#so uh yeye-
cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
....Sooo I um, y’all... I forgot,, to post the thingy I had been working on, gjfkdlfgjd so im doing it now before I forget too,, its just a fucked up Cerberus lookin ass amalgamation of an animatronic,, three lads combined into one body
I SHOULD say,, this is just the base description, anything in side facts n shit like that can be subject to change when I write stories, I say that bc 9 times outta 10 I DO change some shit around when writing with all the things I make, this shit has probs already been done before like oh fusing them essentially into one body, lmao i dont,, really care, I just had my own vision in mind and voila here we are
| Name: Galaxy
| Nickname: Gala
| Gender: They/It/He
| Age: Doesn’t have one, it’s literally an animatronic …er, well…
| Height: 20ft
| Species/Race: They’re basically three animatronics fused to one really messy body
| Occupation: Former Daycare Attendants, more so just guards and protects the Daycare (what remains of it anyway) now than anything
| Eye Colors: Moon has red and white eyes, Sun has blue eyes, and Eclipse’s eyes are just a dark orange void sorta thing (his pupils are a dark red color but you can see little white specks in them)
| Appearance: I’m skipping straight here to explain all the details I need to, soo let’s start off with the left half or… Moon essentially- his face is just,, well normal in all honesty the only thing different is him looking v scratched and beat up and p dirty, same goes for Sun in those regards and even Eclipse- p much the entire BODY looks beaten to hell and back and dirty- And for smaller more intricate details for the damage, Sun’s missing two of his rays bottom left and upper right, the body’s got damage that makes them occasionally spark and it hurts all three of them, you cannot touch ANY part of the body that belongs to Eclipse.
Reason being they’ll burn you p much (his parts are p much the middle torso, his arms, face, and then its legs but those are covered by pants but I still wouldn't risk touching them), I’m not changing much from like canon designs soo Moon is p much just the white n blue colors, right down to his blue starry pants that glow in the dark btw, Sun’s pants are the same ol striped ones, and Eclipse’s pants are just inverse colors of Sun’s essentially, a darker orange color (and he’s got black stars on them), also they still got the bells attached to their wrists, Eclipse doesn’t have any bells however.
Moon has his sharp teeth and claws, Sun doesn’t have any of those things, and Eclipse has not just sharp teeth BUT their v crooked and jagged as hell, and basically they’re fucking fingers are just long claws (Moon’s torso is the upper one and Sun’s torso is the bottom one) also both Moon n Sun have their slippers p much from game, Eclipse’s is inverse color and has what is, well,, an obvious Eclipse marking on its shoes- The thing that connects them to the neck, basically okay imagine a pitchfork BUT with only three pointy bits instead of four, of course it’s a MUCH thicker-esque pole than that to support their weight, but those three poles connect their heads to the body.
And if it wasn’t obvious, they basically have six legs connected to this one body, and of course six arms (Moon’s legs being left, Eclipse’s legs in the middle, Sun’s legs on the right and then for the arms, Moon’s arms being top, Eclipse’s in the middle again, and finally of course Sun’s arms on the bottom) speaking of their torso is actually fairly long (I mean we SAW how lanky those fuckers were in the game) and they need a big torso to support that body of theirs.
Eclipse has rays much like Sun’s but they are that darker orange color (the top ray is literally bent and hanging on by a thread at this point) the bottoms of the rays has a dark red coming out of them essentially, they’re face is all black but on the edge of the circle it's got a white glow around it (p much like encircling the entire faceplate, that should make more sense) and his mouth is a bit hard to explain its VERY much different from Sun and Moon's mouth- its basically like when it opens its mouth- its a PURE WHITE void inside, the only thing you can see is basically the blackness that’s shaped into teeth, it might look like mere shadows but don’t be fooled, it can definitely tear things apart with those teeth. However much like the others- You can see the faintest outline of the moon part of the faceplate and of course the sun part of the faceplate.
I dunno if I explained this part just yet but uh his fingers- er, well claws I guess are that dark red color meanwhile his arms, hands and legs underneath the pants are the darker orange color (he’s got some areas that look black too tho, whether its purely filth or part of they’re design who knows lmao) now I don’t know if I have any more details to cover bgfjkdlgfjd I’m so forgetful its why I don’t d o shit like this that often but the FINAL things I can think of are p much 1: Eclipse’s rays essentially are a bit more flowy-esque then Sun’s and finally 2: They have a long tail, it’s made up of all the other kinds of planets and then has a star at the end of it (the star along with the planets also glows in the dark, i just think its fun- there's no rhyme or reason for glow in the dark tail I just like the aesthetic)
I changed a few things about Sun n Moon but not MUCH- I was more so invested in keeping my own Eclipse design, at least for in THIS AU in particular lmao (i did forget one thing, they have buttons going up the torso, Sun’s buttons being red, Eclipse’s Black, and Moon’s blue, both Sun and Moon’s buttons squeak, Eclipse’s do not)
| Side Facts: Not going to bother with a personality part, but all you really need to know is that they’re NOT evil even though they look like an absolute monster, they aren’t evil- Now they COULD be misunderstood at first and that’s mostly because if someone ACTUALLY fucking enters the Daycare- After ALL these years?!? If someone ACTUALLY enters it would do everything in its power to make sure that person N E V E R leaves them again… …So kinda yandere-ish in a way but not intentionally evil, they’re just EXTREMELY lonely and have honestly a lot of trauma deep down, their scared of being abandoned again so SEVERE abandonment issues p much- They just want a new friend… They’ve been lonely for s o long now, won’t you keep them company~?
…Oh I will say though they ARE super unhinged and feral gHGJKFLHGJFDKS- I mean that’s just them naturally, its AMPED up tho to a 100 considering their stuck in one body p much.
