#hide game related crap
windtowee · 1 year
Hello. Can I ask Slender Man, Eyeless Jack and Ticci Toby with human S/O, who commits killings because they hate humanity? They can make some exceptions for other human creepys, but everyone else is free game.
Tw! Killing,
Romantic, headcannons
Gender neutral! Killer! Reader
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He personally relates himself as he kills for mortality gray reasons
He really doesn’t mind you killing as he might even help you at times
He would prefer you as a human not to kill due to the police and crap
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His simping for you just doubled 
For him it’s just another bonding activity you two can do with each other
He just sees it as something else to love about you
Eyeless Jack
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He really doesn’t care
He kinda feels indifferent about your killings
He’s super chill about it, although just make sure to hide the bodies properly (he really doesn’t want to bust you out of jail again)
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dragonmarquise · 14 days
Bro i love reading your brc headcanons, do you have more about the futurism and eclipse crew members that date each other? I think i saw it mentioned in one of your posts and the idea lives in my head rent free
Ahhh thank you!! ;u; And I have a few for them! Maybe not as extensive as my other BRC ships but still.
Before I get into headcanons, just want give a shoutout again to this awesome art by @monkiinart which inspired me to ship these two in the first place! ;u;
So then, the two particular characters here, at least for my headcanons, are Nyx (FUTURISM spring palette, joins BRC in the post game) and Aquila (Eclipse summer palette, the one with dark brown hair).
First, the set up for them dating:
Nyx decided to just be blunt and asked Aquila for her number. Aquila of course thinks it’s just a trap, with the two of them being on rival crews and all. She challenges Nyx to a series of score challenges, five in a row, but is genuinely impressed when Nyx manages to nail all of them!
A quick script-thing of part of their exchange after Nyx finishes the challenges:
Nyx: So, am I getting those digits or what? Aquila: Still hoping for that, huh? You’re either very brave or very stupid. Nyx: Why not both?
That actually gets a laugh out of Aquila, and she figures, fine, why the hell not. They start texting/calling each other, and eventually go on dates, and then the rest is history!
And now other random bits:
Not quite related to them as a couple I think? But Aquila is femme and Nyx is butch, just saying. :u
At first, Nyx was pretty flustered around Aquila on their dates, partially in a “Holy crap I’m actually dating her now, what the hell do I do” kind of way. Which contrasts a lot with her usual calm and confident personality! Even after a while of dating, Nyx is still sometimes flustered around her girlfriend. Aquila herself doesn’t mind, she thinks it’s cute and will say as much. Which makes Nyx even more flustered most of the time, lol
Aquila does yoga and has gotten Nyx into it too. Nyx has also been getting Aquila more into video games, she’s found she enjoys turn-based RPGs the most.
Nyx tends to be snarky with others, even to friends and people she respects like DJ Cyber. Aquila is the only person to whom Nyx drops the snark. Likewise, Aquila is usually fairly dismissive of others outside of Eclipse, especially any rival writers, but with Nyx she’s genuinely respectful and kind. Not to mention they’re both very loving towards each other!
Favorite guilty pleasure for both of them is watching cheesy rom coms and romantic dramas together!
Aquila’s day job is as the director of a science museum in New Amsterdam. She loves it and often brings up science topics while she’s on dates with Nyx, like new research projects and discoveries across a whole bunch of science fields. She’s really happy with how Nyx is interested in this stuff too and can keep up with her.
Though, sometimes Nyx has to look up a ton of stuff afterward to get a better understanding of certain things they talk about. Usually with topics that she isn’t already familiar with. But hey, she gets through it for her girlfriend!!
Aquila has been meaning to try out cooking new recipes and stuff, but she would often put it off. Now that she’s dating Nyx, she has encouragement for cooking more, plus a taste tester for new recipes!
I mentioned in the FUTURISM post that Nyx sometimes gets into little prank wars with Cueball. She does “pranks” on Aquila too, but instead of like, scary or annoying pranks, it’s more like hiding positive and lovey-dovey notes for Aquila to find~
I think that’s about all I have… for now! If I end up brainstorming more stuff, I’ll either add them here or make a new separate post. :D
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
🎃 Some changes coming to this blog 🎃
TL;DR Summary: You might notice me branching out into new topics or areas of interest now that I'm no longer writing TVD fanfiction. The overall vibe of this blog might alter a little. Although, I'll still be fall & autumn posting until the day I die and well into the afterlife if there is one. Things leaving: TVD fanfiction, my personal fanfiction, vampire stuff unless I feel like talking about them. Things possibly being introduced: More shitposting, mental illness related posts about my feelings on stuff, art maybe??? A journal on my adventures in lucid dreaming, shifting, and astral projection????* *That might turn into a whole new blog tbh. I don't know if any of my followers would enjoy listening to me babble about weird dream crap.
Read below for an expanded discourse about my ideas on what will change.
So! I've kind of run out of steam when it comes to writing fanfiction for TVD. Netflix eradicating the show from their streaming services kind of slammed down the final coffin nail on my muse, so to speak, & I was really bummed when I found out yesterday. This blog started out as a TVD/Originals sanctuary for me, after all... But it's grown into something more now. It's become a place where I can express feelings & thoughts that I've had hiding inside me but never felt safe enough to say out loud. And I've had so much fun with Autumn aesthetics; turning this blog into a Fall paradise has improved my mood in so many ways! Whenever I'm depressed, I just look at my blog and imagine that I'm relaxing in my pumpkin patch, far away from the noise and troubles of the world. & I've also made a couple of friends along the way here! Looking at you guys: @king-yandere and @margueritetheduchess05💖
The question remains, however. If I won't be writing about vampires anymore, then where do I go from here? What should I do? It's a solid fact that I go insane if I'm not actively engaging with my creativity in some way. Last night, the only thing I did was brainstorm, and stress myself out trying to think of SOMETHING. Today, I think I finally have a game plan. so lemme lay it out for you. Or rather, me. I don't know if anyone is actually reading this LOL. 🎃 "Accidentalslayer" name will still remain along with blog title. My autumn & spooky aesthetics are here to stay. I might reblog people's fanfics from time to time but I think I'm moving away from writing fic myself. Besides, it didn't feel very rewarding if I'm honest. I got very little engagement on my chapters. So, if I ever DO write another story on this blog again, it'll be definitely be an original fiction. My pumpkin hat off to fanfiction writers everywhere, though! A LOT of effort, time, and research goes into fanfic that readers will never know about... 🎃 It's already been there on the periphery but I think this blog might just turn into my main shitposting/journal outlet for talking about my mundane experiences. Mental illness, funny thoughts, & feelings that visit my brain every day. If I can somehow get my "art brain" to work again, I might post art here, idk. 🎃 I'm a spiritual hoe. I love talking about witchcraft, tarot, and lucid dreaming but I'm not really sure this blog is where I should talk about that stuff. I have @flowercrone for all my tarot/PAC readings but I've really REALLY started to take an interest in astral projection, shifting, and lucid dreaming. I even started a journal recently to document all my experiences. I should probably start another blog that's dedicated JUST to shifting and astral projection, idk. If you've gotten this far in the post, you're loved beyond belief right now. 💖 Please feel free to send suggestions to me in my asks if you have any ideas about anything I've written in this post.
