#his son is so sweet a little pouty and shy likes being held and loves hugs my goodness đŸ„șđŸ„ș
yourlovermori · 2 years
oh god what about when tomura’s baby wakes up from their nap
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they’re laid out on his bed while he’s on his pc taking some time to play some video game as a bit of a reward for putting his baby to sleep. the babe is no more than 2 years old — chunky limbs shuffling around on the bed, muffled whimpers coming from the little thing when he notices that papa isn’t laying on the bed with him.
ohh :(( and just imagine his baby’s little pout when he sits up — the chub of his belly poking through his outfit all round and looking like a stuffed bear. rubbing his eyes trying to wipe the sleep away in search of his daddy. n then when he climbs down off the bed he sees the lights of his father’s computer screen painting his skin different shades of colors — a shadow cast upon his back. he gets so excited n happy that daddy’s still there — smiling big with not many but few teeth in his mouth. drool spilling the corner of his lips gurgling out a high–pitched laugh that makes tomura slip off his headset and turn towards the noise.
oh. the way he’d stumble his way over to his daddy’s gaming chair in his cute little lion onesie you dressed him in before you left to run errands. small feet pattering on the wood of the floor till he reaches his father — eyeing him with red eyes that are a carbon copy of his big round ones. huffing and babbling while pulling the sleeves of his father’s shirt so that daddy can pick him up because he wants to game too :(((
tomura picks him up with no problem, safety gloves on and everything saying something along the lines of ‘my little brat’s awake, yeah? comin sit with papa?’ a breathless laugh leaves him when his son lets out a big yawn. the babe settles in his father’s lap — head leaning against his stomach, while tomura rests his hand along his baby’s back — breath eventually evening out and falling asleep. and a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips at the sight of his sleeping son.
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sigmoon · 7 months
hio <3 !! im so in love w ur nikolai & his mama posts, theyre too sweet (∩ ➝➝ ∩) !! i have to know, what do u think baby kolya was like?
Thank you so much, Mai <3 and this ask is so cute :(
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Nikolai was the most adorable baby/toddler imaginable! I think he was one of those babies that smile at anyone they make eye contact with, whether it was his mama or a stranger. Did the classic cute baby stuff like shoving his feet into his mouth, having the squishiest cheeks and adorable, chubby thighs, cooing and reaching his arms for mommy when she walks by, and trying to grab people’s cheeks or nose when he’s being held.
Also a real chatterbox, blabbering all day, showing everyone his toys, and being very proud of them. He also used to force ask people really nicely whether they could read something to him, taking one of his picture books and waddling up to them, holding the book out with an excited smile.
When he started to learn how to properly talk, his mom got a lot of headaches, because he just never seemed to run out of energy or things to talk about.
Always tried to eat sand or dirt or put leaves in his mouth when he got the chance to (a+ immune system) and he made „food“ out of sand and mud and got all pouty and teary-eyed when the adults didn’t want to eat it.
He was such a sweetheart, but also kept his poor mom busy at all times, especially when he started walking, he kept running away and she needed to hurry after her son, trying to catch him before he got lost (he regularly lost his mom in stores and the manager needed to make an announcement for his mother to come pick him up.)
Tried out different hair styles on his mom, but they all ended up looking like a bird’s nest.
Sticky hands. Always.
For some reason, I feel like baby Kolya was friends with more girls than boys, and loved the things that girls stereotypically liked to play, e.g. playing dress-up or playing with dollhouses and I feel like he didn’t go to the classic „girls are stupid“ phase. Their moms were so in love with him as well, gushing over the little boy when his mom came to pick him up after his play dates.
Often painted doodles on his face with permanent markers, or he tried to imitate his mother putting on makeup with those, and because they were so hard to wash off, he had to walk around for days with his face looking like a Jackson Pollock painting.
When his dad was around, which rarely happened, he stuck his tongue out at him or started screeching when he tried to hold him. He really didn’t like him and always tried to protect his mom from his deadbeat dad (I don’t think he was abusive, just a massive loser who’s a bad father and partner.)
Overall, he was a really energetic baby and toddler, but also so, so sweet and affectionate, and especially fond of his mom, although he probably wasn’t a shy child, unafraid to chitchat with strangers, too.
(Not a baby headcanon, but I think Nikolai was one of those boys that don’t have a huge growth spurt or show very obvious signs of puberty until they turn eighteen and then they suddenly look like a grown man overnight.)
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st4rsoo · 3 years
can u do headcanons about LOONA dating somebody much taller than them? thank u 😊
againnnn such a great prompt layout creds: @saintsuga :D sort of a collab with @gaypeople4itzy <3
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╰┈➀ pov: ur tall (ft. loona)
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・ wouldn't seem to notice much, constantly looks up at you and smiles to show shes paying attention, might point it out once or twice, if you ever feel insecure about it she would let you know it doesn't bother her, very sweet as she always is :( " i couldn't ask for anyone better than you "
・ doesn't let the height difference affect her confidence, shes still just as much of a flirt, probably would pull you down by the collar to kiss you instead of leaning up, she acts like it doesn't bother her but she's probably jealous " you're so small in my eyes "
・ makes dumb jokes about it, she actually likes that you're tall though, has a big thing for dancing with you, likes to be held by the waist, leans her head on your shoulder, if you point out that she's clingy she just shrugs and does it anyway " how's the weather up there, gorgeous "
・ really soft because you're taller than her, holds your hand 24/7, gives you puppy eyes when she wants something, smiles when you mention that she's smaller than you, haseul seems like the type to really want to kiss you and would get pouty if you don't let her " i just want to kiss you but i can't reach :( "
・ always acts like it doesn't matter to her, gets a little mad when you call out that she's short, doesn't like having to look up to you so she chooses not to, but when you're alone she does appreciate the height difference, really likes long warm hugs, little spoon " ugh you make everything about my height "
・ very much likes your height, doesn't let it make her feel shy though, lots of hugs, likes to steal your hoodies, jokes about wanting to be tall like you, really clingy especially when you're alone, demands kisses and cuddles sometimes even in public " you're like a big warm teddy bear !! "
・ deep down she's way jealous, compensates by teasing you more, likes to make you flustered out of spite, always saying cocky things, her whole goal is to make you embarrassed, will never admit she likes cuddling up with you " aw you're blushing, is it because of me ? "
・ literally could not care less, only wants her bread and affection, 100% likes being called small but wont admit it, finds you comfy i could see her falling asleep on your shoulder, still always cute and smiley when she looks up at you :(, proud little spoon " i know i'm clingy but this is my spot !! "
・ she loves it, gowon's a real soft girl i think it would make her more comfortable, holds your hand 24/7, loves when you baby her, really quiet and doesn't mention much about it, tells you that you're warm, sucker for hugs " it's so cold out here, can't you give me a hug ! "
・ switches between 'pretending it isn't important' to 'being obsessed with it', really bubbly so she tells you everything, thinks your height is attractive, buries her face in your chest when you hug her, still would want to be big spoon even though she's small " tall people are so cool, i wish i could be that cool !! "
・ also acts like it doesn't matter, gets bratty when you bring it up, doesn't want to be pampered but ends out liking it, makes eye contact with you a lot & loves when you compliment her eyes, just likes being called attractive in general, lowkey wants to be kissed " maybe if you weren't so tall i wouldn't have NECK PROBLEMS "
・ poor baby is already so used to being short, would get very mad if you call her anything but lentil bean, wants forehead kisses, also constantly wants to hug you for warmth, can be kind of crabby if you tease her about her height too much, #bratjin " if you don't hug me right now it means you don't love me "
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i wrote the last few sleep deprived at midnight (im typing it as its 12:06 hi) but anyways yeah this was a cool and creative prompt i really enjoyed writing about it !! also a heads up that i might start posting a bit less for a week or so because i have to get caught up with school so expect delays ): and yeah as always, please like and reblog
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sekceesimps · 4 years
HxH Domestic Fluff Headcannons
these are just some cute and fluffy (kinda spicy?) head cannons for Feitan, Hisoka, and Chrollo with a fem!reader
a/n   please send in requests and feedback. I love doing head cannons and really want to improve my writing for y’all,
sincerely Coffee
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Chrollo Lucilfer
-  Chrollo would have never thought that he’d settle down with someone. In truth, he’s still surprised that he did. It’s not that he doesn’t love you, he would kill for you, but he’s surprised that you managed to stick with him for this long
-  This sexy man loves you so much
- he's never really felt this strongly about anyone in his whole life. He’d usually just fuck someone to get what he needs and then get the hell out of there. Honestly, he didn’t think he needed anyone being the busy leader that he is
- With you he feels so many more unfamiliar and strong emotions. He knew a few months into being in a relationship that he wanted to marry you, he was very sure about you being the one. 
- However, this level of love only comes due to how much trust he has in you. At the beginning of your relationship it was dishonest for him. He had a mask, but that didn’t protect him from the eventual feelings he developed. It took him a bit of time to drop his guard, but once that happens he’s all yours. 
