#high esr symptoms
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Let's open with a case report, like we're on an episode of house.
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Case Report
35 yo otherwise well, suddenly presents with 2/52 of high fevers and a headache (usually this means > 39)
a/w chills and rigours, responsive to medication/presumably panadol and intermittent (would resolve then come back)
no respiratory symptoms
She had neutrophilia and intrestingly, a CRP of merely 30.
CXR revealed nonspecific consolidation in 2 lobes, they followed this up with a CT revealing pretty impressive ground glass opacities (or GGOs)
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She was empirically treated on IV tazocin only (I'm used to atypical coverage empirically started if there's even a whiff of resp, which she may not have had symptoms but her CXR confirms this)
eventually she was on referred to the authors, who felt her CT findings with consistent with psittacosis and treated her with doxycycline which resolved her symptoms in 48 hrs
on further history, it was revealed that she had parrots at home, one had died 2 days preceding her symptoms and she was sleeping next to its body at night (crazy)
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What is it:
psittacosis is a zoonoses (transmitted by animals, animals = reservoirs), in this case, transmitted by birds. Orthinoses if birds in general, but psittacosis if referred to macaws, parrots etc. YOu can also catch it from chickens and turkeys.
Some what related is Bird fancier's lungs. Which just sounds fancy.. I'm sure it's just an old term.
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Bird fancier's lung refers to a hypersensitivty pneumonitis (ILD) caused by bird exposure. DIfferent disease process, but birds is the come denominator. INhaled bird particles
Psittacosis specifically refers to the infective disease process caused by a bacteria. It was 'identified" or reported in the 1870s, when a cluster of 7 swiss patients developed the same symptoms and found to have possessed tropical birds.
Similarly, in the 1930s there was an outbreak in the US with a mortality of up to 20% (80% in pregnant women), also attributed to parrots from South America.
Eventually, with further scientific development, the causative pathogen was identified as chlamydia psittaci, an atypical intracellular organism.
Psittacosis is a significant differential to consider in community acquired pneumonia as it has a high mortality if left untreated. But it is rare, and causes about 1% of cases in the US. Part of this is due to improved hygiene practices and strict importation guidelines of tropical birds.
It's spread through the inhalation of dust with either dried faeces or respiratory secretions from infected birds.
Clinical features
Variable! but the key thing on history is birds
incubation time can be anywhere from 2 days to 20
Flu-like (fevers/chills/myalgias/arthralgias/malaise/headache)
high fevers is key
respiratory symptoms - does not always present as per the case report, and can be mild on spectrum (dry cough) to more severe
if systemic, can also get photophobia, deafness and epistaxis
Rare (particularly where doxycycline or azith are prescribed at a low threshold): hepatosplenomegaly (look out for LFTs), GI symptoms (remember CAP can present with diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting --> always do a CXR)
even rarer: endocarditis or myocarditis, encephalitis or hepatitis (usually the complications of untreated disease)
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Increased risk groups:
pet shop owners
bird owners
zoo, lab workers where birds are kept, vets, avian quarantine station workers
poultry handlers/workers
So ask if they live or work with birds, or had recent exposure.
serology is gold standard - so looking for antibodies in blood tests
it's intracellular - so hard to culture if even possible on standard blood cultures
elevated ESR/CRP may see LFT derangement and creatinine rise in systemic illness
CXR- usually lower lobe changes, if CT is done, you can get pulmonary infiltrates with GGOs
usual culprits for atypical coverage: azithromycin 3 days or doxycycline 100 mg BD for 14/7
always broad if systemic features only (also consider IE and other causes of sepsis)
with resp symptoms - legionella, Q fever, mycoplasma, tularaemia (except for tularaemia, the rest are also covered by doxycycline)
In clinical practice, I'm so used to just having atypicals on board for any cases of atypical pneumonia. I really take it for granted. But will consider this differential more myself in cases of PUO - but I feel like there should be at least CXR findings regardless.
Anyway, prognosis is very good so long as it is treated.
CDC guidelines
Case Report: Importance of Clinical history in Psittacosis
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bluegoblinfox · 7 months
I have a lot of symptoms which match with lupus. I've had lots of infections this year...8 so far.
I found out yesterday that my mum had a positive ANA (anti-nuclear antibodies) blood test in the 1990s and again in early 2000s. Docs haven't really followed up on this though.
So today I've got put on my big girl pants and sent a message to my GP surgery with all of my symptoms and some pics of rashes and white fingers. I've done this in hope that I am not blown off and told I'm just stressed or anxious.
Like I am anxious about my health because I feel like shit and I've had 8 infections this year. EIGHT!
So I think my anxiety is founded and proportional to the issue.
If they don't offer me an ANA I'm going to pay for one next year. To rule out autoimmune issues if nothing else.
I just can't deal with more medical gaslighting. After being told last time I raised this it was all because I was stressed.
If anyone's interested here are my symptoms:
* Hair loss
* Fatigue (debilitating)
* headaches and migraines
* Joint pain and stiffness and inflammation
* hearing loss
* dry gritty, itchy eyes (in the middle) which water at the edges.
* rash on checks and nose and sometimes chin
* skin which goes red, then pink and then loses pigment although. Leaving white patches.
* Serum creatinine levels at the highest reference point or just over. Have been for over a year.
* stage two liver disease
* cardiomyopathy
* digestive problems
* three recent UTIs
* One recent skin infection
* three recent respiratory infections
* one recent ear infection
* one abnormal ESR recently
* one high CRP recently
* feeling generally unwell often
* apparent but as yet undiagnosed Raynauds.
