#high ♡ voltage
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@marvelmyriad [T O: Jamie Barnes 911 verse]
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[2147 I:I 9:47pm] Karen Williams was also working late. She seemed to be in her own little world growling at her computer, while neurotically looking at her phone. Virgil suspected that it was Hen wondering where she was and if she was okay. I guess that's the price one pays for being in a relationship with a first responder. "Hey! Yo Karen. Breathe girl. Is that geek box giving ya troubles? Want me to come take a look?" Virgil said loudly from the other side of the room with a chuckle. Karen looks up and at Virgil in that daze that one only gets from being pulled out of their hype fixation. "Huh? Wha...? Oh. No I'm good. Think I'm calling it a night anyway. Hen wants me home." Karen shook her head and smiled. Karen closed her laptop and started gathering her notes. Virgil smiled and shrug. "All-right. No worries. See ya tomorrow, I guess. Tell Hen, What's up for me." Turning his gaze back to his own laptop to finish the project that he was working on, which wasn't much, only trying to figure out a bug in the programing for a robot that the lab was working on that could help astronauts while floating around in zero gravity. "Will do, Virg! We'll have to get together again soon!." Karen yells back as she hurries out the doors. Virgil hears the sound of Karen locking the doors and begins focusing on his work. [2223 I:I 10:23pm] Virgil had done what Virgil does and he hyper fixated on fixing the bug to the point that he didn't know how much time had passed since Karen locked up. Wait. Did Karen lock up? Virgil was pretty sure that she had. Virgil shook his head and chuckled to himself. Distractions. Ugh. C R A S H! The sound of breaking glass. Okay. Virgil was now sure that Karen had locked the door. Why else would someone break the glass front doors? Wait. Virgil remembered that his building had cameras, then pulling up the security feed on his laptop. There was definitely someone or someones breaking into the building. Virgil quickly pulled out his phone, and began dialing 911 as he rushed to the door of the room that he was in, closing it quietly, and shutting off the lights as he ducked down.
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"Uh....Yeah. I'm at the Blue Origin Robotics' building. Someone is definitely breaking into the building. I've got the security feed yup. Looks like there is 3 of them." Virgil quickly and quietly explained to the dispatcher, who proceeded to ask Virgil questions. She helped keep him calm as he waited for first responders to arrive. Virgil crawled over to his deck and grabbed his laptop, putting it in his bag and then strapping that to his back, putting the phone, along with the 911 operator, pressed between his shoulder and his ear. "I'm back. Got my laptop 'nd I'm down low. I think I got a place I can hide." Virgil rushed to a nearby door with a plaque that said Janitor on it, and slide inside as flash lights swept into the room that he was just in. They were coming closer.
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house0f3 · 5 months
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Jamie Barnes & Virgil Hawkins high ♡ voltage @marvelmyriad & @house0f3
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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juneberrie · 11 months
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stop she loves u
ur probably best friends w clawdeen & cleo
frankie will always always sit and watch you sketch out designs, if you like designing things. she finds the repetitive sound of the pencil against paper really soothing
can & will listen to you ramble on about new trends or a cute skirt you bought or literally whatever. she loves hearing u talk
please. pick out her outfits.
she loves sitting on her bed and watching you run in and out of her closet holding up different pieces of clothing to her, either nodding or shaking ur head before rushing back to the closet
always texts u pics of her outfits before school
"does this look good?"
kinda dislikes shopping but she likes going with you <3 she'll let you drag her around the mall for hours on end
this is so short im so sorry :(
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uravitypng · 2 months
as a fellow denki lover, i would love to hear your interpretation of his kinks 🫶
ask and you shall receive♡ i will never not enjoy writing about denki(loml)♡
i know some people think he's a switch but he's not. <33 hard dom <33
dumbification- making you go dumb on his cock?? yeah!! people always underestimate him, calling him stupid, he's not and you know that more than anyone. but he does enjoy making you stupid though, thrusting into you hard and face, making your eyes glazed over with a vacant gaze on your face as you smile up at him dopey. "awe look at you babe. i've really fucked every brain cell out of you." his thrusts become harder with each word.
