mazhbibhai · 1 year
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
I think a cool compromise would've been that the ancestors started off as these shadowed, grizzled caricatures, and then as you learn more about them as actual people, the art style would change to something more in line with Pesterquest!
As you've said before though, they should still be consistent about the trolls more animalistic features--if they choose to give them those or not.
I'd also recommend them to fix the outfits too. Some of the ancestors stick to their canon look, while others like the Dolorosa, Mindfang, and Dualscar greatly depart from it. They should either stick solely to their canon appearances, or have everyone get a style change over the course of the story. Otherwise, none of them look like they're living in the same time period as the others, which is SUPER distracting and immersion-breaking for your readers!
That would be actually interesting transition for the ancestors. Would play off as mysterious beings and you reveal them as themselves after becoming friends with them. I can understand Mindfang and Dualscar's looks for pirate mariner nautical theme. The Psiionic going to be the future battery is another that is close to what he wears. Darkleer, Redglare, and Summoner being close to what they wear for canon. Though ones like The Disciple and Grand Highblood having a more modern clashes with everyone. And Dolorosa having a hijba to be interpreted as a Muslim woman and not something like a Virigin Mary, makes no sense either. But I can see what you mean that it looks like some of the trolls came from different time periods based on what they wear. I would make more sense if they used the blood colors to determine how they look. Like the lower a person is on the hemospectrum, the poorer they look and the higher you are, the more fashionable you appear because your high rich status lets you afford better looking clothes.
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melikemordemjaponi · 2 years
✻Tonight in Valiasr Street, Tehran, women wave their hijbas as people chant "woman, life, liberty" on the ninth night of protests in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini in morality police custody amid a near total internet shutdown by the state.
Via Twitter/Shayan Sardarizadeh (+video)
✻Bu gece,İran'da Mahsa Amini'nin Moral Polisi nezaretinde ölümüyle ilgili protestoların dokuzuncu gününün gecesi, devlet tarafından neredeyse tamamen internet kesintisi sırasında Tahran'ın Valiasr Caddesi'nde insanlar "kadın, yaşam, özgürlük" sloganları atarken,kadınlar başörtüsü salladılar.
Twitter/Shayan Sardarizadeh aracılığıyla (+video)
✻国によるほぼ完全なインターネット遮断の中、道徳警察の留置場でマフサ·アミニさんが死亡したことをめぐるイランでの抗議行動も9 日目の夜-今夜テヘランのヴァリアスル通りで、人々が「女、生命、自由」のスローガンを叫ぶ時、女性たちはヒジャブを振る。
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hanginwithmrd · 1 year
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On one-year anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini’s death while in custody of police in Iran.
Heightened repression of women/girls and their fundamental human rights is happening throughout the almost every country in the middle east region of the world.
As well these basic human rights of women/girls are also in rapid decline in mainstream political parties in western democratic countries, such as The United States, Ireland, France and Canada, as well. Reprisals against protesters, victims’, and their families during annual events such as International Women's Day, is deeply troubling.
Personal Note: You can call whatever you want, if it makes you feel good, because I believe that Women's/girl's rights are fundamental the rights of all persons - Men, Women & Children.
WTF: I just don't understand men who associate themselves with right leaning political parties (some of you were raised in single parent homes (by your mother.)
Our mothers were the first person to fight for our rights as a child, as a young boy, who may have been excluded from things including resources for your physical health and education because of you background, culture, language you spoke, your religion and or your skin colour.
