#him in bell bottoms is so canon btw
gallonsoblood · 8 months
Day 102939147 of drawing ocs Kyle doesnt even sound like a word anymore someone help me
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This is the counterpart to my post about Peter and glasses.
I could have included some more details or doodles of Kaine's like, various mobility devices as he gets older but: this is supposed to be glasses-focused. and also... my hand doesn't want me to do that.
closeups below:
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baby Kaine. Even though I claimed that this drawing is solely about glasses, it's also to show that Kaine's hair gets darker as he matures and it was much redder when he was young. And only mild myopia at 12 lol
I'm not gonna go into the whole timeline here but if you haven't read Dr. Warren's notes on Kaine's development for windowverse (major CW for a lot of stuff, please read the tags) the tl;dr is that Kaine is 12 when he gets taken out and then rapidly aged to adulthood. I did this on purpose rather than going along with the 616 canon. my AU my rules etc.
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Anyway here's Kaine 3 years later, when he's 24 and is freed from Warren. Still mildly nearsighted but also starts developing a specific kind of cataract because he's been on various corticosteroid and other medications that fuck with his body (probably better than his body killing him) (maybe) It's a posterior subcapsular cataract btw and it develops basically over the span of a few months, overlooked by the people around him and by himself.
He is actually in the hospital (no longer with Warren) when this happens, partly because of an adrenal crisis from oops suddenly stopping prednisone cold turkey after three years. Everyone's a little preoccupied...
His skin should probably not be so clear here now that I look at this lol but I was more focused on his eyes and hair than his various lesions and acne/skin picking...
Oh, his droopy eyelid is from physical trauma btw. A combo of nerve damage and his orbit/brow bone and surrounding area having healed wrong from a pretty bad break/injury (related to his busted up nose). It's not Bell's palsy and he can still move the left side of his face for the most part but the area around his eye especially is definitely weaker
jumping forward another few years —
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by 2015 Kaine can't really see much out his left eye, aside from like... light glare and stuff like that. Bottom left is Kaine in 2014, hair still in the process of darkening as it grows Very Rapidly.
During the windowverse equivalent of The Lost Years and Redemption, from late 2012 to early 2015, Kaine is really underweight (nothing new to him, really...) and very sick and unmedicated, and also dealing with things like the long-term chronic effects of ending steroid medications, withdrawals, etc etc etc... not doing so hot...
He also gains a lot more scars over this time period.
Top right is mid to late 2015, around September probably, don't know why I wrote 2016. Kaine keeps his hair long for a few months in Houston then buzzes his hair in November 2015:
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After some shit happens. Post-werewolf mauling, basically. Included a mask on this one since he is on (steroid sparing) immunosuppressants and needs to be more careful... at Donald's urging lol
Kaine also wears sunglasses inside pretty often (along with stuff like ear plugs, which I forgot to draw lol) since, like Peter, he is sensitive to bright lights and is also just in general a little more prone to sensory overload than Peter is. So those are supposed to be Tom Ford Marko FT0144 sunglasses, aka James Bond sunglasses lol (Kaine does not know this, of course)
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Anyway, astigmatism in his right eye is getting kind of noticeable (it's more than that but...) He also has acquired some optic nerve damage in his already blind eye because of a combination of factors, so that eye actually is totally blind now
Anyway 2016:
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After some stuff happens, Kaine ends up back in New York (with Aracely), things are hectic, finally settle down... very late in 2016 Kaine finally goes to the eye doctor
Unsurprisingly the eye doctor wants Kaine to get cataract removal surgery. Also unsurprisingly, Kaine refuses.
Anyway his indoor frames are based on Gucci's men's cat eye glasses, which technically only come in tortoiseshell but I decided that it's My AU and I make the rules and I can say that Gucci also made these in black, in windowverse. and also kaine's size. lol.
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$450 💀
Like Peter, Kaine has tinted lenses. Unlike Peter, they are not Transitions/photochromic. So indoors he has lighter shades with a gradient to almost clear at the bottom, no polarization or anything like that.
For outside—
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These are just Kate Spade Genice sunglasses with the lenses replaced w/ black mirrored polarized lenses. Though I don't think I made them flat enough—
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My justification for Kaine being able to wear itty bitty designer shades (seriously, why are the arms on kate spade frames so short?) is that he has a couple million dollars and he can do whatever he wants. (Like have the arms replaced.) These specific shades also have pretty large lenses so I figure as long as the arms are lengthened, they should fit.
And also I like them and I want him to wear them.
Anyway jumping ahead like 8 years to when Kaine is in his mid 30s—
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More Tom Ford frames. Ingrid, this time, with prescription lenses presumably lol
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I'll be honest I did consider giving Kaine a prosthetic eye, but... in this context I think the only reason he'd ever get eye surgery would be if it was a life-threatening emergency, and tbh even with issues like glaucoma and complications from the cataract, it's not clear to me that it would ever be life-threatening unless he managed to get an infection, which I guess is possible, but idk? Eye pain is def not enough motivation for Kaine to have it removed, especially since surgery would increase his risk of infection on account of being immunocompromised on the long-term.
If I were to go that route, windowverse Kaine is the type to have an expensive and glamorous eye made btw, because he is already going to draw attention, he cannot look "normal," regardless of how realistic a professional prosthetic can be, and people are going to stare at him regardless, so I think he would prefer to do something that feels, like... well, like him.
Anywayyyy... I've left it as just an eternal cataract for now but if it turns out that would cause actual dangerous problems I will have them take his eye out...
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As far as his working eye goes, in his mid-30s his eyesight is definitely worse, and he's pretty nearsighted, but it's definitely still basically fully correctable with prescription lenses (issues w/ depth perception and lack of binocular vision notwithstanding). But without, he has to look pretty closely at stuff like food labels to be able to read it and even then it can still be blurry.
Those frames are Gucci as well btw
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again, lenses replaced with darker, polarized lenses to suit his needs wrt light sensitivity etc.
Kaine's temples are also starting to thin a tiny bit but it's not very noticeable yet.
This is also four years after he and Aracely moved into a luxury motor home and adopted a stray cat, and his meds are not too awful to keep track of (yay for patches), and actually make him feel comparatively better, so he's like... doing alright for himself. Even his eyebrows are healthier (because he isn't compulsively ripping them out from stress)
Jumping forward another 5-7 years:
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I made these frames up on account of it's 10 years in the future. Continuing the cat eye trend.
Kaine starts letting his facial hair grow out at some point between 36 and 40, probably just because shaving is kind of a hassle and he has arthritis (etc), and it's not like it will ever grow very long... he also goes fully gray very quickly upon reaching middle age lmao — Peter doesn't start going gray until a few years after Kaine, and even then doesn't really get grayer than a big skunk stripe before he dies. Ben goes gray in his 50s, but may or may not still be bleaching or coloring his hair at that point lol
Kaine's hairline is obviously also receding a bit more obviously now, unlike his brothers... :/ damn them (okay Peter's got a tiny bit of a receding hairline by 48 but only barely)
But Kaine is... dare I say... kind of happy? He's in a good place in his 30s and 40s, emotionally and relationship-wise, with his whole platonic soulmate thing with Aracely, and the random stray cat she adopted, and their expensive motor home and so on. His vision may be getting worse and he is retired because of his many disabilities but he's like... pretty okay.
Anyway Kaine is very undeniably going blind by the time he's 40 and he's started to learn braille around age 41 as he accepts that.
...probably his lenses should be thicker but I can barely draw glasses as it is..........
In addition to whatever specs he's wearing, he finally gets a tactile cellphone for emergencies around this time, basically only for speed-dialing Aracely, Ben or Peter, or 911.
I figure he prefers tactile stuff like braille or buttons because it's all touch-based and he doesn't like dealing with TTS or dictation (for multiple reasons) and doesn't like screen readers (mostly for sensory reasons), but he does occasionally use those things because sometimes tactile feels worse than listening to a robot, and obviously screen readers can be more useful for specific situations.
ANYWAY Kaine probably has like a BlindShell 2 or MiniVision (non smart) or whatever the hell.
It's worth saying: Kaine can still see out of his right eye, but he can't clarify images well, mostly just moving shapes and blurry silhouettes and colors and light. He can still read really massive text if it's close enough to his face (with glasses) or like, really huge signs, but not with crispness or clarity, and probably still causes some strain. Anything else is illegible.