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cryptidcalling · 11 months
!!Vesper universe update!! Cw: Fantasy drugs
The Empire is officially named the Empire of the Stellar Remnant, also called The Remnant, the ESR or, most simply, the Empire. This is because the Empire was founded about a century ago (rather recent in Intergalactic terms) because the now-royal Kaspioro family found a way to collect the remnants of stars after their deaths, a high-energy substance called Stardust. It's used primarily as a fuel source, allowing the ESR to make rapid leaps in technology and riches and eventually leading it to become the intergalactic powerhouse that it is today. The one who originally harnessed Stardust was Panza's great grandmother, the first Kaspioro in the royal line. Stardust is a volatile substance when not handled properly, and has a history of misuse. Many other galactic powers have attempted to get a foothold on the Stardust trade, but in the end the ESR has secured an almost total monopoly of the substance. Not only do they have the most access to raw resources, but most of the technology needed to collect, refine, and store stardust is very difficult to obtain outide of the ESR. Counterfitting and smuggling operations are common, terrorist groups will often use Stardust in dangerous ways, and in recent years there's been an upcropping of groups trying to use Stardust as a drug/medicine in order to gain powers. See, stardust was discovered long before it was harnessed, and across the universe there are different folk tales about its power. Creatures made from stardust are said to be the most beautiful, powerful, and intelligent beings ever. Many cultures believe that Stars themselves are actually living beings, and that Stardust is the remnants of its power and knowledge being bestowed upon the lesser beings of the universe. Others believe that Stardust marks a Star’s final resting place.
Even in modern day Stardust is often referred to as being alive, and said to be so volatile because it wants to return to the cosmos. It's sort of like how sailors talk about boats. Even if they don't believe the boat is literally alive, they're given names and personalities. These stories and beliefs mean that the ESR and the Stardust trade are highly controversial in certain places. It's considered cruel and immoral to take Stardust from it's cosmic resting place, even blasphemous among some. It's seen as a sort of grave robbing or body snatching. These beliefs of Stars and Stardust being living things are what cause some more radical groups to try and use it to gain powers. When consumed in very small doses it actually can be a sort of energy booster. Some companies have attempted to infuse energy drinks or other foods with trace amounts of stardust. But once the effects wear off consumers are typically left feeling very ill. Symptoms usually include fever, exhaustion, depression, vomiting, burning sensations in extremities, mild delusions, and paranoia. Consuming more than very small amounts of Stardust is often fatal but can be survived. Even then, symptoms include more intese versions of the previous list plus hallucinations and an extreme burning sensation through the entire body. Victims have described the feeling as their blood being on fire. Autopsies support the idea, as many show internal burns. There are multiple drugs made from stardust, but the most common is known as Flare. The concoction includes a bit of Stardust combined with painkillers and stabilizers. It results in a sudden burst of strength and energy that lasts for a few hours. It's typically survivable after only a few doses, but can be deadly in the long term or when consumed in higher doses. Stardust itself is not addictive, so Flare is often advertised as a safe/non-addictive substance. However most producers will mix in an actually addictive substance to keep buyers coming back. The side effects of Flare are the same as those listed above. There are more dangerous Stardust-based drugs as well, but I haven't really developed them yet. Dealing with Stardust-related crimes (Drug stuff as well as counterfitting, smuggling, and terrorism) is the majority of Vesper's job outside of governmental duties.
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taimoorkhan · 1 year
Myocarditis in Emergency Practice
Myocarditis, an inflammatory condition affecting the heart's myocardial tissues, is a significant cause of sudden cardiac death and dilated cardiomyopathy. With diverse etiologies ranging from viral and immune-mediated causes to toxic exposures, diagnosing and managing myocarditis can be challenging. In this blog post, we will explore the important points regarding the etiology, pathophysiology, presentation, diagnostic testing, and treatment options for myocarditis, with a focus on the perspective of emergency physicians.
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Myocarditis can be caused by infectious agents (bacterial, parasitic, viral), immune-mediated conditions, and toxic exposures. Viral causes include enteroviruses, influenza, hepatitis viruses, HIV, herpes viruses, and Parvo B-19. Immune-mediated causes include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), scleroderma, and giant cell types. Toxic agents such as doxorubicin, antiretroviral medications, clozapine, and cocaine can also trigger myocarditis.
Myocarditis follows a three-step process. In the acute phase, infectious, autoimmune, or toxic agents directly damage cardiac myocytes. Subsequent myocyte destruction triggers immune system activation and secondary inflammation. In the later stages, the immune system mistakenly attacks the myocytes themselves, leading to progressive myocardial damage.
Myocarditis presents with a wide range of symptoms, necessitating a high index of suspicion for timely diagnosis. Symptoms may include dyspnea, palpitations, orthopnea, and chest pain. Dyspnea is the most common presenting symptom, while chest pain can vary from pleuritic to anginal. Patients may exhibit symptoms of congestive heart failure, ranging from fatigue and peripheral edema to cardiovascular collapse. Skin manifestations can be present in cases triggered by medication exposure.
Diagnostic testing for myocarditis overlaps with other cardiopulmonary evaluations. Electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities, such as sinus tachycardia, ST-segment elevations, T-wave inversions, AV blocks, widened QRS durations, or prolonged QT intervals, may be observed. Troponin assays may be elevated, but their absence does not rule out myocarditis. Additional blood tests, including CBC, CRP, and ESR, are often abnormal but nonspecific. Imaging studies like chest radiography and echocardiography can provide valuable information.
TThe treatment of myocarditis primarily focuses on supportive care to prevent further damage to the heart. Stabilizing the patient's ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) is the priority. Supplemental oxygen and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation may be required for hypoxia or pulmonary edema. Heart failure therapy, including diuretics and nitroglycerin, can be administered if systemic perfusion allows. Cardiac dysrhythmias may necessitate treatment with antidysrhythmic medications. Antimicrobial therapy is required for cases associated with bacterial or parasitic infections. In severe cases, advanced interventions such as intra-aortic balloon pumps, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or ventricular assist devices (VADs) may be necessary.
Myocarditis presents a complex diagnostic and management challenge for emergency physicians. The diverse etiologies, varied clinical presentations, and overlapping diagnostic tests make timely diagnosis crucial. Supportive care, stabilization, and targeted interventions are key elements of treatment. While further research is needed to refine diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, understanding the etiology, pathophysiology, presentation, and treatment options can aid emergency physicians in effectively managing myocarditis cases.