- He doesn’t admit it, but he loves it when you call him your husband. Having a ring on your finger makes him feel more secure that you truly belong to him too. that possessive mf 
- you’d have the be very patient and accepting of him and his line of work. He still goes about his spider business, even after marriage, although he tries to make it less obvious now, for your own peace of mind. 
- He enjoys coming home to you cooking a beautiful meal and waiting for him on the couch. No one in his life has ever put as much thought and effort into things for him as you do. 
- Will still spoil you. Your gaze lingering on that bracelet in the store too long? it’s already wrapped up and on the bed for you. 
- If he thinks he pissed you off even a little bit, he’ll try to give you something as an apology. You don’t really care, preferring to just be with him. 
- morning kisses! You’ll often find yourself waking up to him kissing you on your forehead, neck, and cheeks. He loves seeing you blush and act shy when he does this 
- these morning kisses will have a 50/50 chance of leading to more. it’s usually lazy and sensual, but it’s what both of you need before heading off to the shower together and then taking care of the day’s events. 
- He loves cuddling so much, it’s insane. He might act like he’d be the big spoon, but that’s just not happening. You’ll be watching a movie together at night and he’ll be making himself comfortable with his back against your chest. In truth, Chrollo loves being held by you 
- Don’t get me wrong, he’s still going to be topping you like 80% of the time, but he really loves just taking in your warmth and the comfort you give him. Coming from Meteor City, he’s never felt as safe as when you’re holding him. 
- Likes burying his face into your hair and just inhaling your scent. It’s so intoxicating for him. 
- Sometimes when you two are sitting in bed he’ll read to you or let you read over his shoulder. You two would probably be reading the same literature and talking about it as a nice calm activity together.  
- He’s never really considered a family before, but after marriage he’d go into a slight baby fever. he 100% has a breeding kink 
- He saw you holding a family member’s young child once and something in him definitely changed. You don’t mind though. One kid would definitely not be enough for him. 
- Overall, a married Chrollo continues to pamper you and will always see you as his whole world. The amount of trust and love he has for you will only grow through the years. 
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Hisoka Morow
- Honestly, Hisoka isn’t settling down with anyone seriously anytime soon, but for the right person he would perhaps put in some effort in his own way
- that being said, if he does ever get into a serious relationship he’d be like a house cat. 
- you’ll be doing chores around the house and he’d come behind you for attention until you stop doing the dishes and cuddle with him
- With Hisoka, he’s either always giving you affection or will be ignoring you. There is truly no in between
- don’t go seeking attention and kisses. If you initiate he’ll be mildly annoyed and won’t indulge you. He is a massive tease and will start initiating affection at the worst times
- you’re busy with work? Too bad. He’s horny and wants to take you on the desk right now. trying to fold the clothes from the dryer? you better do it with his arms wrapped around your waist and him breathing down your neck. 
- His method of affection will be neck kisses and hands wrapped around your waist. He’s not too into holding hands or cuddling. 
- He has a weird obsession with calling you sickly sweet pet names until you get annoyed. he definitely won’t stop even if you get pissed off by it
- dates with him are also truly something else. He’s pretty clueless about what normal couples do. Some dates can be sweet, with him taking you to an expensive dinner or a romantic walk around town. Other times they be weird, with him taking you to a random abandoned lot and making out with you for an hour. 
- Hisoka is incredibly possessive in public. He’ll be clutching onto you if anyone starts looking and flirting with you. you are HIS and it pisses him off that someone doesn’t realize this. 
- which is exactly why he likes the idea of marrying you. He can make it official that you belong to him. PDA will increase so much after you get married.
- He also leaves way more hickies on your neck. He loves to make sure people know that you are his. 
- When you two are getting ready in the mornings he’ll teach you how to apply makeup. Always gets the best stuff for you, he steals it sometimes, but he pretends he doesn’t know. Seriously though, he’s great with hair styling and tries to teach you all his tricks.  
- This sexy clown will be a shitty gift giver. He forgets some important dates, but makes up for it with hastily bought presents. also eats you out as an apology
- He’s pretty stubborn, so when you get into real arguments don’t expect him to beg for you back. He’s going to be pouty and ignore you. All you have to do though is ignore him back and eventually he gets frustrated enough to pin you against something and fuck you right there. 
- He refuses to have kids. That’s just not his style. He’d rather you and him had an easy to maintain pet that doesn’t require much work
- If you do end up getting pregnant, he’ll be displeased and most likely won’t alter any of his actions. He warms up to the idea later on, but initially it’s pretty rough getting him on board the idea of a family 
- Hisoka is a strange lover to be married to, but he does love and care for you in his own ways. 
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Feitan Portor
- Don’t expect many words from him. If you want to hear “I Love You” and other words of comfort, it would be incredibly rare and only ever when he’s really tired and not quite in control of his demeanor.
- He would only want to settle down with you if you were self reliant. He’s not always going to be there so you need to take care of yourself
- You would probably also be a Spider or some form of assassin/hunter. He needs to be able to know that you can take down enemies when he’s not with you. You being able to beat down enemies turns him on so much.  
- Feitan also probably sees marriage as an unnecessary formality. You’d probably be dating for a while, so why do you need a piece of paper telling you how much you love each other? If you wanted it though, he wouldn’t protest too much.
- He’s not COMPLETELY devoid of emotions though. He still loves you very much. His form of affection comes from small changes in his body language and the little things he does
- He will remember important dates and occasionally give a word of praise on those days. This lack of affection is definitely not because he doesn’t love you, but rather because he just does not know what to do when it comes to romance
- His form of romance also comes in more romantic sex. We all know that Feitan is a kinky mf, but after being with you for so long, he mellows out a bit. He worships your body however you want as his main form of reassurance
- Sometimes with urging from the rest of the Troupe he tries to bring you things you’d enjoy. Will get you some form of matching clothing or maybe a practical knife. 
- He actually gets you a cat on your birthday. He’ll act like he didn’t plan it, but he knew you wanted to take care of something while he was gone. Pretends he hates the cat, but they’re really similar and get along well.  
- Due to his background and upbringing, trusting and physical contact is foreign and unnatural to him. It would take a lot of time together and loving nights for him to finally let you cuddle and have him kiss you often
- After you two break that barrier he can’t stop holding your hand, touching your waist, giving you forehead kisses. he is so touch starved, give him love
- Will probably never seriously consider children. In your lines of work it would be too dangerous with not much of a benefit. That being said though, if you do end up getting pregnant he won’t protest too hard
- The kid will end up growing on him though. He definitely doesn’t want more though, one is more than enough for him. Will secretly find it adorable when his son or daughter calls him dad. He will teach your kid how to torture and interrogate someone in 10 minutes. 
- He loves the family you two have and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Be patient with him and he would take a bullet for you 
part 2??
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agrestebug · 4 years
Marichat May 2020
Hey everyone! On with the show with another one-shot! Cross-posted on Fanfiction, and please, don’t repost on another site without permission! I hope you enjoy!
Day 17 - Paparazzi
He groaned, hearing his name being screamed from multiple sources behind him as he ran from the crowd of people trying to catch him.
It was like the 'Adrien the Fragrance' ad all over again. He knew doing that twenty page spread for the Gabriel magazine was going to come back to bite him, and here was the result, fans chasing him throughout all of Paris.
He turned a corner and was startled by multiple brilliant flashes of light, taking a few steps back as he shielded his eyes.
Damn it. - He thought. Paparazzi.
"Adrien!" "Adrien!" "Did you mean what you said in the interview with the spread released last week?"
"Is there really only one girl who has ever caught your eye?"
"Who is she?"
"How long have you known her?"
"What's her name?!"
"Will we be seeing the two of you out together anytime soon?"
"No comment." He answered automatically, backing up away from the paparazzi while trying to avoid backing up into the crowd of girls that had been following him.
"Is that where you are going now? To go see her?" Another of the paparazzi asked.
"No comment!" He said a little firmer, hating how they never took the hint. He was starting to really regret his decision to stay quiet. When his father told him about the spread, he should have never agreed so easily.
He felt something grab his middle and he was suddenly lifted off of his feet straight into the air. His arms instinctually wrapped around the nearest thing, which happened to be a red and black spotted suit.
"L-Ladybug?!" He said bewildered as they dropped onto a rooftop and out of view from both the hoard of fangirls, and the paparazzi.
Ladybug gave him a small smile, "I'm sorry about tackling you like that. I know I shouldn't have interfered but,"
"NO!" He said too loudly in his relief, hugging her tightly without realizing what he was doing, "Thank you. Thank you so much for pulling me out of there."
She hugged him back, glad that she had managed to find him when she did, "You're welcome. I'm sorry you're going through this. It must be tough."
He dropped his arms suddenly and took a step back, blushing profusely as he put a hand to the back of his neck, "It's not the first time something like this has happened. I think the interview really did me in. Fans are one thing, hounding paparazzi are another."
Ladybug frowned, "No, I get that. Believe me, I get it."
They shared knowing smiles before Ladybug asked, "Would you care for a lift home?"