Still sensitive to light and being dazzled though, probably actually worse now, so still wearing tinted lenses both outdoors and indoors.
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Does orientation & mobility around age 43, once someone finally thinks to refer him to a low vision specialist... He does get a cane but not the typical long cane people associate with blindness. He mostly navigates okay on his own since he can still see a little, and the cane is mostly for his chronic pain and other health problems... but he's definitely a lot slower than he used to be, as well as easily startled, and prefers to have Aracely with him if he's out and about.
But all things considered, he's not doing too terribly for a guy who wasn't expected to survive past 30.
So, Anyway, mid 40s:
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(aka the cutest part of this drawing)
Another frame I made up. Just nude acetate and bronze wireframe...
And a puppy lol (American Doberman)
When Kaine is around 45, since he does have some problems navigating, especially if he's alone, and Aracely can't be around him all the time, Aracely convinces Kaine to get a service dog
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Warren's Jackal mask in windowverse was a black leather Anubis mask, not a green bat thing, so the blurry silhouettes of black Dobies make Kaine... stressed, which is why a brown Dobie with uncropped ears (and a Dobie because they drool less)
It takes a while to train her of course, and lots of money too... but they do
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So once Brownie is a year old, Kaine has his very own seeing eye dog 🐶
There are like... more details but I want to actually draw Brownie and Kaine's gear for her, so I'll just leave that for some other time. also this post is way too long as it is lmao
Peter probably does bitch a little bit about the breed choice but he can deal with it.
that's it for now.
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daemondaes · 2 days
gravity falls au notes/thoughts—
     this cherry is the oldest cherry (in her 50s! wow!). her canon story is honestly pretty 70s/80s-coded and plays into the tropes of the religious horror movies of the time, so in terms of dates, it ties in surprisingly nicely with the timeline of GF.
     early 1970s: she strikes it out on her own, roaming the country as an artist and exorcist/occultist, passes through gravity falls...then becomes queen of the gnomes. it's actually nikita who becomes the gnome queen, because of course the demon won't reject the opportunity to cultivate power. cherry never would have agreed to it (she can't be tied down now! she has too much to live for!), but because they share a body, she doesn't really have a say in the deal. this goes on, with cherry investigating all the weird stuff going down in the area (while also being investigated by @stnford???) and nikita reigning over the woods, biting heads off birds, etc.
     late 80s: one of cherry's little adventures has her in way over her head, and she gets dragged to hell (as in canon). years pass, the quirky artist is missing from GF, the gnomes are out of a queen again, but she was a drifter anyway! maybe she just skipped town and decided not to come back. meanwhile, she's dealing with what is supposed to be an eternity of torture—so she's not aging, has no way to measure the passage of time, even her wounds heal without a trace just to be inflicted again, etc.
     late 90s/early 2000s-now: as we know, she eventually escapes, and comes back with white-streaked hair and an eye missing! anyway, this cherry still passes through gravity falls regularly, can be found unwinding at skull fracture, and technically should be gnome queen again, but she's doing her best to avoid that duty.
also, just because i think it's funny and i don't expect anyone to contradict me by rping him, i'm going to say that cherry and jeff the gnome maybe had (or worse, have?) a little on-again, off-again thing, who knows? depends on who you're asking and how much they feel like sharing
ciel: alien. nothing really needs to change except that he was discovered by kamau not in france, but in good ol' gravity falls, which kamau was visiting for research and inspiration for his next novel. he's a funny lil guy for whom disco never died. he's also been in town since the 70s. being a shapeshifter, there's no telling how old he really is. usually seems to wear a turtleneck and bell-bottoms, so if you doubt who you're talking to, that's a clue (;
hansel: also still largely his canon self. he's still a bio professor who researches the paranormal in his spare time. amelia is still his family's science project and cyrille still hates him. he still dabbles in medical care for non-human creatures who can't seek out standard medical assistance, but! he now also picked up a second doctorate (and associated license) in vet medicine solely to inform his practice and make acquiring supplies easier. this part is now canon, btw—i just need to update the carrd!
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funky-demon2 · 2 years
Since I see a lot of CBS headcanons, I decided '"Yk what? I'm gonna make myself some piss cakehole/cakehole piss headcanons because they need some love (I mean love I mean the 4 people that like these characters sitting in the back row) THIS IS SUPER LONG BTW BECAUSE THESE 2 BRAIN ROT ME EVERYDAY!!!!
Piss cakehole
•Despite being a absolutely menace to society murder, he’s very anti social. Like very anti going out with other freak friends (if he has any) or parties. Occasionally he’ll go to a friends place but that’s it. Kill. Sleep.Live.
•he actually Shockingly has a job, it’s Dairy Queen. He works night shifts because no one there wants be to around him but he doesn’t as long as someone doesn’t make him upset.
•He has curly hair you can’t fight me on it and he puts it in a curly man bun. (Bonus for salt and pepper hair)
•him and Cakehole are so identical, sometimes when their in good moods switch their outfits and pretend to be each other to pull pranks.
•Him and cakehole are actually the second oldest sniper freaks since being twins (around late 30’s. He’s mad at cakehole because he doesn’t age as much as him)
•He actually does care for cakehole and thinks as him as him as “his little brother” (their twins Ik but cakehole acts younger) but he finds annoying him around and often irritates him too the point he just wants to yank him. Cakehole is very aware and is on house arrest for that.
•he’s a stoner gay. Like hippie Artist gay. I’m talking 70’s belle bottoms and arched back. A feminine posing man. I’m talking cross dressing will wood. “I wanna be the f*cked up girl” From Ride the cyclone type gender. He/they type magic happening. He is gender.
•Hes also got LITTLE FRECKLES and a buck teeth? (Tooth?) like me because he’s my bgg
Source: I said so.
Cakehole piss
•Unlike his counter part, he’s very social and actually really funny around other freaks. He just needs to warm up or not being a murdering mood (he’s also kind of a loud person and has a higher pitched voice)
•He’s 89% percent high most of the time and smells like the strongest weed ever. Other percent is him being clueless.
•He’s on the spectrum. I say that as In like “he’s so me fr” kind of spectrum. He info dumps to demo samedi ALL The time but he doesn’t care. He likes blue things and things that sparkle. Or legos. Legos make him stim like me fr
Source on the spectrum: Me and all the other autistic freak fortress fans. He’s one of us now.
•He sees the undead stoner scouts as his older brothers and Demo Samedi as his father figure. (Idk because he’s a creation to him) and sometimes calls him “Master Samedi” instead of Demo Samedi in a sense of being being his creator.
•(this is actually canon) He doesn’t like water AT ALL. Refuses to go unless he needs to shower. Otherwise it would take him a whole team just to throw him in.
•He has dyed short curly hair and like multiple piercings like his ear and mouth. He also tends to wear baggy clothing and pajamas actually despite his normal uniform.
•Him and Piss are both Latinos/natives 🫶 (mixed parents fight me all you want). Piss‘s parents don’t call him by his “name” and call him instead “pequeña mariposa” (little butterfly in Spanish sorry If it’s not accurate, I can only speak little Lakota and more English ) they very much welcomed Cakehole into the family and treat him like a son
That’s all I have and also I’m making a short story on these 2 about most of these headcanons. If you don’t like these just remember that these are headcanons so don’t be rude about it. Ok stay groovy you guys 🫶💗
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
....Sooo I um, y’all... I forgot,, to post the thingy I had been working on, gjfkdlfgjd so im doing it now before I forget too,, its just a fucked up Cerberus lookin ass amalgamation of an animatronic,, three lads combined into one body
I SHOULD say,, this is just the base description, anything in side facts n shit like that can be subject to change when I write stories, I say that bc 9 times outta 10 I DO change some shit around when writing with all the things I make, this shit has probs already been done before like oh fusing them essentially into one body, lmao i dont,, really care, I just had my own vision in mind and voila here we are
| Name: Galaxy
| Nickname: Gala
| Gender: They/It/He
| Age: Doesn’t have one, it’s literally an animatronic …er, well…
| Height: 20ft
| Species/Race: They’re basically three animatronics fused to one really messy body
| Occupation: Former Daycare Attendants, more so just guards and protects the Daycare (what remains of it anyway) now than anything
| Eye Colors: Moon has red and white eyes, Sun has blue eyes, and Eclipse’s eyes are just a dark orange void sorta thing (his pupils are a dark red color but you can see little white specks in them)
| Appearance: I’m skipping straight here to explain all the details I need to, soo let’s start off with the left half or… Moon essentially- his face is just,, well normal in all honesty the only thing different is him looking v scratched and beat up and p dirty, same goes for Sun in those regards and even Eclipse- p much the entire BODY looks beaten to hell and back and dirty- And for smaller more intricate details for the damage, Sun’s missing two of his rays bottom left and upper right, the body’s got damage that makes them occasionally spark and it hurts all three of them, you cannot touch ANY part of the body that belongs to Eclipse.