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vaidyaslaboratory · 11 days
Elevating Healthcare Standards: A Comprehensive Guide to Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment at Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory 
Established in 1979, Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory has been a pillar of excellence in diagnostic healthcare, consistently setting higher standards in the industry. With a steadfast commitment to quality, our laboratory offers an extensive range of diagnostic services, including home collection, online reporting, and expert analysis by seasoned professionals. We are proud to serve hospitals, corporate clients, B2B and B2C entities, and individuals with the utmost dedication. 
Understanding Malaria: Symptoms, Treatment, and Diagnostic Excellence 
Symptoms of Malaria 
Malaria is a serious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Early recognition of symptoms is vital for effective treatment. The primary symptoms include: 
Fever and Chills: Sudden, high fever accompanied by severe chills. 
Headache: Intense and persistent headaches. 
Nausea and Vomiting: Common occurrences during infection. 
Muscle Pain and Fatigue: Generalized muscle pain and fatigue. 
Diarrhea: In some cases, patients may experience diarrhea. 
Signs of Malaria 
Recognizing the signs of malaria can aid in early diagnosis and treatment: 
Anemia: Due to the destruction of red blood cells. 
Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes, indicating liver involvement. 
Splenomegaly: Enlargement of the spleen as it filters infected blood cells. 
Malaria Treatment 
Effective treatment of malaria involves: 
Antimalarial Medications: Chloroquine, artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), and quinine are commonly used. 
Supportive Care: Severe cases may require hospitalization for symptom management. 
Preventive Measures: Use of insect repellent, mosquito nets, and prophylactic medications in high-risk areas. 
Why Choose Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory? 
Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory is synonymous with trust and reliability in diagnostic services. Here’s why: 
Legacy of Excellence: Serving the community for over four decades with unwavering dedication. 
NABL Accreditation: First in Thane to achieve this accreditation in 2006, complying with ISO 15189 standards. 
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with the latest technology for precise and efficient diagnostics. 
Expert Team: A professional team of pathologists, microbiologists, and technicians. 
Convenience: Offering both in-lab testing and home collection services, along with secure online reporting. 
Our Health Packages 
Basic Package – ₹1199 
Tests Included: CBC, ESR, Malaria Parasite (M.P.), Widal, Blood Culture, Urine Culture, Glucose Fasting, Electrolytes Serum 
Standard Package – ₹1799 (Introductory Offer) 
Tests Included: CBC, ESR, Malaria Parasite (M.P.), Dengue NS1, CRP, Chikungunya, Entero Check IgM, Widal, Blood Culture, Urine Culture, Kidney Function Test (KFT), Liver Function Test (LFT) 
Advanced Package – ₹2399 (Introductory Offer) 
Tests Included: CBC, ESR, Malaria Parasite (M.P.), Dengue NS1, CRP, Chikungunya, Entero Check IgM, Widal, Blood Culture, Urine Culture, Lipid Profile, Thyroid Profile Total, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Total IgE 
Commitment to Quality and Accessibility 
Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory provides accurate and timely diagnostic services. Our NABL-accredited lab, equipped with advanced technology, ensures the highest quality standards. We offer rapid and precise results, delivered within 15 hours, backed by a robust software system enabling barcoding of samples and bi-directional interfacing. 
Contact Us 
Experience the legacy of excellence in diagnostics with Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory. Contact us for efficient and hassle-free lab testing services. 
Phone: 18002668992 
Choosing Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory means choosing a trusted partner in your health journey, dedicated to delivering top-quality, reliable diagnostic services since 1979. 
Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory is renowned not only as the best pathology lab in Mumbai but also excels in serving pathology labs in Thane and the pathology lab in Borivali. Trust us for accurate diagnostics and excellent service across these regions.
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knowmybio123 · 20 days
The Blood Tells All: Decoding Your Body's Inflammatory Signals
Inflammation is a crucial biological response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or toxic compounds. While acute inflammation is a protective response, chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Inflammatory blood markers are essential tools for diagnosing and monitoring these conditions. In this article, we will delve into the most significant inflammatory blood markers, their roles, and what they can tell us about our health.
What are Inflammatory Blood Markers?
Inflammatory blood markers are substances in the blood that indicate the presence of inflammation in the body. These markers can be proteins, cells, or other molecules that are produced in response to inflammation. Measuring these markers can help healthcare providers diagnose and monitor inflammatory conditions and diseases.
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The Importance of Inflammatory Blood Markers
Understanding and monitoring inflammatory blood markers is vital for several reasons:
Early Detection: They can help detect inflammation before symptoms become severe.
Disease Monitoring: They are useful for tracking the progression of inflammatory diseases.
Treatment Efficacy: They can indicate how well a treatment is working.
Common Inflammatory Blood Markers
1. C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is one of the most widely used inflammatory markers. It is produced by the liver in response to inflammation. Elevated levels of CRP can indicate acute inflammation and are associated with conditions like infections, autoimmune diseases, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) measures how quickly red blood cells settle at the bottom of a test tube. A faster-than-normal rate may indicate inflammation. ESR is commonly used to monitor diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
3. Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a cytokine that plays a crucial role in the immune response. Elevated levels of IL-6 are often found in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions, including autoimmune diseases and certain cancers.
4. Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)
Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is another cytokine involved in systemic inflammation. High levels of TNF-alpha are linked to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Fibrinogen
Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein that's part of the coagulation process. Increased fibrinogen levels can indicate inflammation and are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.
6. Ferritin
Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. Elevated ferritin levels can indicate inflammation, as it is an acute-phase reactant that increases in response to infection and inflammation.
7. Homocysteine
Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. Elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with inflammation and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
8. Serum Amyloid A (SAA)
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) is a protein that increases in response to inflammation. High levels of SAA are found in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions and can be used to monitor disease activity.
9. White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
The White Blood Cell Count (WBC) measures the number of white blood cells in the blood. Elevated WBC counts can indicate infection or inflammation and are used to diagnose and monitor various conditions.
