#so yeah lol hes salty
malkaviian · 2 years
freddy and fred's dynamic in the prison au is "constantly pissed off" x "enjoys bothering them even more"
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
Love the thought of Leo just casually being well traveled to absurd degrees. Like one day they’re facing their new Big Bad of the year and like, Draxum or whoever says that the key to their fight is located somewhere in, like, Latvia or some place, but no one knows where to start.
Then Leo’s like “oh I know a place” and when asked how the heck he could know of one it smash cuts to Leo falling through the ceiling of said place due to a portal mishap.
Also love the idea of Leo, being as accidentally (and then later, purposefully) well traveled as he is, sometimes taking his family on outings to different places all over, maybe to some new Yokai spots he found along the way.
In these places, Leo 100% lets his bros get scammed by tourist traps.
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
some of y'all: Lestat is so cold to Claudia, no wonder she doesn't consider him her father
the actual episode, told from Claudia's POV: Lestat wearing a silly hat, singing to her, and giving her a meaningful (to him, at least, if you read into what he says about it) gift on her birthday, the three of them dancing together and spinning each other around, Claudia leaning into Lestat's side as they make fun of Nosferatu in the theatre and laughing about it again when Lestat reenacts it for her amusement later, Claudia saying she has a lot in common with Lestat and that he defended her behavior to Louis when he expressed a concern about her being too removed from humanity and not acting quite right around other people, Lestat nervously teaching her how to drive and reminding her that even if she cannot die, she can still be seriously hurt so she should take her safety seriously, etc, etc.
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gogogored · 3 months
genba is hilarious because he really just watched jou and gang get their ass demolished for 10 minutes straight and then he gets acknowledged and leaves
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xbraveheartx · 8 months
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So I know the quality sucks and we don't get any better quality to compare, but I just wanted to point out that, yes. Baby Carlo has freckles. Very few of them. But you can see the ones he had since he was a wee young lad standing out in his painting.
Go ahead and go into the game and stand in front of the portrait. Compare their faces. I'll wait c:
Here's a full/clean version of his portrait if you want to stare at it
So anyways like I was saying before--
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dazais-guardian-angel · 6 months
Break 🤝 Ebisu - waiting for years to die and then realizing when the time comes that they want to live...
anon i don't know who you are or what prompted you to send this, but....... yes, I suppose? but also Ow why did you have to make me think of this
#anonymous#the only difference though is that one's death was well written and necessary for the plot/characters#(while still feeling terribly sad but not like in a betrayed way)#and the other one was just cruel shock value and spitting in the face of their character arc for the entire series#oh never think i ever stop being salty even after 9 years :))))#it's funny though because that kind of death for that kind of character is my most hated trope in media#and yet this comparison proves that i don't always necessarily mind it..........#i think with Ebisu it's softened by the fact that he gets to reincarnate#and his reincarnation is able to finally value his life and GETS that second chance to do that that he deserved#his death isn't as terrible as it is for break and anyone else because he's a special case and he gets to reincarnate as still himself#it's still sad for that PARTICULAR Ebisu but....... he's still always Ebisu. and he needed to die in the story for so many reasons.#but he still gets that second chance#am i still incredibly fucked up by his death always? yeah lol because adult Ebi is MY Ebi and he's Yato's Ebi#and the Ebisu arc will forever be my favorite........ sobs#but it's still not nearly as bad as Break cause........ yeah#would ph fans still burn me alive for daring to criticize the ending chapters of the series? who knows lol#the ending chapter of noragami does remind me tho that i've been right to have trust issues ever since the ending of ph all those years ago#it wasn't /nearly/ as bad as the ending of ph but man... man.... every time i think mangaka know what they're doing i'm proven wrong :')#they just can't ever stick the landings man. what's up with that. it sucks. and then there's asagiri who lol... is doing whatever he's doin
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luvevee · 1 year
Withholding the urge to explode into essays about the writing of stardust crusaders
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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more niche aus! more niche aus!
anyway, binging Vox Machina made me think about this idea i had a while ago, where Hawke was a goddess of death and somehow, her most devoted follower and champion was Goodest Boy(tm) Sebastian.
