#winter widow child oc
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@marvelmyriad [T O: Jamie Barnes 911 verse]
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[2147 I:I 9:47pm] Karen Williams was also working late. She seemed to be in her own little world growling at her computer, while neurotically looking at her phone. Virgil suspected that it was Hen wondering where she was and if she was okay. I guess that's the price one pays for being in a relationship with a first responder. "Hey! Yo Karen. Breathe girl. Is that geek box giving ya troubles? Want me to come take a look?" Virgil said loudly from the other side of the room with a chuckle. Karen looks up and at Virgil in that daze that one only gets from being pulled out of their hype fixation. "Huh? Wha...? Oh. No I'm good. Think I'm calling it a night anyway. Hen wants me home." Karen shook her head and smiled. Karen closed her laptop and started gathering her notes. Virgil smiled and shrug. "All-right. No worries. See ya tomorrow, I guess. Tell Hen, What's up for me." Turning his gaze back to his own laptop to finish the project that he was working on, which wasn't much, only trying to figure out a bug in the programing for a robot that the lab was working on that could help astronauts while floating around in zero gravity. "Will do, Virg! We'll have to get together again soon!." Karen yells back as she hurries out the doors. Virgil hears the sound of Karen locking the doors and begins focusing on his work. [2223 I:I 10:23pm] Virgil had done what Virgil does and he hyper fixated on fixing the bug to the point that he didn't know how much time had passed since Karen locked up. Wait. Did Karen lock up? Virgil was pretty sure that she had. Virgil shook his head and chuckled to himself. Distractions. Ugh. C R A S H! The sound of breaking glass. Okay. Virgil was now sure that Karen had locked the door. Why else would someone break the glass front doors? Wait. Virgil remembered that his building had cameras, then pulling up the security feed on his laptop. There was definitely someone or someones breaking into the building. Virgil quickly pulled out his phone, and began dialing 911 as he rushed to the door of the room that he was in, closing it quietly, and shutting off the lights as he ducked down.
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"Uh....Yeah. I'm at the Blue Origin Robotics' building. Someone is definitely breaking into the building. I've got the security feed yup. Looks like there is 3 of them." Virgil quickly and quietly explained to the dispatcher, who proceeded to ask Virgil questions. She helped keep him calm as he waited for first responders to arrive. Virgil crawled over to his deck and grabbed his laptop, putting it in his bag and then strapping that to his back, putting the phone, along with the 911 operator, pressed between his shoulder and his ear. "I'm back. Got my laptop 'nd I'm down low. I think I got a place I can hide." Virgil rushed to a nearby door with a plaque that said Janitor on it, and slide inside as flash lights swept into the room that he was just in. They were coming closer.
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house0f3 · 5 months
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H E R O E S Get remembered, B U T L E G E N D S N E V E R D I E! Anya & J3N trickery ♡ cleric @sheshootsxruns & @house0f3
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 54. brb x oc
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a/n: i really like writing this chapter :,).... SMUT IS IN THE NEXT ONE AND WOO BOY I GOTTA WORK ON IT! Feedback is welcome and encouraged uwu
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, Rooster is good with kids more news at 12, me adding yet another character to this f i c
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac
Shells and Bob did get there soon after Bradley and Beatrice, immediately looking at the blonde little girl that was currently drawing on a napkin. Shells had only seen Bianca once when she was much smaller, so to see her again was a delight. Shells always said she hated kids, but it was a lie, they all knew, she was just mush hearted to any baby or toddler there was.
And Bianca was behaving herself quite nicely, she did ask questions every now and again, questions Bradley gladly would answer for her. Beatrice only smiled watching the two interact, something about…Bradley talking to a five years old was so very charming and so very him. She knew Bianca already took him as her favorite, after Bea of course, he was Prince Rooster to the end. Which when she said it while surrounded by the others immediately made them all stare at Bradley, who in turn blushed with a little smile, “It’s how she refers to me,” he says with a weak shrug.
He didn’t mind it, of course, Bianca was a pure child, she just did that because she cared about him and cared about her aunt as well. And Beatrice loved it, she couldn’t stop smiling anytime that Bianca would ask him something and he made sure to give her his attention every time she talked to him.
He was really good with kids, at least with Bianca. She knew he wouldn’t do a bad job when he met the others tomorrow, she had a feeling the boys specially would be really interested in what he had to share, they only knew about aviation when Umberto visited and that wasn’t often. 
He was also really sweet to Beatrice whenever she felt a bit overwhelmed, he could sense it somehow and would lean closer to ask if she was okay. She always said she was just nervous but would be fine and would hold his hand for emphasis. Even during the tribute to the Admiral who passed - whose name was Tom Kazansky - he still held her hand, maybe it was his own way to ask for support considering the way he clenched his jaw trying to hold back the emotion.
Pete was called to speak, the older pilot trying his best to not get choked up, even joking every now and again about the things he knew about the admiral. Even if she wasn’t part of this world, and had never met the admiral before, she felt her own eyes brimming with tears. Especially when the admiral’s widow stepped on the stage, her kids and grandkids stood to the side, to speak about him. She doesn’t think there was one dry eye in the room, she could hear the sniffling and the shaky breathing around them. 
His widow, whose name she now knew was Genevieve, thanked every single one of the people there and told them that “Tom would never want his passing to be remembered with sadness.” and to “Remember this is a celebration, not a mourning.” Beatrice thought she was so brave, even with how her voice shook and cracked at times, she never stopped smiling, smiling wider when she turned to look at the face of her husband on the screen behind her.
After she thanked everyone and told them to enjoy the night because it’s what he would’ve wanted, Beatrice sighs softly, turning her head towards Brad whose eyes were glazed over just a bit, “You okay?” he nods, clearing his throat, smiling when she touches his cheekbone soothingly only to find it just a bit damp.
“I’m fine.” is all he says, something in his eyes tells her that this was more than just the effects of Admiral Kazansky’s death. She wondered if he somehow remembered the time when his own father passed. She wouldn’t ask him, of course, but she held his hand under the table, rubbing the side of his thumb with her own and sighing in relief when he squeezed her hand back.
While there was a layer of sadness around the whole room, it wasn’t so bad. There was music and laughter around them, Pete even sharing some stuff from his time in TOPGUN with the Admiral as well. He called him an ‘annoying son of a bitch’ but it had fondness in every word. Much like how the others talked about Hangman back at the bar, it had something within the obvious annoyance that made her smile.
It was like a huge family alright. 
During dinner she felt Bradley’s hand on top of her clothed thigh, not doing anything illegal per se, but just resting it on the plush flesh with the casual squeezing. She didn’t mind, especially because no one else in their table seemed to notice his hand there or if they did they said nothing. The conversation was mainly about the Navy, or deployment tales she hadn’t heard about from Rooster before, even Bob seemed more talkative than normal much for Shells’ happiness.
After a while she noticed that Bianca was fidgeting a bit, the little girl making a ‘come hither’ towards her aunt who immediately lowered her head to Bianca’s level, “Auntie,I need to go potty.” she whispers sweetly, still bouncing a bit on the seat. 
“Ah.” Beatrice smiles, then turns towards Rooster, “I’m going to take Bibi to the bathroom.” she says, grabbing her clutch  as she stood up. She shouldn’t be surprised when her boyfriend stood up as well, placing his hand on her lower back as she grabbed Bianca from the seat to carry her to the restrooms.
She thanks him for coming with her, kissing his lips sweetly before she enters. Rooster, obviously, waits outside leaning against the wall. Beatrice barely puts Bianca on the floor and the little girl is scampering to one of the bathrooms with her aunt close behind. From outside Rooster could hear Bianca’s high pitched voice followed by Beatrice’s calm tone, he couldn’t understand what was being said inside, the voices and music around the area made it hard for him to understand.
But, he couldn’t lie that the image of Beatrice and Bianca did warm his heart just a bit. However he immediately tried to shove that deep within his mind, they never talked about it, they were about to move in together. One step at a time, he didn’t even know if she would want something like that.
He knew he wanted to have a long term relationship with Beatrice, however long that’d be - hopefully forever - and if…the situation came and the topic arrived, he’d be sincere in telling her about it.  Just not yet, not now.
Inside the bathroom, Beatrice lifted Bianca high enough so she could wash her hands on her own, telling her to press the soap dispenser only once even if she wanted to do it a few more times. Once her hands were washed, Beatrice then carried her to the hand dryer, smiling when her niece giggled as the warm air hit her palms, drying them completely, “There we go.” she puts Bianca down, then crouches to fix her dress and headband, “Do you need anything else?”
“No, auntie.” she says, looking down at Beatrice’s hands as they fix the edges of her dress, “Auntie,” Bea hums in question, still paying attention to the dress, “When are you and Prince Rooster going to get married?”
Beatrice stills her hands, her whole body freezing as she takes in what her niece asked. It hit her like a ton of bricks, how would she explain it to Bianca? “...um…” she clears her dry throat, focusing on relatching Bianca’s Mary Janes as she tried to figure out how to respond, “...I…well, you see–” Bianca just blinked with a little smile, still waiting for a response, “I-I…Bibi, that’s, um…”
Bianca then smiles, leaning closer while cupping her hands around her mouth, “I gave him a magic rock.” she says, “When zia Martha got married! It makes people get married too!!” she had a feeling her aunt Martha told her so and Bea dropped her head forward with a heavy sigh. She hated how fast her heart was beating just at the thought. But it was too soon for that, they didn’t even move in together.