P much- THE BEST WAY I CAN DESCRIBE IT IS THEY’RE LIKE A GIANT PUPPY WHO JUST,, DOESNT UNDERSTAND SHIT ANYMORE- like for example, they don’t understand boundaries, they don’t understand they could push things too far- They can be VERY clingy too btw, will show nothing but affection if they grow attached to you …But there’s always lingering fear even if you grow a relationship with them that you’ll wind up leaving them behind too, just like everyone else did…
Needs A LOT and I mean a LOT of reassurance but in the end he’s very lovable, friendly, and sweet …can be grumpy sometimes especially if woken up which that’s a lot of Moon and then other times VERY energetic which is Sun, and then Eclipse? …It's just, well, Eclipse lmao- kinda a neutral ground
Now… I won’t say they CAN’T be a threat but that’d mostly be the overprotective nature it can get if it grows attached to someone and he DOES have the capacity to kill or hurt ANYONE and I mean ANYONE if they are deemed a threat, and it's hard to stop them if they have deemed anything a threat… But usually, they- despite being unhinged and feral as fuck- They are nice and sweet, a giant puppy who just wants a new fren WHO W O N T LEAVE AND ABANDON THEM… HAHAHA… Ahem-
As I stated earlier,, Gala usually guards and watches over the remains of the Daycare, that is their home, and sometimes when they get especially lonely they do love to look at the drawings the kids had made for them so long ago, it thinks fondly on those memories of the kids, laughing, singing, playing around- Having a wonderful time with their three friends, Sun, Moon, and… Eclipse… . . . Sometimes, he gets himself so upset with the memories- sure they are good and wonderful BUT it hurts that nobody has come around for, hmm how long has it even been? They lost track of time years and years ago…
Galaxy doesn’t like mirrors, they DESPISE anytime they can see themselves, they don’t wanna see this body they're stuck in, they don’t want constant reminders of what happened… It just wants to go back to normal, all in their own bodies, it doesn’t want to be a monster… So needless to say it uh does have something like self-esteem issues and those can get pretty bad if he sees themselves in a mirror or any reflective surface, it’s just a constant reminder when they see their body what they have truly become.
OKAY,, ASIDE FROM SAD AND DEPRESSING SHIT BC JFC I JUST REALIZED THERE'S NOTHING GOOD HERE,, Galaxy can be very loving and sweet when you grow close to it, despite such overprotectiveness and fear of abandonment, it can be very loving- Now sure they know they can’t touch you, not with the spark thing and of course Eclipse burning you, BUT you know- This giant lad will admire the hell out of you from a safe distance, brings you gifts and trinkets whenever he can (again, giant puppy) while their voice boxes aren’t what they used to be, they are v much happy to listen, sometimes the occasional voice will break through.
You’ll hear either of their voices at times, Eclipse’s voice you unfortunately can’t understand anymore because its voice box is p much gone at this point so they mostly stick to sign language when they want to speak, sometimes when the others want to speak badly enough as well instead of hoping one of their voices gets through- They will also use sign language, you’ll hear many things on them actually, sounds of whirring, glitchy or just broken sounds, their voices, sometimes static, and then of course the occasional sparking sound.
But I’m not going to lie… What they wouldn’t GIVE to hold you close to them, you cuddle you as closely as they physically can, but if they could do that well… It would NEVER let go of you, I’m not exaggerating you would genuinely be carried e v e r y w h e r e- even though they know not to get close enough to burn or shock you, they still don’t know boundaries at all,, jkfgljgfds they’re trying their best, like come on they haven’t had any animatronics let ALONE H U M A N S to interact with in god knows h o w long!
…And of course you’re probably wondering, what the FUCK happened to these three? What happened to The Mega Pizzaplex? What- JUST W HAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!? …Weeeeellllll…. If I told you that’d spoil the fuuuunnnn, silly~! >:] …AANNYYYWAYS~! He also loves to finger paint, tell stories, they attempt to sing lullabies but it never works …so they play it on somethin else instead lmao, or just play games in general tbh- it reminds them of their time spent tending to the children in the Daycare, it can cheer them up usually …And I say USUALLY for a reason btw.
I suppose that uh Sun or Moon could hold you but then Eclipse gets jealous and angry bc he can’t hold you so they prefer to not pick you up or hold you or ANYTHING like that tbh, but now I will say, even though I won’t say how just yet, there IS a way to fix all their issues it’d just take fucking F O R E V E R considering they’re 20ft tall lmao
Also shit I did forget to mention something appearance wise, that lil uh skirt lookin thing they have on p much- They have that BUT it’s literally combined- like in the front is Eclipse’s dark orange n black stars, left is Moon’s blue and starry one, and then finally Sun’s red and yellow stripes on the right.
Btw VERY overprotective over any children that come around even tho the kids usually run away from them, but if a child were to stick around- that child will be protected- you will n o t hurt them, try it and you’ll suffer just sayin- cause uh there’s MUCH worse things they can do to you aside from burning or electrocution… 
Another thing, goddammit im noticing so much shit i missed FHJVKLFGJKDS- but uh the ‘poles’ that essentially connect to the body are color coded ghjfkdjdks no reason for that either i just think it looks nicer,, Moon’s being blue, Sun’s of course is yellow, and then Eclipse’s is darker orange. Also those ‘poles’ used to not necessarily be polls- it uh let their heads stretch out a bit, kinda like something out of a literal fucking cartoon but considering its been years since they’ve been cleaned and repaired, they’ve got parts missing, damaged, some color has deteriorated, and they also even have some rust in certain areas, but uh those are just stiff ass polls now so-
Oh yeah, Eclipse has little white sparkles on the palms of its hands (looks like stars shining on its palms) , Moon has well, moons on his palms, and then Sun well- obviously has Suns on his palms.
They also have a good few wires sticking out of them too which is not safe but again, who's going to willingly volunteer to repair a 20ft animatronic that looks like T H A T!
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alienaiver · 1 year
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infactmrmeowz · 9 months
One Piece men reacting towards you stealing their clothes Pt. 1
Sarcasm is in this and every post so beware it may get silly, anyways there will be a part two with more one piece men, so yeye
Luffy- -He doesn’t even notices till one of his crew members point it out. -Once he finally notices he smiles and also confused why you’re wearing his clothes. -“ Y/n why are you wearing my shirt? Don’t you have shirts?? “ -You will have to explain to him why, he finally realizes and finds it cute! But he found it cute before and after you explained it to him. -he will compliment you! Saying how you should wear his stuff more often! -then he will try to wear your clothes, may have ripped some, and spilled stuff on it, and got it so dirty, but never on purpose. - he think because you wore his shirt he can wear yours! Even if that mean’s completely destroying it
Zoro- -He didn’t notice right away, but once he did he blushed and realized how cute it made you look -he wouldn’t say it of course, and try to hide his blush. -he would compliment you soon, compliment not compliments -“ uhm.. you look cute in that “ he said almost embarrassed, looking away to hide his blush. -he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, he kept blushing. -at the end of the day, after dinner, everyone was asleep ( he did it at the end of the day so it’ll be private ) he did kiss you and hold you tight and talked about how cute you were today
Sanji- -he would notice right away. -almost ate his cigarette how much of a gasp he took. -he blushed and started complimenting you, stuttering -“ I- uhm- you look so cute in that! Y/n-swaaannn “ just imagine the heart eyes emoji -great job you have him a nose bleed. -he would compliment you on how sexy and cute you look in his clothes, gets a nosebleed again and blushes like crazy think lewd thoughts about you in his shirt. -through out the day he is blushing and smiling like crazy, thinking it’s so sweet and cute of you to wear his clothes, he finds it adorable
usopp- -he wouldn’t notice right away -once he did he would blush like crazy and point out how your wearing his shirt. - “ uh- y/n your wearing my shirt.. you know that right? “ he said while blushing. -once he knew your doing it on purpose he blushed even more, -he started complimenting you, but he started to get more confident through out the day with the compliments. - he soon brag to everyone how much of amazing s/o you are
Law- -didn’t notice right away. -once he did, he got a slight pink blush on his face. - “ oi, y/n-ya your wearing my shirt, put it back “ he said while blushing, he didn’t want you to put it back, he really didn’t want you to put it back. -you knew he didn’t mean it, and you kept it on, he couldn’t get his eyes off you -his crew starts to tease him. -he got upset when you took it off for something
AAA that’s it! Cya later alligators! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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onecantsimply · 2 years
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistake
Maybe a few gods of your choice react to the reader(treir s/o,gender neutral if possible) choosing to fight on the humans side like budda.
