#hiii grady :}
toastytrip · 10 months
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Loser can't even push a shopping cart of like 5 things what's wrong with this guy (made for @orgonongurlz :} )
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orgonongurlz · 14 days
i am a supporter of computechip :33 /pos 💻🦷
huzzah!! win!!
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 4 months
hiii, there was this fic where derek had moved away ig he was in a bar and his aura was super scary. all the other people in the bar were also supernanatural creatures and were scared to approach him. then one day stiles barged in and walked towards derek and every person in the bar got on edge cause no one walks towards derek like that as if they have authority over them and in the end stiles is able to bring derek back w him. stiles was also something magical and derek might have been feral im not sure.
plsplspls hopefully someone knows this fic i miss reading it so much
Hi @starrr-dusttt! I know this one.
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A Quiet Night (Not in the Cards) by Delightful_I_Am
(1/1 I 4,369 I Teen I Sterek)
"Derek fucking Hale!"
The shout rang through the bar and for a long moment nobody moved. It was like something out of a movie. Everything just stopped; the music cut off; one of the servers had frozen mid-pour. Grady would have laughed if he weren't holding his breath. The kid straightened his shirt, a glimpse of stomach showing the curling edges of a tattoo on his hip, and strode toward where Hale was sitting in the dark corner. As one, every supe in the place turned to see Hale's reaction; the last person to try to confront Hale in here had left with a broken hand and a whispered threat that the next time Hale would rip their throat out. With his teeth. Unsurprisingly, Hale's face was set in its usual glower, although it seemed a bit softer around the eyes. It took Grady a second to realise Hale knew the kid.
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Hiii!! Do you think you a Blue and Owen Grady moodboard pls thank you!! Also how has your day been? 💙
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Mhm mhm mhm!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!!!
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steveharrington · 2 months
hi! do you have any recent horror book recommendations you've enjoyed?
hiii!! i do! okay im gonna cheat a little right off the bat and give you one i read like over a year ago idk if that still counts as recent BUT:
devolution by max brooks is my favorite book i’ve read in the last year or so. it’s about a small wealthy community in remote mt. rainier that’s touted to be the most technologically advanced and automated community and a Vision of the Future buttttttt things don’t go according to plan and also there are bigfoots ❤️ i found the humor so smart and cutting esp in the age of ai bullshit and having elon musk shoved in our faces, plus the characters were all very unique and really unlike other protagonists i’ve read in horror. just a really solid book AND it made me even more scared of monkeys
i also just read bunny by mona awad and it was a crazy and wild ride let me just say that. again very distinct and unlike anything i’ve ever really read before in terms of the plot…i fear even going into the plot too much because i truly think it’s hard to discuss what happens in this book without giving away elements that are more fun to discover as you’re reading. definitely some body horror elements in this so if that’s not your thing i would maybe steer clear (also mentioned animal death which i did find upsetting but it’s not in graphic detail). that post i rb’d recently about the joy of reading books you don’t completely understand really applied to bunny for me because there are parts where the narrative becomes so…unreal and jumbled that it’s hard to always know what’s happening, but i did have fun with that!
ALSO an extremely recent read that i just finished last night is my best friend’s exorcism by grady hendrix, and at first i was very unsure if i’d like it but i ended up finishing it in two nights so. it held my attention for sure. it’s set in the 80s and there’s a bit tooooo many constant references for my taste (and i say this as a stranger things enjoyer…i wish i could write an essay about how imo stranger things does 80s nostalgia better than so many that try to emulate their version of it) and it’s about bestie abby and bestie gretchen who unfortunately experience the horrors of demon possession. i really enjoy narratives where all the adults are useless idiots and only the kids/teenagers are in tune to The Truth, which this book sells really well. i was also admittedly very charmed by a lot of the humor (the exorcist maybe my new fav character ever) and how it didn’t take Satanism too seriously and kinda hammed it up
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maybxlle · 2 months
hiii cutie how are you doing???