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hetameme · 1 month
Me & Babe
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Me and a good friend of mine put aside cringe and made genshin oc/self inserts. Well, it was mostly that I wanted to do it and I asked if he would also want to join.
I have some lore drops for them, but I figure most are here for the art anyhow, so I'll leave the ramblings down below
The smaller research student you see is my character, I haven't come up with a good vision yet, but I have most of the backstory properly set up. At first I was worried that maybe it'd be a little too marysue ish, but realized it's not such a big deal anyhow and I like having goofy details that seem a bit cringe.
I had an idea where they're a far relative of the Kheadahra clan and despise their history and ties to Inazuma/the clan, and long for the world outside of the island nation. Once he gets out they decide to fully pursue their true passion in the arts by enrolling in the akidemiya. But this was before the traveler got there, so the sages were very harsh on those kind of subjects at the time. Which leads them to end up choosing to major in history.
Yadda yadda their class goes on a trip to the desert and hires mercenaries to protect the group. Low and behold, one mercenary in particular ends up becoming quite close with the poor research student. I had another idea where they go "missing", missing in the context of purposefully hiding away from the matra. I'll work on it more later, since I don't believe I have their story finished yet.
~~ ~~
The other character is my friend, and while initially he wasn't going to have a too complex of a background. But I started watching WAY too much Roosevelt and holy cow dude, now I have much more crap to work with. I just thought this version was more interesting then the last.
So he's actually, if you could've already guessed, a descendent of the Crimson Moon dynasty. As of now we only have a single character in game that is associated/related to them so I incorporated just a small part of her design into his. However, the biggest twist with him is he has no recollection of the past he used to live, as he "died" a long while ago before picking up his life in Fontaine. I'm still going over the idea of possibly seeing whether or not it'd be feasible to have him grow up there or instead just 'spawn' in.
Rather I'm more focused on the later where he'll have to grapple with the memories of the 500 years before and the present life he's living.
( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
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Thoughts on Kaito and Internalized Ableism (long post warning)
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33:14 Chapter 2 Investigation (Spoilers for the entire game throughout this post)
Note: Normally I reference scenes from the English dub, but I happened to click on this one with the voices in Japanese, and I'm too lazy rn to go searching for the English dub. I think the English subs are the same, but just wanted to reference in case there are discrepancies.
^^^ Here is one of Kaito's opinions that can be good in the right context, and I think it was used right in this one, but also gives vibes of stemming from his internalized ableism (is it still called internalized ableism if you're also applying it to other people??). Maybe it's the "if you've got time to __ you've got time to __" that sounds like something a mean teacher would say.
Another small sidenote: I've also seen someone headcanon Gonta as autistic, which I agree with. I wont be talking about it this post other than this sidenote, but I can relate to that feeling of "I cant help, I'm too dumb, so I should just stay out of the way." But everyone should be doing the investigation, since their lives are on the line, so Kaito was right in this example telling him that he should at least read the Monokuma file. That's all I have to say about Gonta in this post btw.
(Trigger warning: Talk of life-threatening illness, internalized ableism, Ryoma's suicidal depression).
My headcanon for Kaito is that he has always been sick with a life threatening illness, but pushes himself past his limits out of misguided ideas (disability inspiration porn) of "overcoming" his illness to be the "Luminary of the Stars." I also talked about that in this post.
Of course, being disabled myself, it's possible I just always associate advice like this with "well, how do you want disabled people to apply this advice, how much are you willing to accommodate them or be patient with them versus just pushing them to their limits?" And considering that Kaito was hiding an illness in canon makes me wonder how much that relates to his ideologies and how he sees himself.
He can be very harsh sometimes, especially with guys (that gender role crap about men being strong). His illness doesn't excuse this, but it can explain how and why he's so forward about telling others to suck it up and get themselves together. The problems/naiveté with that way of thinking shows up when he talks about Ryoma being suicidal (14:57 in the video).
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One of Kaito's worst lines, if not his worst line period. It's good writing and very in-character, but it's very hard to stomach. It's the words of a naïve kid who really really doesn't understand someone being suicidal and how it affects them. He lives by an attitude of overcoming anything and believing in everyone (he's also a friendly, outgoing person, noting that "living for your friends" thing), it's hard for him to fathom Ryoma's feelings as something he couldn't have just, powered through, overcame, believed in himself more? Ryoma's depression was, like, a discouragement, so why couldn't Ryoma have just... encouraged himself out of it? That's what Kaito (who doesn't have Ryoma's depression) would have done!
His frame of reference, like his internalized ableist inspiration porn, is limited. Which makes sense, given that he's a kid. But this is the problem with inspirational talk, it hits a wall when the person trying to inspire you lacks a fundamental understanding of your situation and fails to make a connection.
He was able to get through to Maki and Shuichi as he made friends with them; he at least understood what they wanted and what could motivate them. But Maki and Shuichi (at the time at least) weren't suicidal the way Ryoma was, so they were still receptive to Kaito and to believing in themselves.
Ryoma was not a lost cause, and Kaito is not a failure for his inability to help an adult willpower his way out of being suicidal, but it's sobering to see the realistic limitations of Kaito's limited-perspective optimism.
I hate to end this post on such a low note, so here's a different moment (32 minutes in).
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Tsumugi, like every good writer, knows that it's never too late in the process to add more convoluted backstory.
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tatomikat · 3 months
Thoughts that occurred during the first 9 hours of playing Dragon Quest XI so far:
"Dawwww. Just look at those little guys (slimes). They're adorable! ... Not for long anymore."
"Let. Me. Jump. Off. That. CLIFF!"
"Why is it so difficult to fight a cloud with a sword? ... I think I just answered my own question. Magic it is then."
"I've played way too much Zelda. I keep calling those little goblin guys (Grublin?) 'Bokoblins'."
"The developers must have been really hungry. With so many food themed enemies."
"Why did that random npc think it important to tell me that there's someone in the dungeons? How is that related to me?" (5 minutes later) "Oooooh."
"Hey King guy. I think you've got that causality thing between the Luminary and the bad guy a bit backwards. Also I think you gave me whiplash with that sudden change in tone."
"'Investigate'? What an interesting wording. They'll destroy the village, won't they?"
"Why hello there, stranger (Erik) within talking range. What a nice coincidence to meet you at a place like this (dungeons). Do you come here often?"
"Well what do you say to that. A dragon. Like two or so hours into the game. They are really not wasting any time, do they? Am I supposed to fight that thing?!"
(trying to get to Derk) (lots of cussing while trying to jump from the church to the top of the wall) "Why don't you jump when I press the button?! Why did they put platforming into a game that is clearly not laid out for that?! Oh. There's a rope. Never mind."
(get cat off the roof quest) "HOW THE F DO I GET ONTO THAT ROOF?! Oh look. A ladder."
