kabukiaku · 8 months
the terzomega feelings are strong today my fellows. I! Got! Angsty ideas!!! Always getting strong feelings when I’m not at home.
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Jealous (Mirio Togata Headcanons)
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Request: “Hi! I loved “Please Don’t leave me” with Togata, legit made me cryyy! Can I request angsty headcanons with Togata?? Best friend secretly loves him but gets distant, cold and jealous bc girls flirt with him? Togata notices and feels hurt and confused and tries to talk to her but she avoids him till he physically stops her and breaks down cause he’s afraid of losing her cause he also loves her? You can pick the ending (fluff, angst, both, anything is good)! Thanks!”
Author’s note: YAY MORE SUNSHINE BOI!!! These turned out way longer than I anticipated (my bad) and probably read more like an imagine than headcanons (again my bad), but hope it’s okay! Also, my request box is OPEN, so please send in all the requests! :D
Warnings: Angst, some fluff
- You couldn’t help but notice how girls tried to talk to Mirio all the time, to the point where you and him were never alone together anymore.
- You would literally just be getting to a moment where it was just you and him, alone, when a group of girls would seemingly magically appear, giggling and flirting with Mirio right in front of you. They acted as though you were a ghost, as though you weren’t actually there with them. You were insignificant to them because Mirio was there.
- You began to feel your blood boiling and your heart pounding almost viciously in your chest as you watched the girls fawn over your best friend. They would bat their eyes at him, smile wide and laugh at every joke he made, twirl their hair, lean slightly too close to him, rest their hands on his arms or chest. And the worst part? He seemed to be enjoying every second of it.
- “Mirio? Hey, are we still going to that cafe you spoke about? Cause my lunch break is almost over,” You called out just a bit too loudly, trying to regain your best friend’s attention. 
- However, Mirio simply waved his hand at you and payed you just enough attention to smile sheepishly, “Sorry, (Y/N)! Maybe another time. Guess I got too caught up chatting!”
- This went on for days; you trying to hang out with Mirio and your plans being blown off because of random girls. 
- Eventually it became a week, and then another. Mirio was your best friend, and yet, he had barely said so much as “hello” to you in the past few weeks. He always seemed caught up by some group of air-headed, flirty girls and you had seemed to fade out of existence to him. 
- Your heart was breaking a little more with every passing day. You loved Mirio, more than just a friend, and yet it seemed as though you weren’t even that to him anymore. You had truly become a ghost, invisible to him. 
- The jealousy you felt every day from seeing the same scene play over and over again, paired with the loss of your best friend and the boy you loved, was starting to tear you apart. 
- You started to spend less and less time with Mirio, leaving sooner and sooner each time the other girls came up and began to flirt with him. Mirio was a gentleman, you knew that, so he’d dedicate his full attention to them as they spoke to him. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
- It eventually got to the point where you didn’t even bother making an attempt to be around Mirio. You just couldn’t do it anymore, it hurt too much. 
- It even progressed to you actively avoiding Mirio at every turn; if you saw him coming towards you, you would either turn and walk in a different direction, or just walk straight past him without acknowledging that you had even seen him. Not that Mirio noticed, anyways.
- The pain and heartbreak you felt each day began to affect you more profoundly than ever before. You no longer ate properly, only picking at whatever was on the plate in front of you, you barely slept anymore, and most of all, you withdrew into yourself more than ever. 
- Your appearance changed drastically; you suddenly looked worn down and exhausted, and despite hearing other students whispering about it in the hallways, you couldn’t really care less about it anymore.
- Nejire and Tamaki would also notice the drastic changes almost immediately, pulling you aside to speak to you one day.
- “(Y/N)-chan! What’s going on? You look super exhausted, are you sleeping at all? You don’t talk to us anymore, did something happen? Did we do something?” 
- Nejire asked you a billion questions in quick succession, but all you could do was shake your head in reply. You had no energy to give her a proper answer. 
- “(L/N)... what happened? We wanna help you... we’re your friends,” Tamaki asked quietly, but again, you just shook your head and vaguely mumbled something about you ‘being fine’.
- “Don’t lie to us, (Y/N)-chan, we can see that something’s wrong. Maybe I should get Mirio! He was always good at cheering you up!” Nejire suggested.
- the coldness and harshness of the look you suddenly sent her took both her and Tamaki aback. You always went to Mirio if you were upset; what had changed?
- Then, for the first time in days, you spoke.
- “I want nothing to do with Togata. I don’t want to see him, I don’t want to be around him, I want nothing to do with him anymore. Understood?”
