iseathegalaxy · 2 years
guys, i think he's not the werewolf...
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takeme2neverland · 1 year
I am constantly attracting everything I desire.
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tea1973 · 1 year
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The rise of a full moon. Followed by the sun
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oftengrok · 2 years
Stay fully in the present and soak up every detail with glee. When you find yourself is such difficult times that you feel lost, hopeless, or scared, you can recall every detail of when it was easy to see the wonders, love and good that never leave you, and gratitude will give you a hand out of that dark place.
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111lov3sdelrey · 1 year
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Doğru kişiyi hayatınıza çekme rehberi
Eminim ki çoğunuz hayatınıza giren bütün toxic (zararlı) ilişkilerinizdeki partnerlerinize '' doğru kişi değildi'' etiketini yapıştırmışsınızdır, peki nedir bu doğru kişi? Kimdir? Özellikleri nelerdir? Hayatımıza ideallerimizdeki doğru kişiyi çekmek için ne yapmalıyız? Bu bölümde bu konular hakkında konuşacağız <3
Doğru kişi aslında kimdir?
Cevabı aslında çok basit sizin 4d'niz* ( *4d sizin manevi dunya olarak gecmektedir, butun arzulariniz ve istekleriniz gerceklestigi yer diyebiliriz) de ki arzuladığınız hayalinizdeki, ideallerinizde ki kişidir. Örneğin sizin bir ilişkide partnerinizden beklentileriniz size karşı ilgili olması, size çokça değer vermesi vb. gibi şeyler olduğunu varsayalım. Sizin bir ilişkiden beklediğiniz şeyler zaten bunlar olduğu için bu özelliklere sahip olmayan kişiler size doğru kişi olarak gelmez, illa bir kusur bulup hayatınızdan uzaklaştırırsınız (ki siz bu kişileri hayatınıza alsanız bile sağlıklı ve her iki tarafından memnun olduğu bir ilişki yürütmeniz oldukça ihtimaldir, çünkü bu kişi aslında sizin istediğiniz özelliklere sahip değildir.) Bazen karşımıza ideallerimizdeki kişinin birkaç özelliklerine sahip kişiler çıkar yanlış bir algıya kapılıp "bundan daha iyisini mi bulacağım" "herkes benim ideallerimdeki gibi olamaz zaten" diyerek kendinizi avutursunuz oysaki bu cümlelerin haklılık payı %0'dır. Çünkü evren sizin için çalışır sizin arzularınızı/isteklerinizi gerçekleştirmek için vardır, size hizmet eder. bu yuzden umutsuzluga kapilmayin, akisa birakin♡
Doğru kişinin özellikleri nelerdir?
Aslinda bu oldukca kisisel bir konu?? tamam simdi bunun bir  manifesting yazisi olmadigini varsayalim. Mesela bana cekici gelen bir kisi sana karsi gelmeyebilir, ki bu oldukca normaldir!! Her insanin guzellik algilari standartlari bir kiside nelere onem verdigi degisken gostermektedir ve bu yuzden suan bu yaziyi okuyan sizler icin dogru kisinin ozelliklerini madde madde veremicegim. Elbette bazi seyler iliskide olmazsa olmazlarimizdan olabilir, ornegin sadakat durust olmasi gibi gibi
Son olarak!! Hayatımıza "o" doğru kişiyi çekmek için ne yapmalıyız?
E bundan kolay sorumu var?? Zaten sen bu yaziyi okurken bile hayatina cekmis bulunuyorsun. Yinede dahada kesin seyler elde edebilmeniz icin onerebilcegim bir kac teknik var
Oncelikle evrenden ne istediginiz konusunu kesinlestirin
Daha sonra istediginiz kisinin ozelliklerini bir kagida,telefonunuzun notlar kismina vb herhangi bir yere yazin. Dilerseniz daha sonda kagidi yakabilirsiniz size kalmis!!
Ve daha sonra bol bol olumlama yapin eger sadece yazip olumlama yapmak inancinizi guclendirmiyorsa bu kisiyi aklinizda da hayal edip, onunla ilgili anilar/olaylar imajine edebilirsiniz
Adi,yasi,gorunusu hersey size kalmis, unutmayin bu sizin gercekliginiz istediginiz/arzuladiginiz her sey 4d de mumkundur 3dye bagli kalmayi birakin♡
— Evet iste bu kadar, akisa birakmayi ve surekli ne zaman gerceklesicek gibi surekli dusunmeyi birakin evren size en dogru zamanda en dogru kisiyi hayatiniza dahil edicektir! bundan supheniz olmasin, sevgiyle kalin♡
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thegalaxyfoxx · 2 years
Hey everyone! I hope you have a great day!
Stay stellar! 💜
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creativesworkshop · 2 years
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”—MAYA ANGELOU
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faithiegirl01 · 2 years
Faithie’s Writer Rants Corner:
So today me and my editor got this request:
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Then someone replied to them with this:
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And honestly I don’t blame them, but our page is a safe place for anyone and everyone wether they have a messed up mind or not. This person should have let me handle it.