"No, I don't want to trouble you Ladybug. You already saved me from that mob." He told her, embarrassed that she had to save him in the first place. "If you could just, let me down off the roof, preferably somewhere no one will notice, I can make my own way back."
She smirked, "It's no trouble, and I'd hate to have you get chased all over the city all over again." She looked up in thought before asking curiously, "Isn't there somewhere nearby you could maybe go to hide out for a bit? Maybe with a friend or something?"
He glanced around, "Honestly, I don't even know where I am. I've been taking random turns just trying to lose everyone." He peered carefully over the edge of the roof and saw that he was just a few blocks away from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Marinette. She'd let him hide out at her place for sure, and maybe he'd be able to sneak a few treats in while he was there.
"Actually, I think I have the perfect place and it's not too far from here." He told her happily.
She nodded, but couldn't hide her concern, "And you are sure you can make it on your own?"
He nodded instantly, "Without a doubt. You've already done more than enough by going out of your way to help me." He asked a little curious, "Did I miss an akuma attack or something? I don't think anyone's ever really seen you out unless there was one."
Her cheeks just under her mask turned pink, "O-oh, uh, I wasn't doing anything spectacular or anything, and there wasn't an akuma." She chewed her lower lip, admitting it sounding embarrassed, "I was actually walking home when I saw the paparazzi catch you at the corner. Then the fan-mob came up behind you, and you really looked like you wished you were anywhere but there so,"
He felt his heart flutter happily, "You transformed, just to save me?"
She nodded sheepishly and he hugged her again, simply because he couldn't help himself, "Thank you. I know that could have been risky for you."
"No one was paying attention to me. All eyes were on you." She said it a little softer, "It helps that my civilian self is easily looked over anyways."
"I seriously doubt that." He told her instantly, staring into her eyes. "Your civilian self is probably just as amazing as the way you are now. You may wear a mask, but you are still you. The only difference is a few spots." He touched her mask carefully, and she took a small step back, her voice shaking as she told him, "Y-You're very sweet Adrien, but trust me, you'd never notice me as my civilian self. That I can promise you."
"I've been told I have pretty good eyesight." He teased, smiling brightly when she let out a small laugh that rang through his entire being.
"Let me get you out of here mister twenty-page spread." She teased back, putting her arm around his waist. He hoped she couldn't feel his heart thundering against his ribcage as she lowered them slowly into the nearby alley. She really looked reluctant to leave but he told her with a smile, "I'll be okay, honest. Thank you again Ladybug."
She nodded, "Be safe Adrien. I hope this all dies down soon, for your sake."
She yo-yoed away and he sighed, telling her softly after she disappeared, "You always find a way to make me fall in love with you more, don't you M'lady?"
Plagg floated out from the pocket of his shirt, shaking his head, "You want to get caught by that mob don't you?"
Adrien shivered, "Not a chance. Plagg, Claws Out." He felt the transformation take hold and pulled his baton, vaulting back up to the rooftops. He headed straight towards the bakery, clearing the distance in a few short minutes and glad that he had taken the route with a view. At three of the four corners he would have had to take if he'd gone on foot, there were MORE paparazzi and fans hanging out looking for him.
He dropped onto Marinette's balcony with a relieved sigh, hearing a squeak of surprise coming from below before her head popped up out of the skylight, "C-Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"
He instantly fell to his knees and begged her, "Please purrincess, please let me hang out here for a little while."
She eyed him concerned, "Why? What's going on? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, and I can't explain but I really just need some place to hide out for a little while. Please?" He asked hopefully, giving her the biggest pleading eyes he could.
She didn't look remotely phased, "Why don't you just go home?"
He fidgeted nervously, "Uh, I can't, explain that either, not without revealing my identity."
She started to frown at that, and he told her softly, "You are the only person I can trust. Please Marinette?"
Her frown softened until it turned into a smile, "Fine, come on you pouty kitty."
He smiled brightly and followed her down into her room. He instantly spread out on her floor, stretching out before letting his arms stay splayed out at his sides, "You are a lifesaver purrincess."
She rolled her eyes, watching the tension leave his shoulders. "You owe me one Kitty, and I intend to collect."
He told her quickly, "Whatever the purrincess desires, it is yours!"
She held back her laugh and sat in her desk chair, asking curious, "Really Chat, are you sure you are okay?"
He let out a heavy sigh, staring at her ceiling, "It's just, been a long day." He corrected himself, "It's been a long week actually."
"Guess it's going around." Marinette muttered to herself, but with his sensitive hearing he'd heard her clearly. He sat up and perched on all fours on the floor, tilting his head slightly as he asked curiously, "What do you mean? You've had a long week too?"
"Something like that." She admitted, flipping the page of whatever book she was looking through. He stood and walked over to her, flinching at the sight of the fashion magazine that was causing all this hell. He tried to play off his hatred of the dreadful magazine by asking lightly with a smile planted on his face, "Hey, that's the Gabriel Magazine right? The one with the designer's sons spread?"
Marinette nodded a bit sadly, "Yeah, this is the one that's causing him all kinds of grief."
He asked as though he didn't know exactly what she meant, "Grief? Is the spread no good?"
"The spread is fine. Adrien looks handsome as always," a slight frown crept onto her face as she stared at one of the pictures, "I prefer his real smile, but that's just me."
He peered over her shoulder, honestly confused this time as he commented, "He's smiling in the picture though."
She looked up at him with a shy smile, "Yes, but that," she pointed to the picture on the page, "is his 'model' smile."
"Why does it sound like you have quotes around the word model?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
She giggled slightly, "I guess it did come out that way huh? This smile is the one he shows everyone. It's automatic and to anyone who doesn't know him, they believe it when they see it."
He stared at the seriousness of her face as he said it, knowing it was true, "But you don't."
She shook her head, "No, I don't." She looked back down at the magazine, "I don't know how to explain it, but I can just, tell. His real smile is so much brighter than this one. His eyes shine and he looks so genuinely happy." She said it heavily, "I wish I had a way to make sure he could smile like that all the time."
Chat felt his heart warm and he smiled, "He means a lot to you, doesn't he?"
It left her before she could stop it, "More than a lot, I love him."
He felt his knee's shake, "You, love him?"
She told him quickly, "I know, it's ridiculous right? You probably think it's just some silly crush from a crazy fangirl."
"No!" He said too quickly in his nervousness, seeing her look surprised before he explained, "I, I'd like to think I know you well enough to know that you mean it, when you say you're in l-love with him."
She smiled sadly, "Thanks Kitty, but you don't have to try and make me feel better." She stared down at the magazine longingly, "Someone like Adrien, he'd never notice me as anything more than a friend." She swiveled in her chair, making sure she could still see Chat Noir and the magazine lying on her desk.
"I'm glad to be his friend, I really am," she laid her head on one of her arms without turning her back to Chat, "I just wish he wouldn't look me over so easily, so that he could see how much he really means to me."
She reached out and fidgeted with the framed picture on her desk of her and Alya, with him and Nino standing on either side of them, tipping it back and forth lightly with a finger.
He tried to pull himself together, her words echoing inside him. Marinette, loved him. But she, she had always denied that she felt something more for him. He had always felt amazingly lucky that he could even call her his friend, and she actually, cared about him so much more than that.
"When did you, fall in love with him?" He asked, trying not to let his nerves show.
She kept fiddling with the picture frame, sighing heavily, "It wasn't one moment really. He surprises me with his kindness, and in the same second can surprise me with his fierceness when it comes to protecting his friends. I get all tongue-tied and can barely stay on my feet when I see him, and he's so sweet. He doesn't ever mention how awkward I am around him. He probably thinks I'm a lunatic."
"I'm sure he doesn't." He told her kindly, her words touching his heart. Usually the first thing people talked about were his looks, and then all the 'great' talents he'd been forced to learn. She didn't mention either, and he had a feeling she wasn't going to bring them up. It sent his heart into a pounding flurry, beating against his chest. How could this incredible girl have so much love in her heart for him? How could he have never realized her feelings when they were as clear as a crystal sky now? He must have really been blind.
"And he's brave," she said with a small smile as she stared at the picture, "he pushed me out of the way of an akuma more than once, when he could have gotten hurt himself. Sometimes when he looks at me, I feel like maybe he sees me, just a little bit. My heart flutters like a hummingbird, and I start to feel all warm inside." She sat up and looked over to the corner of her room where a black umbrella sat leaning up against the wall.
"I guess, it really all started with that." She pointed to the umbrella and Chat looked at it in surprise, recognizing it instantly. "After I treated him so terribly when we first met, he offered me his umbrella even though he'd be without one. He had this look in his eyes, this, something, that just drew me to him instantly. He wasn't anything like what I expected or originally thought, and now that I've had the chance to really get to know him, I know that he's so much more than the face that everyone sees."
She frowned slightly, glancing towards her window, "I hope he's doing okay. All week his bodyguard has been practically escorting him into school because of how bad the paparazzi have gotten. He doesn't deserve to be treated that way. I hate that everyone forgets that he's not just a model or a face on a magazine, he's a person who just wants to be able to hang out with his friends without causing a riot."
