#himiko toga yandere
i-cant-sing · 7 months
Thinking about that tiktok about the girl being all sad about her parents dying one day and stuff, and I'm just thinking about Yandere President Overhaul AU, the toddler triplets are just sitting around with reader (who's heavily pregnant and snoring on the couch, a little drooling too) and Tomura suddenly realised that you could die- be it by pregnancy or talking to other people- ANYTHING could kill you.
And now Tomura is about 2 seconds away from having a full blown meltdown, and Dabi and Himiko are just trying to calm him down (and give your poor self a break and not wake upto 3 kids shrieking and crying).
Himiko: can you like- not freak out? Mom's not going to die-
Tomura, snot and tears: maybe not now! B-but who knows when?! Maybe- maybe it's today- or tomorrow- or when we're asleep! What are we gonna do w-without her?!
Dabi, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest: stop being such a baby, Tomu. If mom dies, we'll just- go with her.
Tomura, stops sniffling: what?
Himiko: dabi... that's a brilliant idea! Oh my gosh, we can use my knifes!
Dabi: of course its a brilliant idea, I'm the oldest. I'm smart like that. *pats Tomuras head* see? I told you we have nothing to worry about.
Tomura, wiping his tears away and nodding: you're right. Wait, what about dad?
Dabi: we are not inviting him. He's not coming with us, he hogs mom all the time!
Tomura, eyes twinkling: Dabi, you're a genius.
And the kids all just gather around their poor innocent mom, who's just content when she wakes upto her 3 menaces sleeping away in her arms. Meanwhile, Kai (who's been listening on to the triplets convo because ofc he has the whole place bugged.) is just thinking in his office... "what the fuck? The kids are just gonna kill themselves when Y/n's not around anymore? What- how- why didn't I think of that first? Also, why didn't Himiko stand up for me? Won't she invite me along when they all go? Is she still mad at me for not getting her a pet octopus last week? What was I supposed to do when her mom said no?!"
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864 notes · View notes
love-me-satoru · 8 months
wanna be faced fucked by literally anyone at this point 😭
221 notes · View notes
reanniee · 3 months
the moon
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shigaraki x reader
notes: angst, death, violence word count: 8.5k
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"...hey... are you alright?"
"...w-what do you want..."
"...you're not okay... are you?"
"...what's your name?"
"why are you e-even out here... someone like you shouldn't be in a dump of a place like this..."
"...the moon..."
"the moon... its beautiful... isn't it?"
".... what is wrong with you... you came out to a random dark alleyway just to see some stup-"
"the moon isn't stupid... it-its beautiful.."
"...you're crazy! the moon isn't worth coming out here-"
"so then, why are you here…?"
"......t-that's none of your business... now go home and leave me alone!"
"then come home with me..."
silence. pure silence.
in a dark alleyway, the most dangerous place for young children, sat a scrawny black haired boy sitting down in a corner, hiding himself from the world, and a young girl facing him.
".. go away.."
"...i'm not leaving without you. i'll stay here as long as it takes..."
the scrawny child looked up at her for a second.
"...you're an idiot! i'm not worth it! just leave!"
she shook her head in response.
"...there's no way I'm leaving you alone..."
"...tch... d-don't blame me if you get kidnapped idiot..."
she smiled.
"[name] [last name]."
there was a moment of silence.
"tenko shimura..."
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"...hey... idiot..."
"why won't you leave... why do you keep coming back..."
“because i wanna be here with you…”
“bu-but why! you have a home to go back to! why would you come here instead!”
"...why don't you come home with me?"
“i…i can’t... i’ll only ruin it… i’ll only ruin your life…”
"...the moon... it's really beautiful..."
“i… i can die happ-”
"hello? ma'am?"
the [hair color] haired female shook her head, coming out of her little daydream.
the man who woke her up smiled.
"now, what would you like to buy, miss?"
"i'll take-"
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was walking back to her home at night through the crowded city, returning from a grand adventure of finding a convenience store for groceries. a beautiful evening. a beautiful night. a beautiful sky. a beautiful city.
she carried three plastic bags on her hand as she walked in the beautiful and bright city. a new city. a new environment. a new life. a new start.
she came to a stop at a crosswalk; waiting for the light to signify when she was able to continue her path. the cars flew by her, sending a slight gust of wind her way. 
"so weird..."
she said to herself as she reached into her grocery bag to grab a juice box. she opened the juice box and started drinking it.
"i've been having those weird day dreams recently..."
the memories she had been seeing had begun affecting her everyday life. distracted at work and distracting whilst shopping. the memories causing her to zone out.
"is he someone i used to know?"
she just assumed that when she was younger, she probably knew the kid in her little day dreams.
“does this have to do with this city?”
the walking sign lit up. she crossed the busy street. cars stopping at her sides and cars flying past her.
"how come i can't remember him...?"
she glanced towards the sky, her head hurting as she tried to remember who the mysterious boy was, when she saw the moon.
a new moon, huh?
"the moon... it's beautiful tonight."
she shook her head. strangely enough, the day dreams she had were all about the moon.
"...the moon?"
she looked up at the moon, admiring its beauty as she walked. a mistake she made constantly.
"is he... is he really re- ack!-"
she was too busy staring at the moon and talking that she failed to notice the people around her. she ended up bumping into someone else and falling down onto the ground.
"oh no! i'm sorry!" a female voice shouted out.
"n-no worries!" [name] said as the other female helped her up. a short and blonde girl whos hair was tied into the style of two buns. she was wearing a school uniform and seemed to be in a hurry.
"you're okay, right?" the other female asked.
"...y-yeah! i'm fine." [name] answered.
"i'm really, really sorry!" the other female apologized once again.
[name] smiled.
"it's alright! i'm [name], what's your name?"
"my names himiko toga!"
"it's really nice to meet you toga, but I've got to get going." [name] said politely.
"yeah! it's really late at night and I've got a place to go to as well! bye [name]!!"
"bye, toga!"
the two waved goodbye at each other and headed their own ways.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
[name] looked out at the moon once again.
"the moon... it's beautiful.."
a fresh start. today, is a fresh start.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"...what're you staring at?"
"...were you.... admiring the.... the moon...?"
"you were! ....weren't you!"
"..tch, so.... its not that big of a deal..."
"....it truly is beautiful isn't it..."
"... what's with you and the moon?"
"... i just think that the moon is beautiful..."
"why do you mention it every single night?"
"because the moon.... it only comes out at night.."
"yeah? and the sun only comes out at day, idiot..."
"...not many people... they don't really get to admire the moon."
*beep beep! beep beep!*
"eh? ack!"
the same daydreams again. the endearing memories have recently begun to flood the poor secretary’s mind, distracting her from her daily tasks.
she looked towards the hanging cat calendar on her wall. may.
 it’s almost been 15 years exactly.
*beep beep! beep beep!*
“ah man... forced to eat burnt toast again..”
it was the morning and she was getting prepared for the day. her first day, kind of. after she scraped the burnt pieces off of her ruined breakfast, she continued her morning routine. after rushing to get ready, she waited near her door till she heard a familiar knock.
"hey, [name]!"
"hello sir! thanks for giving me a ride today"
the two walked towards the black car awaiting outside the secretary’s house.
"no worries [name]. first day back on the job, exciting isn’t it?”
he opened the passenger door for her.
“it sure is exciting”
“the building is almost fully done. today will just be us moving in and getting situated. area here's completely different from back home”
the two buckled their seatbelts and the elder male began to drive.
“i’m glad i was transferred here to work alongside you here, sir. thank you again”
“how flattering. don’t sweat it, kid"
"still!!! it’s nice of you to bring me to work"
"it beats walking, doesn’t it?”
“yeahhh you’re right i guess. walking is pretty fun though”
“...you should really be more careful [name].”
“you haven’t heard? there’s a lot more criminal activity in this area. walking alone– especially at night– is dangerous for someone like you.”
someone like me, huh?
“calling me weak since im a woman? hm! not very professional of you, sir. you know in this day and age, you’re gonna get canceled for saying something like that!”
he stared at you.
“that’s not what i’m talking about…”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was walking home at night from the main office building.
the boss was right. an exciting day. the building was still being rebuilt. a quick and easy day of moving. a nice day, ended with a nice night.
a nice night.
he likes the moon too.
the day dreams continued to plague her mind all day. the thoughts causing her to be distracted whilst at work. what was causing these recent memories? 
memories? are these my memories?
she looked up at the night sky, admiring the brightly glowing stars and the shining moon.
a waxing crescent moon.
she smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the peace that the night gave her.
well, she was, until she bumped into someone.
"watch where you're going."