humiliation- seeing a humiliated look on your face after some hard degradation is one of his favourite looks on you. he's going to try to say and do anything that will humiliate you. "oh god you look pathetic, choking on my cock like that." "awe are you gonna cry? go on, show me, let me hear your pretty sobs" "what a slut. your pussy is so wet and i haven't even touched you yet."
piss- piss kink ties in heavily with his humiliation kink. i have a 1.7k word fic all about his piss kink, the whole thing is about it (x)
electrocution kink (him using his kink on you!!)- popped into his mind randomly and had to do it as soon as he could. he has you laying on your back with him hovering above you and touching random parts of your body upping the volts slightly each time just to see you jolt and yelp. obviously he knows how to handle the voltage and make sure he doesn't actually hurt you. focuses his touches on and around your nipple, also your inner thighs. after a particularity loud noise from you he stops his administrations and cheeks in on you, "shit! babe, are you okay, what colour? did i go too high. i'm so sorry baby."
you shake your head, "green! i'm okay denks but i want more," you rush out, pouting at the end, wanting him to continue and denki just shakes his head and chuckles.
"you really are a slut aren't you? i'll give you more if you want more."
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scribe-of-hael · 9 months
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"High voltage, The unforgettable sound!"
thank you so much @deliicacymercy for bringing my girl to life , I love her so damn much ya'll have no idea !!!
Her leg is a made of Cybertronian tech, Knockout made special for her ♡
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farfarahleeya · 7 months
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“In diversity, there is beauty, and there is strength” – Maya Angelou
What a wondrous thing it is when people come together and help each other. After all, if we were meant to be alone, there wouldn’t be other people in this universe with us (there wouldn’t even be other universes… but that’s a story for another time). This week let’s zoom in to crowdsourcing: the internet’s version of everyone coming together to help each other.
Though the term itself is pretty self-explanatory, I’m going to clarify it for the context of this discussion. Crowdsourcing is a tossed salad of opinions and ideas from people of various backgrounds, usually who are not affiliated with large brands. Today, crowdsourcing has transformed mere opinions into catalysts for progress. So now the question is, how does crowdsourcing impact innovation and problem-solving across industries? Let’s look at the Malaysian examples of how crowdsourcing has impacted the technology, education and creative industries.
Tech This Out
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Firstly, let’s look at Petronas’ Technology Challenges (Petroliam Nasional Berhad 2023). In the 15th Technology Challenge the inspection technique of non-metallic underground piping, showcased collective innovation. The challenge drew participation from diverse local and international entities, culminating in Electro Scan Inc.'s victory with the "Machine-Intelligent Pipe Condition Assessment" technology. This groundbreaking solution, using a low-voltage, high-frequency electrical current, eliminates the need for excavation when assessing non-metallic pipes. Petronas' recognition of this technology underscores the collaborative effort in advancing inspection methodologies.
Similarly, Malaysia's dedication to 5G progress is exemplified in the "Malaysia's 5G Innovation Challenge" (Low 2023). Ericsson's role in deploying a second 5G network highlights the country's commitment to embracing cutting-edge technology. Challenges in 5G deployment, such as diversity and complexity, prompt a two-pronged approach. Engaging with the broader ecosystem and initiatives like Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN) prove instrumental. Manufacturing partners, like Jabil, significantly contribute by providing cost-effective and efficient production solutions. With over half of Malaysia's populated areas now covered by 5G, the evolving ecosystem anticipates rapid growth, fostering innovation and collaboration between wireless entities and manufacturing partners. The future of 5G in Malaysia appears promising, with collaboration playing a pivotal role in this technological evolution.