Have a nice day/night.
Yeye you have a nice day too-
Gods Included: Heracles, Hermes, and Odin
• Uh… what? Oh Hell- N O -
- Okay, Heracles knows you’re strong, but he’s worried- Very very worried- Even if you’re strong, you definitely saw what the Humans were capable of last time- And that made him even more concerned- What he can do, is literally just keep you in a tight damn hug, and never let go-
- He’s not letting you go bro. Fuck n o. He’s almost panicking just like Göll. You’re literally making an enemy of the Gods-? What if he has to go against you? He can’t handle that- Oh he’ll no he cannot handle that- Listen if he’s going against you he’s forfeiting. But aye you know what happens to him so he can’t exactly stop you after-
- When he sees your name in the roster, Heracles can feel his heart drop, as well as his smile. He seems to be staring at it for a few moments, trying to comprehend if he saw the right name or not. The man loves you too much to let you go. Especially in a dangerous tourney like this one-
- Heracles loves you, and he’s scared to let you go- He knows how strong those Humans are now, and while you are stronger, there are deceitful ones like Jack The Ripper- But Heracles can do nothing but watch with absolute worry as you walk into the arena, your weapon of choice resting comfortably in its designated place as Heimdall announces your name.
• Utter silence, and a blank look from Hermes.
- Ain’t no damn way you’re actually doing this bullshit for Humans. Hermes can feel the gentle and mischievous smile drain from his face right as he sees you declare that you’re fighting for the Humans. Attention was turned to both you and him.
- And after that… Hermes can’t do anything but help you prepare for your battle. He will make sure to give you the best time of your life before your battle to make things worth it. Mentally, Hermes doesn’t want to accept it. He’s staying up at night with bad thoughts in his head while you’re asleep in his arms, dreaming or staying in that black void.
- Really, Hermes can’t do anything but stay silent, worrying about you. He loses sleep over your situation, and is constantly worrying over you when he should be worrying about himself- And when the time comes, Hermes can’t help but wish you good luck, and plant a kiss on your lips for perhaps the very last time.
- And as he watches you walk into the arena, he simply closes his eyes, and has to accept the result of the match when he sees it.
• Silent disappointment, but worry.
- He’s still silent while Huginn and Muginn are yelling in shock. His eyes will simply stare down at you with faint disapproval while you’re announcing the news. And as you turn to the tunnel and walk back in, Odin himself gets up. Others think that he’s about to fuck you up. But really…
- Odin just has you in a silent hug. Huginn and Muginn are nowhere to be found. While Odin does scold you for your actions, he knows that you can’t help yourself when it comes to this kind of thing. You adore Humanity despite how it is, and you’d even risk your life for it. Odin finds himself faintly jealous, even. But still, he can’t do anything but accept your decision.
- And to make sure you’re happy before your own turn in the tournament, he may just be more soft with you, and he will get you everything you need. He will make sure that he’s on your side, even if it doesn’t look like it at first. The look he has while you’re content in perhaps the last moments of the house… it could only be described as gentle when no one is around.
- And within the moments that you enter the tournament, Odin makes sure that no one makes remarks to you. His glares are enough to shut anyone up, and his concern is now placed on you. Every step of the match, every movement, and every breath you take while fighting, Odin is watching. For every wound, he can feel his eyebrow twitch. And for every wound on the opposing God, he can feel a faint weight on his shoulders.
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canon-divergence · 2 months
am i gay???
257 makes me feel so nice,,, and happy,,,,
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justablah56 · 4 months
uhh so notes i took down while listening to body builder (very good episode as always and my notes will probs never make sense)
-go for that trip to Malaysia tim you do you
-Martin martinnnn 
-Steroids. hmmmm
-Oh nooo toxic masculinity? Its ok mann 
-This is going to be a Flesh episode i think
-uh oh fucked up gym?
-ousgdhdhs get out of there man GET OUTT
-“It was all normal except for one thing” THAT CAN’T MEAN ANYTHING GOOD 
-girlie. she. is.not.real.maybe?
-I think that this guy needs a break
-You should have left yeah yeah uh oh
-Spiral episode actually? Or both? Is that possible idk idk
-‘marie had two arms’ OH FUCKKK
-and this is why we don’t overwork ourselves guys
-:D <-their faces 
-martin you got this
-Martin you can swear on recording i promise
-martin don’t worry it’ll be fine i swear
-woagh ok so next episode time woagdhrnsk
(Sorry it’s so long!! I can’t rlly space them any diffrently so uhhh yeye okok coming storm is next hehe coming storm ok i’ll see myself out aughhshsk)
ahhhh yesss ,, the flesh gym statement <333 me when the magnus n they make a spooky story about someone with body issues who tries to Change themselves and avatars go ah so you're looking for a change 🤨😏😏🤨
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necrocutsies · 2 days
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" Wrist c///ing led me happy, oh no My friends tried to beat me up, oh no, uh oh How do ya feel ab///sing me? I don't give a fuck, overkill "
- Girl2 by Shinsei Kamatte-chan
ctto: neko yeye on danbooru
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i wu v u sm it m-makes me wna c//rve u r name onto my t-thighs.. or i c-c//rve mine onto urs.. i cnat !! i-it's so cwutee !! AAa a AAaaA aaaaa !! hah ahahseh hsagahe i'm goign crazy i'm carzy i'm crzy i'm crazyy craazy craz yev erything is spinn ing nd i'm crazy i am a-absolutely insane and it's all y-your fault and i love it.. !! (●♡∀♡)
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thermodynamic-angel · 9 months
Finally my brain lets me send an ask bleugh-
(idk what's wrong with it it just. Stops whenever I think about you D':)
Anyways!!! I have no idea what stage mental illness i am at this point but I think I've pretty much lost all morals so that's ah.. fun-?