also im on the third book of kotlc rn ive decided to reread and oh my god younger me did not understand a lot of stuff before
first, sophie is the narrator and its from her pov right but i did not realize just how BEAUTIFUL my girl is actually. she constantly undermined herself but girl BLONDE HAIRED BROWN EYED BEAUTY??? she thinks biana is extremely beautiful (which she totally is) but sophie is just as stunning too so like OFC i totally get dex, fitz and keefe!!!!
plus i want grady and edaline to be my parents 😭😭😭😭 when i read this for the first time when i was around 12 it didnt impact me much but they're actually THE BEST HELLO????
i really sobbed about councillor kenric's death tho that was so sad 😔
a part of me wishes jolie was alive because sophie would've loved having an older sister (also my memory is so fuzzy so i have no idea who sophie's real parents are so dont remind me)
who are your favorite characters??? and if you could have one special ability from the kotlc universe what would it be??
omg i have talked too much so i shall end this here!!! <3
and exactly ma’am is actually so pretty, she js thinks she has doo doo eyes
i know they are lit the sweetest parents ever and the fact that they’re okay with whatever the fuck sophie’s doing? A+
yes i always wanted an older sister 😣 but anw im a good older so its fine
my favorite character? oohhh biana or marella probably. but sophie’s amazing she’s js in denial 😭
ummm i’d wanna be an empath. that js seems cool
omg don’t worry abt it girly!! love you ❤️❤️
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salomeslashes · 1 year
hiii i saw you mentioned being a librarian into horror and was wondering if you had any recs for gothic or haunted house books? i dont need a lot of action i just want a superbly eerie vibe.
Yes absolutely! I feel like two of my favorite recent haunted house books have a considerable amount of action but I will mention them anyway, just...down at the bottom for you to ignore if you want. Eerie vibes incoming!
The Stradivarius (by Rae Knowles) - A woman moves with her new husband into the house she inherited from her father, who was murdered when she was a child, and spooky things begin to happen right away. Is her house haunted, or is something more sinister going on? And what happened to her father's priceless violin, which hasn't been seen since his death? Vibes everywhere!
Mexican Gothic (by Silvia Moreno-Garcia) - It's been a little bit since I read this one, so the plot is slightly less fresh, but I remember every bit about how it made me feel. The world of this story is so rich and the characters are absolutely fascinating. I highly recommend it for that gothic vibe, especially if you (like me) want to read more stories by and about people of color.
You Should Have Left (by Daniel Kehlmann) - This one is perfect for people who love House of Leaves in theory but not in practice. Short and told in a style that's almost stream-of-consciousness, the narrator of the story is a writer who is staying in a remote cabin with his wife and young daughter...but something is just...off about the house. Hard to explain much more without giving it all away, but it's so creepy and so cool. Also, very short. I read this in an hour.
A Guest in the House (by Emily Carroll) - This one is a graphic novel, which I hope is fine! I loved this one. The art was gorgeous and it was legitimately so haunting. Aching and ambiguously supernatural. I screamed about this one from the rooftops when I read it.
The more intense stuff:
How to Sell a Haunted House (by Grady Hendrix) - Terrifying, but also heartbreaking. I loved this one a lot, and the second I finished it I sent an ebook copy to my brother. Lots of family feels, and some really horrifying puppets. Hendrix consistently kills it as far as horror with heart. I highly recommend it.
Tell Me I'm Worthless (by Alison Rumfitt) - I cannot stress enough how brutal and hard to read this book is (the author included a content warning at the start and I highly recommend heeding it), but it's also (somewhat ironically) deeply worth it, if you ask me. This is a haunted house story, yes, but the ghost in the house is fascism. As a trans person, as a queer person, as a human being, this book wrecked me.
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luckilyiambrave · 1 year
hiii i was tagged by @moumjn post a song for every letter in my url which seemed fun soo here we goo
l - light my love by Greta van fleet
u- used to be young by Miley Cyrus
c cradle you by Sam burchfield
k- kissing girls by grady
i- I wish you love by laufey
l- life in the city by the lumineers
y- You're not special babe - Orla gartland
I- I, Carrion- hozier
a- all things end -hozier
m- medieval-finneas
b- be my angel - mazzy star
r-requiem on the water-imperial mammoth
a- another try -the happy fits
v- vampire olivia rodrigo
e- Emily by mykey
Thank you so much for tagging me ! I tag if you would like, @yellowbentley @ayushikuu @prosesque !!