(After the title cutscene) "So we're gonna turn a tree into a dragon? Is that what we're doing? Okay. Makes sense. I guess."
"Who left that dog all alone? Where is the owner? And for how long has the poor animal been alone anyway?"
(To the woodcutter) "Who's a good boy? Who's a really good pupper? You are! Yes you ar- Oh! You're a person. Oops. Awkward."
"Knock-off Friezer is hiding in that chest, right?"
(a couple hours after the dungeon cutscene) "Oh. Looks like they didn't destroy the village after all. Wait. Why does no one recognize the hero? Why does his mom kick him out? BABY GEMMA? What? Past? What? How did that happen? When did that happen? ... Oh look. There's the destroyed village. Okay guys, everything's alright. We're back on track."
"Just one question. What happened to the people? There's no way that blonde guy (Jasper) would think it fair or justified to kill dozens of innocent civilians, for something they have essentially nothing to do with. Right?"
(Surprise bossfight-cutscene!) Do I get to heal up before the fight starts? I'm both out of hp and mp. No? Well, screw you too."
"What do you mean the last save was more than an hour ago?! I HAVE TO REDO ALL OF THAT CRAP?! Wait. The chests are still opened. The cutscenes are done. The key items are in my inventory. Thank goodness, I just need to walk back to where I was. DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!"
(glaring at Hendrick chasing Hero and Erik) "I hate you and everything your 'brainless soldier, incapable of thinking for themselves' stereotype stands for."
"This little girl (Veronica) sounds and talks like an adult! ... She's an adult, isn't she?" (later) "Called it!"
"Alright. And now everything's in 2D suddenly (Tickington). Takes a bit getting used to. But damn this is pretty. Definitely gonna have to replay this game in 2D at some point. Also because I'm really curious how they would work around those sections that would not translate well into 2D."
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lanatusnebula · 5 months
I Want To Like Aeolus
I'm going to type "Helios" because I played a fan translated version of the game so I could avoid the eng voice actors. (I refuse to buy anything else Capcom releases related to Megaman because I physically own most of this stuff anyway LOL)
So, so good points about Helios;
he has a cool head on his shoulders (deisgn-wise)
he had model H (my favorite MMZ character is Harpuia and ZX I love Model H big)
I like his face and hair! It's super silly but the more I look at it, the more he reminds me of SOMEONE I can't actually put my finger on. It's funny. And he has... one earring? Hanging off the ear mechanic things? Not sure what to call them... audio enhancement device? Vestibular Enhancement Piece? I wish they got some nerd to official label the reploid/cyborg body parts...
He's pretty neat in that regard, haha!
Model H is super fun in ZX! I enjoyed it in ZX. In ZX it is my favorite! So good on him that he's a biomatch for pocket Harpuia.
From here downward i will slander Helios's name and everything he will ever stand for.
nb4, "dude if you dont like him, then ignore his existence like you do with everything else you dont like" bro you dont understand this is a struggle i must endure for the sake of my own completeness (self-torture)
This whole this is biased and abandoned by reason, but I will put on a brave face and embarass myself anyway...! ò 0 ó
Points to touch on;
his design
his writing
his personality
biomatching with Model H
I hate his design so freakin much. He has a sleeveless vest (ok), the weird skin-tight extra padding (sure) a skirt attached to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (ok) and PANTS (dress pants). Each of these things on a character in the Z series would be like "eh whatever". But looking at how everyone else dresses, I always wondered "what happened HERE???". I'm hoping that it was a mistranslation of the concept art to the official marketed stuff, and they added volume to the skirt when it was supposed to be attached to the torso piece. I just can't mentally comprehend his layers otherwise? Like I'm picturing he and Ciel had the same thing going on, except he has dress pants instead of tights.
I'm more than aware that fashion in the Z/ZX series is a bit unhinged and abnormal. That it might even be lore related or somehow touched on by the fact that every human is a cyborg. Maybe he's a reploid and we can't see it? I'm holding onto the hope that Atlas and Helios are reploids who hide this fact. (Unlikely)
His Writing
Because I am an ugly Harpuia fan, I was expecting more than the game actually gave. This section is my personal gripes that have no real basis for complaints. They are, as a whole, completely unnecessary and ignorable.
Siarnaq has a backstory that is briefly mentioned in his little disk thing. Okay!
Thetis has some sort of motivation that hints that something else could be there, but doesn't have a backstory in in the disk thing. Okay!
Atlas has a backstory that is briefly mentioned in her little disk thing. Okay! (she has been ruined by the fanart in select places and thus she does not exist to me LOL - same with Ashe tbh)
Helios has... a shallower motivation than even Thetis *and* lacks a backstory. I mean, sure I guess? I am biased towards Thetis because I figured for a reploid to have that much of an interest in oceans - something *happened*. It isn't even suggested that anything did happen, it's just... a good set up for me to fart out fandom crap. But Helios... I... man.
"Everything is imperfect and full of foolish fools I will kill everyone." His personality is so god damn bland. Harpuia was the highlighted guardian for most of the MMZ games and I ended up really enjoying how he evolved and how he struggled in the drama CDs. There was a lot to work with! Part of me thinks, "yes well Fefnir had jack shit going for him and you'd die for him". I DIG HIS DESIGN A REALLY LOT. But THIS GUY I simply struggle with! I want to like him because bootleg model H biomatch but I got nothing to workmwith! And that frustrates me. :(
Bland personality (I like Death the Kid ffs), shit motivation, no background - I know this is grounds for "blank slate, do what you want" but I just don't operate like that for this guy specifically.
His Personality
This section is biased.
Helios's personality doesn't really go beyond "I am a pretentious snob." He has... four lines? Maybe? I can recall four instances of dialogue off the top of my head.
"I don't have time for this lol"
"Fuck you, you imperfect crackhead" (I played as Grey).
"Fuck everyone on this planet for being imperfect."
"Self sacrifice is beautiful for friendship."
Maybe I can work with these? They are not obviously direct quotes, and are obviously played up for the hahateehee, but... I dunno man. It Should be enough to work with but I can't get into mindset of doing something with it.
Biomatching With Model H
This one is a little tricky. I assumed the biometals were either broken, muted somehow, or ditched by whatever personalities lived within them. Model Z kinda suggests to me that it IS the original inside of the biometal, but it's pure speculation based on a few lines.
I understandnthe relations some of the MegaMen have with their biometles, right
Atlas is powerhungry, which can loosely be connected to Fefnir in a very idiot way
Thetis has a "childlike innocence with attached cruelty" that we can poke ourselves in the eyes and say Leviathan had. Also ice water go brr
Siarnaq is a freaky little somethin ninja who is the complete opposite of what we assume Phantom is like based on the extremely limited dialogue he gives us. (but is substantially more to work with than what Helios gives us)
For Helios, we have to accept the "pompous homogeneous ruler mentality" as Harpuia's link. Which I don't get. What is the point of the entire Z series then? Aren't we supposed to look at Harpuia's growth and go "oh he actually is dedicated to his cause but was stuck in some muddy circumstances"? He had pride, absolutely (thinking about his post-repairs in Z3) but it's such a small part of who I thought he was personally? Granted, I did not write the game. I have no say in this; pride could have been his very essence. I just thought it was... justice.
