#his peircings are made of obsidian!!
haharuspex · 10 months
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my brand new aasimar - surtas! he's a zealot barbarian, a huge ass bloodthirsty himbo w/ dumped intelligence and his goddess is the literal equivalent of magran from pillars of eternity >:3
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Chapter 11 the hero's duel pt3 (thanks @hazawatsugu [sorry if I hurt her too much] )
*Without a second thought Tsugu grabbed the gun the envocer and shot herself but did not die instead a large woman wearing a large noble dress with no head but instead a large floating mask for a face appers behind her. A large number of guns appers and shot out several light and psychic blasts at god who dodged them and soon sighs and threw his club at the being yelling*
*the mace soon gored the persona but it soon healed and buffed her to save Tsugu as the pain ripped through them both and the persona broke but Tsugu smiles and got up.*
Tsugu:...hehehe…QUEEN DRAGON'S ROAR!!!
*her body changed more and more but Hercules looks and nods.*
Hercules:I see..I will have to do it. Even if I have to die…so be it. I CALL UPON THE HOUND OF HADES!
*Cerberus soon came out of the sky and bit him in three places and soon fused with him gaining a new form the Twelfth labor had been completed. As Tsugu become more dragon like as she started growing scales a tail and her fangs and wings grew to magnificent prepositions.*
*both soon charged and started attacking each other. With Tsugu grabbing any random object she could grab turning them into devine treasures and using her magic to fight the god who kept breaking every single one she ever created but soon she flew upwards into a tower and cut it with her cape and dropped it on the god and she soon landed on a church's roof.*
Tsugu:...I smell you sir…please. Don't fake defeat to make me feel better.
*Brekaing out of the tower made God killing weapon the hero burst out and looked at her.*
Hercules:ha…ha…ha…I see you're stronger then many heros I've met…I'm glad your might matches your heart.
*the duo started fighting again but the fight was just Hercules swinging his fists as Tsugu dodged and swung when she could before one swing broke her though a gate and soon she stopped by crashing into the edge of the arena pulling a peice of a iron fence out of her leg and used it as a cane. As she wobbled lunging at the god she managed to perice him and after all that he hit her hard in the stomach and as she puked up blood over all of her body she fell the hero looked down at her.*
Hercules:I'm sorry…
*right before he turned his back Tsugu made one last ditch punch to stop him…the very blood on her gloves soon became divine treasures and her fist peirced his chest and punctured his heart.*
Tsugu:...oh..my..what have I done?...
*as she started to see him die she saw his arm move which caused her to flinch but…he didn't strike her down…he hugged her.*
Hercules:don't be sorry. I kind of expected one to die…it was a good fight…I will always love humanity…and mortals…Brunhilde..protect them…I did my best. *looks at Tsugu* goodbye sister…
*she cried loudly as he died right after she started crying a stone hit her head. Many things were thrown at her as they believed she was now the worst evil for killing their hero right after she walked away to avoid the stones something large was thrown…it was a boulder… a Boulder of obsidian.*
*The man was a giant who was much bigger then any mortal champion the cherubs and other gods yelled about how the mortals were to lose and how herc should have won only for many to revolt. The loudest voices belonged to the Yamamotos and the man from earlier Brunhilde soon caught one who he was when she heard this.*
*At this point several gods charged or threw things at him as a large amount of magma was thrown at them. The demons attacking was expected they follow Bhudda who hated the gods. But this..this man. She understood after he was done and Tsugu saw him again in the halls of the infirmary as she wished to speak to him.*
Tsugu:...Paradox..that was him right mister?
Gim:Gim..that's my name. And yes..Cornelius was my grandson..yes that was his name. He calls himself Paradox as many saw him as one..good job kid..you've done good hero…I'll be willing to listen if you wish to talk..I'm always willing to chat with my young man's friends.
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niivosus · 6 years
Omg don’t laugh!! Who is Gravitas? Where is he from?!