"oh, s-sorry!"
she helped herself up and stared at the guy she had bumped into. he was shrouded in a black hoodie covering his entire figure. black hair peeked out of his hoodie and he wore a mask covering his face.
"...t-tenko...?" she said quietly, but loud enough for the guy to hear.
tenko? who… who is tenko?
"not my name sweetheart."
"o-oh! sorry about that! you just reminded me of someone... someone that I used to know!"
someone that i used to know?
"names' dabi."
"[name] [last name]."
"you should be heading home. it's not safe around these parts at night."
"right! yes sir!"
"cya around, [name]."
he started walking away.
"goodnight, sir!”
she continued on her walk home.
"why do i keep bumping into people... "
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
the rest of the journey home was quiet and peaceful. the secretary arrived at her home safe and intact.
“how beautiful”
she looked at the moon again. admiring the wonderful glow it provided. 
"he loved the moon too..."
a loud beep interrupted her thoughts. her phone lit up. a notification
reminder: sleep well!!!! no work tomorrow.
oh yeah. the office is still being rebuilt. no work tomorrow, i guess. i should probably try to relax.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"you sounded like you wanted to say something..."
"...it-it's nothing.."
"..you sure?"
"the moon sure is beautiful isn't it?"
"..tch... you and the moon again.."
"its beautiful! especially tonight"
"it's just the first stage of the moon… nothing special about it"
"you… you know moon phases?"
"...yeah? and? "
"it’s special because its the first stage! its a new moon!” 
“a new moon?”
“mhm! it symbolizes a fresh start!”
“the moon is very interesting, yeah?"
"... i mean... i guess..."
"every phase of the moon is beautiful... it still glows, no matter what." 
"..why did you come out here in the first place?"
"the moon wa-"
"d-don't give me that!"
"eh? what do you mean?"
"why did you come out here? why in this specific place! you could have easily seen the moon from your bedroom window, or even outside your house! why'd you come out here! why in this exact alleyway!" 
"...it's way too crowded where i live... this place is the only place where i can ignore everything and just enjoy my time... with you..."
"excuse me! miss [last name]! are you in there!"
she blinked repeatedly, shaking her head, waking herself up.
"y-yes! you can come inside!"
a female with light blonde hair came inside. it was a co-worker of hers.
"you have this letter for the boss. its a proposal for another uprising business."
"thank you."
she took the letter from the blonde woman. the letter was enclosed with a fancy wax seal.
“y’know you reallyyy shouldn’t be daydreaming at work.”
“sorryyy! just been a bit distracted is all”
“well, i’ll be taking my leave! goodluck on the rest of your work miss [name]!”
she opened the letter and started to read it.
"quirk erasing bullets...?"
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
what is going on?
a busy night of work, cars, and pro heroes. as she waited for the walking light, she stared up at the bright moon.
a first quarter moon.
the stars chose to hide themselves tonight. their light too dull to be seen by the naked eye.
what a weird time of my life, huh? i really need to stop daydreaming.
as the walking light turned on, she crossed the street, finding her way into a barely illuminated park. a detour; the longer route home. a nice walk in nature to clear her mind so she can focus on work.
the park filled with rich green trees and greenery, only illuminated by the sight of the bright moon. what a beautiful sight. a beautiful night and evening to-
"help me please! no, stay away!" she heard a voice say quietly.
"n-no! shut up! why don't you!" the voice seemed to be arguing with.... himself?
"h-hello?" she asked, coming to a stop.
there was no response.
she looked around, and saw a man, crouched into a tree and covering his head.
"h-hey, are you okay?" she asked.
"...n-no!" he yelled out. he sounded as if he were trying to hold something in.
"c-co-cover- please!" he yelled.
[name] looked at him, she squinted her eyes and saw a scar in the middle of his face.
she took her jacket off and tossed it to him.
"here, sir."
he immediately grabbed the jacket and wrapped it around his face, tightly.
"are you alright, sir?"
"th-thank you.."
"you’re welcome mister...?"
she paused, hoping for the male to answer with his name.
he remained quiet
"im [name] [last name]. have a nice night"
he looked up at her and she smiled.
"i've got to get going home, have a good night sir"
she turned around and started walking home, cutting her detour short and returning to her usual route. enough chaos for the evening. now, alone, she pondered her peculiar situation once again.
"was he even real...? or was he just apart of my imagination... to escape from this world”
she looked up towards the night sky. bright as ever. a few stars revealed themselves.
he made me happy, didn't he?
a sudden shiver ran down her body. cold.
guess i need to buy a new jacket.
she wrapped her hands around herself and continued her way home. once again, left to her thoughts in the lonely night.
ah, that letter. guess i won’t be getting much sleep tonight. boss is gonna see a tough decision tomorrow.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"you sounded like you wanted to say something."
"you can say it.... i'm not gonna judge you."
"...the moon sure is beautiful.."
"..what- what's your q-quirk..."
"my quirk…?"
“[name]... you can tell me anything.“
“i can heal people"
"what's wrong with that?"
"it wasn't enough"
“i hate my quirk.”
"e-eh? why?"
"because i hate my quirk."
"what is your quirk?"
"...you can tell me anything too, tenko."
"de-decay.... my-my qu-quirk is called decay... anything i touch with all five of my fingers.... it… it will disintegrate......"
"..i-i knew I shouldn't have told you! your scared of me now... yo-you'll-you'll hate me!"
"h-huh! h-hey! get off of me! wh-what are you doing! do-don't touch me!"
"..it's called a hug."
"..did-did you not hear what i said! if i touch you with all my fingers i could kill you!"
"i know you wouldn't."
"you won't try to push me off... i trust you.."
"..i-i don't want to hurt you..."
"..you won't."
"...you idiot! j-just get off! I-i'm go-gonna hu-"
"it's your quirk. you can control. i believe in you.."
"...you-you idiot.... you're gonna die because of your stupidity... you-you know that?"
"...as long as I'm with you."
"miss [last name]!"
"h-huh? oh..."
"miss [last name], did you hear what I said?"
"my apologies.."
"are you alright miss [last name]? the whole office has been noticing that you've been spacing out recently..."
"it’s nothing! my apologies for worrying everyone. i've just been having a few flashbacks ever since I started an office in this area.”
"has this area brought back a few memories?"
"maybe something in this area is reminding you of something in your childhood."
"i used to live in this area as a child."
"is there a common topic in your flashbacks? or a person?"
"huh? why?"
"i read somewhere that if all of a sudden, you start getting flashbacks of a certain person in your childhood that you haven't seen in a while, are nearby!”
“... or it could also be that you are nearby the place where you had met them or a place where you used to visit a lot with them."
"yeah... its about one of my old childhood friends.... we're always in one spot, the spot where we would always talk"
my childhood friend?
"have you thought of visiting that place? that might stop your little daydreams."
her eyes widened at the suggestion.
“thank you ma’am.”
"you’re welcome."
"anyways, what was it that you were saying before?"
"oh right- did you read the letter that I gave you the other day?"
"yes, of course. i created a report and forwarded it to the boss"
“what’d he think of it?”
“said he was interested.”
“it is quite interesting, huh?”
“i guess.”
“do you think we should get involved?”
“i’m unsure. its up to whatever the boss wants to do, i guess.”
"well, the leader has requested a meeting with the boss. discussing the bullets, that is."
"alright. i'll take a look into that."
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"where even was that place…"
she asked herself. the night alike every other recently. the venture home after a long day of work infected with the meaning of her daydreams.
"every day... the day dreams are getting longer... more real. im getting more information on him at least..."
why did i forget in the first place?
she looked up to the night sky, wishing to see the warming embrace of the moon.
a waxing gibbous moon.
"his quirk... it was decay..."
her head started to hurt. she stopped walking and clutched onto her head, the immense pain was stressing her out.
a sudden headache. a migraine.
why did she get a migraine? why now? why at this exact moment…?
"...aah...man oh man”
she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. but, the pain only got worse. she fell onto the floor
she desperately clutched her head harshly, begging for the pain to go away.
"excuse me ma'am. are you alright?"
a gentle, male voice spoke out.
"...my-my head...ah!"
she couldn't look up to see the male, but she could tell that he immediately knew what to do as he led her towards a nearby bench and told her to calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.
as she did so, she felt the pain in her head slowly fade away. as soon as it disappeared, she looked up at the male.
his body seemed to be formed of purple mist.
"thank you, sir."
"your welcome. and no need for anything in return."
she looked at him for a minute.
"are you weirded out by my appearance? if so, then-"
"no. it's not that. just...- you look familiar- or-er the purple... mist.."
"...you aren't weirded out by my appearance? you don't think I'm weird?"
"not at all. your quirk doesn't define you as a person."
the male was about to respond until a loud beep interrupted him.
