#hinata rare pair week
loopyarts · 1 year
Tutoring the most hated boy in school
Notes sorry if it a bit messy and rushed I did all the writing in day on the spot, because I wanted to something fun for dr rare pair week despite founding out about it last minute. (Although I am two days late mostly because I’m not the fastest when comes to editing or fixing gammer ha ha…) Anyway enjoy the this short Teruhina fic and the artwork despite it clunkiness in places. The prompt used is day 3 studying/shopping. 
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Hajime grumbled to himself as he somehow got roped into helping Teruteru fucking Hanamura the perverted and hated boy in school with his homework by Chiaki as much as he loves her, sometimes wonder to himself just how much was he willing to do for his best friend/crush. He signed to himself come on Hajime, it just a short perverted classmate what possibly go wrong” he knock on the chef door.
The door opened to reveal a quite short yet plump darker brunette with the biggest catlike smirk on his rather rosy chubby cheeks “well, well” he cooed looking up at the taller reserve student “I know Chiaki said that you were cute but she didn’t say you such a hottie”. His eyes sparkled at Hajime as if he had just won the lottery. “My name is Teruteru Hanamura by the way but your probably already you knew that” he flicked his hair slightly before batting his eyes at the dumb founded brunette  “so, what your name mr handsome?” 
“Uh, I’m Hajime Hinata and I’m here to tutor you for a bit as favour to a friend” Hajime grumbled in disgust by the gazing but remained calm it only two hours and only have be for a day. As he entered the chef room which surprisely was rather tidy and neat although the pin up posters around bed  and the hidden starch of naughty magazines, dirty manga and playboys made it was his room.
They sat down on the table on side of his room, Hajime ignored the peppy rosy cheeked boy as he unpacked the papers and books they be studies for next two hours together from his bag. It was quiet for a bit until Teruteru spoke up, tapping his fingers on the table.
“So, what are learning today Senpai” Eyeing up at Hajime who placing the homework’s papers and some study books down, focusing on the task.
“We start off by working on math” said Hajime looking at math books and paper readying the erasers, pencils and pens. Teruteru nodded picking up a pencil and began to start writing down some math formulas.
Half an hour few by, Teruteru yawned slightly math was just so easy, so easy in fact that he had almost finished all the homework that need to be done for this week. he then wondered how Hajime was doing who was supposed to tutoring him to see him struggling to understand certain aspects of roots. Teruteru expression soften as he put a hand on the book that Hajime was reading and push it down to reveal the spiky hair boy face with tears of frustration on corner of his eyes. This made the chef ego melt slightly, as he talked in a gentler yet still slightly cheeky voice.
“Would like me to help you Senpai?” He offered placing his pencil on a some black paper “I know you supported to be teaching me, but I’m actually pretty at math if I do say so myself” he smiled at surprised the brunette who expressed dumbfoundedness 
“But I suppose to be the tutor….” Before Hajime could say anything else he was hushed by the chef who open up his own math book.
No worries, you can help me with something else later” Teruteru grins at Hajime which made the spikes haired boy worries with all the rumours surrounding Teruteru he couldn’t help be worry what that something was.
Strangely, Teruteru was actually a pretty good teacher when it came to math. Treating it like the measuring parts of a recipe, it made Hajime kinda enjoy learning math and it made it look so easy. Wait… was he actually enjoying his time with Teruteru Hanamura!? the most hated boy in school. They even began to chat to each other casually as they wrote things down; although most the rosy cheek boy conversation were about relationships or sex but Hajime was most interested when he would talk about his passion for cooking and surprisingly he was quite the gardener saying he home grows most of his ingredients he uses in his cooking. Time flew by like a breeze, until they had finished the math homework.
“And that about does it” said Teruteru as he putting away his homework and the math book, Hajime nodded following suit as he put away the math homework and book in his bag. He looked up to the grinning chef all no he thought was does perverted boy want from him now, he began sweat bullets fearing the worse as the brunette pulled his chair closing towards hajime.
They stood still for a bit awkwardly before the chef spoke in a somewhat nervous voice while fidgeting with his fingers in his chair.
“A-Are you any good at English, Senpai, no Hajime?”
“Yeah, Why do you ask” questioned Hajime who looked puzzled by Teruteru question. Teruteru puffed up his cheeks “Look I found the English language hard, mostly because… I struggle to understand the language of the text, it so different to compared to Japanese” He then sided eyed Hajime with an annoyed look.
“You know English, is teach in most schools right and how can you not even know the basics of the English language” 
Teruteru bit his lip as he stuttered out to Hajime “I-I wasn’t Taught English at my school” his eyes widened as he gasped covering his month at what he had said in front of hazel eyed boy who face was shock by this.
Hajime looked the now embarrassed Teruteru who looked on break of tears as his whole body shivered. Hajime went into his bag to get an Japanese to English book from it. He patted the chubby boy shoulder “hey, it no big deal alright” beamed Hajime as he opened the language book “I’m supposed to be your tutor for a day after all”. This made Teruteru looked at Hajime with flushed cheeks as he giggled at his ‘tutor’ who need help at math, only just an hour ago.
For the rest of afternoon Teruteru and Hajime practiced learning how to speak and write English, while it took some time for Teruteru to get hang of basic English sentences. Hajime supposed him the whole way even cracking some bad joke in English which made Teruteru cringe yet laugh at the same time. Even as they read the book together the rosy cheeked boy felt his heart swell in his chest, he gazed at taller boy for a bit, he never felt so warm and fuzzy inside, not even when hitting all the other guys and gals, no Hajime felt special to him.
“Right, that should about covers it for today” said Hajime as he checked his phone for the time to see it close to evening already, he spent almost all whole afternoon with the chef despite only needing to be here for two hours. He shook his head as he packed his things while Teruteru help me clean things up.
“Yeah, it getting pretty late, unless you want keep me company in my bed for the night he he” joked Teruteru in a flirty manner as he put the book in Hajime bag. Hajime rolled his eyes at him standing up and putting his bag on his shoulders as Teruteru escorted him to the door to open it. 
As Hajime stay by open doorway “so, do wanna hang some more?” He asked the darker brunette who answered him rather shyly.
“S-sure, uh why don’t we you know, go out for ice cream tomorrow” his turning red as his mind went dizzy there was no way this handsome boy would actually say yes…
“Sure” answered Hajime as began to walked down the hallway he stopped turning back towards the chef “Hey Teruteru, uh thanks for helping me with today despite that I suppose to be tutoring you” Hajime laughed slightly before giving a genuine smile “you’re not half bad for the ‘worst boy in school’ after saying that he continued walking down the hallway as Teruteru shut the door behind.
He then collapsed into the floor, leaning his back on the door as look up smiling at the ceiling “not half bad hey,” he chuckled softly to himself before getting up to lay down on his bed closing his eyes he daydreamed of tomorrow hanging out with Hajime and enjoying ice cream together on nice hot summer day.  