Oh, my god, how can I laugh when I want to cry? You want to know about my terrible boy! The hardest part about this is that I don’t even know where to start, lol.Let’s see: Gravitas is my original character designed for the IDW Transformers fandom. His carrier (mother) is my longtime canon muse, Cyclonus, and his sires (fathers) are Galvatron, Scourge, and Dinobot. He is, as well, the ‘twin’ brother of his sister, Veritas.Gravitas is a Cybertronian - an ancient, pseudo-immortal, and highly technologically/medically/militaristically advanced alien race of giant, sentient robots. However, his creators were already in the throes of conquering other planets and building their own empire (specifically to be the birthright to their unborn heirs) in reminiscence of the way that their own homeworld had once been, making Gravitas the prince of the Neo-Cybertronian Empire.Appearance-wise, Gravitas obtains the majority of his facial features, power, and physique (body height and shape; armour-type and weapon types; weight) from Galvatron. His beastmode, however, is  obtained from the genetics of Dinobot, making him a beastformer rather than a machineformer; specifically, he is a Fuzor beastformer on account that his beastmode is made up of more than one beast (a draconian-like reptile and a bear).There’s is an entirely other half of Gravitas’s story that involves the Dead Universe - a dark, gruesome dimension that can be accessed through any singularity (Black Hole). Anything and anyone who enters without a protective shield/forcefield of some sort becomes ‘infected’ and ‘undead’, bound to the dimension where eternal suffering, starvation, and decay is all that awaits them. An ancient god-like entity, known as the D-Void, exists there, having once imprisoned Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge for over six million years, influencing/controlling them to do its bidding in order; to set in motion a mission that would allow it to feast on the entirety of Cybertron and convert the planet into a massive portal, in which it would then be able to emerge from the Dead Universe and begin to consume all life.Things, however, did not go according to plan (as all things do), and the canon-divergent roleplay story begins with Cyclonus, Galvatron, and Scourge being reborn (though separated to different corners of the universe countless millennia) after a momentary collapse of the Dead Universe; however, their sparks (hearts) remained infected by the D-Void, the entity often tormenting them in their minds (especially Cyclonus). Before the journey that had inevitably landed them in the Dead Universe, Cyclonus had been unaware that he was carrying (pregnant). In the Dead Universe, the D-Void intentionally infected and corrupted the twinsparks with its touch, and the twinsparks went into hibernation once Cyclonus escaped/was reborn, only to reawaken once he was reunited with Galvatron (his sparkmate/soulmate).When the twins were ‘born’, it was made evident in their early infancy that they were infected and afflicted with ‘Voidsickness’, a consequence that the original trio had suffered from when they were outside of the Dead Universe for too long - starvation, lethargy, agony; decaying. To mitigate this, Gravitas’ creators would periodically take them into the Dead Universe to feed and soak in the atmosphere there. As Gravitas grew older and larger, his physical appetite increased and worsened, having both the hunger from Voidsickness and from being a beastformer (and a large one at that). There are several events that take place through his childhood, adolescence, and adulthood that shape him into who is, and I still have an an old timeline (specifically when Dinobot died; he was his ‘true’ father, the one who raised him) for the majority if you’d like to take look at it!FOR INTERACTIVE PURPOSES:Gravitas inherited Sire Dinobot’s private intergalactic ship, the Axalon-2, after his death, and it has been Gravitas’ sole transportation around several galaxies. He roams the universe, following his sire’s maps for the adventure, creating a social network of his own, marking down the intricate cycles of planets for easy, periodic hunting, and terrorizing/destroying small civilizations as is his natural inclination to do as a Warlord/Conqueror-type Cybertronian (inherited from Galvatron).Gravitas possesses several pieces of technology that help him interact with others, especially if they’re a different species (or a different height):
Solid-Light Projection Generator (a.k.a. Holomatter, Holoform, or Holo-Avatar) is a piece of Cybertronian technology that allows mechanoids, like Gravitas, to create a disguise that mimics the appearance of the native life on the planet they’re visiting. A holomatter is not the same as a hologram; a holomatter disguise is as solid and tangible as another of that species, but it does possess the option to become intangible like a hologram if needed. Little bits of information (both canon and headcanon):
The projection of the holo-avatar is limited to 400-500 miles from the controlling mechanoid’s body, even when separated by solid walls. 
The holo-avatar is able to wink/blink in and out of existence without warning or traces, like a simple flick of a light switch. (Therefore, anything that Gravitas wears that isn’t a part of his holo-avatar’s original design will drop to the floor; this also means that he has the ability to ‘will away’ his holo-avatar’s original clothing.)
The updated software for the holomatter generators allows the mechanoid to customize their holo-avatar to better fit their personality/interests/beliefs (including gender; hairstyle, hair color, eye color; ethnicity; clothing fashion; permanent marks on the mechanoid’s body, such as scars, peircings, tattoos, etc.).