˚ ༘ ♡ ⋆ 。 ˚ ❀ ˚ ༘ ♡ ⋆ 。 ˚ ❀
The Study of Studies
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Another notable sector is the education industry. Malaysia's adoption of the Inclusive Open Educational Resources (iOER) National Policy (UNESCO 2023) and the widespread availability of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) (Department of Higher Education & Ministry of Higher Education 2023) exemplify crowdsourcing by tapping into the collective wisdom of diverse contributors. OER, shaped through a multistakeholder approach involving experts from 20 Malaysian public universities, civil society groups, and various institutions, demonstrates collaborative efforts to create inclusive and equitable educational resources.
Likewise, the extensive array of MOOCs, drawing from 20 local universities and engaging over 500 thousand students, showcases the collective contribution of educators and institutions toward accessible and free online learning. Both OER and MOOCs underscore Malaysia's commitment to crowdsourced educational content, where the collective input from various stakeholders enriches and democratises the learning experience.
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The Artsy Creativity
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The creative industry has harnessed the power of crowdsourcing through platforms like KITA BUAT and community-made street art in Malaysia. KITA BUAT, established in 2019, serves as a global hub connecting artists, gamers, musicians, and YouTubers. It enables them to showcase their creations on various mediums like wall prints and fashion apparel. Through KITA BUAT, individuals can open their stores, fostering a sense of community and self-expression.
Community-made street art, prevalent in cities like Kuching, showcases vibrant murals and graffiti, transforming urban spaces into dynamic canvases. Initiatives like the #Tanahairku Street Art project, supported by Petronas, unite artists nationwide to express their love for Malaysia through vibrant creations (Bong & Cheng 2019). These projects, such as 'Wild About Kuching' and 'Leaping Feline,' portray unity, heritage, and cultural diversity.
Both KITA BUAT and community-made street art exemplify how crowdsourcing in the creative industry empowers individuals, fosters collaboration, and transforms public spaces into vibrant reflections of shared identity and artistic expression.
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Now What?
Malaysia's crowdsourcing initiatives in tech, education, and the creative sector showcase the power of collaborative, community-driven efforts. From solving industry challenges to fostering inclusive education and vibrant street art, these endeavours reflect a collective spirit. So let us all explore these initiatives to witness the transformative impact of crowdsourcing in shaping a dynamic and innovative future ︵‿︵
︵‿︵‿ References ‿︵‿︵
Bong, K & Cheng, L 2019, Experience a delightful street art-sy tour of `inner’ Kuching city, DayakDaily, 6 February, viewed 3 November 2023, <https://dayakdaily.com/experience-a-delightful-street-art-sy-tour-of-inner-kuching-city/>.
Department of Higher Education & Ministry of Higher Education 2023, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi, viewed 2 November 2023, <https://jpt.mohe.gov.my/portal/index.php/en/students/massive-open-online-courses-moocs>.
KITA BUAT 2020, About Us, KITA BUAT, viewed 3 November 2023, <https://kitabuat.my/about/>.
Low, CY 2023, Clearing 5G obstacles for broader adoption, Digital News Asia, 15 August, viewed 31 October 2023, <https://www.digitalnewsasia.com/business/clearing-5g-obstacles-broader-adoption>.
Petroliam Nasional Berhad 2023, Inspection Technique Of Non-Metallic Underground Piping, Petroliam Nasional Berhad, viewed 31 October 2023, <https://www.petronas.com/innovation-petronas/tech-challenge/past-technology-challenges/inspection-technique-non-metallic-underground-piping>.
UNESCO 2023, Malaysia adopts first national policy for inclusive Open Educational Resources, UNESCO, 20 April, viewed 2 November 2023, <https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/malaysia-adopts-first-national-policy-inclusive-open-educational-resources>.
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sakuradolls · 2 years
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♡ Frankie Stein (Voltageous) - Monster High
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twisting-echo · 1 year
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Sparks Fly at First Sight ~ ♡
I ship Juniper and Stu because Stu is a himbo and Juniper is a diva, and I think they're really cute together. Stu would be the sweetest boyfriend ever, and Juniper would be encouraging and protective.