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dokifluffs · 2 years
Reaction to Their Kid(s) Reacting to Their Cardboard Cutout | Ushijima, Sakusa
Pairings: Ushijima X Reader (female), Sakusa X no one, he’s a dilf 
Genre: domestic fluff tehe ehe
Author’s Note: dilf sakusa barkbark get fed
Hinata, Bokuto // Kageyama, Atsumu 
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gif from @rivaillerose​
The whole country buzzed as the world began to watch Japan as there was only less than a week until the olympics that had been pushed back a whole year, was finally happening
Energy, pressure, excitement was picking up in everyone, especially the Japan Volleyball team, all for everyone except your husband - or at least that’s what it seemed like to you
He was always calm and composed, his face stoic but you knew inside he did feel something - he wasn’t just a statue people assumed him to be
Team practices had surrpisng;y been the same, although you did think that they would be extended or longer since it was the olympics after all
But no
Today was Sunday, a rare rest day before your husband would be off at the games, playing multiple until there were only 2 teams left, where only one team would prove to be the best in the world
The two of your guys’ hands were being held by your three year old son as he ran and would jump while you two would swing him occasionally
But everything about today felt so nice - Sundays were just so nice, like nothing could go wrong when you got to be with your small family
The cafe door chimed as the two of you walked in, finding it surprisingly empty
“Welcome~” the baristas welcomed the three of you as your son bounced around your side, holding your hand
“Good morning,” the two of you greeted as you two stood, looking at the menu, reading through the options to see what would be good
“Papa, I wanna see,” your son whined, his cheeks puffy and lips pouty as he tugged on his dad’s fingers
“Alright,” he lips pulled into a light smile as he lifted his son, holding him against his side
The little boy was curious as he peered over, holding onto his dad’s shirt as he looked behind the glass, eyes gluing themselves into the sweet pastries and cake pops that were assorted beautifully for display
He pointed, eyes wide but staying silent as he just looked, wanting the sweets but it was far too early for such sweetness
You and Toshi had ordered your guys’ breakfasts before finding a comfortable booth deeper inside the cafe
It was so nice with their false floral decorum strung up and wrapped around the wooden beams, giving it a nice natural aesthetic although the location was in the midst of the city
There were also even cardboard cutouts of the Japan volleyball team, through only a few, and Wakatoshi stood in the dining area, “smiling”
Yet the cafe was surprisingly empty, except for the baristas so it didn’t take long at all for the food to come out after a short wait, with the porridges and egg sandwiches and hot coffees and juice for S/N
The three of you got to eating, taking your sweet time to simply enjoy each other’s company’s after quite a long time
Occasionally, your son would stare at either you or Toshi, silently signaling how he wanted a bite of your guys’s food even though it was the same as his but but two would take turns, feeding him a bite to satisfy him
When the food was done and the table was cleared, aside from the coffee, you two talked about errands to go, maybe a walk around to just really feel like life was as simple as possible
You really missed your husband despite him being right there, right here in front of you but you could feel yourself slowly healing, filling back up the longer his olive green eyes looked into your own, witnessing his pupils dilate whenever you spoke or when you reached your hand and intertwined your fingers with his before he covered both of your guys’ hand with his other one
He really had you falling in love with him all over again
And then there was the human embodiment of your guys’ love
Your son scooted himself safely off the short chair and walked over to the cardboard cutout of your husband and stood at his legs, his small head leaned back to look all the way up the board
“Papa, you’re here too.” The little boy turned around and pointed up as the son smiled a little before turning back
“Indeed.” Your husband smiled as his hands squeezed around yours, his touch so warm as it had always been
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gif from @rivaillerose​
“Ready for this, baby?” He looked down to his daughter who followed him, smiling and looking up to him with grabby hands
“Atta girl,” he smiled through his mask as he pulled it down and knelt before the walker
He applied sunscreen to her precious face, maybe putting a little too much over her chubby cheeks but better to be safe than sorry
Plus he just couldn’t get used to how puffy and soft they were
“You got little mocha cheeks, moch,” he scrunched his nose as he playfully pinched her cheeks, wanting to bite them out of how cute they were to which she just smiled at the comments
But there was also a subtle brush of pride in him that surfaced knowing that this was his baby
This adorable little girl that had dark, curly/ wavy hair like him was his baby
He carefully put on her sun hat, making sure it didn’t pull on her hair or hurt her head in any way
And finally, put on her own little mask that he handmade after painstakingly pricking himself with the needle but watched and learned how to make face masks for kids
It was secure enough that she wouldn’t breathe in anything harmful to her but loose enough so she could breathe easily
He slid the door onto the backyard open, his body hunched toward the ground as his daughter held his hand as he led her out the door and onto the patio
on the other hand, held his cardboard cutout at an arms distance away, along with a bottle of disinfectant spray, walking to lay it onto the grass, which he covered a plot of it with a tarp
He laid himself down in the sun as his daughter stood behind him, a few feet away
The edges of his rubber gloves slapped his wrists as he shook the disinfectant spray can
He sprayed the cardboard cutout with the disinfectant before letting it lay in the sun for a bit, even wondering why he had listened to bokuto and atsumu on taking it home, especially with the pandemic
He sighed knowing there was absolutely no use for it
And then he felt the familiar feel of his daughter hold onto his leg and she shyly got closer
Kiyoomi looked down as a gentle breeze blew through, making the grass in the yard move in a wave as his little girl’s hair was all in her face, her hat no longer on her head and on the floor on the patio
He removed his gloves as he squatted down to clear the hair from her face
“There you go,” he smiled a bit as she rest her dainty hands on his leg, staring at the cardboard cutout of her dad
“Papa,” she spoke quietly, her voice kind of muffled through the fabric of the mask as she pointed, squatting down beside kiyoomi before looking back up to him, squinting cause of the bright sun
“Why’d you take off your hat, germ?” He scoffed lightly as he raised his hand above her head, providing shade for her face from the sun
Still in her squatting position, she waddled closely and tested the waters, extending her finger to the cardboard cutout of kiyoomi and looked back
“Mmhm, that’s me..” he  dodged before his eyes fell back on the thing… there really was no use for it.. sigh
She patted her hand on her dad’s cardboard cheek, mesmerized by it
Kiyoomi watched as she tilted her head back and forth as another breeze blew by, making her short hair dance in the wind
But also thankfully, the disinfectant spray had dried so it was perfectly safe for her to touch
The two of them stayed squatted in the grass, feeling the summer sun’s warmth and breeze come and go
But she had been looking at his cardboard face a little too long
“Hey, butterfly.” He gently tapped onto her back, getting her to turn around and lose her balance, making her sit on the grass
“Is that papa?”
She processed what he had asked and looked back to it then back to him and nodded
“Who am I then?” He pointed to himself, pulling down his mask
“Papa.” She said, standing herself up and walking over to him, standing in between his squatted legs as she held onto his shirt
He brushed off the dust and grass off her bottom
“Who’s the better papa, then?”