He became devoted to her after he pleaded for her aid; his oldest brother had fallen deathly ill, and knowing that as the youngest son his life was not worth as much as the heir’s, he offered to trade his life for his brother’s. Hawke found herself touched by this mortal’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his family, though she held umbrage with his idea that his life was inherently worthless. 
To prove him wrong, instead of taking his offered soul, she made him her Champion, and he has served her faithfully ever since.
other misc ideas:
Hawke was originally a mortal who ascended to godhood, but it’s been so long the details have been lost even to her. She’s fairly certain she had siblings. Twins, perhaps?
Sebastian originally followed a life/light god before vowing his service to Lady Hawke. He felt conflicted about it for a while, but he was always fascinated with Lady Hawke’s teachings, so he settled into his new role easily.
People are always shocked that someone with such a... wholesome and cheerful demeanor can follow the dour Lady Hawke so faithfully.
The other gods keep telling Hawke she can’t play favorites so brazenly. She keeps saying shut up and look at how amazing and handsome my Champion is.
Hawke is supposed to have a wicked cool mask shaped like a hawk’s skull but I couldn’t... draw that lmao. So just imagine it instead.
Other members of the Kirkwall crew are also gods.
Fenris: God of Wrath, the Patron of Slaves
Merrill: Goddess of Knowledge, the Lorekeeper
Aveline: Goddess of Order, the Lawbringer
Isabela: Goddess of Fortune, the Patroness of Thieves
Anders: God of Medicine, the Righteous Healer
Varric: God of the Arts, the Storyteller
They all have varying opinions on Hawke’s.... intense relationship with her champion.
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coollyinterferes · 1 year
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You come and see this man happily stuffing his face on pizza (pineapple pizza, more precisely...)
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
kip sabian in three photos
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bpdanakins · 1 year
remember when everyone had decided that noah was a gaybaiting homophobe bc he literally couldn't spoil things for a season that wasn't even finished being aired
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
I can already tell I'm gonna be super salty about Love and Thunder Taika if you diss Jane one more time I'll strangle you so heads up that I tag all my salty posts as "negativity" and I'll be adding specific tags like "anti Love and Thunder" and "Love and Thunder negativity" so you can filter them out
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redxriiot · 2 years
No thoughts, just Kiri trying to convince Fat Gum to put in a request to do a team up in Mexico and even asking his mom's family for help to pick one just so he could bring the Gum Agency on over and enjoy the sights there
#hc#//Mans was mildly salty the Humarise World Crisis got everyone else around the world and they couldn't#//Mans was really hoping on the very off chance someone looked into him and would slot them in his mama's home country#//Still glad everyting turned out ok and they were ablento help plenty in Japan; but STILL#//Mans wiuld love for his fam to meet his other fam#;mun has spoken#//ironic considering he strongly prefers that family/school/work life divide but well#//Gum agency ain't just ANYBODY. they are FAMILY#//plus there's a huge difference between meeting just his mama oe on one and meeting his favorite extended family members#//His mama would be much more behaved and relaxed with her favorite family members around too so it's a win-win#//I think I've already mentioned on a post before how much they'd ADORE Tamaki#//Sea-Quirked folks would love him; especially if he helps out in the kitchen. they'd love to give him all sorts of recipes for his Quirk#//And Fat Gum? holy HECK; they'd LOVE the Gumgum man#//Kiri's gramps would finally have someone to SPAR with. the younger cousins would love to climb on him or hide in his Quirk#//Don't even get me STARTED on Tetsu. lmao they'd start calling him and Ei the twin terrors lol#//I would write the fic of this if I had time jfbfm#//Man; what names would Kiri have given them when talking to his fam hmmm#//I know Tamaki's is 'El Come-Sol'. Fat Gum's is maybe#//'El Gordilón'? Yeah; sounds about right I think#//Tetsu might just stick with Real Steel. Bc my fam LOVE that movie so I can imagine Kiri's would freakin' LOSE THEIR MINDS#//Just like they would seeing him use his Quirk full-body for the first time#//And then if you put into mind Kit's babs I have...#//Tenko's being 'Podredumbre' (rot) or 'El Marchitor' ('one who withers' ig is best translation)#//I like the first bc it sounds cooler tbh#//Shin's would be 'Hakeamentes' (MindHACKER). v cool; so wow#//Touya's being 'Fénix azul'; direct translation#//Kai; he'd prolly give the mouthful 'Cuervo de la peste' (play on Plague Doctor and Crow; lit Plague Crow)#//Prolly just gets called 'El Cuervo' if anything#//Oop rambled lol. i just have SO many ideas. and remembering that my Kiri is mixed. gotta do more with that i think
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lifewithcake · 2 years
yayyy got the aiming chestpiece on the first aglaia run, im happy i dont have to run this anymore this week -3-
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elexaria · 5 months
domestic! simon is the best partner & father your family could ever ask for. he’s up at the ass crack of the morning to make a dash to the store, stocking up on all the groceries and making sure to grab your pregnancy cravings. you wake up, sore, miserable and aggy— toddling downstairs with bed head, only to find he’s at the kitchen counter slicing up fresh fruit for you. “oi, sit down.” he’ll say affectionately, pointing to the table so don’t stay on your feet for too long. “i’m pregnant, si, i’m not completely incompetent.” you sigh, hands rubbing your swollen tummy with a smirk. he chuckles, raising his eyebrows at you as if to say ‘you sure about that?’