They remind me of Bonnie Rockwaller and Señor Senior Junior from Kim Possible. I call them "Stuniper," and I really wish that they met in the series. Just imagine if High Voltage teamed up with Supersonic Sue and Stu. So much untapped potential!
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♡ Full Name- Aiha Nani Ogawa
♡ Height- 5'8
♡ D.O.B- September 21 (22 if she were in the game)
♡ Region of Origin- Alola
♡ Nicknames- DJ Static (The name she works under), Tangela (Raihan), Pixel
♡ Favorite/Least Favorite Color- Purple/Orange
♡ Favorite/Least Favorite Food- Chicken Teriyaki/Asparagus
♡ Spice Tolerance- Its ok
♡ Alcohol?- Never again
♡ Alcohol Tolerance- just as bad as Raihan's but shes honest about it
♡ Likes- Videogames, Tennis, Coding
♡ Dislikes- Coffee, Hot days, wearing socks
♡ Social Media Followers- 12 Million
♡ Favorite/Least Favorite Music Genre- EDM/Rock
♡ Love Language (Giving/Receiving)- Physical Touch/Physical Touch
♡ 3 Random Things- Smells like lavender, considered motherly, has almost killed herself and her siblings twice (experiments)
Now some extra stuff-
♡ One of Kabu's kids
♡ Genius
♡ The electric-type gym leader; would be sword exclusive
♡ Team consists of: Rotom, Galvantula, Alolan Raichu, High Voltage Toxtricity (Gigantamax)
♡ Shares a gym with Raihan
♡ Gordie's Girlfriend (no one knows though)
♡ Piers' musical rival, but otherwise best friend
♡ Makes EDM music and makes her own equipment
♡ Never did the gym challenge
♡ Has like 7 Toxels for no reason
♡ Close to Sonia and Nessa
♡ Stabs as a warning
♡ Babysits for Melony
♡ Desperately trying to make sure Melony and Kabu don't get together (Even though Melony is married)
♡ Normally wears her bangs over her eyes
♡ Has a biotic eye from an accident (The less vibrant eye)
♡ It has a Rotom in it
♡ She got attacked by her Jolteon during a match in her first year as gym leader and it electrocuted her entire left side; so she retired the Jolteon
♡ How she didn't die, nobody knows
♡ But she has a huge scar down her back and had to modify her eye so she could see again
♡ The eye glows in the dark when it's open but she updated it so she can dim it
♡ Because a certain someone complained about that being the first thing he sees in the morning
End notes- I might make another post about her. If there are any things you want to know, I'm more than happy to elaborate on it for you <3 God bless
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prosekaipng · 2 years
Transparents Masterlist
Warning: Nothing here belongs to me. VOCALOID & CiA belongs to Crypton Media & Colorful Palette. This blog is made for non comercial use. This blog is no longer active! Thanks for all the support!
>> Another blog for proseka transparents: Sekai Transparents
By star: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 By set: Initial - Birthday - Colorful Festival - 3RD ANN By year: 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 Special: Deadly Sins of Evil Stickers: EN - JP  Others: gif card - PROJECT VOLTAGE - SANRIO COLLAB
>>> Groups:
Virtual Singer  > [ Miku - Luka - Rin - Len - Meiko - Kaito ]
LEO/NEED > [ Ichika - Saki - Shiho - Honami ]
MORE MORE JUMP! > [ Minori - Haruka - Airi - Shizuku ]
Vivid BAD SQUAD > [ Kohane - An - Akito - Toya ]
WonderlandsxShowtime > [ Tsukasa - Emu - Nene - Rui ]
25-ji, Night Code de. > [ Kanade - Mafuyu - Ena - Mizuki ]
>>> Events:
Stella After the Rain
Imprisoned Marionette
Full Power! Wonder Halloween!!
Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~
Let's RE:START from Here!
Someday, with Our Lyrics Joined Back-to-Back
On a Holy Night, with This Singing Voice
Sekai's Happy New Year!
Through Wavering, You Continue Moving Forward
Color of Myself!
Period of NOCTURNE
Resounding Twilight Parade
Unsatisfied Pale Color
Smile of Dreamer
The Tenma Household's Hinamatsuri
Let’s Deliver! HOPEFUL STAGE♪
Singing With You in A World Where Cherry Blossoms Dance
Secret Distance
Resonate with you
Tell me your problems! Exciting Picnic
Break Time for the Hardworking You!
A Song of Vows For You, Dressed in Pure White!
Wonder Magical Showtime!
Carnation Recollection
Unnamed Harmony
Awakening Beat
Ringing Sounds at the Summer Festival
This’ll Definitely Be the Best Summer!
Happy Lovely Everyday!
Mesmerized by Mermaids
The Two Moon Rabbits
Knock the Future!!
Mirage of Lights
Scramble Fan Festa!
Bout for Beside You
CW: Revival my dream
My Footprints, Your Destination
Unwavering Feelings, Now Put Into Words
Buddy・Funny・Spend Time ♪
Intersecting Melodies, Glowing Warmth
Same Dreams, Same Colors
Beyond Prayers, the Tomorrow We Wish for Is...
Someday, From the Depths of Despair
Operation ♡ Secret Valentine!
Legend still vivid
That Day, the Sky Was Far Away
The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?
Cast Spell on You
On This Blank Canvas, I Paint ...
Cherry Blossoms Across Sekai, Interconnecting Our Feelings
On the stage of dazzling light
Live with memories
Connecting Painful Hope
Incandescent! Kamitaka cheering party!
Wishing for Your Happiness Upon the Blue Sky!
Guiding a Lost Child to What Lies Beyond
A Desperate Situation!? Island Panic!
Let's Enjoy Together! Spojoy Park!
The Vivid Old Tale
NO Seek NO Find
Close game/OFFLINE
Chasing the Radiance Beyond the Blue Sky
And Now Tie a Ribbon
Don't lose faith!
Paint What You Love ♪ Rainbow Canvas
Walk On and On
The Twilight Color on this Festival
Dear My Past Self
A Sorrowful Farewell at the Curtain Call
Scream!? Welcome to the Wolf Forest!
Someday, this Wish will Transcend the Morning Sky
Beyond the Dream on That Day
Find a Way Out
Draw Your Bow in This White World
A Brand New Year! Lion Dance Robot's New Year's Show!
Amidst a Dream, Towards the Shining Stars
Little Bravers!
Memories Carried by the Scent of Candles
At the End of the Unraveled Threads
Kick it up a notch
Never give up cooking!
Towards the Phoenix at the Sky’s Edge
Immiscible Discord
In the Corner of a Resonant Town
Get OVER it
Re-tie friendship
Our survival escape
One-Day Trip Before Setting Sail
The Canary Sings in a Quagmire
Standing Next to the Kind and Gentle You
Light Up the Fire
A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium!?
Saying Goodbye to my PERSONA
Connected by our STELLAR Song
Hectic Cafe ●REC!
On Your Feet
Our Happy Ending
Let Your Song Resound Throughout the SEKAI!
Weaving Precious Memories With You
Let's Study Hard!
Stick to your faith
the warmth that guides us
Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters
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upwiththekai · 2 years
Tag Masterlist J - R
A guide to my blog’s J to R tags, for my own and your convenience! More tags will be added as time goes on.
Please feel free to let me know if any of the links are broken.