“You!” She jumped, making a smile spread across his lips as he pulled her in to hug her, pressing a kith to her chubby mochi cheeks
“Hm, what a smart little butterfly,” he hummed before lifting her up into his arms to bring her inside
“Let’s change and eat some lunch.” He walked back in, leaving his cardboard cutout outside
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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brejecat · 3 months
haikyuu fans are crazy (talented), specially rare pair shippers. Tell me why i read some weeks ago an au fic of oihina that made Hinata a gem from steven universe that meet Tooru and it’s one of the reasons why he likes aliens so much with more than 400k of words and the author was actually able to make me completely in love with the story and how the characters are portrayed? I can’t stop talking about it with everyone i know and can’t wait to read the upcoming chapters.
Edit: by the way, the fic name is pinky promises and fallen stars by st0ned_pancake, I forgot to leave the link if anyone wants to read it. Lots of drama, romance and alien talks :)
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Here are the upcoming events for March
Reader Insert Weekend: Mar 1st - Mar 3rd (Hosted by Mod Ghost)
Rare Pair White Day Week: Mar 10th - 16th (Hosted by Mod Dragon)
Shikamaru x Hinata Day: Mar 8th (Hosted by Mod Rabbit)
Canon x OC Week: Mar 22nd - 29th (Hosted by Mod Ghost)
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Oooh, I have an absurd shisui pairing!!
For Maximum Pain: Jiraya/Shisui
Actual Pairing: Shisui/Tenten
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Omg you're evil??? (/JK) 🤣🤣🤣
Jiraiya/Shisui: unless you're asking me to summarize a really fucked up spy/sugar daddy fusion AU, then I'm afraid I'm going to yeet this one into the sun 👋✨
Shisui/TenTen? He's 11 years her senior but, with very little interactions when she's young and if both are full adults now, I can work with this~
Also if I shifted Shisui down to the youngest possible age at the massacre in canon, which is around 15, then we're dealing with only around 7 years difference, that would put them both within a decade of each other...
The most important thing about TenTen is that she knows the meaning of self-ownership.
Lee is an underdog turned tragic hero turned inspiration. His sensei is his role model, devoted to his protege and guiding his every step. He's struggled, with the academy and then the many agonies and uncertainties afterwards, but he pushed through and emerged victorious every time. That's who Lee. Lee is hard work.
Neji is a genius shackled by his own people, his destiny, and his abilities. Choice is a luxury that he's never truly known, every technique that he's perfected has been inherited from his Clan and specifically skewed towards their own plans for him. Even fighting Hinata only showcased the futility of his struggles, that he could rage and scream and no reform would come about, no outsider would intercede. It's Neji against himself, that shadow of a future always two steps ahead of him, and it's Neji who breaks that cycle. That's what defines Neji, his freedom.
TenTen isn't like either of her teammates. She isn't like the rest of the Rookie Nine. There is no legacy for her, nothing to inherit and nothing to go in search of. She is surrounded by Heirs and spares, even Sakura has a Sannin to tutor her through healing and possibly reviving Senju techniques, and they all have a place that they fit into.
Not TenTen.
Of them all, only TenTen goes into ANBU.
Everything she knows, every skill and weapon and strength, has been honed by her and for just herself. She didn't have a teacher who favoured her, she didn't have the traditions of Clan or family to bolster her, she didn't have a mentor to step up and shape her. TenTen moulded herself. The determination, the grit, the genius in its own right, the creativity, the self awareness... TenTen fits nowhere until she finds herself fitting so perfectly into ANBU.
It's not easy. There's no way it could ever be.
Here, your name doesn't matter, your Clan or parents can't throw around their weight. Even kekkei genkai aren't questioned further, even if the presence of a Nara or Aburame is a dead giveaway. It is you and your anonymity and your skills.
The hazing is crucial, not the squaring up of the Chuunin Corps or the jealous ribbing of the Jounin. They can't afford to sow resentment, form grudges or do anything that could weaken cooperation. It is a trial of trust, of mental and physical resilience. There are no termites in her bedroll, no ice bucket showers, no naked dashes between the changing rooms and the dorms, no beat downs and no sneering bullies.
It's so much more efficient.
Trainee Bat - a new identity, TenTen but not, and the transition was awkward but vital - is on the second week of training probation when Rabbit-sensei is joined by another veteran in the arena.
"Taichou," she calls him. His mask appears almost sarcastically jovial.
'Monkey-sensei' is what the trainees are ordered to address him by.
The fight is over so quickly, ended with a brutal efficiency that feels as irresistible as a natural disaster, that Trainee Bat wasn't even sure she'd seen more than a fraction of Monkey's movements.
He comes rarely but the beat down is always the same, no matter that Bat can see how they're all improving rapidly under Rabbit's tutelage.
There's natural ribbing and competitiveness amongst the ranks of trainees. There are seven of them, four of which have been within the programme for several months. Bat is the newest, the youngest - as far as she can tell, since silence is inevitable on personal details - at only twenty-two and easy pickings. It doesn't help that she has quickly caught up.
Bat can live with it. The Orphanage was worse, if only because children were thoughtlessly cruel and had known enough about her to dig in deep where it hurt (to ask about her dead family and her damning lack of surname).
And then Monkey arrived one day, not in the arena but in the barracks. He's alone. There is a situation; 'urgent' he signs, remaining as mute as always. He needs the trainees to run missives for the veteran operatives.
They do so.
Monkey appears, hours later, in the corridor between the dorms and the operatives mess hall. Bat is alone, having lingered at training, and Monkey must have timed it for a reason.
'Mission-procede' he signs.
Bat accepts.
This continues for weeks.
He never speaks. Bat doesn't expect him too; ANBU sign is almost completely seperate from KSL, no doubt intentionally, and fluency has been hammered into them harder than even training with the regulation tantō. ANBU have no names, no faces, and they do not speak unless their vision or both hands are absolutely out of the question. There are even sub-tells that require only the movement of shoulders and chins to communicate basic commands, in case hands are occupied.
But, after the first four... errands... Bat does begin to understand a little more of her superior. He starts sticking around. Bat is ordered to shadow him, once, and bears witness to hows the ranks of ANBU and Daylight Corps immediately defer to his presence. It's fascinating to track his expressions through the set of his spine, the minute tilts of his beaming Mask, the way his fingers flutter through signs. She doesn't know Monkey's identity but she learns what he's like. Not his name or face or past but... Who he is.
Monkey, she learns, is the unofficial leader of ANBU.
No one says this to her. He's never addressed as such - 'Taichou', 'Taichou', not 'Leader', not that he ever verbally responds - and Commander Boar is very clearly the authority in charge of missions, designations, and reporting to the Hokage. But-
There is a respect there, one that Bat has only ever seen between equals. They walk in tandem, discussing topics between them - Boar, aloud, and Monkey somehow responding without notice. They are, dare Bat say it, something of a partnership.