Mahsa Amini’s death should be a reminder to all of us that the world is changing in directions and ways that unfortunately what we think and believe wouldn't happen in our lifetime has happened and is happening often that we are normalizing these changes as being good for t5he country, etc.
daniel pressello
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missouri-and-woe · 1 year
hijbas Wáxtvaerkëli the tentative name I'm giving to this new conlanging project hijbas "language" + Wáxtvaerkëli (Wáxtvaerus "Eurasia" + -këli, a suffix used for forming language names from toponyms)
hijbas comes from the Proto-Iranian *hižwáH, wáxti comes from the Proto-Italic *wāstos (whence Lat. vastus > En. vast), vaerus comes from Old Armenian վայր (vayr), and -këli comes from the Proto-Uralic *käle
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wisdomrays · 4 years
Your Nervous System: Part 1
Finally, I have come to say goodbye to you. As you probably know, there is a saying “Leave the best till last.” I am the greatest of all the organs and systems that have described themselves to you so far. I am an integrative system that forms a chain between every organ in your body. Just as your veins are spread out to carry nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body, I also embrace your entire system like a network, without leaving the tiniest space; I am informed of everything that goes on inside your body. Even if a tiny insect settles on your arm, you sense it immediately. I make you aware of a tiny drop of sweat on your body. I induce pain in suitable measures to inform you of any illnesses in your inner organs. In fact, I not only inform you, I also warn you to seek help.
However, it is hard for me to describe myself. When you hear the words “nervous system,” what comes to mind is a cluster of cells called neurons. But this is a great mass of cells, and we should always remember that we are referring to the most complex matter in all of creation. The very important main nervous systems, which are very close to one another, are the huge masses positioned beneath the skull, the extensions of my system and secondary nervous system; this latter is spread out through various regions of the body. It would take up too much of your time to describe each region and branch of my system individually to you each month, but in this way I could prove what a perfect and incredible duty each of them performs within your body. However, I will try to explain the subject briefly to avoid boring you. Nevertheless, please forgive me if I ramble on too much; we are describing the most excellent organ created by God so it is inevitable that there will be some complicated matters that need clarification.
Instead of allowing each of my sections to describe themselves to you individually, I will speak on their behalf as the “brain.” It may be easier for you to understand the system if we divide it into two. One of them is me and the nervous system which I lead; we can briefly describe this as the thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum, the medulla, and the spine. The other part is the peripheral nervous system, which emerges from the central nervous system and is distributed, rather like fiber optic telephone cables, throughout the entire body. In addition to me, the brain, and my two large cerebral hemispheres, there is another smaller section, which is known as the brain stem. The brain and its cerebral hemispheres and the sections of the brain stem which are protected beneath the skull (the cerebellum, medulla, thalamus, and hypothalamus) are very important. The spinal cord, which is also a part of the central nervous system, however is not in the skull, but positioned within the vertebrae that constitute the spine. Due to its connection with the central nervous system, any damage to the spinal cord can endanger life.
Although damage to regions of the body where the nerves are distributed from the central nervous system may cause paralysis, or functional disorder for the specific organ, such an incident is not life threatening.
If you recall, when the heart and circulation system described themselves they boasted – indeed the veins also seemed to brag a bit when they stated that they measured 75,000 miles (long enough to go around the world almost three times). But the nerves are approximately 477,000 miles, long enough to stretch from the earth to the moon, and back again… the nerves which are distributed throughout the various parts of your body measure 250,000 miles, and the total length of the central nervous system is 228,000 miles. Almost 200,000 signals pass through just one cell at a time, which means that every moment thousands of signals pass through millions of my cells all throughout your body, and flow from the central nervous system to the whole body and then back to the central nervous system. There are about 30 billion cells in my system. 10 billion of these cells are in the cortex, 10 billion in the cerebellum, and the remainder forms the structure of the nerves and other sections. As a comparison, a fly’s brain contains 100 thousand cells, and a rat’s brain has 10 million cells. The total number of connections and contact points (synapses) that my 30 billion cells use to send and receive signals is 100 trillion. The number of combinations that these connections can establish to send signals to one another is greater than the number of atoms in the universe. At the beginning of a thinking process, the number of cells activated is between 10 and 100 million, and according to the depth and intensity of the activity, these figures can increase to astounding numbers. Every second 4 billion signals are exchanged between the left and right hemispheres. When you were an embryo, just a few weeks old, I consisted of 92% water. When you were first born, the ratio of water was 90%. And when you were fully developed, the water ratio remains at 77%.Can you imagine, a heap of mass consisting of 77% water, the remainder made up of various element. Our Lord, the bearer of eternal power places me in you, in the head of the most honorable creation, and with me you form civilizations; you invent and discover. And even more important, with my mediation you have the ability to contemplate and reach your Creator. What we are learning about here is how with me you are able to recognize the wisdom of the entire universe. The electric signals of the various sense organs, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin, all of which have previously described themselves, are transmitted by the receptive cells on various wavelengths; these are then conveyed to you in the form of sight, noise, smell and taste. In fact I am inducing you to write these words at this very moment. The evaluation of everything you do passes through me, but you are not even aware of it. When you walk, eat, talk, speak or sleep, the information I receive from every part of your body is reviewed and responded to in a suitable manner. Could a single nucleus of a single one of my cells possibly position itself alone?
