#highly accurate and extremely cute
maniculum · 4 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Rabyeang
This one's posting a few hours later than usual, because due to various circumstances, we ended up recording an episode of the podcast this evening, so I didn't have time to get to it until now.
Anyway, odd and somewhat uncomfortable entry, some parts of it seem clear though. Genuinely interested to see what comes up because I haven't gotten around to checking in on it until right this moment.
Anyone who isn't sure what I'm talking about can find out at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
The entry our artists are working from can be found here:
If you want to join in on drawing the next one, that entry can be found here:
Art is below the cut in the order in which it was posted.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) decided to go with an aquatic creature to make it easier for it to interact with lampreys, specifically a shark because they give live birth. I think the post here is pretty great, and including a lamprey is quite nice actually. Extremely cool-looking all around -- I encourage anyone reading this to check the linked post for a more detailed description of what's going on here and how the artist reached this design.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has drawn two snakes in the act of twining around each other as the female bites the male's head off. Kind of like a caduceus that's gone wrong somehow. Going in a snake direction makes sense, and the entwined pose I think makes it work. They have also included a rather cute bonus sketch in the linked post along with the explanation of their design, which I encourage y'all to check out. (Also thank you for providing alt text.)
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has made a very eye-catching but also somewhat... worrying creature by taking inspiration from Surinam toads and orchid mantises. The way those two inspirations are merged is really clever, I think, and as usual I love the medieval-inspired style. This is a creature I appreciate in drawing form but would probably find quite off-putting in real life, which I think is a sign of good design. (Also, thank you for providing alt text.)
That's it this time around, I'm afraid -- this particular entry doesn't seem to have sparked inspiration in many people. (Understandable.) So let's check in with the Aberdeen Bestiary.
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So, as I'm sure you've all guessed from the highly accurate illustration, this is the viper.
(I'm getting increasingly curious about what the deal is with this very specific head design you see on so many medieval creatures.)
So yeah, the bit with the lamprey is presumably complicated by the fact that one is an aquatic creature and the other terrestrial -- breath is going to be a concern, at the very least.
I think knowing it's a viper explains a lot of the entry: in the medieval metaphorical space, a viper is of course Very Wicked, so they really run with that here.
I wasn't aware vipers gave live birth, so I Googled it (apparently they do), and interestingly one of the top results was this Quora post:
So apparently elements of this are still hanging around, if someone is asking on the Internet whether vipers really eat their way out of the mother. Also interestingly, the answer makes note of other medieval myths about vipers, including both the head-biting and the lamprey thing. (And also one that female vipers look human above the waist, which is a new one by me.) Instructional.
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oldhalloweentape · 4 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏️
(Dragon Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(I’m gonna be honest with y’all, my bones fucking ache. But it’ll be ok, the week will be done soon enough. Happy early birthday @goohts , you weirdo/pos)
- From my knowledge, I know that most dragons have a human form so meeting them like that is the most likely situation, however, the idea of them stumbling upon your cave and witnessing your full dragon form while on a hiking trip sounds fun.
- Makes them question everything— The mere mention of real-life dragons was preposterous, considering mere folklore and fictional but… Here you were, and it had their brain just emitting a droning dial tone and nothing else.
- They’ll get over it— Eventually. When the initial panic and fear of being honey smoked by your large lizard assed self, approaching this part of you with an air of excitement.
- This is revolutionary to them, you are an absolute marvel to them, every little bit of information you tell them whether it be about your species or parts of history you were able to experience is cataloged neatly in various handwritten and recorded journals.
- Studies you (expect to be poked and prodded a little bit if you let them) as much as they can so they can see whether or not historical depictions of your species were accurate or not.
- The prehistoric lizard facts are endless and they will eagerly ask you about your ancestry, you have them captivated.
- This may be a highly coveted secret of yours and with Venture usually it’s natural to think that they might spill the beans inevitably, and are kind of right. Though they are actually able to swerve certain questions about you fairly well, technically not lying but not indulging in telling anyone.
- Just means they can be slick when they want to be, and will divulge in sharing anyone else’s secrets with you.
- Considering how time after time throughout history humanity, or certain groups of humanity are known for being rather gauche and destructive with their kind, and we know how they are with inhuman species that are visibly able to think critically/emotionally and have bodily autonomy (cough cough omnics cough cough).
- Anyways on a less serious note, I feel like they’d be a D&D player, like usually playing bards or artificers, so— I guess you can say that they can finally seduce a real dragon with their D20 roll/j
- Shared lizard brain? Shared lizard brain, the size of your hoard increases tenfold with rocks and crystals just by them coming on by your cave and waving them around excitedly.
