#histoire de quebec
if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
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"CANADIAN CODFISH FULL OF VITAMINS," Toronto Star. November 3, 1943. Page 5. --- This 50-pound codfish is a sample of what is being hauled out of the ocean these days by 3,000 Canadian fishermen who are working off Gaspe peninsula in an effort to supply the home market with cod liver oil that was formerly imported from Scandinavian countries. In addition to furnishing the vitamin-rich oil, the codfish are dried and salted and shipped overseas to Allied troops.
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ascle · 9 months
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Merde merde merde merde merde
je panique me vie en ce moment
juste aujourd’hui j’ai deux examens, un en science et un en éduc et merde j’ai oublié d’étudier pour les deux
en plus jeudi j’ai un méga exam de maths, ce qui serait pas si pire si il valait pas genre 50% de ma note. Et comme pour me faire encore plus chier je suis totalement en train de couler maths enrichi et il faut que je fasse une reprise vendredi mais je comprends rien et de toute façon le max que je peux avoir dans l’exam c’est 60%, ce qui signifie que la prochaine étape je dois avoir minimum 80% pour rester dans mon programme et j’ai aucune idée comment faire ça merde.
en français j’ai un exam de grammaire qui s’en vient aussi et une présentation orale en anglais sur un livre que j’ai même pas encore choisi
En histoire je viens de recevoir une note mais c’était just 80% ce qui en soi ne serait pas si pire si je n’oubliais pas de faire mes devoirs en tout temps, et si ma mère ne m’avais pas mis dans la tête l’idée que toute note en dessous de 95% c’est de la merde
[sorry for the rant in french, it’s just a bit easier for me to panic in french lmao
i didn’t use any quebec expressions that way if you want to translate it you can (idk why you would want that, but i’m not you sooo)]
Of course I translated it, because I'm me. First of all, you're smart. You'll be ok. If you need help studying or just figuring out the math stuff someone in this community is probably real good at math and willing to try to help (not me though. I do not have a math brain) if you wanted it. and I want to throw your mother into the sun for making you think anything below a basically perfect grade is bad. It isn't. You're allowed to get 70s and 80s and still be doing FINE. Sending you love, and good luck for your exams today.
It's sort of fun to be ranted at in a language I don't speak, honestly.
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atchoumthecat · 2 years
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I'll have to be a little angel today and for the next few days because Mom had surgery yesterday for a problem she had been dragging on since before last Christmas.I'll give her hugs, love and let her come back in great shape for my next stories. P.S - It's not about her elbow injury, for this one, it's a question of time, a lot of time of elbow immobility. Mom has passed the milestone of 50 years, she begins to fall apart. 😹 ******** Je devrai être un petit ange aujourd’hui et pour les prochains jours car maman a subi une chirurgie hier pour un problème qu’elle traînait depuis avant le dernier Noël. Je vais lui offrir câlins, amour et la laisser revenir en pleine forme pour mes prochaines histoires. P.S - Il ne s'agit pas de sa blessure au coude, pour celle-ci, c'est une question de temps, beaucoup de temps d'immmobilité du coude. Mom a passé le cap des 50 ans, elle commence à tomber en morceaux. 😹 * #atchoumthecat #werewolfsyndrome #werewolfcat #hypertrichosis #persian #canadiancat #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #happycat #buzzfeedanimals #meow #animalsinfluence #meowed  #gato #chatduquébec #catsofcanada #canadiancats (à Repentigny, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjX6mmjrEBK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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SÉANCE #13 - Au-Delà du bulletin de vote
Dans un contexte de plus en plus numérique, les élections sont devenues des événements hautement médiatisés et politiquement chargés. Cette transition vers le numérique soulève des défis majeurs pour l'intégrité et la légitimité des processus électoraux. Les réseaux sociaux sont devenus des plateformes incontournables pour la communication politique, permettant aux candidats de toucher un public plus large et d'engager les électeurs de manière directe. En exploitant la portée et l'interactivité des réseaux sociaux, les votes en ligne ont été établis pour la première fois dans les années « 1960 et 1970, aux États-Unis, avec des machines à voter électroniques utilisées lors des élections » (L’histoire du Vote Électronique, 2024). De mon point de vue, le vote en ligne devrait être accessible aux personnes incapables de se déplacer physiquement, comme les personnes âgées ou handicapées. De plus, cela peut être bénéfique pour les électeurs vivant dans des régions éloignées ou isolées, où se rendre physiquement à un bureau de vote peut être difficile ou coûteux. Par ailleurs, lors des élections en 2025 à Québec dans plus de 21 villes, « les électeurs pourront tester le vote par Internet dans les quatre municipalités les plus populaires de la province, soit Montréal, Québec, Laval et Gatineau »  (Labbé, 2024). Cette initiation à grande échelle peut susciter les inégalités socio-économiques en matière d'accès aux technologies et aux compétences numériques.
