alrightsnaps · 1 year
You keep saying that I lied about being blocked by her but why would I? What kind of reason to lie would I have? And I didn't attack anyone, a couple of months ago I came across a post cause she was obsessively tagging kanthony and kate in her passive aggressive posts about them, I didn't like what I saw and I ckicked on kate sharma tag on her blog and a world was opened to me. Not only she writes bullshit about Kate, she also reblogs stuff from certain blogs who think Kate is a groomer. You simply decided to post ONE comment she used to defend Kate while ignoring her tag full of passive aggressive comments about her. Again, i'm not saying it's any of my business who you are mutual with, just please refrain yourself from saying I'M lying about being blocked. There is no reason for me to open a private tab to look for a person who blocked me, you could just search her tag if you want.
and you keep saying that she is lying when she says that she's never claimed kate to be edwina’s groomer or deliberately ignored people calling kate a whore. so let me ask you: what kind of reason would she have for lying?
i posted one comment because that's the latest that came to my attention. if she actually considered kate to be a homewrecker, a whore and all the stuff your friends have been accusing her (and me!) of saying, why would she defend kate from haters?
at the end of the day it's not me who started this discourse. this whole thing started because i made a tweet about anthony that wasn't even remotely related to kate. and next thing i knew i was being harassed by your friends for being mutuals with selcouth– who it just so happens is also openly critical of anthony’s behaviour against the sharmas!
forgive me if im more inclined to believe that y'all's real issue here is people who call out anthony for his bs rather than a genuine hinterest for kate, considering that not one of you has sent me a single post of my mutual where she insults kate (i thought her tag was full of those, so how come any of those she “mass blocked” can find ONE?)
ive already wasted way too much time on idiotic fandom drama because of some terminally online trolls who think I should monitor who my mutuals’ mutuals’ mutuals’ mutuals are interacting with or posting about or writing on ao3. i have better things to do in my life, but if y'all can spread lies and infamies about me i can easily do the same.
have a nice day.
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detroitbydark · 5 years
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Crossed Connections: Part II
Characters: Tech x Togruta!Reader 
Warnings: None
Summary: Everyone experiences exhaustion. Some handle it differently than others.
You can read the first part here
Tech swore he’d seen something as the transport had skimmed the tree line in an attempt to cruise under Separatist radar. A dark shape, springing from through the deep red treetops, attempting to keep up with the Havoc Marauder. 
That’s how Hunter found himself an unwilling student to Tech’s lecture on Anaxes’ native fauna.
“Did you know fyrnocks typically roost in tree canopies? They’re almost entirely nocturnal and are incredibly light sensitive but they don’t sleep underground.”
Hunter nods vacantly, knowing that once Tech started on a topic it was best to let it run its course. Wrecker and Crosshair were both asleep in the cargo bay. It was upto one of them to keep their brain occupied while his battery wore down. 
Even exhausted, Tech’s mind never seemed to slow, jumping from one topic to the next. Exhaustion only seemed to bring to surface the more obscure things he fixated on. At least he wasn’t focusing on languages this go around. 
Last mission Wrecker sat with him for over two hours as he’d slipped in and out of Shyriiwook. Wrecker, never to be confused with an intellectual, had smiled and nodded to his young vod before he’d finally burned through enough energy to pass out over the ships console.
“It’s thought that the species as a whole springs from a single mother entity.” Tech looks up to see if Hunter was still listening “it’s all very fascinating.”
Tech types away at the small datapad secured to his vambrace. “There’s even some chatter about them being linked to the dark side of the Force. Can you imagine? I mean, from what I understand of the Force-“
“Tech” Hunter interrupts gruffly “save it until after debrief with Commander Cody?”
With a flip of the wrist, the younger clone closes the pad. “Of course Sarge, just thought it was interesting” 
“It is but we’re all running on fumes at this point. Not sure any of it is sinking in.” He taps at his temple and Tech nods.
“Plus, we’re only a few klicks away from base and I need you to organize your part of the debrief.”
Tech nods before flipping the datapad back open and beginning to splice together the data he’d collected during recon.
You’ve been on Anaxes for two weeks. It still felt foreign, sleeping in the depths of the caverns the base had been built in and around was seriously beginning to mess with your internal clock. No windows to show you night or day, no warming from the sun or cooling as twin moons rose into the sky. You’d never been so thankful for your chronometer. It was hard to sleep as you adjusted to the new environment. While it left you exhausted you also had yet to be late for your shifts already up before you chrono had to wake you. You’d consider it a win.
You were weary of seeing clones on the edge of death, mangled and passed off to you like they were no more than broken droids, only their brothers and a few of the generals seeming to worry about their well being. It wasn’t right. You’re heart hurt and while the other staff had either their clone brothers or other civilians to cling to you seemed to be left to your own devices, as if everyone else could just sense that you weren’t like them. Like on Kiros.