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gerardbillet · 3 years
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Musee du Patrimoine : Seance d’epilation de la mariée, La Hijba, Les rites de la « Jilouna », Cérémonie du passage au dessus des poissons, La Circoncision, Costume de la mariée de Kerkhennal. #djerba #djerbaladouce🌴🌴🌴☀️☀️☀️ #guellala #museedupatrimoine #epilation #mariée #hijba #jilounaita #rites #passageaudessusde #poissons #mariée #kerkhennah #instapic #circonsision #photooftheday #djerbamylove (à Guellala ⵣ قلالة) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbhOXR9ODwE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 years
My Original Pokémon Generation (Iran-Inspired) Part Three: The Characters
Part One.
Part Two.
Gym Leaders
Gym Leaders in Naper are never exclusively Gym Leaders. They all have another job to help put food on the table, and half the people in a Gym may not be that interested in battling whatsoever. Their roles as community leaders are emphasized.
Casper is the greedy, temperamental captain of a ferry in the Naperian Gulf and Water-type Gym Leader. His home is Mahik Town which he will take people, including you, to if he is paid. His Gym is the ship itself. He was idealistic in his youth, but has become disillusioned and prefers to focus on his ferry business. He grudgingly agrees to battle you and shoos you away the moment it’s done. Later though your resilient hope seems to raise his spirits somewhat. He is on bad terms with the rest of the League. His signature Pokémon is Lapras. He gives you the Whirlpool Badge.
Magid is the gentle, artistic Fairy-type Gym Leader in Khushak City. He is a good friend of the region’s professor. He adores Pokémon and they are the subjects of many paintings in his art gallery Gym. They have captions providing information about each creature. But don’t be lulled by his sweet disposition and old age - there’s a reason he’s held his title so long. His signature Pokémon is Florges. He gives you the Pastel Badge.
Negina is the Rock-type Gym Leader and an archaeologist in Ser City. Her Gym is a museum and meant to be a complete, coloured reconstruction of a spectacular temple, now a nearby ruin. Negina is affable, encouraging, upbeat, patriotic and very enthusiastic about the land’s history, especially the initial ‘golden age’ empire, wishing she could have lived in such a time. She is highly involved in the workings of her city and wants to make a positive difference that will endure like the structures she studies have. Her signature Pokémon is Tyrantrum. She gives you the Turquoise Badge.
Azar and Gol are a goofy, jovial brother and efficient, levelheaded sister stationed in Dopatkar City. They grew up poor and couldn’t go on Pokémon journeys because they were busy earning money through side jobs and helping out in the family kebab restaurant. Upon inheriting it, they vowed to be successful enough to let their parents retire in peace and comfort. Thus they trained Fire- and Grass-type Pokémon, respectively, to cook the food and grow the rice, vegetables and herbs, and soon attracted so many trainers wanting to battle the eatery began housing a Gym. Business is booming! They battle to the same quality level they cook and serve, and under their ownership the restaurant hasn’t had a single bad review. Azar’s signature Pokémon is Pyroar and Gol’s is Granitum. They give you the Fire Lily badge.
