#him in rukis route still hurts me
yuikomorii · 9 months
// Ok I didn’t want to go this far but at this point, you guys are hating on Ayato just for clout and it shows. It’s okay not to like a character but straight up spreading misinformation about him is not okay. If you lack reading comprehension, just admit it.
What makes Ayato’s past so sad isn’t only the fact that Cordelia was mean towards him. She mentally and physically abused him, yet what genuinely hurt Ayato the most was the way Cordelia treated ALL the triplets. A part of him didn’t even want to kill her, given that he CRIED in the MB flashbacks because, despite being a huge abuser, he STILL felt sympathy even for someone like her. No matter how horrible Cordelia was, Ayato still wished for Karlheinz to reciprocate her feelings only to finally see her happy.
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Don't even get me started on the Adam curse. He was practically used as bait and abandoned to death by his own brothers, but he still hoped for their safety after escaping. That curse literally destroyed his entire life because its purpose was to make the person who ate the fig drown in despair and go insane. That's why he was sooo obsessed with Yui's blood. Heck, he's cursed in routes other than his own, as he goes insane in Ruki's MB one, to the point that his brothers had to lock him inside the dungeon. In addition, in his MB Vampire Ending, he falls into a coma because he refuses to hurt Yui and keep drinking her blood.
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Other than that, Laito was the one who made him believe that he wasn’t special, hence he adopted the “I will never make someone special again” mentality. He also wanted to kill him when he was younger (no hate towards any of his brothers though). Kanato was the only one who never did something bad to him, considering that when Ayato was a child, Reiji called him the disappointment of the family after failing a test.
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Ayato did twisted stuff too; no character is a saint, but he always tries his best to fix things. Even when not dating Yui, he’s capable of showing compassion, support and a desire to improve his relationship with his brothers BY HIMSELF. Check this analysis for example.
Other than that, despite every time being hurt when trying to show kindness, he still became a very selfless guy who’d sacrifice himself for anyone at any given time. What makes this even more admirable is that according to Karlheinz, he’s literally the only one who actually VALUES his life. This guy who loves life would risk it all for Yui, even when not dating, or for any of his brothers.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations and tournesolia on Tumblr
On top of that, he's incredibly empathic?? He forgives everybody, no matter what they do to him, and seeks to maintain good relations with them. In Kino's LE route, for example, he tortures and burns Ayato, but Ayato is the first person to recognize him as his brother because he wanted Kino to feel that he, too, belonged to a family.
Last but not least, nobody silences Karlheinz as good as him. He was also the only one who connected the dots by himself about his dad being the root of all evil (Laito too but that was after the letter), including being the only one who didn’t want to kill him only because he didn’t want to fall into his plan. Check this post.
Oh and, Ayato is actually really big; it’s not that only his fans make him that way! This post basically proves that he’s the IT boy of otome games and I should also mention that he’s the character that sells the most in Japan and China! Just look what Japanese fans think of him. ;)
You can dislike him as much as you want but nobody can deny how brave and pure-hearted he is. He’s the definition of from zero to hero.
As I mentioned earlier, it's fine to dislike him, but don't become obsessed with it, lol. At the end of the day, he's merely a fictional character with endearing characteristics and the male lead. It's really not that deep. Besides, it's embarrassing when the hate comes from Yui stans because she definitely wouldn't be happy of any of you talking about her man in that way.
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
I need to ask from morbid curiosity mostly. I have heard of diabolic lovers mostly from top 10 unfortunately not good ones. What are your unadulterated thoughts on the brothers?
I have talked individually of Subaru and Reiji, and there is a post where i Say which Diaboy i HATE the most, but i Guess is therapeutic talk shit about them all :)
in order from oldest to youngest, not in order from worst to """best"""
Carla to me is practically a P3d0, and it's worse if we consider that canonically she likes Yui to call her "Onichan"🤮 and he's such a son of a bitch, he tortured her SO MUCH (along with Shin) that it made her think about COMMITTING SUICIDE. a scourge
Shin is the definition of Carla's lapdog, and since he has the power he feels comfortable mistreating everyone (but if they were stronger? He comes out with his tail between his legs) GOD THE SCENE WHERE HE MAKES YUI LICK HIS OWN BOOTS. just as bad as his brother. Only he's not a fetishist.
Shu just seems boring and bland to me, I'm sorry I can't say much about a character who literally does NOTHING. Her background is fine, but I think she was very wasted on a character in a bad story.
Reiji IS A SON OF A BITCH, he not only decided to kill his brother's friend BUT THE ENTIRE VILLAGE, OUT OF JEALOUSY, and on top of that kill his mother who wasn't even abusive (compared to the other two, she was quite loving). honestly an idiot.
Ayato is unbearable, I just can't stand him, he acts like a little child. apart from the fact that he is the one who objectifies Yui the most and who insults her the most along with Kou. without forgetting that he is considered the "hero" of the franchise😑
Kanato is all of the above combined in an amorphous and delusional mass in believing that he is the victim and that he is right in everything, being also a necrophiliac and cannibal, there is no need for me to say more.
Laito is, sadly, one of the best written in the entire franchise but at the same time he is a FIRST DAMN, he was the first to cause Yui's suicidal ideas, apart from the fact that HE IS a sex offender who should stay away from people .
Subaru is a hothead who gives me certain Incel vibes, he believes that all women are equal and that gives him the right to treat everyone like shit and be physically violent. Even if he has the most "justified" trauma next to Laito, it doesn't make him any less of a horrible person.
Ruki is simply a control freak who, since he is now a vampire, believes he is above everyone else and is honestly a second Reiji but with a cheap background. but he has my eternal hatred for the cat.
Yuma just doesn't catch my attention beyond his design and being just as aggressive as Subaru, he has literally beaten Yui to death in almost all of her endings. I don't like.
Kou is INSUFFERABLE and eager, not only for being so materialistic but for the way he messes with Yui's self-esteem makes my heart bleed.
Azusa is a MANIPULATOR, no matter who it hurts, he literally Guilt Trips Yui to make her hurt him! and then he cuts her! He might be the "Best" but he is still trash.
Kino is similar to Kanato in that he is spoiled and a horrible being at the same time, he has no consideration for those other than him and that makes him DESPICABLE ON HIS ROUTE, he literally killed a child in front of Yui so that he would not try to escape . it's bullshit.
Overall, I think that would be it. They're all trash, but different trash.
en orden de mayor a menor, no en orden de peor a """mejor"""
Carla para mi es prácticamente un P3d0, y es peor si consideramos que canónicamente le gusta que Yui le llame "Onichan"🤮 y es tan hijo de puta, la torturo TANTO(junto a Shin) que le hizo pensar en SUICIDARSE. una lacra.
Shin es la definición de perro faldero de Carla, y como tiene el poder se siente comodo con maltratar a todos(pero si fueran mas fuertes? el sale con la cola entre las patas)DIOS LA ESCENA EN LA QUE HACE QUE YUI LE LAMA LAS BOTAS. igual de malo que su hermano. solo que no es un fetichista.
Shu simplemente se me hace aburrido y soso, lo siento no puedo decir mucho de un personaje que literal no hace NADA. su trasfondo esta bien, pero creo que fue muy desaprovechada en un personaje en una mala historia.
Reiji ES UN HIJO DE PERRA, no solo decidio matar al amigo de su hermano SINO A TODA LA VILLA, Por CELOS, y encima de eso matar a su madre que nisiquiera era abusiva(en comparación a las otras dos, era bastante amorosa). sinceramente un imbécil.
Ayato es insoportable, simplemente no me lo puedo aguantar, actua como un niño pequeño. aparte de que es quien mas cosifica a Yui y de los que mas la insulta junto a Kou. sin olvidar que es considerado el "héroe" de la franquisia😑
Kanato es todos los anteriores combinados en una masa amorfa y delirante en creer que es la víctima y que tiene la razon en todo, siendo también un necrofilico y canibal, no hace falta que diga mas.
Laito es, tristemente, uno de los mejor escritos de toda la franquicia pero que al musmo tiempo es un MALDITO DE PRIMERA, fue el primero en causar las ideas suicidas de Yui, aparte de que ES un delincuente sexual que deberia manterse lejos de las personas.
Subaru es un hiracundo que me da ciertas vibras de Incel, cree que todas las mujeres son iguales y que eso le da el derecho a tratar como la mierda a todos y ser físicamente violento. aun si tiene el trauma mas "justificado" junto a Laito, no le hace menos de una persona horrible.
Ruki simplemente es un maniático del control que como ahora es un vampiro cree estar por arriba de los demas y sinceramente es un segundo Reiji pero con trasfondo barato. pero tiene mi odio eterno por lo del gato.
Yuma simplemente no me llama la atención mas alla de su diseño y ser igual de agresivo que Subaru, literalmente ha matado a Yui en casi todos sus finales a golpes. no me gusta.
Kou es INSUFRIBLE y con ganas, no solo por ser tan materialista sino por la forma ej la que se mete con el autoestima de Yui hace que me sangre el corazón.
Azusa es un MANIPULADOR, le duela a quien le duela, el literalmente le hace Guilt Triping a Yui para que lo lastime! y encima después la corta el!
Kino es similar a Kanato con lo de ser un mimado y un horrible ser al mismo tiempo, no tiene consideración por quienes no sean el y eso lo hace alguien DESPRECIABLE EN SU RUTA, literalmente mato a un niño enfrente de Yui para que no intentara escapar. es una mierda.
en general, creo que eso sería todo. Todos son basura, pero diferente basura.
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taintedevesayori · 1 month
Sayo's Route: Dark Fate - Dark 02
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Sayo's Route Masterlist
-Sayo is reading in her room. As she is reading, the door opens. She looks up to see Yui enter her room. She is clearly downtrodden
Sayo: Hey, Yui. Is something wrong?
Yui: Uu…Carla-san really is harsh…
Sayo: What did he do? 
Yui: He took me to school, but I had to stay in the special classroom…I tried to escape when he left, but he found me and punished me for trying to escape…
Sayo: He took you to school?! Did you see the brothers while you were there?
Yui: No, I didn’t see any of them…I didn’t see any of the boys you lived with either…
Sayo: I see…I wonder why he brought you to school…?
Yui: I wondered the same thing. I asked why he didn’t bring you along, but he wouldn’t tell me. 
Sayo: I see…I doubt he’ll tell me much, but I’ll ask Shin when I see him.
-Yui nods
Sayo: Are you okay…? He didn’t hurt you badly, did he…?
Yui: I’m alright…It hurt at the time, but I’m okay now. 
Sayo: I’m sorry that happened to you, Yui…I wish I could help…
-Yui smiles
Yui: It’s alright, Sayo. Just having another person with me makes things better! It was a lot harder back when I was all alone with the Sakamakis…Having someone to talk to, at least, helps a lot.
Sayo: I’m glad…That’s true, I remember how hard it was at first, feeling so isolated from everyone…But we have each other now. 
Yui: We do! That makes me happy…!
(She’s so adorable…I have to protect her no matter what as much as I possibly can…)
-Shin enters the room. He immediately turns to Yui
Shin: Leave. 
Yui: O-Okay…
-Yui quickly stands up, leaving the room. Sayo looks back down at her book
Sayo: You didn’t have to be so rude. 
Shin: What does it matter how I speak to her? 
Sayo: It matters to me. She’s my friend. 
Shin: Ha…! Like I said, that doesn’t matter to me. 
(This is going nowhere…)
Sayo: Yui told me Carla took her to school. 
Shin: Yeah. What about it? 
Sayo: She’s allowed to go but I can’t? 
Shin: We decided it was more risky to let you go. Not that I would let you escape. 
Sayo: You’re being overly cautious of me, aren’t you? 
(If I can convince them to let me go as well, I’m sure I can find a way to escape…or at least find one of the Sakamakis or Mukamis…)
Shin: You can say whatever you want, it isn’t going to provoke us into letting you leave. 
Sayo: That wasn’t what I was trying to do. I’m just surprised you’re being so cautious. 
Shin: Mertz told us you have a history of being slippery with the vampires you lived with. 
(I guess that’s true enough…How the hell did he find that out…?) 
Sayo: Sounds like he’s a stalker…
Shin: Hehe…We wanted as much information on you as we could get. 
Sayo: You could have asked me what you wanted to know.
Shin: Would you have answered?
-She gives him a sly smile
Sayo: Maybe, maybe not. 
Shin: That’s exactly why we didn’t ask you. 
Sayo: How boring. It would have been fun to make you figure out what was true and what wasn’t. 
-He glares at her
Shin: You cheeky little…
-She grins
Sayo: Sick of me yet?
Shin: Hmph…It isn’t that easy to get rid of me. I don’t feel like dealing with this…
-He turns around and leaves the room. She smirks
Sayo: But he was clearly annoyed enough to leave…
-Somewhere in a mansion in the demon realm
Kou: Why the hell are we just sitting here?! We should be searching for Sayo!