- Got a hoard of ancient treasures? Their immediate reaction is to try to analyze them and ask question after question on each piece so they can hear you talk about how you got them and so on and so forth.
- They’re like a kid in a candy shop, aching to touch everything but asking if they can all the while giving you puppy eyes, saying stuff like “You won’t even notice I’m here! Pleaseeee!!”.
- This goes for them wanting to touch you while in your dragon form, like if you have scales, feathers, fur, etc.
- When you’re cuddling they’re going to run their feelings across them, enjoying the texture.
- Kisses your snout a whole lot, you letting out a small puff of smoke from your nose is just too cute.
- Knowing the whole fire breathing and association with the element you probably feel like a hot rock… And they’ll be the lizard in this relationship now.
- Can and will plead for you to let them climb on your back and fly with you, the wind on their face is rather nice and exhilarating.
- Has “jokingly” asked for you to fry Mauga before, drawing some crude picture of it you keep on a pile of gold coins.
- Ya’ll are extremely cute, as any other Reader x Venture usually is.
(Hmm, monster x human, y u m)
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maeral33n · 2 months
Velvet and Veneer get their wisdom teeth removed:
Dear lord someone save her.
She does NOT want to be there.
Despite growing up with dentists for parents, she utterly despises the dentist clinic.
Like girl is sobbing on the way there and sobbing in the chair.
The dentists try to calm her down and be nice to her but she snaps at them and makes their job difficult.
When they do manage to sedate her, it’s off to work they go and the procedure goes smoothly.
Then she wakes up, but of course the sedatives are still in effect, so she needs time to recover.
Luckily, her girlfriend, Orchid, is there to drive her home.
On the drive back to Vels place, girlie is OUT OF IT.
Her words are slurred, she goes in and out of consciousness and her behaviour is a lot more tame.
She is, however, extremely emotional.
She will cry several times throughout the ride home. Mostly because she’s just so happy to have a girlfriend like Orchid.
If you’ve ever seen the video where Markiplier get is wisdom teeth removed and he basically dotes on Amy and cries (if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend you do it’s adorable)
But yeah, she’s like that!
Velvet: Orchid…I luv you…so mush
Orchid: Aw, I love you too.
Velvet: You are jush so…*starts crying* jush so good to me
Orchid: 🥹
A LOT more calm that Velvet.
Ok he’s a little nervous.
But he knows he’s in good hands and that his boyfriend, Ritz will be waiting for him when he wakes up.
He’s sedated and the dentist get to work on him with no issues.
Then he wakes up.
He’s mostly just very confused. And worried.
Where is he? Why is he here? Why can’t he feel his face?
Veneer: I don’t haf a tongue.
Dentist: Yes you do, it’s still there.
Veneer: Nooo I don’t…what did you do to my tongue???
Dentist: *Holds up a mirror*
Veneer: …oh
Then, of course, Ritz is there to take him home.
Let’s just say it…a little awkward.
Ritz goes to Veneer to give him a kiss on the cheek, but Veneer pushes him away.
Veneer: no I can’t…I haf boyfren
Ritz: *laughs* Ven, I AM your boyfriend.
Veneer: 😳
Veneer: …whoa
I would like to thank @herprincess for this idea. When I have the time and energy I would like to write a proper fic of this cuz this is just so god damn cute.
Also sorry if this is not accurate to how people are after wisdom teeth removal. I’ve never had my wisdom teeth removed and only going by YouTube videos 😭
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robotpussy · 1 year
People don't watch Bluey because it's a children's show, but because it shows an accurate depiction of a healthy family, cute and sometimes gorgeous visuals and above all, has heart-felt messages about topics like unconditional love, death, grief, relationship issues, the difficulties of parenthood and various other things.
And the show isn't a Dora level of intellectually simple, it's a show made to be enjoyed by both parent and child and therefore goofy and funny for the kids but with a clear narrative to enjoy for adults too. It's a really well-written family show.