DJ Scorpio is the Poison-type Gym Leader in Gazdum City, outwardly rowdy and brazen but laidback, accepting and surprisingly introspective in person. Unbeknownst to anyone, he is a reformed Team Rocket grunt. He moved here from Hoenn to wipe the slate clean and launched a nightclub under his current pseudonym. But he couldn’t let go of his beloved Poison-type Pokémon and became a Gym Leader. He keeps the badge out of acceptance of his wayward past. Unova’s Roxie is a big inspiration to him. His signature Pokémon is Arbok, the evolved form of the Ekans he used back in Hoenn and first Pokémon he ever owned. He gives you the Venom Badge.
Peri is the flighty, detached, young Flying-type Gym Leader in Varak City and Noor’s girlfriend, slightly insensitive and impractical in everyday life but jarringly alert in battle. She is responsible for ensuring the city is air conditioned in the desert climate and providing its fields of wind turbines with energy on windless days. Despite juggling the running of her Gym, her relationship with Noor, and lifestyle as a wild party animal and social media celebrity, plus generally acting a couple Pokéballs short of a set, these responsibilities are never shirked. The grounded Noor probably plays a role in this and tutored her in battling. Her signature Pokémon is Hoverug. She gives you the Breeze Badge.
Noor is the hyperintelligent, fastidious, brooding Psychic-type Gym Leader in Tora City and Peri’s girlfriend. She is a polymath: primarily an astronomer with an observatory and planetarium in her Gym; a physicist; chemist; doctor of medicine; philosopher; mathematician; and psychologist. Her demanding parents noticed her intellect in her childhood and forced her to do nothing but hone it and then apply it to boosting their family income and status, depriving her of a normal life. In young adulthood she is troubled, and urgently needs the break Peri’s lightheartedness and affection and battling provide from the pressures of having one of the highest IQs in Naper. Her signature Pokémon is Meowstic. She gives you the Starlight Badge.
Taimur is the stoic, taciturn, socially awkward young adult Steel-type Gym Leader in Kalakang City. He’s a talented mechanic, his Gym containing a repair shop, and prefers the company of machines and Pokémon to that of people. He’s been chronically lonely since his unsociable tendencies allowed his family to drift away and runs the Gym to compensate. Beneath his shell he is warmhearted and takes a shine to you. His signature Pokémon is Naperian Cincinno. He gives you the Rivet Badge.
Hafez is the worldly, creative middle aged Normal-type Gym Leader and a poet in Nimasp City. He spent decades globetrotting and experimented with every type and lots of professions. He can relate to the Normal type’s ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ status, having struggled to fit a single mould and commit to a specialist field in the past and felt ordinary and worthless as a result, not to mention simultaneously travelling and failing to hold down a job takes a toll on your bank account. In short, he’s made some dicey life choices. He finally settled on the Normal type because of its versatility and poetry because he can eloquently express his search for meaning. His signature Pokémon is Ursaring.
Finn is the adventurous, chivalrous Ice-type Gym Leader and owner of the Vahik Town ski resort. His Gym is accessed via ski lifts. There are countless theories about his mysterious origins. One has his birth father abandon him due to his albinism and leave him with the villagers; another claims he is unknowingly royal blood, descended from the last king of Naper. He hasn’t confirmed any of them because his fans’ speculation amuses him. He is a deeply spiritual man and of the lucky few to have personally received counsel from Shahgacia, even having three feathers to prove it. His signature Pokémon is Weavile. He gives you the Snowdrift Badge.
Elite Four and Champion
Julie is the spunky, athletic Electric-type specialist. She’s the only teenager in the Pokémon League, chosen for her prodigious battling skills, and she’s rather smug. She tries to act how she thinks adults do to prove herself her older peers’ equal, which mainly makes her come off as bossy and bullheaded. Xerxes is her adoptive father and keeps her years of her going unwanted in the care system secret at her request. Misguided brashness and need for approval aside, she’s pleasant company. Her signature Pokémon is Jerbolt.