- Nejire and Tamaki both stood there, absolutely stunned by the coldness and resolution in your voice as you swiftly spun on your heel and walked away. You hadn’t referred to Mirio by his last name in years. This was bad. 
- Of course, what you didn’t realize was that Mirio DID notice you. He noticed everything about you; your change in demeanour, your change in appearance your absence, everything.
- It took him a little while, but Mirio did notice that you weren’t ever around him anymore. What’s more, you never even made the effort to come talk to him or be with him anymore, and it broke his heart.
- Mirio was constantly brushing off the girls who came to speak and flirt with him as he tried to find you and talk to you, but to no success.  
- When Mirio caught glimpses of you in the hallways and over lunch breaks, he saw how run-down you looked, and he quickly began to feel your loss. 
- While the attention the girls gave him was nice, it often proved more annoying than anything and, well, Mirio being Mirio, he was just trying to be polite. He wasn’t interested in any of them because he had you. You were his best friend, his partner, and his number one person to turn to whenever he wanted to talk about anything. You were his (Y/N). 
- Or rather, he’d hoped you’d be his (Y/N) one day. Mirio had been in love with you for a long, LONG time, and you were his favourite person in the whole world, always by his side. And now, suddenly, you weren’t there anymore. It was like there was this huge hole that had been punched out in his chest. You weren’t there anymore, but... why?
- It broke his heart even more every time he looked at you; you looked so tired, so sad, so... fragile. Mirio felt heartbroken, confused and scared. What had happened? What had he done to lose you?
- Mirio quickly realized that not only were you not seeking him out anymore, you were actively avoiding him. He couldn’t help but feel a pang in his chest when he saw you turn around and walk in a different direction when you had noticed him coming towards you. 
- “(Y/N)! Hey, (Y/N)! Wait up!” Mirio had shouted to you one day, but as you always did, you quickly turned around, ignored him and walked away even faster, eventually losing him in a crowd of students returning to class. 
- Mirio was beginning to feel hopeless and panicked; he needed to do something. He needed to speak to you, no matter the cost, to make things right. He had to fix this.
- “Mirio! I don’t know what happened between you and (Y/N)-chan, but you gotta fix it! She said she wants nothing to do with you anymore! She even called you “Togata” when I suggested I get you to cheer her up! I haven’t heard her call you that since before you became friends! You need to fix this!” Nejire would exclaim one day during lunch, and Mirio felt his heart sink to the floor. It reaffirmed what he already knew; this was really, really bad.
- Mirio’s heart would pound violently in his chest as he sprinted through the halls of the school, trying desperately to find you. His mind was racing through a million thoughts per second, but there was one constantly reoccurring thought:
- ‘(Y/N)... where are you? I’m sorry... please, let me fix this!’
- Fate was on his side that day, because Mirio managed to find you curled up tightly in a windowsill in the library, with one of your favorite books in your lap as you gazed out the window.
- “(Y/N)! I found you,” Mirio exclaimed, panting slightly as he approached you. 
- His words had startled you out of your revelry, and you quickly turned to see Mirio standing there, looking straight at you with sadness in his eyes.
- You wouldn’t speak a word. The scene of Mirio flirting with countless girls flashed in your mind, and as your heart broke a little more, you would swiftly put your book away and get off the windowsill before heading towards the exit of the library behind Mirio. You couldn’t do this.
- “No, wait! (Y/N), please don’t go!” Mirio shouted, his hand extending to grab your wrist as you passed him.
- His sudden action startled you, and you found yourself frozen on the spot for a moment before you felt a familiar sense of anger rising in you.
- You jerked your wrist out of his grasp before snapping, “Why? I don’t owe you anything, Togata. Don’t you have some girls to flirt with? You’ll be terribly behind schedule if you waste your time talking to somebody like me.”
- Mirio visibly winced at the sound of his last name, but he reached out and grabbed both of your hands this time, not giving up the fight. He couldn’t lose you.
- “Please just, listen to me! Please, (Y/N), p-please...” Mirio’s voice cracked as he begged you to listen, and he felt his eyes sting as tears suddenly pooled in them; he was so, so afraid. He didn’t know what was going to happen, and he didn’t know if he had already lost you, but he had to try. 
- “(Y/N)... I don’t know what happened, but I’m sorry if I hurt you, (Y/N). I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you. Please... let me set this right. I can’t... I can’t lose you.”
- You found yourself listening to him, but all the hurt and jealousy and heartbreak from the past weeks suddenly came rushing back as Mirio spoke.
