#hide all facebook game rubbish
fbpurity · 6 years
How to hide "Instant Games", "Recommended Games" and other game related crap on Facebook with FB Purity
How to hide "Instant Games", "Recommended Games" and other game related crap on Facebook with FB Purity, the safe, free and top rated browser extension:
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For more info go here: https://www.facebook.com/fluffbustingpurity/photos/a.10150533570152559.422225.408502197558/10156127164037559/?type=3&theater
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hinamikasa · 7 years
all of them
Haise - GIVES GOOD BIG HUGS! after seeing sasako, you always ask him tons of style advice to do with clothes and hair and he, very surprisingly, has very good ones? always wants to do your make up and makes shopping trips fun. he smells like coffee so you always steal his shirts because he smells NICE and he gets confused bc he tries to buy you new shirts and you keep stealing his anyways. laughs until his stomach hurts at his own puns, texts you jokes or puns at four am but also the type to go to bed at nine pm and yell at everyone for being up at 11pm?? has probably bought a book on how to be funny for inspiration. you give him tons of dating advice and no matter how dumb they get, he still takes them. whenever he finishes a book, he always thinks to lend you it next, cooks cupcakes for you out of the blue.
Ayato - you’d spend hours on end bickering at each other and as the kids™ say, ‘roasting’ each other, and then ask him to hang out the next day?? even edge lord ayato shows up at the mall with you, but doesn’t fight or deny you if you insist on paying for lunch. you would spend so many hours in the arcade, playing one game of that table hockey thing after the next, to be suddenly challenged to play pool. he gets angry easily, especially when he loses! and its always very amusing so you tease him and he replies with some rubbish comeback. he’s the kind to cry whilst watching a sad movie, then later deny that he didn’t cry at all and that it wasn’t sad. he probably laughed whilst he was watching 2017’s It. if there’s a conversation you’re having with him where you don’t argue, you’re definitely talking about hinami.
Kaneki - LEND EACH OTHER BOOKS !! you can discuss theories together and exchange books for each other to read. if you like writing, he’d probably give you advice and read your stuff!! endless hours of drinking coffee together and discussing the fact that global warming is in fact real. this bitch probably watches the news regularly with full interest and its actually so cute when he gets excited over it that you can’t tell him that he’s an actual grandma. you go thrift shopping with him a lot, and often get afternoon tea! he worries that he’s a boring person a lot and constantly apologises for this so you gotta give him tons of reassurance. he can cook and he’ll probably be happy to teach you!! very sweet boy deserves lots of hugs
Touka - she’d give you 10/10 advice about anything at all and be 100% honest no matter, but she’s super easy to talk to. she’d like horror movies and would be more than excited to watch them with you. she sucks at japanese so you help her out!! she can probably explain biology & go through math equations with you so study sessions are always effective. you’d often steal her clothes and she wouldn’t even notice until half her wardrobe goes missing. she can’t cook but she can show you how to make bunny latte art. she likes taking walks, but you get tired easily, so she gives you piggy backs lots. you say yes to walking bc who doesn’t wanna be carried by touka
Hide - this bitch has the same sense of humour as me and you could laugh for hours and then suddenly seriously discuss theories of the tv show ur both watching, bickering about who’s the best character, and he’ll lend you his ’Narto’ manga, give you absolute terrible dating advice (like wearing a swimsuit to ur first date). he’s the kind to wear a swimming top even if he’s at the beach. tags you in memes on Facebook every day and they aren’t funny, probably records everything that happens on snapchat and sends streaks but doesn’t know what they are. study sessions with him are terrible and discussions about the Japanese takeover of Manchuria probably turn to about what Lloyd George’s favourite animal is. the best thing about him is that even though he jokes around tons, he’ll give you genuine talks if you’re upset and always watch out for you!! we love a legend
Hinami - the SWEETEST friend you could ever have. you could help each other out with words you find difficult understanding in books, talk hours on end about the story, to then discussing the fact that Touka wore her apron the other way around. sleepovers would be a solid time bc u’ll be watching chick flicks and then you’ll end up discussing your childhood trauma™ together. she tends to blame herself a lot for things that weren’t her fault so you could reassure her and give her all the hugs. she probably sends text messages in the morning going ‘have a good day!!’ constantly watching out for you and will do things to cheer you up!! like going to the store to buy coffee and making some for you
Saiko - HOW DO I EVEN START the possibilities are ENDLESS with saiko. you could be eating food with her in her room whilst playing games and tackling each other when you lose. you’ll have to do all the cooking and cleaning bc we all know she won’t. she’d always get excited to tell you when she unlocks the achievement in the game she thought she couldn’t, always runs (yes i said run) to your house when she finds a cool manga or anime that she wants to share. she’s chubby and a good cuddler so yes, it goes without saying that theres a lot of cuddle sessions. conversations up till five am about how aliens are real and then about how izuku midoriya is, in fact, the sweetest boy ever. she’s very loyal so you can always always rely on her!! most likely buys you tons of little gifts (like keychains, little teddies, games, chocolate etc) whenever you’re sad
most of these kinda turned into dating hcs this was not supposed to happen i swear. ty for the ask!
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kathibbard · 7 years
The Deaths of Charles Manson and David Cassidy
On our way to pick up the turkey from Costco, Bub and I heard a Motorhead song. Listening to Lemmy belt it out, I felt a bit sad for a moment. I mentioned to Bub, all of our rock and roll heroes are dying off. While I feel a pang of nostalgia when hearing of a famous person’s death, I never feel the need to post something about it on social media or carry on in memorial conversations. Because I’m up so early scrolling, I normally read about a death before my media buddies. I expect the rest of the day to go as follows. Bub comes down and tells me of the death. Throughout the day and possibly over the next few, the stream of posts about  the death roll in along with my favorite RIP.
I should have included this on my top 5 annoying social media habits of others. Since I’m still writing this book I can actually make the change but now I am committed to creating an entire chapter on the subject, I choose to unravel the tale right here. Plus, I came up with such a clever name so no use in scrapping the idea.
Back to RIP. First of all, let’s be real. The person is dead and can’t hear your wishes for them to rest in peace. Secondly, what does this even mean. Do we need to look at death? When a person dies, all life fails to exist so yes, the dead body may be considered resting but any feeling of peace left with the last breath. Finally, why do people either want to be the first one to tell of the death (like I heard this first)? Why also, do they feel the need to post about it. I’m not sure what type of human desire this fulfills but now I want to read up on it and see if the desire could possibly be filled another way and maybe I can make an app out of it and become a millionaire.
You can’t imagine my joy then this morning to see all types of posts wishing Charles Manson to rest in peace. Come on you guys! This is so fucked up! Your innate desire to be a part of the news just sent wishes to a mass murderer to rest in peace. How about RIH, or DCD or even GRTBR? Yes, I will translate and it is funny to me that my spell check only rejected GRTBR. Rot in hell, die Charlie die and one of Richie’s favorite things to say to me, good riddance to bad rubbish. I’m sure there are many more and all far more appropriate than RIP. To add to the widespread stupidity, folks thought Marilyn Manson died and gave him the RIP treatment.
In the midst of this malarkey, my teen idol is in the hospital dying of organ failure. David Cassidy represented everything that was good, pure, happy and loved in my rocky world. Yes, the adult me knows he had a tough road with addiction but the 10-year-old me only saw that fresh face, that sweet body, the hip clothes and only heard the groovy songs about life and love.
Something terrible happened when I was ten and I may have written about it in Bullets but since I am in flow, I don’t want to risk going to look it up. Also, I am at work and really need to finish this chapter so I can get some work done. Some boy came over to my house and I’m not sure why because I didn’t have any friends and if I did the certainly wouldn’t want to come over to my house. Whatever the reason, the boy went right up to my precious David Cassidy poster. You may think it was just a poster but you have to remember, I spent so much time hiding in my bedroom while Richie was throwing Janet and furniture around, that poster was all I had.
When things were rough, I would just stare at the poster and sing happy Partridge Family songs to myself to shield the pain. So this boy and boy would I like to remember who he was so I could find him on facebook (it’s a joke) and seek my revenge. Anyway, he grabbed the poster off of the wall and entered into a game of keep away. I was screaming. It was the kind of scream you utter when your child runs out into the street. I was pleading for him to please give it back to me and to this it only amused him further. At some point, he told me I could have it back if I pulled down my pants and showed him my butt. How does a kid think of this in the heat of the action. I mean I understand how the butt grew to be something guys would go to any length to view but at 10, it was just a tiny, skinny and white butt.
Yes, I did it and he gave me the poster back and I kicked him out. With tears in my eyes and with my whole body still shaking, I taped that poster back up and cried the rest of the day. It’s tragic my relationship with boys bullying and abusing me didn’t stop there but gladly this story ended well or at least my young perception of well.