"my apologies, but I must head home now."
"understood. thank you and goodnight, sir."
"goodbye ma’am"
she started to walk away.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"why-why did I react like that when I thought back to tenko..."
did… did that happen because of tenko? but why?
she arrived home, sat at her desk. a glass of water rested on her desk alongside a bottle of tylenol pills.
she looked out to the bright night sky. the stars looked back at her.
what’s the point in thinking about old memories?
what use is there in reminiscing about an old life?
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"you seem like you want to say something again."
"you can talk to me about anything tenko."
"..yo-you said that I could talk to you about anything right?"
"...go on... im listening."
"...there... there is this one person... they are always there for me... they always act so happy... but.. I just have a feeling that... that something is going on with them too..."
"...why do you feel this way?"
"..well, they told me themselves that some people hide their true emotions behind a smile.... and i've been through a lot so... i recognize that look in their eyes... what do I do? they have helped me... they made me happy- they made me smile... how do I help them?"
"well, just talk to them about it. people feel better when they can just let all their emotions out..."
"the moon is-"
"hey... listen...."
"huh?.... eh?"
"i-i really.. l-... appreciate you..."
"you do?"
"t-than- thank you... for everything.... I want to let you know that I'm here for you too... okay?"
"you don't have to, tenko."
"but i want to. w-we'll help each other, together."
"together forever!"
“what do you think of all this?”
“sorry boss, but you can’t seriously be thinking about accepting their deal. are you?” the blonde co-worker chimed in.
the boss and his secretary were situated in the building’s main office, discussing the proposal offered to them by the shie hassakai as the blonde worker entered the room. the boss laughed.
“it is quite the proposal.”
“hey [name], you did more research on the shie hassaikai, right?” the blonde turned to the secretary.
“ah, yes. the shie hassaikai is a yakuza group. or well, the revival of one.” the secretary informed.
“well, they sure are intriguing, aren't they?”
“they’re dangerous, that’s what they are.” the blonde spoke.
“well, a dangerous idea and an interesting one are the same. isn’t that right, [name]?”
the secretary perked up, the conversation directing back towards her.
“in a way, i guess you are right sir.” she responded.
the blonde sighed.
“well, anyways i came over here to drop off another report. enjoy the rest of your day [name] and boss.” she spoke as she handed the secretary a file and left the room.
“you never answered my question.”
“did i not?”
she opened the file given to her.
“the shie hassakai is… rumored to have dealings with the league of villains?”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
the female suddenly came to a stop. she blinked, trying to process what just happened. she had zoned out.
she shifted her gaze towards the night sky.
it’s a full moon tonight, how lucky.
she redirected her gaze forwards, slightly confused on where she currently was.
in front of her stood incoming traffic, and a familiar road.
a familiar sign. a familiar road. a familiar life.
she looked down into the street. dark, abandoned, and empty. the road seemingly called out to her, inviting her. she walked forward, as if her legs were moving on their own. familiar with the path which they were taking. not enough time to think.
she followed the dark and barely lit road as she was led to an abandoned neighborhood.
her legs. she came to a stop. she lifted her head up. in front of her stood an empty plot of land. a former family home turned to dust. cracks filled the land. the grass had grown back
the tombstone of an old life.
the snap of a twig woke up her.
her head darted around her, eyes searching around for the culprit.
“hello? whos… whos there?”
she spoke aloud, shaking.
what have you gotten yourself into now, [name]
“hello!” she shouted
to her right. footsteps approached. she quickly turned her head.
a strange man with a crazed look on his face. he was covered in blood, laughing.
is this where i die?
the man came closer, a knife in hand. she took a step backwards, her heart racing and her body shaking.
she was frozen in fear.
he was seconds away.
is this the end?
his eyes glared into hers, smiling as he rose his arm.
tenko… please
a gunshot.
a man wearing a white hood appeared in front of her. his face not visible from the distance.
she was shaking. this man had saved her. he was now slowly approaching her. her eyes widened.
“tenko? is that you?”
she whispered. frozen in place as the man came closer.
he was now a few feet in front of her, able to get a closer view. he was a strange man wearing a mask, similar to that of a plague doctor.
“my name is kurono. are you alright, miss [name]?”
“i… i am alright. thank you. thank you so much” she was shaking as she bowed her head towards her savior.
“it is rather dangerous around these parts, miss [name]. especially at night. you should really be more careful.”
“i know… my apologies.”
“what are you doing at a place like this, anyways?”
what am i doing here?
she glanced to her right, looking at the former house.
“i… i don’t really know”
his eyes resembled a soft smile.
“let me assist you home, then. it is dangerous this late at night. especially for a quirkless in the superpower world.”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
kurono had walked her home. he had stopped on her street and waved her goodbye. it was already so late. what an interesting day.
he was a savior. kurono. she had gone and gotten herself into some trouble again. all because of these daydreams. but kurono… how had he known her name?
she came to stop. a beep from her phone interrupted her thoughts. It was midnight already. she looked up into the sky.
a full moon.
tenko. hes… he’s not alive anymore, is he?
where are you now? how could you leave me?together forever you said, huh? i want to know more about you, mister mystery man…
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"h-hey, idiot... you haven't spoken at all tonight, I-is something wrong?"
"no, nothings wrong."
"why are you being quiet?"
"... i'm going to help you too. aft-after everything that you've done for me, i-w want... i want to help you. you- ... you can tell me anything, [name]."
"t-tenko… haha!"
"hey! why are you laughing and smiling like that all of a sudden?"
"you called me by my first name!"
"... huh? that's it?!?!?"
"the truth is, something has been on my mind."
"you can tell me, idiot."
"aww, I miss the '[name]'!"
"shut up and let me help you for once, idiot."
"well, can you tell me more about... more about your past. the truth on why you're here every night...."
"... only if you do as well..."
"i want the truth."
“that’s absurd!”
the gruff voice spoke as he slammed his fists into the desks.
“he had followed you on your way home?”
the secretary casted her gaze to her hands on her lap.
“well, yes. i was on my way home”
a small lie. it doesn’t matter, though.
“this city is quite dangerous. im glad you are alright, [name]. or else i’d be forced to find a new secretary.”
she laughed in response.
“im glad that you’re safe though. thank god a hero was there. who was it even? did you get his name?” her boss questioned
she fiddled with her hands.
“ah, well. im unsure if he was a hero. though i remember his appearance. he was wearing a weird mask. you know the masks that plague doctors used to wear? and he-”
“the shie hassaikai.” her blonde female cut in. “a member of the shie hassaikai had saved you.”
her eyes widened.
“ah, really? he was a member of the shie hassaikai? i guess they aren’t so bad afterall.”
the boss laughed.
“well, s’pose i should reward them, hm? for saving my dear secretary i’ll provide them with a meeting and some funds.”
“don’t,” the blonde spoke sternly.
the secretary perked up.
“rather suspicious, aren’t they?”
“how so?” the boss questioned.
“maybe instead of saving your secretary, they were following her?”
“a dangerous, but possible assumption. what an interesting spot we’ve gotten ourselves in.”
“you can’t forget the league of villain dealings as well.”
“that is true.” he turned his gaze to the secretary. “[name]. be a little more careful now, won’t you?”
“ah, yes, sir.”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was walking home like always, her and her thoughts on the way home. lectured by the boss and her co-worker about safety. she made sure to take the quickest route home tonight to avoid being scolded once again. and to avoid another incident.
she looked up to the moon.
a waning gibbous moon.
"should i find him again?" she said to herself. "would he remember me? how would i even find him?"
she continued to ask herself questions. but one question ended her thoughts, leaving her shocked.
"is he even alive...?"
she shook her head and sighed.
she continued to walk until she saw a flash of white in the corner of her eye out of a dark alleyway. she stopped walking and stared into the alleyway.
after a minute or so, a strange little girl with white hair and a horn came running out and clung onto her.
the little girl had a terrified expression on her face as she desperately clutched onto the legs of the [hair color] haired female. she buried herself, shaking and wiping her tears.
"hello? are you alright, sweetie?" she asked the little girl.
"pl-please... he-help me."
she kneeled down to the little girl’s height and looked at her in her eyes, trying to calm her down with a reassuring smile.
"what is your name, sweetie?" she asked.
"e-eri... please... he-help me..." the little girl spoke.
"here, grab my hand and I'll take you to the police." she said as she stood up and reached her hand out for the girl to grab.
the little girl's eyes widened. terrified, she took a step back. the look of terror in her eyes grew.
"i won't hurt you, sweetie." she assured the girl.
the little girl slowly approached her, and just as she was about to take her hand, a voice interrupted her.