Reason being they’ll burn you p much (his parts are p much the middle torso, his arms, face, and then its legs but those are covered by pants but I still wouldn't risk touching them), I’m not changing much from like canon designs soo Moon is p much just the white n blue colors, right down to his blue starry pants that glow in the dark btw, Sun’s pants are the same ol striped ones, and Eclipse’s pants are just inverse colors of Sun’s essentially, a darker orange color (and he’s got black stars on them), also they still got the bells attached to their wrists, Eclipse doesn’t have any bells however.
Moon has his sharp teeth and claws, Sun doesn’t have any of those things, and Eclipse has not just sharp teeth BUT their v crooked and jagged as hell, and basically they’re fucking fingers are just long claws (Moon’s torso is the upper one and Sun’s torso is the bottom one) also both Moon n Sun have their slippers p much from game, Eclipse’s is inverse color and has what is, well,, an obvious Eclipse marking on its shoes- The thing that connects them to the neck, basically okay imagine a pitchfork BUT with only three pointy bits instead of four, of course it’s a MUCH thicker-esque pole than that to support their weight, but those three poles connect their heads to the body.
And if it wasn’t obvious, they basically have six legs connected to this one body, and of course six arms (Moon’s legs being left, Eclipse’s legs in the middle, Sun’s legs on the right and then for the arms, Moon’s arms being top, Eclipse’s in the middle again, and finally of course Sun’s arms on the bottom) speaking of their torso is actually fairly long (I mean we SAW how lanky those fuckers were in the game) and they need a big torso to support that body of theirs.
Eclipse has rays much like Sun’s but they are that darker orange color (the top ray is literally bent and hanging on by a thread at this point) the bottoms of the rays has a dark red coming out of them essentially, they’re face is all black but on the edge of the circle it's got a white glow around it (p much like encircling the entire faceplate, that should make more sense) and his mouth is a bit hard to explain its VERY much different from Sun and Moon's mouth- its basically like when it opens its mouth- its a PURE WHITE void inside, the only thing you can see is basically the blackness that’s shaped into teeth, it might look like mere shadows but don’t be fooled, it can definitely tear things apart with those teeth. However much like the others- You can see the faintest outline of the moon part of the faceplate and of course the sun part of the faceplate.
I dunno if I explained this part just yet but uh his fingers- er, well claws I guess are that dark red color meanwhile his arms, hands and legs underneath the pants are the darker orange color (he’s got some areas that look black too tho, whether its purely filth or part of they’re design who knows lmao) now I don’t know if I have any more details to cover bgfjkdlgfjd I’m so forgetful its why I don’t d o shit like this that often but the FINAL things I can think of are p much 1: Eclipse’s rays essentially are a bit more flowy-esque then Sun’s and finally 2: They have a long tail, it’s made up of all the other kinds of planets and then has a star at the end of it (the star along with the planets also glows in the dark, i just think its fun- there's no rhyme or reason for glow in the dark tail I just like the aesthetic)
I changed a few things about Sun n Moon but not MUCH- I was more so invested in keeping my own Eclipse design, at least for in THIS AU in particular lmao (i did forget one thing, they have buttons going up the torso, Sun’s buttons being red, Eclipse’s Black, and Moon’s blue, both Sun and Moon’s buttons squeak, Eclipse’s do not)
| Side Facts: Not going to bother with a personality part, but all you really need to know is that they’re NOT evil even though they look like an absolute monster, they aren’t evil- Now they COULD be misunderstood at first and that’s mostly because if someone ACTUALLY fucking enters the Daycare- After ALL these years?!? If someone ACTUALLY enters it would do everything in its power to make sure that person N E V E R leaves them again… …So kinda yandere-ish in a way but not intentionally evil, they’re just EXTREMELY lonely and have honestly a lot of trauma deep down, their scared of being abandoned again so SEVERE abandonment issues p much- They just want a new friend… They’ve been lonely for s o long now, won’t you keep them company~?
…Oh I will say though they ARE super unhinged and feral gHGJKFLHGJFDKS- I mean that’s just them naturally, its AMPED up tho to a 100 considering their stuck in one body p much.
P much- THE BEST WAY I CAN DESCRIBE IT IS THEY’RE LIKE A GIANT PUPPY WHO JUST,, DOESNT UNDERSTAND SHIT ANYMORE- like for example, they don’t understand boundaries, they don’t understand they could push things too far- They can be VERY clingy too btw, will show nothing but affection if they grow attached to you …But there’s always lingering fear even if you grow a relationship with them that you’ll wind up leaving them behind too, just like everyone else did…
Needs A LOT and I mean a LOT of reassurance but in the end he’s very lovable, friendly, and sweet …can be grumpy sometimes especially if woken up which that’s a lot of Moon and then other times VERY energetic which is Sun, and then Eclipse? …It's just, well, Eclipse lmao- kinda a neutral ground
Now… I won’t say they CAN’T be a threat but that’d mostly be the overprotective nature it can get if it grows attached to someone and he DOES have the capacity to kill or hurt ANYONE and I mean ANYONE if they are deemed a threat, and it's hard to stop them if they have deemed anything a threat… But usually, they- despite being unhinged and feral as fuck- They are nice and sweet, a giant puppy who just wants a new fren WHO W O N T LEAVE AND ABANDON THEM… HAHAHA… Ahem-
As I stated earlier,, Gala usually guards and watches over the remains of the Daycare, that is their home, and sometimes when they get especially lonely they do love to look at the drawings the kids had made for them so long ago, it thinks fondly on those memories of the kids, laughing, singing, playing around- Having a wonderful time with their three friends, Sun, Moon, and… Eclipse… . . . Sometimes, he gets himself so upset with the memories- sure they are good and wonderful BUT it hurts that nobody has come around for, hmm how long has it even been? They lost track of time years and years ago…
Galaxy doesn’t like mirrors, they DESPISE anytime they can see themselves, they don’t wanna see this body they're stuck in, they don’t want constant reminders of what happened… It just wants to go back to normal, all in their own bodies, it doesn’t want to be a monster… So needless to say it uh does have something like self-esteem issues and those can get pretty bad if he sees themselves in a mirror or any reflective surface, it’s just a constant reminder when they see their body what they have truly become.
OKAY,, ASIDE FROM SAD AND DEPRESSING SHIT BC JFC I JUST REALIZED THERE'S NOTHING GOOD HERE,, Galaxy can be very loving and sweet when you grow close to it, despite such overprotectiveness and fear of abandonment, it can be very loving- Now sure they know they can’t touch you, not with the spark thing and of course Eclipse burning you, BUT you know- This giant lad will admire the hell out of you from a safe distance, brings you gifts and trinkets whenever he can (again, giant puppy) while their voice boxes aren’t what they used to be, they are v much happy to listen, sometimes the occasional voice will break through.
You’ll hear either of their voices at times, Eclipse’s voice you unfortunately can’t understand anymore because its voice box is p much gone at this point so they mostly stick to sign language when they want to speak, sometimes when the others want to speak badly enough as well instead of hoping one of their voices gets through- They will also use sign language, you’ll hear many things on them actually, sounds of whirring, glitchy or just broken sounds, their voices, sometimes static, and then of course the occasional sparking sound.
But I’m not going to lie… What they wouldn’t GIVE to hold you close to them, you cuddle you as closely as they physically can, but if they could do that well… It would NEVER let go of you, I’m not exaggerating you would genuinely be carried e v e r y w h e r e- even though they know not to get close enough to burn or shock you, they still don’t know boundaries at all,, jkfgljgfds they’re trying their best, like come on they haven’t had any animatronics let ALONE H U M A N S to interact with in god knows h o w long!