Maryam is the neurotic, superstitious Ghost-type specialist and a horror story author. Her life philosophy is to attain perfection and her steadfast diligence in both her occupations reflects this. Unfortunately, she’s suffering writer’s block at the time of the story and clearly distracted by it, absently pitching plot ideas to you between moves. She has insomnia and a bit of a hoarding problem and her chamber is a mess. Her signature Pokémon is Djinpulse.
Garshasp is the Dragon-type specialist, named after an ancestor who famously slayed the strongest Tsunamaw ever seen. Contrary to his family heritage he admires Dragon types for their power and majesty, and even has a Tsunamaw as his signature Pokémon. He is a vegan and avid crusader for the preservation of endangered Pokémon species and threatened habitats. He believes that change is always possible given sufficient time and effort.
General Pantea is the regal, fearless Fighting-type specialist, head of the region’s territorial army and excellent tactician with an indomitable will and strong bond with her Pokémon. She happens to be the alleged most beautiful woman in the region, but is utterly uninterested in romance and constantly has to turn away unwanted suitors. To avoid people focusing on her appearance, she always wears a traditional general helmet. She performs reenactments of past battles in her free time and has a nerdy history buff side rivalling Negina’s. Her signature Pokémon is Gallade.
Xerxes is the adulated Champion of Naper. He is proactive, philanthropic, extroverted, charming, wise, responsible, a born leader and Julie’s doting adoptive father. But beneath the flawless public perception maintained by ceaseless PR work is a man rushing into the future and shutting out the past; he ascended to the position in his teens and is oddly reticent about it, and rumours are slowly spreading that it involved foul play. He pushes technological and social development and modernization in Naper, too hard and fast according to his detractors, and has grown kinda disconnected from the common people and disregards important tenets of the culture. Notably, he doesn’t tarof. He and the evil team leader share a backstory and their behaviour horrifies him on an intimate level, partially because they force him to confront his flaws and revise his policies. His debonair suit has faint lion motifs. He uses powerful mixed-type Pokémon. His signature Pokémon is Aegislash.
The region’s Pokémon expert is the posh, middle aged Professor Ironwood, who studies Pokémon sentience and relationships with humans. Mature, responsible, fair and kind deep down, she is a pioneer in the fields of service, therapy and emotional support Pokémon and a respected public figure. Soft spot for children and Pokémon aside, she is externally no less gruff and stern than her name would suggest and a stickler for etiquette. She has a sharp wit and little patience for impertinence. She holds the connection between humans and Pokémon to be sacred. Noor’s Mewostic and Taimur’s Naperian Cinccino are emotional support Pokémon she prescribed to them. A noticeably scarred Sylveon is her partner Pokémon.
Your primary rival is a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed boy named Esfandiar. He isn’t a bad kid, but sometimes his pride, stubbornness, ambition and intense competitive spirit get the better of him and drive him to make poor decisions. He really wants to be Champion. His light frame, shabby clothes and basic vocabulary indicate a lower class background and his obsession with superiority seems to be an attempted remedy for the shame it brings him. He becomes defensive when his home life is brought up. Besides that, he is unwaveringly brave and honourable, full of enthusiasm, sportsmanlike, street smart, will never give up on a friend, loves and respects his Pokémon, and is perfectly nice to you. His choice of Pokémon and battle strategy indicate a canny, resourceful mind. He is eager to embrace the entire trainer experience - battling, exploring the region, bonding with his Pokémon, meeting other trainers, etc.. The story sees his pride and ambition tempered and him gradually defining himself beyond being the next Champion, and in the postgame he focuses more on his education and relationships, having become friends with Julie. He battles Sepideh offscreen multiple times and they develop a close friendship. His signature Pokémon is his starter, the one strong against yours. *I swear to Arceus I knew little of Hop and his character arc when I first conceived Esfandiar. I just wanted to capture the spirit of the his mythological namesake in a fun Pokémon-appropriate way. I think it’s safe to say that an Iran region will not be happening soon, so there’ll be a lot of rivals to distance them. A couple similar ones are inevitable in the long run.*