It's in the way the operatives manage to simultaneously straighten and relax at the sight of him, how he knows exactly what everyone else is up to. How he's always around and, if he's not, then it's because he's on a mission and the barracks are still, with bated breath, until he returns. If he has a life outside of ANBU, Bat has found very little evidence of it. Maybe others would think it sad, would think him empty or broken; Bat has seen Hatake Kakashi, has heard enough whispers in ANBU to hint towards ANBU Hound, and she doesn't agree at all.
On the fifth week, three of the seven trainees do not return.
"They failed to meet standards," is all that Rabbit says when Raccoon dares to ask. There are no more questions - at least not posed to her - after that.
And then Raccoon is missing the week after.
On week six, Monkey changes things up.
'External-mission'. Her first true ANBU-rank in the field.
Maybe it was inevitable that it completely went to shit.
The difference between Daylight and Black Ops wasnt just the skill level. It wasn't just the type of mission, honeypot or assassination or torture, etc etc. It was the risk; Jounin had the safety net of a carefully investigated brief but ANBU? The demand was often high enough that patchy intell was the best they had to offer.
The information had been fatally wrong. Half of the team dead, Bat's shoulder dislocated, and Lizard was burned up both arms and had begun sobbing behind his Mask.
Monkey alone seemed untouched by the violence. He'd taken down the bombers faster than the eye could follow, aided only by Bat's quickness to locate and neutralize the 'second wave' explosives that were rigged even further out of the blast zone.
'Trainee Lizard- training- continue.' Monkey signed. 'Trainee Bat- promoted- Rookie.'
"I'll bet you're glad to earn your Rookie stripe," Lizard said, awkward in the emptiness of their dorm. "Rabbit and Monkey are kind of crazy hardcore. I want to get on protective detail, not play those kind of mind games, so I'll be glad to follow soon."
Bat didn't say that she disagreed. That Rabbit was the clearest and most focused tutor that she'd had in her life. That Monkey had been careful and intentional with what he believed them capable of. That Bat felt more seen in the past two months than she ever had before.
Monkey was waiting outside of the dorm, one shoulder propped against the wall and his arms casually crossed over his chest.
"Sensei," Rookie Bat greeted him.
"Taichou," Monkey corrected her. And that was definitely laughter in his voice.
It was the first time Bat had ever heard his voice; younger than she'd expected, considering, and nowhere near as detached as his stoicism might've suggested.
The muteness made a little more sense. Bat didn't think listening to his smiles from Day One would've had the same intimidation factor as ANBU sign had.
Bat would learn that Monkey was a self-made man. That he'd had everything handed to him and all the benefits in the world... But at the price of everything. One day she'd recognise the gleam of a Sharingan behind that beaming Mask, would understand that Monkey's untraceable speed was an unmatched mastery of the basic Shunshin, and realise that he was someone who had been moulded for a purpose, betrayed in his youth, who had raged against the injustice... And then devoted himself to the thankless dark of ANBU. He'd claimed the Black Ops as his own, had integrated himself so much with ANBU that not even the Elders or his Clan could touch him again, and had stepped up to be the vital backbone of the ranks that everyone needed. He knew survival, he knew freedom-
He knew self-ownership.
(It didn't even matter that it took months before TenTen knew his real name. She'd already learned the heart of him before then. And, at any rate, she figured out his identity long before he unearthed hers.)
TLDR: Shisui and TenTen both know how it feels to need to build something for themselves and be the masters of their own future. Shisui has the tools of the Uchiha in reach but it's the Shunshin that he is best known for; TenTen never had anything handed to her or inherited, so she is the embodiment of determination and ingenuity.
I didn't mean to write a drabble, honest, but the ANBU feels came at me. I couldn't even decide on what tense I wanted to write in lmao that's how rough it is 😂
Personalities: TenTen suffers from Kishi Misogyny Syndrome so we don't know much beyond 'long suffering girl' but I image she's got to be smart, savvy, have good self-worth, and independent to boot. Shisui, since my little Ficlet has their relationship based off of ANBU identities and the slow build of comrades and trust, is free from the expectations of being an Uchiha around her. They are just Monkey and Bat, or Shisui and TenTen. They are both highly ambitious, adaptable, willing to work without thanks or praise, and like to prefect 'the basics'.
I think they would have so much fun training together and Shisui could definitely help TenTen with her speed and seals, whilst TenTen would be great for dodging/target practice etc etc. Also i love the idea that TenTen is like "oh you're an Uchiha? Huh" And Shisui is like 'omfg I've found one of the few girls who never had an Uchiha stalker crush???' And also Shisui, in his Daylight life, is like "Oooooh the saviour of the Uchiha clan who stopped a civil war and his cousins are the Uchiha Heir and that angry twink that runs after the Jinchuuriki brat, ooooh Shunshin no Shisui~" and then Shisui whips out this girlfriend who is a badass but no one actually knows who she is? 😅 Meanwhile, the Rookie Nine are like 'TenTen, anything going on in your life?" And she just shrugs because nbd and it's not until so much later that someone catches her, idk, holding hands with Shisui and are like "YOURE FUCKING THE SHUNSHIN NO SHISUI?!" and basically it's just fucking hilarious
Also older TenTen is so gorgeous what the actual fuck, TenTen deserves the most socially adept and gorgeous and loyal and emotionally available Uchiha pretty boy possible 😤✨❤️‍🔥💢 (I'm sorry Itachi but you are an introverted little waif with a lung condition, you need a spa retreat and not more drama)
ANYWAY this is - as per - massively out of hand and so much more than what you signed up for, Empress 🤣 enjoy, regardless~
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Vivid Dream (1410 words) by JustSomeoneUnordinary Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Hyuuga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke Additional Tags: Genderfluid Uzumaki Naruto, Polyamory, Established Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Awkward Crush, Humor Series: Part 12 of Naruto Rare Pair Week 2023 Summary:
Hinata doesn’t know when exactly her crush on Naruto turned into a crush on all three members of team seven, but she knows one thing for sure: not even in her wildest dreams will she be part of their relationship.
At least, that’s what she believes.
Day 5 of @narutorarepairweek: AU Roulette – Eutopian
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Komanami Week Day 3: Angst
Summary | Nagito couldn't ever forget Chiaki Nanami. Even after the terror of the Ultimate Despair has ended, it's still hard for him to cope with everything that happened. He still can't believe that she's really gone. He doesn't want to accept it. But, he's forced to. She's not ever coming back to him.
❥ Pairing | Nagito Komaeda x Chiaki Nanami (Ft. Hajime Hinata)
◆ Warnings | Implications of hurting oneself, implications of su1c1de, murder, death, bl00d, and grief
★ Words | 3,315 words
*This is a repost of my previous entry because it kinda flopped, and I want to repost it. This is also a chance to say that Day 4 is going to be late. I wasn’t happy with the result of it cause I messed up with the prompt, and school is kicking my ass. So this is a way to say that I did post something. Sorry for the inconvenience!*
The night felt colder than it usually did. Like all the usual warmth of the nights of Jabberwock island have been sucked out of the air, leaving a freezing, hopeless wind instead. That very biting wind howled against the starless sky as Nagito sat outside on the beach, sinking into the sand. He was lucky that he was wearing a jacket because it felt like it was winter instead of a beautiful summer night. Then again…if it were a warm night, it might’ve made things even more difficult for him.