A few years back, I saw an ad for a David Cassidy event not too far from my home. I purchased tickets and asked Bub to go with me. This is the great thing about us. There may be times when one of us in not interested in what the other is but we make the trip for solidarity and end up having some fun in the end. I dressed up and fixed my hair pretty and we were off. I was so disappointed when I found out it was a question and answer session with him only playing one or two songs. I thought it was a concert and if I had known I would never had went. Well, we were there so decided to make the best of it.
About midway through the show, they opened up questions to the audience. I said to Bub, I was going to make the most out of this and since I didn’t get to see David in concert as I didn’t have the chance to in my life, I was going to get up on that stage for a hug. We played it perfectly.
I went up to the stage and took my place in line. I had the question formed in my head. While we didn’t formally come up with a plan, Bub had his part ready. Remember, my goal was to get on stage with David. When it was my turn, he said hello sweetie, which could have been enough but of course I was riding this train all the way. I calmly said, “first of all.” There I turned around in circles several time while waving my hands in the air and squealing yeeeeeeeeee! The audience exploded with laughter. My plan was underway.
Now time for my comment to get me up close and personal. “David, my childhood was void of joy due to abuse in the home (here is where he is already saying awww sweetie), your music brought happiness into a dark place and for this I thank you. He responded warmly with thank yous and more awww sweeties and at the appropriate time, Bub yells out, “give her a hug.” The audience explodes once more and all David can do is invite me up for a hug. SUCCESS!!
We have video of this and I watched it knowing David is on his deathbed. I don’t remember the question but I do remember him being off now that I was on stage and he was rushing me through it. I didn’t care, mission was accomplished. I got on stage. I got the hug and we had it on film to last an eternity.
I’m thinking about posting this video on my wall in memory of David and of how he touched so many people in his career. Whether I do or not will remain to be seen. What we do know is my post will not contain RIP but rather a celebration of the  memories. I imagine, fans are meaning to do this with all their RIP posts and vigils so I get it but I guess I would like for people to not be lazy about it. If you mean to memorialize someone then do with feeling and not with an acronym which leaves you open to posting well wishes to a deceased mass murderer. 
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imchaseboy-blog · 5 years
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“You’re Still Trying To Prove Lame Point To Your 2k Facebook Friends” – Kabex Blast Alaye Proof, He Replied Kabex Blast Alaye Proof. Following the recent beef between Nigeria’s fast rising rappers, Kabex and Alaye Proof. Kabex has once again called out Provens Movement Leader, Alaye Proof on a lengthy post. According to Kabex popularly called “Ika” “Alaye Proof is below his standards”. He said. He also stated that he has made millions off his freestyles alone while Alaye Proof has nothing to show after all his years in the music industry”. Read response below.... “You’re still trying to prove lame point to your 2k facebook friends, How pretty, Don’t be sillu boy! Na rappers dey proud. Na normal thing. Its our thing to brag” He added. Read the complete post below: “Alaye Proof Cease the banters..boy. You’re still here trying to prove lame point to your 2k Facebook friends… How petty . Don’t be silly boy! Na rappers dey proud. Na normal thing. It’s our thing to brag. It’s to make the game dramatic and fun all successful rappers in the industry now have cases of bragging and displaying outright supremacy. Only an empty, and obviously untalented kids of your kind hides under “oh..he’s proud and arrogant” to shy away from being exposed. Na rapper wey no good dey fear beef. See I’m better than you…bro. I admitted you are good for real and kept it honest like a real OG should.. But here you are,trying to be a lame boss before your whatsapp- Facebook friends, You said you’ve seen my freestyles and they were rubbish. Lol.. Yoh must be silly brother! Made millions off my freestyles alone. But you? You got absolutely nothing to show for all your years of rapping other than managing to brainwash a little handful of some secondary school students with 10mb to come ranting in support of your whackness on a petty Facebook page. Lol.. Laughable indeed! I see all you wanna do is get me banter with you in some lame comment section,but I won’t. Come and record a track bro and cease the vain textual babblings. You’re scared because I’m proving to your fans that you’re nothing but over hyped. "You're Still Trying To Prove Lame Point To Your 2k Facebook Friends" - Kabex Blast Alaye Proof Bro, No be your type suppose even dey get my attention..you wey still.dey beg all your Facebook fans to help you tag Ola dips on ig to repost the blurry incoherent video you call cover. Ola wey I go call on phone say make e con my place con do track wey go rush come. N!ggas my real gee! But you ain’t in our league so we don’t recognize your ass. Stop playing boy! Lol… now the dumb ass niggas saying he scared of you. Imagine you! You shouldn’t even make a hoot sound when the likes of Kudos Alujoonu is speaking. You’re no match nigga. I father and mentor a whole nation of new super talented upcoming rappers who look up to me and you should even pay me for the fact that I stopped low to meddle words with you. Lol. Don’t provoke me bro. I go murder you both here and annihilate you forever on a track any time any day. No be your type… Omo iya mi… Hustle more. You go reach where we dey if you humble…Every one knows I’m the last person in the industry you can be forming boss for. I go destroy you destroy everything living inside you that’s called music. Find your chat mates and leave me bro. Sucide is bad.... Without hesitation Alaye Proof also react to Kabex post telling him that table turns and he should stop ranting about IG followers and face him on a track. “You sound like a pained b!tch menstruatlng boy. Like I said I don’t know you but clearly you’ve been going round spooking around my profile. You tripping kid. You paint yourself to be superior to many by yelling on a mic. Truth is the only thing attractive about your style is your hairstyle. Now back to your IG illusion son.There was a time CDQ had more followers than Zlatan on IG. Take a look now. Tables turn and your handful of followers is nothing when my time really comes. I know your type too well and your negative energy seems familiar. In the end, pride always go before a fall. See you on a track.” Alaye Proof responded.
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bironism · 7 years
tagged by dearest @lennuieternel;
further tagging @coffee-and-cinema, @ultravhiolence, @goldfinchex, @calpernian and @achingblush
the last
1. drink: coffee 2. phone call: my father 3. text message: a friend 4. song you listened to: Tick of the Clock - Chromatics 5. time you cried: when i realised that no matter what all i might be, it’s not enough in itself and that i’ll have to go through a lot of things i don’t like just to get a decent life 6. dated someone twice: yes 7. kissed someone and regretted it: i didn’t regret the kiss but rather my choice of the person 8. been cheated on: technically yes 9. lost someone special: all too many friends have turned into strangers 10. been depressed: depressed?? who, me???? 11. got drunk and thrown up: yes
3 favourite colours
12. midnight blue 13. black 14. grey
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: not really; i made a lot of acquaintances and met a couple kindered spirits though 16. fallen out of love: i’m still very much in love 17. laughed until you cried: tbh more often i cry until i laugh 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes and felt flattered 19. met someone who changed you: i think so 20. found out who your friends are: confirmed that my friends are genuine gold 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: regrettably, yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i’ve met all of them irl (i mean the whole point of facebook is having access to your acquaintances’ personal rubbish and choosing to ignore it), however if i know them is arguable 23. do you have any pets: no :( 24. do you want to change your name: hahahaha i literally want the opposite, i want my surname to be as western and non-specific as my first name 25. what did you do for your last birthday: got drunk and avoided everyone. then i pretended my birthday never happened and i’m ageless 26. what time did you wake up: 9am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: listening to music 28. name something you can’t wait for: a nice dream or two 29. when was the last time you saw your mum: an hour ago 31. what are you listening to right now: leaves fluttering in the wind 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: back pain and people shouting at me instead of talking. the rest is easy to ignore and deliberate ignorance is pure bliss 34. most visited website: possibly gmail 35. hair colour: ginger 36. long or short hair: i’m getting tired of hair ties but it’s a nice curtain to hide behind. 37. do you have a crush on someone: lol no 38. what do you like about yourself: i can somehow get away with saying the most awful stuff and people think i’m just being witty for the sake of it 39. piercings: none 40. blood type: -0 41. nickname: none 42. relationship status: should be sorted out by next week 43. zodiac: bordering gemini/cancer 44. pronouns: i get weirdly hyped when people on the internet assume i’m male. people outside the internet know otherwise and i don’t really care. 45. favourite tv show: Game of Thrones atm 46. tattoos: none yet :( 47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: this little thing (can’t remember, too lazy to search) on my tongue had to be corrected 49. piercing: ears 50. sport: gymnastics 51. vacation: Croatia 52. pair of trainers: i don’t remember
more general
53. eating: peaches 54. drinking: still coffee 55. i’m about to: work 56. waiting for: thanatos’ kiss; i imagine it’d feel like butterfly wings and dried roses 57. want: some chocolate and wine. 58. get married: nah 59. career: cancelled, blocked, unfollowed.