"Well, you probably aren't wrong." He managed to get out normally, his eyes glued to the beautiful girl who saw past the glamor and name to who he was underneath. She was probably the only girl in all of Paris who really did.
"He's lucky." He said simply, drawing her attention instantly, "That someone as beautiful inside as she is outside, cares about someone like him at all."
She smiled at him, "He needs people to care about him, not just fawn over him or want to be his friend because he's famous." She let out a soft sigh, "Maybe one day he'll start to see me the way I see him, but even if he never notices me, my feelings will never change. That I can promise you."
'Y-You're very sweet Adrien, but trust me, you'd never notice me as my civilian self. That I can promise you.'
"Ladybug." He whispered, feeling like everything in the world was falling into place.
"Ladybug?" Marinette repeated confused.
He stared into her eyes, the same beautiful bluebell eyes that had captured his heart without her even knowing it. He had to correct her, just like he had before.
"You're wrong you know." He said, wanting nothing more than to close the gap between them.
"Kitty I have no idea what you are talking about." She deadpanned seriously.
He grinned. He wasn't going to keep it from her that he knew, and at the same time, he was going to make sure she knew the truth too. "You're not someone who is easily overlooked. You are beautiful and kind, and caring." He motioned to her wall of designs, "You are crazy talented," he smiled softly, "and you are amazing exactly the way you are now."
He reached up and cupped her cheek, his fingertips resting along the space where her mask would be, not knowing when his feet had carried him over to her. Her eyes widened as she instinctively moved back, her voice shaking, "Y-You're very sweet Kitty but..." she stopped, her voice catching as a lump formed. This... this was just like the conversation she had just had with...
He saw the realization fill her eyes, and told her again, "You may wear a mask, but you are still you. The only difference is a few spots."
It came out as nothing more than a whisper, "Adrien."
He held her face in his hands, making sure she understood, "I told you I had pretty good eyesight."
Her shock turned to pure joy, her eyes tearing up as she said it excitedly, "ADRIEN!" She threw her arms around his neck and he held her instantly, reveling in the way they fit perfectly against each other.
"That went better than I thought." He happily mused out loud.
She pulled back and her face turned white right in front of him, "Oh my god. OH MY GOD! I JUST TOLD ADRIEN HOW I FELT!"
He stood unmoving, watching as she started pacing around her room, rambling so quickly about... the end of the world? She pulled on her pigtails, groaning before adding it nearly in tears, "Oh my god my life is over."
He chuckled softly, watching as she crouched into herself. He went over and crouched in front of her, "I don't think this is going to cause the end of the world, and your life is nowhere near over purrincess."
She shot him a glare at the pun, but he merely grinned, "What? It's true. I think this was a miraculous way to find each other, don't you?"
He told her a little softer, feeling his cheeks warm, "And, I love you too, with or without your spots."
She blushed nearly scarlet, asking with a small frown, "But, you never,"
"Fought with myself, about the most courageous, most daring, girl I've ever met and the beautifully kind, most amazing friend I've ever had?" He told her the truth, "More than once, and for a lot longer than you'd probably believe."
"Try me." She said instantly.
"Adrien the Fragrance." He said sheepishly, watching her eyes widen in shock. "You helped me then too. For hours we ran around Paris, and the whole time I kept thinking, this girl is amazing. I can't believe she's doing this for me. I'm literally dragging her into the chaos and she's not the least bit affected." He started to smirk, "And in her pajamas no less!"
Her face burned and she pushed him hard on the shoulder, watching with immense satisfaction as he fell straight on his behind, "Serves you right for teasing!"
He smiled at her lovingly, acting as though nothing had happened, "That was the first time I realized that being around you made me feel different than I did with anyone else. I was, incredibly happy, despite everything that was going on, and ever since then, I noticed it happening more and more. As long as you were around, nothing could ruin my day."
He moved to his knees leaning towards her so he could rest his forehead against hers, "You've always been the direction my compass has pointed me to, if... if I'm not too late."
He felt her soft lips press against his with a passion that sparked every nerve ending to life. His hands found her waist and she moved closer, practically sitting in his lap as she kissed him senseless.
Her hands moved through his hair, causing a deep rumble through his chest as he felt his way up her back. She arched into him, rising up slightly so that she was in control of the kiss, and he wasn't complaining. The tips of his claws cut into the ties holding her hair, and some small part of his brain that was still registering information warned him to be careful or he'd end up hurting her by accident. That was the last thing he wanted.
He whispered it quickly against her lips, "Plagg claws in." His transformation dropped but his lips were back on hers before it fell completely. He put his now clawless hand to the back of her neck, feeling her loose tresses skim like silk across the back of his hand. She hummed appreciatively, adding fuel to the wild fire already raging inside him.
Tikki had her hand over Plagg's mouth, practically holding him in a headlock to keep him quiet as he squirmed to get away from her. The second he was free of the ring, she had pounced. She knew he'd ruin this moment for her and she would NOT let him ruin what she had been waiting over a year for!
She shushed him again as he mumbled unintelligibly, probably something along the lines about gross emotions and needing camembert. She was overjoyed watching their chosen get lost in each other, oblivious to the world around them.
Neither of them are sure of when they moved to the chaise from the floor, but it sure was more comfortable.
"IT'S COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE!" Plagg yelled at Adrien, who merely rolled his eyes and tightened his hold on his new girlfriend lying in his arms, both of them trying to catch their breath. Marinette giggled, making his smile turn loving as he looked at where she had her head resting on his chest. The second their eyes made contact, she gave him another small kiss that made his heart flutter all over again.
"TWO HOURS! YOU'VE BEEN KISSING FOR TWO HOURS!" Plagg whined angrily before they could start again, "WHAT ABOUT MY CHEESE!?"
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onewfantaesy · 5 years
How old is Heechul when he starts dating Taemin's mom and What was it like for him the first time he babysat taemin alone? Was he prepared? Was taemin being a typical toddler aka bratty and loud, or super chill and quiet? Was heechul still a little immature (in that Heechul silly fashion, whining/teasing taemin) or was he already trying to seriously become a father figure in this kids life? Did he do a good job or did taemin wear him out? Lol
Heechul was about 26 when he first met Taemin, and he had been in super junior for about five years.
Taemin is a little over a year and a half old when heechul starts dating Taemin’s mom. He met Taemin about four months into their relationship, but then when Taemin was a little over two years old, heechul watched Taemin alone for the first time.
Heechul had been around Taemin countless times, held him a lot, made him laugh. But he’s never been around him without his girlfriend there, was so nervous that Taemin might not like heechul if his mom wasn’t there, but she assures heechul that Taemin would be fine, he loved heechul, that it would only be for a few hours and then she would come back.
And that’s how heechul found himself sitting across the couch from a slightly pouty toddler.
Taemin was a huge mommy’s boy. He always got pouty when his mom left, and heechul was so afraid he was going to make taemin so much more upset.
“Want mama,” Taemin whined, rubbing at his eyes.
“Nonono, don’t cry taeminnie,” heechul cooed, going to hold Taemin to his chest.
“Does taeminnie want to go see super junior?” Heechul cooed. “Does taeminnie wanna see dancing?”
Taemin was always so fascinated by dancing, and he always laughed at the super junior videos heechul showed him on his phone.
So heechul brought him to a practice room, invited a couple of the members, and soon enough, Taemin was giggling and shaking his butt while eunhyuk tried to teach him actual dance moves.
But taemin does get pretty shy around new people, and even though he likes the couple members who came to meet him, he eventually toddles right over to heechul and grabs at his legs and holds his arms up to be held.
“Up, Heehee,” Taemin asks in a very soft voice.
Heechul kind of loves that Taemin calls him Heehee. It’s a very special little nickname. It makes heechul feel all warm and fuzzy and special when this sweet little baby calls him a special name.
“Is taeminnie ready to get lunch?” Heechul asks, holding Taemin close and patting his back.
“Nuggets,” Taemin says, holding his arms around heechul’s neck and laying his head on heechul’s shoulder.
Heechul takes taemin out for lunch, and super junior members eunhyuk, leeteuk, and kyuhyun go with them. Taemin very stubbornly only agrees to sit on heechul’s lap the entire time they’re at lunch, and he gets very very shy and hides his face in heechul’s chest and smiles at him and is just very snuggly.
It’s all over fan accounts and gossip columns how heechul had a baby with him all day, speculating that it was his son, that he had a secret toddler.
It was a successful first day watching Taemin in his own, but he was very worried how these pictures of Taemin’s face were all over the Internet. He was so concerned that his girlfriend was going to hate him for this.
She was a bit concerned, but she was mostly just glad to see that Taemin was so happy with him during lunch.
Heechul becomes much more comfortable taking taemin out after that. Taemin is a very mild mannered toddler, he doesn’t have too many tantrums, he’s not bratty, and he hardly ever actually cries. He pouts a lot, sure, but heechul thinks that’s more cute than anything.
Heechul still teases Taemin a lot and jokes around and acts silly, but he does take taking care of taemin very seriously. He worries about saying bad words in front of him and his friends acting too rowdy in front of an impressionable toddler.