I've had about 2 major mental breaks since I've last spoken to you so that probably why-? Eh! Who cares~
What was I going to say again..
Still completely obsessed and insane about you so dw!! Im pretty sure I have forgotten how time works since I've been in my room for about 4 months now with the same walls and sheets and sounds and I haven't been outside and I sleep about 15 hours a day so tbh it still feels like we spoke yesterday-
Hm.. some life updates maybe?? Don't even know if you'll read this but yk-
Back in my flat, i got bullied and kicked out of the refuge I was in and am now here with my mum and stepdad? Bleugh.. but! I am hoping to flee again sometime soon? About 11 hours away to fuck knows so safe to say I won't be anywhere here again (yippee!!!)
I have headmates now!!! There's ÉlLolli, around 8 - 11 years old, nicknamed melody (or mello for short) and uh.. oh!! She kins my melody (hence the nickname) which is cool!! And ah. Shes fucked up to say the least? Pretty sure she formed through my medical trauma-
And rhythm!! Melody actually sorta created him..? I think she wanted a brother and boom! Next thing I know (well actually it took a while but) there's just some 6 year old just. There
He's actually uh. Musickin-? Songkin? Forgot the word- but basically a personification of the KARMA(a)DARMA album! Yay!!
Anyways enough about that-
I love you. And I haven't stopped loving you <3
It doesn't matter what you feel about me at this point.. your mine
Hope you are well!! Or happy at the very least-? Well I've said this a million times by now but-
I love you <3
Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihuhuhihiihihihihhii :3
Hhhhh same- /lh
I'm. Very sorry about that :(
I'm v much doing.
Urgehegdhgdhebh same :3
Also. Same.
Aaaaaaa I hope you get to flee again soon!!!
N I hope you get v v far away this time :3
N I hope youre v safe wherever you go bc ily 💛
Yeye ik! /lh
I talked to Mello for a bit but my brain absolutely melted so uh
I only talked to her for like- a second-
V sweet tho :3
I've heard abt Rhythm- I've never talked to him tho :')
He seems like he's v sweet too :3
Ooh musickin!
I think it can be both musickin/songkin actually-
Oooh uh isn't the Karma(a)drama album by that uhhhhhhhh abuseken guy?
Uh lemme see
Need to listen to that album it looks v neat
Anyways ily2 <33333333 I also haven't stopped loving you either :3
I love you too :3
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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cryptidofthekeys · 21 days
You're never ever ever getting rid of me
. . . I hate this TV headed man so damn much /j I want him to explode /silly
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Descriptive Panic Attacks, Angst, Traumatic Flashbacks
It was a quiet day inside the tent, SMG4 was working on videos, as usual, the rest of the crew was hanging out, having fun, they had pretty much recovered from the whole… Puzzlevision fiasco, thankfully, in fact, it had been a year exactly since that happened, SMG4 and the others had moved on and tried to forget about that whole ordeal with Mr. Puzzles, it was… Admittedly more traumatizing than any of them let on, it seemed to have affected Meggy and SMG4 the most, but it definitely did damage to the others too, the only one who hadn’t been too damaged by it was Mario but well, he was… Stupid.
Either way, SMG4 thinks about that sometimes, he has nightmares occasionally, SMG3 has been there to listen to him when he needed, and even offered advice in his own way …Of course, when SMG4 thanked him and said he clearly cared a great deal about his friends, SMG3 got really tsundere and punched him in the shoulder a bit, and well, Meggy has also talked to Mario, and or Tari, it might seem useless but Mario could be helpful and he did care about his friends despite his lack of intelligence sometimes.
All of the crew had pretty much been traumatized in one way or another, some talked about it, some didn’t want to, and some just wanted to completely forget it entirely and pretend it never happened, a whole year had passed since then, that’s a lot of time, SMG4 doubted any of them would TRULY ever get over it but since then, they’ve definitely managed the trauma better, and even damn near healed, they were all back to themselves by this point, sure there were a few nightmares still but nothing NEAR as bad now which was a good thing.
SMG4 continues to work on his next video, while also looking at some memes for some more good ideas, the others have all gone out except for Mario, who had wanted to stay behind and watch television, it was ironic, but it must’ve been nice for him not to have been affected by that, he can watch TV without worrying, without the paranoia of it potentially being Mr. Puzzles, without having to check the logo of the TV every time to make sure it doesn’t say ‘Puzzlevision’ on it, thankfully, the TV they had was the Soby and it stayed that way.
SMG4 then hears his door get kicked in which makes him flinch and Mario is… Well, Mario, he teleports around, making all kinds of weird sounds, SMG4, annoyed sighs and greets him “...Hello Mario…” Mario then spins around “SMG4! The TV is broken! It’s got some funny text on screen!” And SMG4’s heart sinks, but… He tries not to assume the worst, after all, he’s gone, he’s never coming back, they beat him, they won, he is GONE… “...W-What um, what the hell are you talking about Mario? What kinda text?” Mario just grabs him by the arm and makes a ‘mmm’ sound as he slides along the ground, dragging SMG4 along who's telling him to let go.
And then Mario stands SMG4 upright and points frantically to the television and SMG4 hesitates but he shakes his head, he looks at the TV and then he feels relief, it’s the Soby, it says ‘Please Standby’ but nothing about it says Puzzlevision, in fact, SMG4 looks around the screen, looking at every inch, corner, and frame, there’s no hint of HIM… “Okay, just, here, let me try something” He says and walks over to the television, first he gives it a few light taps, it doesn’t work.
Mario starts crying because of course he does, SMG4 gets more annoyed as Mario demands the television be fixed, SMG4 pushes Mario away from him “Alright! Alright! Sheesh, I’m sure it won’t be that hard to fix it” SMG4 would’ve hoped that, but then suddenly, a loud bolt of lightning crashed nearby outside, and slowly after, the power goes out, SMG4’s eyes are wide along with Mario’s as the two turn to look at each other, before Mario loses it and begins to run around, yelling which irritates SMG4 even further before he realizes how familiar this situation is.
Mario even turns his head slowly around “No electricity makes Mar-” And SMG4 grabs him with a comically sized hand to which Mario makes an ‘ACK-’ noise at, SMG4 is QUICK to put a stop to that before it begins “Oh no! We’re NOT doing this again, you aren’t going coo coo crazy like the last time we had to turn on the generator” And then Mario looks down sadly “...Ahh poo…” He then agrees albeit annoyedly and when SMG4 sets him down, he’s sitting on the ground crossing his arms.