Your people believed only the strong survived. If you couldn’t keep up the Togruta left you behind. Your belief in the value of life made you an outsider within your own tribe. You believed life needn’t validate itself to matter. Simply existing in the first place gave it meaning.
It was a highly unpopular opinion.
The sheer number of casualties you saw roll in daily was another change from your post on Coruscant. Generally, by the time you’d seen the troopers there they’d been stabilized and needed supportive care. Anaxes brought you the worst of the worst straight from the front lines. The GAR was taking mass losses, entire squads destroyed in the blink of an eye without warning. You’d lost count of the number of Clones who’d taken their last breath in your presence. You’d never experienced anything like it on Coruscant and your training had done nothing to truly prepare you for the crushing feeling each loss brought to you and the rest of the medical staff.
You swish your mug around before bring it to your lips taking another swallow of caf. It had gone cold long ago, forgotten when the last emergency had rolled through the doors. You fantasized about a hot mug of it to soothe your throat. You kept up a steady stream of talk when you worked.  Your patients always knew exactly what you were doing and your colleagues knew exactly what you were seeing. You’d heard some other medics comment on how annoying it was but you were never going to be accused of not communicating effectively, not when troopers lives could depend on it.
 A side effect of hours of talking were often a scratchy, dry throat and a hoarseness that silenced you for the rest of the day. It was ok. Outside of the medbay you were never really sure what to say. Your confidence in your professional skill did not cross over to personal affairs. 
“Y/N?” It was one of the clone medics, Kix, from the 501st. He was amiable enough and seemed easy to get along with the few times you’d worked together.
The empty mug was set aside, to be forgotten till a later time when desperation drove you to more of the swamp water that sat bubbling bitterly in the break room.
“I’ve got a squad coming in off a recon run. They’re due for a once over so the powers that be are going to send them down after debrief.” Kix looked on edge as he spoke and you cocked your head trying to figure out what he was saying between the lines.
“You want me to do it?” You knew how to do what he was asking, you just weren’t sure why he was asking you of all people.
“Uh, the boys in 99 don’t much care for other clones.”
That was a new one.
“I can do it Kix” you nod reassuringly. “Don’t worry, ok?” A knot was beginning to tangle in your stomach. You brush off the feeling and try to give the clone your most reassuring smile. 
Clones that didn’t like other clones? You hadn’t heard of such a thing outside of the Coruscant Guard. 
Those guys were dicks.
Kix seems relieved, running a hand over his face roughly “I owe you. I’ll have them sent over to Exam 3 when they’re done?”
“Make it 5” you correct “they’re still getting blood off the floor in 3 and 4”
Crosshair is spitting mad by the time The Bad Batch is dismissed from Cody’s debrief and Tech can’t figure out why. He just had to acknowledge that  pissed off was simply the sniper’s default setting. Tech figures he’s mad no one was willing to take the bait and give him the fight he was looking for.
To his left Hunter seemed as relaxed as Hunter could be, ever vigilant eyes scanning the halls as they traveled. 
Per usual, Wrecker was all smiles (if maybe slightly menacing ones) as they entered the lift down to medical.
Tech was pleased. He’d been told the intel would be useful. No one had insulted anyone. No punches had been thrown. It all seemed pretty good as far as he was concerned. All they had to do now was do a quick medical check and they were good to go for at least a solid day of rest before their next assignment. he falls in behind the others while they queued into a single file in front of him, each dipping into the room in turn for their scan. Hunter is in and out before Tech can blink, same for Crosshair. 
Wrecker was never the best behaved for the medical staff. He just didn't like medical. Tech couldn't blame him.  Hunter and Crosshair wait for a few minutes, making sure they weren’t needed to calm the big man down, before the excuse themselves to the small barracks the four of them called home.
Tech uses the wait to browse the holonet for anything that might pique his curiosity and bookmarks a couple things to look into once he could crawl into his rack.
When Wrecker pops out of the exam room with a sucker tucked into his cheek some twenty minutes later without any shouting following him, Tech takes notice.
“It’s stormfruit, man” Wrecker hums around the sucker “I like this one” He tips his head back toward the exam room as one big mitt cuffs Tech on the shoulder, knocking him back a step as he passes by. 
Tech doesn’t bother to take his helmet off when a bright voice calls “Next!” 
He’s greeted by the sight of a dimpled Togruta smiling up at him from her spot on a stool.
“Hey you must be…” she glances quickly at her datapad resting on her crossed knee “Tech?”
The voice is exceedingly familiar but he doesn’t know the face as she motions to the table. His feet stutter step as he moves further in the exam room, taking a seat on the table the composite of his armor clanks loudly. 
“Long day?” The medic asks and he nods, eyes narrowed as he rifles though his mental files. He knew that voice.
“You're not gonna give me trouble like the last one, right?” She starts, “it took me half a dozen lollys to convince him to let me scan him. I’m starting to think he played me, ya know?”
He nods again.
“You don’t talk much do you? Nexu got your tongue?”