Gravitas’ human holo-avatar is a tall, heavily muscular, pale-skinned Caucasian male. He stands at 6′9′’ and weighs in at approximately 280lbs of muscle; his hair is shaggy and dark brown; his eyes are lilac (a carry over from his mechanoid’s design; his optical color); his right ear holds two black helix piercings (a carry over from his mechanoid’s design; his right horn is drilled through with two obsidian rings); his original clothing is a simple black, metal/rock band t-shirt (I often just screw around and give it a different band name each time it’s mentioned LOL), a black belt with a rectangular steel buckle (the design etched into it being his family’s emblem, which double’s as Neo-Cybertronian Empire’s insignia), a pair of dark, acid wash jeans, and a pair of black combat boots.  If he’s being interacted with after he’s been exiled from his family and home, then he will have a set of deep, grotesque, charred-like scars on the right side of his face (starting from the edge of his ear and beneath his eye, angled down across his cheek to the corner of his mouth and chin), inflicted by his sister on his mechanoid body. (See the timeline for when and why the attack and exile happened!)
A holo-avatar was never intended to be used in battle or as a weapon. It is strictly for the purpose of camouflage and covert operations, especially on worlds that are hostile towards mechanoids or visits from foreign alien races. The holo-avatar is only as strong and durable as the species it’s imitating. Damage or obliteration to the holo-avatar can cause death or “severe impairment" to the mechanoid “if their consciousness is not withdrawn in time”. When utilizing their holo-avatar, the mechanoid is extremely vulnerable. Those highly experienced with using a holomatter generator are capable of splitting their consciousness across both their mechanoid bodies and their holo-avatars, interacting with the environment in both forms, no matter the distance between them, and minimizing the vulnerabilty. Gravitas, however, has never felt the want or need to train himself into mastering this technique (up until visiting the Milky Way Galaxy and Earth, he had rarely had a need to use it), therefore in order to activate his holo-avatar, he must put his mechanoid form into stasis lock (a form of deep, deep sleep or unconsciousness). Because of this, his entire consciousness either enters his holo-avatar, or he has it straddling between, leaving his mechanoid frame defenseless inside the walls of his spaceship. If there were an emergency, such as his ship or unresponsive mechanoid body being threatened, shutting down his holomatter generator and settling his consciousness back into his mechanoid frame will be more dangerous and if he had simply remained in his holo-avatar. Rebooting his systems and emerging from the depths of stasis lock will put him entirely defenseless if the threat were to attack or breach his ship. If he remains in his holo-avatar, he will at least still have he ability to fight off/lure away whatever has discovered his ship as best he can.As stated before, serious injury or damage to the holo-avatar reflects injury to his mechanoid body’s neuralnet. (e.g. If he breaks his arm in his holo-avatar, the pain will be reflected across both bodies, and his mechanoid body’s arm will be unresponsive, the circuitry damaged and in need of repair, unless he allows it to heal first in his holo-avatar.)
A holo-avatar is a solid, tangible mass and is capable of experiencing/exploring most (if not all) of the bodily functions, senses and sensations of the species’ its imitating, including bleeding, crying, eating / drinking, urinating / defecating, producing sexual fluids, etc. (If they so choose, that is.) The more realism that they choose wield with their disguise, the deeper their neuralnet (brain, nervous system, ‘heart’, etc.) and subconsciousness will be ingrained into the holo-avatar, worsening their vulnerability.
His real-life and animated faceclaims:
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Mass-Displacement Glove is derived from old, still-utilized Cybertronian technology that allows a mechanoid, especially machineformers, to shrink their body for certain missions or when switching to their alternate mode. The Mass-Displacement technology has been shown to come in various forms, both natural and invented, including: 
Elemental Particle Control Beam.
Parts Compression/Origami Transformation. When a mechanoid has several layers of armour that either compress or expand to makes their alternate mode physically smaller/larger than their robotic mode).
Mass Conversion. A genetically acquired ability that the mechanoid naturally compress their bodies when they switch to their alternate mode (e.g. Soundwave and Blaster, when they shrink to a human-sized version of their boombox-stereo altmodes).)
Mass-Displacement Sequence. An algorithm that can be activated and shrink the mechanoid when they shift to their alternate mode (e.g. Megatron when he shifts to an accurately sized fusion-pistol), however this method is exceedingly dangerous as the amount of mass loss gives off a violent, electrical energy discharge over the surrounding area of the mechanoid, capable of causing injury to anyone in its reach.
Mass-Displacement Gun. A weapon that can be wielded by one mechanoid to shrink other mechanoids (and then can be stored in in a convenient miniaturized state).