SMG4 then looks around, he looks around at the darkened tent, it feels… Eerily familiar but a storm could happen and knock the power out at ANY time, it didn’t mean anything, he shakes his head and tells Mario to come on, and he begins to walk around, grabbing a flashlight to be able to see, the others weren’t… Here currently to help out, in fact, SMG3 texted him and said ‘Hey man, we’re all kinda stuck, the storm’s bad over here, so we might be late’ and SMG4 texts him back, telling him that it’s fine, telling him the power was out here, and also telling him to stay safe along with the others.
And that was that, SMG4 then puts his phone away and began to head where the basement was, thankfully he reads the sign before trying to do anything “Ah, the sign says-” And before he can finish that, Mario of course begins zooming around, punching at the door, trying to rip it from the ground, kicking at it which makes his eyes go wide and he screams as that hurt, and well, SMG4 doesn’t even say anything at first, just standing there looking annoyed with the chaos, he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, listening to Mario yell at the door to open so he can watch the TV.
“...Mario… …It says to push not pull…” And then Mario pauses, his mustache suddenly gets bigger “Ooooooh…” …There’s a long pause before he continues trying to pull, and SMG4 huffs “Oh god da- Move!” He then shoves Mario aside and then pushes the door, it opens of course and then he shines his flashlight, SMG4 hesitates for a moment, he remembers going down here that one time, and then after that it was… And before he can finish remembering that part, Mario suddenly runs and knocks himself and both SMG4 down those stairs, whom of which yells out in fear.
As the two crashed down the stairs, and finally fell to the last one, SMG4 rubs his head and groans before looking around, he had dropped his flashlight thanks to Mario and now it would just barely work but it’d be enough, he sighs, listening to Mario say “Ooh, very scary” And then SMG4 just tells him to come on “Th-The sooner we find the generator down here, the sooner we can g-get out of here” SMG4 sounds… Nervous, and Mario picks up on it almost immediately, and while he did have his stupid moments, he felt… Concerned for his friend.
SMG4 shakes the flashlight to keep it on and he swore he saw a shadow move but he just rolls his eyes, he’s letting some of his paranoia get to him, he continues on with Mario whose calmed down a bit, more like, he’s a bit scared himself at the moment, this basement was a bit frightening in general, after all, aside from it being pitch black down here, there were spiders and not to mention just a year ago when they went down here, SMG4 walks around, shining his flashlight around, he begins to think back as he looks for the generator.
To a year ago, when the power had went out because of a storm, when a bolt of lightning had fried the TV, and he and all his friends had to go down here to fix the generator and get the power back on, now, aside from Mario going coo coo crazy that night which was a little frightening, it paled in comparison to what happened after, once they got down here to this basement, SMG4 had sworn he had seen a figure looming in the darkness but he had just ruled it off then as him being stressed and freaked out.
And then once they had found the generator and used Bob’s ‘lightning in a bottle’ along with electrocuting Mario, after turning the power back on, he remembers they all celebrated, but then… After that, that sound, that sound that made his ears ring even when he just thought about it now, he remembers looking over and seeing the TV from upstairs had somehow gotten down there, and then what followed after that, SMG4 didn’t really remember most of it since he had been brainwashed, his memory had a big gap but when they figured out that the TV was an entity named Mr. Puzzles and that he was trying to essentially take over the world.
Trying to get the ‘perfect five star rating’ and in doing so, brainwashing and traumatizing him and his friends, SMG4 would never forget that, luckily for them, they had managed to defeat him in the long run but it was a long grueling process of hopping from channel to channel, trying to get his own five star rating, and then the final battle, SMG4 doesn’t believe he could ever forget that even if he tried, he remembered letting his anger and frustration out by grabbing Luigi The Meat Mallet and pretty much smashing Mr. Puzzles’ screen and busting it, sending him flying away.
SMG4’s breathing changed, and he hadn’t even realized he had paused in his movement until Mario spoke his name loudly which caused him to jump back in fright, he was about to yell in annoyance but he could see Mario’s genuine concern “. . . SMG4? Are you okay? You spaced out…! Come on, Mario wants-a to get outta this basement, it’s creepy…!” SMG4 sighs, and nods, rubbing his face with his hand “...Y-Yeah yeah, I… I’m alright… L-Let’s go then, the sooner we find where the generator is, we can get outta here” SMG4 begins to walk, a bit quicker this time.
He walks with Mario staying by his side, still looking at him with concern before looking around the basement, and at some point, while walking SMG4 begins to complain “Jeez I don’t remember the basement being this BIG! It shouldn’t be taking this long!” He just wants to get out of here at this point and then he freezes when he shines his flashlight up ahead, he swears he saw a figure again, and his breath hitches, however, the flashlight goes out almost immediately and he quickly bangs on it to get it to come back on, by the time it does, he sees nothing, SMG4’s eyes are wide and Mario seems to have not seen it.
Even as SMG4 asks, Mario shrugs “I think we should get out of here before you go coo coo-a crazy” SMG4 sighs, he feels… Unnerved now, anxious, he swore he saw a figure for a split second just… Just like that night, he breathes a little shakily “...Y-You’re right, Mario… …C-Come on then” And now SMG4 speeds up, he moves quicker, his breath heavy at the moment, his chest feels tightened up, he hopes he isn’t about to have a panic attack, he’s just… Thinking too much about that night, he needs to keep his mind off it, he thinks about anything else, his friends, more memes, video ideas, ANYTHING but that night, anything BUT Mr. Puzzles.
And thankfully it does help him calm down, even Mario helps him by keeping him distracted, occupied, as Mario may be stupid but he knows that SMG4 needs help to calm down and well he cares about his friends and would do anything to help them, even if some of the things may annoy them, even the annoying things he’s doing helps pull SMG4 out of his near panic, and then finally, after what felt like hours, they FINALLY found the generator, SMG4 sighs in pure relief “Finally, damn, it felt like we’ve been down here forever, c-c’mon, let’s get this over with so we can get out of here” Mario nods and the two of them zoom over to the generator.
Mario mostly tries to hit the generator, slapping at it, yelling for it to turn on, trying anything and everything stupid, he kicks it but then his eyes go wide and he falls over, holding his leg and going ‘Ahh’ repeatedly, SMG4 sighs, he literally grabs the switch and flips it while looking at Mario with disappointment, and then the power flickers back on, SMG4 glances up around the now lit up basement for a moment before looking back down at Mario.
