it seemed like you were in pain.” 
“I’m okay,” you whispered, rubbing the spot on your chest that soothed with his touch. You nuzzled your cheek into his rough shoulder. Fabric scraping only a little, it felt good to touch him again. 
Ben's cheek fell to the top of your head, a heavy sigh followed before he placed a tentative hand on your back. Bareskin under his thumb, slipping it a few times under the top hem, so soft and smooth. 
“I’m worried about us.” 
You stiffened, mind beginning to race, “Did you-you didn’t tell Luke about our…kiss?” 
His exhale took much too long, you shifted. Ready to hear his lecture, or for your mentor to burst through the door and rip you away from Ben. To never see the man next to you again, you weren’t worthy… not of a jedi or even be a jedi yourself. 
What if you were taken away? Would the pain worsen? Would the bond sever? Would you never feel this way again, only to be in deep pain through the end of days? 
“I feel it too,” Ben whispered, slipping his hand to one of your own. Unclutching it from your dressing, he brought it to his chest, “Right here.” Tapping against the sternum with your fingers folded together between his own. 
“What does it mean?” 
He kept your fingers between his own, letting the hands sag like his shoulders. You studied his profile, blinking slowly while he stared off at the powdery ground of your hut. Your swallow loud enough for your collective ears to pop, you were about to speak when his voice caught you off guard. 
“It can’t be good.” 
It was like he was speaking to himself, shaking his head before looking back at your face. You blinked with him, eyes snapping towards his rosy lips, and suddenly he was on top of you. Pressing your mouths together in a  desperate passion that caught you off guard, arms slung around his neck while his tongue quested inside you. 
Tangling in a duel, you moaned into him. Relaxing under the pressure as more of him joined your limbs on the cot, pressing your bodies together. Ben's hands came to rest on your cheeks, moving down to wrap dangerously around your throat. 
Snapping tight around the column, you felt the shaking and sweating from his palms mixing with your slickening skin. Tight-you gasped for breath, kiss bitten lips stringing together with some saliva that snapped onto your chins. You glanced down, your tunic pulled enough to expose your naked skin. 
Stiff peaks rubbing against the stringy fabric of his own, Ben looked down. Keeping his hands around your throat, he cleared his, “Oh.” 
“Ben,” you whispered, hands coming up to paw at his shoulders. 
Unknown if they were to help him get off you, fix the mistake of your nudity, or to disrobe him. 
Ben quickly sat up on his knees, thighs between your spread ones. Hands like lightning towards the sash across his chest, it shrugged forward as he divested himself. Throwing it off to the dusty floor in a poof of air. Naked skin, you'd seen it before at the shoreline, but it was so different… 
Your brow furrowed, reaching out to touch the largest, “Ben, where-how did you get these?” 
“It doesn’t matter.” 
His hands landed on your shoulders, thumbs rubbing the skin once, twice, three times before moving to join at your sternum. 
Pressing at the center, “I feel you, right here.” 
You nodded, sliding your palms up the length of his arms until you mirrored his movements. Tapping the bone under your fingertips, “It usually aches.” 
“But does it now?” 
A deep breath. 
“Never when I’m with you.” 
Ben smirked a little, barely a movement of his lips before he moved his palms to touch the bounty of your body. Holding your breasts delicately, rolling them under his hand. You sighed in pleasure, you’d touched yourself like this in the past, just to know what it would feel like if the moment ever came. To feel the flesh bounce under another's touch-electric. 
His thumbs came down over the stiff budding of your nipples, pinching softly. 
Ben nodded, “Do you like that?” 
You mirrored his nod, letting your hands fall away from his shoulders and bounce on the bedding around your head. Lifting your chest into his touch while he pet and pinched every inch of your flesh exposed to him until he made his way to where your sheet was wrapped around your hips. 
Wiggling his fingertips between the fabric and your bareskin, you glanced towards one another. The question floating around between the both, you felt a strong pull emanate from the center of your chest. Beating harder and harder as he tugged on the fabric until it came loose from your cocoon. “Ben,” you were breathless, watching him as the ache increased. “Ben, we shouldn’t-”
“Doesn’t it hurt?” he asked without looking at you, just pulling the fabric from your center that was opening for his hungry eyes, “We could make each other feel better, like this.” 
Your head pounded with the millions of reasons as to why it was a bad idea, forbidden for you to have such a relationship. But your heart, it was beating for every touch he was giving you. Ache soothed by the balmy touch of his palms against your sensitive inner thighs. 
Angled for him to touch and play with, you gasped as his fingers found your center. Playing with the skin of your outer lips, his own opened in awe of your form. Your eyes rolled back as he touched more, rubbing his thumbs up and down on the skin as it grew slick and dewy from your core, hot to the touch. 
You gasped as his hot breath hit you, snapping down to see his face inches away. Eyes wide and bouncing around his skull while he leaned in, moaning as his hot tongue flicked out for the first taste. 
The noise that fell out of your was foreign, not a cry or a sob. But a squeak as he repeated it again and again, Ben buried his nose against your mound, blissfully taking in your essence as more dripped out from your candy center. 
Soon you were riding his face, chasing your release as he ground down. Hands roaming your body before him, squeezing and smacking at your breasts in his hold. Grasping at his silky hair between your legs while your thighs shook from the pure pleasure he was rocking you towards. 
“Be quiet,” he mumbled into your skin, kissing your innermost thigh with slippery lips, “We can’t be found.” 
“No,” you agreed, eyes squeezed shut as you urged him with your hips to continue. You were so close to something big, cresting over the edge of the hill you tried to climb every day with no one by your side. But Ben was taking you there, hand in hand, with his flickering tongue dancing between your folds and smacking inside your entrance. 
Fluttering inside you, scooping out the wetness that smeared across his chin. Oh, you cooed just as the snap in your chest seemed to break. The damp between your legs grew as your legs shook again and Ben's hand smacked around your mouth right as you were to let out a blood curdling scream into the dim light of your hut. 
Panting against his skin, you watched as he released your core, wiping his mouth against your sheet before pulling away from you. Standing in the center of your room, hands on his hips and chest breathing in deeply. 
You laid against your pillow, studying his face flash through a range of emotions before closing his eyes and exhaling through his nose. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“Ben,” you reached out towards him, hand trembling as your chest began to ache more and more the further away he stepped. “Its fine-” 
“You’re making me feel things that I know I’m not supposed to.” 
You stopped, leaning back with your hands in your lap while his eyes met yours. Different, they were different now. Rimmed with tints of gold rather than the usual blackness you could drown in, bright. 
“I have to go.” 
The sky is on fire. 
Everything around you billows with smoke and ash, falling on your untainted shoulders as you run from the temple. 
Screams ringing in your ears, loud enough for you to know you’ll never live another day without remembering the pained cries. You stood in the center of the temple square, or what was left of it as the alarms rang around you. 
Staring at the flames that licked every corner of it, your friends were all trapped inside. You couldn’t get to them, forced to watch everything you’d help build burn to the ground before your very eyes. 