The ocean's water felt cold as ice as it crashed against Nagito's shoes, soaking his feet. Combined with the cold air, the icy water made him shiver. Multiple specks of sand were poured over his long dark green jacket, dirtying it with its grainy substance. However, despite all of the uncomfortable circumstances of the beach, he found it hard to focus on anything. Besides...despair-full trash like him didn't deserve to complain about inconveniences like this.
Instead, Nagito was focusing on an item that rested in between the fingers of his right hand. A small familiar-looking white hair clip. It was shaped like a pixelated spaceship from a video game. What was it called again?
"Galaga!" Her voice rang in his head as he found the answer. "It's from Galaga! It's a fixed shooter arcade game where you're controlling a spaceship and you have to shoot down the Galaga forces while trying to avoid enemies and projectiles. I actually got this hair clip from a competition that I won in middle school. I was up against a lot of adults and guys, and everyone thought that I was going to lose the first round. But, I proved them wrong! I got the highest score and broke a new record. Ever since then, people began to call me the Ultimate Gamer."
Nagito could still remember the way she sounded so excited as she described the game and explained how she earned her Ultimate title to him. Her pale pink eyes seemed to shin with so much nostalgia and joy. So much so that it was almost contagious. He remembered her turning to him, an embarrassed smile on her face as she played with a strand of her hair. "Oh...sorry, Komaeda. I was rambling a bit there. It's just...it's so rare for me to actually talk about this to anyone. It made me a little excited!"
Her giggle, sweet-sounding as little bells, still played in Nagito's head as he stared off into the ocean. He held his knees close to his chest as he stared at the hair clip in his hand. How he longed to hear her gentle voice again.
"Come on, Komaeda. Please come with me to the arcade. I promise it'll be fun." He recalled her hands resting on his desk as she tried to convince him to hang out with her.
"I really couldn't, Nanami. I doubt you'll have fun with lowly scum like me. You should ask one of the other Ultimates If they want to come. I'm sure Mioda or Tsumiki or Soda or even Kuzuryu would be happy to come and play video games with you."
She shook her head stubbornly. "If I wanted to invite them to the arcade, I would've asked them. But, right now, I'm asking you, Komaeda."
"Which, I think, is practically insane of you," he countered, laughing. "I mean, come on, Nanami. They're Ultimates! They're super talented with colorful personalities, and they're truly worthy of becoming Symbols of Hope. Meanwhile...I'm just lucky. I'm not at the same level as them. It's insulting that you want to play with lucky scum like me instead of symbols of hope that are just like you."
Her expression shifted into a small pout as she reached over to the table and grabbed his hand. "Don't say that about yourself! I think being the Ultimate Lucky Student is still a great talent even if you don't think so. Besides, you're still a classmate of ours and you are attending Hope's Peak after all. So...surely, you must be just as amazing as everyone else here. At least, that's what I think."
"But...even in some insane logic that your luck isn't considered a talent," she continued. "That doesn't matter. I know that you're still a great guy, Komaeda, even if everyone else doesn't really agree. And, I want to go to the arcade with you. Not with Soda. Not with Mioda. With you. So...please! Would you come with me?"
She leaned in close to him, still having a hold on his hand. Nagito didn't understand it at the time, but he could feel his cheeks heating up as he stared into those beautiful blossom-pink eyes that now held a rare determined spark. Suddenly, as if realizing how close she was, she leaned back and let go of his hand. Her cheeks were flushed with a pale pink.
"Um...sorry. I didn't realize I was getting so close." She sighed in defeat, finally deciding to give up in her attempts. "Well, I guess if you don't want to go, I won't force you. So...I'll just go now..."
She was about to leave before Nagito grabbed her arm. "Wait!"
As she turned around, she was met with a gentle smile on his face. "I changed my mind. Going to the arcade with you will be my greatest pleasure, Nanami. After all, spending time with the Ultimate Gamer is truly an honor!"
Her cheeks were still a rosy pink as she flashed him her signature gentle smile. "I'm glad."
Nagito could never forget that smile. It was always full of a gentle kindness that was directed to everyone she was able to talk to. It was always beaming with such great hope and joy once she had started opening up to everyone in their class. That smile...she directed it at him with so much affection. Love that made him feel like he was actually worth something. That he was worthy of being called an Ultimate. That he was worthy of her...
It was probably the only recognizable feature of her bloodied corpse...
The memory of Chiaki Nanami is always playing in his mind. Everything about her still haunts him to this day. Her gentle pink eyes. Her bouncy mauve hair. Her kindness. Her tranquility. Her passion for video games. Her awkwardness. Her bluntness. Her aloofness. Everything! Every time he looks at her former hair clip, or remembers a trait of hers, or sees something that reminded him of her...he felt a hot stabbing pain in his heart. Like a knife that was dipped in fire was attempting to push through it, desperate to kill him. It was torture!
Sometimes, Nagito would find himself laying awake at night, being reminded of that day. One of the worst days of his life. Blood would paint his dreams as he remembered the cursed video that he was forced to watch and the bitch who made him watch it.
That day won’t leave his mind as if it was refusing to. The day that the embodiment of despair took away the only person who ever smiled at him. The she-devil herself. The representation of everything he despised. Nagito could never forget the gorgeous yet punchable face of Junko Enoshima. Chiaki Nanami’s murderer.
He felt hot tears filling his eyes as remembered Chiaki’s fate. He…still couldn’t believe it was real. He didn’t want to believe it was real. That Chiaki…the girl who was always kind to everyone. Who always saw the best in people. Who often slept during Ms. Yukizome’s lectures. The girl who stole his heart and made him fall in love with her. He didn’t want to believe that she was really gone.
‘Love….’ He thought back to that word. It felt so…foreign to him. Like he was on a different planet than that concept. Love. When was the last time he was given that? Possibly when his parents were alive, but it was difficult to remember. But, aside from that, he can’t really say that he had ever felt someone truly give him affection or comfort.
Until she arrived. Nagito had always remembered feeling special around her. He supposed it was because she had that effect on people. Even though she could bluntly say the wrong thing at the wrong time, she still treated everyone with compassion. And for some reason, he was never the exception. He still found her kind of weird for not making him an exception.
But, it never bothered him. He had gotten addicted to the affection, comfort, and love that she gave him, even if it was only platonic. Whenever she grabbed his hand, it always felt so gentle and soft against his, and it made him so glad that she actually wanted to touch him. Whenever she hugged him, he felt like nothing could ever hurt him anymore. There was a sense of safety and a comforting aura that she gave whenever he was in her arms. He remembered a time where she fell asleep on his shoulder after staying up the night before gaming. It drove him practically crazy when he felt her head on his shoulder.
It had taken him a while to realize how much he craved her. He craved her touch, her hugs, her warmth. It felt so freeing to realize that he was capable of feeling that way towards another person, and it filled him with so much hope. Of course, he was never intending on revealing those feelings, but, at least, he had someone who felt some sort of affection towards him.
