#his case was shown in tv and that makes his attention-seeking ass happy
malkaviian · 2 years
freddy and fred's dynamic in the prison au is "constantly pissed off" x "enjoys bothering them even more"
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linphd · 5 years
dabi x sibling!reader | la vie en rose
dabi x reader
neutral gender, else sister or brother
Touya Todoroki being your favorite sibling and you reminding those times together, wondering if he’ll ever come back.
warning : bit of angst
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this one shot follows the theory that Dabi is Touya Todoroki.
in this, you are Shoto's twin, sister or brother idc, whether you look like him or not, and you have both quirks just like him, except that you've been using your fire along with your ice.
          Your twin brother and you had a special link, since your were twins. However, your favorite brother was still Touya. Indeed, even when you and Shoto were forced to train with your dad instead of playing with your siblings, you spent all of your free time with Touya. He couldn't tell neither why he liked you that much, but you were his favorite sibling as well.
           Throughout time, as Shoto was seeking for attention from your mother, you were seeking attention from Touya. Fuyumi and Natsuo liked both Shoto and you as well, but they couldn't deny that you seemed to prefer their brother and Shoto preferred to stay with his mom.
           You actually thought that your mom couldn't give hugs and kisses to the both of you, and you weren't mad at her -since she was still giving motherly love to you sometimes- because you had all of that with Touya.
         Once your dad was training you and he had walked away to go to the restroom. You were panting, and Shoto was with your mom. Endeavour liked to train one of his twin at a time. Touya sneaked in the room. ''Hey, you wanna watch a movie with me ? You choose !'' You started to smile, but then you heard the restroom door opening. ''But dad...'' Touya picked you up and started to run, giggling. ''We won't tell !''
          To this day, you still didn't know what happened to Touya when your dad found out, but you knew that nothing had happened to you. Whatever, going back to the movie. You chose a random movie you had never watched before, and you loved the background music : La vie en rose. You kept humming it since then, at the point that the whole house was humming it randomly.
             Once, you dad had been very harsh to you, since your quirk had shown up. Even worse, he had sent your mom to the hospital after she had burnt Shoto's face. You had kept hugging him and kissing his cheek, under the bandage he had on his eye.
             But when the first night without your mom in the house happened, you weren't able to sleep. You spent your time crying. Fuyumi did try to cheer you up, along with Shoto -since you twins were sleeping in the same bedroom at this time- but nothing could help. Even though you weren't as close to your mom as Shoto was, she was still your mommy.
             After ending up in tears as well, Fuyumi woke Touya up. ''We need your help to calm (Y/N) down. They can't sleep, they have been crying for hours, and I've been crying since like 1 hour trying to cheer them up. Natsuo didn't even try...'' Touya sighed, ruffling his sister's hair.
           He made his way to your room. ''Shoto, you can sleep in my bed if you want. It's calm there, I'll sleep with (Y/N).'' Shoto nodded and made his way to Touya's room. Meanwhile, your older brother laid on your bed, hugging you. He whispered some sweet words in your ear, rubbing your back and your hair. After some time you had calmed down a bit, he kissed your forehead and started to hum La vie en rose.
           ''Why didn't I think about it...'' Fuyumi commented. Touya looked up to see that she had been watching the both of you for some time. ''It wouldn't have worked this much. I've watched it with them, it counts more.'' Harsh, but true. At some point, you also started to hum it with a quiet voice, making Touya giggle. You fell asleep in his arms.
           ''Stop daydreaming, Fuyumi said dinner was ready.'' You heard Shoto tell you. He was quite used to you lost in your mind, even if he never asked what you were thinking about. Endeavor was on patrol, and you actually enjoyed those times with your siblings. But, without Touya. He was a taboo word. All your siblings know you must've been more hurt when he never came back than when your mom was sent to the hospital.