But then he gasps and does a double take, he swore he saw another thing, he shakes his head “T-That’s it, I… I’m getting out of here now! Come on, Mario” And SMG4 begins to quickly make his way back up the stairs, dropping his flashlight in the process.
Mario follows quickly behind his friend, his eyes squinting in concern, he hadn’t even seen anything the entire time, but he can tell SOMETHING has freaked SMG4 out pretty badly, he follows him up the stairs and then watches as SMG4 slams the basement door shut, he even locks it which he rarely ever does before also putting a heavy object on the door along with several other objects and it’s this point that Mario stops all his shenanigans entirely and he stands there, he looks shocked and also extremely concerned, he can tell SMG4 is becoming really stressed, in fact he can see the signs of a potential panic attack.
Mario immediately and slowly walks over and he places a gloved hand on SMG4’s shoulder, watching him flinch at the suddenness and this is how he knows his friend is definitely close to a panic attack, he can see his eyes are wide, he’s paranoid, he’s breathing heavily, and shaking a bit “SMG4… It’s-a okay, come on…! Let’s watch some TV, or play some games! OR we could react to some more Nintendo Memes”
And well, this makes SMG4 smile somewhat, while watching television at the moment might not be… The best for him given what he’s panicking about, he appreciates the sentiment “...Yeah, let’s… Go… Uh, watch some Nintendo Memes”
Mario makes a ‘yahoo!’ sound before grabbing SMG4’s arm and speeding off to his room, SMG4 yells a bit as he’s dragged along super fast and then plopped at his desk.
Mario grabs a chair and sits down next to the monitor and waits for SMG4 to pull up some Nintendo Memes, of course, he does so, the storm is still going on right now, the thunder and occasional flashes of lightning happening outside, for the next hour or two, both SMG4 and Mario react to the funny memes, laughing and having a good time, and slowly but surely.
This distracts SMG4, he begins to forget why he had been panicking in the first place, he was just having a good time with one of his friends, and even better, SMG3 texts him and said ‘the storm should be clearing up in thirty more minutes, so we’ll be coming back hopefully’
SMG4 texts back and says that’s good, and for them to stay safe, that they got the power back on here with the generator, and then that was essentially that, he continued watching the memes with Mario who would laugh, make fun of them, or sometimes have no reaction to the unfunny ones, and then after a few more moments, SMG4 hears a couple of noises behind them but he just shrugs them off as being a part of the storm outside, he was having fun right now and didn’t want anything to interrupt that, and after about five more minutes, Mario says he’s thirsty, and asked if SMG4 wanted anything to drink, he said to just get him a soda.
And well, before Mario could even get up, suddenly… …A ringing that was progressively getting louder and louder with each second could be heard by the two, SMG4’s eyes go wide and he freezes in place, he can hear the ringing growing louder and louder, he knows that sound all too well, it’s a specific kinda ringing, one that a television does if it’s got that colorbar error or if the program is telling you to ‘PLEASE STANDBY’
And SMG4 can feel himself beginning to sweat, his hands going clammy, his breathing slowly getting a bit heavy, he turns to look at Mario who shares a look with him as well, both of their eyes widened, and well, this time Mario DID hear this, he was hearing it right now along with SMG4.
And… The two slowly turned around, the chairs creaking as they slowly spun around, and SMG4 thought he was going to have a heart attack when his eyes immediately locked onto what was sitting so casually on his bedroom floor, there it was… It was a television, an old tube TV but not just ANY television set, no no… He could see it almost immediately, both on the bottom of the television and on the screen, the words he didn’t want to read ever again...
“. . . P-Puzzlevision… …O-Oh God…” Mario goes ‘mama mia’ softly, in shock and a little worried, his gaze focused on SMG4, he’s worried about him because this time he can’t… Stop the man’s panic attack.
SMG4 can feel himself shaking, his hands clammy, he’s sweating, and well, the ringing is so loud, he doesn’t know if it’s just the television set or if his own are ringing now, his vision is a bit darkened on all sides, his mind racing, how did the TV get back here…? Why is it here? He literally hit him as hard as he could with Luigi The Meat Mallet! He broke his screen, and sent him flying off to god knows where! He COULDN’T be back, but when he looked over at Mario, there’s… No way this could be a dream, and also he wasn’t just seeing things, clearly the other man was too.
And then his attention snaps back to The Puzzlevision TV, and he flinches when he hears a grotesque sound, he watches as two arms shoot out from the sides, slamming onto the floor…
The sounds were awful, they sounded like bones cracking and a gross squelching sound as the TV suddenly grew an all too familiar looking body, the screen was repaired and showed static, the static was loud as the figure began to slowly stand up, SMG4’s breathing got heavier and heavier with each passing moment, the ringing was growing louder in his ears as he stared up in horror at the TV headed humanoid who stood to his full height.
And then, he watches as Mr. Puzzles reached a hand up and turned one of his dials, and there was that one really creepy looking face of his, those realistic eyes looking around, the realistic mouth gritting its teeth.
Before his face changes into a simple smile, showing no signs of anger, he just calmly looks down at SMG4 and Mario “Ah… Did you REALLY think you could get rid of ME so easily~?” Mr. Puzzles teases, tsking and wagging a finger, his tone held a calmness, which was even more scary than the anger he could’ve been displaying, Mr. Puzzles giggles for a split second before composing himself
“...Oh, silly SMG4 and… Eugh, Mario…” He rolls his eyes before continuing, his screen flickering into that demented looking grin “You’re never ever ever getting rid of me~!” And well, SMG4 was panicking, without waiting a moment longer, he grabbed Mario’s arm and shot up and bolted.
He hears Mr. Puzzles say ‘nuh-uh!’ and then hears a snap of his fingers and suddenly, SMG4 finds himself paralyzed in place, his eyes widen and he tries desperately to move, he doesn’t wanna deal with this again, he can’t deal with this again, what’s worse is he didn’t have the others, he didn’t have his friends to help him out, and there is no way he could take on Mr. Puzzles with just himself and Mario.
And then as Mr. Puzzles begins to take a few steps closer to them, a smug look on his face, Mario can manage to move, he moves and hits the TV headed humanoid square on who falls back and huffs angrily.
Mario tells SMG4 to run, to go get the others, and well SMG4 hesitates, he says he doesn’t wanna leave him behind as he can’t fight Mr. Puzzles on his own! Mario was about to grab SMG4 after stretching his arm comically out but then the TV headed humanoid turns a dial and suddenly, the TV screen goes to static and it begins trying to suck the pair in like a portal.