Think of it more as a ghibli movie like My Neighbor Totoro. The show is very slice of life like that. If you want to check it out, I'd highly recommend watching episode Sleepytime or Camping!
lmao I'm like. extremely aware children's shows focus on showing healthy relationships between friends and family, and teaching good morals and are capable of handling topics people usually have debates whether it's ok to talk to children about, I'm not a imbecile who thinks all kids shows are just bright colours where they talk down to kids.
bluey was only brought up because it's one of the most popular shows around right now because i was talking about a very specific group of people who have a absurd idea of what they believe is "adult media" when it is discussed online and over the past 2 years bluey is always the example
I think I'll be ok not watching bluey 🙏 there's other media that covers the same topics and themes bluey does. I don't think its ever gonna be on my TV unless my baby cousins are around but um that's cool
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nightvale-radio · 1 year
WTNV Fursonas
have you ever wondered what animal your favorite Night Vale character is? wonder no more!
a few notes: most of these will be region accurate, because the hometown vibe is a big part of the podcast. and for the purposes of keeping species fitting, I'm ignoring doubles.
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Cecil is a black-tailed jackrabbit. vigilant and quick-thinking, this guy the inspiration for the jackalope, which fits the cryptid qualities of the radio host. the jackalope has antlers, which represents the ties to Huntokar.
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Carlos is a North American river otter. credit to @fox-guardian for this idea, I had to go with it. clever and resourceful, this animal might seem out of place in the desert environment. fun fact though, river otters were actually reintroduced to the Verde river and now have a stable population in Arizona!
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Steve is a black-tailed prairie dog. family oriented and highly dedicated to their community, this animal has been widely considered a pest in the past, but is now considered a keystone species of the southwest.
Lauren is a coyote. both extremely adaptable and efficient in finding a niche, coyotes are scavengers who are willing to do what it takes to survive in a cutthroat world.
Dana is a cliff chipmunk. they might look unassuming, but this animal is extremely agile and resourceful. they can also live for up to twelve years, and do so in very precarious situations.
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Kareem is a beaver. a native of Michigan! (please pretend I'm pronouncing it as mitch-i-gan) they're hardworking and determined, able to create big things when they put their minds to it.
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Kevin is a long-tailed weasel. they might look cute, but they're vicious predators who, and I quote, "have no conscious when they're hungry". they regularly threaten animals far bigger than themselves and their hunting methods are brutally efficient.
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feel free to add on!
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Hello bees! It is yet another Wednesday and we have yet another recc list for you. This week, we have five fics featuring miscommunication of some sort. As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
Steamy by Rikku (1,507 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf (Fjolly) Warnings: Drug Use, Implied Dubcon
After Beau and Molly get high off skein, Fjord takes the two of them to the bathhouse to cool off.
Reccer Says: Fjolly beloved! This fic is very sweet with a nice side dish of angst as the boys wavelengths don’t quite line up.
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Harbour by VioletTeaTime (2,995 words, Teen) Pairing: Orym/Dariax Zaveon Warnings: Mentions of Homophobia
Orym and Dariax are college roommates. Orym has a crush, but worries Dariax might be a touch homophobic (it all works out in the end though)
Reccer Says: It’s very silly and very cute! Orym and Dariax are adorable disasters and the confession scene is cute. Also it’s a neat little time capsule of early EXU (Dorian is a triton and it’s a vibe, honestly)
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say my name by floralprintshark (4,906 words, Explicit) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Dorian Storm (Greystorm) Warnings: Choking
Ashton and Dorian are friends with benefits. Ashton catches feelings.
Reccer Says: There’s never enough of these two in the world and this is a really fun take on how they might end up together 💚💙
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in the ocean washing off my name from your throat by Princex_N (4,057 words, General) Pairing: Laerryn Coramar-Seelie/Loquatius Seelie (Loquaerryn) Warnings: Hurt No Comfort, Allusions to Infidelity, Domestic Disputes
In the heat of a fight, Quay makes a suggestion he doesn’t mean, and everything comes crumbling down around him.
Reccer Says: The way this fic makes my heart ache, oh my god. Everything is perfectly in character in the most painful of ways, it truly feels like this could be the fight that led to their divorce in canon. Quay’s reflection on the state of their relationship, the mistakes he’d made along the way, how deeply he loves Laerryn, the cultural differences between them and the misunderstandings because of them, all just *chef’s kiss*
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And we have two reccs for; Fjord Tusktooth: Pact of the Sugar Baby by Demenior (23,529 words, Explicit) Pairing: Fjord/Original Male Character Warnings: None
In order for the Nein to successfully pull of a heist, Fjord sets about seducing the lord he and his friends are robbing. He’s exactly Fjord’s type, though there’s one complication; he’s a dragon. And it takes Fjord a little while to catch on. A heist gone wrong leaves Fjord seducing the Nein's mark - and that mark is a dragon.