which is better
60. hugs or kisses: kisses; hugs can get awkward 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: idk within that ideal heigth range where neither of us feels like an elf among hobbits or vice versa 63. older or younger: older if a stranger (young people make me feel really odd); with friends i don’t really care, i see them as half-eternal anyway 64. nice arms or nice stomach: a nice voice beats both. 65. hook up or relationship: depends on the person, eh? 66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker.
have you ever
67. kissed a stranger: yes 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: last month! i’ve never felt this betrayed my entire life 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: it was mutual. 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: yes 75. cried when someone died: yes but i’m surprisingly bad at funeral crying 76. fallen for a friend: yes
do you believe in
77. yourself: i can’t ignore my reflection but i don’t believe in myself the way i would in a spiritual being 78. miracles: it’s just a fancy word for the mysterious ways of the world 79. love at first sight: i often sense things about a person at first sight; why couldn’t someone sense love 80. santa claus: nah (i didn’t even believe in our local mythical gift-giver) 81. kiss on the first date: why not 82. angels: last month me and an acquaintance had a complex conversation about angels, spiritual protectors and such and it was a lovely talk but i don’t have a fixed opinion
83. current best friend’s name: martin 84. eye colour: greyish blue 85. favourite movie: nice try but how about no. there’s no need for one favourite!! my love for films knows no limits!!
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measagif · 7 years
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How to go freelance: need-to-know advice from creatives who made it
Once you’re free from the bubble of uni, the “real world” of the creative industry can seem daunting, and going it alone can be even more so. For many creatives, however, it’s the freedom they’ve been craving, a chance to finally show the world what they’re made of, and many establish a solid career having never stepped into a “normal” job.
Take these four successful freelance creatives: Owen Gildersleeve, Emily Stein, Sister Arrow and Jack Sachs. They’ve made it, and they have some great advice for how you can too, from practical tips to ideas for getting your creative momentum rolling.
Sister Arrow
Be yourself
Make the stuff you really want to make and put it out into the world. ‘Self promo’ in the social media sense can be a bit soulless in my opinion. Who cares? Everyone’s promoting something. Spend your time and energy making the work, then think of where you can get people to see in its most appropriate setting. Whether that’s in print publishing, an online platform, film screening, exhibition, a workshop… the format should relate to the content. Then talk to the people there about it. In person. Don’t ever be afraid to talk about yourself and your work. As long as you are asking questions too, then you will have great conversation and people will be interested in what you do and are passionate about.
Be knowledgable. Learn as much as you can, all of the time, forever. The more you read, watch, see, observe, listen to, the more you will understand the world and what your role is in it. Context is everything.
Practice drawing lines. Over and over. Understand the control you are capable of, and work with that.
Manage your Money
Be upfront with yourself about your finances. Don’t hide from your bank account. Initially, expenditure needs to be as low as possible on all non-allowable expenses items (see this government guide). However, you should be able to assess when it is a good time to invest in yourself and your studio practice. Working on rubbish equipment that slows you down is sometimes necessary but not economically sustainable in the end. Better to get in (manageable) debt and and have a fast computer that doesn’t beachball or crash every five seconds.
Buy people stationery and books for presents because then you can put it on expenses. Make sure your holidays are work-related, like, you are doing essential research or going to a meeting when you’re there (aren’t you??!)
Get friends and family to buy you non-allowable items like clothes and toiletries for your presents. Spend your own money on equipment and materials and subscriptions. Or save it. You will need a back-up fund for if you get sick or injured or out of work.
File all of your receipts weekly. I never do this because I’m stupid and don’t listen to my own advice.
Don’t ever stop.
Art, illustration, design, animation – it’s a long game. Focus on the horizon.
Find out what your ‘thing’ is; what do you most care about in the world? What makes your heart beat fast and get you excited? Your work should be centred around this thing. Then you will always be motivated to do it.
Be brave.
Take risks and believe in yourself.
If opportunities arise, even if you aren’t completely certain you have all of the requirements for the job, go for it. Anything technical you don’t know can probably be learnt via online videos in your evenings, while on the job. Ring the most reliable person you know and ask them for help or advice if you’re feeling unsure.
Tell yourself how great you are, and how great you are going to be. Even if the evidence doesn’t quite match up yet. It will ;-)
Owen Gildersleeve
There are a few bits of advice that I give to any students who I meet during university visits and talks, mainly based on things I stumbled across over the years and mistakes I made. The first is the importance of having a website and getting your work out there: nobody will know who you are or what you’re capable of unless you have something to show them. Sometimes people feel their work isn’t worthy enough to be shown to people, but it’s always surprising the good things that people are able to see in your work from a fresh perspective.
It also came as a surprise to me the types of people that can stumble across your work. My first commission came in from the New York Times during my second year of university off the back of a personal project I’d put on my site. I would never have thought that those guys would be looking at my work at that stage!
The second thing I really recommend is to get out there and meet people face-to-face. It’s such an important thing to make personal connections, not just with potential clients but with other people in your field. This then helps you to build a community and support network who you can call upon when you need help, or if you are just looking to bounce around ideas or let off some steam. This is extremely important when you leave university as it’ll help you transition from student life, where you are constantly surrounded by your peers, and in turn will hopefully allow you to feel part of wherever you settle.
Jack Sachs
It sounds obvious but getting in touch with people you want to work with is really important when you’re starting to freelance. It’s never that hard to find an art director’s email to introduce yourself and show them what you do. Avoid emailing their personal accounts or turning up at their homes. I’ve watched film/art directors find people to work on jobs just by going through their inbox and looking at emails like this so it definitely works, and even if you don’t get a response you’re still in their inbox and they’ve looked at your work.
In terms of your work I think it’s really good to maintain a personal practice alongside your professional one. They end up informing each other and help to keep the other fresh and fun. Also I think art directors are more interested in work you’ve done for yourself and not another client as it’s easier for them to imagine it working for their job without another client’s stamp on it.
Emily Stein
Money vs. Creativity
After I finished college I worked part-time in a photo studio and assisting various photographers to make enough money. I think it’s really important that whatever work you get to support you, it will benefit or inspire your own work in some way. It is really easy to take on too much other work to make money, but this can end up taking up so much time that our own practice drops further and further into the background. So, I guess it’s about finding a balance between making money and making your own work so you can build a portfolio and start getting it out there.
Collaboration with people you admire is a brilliant thing to do too. Get together with an art director or graphic designer whose work you love and make something together.
When it comes to making a website, keep it clean and simple, something that you can update easily rather than having to pay someone or wait for someone else to do for you. I use Cargo Collective and it’s really easy.
Getting a studio
I got a studio as soon as I could, as there is nothing more depressing than working at home. Even if it’s a desk share and you have 2-3 days a week in the studio, at least you can get in somewhere with other creatives who you can bounce ideas off and you don’t feel like you are alone in the world, sitting at a desk by your bed in your PJs at 1pm.
When I first went freelance I expected to get somewhere quickly and if I didn’t, I felt I was a failure. I wish I could go back and tell myself the truth. It has taken me years to survive from doing my “work work”, and it is a real privilege to be able to do this, but it’s not something just to expect will happen. It may take years, a lot of heartache, and constant self doubt, but if you are your work and are passionate about what you do there is no other option and making a living from doing that is an amazing thing that most people don’t get to do and will take time.
Also, be prepared to chase and chase people. Don’t expect anyone to get back to you! They are busy, it isn’t personal. Expect disappointment after disappointment on the way, this way when it happens it won’t get you down. Don’t be discouraged, never give up!
If you’re after more advice and insight into the creative industries, sign up to Lecture in Progress – It’s Nice That’s new sister company, which was launched to inspire, inform and empower emerging talent with information on the workings of the creative world.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Scindia and ‘Office Politics’ Politics
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/scindia-and-office-politics-politics/
Scindia and ‘Office Politics’ Politics
An organisation – company, party, club etc – is as good as the people in it. But what they don’t teach you at IIM Hogwarts is that the people in the organisation – company, party, club etc – are as good as its organisational functioning allows them to be. The curiously private firm that is the nominally public sector utility, Indian National Congress, is no exception. The resignation of former Union Cabinet minister and Rahul Gandhi confidante Jyotiraditya Scindia last week — and his smooth Soorma Bhopali-style ‘Ao hanste hanste, aur jao hanste hanste’ induction into BJP on Tuesday — is, therefore, much more than about one high-visibility fall-out of organisational dysfunction.
The problem besetting an organisation like Congress is that it doesn’t know – or care to know – that its  continuing obsolescence on the national stage stems from the way it continues to conduct business. This is not just about neglecting that dud word in Indian business and politics – meritocracy – but also about dealing with exigencies with pragmatism, brutal if need be.