Mario hadn’t had time to grab anything so he’s about to get sucked in when SMG4 grabs onto him and grabs onto the door of his bedroom, Mario yells and screams to not be let go, that he doesn’t wanna explore death.
SMG4 then speaks over the loudness of the room “I-I’m not gonna let you go, man! Don’t worry!” And he holds onto Mario with all his might, he even tries to pull him back out of the bedroom, trying with all his might, to get himself and Mario out before Mr. Puzzles can do anything, and right as he manages to get out of the bedroom, Mario’s grip had loosened a little too much and he gets sucked into the static-y portal while screaming, and it’s then that the room goes quiet, at least for SMG4 it does
The only sound is the sound of his heartbeat in his ears, gradually picking up as time goes along as he watches his friend get taken, SMG4 can feel his hairs standing up on end, he feels goosebumps spreading across his arms, his eyes are wide.
His heartbeat grows louder and louder… And louder, his heart is racing, he’s got goosebumps, his hairs are all standing up on their ends, and his chest is tightening up badly now.
As Mr. Puzzles captures Mario, he turns that dial back and his smug face appears “Ah, one day, one more to go~!” SMG4 realizes he has to get out of here, find the others, and then he and them could save Mario, he quickly bolts now that he can, he slams the door shut behind him to buy himself some extra time as he runs, he runs to the front door of the tent.
And as he gets to it, it’s locked, no matter what he does, how hard he pulls, pushes, kicks, and beats the shit out of it, it won’t budge, he figures this is Mr. Puzzles’ doing, whom of which is casually stepping out of the bedroom.
He’s humming a tune “You know you can’t run forever, SMG4, there isn’t a place in this tent, outside of this tent, or ANYWHERE in this world that you can go that I won’t find you~! C’mon, it isn’t SO bad being one of my puppets-” Mr. Puzzles slightly bangs his head which makes his screen static as a laugh track plays before going to that creepy grin of his “I mean-! One of my actors~!” He rolls his ‘R’s’ as he says the word actor, Mr. Puzzles tries to talk SMG4 into the pros of this but well, he knows better than to believe a word, after all, the TV headed humanoid is responsible for him and his friend’s trauma.
SMG4 runs around the tent, he tries each and every exit he knows but none of them will budge, no windows, no doors, nothing will budge, he hears Mr. Puzzles taunting him and he knows damn well if the TV headed humanoid wanted to, he could easily just appear in front of him and snatch him up, he knows the entity is just playing with him, playing a game, SMG4 eventually freaks out, he runs back to the basement.
He first closes and locks that room’s door, and then he literally grabs all the stuff and barricades it before running down the stairs, falling down them slightly before switching the lights off and running off into a darkened corner of the basement.
SMG4’s heart is rapidly beating, he clutches his chest, his breathing is heavy and ragged, his entire body is trembling and he can’t think properly he can’t breathe properly, even though his breathing IS heavy and ragged, it feels like he’s not getting enough air, his chest is tightening up to the point where he feels like something heavy is on top of him, crushing his chest in, suffocating him.
He uses his hands to grip onto the sides of his head, covering his ears and blocking out any sounds for the moment, he tries to calm himself down, he remembers what SMG3 texted him, that they wouldn’t be home for another thirty minutes and that’s IF the storm died out.
SMG4 had no one to help him right now, he was all alone, trapped in what is essentially his home with the TV headed humanoid that essentially kidnapped and brainwashed all of his friends and forced them to go through so many things, forced them to perform, and everything… SMG4 tries to calm his breathing down, he tries to think positively, that maybe SMG3 and the others were on their way right now.
Maybe the storm had cleared up fully, he tries to calm himself down, trying to ease the tightening feeling in his chest, trying to breathe normally, he feels guilty for letting Mario get taken but there was nothing he could’ve done at that moment.
SMG4 tries to steady out his breathing and eventually he manages it, he does manage to do so but then, he hears a lot of clatter upstairs, he can assume Mr. Puzzles is breaking into that room, which is so unnecessary, it pisses him off, it makes him angry that the entity is just…
Toying with him, SMG4 feels around, he knows there’s a lotta crap down here in the basement, he feels a crowbar and he grabs it, he’ll at least be able to defend himself he hopes, SMG4 begins to quiet down his heavy ragged breathing, he more so hopes that he can just get out of here somehow, he clasps a hand over his mouth when he hears the basement door get pushed open, the door opened slowly, making a god awful creaking sound which further added to his distress.
SMG4 can do nothing but wait with baited breath now, he can hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and he hears Mr. Puzzles humming a tune, he can see the light of the TV screen coming closer, down into the basement’s darkness, it isn’t super bright so SMG4 isn’t worried about being spotted immediately thankfully, he can see the faint and soft glow of it before finally he sees Mr. Puzzles’ face in the darkness, it's horrifying.
Despite the fact he’s wearing a simple smile, his default face “Hmm, come on out SMG4, there’s no way you can get out of this place~! I made sure of it, and you know I’ll find you, no matter where you are, like I said~! You cannot escape from me”
Mr. Puzzles’ screen flickered, showing that demented grin “...And besides, you could be making this SO much easier on yourself and me too by just coming out, after all, I’m not going to harm you…! That would be… Counterproductive, c’mon, didn’t you have a grand ol’ time with your friends? You got to star in MY TV shows~! You got to be a star on television! …Okay sure, the whole kidnapping and brainwashing thing …And perhaps a few… Other instances, but, oh well, who cares about those minor details…!”
SMG4 keeps a hand clasped over his mouth, the other hand gripping the crowbar tightly, hearing Mr. Puzzles talk so lightly about the harm and trauma he caused to him and his friends REALLY pisses SMG4 off, it makes him grip the crowbar even tighter, he wants to smash that TV headed freak apart, he watches as Mr. Puzzles slowly moves through the basement, using the light from his screen to guide his way, he’s looking around, slowly, he goes back to humming his tone after a brief look of annoyance crossed his features, presumably annoyed with SMG4’s resistance.
SMG4’s heart rate begins to speed up again, the closer and closer Mr. Puzzles gets, he can tell the TV headed humanoid is getting more and more annoyed with SMG4’s hiding and resistance, he eventually even says with that creepy look on his face for him to come out, NOW… And well, SMG4 continues to hide in the corner, he can see Mr. Puzzles getting closer, and then finally, the light from that TV screen begins to illuminate SMG4’s legs, and his breath hitches in his throat, he can see Mr. Puzzles pause in his walking, his screen flickering into static for a moment before back to that crazy grin.