We can say Helios is very much connected to justice - that he feels there is a sense of justice in nuking the flawed beings off this planet. (which is somewhat skewed by the fact that humans get bot'd after a while - what age? 13??? - and are basically cyborgs or robots themselves. So in a sense, they're already leaving behind their imperfect bodies) But... the super secret ending - the fact that he is present AT ALL makes no sense. If the goal is to put an emphasis on human bodies in the future, then... why is Helios present for this? Humans are the epitome of imperfection - we know this. It's blatant. It's why they do these mechanical enhancements to begin with.
Helios can't even commit to a cause right? I know all the MegaMen are exceedingly braindead and that's cool. But at least the others COMMIT to it. Thetis doesn't go "I'm gonna eliminate an entire race for the ocean" and then piss in the sea. Atlas doesn't go "Power is everything." and then break down crying and throwing away her biometal to embrace her weakness. Siarnaq doesnt go "HYPERFOCUSING ON TASK AT HAND" and then hold hands with everyone at the amusement park with a smile. THEY COMMIT.
Helios is stupid. He doesn't commit. Not if that is the truest ending leading up to this ZXC they planned.
His Background
Helios has no background. Okay. That is fine. Thetis doesn't have one either. Two focusing on the present and two focusing on the past.
But what could his background have been? Aristocrat? Poor? Feral child? Living in squalor? No parents? Abusive parents? Was he training to be one of the Sage Trinity? Albert came out of nowhere right? Maybe anyone qualifies - clearly they don't do background checks on anyone.
Maybe he was a sword enthusiast? Maybe the sword plays a part in this? Maybe he idolizes Thomas and felt his methods weren't extreme enough? I feel like the sword is very important to him as a character.
But why didn't they elaborate? They spent so much time making the Floating Islands a Shit Stage and Ouroboros absolutely mind breaking they didn't think to go "maybe we should add a line about his sword that he never actually uses." Are the writers andnstage designers different people? I don't actually know. Might be in the credits. Sure doesn't feel like it in ZXA.
His Moveset
why is model zx's reach so short
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goemon-fan · 1 year
My Goemon headcanon is that while he might not be as up to date with the tech world, he still knows his fair share to be able to at least grasp some of the most basic/necessary devices. He just exagerates his lack of knowledge when he doesn't want to deal with that crap. Like, "ough i can't use a computer -makes the mouse scroll on the screen itself- it is so sad really, the humiliation consumes me" until Lupin or Jigen take the task upon themselves and he can do whatever else he wants. Behaviour inspired by an old man I know who REFUSES to buy a smartphone, not because he can't use it but because he doesn't want to get calls while he's on his evening strolls. Peak Goemon if you ask me
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I have a variety of tech-related headcanons for Goemon:
- He would play a game and get angry at it and punch the monitor
- He would play a fighting game against Lupin and go in pretending he doesn't know how to move his character but then obliterate Lupin
- He would most definitely ask Lupin and Jigen about popular internet slang ("Am I 'based?' Do I have 'rizz?'")
- I think he would be up to date on any and all sword-related video games and have a gaming computer for the purpose of playing explicitly them (but he would hide it's existence from his friends)
- Lupin would let Goemon use his computer or phone and within the span of a minute it will have 10 different viruses (he may have done this on purpose)
- He knows full well how to drive but would rather sit in the back, so whenever it's his turn to drive he'll have his blinkers on for several miles, go below the speed limit, and take 10 minutes to park while saying something like "I'm sure I'll get it this time guys"
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Hi, qiuck ask for the word game:
Feanor (ions) + passionate
(or, since you said you might not know that much about zhe silm)
Just anything Haldir related (if you need a word then "family"?)
Hope you're having a great day~
Thanks! I am currently writing this at the end of a pretty good day, so I hope that counts. ^-^
I do, in fact, know very little about the Silmarillion—the only info I can currently remember on Feanor is that he is The Source of All the Problems and a crap dad, and all the subsequent Feanorians are Very Messed Up and/or Super Dead, and I think at one point there was copious amounts of arson involved??—but even if my Silm knowledge weren’t so lacking, this is an LotR-exclusive blog, so I wouldn’t be able to comment on them anyway.
So! Haldir, and family!
It’s fascinating to me that although Haldir’s brother Rumil is mentioned by name in the book, he doesn’t speak once; unless he was the unnamed elf who popped his head up to hide the ladder and say “yrch” to Frodo. I think it’s a safe guess that Rumil doesn’t speak the Common Tongue—or at least not well enough to be conversational—so he lets Haldir do the talking, and seems content to follow his lead.
I wonder which of the two brothers is older. I would guess Haldir, but we can’t know for sure. I wonder if it matters. In a timeless land like Lothlorien, where every day is like a year and every year a day, would minute age differences simply cease to have any meaning in the endless march of unchanging centuries? When your parents and your grandparents and your great-grandparents live together in eternal youth, what separates the generations but memories? When you spend hundreds or even thousands of years in the same isolated paradise—where no one dies, few leave, and even fewer are born—wouldn’t you eventually learn every face, every name, and know everyone else with the same intimacy as your own family?
Now, I have my own opinions on Lothlorien and its self-important exclusionary apathy towards the outside world, but I’m going to put that aside for a moment and try to empathize with Haldir and Rumil. Because when all you’ve known for centuries upon centuries was peace and paradise, there is nothing more alarming than a threat to that status quo.
Suddenly, there is danger. Suddenly, there is a real and present threat to your way of life. Suddenly, enemies are crawling in the outskirts of your forests, and although you can deceive them and lead them away from your deepest strongholds, there’s always the niggling fear in the back of your mind that one day it won’t be enough; one day, something will go wrong.
Your brother has also been assigned to the outer forests.
Of course you tell yourself that he can take care of himself just fine. He’s trained hard, and he’s very skilled, just like you. You work together when you can, and when you can’t, you wish him well and go about your duties with vigilance.
You worry that one day he won’t come back.
You try to put it out of your mind.
(But you worry anyway.)
- - -
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voidselfshipp · 1 year
VALO//RANT S/I remake.
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"The world we live in is wonderfull, And ill protect it to my last breath"
Name: Jerico L. Gomez
Pronouns: they/xe/he/she
Nationality: Argentine
Codename: Ranger
Class: initator
Species: Human Radiant
"In game" abilities:
E: Asterism
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Asterism, Ranger's trusty avian companion Will zero-in on a specific target, clawing at them and rendering them stunned.
C: Hellion
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Hellion is a mischevious and rowdy Fox,as such, he Will take turns in attacking nearby enemies until his timer runs out or hes taken out.
Q: Maltalent
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Maltalent, the sneaky and calculating panther stalks his enemies and upon attacking one of them, they rendered blind.
X: Lady of the Wild
Ranger embodies the spirit of the wilderness, terraforming the nearby floor to not only make it hard to traverse but any enemies in the proximity are tied down by vines and roots.