Les personnes défavorisées pourraient être exclues du processus électoral si elles ne peuvent pas accéder à Internet où ne sont pas à l'aise avec l'utilisation des outils technologiques. En effet, l'aspect de sécurité lors des votes en ligne est une préoccupation majeure et légitime soulevée par de nombreux experts en informatique et en sécurité informatique. La déclaration du fondateur du Hackfest met en lumière le fait qu’il « y a beaucoup d’éléments de sécurité qui sont absents de l’appel d’offres. On va trop vite. » (McKenna, 2024). Il est possible que le Québec ne consacre pas suffisamment de temps à planifier minutieusement la mise en œuvre de systèmes de vote en ligne.
En conclusion, pour que les élections à l'ère numérique restent un fondement solide de la démocratie, il est crucial que les autorités électorales garantissent la sécurité, l'intégrité et la transparence du processus électoral, tout en s'assurant de l'inclusion numérique et de l'accès équitable aux technologies. 
L’histoire du vote électronique. (2024). https://www.media-vote.com/fr/vote/l-histoire-du-vote-electronique
Labbé, J. (2024, 24 janvier). Vote par Internet : le projet pilote d’Élections Québec sera déployé dans 21 villes. Radio-Canada. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2044250/vote-par-internet-elections-2025
McKenna, A. (2024, 2 février). Élections Québec « va trop vite » avec le vote par Internet. Le Devoir. https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/806474/democratie-elections-quebec-va-trop-vite-vote-internet
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suchi05 · 2 months
PODnow® — BD Zanahari y la fórmula de la abundancia
Comment retourner une adversité en opportunité raconté en image et autour d’une histoire d’amour mauricienne. Tome 1.
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En 1800, entre la Isla de Francia, la Ruta de la Seda y Quebec, un joven libre lucha por el amor y contra los abusos. Aprende a calmar sus reacciones impulsivas y descubre un tesoro: la fórmula POD 100×100+0 que le da la clave para convertir las adversidades en oportunidades. Esta historieta ilustra con humor y sencillez la aplicación de la fórmula: Pausa, Observa y Decide respetarte al 100%, respetar al 100% el encuentro con cada ser, y no esperar nada a cambio. Esta fórmula se explica en detalle en el libro PODnow .
Visit Our Side: https://www.podnow.org/produit/bd-zanahari-et-la-formule-de-labondance/
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fafaluxurycanada · 5 months
🇨🇦LE QUEBEC TRAVERSE L'UNE DES PERIODES LES PLUS DIFFICILES DE SON HISTOIRE ET CELA RISQUE S'EMPIRER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDtTcoNpRWM 🇨🇦LE QUEBEC TRAVERSE L'UNE DES PERIODES LES PLUS DIFFICILES DE SON HISTOIRE ET CELA RISQUE S'EMPIRER #greve #francoislegault #shorts via fafa luxury canada 🇨🇦 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuALsFFbc99SgR-3elYuQSw December 13, 2023 at 07:45PM
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people established through the eyes of those who grew up in European culture. Although his conclusions are not always new, at least he successfully illustrated seventeenth-century missionary views of native peoples. He argued that such notions themselves weakened the evangelistic enterprise in the end. Although his study was squarely in the Eurocentric tradition, it did advance beyond the ethnocentrism of the previous centuries. He saw the misinterpretations of the French, whereas previous historians, or many of them, had worked within those preconceptions. During the twentieth century, the archaeological and anthropological study of Amerindians in the Saint Lawrence region was firmly established. After Kennedy came Marcel Trudel, who produced abundant works on the colonial period of Canada during his tenure at Laval University, in 1947–1965, and later at the University of Ottawa. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, his masterpiece, based on accumulated research over forty years, is an attempt at an historical synthesis of the development of the French colony in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.48 Although he focussed on French-language Quebec, as had Garneau, Ferland and Sulte, Trudel was at least free from ecclesiastical or nationalist views. He never criticised the Jesuit mission in terms of its influence upon the New France church or the francophone population. Instead, the missionary activity is discussed in terms of the failure of the Europeans to dominate the native population. In this light, Trudel evaluated the historical Jesuit mission in terms of how poorly it helped to develop French settlement. He thus maintained only a negative perspective on the missionary activity in the Saint Lawrence region. The interpretive focus on European colonisation, or what one may today call Eurocentrism, began to be addressed in the work of Cornelius J. Jaenen, who dealt not only with the Amerindian-European relationship, as had Bailey, but also with native education and the Christian church in the colony.49 Among his publications, Friend and 48 Marcel Trudel, Histoire de la Nouvelle-France (3 tomes, Montréal & Paris: Les éditions Fides, 1963–83). 