"eri." a stern and cold voice called out.
eri's eyes widened as she stood in place, frozen in fear.
the [hair color] haired female looked into the dark alleyway seeing a tall man with brown hair and a bird mask that looked as if it were inspired by that of a plague doctor. similar to the one of that guy that had saved her that night. he had also worn white gloves. quite an interesting aesthetic.
the strange man began to approached the two
"hello miss. such a lovely night, isn’t it? my apologies for her" the male said.
"and you are?" she questioned as she nodded.
“i am the father of that girl there. she is quite the trouble maker, though. i apologize if she has caused you trouble miss.” he sighed
the man began to near where the two stood.
"why is she so scared?" she answered, glancing between the terrified little girl and the intimidating man. both suspicious and concerned.
he paused.
"she's afraid of the dark." he simply answered.
she looked down at the strange girl. contemplating on what to do.
should i save her? take her to the police?
the man was now closer
no… what can i even do against him?
what can someone like me even do to save her?
he paused.
"lets hurry, its midnight already and you should be in bed." overhaul stated and eri came rushing by his side. 
she stared as she watched the strange pair disappear into the darkness of the alleyway.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
small pebbles flung into the empty road. the powerless secretary’s mind tore at itself for not intervening. the two sides of her arguing with each other.
just a small girl with the inability to save anyone.
save? anyone?
she looked up towards the night sky. 
a waning gibbous moon.
"the truth... i want to know it... tenko."
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“i can’t go back. not now… not ever”
“tenko, you can tell me. i’m here for you. i’ll always be here for you.”
“they are gone.”
“my… my family… they are all gone.”
“what… what happened to them…?”
“tenko… it’s okay tenko. dont worry. i’m here. i’m here for you. i’m here with you. i’m here for you forever”
“-following report states that the yakuza group, the shie hassakai has been defeated and taken down. the leader ‘overhaul’ has been captured and detained. the villain will be transported to a secure facility where he is unable to harm people again. this supervillain has been defeated with the help of-”
“enough of that.” a gruff voice spoke as he shut off the television.
“that’s got you upset, boss?” the secretary questioned.
the secretary and ceo were stationed together in the main office. the two stayed together overtime, organizing paperwork and discussing future business adventures. the news played on the television caught the attention of the two.
“seems like a money opportunity gone. sucks to be us. could’ve used the deal too.”
“you thought about accepting it?”
he nodded and sighed.
“it would’ve been risky but an interesting business adventure”
“you took too long to make a decision anyways. that’s for the better, i guess.”
he laughed.
“she would’ve yelled at both of us if i’d accepted the deal. me for agreeing and you for following my order”
the two shared a laugh, then, silence. he let out a deep breath.
“quirk erasing bullets. can’t say that isn't intriguing” 
“i guess i can see it that way boss.”
“good thing you talked me out of it. huh, [name]?”
“could say we dodged a bullet there”
“get back to work, idiot”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“nice work today [name]. thanks for accompanying me today”
“no problem! its not that much of a hassle to do anyways.”
“dont worry kid, i’ll be sure to pay you overtime”
the two shut down the office for the night, turning off lights and locking the doors. they walked together out of the building.
“hey kid”
“let me give you a ride home tonight, yeah? it’s rather late”
she looked up to the moon.
a last quarter moon.
“no shie hassaikai to save you if some big bad villain approaches” he jokes, referencing the incident that had happened to her a couple days ago.
she laughed in response
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
it was a quiet car ride. the duo too tired to converse after a long day of paperwork. the secretary stared out the side window, admiring the night sky.
no stars tonight. just the beautiful moon accompanied by the deep night sky. a beautiful last quarter moon. the moon cycle is nearing its end.
i’m here for you, huh? 
how ironic. he was nowhere to be seen. she had not a clue where he was. perhaps she should give up. cleanse herself of these meaningless daydreams. cleanse herself of the memories that plagued her mind.
“the road is so empty tonight. how weird.”
her boss spoke, interrupting her thoughts. she shifted her gaze to the front window. he was right. no cars were on the road. the only vehicles on the road were the two trucks and the police car right in front of her.
she turned back to the side mirror.
“what the hell is… [name]! shit! watc-”
a piece of metal debris came flying towards the boss and his secretary. the metal had shattered the front window and stabbed itself into the backseat of the car, between the two. glass shards from the window had covered the two.
their car came to a stop. the alarm going off.
“what the hell. [name]! you alright?” the boss asked, he was only able to catch a glimpse of her face. she was in complete shock, frozen at the sight. her eyes widened and glued to the view in front of her.
“shit. [name]. are you-” he was cut off by a sudden impact. the police car previously in front of them was now flying towards their car.
the vehicle had flipped over, landing behind the car which the boss was in.
another loud impact. the truck directly in front of them had crashed, flipped over as the truck had opened, causing a man who was tied up to fall out onto the road. he was directly in front of the boss and the secretary. fire engulfed the road as the second truck had come to a stop.
shit. what is going on? is the boss alright? what is-
she looked in front of her. her eyes widened. on top of the truck resided a man dressed in a black coat and covered in white hands. he had light blue hair.
the man had jumped down from the truck, now slowly approaching where the tied up man laid, and where the secretary resided.
tenko… is that really you?
“[name]! we need to get out of here”
tenko… please
the man, hearing the cry of the man, quickly darted his head towards the car. his gray orbs widened as he scanned the vehicle and he met eyes with the secretary.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“tenko! tenko! tenko, is that you!”
“[name]... you’re so loud…”
“tenko! where have you been! it’s been so long… you-you were gone for so long! i’ve come here every night to look for you but… are you okay? where did you go? are you hurt? how are you feeling?”
“...it’s not… it’s not tenko anymore”
“its… shigaraki now… i have a new name… my master gave it to me… tomura shigaraki”
*beep beep*
“-awake! get the doctor! she’s awake!”
a familiar voice shouted
“shit, [name]... you had me worried for a bit”
her vision cleared. in front of her stood her boss. he had a concerned look on his face.
she was at the hospital, laid down on the bed dressed with a hospital gown and a tube connected to her arm. “aw shit. what happened. where am i, boss?”
“you passed out kid. glad you’re awake now, though.” the boss spoke, relieved. “you remember? anything?”
her eyes softened as she directed her gaze to her hands resting in her lap.
“no, sir. i do not”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“her injuries are minor. we did not sense any brain damage. the only damage caused to her was from the glass shards on the window. the cuts will not take long to heal” the doctor informed the two.
“we good to leave then, doc?”
“i’d like for her to stay a couple hours longer. it is already very late into the night. plus. You are still yet to be treated, sir.” the doctor spoke sternly, glaring at the elder male.
“yeah yeah, fine. can’t we go home after i’m done?”
“sleeping here until morning would be her best option for faster recovery. you are welcome to stay if you would like, sir.” the doctor spoke, clearly tired from the long night.
“yeah, whatever. just bring me a blanket please, doc”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was discharged from the hospital in the morning. her boss had covered the fees and had driven her home. the ride was silent. the boss deciding whether to bring up the incident that had happened last night or not.
instead, he opted to lecture and scold her, on behalf of their fellow coworker. he thought, what would she do. he yelled at her, warning her to be careful. the blonde would be proud, he thought.
she merely laughed at him. her boss’ poor attempt to switch the atmosphere. it is the effort that counts, after all. she was excused from work for the day, leading her to enjoy a three day weekend. 
he spoke of the break as an end of month break. a celebration of sorts. the first month of working in this new city. this new building. this new environment. though, she knew he was trying to play off his concerned thoughts.
she waved him off as she exited his car, broken windows and all. the two waved goodbye at each other until she reached her door.
as she arrived home and closed the door, she immediately fell to the ground, her hands darting to cover her face. tears fell from between her fingers. she wept on the floor of her home. 
why was she crying?
