#high summoner braska
laughingpinecone · 1 year
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The mountain is dreaming a dream you cannot concern yourself with, summoner. Do not think about this. Zanarkand beckons.
Old treat for ovely!
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cainballad · 7 months
Of all 10+ cosplays I have, Yuna’s has to be my most favorite one of all 🥰 Second is Ardyn and third is All for One from MHA. The only thing with Ardyn’s cosplay is sometimes I suffer from heat exhaustion cuz of how many layers there are 😅😂
This is an old picture I took from last year. I don’t have any current ones yet but soooon~
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I redid the obi cuz the one that came with this cosplay was flimsy and small. I bought an actual obi and remade it.
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getvalentined · 3 months
Okay so that ask opened the floodgates for me. I've been sitting on my headcanons about Vincent's mother for ages, but I think this is as good a time as any to start writing it down for interested parties.
So. Let me talk about Sayoko Valentine, where she came from, who she left behind, and what that means for my version of Vincent.
Sayo's maiden name is Otayo, and she was born in 1929 to High Summoner Otayo Katsuhisa and his wife, Ota Seira—the family name similarity is intentional, as Seira came from a branch family in the same line, but was technically Katsuhisa's cousin. (This is normal. Vincent's paternal predecessors are actually worse. Welcome to the genealogy of nobility.)
As stated, Sayo left home at seventeen, eventually ending up in Junon, where she was able to test into university thanks to the impressive education provided to her back home. She went into botany—which is what she wanted to do back home, but her father wouldn't allow it because of her position as heir to the temple—and met Grimoire when he was working as an assistant teacher in one of her secondary classes. He fell in love instantly, she absolutely did not. It took about a year before they got together, although they were married pretty quickly after that, and Vincent came along more or less immediately, when Sayo was twenty.
The real tragedy here is that while Sayoko is recorded as having died due to influenza complications, what actually killed her was a brain aneurysm—caused by her personal aeon struggling to front after being essentially held captive since Sayo left Wutai. This eventually happens to all summoners with personal aeons, provided they survive to adulthood but don't "maintain" the aeon properly, although usually it isn't until mid-thirties. Sayoko's struggle with the flu made her constitution weak, and that's why it killed her so young. She died at twenty-seven. (Just like her son.)
(Grimoire went on to eradicate influenza from the face of Gaia. He was just too late to save his wife, and he never fully recovered from that failure.)
Sayoko has/had a brother around a decade younger than her who is still alive today and currently heads up the summoner temple in Wutai, having taken Sayoko's place as the heir after she ran away from home at seventeen. He's in his mid-sixties during the Crisis, and is actually slightly closer to Vincent's age than that of his late sister. Seira passed away giving birth to him, and although he was very fragile growing up, his health improved starting around age four, following the very early presentation of his summoning abilities. Sayo left two years into his childhood training, when she was sure he would survive. (If he hadn't improved, she would have stayed out of a sense of duty to her family, even if heading up the temple was the very last thing she wanted.)
Because he was so ill as a child, Sayo's brother was given an ancestral name, a tradition that meant to allow the soul of the ancestor in question to serve as a distraction against death. Allegedly, doing this confuses the Lifestream into believing that the sick child has already died, because a soul with that name from that bloodline is already in the Lifestream. Sayoko's little brother is named Braska.
Vincent knows he's alive, but has never met him and has no intention of ever doing so—fairly intensive research postcanon led Vincent to the discovery that summoner religious beliefs would define his very existence as an extreme sort of heresy. Vincent knows, from the little bit he remembers from stories told by his mother, that her family loved her very deeply, and so he has no intention of letting them know that the daughter they loved so much ran away to make her own life and instead produced the single most horrific monster their belief system can conceptualize.
They would probably refer to Vincent as an Unsent, although unlike any they've ever even imagined. In actuality Vincent is what they should refer to as an Undying, a concept that is so far beyond ancient there's almost nothing written about it anywhere, but Vincent never came across that in any of his research so he doesn't know.
Other random notes:
Ota Seira's younger sister was selected as a bride by the emperor of Wutai at the time, making her Yuffie's great-grandmother. This means that she and Vincent are somewhat distant cousins. Because of that intensive research Vincent did postcanon, he is completely aware of this, but Yuffie isn't, and he is never ever going to tell her. (It also means that Yuffie carries the summoner gene, but that doesn't really matter since it's rare enough she's really unlikely to end up with anyone else who has it.)
At least two old Junonese families also carry the summoner gene, but it's so recessive there are no records of it presenting since the founding of Junon. One of these families is, obviously, the Valentine line, which is how Vincent presented with the gift. The other is a noble family that fell from grace in the early 1800s, formerly known as Faucille, who artistically translated their name from old Junonese to Standard upon the loss of their house into order to keep their fallen fortune from being easily connected to the original line: in the modern day, their surname would be Crescent.
Vincent's entire existence may have been specially orchestrated by Minerva herself in order to produce a viable vessel for Chaos, but that's just a theory. Genesis says it's true, but can you really trust that guy? (When it comes to anything related to Weapons or Minerva, postcanon, you absolutely can and in fact should, but Vincent doesn't want to think about it.)