Ruki: While I agree with you, you know why that isn’t a good idea…
Yuma: You and Ruki are still healing from your injuries from those god damn wolves. You’re in no position to fight again. 
Kou: But-!
Ruki: I know you’re worried about Sayo. We all are. But if we can’t protect her when we do find her, there’s no point in a rescue. They’ll just take her from us. One of us could end up injured again…or worse. The most logical plan is to rest and regain our strength here while we make a plan to find her. 
Azusa: He’s right, Kou…We’ll get Sayo back…I promise…
-Kou grits his teeth, staring at the ground with watery eyes. He can’t bear the idea of what could be happening to Sayo while he’s hiding like a coward. But he knew Ruki was right. And they also needed the help of the Sakamakis…who weren’t willing to do anything until the effects of the eclipse were gone
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ruki-mukami-dl · 2 years
In some manga or route Yui went to the Mukami mansion to tell Ruki that she loves Ayato and that she chose Ayato over Ruki,Ruki said that he was just acting and that he never truly liked Yui,was Ruki lying or was he telling the truth? (Forgive my bad English/I don't remember which route this happened on)
((Don't worry, your English isn't bad. I understood you very well.
The situation you described happened in Ayato's More Blood route and manga.
In Ecstasy 10, Ayato confesses his love to Yui in a special, strange way... And of course, Yui chose Ayato as Adam. (It's Ayato's route after all.) Yui went to Ruki to say goodbye and let him know that she wants to stay by Ayato's side. Ruki already knew everything. Still, he appreciated her being honest and coming for farewell. It was difficult for Yui to find the right words, so he said the following to her:
"Don't make that kind of face."
"Do you believe your words will hurt me? Please don't get ahead of yourself. Everything I told you so far have been fabricated lies. If you think I will be this easily hurt, you are gravely mistaken. While I do in fact need you. The reason behind that is not much different from needing livestock to prevent starvation. I hid my true intention, and tempted you with sweet words."
"I'm telling you it's no big deal to me. I'm not going to apologize after all."
Ice cold, Ruki tells Yui here that he lied to her.
After Yui left, Reinhard/Karlheinz appeared. Ruki said the following words to him:
"If possible, I would have loved to be the one granting your wish. However...It simply cannot be helped. If I succeeded at being useful to you, then I am more than satisfied."
Ruki admited that he would have liked to fulfill the wish. However, he was satisfied that he could help to bring the 'Apple of Eden Project' closer to success by playing the snake.
Thus, we can say that Ruki did not love Yui. He only wanted to become Adam to fulfill the wish.
Of course, Ruki's role here was only a supporting one. Ayato was the main character and the one who got Yui. Therefore, Ruki wasn't discussed further. But it could be that he had feelings for Yui after all. For the plot of the route, this was unimportant. So we can interpret what we want into it.))
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Translations More Blood: @dialovers-translations
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faeiapalette · 2 years
Pactically. . . If you really want to be objective, the root of Ayato’s actions are his brothers. He did wrong but they were the ones who didn’t give a shit about him in that CD, they were like “You go take responsibility about this we don’t care”. They were the ones who broke him, let’s not deny it. All of them played a part in his own destruction. 🫤
Subaru and Shu aren’t good examples here when they betrayed Ayato in the young blood manga. They apologized to Kanato in his route for ruining everything but couldn’t apologize or at least try to understand Ayato’s situation when his brothers wanted him to be killed even if they weren’t hurt by Ayato. I’m not saying they can’t be nice too but they still don’t stand up for others or sacrifice themselves for them as much as Ayato does so I’ll give him credit here.
And unlike Subaru and Laito, he didn’t get any sort of love from his brothers and that’s not a fair comparison. Subaru kept those powers but he knew he had people around him who cared for him while Yui was the only person who genuinely cared for Ayato even if time got rewinded.
Before getting the powers Ayato was relatively alright, he was a chill dude. The amount of pressure and lack of sensibly from his brothers ruined him. That’s end of story. He was the monster they created and that’s what made the story so interesting to me.
I agree with you about the cd. They were being inconsiderated indeed. No question asked. About Shu and Subaru… (just checked Young Blood, true. Dismiss the example then.)
“They apologized to Kanato in his route for ruining everything but couldn’t apologize or at least try to understand Ayato’s situation when his brothers wanted him to be killed even if they weren’t hurt by Ayato.”
But this one. I think the reason why they don’t apologize and wanted to kill him is because, again, Ayato threatened their lifes. Then he injured 2/5 of the brothers. That might have been perceived by the others (🤔 Were Shu and Subaru in this too or it’s just Reiji and Ruki? I don’t remember hearing Subaru talks at all… Could you help me with this one anon?) as “examples”. “If you go against him, worst case scenario, you’ll ended up like that”. => Instead of overthrown him (and keep him in a prison), they decided to kill him? 🤔 Because they’re not sure if prison cells can protect them from his powers?
“Love”? I-
I don’t think i can agree with that. Maybe you were trying to say “they supported Laito and Subaru more in their routes”, so allow me to go with that flow. Probably because Laito didn’t even use his power in his route (until the explosion) => his brothers didn’t feel threatened? Same goes to Subaru? Thanks for your opinion btw.
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kirua9 · 2 years
Makoto's route. Dark 05
Characters: Makoto Aomine, Yuma Mukami, Kou Mukami, Ruki Mukami
Location: Mukami mansion.
Makoto: (Today I'm gonna "say sorry" to Kou, but it's too long to wait his sparkling ass to come home. What a drag... Still, I don't really wanna see him.)
Makoto: ( This evening is splendid. Sunset here looks just like the warm dream. It's so calming yet bright... It feels like I want to go home... Where nobody waits for me. No... I hate being at my own place absolutely alone. No good)...
Yuma: Hey, noisy brat! Yer still here? Hasn't Ruki kicked your ass off?
Makoto: Good day to you...
Yuma: Che! Yer look so unattractive today. The heck your problem?
Makoto: Ah?.. The sky saddens me.
*She points to the sky*
Yuma: There's nothin wrong with it. Tho guess it's still smth wrong with ya brat.
Makoto: ...
Yuma: Instead of just standing and looking up to sky, you'd better help me in the garden.
Makoto: I see... No problem then...
We were watering all the tomato plantations that Yuma have.
Honestly, I've never thought that a vampire would do something this rate of innocence. But, I forgot Mukami brothers are former humans, after all. 
Yuma's garden brings my memories from home, when Uncle, mother and Kaworu-kun, we all were together and everything was happily calm.
Uncle used to plant herbs and potatoes. He was just so happy that his land site had a room for gardening. He also wanted to buy white lyllies due to Kaworu's anniversary...
Yuma: A-alright! Seems like we're done, ha.
Makoto: Yeah! You're garden is lovely. Reminds me of home...
Yuma: Huh, really? This explains why yer didn't complain that you're tired or your back hurts. But ya brat look nothing like a villager.
Makoto: Why?
Yuma: It's clear as a day! Have you seen yer hands? 
*Makoto looks at her hands*
Makoto: Yeah, right now. Ordinary hands... Nothing special.
Yuma: Ordinary for a soft-handed city girl!
Makoto: What a flattery! And yet, Kaminashi-city looks more like a province  than a city, and I also helped my uncle in the garden, and I...
Yuma: *interrupts her* Che! Just accept what I said, ya bratty thing.
Makoto : ( Well yeah, I don't need a conflict with him...)
Makoto: Ugh... right. So... Have you learnt from someone how to plant?
Yuma: M? Why are yer into it?
Makoto: I don't know. I mean, you're really good at garden stuff, so I thought you learned how to do it, at least...
Yuma: Ha, c'mon. Well somehow my hands have remembered what to do. Only thing I remember, huh.
Makoto: Ah, what?! And...  what else don't you remeber?
Yuma: Anything.  Past is like a fog to mey. Well this doesn't matter to a stranger like ya brat, don't yer agree?
Makoto: ...
Makoto: So... You don't remember your home?
Yuma: Che! Yer tryna learn every piece of bullshit about me, or what?
Makoto: Hey, you! Calm down a bit!
Makoto: I have no intentions to inquire you or something... I just have a sympathy.
Yuma: Heeeh. Seems like yer so bold because really have nothing to hide.
Makoto: Still, will you be able to recall the  past within some cure?
Yuma: I'm not sure there's a cure for it as ya' ve said. I don't even think about it much. And feels like the memories start  coming back... Chaotically, ya know
Makoto: ( He seems to be uneasy about that. Honestly, if I was him I'd be worried, really. )
Makoto: It's no good when a person literally lost his past. Like if he doesn't know the truth.
Yuma: Yah, go howling about that right now if you feel sad.  I have to go.
Makoto: Aren't you agree on it?
Yuma: ...
Yuma: Nothing good in it, yeah. But I'm not completely empty. The body memory still  exists, so I'm not that weak and helpless about that.
Yuma: Don't bother anymore. Bye, bratty girl.
Makoto: See you...
*he walked away*
Makoto: (It's a calm day now... Kou hasn't come home yet. Ruki and others are doing their things...
I want to hug someone, but I feel like they'd reject me. Or in contrast they'd push me down with their discontent. I have to be reserved, but there was so long time since I felt good... Tho, at least I'm not completely alone...
Makoto: (Finally, time to eat...Fucking starving... And Kou here.. Yikes, his face. I can't look in his eyes, I don't know why. I feel shame non-stop!)
Ruki: Thank you for the food.
Kou: Ruki-kun, so delicious spaghetti! Like in a restaurant!
Ruki: Thank you.
Makoto: ( I feel so uneasy since  Kou has  appeared. No, I can't escape the talk with him... Don't run)
*After the dinner*
Makoto: Hey, Kou-kun..
Kou: Oh, look at that, the kitty is finally wants attention. Applause to her.
Makoto: Em, listen... Since you've yelled at me I feel shame, and... I want to say sorry, you know?
Kou: He-he! Well your cute face saves the situation! Now I'm not mad. Ruki's food is magical, it really can give me some energy. 
Makoto: R-really? So, can we call it even?
Kou: I guess so, huh.
Makoto: Ha! Cool!
Kou: But tell me, kitty...
Makoto: ?
Kou: Why was you so unhappy with that precious song?
Makoto: Ah, this... Well, my mother was an actress and she used to sing this exact song. She's gone, so... Not a happy memory, you see?
Kou: Ha, your too soft. As been expected for a girl from a wealthy family.
Makoto: ...Well, my family wasn't poor, neither we were reach and had a lot of money...
Kou: Then you should be happy just because an idol like me stands here by your side, because you'd never be able to afford tickets for my concert~.
Makoto: !!!
Kou: You, charming, did you get it?
Makoto: Do I have to lick your shoes then, or bark like a dog?
Kou: Leave this for future, kitty. I'm gonna take a nap now. I won't keep you any longer, you may go~
Makoto: (hope you'll see some nightmares!)
Makoto: (Fuck off! Okay, no anger... The sunset was lovely today...)
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
what is it about shin that i love so much about him? i mean reiji is so obvious but theres something about shin that makes me like him. hes rude and reckless and a bully and when hes the villain its 10x worse. is it the fact that he starts to pay the price for hurting yui in his route after the constant denial? is it him being tortured as he pitifully watched yui being in the hands of his brother? is it the insecurity of a little brother who wants nothing but the love and recognition of his big brother? is it him breaking his walls down and being absolutely terrified of losing yui? is it his own words about love being a fraud and a weaknesa only to hv those words bite him hard in the butt? is it him losing it and killing everyone in bad ends but assures yuis safety even if it means staying away from her? is it him being desperate and begging for yui to live because without her his life has no worth? is it him being a huge pink dog? anyways look at him
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puppy 💕
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Kou Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ruki
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–> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Parade where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts on Glimmer Main Street
Yui: Kyah!
( I bumped into someone...There’s just so many people walking down the street... )
Kou: Hey! You bumped into my M-neko-chan just now, didn’t you? You better say soーー
Ruki: Kou, drop it. ...Are you unharmed? My apologies for his behavior. 
ー The other person walks away
Kou: Excuse me!? Why did you apologize, Ruki-kun? The other person was definitely at fault just now!
Ruki: You should not get into arguments in public. You will cause trouble for those around you.
Kou: Uu, you do have a point...I guess you’re right. My bad...
Ruki: This happens all the time, so I don’t mind. I’m just glad the two of you are not hurt.
Yui: I can’t help but feel like Ruki-kun is the idealized image of an older brother with how well he handles himself.
Kou: Rightー!? He’s the perfect fit to be the oldest of us Mukami brothers!
Ruki: ...That’s not true. 
Kou: You definitely are! If only the other three of us could deal with situations as well as you can.