            You could see your mom, you knew where she was. But no sign of Touya since that heated argument with your dad. You couldn't even say bye. It had been like 3 years from now. You hoped he wasn't dead and that he was still thinking about you. Still lost in your mind, you hadn't noticed that your older siblings had went back to the living room, living you and Shoto alone, since he was washing the dishes.
            ''Shoto ? Can we talk about Touya ?'' You knew if you needed to talk about the taboo word with someone, it had to be with Shoto. After all, you had this strong link twins have.
        ''Okay. But if I start to get mad about it, I'll stop. Agree ?'' You nodded, and started to help him with the dishes. ''I have a theory. He could've texted us and stuff, right ? -He's not dead, (Y/N). -That is... not my theory.'' Shoto raised an eyebrow. ''What if he turned a villain ? I mean, he hated dad he wants to avenge himself so he became what dad despises ! And he doesn't text us and stuff because we could know his position and he doesn't want to put us in trouble neither ?'' 
            Shoto rolled his eyes. ''Cute theory, but Touya isn't dumb enough to do that.'' You just groaned. ''I'm sure even if he didn't become a villain he doesn't want to text us or to be related to us so we won't get in trouble. Maybe he got kidnapped by villains.’’ You said. But he wasn’t convinced. ‘’After all this time, he would've been home. Even your first theory was more possible than this one. I just think he walked away and moved out of Japan, and if he can't text us it's because he doesn't have money.''
            Maybe, but Shoto missed a point. ''Social medias are free, he would've talked to us at least !'' Seeing your twin brother washing the dishes without looking at you, with an unbothered expression, you didn't continue. You just kept washing the dishes as well, silent.
            Some days later, you were in your room -Touya's former room. Of course you were the one who had moved to his room when he decided to never come back. It was pretty late and the lights of your room were still on, so you decided to wear your pyjamas instead of staying half naked, in case people could see you from outside. You were using earphones, as you didn't want to wake up the whole house.
          However, you felt like you were hearing something over the music you were listening, so you stopped your music and withdrew your earphones. And you were right ; some seconds later, you heard someone from outside.
           You wanted to brush it off until you heard the person humming. Humming La vie en rose. You ran to your window, hoping it was Touya. But you just saw the back of a tall man, with a huge cloak and black hair. Well, it's a famous song, everybody knows it. You just switched off the light and went back to bed.
        It was now your birthday. You had visited your mom with Shoto earlier that day, and she had remembered ! Since she couldn't move from her hospital room, she had asked Fuyumi to buy the presents she wanted to offer you. She wished you a happy birthday and she had baked a tiny cake with the help of a nurse she considered as a friend, and Shoto, you and your mom ate it in her room.
           You were in the 1-B class, since Shoto and you had asked not to be in the same class, but your classmates and his had organized a little something for you when you walked out the hospital. They had some presents for you, and they had organized a little party at Momo's house for you two.
            You stayed there until it was starting to get dark, since you both wanted to celebrate it with your siblings as well. As usual, Fuyumi and Natsuo had prepared some balloons everywhere around the house, and you both had presents on your beds. They had managed to make Endeavor wear a birthday hat, which made you laugh while Shoto just snorted a bit.
         The whole evening was great, and even your dad wasn't a pain in the ass. He was less and less a pain in the ass though, now that Shoto agreed to finally use his power. You ate cake once more, kind of forcing yourself since you guys had 3 celebrations already, but Fuyumi had put a lot of effort into the cake, and you didn't want to hurt her.
          Everyone was watching TV, but you stopped watching when you received a notification on your phone. Your heart stopped beating when you read ''Touya 😎🤙🏻''. Someone should've hacked his phone or something. But you opened the text anyway.
from Touya 😎🤙🏻 at 9:14pm
Happy Birthday ! I know you're 16 now !
+ congrats on your provisional license ❤️
from Touya 😎🤙🏻 at 9:15pm
from Touya 😎🤙🏻 at 9:15pm
don't tell and don't answer ily
          Unconsciously, you had started to cry. It was him, not someone who had hacked his phone. You did as he said and didn't answer, even though you had many many questions to ask him, and wanted to thank him.