Your chest ached, oh, it ached as you stumbled over pieces of rubble towards the hills in the distance. You needed to get out of there, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. Not until you knew, knew that he was safe. 
Ben had to be safe-he had to be. 
Tears streamed your cheeks as you thought of the immense pain never going away, tethering you and him together. Only to be soothed by the other touch-you had to find him. 
Your bare feet stung as you climbed over a fallen pillar, charred from whatever caused the mayhem to ensue. The staircase towards the heart of the temple littered with bodies that you didn’t know were dead or alive, you didn’t stop to check as the smoke became thicker and thicker. 
Coating your throat like his hands had before. 
“Ben!” you screamed out, met with nothing but the sound of the wind whipping through the skies, the sea raging on behind you. 
“Ben! Ben-please!” 
You scrambled up the stairs, running now, determined to find him. Throwing rocks and other debris out of the way with the force and your bare hands, every blank stare met with the cold realization that it wasn’t him. 
Where could he be? 
You looked around as you made it to the center, flames all around the hall while you coughed and choked on your very last breaths. 
This was it, you’d never see him again. 
Your eyes grew tired, blinking slowly as the poison made its way into your lungs. A sound echoing around your skull as you took in the last image of your temple, footsteps approached you. 
A figure, shrouded in black, darkness coming to meet you firsthand. Devoid of all light as you scanned up the body, until it stopped at their face. 
Half covered by an unknown shadow, a gloved hand reached out for you to take. 
“Join me, please.”
And as the words rolled off their tongue, you recognized the face of your dear friend. 
we love villain origin stories
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burnwater13 · 2 years
Grogu goes to Coruscant
Grogu had never thought that he would return to Coruscant. It had been so long since he’d left the Jedi Temple and then left the planet that was more mech than living thing. But here he was. Walking along the streets with his found family. His mom had taken the twins to meet with the other members of the Brethren who were working on rehabilitating the strange world, but his dad, Din Djarin, and his friend, Ben Solo, were with him. 
The place looked both familiar and foreign. Like a dream that changes into a nightmare. Shadows lengthen and the skies get darker, and the sounds are no long innocent, but ominous. Yet, his mom had been there many times and his dad had been there as well, since the Empire had fallen. 
This was Ben’s first time visiting what had been the primary home of the Jedi order for so many years. His grandfather Anakin had lived and trained here, along side the other Jedi Masters, now long gone. Master Obi-Wan, Master Windu, Master Drallig, Master Yaddle, and of course Grand Master Yoda.
Grogu worried about bringing Ben here. His grandfather had been one of the people who had created so much loss and pain on this world and for the people that the Empire spawned here had suppressed, tormented, and destroyed. Ben was very sensitive to the Force, very open to it. Grogu could feel the residual affects of the Sith everywhere, even after this much time had passed. How would Ben handle it?
“Ben, feeling okay?” Grogu asked his tall friend as they approached what had been the main entry to the old temple.
“I am doing fine, Big Bro. I understand. It’s weird. I can feel so many things, but I know I didn’t cause this. I know you didn’t either. We’re good. If that changes I’ll let you know. I understand why T didn’t come with us, though. She knew many of these people. I can feel that.” Ben replied to Grogu. 
“Yes, Ta’lan said she came here more than once as Mira. But the Brethren deal with these challenges differently from the Jedi. Luke needed Grogu’s assistance in dealing with something here and Ta’lan said she could not help with it.”
Din explained. Grogu knew that Ta’lan and his dad had reconciled during a mission to Coruscant to save Luke from some problem. She hadn’t told him about other missions there, but then Mira was a spy and she couldn’t blab about it. 
“Seb could have helped.” Ben commented. 
“Busy. Still Mand’alor.” Grogu laughed. “Mandos need him more.”
He really meant that. Seb was a good Mand’alor. The planet was being repaired and the clans were working together to accomplish that. All Mandalorians were being treated as equals. There were no duchesses or counts, or anything like that. The warrior class was in charge, although warriors still existed. But they helped with logistics and aid because they were well trained for that work.
“True. What did Luke say he needed? My dad didn’t say anything to me before I set off to meet you here.” Ben asked.
“Luke fix Life Tree.” Grogu reported to his companions. He’d wondered why his Mom didn’t want to help them with this project, but he knew that she had her reasons. 
“Really? And T passed that up? That doesn’t sound like her.” Ben commented. 
“She must have thought that between the three of you, the Tree would in good hands. Plus, one of the last times we were here, she stabbed the tree to excise a Sith entity from it and rescue Luke. The tree might not appreciate her touch at this point.” Din replied to the two younger men. 
Grogu grumbled at his dad’s comment. His parents had never fully explained what happened during that visit and neither did Luke. Grogu had always suspected that it was a bit more involved than traveling into a hidden chamber within the roots of the tree and extracting Luke. But his mother and father said knowing more wouldn’t help anyone understand it better. He knew that was code for it was personal. 
“Mom trusts us.” Grogu stated with certainty. His mom did trust them. Plus, he knew her well enough to know that if she thought he or any of them was going to get into trouble they couldn’t handle she would be there rescuing them no matter what. T’ad and Solus wouldn’t keep her from doing that.
They were at the main entry hall and Grogu had to admit that they must cut an interesting figure. A Mandalorian in full armor, a tallish human wearing robes that were very Jedi like, but all in forest green, and himself, in his robes of deep purple, lined in beskar fabric, his lightsaber at his hip. 
He’d had a growth spurt the prior year, but he was still barely past Din’s knee in height. Ben was already as tall as Din and hadn’t stopped growing yet. Grogu kind of envied him that, but then they weren’t the same people and didn’t need to be the same height according to his ba’buir Seb. Seb was correct. They weren’t the same and that made their friendship stronger. If anyone was going to be able to help him and Luke, Ben was an excellent choice.
They were barely a meter into the main hall when Luke joined them, bowing to Din and then hugging both Ben and Grogu. 
“I can’t thank you enough for coming here on such short notice. When I found out you were on Coruscant I realized that the Force had brought us together for a reason.” Luke explained.
“It does have good timing.” Din laughed, “We were planning on leaving tomorrow. Seb wants us to join him on Mandalore for the annual report on progress. I think he’s just been missing Grogu and the Twins.”
“Jedi are connected.” Grogu pointed out to his dad. Even if Seb was no longer an active member of the New Jedi, he still cared about the Jedi.
“That’s very true, Grogu. We are all connected. Ben, I didn’t expect to see you here. How are your studies progressing?” Luke turned to his nephew. 
“They are going well. T and Kish say I will be ready for my trials next year. I’m looking forward to that. I’ve been wanting to see if I can make some headway on Jakku.” Ben replied, smiling. 
Grogu was very glad that Ben had found the path of the Brethren to his liking. He felt a deep need to fix things that the Empire had destroyed and there was no denying that Jakku was one of those things.
“Well, that’s very good news. I trust your mother and Han are happy about that.” Luke commented, as he waved for them all to follow him. 
“I think they are. Dad definitely is. He likes the idea of me building things. Mom is just happy that I’m not running away any more.” Ben laughed as he followed his uncle.