Ah, right! I’ll start practicing right now, so you play my little brother for a bit, okay? 
Ruki: Why must I play along with this? 
Kou: Why not? I’m begging you! You’re the only person I can ask this to so...Please?
Ruki: ...I suppose I have no other choice. But just for a short while, okay?
Kou: Hooray! Ah, M-neko-chan, you’ll play the role of my little sister, okay?
Yui: Sure!
( Kou-kun seems to be having a ton of fun. )
Kou: Then let’s get straight to it...Okay, give me your hand, both of you. 
Yui: ( He grabbed my hand...! )
Kou: It’s dangerous with this many people around, so make sure to follow your onii-chan suit, okay?
Ruki: ...!! Kou! Don’t pull my arm all of a sudden. It’s dangerous. 
Kou: Oh come on. You’ve got to listen to what your big bro tells you, so shush!
Ruki: My bad. 
Yui: ( Since Kou-kun is dragging us along by our hands, we’ve been bumping into people the whole time. )
Ruki: Kou! Stop! If you keep this up any longer, we’ll burden those around us. 
Yui: ( ...It’s no use. Seems like Kou-kun can’t hear us at all... )
Kou: And we’ve arrived! ...Wait, what happened to the two of you? You look like a mess.
Ruki: ...It’s your fault.
Kou: Geezー Guess I have no other choice. I’ll fix up your hair real quick. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Ah...Thank you, Kou-kun. 
( He fixed my hair by stroking my head... ) 
Kou: Fufu, you’re welcome. You’re up next, Ruki-kun.
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Kou! Cut it out already!
Kou: How rude of you! All I’m doing is fixing my cute little brother’s hair? 
Fufu, as good as new! Anyway, aren’t you thirsty? Or hungry? 
Ruki: No, I’m fiーー
Kou: I’ll go get you something, okay? I expect the both of you to be good and wait here for me!
ー Kou runs off
Yui: ( Kou-kun ran off in high spirits. )
Ruki: ...Good grief. What a busybody he is. Please, just listen to me at least...
Yui: Ruki-kun, you seem exhausted, are you okay? Why don’t you go rest up a little over there?
Ruki: Yes, I will. ...However, I suppose little brothers don’t have it easy either...
ー Ruki walks away
Yui: ( Ruki-kun didn’t look too good, so I hope he feels better soon... )
ー Kou returns
Kou: Sorry for the wait~! ...Wait, huh? Where is Ruki-kun? 
Yui: He went to rest up because he seemed tired. 
Kou: Ehー!? I would have gladly looked after him as his onii-chan! Geezー!
Yui: ( Kou-kun was still going to keep this up!? I wonder if I can drop the little sister act now...? )
ーー THE END ーー 
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
❆ henlo jas i have come to give you appreciation:
Y’KNOW! when first getting into DL, Ruki was like?? not a FAVOURITE, but not a character i didn’t like either. i didn’t particularly think to much of him. UNTIL—
i read your portrayal of him. FOR SOME REASON— the way that you write specifically. the way you convey his character. wonderful. spectacular. is so?? compelling?? DEF DRAWS A PERSON IN.
so now everyday i wake up like “ooooo i wonder what shenanigans rooks is gonna get up to on the dash.”
First I just want to say thank you so much for your kind words, from the bottom of my heart. T_T Writing has always been a passion of mine to some degree, but before this blog I never wrote much of anything fictional. In fact, the last time I did any kind of roleplaying was probably 10 years ago if you exclude this blog, so I totally thought it would flop due to my rustiness LMAO. Instead, I made so many wonderful friends on here including yourself and I could not be more grateful for it. Every day I'm trying to improve my language and technique and it's been such a blast exploring that through, hands down, my favorite comfort character of all time. It's definitely entertaining for me to think of how he would react to certain situations, interact with all kinds of people, and problem solve his way out of things. 🧩
WARNING: MAJOR RUKI SIMPERY AHEAD because I just don't know when to stop I guess.
Okay someone stop me because I know I'm going to go on a long Ruki spiel that no one asked for—
Honestly, being indifferent to Ruki is a pretty reasonable conclusion to arrive at for the standard DL fan, assuming you have not read all of his routes, drama CD's, tokutens, etc. like most people probably haven't. The anime only shows a glimpse of his character that doesn't even do him justice, and his first route (MB) barely scratches the surface as well imo. I'll try to keep this short since my Ruki simpery is off the charts, but the breadth of his character for me stems from Dark Fate and Lost Eden which, I assume, most don't really delve that far unless Ruki is already one of your biases.
Basically what I'm trying to say is—I think you flatter me too much because I kind of just take everything I know about his character + how I envision him to act in my head and just… write from there, I guess. HAHAHA. Truth be told I was convinced when I made this blog, people would think my portrayal of Ruki is too exaggerated (which, ngl, he totally is for my own entertainment LMAO) or too sadistic for his own good. BUT violence and torture aside, it's one of my goals of this blog to spread my love for the character and make other people see why he is so dear to my heart.
Too often have I seen people mistake Ruki for someone who is overly serious, dull, or no fun at all. But to me, that couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone who plays through his routes would know that he has some of the biggest snark and sass I've seen of ANY OF THE DL BOYS. Seriously, the cutting edge this man has… OOF. IT HITS HARDER WHEN HE'S ALREADY INTELLIGENT AND KNOWS WHERE IT HURTS MOST TOO. Yes, he is strict, stoic, maybe a bit too aloof for most people's tastes, BUT HE'S ALSO SUPER WITTY, SURPRISINGLY CHARMING, AND HE JUST SOMEHOW GIVES OFF THIS JUXTAPOSING AURA OF "I WANT TO RUIN YOUR LIFE" + "I WANT TO PROTECT YOU AND CARE FOR YOU" and I jUST—GFHFGKHFG okay you can argue probably all of the boys give off that kind of vibe??? But still??
The whole backstory of Ruki being the eldest who leads his brothers despite knowing he is the forbidden choice who should not be chosen, [SPOILERS CROSSED OUT] despite the person he respects so much being the same reason for his own trauma and downfall , and being arguably the most closed off, cold-hearted of all the boys eventually opening up to you and being vulnerable around you? IT DOESN'T GET MORE REWARDING THAN THAT.
It's the reason why I make him quite the sadistic vamp and try to add a cutting wit as sharp as his own fangs in every single reply I write. That's what I take from his character and luckily for me, being someone who knows a lot of idioms and ambiguous sayings with room for double meanings, there is so much for me to work with to go above and beyond the Ruki you would read in say, an English translation of his dialogue, if that makes sense? Probably most of what I'm saying right now doesn't register unless you have Ruki for brains like I do but bottom line is: I love this man too much for my own good that I had to make a blog of him portraying him the way he practically lives in my head rent free.
And you don't know how elated I am that it's more than just the inner fangirling of a crazed Ruki lunatic. I'm so happy that others like this portrayal of him as much as they do... It all feels so surreal to me.
So, yes, when you mention Rooks and his shenanigans... I ask myself the same thing every day too when I first wake up. I wonder what my man will encounter today and what other crazy madness he's gonna stir up on tumblr dot com HAHAHAHAHA. I can only hope it is entertaining for all who happen to stumble across it and dedicate the time to read my posts. T_T <3 Thank you for enjoying the character thanks to how I write him. It means more than you know.
And please take care of yourself as well, Whin. I see how hard you work and it doesn't go unnoticed. We all need breathers from writing even if it's a fun hobby, or so I like to tell myself.
Thanks for coming to my simp talk.
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kyouxa · 3 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shin Tsukinami (Story 12)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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Place: Abandoned house — Outside
Yui: (Yesterday I was apparently the first one to fall asleep. Was I really that tired though?)
Kino: How nice. C’mon, it’s hot now.
It’s some food I’ve been stealing beforehand, so please eat it as carefully as you can.
Yui: Kino-kun, thank you.
Shin: Did you steal things like this before us knowing about it too?
Kino: I might’ve taken some while you two were resting a bit.
For once, I wasn’t just playing around as you see.
Shin: No, that’s an extension of playing around, don’t you think?
Kino: Meanie. I only brought it with me because I thought that girl might be hungry to begin with. 
Yui: Really? Thank you for your concern then.
Kino: Ah, yeah! I also found something really interesting while I was searching for food!
I want to show it to Shin, so wait here for a hot minute. I’ll go get it.
*Kino leaves*
Shin: What could be so interesting? Well, whatever. I shouldn’t be surprised about anything that guy pulls up anymore.
Go on, you can eat without holding back now. You’re hungry, aren’t you?
Yui: Yep, after everything that happened, I really am. Thanks for the food! 
Ah, it’s hot… ! 
(The meat is really hot because it was freshly roasted… !)
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Shin: You’re not a child anymore, so eat more calmly than that. Nobody’s taking it away from you after all.
Yui: Yes, you’re right. 
...Nn, it hurts… it looks like I burnt my tongue
Shin: Haa. Your clumsiness is showing, seriously.
*Shin gets closer*
Shin: Alright, show me your tongue. I have to check on it before it might get even worse.
Yui: Eh!? I’m fine, really! It’s not that big of a deal.
Shin: If it gets worse you’ll suffer deterioration. It’s better to show me yourself before I’m forced to pull your tongue out myself, right?
Yui: (Uhh… it’s no use, but I still hate it… let’s see)
Fine, I get it. I’ll show you myself.
Shin: What? I would’ve been fine with pulling it out myself as well.
Yui: No, thanks… ! Alright, Nn…
*Yui shows tongue*
Shin: Ah, it’s getting really red.
Should I take care of it? It would heal way faster like that, don’t you think?
Yui: Eh!? No! You don’t have to go that far, I’m fine.
Shin: You shouldn’t decline. I would be glad to help you out for the sake of it healing faster. 
Yui: T-That’s not...
Shin: Perhaps you would rather want to be bitten by my fangs than simply being treated? Well, if that’s so you could’ve told me earlier.
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Yui: That’s not what I asked for… ! 
Shin: Looks as if the third wheel’s about to come back. I’ll settle this now or never then.
*Shin kisses Yui*
Yui: Nn…
Shin: Kuku, your face is bright red. You’re still shy even if it’s just kissing.
If you don’t get used to it, there might be some difficulties in the future.
Yui: It’s embarrassing to me, therefore I can’t help it, okay… !?
Kino: ...Ahem, Ahem! 
Yui: Ah, Kino-kun! You’re back!
Kino: Yep, I’m back. Ah, don’t worry about me, just keep going.
*Shin backs off*
Shin: We can’t easily continue now. There’s nothing more we’re gonna show you either.
Kino: How lewd. Well, whatever. Apart from that, I want you to look at this. 
*Kino gets closer*
Yui: Ah, talking about it, you wanted to show us something interesting, right… ? 
Kino: Hm, yep! Tada, look at this! It’s a caricature of Shin! 
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Yui: Eh? Of Shin-kun?
Shin: Uwah! Where did you get this from!?
Kino: I found it when exploring the Orange mansion. I brought it reflexively with me because it was kinda an amazing sketch, in my opinion.
Hey, did you draw this? I found it in Shin-kun’s room, but...
Shin: T-That’s...
Yui: But it looks really good. Did Shin-kun draw this all by himself?
Shin: It’s not like that. Because I had no time to do it myself, I let a familiar draw it for me instead.
Kino: Hmm, so it’s a portrait? As expected from a founder, they really act differently.
But even so, do you really like yourself that much? This portrait is way prettier than you actually are though.
Shin: Shut up! I mean, you’re not beautifaction yourself in person either! I at least let them draw me faithfully.
I’m totally fine with how this turned out. We have to talk about way more important things than that anyway. 
Kino: Yep, Yep. Let’s talk seriously about this matter from now on. Does any of you got something?
Shin: I… I want to regain my brother’s memory.
After I first got to observe the situation, I immediately felt as if it’s an impossible task. We met each other face to face several times, yet I haven’t noticed any change in him.
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Yui: Shin-kun…
Kino: Well, guess so. 
Shin: So I think it’s best to find a way to get out of here first, before trying anything with him again.
Kino: Don’t you think that this is also difficult? We’ve just been looking around the mansions for now, that’s it. And even there were no clues.
Shin: I know that. I just want to get out of this ridiculous place if possible. Maybe his memory would come back naturally then.
...I thought that if I can’t somehow shake his memory, they might be able to come back themselves by any chance.
Kino: By chance, huh? Does that mean you actually cared about what I said yesterday?
Shin: ...Not really.
Yui: Yesterday? 
(I wonder what happened while I was asleep?)
Shin: So, what’s it? Do you think it’s the opposite? 
Kino: No. As you said it yourself, I think it would be quicker to get out of here first.
Shin: Thought so. What do you think?
1) What about Carla-san then? (black)
2) I want to know how to escape (white)♡ ♡ ♡
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— What about Carla-san then? 