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twinnedpeaks · 2 years
hiii salem what have u been reading lately do u have any recommendations 💞
hellooooo my dearest the best books i read this month have been 12 bytes by jeanette winterson (essays about machinery, consumerism, technology, feminism, gender identity, etc), hell bent by leigh bardugo (the sequel to ninth house which yall know i love), and false witness by karin slaughter (i’m not usually a crime thriller guy except tana french but ms slaughter slaaaays fr) !!!! today i also got my hands on the new grady hendrix novel which im soooooooo excited about im like 80 pages in and its starting to get gooooood
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what ability does your oc, who is she friends with, and is she an a relationship/does she feel romantic attraction at all
she’s a charger! although sort of a weak one because she doesn’t have a mentor yet (though i’m thinking of making her a mesmer for the purpose of having her train with grady because she’s sophie’s other best friend)
she’s friends with the main group (she talks the most to dex, marella, sophie, keefe, and wylie though), has a love-hate relationship with glimmer, jensi, elwin and lady cadence because she has a thing for befriending adults, and random students at foxfire!!
she’s (this feels sorta embarrassing to type but that’s okay <3) in a relationship with dex and most definitely feels romantic attraction because she’s sapphic and used to look at biana i little to gay to be straight
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nicollekidman · 2 years
Hiii do you have any horror book recs? (other than miss shirley jackson I already know and love her <3)
most horror i read is spooky/gothic rather than Horror (although i’m in the market for recs) but shirley jackson is my fave author! octavia butler (like fledgling or kindred) is a good bet, i think grady hendrix is fun, i’m a house of leaves bro… the woman in white, rebecca, phantom of the opera, dracula, i’m counting jane eyre, in a glass darkly (all gothic), tender is the flesh is a recent read i loved, the little stranger, beloved by toni morrison, i am legend…
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hiii, here i am asking for a fic again.
derek was in a bar, where all around him were supernaturals and no one approached derek cause everyone was scared of him due to his aura. one day stiles finds him and everyone else in the bar is at high alert because they think he's a human(im not sure about this part). but derek let's him come closer and there is a terse talk where stiles is like why did you leave and all. at the end they leave together or something
Hi @starrr-dusttt! @anowlnamedpig found this one.
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A Quiet Night (Not in the Cards) by Delightful_I_Am
(1/1 I 4,369 I Teen I Sterek)
"Derek fucking Hale!"
The shout rang through the bar and for a long moment nobody moved. It was like something out of a movie. Everything just stopped; the music cut off; one of the servers had frozen mid-pour. Grady would have laughed if he weren't holding his breath. The kid straightened his shirt, a glimpse of stomach showing the curling edges of a tattoo on his hip, and strode toward where Hale was sitting in the dark corner. As one, every supe in the place turned to see Hale's reaction; the last person to try to confront Hale in here had left with a broken hand and a whispered threat that the next time Hale would rip their throat out. With his teeth. Unsurprisingly, Hale's face was set in its usual glower, although it seemed a bit softer around the eyes. It took Grady a second to realise Hale knew the kid.
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7crowsinadress · 2 years
hiii, i hope u don't mind being asked about smth u posted a while back!! i just came across it and i couldn't stop thinking about it. back in December u said smth along the lines of grady hendrix is proof u can have an unlikeable mc but still have an enjoyable story. i just finished reading the final girl support group and while i wasnt big on lynnette i didnt find her that bad! at least not after the ending, tho somewhere in the middle i really disliked her. i havent read any other of his books yet but i was wondering why u disliked his mcs (since u tagged his other books in the original post as well)? or really, what were ur thoughts on lynnette specifically? im very curious and also excited to hear another opinion. the fandom for this book seems inexistent... thank u and have a nice day!