Tech huffs quietly, flipping his visor up to view her without the incandescent screen in the way.
“I think you're the only person that’s ever said that.” He chuckles.
She beams at him, squinting and searching his face.
“Yeah? I won’t complain about being your first.” She teases before her cheeks, already a rich color, flush brightly. When she smiles nervously he sees the quick pearly flash of her incisors. He liked the way she smiled at him. It makes his stomach flip in a vaguely familiar way.
That’s when the data points come together. The realization hits him.
He’d often wondered what Grutababy looked like, curiosity only reaching a fever pitch after their conversation on the comms. He’d lay awake at night, while his brothers slept and try to piece together what she might look like, cursing himself for never once asking for a picture. 
His mind would run through the many sentient species he was familiar with as he’d try to place the voice from their lone conversation to it it had become a game. Twi’lek, Mirialan, human… Togruta?
It makes sense now, her profile name. Grutababy. Really it shouldn’t have taken a genius level IQ to figure that out. 
He watches her lekku sway gently as she moves through the room. Her skin, somewhere between red and pink, reminds him of a sunset he’d once seen on an outer rim planet, the name of which he’s since forgotten. 
The white markings of her people cross from one temple to the other, circling her eye like a mask. Others travel in soft swooping lines from the outer corners of her eyes down, crossing at plump lips and fading out at her chin. A small diamond shaped mark rests above each brow. 
Her eyes are a pale, icy blue. The overall effect is… stunning. 
She was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined (and he’d tried).
“This may sound weird-” she hums” her fingers fumble for her scanner, nearly dropping it off the counter. Frowning, she taps it against the heel of her palm when it refuses to turn on.
Three times.
Tech winces, wants to tell her that there was no evidence that treating a device like that would make it work. On the contrary it would often-
The scanner buzzes to life and a triumphant smile lights her features.
“Like, I was saying, it may sound weird. I just get the feeling….”
Tech swallows hard.
She lets out a nervous laugh and waves it off, “Nevermind, ignore me. Not enough sleep or caf and I’m imagining things”
Something akin to disappointment filters through his chest as she rubs the back of a montrail nervously. He wonders if he should tell her? She interrupts his train of thought with a deep breath and the moment has passed. She's all business now as she adjusts the scanner in her grip.
“So Trooper, how about we get your scan done and you can go get the sleep that I’m not.” 
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backtornado · 4 years
did y’all know. i think zero one might be a really good show.
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outofcontextarthur · 7 years
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This is the first time I’ve heard the word “selfie,” used in this show. I don’t hate it, it just feels surreal
submitted by whippedcloudsofcream
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non-binharry · 3 years
thought of you when I heard the first note… also realized when he said ‘woman who’s just in his head’ he pointed to his head
... hinteresting
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Who Knew pure o OCD was a thing. Surely not me! 
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jockpoetry · 3 years
Okay I know you haven’t watched the nanny but the son, Brighton, makes spicy little sarcastic jokes all the time and he is a trans man I’ve decided he is and my word is law
hinteresting hinteresting
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heavyweightheart · 5 years
i’m really noticing the discrepancy between the way young people (esp young women) are portrayed on tv and the way people actually are in terms of like, character and integrity in their relationships. shows featuring people w bad character--selfish, ruthless, manipulative, or spineless--dominate television. but that isn’t what most of us are like, in truth. people, esp groups of friends, esp women, teen or adult, actually show care for each other and are doing their obvious best, u know? life is messy but we navigate it and our relationships endure bc we’re invested in connection. we don’t harm each other as a rule. the vast majority of shows don’t depict this basic goodness that undergirds our chosen relationships in reality, that makes life in our white supremacist capitalist patriarchal hellscape livable.
hinteresting that entertainment media depict friendships in this unrealistically negative light but nuclear family relationships in an unrealistically positive light
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oh-atlas · 5 years
nike in a Jessica Jones au is hinteresting
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ghostbag · 7 years
Everyone I know who’s been on adhd meds says they don’t feel different they just notice themselves behaving different
hinteresting! :0 well that’s good to know, cheers anon! 
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handsomedogs · 7 years
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Shelters get the strangest mixes! These two stubby babies are Gopher and Grizzley. They are basset hound, shepard, and a smudge of rotti mixes ~ Hinteresting
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outofcontextarthur · 7 years
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It’s been confirmed that the current Arthur eps take place in 2017 (as the image above is part of a flash forward). I don’t know if this is the first time they’ve made a reference to the actual timeline of the show.
submitted by whippedcloudsofcream
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non-binharry · 4 years
idk apparently townes being 20 during 2017 was fake, she had just turned 18 when ppl started learning about her and then they decided to change her age in a rolling stone article, but yeah it definitely reads as a stunt. the way she coincidentally was a 1d fan who also had family in the industry 🤧
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heavyweightheart · 7 years
hinteresting to think about the way that small waists and thin torsos are seen as “feminine” when that’s the area where the body most urgently places fat for survival 
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