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
a boring day. though, perhaps that is for the better. 
a relaxing day, her boss told her to get.
before departing for the weekend, her boss told her to enjoy herself and relax. for it was the end of the moon cycle, no better time than to treat yourself to some joy.
the boss is a great person when he tries. a real and utter softie at heart. work was manageable with a kind man such as the boss as her leader. despite his attempts to seem intimidating, it was quite easy to see his real persona. stern but caring, almost like a father figure.
work, huh? working at that company is not so bad. the pay is nice. the work is average. her coworkers were fun. when she returned, she was sure she would be lectured by the blonde. always acting as her guardian. her mother, almost.
how ironic
*beep beep*
her phone went off, interrupting her thoughts. attachment: an image. a message of her dear blonde coworker, sending her an image of the moon. 
a waning crescent moon.
the end of the moon cycle already? but i just got here when it began.
she looked towards the hanging cat calendar on her wall. june.
june already? in two days it’ll be…
15 years exactly
she looked out her window
“tenko... what happened to you?”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
her boss told her to take it easy. her boss told her to not get into anymore trouble. her boss told her to get some inner peace ‘for once.’ her boss told her to relax. it’s a shame how her form of relaxation is going on a night stroll.
she made a mental note to never inform her coworkers about this, lest she want to get scolded and yelled at for an hour.
the secretary couldn’t help herself, though. it was a beautiful evening. the end of the moon phase is always a beautiful time. she came to a stop, waiting for the light to signify her time to cross the street. she cast her gaze upwards at the night sky.
a waning crescent moon.
the star was filled with stars. such a beautiful moon. a beautiful night. and a beautiful sky.
the walking light lit up. she crossed the street, approaching her local convenience store. entering the small stop, she smiled and waved at the cashier. she approached the soft drink isle, pondering on what to get.
staring at the large array of choices, she felt a pair of eyes glare into her. the eyes had been continuously looking at her for a while now.
it was a public store. she mustered enough courage to quickly look left. as she turned, there was a man? a person was staring at her.
the man wore a gray hoodie with the hood pulled up, shielding his face. though, the secretary was able to catch a glimpse. his skin seems to consist of green scales, almost like that of a reptile.
as she met her gaze, the man’s eyes widened and he quickly turned away, seemingly shocked that she had caught him staring.
she rose a brow and turned back to the fridge, opening the cooler and taking two drinks.
as she walked to the cash register, preparing to pay, she felt the same eyes on her again. she turned around, meeting the red eyes of the green heteromorph who seemed insistent on staring at her.
shocked that he was caught, again, caused the man to seeming panic and leave the convenience store, buying nothing.
the secretary sighed. she paid for the two drinks and chased after the heteromorph.
“hey! you there! stop!”
she shouted as she walked after the man who was rushing away. he paused, and turned back to her.
“you! what do you want?” he stopped as she caught up to him.
“me? what do i want?” she sounded offended. “what do you want? whats with you staring at me?”
at hearing her response, he seemed taken aback. he paused, then, he turned around once again and began speed walking away.
“hey! come back here!” she yelled again, walking after him.
he paused, turned around and waited for her to catch up. “what.” he spoke
she caught up to him, then she reached into her plastic bag, picking up one of the two drinks she had bought. she held the drink out to him. he seemed confused.
“you didn’t buy anything, so. i’m [name]”
he uncovered his hood a bit as he took the drink, nodded at the girl, then proceeded to walk away.
she watched as he walked away, while she remained still. her body began to shake.
he was there. he’s part of the league of villains.
a small pain began forming in her head.
i need to find tenko. i need to.
she looked up into the moon. a waning crescent moon. the end of the moon phase. 
in two days… it’ll have been 15 years already. since the day you changed my life forever.
please… tenko, where are you? i’m so sorry tenko. i’m sorry for not being there for you.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“that’s not my name anymore… you know it [name].”
“i’m s-sorry ten-... i’m sorry. it’s just been… ever since you came back… you’ve been different”
“what… what happened to you, tenko?”
“i already told you! nothing happened! i found my place in the world! i-i found someone who wants me. i found someone who actually cares for me!”
“tenko… i care for you”
silence. pure silence.
in a dark alleyway, the most dangerous place for young children, sat a [hair color] haired girl and a boy with light blue hair facing her. 
“...m-master says you’re… useless”
“t-tenko?” she stood up
“he tells me… to stop seeing you… t-that you don’t r-really care for me… h-he tells me that you’re like everyone else!” 
“that’s not true! tenk-”
“its tomura. shi-shigaraki tomura.”
“please, tenk-”
the boy came closer to her. her eyes widened as she froze. her gaze directed to his hands. the same hands that could cause destruction. the same hands that did. the same hands that inevitably would.
“ten-to-tomura… i-i didn’t mean it like tha-”
“master’s right…! you’re just like the others… you… you…”
“tenko please” she shouted in desperation
“why can’t anyone just love me… why did i have to be like this… why was i give this quirk…”
“tenko! i’m here for you!”
“you don’t really love me… why can’t you love me... why… it’s because of this quirk…”
“your quirk… it doesn’t mean anything! it doesn’t resem-”
“then why are you scared of me right now”
she froze. silence. pure silence.
“tenko�� please… i lov-”
the words never finished. she was cut off. her mouth refused speak what her heart so desperately wanted to say. her body refused to listen to her. it seemingly acted on it’s own. almost as if she were forced to.
the young girl ran. she left the dark alleyway. leaving the boy to live on his own.
“tomura.” a deep voice uttered.
“she left you. you have no use for her. she does not care for you. only i do, tomura”
the poor boy turned around and looked up, tears threatening to poor from his red eyes.
“...y-yes… master”
“shit! ow”
the secretary woke up breathing heavily as sweat ran down her skin. a nightmare, seemingly. it was no nightmare.
it was the cold, hard truth.
the woman jumped out of bed. she rushed outside and ran. it was the middle of the night. a beautiful evening. a beautiful night. a bright sky. a beautiful city.
she ran as fast as she could. that place. that important place. how could i forget it? how could i forget the place i met you.
forced to come to a stop, the same light staring at her, signifying her turn to cross the street. she was impatient. she needed to get there. quickly. before he left. before he was gone again. before he left her. before she left him
she looked up into the night sky. the sky was a beautiful deep blue. the stars shone brightly tonight.
a new moon.
the light switched, and the secretary quickly ran across the street. she passed the welcoming convenience store. she passed the dimly lit park. she passed the dark neighborhood. she passed her new building, her new life.
please be there. 
tenko. please.
i love you
her running came to a stop. she breathed harshly, tired from the exertion she forced upon herself.
her head began to hurt. the scenery became familiar. all too familiar. the same sign. the same street. the same path. the same buildings. the same alleyway.
she approached the same alleyway. that same alleyway where no child should ever venture into. she is no longer a child.
the pain throbbed in her head. a deep voice warning her, telling her to get away and run away.
how could she ever run away. not again. not ever.
please be there.
tenko. please.
i love you
she entered the alleyway. the same boxes. the same feral cats. the same stench. the same scary atmosphere. the same darkness. the same alleyway.
she was engulfed by the darkness. seemingly walking into nothing, hoping to see him. she aimlessly walked into that same alleyway, all those years ago.
near the end of the alleyway allowed for a patch of the moon to shine into the dark alley. the darkest alley was also the brightest, in times like this. she stood on the edge of the darkness.
he turned his back to her. he had messy mid-length light blue hair. the same as that day. he wore all black. the same as that day. he seemed as if he wanted to disappear from the world entirely. the same as that day.
he was watching the moon.
she stepped onto the moonlight, and then, he turned around.
deep red orbs stared into her own. his mouth slightly open. his eyes widened. he did not move.
a new moon
she walked forwards, continuing to stare into his eyes.
a new moon
she settled in front of him. the moonlight shining on the two of them. the stars intently watched the two.
she shifted her gaze to the night sky, admiring the moon.
a new moon
at the break of eye contact, his eyes followed hers. a beautiful evening. a beautiful night. a beautiful sky. a beautiful city.
“hey…” she spoke softly.
silence. pure silence.
“the moon is beautiful… don’t you think so, tenko?”
he glanced at her, then looked at the moon once again.
“i can die happy”
her mouth opened to speak. nothing came out.
questions flooded her mind. she had so many. so many things to ask. so many things to say, but the words couldn’t leave her mouth. she wanted to ask him so many things. are you okay? where did you go? are you hurt? but she was unable to utter out any of them.
silence. pure silence.
“i’m not tenko anymore. [name]. my name is shigaraki tomura.”
the two turned to each other. their eyes met.
a new moon. a new night. a new start. a new time.
the same place. the same confession. the same day. the same moon.
the same girl and a new boy.