- His voice was quiet, and you could hear it trembling slightly as Mirio tried to keep calm. Your heart lurched in your chest; you had never seen him this way before. He looked so scared.
- Tears suddenly filled your eyes and slid silently down your cheeks, your body shaking with silent sobs as you tried to keep yourself together. Before you knew it, all the words you had wanted to say came spilling out of your mouth.
- “Well, you did hurt me, Mirio! You hurt me, and you hurt me bad! I tried so hard to be around you, to put up with being ignored and shoved aside like I meant nothing to you every single day. Do you know how that feels?! Do you know what it’s like to have the person you’re in love with cast you into the shadows because other girls wanna flirt and giggle with and fawn over him?! Do you know how it feels to watch yourself being replaced?! Because I do! YOU made me go through that, Mirio! For days, weeks!”
- At any other time, you would’ve felt awful for shouting at Mirio the way you were doing now, but there were so many things you needed to say that you couldn’t make yourself stop.
- “Yeah, at first I was just jealous, but it became more than that, Mirio! Seeing that, it was tearing me apart, piece by piece, and I couldn’t do it anymore! I’ve loved you for so long, and I tried so hard but I couldn’t do it anymore!”
- You took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to collect yourself before finishing shakily, “If you’re trying to play the hero now because you feel guilty, you’re too late. I had to save myself because you couldn’t even see me.”
- A heavy silence would fill the air, which would be pierced by a sound you did not expect; a sob. But not one that came from you.
- You would watch as Mirio silently broke down in front of you, tears spilling down his cheeks and you began to cry again too. 
- Then, before you had time to register what was happening, you found yourself in Mirio’s embrace. He was hugging you tighter than ever before, and your heart did a funny jolt; you faintly registered that you had admitted to loving him in your speech.
- Mirio would just hold you and hug you tightly until both of you calmed down. Once he was collected enough, he would begin to speak quietly, not letting you go for a moment.
- “I’m sorry I hurt you so badly, (Y/N). I’m so sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to. Those girls, they didn’t mean anything. The attention was nice at first, but... it quickly grew to be annoying. I was just trying to be polite. I didn’t realize what it cost me. Please... let me try to make it up to you. Please, (Y/N). I can’t bear to lose you. You’re my best friend and I love you too much to lose you this way. I love you, (Y/N). I do, and I have for so long. Longer than even I know! Please... let me fix this.”
- You would think about his words for a good few moments, but all you could hear was his voice saying those three words over and over; “I love you.” You didn’t realize just how much you had missed Mirio until now; you’d missed his embrace, his voice, his eyes, his smile, his spirit, everything about him. Even just this one moment with him was healing.
- You believed Mirio and what he said, so you made your decision.
- “... Alright. You’ll have a chance to make it up to me. But don’t screw this up. It’s the only chance you’ll get, understood?”
- “Thank you, (Y/N). I won’t screw it up, I promise!” Mirio would pull his head back just enough to smile down at you, to which you returned a small smile. Then, in a moment of courage, Mirio leaned down and gently pressed his lips to your forehead, causing you to blush violently. 
- “You know... I meant what I said, (Y/N). I love you. I do,” Mirio whispered, his own cheeks turning bright red.
- “I know. I love you too, but I think we have some work to do first,” you replied, looking up at him.
- “Well... how about that coffee date I promised you?”
- “I though you’d never ask.”
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
hi love! hope you’re doing well and staying healthy :) i just recently graduated nursing school (thank the universe😭), and i wanted to request for bakugou, with a s/o who just graduated nursing school! bakugou could have been a pro-hero for a while after graduating from UA while s/o was in college for nursing school, reader could have healing quirk or sumn. idk really where you want to take it but i just need some fluff🥺 thank you!
Healer of my heart
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Bakugou was having a particularly bad day. Hell, he's never had a worse day ever since he graduated from UA. Firstly, after he left his apartment for work, he realised that he left an important file back at home as soon as he finally reached Ground Zero agency. He decided that it'd be faster if he just went back immediately instead of sending a random extra home. Which is why, he went home to find his girlfriend naked with a random guy. After kicking his now ex and the random guy out of his home, Bakugou decided to take the day off from work for obvious reasons. However, when it seemed like his day couldn't get any worse, a strong villain ended up attacking the city and both Deku and Icyhot was unavailable, which meant that he was the only one who could deal with this situation. Hence, at the moment he was sitting at a hospital, waiting for a nurse to come patch him up. He ended up getting some nasty burns and cuts during the fight thanks to being rather distracted due to the events from back when he found out that his ex cheated on him.