“Life tree?” Grogu hopped up to his dad’s shoulder so he could talk to Luke better.
“Yes. We are here to see if we can save it. I have been given access to the old arboretum space and the support rooms. I’ve looked at any records I could find, but I am still not sure why it is failing. I thought Mira might join us and help with that.” Luke murmured to Din and Grogu.
Grogu fought back a laugh. Ta’lan had explained to Luke more than once that her real name was Ta’lan Bet and that Mira Ost was just a persona she created to atone for a breach she had committed as a member of the Brethren. Luke just kept calling her Mira. Maybe one day he would learn.
“Uncle, Ta’lan is busy with the twins. We are here to help you.” Ben commented before Grogu could get a word in. Sometimes the teenager did things like that and Grogu would just sigh a little. Ben still had to learn patience… much like Grogu’s mom.
“True, Luke. Mom busy with Brethren.” Grogu explained.
“I see. Very well. Follow me.” Luke seemed a little annoyed, but then he had a hard time dealing with a nephew who was taller than him and a former padawan who was older than him. 
After a ten minute walk they reached the old arboretum and seeing in such poor condition made Grogu sad. He’d liked going into the huge vaulted space and helping the various masters and Jedi manage the planets, including the Sarad Lillies that Master Selene had taught him to care for. He’d learned that they were a Mandalorian plant and were Force sensitive and could be used to heal people and detect Sith. 
They all walked over to the huge ‘Life Tree’ and saw that it was not looking healthy. He hopped off his dad’s shoulder and began to examine the huge and ancient tree. 
“Ben!” Grogu called and smiled as his friend came running over to him. Ben was still all arms and legs and looked more like a rancor when he was running than a young human. It always made Grogu smile. 
“Touch lightly. Like Mom.” Grogu directed him. 
“Yes, Master Grogu.” Ben spoke in a serious tone but Grogu could sense that he was teasing him. 
He watched as Ben approached the tree and began to breathe slowly and very regularly. Then he leaned forward and touched the bark of the tree’s trunk with just his finger tips. Then he sucked in a deep breath. 
“Wow. That’s different. What do you think Big Bro? Can we save it?” Ben asked Grogu.
That was the question. Grogu wished his old masters were around. They would be able to help him, but they were sadly long gone. 
“Check supplies. Nutrients.” Grogu replied and then trotted over to the back rooms with his friend Jedi Tam had kept all of her supplies.
“What’s wrong with it Ben?” Grogu heard Luke ask him.
Grogu knew when he entered the room. The tree was Force sensitive and no Force adepts or workers lived or worked in this building since the Empire collapsed. It was no longer getting the support and access to the Force it had once enjoyed. So it needed other sources of nutrients to help keep it healthy. 
“It’s hungry. For nutrients.” Ben replied and then followed after Grogu. 
Grogu had found what he was looking for and was glad that he had. He went to lift it with the Force when he heard a voice speak to him.
“Others can the work, help with.” 
Grogu wondered briefly if Ben was playing a trick on him. 
“I’m small, not helpless.” Grogu returned somewhat brusquely, not caring for Ben’s joke.
“A youngling when I saw you last, a master now I see.” 
Uh, oh. 
Grogu turned slowly and saw Master Yoda, floating on his special chair, smiling at him. He had glowing blueish outline and Grogu realized that he was talking to Master Yoda’s Force ‘ghost’. Not really a ‘ghost’ but not a living being either. 
“Matters not what form I take. He he he.” The ancient Jedi laughed at his own joke. 
Grogu shook his head.  It had been a very long time since he had seen Yoda. So much had happened. What should he tell him? 
“Save tree. Good for Coruscant.” Grogu choose his words carefully. 
“Yes. Yes. Good. Saved Ben. Better for Coruscant.” Yoda replied. 
“Ben good. Brethren. Not Jedi. Different path.” Grogu replied. 
“Did not otherwise say. Where is Luke?” Yoda asked, looking around the room.
“He’s out by the tree talking to your dad, Grogu.” Ben answered as he passed right through Yoda’s projection. 
“Yoda asked. I knew that.” Grogu commented as he pointed the Force ‘ghost’ out to Ben. 
Ben stood there a minute and then grinned. 
“My grandfather told me to say ‘hello there’ to you, should we ever meet. Hello there.” Ben chuckled as he looked at the diminutive Jedi who Grogu bore a clear resemblance to. 
“Hello there? Hello where? The boy was always too lighthearted.” Yoda spoke, his annoyance clear. 
“He wished to be lighthearted. His is happy that I can be light hearted. Would you like me to get Luke?” Ben replied as he pulled down a bag of the nutrients that Grogu had pointed out to him. 
“Yes. Luke here bring.” Yoda commanded, as Grogu grinned at his tall friend. 
He was glad that Ben was balanced in the Force and did not find Yoda’s words too harsh. He now recalled that the Grand Master of the Jedi was far less patient than his friends and family among the Brethren. 
“Questions have you?” Yoda demanded of Grogu as Ben left the room with the bag of nutrients.
“No. Good. You?” Grogu asked politely. He knew this was a big deal, but somehow, after working with the Brethren and having access to so many, many, holocrons, he wasn’t as overwhelmed as he thought he might be.
“Questions for you have I?” Yoda asked, incredulously.
“Master Yoda! Ben said you were here!” Luke was at the doorway now. 
“Reported accurately did he. Talk we must.” Yoda seemed to turn and face Luke, although Grogu could still ‘see’ him just fine. He wondered if that was the effect of working with the Brethren. He’d have to ask his mom about that.
He used the Force to collect another bag of nutrients and brought them out to the tree, leaving Luke to talk with Yoda. He explained to Ben what needed to be done and let his friend take a larger hand in completing the task. Instead he walked over to his dad and hugged his leg.
“Hey buddy, thanks, but what’s the hug for?” Din asked reaching down and offering to pick Grogu up. Grogu stepped into his arms and allowed himself to be lifted.
“Love you, Dad.” Grogu replied, tapping his head gently against the Mandalorian’s helmet. 
“I love you too, Son. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Keeping you as dad. Don’t need more of them. You are enough.” Grogu replied thinking of all the times he had wondered who his father really was, only to realize, when he saw Master Yoda again, that he’d always known that Din Djarin was the only father he would ever need. 
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Rey VS Ren - A Lookback
Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo AKA Kylo Ren had connected character arcs and a shared story between them that was indisputedly the strongest element carried across all three films of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. They were also quite deliberately set up as parallels to the previous Skywalker Saga protagonists, Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke Skywalker, who’d famously come to blows back in the original trilogy. Ben was like Anakin - a child of the Light Side who had great expectations of him and what he could do for the Order of the Jedi since childhood but who was corrupted and turned to the Dark Side instead -, and Rey was like Luke - a young adventurous soul who grew up on a desert planet not knowing they carried on in them the blood lineage of a Sith Lord and was an adept learner of the ways of the Jedi and the Force all while fearing the temptation to turn to the Dark Side -, and it was almost as though the Force that once flowed within the Skywalker father and son had passed itself on into these two who were now destined to finish what they had started.