49 As to the relations between the French and the Amerindians, Jaenen wrote the following: ‘Problems of Assimilation in New France, 1603–1645’, French Historical Studies 4 (1966): 265–89; ‘The Meeting of the French and Amerindian in the Seventeenth Century’, Revue de l’Université d’Ottawa 43 (1973): 128–44; ‘Amerindian Views of French Culture in the Seventeenth Century’, The Canadian Historical Review 55 (1974): 261–91; The French Relationship with the Native Peoples of New France and Acadia (Ottawa: Canadian Government Publishing Centre, 1984); The Role of the Church in New France (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1976); ‘Education for Francisation: the
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ericzonecom · 1 year
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Louis XI Le méconnu. Fascinante histoire du roi de France qui a vu se terminer la guerre de cent ans. Personnage inspirant qui, plus souvent qu’autrement, utilisait la patience et des stratégies pour déjouer ses adversaires. Par son administration intelligente, il annonce l’arrivée de la renaissance. @editionsalbinmichel @albin_michel_canada #lire #lecture #lectureaddict #lecturedumoment #lecturedujour #lectureterminée #delire #lirepourleplaisir #france #roi #roidefrance #medieval #king #louisxi #royauté #francais #biographies #journalisme #renaissance #litterature #couverture #bouquin #doigts #visage #bookstagram #books #book #booklover #bookrecommendations #peinture (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfON-Wv_z8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
"After Sidbec recommended the closure of its Gagnon mine, the Quebec government announced that a parliamentary commission would inquire into the issue in November 1982. Mulroney deftly timed the announcement of the Iron Ore Company of Canada's [IOC] own mine closure for a week before these hearings were scheduled to begin, providing him with considerable political cover. Under the circumstances, the PQ government could not fault the company for doing what it hoped to do itself. But Mulroney fumbled the announcement. His political instinct was to meet with provincial and federal politicians face to face instead of facing those being displaced. Regional director of the Métallos, Lawrence McBrearty had reason to complain that “c’est toujours cette même histoire d’informer tout le monde sur ce qui se passe à Schefferville, à l’exception des gens qui vivent et travaillent dans cette ville.”
In making the announcement, Mulroney blamed the closure on foreign competition from Brazil, where there was no union demanding twenty-five dollars per hour. “We are prisoners of that market,” insisted Mulroney. He failed to mention that Hanna Mining, the single largest investor in the IOC, owned the Brazilian mine in question. Nor did he tell the public that his company gave out $108 million in dividends to its shareholders in 1981: five times more than its reported profit for that year. The company’s formal letter to employees, dated 2 November 1982, simply stated that it would respect “all legal and contractual obligation,” including severance pay calculated at two weeks per year of service for those who worked year-round in 1982. Employees would also be able to remain in their company-owned houses until July, allowing their children to finish the school year. There were no immediate provisions for relocation assistance and no wider support for the town.
Not surprisingly, the first reaction from local residents was one of shock. Restaurant server Johanne Quesnel told the media that “bien sûr à Schefferville on s’y attendait depuis des années à cette fermeture. Mais personne n’y croyait.” Dozens of other residents were quoted in the media in the days that followed, yet Indigenous people were almost never interviewed. It was as if the mine closure did not directly involve them. Even so, they were very much present in the background of these media reports as part of a white dystopian future where the “retrait des Blancs” left Indigenous peoples in charge. The closure announcement also sparked considerable anger within Quebec’s trade union movement. Louis Laberge, president of the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (ftq), blasted the Quebec government for standing by and doing nothing to stop such a “fermeture sauvage.” Laberge argued that it was “urgent for Quebec to pass legislation forbidding foreign-based companies from pulling out without getting permission.” The union movement called for another public inquiry or parliamentary commission.