            ''What's wrong ?'' Shoto asked. That's when you understood he hadn't received it. Touya had only texted you. You just giggled, wiping your tears away. ''Sorry, I'm just tired, I guess I need some sleep.'' Natsuo giggled as well. ''You had a pretty exhausting day, yeah. Goodnight !'' They all waved at you and you waved as well, going to your room.
          You read the texts all over and over again, crying even more since now you were alone and nobody could see you. Maybe he was the guy with the black hair, he could've changed his look so nobody would recognize him, after all. But you couldn't ask him. If he told you not to answer, he had reasons. You just kept listening to the song he had sent to you, singing along with it, a huge smile on your face, until you fell asleep.
          the sequel is here !!
kind of angst bc there isn't a bad ending
fun fact if you guys are crying : I actually got this idea for no reason while I was shaving in the bathroom???? anyway love for dabi
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ourimpavidheroine · 6 years
Tell us, impavid, how you feel about klance?
Okay! That came out of nowhere, didn’t it? 😮
So usually I keep to TLOK (and a little ATLA) on this blog but you know, I can answer it. I can even include TLOK references! But I’ll put it under a cut, just in case my regular followers don’t want to read me rambling on about Voltron. (And for next time, please send it to my sideblog? Thanks!)
The very short answer is I do not ship it, not as it stands right now. The reason why is under the cut!
First of all, let me say right here and now that I do not care if anyone else ships Klance. As in, I am way too old to get worked up about shipping wars over anything, so if you do ship Klance then more power to you and may your Voltron dreams of your sweet, sweet OTP come true! We’ve got no fight with each other, friend. Ship away!
Now that I got that out of the way...why don’t I ship Klance?
So here’s the thing. There’s the whole trope of Opposites Attract, right? And Keith and Lance are surely that; the only thing that is similar about them is that they are both pilots who at one time attended the Garrison and who are off fighting the bad dudes in Outer Space. I think fans, for the most part, agree that these two guys have literally nothing in common with each other and that personality-wise they are not at all compatible. 
But what about all that arguing? All the glares! All the tension! That equals sexual tension, right? 
Eh...maybe. Sometimes. Sometimes, people are opposites and something about that triggers sexual tension. Sometimes people are opposites and they annoy the living shit out of each other, with no sexual element present whatsoever. I mean, haven’t you ever met someone completely different from you who you just want to flush down a toilet and not in a sexy way? That happens too. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s usually what happens when you meet someone you think is a jerk and fight with them all the time. You don’t actually end up banging. You just end up avoiding them.
When writers - whatever the medium, books or comics or TV shows or whatever - want to show sexual attraction between characters, they need to build it in a believable way. The default way - and, dare I say, the lazy way - is to do that by setting up the whole Opposites Attract trope. You’ve got two people who are completely different, who hate each other, fight with each other, and then fuck-fight their way into a happy ever after.
The thing about that trope, however, is that 9 times out of 10 it’s bad writing. It’s the most common trope out there in terms of building a relationship, and it almost always ends up being piss poor, lazy writing.
It doesn’t have to be! A great example of that is Jake and Amy on Brooklyn Nine Nine. They start out disliking each other - they could not be more opposite in the beginning of the series - but as time goes on, they start to discover little things that they actually share in common. Through time and common experiences they find that as a couple they really do work; the way they are opposite works better together than when they are apart. It’s really great writing!
But I think well written Opposites Attract is the exception, not the norm. It’s such a common and lazy thing to do that most writers don’t bother to actually make it believable. They just set up the trope and let it do all the work for them. So what’s happened, over the years, is that people have gotten so used to that trope that they just automatically go there. Two characters hate each other? OPPOSITES ATTRACT, THEY’RE GONNA DO THE DIRTY BOP!
Because of this writers, at this point, don’t even have to try! It’s just the default! And as I said, 9 times out of 10, they don’t even bother to try. It’s really frustrating, or at least for me.