More sinned against than sinning
That Scindia was having run-ins with Kamal Nath even before the latter was anointed Madhya Pradesh chief minister was hardly a company board meeting secret. Bearing in mind the job requirements of having a rhino hide in politics, and diminished aspirations in Congress if your surname doesn’t happen to be Gandhi, when the likes of Scindia and Sachin Pilot would leave the fold had become a rather boring parlour game. A Gandhi making way for a more capable Congressperson for the top position was as much a non-story as, if not more than, the queen of England stepping down so that her son could at least spend some time of his life knowing what it is to be king.
With the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections going against the BJP Shivraj Singh Chouhan government in October 2018, as is wont with an organisation running on happy pills, a Congress renaissance eclipsed any inner-party rumblings. With a Congress victory, ancien régimers Kamal Nath and Digjijay Singh suddenly looked strapping and youthful again in the media — as did Ashok Gehlot in Rajasthan two months later. One can just imagine how young, capable and Dorian Grayish Nath et al appeared to then Congress president and perennial ‘youth leader’ Rahul Gandhi.
But that there was trouble in upper management was clear to those who have a working relation with clarity when in October last year, Scindia lost his traditional Guna Lok Sabha constituency to BJP’s Krishna Pal Singh Yadav – a former Scindia aide who had quit Congress to join BJP after Scindia had apparently denied Yadav to take a selfie with him — in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. For palmists able to read lines on a Congress hand, Scindia’s defeat at Guna, a seat he held from 2002 after his father Madhavrao Scindia’s death till 2019, had sabotage written all over.
That things had gone bitter with ‘Kamal Uncle’ – and those who had put Rahul Gandhi’s father’s old friend in the chief minister’s seat, without giving Scindia any real national role except to tend to electoral gardens in western Uttar Pradesh (with Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in charge of eastern UP), a state where Lok Sabha poll intent and result matched like Congress hand in glove — became ridiculously obvious when Scindia condemned the Kamal Nath government in October last year for not keeping the Congress pre-poll promise of waiving farmer loans. He went on record to state that if the party failed to keep its promise, ‘…we will have to take to the streets’. To this the CM had a two-word reply: ‘Do it.’
Scindia’s departure will not result in another chunk of marble crashing down from Congress Mahal; it is the effect of marble being towed away by the ton. Scindia crossing the line to ‘the other side’ is again an effect of ignoring Management 101. However much the ‘Gandhian’ Congress may find Scindia’s departure from his ‘natural political terrain’ astounding, probably adding a ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’ farewell message, an organisation – a company, party, club etc – is also as good as it treats its employees.
Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch, who passed away nine days before Scindia tendered his resignation to party president Rahul Gandhi’s mother, was wrong about a lot of things, but right about one: ‘Shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world. Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy… your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products.’
Unlike many other sectors these days, politics, thankfully for the disillusioned former Congress employee, allows better employment options than it did, say, even a year ago. Expect Scindia to carry his entourage of 22-odd Congressmen with him and come to use in his new firm. For, an organisation – company, party, club etc – is really as good as it doesn’t take its people for granted.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author’s own.
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kyreniacommentator · 5 years
By Margaret Archibald and Sermen Erdogan…….
After a relentless search by Sermen Erdogan of  England and Scotland and after the article of “Childhood Memories in the Governors House 1950-1961 – RIP” was published on http://www.cyprusscene.com click here, Sermen  Erdogan managed to make contact with Margaret of the Archibald family.  
This is the amazing story of how they met after 54 years when their families lost contact with each other from the 16th of August 1960 when they all left the Governor’s House (now the Presidential Palace).
Following their sad separation in Cyprus and their recent contact, Margaret and Sermen have put together their joint recollection of memories of Cyprus. This is the continuation of their story and you can read the first two messages between Margaret and Sermen which are shown below:
Sermen Erdogan
Hi Margaret, I am looking for the Archibald family who were in Cyprus between 1956-1960, we were neighbours with them. The children’s names were Margaret, Joyce, Robert and David. Do you belong to that family?? I live in Australia and am writing a book about childhood experiences and memories of Cyprus. This is the reason that I want to contact the Archibalds. I will appreciate it if you let me know. Kind Regards,
Margaret Archibald
Hi Sermen. Yes I am the Margaret you are looking for and my sister was Joyce and Robert and David are my siblings. We were in Cyprus at the time you have listed. I have often wondered about the children who lived next door to us in Cyprus. I looked at photos recently taken by mum and dad who have both passed away, my sister Joyce passed away also. It has been so many years since we were there. It would be lovely to hear how you have all got on since we were all children. Look forward to hearing from you. I have only been on Facebook since last Thursday what a small world we live in. Best regards Margaret.
Sermen sent the link for Margaret to read the Childhood Memories article in cyprusscene.com After reading the article of  Childhood memories of  the Erdogan family in Cyprusscene, Margaret wrote to Sermen in the following message;
Margaret Archibald
Hi Sermen. Just read the article and it made me cry to see the photos of my family and your mum and your dad with my mum. It brought back so many memories. My mum was called Nina and my dad was always called Archie, he also had the nickname of Sunnie as he was always smiling, his real name was Robert. I have a niece called Nina and a nephew called Sunnie. I also remember climbing trees and fell off once and had to have stitches in my back. Do you remember my dad buying a white car?  it was his pride and joy he brought it back to England when we came back. I have so many things to recall of our time in Cyprus. So lovely to catch up with you at last.  PS I do remember you telling me you loved me but I just told my sister at the time it was our secret as you were too young for me.  Lovely memories. Regards, Margaret.
Following these initial messages exchanged via Facebook Sermen and Margaret wrote the following accounts of their childhood memories in Cyprus.
By Sermen Erdogan
I have very vivid memories playing with Margaret, Joyce and Robert. In fact I remember when there was a bit of conflict over a matchbox car with Robert when Margaret intervened, as she was older than us, and taught me my very first English word. She said just say “Please” to Robert and he will give you the car. It did work well and I never forgot my first word in English!
The Archibald’s father was a very handsome looking man, working all the time as the Chef in the Governors Palace.  Margaret said “he was so handsome, when they were back in the UK at about 16 years of age all her old school friends thought he was my boyfriend until I put them straight. He stayed handsome just till the end when he was very ill. God rest his soul.”
I remember him  smiling all the time and bringing goodies for us kids, both Archibald parents were very nice towards us. Archie  was very keen on model aeroplane making and I remember scrounging around in the rubbish tip we used to deposit rubbish in at the bottom of the garden and finding bits and pieces of his handywork of the aeroplanes he had discarded and I tried to build my own.
I was very sick at one stage and had to have an appendectomy operation in the Nicosia General Hospital. My father was very sad and Sylvia Foot, noticing my father’s sadness, asked what was the matter with him. My father explained that his older son had an operation and was in hospital.
There was a big fuss in the hospital ward I was in when Sylvia ( Sir Hugh Foots wife) visited me armed with lollies for all the children, colouring books and an abacus for me to play with. I will never forget the Nurses fussed over me after that visitation. The chocolates that Sylvia had brought for me I could not eat, but I am sure my nurses enjoyed them. The Foots used to have a black French poodle that sometimes we would take for walks around the gardens which was rewarded by cakes or goodies by Sylvia.
Eren always remembers Nina Archibald as the lady next door who supplied Smarties and Cakes for the boys and girls. When he did not get any or finished his, he used to sneak David’s Smarties.  The occasion that Robert remembers is when Eren fell in the garden pool, as he was always mischievous, when Robert gallantly saved him from drowning.  As we could not swim we just looked on with my sister, not knowing what to do.  Luckily Robert at that age could swim and saved him. The irrigation pool was in our playground as part of the gardens. It is amazing that our parents did not worry except on occasions to warn us about the pool. Lucky no one got hurt.
We also used to go down to the river a lot especially in winter to watch after heavy rains  when it used to come down in a torrent and flood the bottom of the garden, it meandered around the gardens and then down to Nicosia. We used to collect tadpoles from the river with the Archibald children in the Spring and early summer and put them into the garden irrigation pool to grow so that we could watch their progress.
One day Margaret learned that it was my mother’s (Gulten) birthday and she quickly organised little birthday gifts for her. My mother became so happy as then we hardly ever celebrated birthdays. It was the first time someone gave her a gift for her birthday she said.  One other incident I remember was when my mother (Gulten) cut her foot with a plate she dropped onto it. I ran to Nina and told her what happened. Nina came with bandages and patched my mum’s wound up. My mum missed Nina when they separated in 1960,  never to be able to meet again.