10. Procalcitonin
Procalcitonin is a peptide that increases significantly during bacterial infections and inflammation. It is a useful marker for diagnosing bacterial infections and sepsis.
How Inflammatory Blood Markers are Measured
Inflammatory blood markers are typically measured through blood tests. These tests can be performed in a laboratory or a healthcare provider's office. The process involves drawing a blood sample from a vein, usually in the arm, and analyzing it for specific markers.
Interpreting Inflammatory Blood Marker Results
The interpretation of inflammatory blood marker results depends on several factors, including the specific marker being measured, the patient's medical history, and the presence of other symptoms. Here are some general guidelines for interpreting these results:
CRP: Levels above 10 mg/L may indicate significant inflammation, while levels above 100 mg/L are often seen in severe infections or chronic inflammatory diseases.
ESR: Normal ranges vary by age and sex, but generally, an ESR above 20-30 mm/hr in adults may indicate inflammation.
IL-6: Elevated levels are typically seen in chronic inflammatory diseases and certain cancers.
TNF-alpha: High levels can indicate chronic inflammatory diseases.
Fibrinogen: Levels above 400 mg/dL may indicate inflammation.
Ferritin: Levels above 300 ng/mL in men and 200 ng/mL in women can indicate inflammation.
Homocysteine: Levels above 15 µmol/L are considered elevated.
SAA: Elevated levels are seen in chronic inflammatory conditions.
WBC: Counts above 11,000 cells/µL can indicate infection or inflammation.
Procalcitonin: Levels above 0.5 ng/mL can indicate bacterial infections or sepsis.
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Conditions Associated with Elevated Inflammatory Blood Markers
Cardiovascular Diseases
Chronic inflammation is a key factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Elevated levels of CRP, fibrinogen, and homocysteine are commonly associated with an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis often result in elevated levels of inflammatory markers like CRP, ESR, and various cytokines.
Acute infections, both bacterial and viral, can cause significant increases in inflammatory markers. For example, elevated procalcitonin levels are often seen in bacterial infections and sepsis.
Certain cancers can lead to elevated levels of inflammatory markers. IL-6 and TNF-alpha, in particular, are often elevated in various types of cancer.
Chronic Diseases
Chronic inflammatory diseases, including diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are associated with elevated levels of CRP, IL-6, and other markers.
Lifestyle Factors Affecting Inflammatory Blood Markers
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats can help reduce inflammation. Conversely, a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can increase inflammation.
Regular exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation. Engaging in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day can help lower levels of inflammatory markers.
Chronic stress can lead to elevated levels of inflammatory markers. Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help manage inflammation.
Smoking and Alcohol
Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are associated with increased inflammation. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake can help reduce inflammation.
Treatments Targeting Inflammatory Blood Markers
Several medications are designed to reduce inflammation and lower inflammatory markers. These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and specific biologic agents targeting cytokines like TNF-alpha and IL-6.
Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle changes such as improving diet, increasing physical activity, and managing stress are effective ways to reduce inflammation and lower inflammatory markers.
Certain supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, and antioxidants can help reduce inflammation. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen.
Inflammatory blood markers are invaluable tools for diagnosing, monitoring, and managing various health conditions. By understanding these markers and their significance, we can take proactive steps to manage inflammation and improve our overall health. Regular check-ups, a healthy lifestyle, and proper medical care are essential components of managing inflammation and maintaining well-being.
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kailash-parikrama · 27 days
Tripadvisor on Kailash Mansarovar Yatra
Kailash Mansarovar the home to Lord Shiva, the powerful God of Hindu mythology is the knowledge mountain. In the spiritual sense, the inner dimensions, it tells you everything that you need to know about liberation, existence, and creation. Just bring clarity to your perceptions and you will be able to delve within this inexhaustible library.
Mansarovar on the other hand signifies, ‘Consciousness Lake’, the most sacred of its kind throughout the world. It is believed that its waters contain healing properties and you just need to take a dip in its holy water and wash away your sins forever. The distance between both these places is approximately 20 km. The fame of Mansarovar also stems from the fact that it is where the Kalpavriksha -the divine tree of wish fulfilment grows as per mythological beliefs.
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Hundreds of pilgrims come here every year via a path extremely difficult for travelling. Added to this is the limitations posed by extreme weather conditions, which makes this trek only ideal for the healthiest people. To ensure that you come here with the right frame of mind and know exactly what you’re getting into, the government has released a detailed Tripadvisor. Here below are the finer points on the same.
A situation at high altitude coupled with the fact that the route to here traverses through passes at 19,000 feet. This in combination with inhospitable climate and profound atmosphere challenges the human body to the extreme. Naturally, people having diabetes, high BP, breathing difficulties, heart conditions or chest pain are not 100% physically fit are advised not to undertake this gruelling journey.
Knowing the symptoms of mountain sickness is crucial for this trip. General problems include vomiting, nausea, appetite loss, sleeping difficulty, lightheadedness, dizziness, weakness, and fatigue are common. Constant presence of headache along with one or more of the other symptoms all through the trek may lead to life-threatening problems and need quick addressing.
Proper acclimatisation of the body before this trek at high altitude is extremely important. Ideally, it is a 3-phase process with tourists spending three nights at an altitude of 9000 feet and two nights at 15,000 feet and 12,000 feet respectively. Every tour operator must ensure this.
During the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra you need to forget all about the material comforts that you’re used to back home. The living conditions here are quite primitive and resources are available only at a rudimentary level. Remaining mentally prepared for hard living is a good idea because it makes you ready for all kinds of hardship that you may face during the trek.
It is important that you undergo a thorough health checkup from reputed hospitals before booking this tour. Tripadvisor recommends the following tests -haemoglobin, DLC, TLC, ESR, Rh-type blood group, serum, blood urea and serum creatinine.
In case of a medical emergency, it becomes important to airlift the patient to the hospital both in India or Nepal. So, you should make sure that your tour operator provides this facility
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spookysaladchaos · 2 months
Global Top 3 Companies Accounted for 47% of totalAutomatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer market (QYResearch, 2021)
This report studies Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer/ESR (Sed Rate) Analyzers market. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, also known as the ESR or sed rate, is a clinical lab test that measures the rate at which red blood cells in whole blood descend into a standardized tube, reported as mm per hour.