It is also, dare I say, the reason why so many people were blindsided by Korrasami. For sure, some of it was homophobia; some of it was due to the whole patriarchal idea that the hero deserves the girl as a prize no matter what (and in this case, Mako was mistaken as the hero). But a lot of it was because Korra and Asami never hated each other! They never fought! They never had so-called sexual tension! They were two young women who were able to get past the whole we had a mutual boyfriend thing to become friends, and out of that friendship blossomed a real relationship. And contrary to what a lot of viewers - especially younger viewers, who have been raised on that lazyass Opposites Attract trope - thought, it was actually a really lovely piece of writing. It was subtle and real and sweet and caring; all the things that good writing should have. But fuck knows that a huge chunk of people watching never saw it, and I partly blame that damn Opposites Attract trope for that. 
Opposites can also attract without having manufactured tension added in. Look at Wu and Mako. Opposites, right? And not in a sexy way. Wu is clearly attracted to Mako (and if Bryke never meant it that way then they needed to have a little chat with their writers and animators as well as their voice actor) and while Mako doesn’t return it we do see something happen between the two of them, which is that they both bring out really good things in each other. Mako is the only person who is able to actually tell Wu off, which is a damn good thing for Wu. Wu listens to Mako! Not only listens, but takes what he says to heart. And Wu is the only person in that show who does not piss Mako off on a regular basis. Sure, Mako gets irritated with him, but he never actually gets angry. He actually listens to Wu; he pays attention to him and he tries to help him. 
A very telling scene between Mako and Wu is the whole teaching Wu to fight scene. Not all of the exposition; that was what it was, budget cuts, etc. I’m talking about Mako actually trying to teach Wu how to defend himself. What’s the big deal, right? Mako always does stuff like that! Except...he doesn’t. Ever. He never does that. Mako never does anything that does not, in some way, help himself. Even in the moments where he is helping Korra or Asami or even his brother, he does those things because there’s something in it for him as well. Mako grew up on the streets. He ran numbers for a triad. He is not necessarily a nice guy; he is also not necessarily a trustworthy guy, at least not in the beginning. (Lots of people come down hard on Lin for tossing his ass in jail when Varrick set him up but I don’t; he was a fucking Triad member! How does she know if she can trust this kid or not?) But he shows Wu how to defend himself because he wants what is best for WU; he wants him to be safe and self-reliant, just in case. He’s not just throwing out an opinion or standing there trying to look heroic. He gives a shit about this kid and he wants to help him and so he is going to actually teach him how to defend himself and it’s not, for the first time in the entire show, about Mako. He’s grown! He’s matured. He’s changed, and Wu was the one who got him there. And that, my friends, is why I ship Mako and Wu. The two of them grew into better people together.
So that begs the question: Have Lance and Keith grown into better people together?
Not at this point, no. They have not, not at all. In fact, the complete opposite. They have grown into better people, yes, but they did it apart from each other. So apart, in fact, that they were on opposite ends of the galaxy from each other.
At this point, the two characters have shown zero canonical romantic interest in each other. Keith hasn’t been romantically interested in anyone at all; Lance has flirted his way through space but has always had a thing for Allura. They are not friends. They have had a few moments where they’ve made at least some kind of connection, but it’s always been more of a “there are only seven people on this space castle and we all have to deal with each other at some point” kind of a thing as opposed to a “hey I really like you and I am actively seeking out your friendship” kind of thing. That’s not to say those moments weren’t there; it is to say, however, that those moments were not something that either one of them tried to actively make happen. They just sort of did. 
It’s not about Keith being like that with everyone, either. Keith CLEARLY has a very deep and meaningful relationship with Shiro. He also, in the two years they spend together, clearly builds a deep and meaningful relationship with his mother. He is capable; he does have good relationships with people. Just not with Lance, not really.