She understood why Bianca would be excited, but it wasn’t that easy, “Listen, Bibi.” she grabs her niece’s smaller hands on her own, breathing in slowly, “It’s…not that simple, it's something grown ups think about a lot you know? It’s a big step.”
Bianca purses her lips in thought, “But daddy said you and Prince Rooster already look married!” oh she’s going to kill Leonardo, “I heard him telling mommy that when they thought I was asleep.”
“Well, your daddy can say a lot of stuff he doesn’t know about.” she tries to say firmly with her cheeks burning red. She wasn’t mad at Bianca, she was just a child with the simple mindset of ‘if you want to do it, do it’ without any consequences. And Rooster was right outside, what if he heard ??? With as much strength and calm she could muster, Beatrice smiled down at her niece, “Sweetie, look, I know you…want that to happen.”
“But it’s not so simple. Because…it’s…really early to think that.” the little girl furrows her brows, “Because um…there’s a lot of steps involved. A lot of them. And well, it’s a two person process, honey.” she cups her niece’s chubby cheeks with a smile, “But I promise that when,” if, the goblin voice growled in the back of her mind, “It happens you’ll be the first to know.”
The little blonde girl blinked again, but she seemed to accept that answer a lot more than whatever else her aunt wanted to say, “Okay!” 
“Good, now,” she pressed a finger to her lips, “We need to keep this between us okay? It’s a secret,” the last thing she’d want was for Rooster to freak out at the thought of marriage before they even moved in together. She holds out her pinky, “Pinky promise?”
Bianca’s smile widened as she wrapped her little pinky around her aunt’s, much like she did with Rooster earlier that nice, “Pinky promise, auntie!” she giggles and hugs her aunt. Beatrice hugs her back, even if she is a bit nervous about this sudden conversation, suddenly remembering she also needed to use the bathroom and forgot after taking care of Bibi.
With a worried bite to her lip, she walked out with Bianca to see Rooster still leaning on the wall, nothing in his expression showed he could hear them inside, “Hey,” she says, then looks down at her niece, “Can you stay with her for a little bit? I need to go too,” and calm myself down, she thought, before I freak out in front of you.
“Yeah, sure.” he says, offering his large hand to Bianca who quickly grabs it, “We’ll be waiting for you out here.” Beatrice smiles, kissing his lips sweetly before she rushes inside with the bathroom door shutting behind her. Bradley inhales happily, moving his gaze from the bathroom door to Bianca, who was using his hand to hold her up as she leaned back, swinging from left to right by using her weight.
He chuckles, allowing her to continue, even extending his arm a little more so that the little girl had more room to move, much to her delight. Bianca giggles happily, bouncing back to her feet and then holding tightly onto his fingers “Can you lift me?”
“Lift you?”
She nods, “My daddy lifts me one handed! He’s super strong!” the way she was holding onto his fingers probably meant he was supposed to hold her up as if she was a dumbbell. He just grins, lifting the little girl up with ease, earning a happy squeal from her tiny form as she kicks her legs in the air.
He does that for a few seconds, until he hears someone clearing their throat next to him. He turns his head as he lowers Bianca to the ground, “Oh,” he straightens himself, “Ma’am.” he nods respectfully to Admiral’s Kazansky widow, Genevieve, who was just smiling sweetly at him.
“Hello, Bradley, I almost didn’t recognize you.” she says kindly, holding her hands together, her strawberry blonde hair painted with faint streaks of white and yet she looks younger than half of the people there, “Until you turned around.” he laughs softly, dipping his head in thanks as Genevieve’s eyes drop to the little girl, “Oh, is she yours?”
“Uh, no, no, she’s my girlfriend Beatrice’s niece,” he says quickly, picking Bianca under the arms to hold her up so Genevieve could have a better look at her. Bianca was anything but shy when meeting new people, something he rarely saw with kids her age - at least the ones he’s met before were always very shy when approaching people - which was a breath of fresh air sometimes.
Genevieve was smiling when Bianca introduced herself, hugging Bradley’s neck to keep herself upright as the older woman asked her if she was enjoying spending time with Bradley. Bianca corrected that it was ‘Prince Rooster’ and not ‘Bradley’ much to the other woman’s amusement, especially when the pilot’s cheeks flushed slightly. “I don’t think I’ve met your girlfriend,Rooster.” she says after a while, “Is she the brunette you came with?”
“Yeah, she’s uh, inside right now.” he says, tossing his thumb over his shoulder, realization dawning on his face, “Oh, do you want to–”
“No,no,” Genevieve laughs, waving a hand, “I was simply taking a walk, to clear my mind.” The words came out heavier than he thought, his own eyebrows furrowing with concern but the blonde woman just tapped his arm, “Don’t worry about me,I’m fine.” right after she said that, the bathroom door opened and Beatrice walked out still shaking her hands to get rid of whatever moisture the fan couldn’t dry.
“Sorry was I– oh.” she noticed the older woman talking to Bradley and her niece on his arm, “Oh, hello.”
Genevieve looked from her to Rooster with a smile beaming on her face, “Hello, Beatrice,” she held up an elegant hand that the girl grabbed with a nervous smile, “I’m Genevieve, I was just asking Bradley about you.”
Beatrice looks to her boyfriend, who’s still cradling her niece in his arms, “Oh, oh um…well!” she laughs nervously, dropping her hand from the other woman’s hold and wringing them together since she didn’t know where to put them “I…I’m glad?”
Genevieve chuckled, turning to Bradley with the same smile, “She’s a gem,Bradley.” Bea’s cheeks turned an even darker red at the compliment, even more when her niece agreed that indeed her aunt was a gem, “But please, do not mind me. I was just taking a walk, it was very nice meeting you, Beatrice.” the brunette nods with a little smile, watching the woman walk past the two down the hallway that led to the outside of the building.
Beatrice waited until she was out of view to turn her worried eyes to Bradley, “I…should I have said I was sorry for her husband?” she asks quietly, “Was I rude?”
Rooster recoils his head in surprise, moving Bianca to his opposite arm when the other started to get tired and the little girl didn’t complain, “No? Didn’t you hear her compliment you?” Beatrice just blushes harder, still playing with her fingers, “Hey, pretty girl, you are anything but rude. I think she prefers not to be reminded every now and again of what happened.”
He tsks, holding Bibi one armed to cup Beatrice’s chin and tilt her head up, “Gorgeous, don’t doubt yourself like that,” he says pressing a kiss to her painted lips, “It’s not a good look on you. And I love seeing you smile.” he whispers against her mouth, kissing her for a few more seconds before pulling back. Beatrice’s smile was all he desired for an answer, even more when she grabbed his free hand and the two made their way back inside the main room.
Bianca was put down when she noticed a few kids playing not too far from them, in the ‘kids area’ and she asked Beatrice if she could go, “Okay, but don’t wander away from the lady that’s with them.” she said, gesturing to the woman wearing a black vest who was keeping an eye on all the kids there. Bradley put Bianca down, the little girl running to the others and immediately sat down next to a boy who was playing with LEGOS.
Beatrice’s smile only broadens when she feels Bradley’s hand on the curve of her waist, she knew he wanted to wrap his arms around her but considering where they were it wouldn’t be a good idea. But she could feel the subtle twitch of his fingers, nearing the front of her stomach, “You look absolutely fucking beautiful.” His breath touches the shell of her ear and Bea laughs softly, turning to look over her shoulder, “I know I’ve said it but, ho-ly shit. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
She chortles quietly, turning to face him and running her hands on the shoulders of his suit, “And you look extremely handsome.” she says, leaning up to peck his lips, dropping her hands to hold onto his, blinking when he lifts his arm and twirls her around, “Brad!”
“I just want a full look,” he says sweetly, laughing at her red cheeks and bringing her closer to press their foreheads together, “...I’m glad you are here.”
“Yeah,I’ll be honest…I don’t know if I’d like to be here alone, or just with Mav and the others. Having you and Bibi is really good.” he touched the side of her face with his knuckles, then tilted his head back when he saw movement behind him. Beatrice looked in the same direction and they widened their eyes when they saw Jake nearing a standing Evelyn who was no longer sitting with her parents and was now leaning against a wall with her back to them.
Beatrice and Bradley exchanged looks, with the brunette tugging him further close to a large vase so they could hide, peeking over the leaves to have a better look, “Oh my God.” he whispers, “Do you think they are together?”
“She hasn’t pushed him away yet.” In fact she didn’t even recoil in disgust when Hangman was right by her side, he wasn’t touching her but his presence was hard to be ignored. They tried to be subtle, the best they could, using the large leaves to hide themselves and pressing up against the wall from time to time hoping they wouldn’t see the two.
There’s a ping coming from inside her clutch and Beatrice clicks it open, pressing the power button on her phone
Ev (20:21)
You two are anything but subtle.
“Oh.” she lowers the phone and peeks out the leaf, seeing that now Evelyn was alone and holding up her phone with a grin, shaking it a bit for emphasis. Both Rooster and Beatrice looked sheepish and waved at Evelyn. The woman chuckles, rolling her eyes then going back to her phone
Ev (20:24)
I’m going to go back to my seat. Don’t tell Shells or else she’d never leave me be.
And after that she turns around, leaving the couple alone and staring at where she once stood, “Well…” he lets out a quiet laugh, “That happened…should we go back?”