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braskide · 7 months
sometimes i just wanna like. pull my own hair out because i know sometimes on the internet yuna is referred as ' yuna braska ' WHICH I GET WHY but there's no way braska is the surname ? so it makes me stop and think of spira altogether like... .... i don't think they may have the concept of surnames the way we intend it because the only one that seems to have something that may resemble it is seymour guado ? and even there it's like. guado is definitely referring to the group he belongs to. and also i can't seem to recall any other character or npc that seems to have a double name that could pass as surname? so sometimes i'm like hmm. while yuna braska doesn't entirely make no sense ( they could adopt a form of surname or identification where they either refer to the father before them if it is a patriarchal society and/or if the one before them has a significant relevance, like in this case being a high summoner's daughter? or they could adopt a form of identification if it came down to a specific group or race? ) it's also like — what is the truth. i don't think she would wear braska's name like that, not because she wouldn't be proud to ( because she definitely is!!!!!! ) but it's more like. we know how early on it kinda hurts her to be referred as nothing but braska's daughter when she sets on her pilgrimage, and i think it would also be the case of when she came to be high summoner herself and it's like. it would erase history of one another, i feel like? but also i have a particular idea of how yuna views their relationship as an adult which i will go into depths another time but — tl;dr : what is yuna's full name!! !! i hate you square for never giving me full names in x !!!!!! !!!!
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via-infinitx · 3 months
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r e t r i b u t i o n . noun. ret·​ri·​bu·​tion ˌre-trə-ˈbyü-shən. : punishment imposed (as on a convicted criminal) for purposes of repayment or revenge for the wrong committed.
Independent, low-activity multi-muse blog for a small collection of characters from the Final Fantasy series! Sideblog to phoenix-flamed; Follows and Asks will come from there! Written by Vonny; both mun and muses are 21+ Crossovers are more than welcome, as are all methods of interactions!
Muses | Rules | Tag List
This list is still tentative for right now – I may add more, or take some out, depending on how things go and how much I’m able to actually keep muse for all of these characters!
Characters with a * next to them are entirely experimental.
Final Fantasy X:
High Summoner Braska
Final Fantasy XIV:
Misija Votyasch Ameliance Leveilleur* Menenius sas Lanatus Loghrif the Pastor*
Final Fantasy XVI:
Sleipnir Harbard
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starvingtongue · 9 months
Realising now that I haven't actually touched on Dona's feelings towards Yuna on this blog yet and I feel like I should. I've seen a lot of speculation on it over the years (from reddit posts, youtube comments, tv tropes, etc.) and formed my own headcanons regarding over the past couple months too, and I've always thought I've made a note of it somewhere, but browsing through my headcanon tag for Dona, I realise I haven't. Shame on me.
I would like to preface this by saying that I don't think Dona hates Yuna. Dona can be rude, blunt, and upfront to anyone, regardless of who they are. We see this time and time again throughout both X and X-2, that she doesn't give a damn about who you are, what position of power you hold, she's going to treat everybody the same. We see her not saluting to Nooj in X-2, despite him being the leader of the Youth League, we see her not bowing to Yuna when they first meet, despite it probably being the 'correct' thing to do. Formalities like that are not a thing for her. I kinda wish we saw her interacting with more people, especially those within Yevon a little more, to show this a bit better.
But anyway, while she does not hate Yuna, Dona's feelings (and problem) with Yuna stems from Dona's own insecurity, with a possible hint of jealousy, and a view that Yuna gets afforded opportunities that Dona and other summoners don't. We kind of see this through X itself, but if you consider these things from an outsiders perspective (like Dona), it makes a lot more sense. Things such as:
Yuna being Braska's daughter, the child of someone who has already defeated Sin, and has the status that not too many others have. In Dona's eyes, it's afforded Yuna with certain privilages (good or bad) that not too many others have and could possibly make her pilgrimage a lot easier.
She has 6 guardians by the time she defeats Sin (which Dona deems as overly excessive regardless of her own feelings towards Yuna), one of which is Auron. Auron being legendary guardian to Braska, brings more status, privilage, and knowledge to the pilgrimage, which others may not otherwise benefit from.
Yuna is sought out, befriended, and accompanied by Seymour, a Maester of Yevon, which brings certain perks (like getting past the checkpoint at the start of Mushroom Rock, for example), that again, not everyone else is going to benefit from.
All of this combined, and from an outsiders perspective such as Dona's, makes it seem like Yuna's pilgrimage pretty comfortable and somewhat more high status (I don't want to say privilaged again, but I think this is one of the terms I've heard thrown around before when talking about Dona's feelings towards Yuna) than the average pilgrimage is. Dona obviously not right in being this insecure and jealous over the opportunities that Yuna gets afforded, many of which Yuna doesn't get a choice about (and Dona would have no way of knowing about this either), since both are gong on a march to their own deaths, but after seeing Yuna get handed all of these opportunities and been put on such a high pedestal, it's hard not to feel some type of way towards her. Dona sees her as competition, a pretty serious one at that, but not necessarily because of her strength as a summoner, but because Yuna has more opportunities afforded to her that could make her pilgrimage easier than most.