And now…she’s gone. And he’s alone again. The one person who liked him…was pierced by multiple spears that claimed her life. And he couldn’t do anything but watch it all happen. For once, his luck didn’t save him. It couldn’t save her. It didn’t grant him what he wanted. No hope had come out of the despair that filled his eyes. And after that…it was a blur. All he knew was that he was another servant of Junko Enoshima, the twisted murderer who had brainwashed him and his whole class into falling into despair.
He still wanted to throw up every time he was reminded of the disgustingly vile feelings that she implanted into him. He still couldn’t believe that his heart, that was so devoted to hope, would love someone as full of despair as Junko. No, calling those feelings “love”….comparing them with his feelings for Chiaki….was an insult. It deserved to be called a word that was as sinful as those feelings, like obsession. He could never love Junko Enoshima. In fact, he despises her with every miserable part of his body. He still wishes she was alive so he could finally kill her himself!
Nagito took his eyes off the white hair clip in his hand and glared at the robotic hand that replaced the red-clawed hand that he previously had placed on his own arm. At least he finally got red of her awful hand, but the scars were still there. This metal hand that Kazuichi made him was a souvenir of what he had done and of the dead feelings he had towards Junko.
The tears that were swelling in his eyes began to slowly flow down his cheeks as he recalled everything that happened. Even though it was years ago, it still felt like it was only yesterday. “Forgive me, Nanami…please forgive me for giving into despair. Please…”
“Komaeda?” A voice called out from behind him. Nagito gasped as he lifted up his head and turned around. And there she was. Standing right there as if she’d never left. The same short mauve hair, the same gentle pink eyes, the same warm smile. It was her! She was alive! And standing right behind him!
“NANAMI!” He quickly got up and ran towards her, pulling her into an embrace. He shut his eyes tightly as tears fell onto her chest. “I’m so glad that you’re still alive! You’re still here! She didn’t kill you. Nanami, I never-”
“Komaeda…open your eyes…” The voice that interrupted him was different now. The soft voice of Chiaki Nanami had left.
Nagito followed the voice’s instructions and his heart was shattered as soon as he looked up at the heterochromic-eyed face of Hajime Hinata.
“W-what? B-but…she was right there! I saw her! She was…” Nagito’s voice faded away into nothingness as he realized what happened. That his protests were just as useless as his mind.
Hajime couldn’t look Nagito in the face as he snapped him back to reality, a sad expression on his face. “It was just your imagination, Komaeda…”
Nagito was silent for a moment, running a hand through his hair. Then…he let out a small hiccup-like laugh. “I…I really thought that Nanami was standing there. How delusional can I be? There’s…no way she’s alive. I saw her body…I went back to see it. And…”
Images of her corpse erupted in his mind. The multiple deep wounds that were scattered across her body, indicating where the spears had pierced her. The pool of blood that rested below her and painted the floor. Her glassy eyes…no longer having the usual warmth that they had always had.
Nagito fell to his knees, his expression unreadable. “Heh…forgive me, Hinata. I guess my useless mind was attempting to trick me with illusions of what I wanted to see. I apologize. Please, go back to what you were doing beforehand.”
“Actually, I came to check on you,” Hajime said, sitting right besides him. “Koizumi said that she saw you out there in the cold, and I was worried that you were…going to hurt yourself…”
Nagito let out a sour chuckle as he stared out into the ocean. “That’s not a bad idea, actually.” He got on his knees and began to crawl towards the freezing waters. As soon as his hands touched the water, he felt like ice was traveling across his whole body, trying to freeze him to death. “Maybe then…I can die peacefully and repay for everything that I’ve done….”
Hajime grabbed Nagito’s waist and pulled him away from the water. “Komaeda! Don’t do anything reckless! Please…she wouldn’t want you to do this. She wouldn’t want you to take your own life because of her. She…would want you to continue moving forward and try to be happy-”
“How can I do that, Hinata?!” Hajime immediately let go of Nagito the moment that he suddenly raised his voice at him. His eyes were widened as he saw Nagito glaring daggers at him, his usual carefree smile replaced with a desperate and mournful expression.
“You don’t understand how important she was to me! She knew how much of a lowly, talentless, worthless person I was! And yet…s-she still always smiled at me. She always was kind to me and gave me affection. I’ve never felt as strongly about anyone as I did with her! I’ve…never had someone love me like she did…”
Nagito looked down at the hairpin in between his pale fingers, more tears filling his sorrow-filled gray eyes. “And now…she’s gone. Enoshima killed her. And…I still feel like it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have left her side down there. I shouldn’t have let her get killed. It…should’ve been me.”
Hajime placed two comforting hand on his shoulders, moving Nagito’s body to face him. “Komaeda, if you had died instead, she would’ve been heartbroken. She would’ve became a Remnant of Despair in your place. No good would’ve came out of it. Besides…you can’t blame yourself for what what Enoshima….what I…did.”
Nagito looked up at Hajime, who was looking at the sea. That’s right…before Chiaki had died, Hajime had been transformed into Izuru Kamukura. He was assisting Junko when she was carrying out her plan to bring the world to despair. He supposed that Hajime must’ve been feeling just as guilty-no, even more guilty- for Chiaki’s death.
“I don’t know how exactly you’re feeling right now, Komaeda,” Hajime admitted. “I’m not you. I don’t process things the same way you do, so there’s no way for me to know how exactly you’re feeling. But…she was important to me, too.” He smiled slightly. “She gave me her kindness as well. Even though I was just a Reserve Course Student. I…still don’t know why she did…”
Nagito let out a hiccup of laughter. “I’ve always thought that it was because she was just weird like that. I even said that to her once. She was so offended by that and gave me a whole five minutes of silent treatment.”
Hajime chuckled slightly at that, and for a moment, things felt lighthearted for a brief moment. But then, Hajime’s face fell into a saddened expression, tears filling his eyes. “She didn’t deserve to die…”
“Of course she didn’t…” Nagito agreed, looking down at the sand. “It feels like the world always takes the kindest or most hopeful people like her. I wish that my luck could do something about it. Turn back time or something, I dunno. I just…want her back…”
Tears rolled down Hajime’s cheeks. “Me too…”
“Actually…” Nagito held the hair clip up and traced it with his thumb, a sad smile resting on his face. “I never actually got a chance to tell her how I felt about her…I always told myself that I should keep it a secret. That trash like me didn’t deserve to confess my love to her and that she would never feel the same way. And before…I was okay with that. But, now…I regret it…so much. I should've just told her and taken a chance for our relationship to become something more. It’s one of the main things that I would’ve changed.”
For a while, there was nothing but silence. Though, Nagito didn’t mind, or even notice. He just stared at the white hairclip in his hand, reminiscing on his past mistakes. He didn’t mind the silence. It allowed for him to think. He was so focused on his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice the torn expression that Hajime worn.