"Out of game abilities":
->Orchid: jerico's pet orchid praying mantis, can and Will eat all chords and wires, disabiling them without triggering them.
->Silk: Ranger's rescued spider create intricate cobwebs that upon being Walked into, renders the person trapped and unable to move.
->Earth bending/plant growth/gemstone generation (cause I think its cool)
->Speaking with animals
Lore (vague-ish):
Growing up, young jerico loved animals, specially given that her radiant nature gave her easier access to all things animal/nature related.
They end up participating in various nature and animal preserves, learning survival skills, researching about ecosystems and travelling the world.
On the side however, she'd use her radiant power to dismantle operations that harmed the enviroment, making her be wanted by various very angry mobsters and CEOs. In exchange for her help, valorant made sure she was no longer in danger.
->animals,travelling, music, chocolinas (a Brand of cookies from argentina), nature, painting, drawing, listening to music,playing her guitar(acoustic/electric), sleeping, Reading,writing, cuddles/physical touch,apples,sweet foods/baked goods, food/eating,hanging out with Friends,practicing archery, camping (Yet also loves being cooped up in xeir room just using her phone/pc),videogames, tea, hot chocolate.
->loud noises, certain textures, noisy places, certain kinds of food(...mostly veggies), contamination, being interrupted while talking/doing something, beating around the Bush, having to wait for something/Someone for long periods of time without an excuse, people lying to her/to others, people being mean to her/their Friends.
Her room number is 14.
Shes honest, doesnt like lying/hiding her feelings
She wears her heart on her sleeve.
They have been heard making cat noises when stretching,purring when happy, and have been seen kneading surfaces they've been laying on, (sage cant tell Wether its stimming or their radiant nature)
Gets along with skye's animals and Gekko's creatures. All whom they've been found sneaking out of their owner's presence to cuddle up or hang out with Ranger.
Gets particularly along with Omen, mostly because they both give off cat vibes.
Has a tendency to move their ears at the source of a sudden noise like Doors or people coming in and out of the room hes in
Has sharp reflexes, catching things mid fall or from behind
Nocturnal, goes to sleep at late hours on off days, Hates waking up early. This nocturnal nature seems to correlate to her radiant powers.
Xeir eyes glow in the dark like cats do, suspected to have night vision. Because of this xey have scared the crap out of wandering agents at night (sometimes on accident, others not so much)
Best Friends with killjoy, raze and astra.
Collects things from all the places xey visit.
Can recognize animals by their noises alone.
Loves cooking for herself and her Friends.
Her room is decorated in a sort of goblin Core style, with forest green walls, warm color schemes and a lot of posters, plants, UV light for said plants, nerd/geek/gamer stuff, videogames, consoles, trinkets she has found while on her travels, fairy lights, hanging decorations and one of those hanging seats, her screen/window displays a view of Argentina's capital or other places like waterfalls or reserves, also beaches from her home country.
She has a Reading nook where said hanging Seat is, she goes there when she needs a break from the world, finding the confined space of the Seat to be comforting.
Named all her "main" animals off of unique names.
Still volunteers when they have the chance.
Animals around base love her. She has found sneaking some in for a while and then returning them to their habitat, sometimes the critters sneak in by themselves, and often times she goes to hang out with them when they need some peace and quiet.
When going out on missions or just casually animals Will approach her and ask for pets/food.
Has an intricate carved mask she uses out on missions somtimes, harbor and astra suspect its an artifact from "the guardians"
->only mutuals allowed to reblog.
A/n: excuse the little annotations in Ranger's ref sheet.
♡lovely taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: Mike Breen's Father's Pride, Mother's Passion
You know, I wonder if I should tag this with Highlander... eh, nah, wouldn't make a difference. Anyway.
I read Father's Pride, Mother's Passion over the course of several months, really. The first two parts in a burst around New Year's 2022, then I just came back to part 3 and just finished it. It was worth it. Undoubtedly. Perhaps the ending struggles to find its feet for a bit, perhaps you can see the author changing his mind as to where he wants the story to go somewhat last minute, but even so this story continues Death and Life's tradition of being insanely good on every relevant level. Even story beats I don't usually like in other stories I like here.
For context: You can read my original review of D&L here, and access the pages for both these stories (and a few sidestories I haven't read yet) here.
So. Where to start? Well, I'm going to start with the epilogue's author's note, because it says a lot about what FPMP is:
"I got very positive reactions to "Death & Life," and many people asked if I was going to write a sequel. I wracked my brains a bit to figure out where to go with a story, or even if I wanted to. As far as I was concerned, "D&L" was a complete entity, and when I finished it, I didn't really think it needed a sequel. Priss was Immortal, she was the good guy, eventually she'd whack Quincy. Plus the fact I wanted to go back to writing straight HL stories. Simple, ne?"
"Not really. The more requests for a sequel that came in, the more I began to seriously think of one. And the more I think, the more in trouble I get. Many people on a.f.bgcrisis know about my dissatisfaction with BGCrash, and how I felt there was a good story lurking somewhere beneath the crap if only the date was pushed up a year and some explanations were made for the discrepancies between the BGC characters and their BGCrash selves. Oh, yeah, Quincy and GENOM had to be central to the plot again with a suitable explanation for their absence from everyday Megatokyo life, Largo needed to be ejected from the plot entirely, the ADP slacker attitude had to disappear, the hinted-at-in-ep-7 relationship between Leon and Priss needed to be consummated, and Adama had to be severely rethought. Hey, cool. I'll rewrite BGCrash the way I thought it should go. Originally, I was going to write a straight BGC story within the same cycle, but with little or no HL influence beyond Priss' rapid healing and inability to have kids."
"Then they cloned that damn sheep..."
So, yeah, cloning had just been done with Dolly, and that was an inspiration. The desire to see Crash done better was another inspiration. Both good things to draw from.
Anyway, yeah. The story is told as a flashback from four hundred years after BGC, after the rest of the Sabers are long dead, where Priss's Watcher interviews her about the events assumed to be Crash. Of course Priss says that what we know as Crash was cooked up as fabrication by Sylia to hide a far stranger Immortal-related truth (how coy, Mister Breen, how coy) and from there the plot kicks off hard. Priss is friends with a fellow Immortal Patrick happens to know from the bad old days in the nineties, she's started to develop her own label alongside said immortal to help finance less idol-y acts like her own -- and then Sylia comes back into town by just emailing Nene (instead of doing some tomfoolery with hacking a game center) and they've got a new set of jobs - and yet, and yet, Sylia isn't afraid to admit the other Sabers are getting older, and that there's no shame in swapping out the old members for new ones over time. This is a running theme, really: winding down the Sabers instead of destroying them in a blaze of glory. Which even Priss, much mellowed by having killed two other Immortals in the last fic, is down with.
So that means shacking up with Leon, and it means trying to get custody of Sho. And, uh, the scene where Priss explains to Sho that she's an immortal is the cutest thing in the whole goddamn world, I am not joking, it's not even close.