“...yeah it might be a good idea.”
They leave when it’s past Bianca’s common bedtime, the little girl resting her head on her aunt’s shoulder as she takes her to the car. She doesn’t wake up when Beatrice buckles her on the seat, just lolls her head to the side, only actually waking up when they arrive at Beatrice’s house.
Rooster waits for Bea to take the little girl out, he removes the seat himself and grabs the duffel bag he kept under the front seats for when he got there, following Beatrice into the house only to be greeted by a very excited Jolene. Bianca made a noise on her aunt’s shoulder, something that resembled Jolene’s name but was too quiet to be understood “I’m going to change her.” she whispers to Rooster, “Then bring the mattress out.”
“Yeah, I keep an inflatable mattress for Bibi whenever she has to sleep over. I used to do it back when I lived with my parents because Leo and Cyn didn’t want her getting used to sharing a bed with other people.” she says, adjusting the little girl in her arms while kicking off her shoes with a sigh of relief, “I’ll be right back.”
But he follows her up the stairs, “I can help.” he says, unbuttoning his suit jacket and trying to hold back the grin of her eyes dropping when his undershirt comes into view. She didn’t say anything but she nodded before disappearing inside the bathroom with a sleepy voice Bianca asking her what was going on, “Where do you keep the mattress?”
“Oh, it’s under my bed.” she says and he hears her telling Bianca to lift her arms so she can put on her onesie, “It’s a dark blue bag with a yellow smiley face on it.” He crouches next to her bed after he kicks off his shoes, tilting his head until he sees the smiley face. The bag is squished between the bedframe and the floor, so it takes a little while to yank it out, grunting to himself until it’s finally visible.
He sits back on the bed and pulls the mattress out just in time for Bea to come out as well, now wearing her long shirt and pants she wore as pajamas, smiling at him and holding a dinosaur onesie dressed Bianca in her arms, “Oh,’ he sounds pained, slapping his hand over his heart, “Oh that’s so cute.”
Beatrice laughs quietly,  face completely clean of makeup , “You can go change.” She says gently lowering her niece onto the bed, “I’ll set up the mattress.”
“You sure?” she nods, approaching him to kiss his lips and grab the bag from his hands, he smiles, following her mouth with his head to press a few more pecks to her lips before he stands up to go to the bathroom. Beatrice smiles as she picks up the mattress and makes her way downstairs, silently picking up her coffee table and putting it to the side before she drops the mattress to the floor. 
Something inside of it clicks and the blackish blue flat fabric slowly begins to inflate, Jolene watching this ordeal with her eyes on it and still seated on the couch. Four legs pop from under the mattress, making it stand a good distance from the floor, going from a paper thin structure to a large queen sized bed that took a good chunk of space in her living room. 
She rushes back upstairs to grab a few blankets and sheets, alongside Bianca who now was already fast asleep. Since her niece was so small, she made sure to make the couch as comfortable as it possibly could since she’d want to sleep next to Jolene, “Jojo?” Bianca asks when Bea puts her down on top of the various pillows she arranged, the pitbull quickly leaping on the bed and snuggling closer to Bianca, who hugs her neck.
Beatrice smiles, pulling the dinosaur hoodie back just enough so her lips touched her niece’s forehead, then Jolene’s head. When she leaned back, she saw Bradley looking around her room in confusion until his eyes met hers on the lower floor. Beatrice walks closer to the staircase with her hands on her hips, meeting Rooster when he steps down, “I thought we were staying up there?”
“No, I can’t see Bibi if I do.” She looks over her shoulder to the mattress, “I usually sleep down here because she loves the couch and loves sleeping with Jolene.” The five years old was hugging the dog’s neck as they slept soundly. “If she needs my help I can get her quickly…is that okay with you?” Would he think it was weird?
“Yeah,” he smiles, “It’s fine, I was just expecting us to be up there, is all.” He walks closer to the inflatable mattress and blinks at how soft it is. And spacious, “Woah,I love this, it’s so nice??”
“I used it while going camping, it’s really good.” she says quietly, keeping her tone down so her niece wouldn’t wake up. She lay down next to Rooster and the two of them focused their eyes on Bianca’s sleeping form, the blanket now covered both her and Jolene, with the dog huffing in her sleep as she dreamed. When Bea turns to face Bradley again she finds him already looking at her with an unreadable gaze, “What?”
He purses his lips,shakes his head and tries to hold back his own smile, “Nothing, gorgeous.” he whispers, “Just looking at you and how amazing you are.” she laughs quietly, covering her mouth with a hand so Bianca won’t wake up. He pulls the covers up to their shoulders, still facing her, “No wonder she loves you so much.”
“I love her too.” she whispers, looking back at her sleeping niece with her own eyes blinking heavily, “We better sleep, we have a long day tomorrow.” for obvious reasons, she thought.
“Yeah,” he tried to hold back his own yawn without success, chuckling tiredly when she smiled up at him, “C’mere,” he wraps his arms around her, turning her around so her back touched his chest and her vision remained on Bianca, “There, much better.” he says against her ear, leaning down to kiss the skin below her lobe.
“It is.” she says, leaning back just enough to kiss his lips, “Night Roos.I love you.”
“I love you too, gorgeous.” he murmurs, his own voice dropping into a tired tone as Beatrice watches his eyes slowly drop shut and his breathing get even. She smiles, then turns to see check on her niece one last time, gently rubbing her smaller hand and Jolene’s toe beans before she too drifted off into dreamland.
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Stacy Rogers-Barnes - an OC Intro
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Name (full): Stacy Sarah Rogers-Barnes
Other names: Little Rogers, Mini Cap (by other Avengers), Stacybear (by Lily and Aiden only), Kiddo, Stacygirl, Squirt, Stacygirl (by dads)
Fandom/Appears In: Marvel/Avengers, appears in- First Avenger, Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron, Civil War, Black Widow, Infinity War, Endgame, Far From Home, Wandavision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and possibly more in the future
Age: 12 (Winter Soldier), 12-15 years (Three year gap), 15 years (Age of Ultron-Black Widow), 15-17 years (Two year gap), 17 years (Infinity War), [ 23 years (Endgame Timeline)], 18 years (Far From Home-The Young Avengers)
Birthdate: Febuary 21, 1941
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Personality: goofball, chaotic lil' shit, malicious compliance expert, cusses like a sailor, somehow 5 and 50 years old at the same time, very extroverted, all or nothing ADHDer, feral little gremlin, crippling fear of being a burden to other people and losing people she loves
Gender ID: Cis Female, She/Her pronouns
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair: Dirty blonde, usually in a low ponytail or sloppy braid
Eyes: Baby blue
Skin: Pale, and with some light freckles from the sun
Faceclaim: Diana Agron
Identifying Features: Post Endgame- bullet scar on upper right arm, repulsor blast scar on abdomen, bullet scar in left leg, knife slash scars across back and chest/abdomen, three jagged and wide scars from claws up the side of her right jawline and across her cheek
Combat skills: hand to hand combat training, combat shooting trained, enhanced- speed, strength, agility, senses, reflexes, and healing ; expert in sass
Supernatural abilities: Half Supersoldier
Disabilities: ADHD, Post Endgame- Anxiety/Panic Disorder, PTSD
Stacy was born on Feb. 21, 1941. Her biological mother was Peggy Carter, who offered to have the child for Steve and Bucky who wanted a kid (the government couldn't do anything bc they were American heroes and they kept it quiet). After her dads died around 1946, she was taken in by Peggy Carter. Six years later, Stacy was kidnapped by HYDRA and cryrofrozen for later experimentation so they might have another supersoldier. In 2012, after the Battle of New York, the Avengers found the HYDRA bunker she was in and rescued her. She was trained by Agent Romanoff and Barton and became a SHIELD Agent. After SHIELD fell, she joined the Avengers, and became known as the hero called Lady Liberty. She has since grown as a hero and become a valuable avenger.
Relationships: Steve Rogers (father, biological), Bucky Barnes (father, adopted), Peggy Carter (mother, biological, hates her), Natasha Romanoff (mother figure), Wanda Maximoff (big sister figure), Yelena Belova (auntie figure), Peter Parker (best friend), Lily Evans (first lover), Aiden D'Amore (second lover)
Aliases: Lady Liberty (Alias/Call Sign, SHIELD (formerly), The Avengers
Additional Notes/Facts:
Stacy grew up in a mixed culture/faith household, with Steve being Irish Catholic and Bucky being Jewish. She's not sure which she identifies with more religiously, but is happy hanging out in the middle ground.