I think I worded my original post kinda badly. Its not unlikable as much as a little annoying. In high school, my biggest gripe with a lot of the books we had to read was that the main character was not compelling or likable AT ALL. I would read the book and be like "why do I want this guy to win?", yk? With GH's books, I find the main characters somewhat annoying at times, but still pretty compelling. That is probably due to the writing quality and the genre as well.
With Horrorstor and FGSG, I find the main characters to be not super likable, but I still want them to win. I do not agree with most of Lynette's decisions (which is arguably the point of her character), but I don't want her to fail. Same with Horrorstor. I found Amy to be a little grating, but I still wanted her to "win". As I read more of his work I think that GH's characters are compelling because of the situations they are placed into and the work that goes into telling the story around them. Lynnette and Amy are crafted for their environments, whereas a lot of books with unlikable characters and stories that are not compelling seem to craft environment and characters seperately.
This is kind of a ramble but yeah! I really like how he writes characters that we want to win while still making them realistic and giving them interesting flaws (i.e. letting his characters be annoying sometimes).
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Helping Claire deal with nightmares after what happened in Jurassic World would include headcanons
@ghostsunderstoodmysoul said: Hi! I’ve seen your headcanons about Claire Dearing from Jurassic World and I’ve fallen in love with it. That’s why I’d like to request something with this lady. Maybe her dealing with nightmares or panic attacks after all these things she’s been through. And reader (a female one, if that’s okay) trying to help and comfort her every time. Headcanons or one shot - it doesn’t matter. Whatever you’re more comfortable with :) Thanks in advance and have a lovely day!
A/N: hiii, love!! first of all thank you sooo much for your words, I'm so glad you liked my other post for Claire!!! I loved this request, really. I went for headcanons (like my other Claire request), I hope you like it 💖
tag list: @inglourious-imagines
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When they began both you and her thought that was going to be a one time thing. Just a bad night, filled with bad memories
But then it started to happen again and again, night after night, driving you both crazy
For her, it was the exhaustion of not being able to sleep completely through the night
For you, it was the fact that until those nightmares began, you had no idea how much the Jurassic World event affected Claire. She always avoided the matter and you tried to give her all the space she wanted and needed
She would wake up screaming, sweating, moving around the bed in terror and it would scare you, because you had no idea how to help
All you could do was hold her tight in an embrace, assuring her that everything was okay and that she was safe
She would then fall asleep again with her body completely against yours, feeling the comfortable heat that came from you
The nightmares didn't stop though. They would be back on the next night to haunt her and once her actions scared you so much that worried about her health, you called Owen Grady, her ex
They were still friends, and he was a good guy. So you asked him about how he was doing, if he also had nightmares. He said he did and when you asked what he did to deal with those, he only said he drank, got tired and tried to set his mind as far away from dinossaurs as he could
So you made it your daily job to keep her mind out of the past. You made dinners, took her to the movies, sang for her in your living room out loud to make her laugh and went to bed together, embraced, telling her you loved her
Little by little the nightmares started to fade, happening then only once a week or once a month
Whenever they did though, she could be certain of one thing
You would be there for her
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hiii!! I saw that you did an aesthetic with Frank from tawog, and I was wondering if I could get an ‘over protective Grady’ aesthetic,, thank you in advance-!!! <3333
Of course, posted! - Mod Roy 
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grasslandgirl · 3 years
hi sav :^)!!! some song recs for you: i listen to your radio show at night by grady strange // highroad by sir woman // magpie by lava la rue
hiii jj <33 ur music taste is soooooo immaculate 
I Listen to Your Radio Show at Night, Grady Strange
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
ohhhhh this is so good jj i love the guitar line and the backing vocals and how the whole song maintains a really high energy for the first half and then starts to kind of devolve its so cool
Highroad, Sir Woman
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
OBSESSEDDDD w these vocals omg and the jazzy syncopation of the piano in the intro...!! the HORNS i love horns in contemporary music i love this love this love this
Magpie, Lava La Rue
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
send me a song recommendation and i’ll rate it on this scale!!
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