I personally would have messaged them and told them that we will not be taking it because it’s far to graphic and far to harmful.
I would NEVER ever write about an actual person (as in the actors I write for) doing that. Now would I write it for the character?
Absolutely yes, because that is MY character that I am writing. Do I sometimes write it for requests? Yes, but never ever the actor.
Why do I write it for requests? Because as a person with self harm thoughts in her past I know that it can be very very healing to have it written out that someone even if it’s a writer writing it. That if a character or actor loves me enough to either save me or help me get though it then I know that the “character” (who is actually though the writers eyes) cares. Which means the person writing it is showing that they care.
But to write it for someone who I don’t know has gone though (aka any actors) then I DON’T feel comfortable writing for it. Like with Charlie Gillespie I don’t feel comfortable writing that out without the knowledge that he’s had those thoughts or feelings.
I definitely don’t want to presume that someone has those issues without them saying they have. If it’s for a character that’s one thing… but for an actor who is super happy almost all of the time…
Also he’s human what if he were to see these and somehow they make him feel bad. I just don’t agree with the presumption that someone would do that without them saying themselves that they’ve been there.
Does this make since? No? Yes? Maybe so? I hope it does. Cause like it’s just uggh…
I mean most of the Fan Fic Writers out there are presuming how a person acts, but still. I don’t know how else to explain it.
I mean it’s one thing to presume someone is super happy and lovey dovey all the time, but it’s vastly different to presume something like this for someone.
If y’all know what I mean?
Over all I wish the other user would have either stayed quiet and let me handle it. Or come to me with it and again let me handle it.
Because I don’t tolerate others bashing on others just because they have a little bit of a darker mind.
I have a darker mind sometimes and it’s ok to have a darker mind sometimes. What’s not ok is for others to bash on that darker mindset. It’s not ok because that could make someone upset to the point where they could hurt themselves. It’s NOT ok at all in my book and I will be messaging them both tomorrow because this is unacceptable in my book.
Like I said both my tumblr and my Wattpad are safe places. Any ounce of hate on me or my readers will be deleted and possibly blocked.
As my favorite YouTuber (ColbyBrock) once said:
“Negativity creates negativity, positivity creates positivity,”
Just be the ones who spreads positivity not negativity please. We all get no where by spreading negativity. The World flourishes when we spread love and positivity no matter the situation.
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poetsescape · 2 years
Only today is today, only tomorrow is tomorrow. What will next week show us? Who knows. I try to focus on the present, not the past or the future. Doing so will crumble the mind and deteriorate the memory. I pled you to go forth without an objective yet goal in mind. Without thoughts yet thought in mind. I pled you to go forth without happiness yet content and hope in mind. Stay strong, keep your head up, whoever you are, and survive.
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It's time for change,
It's time for us to grow, right now it is more important than any of us really know!
To make the world great again we must free ourselves from hate, before it is too late.
So be prepared to spread positivity, and not spread fear. So together we can protect everything that we hold so dear
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channelingstore · 8 days
THE TEN MOST POTENT PARADOXES OF LIFE | Click The Link To Find Out More https://bit.ly/3Uo2kmX
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she-event-indy · 5 months
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avkamfher · 1 year
So. . . if a first lasts 12hrs that means it was good one. Yeah?
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mamajecshub · 1 year
Life Is by Mother Teresa
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coolreference · 1 year
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Have this draft is from awhile ago. I was having a hard time and just moved out.
Small things seemed impossible
But hey guess what past me
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You are doing a fucking great job!
It’s still hard to clean up but you have a great room mate that gives you motivation to clean, even if our room gets neglected lol.
You like cooking now! It’s really fun and your friends like your food! You go to the grocery store regularly.
You died all 3 feet of your hair bubble gum pink. Then cut your hair down to your shoulders. Gave yourself neon green roots then buzzed it off. Rn you have a blonde tuft of hair in the front as it grows out.
You watched the shows you wanted but now we are more into making our own stories with ttrpgs
Some things not on this list that we did are
Got a big promotion
You have three cats
You came out to everyone you know and it went well
You like pro wrestling now. I know I didn’t see it coming either.
You make really good cosplays now
You are getting named parts in the musicals
Learned rubix cube
Changed your name
Got the fuck over your ex
Moved to a bigger apartment. (Ignore the water pressure)
Babes here’s the deal it does get better. Hell I didn’t even realize that I was depressed.
Living in a safe place where you can be yourself with people who love an accept you can make a difference.
That is to say…
Make everywhere you go welcoming for everyone!
It won’t be perfect,and don’t come at me with shit like but what about nazis or racist.
Use you fucking brain of course you don’t have to be welcoming to unwelcoming people.
End post.
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kittenmoonshadow · 1 year
My day yesterday in black and white. I forgot to take a picture after work, but that's okay. I'm going to have to do this again sometime it was so much fun!
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