And when I look back at Rey and Ren’s adversarial relationship compared to Luke and Vader’s, I develop a deeper appreciation for how it was handled. In the OT, Vader was consistently stronger in the Force and a better combatant with a lightsaber than Luke (and would’ve finished him in a space vessel chase had Han not come in to make the save!) up until their final battle, where when Luke does manage to beat his father down and disarm him, it’s not a triumphant moment because Luke is in a rage that’s pushing him closer to the Dark Side. But with Rey VS Ren, there’s more of a balance. While Ren is actually more the underdog here due to his pull to the Dark Side not coming quite so natural to him (contrasted with Rey, who’s pull to the Force and prodigious mastery of Force-based abilities comes all too natural for her given where she comes from), he and Rey manage to go tit-for-tat with each other throughout the trilogy.
ROUND 1 - On Takodana
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Win goes to: Ren. This was all too easy - Ren had a lightsaber while Rey was armed with only a blaster and a Droid. Using the force to put her in a body-bind, Kylo Ren is able to capture her and take her off planet to deliver her to Starkiller Base, right where he wanted her.
ROUND 2 - Interrogation Room
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Win goes to: It’s a tie! (But with an edge for Rey) While Ren is able to use the Force to get into Rey’s head to probe her in order to extract from her any secret information she might know, Rey surprises him by hacking right into his head and exposing his hidden vulnerability, forcing him out and preventing him from getting the information about the map to Luke’s location he’d desired to have. Even Rey is unsure how she was able to do that, and Ren leaves the scene bewildered over that brief but strong connection of their minds.
ROUND 3 - Ilum Forest
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Win goes to: Rey. Admittedly, a very narrow win for her. While Kylo Ren was not at his best due to an injury from Chewie’s blaster and internal turmoil over having murdered his father, Ren not at his best is still more than enough to dominate a lightsaber duel against the inexperienced Rey. But Ren makes two mistakes - opens his mouth and gives Rey the idea to let the Force guide her movements, and pushes her into a fury that knocks him down and leaves him scarred. Like her grandfather, wrath and hatred gives Rey extra strength.
ROUND 4 - Tug-of-war aboard the Supremacy
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Win goes to: It’s a tie! Simply put, they both fail here. Ren fails to get Rey to join him on the Dark Side, Rey fails to bring Ben back to the Light Side, and they both end up breaking the Skywalker saber!
(For the sake of evenness, I really would’ve liked a brief lightsaber duel between them here that Kylo would more or less win.)
ROUND 5 - On Crait
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Win goes to: Rey. “I want that piece of junk OUT OF THE SKY!” But alas for Ren, he does not blow that piece of junk out of the sky and Rey, piloting it, shoots down all the TIE-Fighter forces he sends after her. She also plays a part in bailing out the Resistance while Luke’s Force projection of himself is facing Ren down as a distraction.
ROUND 6 - Pasaana surprise!
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Win goes to: Ren. This seemed like a purely verbal sparring between the two from across different points in space, like what started in The Last Jedi. But by responding to Ren, Rey plays right into his hand, and he surprises her with a new ability to, through the Force Dyad, reach through and take physical items from Rey’s location back to his own, in this case the necklace that lets Ren know what planet she and her Resistance friends are currently on. Oops!
ROUND 7 - Ship pursuit on Pasaana
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Win goes to: Rey. As Ren’s ship locates Rey and comes right towards her, Rey is able to run, jump, backflip, and skewer the ship with her lightsaber, causing it to skid out of control into a fiery crash.
ROUND 8 - Tug-of-war on Pasaana
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Win goes to: It’s a tie! (But with an edge for Ren) It’s once again a Force tug-of-war between Rey and Ren, this time to try and bring down the carrier ship that Rey believes Chewie to have been taken prisoner on. But this time, it’s only Rey who ends up destroying it as Force Lightning shoots from her fingers and blows it up. Rey believes she’s lost a friend while Ren knows he’s gained something of value - getting to see Rey let out that power confirms to him what he’d wanted to know for sure about the dark lineage she comes from.
ROUND 9 - Aboard the big ship on Kijimi
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Win goes to: Ren. In almost a total mirror image of how things started between them, it’s Ren who is collected and in total control throughout this fight while Rey fights more frantically with much fear and rage. Rey’s clumsy display leads to her and Ren knocking over the charred Vader mask, once again giving Rey’s location away to her foe. Ren then drops the bombshell on Rey regarding the truth of what befell her parents, why they sold her and flew off that day, and who the “father” of her father was...thus who she is. While Ren again can’t get Rey to take his hand and join the Dark Side, his words got her so shell-shocked that she’s unable to put up any more of a fight.
ROUND 10 (FINAL BATTLE!) - Death Star wreckage on Endor
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Win goes to: Rey. The Force Awakens is further mirrored here. Much like their duel on Ilum, Ren very nearly beats Rey only to be defeated by her when she strikes back in a dark rage, and he’s run through by his own lightsaber just as he did to his father...at the exact moment he can sense his mother passing away. Rey can sense it too once her rage passes her, and it sours this victory to the point where she immediately uses her Force Healing to cure Ben’s fatal wound. The two of them share a moment of grief over losing the woman so dear to them both in total silence before Rey leaves him with these parting words “I wanted to take your hand...Ben’s hand.”
And thus was set in motion a union of Rey and Ben, a Dyad in the Force, to face the full might of the Sith and fulfill their own destinies. 
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galacticwildfire · 1 year
Hope Chapter One Excerpt
Poe Dameron x Solo!oc
Hey guys, I plan on uploading very soon, life's just been chaotic as all hell recently, the fic's been rewritten quite drastically from what it was a few years ago to follow the current canon and I'm excited. The first few chapters are a prequel of sorts from when Hope is 16/17, following Leia being outed as Vader's daughter and then the temple fire and all those solo/skywalker family dynamics. Then it will time jump to the Poe Dameron comics when she's going on 21 and they meet and well, Leia is equally mortified and moved by the stark reminder of what her and Han were like when they were young.
Here's an excerpt from the first chapter.
28 ABY 
I stand by my mother's side as they unveil a statue of her adoptive father Bail Organa, honouring his memory here on Hosnian Prime since there is no Alderaan left for it to stand on.
She is stoic as always but I feel the ache that's never disappeared and reach for her hand. She stills at the touch but takes it, allowing herself to show the rare public emotion as she holds her daughter's hand here in the sight of the senate.
Her voice is quiet, for only me to hear "Do you see the divide?" I look at the crowd but she just shakes her head. "Not physically, ideologically. Between the Centrists and the Populists. It's just growing deeper by the day. This right here Hope is what those final days before the senate was dissolved felt like, glossy ceremony covering the breakdown of government."
Her words startle me and I try to assure her "People will always be divided, but now there isn't an emperor trying to dissolve democracy."
"Not yet at least," she remarks and I know to some ears she would sound paranoid, but she knows better than any the signs of corruption, of instability.