“Actually, Komaeda…about that…” Hajime finally said, hesitating slightly. Nagito looked up from the hairclip to look at his friend, but he avoided his eyes as he stared up at the night sky. “Before Nanami died, she told me something while we were hanging out. She told me that…she had a crush on you.”
Nagito’s eyes widened as he tried to process what Hajime told him. “...what?”
Hajime nodded. “She felt the same way. She was planning on confessing soon, but…she never got the chance.”
Nagito didn’t know what to think. He didn’t even know how to feel about this. Chiaki shared the same feelings for him…he normally would’ve felt happy about this. But…she was gone. Nothing could ever be done about this.
And knowing that damning fact…finally broke the dam. Nagito buried his head in Hajime’s shoulder and broke down, sobbing heavily. Rivers and rivers of tears flowed down his cheek and soaked Hajime’s shirt. He couldn’t hold it back anymore. He couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t even think. All he could do was cry in his grief, gripping Hajime’s shirt tightly as he sobbed.
Hajime listened to Nagito’s desperate gasps of breath as he cried, surprised at how he took it. It was the first time that he had ever seen Nagito cry before, let alone full-on sob. Instead of saying anything, he took the hair clip that Chiaki always wore out of Nagito’s hand and placed it in his white hair. He then hugged Nagito tightly, joining in his grief as he recalled the memory. Of how Chiaki’s cheeks were a pale pink and her voice seemed sort of dreamy as she talked about her crush on Nagito. She looked so happy…and now…she was gone. Multiple tears dropped onto the sand as both of them wept through the night. 
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kicking my feet and giggling as I work on ideas for Naruto Rare Pair Week (July 30-August 5)
I know some people will be like, "Em, please finish the WIPs you already have," but I'm sorry to say that my writing spirit is a chaos gremlin who will not be shackled by prior commitment.
so coming soon, we will have:
Kakashi x Zabuza in a Time Loop AU of the wave arc
Iruka x Gai wherein Naruto accidentally floods Iruka's apartment, so they have to get a new one--and guess who their new neighbor is
a longer (probably multi-chapter) version of the Kakashi x Tobirama fic from my Whumptober challenge (read here)
Mikoto x Kushina but set in the Warring States era featuring Mikoto as the Uchiha Clan Head and Kushina as the Uzumaki Princess
a flower shop AU with Obito x Hashirama
Gaara x Sasuke where Naruto is still marrying Hinata after the war, and Gaara and Sasuke bond over the fact that neither of them can have the person they're in love with
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pearlsephoni · 2 years
Kagehina Celebration Week 2022, Day 3: Mutual Pining | Long-Distance
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Kagehina (Kageyama/Hinata)
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama
Word Count: 1,429
Summary: Tobio's impending departure for Rome brings old fears and tentative hopes to the surface for the couple.
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
“Do you have to go?”
Tobio’s eyes slowly blinked open, the Tokyo lights that snuck in through the curtains glittering like stars in the dark blue depths. “…What?”
“Do you have to go?” Shoyo repeated, a little softer this time. He burrowed into his pillow, his bare legs shifting under the blankets to brush against Tobio’s. “What if you just…didn’t go to Italy?”
“You of all people don’t get to ask me that, dumbass.” The words would’ve been scolding, if it weren’t for how quiet Tobio’s voice was and how somber his eyes looked. “You can’t be the only one to have a big adventure overseas.”
Despite the sad embarrassment creeping through him, a smile tugged at Shoyo’s lips. “What if I go back to Brazil?”
“Then I’ll just stay overseas for another year.” Tobio tugged gently at a ginger lock. “I’m not gonna let you beat me.”
“I knowwww,” Shoyo whined, “but…but it feels like I just got you back. And now you’re leaving, and we’ll be apart again.”
“So? Are you saying I just had to move abroad for you to leave me alone?”
Indignation burned away Shoyo’s sadness. “No! Why? Are you gonna break up with me as revenge?”
“No, stupid! I’m gonna call and message you so much, it’ll be like I never even left.”
“Good! I’ll do all that even more than you!”
“Good.” Shoyo faltered at the fond smile playing at the corners of those pretty lips. “You’re not losing me, Sho.”
Shoyo’s breath caught. His eyes stung with the threat of tears and his throat ached, but that didn’t keep him from smiling as he brushed a kiss to Tobio’s lips. “I know. I love you,” he murmured. “I don’t care where you are, I’ll still love you.”
“Me, too,” Tobio breathed, his arm settling warm over Shoyo’s waist to pull him close. “I…I’m really going to miss you.”
They still had a few weeks. Tobio hadn’t even started packing just yet. But desperation still burned in Shoyo’s chest, making him press as much of his naked body to Tobio’s as he could, tangling their legs together beneath the sheets as their lips parted hungrily against each other.
He loved Tobio so much, he ached with it. He’d thought a year back in Japan would make up for their lost time and help Shoyo feel a little less desperate for Tobio, but it’d done the opposite. He couldn’t imagine no longer being a train ride away from him, no longer being able to see consecutive days off on their schedules and knowing they’d spend them together.
He didn’t want to imagine it. So he just focused on holding Tobio tight and kissing him deep, the warmth of his mouth helping chase away the ache of dread settling in his chest.
But as they kissed, he noticed a different type of warmth on Tobio’s cheeks. A wet warmth. “Tobi?”
“Don’t,” he grumbled, “don’t stop.”
“Tobi, you’re crying.”
“No, I’m not.”
Shoyo tried to pull away, but there were fingers sinking into his hair and holding his lips to Tobio’s, leaving him helpless to anything but the teeth nipping at his lip. “Mmh, Tobio, wait—”
“Tobio!” He pressed his hands against Tobio’s chest and pushed him away, finally giving himself a good look at his lover’s face.
Sure enough, there were tears falling from those dark eyes, trailing down those fair cheeks, and soaking into the pillow. “Hey,” Shoyo cooed, brushing the tears away as well as he could, “I thought you said everything would be okay.”
“I did,” Tobio grumbled. His voice was tight in a way that kept him from sounding as gruff as usual. “I just…it’s gonna be hard.”
“Yeah. It will be.” Shoyo pressed a chaste kiss to Tobio’s lips. “But we’ve never done things the easy way.”
“No. We haven’t.”
It was so rare to see such naked love and fondness in that blue gaze. Seeing it now made Shoyo feel like he couldn’t breathe from how big his heart was. “I really, really love you.”
“I know. Me, too.” There was the barest note of laughter in Tobio’s quiet words. “You keep repeating that.”
Shoyo frowned a little petulantly. “Because I feel so much of it! It’s like…if I don’t say it, it’ll just fill me up until my heart goes baam, y’know?”
“No.” Oh, that was definitely laughter. “That doesn’t make any sense, dumbass.” He’d barely stopped speaking before he was flinching away from Shoyo’s teeth on his chin with a gasped, “Ow, the hell?”
“You’re such a jerk, Tobi,” Shoyo sniffed. “Maybe that’s why I love you more than you love me.”