The first time he’s legitimately alone with taemin though? That’s an overnight ordeal, and taemin thinks running away from bathtime is so fun and splashing in the tub is so fun and running around naked is so fun and he completely wears heechul out after two hours. After heechul has wrangled Taemin into his little dinosaur footie pajamas, heechul is sprawled on the couch and making sure Taemin doesn’t fall and hit his head.
“Heehee?” Taemin asks, toddling over to the couch and leaning over to poke heechul’s chest. “Story time?”
“Which story does taeminnie wanna hear?” Heechul asks, leaning over to pick Taemin up.
“Little prince!” Taemin smiles, leaning close to heechul and holding his hands in heechul’s shirt.
Heechul finds Taemin’s favorite book, plus his binky and favorite stuffed bear, goes back to the couch, and holds Taemin on his lap and against his chest to read the story to him. Taemin was asleep after twenty minutes, his binky barely held in his mouth and his teddy bear held under his arm.
Heechul thinks he’s just a perfect, sweet little angel.
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ellynefics · 6 years
Monsta X reaction to coming home and finding you shoveling the sidewalk !
(a/n: This is based off a reaction that I wrote one year ago, when I was still running a writing blog under @bryony-raylene-writes. The original is long gone but shoveling the sidewalk around Christmastime always brings back feels! So I hope you enjoy this, my first ever reaction I’ve decided to post here on #ellynefics ❀  Thank you so much to all my followers, Merry (late) Christmas/Yule and Happy New Year!!)
Another long day of work was over, and quickly, you collected your things, punching out and ducking out the back employee’s door. Fresh snow crunched under your feet as you walked to your car. The temperature had been dropping lately, so it wasn’t a big surprise when you had woken up that morning and opened the window to the sight of the ground blanketed in white. It seemed that more had fallen while you were stuck inside the office, too. Right now, there was nothing more you wanted than to be home, snuggled in front of the fire. Also, preferably, wrapped in a warm blanket and drinking hot cocoa. 
However when you arrived, after what seemed like forever, the realization hit that you couldn’t relax just yet. The sidewalks needed to be cleared off, or else you could get a ticket from the city. So grabbing the snow shovel from the front porch, you set to work. 
Not five minutes later, you heard a car pull up to the side of the house. There was the distinctive sound of the passenger’s side door opening, and a familiar voice saying thank you, see you tomorrow. You smiled brightly as footsteps approached from behind.
Your boyfriend must be off early today. 
genre;; realistic, genderless reader
fluff, slight non-graphic smut (possibly nsfw)
overall length;; short | medium | long
In moments, you were engulfed from behind in a big bear hug, a strong arm wrapping around your waist. Of course you had to stop what you were doing, because when you were trapped in Son Hyunwoo’s embrace, there was no chance of escape or movement. “Hi, baby,” his voice rumbled from your shoulder. “How was work?”
“Taxing,” you replied with a sigh, and melted into his warmth. “I don’t like having to deal with angry clients, but they always call me to handle the ones that yell...”
He hugged you tighter, if that was even possible. “I’m sorry, love.” Briefly, he hummed a tune, a familiar one that was special between the two of you, and this made your shoulders relax. At that moment, you could cry at how strong and yet soft a man you had a for a boyfriend.
All of a sudden, you felt a hand on your own, gently prying your fingers off of the wooden handle of the snow shovel. As you gasped and tried to protest, Hyunwoo caught it in his other palm as it naturally fell. Then, like a true dancer, he locked your fingers together to spin you around, and gave you a gentle kiss. “Let me finish this, ok?”
Despite his confidence, you whined a little, worried about him. “Aren’t you tired from dancing? Didn’t you say that today would be all-day choreo?”
“Yes, but not enough to keep you out here in the cold.”
“At least let me help. Please?” Your little pouty lip came out, and he chuckled.
“You can. But not out here.” Before you could protest again, there was another soft, warm kiss on your lips. “How about you go make us some hot chocolate, hm?”
Finally, you relented. “Alright. But take your time, ok? If you get too sore, come inside. The sidewalk can wait.”
Hyunwoo nodded, and let you go. You reached up to peck him on the cheek before heading inside. 
Fifteen minutes later, when he slipped in the front door and wiggled the coat off his powerful shoulders, you were waiting with two mugs of steaming hot cocoa. He took the one you held out, and then you grabbed his hand and led him into the living room, where there was a fire roaring in the fireplace. The both of you settled down together, underneath a soft, fuzzy blanket. 
Soon, he was nodding off to sleep, and you snuggled closer and gave him a last kiss.
“Sleep well, my handsome bear.”
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“I’m home, babe.” He had snuck up on you, and you jumped and giggled at the feeling of Hoseok’s cold lips on your cheek. “Early and everything.”
“I noticed.” Turning around, you let the shovel rest against your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him over for a long kiss. It was impossible not to melt at his blinding white smile. 
“Is it okay if I stay out here and talk to you while you finish? Maybe it’ll go faster that way.”
“Sure, of course.” You’d never turn down a moment with him. He was your best friend as well as your lover and you were glad he wanted to be by your side. While you turned your attention back to the sidewalk, you figured you’d get a conversation started. A fairly standard question floated out of your mouth. “How were things at the studio today?”
He hopped into the snow next to you, in the grass of the front lawn, and grinned at you. His footprints made it clear he was going to follow you as you made your way to the end. “Exhausting. But good. We’re learning choreo and my limbs almost don’t work right anymore...I’m really glad that you’re scooping the walks, because I was dreading doing it. I would have been glad to though, for you--I was certain I’d be home first, for once...” 
While he was being talkative, you had noticed that his head wasn’t covered. “Shin Hoseok! How many times have I told you to take care of yourself? It’s so cold, and your immune system was never the strongest, anyway. Here, take this, you adorable blockhead.” Unwrapping your scarf from around your neck, you draped it over his shoulders and circled it around once, pulling it up so it covered his mouth and nose.
He tried to protest. When he hooked a finger in the fabric and tried to drag it down and off, you stopped him. “Please, at least keep it around your ears. They’re so cute, and I don’t want them to get frostbite.”
Finally, Wonho huffed and said alright. Both of you almost immediately had smiles on your faces again, though.
It seemed he was right when he said his presence would make things go faster. In no time, the two of you were walking back into the house, taking off your coats, and standing huddled by the stove, waiting for the water to get hot. Your lips brushed every once in a while, and he held you close to his body, needing to feel you against every inch of him.
Within ten minutes, you were sitting in front of the crackling fire; full of warm, sweet cocoa, it didn’t take long to fall asleep in each other’s arms, either.
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You had to keep yourself from falling over as a long, lean body plowed into your own. Somehow, you managed, even with the Minhyuk’s weight and the slightly slippery ground. He was a ball of cute energy, radiating enthusiasm that warmed you right up, and melted your heart. There was no other reaction to this assault than a full-bellied laugh, and it burst forth joyously from you as he planted little kisses on your cheeks, again and again.
Faintly, in the back of your head, you recalled that he had said today would be all-day choreo. How he managed to get so excited after all that mystified you. Knowing him, though, he was probably dead tired. That suspicion was confirmed when you finally dropped the shovel and turned to see his droopy eyes, with pronounced, dark bags underneath. Still, he had a smile so wide and bright it could probably melt the rest of the snow you needed to move. 
“I’m so glad to be home with you.” Minhyuk’s voice was relieved and gentle, and nearly cracked. Pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth, you grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“I’m glad you’re home with me, too. Oh, baby, you look exhausted.”
“Long days...y’nnow. Hard work.” He mumbled, making a sigh fall from your lips. You were all too aware of how hard he pushed himself, to be the best idol and entertainer and singer and MC and whatever else he could be. Sometimes, he even (erroneously) believed that he needed to in order to keep up with his bandmates. They--and you--often tried to tell him that he was wonderful and talented and often shone brighter than all the other six boys combined, but he almost never listened. Sometimes, after days like this, he needed comfort and care in more amounts than you could give. Still, you tried, never asking much of him in return. Knowing that he loved you was enough.
“Come on, let’s go warm up inside and get some sleep.”
“No, no, it’s okay. Finish the walks.” His eyes suddenly widened, and the smile made a reappearance. “I’ll make some hot chocolate for when you’re done, ok? That sounds really good to me. You don’t have to hurry. I love you so, so much.” Leaning across to relish in your lips for a second, he unraveled himself from you and turned, giving one more shy, tired smile before disappearing inside the house. Though you were excited of the prospect of spending quality time with him, the weight of worry was heavy on your heart. You picked the shovel up and set to work again.
“Minhyukie?” You softly called when he didn’t meet you at the door, fifteen minutes later. A sticky note hanging on the cabinet caught your attention. 
to my lovely snow-shoveller: Look in the microwave, and then the living room c; ❀ 
There was a cup of chocolatey goodness waiting for you in the former, and you took it before padding into the latter. The sight that greeted you had contentment and love pooling in your heart. Minhyuk was sitting on the couch, head in hand, fast asleep in front of the roaring fire. Poor boy, no matter how determined he had been to be awake for you, slumber had claimed him instead. Setting your mug next to his on the coffee table, you joined him, moving his head to a more comfortable position and tucking a pillow underneath. Then you draped a soft blanket over the both of you. Curling into his side, you closed your eyes and breathed his scent.