You would think, however, that once Yuna defeats Sin and has that success under her belt, Dona would act out even more towards her, the great High Summoner who lived, but no. While it's not immediately obivous in X-2, I think Dona chills out quite a bit towards Yuna after Sin's gone. She not longer sees Yuna as a rival, as a competitior, to kill Sin. She's chilled out a bit, she can find herself as a person, spend the rest of her days in Kilika with Barthello, and not have to worry about who defeats the giant whale of death first. Her jealously, her insecurity, her feelings of low self worth towards a 17 year old who has a successful former guardian in tow and a Maester interested in her, have mostly disappeared.
I do find it very sad that we never got to see her interact with Isaaru as a comparison. She would 100% still be her bitchy self, but Isaaru's just 'normal' summoner competition compared to Yuna, there's no reason for Dona to be as insecure towards Isaaru as she is towards Yuna.
This type of insecurity is something that a lot of people go through, regardless of if they want to or not, and Dona suffers from it just as much as anyone else would. Does it make it right that she lashes out at Yuna the way she does? Of course not! Dona does a really poor job of hiding this jealousy and insecurity towards Yuna throughout their entire respective pilgrimage. However, it does add another layer of characterisation to Dona that I think a lot of people glance over when they first meet her.
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ofmoonlily · 10 months
//Man. I feel like Jecht was more of a loving uncle to Yuna than Cid ever was. Cid had a thick skull and refused contact simply because Yuna's mom married a Yevonite. Sure, he totally felt guilty about it years after, and he had a love for Yuna that was told on his near-crying face when he finally got to meet her 13 years after his sister died.
But like. Ugh. He is such a bone head. Why in the world didn't he reach out to her sooner? Yuna, a teen, was more motivated to find him than the other way around. Yeah, Al Bhed weren't allowed near the temples of Yevon at the time, but Cid always came off as someone who wasn't scared of "no dern yevonites". However????
Yunie had family out there she could have grown up with and loved. (Not to say Lulu, Wakka, Chappu, and Kimarhri aren't worth her love.) But so much could have been done if Cid took her in after Braska left on his pilgrimage. >_< But he didn't. He only got involved after Yuna became a summoner and planned to face Sin and martyr herself for Spira. (ex: 'I'll make Yuna give up being a summoner faster than a desert melts ice! No hare-brained law, or teaching, is 'bout to send my little niece to her death! And I'll take down anyone who don't agree!')
On the other hand, I do prefer it this way. Whenever Yuna reminisces about Jecht, she has nothing but good things to say.
I can only assume he played with her, (canonically) told her stories of Zanarkand, showed her many wonderful things like the Jecht Shot or other tricks. Yuna likely got those endearing hair ruffles, being held up high in Jecht's mighty arms, and he more than likely got pummeled with many a flower crown—which, of course, he wore with honor! Tea parties. Princess parties; he was involved in them all (with Sir Auron, too, of course.)
Uncle Cid really missed out on something. However, I do not see Yuna blaming him for a single thing. It was just how everything turned out. She's happy where she is because she made so many memories, friends, and turned them all into her family. ♥
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aeniqmata · 1 year
Final Fantasy X AU - High Summoner Noctis
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Noctis wears nearly all white in this verse, setting his station and upbringing apart. While normally summoners would wear bright colors, his father insisted he wear something easy to spot. He is not very outwardly emotional in this verse, having come to terms at a very young age that the path he was embarking on was one that would kill him.
Born to a high ranking official in Bevelle, it was at a very young age that Noctis showed proficiency for magic and an interest in summoning. Even knowing what awaited summoners at the end of their journeys, it didn't deter Noctis from committing his life to the art and ensuring that he would be able to offer peace to not only those of the dead, but those of Spira as well.
Accompanied by his Guardians, Ignis and Gladiolus, Noctis sets out on his pilgrimage to Zanarkand and to summon the Final Aeon. It's only once he makes it to the sanctum where Yunalesca tells him to choose which of his Guardians would become the Aeon.
Noctis is unable to complete his pilgrimage despite his pleading with his two closest friends. While they have no issue with dying to keep him safe, they will not allow him to kill himself to bring about a temporary peace. All but kidnapped out of the sanctum, he is less than pleased by their refusal and spends time traveling and preforming sendings for those lost to SIN as a way to atone for being unable to finish his pilgrimage.
Around the time that Yuna begins her own pilgrimage, Noctis meets Prompto and finds in him someone willing to complete his pilgrimage. Prompto is told up front about what would be required to finish the journey and agrees whole heartedly to be his Final Aeon.
Though by the time they make it to the sanctum again, with Gladiolus and Ignis complaining the whole time, it is to find Yunalesca little more than a corpse and any hopes of preforming the Final Summoning obliterated.
While Yuna and her group focus on taking down SIN and Yu Yevon, Noctis is rallying the whole of Spira with his Guardians to sing the Hymn of the Fayth. The more he can get to join them, the better a chance they stand in standing against SIN once and for all.
And if needed be, he'll summon all he can to help Braska's daughter.