She is obsessed with Star Wars, as is Peter. They geek out and go to cons together
She and Peter are neurodivergent superpowered besties
She calls Steve "Papa" and Bucky "Daddy" (it was the 40s, grow up). She won't let the internet ruin that for her
As much as she hates all the monetization of her papa's hero identity, she can't live without the Star Spangled Man latte they serve at Starbucks (it has lots of sugar and cream, plus a load of strawberry and blue raspberry syrup)
routinely says fuck you to the government, and can and has used malicious compliance against them before going completely feral
In the modern age, she and her dads have been arrested at protests/pride parades. the cops immediately back off once they realize who they are
Stacy is Team Waffles, as is Steve. Bucky is firmly Team Pancakes. This does cause squabbles at breakfast sometimes
She is agressively bisexual, just like her papa
Her suit starts out as the SHIELD suit, then one similar to Steve's with muted colors, then dark greens and blacks in Black Widow, then after Endgame it's variations of olive green with gold accents
Her two most notable multiverse variants are Thanos-Killer Stacy and Ultron-Apocalypse Stacy
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Fanfic: Only Human (on Ao3)
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cherry-shake · 1 year
A buckynat OC
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Alyona (A-lona) Romanova-Barnes
Alias: Wolf Spider, Brown Recluse, Subject 3, Lonnie
Age: 18
Place of Birth: South Siberian Mountains
Parents: James Barnes, Natalia Romanov
Affiliations: Russia, Red Room (defunct), U.S. government
Abilities: super spy, super soldier, red room serum
Universe: Earth 616
Alyona's creation start well before her time with the start of the Wolf Spider program by the Red Room. The Winter Soldier was used to train Constantin and was punished greatly when he failed. Dimitri Petrov was the scientist in charge and knew he would be next. Dimitri stole his unstable red room serum and gave it to his oldest son Sergei at 9 years old. The Winter Soldier killed both Dimitri and his wife leaving their two sons in care of the state. Sergei, much like the wolf-spider volunteer, was hostile and full of rage. Yet he was able to pull it together in order to get his doctorate.
The Russian Government became tired of the failures of the Red Room and largely stopped funding. However, they turned their interest to the young Sergei Ivanov (who changed his name in his youth). He proposed the idea of a soldier who was given no identity and knew nothing but Russia. It was a way to keep the Red Room in check and kill anymore subjects who went out of line. Of course, Sergei had his own plan in mind. Alyona's targets would be anyone associated with the Red Room.
Using D.N.A. from both Natasha Romanov and James Barnes, Sergei made several attempts to grow a child and eventually was successful. However, a girl was not pleasing to many funders. Alyona was dubbed subject 3 and was fed Russian propaganda from the moment she could breath. Isolated deep in the mountains of Siberia, Alyona was given no name, no parents, no background. She learned to talk from the history videos and Sergei barking orders. As soon as she could walk, she started training and had schooling by several child specialist one of them being Nikita Alexovna. Alyona started killing at a young age and was adept at hand-to-hand combat, espionage, and weapons. Her targets she was forced to kill were mainly red room survivors or retired government officials who approved the program. What Sergei did not plan for was Alyona's temper and stubbornness. She was often punished harshly by Sergei himself or left outside with nothing but her tanktop in the Siberian winter. After a particularly harsh beating, Nikita bandaged her wounds. This was one of her first kind memories.
Alyona was able to sneak into Sergei's private quarters with Nikita's key and read his files on her parents. She kept her head down and behaved herself. Soon she was on her first kill outside of the base. Her target was Katerina, a KGB agent and one of the founders of the Red Room. She wasn't able to pull the trigger and went on the run. Wanted by not only Sergei's guards but also the Russian government once they discovered their plan. She went into hiding deep in the forests at the edge of Moscow.
Hydra also heard of the opportunity to steal a Russian asset. Alyona was swarmed by Hydra agents that Captain America and Black Widow were tracking. Black Widow helped to guide her to cover. Sergei arrived with his personal soldiers. While fighting, Sergei yelled out "Laika". Alyona's main mission was started and immediately started to fight Bucky. He avoided her blows the best he could and was able to talk her down. Alyona was able to resist her programming albeit painfully. Natasha and Bucky were able to get her out before Russian forces came. Sergei was arrested by Russian forces after discovering his long list of government officials killed by Alyona. The officials still have a watch out for Alyona. Alyona was rendered unconscious and was unable to be awaken. SHIELD doctors discovered a chip in her neck that allowed them to control her, make her unconscious, and even had a kill switch. They were able to remove it safely leaving a small scar on the back of her neck. The relationship with her parents was rocky at first. She refused to trust Bucky until he showed her his red star. Bucky proceeded to train her and nickname her "Lonnie" and she got extremally close to her mom
Other Comic Tie-ins:
During the Siege of Asgard, Alyona watched her father be killed on T.V. and struggled while he was in the hospital.
The Breakup - When Leo kidnapped and brainwashed Natasha, he also targeted her daughter and wanted her to call him "dad". When Bucky left, Alyona was raised by Natasha and solely used the last name of Romanov. Natasha believed that Alyona was created from her DNA and a random red room donor. Bucky regularly called and checked on his daughter despite the face she often told her she hated him.
Captain America going Hydra: Alyona joined the army at 18 wanting to find herself and truing believing that her only point in life is to be a soldier. Once Captain America took over as a Hydra agent, Alyona abandoned the army not wanting to help Hydra and joined the underground. She spoke at her mother's funeral.
Afterwards: Alyona began her own vigilante work and really became her own person. Without Shield, the U.S. government hired Alyona and a few other military personnel to be trained to handle espionage and Hydra. This included working largely with the OFU along with Ian Rogers.
Natasha's revival: Alyona struggled to bond with her mom after she was cloned because she felt she wasn't real. When Natasha was brainwashed into her life with Stevie and James, Alyona was pulled in from a mission by her aunt Yelena and told the news. She was hesitant but agreed to let her be happy. After all, it’s been a rough few years. Albeit, she still felt hurt that she was not included in her mom’s perfect life. This was purposeful in the plan because Madame Hydra did want her daughter’s namesake to affect the brainwashing.
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in-my-own-opinion · 2 years
Valyrian Families of HOTD
In Westeros there are 3 families of Valyrian Origin
Time period is referenced throughout, for your understanding know that the events of the last episode of House of the Dragon take place in the book in 129 AC (After the Conquest)
House Targaryen
From Old Valyria, a dragon riding family known to marry brother to sister to maintain a “pure” bloodline, once Lords of Dragonstone and now rulers of Westeros, you know em and you love em.
Dragonstone is their ancestral seat, complete with the painted table used in Aegon’s conquest. Upon landing on the shores of Westeros they claimed the land we know now as King’s Landing, the Red Keep was originally known as the Aegonfort built upon Aegon’s Hill. This earth and wood structure was eventually torn down in Aegon’s lifetime and he tasked Queen Visenya with the construction of a finer castle. It would be completed by his son with Visenya, Maegor who included the construction of Maegor’s Holdfast - a castle within the castle that holds the royal apartments and the Queen’s Ballroom. Maegor’s Holdfast is the only building in the Red Keep that has no secret passages, as Maegor "wanted no rats in his own walls", except for one escape door that does not connect to any other passage in the Red Keep. Maegor had all the builders, workers, and craftsmen responsible for constructing the Red Keep killed after 3 days of feasting so only he would know the depth of its secrets. This made finding people to build the Dragon Pit very difficult.
Should you wish to have an OC or Reader character related to House Targaryen during House of the Dragon’s timeframe there are plenty of options courtesy of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne
Prince Baelon, father of King Viserys and Prince Daemon, and his sister-wife Princess Alyssa had a 3rd son Aegon (surprise, surprise) he died just short of his first name day after the death of his mother (who, surprise surprise, died from complications of his birth)
Princess Saera, a wild child, spirited, willful, and clever. King Jaehaerys tried to punish her for sleeping with her three noble male companions by sending her to the Faith to train as a silent sister (complete with cold baths, roughspun robes, meatless meals, having her head shaved and scrubbed with horsehair brushes, and being caned when she was disobedient) she endured this for half a year before fleeing to Lys and beginning to work in a pleasure garden. Years later, very wealthy, she would move to Volantis and became the proprietor of a famous pleasure house herself. When the Great Council was called to determine King Jaehaerys’ heir, 3 of Saera’s sons (one the son of a Triarch of Volantis) came with their claims. One of the young men was said to be the very image of Jaehaerys in his youth. On Jaehaerys’ deathbed, he often mistook Alicent Hightower for Saera. Saera living, with three sons of her own gives ample opportunity for potential characters.
Princess Viserra, beautiful, vain, and sly. Viserra desired nothing more than to be queen, going so far as to sneak into her brother Baelon’s chambers at night after the passing of his sister-wife Alyssa in an attempt to seduce him (he sent her away) Instead, Queen Alysanne had her betrothed to Lord Theodore Manderly, a man already four times widowed and old enough to have a daughter serving as a companion to Queen Alysanne when Alysanne was pregnant with her second child in 55 AC. (For reference the 16 year old Viserra who was to wed him was born in 71 AC) Viserra ended up sneaking away for one last night of laughter before she was to be sent to White Harbor to marry and ended up being flung from her horse and dying of a broken neck at the foot of Aegon’s Hill. Perhaps in your story she might live and have children.
Princess Gael, the “Winter Child”. TW: Suic*de A shy and sweet girl born in 80 AC, she was a great comfort to her mother Queen Alysanne following the deaths of her older sisters. In 99 AC she suddenly disappeared from court and it was told that she died of a fever. It wasn’t until after King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne’s death that it came out that Gael had been seduced and impregnated by a traveling singer. After giving birth to a stillborn boy, Gael was overwhelmed by grief and walked into Blackwater Bay and drowned. Queen Alysanne never recovered. A boy born to Gael in 99 AC would be near in age to Rhaenyra (although House of the Dragon did thankfully age her up so he might be about 6-8 years younger than his cousin Rhaenyra)
House Velaryon
Lords of the Tides, “The Old, The True, The Brave”, seated upon Driftmark with castles Driftmark and High Tide, House Velaryon is one of the original houses sworn to House Targaryen with a richly intertwined history to the Dragon Lords. Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives Queen Visenya and Queen Rhaenys themselves has a Velaryon mother, Lady Valaena.
