#his crows feet? his jowls? his MOLES
spannardnation · 8 months
if u dont put his eyebags and moles back this INSTANT
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swampgallows · 4 years
Seeing Garrosh in the cinematic changed me and what I find attractive forever on a fundamental level. I couldn’t believe they made him look Like That. Who was responsible for that? My god. Why did they have to go and do that? They didn’t have to and did it anyway with complete disregard for the power they wielded
i loved seeing all the creases and scars on his face, and the subtle facial expressions like forehead wrinkling, shifting eyes, and lip twitches that they can’t always depict in the in-game cinematics (though they are getting better...!)
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(gif from here)
seeing garrosh’s features tighten and soften in such a realistic way was fantastic, though i wish so much of him hadn’t been obscured in shadows. it would be so amazing to see his face in full light like thrall and saurfang in the safe haven cinematic. i really liked how you could see his nostrils flaring and his ears flexing with his movements and expressions (especially visible when he shoves gul’dan). 
i can understand on a conceptual level how people find garrosh (and other orcs) attractive/hot etc but as an asexual person i guess it hits different. i think my favorite physical features of garrosh are his cinderblock jaw, his skin texture, his yellow eyes, his floppy ears, the rolls/folds where his neck meets his traps, and the skin/part of his lips that folds around his tusks (like jowls or dog flews i guess?). basically i guess just all the shapes and the lines in and on his body. i love his wrinkles and creases. it’s so tactile. and the overall size of him has a lot of physicality/presence, if that makes sense.
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this right here is the best shit in the world to me. look at his fucking pores. his crow’s feet. the fucking mole near his eyebrow piercing. the pock marks in his cheeks. i live for this. 
sorry if this isnt what you meant, anon
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