The mass-displacement glove is fingerless to the second set of knuckles and is made from a black, elastic microfilament mesh. It is designed to fit securely (with minimal slippage or adjusting) over the left servo / hand, moulding to its size and shape. Embedded into the wristband and the back of the hand lies the touch-sensitive system controls that allows the wielder to adjust the amount of displacement desired (whether to enlarge or shrink) before activation. It is weaponized along the knuckles with Bleedback receptors (amethyst jewel-like plating that, with every landed punch, the receptors sap the opponent’s energy from their body and immediately convert it into reusable energy, increasing the wielder’s strength and the ability to land harder, more brutal punches.  When Gravitas activates the glove and shrinks down, his displaced mass is redirected / shunted into his subspace storage pockets, private inter-dimensional transwarp spaces that mechanoids command and are able to personal paraphernalia (things as small as weapons, to as large as Optimus Prime’s trailer, to as inconceivable as one’s own mass).TL;DR:
Gravitas is a giant, alien, beast-forming robot.
He is approximately 8,000,000 years old and stands at 48ft (including his horns).
He is the son of an ancient planet-conqueror; the son of a religious warrior; the son of a god-touched Outlier; the son of one of the original beastformers created.
He is plagued by two separate illnesses that, if not carefully monitored consistently, will leave him vulnerable and/or bring him to death.
He is able to cross over into an entirely different dimension; a dimension of eternal darkness, starvation, and roaming grotesque creatures.
He possesses technology that allows him to operate in a human-like disguise (or can mass-displace his mechanoid frame to human-average height).
He possesses no morals or conscience that would immediately steer him away from doing abhorrent things if provoked. He will attack and eat anything; he will attack and abuse anything; he will attack and rape anything. He views the majority of females of any species as the ‘inferior / weak / submissive’ sex and are often his preferred choice of prey. He holds violent, supremacist beliefs against machineformers (much like his father held violent, supremacist beliefs against beastformers, that ultimately led to their genocide).
Gravitas is a VILLAIN without recognizing that he is one. He has no concept of ‘good’ or ‘evil’. Only survival, dominance, and claiming.
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uncle-octopus-blog · 8 years
History of Body Piercing
Body piercing is a practice that has taken place for thousands of years, even dating as far back as biblical times. Today many cultures around the world still practice the same piercing methods as their ancestors before them. Piercing has also become popular in our modern society, and it is safe to say that it is practiced all around the world. There is a rich history for each form of piercings, such as ear, oral, nose, nipples, navel, and genitals.
Today ear piercings are the most common, even among conservative individuals. Though the history of ear piercings date back to 2500 BCE. In 1991 the oldest found mummy was discovered in a glacier in Austria. This corpse was estimated to be over 5,000 years old, and it was found with not only is ears pierced, but also stretched to 7-11mm diameter.
Earrings were also mentioned in the bible, in Genesis 35:4 “So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods they had and the rings in their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak at Shechem.”  Exodus 32 “When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us” Aaron answered them, “Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.” So all the people took off their earrings and brought them to Aaron. He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool.”  Deuteronomy 15:12–17 “ But if your servant says to you, “I do not want to leave you,” because he loves you and your family and is well off with you, then take an awl and push it through his earlobe into the door, and he will become your servant for life. Do the same for your female servant.” Earrings were also common in ancient Egypt, especially in the 18th dynasty, taking the shape of gold hoops. Royalty wore more intricate piercings often formed into gem-studded snakes.
During the Elizabethan era, women’s haircuts often obscured their ears, making earrings unnecessary, however, men caught on to this trend, including famous names like William Shakespeare and Sir Walter Raleigh. Sailors in this era also pierced their ears, many believed in the superstition that having one’s ear peirced would improve their eyesight, thus keeping them safer at sea. Another reason for sailors to pierce their ears is that they believed that if they drown and their bodies washed up on shore the rings in their ears would be enough to pay for a christian burial.
Lip piercings are often practiced in African and Native American tribes.  In Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and South America it is common for people to stretch their lips by piercing them and inserting plugs or plates. Among the ancient Aztecs and Mayans, labret piercing, called Tentetl, was reserved for male nobility, who wore beautiful labrets fashioned from pure gold to look like serpents, and labret jewelry made of jade or obsidian.