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
MHA Yandere Lists: Types of Darlings They'd Go After
Content Warning: yandere, kidnapping, obsessive & possessive behavior
The Shy Darling - Oh dear, you are just too precious, aren’t you? So shy and innocent. So meek and submissive. Honeyed words or just the simplest touch is enough to make you an embarrassed and flustered mess, and these Yanderes revel in that fact. Your timidness, while endearing, causes for concern, however. There’s no way you’ll be able to make it through life on your own with the way you are now. They’ve seen first hand how cruel and dangerous the world can be, and the last thing they want is to see you swallowed up whole. Let them handle the hard stuff, okay, honey? They’ll take care of everything from now on. Just be a good Darling and accept their “help”.
| Dabi, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, FAT GUM, Himiko Toga, IZUKU MIDORIYA, Mezo Shoji, Midnight, Mina Ashido, MIRIO TOGATA, Natsuo Todoroki, Nejire Hado, Sero Hanta, Shoto Todoroki, TAMAKI AMAJIKI, Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui
The Kind Darling - Your big-hearted nature and empathy for others is what drew them in. We need more people like you in this world, so why wouldn’t they feel the urge to protect you? You’re just so considerate and caring… They need that kind of warmth in their life. They crave your gentle caress as you tell them everything will be alright… Can’t you give them at least that much? They just might use your kindness against you, guilt-tripping you into staying with them. You wouldn’t leave someone in need of comfort hanging, right? No, Darling…you wouldn’t. 
| ALL MIGHT, Hawks, Izuku Midoriya, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyouka Jiro, Mr. Compress, Natsuo Todoroki, OCHAKO URARAKA, Present Mic, Re-Destro, Shota Aizawa, SHOTO TODOROKI, SPINNER, Tamaki Amajiki, Tenya Iida, TWICE
The Fierce Darling - What a spitfire you are, sweetheart. You refuse to break, though that hardly deters the Yandere from pursuing you. From claiming what’s theirs. They like a good challenge, and turning you from a wild beast into a tame pet is sure to be a satisfying one. While they can’t wait for the day that you finally submit to them, they still love your unruly and rebellious attitude. It gives them a reason to punish you, and show you just how ridiculous it is for you to think you actually stand a chance against them.
| All For One, Dabi, Endeavor, KATSUKI BAKUGO, Midnight, MIRKO, Overhaul, Present Mic, Tomura Shigaraki
The Lonely Darling - At first, they pitied you. You lived alone, didn’t have any friends to hang out with, and no family members that wanted to reach out and see how you were doing. Your schedule was work, eat, sleep, and it pained the Yandere to see you live this way. You may think you’re not lonely, maybe even outright say you aren’t, but they can see right through you. They understand the feeling of having no one around for them, so it was only a matter of time before they decided to whisk you away to their home. You won’t be lonely any longer now, dear… They’ll always be there for you.
| Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, HAWKS, HITOSHI SHINSO, Izuku Midoriya, Mezo Shoji, Mr. Compress, Sero Hanta, Shota Aizawa, SPINNER, Tamaki Amajiki, Tomura Shigaraki, TWICE
Thanks for reading! Lemme know if there are any other MHA characters you want me to add to future lists!
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yandere-toons · 3 months
Toga Himiko | ブラッド・クィーン
Warning: strong and bloody violence.
Word Count: 2.127
Artwork: Akiyama Yoco's first illustration for Toga.
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Death's ghost rained down in fine red embers, bringing with it the smell of a hundred knives rusting deep within fly-torn flesh.
A mist of blood, nearly steaming on cheeks aflame with heat, clothed the muscles so taut in her neck. The fill of her stomach took a leap and a bound, aflutter and twitching, like a bird fraught with excitement.
Thump after thump drew blood flush over her skin, matched the pounding of drums in her heart, slipped along her mouth at every breath, danced bittersweet on the end of her tongue.
The music of dreams carried on the blood-wind, singing of what it was to languish beneath the stars in decades past.
For a while, you sat and listened, fingers dug in round the edge of the armrest, knuckles sharp against skin.
The gramophone beside an open window stuttered for a moment, as if struggling to perform its duty in the face of the room’s two living occupants. The eerie echo of the distant singer, of a time long since passed, seemed almost to sedate you. In contrast to her, so animated and audible, the music seemed so rhythmic, blending into other sounds of the night, cancelling out all else.
All else, that is, except her. She glided over and around the mangled forms scattered throughout the room. Some almost seemed alive, displaying occasional twitches of stress from their agonizing last moments, whereas others seemed little more than lumps of twisted meat, stinking and splattered. A giggle, authentic and dripping with joy, reached your ears.
She didn’t mind the macabre display, and neither did you. There was intimacy in the scene, even if hidden and shamefully unappreciated. Not long ago, the desiccated husks were full of life, bemoaning their fates, casting aspersions against yourself, one another, and her as you’d made your way around the room, making selections together. None of them could properly resist, of course, and so the two of you could, and did, take your time.
The gramophone stuttered again, and you cast a quick glance at the machine, less out of curiosity and more out of annoyance. That made for a second stutter within the same song. You took a mental note to adjust the machine afterwards, and your eyes returned to her. The moonlight cast a small shadow of her upon the wall, and you wondered for a moment if she had noticed its diminutive size or if she remained lost in her bliss.
She squealed as her boots stomped a gore pulp beneath them, the squelching reminiscent of a watermelon splatting against the ground. Dollops of blood flew, and within another motion, both her boots and legs had received a fresh coat of crimson. Her eyes shined like freshly minted coins as she revealed a toothy grin, and she ran her tongue over sharpened teeth that resembled fangs. Yes, clearly, she was enjoying herself amid the gruesome redecoration of the room.
She twirled once more, and her eyes fixated upon you as you rose from the chair. You approached her softly, but intently, and she wouldn’t look away. Tucking her hands behind her back, as if suddenly bashful, her eyes travelled the length of you. Her movement slowed, but her smile remained. Tenderly, you extended a hand towards her, your eyes never missing an opportunity to make contact with hers.
Her body stiffened; breath caught in her throat. You cocked your head, less out of confusion, and more to survey her from a different angle. The edges of your lips curled up ever-so-slightly, and with your head leaning in towards hers, she was frozen. No voices, no gurgling from the butchered wretches below, and no stuttering from the gramophone.
Her lip quivered momentarily, and you took another step forward. She could feel your hot, yet restrained, breath on her face, and you could see the rapidly developing makings of a red tinge on her cheeks. The splotches of red on her chin, the stains of bodily fluids in her formerly pristine hair, and the reeking stenches all around meant nothing. It was only the two of you, sharing a moment that only two such wayward souls could appreciate.
She shivered as your hand reached her midsection, teasing her hips lightly until it reached its intended target. Tracing blood-stained fingers and feeling out the point of a sharpened blade, you tenderly clasped hold of several of her fingers around the blade and, with eyes never leaving hers, guided her hand from behind her back to your sternum.
With mere inches of distance separating you, you placed the gore-drenched hand with the blade over your heart and, in a voice barely more audible than a whisper, blew forth a single word: Dance.
Her hand shook, and with eyes beholden to your own, she grinned from ear to ear. Nodding, she pressed herself against your chest, the knife locked between two grasps as though it were a child in need of protection. Her other hand surreptitiously made its way to your side, and yet the motion garnered no reaction from you.
She sighed, and you laid your other arm about her back, drawing her closer. The gramophone performed its duties, and the rest of the world fell away as the two of you traversed the room, deliberately yet fluidly. The sporadic squelches, the scratching of boots against solid floors, and the blow of the wind served only to bring serenity to the both of you.
It was an intimacy and affection few could imagine and even fewer could experience; it was one Toga Himiko shared deep in the nights of you.
After what seemed like only a moment, the two of you had made your way across the room more than once. The moonlight, shining through a precious few windows, continued to illuminate the scene, even as the night grew darker and a fresh chill entered the air. The corpses had taken on much larger shadows, and though none twitched as they had previously, the light seemed to pass about them, throwing intriguing shapes upon the floors and walls behind.
Toga hummed, buried in your chest, face no longer visible under that bloody mess of hair. She didn’t seem to mind that, in the motion, your hand had won against hers for the primary grip on her vaunted knife. It was your fingers that kissed the slick steel, even as hers remained tightly, but not painfully, clenched along the grip. While she couldn’t bring herself to fully let go of the object, she was content to share it with you, and you were content to share it with her.
Your formerly coordinated motions slowed to a halt. The two of you seemed to be sharing an extended hug more than anything else, and as she raised her head, a creak uttered from somewhere else in the room.
In an instant, you were separated, and Toga shot her head sideways, scanning the area for any threats. You mirrored her approach, intent to ferret out and eradicate whatever had interrupted your bliss, but on further observation, nothing revealed itself.
Motionlessly, silently, you both waited, eyes and ears attuned to the most minute disturbances, and still, nothing. Toga, peering upon the carnage with seemingly fresh eyes, noticed a more full-bodied corpse toward the center of the room. The quarry had not been easy to pacify from the hunting ground, and his size made the drag to the room more difficult than expected.
She pounced on the offending mass of flesh, back turned to you, but just as passionate and animated as ever. She straddled the corpse, skirt partially hiked, legs planted on either side: there stirred in Toga a warmth throughout her body. She spared the corpse below a glance, as though he might revive to cheer this opportunity, and buried the knife in his chest cavity one final time. The fool’s glazed-over eyes offered nothing save for the lingering imprint of his final terror.