Rest well. I’ll be here when you wake.
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“Baby?” Someone nudged your shoulder, pulling you partway out of the clutches of sleep. Giving a content hum, you stirred, the sheets shifting over your figure. Presently, there was a chuckle from your side. “Good almost morning, sleepyhead. I’m gonna get ready to go to the studio.”
A kiss pressed to your temple roused you the rest of the way, though you didn’t want to leave the land of bliss quite yet. Still, your eyes fluttered open to watch Kihyun slide out of bed. As he stood and went to the dresser, pulling out underwear and jeans for the day, your gaze traced his body. There were little bruises left here and there from the wonderful sex you had with him the night before, that left you moaning his name to the tropical night. As if in response, your own love marks ached slightly, reminding you that you were his and his alone.
But wait, was this right? Abruptly, it didn’t feel that way. A feeling of confusion swept you momentarily, before you remembered having a very peculiar dream. It had been set in a snowy environment, an entire day that you realized, in hindsight, was odd. The office looked too much like the pit you had spent a few years in back in Seoul; the house you returned to a little like the one you had grown up in. But when the present came back, there was nothing like that around here. The sun was just rising on a warm, beautiful day at the beach.
The two of you were on vacation at the moment, visiting a bungalow that someone in the company owned. It was something that happened often; Kihyun almost always insisted that you travel to a warmer climate during the winter, and between comebacks and things. He hated being cold and having to deal with snow. Though you, yourself, were partial to the fluffy whiteness, you didn’t complain. Getting to spend time with him was everything.
Despite your brief time away from South Korea, he still had to show up to a local studio to record some things. You didn’t like to see him go, but it was necessary. Otherwise, the CEOs would be on his back, and last time that happened, he had snapped. You never wanted that again. It scared you to see him so different from the man he was when he held you in his arms in the dark of night, kissing every inch of you he could reach, moving within you, whispering sweet nothings as you trembled at his touch and he himself reached his own end.
Soon he was dressed, and he leaned over the bed to place a kiss on your lips. “Time to leave. Though I don’t want to.”
“Alright. Sing well. Hurry back to me.”
His precious smile warmed your heart.
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It didn’t surprise or upset you all that much when you heard Hyungwon turn up the walkway and go into the house. On top of learning choreography that day, he had mentioned having a photoshoot, so he must be exhausted. No doubt, you’d come in later to find him crashed out in bed, with his shoes and socks still on. Maybe even his scarf. You grinned, thinking about taking care of his extra clothes and curling up next to his figure, tangling your legs together and proceeding to nap with your sleepyhead. Heaven only knew you needed it as much as he did. One guy did nothing but yell at you over the phone for over an hour. And it wasn’t even your fault.
However, soon there was the characteristic sound of the door opening again, and you couldn’t help but turn. The sight that greeted you made your eyes widen and a smile grow on your face. There was your Hyungwonnie, bundled up warmly in a big fluffy coat and hat, eyes and nose peeking out over the top of a scarf. It looked like he had several pairs of mittens on, and he gripped the spare snowshovel as best he could.
In no time you were chuckling, then giggling; your own neglected shovel fell as your hand clapped over your mouth. The laugh grew until you had to hold your stomach and double over. Tears formed in your eyes. He looked so funny; it was so cute, you couldn’t handle it.
His eyes had to be as big as saucers. “What? What’s wrong, baby? Are you ok?” Obviously, he didn’t get what he had done to you. His confusion was adorable, too, and only made you laugh harder. Eventually, your body leapt into the only reaction you knew you were going to be able to manage at that point: throwing yourself at him. He gave a little cry of surprise, and the two of you fell backwards, clinging to each other for dear life. Once you were settled on top of him in the snow, you pulled down his scarf and peppered fleeting kisses across his perfect lips and face. Now he, too, was chuckling, melodic baritone causing butterflies to stir in your belly.
“I’m sorry,” You managed to puff out eventually. “But I love you, and you’re the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. Especially looking like a tall, big-eyed baby in these layers.”
“I just wanted to help. I didn’t ask to be attacked,” He whined in return, and his mittened hands found your cheeks. “Love you too, goofball.”
Hand in hand, you and him set the shovels down by the door and went inside. The time it took to finish had pretty much been halved with him helping, and you couldn’t be prouder. As a reward, you stoked a fire and made hot chocolate, and snuggled into his side on the couch, you knew that no matter how cold, you had found paradise here.
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The footfalls hesitated briefly, but you didn’t think much of it until--
Something hit your back with an almost ludicrous wet sound. Afterwards, the spot felt heavy, like a little bit of whatever had struck you stayed there. If you had been any more in the moment, you probably would have immediately realized what it was. However, that wasn’t the case, and it took you a whole few seconds--whipping around to the sight of Lee Jooheon with another snowball in his hand--to get it.
Your mouth opened, about to cry his name, but before you could say anything he wound up and threw again. Instinctively, you tried to dodge, but the wet orb found your shoulder, splattering over the sleeve of your coat. Little bits of white clung to the slick fabric, and when you glanced back up at your beloved best friend and lover, he had a teasing smile on his face. “Seriously?” To mess with him, you scowled slightly and crossed your arms, trying to look as dead set as possible.
“Aw, come on, lighten up, babe.” He sighed and drew closer, reaching out for your hand. “That office is getting to you, I swear. Don’t you remember how to have a little bit of fun?”
“Huh, I don’t really know...” Tapping your chin, you squeezed his fingers. “Maybe not...perhaps you’ll have to...” crouching down all at once, you grabbed a fistful of snow, packed it, and tossed it at his chest. Of course, since you were so close, it hit point-blank. A smile broke out on your face, and giggling, you backed away, already anticipating the reaction. “...remind me?”
Your boyfriend let out one of those laughs you absolutely loved. Quickly, he bent down to grab more white goodness of his own. “I would be honored. Now come here, you.”
Yelping, you turned and ran. Jooheon was hot on your heels, and the two of you laughed and teased each other as you ran around the yard, trying to nail each other with globs of wet snow. Eventually, though, the competition settled a bit; you were left standing by each other, panting and grinning widely. Facing down yet another snowball, Jooheon raised his hands in surrender.
He was so cute, and your heart fluttered and did flips in your chest. Not able to hold back anymore, you stepped closer and met his plump lips, kissing him like he was water and you were a desert traveler. First he gasped, then sighed into the sudden display of affection, pulling you to himself, one hand coming to rest in the small of your back.
Eventually, you broke away. He gazed into your eyes with so much adoration, and wiped a lock of hair out of your eyes. “I’ll finish the walk. You go make us something nice and hot, huh?”
When he came in the door fifteen minutes later, stomping snow off of his boots, the water was whistling in the kettle. All you needed to do was pour it into mugs with cocoa mix. The two of you teased each other playfully by the fire, bickering and laughing like always. (Also, later that night, perhaps some of the innuendos that had flown outside were acted upon).
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Changkyun stopped for a moment, humming in thought. You didn’t turn to look at him, but knew from the way he was breathing that he was pondering something. Doubtless, a conflicted frown lingered on his lips. “You can go inside if you want, Changkyunnie. I can handle this,” you called over your shoulder, pushing another heap of powder off to the side.
He seemed surprised by your reassurance initially, but momentarily snorted. “As if I would.”
“I know you had a long day. Choreography, rehearsal, recording, writing, the whole works. I wouldn’t be offended if you decided you were too tired to help.”
“It wasn’t all that bad. I’m fine, babe, seriously.” Shuffling a little, he queried, “Is the spare shovel where it usually is?”
“Yeah, but seriously, you don’t have to do this for me.”
“I want to.” You heard him patter off to the front porch, and there was a scrape of plastic and aluminum as he grabbed the secondary. “Meet you in the middle!” You heard him call and jog over to the other end of the walkway.
Your pattern of movement didn’t change much after that, but your mindset did. All of a sudden, guilt flooded you that you hadn’t even turned to greet your wonderful boyfriend. You knew he loved you, and every second he got to spend with you was precious in his busy schedule. He had come home early to nothing more than your mind set on a task. When he had asked if he could help you had tried to dissuade him; treated him like a baby, even. Soon after starting your romance, he had confided in you that sometimes it was hard being the youngest in Monsta X. Sometimes he had to tell Jooheon, Minhyuk, and Wonho to stop treating him like a kid, and even Monbebe thought he should be spoiled. All he wanted was a little bit of wiggle room and cred. He was really a surprisingly manly, independent soul with unique ideas and strong beliefs. That some people didn’t see beyond his maknae role infuriated you, and him. 
So, by the time the two of you were drawing closer, barely minutes later, your cheeks were flushed and tears threatened to spill, as well. Finally, the last bit of snow was cleared, and you turned toward him, expecting a furrowed brow, ready with an apology.