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summersunsetball · 1 year
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Here comes The High Summoner that defeated Sin, daughter of Lord Braska; Lady Yuna!
All the way from Spira, she dons the signature Lucis colors as a sign of respect for the kingdom, his Majesty Regis Lucis Caelum, and his son Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum.
She is accompanied in arm by her date, the Phoenix himself, Joshua Rosfield of Rosaria! (@bymargrace)
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dobercorgis · 5 months
Just gonna ramble on abt my thoughts on ffx it’ll be incoherent as usual
I really wish I didn’t play the game sporadically bc I don’t remember a lot of the lore which actually seems pretty interesting. Like I could not tell you what a fayth or aeon is… which is kinda bad I have the memory of a goldfish clearly.
The characters are def a strong point here. I do like the cast although some do become less important story-wise but I feel like that’s pretty common. Rikku’s definitely my favorite character I just love how bubbly and caring she is. I think her introduction to the group was kinda stilted (Tidus just being like I found a stray!) but she carved a place for herself so well that I can overlook that lol. Auron was also a great character, and honestly kinda flipped my expectations bc I thought he would be the most traditional one out of the group bc he had that anything’s fine just continue your pilgrimage attitude, but then you find out that he’s the one that was the most opposed to the final summoning on his journey. Is auron and jecht doomed yaoi? I think he just confirmed that I like mentor characters cuz I think he’s like the 4th or 5th one I liked so far. Tidus and yuna are so precious. I just like to think about how yuna started her journey knowing and accepting that she was going to die, then tidus found out that no he’s going to “die.”
Ik this came out before Xenoblade but the story just reminds me so much of it. The obvious one being tidus’s “alive” state and shulk’s, but the storyline reminded me so much of xc3. Eternal cycle that only creates more death, culture around sending people off, the protagonist’s group basically being the beacon of hope, and the final boss being a concept lol. And the whole machina war and being against the machina??? Bro??? Xc1??? The people of bionis basically hating and fearing machina/mechonis??? Oh and the yu yevon fight was on a giant sword… mechonis sword… hehe
That being said I’m not sure if I want to replay the game. You can tell the game is dated and no I’m not talking abt the graphics I literally play Nintendo games idgaf abt graphics. The UI is unintuitive, personally I didn’t find most of the music to be that great, the battles are kinda slow (this might be a skill issue lol), and the constant random encounters are a pain. You might be like how do you hate wild encounters when I play pokemon but you only encounter them in specific areas and also repels are available pretty early on. I really should have explored and backtracked more because clearly I missed many items which I did think hinder me a bit (I’m sorry kimahri). I’m not really a huge fan of the sphere grid either. I didn’t get any of the celestial weapons and didn’t get anima bc I missed the besaid sphere. And I didn’t know you could backtrack before the ship so uh yeah I got locked out. I also found no jecht spheres lmao.
Although I rlly do like how well they wrote jecht’s relationships bc even without those extra memories, I was still able to understand and feel invested in his relationships with tidus and auron. I think jecht and tidus have an interesting relationship but that’s just bc I like family drama esp ones involving problematic dads. I loved the ending cutscene where tidus sees braska and auron and then high fives jecht.
I think the story will def hit different if I play it again with all this context in mind, but again I’m not sure if I want to at least any time soon 😅
Overall 6.5-7/10
Forgot to add: I hate seymour he had way too much screen time. Thank god we kicked him and the other cockroaches out of power
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cainballad · 1 year
I flipped a coin or something on which plush I should work on now that conventions are over for now and I had to choose between Ardyn, Cor, Jack Garland, or Braska. I got Braska~ so I’ll record my process. I started April 17th and it’s been a slow process cuz I’m just making it from scratch with no real base. I never made a plush this size before.
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using his official art, DFFOO, and the game itself for references. Started with his face and “ corset” (yeah I call it a corset cuz the way it hugs his body) but that’s something I’ll put in last. I just realized now I forgot his side tassels lol
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His body was a PAIN WITH ALL HIS CLOTHING PETALS 😂😂 I did individually cuz they are different colors but I FINALLY SEE the damn pattern to his clothes and I ask myself, why are you dressed like a pinecone BRASKA
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This took several days to do lol I’ll update in next post when I get more progress.
I’ve been watching all 3 seasons of the Mandalorian TWICE, and random eps of Border Security on YouTube, on some occasions, listening to FFX OST.
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freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Ifrit Spiritus Quest
The World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event includes a quest called World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS.
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This fight is listed as “quest level ???” so presumably, this is harder than a Shinryu (level 300; currently the hardest type of fight in the game) quest.
Spiritus Quest Information
Spiritus quests come with a Grade system. There are 5 Grades - Grade S, Grade A, Grade B, Grade C, and Grade D.
According to the in-game text:
Even if you aren’t able to defeat the enemies in the quest, by fulfilling certain conditions, you’ll be able to achieve grades that may be reported to clear the quest.
Reporting by itself does not clear the quest. A certain grade must be reached to clear with reporting.
To get Grade S, players need to: clear the fight within 55 turns, clear without any KOs, and recover at least 200k HP. Getting Grade S will also automatically get you all the other grades as well.