It is often used to screen patients with fevers of undetermined origin, arthritides, muscle pains, and other vague symptoms. ESR testing is specifically indicated for certain conditions: to monitor rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, and systemic lupus erythematosis; and to diagnose and monitor giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. An elevated ESR may also be associated with many other conditions, including other autoimmune disease, anemia, infection, and malignancy.
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Source: Secondary Sources and QYResearch, 2021
According to the new market research report “Global Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer market size is projected to reach USD 0.08 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer Market Report 2023-2029.
Figure.   Global Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer Top 3 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: 2021 data information of Global Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer Market Report 2023-2029.
The global key manufacturers of Automatic Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Analyzer include Alifax, Streck, etc. In 2021, the global top three players had a share approximately 47.0% in terms of revenue.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
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Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disease that develops when the immune system attacks its own body's tissues. Rheumatoid Arthritis can harm the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels in some people. It also damages the lining of the joints, which causes painful swelling. This may lead to bone erosion and joint deformity. However, RA is different from osteoarthritis because osteoarthritis causes damage from wear and strain, whereas Rheumatoid Arthritis causes inflammation that harms other bodily parts as well.
Despite the tremendous improvements in treatment options, severe Rheumatoid Arthritis can still result in physical complications.
What are the types of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
There are three main types of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Seropositive RA - A person suffering from seropositive RA has a positive rheumatoid factor or anti-CCP blood test result. These are antibodies that trick the immune system into attacking the body's cells and tissues. This is considered severe and causes joint damage, deformity, development of vasculitis, lung issues, and rheumatoid nodules.
Seronegative RA: If a person experiences the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis even after testing negative for anti-CCP and RF, they might have seronegative RA. Around 20-30 per cent of patients may still have RA, even when the test for RA is negative. The body produces antibodies that could still result in symptoms of  RA but are not yet routinely measured in the laboratory. However, this type of RA is less severe, and its symptoms usually include joint swelling, morning stiffness, and pain.
JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) - RA in kids aged 17 and under is referred to as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Similar to other types of RA, these symptoms may include inflammation, stiffness, fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes.
What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?
The immune system defends the body against illness and infection and fights off foreign bodies. However, when the immune system acts abnormally, it targets healthy joint tissues, causing Rheumatoid Arthritis. Additionally, it may also lead to health issues with your nerves, eyes, skin, heart, and lungs.
However, doctors are not yet sure about the exact origin of the condition. Although it is considered a hereditary disease, genes don't directly cause Rheumatoid Arthritis. Instead, they can increase susceptibility to environmental conditions. Sometimes, viruses and bacteria are also responsible for causing RA.
What are the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Arthritis affects everyone differently. Some may experience the condition for a very long period, while others start experiencing the symptoms early. Additionally, some people experience flares and remissions with little to no symptoms. Signs and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis include:
Pain, stiffness, edema, and soreness in joints
Stiffness in the joints after sitting or lying down for a long time.
Stiff and painful joints on both sides of the body.
Extreme exhaustion or fatigue.
The symptoms of RA might range from mild to severe. No matter how intermittent your symptoms are, it's crucial to pay attention to them and seek medical attention. Early Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the smaller joints, such as finger joints and toes. Healthcare providers will be able to treat and manage Rheumatoid Arthritis if the symptoms are understood initially.
How is Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosed at Hinduja Hospital?
Our doctors at Hinduja Hospital first perform a physical examination to check the severity and area of the pain. To confirm RA, the doctor might prescribe the following tests:
Blood Test - Rheumatoid Arthritis patients often exhibit high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) or Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), which indicates the presence of inflammation. Rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies are the tests mostly prescribed by the doctors.
Imaging Exams - To monitor the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the joints over time, our top doctors in Mumbai advise getting X-rays. Depending on the result, the doctor will assess the degree of the disease in the body. In addition, the doctors might also ask to do a CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound.
How is Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated at Hinduja Hospital?
The goal of treating Rheumatoid Arthritis is to reduce swelling and pain. Although there is no known cure for RA, certain medications can help patients manage the disease and avoid damage if treatment starts at an early stage.
Usually, the treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis includes therapies, medicines, surgery, and lifestyle changes. The doctors consider the patient's age, medical history, current health, and the severity of the symptoms before suggesting treatment plans. The following are the treatment options for Rheumatoid Arthritis suggested by the doctors at Hinduja Hospitals:
NSAIDs - NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. However, heart and kidney conditions are some of the side effects of the medication.
Standard DMARDs - These medications can stop the evolution of Rheumatoid Arthritis and prevent irreparable damage to the joints and other tissues. Standard DMARDs might have some serious side effects, such as lung infections and liver damage.
Biologicals - These are newer and more effective medications that are better at controlling RA symptoms, but they are only used in cases where standard treatment doesn't work.
Steroids - Corticosteroid drugs lessen pain and inflammation while also slowing joint deterioration. Diabetes, bone weakening, and weight gain are some of the possible side effects. Corticosteroids are frequently prescribed by doctors to quickly alleviate symptoms with the intention of progressively weaning down the drug.
The doctor might suggest that the patient visits a physical or occupational therapist who can help them with stretches and exercises to keep their joints flexible. The therapist might recommend some new and regular stretching techniques that the patient can do at home. They might also prescribe some assisted devices to avoid stress on the joints and reduce soreness. For example, a kitchen knife with a hand grip helps safeguard the wrist and finger joints, or buttonhooks can make getting dressed simpler. There are many tools that one can find in medical stores.
If Rheumatoid Arthritis cannot be managed with therapy and medications, the doctor may discuss having surgery to restore damaged joints. This is because it can help restore movement and the ability to use the joints. The doctor might use the following surgical methods for treating Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Synovectomy - Synovectomy is done to remove the inflamed joint lining, also known as synovium. This helps reduce the pain and inflammation, resulting in improved joint movement.