But you ended up finding lips instead. Like he knew your every thought, he kissed your worries away, warming you up from the inside out. You wondered if your heart would beat out of your chest.
You didn’t realize that hot, rapidly-cooling tears were flowing harder until he broke away and rubbed the pads of his thumbs across your cheeks. “Hey, hey, it’s ok. I’m not mad. Look, I’m sorry, ok? I shouldn’t have said I wasn’t tired, because actually, I’m exhausted. But I love to help you do things like this.” His bright smile lightened your countenance, too. “Besides, now that we’re done sooner, we can go have hot cocoa sooner!”
Not a minute after you finished your cup of hot, sweet drink, you found yourself falling asleep at Changkyun’s side. It was hard not to, when you were tucked in with him under a soft, fuzzy blanket. With heavy eyelids, you took one last, loving glance at him, and he noticed. A soft smile grew on his face. “You’re so cute when you’re sleepy,” he rumbled quietly, and pulled you closer. A soft hand ran through your hair, and you hummed contentedly as you felt dreamland coming closer.
“Sweet dreams. I hope you know I love you so, so much.”
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itshaejinju · 7 years
“May I have this dance?” Omg Noctis :O Like what we talked about the other night xD
FINALLY! Kept changing a few things. Damn inspiration or whateves. :D
Word count: 3,271 Warnings>: JEALOUS NOCTIS, possessive Noctis, rough sex.
Also a few cameos and hints at things that I like the idea of. Like Cor and Talcott being related. Wonder if everyone will pick up on the little things. hehe
Tagging: @themissimmortal @stunninglyignis @stephicness @neko-otaku13 @insomniacapples @cactwerk @laili2104 @mistressoli @miss-scientia @misssarahdoll @major-artery @sylleblossompetals @lupanaoflaminar @gudetamazing @nifwrites
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“MayI have this dance?” A ambassador asked heragain it was at least the fifth dance she has been apart of since thestart of this gala event.
Notonce has she danced with her husband, the King of Insomnia NoctisLucis Caelum the Savior, the one to end the Starscourge and live totell the tale. The gala was to celebrate the first birthday of theheir to the throne, Iskra the little one was finally making her firstbirthday and this was a formal party for her. Of course the “star”of the party had gone to bed hours ago but all the adults were stillup and going because this really was just a party of pleasure.
ExpectNoctis was not having any pleasure at all.
Infact he was feeling, rage, jealously and a headache brewing. Everytime he went to approach his beautiful wife and queen someone wouldeither get to her first and ask for a dance or someone would come upto him to talk about the recent rebuilding of the Regis UniversityBuilding. It was getting on his nerves seeing that beautiful dresshug her perfect form while other men had their hands on her, somewere proper holding them practically a foot from her body.
BUTthere were others that had their hands practically all over her, fromher hips to her sides to her shoulders. It was becoming too much forNoctis to handle things just kept getting in his way to you and hewas trying to be civil and adult about it but the little greenmonster that appeared on his shoulder was taking on a the size ofGladiolus very quickly.
“HeyNoct, smile!” Prompto shouted as he came over to his best friend,his lovely wife standing beside him eying the crowd a smirk on herface as she spotted the Queen.
Promptowas holding his trusty camera right in front of Noctis, there as noway he could even fake a smile at the moment. He wanted to take thenewly appointed representative of Lestallum and beat him over thehead with a engine blade as his hands traveled low down on your hips.Noctis bit his tongue turning dangerously jealous blue eyes towardsthe smiling shutterbug.
“Notnow Prom.” Noctis said pushing him away some, moving towards thethrone where his wine was sitting he needed a drink.
“Butit’s for the paper!” Prompto said rushing over to his friend whowas downing the wine rather quickly.
“PromptoI don’t care who it is for, okay? I am not in the mood for anything.”Noctis growled as his purple tinged eyes focused on his loving wife.
“Youknow your daughter will grow up to be a lovely bride to be you knowthat? I have a son just a year older
” A member of the councilfrom a newly reformed Nifelheim had said as his hands pressed to yoursides making you loose your breath a bit, this was starting to gettoo much and where was Noctis in all of this?
“Thatis nothing I want to be talking about right now.” You repliedlooking towards the throne where you found your husband who wastalking to Prompto.
Promptowas snapping photos of him Noctis was no happy you could tell it bythe look on his face and that face was so pouty right now you reallywanted to kiss it until he smiled.
“Wellit’s the best time to do that arranged marriages generally happen bythe time the daughter reaches two, consider me a go getter if youwill my Queen.” He spoke again the leering tone in his voicestrong.
“Ahno that is something that my husband the King will be dealing withand I will assist him in it but honestly I am not all that big onarranged marriages.” You answered him as the song ended, pullingaway quickly, you wanted to see your husband.
“MyMajesty this dance please!” Talcott Hester had asked of you,looking down at you charmingly with those large brown eyes.
Youcouldn’t resist Talcott he had rescued Noctis when he had emergedfrom the Crystal and had been such a great help ever since. Plus hewas so sweet. Nodding you started the next song with him, he wasreally polite where he held his hands looking a bit shy as herealized that a hand needed to go to your waist. Nervously clearinghis throat gingerly placed a hand there barely touching the dressitself.
“Itwas nice of you to invite me to the party, not really royalty oranything.” Talcott said giving you a broad smile, perfect whiteteeth flashing adoringly.
“Ohof course Talcott all the nice things you’ve done since Iskra hasbeen born and beforehand really, I would have to be foolish not toinvolve you and your Uncle.” You said as you spotted Cor Leonisconversing with a unknown female.
“Isaw how they were treating you earlier, you know? I don’t really knowhow to dance beyond this little two step.” Talcott replied as youhad noticed he was only shuffling his feet awkwardly.
“Theywere just being drunk nobles.” You said with a sigh.
“WellI don’t like it and I am sure if Noctis wasn’t busy with Prompto andGladiolus right now he would be upset by it as well. You are theQueen and should be respected like a angel. They were rather touchyfeely.”
“Thankyou Talcott.” You said softly. “Let me show you how to dance inreturn.”
Slowlyyou took the lead changing hands making the young male blush like madas you led him along the way. There was a few people that noticed andgiggled by the view of the tall young being led on the dance floor bythe Queen of Insomnia.
“Justlike this you see?”
like I need to see my feet to make sure they are going theright way.” He complained a pout on his lips.
“Ohthat’s cute Talcott.” You teased, you saw him as a little brotherhonestly, you knew him since he was a kid. “You got to go with theflow of the music.”
“Lookslike Talcott is getting awfully close to your lovely lady.”Gladiolus teased as he spotted the Queen.
“WHAT?”Noctis shouted eyes widening as he had lost sight of his wife in thecrowd when he spotted her again he was starting to loose his cool.
“She’steaching him to dance isn’t that adorable. They are really close youknow that?” Prompto remarked offhandedly, shrugging narrowshoulders.
“True.”Gladiolus added.
“Don’tthe two of you have something better to do? I’m pretty sure Mori islooking for you Gladio.” Ignis said as he slowly made his way overto the King even if he was blind he knew when Noctis was in distress.
Ignistook a seat beside Noctis, his rightfully spot ad Royal Adviser, helistened to all the sounds of the room enjoying the happiness aroundhim glad that he did not loose his eyesight for nothing. He couldhear Noctis grinding his teeth beside him, he knew the King wellenough to know he was seething with jealousy, jaw set in a firm line,eyes narrowed that slight hint of purple in them as the Lucian magicrose up in him.
“Shesees him as a brother honestly, you do know that right?” Ignisasked Noctis trying to calm him down knowing that his jealousy wasdangerous.
“Yourealize I have not danced with MY wife at all tonight? I have notspent one second with her every time I go that way I get interruptedor she does. Who do they think she is something to pass along? She ismy wife Ignis!” Noctis said the wine had started to work on himcausing him to shout and be more vocal.
Hehad pounded the arm of the throne glaring at the back of Talcott’shead in a angry expression.
“Areyou mad at Talcott in particular, Noctis?” Ignis quipped.
“NoI am mad at everyone here. All of them touching and feeling up mywife dancing with her improperly.” Noctis said his tone loud andhis blue eyes were more purple now as his emotions were getting thebetter of him.
“Idon’t see you trying now, I am sure young Talcott will make sure noone else steps in for you. Green really does suit you.”
“You’reblind how would you know?” Noctis growled turning to his oldestfriend knowing his words cut him but he was too upset to really care.
“SometimesI think I see better now that I am blind, Noct. Now go over therebefore I have to shove you, Your Majesty.”
AsNoctis rose his eyes were firm on you, they were not moving in theslightly from your gorgeous visage. He was beyond jealous from allthe attention you were getting and he couldn’t give you one ounce ofhis attention – the only attention that truly matter to you. Or atleast that’s what he hoped.
“OhTalcott good job see didn’t step on my toes once.” You said happilyas the song ended you reached up giving him a sisterly hug making theboy blush like crazy.
” Noctis said there was a growling tone in his voice, ashe appeared beside you.
“Mylove.” You said cheerfully turning to him. “I just taught Talcotthow to dance it was quite fun.”