Your secondary rival is Sepideh, an aristocratic heiress who wants to do something impressive with her life instead of sitting around being coddled and overlooked as she’s been at home. She’s a softspoken proper lady, with an immaculate fashion sense and a disposition so sweet it could rot your teeth, but is enthralled by the thrill of battling and fixates on it, in contrast to Esfandiar’s more balanced, calculated approach. Her only considerations when assembling her Pokémon “friend circle” are if it’s cute or cool looking and if it has the raw power to pull off her straightforward, unpolished style heavy on brute force. Unaccustomed to failure, she can’t help but be a sore loser in her early battles. She’s the first female, and youngest to start, trainer in her overprotective, misogynistic family. Her arc has her expand her interests, round out her style and learn that loving to battle is an undeniable part of her identity, but she shouldn’t let it distract her from more important matters and is by far not the only one in need of empowerment. She ends having found belonging and purpose in social justice movements. Using a new team much more thoughtfully assembled and specializing in the Rock type, she takes control of Negina’s Gym. She has a subplot forging a friendship with Esfandiar and pays his tuition fee for a better school in the postgame. Her signature Pokémon is Karkrash and later a shiny Gigalith.
Evil Team
The local villainous organization is called Team Zenith and their goal is to restore the Naperian Empire. But they do not understand that what made that early empire flourish was its progressive ideals of peace, unity and equality, their desire to claim territory through war and oppression more akin to later phases of the empire. To this end they seek to harness a modified invention of Professor Ironwood’s to transform the region according to the game’s mascot Legendary’s memories of the ancient empire, destroying the technology they believe the people are overdependent on and enabling them to take control of the region. All members use at least one fossil Pokémon. Their symbol is a red Z emblazoned on a golden sun emanating six rays.
The leader is Kavus, an infamous political hardliner and arrogant, selfish, dangerously reckless, trainer who was a childhood friend of Xerxes, but lost to him in their championship fight and now bitterly wants to usurp him and assert absolute control through illegitimate means. Yeah, he’s a very sore loser. The rumours that begin to tarnish Xerxes’s reputation are largely his doing. He is essentially what Esfandiar would become if he left (nearly) all his morals behind and never matured. He thinks his skill superior to everyone else‘s and is mostly deaf to criticism. Beneath his bravado and superficial charisma lies shameless cowardice that reveals itself in crises. But he does have standards. He would never kill someone, harm a child, or abuse a Pokémon, and while revenge is a hefty portion of his motivation, he also sincerely believes that a return to the classic ideals and political landscape would benefit Naper. He uses powerful Fighting, Fire, Rock and Dark types. His clothes are those of a king, but particularly ostentatious with eagle motifs and a feathered cape.
Nobody knows the true identity of his second in command Shahmaran. She prefers to run missions remotely and hides under a dark cloak and veil with snake motifs in battle, but demonstrates utter ruthlessness and devotion to the goal of founding a new empire. When Kavus does something stupid, she alone is permitted to reprimand him and she periodically cleans up his messes. The team grunts fear her wrath. She uses Rock, Poison and Dark types.
The team’s muscle is the willfully ignorant, combative thug Afrasiab. Unlike his teammates he doesn’t know or care much about history and just wants to get rid of a present day that bores him and restricts his violent urges. And of course, he’s getting paid. His outfit has leopard motifs. He constantly demeans you in battle and uses Rock, Fighting and Dark types.
*The grunts wear classical Persian armour and carry their Pokéballs in cavities in their broad flat shields. They use weak fossil Pokémon and Dark types.
Part Four.
