#hiiiii so remember me
rockingrobin69 · 5 months
“It’s horrid!” Pansy cried delightfully.
“It’s vintage,” Malfoy rolled his eyes. He wrapped the shawl over his shoulder carefully, and leaned back in his chair. “Thank you, secret admirer. This one is my favourite.”
“What! I got you an actual Prada, you git.”
The tip of Malfoy’s lip tugged upwards, and something fluttered in Harry’s chest, unbound. It shouldn’t still have such an effect on him. It did. “Yes, love, and it was very nice. Thank you.” He turned to give her a little kiss on the cheek (and Harry didn’t pout, because he wasn’t a baby, but he felt his face do something, not small and not subtle).
“Good loot this year,” Greg said with a considerate hum at the piles stuffing the back room. “Much better than last.”
“Yes, it’s almost like you’re famous now, darling,” Pansy drawled. “Have you seen the amount of people outside? Your show’s going to be wild.”
“I’ve seen,” Malfoy said. “I’ve also noticed the, ah, addition to the list.”
Everyone else in the room looked at each other then promptly dropped it. “What do you,” Greg, and “Certainly nothing,” Pansy, and “Hmm,” from Harry, who couldn’t think words fast enough. Then silence. Then:
“She wanted to come,” Harry found himself saying, and felt like a right idiot. It wasn’t his place and it wasn’t even a thing. It was just, Malfoy with that hint of a blush, the tightening in the corner of his mouth and the way his long fingers kept tapping the edge of the table. “The flowers are from her.”
Malfoy very pointedly did not look at the bouquet. Must have been quite the effort; it took over half of the room. “I,” he said, then swallowed. “Well then. Mother picked a good show to attend. I’m sure she’ll be entertained.”
Harry’s seen his show a hundred and seventeen times before. ‘Entertaining’ wasn’t even close, not in the realm of what he was, of what he created. Like magic but not flawless: thoughtful and honest and brilliant and tight. And large and bright and colourful. And compelling and funny and direct. And—
“What,” Malfoy, dryly, at the helpless thing Harry’s face was doing. “Speak.”
Pansy and Greg were looking at him too. Fuckers: they all agreed on this, and now of course he’s the one caught in Malfoy’s crossfire. In his disappointed eyes. Pleading, “You’re the most—your show is—she wants to see, so what? So she’ll see. Worst case she goes home and you still never speak to her. Best case…” left it off, no chance for him to say the right thing anyway. The depth of it, the hurt of it, and the miracle of it were all Malfoy’s to determine.
“Merlin, you absolute sap,” but without the venom Harry knew his voice still possessed. A hand, warm around his sleeve: and glitter, and Malfoy with his mascara-long lashes, and his lovely, lovely, lovely eyes, and being so close and bafflingly warm and smelling so nice, so sharp.
“Okay,” Malfoy said. “You will all pay for this, of course. But okay. I didn’t—never expected her to want to see me.”
Who wouldn’t? Harry thought. Ah, no, said, out loud. Everyone heard, including Malfoy, whose expression took on this icy disbelief quickly melting into something… worse.
“Erm,” said Greg.
“I…” Harry rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks caught on fire.
“Well,” said Pansy.
Malfoy looked from her, to Greg, to Harry. His eyes were—very eyes. His face, entirely face. “All right,” he said evenly. “Too much. For just now. Harry, if you wouldn’t mind staying after the show?”
Like he has done for the past, what, three months? Every night? “Sure.”
The amusement-confusion-nausea must have been evident in his voice, for Malfoy rolled his eyes, and at that moment there was nothing dearer than him in the whole universe. “Right.” Toying with the shawl, the one Harry agonised for ages over purchasing. “Right. You’re all arseholes and get out of my dressing room, etcetera.” When they shuffled to leave: “Wait—Harry.”
Gulping, he stayed.
“I,” Malfoy said, “don’t normally appreciate people butting in.”
Gulped louder. “Sorry. I know it’s… shitty. Sorry.”
“You will be,” dead serious. “Also, thank you. For the gift.”
“You’re welcome?” Was it very obvious, how badly he wanted to give him everything? Malfoy, being Malfoy, laughed.
“All right, tosser, off you go now. Pansy wants to get you drunk, by the way. She thinks it’s funnier when you’re drunk. Did you know you speak rather a lot? When inebriated. Anyway, she thinks it might be necessary, but I have other plans, so better keep sharp, hmm? Will you be a good boy for me?”
Throat dried up so quickly he stumbled, “Y-yeah. Yeah? Yes. Yeah.”
He was so beautiful in his eyelashes and glitter and the shawl. And the kohl and the nose and the look in his eyes which were so very eyes and so very his.
It truly was staggering, how gone Harry was. How terribly he liked it. “See you after,” he said, his voice strangely soft, and bent to place a brave kiss at Malfoy’s cheek. Then ran away, to the traitors Pansy and Greg who were waiting at the bar, ready to squeal and punch his arm and give awful advice he would never take.
Horrid and bright and not flawless. And magic.  
For anon, from ages ago.
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spaciebabie · 4 months
big uuuuh dewlap springtrap be like
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wait in fact ill doodle this
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[sweats] ahhaha!! yes sir !!!
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
when you’re off of work would you please elaborate on your hannibal service top agenda,,, please my family is starving
i don’t want anyone to starve so obviously I will extrapolate on the service top aspect of Hannibal Lecter o7!! I am going to get so carried away and I apologize in advance.