…And of course you’re probably wondering, what the FUCK happened to these three? What happened to The Mega Pizzaplex? What- JUST W HAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!? …Weeeeellllll…. If I told you that’d spoil the fuuuunnnn, silly~! >:] …AANNYYYWAYS~! He also loves to finger paint, tell stories, they attempt to sing lullabies but it never works …so they play it on somethin else instead lmao, or just play games in general tbh- it reminds them of their time spent tending to the children in the Daycare, it can cheer them up usually …And I say USUALLY for a reason btw.
I suppose that uh Sun or Moon could hold you but then Eclipse gets jealous and angry bc he can’t hold you so they prefer to not pick you up or hold you or ANYTHING like that tbh, but now I will say, even though I won’t say how just yet, there IS a way to fix all their issues it’d just take fucking F O R E V E R considering they’re 20ft tall lmao
Also shit I did forget to mention something appearance wise, that lil uh skirt lookin thing they have on p much- They have that BUT it’s literally combined- like in the front is Eclipse’s dark orange n black stars, left is Moon’s blue and starry one, and then finally Sun’s red and yellow stripes on the right.
Btw VERY overprotective over any children that come around even tho the kids usually run away from them, but if a child were to stick around- that child will be protected- you will n o t hurt them, try it and you’ll suffer just sayin- cause uh there’s MUCH worse things they can do to you aside from burning or electrocution… 
Another thing, goddammit im noticing so much shit i missed FHJVKLFGJKDS- but uh the ‘poles’ that essentially connect to the body are color coded ghjfkdjdks no reason for that either i just think it looks nicer,, Moon’s being blue, Sun’s of course is yellow, and then Eclipse’s is darker orange. Also those ‘poles’ used to not necessarily be polls- it uh let their heads stretch out a bit, kinda like something out of a literal fucking cartoon but considering its been years since they’ve been cleaned and repaired, they’ve got parts missing, damaged, some color has deteriorated, and they also even have some rust in certain areas, but uh those are just stiff ass polls now so-
Oh yeah, Eclipse has little white sparkles on the palms of its hands (looks like stars shining on its palms) , Moon has well, moons on his palms, and then Sun well- obviously has Suns on his palms.
They also have a good few wires sticking out of them too which is not safe but again, who's going to willingly volunteer to repair a 20ft animatronic that looks like T H A T!
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sappyspeare · 4 years
my latest fic idea, wherein jiang cheng leaves the jiang sect to become a rogue cultivator
ok so canon-compliant au where jc has enough of jfm’s shit, cuts his hair, and leaves the jiang sect 
i am currently in class and very tired but this is something i saw on twitter and it has not left my mind since so lemme break it down:
some time after the indoctrination at qishan but before the attack on lotus pier
y'all know that scene where jfm tells jc that he doesn't understand what the yunmengjiang motto means 
yeah that got my blood boiling because i am a #1 jc stan and fuck you jfm 
so maybe instead of taking it, jc just. snaps. goes off on jfm for being a shite dad for making him feel like he was never worthy, never enough, never good enough to be acknowledged by his father etc etc. and he just. walks out
cue silence. madam yu is especially surprised and tries to call him back but he ignores her point blank
he goes to his room, packs his things, leaves his bell on the bedside table
now as yall may know, back in the day cutting your hair was a no-no because of parents and stuff and how its a link to your parents etc etc
jc stands in front of the mirror, takes his hair down, unsheathes sandu, and just when wwx and jyl walk into the room, intent on comforting him, he cuts the hair at shoulder length
cue silence pt. 2
he hugs his sister, says sorry, tells wwx to not be an idiot and take care of jyl, and walks out
cue crying
he is no longer Jiang Cheng, heir of YunmengJiang Sect. he is just another face, another cultivator
madam yu, is, understandably distraught and angry and tries to convince him to stay on his way out
he apologizes, brushes her off, and with one last glare towards his father, he walks out of Lotus Pier. 
he travels for a few days before hearing that lotus pier has been attacked by the Wens
(jfm and jyl stay in lotus pier in this instead of leaving and yzy
of course, he rushes back home to see the place in flames, disciples dead and his family missing
Jfm is dead. Yzy, jyl, and wwx are missing
Jc is torn between the need to murder wc and wzl and find his family
He decides to find his family
Wwx has been caught and un-golden-cored and is now missing 
Yzy is not in the best shape
she gives him zidian 
jc uses his connections with lxc and nhs to get lwj over here immediately because ‘i have to find my brother and you're basically a bottom magnet’
Meanwhile yzy and jyl, with the help of the lan and nie sect, take back lotus pier
Yzy dies, big sad
Jyl is made the clan leader of yunmengjiang
Sunshot campaign happens 
Oh btw wwx was tossed into burial mounds and is now: demonic cultivator
Wen chao, wlz, wlj are all dead <3
Sunshot campaign 
jc is using different forms of fighting that he’s learned over the months with cultivators from other sects and is formidable as ever
Everything ends up the same, the only difference being that jiang yanli strikes up a marriage deal with lan xichen for lan wangji and wei wuxian
Jiang cheng is like ‘ok my job here is done goodbye’ and he leaves once again
He meets wen qing and the wen remnants 
Goes to the phoenix mountain hunt, and with the combined alliance of the lan sect and jiang sect + a certain demonic cultivator, the jiangs take the wens to the jiang sect
Wen ning is still a corpse dude but wwx fixes that so he’s undead but still like. Walking n stuff
Yada yada wangxian wedding yada yada yanqing yada yada sperm donor jzx yada yada jin ling exists but he’s the jiang sect heir
post sunshot camapign, once the dust has settled
Jc keeps travelling and learning
He meets sl who is looking for xxc
They find him practically dead with a-qing next to him, alive, but just barely (listen idgaf abt canon ok)
Sl goes off to find xy, who killed xxc
Xxc, with his dying breath, tells jc where to find baoshan sanren and begs him to take care of a-qing
He dies :((
Jc tells lwj the address and long story short wwx gets his core back, making him x2 stronger as a demonic cultivator
Oof jin sect does not like that
Bloop fuck the jin sect, all my homies hate the jin sect
Madam jin kicks her husband out onto the streets (’thats what you get for cheating on me so much you rat bastard’)
Jiggy is also dead. There's a certain smell of lotus flowers and even a petal next to him. No one says anything because reasons
Nmj and lxc grieve their murder twink together because thats romance baby
jzx becomes the sect leader, makes mianmian head disciple and everyone’s happy
Jyl asks jc to come back to the jiang sect and be head disciple or an advisor, but he doesn’t take it
he’s welcome to cloud recesses because lqr is a bitch and would’ve liked jc over wwx and also because jc loves a-yuan and wants to see his brother often fuck you lwj
and jc is wandering the world, hunting demons, teaching his daughter about cultivation (demonic and otherwise because in this why would he hate it) and he occasionally goes home to yunmeng to see his sister and his nephew and jyl dotes on a-qing and at the end of the day he has no responsibilities and nothing to fear, and even though his father called him a coward and told him he wouldn't survive a minute alone, he knew that he had proved him wrong and attempted the impossible, and succeeded.
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goblin-iz-whack · 4 years
Headcanons about Rusty? He's my fav :) Also Munkustrap, cuz I think he's my fav from Cats, now that I think about it (I love characters who are really just trying their bests)
Okay, here we go
Bisexual as heck.
He is totally Poppa and Belles adopted son, you can’t change my mind.
He was born in a facility where engines are bred (they are somewhat organic, not much though, in my headcanon), he was severely neglected for being the runt and having a skin condition that made him appear rusted, hence why he was named “Rusty”.
He escaped the place though, and was taken in by Poppa and Belle.
This boi crushes on EVERYONE. Pearl? Yep. Dustin? Oh yeah. Greaseball? He’s a little concerned bout his feelings with this one at first, but yes. Hell, he even crushed on Electra and the components a lil bit.
He was sheltered a lot as a kid, because other kids were jerks.
In my future canon, he gets with Greaseball and they have babies (because I am a sucker for fanchildren): A diesel girl named Oil (any type of train can be all genders in my canon), and two steamer boys named Coal and Smuts (btw, Smuts was Rustys prototype name!).