Yui: What about Carla-san then? You’re the one who wants him to remember the most after all.
Shin: It can’t be helped. I’m worried about my brother, yes, but I can’t let this be a constant priority that weighs on my mind. 
Yui: You’re right. As long as Shin-kun’s fine, I think it would be better to find an escape route first too.
Kino: Aight, it’s unanimous.
— I want to know how to escape♡
Yui: I think it would be best to find a way to escape from here first as well. Maybe Carla-san’s memory will come back once we escape.
Shin: Right? It wouldn’t make sense if we meaninglessly return home without all of their memories coming back to them. We, Kino and everyone else.
Yes, that would be a reason to postpone my brother. This is what we should aim for in the future...
Yui: (He’s speaking to us as if he’s entirely trying to convince himself about this)
(Maybe Shin-kun really wants to go and actually see Carla-san as soon as possible)
(I can’t get this feeling of them wanting to desperately kill us off either though…)
It’ll be fine, Shin-kun. I’m sure this won’t last too long anymore.
Shin: Yes, it’ll be fine. I know that.
Alright, unanimity agreed to it then.
Yui: Yes.
Kino: Okey-doke.
end Choices
Shin: That’s settled then.
Kino: I guess he’ll be able to manage his memory somehow or another. If I could go back to my original house, Yuri would probably help me for sure.
Yui: Yuri-san?
Kino: He’s my loyal servant. As soon as I get home from here, I’ll let him do some research in order to restore your brother's memory.
Shin: Yes, that would help a lot.
Kino: But, y’know… Even if we’re looking for an escape route, we have to first of all figure out how we were brought to this place 
Shin: It’s worse, especially since we know nothing about this place. If there are at least any hints somewhere...
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Yui: That’s true. It was also one of the reasons we went into each of the mansions...
Shin: Seriously, did you notice anything?
Yui: What I noticed—
Yui: Ah! Speaking of that—
Shin: What?
Yui: Each of the mansions had the exact amounts of chess pieces on their chess boards
Shin: Now that you mention it, I do think I noticed one standing in the living room of the Orange mansion once...
Kino: Ah, there was also one in Scarlet’s mansion.
Yui: I remember there was also one in the Violet mansion. Besides, the floor of the church also has a checkered pattern of black and white marble—
Kino: Like a chessboard.
Yui: Yes!
Shin: I see. But what exactly does this have to do with this? Both are probably just there as decorations.
Kino: No, I doubt that it’s just for decoration… I see now.
Yui: Kino-kun, did you figure something out?
Kino: I wouldn’t call it “figure”. It’s just that I thought of something...
We were forcibly dumbed off in this unknown place and also got a fake memory. In my opinion, this all seems as if it’s definitely someone’s work.
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Shin: So you’re saying there’s a mastermind?
Kino: Exactly. If there’s an ongoing game, there also has to be a mastermind behind it.
Us, as the players, were given those hints to probably keep this as interesting as we can.
Shin: Hah? In other words— ...Nn!
Yui: Shin-kun? What’s wrong? Why did you suddenly stand up?
*Shin sniffs air*
Shin: Hnff
Damn it! We’re surrounded!
Yui: Eh… !?
Ayato: Guess we finally found you, traitors!
Kanato: You did terrible things to us, remember? There is no way we would let you kidnap Eve and then join hands with the enemy—
Yui: (Ayato-kun! Kanato-kun! And—)
Ruki: —Shin, I get it now…
I would’ve never expected for my most trusted person to end up betraying me as simple as that.
Shin: Ru… Brother…
Ruki: A traitor, such as yourself, has no right to call me his brother any longer!
Yui: ...Nn!
Shin: It’s useless even if I’ll try to explain. But I never intended to look as if I was about to betray you or anything, I swear.
I know you were a good brother, even if you’ve never been my real older brother in the end...
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Ruki: I’ve got no idea about what strange things you’re blabbering, yet the confirmation of you being here is fact enough.
It doesn’t change the situation, even if you start coming up with excuses.
Ayato: Hey, Ruki! Let’s take these guys out quickly!
Kanato: That’s right. Let’s rightfully punish them. I’ll tear them into pieces once I get my hands around them.
Yui: (What should we do now? If we’re doing nothing, they’ll start a battle—! Am I really not able to somehow avoid this?)
Kino: Shin, what do we do?
Shin: The only ones with fighting skills are you and me. It would be 3 vs 2...
Kino: Besides, it would be a battle while we’d also have to try to protect the girl from being taken away from us.
Yui: (What should I do… I’m holding them back from what they have to do because I’m with them)
Shin: We have no choice, seems as if we really have to confront our problems head-on and fight them.
Kino: Eh? That’s not true. If you transform yourself into a wolf, you could carry her and easily run away.
Shin: Hah? I can’t just do that!
Kino: ...Why not? Do you really have to complain about my strategy now?
Shin: My back is limited to only giving one of you a ride! I don’t know if you’d be able to get away without me helping you!
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Kino: ...Nn!! What… why would you say something like that…
*Kino mumbles*
Kino: Ahh… I guess I have no choice but to save you as a repayment now too. 
Yui: ….. ?
Shin: So instead of running away, I’d like to break through this in our own ways...
Kino: No, we’re gonna avoid confronting them head-on and not fight them. We’re changing strategies.
Shin: Hah? Why change them so late...
Kino: Ready? When I’ll give you the signal, you have to run.
Shin: Eh? What do you mean?
Kino: With this, we’ll easily be able to get away right in front of them… you guys, close your eyes and noses! 
*Kino throws something*
Ayato: What the!? What did he throw!?
Kanato: A pouch… ?
Ruki: ...Nn! That’s not just a mere pouch. Close your eyes and hold your breath!
*pouch explodes*
Kanato: Ahem, Ahem, Ahem
Ayato: Ngh! What’s going on here!? I can’t see shit anymore! Ahem, Ahem.
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Ruki: Kch… Ayato, Kanato can you see the enemy? 
Ayato: Don’t bullshit me! I can’t see anything!
Shin: Damn, that guy’s really something. But he saved us! We only have to run away now!
Yui: (Shin-kun’s voice!)
Where? Where are you? I can’t see anything! 
Shin: Over here!
*Shin grabs Yui*
Yui: (The one holding my hand right now… it’s Shin-kun!)
Kino: Hurry, both of you! 
Yui: (I also heard Kino-kun’s voice. I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as I follow the sound of their voices— !)
Place: Outside — Forest
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Yui: Haa… Haa… Haa—
Shin: Haa… Haa…
Kino: Haa, Haa…
Shin: Kino, what was that about?
Kino: It was a wheat bomb.
Yui: Huh!?
Kino: I secretly made it when we were in the Violet mansion back then. All I did was wrap the smoldering wheat in a cloth, get it?
Shin: And you really made that yourself? You’re an unexpectedly shrewd guy.
Yui: Thanks to that, we were saved! Thank you, Kino-kun!  
Kino: I have to admit… I’d love to hear you praise me more, but we have to worry about running away first! 
Yui: (Seriously, it’s all thanks to Kino-kun that we’re safe right now. He’s a really good person after all)
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yuikomorii · 6 months
Why does many people make it sound like the sakamaki brothers 'hate' ayato ? They literally 'hate' each other not ayato in particular , so no need to make him the victim.
// Because they objectively treat him the poorest. We know Reiji had beef with Shu and Edgar but at least Shu was only seriously hurt by one brother. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to notice that and he’s definitely a HUGE victim?? Even Japanese fans are sick of Ayato’s mistreatment. Here are a few reactions I was able to find right now:
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Things his brothers did to him:
- Shu used him as bait. Subaru agreed on that and they allowed him to be taken by ghouls, where he got beaten up and was almost killed. He ended up getting cursed and he had to witness his own degradation caused by it.
- Laito gaslighted him into believing that he’s not special, which was a very important theme in his MB route and the reason why he was so stubborn about ever considering someone special too.
- Laito wanted to murder him when he was younger out of envy.
- When he was going through a stressful phase, his brothers preferred mocking him instead of offering support or at least allowing him to express his point of view, which led to him leashing out due to reactive abuse.
- Reiji (and Ruki) planned his downfall out of envy by involving the Church and the Vibora clan to assassinate him and take his powers.
- His brothers manipulated him into committing svicide for “forgiveness”. They could have killed him if they really couldn’t stand looking at his face anymore, but they preferred seeing him — a person known for loving life— taking it in front of them.
These are only the most significant times; there are more. You could say to me right now: “B-But he killed his brothers in HDB!”, well yeah, that wasn't a good ending, so naturally, the characters will be more insane in that case, especially in the debut game.
Of course, I am not telling you to start hating the Sakamakis for how they treated Ayato, since they are all vampires and traumatized, so it was to be expected. Many of my favorites are from that family, but what they did to him still remains unforgivable, considering that all that stuff wasn’t unintentional and went way beyond simply being jerks.
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moonpagesblog · 3 years
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden
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Ecstasy Prologo
- Os víboras aniquilaram como tribos Adler e Lobo. Reunimos todos no salão para transmitir como Informações aprendidas pelos familiares de Subaru.
Fim do monologo
Cena - Local: corredor do castelo sakamaki
Ruki: ... É isso aí. Mas normalmente é impossível destruir duas raças com Um conjunto de poder.
Ruki: Em outras palavras, esses caras têm uma força conjunta.
Ruki: .... Nesse caso, resta apenas um.
Subaru: Que? Não venha com essa, se apresse e diga
Reiji: --Os humanos nos reinos inferiores, quadro da igreja.
Yui: eh? ......
Yui: (Disse que era a igreja ... aquela onde o pai estava ?!)
Shu: ... Na verdade, esses caras sempre foram dominados pelo velho, há realmente razões
Eles querem aproveitar a oportunidade da ausência do meu pai para reprimir os demônios.
Ruki: Não, não se trata apenas do grau de controle do estresse
As águias que cooperam com a igreja agora vão dominar o mundo demoníaco.
Ayato: Isso é coisa daquele Zwick?
Carla: ........... Este não é o movimento de zwick, alguém está comandando esta guerra.
Shin: Irmão, o que você quer dizer?
Carla: Zwick é um homem racional. Com este movimento, como águias podem ser manipuladas pela igreja.
Shin: Em outras palavras ...
Carla: Bem, é apenas uma questão de tempo até que esses caras ataquem aqui.
Yui: Quão ...
Reiji: Para lutar, também precisamos preparar.
Ruki: Bem, nossos irmãos vão determinar o jardim do Éden e sentido a rota da batalha
Carla: Pedirem a shin para verificar as informações disponíveis.
Shin: Entendi, irmão.
Reiji: Subaru, ligue aqui para os servos que foram chamados em nijuan
Precisaremos providenciar para dispersar os guardas
Subaru: ...... Entendido
Reiji: Primeiro, você é o rei dos vampiros
Por favor, dê a alguém a ordem do servo.
Subaru: Então ....
Ayato e Kanato quero deixar isso para vocês posso?
Kanato: Hm, eu entendi
Porque eu sou irmão de subaru, eu aceitarei
Ayato: .... Realmente não tem jeito
Reiji: O resto por favor me siga.
Vamos verificar as armas armazenadas no armazém
~Todos saem do local
Yui: (É incrível ... Todos unidos em um instante)
Yui: (A partir de então, este lugar se tornará realmente Um campo de batalha.)
Yui: (mas eu)
Yui: .......
Yui: (Se é o poder da igreja que coopera com o clã águia ... Vou lutar contra meu pai se isso continuar)
Yui: (pai .....)
Subaru: .......
Subaru se aproxima dela
Yui: Subaru .....
Subaru: Faça o que quiser
Eu ... Não vou objetar
Yui: ......
Yui: (Subaru-kun ... Sabe que meu pai trabalha no poder da igreja)
Yui: (Sei que isso vai me machucar Se ... De acordo com isso, esse assunto se torna certo ...)
Yui: (Então agora, confirmando assim ...)
- Mas, para ser sincero, Estou muito confuso,
Não há nada de errado em gostar De subaru.
No entanto, desde então, Na situação em que Humanos e demônios entram em guerra ... 
Fim do Monologo.
Yui: Preocupado com meus pensamentos ...
Yui: Obrigada subaru ....
Yui: Porque agora nem sei qual é a situação do pai, Mesmo que haja muitas outras pessoas na igreja.
Subaru: ...... Entendo.
Subaru: Ainda há tempo. O que você faz, pense sobre isso.
Yui: .... Entendo
Yui: (Embora seja natural se misturar, mas eu sou humano)
Yui: (Ao contrário dos familiares, mesmo com o coração de cordelia, eu Não sou um demônio ...)
-> Desbotamento preto
- Foi no dia seguinte que os servos chegaram ao Éden Do castelo sakamaki.