♡  Jackie Chan ♡  Jade Empire (Game) ♡  Jem and the Holograms ♡  Jewelry ♡  Jimmy Neutron ♡  Johnny Bravo ♡  JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ♡  JonTron ♡  Jujutsu Kaisen ♡  Juliet’s art ♡  Junji Ito
♡  K-On! ♡  KaiKai Kim (UTAU) ♡  KAI KIM (UTAU) ♡  Kakegurui ♡  Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ♡  Keanu Reeves (Actor) ♡  Kids on the Slope ♡  Kill la Kill ♡  Kingdom Hearts ♡  King of Fighters ♡  King’s Quest (Game) ♡  Kirby ♡  Kotaro lives alone (Anime) ♡  K Project (Anime) ♡  KUBIKO SHUNE (UTAU) ♡  KUBI SHUNE (UTAU) ♡  Kung Fu Hustle ♡  Kuroko no Basuke ♡  Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) ♡  Kyoukai no Kanata
♡  Lackadaisy ♡  L.A Noire ♡  LazyTown ♡  Legend of Zelda ♡  Lilo and Stitch ♡  Long posts ♡  Lord of Heroes (Game) ♡  Lord of the Rings ♡  Love Live ♡  Lupin the Third
♡  Mads Mikkelsen (Actor) ♡  Magic Kaito ♡  Magic the Gathering ♡  Makeup ♡  Mamegoma ♡  Mameshiba ♡  Mana-sama ♡  Marth (Fire Emblem) ♡  Marvel Comics ♡  Masahiro Sakurai ♡  Mawaru PenguinDrum ♡  MEGAne (UTAU) ♡  Metal Gear ♡  Metroid ♡  Mignon (BL) ♡  Miitopia ♡  Minecraft ♡  Miscellaneous ♡  Miscellaneous Cartoons ♡  Miscellaneous Comics ♡  Miscellaneous Games ♡  Miscellaneous Movies ♡  Miscellaneous TV-Shows ♡  MMD (MikuMikuDance) ♡  Mob Psycho 100 ♡  (3D) Models ♡  Molang ♡  Mononoke (Anime) ♡  Monster High ♡  Monthy Python ♡  Moomin ♡  Moon Child (Movie) ♡  Mortal Kombat ♡  Movie Reference ♡  Mushishi ♡  Music ♡  My art ♡  My Hero Academia ♡  My Love Mix-up! ♡  Måns Zelmerlöw (Singer)
♡  Naruto ♡  Natsume’s Book of Friends ♡  Nature  ♡  NE (UTAU) ♡  Ned’s Declassified ♡  nekodoru (Juliet) ♡  Neon Genesis Evangelion ♡  Neopets ♡  Nezha (Movie) ♡  Nichijou  ♡  NigaHiga (YouTuber) ♡  Nightwing (Dick Grayson) ♡  Nintendo ♡  Noah Fleiss (Actor) ♡  nsfw ♡  NSP (Ninja Sex Party)
♡  Old art (Classic paintings) ♡  One Punch Man ♡  One Piece ♡  Ore Monogatari!! ♡  Oshi no Ko ♡  Osomatsu-san ♡  Ouran High School Host Club ♡  Our flag means death ♡  Outlast (Game) ♡  Outlast II (Game) ♡  Overwatch P
♡  Patrick Stewart (Actor) ♡  Penumbra (Game) ♡  Persona (Game) ♡  Phineas and Ferb ♡  Phone conversations ♡  Photos ♡  Ping Pong the Animation ♡  Pixel art ♡  Platinum End ♡  Plushies ♡  Pokémon ♡  Pokémon Conquest ♡  Politics ♡  Poptepipic ♡  Positive ♡  Powerpuff Girls ♡  Power Rangers ♡  Prince of Tennis ♡  Prince of Tennis Drama ♡  Prince of Tennis Musicals ♡  Project Voltage ♡  PROMARE ♡  Puella Magi Madoka Magica ♡  Punch Out (Game) ♡  Puns
♡  QR Codes
♡  Rami Malek (Actor) ♡  Ranma½ ♡  Recipes ♡  Re/Member (Movie) ♡  Resident Evil ♡  Rhett & Link (YouTubers) ♡  Rilakkuma ♡  Rocks (Precious gems and rocks) ♡  Rose of versailles ♡  RPG Maker ♡  Rugrats
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skyesins · 3 years