The women of Malawi commonly practice lip stretching with a plug by the name of “pelele” which means of gradual enlargement from childhood. These plates could reach several inches of diameter and would eventually alter the alignment of the jaw. The African explorer Dr. Livingstone asked a chief the reason for this; in surprise, the chief answered “For beauty! They are the only beautiful things women have. Men have beards, women have none. What kind of person would she be without Pelele? She would not be a woman at all.” Women of the Mursi of Ethiopia still practice lip piercing as well, and on occasion their piercings may be gauged up to 15 centimetres (5.9 in) in diameter. These piercings are performed once a woman reaches sexual maturity and the size of the plate determines the price of the bride.
Tongue piercing is commonly found in many tribes from South America to Western North America. It is used for sacrificial purposes and to reach a higher plane of existence and communicate with the gods. Blood from the piercing was caught on a plank of wood and burned to send the sacrifice to the gods. Today, they are commonly practice in Western cultures for a completely different reason - oral sex.
Nose piercings are historically found in the Middle East. The Bedouins, a nomadic Arabic tribe still carry the tradition today. A husband pierces his wife’s nostril with a gold ring and the size indicates the wealth of the family. It symbolizes financial security for her if they were ever to be divorced. This practice was brought to India from the Midde East by the Mughal emperors in the 16th century. Today it remains customary for Indian Hindu women of child-bearing age to wear a nose stud or ring. The piercing is worn in the left nostril, due to the left side of the body being associated with female energy and fertility, and the piercing is said to help women through the pain of periods and childbirth.
This trend was brought to America in the 1960’s by hippies who had traveled to India and wanted to encorporate the practice themselves. Since then it has become widely popular and is one of the most socially and professionally acceptable body piercings.
Many tribes across North and South America pierce their noses, though they are not limited to the nostril. The Aztecs, Inca, Mayans and Native Americans also pierce and even gauge their septums. Bones and feathers are used by the South American tribes among nobility to show their wealth. These practices also extend to the native people of Australia and many parts of Africa.
In the Solomon islands, the Asmat tribe uses one of the most extreme examples of the septum piercing. The septum is gauged up to 15 centimeters and a piece of bone or boar’s tusk is inserted through to make them look more fierce and warlike. In some cases the bone used is a tibia of a slain enemy.
The invention of the bikini in 1953 sparked an increase in thoughts of a woman’s navel as an erogenous zone, it also increased the freedom a woman had in her sexuality and clothing choices. However, it wasn’t until the 1980’s that women really started to show their midriff in more than just swimwear. In 1994, in one of Isaac Mizrahi’s fashion shows, two models walked the runway flaunting pierced navels. This sparked the trend among punks in the 90’s, which has become even more common today.
Some say that nipple piercing began as far back as the Roman times with Centurions in the Roman army. These soldiers wore tight leather armor shaped to their bodies, with rings placed where their nipples appeared to be, for attaching a cape. Some historians say that these soldiers were also pierced beneath their armor so that they could wear a cape even without the leather plates, however anyone with nipple piercings will know that this is a terrible idea and very likely not implemented.
The true origin seems to be in the court of Queen Isabella of Bavaria in the mid 14th century. Isabella started the fashion of wearing dresses with a neckline so low it often reached the naval and exposed the nipples, which were decorated with rouge as well as jewelry and, eventually, piercings. This trend resurfaced in the late 1800’s and was even mentioned in an article in a 1890’s Vogue.
“For a long time I could not understand why I should consent to such a painful operation without sufficient reason. I soon, however, came to the conclusion that many ladies are ready to bear the passing pain for the sake of love. I found that the breasts of those who wore rings were incomparably rounder and fuller developed than those who did not. My doubts were now at an end…so I had my nipples pierced, and when the wounds were healed, I had rings inserted…with regard to the experience of wearing these rings, I can only say that they are not in the least uncomfortable or painful. On the contrary, the slight rubbing and slipping of the rings causes in me an extremely titillating feeling, and all my colleagues I have spoken to on this subject have confirmed my opinion.”
Most of the medical community were outraged by this trend because it upset their views of the purpose of a woman’s body, however some doctors recommended nipple piercing, as it enlarged the nipples and made breastfeeding easier. It was also at this time that the power of an orgasm as a healing method was realized, and nipple piercings were recommended as a way to increase pleasure and bring that orgasm closer for women and men.
Around the same time that the sexual benefits of nipple piercings were discovered in the 1800s, experimentation began with clitoral piercings and soon discovered that the clitoral hood was the safest area around the clitoris to pierce to increase sexual sensitivity without damaging the clitoris. This piercing is still not incredibly popular today but is said to have a great number of sexual benefits.