It seemed as if God had taken some mercy on him at this point because when the nurse finally came in and started to profusely apologise to him for being late, he noticed that the nurse was none other than you. You were in the hero department in UA a few years back, an year junior from him. He had been tutoring you for while till he left UA since you sucked at (most hated subject) and Aizawa decided that you needed to pass your exams to not get expelled. With time, Bakugou ended up having a crush on you but never acted on it as you already were dating someone. "Still as clumsy as ever huh (L/N)?" Bakugou smirked at you, amused by how sorry you were for being a few minutes late. "Bakugou-kun? Shit I'm sorry I didn’t notice that it was you! How are you?!" you asked cheerfully as you started to tend his wounds. "Shitty. Had a bad day." Bakugou grumbled. "Oh? Wanna talk about it?" You asked, trying to distract him as he hissed in pain while you cleaned his cuts. "Forgot a file home while going to work and when I came back to get it, found my girl cheating on me with a shitty extra. Dumped her and wanted to take a day off but ofcourse that fucking villain had to attack today." Bakugou grumbled. "I'm so sorry... I've been cheated on too so I understand how you feel..." you gave him a sympathetic smile.
Back when Bakugou tutored you, you would be lying if you said that you weren’t attracted to the grumpy man. However, you were in love with your ex and never acted on your little crush. However, in your third year at UA, after Bakugou left school to be a pro hero, you found out that your ex was cheating on you and you dumped him. You were supposed to be a pro hero as well just to impress your ex and now that you were out of the relationship, you decided to be a regular nurse instead. You wanted to help people with your quirk and avoid the stress of being a pro hero or a doctor at the same time. Which is why, after spending years at a nursing school, you finally graduated and now had a steady job. However, now that you were face to face with Ground Zero himself, you couldn’t help but find your old feelings returning to you. Little did you know that Bakugou was feeling the same.
When you were done cleaning his wounds, you activated your quirk and touched his wounds, healing them and making his body as good as new only with a few scars. Your quirk worked in a similar way as recovery girl, only you needed to touch the wound instead of kissing the person. "There. All done." you smiled at Bakugou, who was blushing slightly as you had been touching all over his chest not too long ago. Well, maybe you did touch him a tad bit more than the average patient but you always could blame your stupid schoolgirl crush for that. "Are you sure, (L/N)?" Bakugou raised his eyebrows at you with a smirk, confusing you. "Uh.. Yes? Does it hurt somewhere else?" you asked, concerned. "Well, (Y/N) before I talk to you about it, answer this. Are you still with that good for nothing extra or did you find another shitty extra?" Bakugou asked you in a serious tone making you giggle. After all, he never really liked your ex and he never failed to mention it to you. "Nope I dumped him and nope I'm single. Why?" you asked, amused. "Well, you may be touching my chest way more than necessary and don't think that I haven’t noticed it, but it still kinda hurts that you're dumb enough to do something that unprofessional and not directly tell me that you like me like a normal person." Bakugou teased you. Then again, back in UA, he was always teasing you whenever you did something dumb. You honestly found it weird since he'd usually just shout at the others.
"Did you even look in the mirror Bakugou-kun? You're kinda intimidating you know..." you blushed, trying to defend yourself. "Yeah yeah as if that stopped you from groping me. We're going out on Sunday. It's a date. I'll text you the details." Bakugou stated as he got up. "Didn't you just have a breakup?" you asked, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah well, there's no point in moping for someone who cheated. Seriously, do you really think I'd mope over someone like that? I'm not fucking Deku dumbass." Bakugou barked at you before looking away with a blush and muttering, "besides, you gotta heal my heart right?", leaving you completely speechless.
"Fuck that was too fucking cheesy goddammit!"
"Nooooo it was so cuteeee that I might cryyy"
"The fuck?! Don't fucking cry!! If you tell anyone about that I'll fucking kill you!!"