Joint Fusion - Surgically fusing a joint may be advised to stabilise or realign a joint as well as to relieve discomfort.
Joint Replacement - The surgeon will remove the damaged joint components during the procedure and replace them with a metal and plastic prosthesis.
Tendon Repair - Tendons surrounding the joint may rupture or become loose due to joint injury and inflammation. These damaged tendons are surgically repaired around the joint to improve movement of the joints.
Like any other surgeries, Rheumatoid Arthritis surgeries also carry risks of bleeding, infection, and pain. Thus, it is advisable to discuss the complications and risks that might arise after the surgery. Also, a patient must also discuss any health conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, etc., as these might also contribute to higher risks of complications.
How can Rheumatoid Arthritis be Prevented?
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic condition that might make a person feel like they have little control over their life. However, there are things one can do to improve their well-being. Below are some preventive measures for Rheumatoid Arthritis:
When the joints are inflamed, the risk of injury to the joints and adjacent soft tissue structures (such as tendons and ligaments) is significant. It is advisable to rest sore joints. However, one should continue to exercise. This is crucial because managing RA requires keeping the joints functioning properly and maintaining good health.
Stiffness and pain can make a person move more slowly, leading to inactivity in some individuals. However, lack of activity can cause muscular weakness and loss of joint motion. These factors reduce joint stability and increase pain and exhaustion. But with regular exercises, these complications can be avoided and reversed. A physical therapist might suggest the following exercises:
Exercises to build muscle.
Endurance-building exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling.
Exercises that improve range of motion to protect and restore joint motion.
Doctors usually suggest the patient have foods with anti-inflammatory properties, as they reduce pain and inflammation. Moreover, it is advisable to eat food rich in antioxidants, such as green tea, fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Also, having fibre-rich foods, such as whole grains, nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables, can be a great option.
People with Rheumatoid Arthritis could feel that their level of pain and weariness is constantly fluctuating. It's crucial that they let their healthcare professional know about these symptoms. Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, like X-rays and blood test reports, will help the doctors chart out a treatment plan. Most people are able to control their Rheumatoid Arthritis and continue with their favourite activities. Usually, the condition is treated with medication and therapy. However, if neither of them works, the doctor might suggest surgery.
For a comprehensive and best Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment in Mumbai, visit Hinduja Hospital. Our doctors are specialised and trained to help people with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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asterhealthscare · 11 months
Understanding Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Test
Curious about how a simple blood test can reveal inflammation and hidden health issues? Look no further! Join us on an interactive journey as we unveil the mysteries of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) test – a remarkable diagnostic tool that unlocks hidden health insights. In this blog, we'll leave no stone unturned, answering everything there is to know about the ESR test. Let's dive in and discover the power of this invaluable medical tool! Get reading.
What is an Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and How is it Undertaken?
The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) test is a simple test that measures how quickly red blood cells settle to the bottom of a test tube. Here's how it works:
Sample Collection: A healthcare professional will take a small sample of blood from a vein in your arm using a tiny needle.
Test Tube Preparation: The blood sample is then placed in a tall, thin tube and mixed with a substance called an anticoagulant.
Sedimentation Process: Over the course of one hour, the red blood cells gradually settle to the bottom of the tube because of gravity.
Measurement: The distance the red blood cells have descended in the tube is measured and recorded.
The rate at which the red blood cells settle can indicate if there is inflammation in your body. If there is inflammation, the red blood cells may clump together and settle more quickly. However, it's important to know that the ESR test alone cannot give a definite diagnosis. It helps doctors diagnose or monitor the progress of inflammatory diseases and conditions. Further testing may be needed to determine the specific cause of inflammation.
When do Doctors Recommend an ESR Test?
Your doctor may recommend an ESR test if you have the following symptoms:
Unexplained fever
Abnormal weight loss
Stiffness in joints
Pain in the neck or shoulder
Loss of appetite
Digestive problems like diarrhea
What Happens During an ESR Test?
During an ESR test, a healthcare professional will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm using a small needle. The sample will be collected in a test tube and sent to a lab for testing. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.
Do I Need To Prepare in Advance for an ESR Test?
No special preparation is needed for an ESR test. However, you should inform your doctor about all the medications you are taking. They may ask you to temporarily stop certain medications before the test.
Are There Any Risks and Complications Involved in the Test?
Usually, there are no risks involved in an ESR test. However, you may experience slight pain or bruising at the spot where the needle was inserted.
What Are the Normal ESR Test Results?
ESR test results are measured in millimeters per hour (mm/hr). The normal ESR level for men is 0 to 22 mm/hr, and for women, it is 0 to 29 mm/hr. A higher value can indicate the presence of inflammation in the body.
An ESR test result higher than 100 mm/hr may suggest a more serious health condition like cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease.
What Does an Abnormal ESR Test Result Mean?
An abnormal ESR test result does not diagnose a specific disease. It only indicates potential inflammation in the body, prompting further investigation by your doctor.
A high ESR test result can be a sign of inflammatory conditions like arthritis, vasculitis, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases, or certain cancers.
A low ESR test result, on the other hand, may be caused by heart failure, certain kidney and liver problems, or disorders like polycythemia, sickle cell disease (SCD), and leukocytosis.
However, it's important to note that an abnormal ESR test result doesn't always mean you have a medical condition. Many factors can affect ESR, such as age, pregnancy, menstruation, and certain medications. So, if your ESR test results are abnormal, don't worry. Instead, work with your doctor to find the underlying cause.
In addition, it's possible to have an inflammatory condition and still receive a normal ESR test result. That's why doctors often prescribe a C-reactive protein (CRP) test to gather more information.
To conclude, an ESR test helps doctors determine the level of inflammation in your body and can indicate the presence of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, certain cancers, and infections. It's a simple test that doesn't require any preparation and has minimal risks involved.
Souce url – https://asterhealthcaredubai.blogspot.com/2023/07/understanding-erythrocyte-sedimentation-rate-test.html
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munaeem · 1 year
Complete blood count and cancer. How high erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicates cancer?