Agora estou dedicado a cuidar deles e dar-lhes orientação, E agora sou grato por passar um dia sem pensar nas coisas difíceis.
Fim do monologo.
Yui: (Subaru e meu pai)
Yui: (Qual o caminho a escolher ... Não posso escolher ...)
-> Desbotamento preto
Subaru: ..... Ahh
Empregada: Mestre subaru!
Ela corre até ele.
Empregada: Finalmente vejo você! Há tempo agora, como você está?
Subaru: Você é ... Uma empregada que trabalha com minha mãe? Qual é o problema?
Empregada: Na verdade, há algo que eu sempre quis dar Ao mestre subaru
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Subaru: isto é ......
Empregada: É uma foto considerada como um tesouro Pela Christa-sama, ela cuidava como se fosse um tesouro.
Empregada: Ela queria entregar ao mestre subaru.
Empregada: É ótimo ser entregue por mim assim .... Então, vou me retirar primeiro.
Subaru: ........
Subaru: (Peguei ... Pai e mãe ... E ... Quando eu era criança)
Subaru: (Tesouro ...)
Subaru: .... Tsc ....
Carla: ...essa é a voz do éden?...
Quando eu era pequeno, ouvi dizer que meu pai falava Do yota, dizendo-o bêbado.
Quando meu pai  quis ser fechado em Manmaden
Quando eu o visitei aqui, ouvi uma voz
O pai zombou disso como a voz de Karl Heinz.
Depois desse boato, por algum motivo ele manteve sua esposa E filhos afastados e os colocou sozinhos no éden.
Fim do Flashback
Subaru: (Poderia ser ...)
Subaru: ( ele se atreveu a começara enrolar a mim e ás safras...?)
Subaru: .... tsc .....
-barulhos estranhos.-
Subaru: .... Muito chato! Eu te disse para calar a boca!
-barulhos estranhos.-
Subaru: ..... Tsc ......
Monologo do Subaru
O grito ecoou, e eu bloqueei meus ouvidos sem pensar
Eu não entendi.
Estou prestes a perder o velho que conheci, que odeio E devo superar.
Errado. Errado. Errado.
Não achei que aquele fosse lamentável Eu não tive simpatia.
A emoção circulando na minha cabeça Me sacudiu violentamente ...
Fim do monologo.
??? : Há? Não é o subaru-kun? Há quanto tempo
Subaru: ..... Você! O que você está fazendo aqui!
Kino: Hmm .... É o chamado ... Declarar guerra?
Kino: Nós .... as quadro das águias e da igreja estamos unidas
Subaru: Hã ?!
Kino: .... Mas antes disso, há pessoas que não querem se envolver
Subaru: Quem não quer se envolver?
Kino: Correção. Existe o pai dessa criança em nossa igreja
Subaru: .... tsc!
Kino: Agora, essa garota está pronta para se refugiar em Sua consciência?
Subaru: .......
Kino: Se isso continuar, mesmo que não seja direto, também não colocaria A criança em perigo?
Kino: Embora eu não tenha parentes, não entendo. Essa é a coisa certa?
Subaru: .... Tsc ....
Kino: Então, amanhã à noite, traga essa garota para mim
Subaru: ... Hã ?!
Kino: Bem, isso pode ser feito sem proteção? Mas nesse caso, uma criança pode se tornar uma tragédia.
Subaru: .....
Kino: Aqui está um mapa do ponto de encontro.
Kino: Então, vamos fazer isso primeiro, estou ansioso por Um bom resultado.
Kino vai embora
Subaru: ..... !!
Subaru: Droga .... Droga! Droga! Droga!
-Barulhos estranhos
-> Desbotamento preto
Cena: Jardim / Lua vermelha
Yui: .... ugh
Yui: (Subaru e meu pai ... Não posso decidir qual caminho escolher ...)
Yui: (o que devo fazer ...)
Fim do prologo Ecstasy.
Ecstasy Prologo
- The vivoras annihilated the Adler and Lobo tribes. We gathered everyone in the hall to transmit the Information learned by Subaru family members.
End of monologue
Cena - Location: sakamaki castle corridor
Ruki: ... That's it. But it is usually impossible to destroy two races with A set of power.
Ruki: In other words, these guys have a joint strength.
Ruki: .... In that case, there is only one left.
Subaru: What? Don't come with this, hurry up and say
Reiji: - Humans in the lower kingdoms, forces of the church.
Yui: eh? ......
Yui: (Said it was the church ... the one where the father was ?!)
Shu: ... In fact, these guys have always been dominated by the old man, there are really reasons
They want to take the opportunity of my father's absence to repress the demons.
Ruki: No, it's not just about the degree of stress control
The eagles that cooperate with the church will now dominate the demonic world.
Ayato: Is that Zwick's thing?
Carla: ........... This is not the zwick movement, someone is leading this war.
Shin: Brother, what do you mean?
Carla: Zwick is a rational man. With this movement, the eagles can be manipulated by the church.
Shin: In other words ...
Carla: Well, it's only a matter of time before these guys attack here.
Yui: How ...
Reiji: To fight, we also need to prepare.
Ruki: Well, our brothers are going to determine the garden of Eden and understand the battle route
Carla: Ask shin to check the information available.
Shin: Got it, brother.
Reiji: Subaru, call the servants who stayed in Nijuan here
We will need to arrange to disperse the guards
Subaru: ...... Understood
Reiji: First, you are the king of vampires
Please give someone the order of the servant.
Subaru: So ....
Ayato and Kanato want to leave this to you guys can I?
Kanato: Hm, I get it
Because I am Subaru's brother, I will accept
Ayato: .... There's really no way
Reiji: The rest please follow me.
We will check the weapons stored in the warehouse
Everyone leaves the place
Yui: (It's incredible ... Everyone together in an instant)
Yui: (From then on, this place will become really A battlefield.)
Yui: (but me)
Yui: .......
Yui: (If it is the power of the church that cooperates with the eagle clan ... I will fight my father if this continues)
Yui: (dad .....)
Subaru: .......
Subaru approaches her
Yui: Subaru .....
Subaru: Do what you want
I ... I will not object
Yui: ......
Yui: (Subaru-kun ... You know my father works in the power of the church)
Yui: (I know it will hurt me If ... According to this, this matter becomes certain ...)
Yui: (So now, confirming like this ...)
- But to be honest, I'm very confused,
There's nothing wrong with liking From subaru.
However, since then, In the situation where Humans and demons go to war ... S
End of the Monologue.
Yui: Worried about my thoughts ...
Yui: Thanks subaru ....
Yui: Because now I don't even know what the father's situation is, Even though there are many other people in the church.
Subaru: ...... I see.
Subaru: There is still time. Whatever you do, think about it.
Yui: .... I see
Yui: (Although it is natural to mix, but I am human)
Yui: (Unlike family members, even with the heart of cordelia, I I'm not a demon ...)
-> Black fade
- It was the next day that the servants arrived in Eden From the sakamaki castle.
Now I’m dedicated to taking care of them and giving them guidance, And now I am grateful to spend a day without thinking about the difficult things.
End of the monologue.
Yui: (Subaru and my father)
Yui: (Which way to choose ... I can't choose ...)
-> Black fade
Subaru: ..... Ahh
Maid: Master subaru!
She runs up to him.
Maid: I finally see you! There is time now, how are you?
Subaru: Are you ... a maid who works with my mother? What is the problem?
Maid: Actually, there is something I always wanted to give To the subaru master
CG begins
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Subaru: this is ......
Maid: It is a photo considered as a treasure For Christa-sama, she cared as if she were a treasure.
Maid: She wanted to deliver to the subaru master.
Maid: It's great to be delivered by me like this .... So, I'm going to retire first.
Subaru: ........
Subaru: (I took ... Father and mother ... And ... When I was a child)
Subaru: (Treasure ...)
Subaru: .... Tsc ....
Carla: ... is that the voice of Eden? ...
When I was little, I heard that my father spoke From yota, saying you are drunk.
When my father wanted to be closed in Manmaden
When I visited him here, I heard a voice
The father scoffed at this like Karl Heinz's voice.
After that rumor, for some reason he kept his wife And separated children and placed them alone in Eden.
End of Flashback
Subaru: (Could be ...)
Subaru: .... tsc .....
-Strange noises.-
Subaru: .... Very annoying! I told you to shut up!
-Strange noises.-
Subaru: ..... Tsc ......
Subaru Monologue
The scream echoed, and I blocked my ears without thinking
I did not understand.
I'm about to lose the old man I met, who I hate And I must overcome.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
I didn't think that was regrettable I had no sympathy.
The emotion circulating in my head It shook me violently ...
End of the monologue.
??? : There is? Isn't that subaru-kun How long
Subaru: ..... You! What are you doing here!
Kino: Hmm ... It's the so-called ... Declare war?
Kino: We ... the forces of eagles and the church are united
Subaru: Huh ?!
Kino: .... But before that, there are people who don't want to get involved
Subaru: Who doesn't want to get involved?
Kino: Correction. There is this child's father in our church
Subaru: .... tsc!
Kino: Now, this girl is ready to take refuge in Your conscience?
Subaru: .......
Kino: If this continues, even if it’s not direct, it wouldn’t put The child in danger?
Kino: Although I don't have any relatives, I don't understand. Is that the right thing?
Subaru: .... Tsc ....
Kino: So, tomorrow night, bring this girl to me
Subaru: ... Huh ?!
Kino: Well, can this be done without protection? But in that case, the child can become a tragedy.
Subaru: .....
Kino: Here is a map of the meeting place.
Kino: So, let's do this first, I'm looking forward to A good result.
Kino goes away
Subaru: ..... !!
Subaru: Damn it .... Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
-Strange noises
-> Black fade
Scene: Garden / Red Moon
Yui: .... ugh
Yui: (Subaru and my father ... I can't decide which way to choose ...)
Yui: (what should I do ...)
End of the Ecstasy prologue.
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taintedevesayori · 6 months
Sayo's Route: Ecstasy Prologue
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Sayo's Route Masterlist
-Sayo is at a phone booth, talking with her friend Lei
Sayo: Hey, Lei. It’s Sayo. Just calling for the monthly check in.
Lei: Hey, Sayo! I’ve got great news! Plan Escape Shitty Marriage is a go. My aunt has a room for you!
Sayo: …!
-Sayo is silent for a moment, staring at her feet, as she attempts to process what she just heard
Lei: Sayo? Are you there?
Sayo: Uh, yeah, I’m here….
Lei: So when can you get here? I can have my brother drive us there in the morning. 
Sayo: I…um…just need a little time to sort things out.
Lei: You do? I figured you would want to hop on a bus right away…
Sayo: Well…there’s a complication…There’s…sort of a guy in the picture now…
Lei: What?! You’re dating someone?! How have the guys you live with taken that?
Sayo: They aren’t too thrilled, to put it lightly…And we aren’t officially dating…but it’s that sort of relationship. I know I still need to go with the plan…Don’t tell your aunt anything yet. I just need a little time to sort my feelings out.
Lei: Of course. Call me again when you’re ready.
Sayo: I will. Thanks, Lei.
Lei: Of course. Night, Sayo. 
Sayo: Goodnight. 
-Sayo hangs up the phone before collapsing to her knees
(What am I doing…? Lei just told me that her aunt’s place is ready for me…I can finally get the hell out of here! Why am I hesitating? I should be getting on the first bus I can…! But…)
Sayo: Fufu…You sound like a protective older brother, Yuma. 
Yuma: Hehe…Ya think?
Kou: You’re mine, so he basically is, you know? You pretty much have three older brothers now~
Azusa: Having a little sister…? Fufu…How nice…
Ruki: Fufu…She is a rather troublesome little sister, isn’t she?
Yuma: Hehe…Got that right.
Subaru: Walking away like that could have ended badly for you. You don't know how violent that guy is.
-Sayo shrugs
Sayo: It's fine. The tall one is the one that grabbed me before. Besides, if anything had happened, you were there to save me, right?
-She turns, giving him a cheeky grin. Subaru's cheeks flush
Subaru: Why, you…
Sayo: There’s a crepe truck at the park over there. Let’s go get some. 
Laito: Nfu~ Your wish is my command, Sayo-chan~
Ayato: Haah…You have Laito here. Do you really need me?
Sayo: We made a bet. Are you really backing out, Ayato? Besides, is it really that bad to do this kind of thing for once?
-His cheeks flush pink
Ayato: …I guess it’s fine…
Reiji: Your frustrated expression isn’t bad to watch, so it’s a perfect way to kill time.
Sayo: Teasing me, I see…
Reiji: I’m simply telling the truth. 
Sayo: Well, it isn’t bad to watch your focused expressions when you have to counter my good moves. 
Reiji: Fufu…Oh? I did not realize you watch me so intently. 
Sayo: Likewise.