To get Grade A, players need to: clear the fight within 55 turns, clear without any KOs, and recover at least 50k HP.
To get Grade B, players need to reduce the Blade Commander <Spiritual>’s HP to 40%.
To get Grade C, players need to reduce the Blade Commander <Spiritual>’s HP to 60%.
To get Grade D, players need to reduce the Blade Commander <Spiritual>’s HP to 90%.
World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus Quest Missions Information
There are several missions or quests associated with clearing the World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus fight. These missions are permanent and they are as follows:
Achieve grade D or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade C or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade B or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade A or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade S in SPIRITUS difficulty
Clear in SPIRITUS difficulty with only Green Crystal / Yellow Crystal / White Crystal allies
Clear in SPIRITUS difficulty with only staff or rod / gun / throwing weapon type allies
Clear in SPIRITUS difficulty with only Final Fantasy VIII / Final Fantasy X / Final Fantasy Type-0 allies
There are also rewards associated with clearing the Chaos (quest level 180) and Lufenia (quest level 200) versions of this Spiritus fight.
And there’s a time-limited mission that wants players to:
“Achieve grade D or better in World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS”
“Achieve grade C or better in World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS”
“Achieve grade B or better in World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS”
There’s also another time-limited mission that wants players to “Achieve grade A or better in World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS with Braska from Final Fantasy X or Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0 in the party”.
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
My Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. His 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT are fully MLB. His Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. His Burst weapon has been upgraded to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Seph’s currently equipped with a Level 5 of 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon. His High Armor’s been upgraded to Blue. His Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone.
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Sephi has 3 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts and 3 Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
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Sephiroth is equipped with the following real A Spheres:
Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Debuff Power
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while an enemy is debuffed
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 10%
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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Also currently have 3 Green Crystal passives unlocked: Crystal Passive A5, Crystal Passive U1, and Crystal Passive A1. As a Green Crystal char, Sephiroth has access to these passives.
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Sephiroth is a physical, non-elemental DPS. He can inflict enemies with a gold-framed debuff called Cellular Erosion. This debuff “increases BRV damage taken; effects certain amount of BRV damage”. Seph also lowers the speed of all the enemies via an aura.
Sephiroth is a pretty good damage dealer but since he doesn’t even have his own FR and Force Boards and Force Echoes yet and since it’s been a while since he last got a rework, he’s kinda outdated by now.
He can still be made to work in a Shinryu quest, but it’s definitely better to just bring someone else instead of him.
I talk more about this in other posts, but it’s been like a personal challenge of sorts to try and run Sephiroth through all the Shinryu quests we’ve had so far.
I’ve been able to bring Sephiroth to a lot of Shinryu quests. Was also able to bring him to all the Spiritus quests we’ve had so far. I talk about those fights in other posts.
However, recently, I’ve been feeling kind of burnt out with DFFOO for a number of reasons. I talk more about that in another post.
Also been really busy lately. So ended up not bothering to bring Sephiroth to like 2 or 3 or more of the latest Shinryu quests we recently had. Well, did make 1 or 2 exceptions to that which I talk about in other posts.
Since I’ve been able to successfully bring Sephiroth to all the Spiritus quests we’ve had so far, I’d like to also be able to bring him to this Ifrit fight.
There’s a mystery Intersecting Wills banner that’s coming to Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia on July 12, 2023. Rumor has it that this banner will feature Sephiroth’s Force weapon.
I’m really hoping that’s true. Would love to get Sephiroth’s FR already. He’ll also be getting a rework and update alongside his FR.
If Sephiroth really is about to get his own Force weapon, then it’s better to wait for that and his rework before trying to clear the Ifrit Spiritus quest with him.
World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus Quest Party Information
I wanted to wait for the mystery Intersecting Wills banner before clearing the World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus quest. But clearing the following missions:
“Achieve grade B or better in World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS”
“Achieve grade A or better in World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit SPIRITUS with Braska or Ace in the party”
will reward me with 2 multi-draw tickets which I can use to pull on the aforementioned upcoming mystery banner.
So I decided to do my first clear of this fight just to get those tickets already. I’ll just do my Sephi clear of this quest later.
Decided to try this Spiritus quest with a party of all Green Crystal chars. My team was Cid Raines from Final Fantasy XIII, Iris Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV, and Ace with Bahamut as my summon.
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My Calls were Jessie Rasberry’s from Final Fantasy VII, Raijin’s from Final Fantasy VIII, and Seymour Guado’s from Final Fantasy X.
Seymour’s and Raijin’s Calls debuff the enemies. Seymour’s LD Call will also remove the buffs of all the enemies and delay them for 2 turns. Raijin’s regular Call can also buff the party’s physical attack.
Jessie’s regular Call can manipulate the turns of the party. Her LD Call will delay all the enemies.
My Raines, Iris, and Ace are as fully built as my Sephiroth except they also have their own fully MLB Force weapons. Also completed all of their Force Boards and unlocked access to their Force Echoes.
Raines is equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Fist Ultima Weapon while Iris has my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique Ultima Weapon. Sadly, don’t have a Throwing-type Ultima Weapon to give to Ace.