Alright going to start this off by saying I do think they’re vers but only in regards to each other, I think for canon relationships, Will has a tendency to allow himself to be directed while Hannibal loves to orchestrate. With each other, though, it grows increasingly and alluringly complicated. Arguments could be made and subsequently thrown out depending on what part of the show you’re watching and post fall is an entire free-for-all because you can’t tell me two grown men survive murder-suicide via cliff and then settle into the puritanical rigidity of who tops and who bottoms.
Okay that being said, honestly i could make the case that both of them lean more toward making sure whoever they’re with is getting the most out of the encounter (maybe for different reasons; the popular trope of Will’s empathy causing a sort of blissful feedback loop and in Hannibal’s case, it stands to reason the politeness overlaps with a challenging sort of hedonism, he’s in control and playful about it) but I think that specifically for Hannibal, Will’s reactions are what he’s constantly seeking and then hoarding. Like. Will responding to stimuli that Hannibal presents is basically the premise of the show and Hannibal very clearly gets off on that, maybe not anywhere explicitly but we see shots of his pupils dilating, his gaze always caught on Will, licking his lips, all in response to Will reacting to him. It’s very rare he’s outright hungry at the beginning of a conversation or interaction, he seems to maintain a sense of aloofness until Will snarks or baits or replies or even defers and then, it’s as though he’s desperate to see more. I'm not getting into the whole them eating meals together because I'll devolve very quickly but like. just keep in mind the way Hannibal watches Will eat, as though he savors Will instead of the meal he cooked. Right. Okay. He gets caught up in Will’s responses very quickly, enraptured and almost stupid about it and trying to immediately trigger more which!! Goes hand and hand with him doing very uh lets say unique acts of service (the malewife jokes are only half jokes); the breakfasts & dinners, the driving, the caretaking. Yes all that’s manipulative but to Hannibal, that doesn’t negate that it’s still getting him the responses he wants and that’s also maybe why he’s so quick to say they’re friends because he’s viewing it as a form of relationship building and quite frankly, that is the only way that man knows how to build relationships; he sets himself up as a crutch and then breaks your leg and unfortunately at that point, for Will, for Jack, for Abigail, for Bedelia, for Chiyoh, you are too grateful to be standing that you forget he’s the reason you can’t do it on your own. The others I mentioned learn either very quickly or very (in painful irony) rudely that he is only a crutch as long as he enjoys it, as long as he can benefit from holding you aloft.
However. In Will’s case, he tries to remove himself and finds that it’s him who can’t stand and he’s immediately resentful and desperate to take back that ability, leaving another gift, another act of service, for Will to prove that he can still provide it and detrimentally putting himself on the map for Jack and Mason in the process. He’s so eager to have Will’s response, he waits at his own fucking crime scene. Will gives him what he wants and he’s too overwhelmed to respond with any sort of power or immediate selfishness, he runs again. And then. Muskrat Farms and his surrender. I feel like I don’t even need to explain why that backs up my case here, that man is so so ready to rescue and then surrender all because Will’s involved; two things he’s never done in his entire life, they essentially reduce him to this almost pathetic thing and it doesn’t give him pause at all because again, they’re acts of service whether Will wants them at that point or not. Like Bedelia said it best, he’s obsessed, he wants every reaction, every word, every sigh and curse, he’s very single-minded about getting them and he doesn’t care who he has to hurt, himself or others, to get them. Now, combine all that and the cliff scene and tell me that man doesn’t spend every second they’re in a bed together completely and utterly focused on Will and Will alone.
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It seems that Agent Phoenix's week has been going from bad to worse... Apparently, narrowly escaping a demolished building with their life wasn't bad enough. Fate's got something else planned for the operative... Something mind-meltingly sinister. (AKA: You guys remember when the running theory for IEYTD3 was that Phoenix was gonna go to the dark side? Because I remember. I remember every day.)
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the-halfling-prince · 24 days
Reading my old fics from when I was 14/15 and wow. I was unwell unwell.
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beeguillotine · 1 year
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geroya · 11 months
also. like. OBVIOUSLY but. not!zoe 🤝 zoe & the desire to be wanted, needed, to put a little sign on something that says 'zoe/not!zoe's been here' DO u get what im saying.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 3 months
have made the decision to skip straight to stranded which was probably the right choice because TANIA BELL
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solpng · 4 months
my time management skills are nowhere near good enough to be juggling as many things as i have been
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
calling all mutualls!!!!
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i'm looking at u like this. read my tags pls.
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killjoy-prince · 2 years
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wanted to try this out with my current blorbo (template used under the cut)
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28, 38, and 48 for the spotify wrapped!! 💌🥦
28. We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross
38. Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost
48. A Gorey Demise by Creature Feature
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legerdomain · 2 years
hi :)
Hi!!!!!! Hi :)
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rosicheeks · 1 year
I hope that you'll be able to catch up on your sleep hun. As I'm waking up I hope you get to fall asleep quickly and have the most marvellous dreams. Sweet dreams Princess 😘
- 🐒
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portokali · 2 years
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august ☀️
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broke-on-books · 11 months
Okay so. I have never ever done this before and have NO idea what I'm doing but I was bored at work and made an artfight account. Anyways my name on there is Swishyyellow so like if you're on there. That's me (also tell me what you guyses names are) so um yeah. <3333 peace and love on planet earth etc.
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