The Prince Albert piercing is named after Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria of England, who supposedly had one of these piercings. A craze for ultra tight men’s trousers happened around this time. Because the pants were so tight, the penis needed to be held to one side or the other so as not to create an unsightly bulge. To accomplish this, some men had their penis pierced to allow it to be held by a hook on the inside of the trousers. This piercing was called a “Dressing Ring” at the time, because tailors would ask if a gentleman dressed to the left or the right and tailor the trousers accordingly. This is now common among men who want to better their sexual experience and reportedly increases pleasure for women being penetrated as well. It is also thought of as a very aesthetically pleasing piercing.
In ancient Greece, Athletes performed nude. To keep their genitalia from moving freely, the foreskin was bound with a ribbon and tied down. This lead to the practice of piercing it to keep it fully still. This also kept the athletes from having sex with slaves. Romans had a practice called Infibulation which involved the labia of a woman being pierced with rings and a lock being placed on them to prevent penetrative sex, keeping her pure until marriage.
In the Japanese Yakuza, they have a body modification tradition known as Pearling. This involves small wounds being opened up along the skin of the penis. Beads are inserted beneath the skin and allowed to heal. This tradition started to show how much pain a man can handle, as no anesthetic is used. Each pearl symbolizes a kill the gang member has made. This style of body modification also increases sexual pleasure for the man’s partner from the added texture.
One can see that body piercing has an incredibly rich diversity and is common throughout the world in nearly every culture. Piercings have spiritual significance to many societies and are filled with meaning. Though in our modern Western society, piercings can seem very taboo and socially unacceptable, there is a lot more to them than people seem to realize. From health and sexual benefits, to sacred pacts with the gods, piercings are about much more than aesthetic to many of those who chose to pierce their body.
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sunsetsequalsmiles · 6 years
Sun-soaked cherries
The sun was beaming down on all of us with feircity. Spencer was laying in the river bed while Graham jumped over the rocks by our little beach. Out in the water, with the current swirling around, there is a little wade pool and a good rock to sun bathe. There were hardly any dispaced sea shells there. The sun reflects off of the shattering surface up under my hat and glasses. Rainbow lighting bolts crackle in the seams of everything.
Then, a yelp rises across the pools and I look up to see the water under Graham seeping with blood. It was a small crisis, honestly Spencer handled all of it, including but not limited to holding Graham’s wound closed with his bare hands. I can remember with singularity the image of the crimson peircing into the clear water. With the horror and intensity of the exodus.
That morning we made great efforts for making the trip. Zoe and I for sure had a rough coming up, with nausea, euphoria, and hightened sensation. We left with out the rest because we wanted to get going. The sensation of when it’s happening is almost impossible to explain.
I’ve felt for a long time that there is something more to this life than just every day. That there is something incomprehendible out there, on the horizon. But we never evolved enough to realize it or allow it to happen. That the truth to our world was something so much simpler.
Spinoza said that all matter is one, and in his proof of god he argued that we are all one god of which Each mortal is a mode.
And I think about Plato’s cave and how humans used to think and live so close minded. A good dose of sunlight turns the shadowy ape into an enlightened being, with intellect and aspiration. But now, we are crossing a threshold where we are reaching our capacity to know our world. The ethics are somewhat chaotic but basic physics and math are breaking under the strain of what life really is. There’s a missing variable.
There is nothing more terrifying than looking across the room and seeing the one you love smile back at you. The emotion’s wildnerness is a jarring place at times like this, when everything seems to be falling in place. Not necessarily as you’d thought. More like the universe said, “OK I’m intervening, mhmm, yes let’s place this person and these events, BOOM:” it’s been weeks but you’ve walked miles across roads you never knew existed before. Wake up! this is your life now.
A lot about this 242nd Independance Day in America. Watching fireworks off the penthouse balcony: many bursts crashing and lingering across the dark terrain. The green blue purple and pink walk home to the tit, also known as big blue and the lion’s den. Lana and strawberries. The riverside collision with complete strangers, feeling nothing stranger than as a stranger to this world. Pulsing with an unmatched sensory overload as if the world would burst at the seam, ripping open to a obsidian-smooth unknown. It never does. The cherries on the railroad tracks, feeling so closed-in like Jason and his corridor, the sound of gravel and breezy oak trees echo. The velvet of the summer air will not stop seeping into this old house & sleep escapes me still.
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