World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus Quest First Clear
This fight has 1 wave with 3 enemies, the Blade Commander <Spiritual> and his 2 minions, the Magic Sword <Spiritual>.
All chars are boosted in the World of Illusions so got to start this fight with my force gauge already charged to 50%. This was great since the force gauge of the enemies here charges really fast.
Don’t have a way to cancel the force time of the enemies here so needed to be able to use my FR first before the force gauge of the enemies hits 100%.
Anyway, had Raines use Jessie’s LD Call to delay the enemies. Then I used his Additional Ability followed by his LD.
Had Ace use his Additional Ability and then his BT+ finisher. In retrospect, should have had him use Seymour’s LD Call already but I didn’t because I thought I wouldn’t be able to activate Cid’s FR until after the force gauge of the enemies hits 80%.
Once the force gauge of the enemies hits 50% and 80%, they will automatically give themselves multiple framed buffs. So was planning to use Seymour’s LD Call to dispel these buffs.
Had Iris use Raijin’s LD Call. Then I spammed her instant turn rate move to speed up the charging of my force gauge. When my force gauge was nearing 100%, had Iris use her Additional Ability and then her BT+ finisher.
Soon, my force gauge finally hit 100%. By then the force gauge of the enemies was at 76.2%.
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The enemies still had multiple framed buffs since I had yet to use Seymour’s LD Call.
Instead of waiting for Ace’s next turn, decided to just have Raines activate his FR already since I didn’t want to risk having the force gauge of the enemies hit 100%.
When Ace’s turn came again, had him use Seymour’s LD Call to dispel the buffs of the enemies. Then I had him use one of his Force Echoes.
Also had Iris use her Force Echo on her next turn. Just proceeded to use all my Force Echoes to increase the HP damage bonus of Cid’s FR and to prolong my force time.
One of the effects of Iris’s BT+ is that it will set the BRV of all the enemies to 0. This means they’ll be out of break every other turn. This helped keep the enemies from moving.
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Once the boss dropped below 89% HP, he got a red aura. This causes HP poison damage to the party every time they move. This aura disappears once the boss drops down to 69% HP.
Ace’s LD and FR inflicts all the enemies with a trap debuff. Once this trap has been activated, it deals damage to all the enemies every turn.
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When the minions die, they will automatically be revived by the boss.
Once the boss drops down to 69% HP, they will get a green aura. This has a lot of annoying effects, including the fact that the party will not be able to gain BRV and their max brave and initial brave will be reduced by 400%.
Dealing damage to the boss via a trap debuff or effect will dispel this green aura. Unfortunately, Ace’s trap debuff won’t activate during a BT+ phase which was why I didn’t go into Raines’s Burst+ mode after activating his FR.
Anyway, soon, have 6 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 845%. The boss was now down to 45% HP. His minions had just been resurrected so they currently still have lots of HP.
Once the boss drops down to 49% HP, he will get a blue aura. A message will show up on the screen saying, “Preparing minions to attack”.
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Wasn’t sure if the minions were going to attack right away or not but I knew that if they attacked while they had more than 50% HP, they will instantly KO a random char.
It was Raines’s turn. Should have used his BT+ finisher on his previous turn. Now I was debating on whether to summon Bahamut already, use Raines’s BT+ finisher, or just go straight into his Burst+ phase.
Was worried that the minions might attack already and instantly KO one of my chars since they both have over 50%+ HP so decided to just go into Raines’s Burst+ mode now.
If I’d been able to activate Raines’s BT+ finisher before going into his Burst+ phase, he would have been able to deal even more damage.
As it turned out though, the extra damage wasn’t needed. Because it didn’t take long before the HP damage bonus reached the max of 999%. The boss was also soon down to 28% HP.
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By the time Raines was about to cast Opposing Destiny, his finishing Burst+ move, the boss was down to 1% HP and was basically dead already.
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The battle ended on turn 13 as soon as Cid Raines’s BT+ phase was over.
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Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me Grade S. And since I got Grade S, was also able to get all the other Grades. Also managed to clear the Crystal color mission.
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This team did so well. Didn’t even get to use my summon. LOL. This fight wasn’t that hard at all.
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World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus Quest Series Mission
Decided to try clearing the World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus quest series mission now since I do have fully built chars from Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 10, and Final Fantasy Type-0.
My team was now Ace, Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0, and Paine from Final Fantasy X with Bahamut as my summon.
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My Calls were Jessie’s, Seymour’s, and Cid Raines’s. Cid’s Calls initiate launches and manipulate the turns of the party. His LD Call will enable its user to initiate launches for 2 turns.
My Rem and Paine are as fully built as my Raines. Rem is a Green Crystal char so she also benefits from my 3 Green Crystal passives. Paine is currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon.
Used Jessie’s Call to delay the enemies and keep them from moving. Had Paine use her Additional Ability and her BT+ finisher. One of the effects of this is that it will deal HP poison damage to the enemies every turn. They will also be inflicted with an HP silence debuff.
The party will also get a stacking buff. Once this buff reaches 3 stacks, the char it’s on will get a free turn.