His words were met with silence, a silence that was broken by Tobio suddenly rolling over and pinning Shoyo down in a burst of motion that nearly sent their blankets flying off the bed. “What the hell?” Shoyo practically shrieked.
“Take that back.”
“I love you way more than you love me,” Tobio growled, his hands tightening around Shoyo’s wrists as he pressed them into the bed. “You’re the one who broke up with me to run off to Brazil.”
“That was for both of us to grow!” Shoyo squirmed, but he could barely budge under Tobio’s tight hold and the weight of his body slowly lowering onto him. “I went across the world and still loved you! Doesn’t that count?”
“I went to the Olympics and still loved you.”
“You went to the Olympics and didn’t come see me.”
Tobio froze. Whenever Shoyo had mentioned that before, it had always been in jest. But now, as he watched Tobio’s eyes flicker over his face, he knew he could see the real hurt lining his own gaze. “...No, I didn’t,” Tobio finally murmured, “because it would’ve hurt too much. The break-up was still…it was too fresh.”
“I know.” The weight on Shoyo wasn’t quite enough to keep him from craning his neck up and brushing their noses together. He didn’t need to apologize for the break-up. They’d already talked through everything, and he knew Tobio had always understood why they’d needed it. But guilt still prickled through Shoyo when he thought about the pain he’d put Tobio through, and his own heart still gave a dull ache when he remembered those years without Tobio. “I think…that’s why I’m so scared.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just…the last time we were across the world from each other, we were broken up. I’m…I’m scared that something will happen to make us break up again when you go to Italy. I dunno what, and I know it’s stupid, but…”
“Are you going to break up with me again?”
Shoyo blinked. “No! Of course not!”
“Then we’re not going to break up, dumbass.” He bent down and brushed their lips together, before mumbling, “I love you too much to let you go.”
“But you’re still leaving.”
“Yeah. Because I love you too much to be anything but your greatest rival.”
That finally brought a smile back to Shoyo’s lips. “My someone better.”
Tobio hummed as he pressed soft kisses along Shoyo’s jaw. “I’ll still come home when I can. And you can come visit me.”
“And I’m gonna call and text you soooooo much in between! I’m gonna be super annoying!”
“You already are.”
Shoyo let out a scandalized gasp and bucked his hips up in a weak attempt to knock Tobio off of him. “Asshole! Maybe I won’t call you at all, how about that?”
“I’ll just call you instead.”
“Then I won’t answer.”
“Then I’ll tell Natsu you’re ignoring me.”
“Then I’ll tell Miwa-neesan how mean you are to me!”
“She already knows.”
“Yeah, and she doesn’t like it!”
Tobio pulled away and raised an eyebrow. “So? You do.”
A rush of warmth washed over Shoyo’s cheeks, even as he frowned. “...Shut up and kiss me.”
Tobio obeyed, though not without a smirk that Shoyo was determined to kiss away. He was annoyed and tired and still felt anxiety over their impending separation sparking through him. But most importantly, he felt love, so much love that he really did feel like his heart might burst.
And where before, as a young, dumb 18-year-old, the thought of that love lingering across the distance had filled him with dread, it now filled him with hope. It had endured when it was the last thing Shoyo had wanted. Now he wanted nothing more.
Besides, they were the freak duo, devoted to each other and volleyball since Shoyo’s first match. The world would never keep them apart for long.
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the-black-birb · 4 years
《Hinata Rare Pair Week Masterlist 5.11.20 - 5.17.20》
For @hinatararepairweek
Bc I'm a closet TsukiHina stan, I'll be doing one TsukiHina prompt + another Hinata ship everyday! Announcing this early as thanks for 800 <3
5.11.20: Training or Training Camp
Goshiki Tsutomu x Hinata Shoyo
Everyone that attends Coach Washijou’s training camp can tell Goshiki is crushing. Everyone except Hinata.
5.12.20: Royal AU
Kindaichi Yutaro x Hinata Shoyo
Kindaichi had his whole life planned out for him from the day his parents joined Seijoh’s Royal Court. It had never been a problem, until he met the royal guard.
5.13.20: Height Difference
Aone Takanobu x Hinata Shoyo
Cuddling is hard when your boyfriend is almost 30 cm taller than you.
5.14.20: Accidental Date
Oikawa Tooru x Hinata Shoyo
In which the strangers at the diner know Hinata and Oikawa are dating before they do.
5.15.20: Coffee Shop AU
Yamaguchi Tadashi x Hinata Shoyo
Hinata just can’t resist drinking coffee if it means seeing that cute barista again.
5.16.20: Social Media AU
Terushima Yuuji x Hinata Shoyo
Terushima tries to find the cute girl from Karasuno but gets their cute middle blocker instead.
5.17.20: Unrequited Love (Free Prompt)
Kozume Kenma x Hinata Shoyo
Kenma struggles with feelings. By the time he understands, it’s already too late.
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TsukiHina Fics
5.11.20: There was only one bed
Tsukishima and Hinata both need a place to stay for the upcoming volleyball tournament, and they know it’s cheaper to room together.
5.12.20: Sunshine
Tsukishima keeps a tight hold on everything he loves. Strawberry shortcake is his. So are dinosaurs. The moon is his. Even volleyball, which used to be his brothers, is undoubtedly his now. But no matter how he tried, sunshine always belonged to Hinata.
5.13.20: Soulmate AU
Everyone has a black mark on their body that indicates where their first touch with their soulmate will be. Tsukishima never thought much of it until he discovered his in the worst way possible.
5.14.20: You were really annoying and I never planned to fall for you yet here I am
Yamaguchi realizes how much Tsukishima talks about Hinata and makes sure he realizes, too.
5.15.20: Praise
Nishinoya explains to Hinata that Tsukishima has a very specific way of giving compliments and suddenly Hinata is far more observant than he needed to be.
5.16.20: Fake Dating
Hinata wants to prove a point and Tsukishima just wants him to shut up.
5.17.20: Firsts
In which Hinata begins to realize all he has given away to Tsukishima.
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nichibyou · 4 years
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hinata rarepair week day 6 - social media AU; hinata with osasuna.
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hinatararepairweek · 5 years
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twirlergirl1206 · 4 years
For @hinatararepairweek Day 3! BokuHina Soulmate AU
Rating: Teen
Summary: Hinata wonders where his first skin-on-skin contact would be with his soulmate. A high five? A fist bump? A handshake?
Then he almost falls down the stairs.
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jadehqknb · 4 years
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iownsthisfandom · 4 years
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kiss me hard before you go
“hinata was the center of this little universe.”
4.1k | E | canon-compliant, pining, gentle angst, explicit consensual sex
my #pedrohina fic for #hinatararepairweek the prompt was sunshine. @HinatasHarem
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quitequietquitecute · 3 years
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I once had that request from that fic's author that I liked so much years ago, though, even if I made it then, it was not so good so I wanted to do another one some day : that day is today
I wish they had not gave it up though It's still a great fic that deserve a read if you are a shikahina fan. :p
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