Gulten now lives in Australia in Melbourne and is retired after working for a child care centre. She was very happy and excited that I was able to locate our long lost friends – the Archibalds. It brought back a lot of memories she said.
I remember the Foot’s boys when they came from England for summer holidays. My father constructed a cubby house for all the children in the palace gardens at the bottom of the hill and the younger of the Foot’s children used to join with the Archibald and Erdogan children sometimes to play.  Father Erdogan was good at making hexagonal kites out of bamboo sticks and old newspapers and each summer there was kite flying for all the children. We also used to collect kites that broke their strings and landed in the gardens that were flown by the Greek neighbours in Strovolos. They could not claim their kites back unfortunately as they were not allowed into the palace grounds. Lucky for us we always had spare kites.
Our favourite game of all was hide and seek and we always played this game when we were all together with the Archibalds. Sometimes it took a long time to find the smart ones in the gardens. By far though it was the birthday times that we enjoyed most as special treats by Nina or my father were on offer.
Margaret use to be great on monkey bars. I used to be amazed how she could swing around and do all sorts of tricks.
We all used to play from time to time near a big water tank in the garden and I remember later after the Archibalds had left, standing on this tank and watching the row of cars that brought Yuri Gagarin to the Presidential palace to visit President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios. Yuri Gagarin was the first Russian Astronaut to go to space from Russia at the time. I remember him being a very young blonde chap and waving to onlookers lined along the road below from an open topped car.
By Margaret Archibald
Sir Hugh and Lady Foot took up residence in Government house in December 1957.
My Father was posted to Cyprus in 1957 to become the personal chef to the Foot family in residence at Government House, Cyprus.
We did not accompany my father at that time as we were based in a guest house in Blackpool, Lancashire, commandeered by the section of the armed forces that dealt with families waiting to join their fathers overseas.
We joined our father in early 1958, flying from an RAF base in the West of England to the RAF base (I think was in Akrotiri),  we were then driven by army lorry to what was to be our new home for approximately the next 2 years.
We were all very excited to be together as a family again, the family consisted of  my Father – Archie, Mother – Nina, myself aged 11 years, sister Joyce 10 years, brothers Robert aged 5 years and David aged just over 1 year.
We could not believe how hot it was when we arrived at our new home in Cyprus.  After leaving such a cold England.
Our new home was what we now call a bungalow, long and narrow and made of yellow coloured stone; we had three bedrooms a kitchen and bathroom as was usual for army families, all household facilities were provided for a family of six which was the usual thing carried out for army families no matter where your family was posted to in the world.
There was also a yard at the front with a fence around it, needless to say the fence did not stand for very long as photos we have testify to, as we played out-front and with the Erdogan children next door the fence on all sides became just the frame with no panels as it was an easy way to get from our house to theirs.
The grounds of Government house were free for us to roam, but we were told not to go within the perimeter of  the house itself as this was out of bounds to us children unless accompanied by a grown up.
My father would take us into the areas of Government House only the household staff had access to, but I remember on occasions when the Foots were away we did go into the main ground floor of the house but never upstairs, we also used to go into the household’s staff room where there was a large red Coca Cola machine and we were allowed to have a glass bottle of coke which was a rare treat for us. We also were allowed into the kitchens which were my father’s domain and very impressive they were.
The school my sister and I went to was King Richard School at Dhekelia. We were picked up each morning on the road next to the grounds by the old type of buses that are used for taking tourists around the island, but our buses were just for children going to school, the school hours were 7.30am to 1.30pm so our school day was a short one as the heat in the afternoon was too intense to be stuck in a classroom.
I always remember having a plastic bottle with a strap that was carried around my neck which my mother filled with orange juice diluted with water, I have never ever forgotten that smell when drinking from that bottle, I have only ever smelt that smell a few more times in my life when drinking from a plastic bottle and it always takes me straight back to my school days in Cyprus.
My school days in Cyprus were on the whole uneventful just the usual school things that you have to get through each day.   I do remember doing gardening at the school and trying to grow plants, as you can imagine a bit of a fruitless effort as the ground was so dry, but we had a good attempt at trying to grow plants.
However, after school was a different matter we had a whale of a time, me and my sister Joyce would race home from school to take a dip in the garden’s irrigation pool we called a “septic tank”, that was our swimming pool it was not very big but was quite deep, but to us it was heaven just to be able to cool down in the water.
We would then get into our shorts and tee-shirts to spend the rest of the day playing with Sermen and his brother and sister if they were allowed out to play with us.  There was a swing near to the Erdogan house which we used to swing on but as there was only one swing and I being the eldest I always wanted to be on the swing, thinking back now I was a bit selfish.  I did fall off the swing once and landed on the barbed wire fencing that was everywhere in and around the grounds, and had to be taken to the army hospital in Nicosia to have stitches in my back,  I remember having a bandage round me that I thought was like a bra and felt very grown up.
I also remember going to see a specialist in the hospital quite far away from our home, to have my eyes tested.  I had worn glasses since the age of about three, when I saw the specialist he told my mother the throw the glasses away they were now a waste of time as there was nothing wrong with my eyesight.  I never wore glasses again until I was over 40.
I remember playing in the lower grounds with my sister and the Erdogan children, the grounds were like an overgrown fruit and vegetable garden, we would climb the trees and pick oranges straight from the branches we would also pick ripe figs,  they always tasted delicious.  We also would try to open the great big water melons growing on the ground, but didn’t have much luck as we weren’t allowed a knife which was needed to open the melons.
As the Erdogan’s father was the person who was responsible for the upkeep of the grounds,  I remember the grounds being the most magical place for all of us children to play in and we would spend hours in the grounds.
I remember the guards in the sentry box leading to the gardens and the prisoners who were under guard by armed soldiers who used to help Sermen’s dad with the gardens that was the only place they could be trusted to work in. I remember the guards calling out when they wanted us to stop, they would call out Halt, Stamarter, and Dur – not sure if that is the correct spelling.
We were not allowed to play around the palace of the Governor or swim in the swimming pool of the Palace,  but we had the gardens with the orchards full of fruit trees and the forest next to the river. We were free to roam the gardens and we could pick oranges, mandarins and have any vegetables we liked.
I also remember my dad sleeping with a .38 pistol under his pillow he used to show it to us and tell us we were safe as long as he had his gun. Not a nice thing really but we were young so didn’t  know the real danger. My dad also had a book of photos with the most wanted men in Cyprus.  I don’t know what happened to that book,  best not to know I suppose.
I remember the Foots going to the Troodos Mountains.   I know we went up once or twice it was so lovely and cool after the heat of Nicosia.
We also found stray wild cats in the grounds which we took home begging my mother to keep them.  In the end we had three cats and in their turn they had fourteen kittens between them.  I remember waking up one morning with my baby brother David in his cot holding a newborn kitten by its tail.
We also used to go out of the grounds unbeknown to our parents.  We would walk to the riverbed but only Sermen would come with us as he was older than his brother and sister, on reflection it must have been quite dangerous for us to go as far as we did as we were under armed guard day and night at home. We used to just dig in the dried riverbed not sure what we were looking for but we had great fun nonetheless.
We also played hide and seek which to be honest was our most favourite game, as the places to hide were the best places in the world, we would be able to hide for ages without being caught, we would be hidden up trees behind plants, and in bushes, we would cover ourselves in blankets borrowed from home, we had so much fun, we played hide and seek every day.
I remember once we were playing chase all around each other’s houses and I remember running away to try and hide from the other children and I jumped down from a wall and jumped right onto a piece of wood that had a large rusty nail in it, the rusty nail went right into my foot and came out of the top of my foot,  I was screaming for my mother to help me, as you can imagine I couldn’t move but someone went to fetch my mother who then had to ask for my father to be free to take me to the hospital,  I think it was near Nicosia. I could not walk on my foot for many weeks; I also had to have tetanus injection which I was not very happy about.
I loved to swing on monkey bars by my legs. I never stopped day after day. I also remember a large round concrete tank I think sunk into the ground that had a pipe hanging out at the top. I would lie down on the top and sing into the pipe and it made a lovely echo sound.
Coming back to the UK I went on to swing on any pipe or bar that I found for years after leaving Cyprus. David also become the South Kent Gymnastic champion when he was still at school. Must run in the family, as my dad was a gymnastic champion for the army as well. We must have been the first family to wear track suits and trainers which we did when we were in Cyprus. My father used to let me sit on his lap and steer the Beetle car that he used to drive to the shops. I only used to do that driving up from the bottom of the grounds to the kitchen area of the great house.
When my father had free time from his duties, my parents would always go with us to Kyrenia beach to swim; my sister and I never forgot it.  It was the most wonderful beach for us children as we could walk out so far as the sea bed was like a staircase we could walk out for miles; we must have frightened my parents on many occasions when we walked out so far into the sea.