*warning, some mentions of sexual stuff below*
I made a meme post a few months ago where I said he’s the top and GB is the bottom. It’s still true, but I think they switch more often.
*sexual stuff over*
The 4 Rockys are like his brothers (and sister, for Rocky 3!). They always had his back and defended him against Greaseballs gang.
Speaking of Greaseballs gang, Rusty actually gets along with them after the race. He realizes they’ve had it just as hard as him, and even worse for some, most of them would be scrapped had it not been for GB taking them in. Their kinda Rustys little brothers/semi sons.
Okay, he’s GrizaBella and Deuts kid, middle child of course.
Tugger is his littermate, Macavity is older and has a different mother.
Bisexual icon to be honest.
He, his mate, and Demeter are queerplatonic partners (as i headcanon Deme as asexual!).
Since Jemima is technically Deuts first born grandchild, she will be the next leader. Munk accepted that one of his kittens wouldn’t be leader and teaches her everything he knows.
He’s mates with CoricoPat. This started as a crackship, but now I love it.
The two have a few kittens in the future: Luna, Izabella (who is GrizaBella reborn), and Roman.
He loves Tugger and Misto, obviously, but he and their son George have a special bond. George reminds him a lot of what Tugger used to be like before Macavity snapped, Munk treasures this and is training George to be a protector.
*warning, a little bit of sexual mentioning below*
I headcanon all the Jellicles to be swingers, and all in open, sort of Polyamorous relationships. (Basically they all engage each other in romantic actions and, ahem, the other romantic actions. Everyone is consenting to this, and nobody cares so long as it’s known between the partners, and no incest happens *shoves gifs of the chaos twins and the physic twins at the mating dance down a garbage disposal, the same with Asparagus Jr and Jelly who I headcanon to be siblings*). This explains why mating dances have weird pairings. When Munk isn’t with Corico, he’s usually with Alonzo and Cass, who are honorary aunt and uncle of their kittens.
*sexual stuff over, but mentions of smoking some drug-like stuff below*
He has a LOT of anxiety, so much so that the chaos twins stole some catnip so he can mellow out a bit. It works, it just makes him VERY tired sometimes.
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furidojasutin · 6 years
Title: Challenge
Pairings: Frevy (Freed x Levy), Nalu (Natsu x Lucy
Universe: Canon
Rating: T (for suggestive themes)
a/n: A really spontaneous idea and I just had to write it out before sleep. Also I gotta fight my damn writer’s block that I’ve been having for so long. This has totally been written for @rougescribe btw! B) I hope this is something for you to enjoy once you wake up again hehe.
Levy bit her lower lip the same way Freed perceived as enticing. Quite frankly, it was absolutely unnecessary to try and get some sneaky good looks at her boyfriend after what they had done not long ago. She didn't need to hide it. He was standing there, naked, while she was still lying in bed covered by the blanket and her eyes just happened to wander.
It wasn't her fault that he had a nice butt, and a nice backside in general. Actually, she shouldn't start thinking about this again because she knew she'd end up just swooning over every part of him and her small grin widened. “I mean, I'm not complaining about the sight but I really didn't think that you would get up.“
Freed was still facing away from her as he grabbed his boxer shorts to put them back on but he was giving a silent smirk at her words. “You dared me to open the door, and you know that I cannot ignore a dare from you.“
“Because you're a sore loser.“
The rune mage huffed. “Don't get too cheeky now, Miss McGarden.“
“You know it's true,“ Levy grinned wider, a small chuckle following as she sat up. 
Freed quickly slid his dress shirt over his shoulders but let it remain unbuttoned. His hair was still in a pony tail but due to their previous bedroom activities it looked messy, many stray strands of hair sticking out.
When Freed turned around he looked her over, her loose hair even messier than his. She looked spent but at the same time her eyes were filled with joy and challenge, and he loved this look on her.
Noticing that she was holding up the blanket to cover herself, one edge of his mouth twitched. “That was the main course. We didn't have dessert yet. But we will have once whoever is demanding my attention is gone again.“
He had already turned around and put on a pokerface when a pleasant blush rose to Levy's cheeks. Freed knew how bashful she could still sometimes get even after intense intimacy, and he absolutely adored both sides of her – the side that was dominated by her confidence and teasing intellect and the side that got her those rosy cheeks and made her so much fun to mercilessly tease.
The script mage cupped her own face and then ran her hand through her hair before shifting so her feet dangled from the bed. He had gotten her with that but she too loved their banters as they felt so natural. Honest to god, she really couldn't complain about his implication either. She was exhausted, but in the most positive way that existed, and she bit her bottom lip again by the mere imagination of anything else their day off still had in store for them.
Meanwhile, Freed had made it to the door to see who was there and he realized what kind of impression he could possibly give when answering the bell like this. This is the reason why her dare was a dare after all.
So with his messy pony tail, his unbuttoned shirt and his boxer shorts he opened the door. It was safe to say that he was a little surprised to see Natsu and Lucy standing there.
“Hello Fr---eed,“ Lucy's cheerful voice dropped a little when her eyes obviously scanned his entire appearance. It had taken her off guard too much to see him like this.
Natsu seemed to care less because he just shot Freed one of his usual grins and waved. “Yho!“
“Good afternoon, you two.“ Alright, so this was an uncommon situation. But the Raijinshuu's captain would be lying if he said that he wasn't a little bit amused about Lucy's reaction. At this point he just knew little that she might have more info about the cause of his state already. “What brings you here?“
“Um-,“ Lucy began, her eyes meeting Freed's again. She briefly raised her hands to reveal a thick book in her grasp, then she gave a small sheepish chuckle. “I wanted to return this book I borrowed from Levy. She told me that she'll be with you the whole day so I thought that I could drop it off here since Natsu and I were near by and-“
Oh. Oh.
Freed blinked once as he processed the situation. His appearance might be more revealing than he had initially thought and he ended up clearing his throat. “I see, well-“
“So is, uh, Levy with you still?“
Again Freed blinked. But then the pokerface he had (kinda) managed to keep changed a little, eyes glinting. And he shouted. “Levy, you have visitors! It's important, come here quickly!“
There was no way she wouldn't hear. And thanks to his implication earlier he didn't think that she was anywhere near dressed up again. It made him smirk inwardly.
“She'll be here in a moment.“
“Great!“ Natsu grinned and was the first to step inside when Freed made a hand gesture to invite them in. Lucy followed and thanked Freed, her surprise still not fully seeped out of her face.
But it got even more awkward when Levy appeared.
Freed stood there with crossed arms and shot his girlfriend a very knowing and challenging look when she entered the room, her small body covered by one of his t-shirts only to cover most of her body as it was much larger than her own. She must have grabbed it quickly.
Levy returned his look but her gleaming cheeks were a feast.
“Lu, it's you- Hi!“ She grinned but scratched the back of her head as she came to stand next to her boyfriend.
Lucy gazed for a moment. She couldn't believe that she had possibly just run into her best friend and her boyfriend making love. Or perhaps they had been done already. Or she was overthinking things.
Yep, overthinking!
“Hey! I just wanted to drop off the book you borrowed me.“
“Oh! Thanks, Lu-chan!“ Levy smiled and took the book from her, hugging it to her chest. She didn't dare to look at Freed right now.
Even Natsu's expression had changed for a single moment but he was grinning again now. “Yho, Levy!“
Lucy really didn't know how he was doing this.
“Lucy's been swoonin' over this book the entire time. She ignored me for it!“
“I can't pay attention to you every single second!“ Lucy puffed out her cheeks.
“Ya should!“ Natsu cackled before looking at Freed and Levy again. “Sorry for burstin' in-“
“You're never sorry for bursting into somebody's room!“ Lucy gently slapped his side, cheeks still puffed out and slightly reddened from the entire situation.
It didn't faze Natsu one bit. “- Lucy would be so angry if somebody interrupted us. She gets all fired up every time, keke!“
The room was silent for a split-second. Somebody dare say that Natsu wasn't perceptive again. Or perhaps his great nose helped in this situation, too.
Then Lucy gave an incoherent sound, cheeks burning harder, and she hit his side again. “NATSU!“
Okay so not only had she walked into her best friend's love life but now her own boyfriend was making suggestive comments about her. Wow. Wow!