She is given the signal that it is time for her speech and her pod moves forward from the stands, I stand behind her clad in white with my braided hair carefully arranged atop my head as her understudy, her successor, standing here with her as she once stood with Bail Organa when she began serving alongside him in the senate.
Her voice is strong, articulate, but when is it anything other than that? 
"I stand before you not only as a senator, but as Bail Organa's daughter." Luke has always said without reservation his father was Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, but my mother would sooner cut out her tongue than ever say Anakin Skywalker was her father above Bail Organa. It's known well enough by now who her parents were, but in her heart her true one's died on Alderaan. "And yet everything I have done in my career has been rooted in the valuable lessons he taught me about courage, about strength, about leadership." She looks at me as she says "Lessons I now teach my own daughter, one of the many children that are the legacy of the Rebellion and the future of our galaxy."
Many would forget my mom has two children, sometimes it feels almost as if Ben is hidden away whilst I've taken on a role that he was never considered for. I've never dared say it but I know there is a reason for it, even if they would never admit it to us, but I'm not as blind to the shadow that hovers over him as they'd like me to be.
A shadow that hovers over us both.
Her next words are dulled out by the feeling of a hundred thousand eyes on us, although most are on her I can feel enough on me to make me nervous, the daughter and successor of the most beloved and controversial senator there is, a rebel hero, a princess of a planet that no longer exists, remembered now by its survivors scattered across the galaxy, survivors who also call me princess out of affection for Leia's little girl.
Mom was fourteen when she began working with her father in the senate, the same age my grandmother was when she became queen, it feels like I've blossomed late by only continuing the tradition of entering politics at 16 and yet I still feel like I'm a child. A child who wants to be with her brother at the temple training, or with her father co-piloting the Falcon with no end in sight. I ache for the skies and yet I'm weeks from finishing university on Naboo and officially joining my mother not just as an understudy but as a junior legislator. She could not be more proud and yet it leaves me as hollow as it has left her.
I love her, but Dad and I have both seen the toll shouldering a rebellion and then a fledgling government has taken, a responsibility that is my legacy, but standing here now I know I will never be her. Perhaps it's an inkling in the force or simply reason, but I know I will never follow the legacy her birth mother had unknowingly passed to her, and now to me. I am not a queen, nor a princess, and certainly not a senator.
I can see the past so clearly and yet when I look into the future all I see is uncertainty.
Her words calling for action in the senate are interrupted by the x-wings flying overhead as the military show begins and I know I would much rather be up there in the sky where I belong than down here.
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vibrantbirdy · 1 year
Pursuit: A Ben Solo Star Wars Story - Chapter 5
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Title: Pursuit Fandom: Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Genres: Sci-Fi, Action/Adventure, Romance Setting: Post The Rise of Skywalker (Ben Solo lives!) Chapter: 5/? Main Character: Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) Warnings: Canon-typical violence; adventure peril; minor angst, mutual sexual feelings; description of sexual thoughts/arousal - slow burn do be slow burning; any further warnings will be specified by chapter. Main Pairings: Ben Solo/OC Summary: Three years after surviving events on the planet Exegol, Ben Solo is carving out a solitary life for himself in the New Republic against the backdrop of reconstruction. His pursuance of quiet redemption is interrupted when a new threat to the Galaxy emerges from an old and terrifying enemy. With the help of new friends and unlikely allies, Ben must set out into Wild Space to defeat the darkness rising and put his own demons to rest once and for all.
Pinned Post: Please find all completed chapters of Pursuit here. Read: Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4
Chapter 5: (Word Count 3795)
Chewbacca sat out on the small, wooden deck of the treehouse he had built for himself just a stone's throw away from the Republic listening post on Theod. The outpost had once been an Azurite mine, but was repurposed in the very early days of the Empire by a pre-courser faction of the Rebel Alliance. It was built into rock, set back into the cliff face, the entrance hidden behind a cascading waterfall.
The Wookie looked out across Theod's green canopy, admiring how it met the clear black of the night's sky which was filled with billions of bright pinpricks of light. He liked this small moon. It was peaceful. Green. Quiet. It was perhaps a little marshy and much colder than his home planet of Kashyyyk. Despite the thick, brown fur that covered the entirety of his body, the damp climate made his bones ache on the wetter days. The Wookie had to admit that he wasn't as young as he used to be.
It was a small outpost, staffed by only two which, currently, was himself and a human girl called Del. Chewbacca had built Del a treehouse too. The Wookie had become very fond of her over the past year they'd spent together on Theod. She was clever and kind and very good at her job. Plus, she was an awful Dejarik player, which meant Chewbacca always won their games.
Tonight, Del had sensed something was wrong with the Wookie. He had tried to be discrete, but his melancholy must have been obvious. Del had offered to take his shift without any questions.
As so often happened, his thoughts of his new friend led him to dwell on the memories of old ones. The Wookie had witnessed the Republic fall and rise more than once in his lifetime and each time, he'd lost too many of those dear to him.
In the most recent iteration of the struggle between Light and Dark, Chewbacca had lost some of his most beloved friends. The siblings Luke and Leia and, perhaps most painful, he'd witnessed the death of his closest companion, his brother in everything but blood, Han Solo. The circumstances of Han's death, killed by his own son, were almost too much to bear.
And now, Poe Dameron had informed him that Ben Solo was on his way here.
Chewbacca's heart ached as he remembered the little boy he'd known. The one he'd run through the forests of so many planets with, the one taught to fight like a Wookie, the one Chewbacca had once seen as his own family.
As Ben had approached adolescence, Chewbacca had felt him slipping away, withdrawing from those around him. Snoke was already there in his head, corrupting him, filling his head with salacious promises of the power of the Dark Side. Han and Leia, much as the Wookie loved them, didn't do the right things. They should never have sent him away. And Luke... Well, to Chewbacca, it seemed that the mistakes of the past were doomed to be repeated, even by the Jedi.
Chewbacca's young friends, Rey, Poe and Finn had been wise that day three years ago on Ajan Kloss in choosing not to involve him in spiriting Ben away following their victory on Exegol. The Wookie was certain he would have killed the young man there and then.
Almost certain.
Yet as time passed, Chewbacca learned more about what had happened on Exegol and Ben's part in it. Slowly, very slowly, his fury began to subside. The Wookie had lived long enough to understand that the Force worked in mysterious ways. He was open to believing that Ben really had been reborn, exorcized somehow by his strange duality with Rey and by the pull of the Light Side.
And the truth was that although Chewbacca had hoped that the Imperial enemy had been defeated once and for all, in recent months the whispers had started again. A mere suggestion that the Dark was rising in the far reaches of the Wilds. Rumours that First Order and Imperial remnants were rebuilding a power base in the shadows. If Ben had truly set his sights on bringing down this new threat then Chewbacca was certain that there was no one more capable of doing so.
But to forgive him for Han's death? For his part in Leia's and Luke's? Chewbacca wasn't sure that he could. He needed to look into Ben's eyes and see that child he had once known, the boy that so resembled both his father and his mother in so many ways. That's how he'd know if Ben Solo truly lived again.