he rubs soothing lotions onto your tummy, unable to stop himself from grinning with each kick from wee riley. “feisty one, eh? gets it from papa riley.” he remarks, his eyes warm with affection as he continues to stare down at your tummy. “mad, ‘ent it? to think.. i’m gonna be a dad. crazy.”
and the love doesn’t stop when wee riley is born, it quadruples in size. a milk-drunk baby all coddled up in the crook of his arm while he whips up some dinner. he swears that his mac n cheese & tenderstem broccoli heals, and you have to admit he does manage to make even stinky ol’ broccoli taste good. he doesn’t understand why dads make such a big fuss about being active parents, hell, you have to remind simon that wee riley is your baby too!
he loves the milestones, can’t not shut up about how much he loves his kiddo. spends his time gushing to laswell about their kids, how exciting it is to be a parent!! the boys love it too, to be honest. johnny’s set out to be wee riley’s favourite uncle, gaz likes teasing you about how whipped and domesticated ol’ ghosty is. and price, well, he’s actually wee riley’s favourite. he looks unamused every time the little bugger grabs at his moustache, babbling and squealing with excitement at the fluff on his face. he looks like a mardy bum, but when nobody’s looking he’ll crack a smile. and yes, johnny’s salty that the baby prefers price LOL
so imagine how excited he is when, on one lazy sunday morning, the three of you are laying in bed with no set plans for the day. the baby’s attention is divided between a silly kid’s movie on the telly, and exploring the terrain of the bed. grabbing tiny fistfuls of cotton with a toothy smile, babbling excitedly at papa riley. he chuckles, nodding as he leans in. “oh yeah? you showin’ the duvet who’s boss, love?” he grins, ruffling the delicate tufts of hair on wee riley’s head, eliciting an excited squeal. his attention is suddenly stolen when, unexpectedly, you slide a picture into his lap.
it’s an ultrasound.
he thought the happiest of his life was the day he had met you, but then he married you— and that was the happiest day of his life. and then wee riley was born, and he couldn’t comprehend how fucking happy and lucky he was as a man. so, the news of another baby on the way makes his heart full. fucking hell, he’s a lucky fella. and he wouldn’t have it any other way <33
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sturnioz · 11 days
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pairing. matthew sturniolo x fem!reader genre. smut
word count. 1k
❝you look so pretty bent over for me like this, you know that?❞
content warnings. explicit content, kitchen sex with matt, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking, oral (female receiving), cum eating, dirty talk.
(edit)authors note. i tried to add the taglist to this, but unfortunately it glitched when i posted it and wouldnt tag correctly so i have given up lol. sorry abt that.
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You’re gasping for breath, whiny moans fleeting past your lips as your fingernails scrape across the kitchen counter in attempt to grasp onto something to keep you stable, knowing that you would definitely fall to the ground if it wasn’t for Matt’s tight hold on your waist, his hips pistoning into yours at a speed that has your body shaking from the force.
The tears build in your eyes as Matt’s hand slides down to the bottom of your spine, pressing down to arch your back further into him which allows him to hit deeper places inside of you, causing your toes to curl as a cry rips from the back of your throat.
Matt’s chest vibrates with a low grunt with each thrust of his hips, and he leans over your body to mouth at the bare skin of your shoulder blade where the strap of your tank top had slipped down during the fun, and his teeth nips around the area.