Reccer 1 Says: Excellent Fjord characterization, a delight of an OC, chaotic Nein shenanigans, and extremely hot dragon sex make this fic (and the entire series) an extremely fun read. Highly recommend reading all of it, the way the relationship between Fjord and Gairdneri develops is especially wonderful, imo. Reccer 2 Says: This fic is SO fun! Demenior does a fantastic job capturing the voices of all of the characters, and the sex is hot too.
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Works in Progress. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Angst and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Spring and Jester Rarepairs! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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hooked-on-elvis · 7 months
Good day to you! Just wanted to take the time and tell you how much I love your page. The attention to detail is awe-inspiring, and I look forward to when you post. If writing EP fiction were your forte, you’d have a reader in me. 🤭
TCB and TLC!! 💜⚡️
You're such a sweetheart! All my heart to you. Thank you for making my day! ♥ ♥ ♥ Every time I receive those supportive messages I feel like giving you a tight Elvis bear hug.
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I'm far from being as good as I wanted to be in my writing skills, dear, specially considering I'm still on the way to improve my English (ya'll must have noticed that I correct my posts a lot lol sorry about that btw), and that's why I still don't have enough confidence to try working on serious fanfic material. I've written a couple of one shots to myself, just out of fun, but I don't think they're interesting enough. One day, maybe, if I have enough courage (or if I'm enough drunk) I'll try sharing those ones with you or even writing some more, but for now I'll stick to sharing Elvis' music and life because I learn a lot at the same time I'm sharing the content with you. Anyway, it's so good to hear I would have a reader for fanfics if I only was a writer... You're so, so cute! God bless you, doll. I am feeling my heart warm as I'm reading your words... you wouldn't believe. Thank you so, so much, dear. ♥
i don't feel it's fair to make this about me, even tho I highly appreciate when you compliment my work... Because IT'S ALL ABOUT ELVIS. His magic is what keeps all the content the fandom create so exciting, delightful and fun to read.
Even so, I'm extremely grateful for the friends who take their time to read, like, share and/or comment, like... Mine is not a huge Elvis blog but each time you show you appreciate the time I take to write, to research for the accurate info on Elvis' pictures and history, to transcript interviews and books, to write about his music - one song at a time, and so on, I feel touched. I have a lot of fun writing those posts I share here, but the best part and the reason for all of this is to be worth it is the moments I get to interact with you. Again, thank you for the kind words, friend. You're a doll! I hope next time you let me know who you are.
Here, to you: 🌻 TCB and TLC FOREVER! 🩷⚡️🥹
Love, Lally
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Okay, now that I've had my happy little emotional outburst. Here's the book I read today. Selected on the sticker recommendation of the mysterious Bookstore Kate, who I still have not actually encountered but who has delightfully gay taste.
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I'm not looking it up until after I post this because I want to have a big AHA! moment if I'm right, but I am SO suspicious that this started as Good Omens fanfiction.
It's very cute and like...charmingly silly. Lots of found family feels. The romance felt a little...Idk, obvious? rushed? to me, but I think that's just because I've gotten used to ships that come from long-form media and aren't 100% canon, so they're more drawn-out and subtle.
The real delight comes from the gaggle of misfit magical children who bring the adults together (including the Antichrist.) The blurb at the top is very accurate.
The main character is a record-player-loving, slightly chubby middle-aged man stuck in a miserable bureaucracy full of rules he feels bound to and overseen by Extremely Upper Management (yes, that is what they're canonically called), his favourite colour is yellow, and his love interest is a tall skinny dude with terrible fashion sense who is...nope can't tell you, spoilers, but definitely Crowley-like in some ways. Less ways than the main is Aziraphale-like, but it's there.
Highly recommended reading for the GO fandom while y'all suffer in between-seasons hell. Just a very nice light read.
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charlottesbookclub · 4 months
I just read ur alistair x reader piece where hes worried about the reader not eating breakfast and like bro im honest to god fucking swooning. The way u wrote him was SO cute and endearing but it also felt so real. A lot of x reader stuff can be a bit ooc or extreme vibes imo but it just felt so laidback and like just realistic and nice to read. Ty for writing and sharing it! Id be so interested to read more alistair pieces if u have anymore u plan on writing and sharing!