The Wookie gave a series of mournful grunts to himself as he stood and padded inside. Ben was scheduled to arrive early in the morning. Maybe things would seem better then. For now, he needed to sleep. ************************************************************************
Ben stood in the Swift's leaky, sub-par shower. He was leaning forwards, palms resting against the cool metal wall. His head was bowed, eyes were squeezed shut, and his hair hung in wet, ebony strands in front of his face. The water was cold as always and he wondered if it might help freeze thoughts of Ada out of his brain.
No such luck.
He hadn't intended to get so close to her during their sparring session, but he'd felt drawn, like a magnet, inexorably towards her. Her constant proximity on the little ship was maddening and thrilling at the same time.
When they'd stood together in the training room, he'd felt the bewitching pull of her reciprocated desire for him. He had sensed it before here and there, just fleeting, an ember easily snuffed out and resisted amid her other priorities and concerns. But Ben's actions had ignited Ada's want. Her desire had suddenly erupted within her, burning incandescent like a wild flame, like a beacon in the Force calling out to him.
But this thing between them was also deeper, something more intangible than just the physical. The easy way they fell into conversation. The way they studied each other curiously when neither thought the other was looking. The way they laughed together. Ben could count the times on one hand he'd laughed like that since he was a kid.
It frightened him to death. He'd kept himself closed off from others for so long, unable to face the disgrace of having someone uncover his shameful secret, the fact that he had once been Kylo Ren.
Son of Darkness, Snoke had once called him. Ben scoffed out loud at the memory, the hollow sound echoing around the small shower room. A ridiculous, pompous title for a murderer. A war criminal. A weak, selfish, egotistical and impressionable kid led astray by delusions of power and grandeur.
In his mind, Ben conjured up an image of what Ada's reaction if she discovered his past. How her face would fall at the discovery, her eyes burning like green kyber, cycling through a tumult of confusion, anger, hurt, perhaps even fear at his betrayal. His lies. The prospect was more excruciating than he could bear.
But now, Ben feared he'd opened a door that he couldn't close. With his forwardness in the training room, he'd shown Ada his hand. She didn't need the Force to read him. Now they were both aware of how the other felt, Ben wondered if one of these days they would just give in to their mutual desire. And by the Force, he so wanted to, despite his fears.
He remembered the smooth feel of Ada's slender fingers beneath his much larger hands, that sweet, wild fragrance emanating from her copper hair, her body flush against his and leaning into him so close that he could feel her heart fluttering like a caged bird. As the cool water cascaded over his body, he tried not to imagine those fingers caught up in his hair, her rosy lips pressed hard to his, her lithe legs wrapped around his waist...
Ben slammed the shower off at the wall, both reluctant and desperate to interrupt his feverish thoughts before he lost control of himself completely. He grabbed a towel off the hook by the door, gave his hair a cursory tousle and then tied it around his waist.
As he stepped out into the corridor, Ben cocked his head to the side and listened. There was a far off beeping coming from the front of the ship - the cockpit. It was the approach alarm he'd set for Theod.
Ada was sat cross-legged on the copilot's chair in the cockpit of the Swift. She was snuggled up in theblanket Ben had draped over her earlier while she'd been asleep. Her hands were curled around a hot cup of sweet Meiloorun tea. She was trying to cut down on the caf.
She knew she could be sitting in the communal area or the kitchen, but she preferred it in the cockpit. Following saber training with Ben and her shower - a cold shower which was exactly what she'd needed - she'd made her way straight to the front of the ship.
Ada always found the jump to hyperspace unsettling, but once they were cruising at light speed, she loved to watch the stars and planets fly by in a blaze of bright colour. The Swift's large, unrestricted glass view screen was perfect for it. It offered the Galaxy up to her like a temple to the stars.
The Swift's navigation system was chirping politely at her in gentle chorus with the drone of the engines. It made for strangely peaceful background noise. Reluctantly, she flipped the alarm off at the computer and her thoughts immediately turned to Tallah.
She'd be far away by now, moving at great speed in the opposite direction from Ada and Ben. To safety. To a new life. A better life perhaps?
Since they'd parted, Ada had been struggling not only with her her grief at saying goodbye to her niece, but also with her extreme guilt for the creeping sliver of liberation she felt. She was bereft at Tallah's absence, yes, but she also felt a strange thrill of excitement. She couldn't help thinking that this was her chance, finally, for her own adventure.
If Ada had the chance to relive that moment where she had to chose whether to adopt her niece again, she would do the same thing every time. Over and over and over again. Tallah was a shining light in her life. Her sister lived on in that little girl. Ada felt that she'd muddled through being a parent as best she could, but she had never planned to be a mother.
As a young girl, Ada had travelled with her father – a renowned specialist in arable farming - on business trips, selling his methods to agriculturalists on far flung worlds. She'd never been a great pilot but she was an excellent navigator.
So, despite growing up a farmer's daughter, Ada had started to shape a career for herself as a pathfinder for scientific expeditions exploring the unknown regions of Wild Space. She'd had to give it all up when she'd adopted Tallah.
She felt ashamed that despite her unconditional, unyielding love for her niece, she'd never quite been able to stop mourning for the loss of her independence, for her life of adventure amongst the stars, the one that she'd always yearned for.
She was thankful to be distracted from her morose thoughts by the sound of footsteps behind her. She swivelled around in her chair and saw Ben appear in the doorway. Ada's eyes strayed to his inky black hair, still damp from the shower. It was slicked back from his face and tucked mostly behind his ears, accentuating his aquiline features in fine, sharp detail. She quickly batted away a conjured image of him standing under the spray of the shower.
“I think we'll need to drop out of light speed a little further along our course than we planned,” Ada said, managing to tear her gaze away from Ben and back to the nav computer.
She traced her finger along their set route as Ben dropped into the pilot's chair next to her.
“See this?”
She pointed to a highlighted anomaly on the screen.
“It's called Harlen's Cluster, a nasty asteroid field. We want to avoid flying through it manually if possible.”
Ben adjusted their flight path, then moved his hands away for Ada's approval.
“Better?” he asked.
“Much,” Ada replied, “Believe me, I know from experience you do not want to go in there.”
To pass the time, she and Ben traded stories of flights gone wrong, joking about the over confidence in piloting ability that came with youth. But then Ben stopped talking when they were about an half an hour out from Theod. Ada didn't need the Force to feel the shift within him. He was nervous and he kept running his hands through his dark hair.
As they landed, Ada could see from the Swift's cockpit that Theod was a beautiful place. It was rather wet, but the climate clearly made for lush, green vegetation and mighty, broad leaved trees which towered high into the sky.
The Swift's side door clunked open and Ada jumped down the steps and into deep, dewy grass that came up to her knees. She could see two beautifully constructed tree houses high in the canopy and there, almost obscured through the mists of an impressive waterfall, was the outline of the listening post built into a craggy rock face.
Standing directly in front of them, but still a good distance away across the meadow, was a Wookie. He was exactly as her grandfather had described to he in his war stories. He was covered head to toe in long, thick brown fur and probably nearing nine feet in height. This Wookie was wearing a bandolier belt with silver-coloured compartments slung over his shoulder and across his body.