Had Ace use his Additional Ability then his BT+ finisher. Had Rem spam her instant turn rate move to quickly get my force gauge to 100%.
The plan was to use Seymour’s LD Call to dispel the buffs of the enemies when their force gauge reaches 80%. At the same time, also needed to be ready to activate Paine’s FR before the force gauge of the enemies can hit 100%.
So needed to have Rem use Seymour’s LD Call right before ending her turn. Paine needs to be able to move right after Rem and my force gauge needs to be at 100% by the time it’s her turn so she can just activate her FR right away.
However, couldn’t seem to get the timing for that right at all. Kept on restarting the fight but it wasn’t working out.
If I have Rem wait until the force gauge of the enemies hits 80% before using Seymour’s Call and then ending her turn, then by the time Paine gets to move, the force gauge of the enemies will hit 100% and they’ll be able to use their force attack and go into their force time.
If I have Rem pass the turn to Paine earlier, then my force gauge won’t be fully charged yet or the force gauge of the enemies will soon hit 80% so I’ll have no choice but to use Seymour’s LD Call during force time or just try to ignore the framed buffs and see if I can get through them somehow.
Was getting really annoyed since I couldn’t seem to move past this part so was thinking about either just using Seymour’s LD Call during Paine’s force time or seeing if my chars can just ignore the framed buffs when I suddenly remembered that Paine can actually dispel the buffs of enemies.
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In fact, her Force ability can also do that. In short, didn’t need to use Seymour’s LD Call for the dispel. Ugh, wish I’d realized that sooner.
Ah, well. At least I can finally move past this part of this fight.
So I had Rem use Seymour’s LD Call for the debuffs then had her charge the force gauge. Still made sure my force gauge was at 100% by the time it was Paine’s turn. Had Paine activate her FR, which also removed the buffs of the enemies.
After that, just had my chars use their Force Echoes. Also had Rem use her BT+ finisher.
My plan was to go into Paine’s Burst+ phase after getting past the green aura but by the time Paine got a turn after that happened, the boss was already down to 47% HP. Have 8 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 788%.
The minions had just been resurrected so both still have 97% HP. After looking at the info for this fight again, found that the boss will direct his minions to automatically attack once he drops down to 39% and 19% HP.
It’s been a while since I cleared this fight so don’t remember for sure now why I didn’t just go straight into Paine’s Burst+ mode already but I think it was because I hadn’t been able to use Raines’s LD Call yet. Didn’t want to use Raines’s LD Call now in case it ends up dealing too much damage.
Maybe I should have just gone into Paine’s Burst+ mode anyway even if I hadn’t been able to use Raines’s LD Call. But instead of doing that, decided to just summon Bahamut already.
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Bahamut’s on-entry attack took the boss down to 45% HP. Just had my chars spam their moves. Soon, the HP damage bonus was at 999%.
Before the summon was about to end, have 3 turns of force time left. The boss was down to 19% HP and his minions were at 1% HP.
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Had Paine use Raines’s LD Call now. Was really hoping that the boss would croak it already but unfortunately, he was left with 2% HP even after Ace’s traps and Paine’s BT+ HP poison activated.
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IIRC, the minions didn’t die to Raines’s launch, Ace’s traps, and Paine’s poison so when they did their auto attack, they didn’t kill anyone. But they died after doing their auto attack so they were then resurrected.
Either way, just glad that none of my chars were automatically KO’ed. Would have been really annoyed if I had to do this fight all over again.
Anyway, with the boss only having 2% HP, Paine’s attack plus the launch that followed was more than enough to end the fight already.
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The battle ended on turn 9. Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me all the Grades.
World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus Quest Weapon Type Mission
After clearing the World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus quest series mission, decided to try clearing the weapon type mission next.
So my team was now Ace, Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII, and Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX with The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Seymour’s, Raines’s, and Jessie’s.
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My Aerith and Garnet are as fully built as my Raines. Garnet is a Green Crystal char. Too bad I don’t have a Staff or Rod Ultima Weapon for either Garnet or Aerith. Also don’t have a Throwing Ultima Weapon for Ace. So was kinda worried that my chars might be lacking in firepower.
Aerith and Garnet are both supports slash healers slash buffers. They can deal pretty good damage too but they’re not actual DPS. So for this fight, Ace was gonna be my main DPS. Was also planning to use his FR.
As usual, made use of Jessie’s Call to keep the enemies from moving. Had Aerith spam her instant turn rate move to speed up the charging of my force gauge. Was surprised when I was able to get my force gauge to 100% before the force gauge of the enemies hit 80%.
It was then that I realized that Rem didn’t charge the force gauge nearly as much as chars like Aerith because she does a follow-up attack every time she moves.
Anyway, also had my chars use their Additional Abilities. Had Aerith and Garnet use their BT+ finishers.
Had Ace activate his FR. Was planning to use his BT+ finisher too but didn’t get the chance to yet since I then focused on having everyone, including him, use their Force Echoes.