hello my dear! 💖
I literally cannot thank you enough for sending this ask!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 this is such a huge huge huge compliment and I'm and literally truly so happy and thrilled that you enjoyed it so much!!!!! ☺️💕☺️💕
I also get very in my head about whether or not I'm portraying characters accurately (esp. ones that don't have a lot of book/screen time) so this was super reassuring to hear and def makes me feel more confident about continuing to write for him!! ☺️🥰
in terms of future alistair plans, I have a lot lol 😅😅 right now I'm working on a long-form project for him called "king of all birds" that follows his story from learning his brother is going to be executed up through his transformation and probably a little after that too. that one doesn't have a pairing though; I'm using it more as a character study and also because I've always wanted to explore his backstory. the twilight guide gave us so much about him, and yet so little at the same time, since we never see that story actually explored. so now I guess I'm just doing it myself lmao 😅
but I also have ideas for 2-3 more one-shots that would exist in the same universe/timeline as "like real people do," and those would be alistair x reader. they aren't written yet, but I do have at least one of the plots fully fleshed-out, so now I just need to actually sit down and write lmao
I'm also super open to taking requests for him if you have something specific you'd like to see! I'm happy to do headcanon lists and other more miscellaneous stuff as well, since I can often get through those faster than things where I need to construct a plot lmao, but they can also serve as nice ways to explore a character further before I write a longer piece 💕💕
I also want to shout-out @frodoshaggins (I hope it's okay if I tag you here, if not, just let me know and I'll remove it! ☺️☺️) because it's their incredible work that inspired me to start writing for alistair myself!! I would highly recommend their stuff if you're looking for more alistair content!! 🥰🥰
anyway, I just want to say such a sincere thank you again for this ask!! I'm genuinely so flattered and touched that you liked my writing and I'm always excited to meet other alistair fans!! 🥰💕🥰💕 I hope your day is absolutely fantastic!! ☺️💖☺️💖
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mini (not so mini) psa
there are so many of y’all fantastic writers out there and i love reading alot of the fanfics, headcannons and asks of some of my favorite characters, but there are so many inaccuracies and i really wanna put out some info/pointers for anyone that wants their writings to be just a little bit more accurate.
-in the military, relationships between superiors and anyone in their chain of command, or just two individuals within the same squad/platoon is HIGHLY frowned upon. like that’ll get someone dishonorably discharged at the worst, and have a career killed and getting restationed elsewhere for the best of outcome. (which would most likely end up with that person eventually getting kicked out of the military anyways) if there was two individuals that have any relationship other than a platonic or professional one, that relationship would be kept under extreme wraps, even to any best friends in their group. as much as it would be cute to have the 141 fawn over an OC and 141 member’s relationship or the 141 fawning over ghost and soap, it just would not happen. price himself would see to either having someone moved out of the group or forcing the two end the relationship without question because it’s a conflict of interest.
-kortac is a private military company (pmc) and although i really don’t know how frowned upon it is for two operators have a sexual/romantic relationship (probably still very since even big cooperations have policies against dating between employees) they also don’t completely operate like militaries do. they don’t quite have deployments but contracts or jobs. if you’ve ever played any of the metal gear solid games, that’s what these guys are, the diamond dogs and outer haven guys. these are companies that govts and businesses hire to get past any sorts of rules where militaries can’t operate (the campaign itself also stated this). and also, a lot of people that are typically work for these companies, do it for the money. i don’t want to say all, but quite a bit do. pmcs are also not really loyal to any nation or people and mostly follow where the money is best. individual operators may be very loyal to their own nation, but work is work and they go where work takes them.
-short of having undiagnosed illnesses, anyone that has any sort of illness like adhd, anxiety, depression, diabetes, asthma, anything at all, even poor eyesight, would not be able to join the military and if an individual somehow managed to enlist, they ALMOST DEFINITELY do not have careers within or near any sort of combat. combat is a no joke situation, full stop. if someone isn’t doing their assigned job to the best of their ability, it doesn’t just affect their life, it affects the lives of everyone around them. so if someone is having an anxiety attack or has a sort of breakdown in say training, they’re removed from that job o position until they’re fit for duty or if not, unfortunately they're out. if something where to happen out in the field, it could cost their teammates their lives. and usually, if someone were to get diagnosed with something that couldn’t be treated within a reasonable span of time, those individuals are usually medically discharged.
there was a very real reason why the army refused to take steve rogers in the mcu before he took the supersoldier serum and became captain america...
i’m sorry if this post comes off as nitpicky (but kind of not), or condescending it’s really not my intention and i don’t know about anyone else but at least for me, its a bit of a buzzkill when i see some glaring inaccuracies in writings. it’s like hearing that saltwater fish are thriving in a freshwater lake. also might add to this later...