The muted thud of boots on grassy ground behind her told Ada that Ben had exited the Swift. He placed a hand on her shoulder and bent down to speak softly into her ear as he passed her.
“Wait here,” he said.
The way he said it wasn't an order – lucky for him, Ada thought wryly – but she found herself obeying nevertheless. There was something profound about this meeting between the two of them that Ada instinctively knew she should not disrupt it.
Ben and the Wookie advanced slowly towards each other. Ben's head was raised, looking directly ahead at the Wookie as he grew closer and closer to the massive creature. Ada saw him clench and release his fists several times and the tension in his shoulders increase as the distance narrowed.
Then, without warning, the Wookie let out a fierce roar and began to rush at Ben. Ben stopped in his tracks but otherwise didn't move. Not in attempt to defend himself, not to evade the creature's fearsome charge, not even to flinch.
Ada couldn't curb the sharp gasp that escaped from her lips as the Wookie ground to a violent halt less than an inch away from barrelling straight into Ben. The creature was so large that he towered over the man in a way that actually made him look small.
Then, something happened that Ada did not expect. Ben dropped to his knees in front of the Wookie, head bowed in what appeared to be a gesture of complete supplication. The Wookie looked down, considering the man before him. Ada could not anticipate what his reaction would be and she waited nervously.
After a heavy pause, the Wookie grunted out a series of gentle chuffing sounds and, surprisingly, followed Ben's example. At this, Ada inhaled deeply. She hadn't realised she'd stopped breathing.
The Wookie placed one large, furry paw on Ben's shoulder and the other behind his head. Ben looked up and into the creature's eyes. Then, he mirrored the Wookie's gesture, clasping him firmly by the shoulder and back of his head. The two regarded each other for a prolonged moment. Slowly, they bowed their heads together. Their foreheads met, Ben's coming to rest against the fur of the Wookie's. They stayed in that embrace for a long time.
Ada didn't know why, but the sight made her emotional. She knew something meaningful must have transpired between them. A reconciliation, it seemed, although what wrong had been done, she couldn't guess. She watched them from afar, patiently waiting across the grassy meadow.
Ben, Ada, Chewbacca and the Wookie's young colleague, Del, stood around a large and very ancient holomap console in the depths of the Theod listening post. It was cold and dark down in the control room. Damp too. No wonder Chewbacca had insisted on building tree houses for them to live in, Ben thought.
“The other day, we received reports of an old Imperial Star Destroyer at the edge of the Mid Rim. These guys are not shy. We think it was a recon mission led by this man.”
The holomap on the central console disappeared with a click and was replaced by the image of a man Ben recognised instantly. The Inquisitor.
“We've met,” Ada growled, and through the Force, Ben could feel the disgust radiating from her.
“His name is Grand Inquisitor Endo Seris,” Del said, “Don't ask us which hell hole he crawled out of, we don't know yet.”
Del clicked the remote again and the holomap reappeared. She zoomed in and pointed to a red marker she'd placed on the map.
“This is a secret Imperial archive located on a planet called Jaturra. It's filled with records recovered from the Empire and the First Order. If you want know about Seris and the new Order of Inquisitors, this place will have what you need.”
Chewbacca grumbled.
“I know, Chewie, I'm getting to that bit,” Del replied patiently.
Ben smiled. Chewbacca had graciously let Del take the lead on the briefing because Ada couldn't speak Wookie, but it seemed he couldn't help but interject even though his young colleague was doing a fine job.
“You need to land here,” The holomap zoomed in again as Del spoke, “Exactly here. This place is wrapped up tight. You need to go on foot from these coordinates for about thirty-five km. It's the only way to avoid their sensors. Our intel says they don't yet seem to have scavenged any Imperial tech to alert them to you entering the atmosphere, but as you get closer to the compound you need to look out for heavily guarded patrols.”
Chewbacca pressed a button on the computer and a slot in the machine spat out a data stick. The Wookie passed it to Ben and huffed. Coordinates.
After thanking Del for her help and saying their goodbyes, Ben, Ada and Chewbacca made for the surface. Ben couldn't wait to be outside again and breathing fresh air. Ever since he'd started attuning himself to the Light Side of the Force, he struggled with feeling trapped in dark, underground, or even enclosed spaces. Even in the Swift, a place he thought of as home, he would occasionally feel panic rising in his throat and would turn to meditation to calm and recentre himself.
Before they could exit through the gargantuan, dura-steel door, however, Chewbacca stopped and told them to follow him down a large passageway to the right. The Wookie stopped at a blast door almost as large as the external one and entered a code on the keypad on the wall.
The door unlocked with a deep mechanical clunk, but the ancient automatic opening mechanism was broken. Chewbacca took one side while Ben put his shoulder against the other and pushed, the movement of both doors causing an unpleasant cacophony of metal scraping against metal. Soon, they were standing in a massive space craft hanger.
Then, Ben spotted it.
The ship looked as good as new. Paintwork redone and bright white, the glass of the cockpit shining brilliantly, reflecting the overhead lights so intensely, it was almost dazzling. Chewbacca had been busy.
Dazed, Ben walked up to the vessel and placed a hand on the cool metal body of the Millennium Falcon.
How Kylo Ren had hated this ship. It reminded him of everything he'd lost - his home, his family - and everything he'd convinced himself that he hated - especially his father.
Now, his palm pressed against the Falcon and his eyes closed, Ben reached deep into the Force. His mind was filled with the residual energy of all the lives that had played out on that ship. His parents', his Uncle's, Chewie's. Images of his own childhood flashed before him. Playing hide and seek with his mum, losing Dejarik to Chewbacca, helping his dad fly when he finally got big enough to sit in the copilot's chair by himself and not on the Wookie's knee.
He opened his eyes as he felt Ada at his shoulder.
“This was my dad's ship,” Ben said finally, more to himself that anyone else.
It was confirmation of a fact, of a legacy, he had denied for far too long.
“This was my dad's ship,” he repeated, turning to Ada.
His voice was full of emotion and it broke slightly as he uttered the words. Ada nodded and smiled warmly at him, her eyes alight with curiosity. Ben knew she didn't understand any of this. But he could feel that she wanted to. And he suddenly realised that this reassured him as much as it scared him.
They stood there for a while, just admiring the beautiful old YT-1300 model freighter, cutting three tiny figures in the colossal space. Chewbacca finally broke the silence by giving a few soft grunts and Ben turned to look at him in surprise.
“No Chewie, I can't take her,” Ben said, shaking his head, “I can't.”
Chewbacca huffed in response.
“I know she's faster than mine,” conceded Ben, rolling his eyes but unable to stifle a small laugh.
Both his dad and Chewbacca had never once missed an opportunity in their lives to reiterate to anyone who would listen that the Falcon was the fastest ship around.
“She belongs with you, Chewie,” Ben stated, firmly.
He meant it. He couldn't imagine taking the Falcon from Chewbacca. The ship was the Wookie's by rights, through his bond with Ben's father. Ben hadn't earned such an honour.