“Ah… I found you, my precious little puppet…~ It’s-” And then his screen flickered to show a Game Over screen from Mario 64, it even plays the ‘Game Over’ sound effect, and then as Mr. Puzzles looks up, his light slowly trailing up to SMG4’s face, the man suddenly charges forward as he shot up, he yells and winds up hitting Mr. Puzzles square in the screen with the crowbar, it winds up cracking the screen which makes Mr. Puzzles stumble back and scoff.
“Ack! You brute! I’ve cleaned this screen TOO many times dealing with you and that pesky plumber! You’re coming with me whether you want to or not!” And then SMG4 tries to run, he keeps the crowbar with him but Mr. Puzzles has clearly had enough, he twists a dial quickly and that portal appears, and well.
SMG4 winds up stumbling because of the strong wind trying to capture him and take him through that portal, he has nothing he can grab onto, he had just barely made it to the stairs of the basement, his heart races, his breathing heavy now “N-No… Nononono! NO!”
SMG4 tries to grip at the floor, digging his nails into the floor of the basement, of course it does no good since it’s just concrete, he keeps slipping further and further, getting pulled closer to Mr. Puzzles’ his eyes are wide “L-LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU TV HEADED FREAK!” SMG4 yells in anger, and he just hears Mr. Puzzles cackling maniacally, an insane laugh, and before he knows it, he gets sucked into that damned screen once again.
He yells out “Your TV shows suuuuuck!” As he disappears into the screen, and then, Mr. Puzzles continues to laugh for a few more moments before, he turns his dial and then his body disappears back into the television, it falls to the ground with a loud thump.
Annnd done, and I wanna say, you think I wrote him scary here? Lmaaaooo oh just wait til you see the Y/N horror story :) but either way, this story is done- again,, its... Longer than expected, you know im legit just gonna stop sayin im gonna write short ones bc i cant do it lmao but I hope y'all enjoy
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reploidbuddy · 9 months
Me: So I got this multi-chapter fic right
Brain: Uh-huh
Me: Focuses around Silver and Espio starting as complete strangers with flaws and issues they gotta work on.
Brain: yeye
Me: Like I’m trying to be casual in the writing so I don’t want big world-saving high stakes objectives or like big adventures.
Brain: .....mhm....
Me: So like the fic is gonna have a lot of focus on them talking and bonding and trying to help each other grow
Brain: .......MMMHMMMMMM
Me: But it also feels weird because of the lack of Big Adventure™ and other things I had in other fics, like even if the story grew clear enough to start writing, it feels I don’t even have a genre I can name?? Like even even "adventure" doesn't feel right.
Brain: .
Brain: Romance. Your genre is romance.
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draagu · 7 months
4 icon requests- so sorry for asking again btw- can u do monk with the uh trans and gay (mlm) flag? /nf
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(saw the other ask for the transmasc flag yeye)
sure can!
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aganyan · 1 year
T: Babe, you wanna meet my Huggycake?
J: uh, sure! Who is Huggycake-
T holding a 16 feet python: here's Huggycake! I hope you two get along(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
J almost dying: o-OH! sure sure, yeye hehehe he he
A: Tomassian.
T: yes?
A: for the love of GOD, take your snake off. of. me.
T: she is just trying to be your friend!
T: looks like you two are getting along well!
B: kinda, we are just...acknowledging eachother existense
T: you are terifed, arent you?
B: pls im scared
Q: sup Tomassian
T: oh hi, i didnt know you were coming
Q: i just came here to see Huggycake *goes to Huggycake's tank* hiiiiii~ how you doing big gurl? You ok? Awww you so cute~
@artzychic27 they are vibing with Huggycake (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠), at least Q is
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taterswithranch · 9 months
hey, i think someone might’ve asked earlier, but idk if a clear answer was given. i can’t seem to find the answer myself, at least.
but uh, is the homework and havoc au free to join? i might consider making a character for it off so, if that’s okay.
Yeye! Just make sure to run it through me first so I can keep track of everyone jdhdjsk (dw yer good :>)
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byrdisdawyrd · 1 year
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I wasn’t going to post this here originally but due to AI bullshit on ArtStation I’ll be posting my portfolio stuff here for now I guess.
I participated in Brainstorm’s CABC a while back to get a feel of an actual concept artists work flow. I learned a lot joining it tbh, Kenshan Lam was a great teacher for me and even though I was hella awkward he made things a little less nerve wracking for me since everyone there was like… 19+ 😭💀
Im still lowkey scared of him tho for some reason LMAO
Also here’s some rambling:
But uh yeah, I’m currently working on some individual character designs and I am still trying to figure out how I want to approach art in the future as a career, I know I’m not where I would like to be/where I should be and I need to continue practicing my fundamentals overall. I may not make it as a character or concept artist in the industry currently, but as long as I can continue drawing and creating I will be happy no matter what.
In the future I want to work on a comic or manga of sorts, I want to do this mainly as a year long project and I want it to expand more on my own draftsmanship, writing, and scheduling/discipline as an artist. I’m currently doing an outline and I’m just trying to not do anything too far out there but is entertaining and has an ending. Idk this is just my ramblings or some shit so yeye.
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hesgiovanni · 11 months
I would never stab you everrr or bully youuu
The bestest and greatest and amazingist and coolest and uh
Not lameest and the
Idk we're just the bestest of friends yeye so
Mhmmmmmm you’ve never done any of those thingssssss definitelyyyyy
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Hello! Can I please request Undertaker with a s/o who HATES being touched?like not for personal reasons she just despises it.thank you!
yeye!! sorry he doesn’t respond well to it, aaaaa-
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Oh, boy, this is gonna be, uh… difficult for him. He’ll do his best to respect her wishes, of course, but it’s not going to be easy for him to deal with someone who doesn’t like being touched. He’s lived for a very long time deciding to hold people at arm’s length, not connecting, because he’s afraid of losing them. When he lets someone in, it becomes clear pretty quickly how touch starved he is. To him, doesn’t a romantic relationship sort of… involve touching and kissing and all that? If you don’t want to be touched even by your partner, then what’s the point? That’s how he thinks, how things are for him, though he knows it’s different for her because she’s a different person. Again, he really does try not to touch her unprompted. It’s just… hard for him. He thinks of his S/O as someone he can be physically close to, so he’s a little disappointed that she doesn’t want him touching her. Unless they talk, it’s going to become more and more apparent that the lack of physical contact feels like a distance to him, which certainly isn’t how he likes to feel in a relationship, and although he doesn’t directly make her feel bad about it, (he doesn’t say things to guilt-trip her, for example), it’s clear that this just isn’t how he likes to exist in a romantic relationship.
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