These great Valyrians who find themselves sat upon the Driftwood throne have been in Westeros long before the Targaryens if their tales are to be believed. Their spot upon the largest island in Blackwater Bay, their immense naval power, and their proximity to the Gullet has given them immense wealth through trade. This naval power also made them a key ally to the Targaryens during the conquest and beyond. Throughout the first century of Targaryen rule, so many Lords of the Tides served on the small council as master of ships that the office was widely seen as almost hereditary. The first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was Corlys Velaryon (not the one in the show, I guess Corlys is like their Aegon)
Should you wish to have a character related to House Velaryon, you are in luck! Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake, has 2 brothers. 
In the books his brothers are unnamed but the show has turned his nephew Vaemond into his brother. This would mean that Corlys would instead have Vaemond’s sons as nephews, Daeron (married to Hazel Harte of House Harte) and Daemion. 
His other brother is unnamed, but he had five sons; Malentine, Rhogar, and 3 unnamed sons. They shared a similar fate to Vaemond in the show when they contested Lucery’s claim to Driftmark and made the mistake of questioning his legitimacy to King Viserys. All five brothers had their tongues removed and became known as “the silent five”
House Celtigar
A smaller house, their banner is red crabs strewn on white. Their words
They are the lords of Claw Isle, and have called it home prior to Aegon’s Conquest. Claw Isle is north of Dragonstone, off the coast of Crackclaw Point. While the Lords of Claw Isle claim dominion over Crackclaw Point, this claim is unacknowleged and the people by and large ignore them. They swear fealty to Dragonstone and the Crown directly, an arrangement made with Queen Visenya that they would only swear fealty to the iron throne.
Their castle is said to hold fabulous wealth including a Valyrian Steel axe (currently unnamed)
Several members of House Celtigar have been on the small council for Targaryen kings and queens, including 2 Hands and 3 Masters of Coin in addition to two Ladies in Waiting to Queen Alysanne (one of whom was so devoted to the queen she was stabbed through the shoulder defending her)
At the time of the Dance of Dragons their lord was Lord Bartimos Celtigar who sat on Queen Rhaenyra’s council as master of coin, loyal to the Blacks (we have seen him in the show, not much fuss was made about him) his son and heir is Clement Celtigar, no age, wife, or child is mentioned of him. Another member of House Celtigar is Arthor Celtigar, a boy of 15 during the Dance. It is unknown how he was related to Lord Bartimos, only that he was staying with him
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marvelousjj · 11 months
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making this post so I know who all is chill with winter widow kids and who isn't. but if you are a Nat or Bucky roleplayer, and don't mind a child oc based off the comics ( born in the 60's ) then hit the like button on this post so I know who to approach with Ana.
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awssp12 · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts about some of my marvel ocs and I wanted to share them somewhere so I’m going to do that here.
The first OC I wanna talk about is my daughter of Bucky Barnes. She was an experiment by Hydra to further the Winter Soldier Program after the fiasco of the 1991 attempt to further the Winter Soldier Program. Hydra paired with the Red Room to select a Widow who had not yet “graduated” so they could combine her DNA with that of the Winter Soldier’s. Hydra selected a Widow named Nikita Zima and tried for several years to combine her DNA with Bucky’s. Hydra went this route of continuing the WSP in the hopes of “killing two birds with one stone”; creating another successful Winter Soldier and having a secondary way to control Bucky.
The first, and only, successful child to be created was born on March 10, 2004. A girl to be named Misha Dresden Barnes. Even at a young age she showed promise of having inherited the properties of the Super Soldier Serum. She excelled in her training, which was a combination of what was taught in the Red Room and what the Winter Soldier knew. The day that they had tried to put her in the Memory Suppressing Machine was the same day Hydra and SHIELD fell. The memory wiping session was interrupted halfway through and left Misha with memory issues (both to her long term and short term memory).
When Hydra and SHIELD fell her handler, a man named Dmitri Hale, made it his first priority to escape with her. He had never been onboard with the WSP but Hydra was blackmailing him to keep him compliant. While attempting to flee with Misha, Dmitri ran into the Winter Soldier (who had returned to the facility to free Misha himself) and the two came to an uneasy understanding to get Misha to safety.
Dmitri and Misha stayed with Bucky even when he ran to Bucharest. Bucky didn’t want to be separated from his daughter but he also knew that he was, mentally, in no shape to raise a child. Dmitri did everything he could to keep them under the radar so that what remained of Hydra couldn’t find them. While in Bucharest, Bucky did get some pre-war memories back. One of them included his love of ‘The Hobbit’, which he shared with Misha. The two of them found an old copy of the book in a second hand book shop and would read it together.
When Baron Zemo framed Bucky for the bombing of the UN, Dmitri took Misha and ran. Dmitri had wanted to go back for Bucky, to save him from the Avengers and the government, but he knew he needed to get Misha to safety. After everything went down and Bucky was allowed to take refuge in Wakanda, Bucky made a request for Dmitri and Misha to be found. The Dora Milaje found the pair quickly and brought them back to Wakanda where they stayed for the next two years.
When the events of Infinity War roll around, Misha is fourteen. Dmitri dies fighting against Thanos’ army and Bucky gets dusted. Misha, who has now lost all the support and family she had, runs away from Wakanda and ends up in New York. While in New York she is taken into the custody of Child Protection Services but is able to easily run away from them due to the influx of children left without parents or guardians.
After running away from the third foster home she had been placed in, Misha bumped into the vigilante known as Daredevil. She was able to match his footsteps to the sound of those that belonged to a lawyer, Matt Murdock, that she had met a few days prior. Matt let her crash at his for the night before taking him to the law firm he shared with Foggy and Karen the next day. Matt decides he’s gonna look after Misha (but really it ends up being Foggy because Matt does not know how to take care of a child and also, being Daredevil takes priority).
One night while Misha is chilling Matt’s apartment (Matt’s out on patrol) a severely injured Frank Castle stumbles into the apartment. Misha, who confused him for Rumlow at first glance, manages to fight off a panic attack and works to patch him up. Frank refuses to admit that he grew attached to Misha after this and makes up excuses for why he’s always hanging around Matt’s apartment.
A couple months later, Misha’s mother knocks on Matt’s door. Nikita and Misha have a lovely reunion (not so lovely, Misha does not know who the fuck this woman is). Misha (and Frank because they come as a package deal now) moves into Nikita’s apartment. Nikita also helps Frank get a job at the private security/mercenary company that she works for. The company is ran by another former Widow, a woman named Nadia Mikhailov, and her husband, Henry Moore (his real name is Henrik Zemo and he is Baron Zemo’s half brother).
When Bucky returns after The Blip, Misha is more than happy to reunite with him. She spends as much time with him as she can and helps him adjust to the modern world. They also read “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy together. Misha also helps with the events of ‘Falcon and the Winter Soldier’. Misha does NOT get along with Walker, at all.
Anyways, that’s the abbreviated version of Misha’s story so far. I have a crap tone of dumb little quotes and scenes for them so if people are interested then I’ll share them here.
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secondsineternity · 2 years
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
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All Is Fair In Love and Cupcakes - Nesta Archeron’s daily routine is thrown off-kilter when the bakery she favors is out of red velvet cupcakes, her favorites. Luckily, the baker on shift, Cassian, has a solution. [Baker!Cassian/Nesta Archeron, Modern AU]
A Court of Time and Space - Clara Oswald has moved on with her life, but when the Doctor returns in her newly regenerated body, Clara must choose whether to stay in her new life or abandon it for the life she secretly wants back. [Doctor Who Crossover]
A Court of Widows and Espionage - Nesta is not her real name. Velaris is not her home, but she’ll be leaving soon enough. She’ll be going to find her real family, her real home. She’s done hiding, and she’s done running from her past. [Cassian/Black Widow!Nesta Archeron, Marvel Crossover]
Dreamer’s Court - It’s Feyre Archeron’s 19th birthday, and she wants nothing more than to see her favorite band, the Dreamer’s Court, and the lead singer Rhysand. Nesta Archeron pulls a few strings with her friend Amren, the manager of the band, and Feyre is transported into the world of rock ‘n’ roll. [Rhysand/Feyre Archeron, Modern/Band AU]
Falling Down - Katrin was tricked. Fooled. Now, she found herself in a world where she didn’t fit. Morrigan and Viviane came across a woman, beaten and bloody lying in the snow of the Winter Court, and Morrigan felt something she had never felt before- a bond. [Morrigan/OC]
Midsommar - A couple, Feyre Archeron and Tamlin Springfield, and their group of friends travel to Sweden to visit their friend's rural hometown for its fabled midsummer festival. [Midsommar Crossover/AU]
Rhysand Knight: Ace Attorney - Rookie defense attorney Rhysand Knight strives to protect his clients in various murder trials, including the death of his mentor, Nesta Archeron. Rhysand's greatest- and only- ally is Nesta's youngest sister Feyre, a spirit medium whose body can be possessed by Nesta to communicate with him from beyond the grave. [Rhysand/Feyre Archeron, Ace Attorney Crossover]
Something Wicked This Way Comes - A new Power of Three has risen again. The Halliwell’s have settled down from magic, the Vera’s have been estranged for years, and the Archeron’s- well, the Archeron’s are living their own lives without the use of magic. When Feyre leaves her abusive ex and makes a distress call, the sisters are brought back together and the magic of the Power of Three is awakened once again. [Charmed Crossover]
Worldwalker - Princess Malonne Whitethorn Galathynius vanished into thin air from the royal palace of Terrasen when she was ten years old. Now she is back in Terrasen- but her memories of her home are gone. With her friends and family’s help, she must recover those memories and walk to worlds once before visited to save them all from a fate worse than death. [Azriel/Original Character, Throne of Glass & Crescent City Crossover]
Cravings - Azriel would do anything for his wife, especially now that she’s pregnant with their child. That includes scouring the city streets for anything remotely edible for his wife’s cravings. [Azriel/Elain Archeron, Modern AU]
I Don’t Know Why - Nesta and Cassian may always drift away, but they always find each other again. [Cassian/Nesta Archeron]
It’s Called Clara - Feyre reminisces on her old life, the one where she called herself Clara. [Doctor Who Crossover, Prequel to A Court of Time and Space]
Nightmares - Feyre has a nightmare and her roommate Rhys calms her down. [Rhysand/Feyre Archeron, 18+]
Praying (The Song of Feyre and Tamlin) - A story in six parts, each telling the tale of Feyre’s healing and forgiveness of Tamlin. [General]
Puppy Love - Elain surprises her husband Lucien with the best surprise of them all- a puppy. [Lucien Vanserra/Elain Archeron]
All works listed above © secondsineternity/glassandroses.