I remember playing with Paul and Oliver Foot when they came to Cyprus in their summer holidays, I remember going to the dried up river bed with them to see what we could find, They did not spend too much time with my sister and myself as we were girls and they wanted to play boys games which we weren’t interested in playing.  They did spend time playing tennis and swimming in their own pool within their area of the grounds, they also spent a lot of time within Government house as it was a lot cooler inside, as they were not used to the hot weather we used to have in Cyprus.
Paul Foot died of a heart attack on the 20th July 2004, and his brother Oliver died from heart failure on the 6th February 2008.  Very sad to think of people you knew as friends you played with when young have since passed.
We did not see much of Sir Hugh Foot or Lady Foot I think they were very busy, my father saw Lady Foot almost daily to discuss menus for themselves and guests they had staying.  I know they had writers and other dignitaries staying from time to time, I know as I would sometimes meet them as I was strolling around; I was given a mother of pearl brooch by a writer. I do not remember his name but my mother knew who he was, but needless to say I should have put his name down and I didn’t.   By the way I still have that brooch in my jewellery box.
I know Sir Hugh Foots brother, Michael Foot, came to stay as I saw him walking around the grounds a few times, I also remember someone else who visited the Foots, I don’t know who he was but I remember it looking odd as he was using his tie as a belt round his waist and I thought it so funny at the time.
I don’t ever remember my father or mother talking about the political situation in Cyprus, their only concern was keeping the family safe and out of danger.
My sister and I were bridesmaids to two members of the household staff, the bridegroom was British who used to be called in those days a batman, the bride was an Armenian lady who I think was a seamstress for the household but not certain about her occupation.
The reception was held in Government House to the left hand side inside the walled area, not in the main grounds at the back.   My father did the catering for the wedding and also made the cake, which was an exact replica of Government House. There was a photo of the cake but no one can find it at the moment.  I will endeavour to try and find the said photo.
If I can remember there was no music at the reception as it was a very formal occasion, as Sir Hugh Foot and Lady Foot attended for a short time, so everyone was on their best behaviour.
We did go to see the said couple once when we returned to the UK as they had a new baby son and we were invited to go and see him. Not sure where they lived in the UK but we only saw them the one time, the family lost touch with them after that.
We left Cyprus in August 1960 to return to the UK to live in army flats in Victoria London.   I remember before we left Cyprus we were invited to the lounge in Government House to say goodbye to Lady Foot.   She gave my sister and I three silver bracelets each,  she also gave my mother three very large silver bracelets.  My brothers each received a small gold St Christopher necklace.
My sister gave all of her three bracelets away to her school friends when we were at school in the UK.  I still have all three of my bracelets, two still on my wrist unfortunately one has since broken so it is in my jewellery box, and I have had those bracelets on my arm for 54 years.
When my mother knew she was terminally ill she gave me her three bracelets to keep as she knew I would look after them and not give them away, however when I was living in Aldgate in the East End my flat was broken into and you guessed it, they took my beloved mother’s bracelets,  I was devastated as you can imagine I wished the person who took them no luck wearing them or whoever they sold them to – no luck either.
My brothers being so young at that time have little memory of Cyprus David especially being only a just over a year old.
Robert remembers an incident at the irrigation tank and trying to rescue someone but he cannot remember too much either as he was only about 5 years old.
I just wish my sister Joyce, and my mother and father were here now so that we could all share our memories together I am sure there are so many more things we could put down on paper if they were with us.
I have come to the end of my memories from my time in Cyprus.   I hope you enjoy them.
Editors Note:
We would like to thank Margaret Archibald, Sermen and Eren Erdogan and the members of the Facebook page “Frozen Cypriots” click here who’s supply of the photographs included, have helped create this splendid article.  
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
  Margaret and Sermen
Archie Robert Archibald with Sir Hugh Foots wife Sylvia
British Govenors gardens
Gulten Erdogan
ina Archibald with the boys Robert, David and Eren Erdogan
The Archibald’s with Eren. David and Eren, behind Robert,Margaret and Joyce and our house.
Time for a dip in the Govenors swimming pool
Tulen, Eren and Semen image
Mrs Foot in the Govenors garden with our dad
Sermens dad with his wife Gulten and Mrs Arcihbald sitting on his lap
Sir Hugh Foot and his family
                         Further childhood memories of Cyprus including old friends re-unlighted By Margaret Archibald and Sermen Erdogan....... After a relentless search by Sermen Erdogan of  England and Scotland and after the article of "Childhood Memories in the Governors House 1950-1961 - RIP" was published on…
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Spring Cleanups | Storage Facility Junk Removal | Storage Unit Cleanout | Storage Unit Junk Removal | Store Waste Management | Storm Debris Removal Assistance | Stove Removal | Swing Set and Playset Removal | Table Removal | Television Disposal & Recycling |Tile Removal | Tire Recycling | Trampoline Removal | Trash Hauler Omaha | Trash Management | Trash out Service |Trash Removal | Trash Removal Alternative | Treadmill Removal | Tree Removal |Tube Tv Removal | Tv Hauler Omaha | Tv Recycle Omaha |Tv Recycler Omaha |Tv Removal | Tv Recycling Omaha | Tv Set Removal | Tv Stand Removal | Uhaul Loading Unloading Help | Unwanted Item Removal |Upright Freezer Pick Up | Upright Freezer Removal | Wall Removal | Warehouse Cleanout | Washer Removal | Washing Machine and Dryer Disposal |Waste Hauler Omaha | Waste Management | Waste Recycling | Waste Removal Services |Water Heater Disposal And Recycling |Wood Removal | Wood Scrap Removal | Wood Scrap Removal |Wood Waste Removal | Yard Waste Disposal | Yard Waste Hauler Omaha | Yard Waste Removal
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mgmjunkremoval-blog · 6 years
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  ABOUT US: Junk Removal Service Junk Haul Away Trash Furniture Removal Company in Las Vegas NV | MGM Junk Removal
 Best Junk Removal and Hauling Company of Las Vegas NV: At MGM Junk Removal we will haul away of your excess or junk and unwanted furniture, mattress, couch, appliances, trash, waste, junk, scraps, and unwanted items and clear them away in a timely and efficient manner. We will handle everything from cleaning out, to the demolition, to the junk removal. MGM Junk Removal will work with you in order to remove any unwanted junk from your property house or office. We can take care of almost anything junk furniture appliances, so do not hesitate to contact us for junk hauling and junk removal. We will go wherever you need us to go and we will do it all with a fast and friendly attitude anywhere in Las Vegas Nevada!
 We are a fully licensed and insured hauling service and junk removal ; we cater towards both residential and commercial establishments. We have all the equipment and resources to handle any type of trash removal job. We will go in and remove your unwanted trash so you don’t have to lift a finger.
 If you have any furniture, appliances, yard waste, trash, construction debris, junk that needs to be removed, or are interested in any of our other services please call us today and receive a free quote. We are dependable with great customer service. We will do everything we can to make sure you can stay within your budget and get the best service you can. We are Las Vegas`s favorite junk removal and hauling company.