Not like she wasn't used to this from him because he had such a loose tongue but-
“Oh my god!“ The celestial mage rubbed her face, then she grabbed Natsu by his arm and dared to look Freed and Levy in the eye. “Bad timing! Okay! We should get going again. See you at the guild tomorrow you two?“ She was already half-dragging Natsu to the door of Freed's house and the sight was hilarious but also oh so lovingly typical.
Freed's subtle smirk was surfacing now and his eyes holding an amused glint. “You have nothing to apologize for. Thank you for the visit.“
“Thanks for bringing back the book, Lu-chan! See you!“ Levy had a crooked smirk on her face as well despite her still slightly flushed cheeks. Natsu basically saved her. Or the two of them. This could have gotten much more awkward if they had been brought more into focus after all.
And who was to blame as well? Her boyfriend who had to call her out of the bedroom while knowing what this would cause. Smug asshole.
When the door fell closed, Levy turned towards him and raised a brow.
Freed arched up a brow in return.
“You know what you did, Sir.“
“Oh? I don't believe I did anything apart from fulfilling the dare,“ he cheekily responded.
“You cheated! I wasn't supposed to join you!“
“I wouldn't call that cheating,“ he gave a hum. “I call that 'twisting the situation to my advantage'.“
“That's just the fancy wording for cheating.“
“Oh no.“
“Yes it is!“ She glared up at him though it was all in good spirits.
He just smirked, self-satisfied. “Who's the sore loser now?“
When she just averted her eyes from him in acted defiance, it only motivated him further to start another game. Or perhaps continue where they left off.
There was still the dessert to get.
Spurred on again, he reached out and gently cupper her right cheek with his palm. His deep voice dropped in volume just a bit to be noticable. “I think I want my shirt back.“
Levy instinctively leaned into his hand. The gesture was so soft but his voice and words suggested otherwise and it motivated her as much as it motivated him.
So she pulled herself away from him, shot him a look, and stepped back a little. “What if I want to keep it? You'll have to get it yourself. I might run away with it.“ She kept walking backwards.
“I have no problem chasing you.“
“I've got stamina,“ Levy responded confidently.
The rune mage gave a single chuckle. Stamina, huh? “Oh I know you do. But I do, too.“
Oh she knew. And perhaps she hadn't just referred to the stamina concerning running as he had probably noticed, if his chuckle was something to go by.
Freed slowly followed her lazy steps and his obvious smirk had changed into a subtle one, his eyes revealing more of his intentions this time.
This look made her feel hot again but it was intoxicating all the same.
“New challenge accepted.“
His voice sent a pleasant shiver down her spine and she didn't expect to get lifted up and slightly pushed against the wall behind her the next second.
She would have to apologize to the poor book that slipped out of her grasp when she instinctively wrapped arms and legs around Freed. But she certainly didn’t have any complaints on her mind right now.
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Speaking (+ Laughs)
This was supposed to just be how their voices and laughs sound but I ended up doing more than that so enjoy!
Cinder: Has the deepest natural voice of the girls. Part of it is just the way her voice developed because when she was burned it damaged her throat a bit (IDK if that’s a thing that can happen?). The other reason is because when she was a mechanic nobody thought this 16-year-old girl could be running this business, so she deepened her voice a bit. Doesn’t laugh often but when she does something that Kai or Thorne said. Canonically curses a lot too sooo...
Kai: Has a super melodic voice, which he was trained to do when he started doing conferences and stuff. No one wants to listen to a leader with an annoying voice. Also never, ever, ever raises his voice EVER. As an emperor, he has to stay serious a lot so when he’s working he just gives this chuckle that isn’t even really a laugh, it’s just him exhaling. However, when he is off duty, he has this really loud laugh that makes everyone else in the vicinity laugh.
Scarlet: Actually has kind of a high voice, but always talks deeper to seem more intimidating. Sometimes giggles when she laughs, which shocks everyone, but then she glares at them. IDK if she would have much of a French accent or everything because it seems like everyone mainly speaks English. However, I think she would totally teach the whole crew French (Ze’ev learned the fastest, with Thorne as a close second).
Ze’ev: Really deep voice. Sometimes growls, an after effect of the wolf soldier surgeries. Rough, barking laugh, but will laugh at anything even vaguely funny. Stumbles over new words for things on Earth. Scarlet helps him and the rest of the crew stays patient. I feel like he’s kind of like Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy and just says these really profound, wise things from time to time.
Cress: Cress has this adorable little voice that sounds like a flower and she snorts when she laughs (see note at the bottom). Often talks like she’s singing. She talks the most out of everyone because she was so starved for human interaction on the satellite with only Little Cress and occasionally Sybil. She asks questions about EVERYTHING because sure, she read about chocolate on the satellite, but she’s never really tasted it. Does pretty good impressions of Second Era TV and movie characters and the whole crew.
Thorne: Deep voice, but not as deep as Ze’ev’s. Talks quickly when he gets excited and will sometimes even slip back into the clipped way he spoke in the military. Barks like a drill sergeant when giving orders on the Rampion. Laughs the most out of the whole crew, especially when he’s with Cinder and/or Cress.
Winter: MM says she has a “crazy, whimsical voice”. Whispers a lot. Her laugh sounds like a bell and everyone loves it. Laughs a lot with Cinder, Scarlet, and Jacin. Also talks like she’s singing a lot. Gasps often. Sometimes will just go off on unrelated tangents in the middle of a conversation, but no one minds because it’s usually interesting.
Jacin: He barely ever talks, preferring to just listen to what everyone else is saying. “Harsh when he does talk” (from MM’s blog). The only time he talks a considerable amount, and nicely, is with Winter. Hardly laughs at all and when he does it’s usually because he’s bitter or laughing at Thorne doing something stupid. He has the best poker face, an old habit from being Sybil’s guard and pilot; he couldn’t react when he heard her yelling at Cress, torturing people, etc.
Iko: Well...she’s an android. She can change her speech pattern whenever she wants, but usually sticks with a loud-ish voice that’s actually really nice to listen to. Squeals when she’s happy or laughing. Giggles at everything. Since she can change her voice she’s the best at impressions. Will have entire conversations in a certain accent or will even change voices mid-sentence, especially with Cress.
(@gettingfancyuphere I used what you said about Cress’s voice, I hope you don’t mind!) Btw I didn’t write these in order so sorry if my train of thought doesn’t make any sense.
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emptypokedex-blog · 7 years
hi so i'm trash and i was scrolling down your blog and i saw the homestuck au and i want to draw art of it so do you have any like, references or ideas as to how everyone looks? like, horn shapes, symbols, outfits, etc? or are they just like the same from the manga? sorry for bothering you btw
2: hi, specialstuck anon again. any ideas for like their online handles and ancestors? sorry about bothering you about this bc i just realized that your posts about that au was from like months ago and idk if you care about it anymore i’m so sorry
Hello! I’m sorry for not responding. I’ve just been a shitty blog-runner, and haven’t been here. This ask makes me really happy because I honestly still like Homestuck and genuinely think its well written. I was really into classpect assignments back in the day, so this was a fun little project.
I didn’t post about it because I didn’t think anyone liked it, but here you are, proving me wrong-ish!
AND OH MY GOD YES, I LOVE WHEN ASK TO DRAW ART OF MY IDEA!Don’t worry nonster, you’re not bothering me at all! I’ve literally done nothing over the summer.
I’ll post the pictures separately too just so you can zoom in.
I’m putting a cut because this got longer than expected.
Okay, so I had a guide with all of their horns and symbols, buuuuuut…I lost it. So, special for you, I made a new, updated one! My hand was cramping so bad after this. I would scan it, but I don’t trust my printer/scanner right now, because last time I used it, it completely crumpled my drawing (its the kind that eats the paper and scans it)
BTW I changed some stuff.
In terms of online handles, I dunno. Those are haaard. Ancestors, ignoring the sexes of the characters, would be the character’s parent of the same gender, unless there is only one parent, or if the character has no known parents or no living parents, they would be a sibling. If there are no siblings belonging to that character (Emerald, Red, probably someone else I’m forgetting), they would be a fictional character or OC or someone else from the canon that has some sort of familial or social relationship to the character. So for Silver it’d be Giovanni, Sapphire has Birch, Ruby has Norman, Crystal and her Mother, Green could either have Oak or Daisy. Yellow’s could be her Uncle. And so on.