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voilentdreamwitch · 2 years
Frozen Marvel AU
a/n: okay so this is basically a Marvel AU where frozen kinda takes place in the MCU, I got the idea after listening to the frozen soundtrack to the billionth time. It does go into a loki x oc reader in the later chapters, I wrote this a few weeks ago and never posted it.
Disclaimer:I dont own any of the marvel characters,Cussing(I think-), not proof read, over dramatic, mentions of death and stalking, reader being followed home, panic attack(kinda),Kinda abusive parents, let me know if I missed anything
A/n(again): I do not consent to any of my work being copied or re-uploaded to any platform or in a different language
Chapter one: Frozen Heart
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(Gif not mine)
  On a cold day in New York the police was called to check out some suspicious activity to find a woman dead on a park bench huddled around a crying a new born baby girl, the baby girl miraculously made a full recovery from the cold, she was put into foster care and was adopted when she was only six months old, her name Alice Harper Ross. She was adopted by Mrs. Nancy Ross and Mr. William Ross, who was told they could never have biological children so they turned to adoption, after two years of Alice being the only child Mrs. Ross found out she was pregnant. Nine months later a baby girl was born, she was named Basil Lin Ross. Now days the girls are eighteen and sixteen, Alice had deep raven hair and deep green eyes when she was little but after one winter when she was seven her hair turned snow white and her eyes a light hazel, while Basil looked exactly like Mrs.Ross with her brown curly hair and light gray eyes. After Alice's appearance changed she was being to be bullied at school so she started to pull away from her adopted family and never really talked to them.
       Alice graduated from high school last year and was coming up on her nineteenth birthday in January, while Basil was coming up on her seventeenth birthday in June. Basil has a stark internship that keeps her busy and away from the house most days, Alice didn't have many friends and the ones she did have were always busy with college classes and didn't have much time to spend with her so this left Alice with alot of free time at home. Her parents were too worried with their biological daughter and her internship to notice her much so she stayed in her room if she wasn't at work.
    Mrs. Ross had forgotten to pick Alice up from work so she had to walk again, when she was about 15 minutes from her familys apartment she noticed someone following her, she started to walk faster and so did the woman. Alice thought to get someone else's attention but no one else was around since it was 12:30 at night, at this point Alice was running through the streets and so was the woman behind her, then out of nowhere a beefy man walked out of the alley infront of her. He was tall and blonde, he wore a baseball cap and sunglasses even though it was dark out, Alice quickly ran across the road and into a late night Cafe where her friend Cate was working.
    "Cate!" Alice yelled when she entered the empty Cafe, Cate rushed out from the back,
    "What is it-" Cate asked quickly taking in Alice's disheveled appearance
     "I'm being followed home, this woman was following me for two blocks and then a man walked out of an alleyway and stopped infront of me-" Alice rushed out Alice noticed the man and woman that was following her was walking towards the cafe.
    "There coming, the people that followed me" Alice says quickly,
   "Quick back here" Cate said opening the swinging door to the back and sat Alice down on the floor.
    "Wait here, after my shift we can walk to my apartment and you can crash on my couch tonight" Cate whispered ou and walked back upfront greeting the man and woman. The woman had longish red hair, and the man had taken his hat and glasses off and he was- Captain America-!? It was unmistakably him and now that you payed attention to the red heads face she looked alot like Black Widow.
    "Hi, what can I do you you folks tonight, I do have to notify you that we are closing in fourty-five minutes" Cate said in an overly sweet voice,
    "Uh yes, were just looking for our friend, she's pale about this tall" The red head held her hand up around her height
    "She has white hair and hazel eyes, we saw her come in her but we don't see her now" the red head said.
    "Oh of course she went out that door after she came in" Cate pointed to a side door that leaded to a outside seating area in the alley that opened on both sides making it where you could walk right through. The false smile on the the woman's face faltered as she thanked Cate and walked out the door that Cate had pointed to a second ago the man following her.
     The last forty-five minutes pass and Cate finishes closing up and the two girl start walking to Cates apartment the girls notice a black car driving slowly behind them following. So the girls start weaving in and out of alleys and to try and lose that car which they do but they gain the man and woman back on their trail again, all of a sudden Alice finds herself separated from Cate and both people at either end of the alley she was in closing in.
    "What do you want" Alice says loudly backing up against the wall and pulling out her taser.
    "We just wanna talk" the man says closing in feet from Alice,
    "Back up!" Alice yells but when they only kept getting closer she put her hands out in a defensive position and closed her eyes. All of a sudden it got colder, Alice opened her eyes to see ice holding the man and woman in place by their legs, Alice took this moment and ran home texting Cate that she made it home safely when she did. Though the people that were following her wernt the first thing on her mind as she entered her bed room, it was the ice, she cursed herself because she let it happen again. She lost control again, she had been able to freeze water with her bare hands since she was little, she mainly did it when she was angry or scared but never on purpose. She was scared of what would happen to her if anyone found out, but now she didn't have to wonder anymore, she was sure here soon some people were coming for her. Alice's incoming panic attack had woken Basil, Basil walked to Alice's room but when she opened the door it was snowing in her room,
    "Woah" Basil said aloud when she saw the snowflakes coming from the ceiling, Alice didn't realize that it was snowing and quickly stopped the snow when she heard her sister.
    "Hey its okay, whats gotten you so upset?" Basil said slowly approaching where Alice sat in the floor,
    "Your not freaking out" Alice said cautiously.
    "Not really, I already kinda knew. After you froze your lemonade that one day after mom and dad scared you by pranking you, I kinda figured it out, now answer my question. Whats wrong" Basil explained sitting next to Alice putting her head on her older sisters shoulder.
     "On my way home from work, I was being followed and they cornered me and I- I" Alice started
     "Froze them, and yiur scared there gonna tell someone and your gonna be found out." Basil finished, Alice shook her head.
      "Not exactly, the people that were following me were....Steve Rogers and Natsha Romanov" Alice stated her voice breaking as she began to cry,
    "Their gonna find me, and take me away and throw me in some prison for weird people like me and ill never be able to see you or mom and dad or any of my friends ever-" Alice ramble but was cut off by Basil.
      "You don't have to be afraid of them, they're good people and they would never do that, if you did it on accident or you were scared they would understand" Basil said softly, Alice nodded and yawned.
     "Thanks Vivi, im gonna go to bed now" Alice said getting up and walking to her closet and grabbing an oversized shirt and some pj shorts, Basil took this as her cue to leave and wished her sister goodnight as she left Alice's room closing the door behind her. Alice quickly changed and layer in bed, she started to cry out of fear, that night she cried herself to sleep wanting to believe her sister's words but couldn't help but overthink.
To be continued...
(Let me know if you guys want more)
Chapter two here
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riveriafalll · 1 month
WIP Title Game!
Please tell me more about "Descending the Stairs" -- such a mundane thing but with subtle creep vibes, so I am intrigued!
[ and maybe also "A Glitch in the System" or "Oh fuck I'm doing a space fic, wops" if you feel like it ]
(signed @wintherlywords)
Oh god, this is embarrassing.
Descending the stairs has nothing creepy or particularly interesting at all, it’s my Descendants (yes, as in Disney descendants) that I originally started as something to use as a throw away writing exercise because my little brother was watching it, and then I got emotionally attached to the OC and gave everyone way too much trauma.
I adore Loki, in all his forms, and so I used a hypothetical child of his as my OC for the school - Locke. (Hela, Vali and Nasir do have cameos throughout the fic), and then proceeded to give them far too much angst and spent half of it highlighting how awful the Auradon system is when you actually look at it.
A glitch in the system is slightly more interesting than that. It was originally an idea of mine from maybe a couple years back? That I shared with my beta @once-and-future-fandoms who helped develop my vague ideas into more structured plot, and we are co writing it together.