As she plunged the blade from its target, dead sinew tore, and blood spewed from the former captive, splattering across her chest and face, washing what had already been soaked in past excursions. The moonlight worked to augment her crimson coat, making Toga’s body shine, and as she grinned, her face seemed to absorb every photon of light in the room. The knife was again doused, its temporary reprieve resting against your chest forgotten.
You approached, transfixed on her exquisite form, heaving with exertion and bolstered by excitement. Your boots crunched the severed fingers of another offering, even as your eyes remained centred on her within your approach. Witnessing such fervour was a treat, but enabling it, and being so proximate to it, that was a delicacy to be savoured.
Breath shook out of her, then rose anew, before she flung herself close, again tucking her head underneath your chin, with hair loosely tied and frayed about your vision; both hands came upon a shoulder, where, one by one, the nail of each finger drove deeper, encouraged by the sweet longings of a crooner, frightened by the lightest sway of your body.
Without yielding an inch, you gently removed the tensed, clasping fingers from your punctured tissue. You continued to pry one finger at a time from its familiar destination, and with your touch, Toga shivered, eyes not daring to meet your piercing gaze. She pressed herself deeper into your chest, hot breath palpable through the ripped fabric guarding your newly bleeding form. You offered a slight push, less for easier access to your fresh wound than to attain renewed sight of Toga’s expressive face.
A flash of fire erupted in your shoulder. Cold lips of steel once again pierced cloth and flesh, a kiss upon bone, turned warm under a stream of red.
A blood-strip flew to the lower portion of your eyelid; and for a moment of complete instinct, you squinted, barely a twitch and nothing more.
Toga, with her face at last visible, watched as though she might cry, bright eyes fogging over to something like molten bronze. “Take my blood,” she breathed, giving out a piece of herself in ways long held inside, “We can share the pain!”
She detached from you and, gasping, took the knife to her palm; or, rather, the blade of the knife swung low at a centre vein when you caught it, fingers wrapping the serrated edge. Blood colder than steel leaked forth to the ground. Each plop, each scattering of a blood-ball transfixed Toga a little more, the spell broken only at the wisp of a word from your mouth.
No, and the thrumming of her pulse stilled. Toga set the golden light of her eye upon you, seeming a curious child than anything wicked.
Crimson fluid oozing from between your sliced fingers, you stepped forward, towering over the paralyzed Toga. Once again, your eyes did not break from hers, and she could not stop her knees from shaking, bending inward as if they suddenly couldn’t bear her slight frame any longer. With liquid dripping between the two of you, you stretched an arm across her waist and behind her back.
All she could do was utter a squeak before she once again was pulled into your leering form. Neither one of you said a word as she settled, her immediate tension from the surprise contact melting when she realized its intention. She purred, low and sultry, yet aside from a turn of her head to allow her ears closer to your chest, she remained stationary.
The whole of one ear pressed to your heart, a low beating of something far away, enough to stay living and no more. Against the still of your body, Toga's heart pounded forth as if to join the two.
There the two of you stayed, once more locked in one another’s embrace. The sacrificial flesh scattered, defiled, and eviscerated across the floor, the walls, and even traces on the ceiling were nothing. The droplets of blood flowing from your shoulder were nothing, simply a weakness of the body. The stenches filling your nose, the memories of screams and mutilation that played in the back of your mind, the urge to snuff out the warmth of life so close to you—all had been replaced with serenity.
The terror of the departed flesh served its purpose. The experience you both shared with them was distinctive, but the intimacy shared with Toga was singular. So few could understand that you had found each other. None of the flesh could appreciate that their screams, their cries, their entreaties, all of it served a purpose they couldn’t imagine. Toga could, though, and you would share it with her for the rest of your days together.
Another, she whispered.
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v4mp1re-haven · 3 months
Don’t leave me… T.H.
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Your hand layed on her shoulder, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. Toga always had a fear that you would leave her, though you never would and you made sure she knew that. It would help her for a while, still she would visit you late at night, knocking on your door desperately. You always let her in of course. Toga would take her place on your bed as if it was hers, looking into your eyes for some sort of validation.
“Please don’t leave me…” toga looked at you, her teary eyes contrasting to the usual crazed expression she wore on her face. You look at her, sharing her vulnerability as you smiled. “I would never leave you toga!” She smiled leapt into your arms, giving you a tight hug as she placed her head in the crook of your neck as the both of you fell backwards onto your bed. “I love you so much.” Toga whispered as she twirled a strand of your hair around her finger as she snuggles into you, wanting to envelop you whole.
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She thought about this moment while she saw Twice carry you into the building in his arms, your deep crimson blood staining the pristine white of his costume. His hands clutching onto you as he whispered and mumbled to himself his grip on you faltering. Togas eyes were unmoving from their position on your limp body. She felt her heart drop to her stomach when she saw twice walk in, she wanted to scream, to kill someone, to hurt whoever hurt you. She decided that she should stay by your side though, waiting for when you woke up.
Toga stared at you and your forever shallow breaths, the gaping hole in your stomach cause by a sudden punch you thought you could block, trying to protect twice from a hero. The way your forehead had these damp beads of sweat glistening over your skin, the way your eyelashes clumped together from the tears of pain you shed after, and the way your breathing grew quieter as time passed. Toga stared for hours, unable to move her feet to get a closer look at you.
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Ahh first semi-write on here! Please leave comments! 🤗 also had a lot of fun thinking this up while listening to this song!
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lucifurry217 · 5 months
More Himiko Toga!!
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Platonic yandere Miguel with Himiko Toga!Reader headcanon?
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, NO ROMANCE, Miguel is a delusional bitch, after adopting Himiko toga!reader, tell me if I need to add more!
Summary:No matter where a child comes from a father will love them for so much, especially when they have so much traits like them…that must mean that child is his child yes? Yes it has to be!!
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-Definitely makes sure you know he is your dad and loves you even if you aren’t biologically his Yes you are silly! He’s just being king after all those years you didn’t live with him!
-Brings you to Spider society and you have your own watch, NO ONE is allowed to say shit about it as your his child! You are usually in his office while he’s busy or with the other teens
-if anyone insults you he’s immediately making them your next blood bag..he knows killing is bad but when it comes to your child it’s an expectation yes? Of course it is! He’s just protecting you!
-Lyla is also a yandere for you and you two talk often through the watch. If anyone tries to take you somewhere and Miguel didn’t request that she’s immediately telling Miguel while making a force field around you (SHE TRIED TO KILL MIGUEL FIANCÉ IN THE COMICS BY SUFFOCATING HER IN THE SHOWER!! I SHIT YOU NOT THIS IS TRUE)
-Definitely has a tracker on you so he can see where you are at all times, he’s just a bit paranoid and anxious so don’t worry this is all normal!
-Doesn’t want you dating ANYONE! No one is good for you! Your his precious child and he knows best so PLEASE just listen to him and don’t darte anyone!
-Basically you got a two deal because Lyla is a yandere now to! You got a yandere Auntie and dad isn’t that fun!? There no point in escaping now, the AI and your father is much smarter then you and knows how to keep you forever :)
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desiboo22-blog · 9 days
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Deku: *holding newborn tomura* You’re such an easy a baby tomura.
Katsuki: *holding a biting Himiko at arms lenght* Yea easy.
Shoto: *holding Dabi* Does she not like you?
Katsuki: No. The biting means she’s marking me as a favorite
definitely. Himiko was born with a tooth (its called natal teeth, yes its real) which is why she had to be bottle fed instead. First Lady Y/n definitely is Himiko's fav (she's got several bite marks on her boob for proof).
Tomura is calm in Izuku's and Kai's arms, but not longer than 10-15 minutes. He's only ever truly calm in your arms, otherwise he'll be crying until he turns blue.
Dabi still prefers you and Kai, before Shotou, but Shotou is the only one of the Secret Service guys he'll tolerate. Or well, Shotou is the only one who can handle Dabi, because devil spawn here can make Izuku cry easily and Katsuki is easy to piss off. All Shotou has to do is pick Dabi from the back of his shirt like a kitten and take away the knife he was chasing the poor maids with, his monotonous yet calming voice telling Dabi to knock it off or else Shotou will tell on him to you.
And no one wants to disappoint Y/n <3
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itsabouttimex2 · 11 months
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Yandere ‘Sister’ Himiko Toga
“She needs help. I can’t just do nothing.”
Those words sound like they’re straight from the mouth of a hero. It’s the sort of thing she’s wanted to hear since her childhood, ever since her parents decided that the proper way of dealing with a “deviant child” was to send her to a shady therapist and demand that she become normal for the sake of keeping up appearances.