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etes-secrecy-post · 4 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Jun 9th, 2019
Title: Cuteness Member - Sammir
I missed his old version of Sammir 🥰💙💛🐻🌩️🤗, even in 5 years throughout our friendship between myself and G-Pal, rafacaz4lisam2k4. 🇵🇭🤝🇬🇹🥰🤗 That's why, I'm posting today's throwback from 2019's Sammir debut in the "Cuteness Defender Academy". 🤖😁
• In his old day, Sammir the bear with a "thunderbolt" ⚡ (or I should say "Wonderbolt" I should say derived from MLP) image from his outfits seems I found a perfect armor suit for him; speed, quick maneuver and quickly dodge any on coming fire range obstacles. And thus the armor "Zudah" 🤖 was here from the Zeon manufactures yours truly, with a tall shaped fin on his front helmet makes him a lead of the "HTF Wonderbolt Team" 🐻⚡.
Nowadays, his entire personality was changed, since June of 2023. You've already saw his new color uniform, and someday I'll update his "Cuteness Mecha Armor" colors, too. 😊
Zudah Sammir Based on: EMS-10 Zudah [CLICK ME!]
M-120A1 120mm Zaku Machine Gun • This is the same machine gun model used by the MS-06 Zaku series. It is a shell firing gun that does not require energy to be used, however its effectiveness against heavy armor is very limited. It holds 100 rounds per drum with spare drums that can be stored on Zudah's waist armor racks, while the gun can be stored on Zudah's calf-mounted hard points when not in use.
H&L-SB25K/280mmA-P Zaku Bazooka • The 280mm Zaku Bazooka was another standard weapon that could be equipped to a Zaku-type armor suit. The bazooka fired explosive rounds that were quite effective against the armor of enemy suit(s) and battleships.
135mm Anti-Ship Rifle • Developed in the early phase of One Year War, the long-barreled 135mm anti-ship rifle is used by various models of Zeon armored suits for long-range sniping attack against opponent's warships.
Heat Hawk Type 3 • The Heat Hawk Type 3 is an axe-like weapon used by the original MS-06 Zaku II, whose name is short for "tomahawk". Thermal energy is relayed through the armor suit's hand to heat the heat hawk's blade, allowing it to slice through the armor of enemy warships or armor suits. The Heat Hawk can be stored on Zudah's calf-mounted hard points when not in use.
Shield • Attached to Zudah's left shoulder, it is capable of limited movement and can store two Sturm Fausts, a Flare Launcher, and a pair of foldable spikes for close-quarter combats.
Sturm Faust • A simplified, disposable rocket launcher. As the warhead is not equipped with a guidance device, it is extremely hard to use the Sturm Faust to hit a moving target accurately. However, it is still a highly destructive portable weapon.
Spikes • Fixed to the front of the shield, these two long spikes swing forward for use in high-speed charging attacks.
Flare Launcher • Zudah's shield can be equipped with a Flare Launcher near the inside tip of the shield. Solid rounds of pyrotechnic rockets can be fired from the Flare Launcher for signalling friendly forces nearby.
Big Gun • A armor suit-use sniping turret, it is equipped with a powerful, long-range beam cannon.
Sammir (HTF OC) - owned by rafacaz4lisam2k4 Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO) - Gundam series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
You!!! The person who rebloged my post and probably knows more about Hetalia than I do!!! Please, do tell how much Hetalia's author screwed up with his potrayal of Russia and the countries that suffered!!!!
Is Latvia's fear of Russia potrayed as funy cutesy utsy thing or taken seriously on some level (I assume it's not)???Ks Russia really potrayed as this innocent, misunderstood guy???
On scale from 1 to over infinity and beyond should I avoid Hetalia, so I wouldn't lose my mind over the potrayel of my home??
Do you really want me to answer this question?🥲 XD
These days, there are more people in the fandom who try to portray Latvia in a different way from manga, but unfortunately, the most popular creators still choose Himaruya's image.
I didn't finish the manga/anime. I gave up after the first chapter. XD If you really want to lose your mind, you should watch "TOP Latvia moments in hetalia" on YT.
And yes, russia is still being portrayed as a cute, misunderstood guy.
Should you avoid manga/anime? I highly recommend that. Should you avoid fandom people? As you wish. There are lots of people who will make you feel extremely upset. However, there are also people whom you can trust, interact with, and feel pretty fine.