hellow! im pretty sure im late to the party but i stumbled onto high voltage yesterday and it was absolutely gorgeous!!! i loved your portrayal of baekhyun there, like an absolute jerk but one with a heart of gold, and your writing got me so hooked that i made my way to red mercedes! i- im not gonna lie when i say i stayed up reading that fic and it literally took my heart, munched it to pieces and threw it away. im not sure i will ever be able to write down just how it truly felt but it almost felt like drowning; the feeling of drowning but its the emotions trying to drown me inside myself and as stupid as it sounds i couldnt get myself to sleep bcs my mind kept replaying the scenes (especially the scenes about their picture together on the mercedes, those are my favorite!) i knew it was going to hurt from the beginning but there was this hope that they were gonna get together at the end yaknow? after all they've been through but wow the ending was beautifully satisfying but hurtful in all the best ways too. words can only go so far but what im trying to say is thank you. for writing so incredibly and posting, sharing your work with the world! your work is literal art and it also rekindled my love for poems! (it died out bcs of my ongoing stack of work from college lmao) hoping you have the best day/night, all my love! ♡
Wow thank you so much! I miss HV!Baekhyun because his character was just ✨ magical ✨ and I miss him actually.
And I’m glad to know that Red Mercedes still haunts some people like it haunts me 💔 there were a lot of melancholic and deeply sensual moments in that story that still tugs at my heart. Thank you for taking the time to read it 🥺 I know it must have been tough to read at some points.
I hope you’re doing well too!! 💓💗
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yamikawas · 3 years
for the first time in so long,
when our eyes first met,
i felt a jolt of life in my heart again.
now this high-voltage love is the only thing i live for ♡
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scribe-of-hael · 5 months
Au time ⚡
Au where Vigh is a bot and has a trine with Smokescreen and Mirage as her trine mates I will NOT be taking criticism thank you v much ♡
Vigh would just be called Volt or Voltage. High Voltage (if ya wanna be formal) ppl still call her V or Vi. She'd also be an Autobot ! (Yes i make So many Cons but she would be a autobot!) She has , you guessed it, electricity like abilities. How original i know.
And yes I want Knockout to poke her with his shock staff only for it to have zero affect on her. And just the look of "Where would you like to be punched?" Because at first they are enemies it's only natural. And he just gets sent back.
Meeting on the battle field to meeting during racing. First time he sees her , he chases her off the road. But she snaps back and says "HEY THIS MY DOWN TIME, if I don't say anything, you don't. We race. We have fun. Nofighting, just the track."
Knockout thinks she is lying but can't stay away from the track for long. They decide that the race track is a neutral zone.
Every time they leave the track they learn a little more about each other. Time sudden oh, they are meeting outside the track. Driving secretly with each other.
We love a good star crossed lovers divided by war love story. It's fine they are fine.