You step to her side, gently taking the back of her head into your hand and boosting it up, using your other hand to support her thighs as you pick her up. You carry her close to your body, sharing your warmth with the young girl.
This is all she’s ever wanted, she thinks.
Then she wakes up on a couch, a blanket draped across her form. A change of clothes is folded neatly next to her, clean and inviting. Water, painkillers, and two granola bars. She rips into the bars with reckless abandon, scarfing down the water and pills after them. However, she’s almost ginger with the nightgown, tenderly stroking her fingers across the soft fabric with a little smile. She wastes no time in tearing her clothes off, throwing them one after another into the laundry basket across the room. She pulls the nightgown on, humming and twirling around like she wasn’t face down in the streets a while ago.
When she’s spun herself dizzy, she flops back onto the couch, snuggling into the blanket once again, snatching up the note you’ve left for her.
“I’ll be back around 5 PM. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. You can use whatever you’d like in the restroom if you want to take a bath or shower. I’ll wash your clothes when I get back.”
Himiko grins even wider, clutching the note to her chest. It’s nearly 5 already… so she’ll get to meet her rescuer soon, won’t she? You’ve been so nice already, and all without even speaking a word to her.
Until then, she has a date with the shower and all of your nice smelling soaps.
“I hope you don’t mind stew. I didn’t have a chance to head to the the store, so I’m using leftovers today.” You place a bowl loaded with beef and vegetables in front of her, and she snatches it towards herself with glee.
Today. Does that mean she’ll get to come back? That you’ll let her stay?
She tilts the bowl to her lips, taking deep gulps of the hearty broth. It’s filling and savory, warming her inside and out. It tastes like home. It tastes like love. She has a second bowl, and then a third, longing to fill herself with that taste.
You smile as you wash the dishes, noting the fluttering of her eyes as you scrub down a pot.
“If you need to stay the night, I can fix you up the guest room.” Your tone is warm and soft, completely sincere.
You ask no questions. You offer no judgement. You ask for nothing in return. You just… give. Selflessly, you give.
It feels like home already. So why would she leave? If you’re letting her stay… then you’re basically already family, right?
Hope you enjoy having a bloodthirsty little sister, Y/N.
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tart-sakuran · 2 months
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Uravity's notion of the cutest girl
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【なないのり】 「 トガちゃんTwitterまとめ 」 ☆ ⊳ himiko // my hero academia ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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knyontop · 2 months
You should totally write like..a zombie reader...x toga... for me because your writing is so awesome sauce😈🔥
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₊˚ ‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿ ˚₊
OMG ANYTHING FOR YOU!! Btw I decided to make this yandere just bc i felt like it;3
Tw: possessive behavior, yandere stuff, force feeding, knifes, Toga cutting reader, talks of murder snd stuff.
Ft: Toga Himiko, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura, Bakugou Katsuki, and our amazing, handsome, beautiful, reader.
・When she first saw you she was in such awe.
・when she first lays eyes on you she KNOWS that she needed to have you.
・she couldn’t wait to see you all covered in blood! Your cute but you would be cuter with a few cuts and scraps~
・Toga makes sure to get some of your blood, Tomura would be happy to have a zombies blood!
・unfortunately, they aren’t here for you there here for Bakugou but before she left she blew you a little kiss before leaving. You were confused to say the least.. (but also flattered)
・ever sense the training camp you’ve been getting weird love notes by your “secret admirer, Toga” she put her name?? I thought it was supposed to be secret??? Whatever😭
・Toga is genuinely soooooooo so so so in love with you.
・your face, your eyes, your body, the way her knife cuts perfectly into your sensitive green skin. She just cant get enough of you she just wants to gobble you up!! (Pun intended)
・the league is getting tired of all her rants about how much she loves you🙁 (hang in there dabi)
・she wants you, no she needs you to be with her forever! And she will have you all to herself. Soon.
・she has to beg Shigaraki to let her kidnap you, he thinks its way to risky! Which is it but hey, you only live once so come help her break into a high school full of kids and heros and kidnap one of the students there! It should be easy enough right? Yeah, yeah they will be fineeeeee..
・you woke up🙁
・Dabi put a heated hand over your mouth, it wasn’t hot enough to burn you just to warn ya that hes willing to kill you right here right now. (BITE HIS FINGERS OFFSIBSUHIBDIYUG)
・him and Toga were able to get you knocked out so it would be easier to bring you back to base~ she was giggling and blushing the wholeeeeeeee wayyyyyyyyyy
・once you wake up, your tied to a chair in a rusty abbandened building with Toga in your lap cooing at you and caressing your face.
・Toga has her knife right at your throat and everything in her wants to push it through and watch your blood drip down your gorgeous body.. but, you would die and Toga would never forgive herself for that soooooooooo just little cuts! (For now)
・sense your a zombie she thinks that you can only eat and drink peoples blood so she tries to make you drink hers, you two would be apart of each other! Isn’t that so romantic!? (She will force you to drink her blood)
・she rants to you about everything, food, missions, life problems, just everything. She acts like she didn’t kidnap you!
・she forces you to say I love you back. (You almost died from blood loss the last time you refused.)
・”Awh your such a cute little zombie!! I just want to cut you alllllllll up!”
・Toga is not the best yandere to be with so i wish you guys good luck, your going to need it.
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This was fun :3
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mha-shiz · 7 months
So uh-
Happy Birthday to Me~
Synopsis: Shiggy, Overhaul and Toga get a birthday present they have been killing for...
I don't condone the behavior irl and all that stuff- I just think it makes for interesting horror and dynamics
- he was at the bar, drinking a bit, annoyed with the amount of work his lazy subordinates didn't do. He was pissed and a little drunk
- Kurogiri saw this and knew what the subordinates and himself were planning
- "Happy Birthday Tomoura" "Happy Birthday Shigs" "Happy Birthday Shiggy!" "Happy Birthday Boss"
- then, there you were, cutely asleep, in cosplay as one of his favorite charicters from the game he was playing. Tied up cutely with a black bow
- shigaraki chuckled and thanked them for his little gift and asked for you to be taken to his, well now also your, room
- when you wake up, you see a gloved shigraki, playing with your hair, humming softly with a sweet, yet creepy smile on his face. Like a kid who got his candy he was annoying his mom about in a grocery store
- if there was apart of you that connected to a quirk that he could reasonably get rid of, it was gone, who needed legs when he or someone else would carry you now. Hands? It's ok, he can feed you, he would love to infact. Tounge? Oh he has that in a jar and sucks on it sometimes like a popsicle. Eyes? Also in a jar, they are too pritty just to be gone forever♡
- happy birthday to him~
He was doing some work, too much. He couldn't even relax by looking at the cameras he installed into your apartment. Witch made him even more agitated and moody.
So when Chrono knocked on his door, his was pissy and it showed. "What is it."
"Me and your men have gotten you a birthday gift, would you like us to bring it here, or put it in your room"
Overhaul didn't have time for whatever nonsense this was. But it was somethjng else, and they all had... odd... ways of getting him to take a break. But it shows that they cared and were loyal to him, so why not entertain whatever insanity they came up with.
"Bring it in" he mutterd, putting down his paperwork and looking around Chrono, he nodded and have his men being in... you?-
He was shocked. But then realized, this was probably on pourpious- for what reason- he-
"Happy Birthday sir" they all said
Then it all clicked together. They distracted him so that they could do the work he had already been planning on doing for him. With his tasks almost done he probably wouldn't have to do some of this work for a bit. So, he could have you, and you looked perfect in your mask, tied up in a black and white bow.
Clever, clever Chrono, allways good to play Shogi against.
"Thank you" he simply replied, takeing you away from them and dismissing them. He looked over you, to be sure that they didn't even try to defile you knowing the conciquences of that. But no, you were perfect, and now, you were his.
Toga sulked in her room, why didn't anyone she love also love her? Were they just... unattainable? Were you... she sighed and stayed in her room, playing with her knives, chopping up some dolls she found.
Then there was a knock on the door "Toga! Can I come in? Open the damn door brat!"
It was Twice, so she happily went to the door and opened it, to find you, passed out, and a little bloody, ohhhh didn't you just look so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee.
"Happy Birthday Toga!" Twice cheered "here I found it in the trash!" She happily handed you over to her.
Toga couldn't help but squeal and thank Twice, quickly licking up your wounds, oh did you ever tate as devine, now she could taste that whenever she wanted! She was so excited for the rest of your lives together
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scary-friend · 3 months
30 Days of Moodboards, List made by me 💕
Day 14 - Favorite fictional character
Himiko Toga
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🩸 - ❤️‍🩹💉❤️‍🩹 - ❤️‍🩹💉❤️‍🩹 - ❤️‍🩹💉❤️‍🩹 - 🩸
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