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Soon, the boss got the green aura again. Thankfully, before that happened, was able to get Ace to use Raines’s LD Call. So when his turn came up again, just had him go into his Burst+ mode already. Too bad I still hadn’t been able to use his BT+ finisher then.
Anyway, when I went into Ace’s Burst+ phase, the boss was down to 52% HP. The minions had just been resurrected so they were at full health. Have 6 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 858%.
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Soon, the HP damage bonus was at 999%. By the time Ace was about to cast VB Type 100, his finishing Burst+ move, my force time was over and the boss was at 1% HP.
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So right after Ace’s Burst+ mode was over, the battle ended on turn 12. Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me all the Grades.
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Pleased that I was still able to get the win even though none of my chars had an Ultima Weapon.
Now all the Ifrit Spiritus missions have been cleared. All that’s left now is clearing this Spiritus quest with Sephiroth.
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Mystery Intersecting Wills Banner
The mystery Intersecting Wills event and banner is finally here and - it’s Sephiroth! The Intersecting Wills event is called Invaders, and it features or stars Sephiroth. The 2 banners that came with this event feature Sephiroth’s Force weapon.
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Hell, yes! So happy that Sephiroth’s FR and rework is finally here. Yay! I talk more about my pulls for his Force weapon in this post, but was thankfully able to get it.
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Of course, I fully MLB’d it and then proceeded to unlock and complete Sephiroth’s Force Board and Force Echo.
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Now my Sephiroth is back to being fully built and complete. Yay! Can’t wait to try him out in some endgame content with his new update.
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World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus Quest with Sephiroth
Now it’s time to try clearing the World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus quest with Sephiroth.
My team was Sephiroth, Aerith, and Ace with Bahamut as my summon. My Calls were Raines's, Seymour's, and Keiss's from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.
Keiss's LD Call will inflict enemies with a debuff that will battery the party based on damage dealt during launches.
Started preparing for when my force gauge was fully charged by having everyone activate or refresh their bufffs and such. Used Seymour's and Keiss's LD Calls.
Had Aerith spam her instant turn rate move to speed up the charging of my force gauge and ensure that I'd be able to activate Sephiroth's FR before the force gauge of the enemies hits 100%.
When Sephiroth activated his FR ability, the force gauge of the enemies was at 85.2%. The boss still has 99% HP.
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After activating Sephiroth's FR, just had my chars use their Force Echoes and spammed their skills.
By the time I summoned Bahamut, have 6 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 948%.
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The boss was down to 42% HP. It was Aerith's turn. Either used her Ex ability or her LD ability.
Her attack plus the activation of Ace's trap took the boss down to 36% HP. Have only 5 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 999%.
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It was now Ace's turn. IIRC, had him use his Ex ability. This plus the damage from his trap debuff took the boss down to 15% HP.
It was now Sephiroth's turn. Either used his LD or his Ex. His attack was more than enough to finish off the boss already, ending the battle on turn 12.
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Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me all the Grades.
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This team did so well. Really glad I got to bring Sephiroth to another Spiritus quest.
So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete the missions in the World of Illusions Spiritus: Ifrit Spiritus quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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braskide · 9 months
do you ever. think about. the minimal chance of yuna's ( & the gang's & braska and jecht and auron's ) method not working out. what would happen if they killed yunalesca and it all snowballed and they got beaten by yu yevon and the cycle of sin would continue on without a chance to become a high summoner for anyone — without calm. eternal sin. what would have happened? yuna would have been branded a traitor once more and sent in exile? would she be the enemy of spira? would she then go to seymour and join him / make him sin and try her chance at keeping him at bay? or forever be at war with him so that the monster might not wipe spira out? : ^ )
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Daughter of the High Summoner Braska, Yuna journeys to become the next great Summoner while uncovering the truth behind the chaos that keeps returning to the world.
“Summoning the Eternal Calm” is full of bright purple and light pink intertwining under speckles of yellow, pink, and purple.
I’ve always loved Yuna’s design. It’s so delicate but strong and I loved dyeing her colorway!
Coming June 4th!
— view on Instagram https://ift.tt/VS0sJpl
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Excerpt - somewhere here in between the city walls of dying dreams
Almost no one recognizes him. 
Auron is sitting at a cafe table listening to the latest gossip, when someone calls his name. He should have known better than stop in a cafe so close to the warrior monks’ training ground. He looks up at the door. An older man with a grey moustache and a warrior monk’s armour has just come in and is staring at him in delighted surprise.
He isn’t surprised, now. Kozai had trained him for years and never forgot a student.
The old monk comes and sits at his table without waiting for an invitation.
“Auron!” he exclaims again. “I thought you were dead!”
I am. He smiles thinly behind his cowl. “Just living a quiet life, Kozai.”
“Well, you earned it, protecting High Summoner Braska!” Kozai’s voice is a little louder than it needs to be. A small woman in an acolyte’s robes looks around as he speaks and stares at them. The waitress comes over and places a cup of coffee in front of Kozai and he thanks her cheerfully. 
Yes, that acolyte is Shelinda, AKA the SPIRA NEWS NETWORK. I passed her on the road to Gagazet like 4 times, and somehow she always gets ahead of me. 
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dante-heller · 2 years
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