But evil never rests. Quincy and Madigan have some seriously diabolical plans tied to Immortality, and they involve planned blackouts, a different kind of MacGuffin, the Illegal Army, and Adama - no, not the Adama you're thinking of. Something infinitely stranger and more twisted, and uh, tied to the themes of the story, about whether or not Immortals can have normal lives given their supernatural status.
Now, despite loose pacing and plenty of scenes of characters just talking, of the ever-closer bond between the Sabers and Patrick O'Brien, I really like everything that happens. It all happens for a reason, see (and it also justifies Nene going full savage for a moment there), there are a few good hardsuit fight scenes against the Illegal Army, and it all builds up until the end of Part 2. Part 3, though, is when it stumbles. The hardsuited showdown we've been building up to, we just don't get. We get some killings, both of two people we care about and of one person you're probably going to want dead by that point, but it doesn't feel satisfying. The only death that cuts deep is - well, you'll see for yourself. Suffice to say that even with poor execution (heh) in that last part, Father's Pride, Mother's Passion ultimately sticks the landing and succeeds at being the kind of story it wants to be, at once triumphant and tragic, the best kind of stuff.
Did I mention all of Priss's parts of the story are told from first-person POV? It's a nice touch, especially since it helps convey how much of a better-balanced person Priss is compared to the original anime, and compared to most fanfic including my own. Another positive quality.
Supposedly there was to be a final part where Priss finally killed Quincy, but it never came about. Fine, it was made clear it would happen some day. And what we've got is still worth a good readthrough. Seriously, give this one a go. If you've read Death and Life, and you want more of that, you will not regret it.
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calliethetrekkie · 2 months
Star Trek TOS S01E18: The Squire of Gothos
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Original Thoughts
"Well… that was weird. Why am I still surprised at this? Admittedly the villain is fun to watch cause he’s just being over-dramatic as heck and loving it! But otherwise that’s all I can really say about this one, weird. At least Shore Leave’s weirdness was absurd enough to keep my attention and had some funny bits and lines. This was just weeeeeird."
Rewatch Thoughts
Ho boy, this episode. This was NOT a favorite of mine the first time. I thought it was weird but okay I think the first time? Then after it settled and I kept going on my TOS journey, I remembered disliking it and finding Trelane too annoying to find fun. Given what I wrote in the original watchthrough... that was weird. So three years later, how am I feeling about this one now?
It's not a favorite by any means, but I was WAAAY too harsh on this one. It's fun~
Trelane feels like a prototype for Q, being a God-like reality warper with everyone appearing helpless before his power. Q comes off more as a trickster with a hidden agenda however, he uses his methods either for his own amusement or to teach Picard and crew a lesson. An unconventional lesson, but a lesson nonetheless. Trelane? He is a child playing a game of pretend and views Kirk and company as his toys moreso than even as life-forms. Q may have seen Picard and co. as inferior and didn't hide it, but he at least recognized them as existing beings, unlike Trelane.
The episode feels like a fever dream not gonna lie. I enjoy the Renaissance-like aesthetic, no one can say that Trelane has bad tastes. I also enjoy how Trelane's actor, William Campbell, is clearly having the time of his life being a brat pretending to be a chivalrous Liberace-type character. Aside from him appearing as another character in DS9 (according to Wikipedia) I don't see any other notable credits, but he did this kind of character very well without it coming across as too annoying. His final moment, where Trelane is confronted by his 'parents' and his entire facade drops was especially a really good piece of acting.
One issue I had with the episode is that, for the most part, it feels like we're either standing around Trelane's lair or getting back to the Enterprise, only to get yanked back. The Enterprise crew feel overall powerless in this situation and we're just waiting for Kirk or someone to hurry up and figure out a solution. I feel especially bad for the Yeoman who Trelane puts into a dress and forces her to mingle with him. That woman did NOT deserve that even if it's one of the more tame 'TOS treat women like crap' scenes. At least Uhura got to play the piano.
I guess that's why I've been struggling with this review, what can I say about it? It has some nice little moments like the cold opening and Spock sending McCoy on the Away Team pretty much cause he knows he's gonna force him to let him go one way or the other. Trelane threatens Spock and Kirk's reaction, even as a mostly non-Spirk shipper that moment is hard to ignore. McCoy eating/drinking things he REALLY shouldn't. Seriously, if you think Kirk's the one who eats/touches stuff that may kill him and McCoy has to yank him away from it, you have them mixed up haha. And of course, the ending where Kirk gets hunted by Trelane and then Trelane's 'parents' show up, seriously it is wild.
Otherwise... I have no real strong feelings about this one? It's fun, but other episodes are a lot more fun (Shore Leave, The Trouble With Tribbles). The concept of Trelane and his parents is interesting, but they do this a lot better in TNG with the Q's, which I'm honestly convinced Trelane may be a Q or at least related to them. It has some nice little character bits, but we have equally good bits in other episodes. Even on the weirdness scale this isn't even close to the weirdest TOS gets, how naive I was when I did the first watch and thought this and Shore Leave were the apex of the weird episodes haha.
The episode is just okay. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just okay. It doesn't do anything particularly bad in any category, and it's not rage-inducing or boring. But it doesn't really stand out among other TOS or even ST episodes either with plenty of others doing similar things, but better. We had a similar thing with Charlie X as far as 'being with God-like abilities' goes and not only is Charlie much more sympathetic, but it felt like a lot more was going on and like the crew weren't so helpless to do anything. I don't know why my opinion soured so much as I went through the TOS rewatch, but now? It's okay, I am indifferent to it. I'd watch it again, but it's not gonna be one of my first options, or even one of my middle options. But I guess that's better than it pissing me off, can't say that about some other episodes, that's for sure.
Original Rating: 1/5 Rewatch Rating: 5/10
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miss-bluerose · 8 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 9-12 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
*This is a really long post, fair warning.*
Ep 9: Find something big on the island only to then break it apart to fit through a small window on a wooden door. I liked the twist in the challenge and the funny moments but the elimination was crap imo.
Ep 10: Memory game where they have to memorize a grid of eliminated contestants faces while standing on a punishment pod and then use their tablets to pick the right square when that person pops up. Guess wrong and suffer a punishment related to the person they chose somehow. I liked this challenge except for the fact that they could see who picked which square for some reason and the punishment for picking Chase was ridiculous 🙄. Also, the elimination was crap, AGAIN.
Ep 11: Get chased by one of "five" fierce police dogs and try to avoid being dragged back to the carpet. Three chances each, the dogs are tracking them by the smell of their socks. It was cool to see MacArthur again and I liked four of the five dogs (Edward Scissormouth, Beartrap, Chainsaw and Bloodhunter) but Booger looks very off/gross and reminds me of every tiny, annoying dog I've ever seen in my life.
Ep 12: Wearing a harness that has a hookable part on the front and each armed with a hook attached to a crane, they must hook each other until they are the last one standing in the pit. Hooked contestants get dropped into their tank of terror and must face their greatest fear to get out of the tank. Wouldn't it make more sense for each of them to start in their tank and have to fight their way out first? Idk, it's a weird challenge. We also got to see cameos of the tennis pros from RR and Leshawna's grandma from Dramarama apparently.