Blood counts may indicate malignancy, e.g. leukemia, some lymphomas and myeloma. Also, a high ESR may indicate cancer. What morphology and ESR results should be of concern and may signal a serious disease We often forget about morphology , but it should be done at least once a year. If you are bothered by disturbing symptoms, do not delay the blood test. The question about the morphology, tumor…
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healthgennie · 1 year
Do You Know the Main Purpose of Complete Full Body Check-up?
Diagnostic scanning of your entire body i.e., your heart, liver, lung and kidney to evaluate your current health status is a full health check-up or medical scan of your entire body, to analyse your current health state and screen you to find out if you have any obvious warning signals or if there are any abnormalities inside your body.
Take a medical health check-up test to know the right status of your body to lead a healthy life plan. Everyone should have a full body examination at least once a year to learn about their health and whether they have any abnormalities or disorders. It can also alert you to bad habits and push you towards a healthier lifestyle. Here are some important points to remind you on why you should take a health check-up routinely.
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Who Can Take Complete Body Health Check-up?
Now, we know what is a complete health checkup. You should not wait for any symptom to show to get a complete body health check-up. People of any age range have a probability of developing lifestyle diseases. Improper lifestyle balance, such as a lack of sleep and intense activity, can also contribute to the development of various health conditions. A full-body check-up can help you spot problems early on and extend your life with simple treatments.
Why is It Crucial to Take a Health Check-up Routinely?
It is essential that we book a Full Body Health Checkup to identify our level of fitness.
Everyone above the age of 35 must undergo a full health check up on a regular basis. But in any case, if you are facing any slight sign of an illness should get the full body check-up done to get to the depth of the problem and solve it as early as possible.
Don’t ignore the small signs like cough, cold and fever as the start can be insignificant of any illness but can lead to hazardous diseases in the future.
Because of today's fast-paced lifestyle, we all lead very stressful and fast-paced lives. This has resulted in a very high incidence of stress-related health conditions such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, headaches, depression, and so on. As a result, it is recommended that you have your body tested on a regular basis to avoid the emergence of any ailment.
Furthermore, due to high levels of pollution and novel methods of food contamination and adulteration, the ordinary human immune system is being tested. A preventive health examination is the best solution in this case.
Keeping all of these considerations in mind, Health Gennie has created a very affordable yet distinctive Full Health Check Up Packages. These packages not only provide the most comprehensive examination, but they are also affordable and pocket-friendly. This examination is designed to cover all of the most important and relevant tests. One full body exam and you’re done!
What Tests Are Included in Our Comprehensive Health Check-up Packages?
In online full body check-up, we also provide online test reports within 24 hours. You can choose any of our three health check-up packages which suits you and get the test done from the comfort of your home.
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3. Complete full body check-up @1299 Includes 79 tests + Unlimited Doctor Consultation
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Consider the Advantages of Online Full Body Checkup
It aids in the detection of problems at an early stage
Knowing what the problem is at the outset aids in early rehabilitation
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To live a healthy life and make health a pocket-friendly investment from the comfort of your home. Find the best full body checkup online booking on Health Gennie in affordable and easy to access complete full-body health packages. Our health packages cover all medical tests in different prices to help you lead a healthy life. Get routinely health check-ups to ensure good health and fight back any disease that is unknown to us with certified medical help on our app.
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jcmicr · 1 year
Two cases of giant cell arteritis following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination – complication or coincidence? by Shirish Dubey in Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports (JCMICR) 
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Case 1
This 66 years old woman had the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine on 25 February 2021 and about 6 hours later, she started to get pain in the right side of her head. She also had flu-like symptoms which lasted a couple of days, but these settled down whilst the headaches persisted. She also developed scalp tenderness and obvious swelling of possibly frontal branch of right temporal artery (see figure 1). She did not develop any jaw claudication, visual or systemic symptoms. She was seen in the out of hours GP clinic on 29 of February 2021 and was started on Prednisolone 40 mg daily with resolution of symptoms in a few days. Her blood tests in February 2021 showed rise in CRP to 16.8 mg/L (NR 0-5) compared to December 2020 value of 3.3. Ultrasound (US) showed normal appearances in the temporal or axillary arteries, although this was delayed 2 weeks post corticosteroid (CS) therapy. Her visible temporofrontal abnormalities had disappeared within a few days of treatment. CT scan head with venogram was normal and treatment for GCA was continued.
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Figure 1: Arterial prominence after Covid-19 vaccination.
Case 2
This is an extremely fit 70 year old gamekeeper. He had the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine on 27 February 2021 and from next day he started getting bad right frontotemporal headaches. He also had pain in the right eye and developed discomfort on chewing. He then developed similar symptoms on the other side and also bilateral scalp tenderness. He did not have any polymyalgic or systemic symptoms. Blood tests showed mild rise in inflammatory markers with CRP 25.5 mg/L (NR 0-5) and ESR 38 mm/hr. Ophthalmology assessment was normal, he was started on oral Prednisolone at 60 mg daily and referred to rheumatology. Although his rheumatology assessment was only possible 2 weeks after initiation of CS, temporal artery US showed a definite halo on the frontal branch of right temporal artery as well as possible halo on the left frontal branch. He had an excellent response to CS, and his inflammatory markers returned to normal.
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Figure 2: GCA US image with halo in frontal branch of right temporal artery.
Headache is a very common adverse event following Covid-19 vaccination with other common side-effects being fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, nausea and diarrhoea [1]. Other complications include vaccine induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia [2] and rare reports of transverse myelitis [3]. Other groups have reported series of GCA cases following influenza vaccination [4,5] and increased incidence of GCA has been described following varicella zoster vaccination [6]. In this study, the likelihood of developing GCA was ~2.7 times compared to unvaccinated people following vaccination for varicella.