It’s a Marvel fic, set in a world where the Avengers won Infinity War, and everyone is living happily ever after in the avengers compound.
Glitch (who is named primarily by Bucky, for the way she sneaks into and out of places without a trace, much like a glitch in a computer system), is a Winter Widow, known by Natasha from the Red Room, and Bucky, who only has vague memories of her since he’s been wiped so many times.
Glitch is deployed by what remains of HYDRA to try and take down the avengers once and for all, except somewhere along the way, she gets a little lost, and ends up being found by a certain spider child on a rooftop.
Cue several thousand words of everyone running around trying to find this girl, while she chills at Peter’s house along with Yelena, who kinda rocked up about a year ago after a recommendation from Kate that May was safe.
Space au is, as you might have guessed, an au where I stick my blorbos in space.
It’s a MCYT focused fic, bench trio + purpled centric, in the aftermath of a massive war, based in a space academy, where the boys will go.
Honestly there is so much plot to it, if I tried to do it here there would be too much, but it includes void creatures that can kill from fear alone, humans being practically extinct because of their immunity to the void creatures, and kaksksksls there is so much
Please someone ask me more about this so I can justify giving you the entire plot. There is so much I’m dying
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the-innumerable-heroes · 11 months
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@marvelmyriad [to Bucky Barnes] @shootsxruns
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Erik packed up his things from work. His tools, and the remnants of the lunch that Magda had packed for him. Erik had met Magda while hiding out in Pruszków, Poland three or four years ago, taking on the name Henryk Gurszky. They fell in love and got married and a not long later they had a little girl, who was now two years old, Nina. Erik, in his flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his serial number tattoo from his time in Auschwitz, 24005, visible, and his work pants and boots, took his bag and walked out of the factory, turning left and heading down the road that headed to the northern edge of town. Erik and the girls lived in a cottage right outside town.
Everyone in Pruszków knew "Henryk", and care about him and his girls. As he walked down the road he waved at each person that he saw. They all waved at him, but not back at him, more of the exact same time. Erik smiled at them as he walked by. Erik consistently has to push back the thoughts, anxieties and fears that these people would turn him over in a heart beat. Or that they would fear and hate him and his family for Erik being a mutant. Erik had experienced so much trauma in his life. Starting with his time at Auschwitz during the second World War. The Nazi's experimentation on the Jewish people, his people, on him. Being forcibly taken from his family in 1944, never to see them again. Then Nazi's experimentation on the people with the gene, that at that time was unknown, but would later become known as the X-gene. The Nazi scientist, known at that time as, Dr. Klaus Schmidt and later Sebastian Shaw, took a particular liking to Erik's mutation. He had found a new family in his rage fueled pursuit of vengeance toward Sebastian Shaw. Charles Xavier and Division X. Erik then looses that family, once again because of Shaw, even if he did get his revenge in the end. At what cost, though? Keeps losing those he loves the most in his life. Wait. A familiar face, not someone from Pruszków. Someone Erik had not seen since he was a child. A ghost of Erik’s past. The ghost had a little child with him? Erik follows the ghost and the child. He followed them for a few blocks and around a corner. Erik never seemed to get any closer to them. It was like a nightmare. Was he dreaming? No he was definitely awake. The ghost and the child turned another corner. Erik was losing them and rushed forward and rounded the corner....
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house0f3 · 5 months
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Jamie Barnes & Virgil Hawkins high ♡ voltage @marvelmyriad & @house0f3
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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rk-ocs · 5 months
The starks
World building is one of the best parts. Heres what happened when I mixed Comics canon with OC'S Time travel world building
Red became a Carbonelle (and sort of adopted into it) family hired help (sort of) when she helped one of his ancestors through a world changing vision. Well, his world, and yeah she knows how to deal with those very well, she's a trained calculator assistant. She was trained by another family, because the heir also could calculate, so she's like family inheritance sort of.
Surprisingly she's pretty cool with that. It means money, food, medicine, all for the cost of doing a job she usually likes. Especially if the principal is a friend (which patrons go out of their way to make happen. Undying loyalty is up for grabs here, and a well trained specialist)
Tony gives her a lot of freedoms that she wouldn't have without him.
Maria Carbonell was into biology and genetics. She figured out how to make surrogates viable, and looked a lot into DNA, wanting to get the healthiest baby between her and Howard. Because they were older, there was a greater chance of something happening (which is probably why they had so much trouble with Arno in cannon) , so she changed the Odds.
She also asked her younger friend and lab partner carry the child for her. Amanda Armstrong agreed, and they debated baby names. They eventually decided on Anthony.
Two years after having Tony, Amanda Armstrong had a natural child , who through the power of other worlds changing the DNA makeup, was a girl, she named Maria Armstrong.
Unfortunately she lost her fight to her Hydra boyfriend Jude (she's a shield Agent, and thought he was too) and they got captured.
Tony stark was four years old at this point, and had made his first circuit board, and they wanted a genius child of their own. They have stolen some of Maria's research, and the unused eggs, and Amanda has another of her boss-friends child, Arno Stark.
So Arno and Maria grow up with a shield mom captured, and a Hydra dad. Arno is intelligent, but also kind of going crazy because he doesn't know how to deal with Calculations. Maria A is kind of learning on the job through trial and error. It's not enough to help Arno from going into the crazy, but she learns some coping strategies for him.
Amanda has the mixed bag of raising her friends child alongside her own, she's just pretty upset that her friend and Tony aren't in her life.
Now I need to do some math to figure out when Tony inherited the weapons company, cannon says his parents died at age 21,  or that he inherited at age 21. He would probably be in college at a much younger age and graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with honors at the age of 17, and has three doctorates according to the comics. It also says he became iron man at age 23.
So there's some timeline issues to work out .
Still after the winter soldier killed the elder Starks (and stole a lot of research) they used Arnos sperm cells on eggs they had from the black widow, and in true mad scientist style, had Maria C be the surrogate. Much to their discomfort, it's like having your brother's child.
They picked a girl, feeling it would stabilize better, and reduce the chance of an unfortunate recessive gene showing up.
The child Eleanor Amanda Stark, did have Calculations , but Aunt Maria had learned how to assist from Arno, and as a result, she was a lot more stable.
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tidemoonchild · 7 months
You mentioned that Katya and Maggie once were one character and that some of your characters changed over time. Could you tell more about their origins?
Uh sure but little warning: This will be a long post.
First of all it's not like they were one character at first. I explained it kinda wrong all my characters were created independently of each other but over time they started to get very similar to two other characters that I had first and so I decided tom combine some things etc. The names of my first ocs were Alpha and Omega and beside them I had another one named Sigma. This were my big three main characters at first and they were all children who were abducted and raised under HYDRA and the Red Room.
At the same time I also wanted to make a story about the daughters of Steve and Bucky and I started the first concept of HADES who at that time kinda was HYDRA who decided to make their own thing separat from HYDRA because they had other goals and ideas. I made four other characters named Sarah Rogers, Rebecca Barnes, Maggie Moon and Sam Finch who were at first just minor characters. Sarah and Rebecca were only super soldiers at first, Maggie had almost all abilities she has now except of Animakinesis (This was one of the main abilities of Alpha at first) and Finch only had the ability of shapeshifting.
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Sarah was the daughter of Steve and Peggy and Rebecca the daughter of Natasha and Bucky while Maggie didn't really had a family yet I only knew I wanted her to be the daughter of Beast but I mainly created her as a child that would be abducted by a HYDRA branch what would become HADES later. So I didn't bothered to think much about her family.
That's where my problem came up: First of all I didn't wanted to erase what the Red Room had done to Natasha and her sterilization and beside that I didn't really knew what to do with Sarah and Rebecca. So I decided that they got abducted by HYDRA and the Red Room like Alpha, Sigma, Omega and also Maggie. Their names were taken away and they got numbers as names (Don't remember the number anymore but I think I still have it written down somewhere). Sarah and Rebecca became part of the Black Widow and Winter Soldier program and recieved the super soldier serum.
And then Stranger Things Season 1 came out and I fell in love with it. I decided to choose Millie Bobby Brown as FC for Sarah and gave Sarah and Rebecca the same powers like Eleven. New idea new problem: Sarah, Rebecca and Maggie started to become very similar to Alpha and Omega storywise and with their abilities. (I also had Millie as FC for Alpha beside another FC named Cailee Spaeny) Also I wanted my characters to be based on the MCU but this wasn't possible with that concept of Sarah and Rebecca being the daughters of Peggy/Steve and Nat/Bucky but having them still the same age because they were supposed to grow up together.
That's why I decided to drop my ideas and to start from the beginning. I also started to make HADES it's very own organization and gave it it's own name etc. but they still had connections with HYDRA and the Red Room and then also with the X-Program. Now Sarah and Rebecca weren't born normally anymore but instead created from their parents DNA by HADES and I made them mutants.
Time went by and Stranger Things Season 2 came out and Max made her first appearance. I decided to use her as FC for Rebecca. It was just perfect Millie as FC for Sarah looking like Peggy with brown eyes and hair and Sadie for Rebecca looking like Nat with red hair and blue eyes.
The thing is I wasn't really happy with what I created with Sarah and Rebecca and I also wasn't happy with the names of them because that were the names of Steve's mother and Bucky's sister. Sooo I started again and decided to give Sarah the name Yekaterina and for Rebecca I had Aleksandra or Melaniya in mind. I also decided to change FC's because Sadie (Max) just vibed more with the idea I had for Katya like her personality etc. while Millie (Eleven) was more a fit for Melaniya (I chose this name now because I have another character with the name Alexander so I didn't wanted her to have the "same name").