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fairycosmos · 5 years
hi! sorry to bother you but i really don't know who else to talk to 😔 if you don't wanna reply pls just ignore this and i'm sorry! 🙏🏻 so yeah, um, do you have any tips for dealing with a...misogynistic father? especially when he gives comments like, how i should or shouldn't do something because it'd result in "a bad body shape". i get so frustrated every time he comments on how i should do with my appearance or my body😥. i hope your day is ok! you're an absolute angel💗💖
hi luv, ur not bothering me. i would LOVE to fight your dad :) just throwing that out there. ive dealt w sexist family members to some extent too, and i haven't found an all encompassing solution yet. there will always be a ribbon of frustration tied to the situation and i think you should....allow yourself to process that reaction as much as you need to. work through the anger, and the hurt. it isn't right for him to say that shit to you, it isn't right that he uses your body to control and belittle you. of course you're mad about it. you don't need permission to be upset. he's supposed to be a supportive and loving figure in your life and his failure to fulfill that role is just that - HIS failure. if you need to cry about it or write about it or talk about it, you should. i don't know what your dynamic is like with your dad beyond this, but if it is safe to do so, i would recommend expressing your discomfort at every opportunity. tell him you didn't ask for his opinion. tell him you have the right to free agency over your own self. try to get your mum to talk to him about it too, if at all possible. as you grow and become a whole person divorced of your parents and what they think, it will become easier to focus on your own opinion of yourself first and foremost. maybe it'll take a while to get to that point, but it won't always feel as painful as it does right now :( it's also important to note the total ignorance of your dads mindset. he has no ground or credibility at all. this is a man who clearly sees women as lesser than, and that alone renders his thoughts completely useless. his opinion of your body is what an ant is to the milky way. he knows nothing, ok? not about health, about dieting, about love, about what you should or shouldn't be doing as a girl. so next time he's spouting his bullshit, watch him with that in mind. remain illuminated by that fact. maybe cos of how he was raised, in a culture that rewards male entitlement, he believes he Knows. but he doesn't. this is more about him and his ego than it is about you, so disconnecting his words from your reality is a wonderful place to start. even if it feels weird or like you're lying to yourself at first. look, you'll always be more well versed in what you need and what you deserve than he will be. though you may have to unlearn some internalised self hatred based on oppression to fully liberate your mind, as we've all been raised on the attitude your dad is displaying, to various degrees. takes a lifetime to truly accept that it's all a lie. anyway im not saying you should just let his words bounce right off you, because it's obviously not that black and white. you shouldn't have to put up with this at all. and im so sorry that you do. but i think actively working on your self esteem every day and looking towards positive female role models, whether in the media or in person, could really do wonders. and it's alright if it is a long and complex process, as long as ur trying. you don't have to beg him to understand. you can't make people be decent and listen, can't control how they think - but he can't do that to you, either. his thoughts actions are a reflection of him, not of you. i think part of growing up is realising that disappointing your parents is necessary, especially when they have let us down over and over again themselves. i really hope you're able to get to a place of self appreciation/neutralisation. and that this enables you to distance yourself from the need for his validation because you are SOOOO much more than he can even comprehend. 💖 also you're so lovely i could cryyy bro thank you so much. please take it easy and let me know if you need a friend. i'll be here 💘
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Kdramas that threw me into an existential crisis: My Mister
Wow this drama made me think about a lot.
I related to Park Dong Hoon's character so much that it made me uncomfortable to see him live his life the way he did. After each episode, I had to think about how my own actions and outlook on life were toxic to my wellbeing. I was particularly struck by the scene where Dong Hoon talked with his monk friend and was told that no one asked him to sacrifice and to compromise his happiness so everyone else can live happily. Wow. That just opened up so much for me. I always act based on cues I draw from the actions of the people around me, compromising my own wants and needs. This really showed me that no matter how heroic that made it seem to myself, it doesn't even benefit the people around me to live my life in compromise for others. No one I love is asking me to sacrifice anything for them. No matter how you adjust for other people, life goes on. Doing it silently, no one notices. I wonder just how much of myself is me and not just a compromised version to fit the person I think everyone else wants me to be. The harsh reality there is that everyone else doesn't share the same priorities as I do. They probably care more about how I live and if it's happily than if I am living for their own happiness. The fuck aaaah. It honestly feels fulfilling to think you're "sacrificing" for the people you love but that feeling is so temporal. Everyday is a pain. Wow.
Art like this one NEEDS to be created. The jind that forces us to wake up and think about how we are living our lives. This became more than just a kdrama for me. It was a wake up call. I can't even articulate it. This was such an important kdrama. It made me challenge my own principles in life and question the quality at which I CHOOSE to live. Damn, the existential crisis is so worth it. Watch this drama. It doesn't matter if it is hard to watch or to enjoy at first, it is so important and so moving. I am so thankful for this drama. Dammnn. Its beautiful. Its more than just art. Its life. I have so much respect for the people behind this masterpiece. After awhile, it stopped being something I just watched from time to time, it turned to a cathartic experience I doubt I will ever get to feel from any piece of art again. Things like these make me want to keep writing or making music or just putting my mind at peace through art. It is so true how we are alive through Sciences and the academe but reason we keep living is art. Its so beautiful I wanna cryyy
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