Reiji: Well, don’t let me distract you too much. You won’t be able to win the game.
Sayo: Fufu…You wish you could distract me that much. 
Laito: Why does it hurt so much…? Tell me, Sayo-chan? I don’t want to hear you say that you belong to him. You can’t…Just stay like this here with me…If I say it, will you believe me? Please believe me, Sayo-chan…I l-
Sayo: Laito, don’t…Please…
-He holds her tighter
Laito: Ah…If you’re stopping me, that means you believe me and just don’t want to hear it, right? That’s what it means, right, Sayo-chan? I meant everything before now. Do you finally believe me?
Kou: I want to be the only one you’re going on dates with, Sayo-chan.
Sayo: You do…?
Kou: Yeah. It’s pretty funny…that I would ever become possessive…That I want you so badly. But it’s true. Maybe it’s because you’re Eve…but I don’t know. But what I do know is that I can’t keep taking it slow…
Kou: Be mine, Sayo-chan. Forget about those other guys. I won’t let them steal you from me…
*Flashbacks end*
-Tears well up in her eyes as her hands clench into fists
Sayo: Tch…Dammit…Dammit…Dammit…! How did this happen…?!
-Sayo returns to the Sakamaki mansion sometime later. She runs into Subaru in the garden
Subaru: What are you doing?
Sayo: Hey, Subaru. Just coming back from a walk. 
Subaru: That’s not what I mean. And don’t lie, I can smell that guy on you. 
Sayo: …Okay, yeah, I was with him. And then I went on a walk. 
Subaru: What you’re doing is stupid! Do you actually think it will work out? There isn’t going to be a sweet, happy ending! 
Sayo: What are you talking about…?
Subaru: Laito isn’t going to give you up to Kou. They’re going to wind up fighting each other if it comes to that. The one who gets hurt here is you if this keeps going. 
Sayo: …I don’t know what you’re talking about. Me and Kou are just friends. 
Subaru: Friends my ass. His scent is all over you. 
-He grabs her arm, pulling her sleeve up to point out the bite mark on her wrist 
(Oh crap…That’s where Kou bit me before I left his house…)
Subaru: And there’s this! You’re letting him drink your blood? 
Sayo: Alright, I get it, Subaru…
Subaru: I know you didn’t want to move here and didn’t get along with us at first. We all saw you as a pain because you didn’t behave and let us suck your blood. But it’s different now! We all told you that we wanted you to stay here when those guys first showed up. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? 
Sayo: You said that because of my blood! 
Subaru: Fuck…! Can’t believe I have to say this…It’s not just because of your blood, alright? The others think the same thing. 
Sayo: …! But…I’m difficult…and not even that friendly…
Subaru: But you still make time to have tea with Reiji almost every day and play chess with him? You do whatever I want to do when I drag you along with me? You play games with Ayato and Laito when they challenge you even if you complain a little? You don’t think we enjoy those things? 
(He’s right…I do all those things…but I didn’t really think it meant much to them…) 
Subaru: You can be more open. You can tell us if you want to do things. Laito has obviously tried to show you that. You don’t have to rely on those other vampires for that. What can they give you that we can’t? What’s the difference between us? 
Sayo: ….Kou wanted to be my friend. I haven’t had any since I moved here…and it was nice to feel wanted. I get what you’re trying to say, okay? That’s enough emotional talk for one night…
-Sayo rushes off towards the mansion
Subaru: Tch…Do you not think of us as friends…?
-Sayo locks her bedroom door behind her once she reaches her room. She slides to the ground, keeping her back to the door
Sayo: Dammit, Subaru…
-A few tears slip down her cheeks
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ruki-mukami-dl · 3 years
Hi Admin! Is it possible if you can write a fake continuation of Ruki’s Dark Fate Brute ending?
Dark Fate Brute Ending After Story
ー Long timeskip; several years later
ー Scene starts: Mukami Manor; Garden
[*Ruki looks at a flower*]
The flower Adam replanted back then has grown really big and strong. Just like himーー
[*Ruki smiles*]
It's time. Yui, isn't it?
ー Scene change: Mukami Manor; Balcony
Y: Ruki-kun? ... ... Ah, here you are ... ... Did something happen? You haven't been here in a long time...
[*Ruki turns and smiles at her*]
R: Everything is fine. I wanted to stand here one last time and let my thoughts wander.
Y: ーー One last time...?
[*Ruki pulls a knife out of his jacket; Yui smiles*]
Y: Then it will happen today...
R: ... ... You knew it, didn't you?
Y: Of course I knew it. It was just a matter of time.
R: ... ...
[*Yui comes closer and hugs him*]
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Y: It's all right if you're the one doing it.
[*Yui smiles*]
Y: I had a happy life until now and I was loved. I'm happy. And I regret nothing.
[*Ruki snuggles up to her*]
R: I love him... And I love you... But I won't hand you over. Not even to him.
Y: Then let's go to paradise together. I love you Ruki-kun.
R: I love you Yui.
[*Ruki kisses her*]
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R: ... ...
[*Ruki stabs her*]
R: Yui... I will follow you right away...
???: NOOOーー
[*Ruki turns around shocked*]
R: Adamーー
R: Adam... Iーー
[*Adam takes the knife from Ruki and stabs him*]
R: Urgh... Adam... Uu...
[*Adam falls on his knees and cries; Ruki takes Adam's hand*]
R: I always knew that I would die at your hand... Adam... Thank you...
A: ... ...
R: I'm finally free... You and your mother saved me... Adam... Live a happy life and find love...
A: Dadーー
R: I love you my son... Please forgive me...
[*Ruki takes Yui's hand with the last of his strength*]
R: Yui... You're only my Eve... Let us go to paradise together... Now no one will take you away from me...
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[*Adam screams as he dies*]
ー Timeskip; Mukami Manor; Balcony
[*Adam lies on Ruki's lifeless body and cries*]
???: Adam.
[*Adam turns around surprised*]
A: Who are you...?
[*Adam opens his eyes wide*]
A: You're Karlheinz-sama. Dad has spoken of you so many times...
[*Karlheinz smiles*]
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K: Of course he did. My son...
[*Karlheinz comes closer and looks at Ruki's lifeless body*]
K: In the end you let your fear conquer you. Your fears were completely unfounded. No one would have taken her away from you. Not even your own son. Unfortunately, you will never know. I hope you have finally found your peace.
[*Karlheinz looks at Adam*]
A: ... ... What are you doing here?
K: I'm here to take you with me.
A: ... ...
K: You're very powerful Adam. I can help you to control and use this power. So I have big plans for you.
A: I'm powerful... Butーー
K: Don't be afraid Adam. I will give you a new home.
[*Karlheinz holds out his hand*]
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K: I will take care of you like I took care of your father.
[*Karlheinz smiles*]
K: It's your father's wish. Trust me.
A: Dad...
[*Adam smiles*]
A: If it's his wish, I will grant it...
[*Adam takes Karlheinz's hand; Karlheinz smirks*]
The End
((Answering this ask was a lot of fun for me. In fact, I had two different stories in my mind. After many discussions with @calystegiabit and @ayatoslover I decided on the sad version. I thank you for the support my angels. But in the end it's the Brute Ending of Ruki's Route. I wanted to continue it canonically. Even when it hurts... Still I hope you like it <3
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knight-queen · 4 years
𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐘𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 – (𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭)
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[Chapter O2]  [Chapter O3]  [Chapter O4]  [Final]
Main CG used in this Route -
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart….!) 
Place:  山中 / Mountain / Yamanaka
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart….!)
Yuma: From now on, we gotta solve this problem, huh?
Yui: Sorry...Yuma kun.
Yuma: Haa? Why are ya’ saying that? The person called Earl or whatever, it’s all his fault, right!?
Don’t make such a annoyin’ face! C’mmon! La-u-gh?
*Yuma gets closer*
Yui: Ouch...I-it hurts…!
(I think he puts all his strength into stressing my face.)
Yuma: Hee? That face was also good...ha-haha!
Yui: Laughing like this….it’s not fair!
*Yuma backs off*
Yui: (By the way, what should we do from now on)
(I think I saw something in the dream...Maybe I can figure out something if I think about that.)
Yuma: ……..*Sighs*
Yui: (Why is he looking at me putting on such a scary face…?)
Yuma: Making such a stupid face for a while, I am saying that everything’s gonna be fine! HUH?
Yui: You are wrong...It’s not something like that…
Yuma: I am saying it, which means I am correct!
Yuma: Haa...Looks like I have to make you understand it thoroughly….haa!!
*Yuma hugs Yui*
Yui: Kyaa!
(He’s hugging me out of nowhere…!?)
Yuma: Don’t be so dumb. It doesn’t matter where we go so, hold onto me tightly!
Yui: Eh?! Gh! Kyaaaa!!
*They are flying*
*Sound of Wind*
*Screen black / Yui closes her eyes*
Yui: (This feeling...Could it be that we are…!)
*Opens her eyes / screen comes back*
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Yui: (Flying…?)
(We’re just going up and up! At this rate, it looks like we will reach the Moon...!)
Yuma: Kuku! Make sure that you hold me tightly!
Yui: You have suddenly started to fly! I was scared, y’know?
Yuma: Even if I wouldn’t fly suddenly, you would be scared to fly anyway.
Yui: That’s true though…
Yuma: So? Can’t you think of anything other than scaring?
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: For example, shooting stars or the lights of the parade venue. What about those?
Yui: Yes, they are beautiful…
(I am seeing colorful lights far below...ah, there is an amusement park over there. That wagon is selling something, I think?)
(That was the parade venue from the earlier, right? It’s very lively and pretty.)
Yuma: No-w, where shall we get started? What ‘bout starting from attractive places all the way through?
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Ruki said it, right? Earl Walter can be anywhere that we don’t even know.
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If that’s so, that we should use our feet for searching without thinking about anything!
I think it’s best to ask people here about this world. There may be other information out there ‘bout being stolen of your heart.
((A quick reminder that Yuma is extremely rude, and I am trying my best to translate in his type language. But he is always RUDE! He is not formal at all))
Yui: (Definitely…)
Yuma: That’s why, let’s play & have fun while collecting the information!!
Ah! That amusement park will be a perfect place! We are gonna’ ride every single one!
Yui: Y-yeah…
(Looks like his main intention is to have fun rather than searching for information.)
(I also want us to have fun together, but…)
Ne~ Yuma Kun.
Yuma: Aah?
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Yui: If I don’t get back my heart...I will end up dying, right.
It would also work if I don’t have this body...but that’s…
(It’s difficult to have fun while holding these feelings.)
Yuma: Oi, haven’t you noticed anything. I am not planning to have fun around by throwing out your main problems.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Tch! You are very poor at guessing!
I haven’t gotten any other choice but to yield, I guess?
It’s obvious to get depressed at the same time, but even if we don’t have fun, you’re gonn’ be anxious anyway.
That’s why I’m sayin’ that I am gonna make your face unconcerned just like I have!
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Yui: (Yuma Kun is...thinking about me.) *Blushing*
(Yet, I was just concerned about me.)
I am really sorry...I wasn’t planning to doubt you or something…
I was just feeling washed away...I didn’t even watch my own words...as a result I ended up being teased by you
Yuma: Exactly.
Yui: (I was so depressed lately. I haven't fixed it. First of all, let’s keep in mind that I have to make myself cheerful.)
(Alright, beware of your smile...)
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Yui: Yuma Kun! Can I company you?
Yuma: ….!?...
Yui: Yuma Kun?
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Yuma: You, making such a face….damn! Don’t say cute things! *Blushing*
Yui: Eh? Ah…!
*Yuma undresses Yui*
Yui: (He embraced me, he’s digging fangs in my neck….!)
Yuma: Don’t think that I’ll stop if you say ‘sorry.’ Give me a thank you using your feelings. 
If I bite ‘ere, then those vampires won’t bother me.
Yui: (Could it be that, he was planning to fly for this….from the beginning…!)
Yuma: At first, I’ll do it from here….nh…*Licks*
Yui: Don’t…! *Blushing*
Yuma: Your makin’ such a face before I even dig my fangs. Don’t you still have some hope…!! (( He has used 期待 -> means hope or expectation.))
Yui: Please...don’t…!
*Sound of shooting magic*
Yuma: Hm? I have heard somethin’...HAAA!?
Yui: Eh?
(A black object is approaching this way!)
*Another sound*
Yui: (What a speed...we are going to collide!)
Yuma: A meteorite!? Why is coming straight towards us! Tch, as this rate —
*Another sound*
Yui: (We’ll get hit…!)
Yuma: Can y’ easily bum ito us...Aaaa!!
*Yuma aparts from Yui*
Yui: Ah!
(I am separated from Yuma Kun…!?)
Yuma: Yui!!
Yui: Kyaaa!
*Sounds of wind*
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Yuma: *Unclear Voice*  Ugh! Extend your hand!