But this gave me a new problem: My head couldn't see the new FC of Katya as bio daughter of Peggy and the new FC of Melaniya for Nat because for me Millie looked more like Peggy and Sadie more like Nat. This led me to the point that I threw out this idea again and came up with the idea that they were created from the DNA of Steve and Bucky and two Black Widows and Peggy and Nat would then become their stepmothers. And from there slowly but surely their story like it is today came to be.
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Now to Maggie and Alpha: They actually kinda always stayed the same like I created them at first as two mutant girls that were abducted by HYDRA (Alpha) and HADES (Maggie). I didn't had so much struggle while creating them, than I had with Katya and Melaniya. The only change I made not so long ago was I combined Maggie and Alpha together because they were almost the same character with only little differences. Maggie was more part of the X-Men and Alpha was more part of the Avengers. Also they had minor differences in abilities like I already said with Animakinesis that was only an ability of Alpha but later I added this to Maggie's abilities when I made them one.
Another difference was that Alpha's family were all ocs that were killed by HYDRA when she was abducted while Maggie's family was still alive. So the family that first were Alpha's family became Maggie's foster family that also were killed by HADES while some other family memebers of Alpha also became Maggie's family on her mother's side who also are all ocs. Also Alpha was kidnapped when she still was a baby about 1 year and Maggie was a little older between 3-5 years.
After I decided to make them one character I also added some other story parts into Maggie's story like the brother Alpha had in HYDRA who got killed after they made a plan to escape. This triggered an outburst in her and the soul of her brother took over her body which led to the destruction of HYDRA. For Maggie this part is almost the same but with a little difference. Maggie also got a brother in HADES with whom she made a plan to break free. He got "killed" what triggered an outburst in Maggie too which led to the destruction of HADES. But different than with Alpha it wasn't her brother who took over but the Darkness an old entity that was born from the Phoenix Force. It's a demon-like force that always tries to take over Maggie's body and mind. Also different than with Alpha, Maggie's brother didn't really died or more like he didn't stayed dead. He can't really die because of a revival he had when he was a young boy and because of a curse. Alpha's brother on the other hand really died and was only able to appear as a ghost until Alpha set him free.
Another similarity was that both got abducted by a man called the Boogeyman. In Alpha's story it was a HYDRA agent and a mutate while in Maggie's story it was a HADES agent who also was a mutant and had been a child of HADES before he got "promoted" and became a loyal memeber of HADES.
In a way the team Forlorn Hope was part of Alpha's story at first. But it just didn't worked out. I didn't saw Alpha on their team but for me Maggie fit very well with them, most of all Corvus who I made her brother in HADES who "died" but was revived again. Previously my plan was that Alpha joined Forlorn Hope after her escape. At one point they were supposed to get attacked by the Boogeyman who wanted to get Alpha back and killed the other members. Alpha manged to escape again was found by SHIELD and then joined the Avengers. Maggie on the other hand was supposed to escape HADES and then be found by the X-Men, where her father was part of the team. But like I said I just didn't saw Alpha on this team so I made some changes. Alpha escaped HYDRA and was found by SHIELD and then joined the Avengers, while Maggie escaped HADES, was brought to a foster family that got killed and then met the team Forlorn Hope. Not knowing who she really was she decided to join them because they promised her to help her find out who she was etc. More stuff happened she met the X-Men found out who she is and who her parents are. She never offically left Forlorn Hope but the leader Ragnar decided it would be better to leave her at Xavier's school with her parents to which everyone agreed. So Maggie is still part of Forlorn Hope but also joined the X-Men after they left.
After I combined Alpha with Maggie I also combined Sigma with Finch. Sigma was the best friend/other brother from Alpha and Finch the best friend/other brother of Maggie. But different than Sigma, Finch wasn't part of HADES. I only added Sigma's abilities to Finch.
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So yeah that's how my characters changed over time and how out of Alpha, Omega and Sigma "became" Katya, Melya, Maggie and Finch. It was never really planed but after all the changes Katya and Maggie just became so similar to Alpha that I decided to split Alpha into Katya and Maggie. So that's what I meant with they were "one" character before. I hope you could understand my explanation. It was kinda chaotic because their creation was chaotic but I tried to get it in order as good as I could. Just remember I have my characters since 2015/16 so it's been a very long time since I've been working on them.
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patwrites · 11 months
OC: Sloane Morrison
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"Face": Dakota Johnson
Full Name: Sloane Reed Morrison
Species: Human
Fic: American Winter Soldiers [MCU]
Birthdate: December 11, 1990
Birth Stats: 9 lbs 2 oz; 22 in. long; 8:20am
Age: 33 (as of 2023)
Height: 5′7″
Post-Snap Status: Unsnapped
Sexuality: heterosexual
Nationality: American
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Previous Residences: Washington, D.C.; New Haven, Connecticut; Atlanta, Georgia; Las Vegas, Nevada; Toledo, Mississippi; St. Louis, Missouri
Current Residence: Buffalo, New York
Occupation: Human Rights Lawyer
Marital Status: Widowed
Politics: Progressive Liberal
Religion: Christian- nondenominational
Family: Frank Morrison (father), Fiona Morrison (mother), Tucker Morrison (brother), Ingrid Morrison (sister-in-law), Richard Kincaid (husband), Trent Kincaid (brother-in-law), Nina Kincaid (daughter), Lionel Kincaid (son)
Sloane Morrison was born to lawyers Frank and Fiona Morrison on December the 11th of 1990 in Los Angeles, California. She has one older brother, Tucker, who is six years her senior. The daughter of staunchly liberal pacifists, Sloane was raised to fight with words, not fists. A very bookish and nerdy child, she didn’t have many friends growing up. Instead, Sloane kept a tight circle never larger than six and excelled in her studies. Her parents moved to D.C. when she was in 9th grade, exposing Sloane to a great many realities of how the government was run. Both she and her older brother Tucker finished their compulsory education in the nation’s capitol. She graduated a semester early in 2009 and began attending Yale University the following fall.
While at Yale, Sloane met her future husband Richard Kincaid in a freshman English class. Although initially uninterested in pursuing a romantic relationship, Richard (”Ricky”, as she calls him) won her over before the end of their freshman year. Sloane came to regret the pair not really being good friends before jumping into a relationship, and the couple broke up and got back together no less than twice during the course of her higher educational journey. In Sloane’s junior year, she became more politically active on campus in response to the Avengers and the elevation of General Ross to Secretary of State. During their third relationship, however, Sloane often remarked to her friends that she felt the third time was the charm. As if speaking it into existence, Richard proposed the night of their college graduation. Sloane ended her college career with a 3.7 GPA and went on to attend Yale Law School from 2014 until 2017. Richard got a journalism degree. She insisted on putting off marriage until after she passed her bar exam. The couple got married in Richard’s hometown of Atlanta, Georgia on December 12, 2017 (the day following Sloane’s 27th birthday). Tucker, who recently returned from a tour overseas, was the best man.
For a moment, Sloane considered teaching law at Empire State University in New York City. Richard’s investigative work took them to Las Vegas; during her time living there, Sloane became fast friends with one Betty Ross. Betty even stayed in their spare room for a month after being harassed around town due to her father. Her time living in Vegas was filled with partying, her husband’s gambling, and learning everything she could about the recently-elected President Ross’ revitalized Supersoldier Program. The recent deterrent of the extraterrestrial threat Thanos meant public support for this program was only all the stronger. Unfortunately, the Morrison parents were killed during Thanos’ assault on the planet. Confronting Richard about it one night, Sloane learned the “secret assignment” his bosses had him working on was digging up information about this government program. The gambling and partying was simply a cover. A week after this confrontation, Sloane learned she was pregnant. A doctor’s visit the following Friday confirmed the pregnancy and the happy couple was given an estimated due date of January 13th, 2020.
The lawyer spent most of her pregnancy in Toledo, defending Tucker on a manslaughter charge. Her brother and his wife Ingrid moved there shortly after their wedding in 2014. Sloane proved unable to keep her brother out of jail. Toward the end of the trial, Sloane learned she was expecting boy/girl twins. Wanting to travel someplace new before the babies arrived, Sloane and Richard moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where they took care of Richard’s dying brother Trent. Her brother-in-law passed less than two months later, on December 1, 2019; the lawyer and journalist moved to Buffalo, New York after the funeral. Richard got a job at the local paper and Sloane found a law office in need of new blood. This office did not care that Sloane was due to give birth very soon and told her she could start work after she welcomed her twins. A good thing, too, because Sloane delivered her twins nearly two weeks early on January 3rd, 2020. A boy and a girl, named Lionel and Nina, with Nina being older by six minutes and 13 seconds. The new family of four settled into a quiet life in upstate New York for a time, and Sloane largely forgot about the AWSP for a time. The AWSP had not forgotten about the Kincaid family. During the summer of 2020, AWSP agents raided their homes and arrested Richard. Sloane could do nothing personally or legally to save him, and investigation on her part only led her to find he’d purposely been given a faulty batch of the supersoldier serum that September. At her husband’s funeral, Sloane vowed to take down Ross and the AWSP by any means necessary.
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