I am Ukrainian, and since I already knew what to expect from this fandom (thanks to russian vkontakte, ugh), I just try to create maximum content with minimum thinking about upsetting stuff. Sometimes, I write why this or that art about my country is not accurate or spreading harm - and it's working! It's also fun if you find fun being annoying to "Poor russia" fans or rusliet shippers. XD
What I want to say is that the more there will be people who care, the more there will be good content. The more we ignore everything, the more people will believe Himaruya. Just keep it in the head that Himaruya still gets lots of money for this manga.
Btw, can I ask you for something? I draw Latvia sometimes, too, so I'd like to hear your comments about it. Although our histories are quite similar due to russification, there are still things I don't know about.
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strhwaberries · 1 year
okay, i just want to briefly talk about the wayv fanmeeting so if you’re curious pls read but just know that i’m highly emotional and these are my own feelings and maybe it’s not going to be a super accurate account at all
so first what i want to say is that when they arrived on stage we noticed kun was sitting on a chair while the other four were performing, idk if that was the case in london as i haven’t seen any videos but just to say that yet again, an idol is physically unwell after a very long tour, and ofc he apologized to us and we told him not to, and he was like “i’m feeling better already so maybe i’ll dance a little tonight” and we were all like nooooooo pls rest, also i have to say this in passing but he looks better for real ?? like how ?? kun pls calm down, i know you used to be my bias but don’t come for me like that
anyway. ten. let’s talk about ten. another man i used to bias. coming for me again too. well well well. obviously the man loves his cats so he travels with cute pictures of them, how can i not fall for that, it’s just impossible. he showed us pics of his previous trips to paris where he had shorter hair and he was like “oh should i cut my hair” and everybody screamed nooooooo and surely that would be a crime, he looks extremely good with longer hair, why is that dude so attractive, also why is he so goddamn cute with cat ears when he asked us what was the french word for nyan and we said miaou and he said it and oooohhhh goodbye my heart, also all his interactions with yangyang are so cute it’s like two brothers, and when yangyang said they didn’t need to go see the mona lisa bc they had ten, why are these men so adorable, i love love love them so much, but i was supposed to talk about ten and now i digress bc i’m thinking of yy
my baby. idk, i don’t have the words, but he said “bonjour je m’appelle yangyang” and i was gone, i ascended and i’m still high up there, i can’t help it how my eyes will always seek him and how i’m always transfixed by his presence on stage, like yes i’m aware there’s ten and kun and even xiaojun but YANGYANG, i only want to look at yangyang when he’s dancing
oh bc yes i forgot to say, i had a seat way up high but right in front of the stage so i had a really good view - unlike at the atz concert where i couldn’t see a thing - so ig maybe that’s why i’m super happy, it’s really nice to actually see the choreos - and yes i typed whoreos and then corrected myself but my god they did love talk and nectar so what am i supposed to say, i love when men are sexy on stage, i love when they’re cute also, kpop is bad for the heart but it also makes me so happy, i hope they know they saved me, like literally, even my mom said i sounded good on the phone today, i wish i could have told them but maybe i’ll do that another time, they promised they would come back for a real concert and i know they always promise that but i hope this time it’s true, i know they want to come back to europe, esp yangyang he looked super emotional when he talked about how he used to live in germany, i bet he was super disappointed they didn’t stop there
i’m talking too much so i’ll just finish with this, they sound amazing live, they’re super fun and endearing, apparently hendery has a lot of french fans, like the venue literally went crazy every time he did or said something, and ten bought macarons and coffee and a lovely antique mirror and wine and cheese and yeah if yangyang wasn’t up there ten would be my man but it is what it is, honestly the dude knows what’s good about life, i’ll just stop there but i’m going to cherish this moment for a very very long time - and i almost didn’t go bc i was feeling so depressed but i’m glad i did even tho i was stuck in traffic jams coming and going and there were thunderstorms on the highway, it was totally worth it
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ao3time · 2 years
Christmas Carol 1938 is adorable!
Not the most book accurate, but all the additions bring a lot of joy and charm! It has a lot of emphasis on childlike happiness and play, and it’s extremely sweet! My partner and I watched it for free on prime. Probably my favorite version of Fred. Highly recommend if you’re wanting something fun and cute!
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antiquemotel · 2 years
what do kpop idols in general think of blackpink rosé? like their impression of her?
♡ Idol's Impression of Blackpink Rosé ♡
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Hi Hi Hi~ As a die hard Rosé Stan, it was surprising how easy/quick it was for me to sync into her energies and the energies that surround her. This reading aims to be accurate, as I remained completely unbiased and read into the darker energies as well.
Before I start, a quick Disclaimer:Tarot readings are subject to interpretation. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only. Choosing to believe in the tarot is a choice.