He enjoyed Chef's misery way too much. Added shared immunity in the memory game since no one was going to get to 10 points quickly enough. Seemed pretty forced imo. It was BS that he kept not giving the contestants 2 minutes to hide from the dogs. Seems to enjoy sending the dogs after them WAY too much. At least he won't abuse their allergies I suppose. Him calling Caleb basic was fantastic! And I actually liked that he combined his fears. I don't like how he put poisonous spiders inside the Snow Owls mascot costume and hurt the purple haired intern in the process. Says that he's had no work done and I instantly thought of that one Pahkitew episode and shuddered.
His kitten and tortoise video was super cute. I felt so bad for him watching his car get destroyed. 😞 Seems to ship Caleb/Priya which is a little weird but ok. "Yeah, we got a runner." Made me laugh a little. "You have the wooing skills of a dumpster fire." Killed me, oh my god. 🤣 He thinks Julia is more shallow than a kiddy pool and he's absolutely right. I laughed when he asked Priya if she could see the future because of how many times she was electrocuted.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - RIP my Damien vs SG in the fear challenge theory, he didn't even make it that far. 💀
15th: Chase
14th: Millie
13th: Emma
12th: Nichelle
11th: Bowie
10th/9th: Axel/Ripper
8th: Zee 👑
7th: MK - She stole Chef's car and burned it to ashes AND lost the challenge so he lost his car for nothing. There is no way the others would vote for her over Julia who is CLEARLY the bigger threat in every way. The hug between them was cute I guess.
6th: Damien - I liked him trying to comfort Priya but I did say out loud "Yeah, you should feel bad" when he admitted to feeling a little bad for voting for Zee. I laughed at him translating Priya's feelings to Julia with emojis. Him trying to get the sheep to lose a little weight was funny.
Stop moving the idol around and just keep it on you dude, the pickpocket was just eliminated. Has memorized the periodic table and has an edge in this challenge but accidentally keeps picking the same squares as Julia earning her wrath for some dumb reason. Gets brutalized by a wrecking ball that looks like the skull Lauren took from last season. Good on him for giving Julia a taste of her own medicine. Landed in honey and then carried away by bees, forcing him out of the challenge... how is that fair? Oh wait, it's not! 😡 Total crap is what it is. Oh wow, his idol was stolen, who would have seen that coming? Not me hur dur. 🤪 Rest in peace, he was so robbed.
5th: Raj - 🕸️🍑💨 lol. Eating food that old probably should have killed him oh my god. 😱 Took a number of different punishments and then got beat up by a goose. It's nice that he and Wayne miss Damien. Dressing up the mannequin with his clothes was a brilliant plan. I loved how mature he was about his elimination, him shouting out the Snow Owls and Bowie was sweet to see. His final words to Wayne and the hug were very heartwarming.
4th: Priya - She seems to have gone off the deep end with how angry at Caleb she was. I laughed at her hugging the rock but wasn't the catapult a lot bigger than the rock? Got called out for attempted murder but that's pretty much a staple of the show by now so...🤷
WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO JULIA??? She can't be trusted and you KNOW this! Got blasted by farts, ew. Death by a thousand paper cuts, jfc. She accepts Caleb's confession and they make up. Finally realized that Julia was messing with them and decided to get back at her by attacking her during the final round. Stupidly picks up a tablet and picks right for Julia, allowing her to win immunity. 🙄 Probably should of gone home instead of Damien but oh no can't have that! Need to drag out the drama with Caleb for the rest of the season instead because she's mad at him again. 🤦
Decides to give an alliance with Caleb another shot. Gets mad at him for tackling her off a cliff into the water and away from her attack dog. 🤨 Loses the challenge thanks to Julia's infinite plot armor but survives the elimination ceremony. Seems to be back together with Caleb despite his questionable choices.
I don't approve of her physically hurting his hand like she did and bossing him around. Is afraid of thunder and lightning which I never would have guessed. Got hooked by the back of her pants and apparently doesn't wear underwear or the animators forgot to add them. Actually told Caleb to hook himself like wtf. She should have just eaten the marshmallow instead of gloating, it wouldn't have saved her but still. She wants to see Julia crushed into the dirt and so do I. "Avenge me! Avenge meeeeee!" Made me laugh a little. 😆 I still don't think she should have made it this far but this basically confirms that no contestant can be a finalist more than once.
Final Three
Is trying to fix things with Priya but keeps messing up. At least he's smart enough to avoid an alliance with Julia and MK. Dragged back a yacht and broke it down to win the challenge and stay on the island for another day.
He almost made up with Priya and then ran out of time, oof. Why would he ever listen to Julia's advice about anything, wtf is this 180 from last episode? Landed in trash and attacked by raccoons. Successfully fought off a goose but his tablet got knocked away right next to Julia and she decided to activate the punishments on him because he decided to confess to Priya at that moment thanks to Chef's speech. His confession was kinda sweet and they make up. Picks the wrong square and suffers a mini version of the death boot slide with Priya. Imo, he chooses the game over Priya by accepting Julia's agreement to vote how she wants him to and I can't believe this is happening, what the hell is this nightmare. 💀
Says that he accepted immunity from Julia so that he could spend more time with Priya but if she was voted off instead of Damien then he would be stuck on the island without her so idk, seems like a stretch to me. Gets outmatched by Booger, the smallest of the dogs and the craziest apparently, who can also drive a jet ski somehow. Got back into Priya's good graces despite everything.
Wants to not betray the agreement he has with Julia because his grandmother taught him to be truthful or something but his plan at the start of the season contradicts that imo. Actually hooks Priya because Julia told him to, damn dude that's just sad. His greatest fear is snakes and clowns which are both kinda basic so Chris combined them into a clown snake! 🤣 Is trapped by the snake's body and tries to escape by pulling on its tongue but it turns out to be just a bunch of cloths tied together and he passes out. "It'll all be over soon", he says as he's being swallowed by the snake made me laugh. Has to decide whether to hook Priya or Julia but he decided to hook both of them to win the challenge. Promised to win the final challenge for Priya but is frightened of her aggressiveness towards seeing Julia lose.
I liked him trying to defend Priya even if Caleb had already walked away. Him vs the outhouse killed me. 🤣 I've lost track how many times he's been hit in the crotch.
Him trying to feed Raj was funny. They don't study or take tests in school because of a tutor they have and to focus on hockey...oh my god. 🤦 Kept picking the same squares as Raj and kept getting punished for it. Got attacked by a goose as well.
Eating your socks was a bad idea. Climbing the tree was a good plan until the dog started chomping the tree but he actually managed to get away from him. I laughed when he cried over the destroyed mannequin. 😂 Flips a coin about who to vote off, saying he let the moose decide lol. Seeing him cry about Raj's elimination was sad to see, probably one of the saddest moments in the season, if not the saddest.