Yui: …!
(Can’t, my hand can’t reach him…!)
Yuma: Guh!...Damn! You’ll…!
Yui: (I will?...Die...I thought it’s gonna be positive with me….but)
*Screen black / closes her eyes*
(I am sorry Yuma Kun)
Yui: …..nh?
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(—What...This touch...it is very soft….and sweet smell.)
Yuma: No good, I can’t control this speed!!!
UWAAAAAAA— —!!!!!!??
Yui: Nh!? Yuma kun!
Yuma: Ugh...what’s this...it’s hurting and...ugh…
Oi, can you move?
Yui: It’s… kinda impossible….
Yuma: Haa? What should I do then?
So, where’re we? I’know it's a parade venue, but...I can’t see anything like that.
Yui: You are right….
(It's a very noticeable place…)
Clown D: Haa...I was going to finish up today’s work. Are you guys substituting my candles or what?
Yui: Candles? Umm...what you mean —
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Clown D: Oh my, oh my. You guys are festiving too much in the name of parade~
Yuma: Isn't it weird to hear something like this from a clown?
Clown D: It’s not weird~good grief! You are really a hopeless couple. Here, I will help you, gimme your hand.
Yuma: Yea, counting on ya’.
Yui: Thank you so much…
Place: サントノレパーク通り /  Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yuma: Ha— we had face somethin’ awful!
Yui: (I am glad that everything was okay, but...)
(No way, it’s more likely to break a giant cake of the parade celebration.)
We are really really sorry.
Clown D: A—….It’s okay, it’s okay! I’d like to say...nope, I give up~
I will make it over again. Even though I’ve made the cake with great efforts, y’know~!
Yuma: Haa? It was you who cooked, huh? You have a great taste!
Clown D: Eh, Really!! Even though it’s not true, that makes me so happy!! But, A—aah~
Yui: (He’s feeling so down. I am sure that he was preparing that taking a long time…)
(A lot of people will be gathering here. If we don’t cooperate, he may not be able to finish making such a big cake….)
Clown D: Hm? What is it?
Yui: I don’t know whether you’ll be able to make a gorgeous cake or not, but, we will compensate for you!
Yuma: Haaa—?
Yui: Because, it was all our fault after all. We must have to do something.
Yuma: I’know what you mean... but how can we compensate somethin’ like this?
Yui: That’s—…
(There should be a way…)
...Sorry, I can’t think of it right away.
Yuma: Anyway, my whole body is sticky and sticky for the cream, it’s unpleasant.
Sorry but I'm someone who’ll get tension for this, right?
Since it’s a parade, I am looking like a display object or something like that….Let’s go for the bath right away.
Clown D: Saying this means you’re planning NOT to come back, right~?
Yuma: Well, if I would be the only then I wouldn’t come back. But, if I do so, this good-person won’t forgive me.
Yui: Listen...Of course we will come back! We will absolutely pay back your debt, so please trust us!!
Clown D: Let’s see...— Um...I don’t have faith in this big brother, but I can trust this big sister!
Yuma: Aaa—? Tch!
Yui: Thanks a lot! By the way, would you mind telling us where we can have a shower….?
Clown D: I’ll lead you to a familiar hotel. If you like then, I may give you the tickets!
Yui: Eh, is that okay…?
Yuma: Is that ‘cuz there’s an acquaintance there and you keep an eye on us so that we won’t run away?
Clown D: Listen—…!
Yui: (But that way, we also can proof that we keep our promise, right?)
Yui: I got your point. Of Course we’ll come back. We were really sorry.
Clown D: Well—That wasn’t my intention. First, I will say that, don’t be slow~
Yuma: Got it. Let’s go then.
Yui: Yeah.
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  バスルーム / Bathroom of Mortstein Hotel
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*Without dress*
Yui: (Phew….)
(Nevertheless, we completely spoiled the cake…)
(I did something like this in a dream when I was a kid. I think I wasn’t happy at all for doing that...)
(Anyway, it’s Yuma Kun’s turn now)
*Turns off the shower*
*Puts on dresses*
Yui: (Okay, all I have to do is to just fix my fair. Shall I call him out?)
Yuma Kun, thank you for waiting. I am coming out, just a little, okay?
*Yuma opens the door*
Yui: Wah?
Yuma: I’m tired of waiting — Haa! How annoyin’. These clothes’re stuck with me.
gh...ugh...—I still can’t take these off...guh… *trying to take off*
*He takes off his clothes*
Yui: —! Kyaa!
Yuma: Aa? Shut up, why screaming, huh?
Yui: *Blushing* Wa-wait! Let me move backwards!!
Yuma: Why are y’ being damn noisy. Y’can move anywhere so be quiet!
*Yuma turns on the shower*
Yui: Uuh— I wiped my hair perfectly... I must get out…!
Yuma: ...Nh...What the hell is this, such a sticky! ...—Oi!
I can’t remove dirt from my hair, you gotta help me!
Yui: Eeh! But…
Yuma: I wrap a towel ‘cuz you’re such a noise! Hurry up and help!
Yui: (If it’s so...then I may lay him a hand.) *Blushing*
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(To tell the truth, he had fallen down in the cake to protect me, right?)
*Turns into CG*
Yuma: —Ah...by the way, wash more gently there, and also the right side…
Yui: *Nod*
(Uu—It’s embarrassing….I must not look at him….)
Yuma: ...—What it could be that was hittin’ us during flyin’ in the sky.
Is that a meteorite?
Yui: May be...A—
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Yuma: Uwa—Oi! Are you blind or what? Watch carefully!
Yui: Ah! Sorry!
Yuma: Whatta pain! Are you embarrassed for that! Usually, you used to be more close to me, right!
Just—like this!
*CG turns where Yuma’s sucking*
Yui: Kyaa!!
Yuma: It reminds me that I couldn’t suck during flying...kuku~ I’m gonn’ get it back!
Yui: Ah…
(His fangs are digged deeper….!)
Yuma: Kuku...Such a good face. Lemme taste it more.
Yui: (No...I am losing my strength…)
Yuma: Like always….your are having a sloppy face….hah….lean on me.
Yui: Ah...—Yuma kun,....I can’t—
(Even though I was done with bathing….I am feeling dizzy.)
Yuma: What now? Do you want me to suck from here? I’ll do it.
Haha, dropping tears...all I see is that you just want me to continue.
Raise your face…
Yui: Uh—…
(If he still continues….I will lose consciousness…)
Yuma: Nh…*Kiss*
Yui: (Lips...he didn’t...bite?...)
nh...Yuma Kun…?
Yuma: I am glad that you didn’t die…
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Yui: Eh…?
Yuma: It’s nothing. C’mmon give me more. These blood’re just coming out. I won’t waste it.
Until I am satisfied...I won’t let y’ go...nh...nh...mn..
Yui: (Enough already...at this rate…!)
Stop...we have to go back to the plaza. We promised to Clown San…!
Yuma: Aaa?
Yui: (If he still continues sucking, we can’t keep our promise. I can’t allow something like that...!)
*Yui moved back*
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Yuma: Aah? Wait!
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  客室 / Guest Room of Mortstein Hotel
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Yui: (I’m sorry for Yuma Kun, but it’s good that I managed to escape somehow. I must go back to that place, as soon as I can!)
Yuma: ….Oi! What’re you actually planning to do somethn’ for that big cake?
Yui: It’s obvious! It was your fault....If you wouldn’t fly then, we won’t have deal with something like this.)
Yuma: Aaa? It was those meteorites’ fault! You were expecting my fangs, didn’t you?
Yui: I didn’t! By the way, let’s go back to that place.
Yuma: Even if you say that. You’ve almost forgotten your most important work.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: To remake such a big cake, how can you buy such an amount of time?
If you do it, then we may lose your heart!
Yui: Ah…
Yuma: Your face’s telling that you’ve completely forgotten...hah, as I thought, you should just lie ‘bout it.
Yui: *Nod* I can’t. When I imagine people’s sad faces out there, I just can’t do something like that.
(If we escape away, then I am sure that we’ll regret it later. More than that, I don’t want others to be disappointed.)
Yuma: Well, it’s true that I also did something horrible.
Yui: Please Yuma Kun, let’s go there together?
Yuma: It can't be helped. Then hurry up and finish making that cake.
Yui: Really?
Yuma: I can’t hear if you’re sayin’ something. ….That kind of attitude of you still hasn’t washed away, this stubbornness.
Yui: Not really. It’s very normal. 
Yuma: No, you are not normal. Hehe, you easily get swept away by the things that make you feel good.
Yui: —No, you are wrong!
Yuma: Hehe, you are red all the way to the neck.
Yui: (—! There are many things to say, but...it’s good that he accepted my favour.)
Place: サントノレパーク通り / Saint Honoré Park Street
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Yui: (There’s a lot of traffic. People walking in the road also disguised themselves to have fun.)
Yuma: Oi...Don’t get lost from me.
Yui: Yes, Ne~ Yuma Kun. Did you remember about the carnival that we visited before?
Yuma: Huh? Very strange situation. It also remembered that. ...However, the situation right now is completely different from that.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: At that time, it was a problem when those vampires got addicted to your blood, right?
Yui: If it’s so, then it’s completely different now.
(A human like me....no one is noticing me, even if I walk around them...It was a little mystery…)
Yuma: Perhaps….since your heartś replaced with a stone.
Yui: (I see...Earl has replaced my heart with a gem. For this, they are thinking that I am not a human, may be itś the reason for that…)
Ne, did the taste of my blood change?
Yuma: Haa...you’re looking so serious. Are you worrying ´bout it?
Yui: Huh?
Yuma: You said that you won´t feel comfortable like in the past, kukuh! Are you disappointed?
Yui: Itś not something like that…!
Yuma: Aah? It’s a bull’s eye y’know? But, don´t be worried. I don’t care ´bout taste or something like that.
For me, to make you feel better is more important than suking your blood after all, kukuh
Yui: Enough-...!
*Blushing* (Saying something like that...may me that’s a part of his kindness…)
(As I thought, I have to get back the heart as soon as possible.)
*After a while*
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Yui: Ah, Clown San!
Clown D: Oh, you two huh~ Good to see that you come back after all~
Yuma: That was obvious. So? Did you make that cake?
Clown D: No way! I am just a clown out here, so I can´t make something like that~
Yui: You made it then?
Clown D: It’s a sweet shop-keeper~!
Yuma: What about getting that guy to make the cake over again?
Yui: Yuma Kun, it’s not fair to say something like this.
Yuma: Aah? But it's impossible to make it for an ordinary person, right?
Yui: That’s true, but…
Clown D: At first, go there and tell that ¨ I am sorry.¨ Spoiling such a huge cake, I can´t say something from my position, yḱnow~
Yui: Okay, we are going to apologize.
Yuma: Letś make it.
Clown D: I don't know whether it goes that easily, but good luck~!
Place: ザフィーア 菓子店 / The fear confectionery shop
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Yui: (Waah! The sweets are lined up! How cute…!
(There’s also something called eat-in.)
Yuma: Oi! We haven't come here to eat sweets or something!
Yui: Umm...excuse me. I have heard that hereś the person who had made a giant cake in the plaza.
‘The fear’ store’s manager: Aah! That was my self-confidence work! That was a very splendid cake, right?
Yui: Aah...yes…
(Uuh, itś hard to cut out this topic…)
Yuma: Yup, that was tasty. The sweetness level was perfect.
‘The fear’ store’s manager: Aah, I am so glad to hear that! Come to think of it, who are you? How do you know the taste of that cake?
Yuma: Haa? By eating, ofcourse.
‘The fear’ store’s manager: Eeeeh!!??
Yui: That’s...many things happened and as a result, we broke that cake. We are really sorry!
‘The fear’ store’s manager:  Wawawa - What did you just say!? You broke that cake! That cake was specially made for the parade!
Do-do-do...Do you even know how much materials and time I had to spenk for that!!!! I won´t easily...forgive you!!
Yuma: Shouting like this, itś useless now to get angry for that.
‘The fear’ store’s manager:   What’s up with that attitude! You have broken my masterpiece cake...how terrible...uuuh!!
*The manager collapsed*
The fear confectionary assistant: Manager! Please hold on!!
Yui: Manager!?
The fear confectionary assistant:  Haah...first of all, I will listen to your conversation. Please continue if from the very first.
Place: ザフィーア 菓子店   厨房 / The fear confectionery shop, kitchen 
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Yui: (Waah! The smell is very sweet. Thereŕe a lot of designers here! Everyone looks so busy…)
The fear confectionary assistant: Until recently, every members were just focusing on making a huge cake.
fear confectionery assistant: It has such a big size, so itś very didfficult to to arrange the materials, to bake and even to decorate…
This is why...when the cake was done, we were so happy that we held our hands in hands together.