Your cheek presses to the cold countertop, panting heavily against the marble tiling as Matt abuses your pussy, and his hand curls around your front to dip between your thighs, his nimble fingers rubbing circles on your sensitive clit.
Your thighs squeeze around his hand with a loud wail, and you hear Matt chuckle lowly next to your ear, clearly enjoying how you’re reacting to him. The tip of his tongue traces the shell of your ear as he feels your body tremble and your cunt clench around his cock, eliciting a deep moan from him.
“Yeah? You like that?” Matt questions you with a taunting hum. “I can feel your pussy squeezing around me, sweetheart… you really like getting fucked like this? In the kitchen where we eat? Where anyone could just walk out and see you spread open for me?” He laughs when he sees you nod your head frantically. “Fuuuck. I love it s’much—love it when you’re like this, taking my cock so fucking well. That’s it, sweetheart.”
“Ma—tt.” You hiccup through salty tears, drool slipping from the corner of your lips as your body jolts with each movement, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the kitchen.
He’s giggling behind you now, and his hands roughly grip your ass, hissing between his teeth as he sends a few harsh slaps to your skin. It was your mind whirling.
“You look so pretty bent over for me like this, you know that? So, so pretty—fuck—you’re so wet too.” Matt babbles as he pounds his cock into your pussy, feeling your walls spasm around him. 
You’re crying now, a blubbering mess of tears and drool at the pleasure and the euphoria that buzzes through your veins, and a shrill shoots down your spine when Matt slaps your ass once again.
“I—shit, oh my god—Matt…Matty, m’gonna cum—” You cut yourself off with a gasp, accidentally knocking the dishes on the drying rack as you try to reach for something to keep yourself grounded, the pleasure in the pit of your belly tightening. “Fuck!”
“Hm, yeah? You gonna cum f’me?” Matt asks you and you immediately respond with a pathetic nod of your head. He grins at that, “I’m gonna cum too… Can I cum inside? Fill this pussy right up? Do you want that, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” You plead repeatedly, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Fill me up, Matt. Make me yours.”
“You silly, silly girl…” Matt chuckles as he leans over your body once more, pressing his lips to the back of your neck as he whispers, “You’re already mine.”
Those three words—so fucking simple—were enough to have you coming undone with a loud cry, cumming over his cock that fucks you through it, and he praises you lovingly as his hands stroke down your back.
But the sloppiness of his thrusts is enough for you to know what’s about to happen next and you welcome it immediately, gasping as he fills you up with his cum, shivering as you feel it leak and drip down your thighs. 
Your legs shake as Matt slowly pulls out of you, but he gives you no time to react as he’s already spinning you around to facing him, pressing his mouth to yours in a sloppy, heated kiss. His palms lay flat on your cheeks, his fingers digging into your skin to hold you to him as his tongue slips into your mouth. 
He grunts as your teeth grazes over his tongue, chuckling between the kiss as he feels your hands desperately fist at his shirt.
Matt takes a step back after a few moments, his smile wide as he watches you chase after his lips for another kiss, but he hooks his arms beneath your thighs to lift you up and he settles you down on the countertop behind yourself. 
You hiss as your bare ass meets the cold tiles, wincing at the slight sting it causes against your heated skin, but you quieten when you see Matt drop down to his knees in front of you, littering soft kisses around your inner thighs that he pries apart before he dives forward, shoving his tongue between your puffy folds, slurping up the mess that he had created.
His name leaves your lips in heavy pants, and you thread your fingers through his messy hair, grabbing at him needily to tug him even closer as he tastes you, his tongue lapping at your pussy with the most animalistic grunt you have ever heard rumble from his chest.
Matt’s tongue swirls around your sensitive clit, and your thighs twitch around his head as you moan, trying to arch away from his touch but the grip he has on your legs forces you to remain still and open for him, eliciting a cry from you as he drags you closer to his face, not caring if he’s driving you into oversensitivity as he’s too busy eating you out, your arousal and his cum lathering on his tongue. 
“Tastes so fucking sweet,” Matt moans in your cunt, and his eyes flit up to meet yours, his eyebrows raising cockily at you, “Always tastes so sweet f’me, don’t you?” 
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© sturnioz
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