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Air Conditioner Disposal | Apartment Cleanout | Appliance Donation | Appliance Disposal | Appliance Haul Away |Appliance Hauler McAllen | Appliance Moving | Appliance Pick Up | Appliance Pick Up and Removal Service | Appliance Recycling | Appliance Removal | Arcade Games Removal | Attic Cleanout | Attic Junk Removal | Auto Scrap Removal | Bank Property Cleanouts |Barn Demolition | Barn Removal | Basement Cleanout | Basement Junk Removal | Basketball Hoop Removal | Bathroom Demolition | Bathtub Removal | Battery Removal | Bbq Grill Removal | Bed Bugs Infested Furniture Removal | Bed Bugs Mattress Removal | McAllen Junk Removal | Bicycle Removal | McAllen Junk Removal | Boat Removal & Disposal | Box Spring Removal | Brick Removal | Bulk Item Removal | Cardboard Removal | Carpet Removal | Chair Removal | Christmas Tree Removal | Church Organ Disposal | Clothing Removal & Donation |Commercial Junk Removal |Commercial Waste Management |Commercial Wood Waste Removal | Commercial Yard Waste Removal | Computer Recycling |Concrete Demolition |Condo Clean Outs | Construction Clean Up | Construction Material Removal |Construction Waste Removal | Couch Hauling | McAllen Junk Removal | Crawl Space Clean Outs |Curbside Pick Up |Debris Hauler | Debris Removal | Deck Removal | Declutter Service |Decluttering Services | Desk Removal | Dishwasher Removal | Document Destruction | Donation Pickup & Delivery |Dresser Removal | Drywall Removal | Dumpster Alternative | Electronics Recycling | Junk Removal | Entertainment Center Removal | Estate Cleanout | Eviction Cleanouts | Exercise Gym Equipment Removal | Fall Cleanups | Fence Removal | Fixture Removal | Flood Damaged Property Removal | Food Waste Removal | Food Waste Removal | Foreclosure Cleanout | McAllen Junk Removal | Full Service Junk Removal | Furniture Disposal | Furnace Removal | Furniture Delivery | Furniture Hauler McAllen | Furniture Pick Up | Furniture Removal |Futon Removal | Garbage Management | Garage Cleanout | Garage Junk Removal |Garbage Hauler | Garbage Removal | Gazebo Removal | Glass Removal | McAllen Junk Removal | Grill Removal | Hatchery Waste Removal | Hauling Company | Hauling Service | Heavy Furniture Moving Help | Heavy Furniture Removal | Heavy Instrument Removal | Hide A Bed Removal | Hoarder Cleanout | Hot Tub Hauler | Hot Tub Removal | House Cleanout |Household Junk Removal | Insulation Removal | Inventory Overstock Hauling | Jacuzzi Removal | Junk Auto Removal | Junk Hauler McAllen | Junk Pick Up | Junk Removal | Junk Removal Company | Junk Removal Cost |Junk Removal Service | Junk Removal Services For Real Estate | King Mattress Removal | Kitchen Demolition | McAllen Junk Removal | Leaf Removal | Loading Unloading Help |Loveseat Removal | Lumber Hauler McAllen | Lumber Removal | Mattress Disposal | Mattress Hauler McAllen | Merchandise Removal | Metal Scrap Removal | Microwave Removal | Monitor Recycling | Office Cleanout | Office Equipment Removal | Old Appliance Removal | Old Console Tv Removal |Old Picnic Table Bench Haul Away | Old Shed Removal | McAllen Junk Removal | Outbuilding Removal | Oven Removal | Paint Can Removal | Pallet Removal | Paper Removal | McAllen Junk Removal | Patio Furniture Removal | Patio Removal | Penske Loading Unloading Help |Piano Hauler | Piano Removal | Pipe Organ Removal | Plastic Removal | Pool Table Removal | Printer Recycling | Professional Tree Removal | Property Cleanout | Ralston Junk Removal | Recliner Disposal |Refrigerator Hauler | Refrigerator Removal |Remodeling Debris Removal | Rental Truck Loading Unloading Help | Residential Junk Removal | Residential Waste Removal | Residential Yard Waste Removal | Retail Junk Removal | Rim Removal | Rolloff Containers | Rubbish Hauler |Rubbish Removal | Scrap Metal Hauler McAllen | Scrap Metal Recycling | Sectional Couch Removal | Service Area – Junk Removal  | Shed Demolition | Shed Junk Removal | Shed Removal | Shelving Metal Rack Removal |Site Cleanout | Sofa Hauling | Sofa Removal | Spa Removal | Spring Cleanups | Storage Facility Junk Removal | Storage Unit Cleanout | Storage Unit Junk Removal | Store Waste Management | Storm Debris Removal Assistance | Stove Removal | Swing Set and Playset Removal | Table Removal | Television Disposal & Recycling |Tile Removal | Tire Recycling | Trampoline Removal | Trash Hauler McAllen | Trash Management | Trash out Service |Trash Removal | Trash Removal Alternative | Treadmill Removal | Tree Removal |Tube Tv Removal | Tv Hauler McAllen | Tv Recycle McAllen |Tv Recycler McAllen |Tv Removal | Tv Recycling McAllen | Tv Set Removal | Tv Stand Removal | Uhaul Loading Unloading Help | Unwanted Item Removal |Upright Freezer Pick Up | Upright Freezer Removal | Wall Removal | Warehouse Cleanout | Washer Removal | Washing Machine and Dryer Disposal |Waste Hauler McAllen | Waste Management | Waste Recycling | Waste Removal Services |Water Heater Disposal And Recycling |Wood Removal | Wood Scrap Removal | Wood Scrap Removal |Wood Waste Removal | Yard Waste Disposal | Yard Waste Hauler McAllen | Yard Waste Removal
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Bane, the highly-anticipated next standalone in the Sinners of Saint Series by L.J. Shen is LIVE
I loved the way Bane took Jesse under his protection and I loved the way he loved her.  I loved Bane - full stop!   ~JG
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Naked surfer. Habitual pothead. A con, a liar, a thief and a fraud.
Last I heard, he was extorting the rich and screwing their wives for a living.
Which is why I’m more than a little surprised to find him at my threshold, looking for my friendship, my services, and most puzzling of all—looking humbled.
Thing is, I’m on a boycott. Literally—I cut boys from my life. Permanently.
Problem is, Bane is not a boy, he is all man, and I’m falling, crashing, drowning in his sweet, perfect lies.
Jesse Carter
Hot as hell, cold as ice.
I wasn’t aware of her existence until a fat, juicy deal landed in my lap.
She’s a part of it, a little plaything to kill some time.
She is collateral, a means to an end, and a side-bonus for striking a deal with her oil tycoon stepdad.
More than anything, Jesse Carter is a tough nut to crack.
Little does she know, I have the f****** teeth for it.
A liar.
A con.
A godless thief.
My reputation was a big wave that I rode, one that swallowed everyone around me, drowning every attempt to fuck with what’s mine.
I’d been known as a stoner, but power was my real drug of choice. Money meant nothing. It was tangible, and therefore easy to lose. See, to me, people were a game. One I’d always known how to win.
Move the rooks around.
Change the queen when necessary.
Guard the king at all fucking times.
I was never distracted, never deterred, and never jealous.
So, imagine my surprise when I found myself being all three at once.
It was a siren with coal black hair who robbed me of riding the biggest wave I’d seen that summer. Of my precious attention. Of my goddamn breath.
She glided from the ocean to the beach like nightfall.
I crouched down, straddling my surfboard, gawking.
Edie and Beck stopped beside me, floating on their boards in my periphery.
“This one’s taken by Emery Wallace,” Edie had warned. Thief.
“This one’s the hottest masterpiece in town.” Beck had chuckled. Con.
“More importantly, she only dates rich bastards.” Liar.
I had all the ingredients to pull her in.
Her body was a patch of fresh snow. White, fair, like the sun shone through her, never quite soaking in. Her skin defied nature, her ass defied my sanity, but it was the words on her back that made my logic rebel.
It wasn’t her curves or the way she swayed her hips like a dangling, poisonous apple that warranted my reaction to her.
It was that tattoo I had noticed when she swam close to me earlier, the words trickling down the nape of her neck and back in a straight arrow.
My Whole Life Has Been Pledged to This Meeting with You
I only knew one person who went gaga over the Russian poet, and, like the famous Alexander, he was currently six feet under.
My friends began to paddle back to shore. I couldn’t move. It felt like my balls were ten tons heavy. I didn’t believe in love at first sight. Lust, maybe, but even that wasn’t the word I was looking for. No. This girl fucking intrigued me.
“What’s her name?” I snatched Beck’s ankle, yanking him back to me. Edie stopped pedaling and looked back, her gaze ping-ponging between us.
“Doesn’t matter, bro.”
“What’s. Her. Name?” I repeated through a locked jaw.
“Dude, she’s, like, way young.”
“I will not repeat myself a third time.”
Beck’s throat bobbed with a swallow. He knew damn well that I didn’t mess around. If she was legal—it was on.
“Jesse Carter.”
Jesse Carter was going to be mine before she even knew me.
Before I even knew her.
Before her life turned upside down and her fate rewrote itself with her blood.
So here was the truth that even my lying ass wouldn’t admit later on in our story—I wanted her before.
Before she became business.
Before the truth caged her in.
Before the secrets gushed out.
I never did get to surf that day.
My surfboard broke.
Should have known it was an omen.
My heart was going to be next in line.
And for a small chick, she did one hell of a fucking job obliterating it.
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Download today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2rqvtiI
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/BaneLJShen
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2BVlUPy
Start the Series of Standalones Today!
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2xdCsQ6
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/ViciousLJShen
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2hUo31f
5 of 5 Stars
There is something about LJ Shen’s writing that is inherently captivating and I can’t help but fall victim to each and every one of her novels.  
Bane, although a complete standalone within the Sinners of Saint Series, was equally as rewarding and another strongly written book.  The characters were deeply flawed though circumstance and yet they fit together like the perfect pieces of a jigsaw.  
Bane is a surfer with a dark and damaging reputation.  Women love him and men fear him, and yet he falls deeply in love with the one girl he can’t and shouldn’t have.