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sammydem0n64 · 5 years
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Cookie run but it’s my poorly doodled family headcanons
Some aren’t as recognizable as others but oh well
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alnaaemjilbab · 5 years
💎Tunic with integrated hijba
💎Large flap revealing openings for breastfeeding
💎Long skirt with elastane belt for pregnacy, can also be worn after thanks to its elastic back 💎DM to order💫💫
💎Available on pre-order
#oumminursing #maternitywear #elastanebelts #jilbabpregancy #integratedhijab #islamicmodesty #sunnah #muslimmummy #muslimah
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alicelv3394-blog · 5 years
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Soft comfortable hijba scarf. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0kuWHtg7xl/?igshid=14eq1wl664apa
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/muslim-womans-picture-with-anti-islam-protesters-goes-viral/
Muslim woman's picture with anti-Islam protesters goes viral
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Image copyright Shaymaa Ismaa’eel
A Muslim woman who posed for a picture with anti-Islam protesters says she wanted to “combat their hatred with love and a smile”.
Shaymaa Ismaa’eel told Newsbeat: “The reaction to all this has been crazy, it’s overwhelming. I have had a lot of support.”
The picture of the 24-year-old, wearing her hijab and flashing the “peace sign” has been liked more than 200,000 times.
It was taken in Washington DC during a three day Islamic convention.
Shaymaa, who lives on the US east coast and works with children with autism, was one of the 24,000 Muslims attending the 44th annual Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America (MAS-ICNA) convention in the US capital.
She explains the three day event is a opportunity for Muslims to “refresh and celebrate our faith” and features guest speakers and group workshops.
“The event was a big turnout, nice environment but when we got their we noticed there were protesters standing on the sidewalk.
“The first day we saw them we just kept our distance, they were shouting and holding signs so we filmed them from afar.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Participants listen to a video message during an MAS-INCA event
Take a stand
Shaymaa says the handful of protesters outside the venue had signs and were using loudspeakers to deliver anti-Islamic messages.
“They had posters with things like, ‘Islam is a hateful religion’ and were saying we were inside ‘listening to hate’. I’m not affected by things like this. I was laughing at them.
“I’m the sort of person who finds this stuff funny. So I was cracking up laughing. I was thinking, ‘If only I had a loudspeaker so they could hear what were were doing in inside’.”
Shaymaa explains that after seeing the protesters several times throughout the three day event she decided to take a stand.
“There’s a saying from our Prophet saying, ‘Smile is charity’ and that’s just me personally anyway always smiling.
“I asked my friend to take a picture. I wanted them to see me smile and see the love, I wanted to combat their hatred with love and a smile.
“As you can see in the picture they seem annoyed but they didn’t really respond that much. Just a quick scoff and they started saying, ‘You should cover your face’ and ‘You can tell it’s a cult when the followers are wearing pyjamas’.”
Messages of support
As well as being shared and liked several hundred thousand times Shaymaa says she’s received messages of support.
Some replies to her original message even suggest the image should be displayed in a civil rights museum.
“I honestly don’t know if they mean that genuinely, perhaps it’s just banter.
“But I’m all about being unapologetic about who you are – don’t let anyone dim your light.”
Shaymaa says that despite the huge reaction her viral picture has received it’s not reflective of her experiences with wearing the hijab or as a Muslim.
“Maybe I am oblivious to it but I don’t get that a lot. My mum has had a few experiences though.
“The only time I remember being targeted for being visibly Muslim was one time on campus.
“A guy shouted some things at me. It was in a different language but by his tone I knew it wasn’t nice.”
Shaymaa says the only times she felt unsafe being a “visible Muslim” was following the Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand.
On 15 March 2019 a white supremacist killed 50 people – leading to the country changing its gun laws.
“I know it wasn’t America but the fact it happened, I started feeling uneasy, like we are really hated,” she says.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The twin mosque attacks led to New Zealand changing its gun laws
Shaymaa says she’s hopeful that cases where people are targeted because of their religion are decreasing.
“I think people are way more accepting. You see more people like me, wearing hijbas.
“Fashion magazines with Muslim women, you didn’t see that when I was younger.”
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islamthelife-blog · 9 years
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hijabwearitright · 9 years
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hiijabstyle-blog · 11 years
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