Clothes would probably be the same, except for the trolls, all their shirts would be black instead of the color they normally are and for the humans all their shirts would be white.
In terms of Lusi (Lususes?) for the trolls, their starts fully evolved forms would be them. So, like, Swampert would be Ruby’s Mudbeast Lusus or Meganium would be Crystal’s Neckbeast Lusus. The same for the humans’ consorts, except in that case, they be the unevolved versions.
Gonna get my caveats out of the way now, I wanted to stick to the ‘one-of-each’ format Homestuck has going on while adhering to the gender-roles, so, at the end, some characters were left with God Tiers that didn’t really fit them *coughsilvercough* So, for those characters, I’ll provide what they were left with and the alternate I would have preferred. The hardest was finding a Breath player. Only the humans had repeats of the trolls.
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(Top: Gold, Silver, Crystal Bottom: Pearl, Diamond, Platinum)
Gold: Knight of Blood, Land of Sap and Bells, CueKind, Non-Psionic Yellow-Blood, Prospit.
I forgot why I designed Gold’s horns the way I did. I think it had something to do with resembling his hair. His symbol is the logo for HeartGold.
Gold is a character who’s arc is about feeling inferior to his friends and overcompensating. When he finds out that he didn’t have a title, it broke his heart. The Knight class experiences change and growth throughout the game, and the Blood aspect is about platonic relationships and bonds. Come to think of it, I think Gold could also pass for a Page.
I can see Gold being on the characters who starts one of the teams and competitively tries to get the people he wants to join his team.
Silver: Rogue of Breath*, Land of Dust and Masks, IcePickKind, Non-Psychic Rust-Blood, Derse.
*Not only could I not figure out what Silver would be, but he was also the one to get the most out of character God Tier. I can see him as a destructive class, like Prince of Blood, but both that class and aspect have been taken. I am very unhappy with the result.
I had so much trouble drawing Silver’s hair, that I ended up putting it in a ponytail, but, let’s admit it, we all need for more of that. His horns are supposed to look like an ‘R’ when put together, so one is curved and the other has a hook on the end. They’re asymmetrical. I know its hard to see, but they are. His symbol is supposed to be the logo for SoulSilver. 
I refuse to explain Rogue of Breath because there is nothing to explain. Rufioh, in canon, is a Rogue of Breath and these characters have nothing in common. A Rogue of Breath would steal Breath – or Direction – for the benefit of others and I genuinely cannot make this work. So, instead, I’ll explain Prince of Blood. Prince is a destructive class that destroys with the aspect, in this case Blood, or bonds. Prince can also be one who destroys the aspect. So, Silver destroying past bonds he no longer wants. 
Silver would befriend Blue over the chat, become fascinated by the concept of siblings and request to be Blue’s sister (cause she was explaining it in terms of being his unrelated sister), to which she’d agree for him to be considered her brother.
Crystal: Thief of Doom, Land of Wheels and Flood, FootKind/ShoeKind, Non-Psychic Teal-Blood, Prospit.
One of Crystal’s horns is supposed to be straight, only curving at the end, and the other one has a star on the tip. Her symbol is, surprise surprise, a Star.
I know what you’re thinking. Thief of Doom? Crystal? No Way! Well, I’m gonna explain. Thieves take the aspect to benefit themselves, and the concept of Doom ranges from just a simple burden to death itself to complete planetary destruction. In the Pokespe canon, Crystal was hired to complete a job Green and Red failed to finish, and she was happy to do it. This makes me think that Crystal is willing to take on certain burdens that coincide with her interest, something a Thief of Doom would certainly do.
Potentially the other team leader, maybe the only one who thinks this is an awful idea. Begrudgingly agrees.
Pearl: Seer of Space*, Land of Peaks and Frogs, FanKind, Slightly-Psychic Brown-Blood, Derse.
*Could have been either a Seer of Space or a Mage of Space, but Seer fit his behavior more.
Pearl’s horns are supposed to look like the antenna and tail of a Chatot, so the one behind his hair resembles a music note (see Chatot for reference) while the other one just has a ball on it. I think I’ve seen his horns drawn like this before by other artists, so I don’t think this is the most original decision, but I still really like it. His symbol is a Circle/Pearl.
One of the most important parts of a Seer is their ability to observe. This is why it was so hard to me to pick between Black and Pearl when it came to choosing a Seer. However, because I wanted Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum to be Time, Space, and Void no matter what, Pearl got the honor. A Seer of Space observes Space and exists in the present moment. They may also oversee or take charge and are creative types.
Pearl’s weapon is FanKind because he picked it when he was young and practiced in the art of fan-to-fan compensate.
Diamond: Heir of Time*, Land of Fruit and Geysers, LadleKind, Non-Psychic Cobalt-Blood, Prospit.
*I originally listed him as a Page of Time, but changed it after giving Wally the role of Page. Either works for him.
Dia’s horns are supposed to look non-threatening, so they are wide and not very sharp. They’re kinda Munchlax-esque. His symbol is a Diamond.
When picking between Heir and Page, I went with Heir because Wally took Page Diamond has a sense of time from the beginning. Heirs become their aspect in one way or another, hence why they’re called ‘Heirs,’ and Diamond has such a grasp on his flow of time (not to mention his major-legendary equivalent being Diamond), that I see this working. If he were a Page, which would also have been good, it’d mirror his rise against Pearl is the DP chapter.
Diamond makes food puns constantly in chat and there is no way of stopping him.
Platinum: Sylph of Void*, Land of Snow and Tomes, UmbrellaKind, Non-Psychic Violet-Blood, Derse.
*To be honest, a lot of the female-based classes in the Void aspect fit her character, except Witch.
Platz horns should look like the faceplate of an Empoleon. Same situation as Pearl, I think I’ve seen this done elsewhere my multiple artists. Her symbol is the Berlitz family sigil.
Void is nothingness. Pretty much any class enacting Void is lacking something, since Void is the lack of anything. As a Sylph of Void, one could create Void because Sylph is a creative class, and Platinum does this in a social sense by ignoring the claims of other people and acting as though they never happened. In terms of her behavior in early chapters of the DP chapter, she also acts as though she isn’t supposed to emote.
She will never admit she is friends with a lowblood.
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(Top: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald Bottom: Black, White, Wally) 
Ruby: Prince of Light, Land of Mirrors and Silk, NeedleKind, Non-Psychic Rust-Blood, Derse.
I exaggerated Ruby’s scar a bit for this. The horn on the side of his face with the scar is broken, but both of his horns used to be symmetrical. They’re supposed to look like the antennae of a Milotic. His symbol is the pattern on Groudon’s arm.
A Prince of Light would destroy knowledge, which, at first, sounds very out of a character for Ruby. But knowledge doesn’t only apply to books and science. Instead, is refers to anything known. Considering how Ruby acts at the end of the RS chapter, throughout the Emerald chapter, and again in the ORAS chapter, where is constantly pretends as though the confession never happened and lies about a variety of things, actively destroying what people know, I think this is the most fitting God Tier I’ve provided. Ruby is also a character I can definitely imagine playing the role of minor-villain at some point.
He’s super salty about not only being the lowest of bloods, but not having any psychic powers to compensate.
Sapphire: Witch of Rage*, Land of Thorns and Thunderstorms, ClawKind, Non-Psychic Indigo-Blood, Prospit.
*Would rather have Maid of Rage, but White fit the Maid role better for multiple other aspects. Witch was all that was left.
Sapph’s horns resemble Gamzee’s, but are thicker and less curvy. They’re just supposed to look wild and are not based on anything. Her symbol is the pattern on Kyogre’s flipper.
As much as Maid of Rage fit, I had to give her Witch of Rage, which, in actuality, would probably belong to an incredibly unstable person. Witch’s have completely control to manipulate their aspect while also fully embodying that aspect, and when that aspect is Rage, chances are that person isn’t to in a safe psychological place. Maids, on the other hand, start by relying on other people for their aspect and where to enact it before learning on their own to use it as they please. Sapphire would have gone through this change twice: once when she was younger and changed when Ruby was hurt and she realize she couldn’t that girly anymore, directing her Rage towards her younger self and/or people like that, and again when she changes in the RS chapter and compromises.