Deck used: Rider-Waite Tarot deck
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She's a popular girl, extremely extroverted and out there, unlike most of the energies that surround her. I see some false signals. Many facts about her formulated by the public seem to be incredibly inaccurate, for instance, Rosé is actually extremely wealthy and with many friends. In fact, Lisa and Jisoo seem to be the most introverted of the bunch. Many people on the inside (idols) and even saesangs??? Are actually aware of that fact, more than delusional fans at least. Many people try to put Rosie into a box of what they assume her to be, (shy and, dumb) and it's extremely false/inaccurate.
Rookie idols/male/female
shheesh okay, that was heavy. It is evident that she is known. ~~~extremely known and talked about among the younger idols, perhaps one of the most famous members. A lot of female rookies look up to her and attempt to reach her level of prowess and try to mirror her style/fashion, as she holds a western vibe that's highly sought after nowadays. She holds girl crush value among female rookies, as many of them apparently follow Chae's Instagram on their secret accounts. Her unique sense of fashion and loyal fanbase is something they want to create for themselves. Jealousy, jealousy. But it's as if she's out of sight, out of mind. If she's seen on a magazine cover or in a photoshoot/insta pic she'll be the talk of the town, meanwhile her lack of activity causes her to be less and less looked up to and more categorized as exclusive /unreachable.
Now for the rookie male idols, :/ The disrespect. Now, i so badly want to feed into the male idol fantasy, but as someone who works with energies on an almost daily basis, it makes me sick to my stomach knowing how many bozos there are. Yeah. I don't even want to talk about this, as I can do an extremely detailed reading/exposing rookies on this topic alone if requested. Now for the good ones! There are a bunch of cute rookies that see rosé as a respectable 누나 (older sister) and categorize her as more of a western celeb?; Who's just in a lot of Skincare/French fashion house advertisements. (heavy on the YSL)
Senior idols/male/female
:)))) I'm feeling murderous. Jokes aside, Female senior idols from YG really do respect the grind, ICONS, GODS. But can't say the same for them salty mfs (not even going to expose them, but at least they ain't from YG) who see it as easy fame. A lot of idols see Rosé and all of Blackpink as solo artists and see Rosé as one of the more talented ones. Probably that one appearance with Lee Dong Wook did the trick. There are many not-so senior idols whom are actually close with the girls, mostly Rose due to her extroverted-ness? I can totally see this one twice member and a few red velvet members being tight with her. Chae do be collecting girlies ♡_ ♡.
Now for the senior male idols *smiirkkk smirk* For your info, Rosé isn't a depressed single. Girl has smthn going for her! I doubt he is still a properly established idol, tho (perhaps solo??). Okay, I'm going to be triggering some people and operating in a tiny gray area right now. With Tarot, and I mean legitimate, properly appreciated /respected/ legitimate, did I say legitimate? Tarot that coincides within people's boundaries, it IS possible to feel the energy of people and their spouses on them! Especially if their spouse has this dominant energy. If the energy isn't dominant and remains a little dormant, it shows a few other traits such as more docile, calm behavior(I feel as if I'm talking about a pet puppy); toxic behavioral patterns can be detected too!!. Nevertheless, the person itself has to be assumed by facts you already knew based on the signals you receive. If I receive a signal stating that the person is extremely artistic or passionate and that they work in entertainment, it's safe to assume they're someone semi/extremely famous. And then I can proceed to ask the deck if it's someone the general public knows well and if they're close to ~~Rosé~~ and if their relationship is panning out well. Anyway, senior male idols close to this person are very well aware of what once was (or possibly still is~) going on between them. And for the other senior male idols, they couldn't care less (are very nonchalant/not nosey) and/or genuinely don't know much about her life/relationship as it was extremely private. Rosé seems to be a private person when it comes to love, and it's evident :)) This person's energy is quite opposite to hers, much more puppy like and kind of cute ? a very sweet guy who's also very like-minded to her. I doubt he is Korean, as he's really open-minded and seems pretty carefree.
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That's it for the reading babes,
I do answer requests, so please do feel free to send me some (anons welcome), and I do in fact also do personal Tarot readings! Here and Personal ships and birth chart analysis Here
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My Masterlist<3
(I'm planning to add a bit more to my Masterlist so if you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see, feel free to request or DM me. If you would like to talk, my door is always open LYSM<3)
copyright AntiquemotelⒸ︎ (Tumblr), 2021. All rights reserved. Do not repost or plagiarise.
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