Chewbacca gave a soft howl and then a low, breathy sound that Ben recognised as his chuckle as he reached out to ruffled Ben's hair like he used to when he was a boy.
“Yeah,” Ben replied. “Maybe one day.”
Reluctantly, he retracted his hand from the Falcon. Ada reached out to take it, giving it a gentle squeeze. Ben looked down at her.
“Jaturra?” she asked and she gave him a disarming wink.
“Jaturra,” he agreed with a smirk.
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
Daughter Of Darkness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ua9PEc2
by Nat_Snips
What if The Last Jedi ended differently? What if Rey hadn't left before Kylo? What if a child with a messed up past could change the fate of the galaxy? --- Kylo Ren and Rey wake up in Snoke's Throne room and discovered a new disturbance in the force finding its source isn't Snoke but a small child in a hidden room behind the Throne. They decide that maybe continuing to fight on opposite sides of a war with no end would be pointless. The line between light and dark fades as an answer between the lines rises.
Words: 3971, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Knights of Ren, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Snoke (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Allana Solo
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Dead Snoke (Star Wars), Kylo Ren Redemption, Redeemed Ben Solo, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Canon-Typical Violence, Evil Snoke (Star Wars), Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Empress Rey (Star Wars), That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Kidnapping, Torture, Tags May Change, Slow Burn Kylo Ren/Rey, Post-Star Wars: The Last Jedi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ua9PEc2
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brideofkylosolo · 2 years
Writer Wednesday Week 35
Writer Wednesday is up
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Writer Wednesday Week 35
Doorway to Our Fate
Ben Solo X Aria (OC) (Star Wars ST)
While on a mission, Ben gets a glimpse of his and Aria’s future.
      Missions in the Resistance were a given for anyone.  And for Ben Solo, this was no exception.  Despite being the son of Leia Organa, he was treated like just another member of the Resistance, and to everybody, that’s what he was.  He was equal to everyone else.  And he liked it that way.
     While he was happy to most times to go on missions with his two close friends, Poe Dameron and Cian Lyons, he especially loved it when his longtime bondmate Aria.  And that was exactly who was able to go this time.  Arai had been spending the better part of her time training with Ben’s uncle, the famed Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker, and hadn’t really had the chance to go on a mission with Ben.  To say that the couple was glad and excited to have some time alone was an understatement.
     The couple’s assignment was fairly straightforward.  Find an old weapon from the early days of the Clone Wars and bring it back for spare parts.  Easy.  Of course, said weapon was hidden in some ancient temple on an Outer Rim Planet that was notorious for being very easy to get lost in, even for a Jedi.
     Of course, Ben and Aria weren’t normal Jedis.  They were a life-bonded pair, a Dyad forged by the force itself.  If anyone could find it, it was them.
     “Think this is it?” Aria asked as they stood in front of a large stone pyramid.
     Ben nodded.  “Think so.”  He was pretty certain it was but something about it felt off.  There was an uneasy feeling he couldn’t quite shake like something was going to happen to him or Aria.
     Still, he knew his mother and the Resistance needed to find the weapon before the First Order and the Knights of Ren did so he pushed that feeling aside.  He had to do what he had to do.
     The couple entered the large temple and down a long hallway to the center of the sanctuary.  Before long, they reached a large oval room with a line of doors along the wall.  Neither of them was expecting that.
     “Which one?” asked Aria as she looked around the room at each door.
     Ben raised his hand and closed his eyes, his mind reaching out with the Force.  He found it.  “There, the third one on the left.”
     Ben walked to the door, Aria trailing behind him.  He reached for the door handle.  This was easier than he thought; it was almost too easy.  I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
     He started to open the door and a light began to glow from around the edges of the door.  As he opened it wider, the light grew, fully enveloping him.  Before he had a chance to make sense of what was happening, he felt his body lift off the ground and get pulled toward the space beyond the door.
     Ben tried to scream out but no sound came from his lips.  He turned his head to look at Aria but his vision blurred; he lost all sense of time.
     When Ben came to, he was sitting in a clearing in the woods.  Off in the distance, he heard voices.  He stood up and cautiously made his way toward them.  He stopped short of the tree line and looked out into a much larger clearing.  His jaw nearly dropped at what he saw.  Parked in the center was the Millennium Falcon, his ship.
     “The hell…” he muttered to himself.
     Ben started to venture further into the clearing when he noticed a man and two kids walking into the clearing.  And the man looked very familiar.
     Wait a sec, that’s me, he realized as the other Ben put down the basket he was carrying.  And those are my kids.
     Just then, a very pregnant Aria came walking down the ramp.  The two kids ran up to her and hugged her followed by the other Ben.
     Those are our kids.  Ben smiled.  This is my future.  Our future.
     Suddenly, he felt his body jerk backward.  He felt himself fall and landed hard.  He felt arms around him; it was Aria.
     “Thank gods,” she said as she hugged his neck tightly, obviously glad he was ok.      Ben returned the hug, rubbing her back in reassurance.  He was ok.  And his future was going to be as well.
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buffshipper8490 · 2 years
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Rating: Mature DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!
A prequel to "Star Wars: Legacy of the Force."
Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his padawan Ben Solo rescue a mysterious young orphan girl named Rey on Jakku and teach her in the ways of the Force at the New Jedi Temple on Ossus while the phantom Emperor Palpatine tasks his acolyte Snoke with finding her...
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Betrayed at the hands of his apprentice DARTH VADER aboard the second DEATH STAR over the forest moon of ENDOR, EMPEROR PALPATINE uses the dark teachings of his former master DARTH PLAGUEIS to thrust his consciousness into a clone body created by the SITH ETERNAL CULT on the hidden planet of EXEGOL.
His clone body proves to be imperfect, however, and begins to deteriorate from his immense power. To ensure his survival and produce a healthy host body, his seed is extracted and impregnated into a chosen cultist-maiden named MIRAMIR.
The FORCE calls upon the new mother to escape with her unborn daughter REY, so she enlists the help of her lover DATHAN to smuggle her off the planet to start a new life together on the run...
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ao3feed--kylux · 1 year
Saving the sun for tomorrow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7jQxKu2
by Opera_Pink
Ben Solo has two kinds of dreams. The nightmares that rip him out of sleep with terrible feelings of prophecy and unchangeable future where he is less a Jedi in Luke's footsteps and more a force wielding monster hidden in layers of black, crushing bones and slicing through his enemies with a crackling blade of crimson fire. The other kind are of a boy who is alone like him. On an unknown planet in a different kind of school. Instead of learning about the force he has more practical lessons on historical battles and weaponry sciences and the stormtrooper programs of the recently vanquished Empire .
Words: 1538, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Brendol Hux, Phasma (Star Wars), Snoke (Star Wars), Ahsoka Tano, Wedge Antilles, Rae Sloane, Finn (Star Wars)
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Dreams and Nightmares, Prophetic Visions, Force Visions (Star Wars), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Force-Sensitive Children, Force-Sensitive Finn (Star Wars), Storm Troopers (Star Wars), Kidnapping, Child Abuse, Child tax
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7jQxKu2
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