And Lance? We see him have good relationships as well. He’s good friends with both Hunk and Pidge and has a whole mentor thing going on with Coran that I happen to love. We also see him starting to build up a relationship with Allura; a real relationship, not just a woooooo hot mama! kind of thing.
There is a moment, a very telling moment, when Allura is trying to get the Blue Lion to recognize her as a pilot. She knows it is Lance’s Lion; therefore, she tries all of her best smarmy, flirty lines on it. She wheedles, she flatters, she tries sex appeal; none of it works. What does work is her breaking down and begging the Lion to help her. Her vulnerability is what Blue responds to; and in that moment, Allura understands something very deep and very personal about Lance. That moment, right there, is when things start to change for her with regards to him. Oh, he’s still Lance! She still rolls her eyes at him and he still flirts with her, just like before. But she knows now. She knows that Lance is vulnerable under all of that cheesy bluster.
And Lance? He thinks he just has a crush on Allura. Why not? She’s a pretty girl, a princess! Cute girls are what he does! Her brushing him off and rolling her eyes at him is what he expects from her, it’s all part of the flirting game for him. I don’t think he takes it that seriously. That is, until Lotor shows up and he watches how Allura responds to him and suddenly, he gets it. He even talks about this. He thought it was just a silly crush, but it isn’t. Lance, for the first time in his life, probably, has actually fallen in love with someone, and it isn’t at ALL what he expected it to be. It hurts, and it makes him even more vulnerable, and he is not ready for it, not at all.
So the question is...where is that moment between Lance and Keith? That moment where they suddenly realize something deep about the other one, where their feelings start to change and grow? There isn’t one. And that’s not an accident. That’s not to say that there’s can’t be; I don’t know what’s in store for Season Seven, and maybe the writers will go that direction. More power to them if they do! I’m all for same-sex representation, hello! But at this point, they haven’t.
What I do think the writers have done is an excellent, subtle job of setting up Lance and Allura for us. Two opposite people who are slowly but surely coming to understand that perhaps they aren’t as opposite as they thought they were. Two people who are starting to see the real people inside of each other, who are growing together, instead of apart. Allura is hurt by Lotor’s betrayal and what does Lance do? Does he take advantage of that to insinuate himself into her weak spot? To try and look like the hero that she will love? No. He’s matured past that. Instead, he tries to comfort her for her own sake, tries to make her feel better instead of worrying about how he can get something out of it. That’s a huge amount of growth on his part, something that has come out of his real and true feelings for her as Allura, not just some hot chick he wants to make out with. And Allura - the same Allura who never shows a single ounce of vulnerability to anyone! - lets Lance see that she’s crushed, and she trusts him not to make it worse for her by being a smirky asshole. And he does not let her down. He cares for her and he supports her.
Yeah, I ship it. Will it happen? Don’t know! Ask me after Season Seven.
And what about Keith? Well, for one thing, he’s lived two years in what was only about a month or so for the rest of them. That’s a hefty chunk of living. He did it by being completely self-sufficient with his mother (and Rover); there’s some life experience there that has changed him for good, and as I said before, none of that involved Lance. He was already supposed to be a year or so older than Lance and Hunk and is now in his twenties due to his time skip. He’s also missed out on so much of the bonding the team has done; he is a lone wolf (just like Rover) and he’s so fucking internal, that kid. Now he’s back with them; how will they relate? I think we’ll see, in Season Seven, that he and Shiro are going to bond over their isolating experiences (two year time skip on space whale with Mom, soul trapped in Black Lion while clone partied in your place, you know how it goes). And let’s be honest here; Keith isn’t a dick. He cares about the other Paladins, and he’s not going to let them just die or anything. But Shiro is the one he really cares about, which has been made very clear canonically. And now that he’s in his twenties? Now that he’s two years older and Shiro was frozen in time for awhile? I’m not sure that the writers are going to go there - probably not - but I tell you what, if I were going to be writing any Voltron fanfic I’d be writing Sheith post-Season Six, that’s for damn sure.
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