We believe that this is the first published report of GCA following Covid-19 vaccination. Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) has received a number of yellow card reports for GCA following Covid-19 vaccination [7] with 59 cases being reported after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine and 5 cases after BNT162b2 vaccine. The first round of vaccination in UK has seen these 2 vaccines being commonly deployed with millions of people vaccinated, hence this would be considered a rare adverse event. The large COVID symptom study also found ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine to be more immunogenic compared to BNT162b2 vaccine [1].
In this series, it is possible that there had already been immune activation and these patients would have developed GCA irrespective of vaccination. In the first case, GCA is not histologically proven as the case presented to our department only two weeks after the initiation of corticosteroids. We did consider doing a temporal artery biopsy, however, we felt that the likely benefit was small, the window of opportunity for a biopsy was very short and the risks with Covid-19 being widely prevalent in the community were too high. The convincing history, inflamed temporal vessel post vaccination and normal CT head with venogram were consistent with clinical diagnosis of GCA. In 2nd case, GCA was ultrasound proven although again, we did not request a biopsy.
The etiopathogenesis of vasculitic inflammation is unknown. But it is conceivable that the Chimpanzee adenovirus antigen used as an adjuvant in ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine might induce the immune mechanism leading to more widespread inflammation [4]. Our hypothesis is that there had been possible abnormal immunological activation with vaccine-related antigens promoting antibody development and immune complex deposition causing attendant inflammatory response leading to inflammation in the blood vessels. Hyperactivation of the immune system secondary to cross-reactivity and molecular mimicry trigger autoimmune disorders [8]. The presence of obvious triggers may denote a different spectrum, and more research is needed to understand this association and its consequences.
In conclusion, these cases illustrate the need for heightened vigilance and importance of further research exploring the links between vaccination and large vessel vasculitis in terms of association, pathogenesis and outcomes.
Key messages
Vaccination could induce vasculitis such as giant cell arteritis and increased vigilance is necessary.
Author disclosure
SD has received educational support from Abbvie and Lilly for conference attendance and has been a speaker for Janssen.  No disclosures for BD
For more details : https://jcmimagescasereports.org/author-guidelines/
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Best Diagnostic tests for Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Procure Biospecimens from Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Online
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, progressive bone disorder affecting millions, especially people over 60 years. In rheumatoid arthritis, humoral and cell-mediated immunity are misregulated, which causes the development of anti-rheumatoid factor antibodies that attack the body's joints leading to complete tissue damage. It is also called inflammatory arthritis. Commonly, RA affects the lining of joints, resulting in severe swelling or inflammation that damages synovial joints, causes bone erosion, and alters the structural makeup of joints. Patients with chronic arthritis find it difficult to perform daily activities like walking, sitting, standing, running, etc. Rheumatoid arthritis's precise causes, however, remain a mystery that needs to be investigated. However, the exact causes of rheumatoid arthritis are still poorly understood.
How is rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed?
It is always challenging to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis. Since joint inflammation and stiffness can be due to other conditions, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms alone cannot determine the presence of disease. Now, let us see various tests for an accurate rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis.
1. Physical examination:
Your joints will be examined physically by your doctor, who will look for any swelling and gauge how smoothly they move. It is essential to discuss your symptoms in detail with the doctor. All symptoms, not just those you consider significant, should be discussed with the doctor or rheumatologist to ensure a proper diagnosis.
2. Blood test: 
Your doctor can prescribe blood tests to assess the condition and disease progression. It helps in detecting the blood biomarker levels that indicate arthritis. It includes:
Rheumatoid factor (RF) concentrations are determined through a blood test. It is considered a confirmatory test for rheumatoid arthritis. When the immune system targets healthy tissue, it creates a protein called rheumatoid factor.
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (Anti-CCP) or rheumatoid autoantibodies are measured in the blood to confirm the illness. However, Anti-CCP is not present in all cases of rheumatoid arthritis, but those who test positive for it are far more likely to acquire the disease. People who test positive for both anti-CCP and rheumatoid factor may be more likely to have severe rheumatoid arthritis necessitating more intensive care.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), which can be used to measure the body's state of inflammation
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a different test that can be used to gauge the degree of inflammation and its severity level.
Complete blood count - this examination can be done to help rule out additional potential causes of your symptoms and to assess your general health. Also, it helps in the diagnosis of anemia. Although having anaemia does not necessarily mean you have rheumatoid arthritis, it is frequent among persons with rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Joint scans
X-rays and MRI of the affected joint are performed to assess the extent of inflammation and damage. It also helps to track the development of your condition over time and to distinguish between different types of arthritis.
As the most reputable source of human biospecimens, Central BioHub offers unparalleled access to high-quality rheumatoid arthritis samples, including serum and plasma obtained from individuals of different ages, genders, and ethnicities. The rheumatoid arthritis biospecimens are typically measured for common biomarkers of arthritis, such as anti-rheumatoid factor (RF), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and anti-citrullinated protein/peptide antibodies (ACPA/anti-CCP) - immediately available for purchase. To find out more about the samples, browse our latest inventory update: https://centralbiohub.de/blogs/foster-global-research-on-rheumatoid-arthritis
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yourdrbhavesh · 2 years
How is a child's juvenile ankylosing spondylitis diagnosed?
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JAS may be difficult to diagnose since the symptoms are similar to those of other illnesses.
X-rays. A small quantity of radiation is used in this test to obtain images of tissues in the body. X-rays of the spine and joints may reveal alterations. In the early phases, changes may not be seen.
Other imaging studies. Other tests that generate pictures of the body may also be performed. This might involve an MRI. This test creates pictures of tissues in the body using big magnets and a computer.
Blood tests are performed. JAS does not have any particular testing. However, general blood tests, such as:
The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR or sed rate). This test is used to determine whether or not the body is inflamed. A child with JAS may have a high ESR level, although this might be due to other factors.
(HLA-B27) antigen detection This is a blood test for autoimmune diseases. HLA-B27 is a kind of antigen. If this antigen is detected, it might indicate an autoimmune illness. The test result, like the ESR, is not unique to JAS and might have another reason.
For more information, consult Dr. Bhavesh Doshi one of the best Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai.
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