“I’msure it was,” His tone was stiff and rough making you a bit shockednot hearing that dark tone in quite a while.
“UmNoctis?” You asked a bit confused.
“Shush.”Noctis ordered as he tugged you bodily into his arms, wrapping hisarms around your body holding you close.
“Noctis.. .please we are in a room full of people.”
“Iwant them to know you belong to me, you are my queen, my wife and theone I can touch whenever and wherever I want to.” He saidpossessively leaning in to place a kiss on your golden painted lips.
“Noctisnot in public like this.” You whined as he placed a kiss on yourlips, holding you possessively in his strong arms not caring whatothers were seeing or thinking about the King of Insomnia.
“Theyneed to know.” He growled pressing his forehead against yours,staring at you deep into your hetero-chromatic eyes, his a brightintense purple color.
“Ithink they know now.” You said as you looked around out of thecorner of your eyes there was the whole room staring at the displayNoctis was making out of everything.
“Oh!”Prompto’s wife let out in a please squeak as Prompto swept her up inhis arms kissing her mimicking Noctis.
Therewas a pleased moan not to far off from Noctis as Gladiolus did thesame thing to his girlfriend then everyone in the room started to goback on their own way. Noctis stared down at you his hands movingfrom your hips to your wrist pulling you from the dance floor to thehallway. You were getting worried he was holding on your hands rathertight and he looked rather upset was he jealous? Upset on somethingyou had said? Or done? You started to feel a bit of panic as Noctispulled you into the nearest room which happened to be a meeting roomone of the smaller ones used on the weekends if there was somethingneeded of his royal advice.
Lockingthe door behind him Noctis pinned you against the wall pressing hisbody against yours staring at you as he flicked the lights on. Noctisstared down at you with such a jealous expression it hit you he wasupset by the others dancing with you the whole time. A smile playedon your lips which made him glare at you as he found out his issues,full lips darted to your neck sucking and biting on it roughly makingyou moan loudly.
“It’snot fair that they danced with you all night my love I didn’t get thefirst dance or any dances. I didn’t get to spend any time with you,you are my wife the one I love.” He said passionately in betweenhot kisses, to your neck.
“Whois your king?” Noctis growled as his eyes flickered up to yours.
“Youare my king, my own and only king.” You panted heavily as heslipped his hands to your back reaching for the zipper of your silverdress.
“Yes,who do you belong to?” He questioned as he unzipped the dressletting cool air hit your lower back as the low slung dress becameloose on you.
“You.. .” You whimpered.
“Ididn’t hear you.” He replied grinding his hips against your waist.
“YOU!”You shouted loudly as he bit down on your collarbone.
“AndI am?” He teased now as his tongue flicked over the bite.
“YOUNOCTIS!” You shouted again as he undid the strapless bra you hadbeen wearing you were just in your underwear now.
“Thisis all mine to enjoy? I should be the only one touching the sinfullygorgeous body.”
“Yes,just you and only you Noctis.” You moaned as he his hands grabbedat the black thong underwear pulling them down past your knees and tothe floor.
“Weshouldn’t here
what if we get caught?” You panicked at therealization that you were in a meeting room only a little ways fromthe room full of dignitaries and friends.
“Idon’t care this is my palace so I can do whatever I want in it and Iwant to fuck you.”
Noctisgot on his knees spreading your legs open as he started to lick atyour clit his tongue going back and forth as he held your hips firmlyin placing keeping you from squirming. Nestling your fingers in hishair tugging on the long tresses some, his beard rubbing against yourthighs and lips making such a good sensation to your body. Reachinghis right hand down in between your legs he curled a finger insidespreading the wetness around his fingers listening to your moans ashis tongue flicked over your clit again.
” You moaned loudly.
“Thisis all mine
” Noctis moaned as he sucked your clit right intohis mouth biting on it a little.
“AH!”You shouted in pleasure as a second finger pushed inside of youscissoring back and forth in your pussy.
“Allof this is mine.”
“Makingme sound like a object, Noctis.”
“Myqueen my love
” Noctis moaned as he started to moved hisfingers in and out of you faster letting the juices slide down hispalm down his wrist.
Youcouldn’t think straight any longer it was becoming to much for you tohandle. The whimper you let out as you held back the orgasm that wason the edge of bursting through, Noctis pressed a third finger inknowing you couldn’t hold any longer.
“Don’tdeny me what I have worked for, my queen. I need this I deservethis.” He said roughly a slow lick against your pussy.
“AH!”You shouted again as you let loose your whole body shaking going weakin the knees as Noctis grabbed you supporting you from falling to theground he kissed you passionately letting you taste your cum on hislips.
Noctisunzipped his pant pulling out his hard cock, reaching hands to undohis belt and pants he swatted them away from you as he roughly pulledyou to the large oval table. Bending you over the table squeezingyour legs together Noctis shoved his cock roughly in between yourclosed legs pushing through your wet lips. It was tighter that wayand Noctis loved it that way specially hearing you whimper under himas he forced himself in it brought a sick thrill to him. Once hiscock was all the way in his large hands held on your hips squeezingthem roughly surely leaving bruises if not red hand prints.
“Ineed to mark you all over cover up what those idiots did to mybeautiful queen.” Noctis grunted as he started to pounded into youspreading you right open.
“Theydidn’t hurt me
” You panted heavily.
“Theytouched you and placed their stench on you and their filth I don’twant that.” He said placing kisses on your exposed back, his beardtickling your back some as he did.
“Yesfix it
” You moaned in agreement as his cock just kept hittingyour g-spot making you see stars as it just felt so good.
“Iplan on it and when we walk back out I don’t want you to fix yourhair or anything I want them to know.” He ordered.
Reachingforward Noctis grabbed your right breast squeezing it tightly,pulling on the harden nipple causing you to scream in pleasure. Hegrabbed at the other breast loving that scream that escaped yourlips, he wanted to hear more of it needed more of it. Pulling on themagain roughly this time, pinching on them hard his cock hitting hardsolid thrust in you tight wet pussy making such lewd sounds in theroom. It was so loud of your moans and Noctis’ grunts and theslapping of skin against skin it was just so much.
Noctispulled out you quickly flipping you around and sitting you up on thetable which you were a bit glad for because your legs were shakinglike crazy and could hardly hold you up any longer. Spreading yourlegs wide he shoved himself right back in as you wrapped your legsaround his narrow waist pulling him deep inside your pussy, almosthitting your cervix in this position, cock just brushing against yourg-spot making everything just so intense.
“Ohto the Six yes!” You shouted as he kept pounding into you makingyou scream over and over as you were enjoying yourself so much.
Noctisattacked your neck with kisses and sharp bites leaving dark hickiesall over your neck, his hands yanking on your hair pulling it back ashe kept thrusting into you. He reached a hand down rubbing your clitas he did that sent you right over board again cumming for a secondtime this time right on his cock, droplets of cum dripping down ontothe table surely staining it.
Histhrust became a bit sloppy as his cock started to throb inside of youspreading you open even more he was getting close. Running yourfingers through his thick black hair you pulled on the locks makinghim look up at you in the process.
“Iorder you to cum inside of me.” You said boldly holding a firm lookwith those intense purple eyes.
“Formy queen.” He replied as he captured your lips in a kiss.
AsNoctis wrapped his arms around your upped body he buried his faceright into your neck placing soft kisses as he started to thrust hardagain so deep inside your pussy. The loud groan in your ear made youholding him close wanting to be closer to him as his cock poundedinto you. Then in a jolt of his body Noctis ejaculated right deepinside your warm and wet pussy, slowly he thrusted a few more timesmaking sure every drop was placed inside of you. Both of you wereshaking from the high of the orgasms pulling himself out he kissedyou softly.
“Ilove you so much.” He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Ilove you as well Noctis
we should get back
“Probably.. .I think I solved that problem.” He mused as he had a giant smileon his face as he plucked up your clothes bringing them back over toyou.
“Letme help you get dressed.”
“Ishould clean up a little
” You said looking around forsomething to wipe up the cum that was dripping down your legs.
“Don’t.”Noctis ordered as he slipped the underwear back on your slender bodythen helping with the bra and slipping the dress over your shouldersand zipping it up.
Ashe led you out of the room there was a few guards milling around wholooked rather embarrassed by what they had heard but they didn’t sayanything at all. Back on the main floor the party was still going onbut it was obviously awkward as everyone kept looking towards thehallway the both of you had gone through. There was a bark oflaughter let out by Gladiolus and his girlfriend as they spotted theKing and Queen first. The hickies were obvious on the low slung dressthere was no way to cover them and the elegantly put hair was allmessed up and some makeup smeared. There was lipstick on Noctis’ lipsand damp spots on his pant legs from your cum and his shirt andjacket were all skewed. A pair of hands covered Talcott’s face as hestared wide eyed at the pair, blushing as he did see all the mess.
“Stella mayI have this dance?” Noctis asked turning to face you his eyes backto their normal calm and peaceful midnight blues.
“Yes.. .” You said shaking your head softly as the King signaled forthem to start a new song.
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