Yui: Is that so...umm...we are really sorry.
Yuma: ….But, the paradeś is still continuing, right? That open place won look good if thereś no cake out there.
The fear confectionary assistant: We are getting so much advertisement from our customers...I want to do something.
Yuma: So, let’s start making the cake. Looks like a lot of workers are here. I am somehow excited.
Yui: Um..we will also help you out since we will pay your debt!
The fear confectionary assistant: Before the manager gives us the permission, I can make sure that we will be able to gather necessary ingredients.
Yuma: Haa? Are y'all gonn´ use rare ingredients or something? 
The fear confectionary assistant: It’s not like that. We are in the middle of the parade, so sugars won´t be available everywhere, and it will be harder to get.
When the sugar of our shop was out of stock, we were about to close the shop…
Yui: That’s…
The fear confectionary assistant: Did you notice that there are so many street halls, itś very unusual. There are so many…
Yuma: Well, I don´t get it well, but there's no other problem if you get the sugars, right?
The fear confectionary assistant: Yes...Flour, eggs and raw cream are still affordable.
Yui: (Sugar...I have no idea how much sugar we should get, but...we can´t give up.
We will manage the sugar but please make that big cake one more time!
Yuma: Haaa….
Yui: Please!
The fear confectionary assistant: Understood...I will pass your words to the manager. I am also requesting you to get the sugar.
Yui: Yes!!
Place: グリンマーストリート  表通り/ Glimmer Street, Main street
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Yui: (Even though she told me the amount of sugar I have to get...but I didn’t imagine that they’re gonna need such a huge amount…)
Yuma: *Sighs* … … …
Yui: (He is being irritated for searching. Of Course the necessary amount of sugar is something to be shocked.)
Yuma: You! Y’re a completely stupid! Lastly ending up asking the necessary amount of sugar...what have you done, haa!?
Yui: Anyway, I want us to try out searchi individually  where sugar is available
Yuma: Haa? If we search individually, then the parade is gonn’ be over! Let’s steal those  from somewhere!
Yui: We can’t steal! We have to explain our situation and ask others!
Yuma: Damn! Y’ come up with such a lame idea!
Yui: I am sorry...
Yuma: We gotta finish up dealing with this. So? Where should we get started?
Yui: (Where should I say...)
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Sugar House (Correct +)
Sugar making factory
Yui: What about Sugar House? Since it’s right over there, I am pretty much sure that there’s a lot of sugar stocked.
Yuma: Hehe, it sounds like a simple step.
But, those are very rare...don’t you think it will be a waste to ask them mashed sugars as they put such an effort?
Yui: You are right...maybe we should try going there...they will probably gonna distribute the unmashed sugars…
Yuma: Well, there may be restricted sugar which’s specially produced for parade.  ‘Kay, let’s go!
Yui: Mhm
Place: グリンマーストリート 表通りワゴン前 / Glimmer Main Street Wagon Street
Yui: (Phew...they didn’t understand our excuses pretty well, but they distributed sugars to us one by one.)
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(People of this demon world are unexpectedly nice with me...may be because my heart is now a gem.)
(More importantly, Yuma Kun also helped me out...I also gotta do my best!)
Yuma: What’ are ya’ barging about, Sow? Watching me sweating while pulling the rear car, it’s funny to see, haa?
Yui: Y-you are wrong! I was about to thank you…
Looks like we are about to gather our target amount of sugar. Umm...next up isー
*Something sounds like wheel blusted*
Yui: (Hm? What’s this sound…)
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Aaah, that’s weird. I heard that it will get fixed by hitting, but I am not sure it will end up working or not…
Yui: “Cotton Candy”...I didn’t assume that there are such stores in the parade.
Yuma: This trouble...looks like I’m not the only one who’s experienced it.
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Yui: Mhm…
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Oh, customers? I am really sorry for this...I am going to repair it right now.
Yui: Not really...Are you fine with it. We can help if you would like to.
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Oh, really? Thank you!
I heard how to fix it when I got this machine...but it’s making me scared now…
Yuma: Ah….As I thought, I know how to fix that.
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Eh!? Is that so? Can you help me out, brother?
Yuma: Kuku~ Leave it to me ….Haah!! 
*Yuma hitted the Machine*
*A huge sound of being damaged*
Yui: (This sound...could it be…!)
(Oh no...cotton candies just bounced and popped out from there…!)
Yuma: Ugh...Oi! Pick those up before more of those come out!
Yui: On it!
(He got such strength....anyway, let’s pick these up as much as possible!)
*After a they are done with picking candies*
*Repairing sound*
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Yui: ….Hah..ha...Yuma Kun...I have reached my limit…!
Yuma: Tch! Get fixed already!!
*Yuma hitted machine more time*
Yui: Ah...looks like we did….
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Oh, looks like we’re done with repairing...Thank you so much!
Yuma: Np, I just hitted, that was all. Is that ‘kay?
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Fufu~ It was a great help. Take my cotton candies as a gift.
Yuma: That’s fine though, but if possible, we would like to have sugars.
Yui: For many reasons, we must have to gather some sugars...Please, can you accept this request?
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: But...due to this circumstance, if I finish up using my extra sugars, then it will get tough to recover the crisis...
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Yuma: Oi! Who do you think you get rescued from this circumstance? If you’re grateful, then give those!!
Yui: Yuma Kun, dont! We are so sorry for being rude.
Yuma: You!
Yui: I didn’t really intend to help for getting thanks or something. It was just about hitting afterall.
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: I’m really sorry…
Yuma: ...ugh...Let’s go.
Yui: (It’s good that I convinced him. Now, let’s regain our mind, and go for the next step.)
Place: ザフィーア 菓子店   厨房 / The fear confectionery shop, kitchen 
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Yui: (After all...we couldn’t gather the perfect amount..)
(But, we must do something...I should try out by requesting them)
‘The fear’ shop’s manager: I refuse!! I won’t make the cake unless I get the necessary amount of sugar, I told you, didn’t I?!!
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Yuma: THIS - IS- WHY Make something using these, even though a small one!
The fear shop’s manager: No-no-n-n-n-o-! Stop speaking cocky despite being a lay, ‘cuz it’s just… The things can’t be done, means can’t be done!
Yui: Calm down Yuma Kun...But we still managed some sugars, right? Can’t you even barely make one?
The fear confectionary assistant: I know your feelings, but it’s still not quite yet.
Yui: But somehow…
*Someone Opens the Door*
‘The fear’ shop’s manager: Who’s there? Getting into the kitchen without my permission? What does that mean!
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???: Oh, I thought there's a crisis of sugar in this shop...I get some sugar for you. Aah! It’s you guys.
Yui: Eh!? Why are you here…
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: That’s to you that, my shop improved a lot! You were really a great help.
I announced to all the stallholders in the acquaintance for sugar and fortunately, I managed to get some...Here you go.
Yuma: Haa? This is too much! You can use it for cotton candy or yourself!
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: I also thought about that for a while...Somehow I remembered that you guys were working so hard.
Yui: Really, thank you! How can I thank you? I don’t think I will be able to do anything for you…
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: It’s fine! You said earlier, right? “ We’re not helping to receive thanks.” Those feelings of you made me happy.
Yui: (Ah…!)
Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Fufu~ Seeing this kind woman to smile...I am so glad to see it. 
*Yui blushes*
Yuma: ...Earlier...That was my bad.
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Cotton Candy Shopkeeper: Nope. By this, your problem has been solved, right?
‘The fear’ shop’s manager: Since, the perfect amount of sugar is collected, then we got no other choices but to make one.
Yui: This means…!
The fear confectionary assistant: Fufu~ Looks like we'll be busy for a while. Now, it’s time for the workers to get started. You guys, feel free to have some rest.
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  客室 / Guest Room of Mortstein Hotel
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Yui: (While waiting, they already prepared the cake…!)
*Sound of spoon*
Yui: This tart (French dish cake) is delicious! Ne, Yuma Kun, what ‘bout having a bite?
Yuma: No…
Yui: Eh? Kyaa!?
*He gets closer*
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Yuma: You’re...really cool.
Yui: *Bushing* For any reason...?
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Yuma: It was impossible. But...you made it possible at the end. Wonderful...As expected from my woman.
Yui: Embarrassing…!
Yuma: Then, I’ll make it more embarrassing...Nh..*KISS*
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Yui: *Kisses back* Nh...nh… 
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Yuma: ...kuku~....*kiss*...kiss*...I knew...you’re a perfect woman…*kiss*
Yui: (I am already embarrassed...But for now...I will be like this…)
Yuma: Gimme the tart. I want to eat it.
Yui: Here it is…
Yuma: Umm...tasty! Today, we have eaten only sweet stuffs *eats*
Yui: Yes…
Yuma: It’s fine in a while. Gimme one more.
Yui: (Today I was so exhausted but...I am so happy to have met with many kind people…)
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— 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗡𝗗 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝟭—
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kirua9 · 2 years
Makoto's route. Dark 04
Characters: Makoto Aomine, Ruki Mukami
*Location: unknown*
???: How inopportunate... This troublesome woman is still unconcios. She's only a burden to us... Now I can't see how she can be useful... His plans are truly unpredictable...
Makoto: *dreaming*  ( Who is that?.. Somehow, I feel relieved. No, it can't be true... Though these words... they are so familiar...)
Makoto: U-uncle?..
Ruki: ...
Ruki: (What uncle? Is she dreaming? Is she getting delusional? )
Makoto: Uncle... I'm sorry... I know I'm a burden to you... I'm sorry... I'll say this a hundred times if you want.
Ruki: ... (How hopeless...)
Makoto: Please... don't leave me!..
Ruki: ... (You're pathetic living being... Do you want him to revive that much? But he can't, you should know.)
*He touches her hand*
Makoto: !
Makoto: Uncle!.. You're back! You hear me!..
Ruki: You're hopeless. It's time to wake up.
Ruki: Get up,  livestock!
*she wakes up wincing*
Makoto: A!.. Ruki?..
*turns around *
Makoto: Oh, I've never been there... Is it your room?
Ruki: Yes, unfortunately. Yours isn't tidy enough to breathe there.
Makoto: Well, I haven't lived there before, those questions should be asked to the previous owner.
Makoto: Oh, my arm and thigh... Have you bound them?
Ruki: This is the only and the last time,  don't worry. If you got injured next time I'll do nothing, because it's too expensive to feed you and spend money on your health.
Makoto: How certain. This proves you were a human before...
Ruki: You don't understand a thing. You're ruining the plan now, spend the sources and others aren't pleasant with you too.
Makoto: So?..
Ruki: As soon as you recover, you'll go to those aristocrats and finally become useful.
Makoto: Sounds easy, but only  for you.
Ruki: Silence. I'm fed up with your ignorance, you're a real headache.
Makoto: Why? Do I bother you that much? It's not my guilt that Kou is  mentally unstable !
Ruki: ... You allow yourself being too bold with people, who agreed to guard you.
Makoto: To guard ? More like "to kill" me earlier than it should be done.
Ruki: Stop this meaningless quarrel. Haven't you heard me ? Get out of here.
Makoto: What? Now?
Ruki: ...
Ruki: Yes.
Makoto: No! You can't! You can't dismiss me like that!
Ruki: Why? You have a housing after all. Plus, you're an eyesore here.
Makoto: But... it's so lonely there.
Ruki: None of my business how do you feel.
Makoto: But you said yourself that  you can't go against His wishes? This "Someone" said you, that we're the same? Didn't he say you have to protect me? 
Ruki: ...
Ruki: I can't deny that He wanted us to be in one team. However, everything has a tendency to change, even His thoughts.
Ruki: For now... The more conflicts you cause, the less support from Mukami family you recieve. You'll bring only hurt yourself if you ignore the rules I create.
Makoto: So... Does that mean I can remain here for now?
Ruki: It's a pain to say, but yes. Looks like the audacity wins. Good grief...
Makoto: ...
Makoto: Now I feel ashamed of myself... Huh. I kinda feel sorry... but it's apology is to you only.
Ruki: How clever. Now when I said you can sit still in my bed you're apologizing?
Makoto: No! I mean... Even though you can't stand me, you kinda care about me.
Ruki: Excuse me? I was about to kick you off there.
*Makoto shows bandaged arm*
Makoto: And this?
Ruki: ...
Ruki: God, why the hell you smile at me? You look strange even for such a woman as yourself.
Makoto: I got it, no more irritating things, right? Gotcha!
Ruki: (Hopeless... Hopeless stray fool...)
I'm really a stray critter.
A Vagabond.
There's no worth coming back home anymore...
Ruki is just like my uncle –  has no urge to care about me, but still...
He tries. Although it's only for Someone's wishes and plans, the Man who stands behind this plan, but it still shows that Ruki isn't brute.
And because of the past I start to respect people as him...
However, I can be wrong.
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