When the sad song started I thought it was him singing, kinda sounds like him a bit. Goes along with Julia's plan but "So you want to get married?!?!" got me lol. It takes him way too long to realize that Julia is playing him but I shouldn't be surprised. His greatest fear is Raj playing for a different hockey team but he overcomes it in no time at all. Hooks Caleb and is then hooked by Julia again. His second greatest fear is his own team's mascot: the Snow Owl! He also overcomes this fear and patches up the intern inside the costume which is nice to see. Gets hooked for a third time and is dropped into Caleb's tank, landing on the snake and freeing him in the process. Along with everyone else, he also never thought he'd make the finale lol.
She has zero tack I swear to god, at least MK faked being concerned for Priya for a few minutes. Cut down a tree and then proceeds to hack it apart. I laughed when the squirrel attacked her. Didn't win immunity but managed to avoid elimination thanks to a BS ploy that only worked because the rest of the contestants forgot that she is a manipulative challenge beast that has no standards whatsoever. 🙄
Oh look, she's successfully manipulating people who already know her game and somehow they believe her without much convincing, what an amazing plan! 🙄 Says that the others have no chance against her memory and is then surprised when Damien picks the same square as her, like what did you expect? Even if it wasn't on purpose she's still dumb for getting mad at him. Honestly, they all should have done the same thing to drive her insane lol. I laughed at her getting shoved by him and then getting blown high up in the air. Got hit by the wrecking ball skull too. Gets in a fight with Priya but still gets immunity of course. Made an agreement with Caleb and now has him under her thumb for the rest of the god damn season fml.
The cabin doors definitely don't lock and dogs can swim you idiot. Masking her sent with dumpster trash made sense but where the hell did she get a bucket of bacon grease from? Same day delivery my ass. FAKE NAILS ARE NOT STRONG! Get out of here with that crap.
Just in case Caleb betrays her, she goes to Wayne as a backup plan, acting like a hockey bro and he grosses her out lol. Has no problem betraying him multiple times. Finally gets hooked and her greatest fear is old people because they are a reminder that youth doesn't last forever, what a narcissist. Pulled out the immunity idol to save herself from elimination which wasn't a shock at all because of how obvious it was that she was the one who stole it. Karma is coming for you, bitch.
My motivation to write this was at an all time low thanks to the really wack writing in these episodes, what were they thinking??? At least the finale is a bit better than them but still, just wow.
Just one more post to go! 😄
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
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And now, the full design of Alya! ...Because it got delayed. Look, I wasn't gonna miss the local carnival this year, even if I didn't have my own money to spend. Anyways, Alya hides her skeletal-half by wearing a glove, long-sleeved shirt, tights, and a mask. She helps out Dice Kid with running some of the games. But she mainly maintains the Pool tables, making sure no foul-play happens.
And also, with that being said, here's a redesign of Dice Kid! ...What? You don't remember Dice Kid? Yeah, it's been a while for them. I gave them a standard outfit, and some electronic dice headphones!
She runs the much more tame games, but it's usually gambling related. Stuff like Craps, Poker, etc. And also stuff for kids to play without betting stuff if they don't have anything to bet! (Like Uno, for example)
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #38: Just a Guy Named Joe
Read Date: November 22, 2022 Cover Date: July 1966 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: Steve Ditko ● Inker: Steve Ditko ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● they still need to work out the skin tone of BIPOC, but again, it's good to see some strides toward diversity in these 60s comics. they at least have the skin tones worked out by the time we get to the later 60s, as seen in Daredevil issues I've read ● wait! is the transition happening before my eyes? on page 2, 2nd panel, the guy looks sickly gray… but in the very next panel, there's a guy near the boxing ring who looks much closer to the skin tone used in the later comics I've read. ope, back to gray later. it's a start, I guess! ● poor Joe Smith ● they're making me like Joe. something's gonna happen to him, ain't it ● called it ● where's OSHA? ● more Betty Brandt drama ● I'm not feeling the Betty chemistry at all. they're trying to tease it out like with Matt and Karen in Daredevil, but Peter barely gives her the time of day. she needs to grow a spine and live her best life instead of simping after a jerk of a teenager (Peter is such a jerk sometimes in these early issues!) ● Ditko's profiles always look great! ● Spidey has only just started using his web to subdue people. I wonder if he actually strings them up later like he does in the PS4 game? ● Joe's costume looks like he has huge, flat boobs ● Human Windshield Wiper 😂 ● is Harry Osborn related to the Crypt Keeper, by chance? ● ha! whole new meaning to "half now, half later." kinda clever actually ● "I think it had something to do with that arc light hitting the puddle of chemicals!" -- ya think? ● ah, another "appearance" of ol' fern-head, Mary Jane! ● we're coming up on the end of the Ditko-era Spider-Man ● Joe gets a good ending, Peter gets more of his usual crap ● tah for now!
Synopsis: Joe Smith has dreams of becoming a boxing champ and after begging Tommy Tomkins to let him fight, the older man becomes his manager. Unfortunately for Joe, he’s a poor boxer and is ridiculed by others. Taking pity on Joe, Tomkins gets him a job as an extra on a science-fiction movie. While shooting the scene, an arc light falls in a puddle of chemicals and shocks Joe. As he rests, Peter Parker visits The Daily Bugle and runs into Ned Leeds. Both ask each other where Betty yet neither has an answer. Joe is shooting another scene where he has to attack stuntmen. As he fights them, he begins to lose it as a result of the shock and goes on a rampage, with debris flying everywhere, getting the attention of Peter.
Spider-Man emerges and Joe gets angrier seeing another person trying to keep him down. They fight, and after a pause in the action, Joe regains his senses and runs away with Tomkins. Meanwhile, Norman Osborn is disguised and offers $20,000 to criminals to get rid of Spider-Man. Back at Empire State University, Gwen again sees Pete in a positive light, admiring his strength and courage. As word gets out that Spider-Man has a bounty on his head, he’s busy fighting crooks coming at him left and right. As he fights, he hears a commotion at a gym, seeing Joe Smith pounding on the other boxers.
After a few punches to Joe, he’s knocked out of his delusion and Tomkins runs in before he’s arrested. Tomkins says the charges have been dropped and that the movie company wants to give Joe a large starring role for his impressive display. Spider-Man fights more criminals and is angry that Ned has the possibility to marry Betty, because he doesn’t have to hide Spider-Man, and misses another visit from Mary Jane Watson.
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Fan Art: Mary Jane and Peter Parker by JPRart
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging through Spider-Man - episode 42
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I think it would be some combination of when you can add different parts of armor sets so nothing would be coherent and all of the pockets would be just absolutely overflowing. Crap jammed everywhere. Things I found that I either thought looked cool and will go on a shelf later or I thought would be helpful on my quests. Probably mostly garbage, maybe some radagast vibes and there's accidentally a creature hiding in my stuff. Clanks around, no stealth mode (lol, realistic game where stealth stats get lower the more junk you pile on - howls moving castle goblin ass)
oh i love it! i'm just imagining random Significant knicknacks woven in your armor, too--things that relate back to your life prior to your final form
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