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themepluginpro · 3 years
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Microwave Oven Bulb Ceramic 4W E17 LED Bulb Appliance Light Bulbs Intermediate Base Light Bulb for Oven,40W Halogen Bulb Equivalent, Dimmable AC 110V-130V Daylight White 6000K, 350LM, Pack of 2
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Description Microwave Oven Bulb Ceramic 4W E17 LED Bulb Appliance Light Bulbs Intermediate Base Light Bulb for Oven,40W Halogen Bulb Equivalent, Dimmable AC 110V-130V Daylight White 6000K, 350LM, Pack of 2 :
Price: (as of - Details)
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PRODUCT TYPE: E17 LED Bulbs 4 Watt Dimmable PACKAGE INCLUDES:2-Pack 4W Daylight White E17 LED Bulbs SPECIFICATIONS ▬ Color:Daylight White ▬ Power: 4W (40W halogen bulb Equivalent) ▬ LED Type: SMD 2835 ▬ Lumen: 350LM ▬ Size: Dia16*L50mm ▬ Net Weight: 17g ▬ CRI: Ra>80 ▬ Voltage: AC 110-130V ▬ CCT: 6000K / Daylight white ▬ Base: E17 ▬ Material: PC Cover + Ceramic ▬ Beam angle: 360 degree ▬ Dimmable or not: Yes ▬ Waterproof or not: No FEATURES ☼Super bright LED light bulb. ☼CE and RoHS approved. ☼Environmental-friendly, with low power consumption and ultra long life. ☼No mercury, No UV, infrared or other deleterious radiation. ☼Easy to install, simple to replace, convenient to use. ☼No more maintenance, long lifespan. APPLICATIONS Perfect for home lighting fixture, office, living room, bedroom, bathroom, dining Room, hallway, kitchen, studio, restaurant, hotel, library, meeting room, show room, shop window etc. BUT DON'T install the bulb inside the microwave oven. WARM PROMPT ♡ Before purchase, please check the dimension picture carefully whether the base and size of E17 led bulb fit into your fixture. ♡ Turn off power before installation. Do not touch bulb when operating or when hot. Do not expose it to rainy or humid environment. Indoor use only. ♡Ordinary dimmers were mainly used to control incandescent lamps. There is the problem of flicker or power decrease used to LED bulbs. So select the appropriate LED Dimmers to control LED bulbs. 【ENERGY SAVING&ECO-FRIENDLY】 Energy Saving E17 LED Bulb: Emit 350 lumen of brightness by using only 4w, Equivalent to 40w halogen bulb, Save 90% on electric energy.Dimmable, Eco-Friendly, CE and RoHS approved No lead or mercury. 【ULTRA LONG LIFE】 Excellent heat dissipation- Aviation aluminum base and ceramic heat dissipation housing are more durable and safe which can help cool the bulbs quickly, So ours bulbs can have longer lifespan that the others. 【 HIGH COLOR RENDERING INDEX 】 Ra>80. 6000K high brightness daylight LED bulb,provide you a bright and clean light, 360° omnidirectional lighting, look at your food clearly when cooking. 【WIDE APPLICATION】 Instant on without delay, zero flicker and no buzzing sound. E17 intermediate base with corn shape LED light bulb suitable for all standard American screw E17 base. Including chandeliers, Microwave ovens, Kitchen appliances, counter range hoods, Stove top lights, Refrigerator lights, Cabinet lights, etc. 【AFTER-SALE SERVICE】 We provide high-quality products, value customer experience, and provide 1-year warranty service.If you have any questions,please send us E-mail for service support or replacement. We will feed you back within 2 working days. More Details #Microwave #Oven #Bulb #Ceramic #E17 #LED #Bulb #Appliance #Light #Bulbs #Intermediate #Base #Light #Bulb #Oven40W #Halogen #Bulb #Equivalent #Dimmable #110V130V #Daylight #White #6000K #350LM #Pack
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kittenmoonshadow · 5 years
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"I could sing a happy song but that won't be real I could write all my rhymes but my heart won't feel Dark side leading to the high life We still living in the low life" Happy Song - Gorilla Voltage ♡ I changed my top like four times before finally deciding on this one. @officialgorillavoltage is one of my favorite groups. They're not only great at what they do, they're amazing guys too. Happy Song is one of my most favorite songs by them. ♡ Slept a good portion of the day, and haven't really had the energy to really do much of anything. I hope this passes soon. ♡ ♡ #aesthetic #alternative #altgirl #dyedhair #goth #gothgirl #gothaesthetic #witch #witchcraft #witchaeshetic #beautiful #attractive #vibes #behappy #lovemyself #ifeelpretty #myvibe #mentalhealthawareness #keepgoing #notalone #yougotthis #girlboss #positivevibes #possitivity #loveyourbody #loveyourself #youareloved https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXIFFKgwKY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w38s0frkw7it
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