Sapphire leaves animal pelts at Ruby’s doorstep to make stuff out of. She brings most of the meat to Dia and feeds the rest of it to her eggbeast lusus.
Emerald: Bard of Mind*, Land of Dunes and Towers, PistolKind, Non-Psychic Olive-Blood, Derse.
*Couldn’t for the life of me figure out what this kid was. Rald
I used his current design because I couldn’t draw his croissant-hair. You’ve probably already guessed it, but his horns are based on his eyebrows. His symbol is the pattern on the head of Rayquaza.
Again, same as Silver, I’m not going to explain it. But for Rald, I just don’t have anything else to say. I’ll put it simply: I don’t think Rald is a destructive player (in fact, he might be a manipulative player), but I’m out of stuff and I’m stumped.
Immediately joined Crystal’s team without a second thought and before knowing what the heck they were doing.
Black: Mage of Hope*, Land of Kaleidoscopes and Skyscrapers, RockKind, Powerful-Psychic Brown-Blood, Prospit.
*Seer of Hope was also an option, but it is taken by Pearl. They both make great Seers.
Hexagon. Everything about Black is based on hexagons here. Horns and Symbol. Put his horns together and you get a hexagon.
Mages fully experience their aspect at some point. Admittedly, a Mage of Hope would be naive and maybe a bit too hopeful, but Hope is definitely something Black has a lot of, even up until the end (y’knoow, up until he became a rock). A Mage of Hope would be dedicated to making it to their goal because they would genuinely believe that they’d get there, a la Black when he wants to become a pokemon master.
Sees the world in hexagons a lot like he does with Musha on his head.
White: Maid of Heart*, Land of Roots and Carnivals, WhipKind, Non-Psychic Cobalt-Blood, Derse.
*I also really liked Maid of Hope for her.
Y’know White’s hair-antennae? They’re her horns now. They’re close together and bend back over hear head, not outward. I didn’t know what Symbol to give her, so I just made it a box.
Heart and Blood are very similar in that they’re both about relationships, but Heart is more about the impact of those relationships. A Maid of Heart starts by relying on someone else for their relationships and enjoyment, but would eventually come to do it on their own. If anything, regardless of aspect, White is definitely a Maid.
Had Black sign a contract that ensured he would join the same team that she was on.
Wally: Page of Life, Land of Pumps and Corridors, PumpKind, Non-Psychic Teal-Blood, Prospit.
Wally’s horns are tiny because I felt someone like wally wouldn’t have especially large or threatening horns. His Symbol is the pattern on the face of a Kecleon.
Wally was hard, but I eventually settled on Page of Life. Pages and Maids are very similar in my eyes, because they are both classes based around personal growth. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Pages were the male equivalent to the female Maid. A Page of Life would lack Life in the beginning, which would manifest itself in physical or emotional health. As a Page, he’d grow in health, perhaps to the point of overdoing it. I think this God Tier mirrors his subplot pretty well.
Blindly follows Ruby around where ever he goes.
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(Red, Yellow, Blue, Green)
Red: Heir of Blood, Land of Rivers and Lightning, BallKind, Prospit, Consort: Bulbasaur.
I FORGOT HOW TO DRAW RED’S HAIR! His Icon is a Pokeball.
Heirs have a need for their aspect, and one thing Red really enjoys is his pokemon and having a group friends, and even protecting people/showing off to neighborhood kids. As an Heir of Blood, Red would need to embody the Blood aspect and pretty much be the connecting force between the other characters. I picked this because he essentially started the series and, as the first character, I interpret him as the driving for keeping older characters together. Heirs also have a natural talent for their aspect, and I think the term ‘natural talent‘ in general is a decent description of Red. Plus, he’s really good at making friends.
Yellow: Sylph of Life, Land of Keys and Ink, RodKind, Prospit, Consort: Can a Snake be a Consort? ‘Cause I’m thinking Ekans.
Her Icon is a Lightning Bold (Also could have done a feather.)
I mean, come on. Like I said before, Sylphs are a creative class and Life is synonymous with health, and, therefore, a Sylph of Life creates health. Naturally, Yellow would be the teams healer. She could probably bring things back to life or give like to inanimate things by creating Life itself.
Blue: Thief of Space, Land of Coins and Frogs, CrowbarKind, Derse, Consort: Squirtle.
(Oops, she looks like an axolotl) Her Icon is a Mask.
A Thief of Space would steal Space for their own benefit. Blue would probably use this by stealing size from one object and applying it to herself or transferring size between things, switching the location of herself and something else or the locations of two items. It’s be great for stealing from other people.
Green: Prince of Time, Land of Fog and Beats, FistKind, Derse, Consort: Charmander.
His Icon isn’t a pomegranate seed, it’s supposed to look like his pendant, but I can understand the confusion.
Prince is a destructive class, so Green would be destroying with Time. As a result, a Prince of Time would be impatient and easily annoyed and unable to cope with the passage of time. Some of these aspects match Green at an early age. As we known, baby Green had a lot of trouble with patience. They’d be stubborn and have trouble listening to others. This pairs well with early-Green. Current-Green is a lot calmer and smarter that he used to be.
If I didn’t feel the need to have one of each, the cast would look like this (In the same order as all of the above):
Knight of Blood, Prince of Blood, Thief of Doom, Seer of Space, Page/Heir of Space, Sylph of Void, Prince of Light, Maid of Rage, (Whatever Emerald would be), Seer/Mage of Hope, Maid of Hope, Page of Life. (Minus the Humans)
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slahtizarchived · 7 years
brie needs to cry all the happy tears bc of her daughter. pls. someone needs to let her swoon. preferably a nikki and/or bryan. but actually everyone lmao
i need more ships. platonically and romantically. give my babes some love. ( i’ll post a wanted ships list at the bottom of this post btw )
more interactions with paige. i recently played 2k17, saw her in a promo for mainevent, and almost started crying bc i miss her so much. that’s all
brie makes her return in smack-didely-down, without anyone knowing, preferably to beat the living hell out of naomi after her match (bc champion)
sasha turns heel, turning on bayley (i mean that’ll happen anyways but y’know)
sasha feeling useless and not needed anymore, bc sure she loves to give foxy the push she needs, deserves!, but she’s a 3x champ and no
britt and the bullet club, while adam was still a part of them and after they kicked him out
paige finding out she’ll never be able to wrestle again, and freaking the fuck out
slexie. all the slexie. so much slexie. angst. fluff!! everything. pls.
a plot where izzie returns. like actually, out of the blue, reappears in seattle. don’t care when. after the shooting or the plane crash (bc lbr she’d be there in a heartbeat but i guess i’ll always be bitter about that) or in the canon timelime. just gimme
arizona did not change her mind, and never got any children. which (most certainly) lead to an early calzona separation. arizona being the equivalent to mark.
lexie being pregnant, and being highly worried about everything. especially bc she just opened her own practice, which was her ultimate goal all along
lexie surviving, but having lost all memories of everyone and everything !!!
also lauren never left seattle, bc she’s committed.
okay but !!!! interactions !!!!
jyn never died, and has to deal with the trauma afterwards
padmé never died, gave birth to their twins and went into hiding. maybe with obi-wan, for the lols
claire dearing blaming herself for what happened. blaming herself for all the deaths. blaming herself for zara’s death. not being to cope at all.  ||  claire not being able to escape the island, and when she’s found? she’s a different person.
sansa and arya reunite, queens of the north, getting all the revenge
there are so many muses i don’t get to use. serena van der woodsen. murph cooper. nancy wheeler. evy fucking o’connell. eleanor henstridge. and more. i wanna give my daughters some love, pls?
shipping list, good shit yes !!!! (not including the ones i already have tbh)
paige x roman
paige x alexa
paige x emma
paige x sami
brie x roman
brie x maryse
brie x randy
mella x sami
mella x cass ( i mean obvs )
mella x maryse
gwen x peter
gwen x mj
lexie x mark
izzie x addie
dorcas x marlene
dorcas x remus
tonks x remus
arwen x tauriel
ruby x hook
ruby x belle
claire x zara
i’m sure there are more but the heat is currently melting my brain
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