Jesse is a shadow of the girl she once was and is now hiding away from everyone who has wronged her.  When her stepfather enlists the man-whore who is Bane to befriend Jesse, the duo immediately strike up and unlikely friendship.  Bane struggles with his feelings for Jesse and as she reveals her story to him, his feelings only grow stronger.  Not one to be told what to do, however, Bane does what Bane does best and that’s pleasing himself.
The story has highs and lows and takes readers on an emotional journey throughout the minds of two troubled youths who, despite their inner fragility, are outwardly very strong. I loved the way Bane took Jesse under his protection and I loved the way he loved her.  I loved Bane - full stop!  
Such a good book, such a great series, and such a tremendously talented author.  Highly recommended!
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About LJ Shen:
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
Connect with LJ Shen:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorljshen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_shen
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authorljshen/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorljshen/
Stay up to date with LJ Shen by signing up for her mailing list:
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lazydarth · 7 years
WTF is “LazyDarth”?
It began about two years ago.... well, it had been stewing for much longer than that. In short, LazyDarth is a "game" that I made up about two years ago.
Below is a short rant that I wrote in 2015:
It has always bothered me that Ben Kenobi's Tatooine outfit became, like, The Jedi Robe.
In the first film, Obi-wan Kenobi was supposedly the last of his kind, and in hiding. He wore clothes that were suited for the environment, to blend in with the terrain and the culture, and not be noticed or make anyone think he was a Jedi. Luke, and even the Sand People wore outfits that were not dissimilar. Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen Lars wore clothing that looked very much like the robe that Ben Kenobi wore, although he had a hood that made him look a bit wizardly. They were just ordinary people.
And by RotJ Luke was doing this all-black "is he Sith or is he Jedi?" thing... But if any Jedi would have a reason to dress like this besides Ben, it'd be Luke. He looked up to Ben, and they both came from the same place. But Luke had changed his dress to be... more like a Jedi, I guess. Clearly, Jedi wore different stuff from what Old Ben wore in exile in the desert.
Bring in the shitty prequels, and everyone who is a Jedi dresses like this in the entire galaxy. Qui-gon Jinn, Mace Windu, they all wore The Jedi Robe, whether they were from Tatooine or not, whether they were in hiding or not. Not, like, literally everyone who's a Jedi in the prequels wears The Jedi Robe, but a whole lot of them sure did, and most of them didn't hail from Tatooine. It made no sense.
Don't even get me started on the ludicrous idea of all Sith lords taking the first name (or title) Darth. They're Sith Lords, not the Ramones.
In the first movie, Obi Wan calls his old nemesis "Darth," as though it were his first name, not a title: "Only a master of evil, Darth."
Then the writers got lazy for the prequels and decided to make every Sith Lord have the name template Darth [Something-that-sounds-menacing-and-evil]. It was really dumb, and robbed Vader of the specialness of his taken name.
Oh I guess I got started, didn't I?
This is what I call lazy design. You just take a thing that worked, and duplicate it with endless variations until you've milked everything good out of it.
The mark of lazy design is when they milk it for all it's worth, cranking out tons of rubbish that continues to sell on the basis that once people decide they like something, many of them will just continue to buy whatever new thing they crank out, without reservation, forever, until and even after it ruins whatever was cool about the original.
That's what we're here for.
So here are the rules of LazyDarth:
You make up a new Darth. A Darth has the first name "Darth" and the second name is a word that inspires dread, malice, or foreboding. And also ridiculousness. Darth Jobinterview.
You can tweak the name a bit to make it thinly disguised: Vader == invader. Sidious == insidious. Etc.
Names that are made out of phrases get lame quickly, so use them only if very clever, and sparingly. Darth Badchinesefood. Darth Afterprom.
You tweet the name of the new Darth LazyDarth https://twitter.com/LazyDarth
If the name gets a star/like, you get a point.
If the name gets a share, you get 10 points.
If the name gets turned into its own account, you get 1000 points.
If the named account gets followers, you get 50 points/follower.
No one is adding up the points, unless someone does, so just have fun.
This was a lot of fun for about a month, maybe tw, and then it had about run its course, and we had largely accomplished what we had set out to do, which was to reserve every bad Darth name so that future Star Wars films would be forced to use something other than Darth So-and-so for the villains.
Anyway, that's where the name comes from. You can still play it if you want to. Look for the Facebook group. We have some pretty great Darths enshrined there.
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nunoxaviermoreira · 7 years
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Autumn at Marton Mere near Blackpool, Lancashire, England - October 2016 by SaffyH http://ift.tt/2yAF7E4... Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve is a tranquil refuge on Blackpool’s urban fringe, important for nature conservation, quiet recreation and environmental education. The reserve is nationally recognised as a Site of Special Scientific Interest for its bird populations, but it also supports a number of other nationally important species such as dragonflies, butterflies, bats and orchids. Marton Mere is Blackpool’s biodiversity hot spot, despite it once being part of Blackpool Corporation’s rubbish tip. The site contains a diversity of habitats including open water, reed beds, grassland as well as pockets of woodland and scrub. Visitors can enjoy the area through following the designated footpaths around the site and visiting the numerous bird watching hides. Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve is owned, managed and funded by Blackpool Council’s Ranger Service in partnership with Marton Mere Holiday Village. The Rangers undertake large conservation projects with the Volunteer Rangers, protect the interests of people and wildlife as well as undertake a varied programme and events and tours around the reserve. The Parks Events Programme is availible between April and October, please pick up your copy in the Stanley Park Visitors Centre or on the publications page. In additon to the events programme the Ranger Service will be carrying out several walks this winter (Nov-Feb) to learn all about Long Eared Owls - you might even spot one of these elusive birds! See the publications section on the right for further details. Visit Blackpool's Parks and Open Spaces on Facebook for detailed updates on park projects, developments and events - www.facebook.com For information on walking in Lancashire contact: http://ift.tt/2xRWJYt Where can I see Long Eared Owls? Long Eared Owls winter at Marton Mere Nature Reserve before returning to their breeding areas in the spring. During winter (Nov-Feb) Blackpool Council's Ranger Service organise walks which show you where these elusive birds are located and leave you to enjoy this beautiful site. Remember your binoculars - you may also spot a Bittern if you're lucky! For further details please go to the Publications section on the Ranger Service website How can I join the Junior Rangers Club? Are you interested in exploring? Do you like art, science, history or nature? Would you like to learn more about local parks and nature reserves that belong to you? Did you know you can help protect these special places? Well, guess what? Now you can, and all you need to do to be a part of all the fun is join the Junior Rangers Club, and better still, it's all free! As a junior Ranger you'll get to explore the local wildlife, go on trips, use hand tools to make things, take part in arts and crafts, go orienteering, play games and loads more. The Junior Rangers Club is run by Blackpool's Ranger Service on Marton Mere Local Nature Reserve and is a fun packed wildlife club for children aged 8 to 13 years old. The club will meet on a Sunday afternoon, once a month from 1.00 p.m to 3.00 p.m. If you want to find out more please contact the Ranger Service on (01253) 478012 or email [email protected]. What wildlife can be seen on the reserve? Marton Mere has a superb diversity of habitats, making it attractive to a number of flora and fauna. You will find a variety of wildflowers such as bee orchids, yellow rattle, marsh woundwort and birdsfoot trefoil. The site supports a number of invertebrates such as bees, dragonflies and moths. Butterflies such as the common blue, red admiral, meadow brown and gatekeeper are particularly numerous. The reserve attracts good numbers of scarcer birds such as water rails, bitterns, whimbrels, marsh harriers and ospreys. The extensive reed bed habitat supports breeding sedge warblers, reed warbler and reed bunting. Long eared owls, sparrowhawks, peregrines and the occasional merlin are also present. How can I become a Volunteer Ranger? We welcome applicants to our Volunteer Ranger Service who work around the borough supporting the work of the Rangers on ecological sites. Volunteer Rangers undertake foot patrols, litter picking, practical conservation work and maintenance – as well as assist in guided walks, events and running the Ranger Station. If you are interested, please contact: (01253) 478478 or download a pack which can be found under Publications to the right of this page.. What is the history of Marton Mere? The Mere is one of only two nature lakes in Lancashire. The site was formed at the end of the last Ice Age over 10,000 years ago, covering a much larger site than you see today. Surrounded by forest and marsh attracting animals such as beaver, elk, wild boar, wolves and bears, local people would have caught fish and hunted wildfowl as well as collected reeds and rushes for thatching their homes. In the early 18th century the original Mere was drained for agriculture significantly reducing the open water habitat. In more recent times, much of the site and surrounding area was used as a refuse tip until 1972. After the site was reclaimed the Nature Conservancy Council designated the area as a Site of Special Scientific Interest in 1974 and Blackpool Council declared the site as a Local Nature Reserve for wildlife in 1991. http://ift.tt/2yAPis8
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