For Mulroney, the best defence was offence. Braving a snowstorm, he flew into Schefferville on 3 November 1983 to meet with municipal and business leaders the next day. Canadians were then informed that he was working closely with Mayor Charles Bégin on securing the economic future of Schefferville. Pivoting from the person responsible for the town’s closing to its champion, Mulroney challenged both levels of government to do more. He claimed that the economic “handwriting has been on the wall for a long time – and not only for Schefferville. The lesson looks just as painfully clear for the Quebec government’s beleaguered Sidbec, another dream of the 1960s that has gone terribly sour.” Much of the resulting media coverage was fawning. Within days, the Quebec government promised not to close the town itself and named another parliamentary commission to examine its future.
Montreal Gazette journalist Jennifer Robinson was one of the few to challenge the emerging media narrative, writing about the anger and bitterness in Schefferville. She raised doubts about Mulroney’s promise that Schefferville would avoid becoming a ghost town. Contrary to claims otherwise, she found that “most townspeople were not impressed. Facing moving costs of up to $10,000, record high unemployment in Quebec and the loss of their homes, friends, and lifestyle, the round of applause solicited by [Mayor] Bégin for Mulroney was half-hearted at best.” She ended the piece with some of the derisive comments she had heard around town: “The bitterness against Iron Ore and Mulroney is very close to the surface. ‘Brian Baloney … a little more and he would have needed a box of Kleenex,’ said one union man of about 35, drawing roars of laughter from his drinking buddies at the hotel. … These people chugging beer vented their frustration through jokes and Mulroney, the corporation president and veteran Progressive Conservative backroom boy who flew in on a company plane for a few hours on Wednesday to face the people personally, is the main target.”
Robinson’s withering critique struck a nerve, as Mulroney wrote a furious response. He took issue with the journalist’s decision to forefront “daily accounts that adequately made up in snideness and sniping what they so clearly lacked in fairness and balance.” Mulroney believed it unfair that Robinson focused on people’s “shock and surprise at the decision.” Mulroney even disputed the assertion that people in Schefferville were bitter, emphasizing instead his own pain at having to make such a difficult decision. He then complained that the reporter “accepted our well-intentioned hospitality extended to all visiting journalists of a hot meal at the end of the long day and then cynically described the implied elegance of the meal in distorted juxtaposition to the plight of some townspeople.” Mulroney concluded by saying that Robinson had exhibited “unprofessional conduct and biased reporting” that should be reported to the press council. It is a remarkable published response that reveals much about Mulroney’s ego, his political ambition, and how much was at stake for him at this juncture.
Some journalists thought the closure announcement marked the end of Mulroney’s political career, but they under-estimated the man and the resources behind him. By championing the future of Schefferville, Mulroney was able to present himself as the town’s savior. As long as Schefferville seemingly had a future, however unlikely, he could not be blamed for killing it. He also placed the provincial and federal governments on the political defensive by pointing out how much in taxes they extracted from the town, giving little back. The company, he argued, was the only one to invest in the region."
- Steven High, "“With Iron We Conquer”: Deindustrialization, Settler Colonialism, and the Last Train out of Schefferville, Quebec," The Canadian Historical Review 104, 1, March 2023; 61-62
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tuxohudixici · 2 years
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                    D. Économie, La Presse est un grand quotidien montréalais publié depuis 1884. L'influence des journalistes de La Presse s'étend aujourd'hui au-delà du lectorat du journal et plusieurs d'entre eux sont invités à commenter l'actualité dans d'autres médias.Montréal :[La presse],1884-2017 Vendredi au dimanche: 13h 10, 15H15, 17h20, 19h25 et21h35 Lundi au jeudi: 19h25 et 21 h35 LES FRÈRES BLOOM (G) CINÉ-RÉPERTOIRE Lundi 21 septembre 2009 seulement: 19h et 21 h30 WHITEOUT ENFER BLANC (13+) Vendredi au dimanche: 16h20, 19 h 30 et 21 h 40 Lundi: 21h40 Mardi au jeudi: 19h30 et 21 h40 SERMENT MORTEL (13+ VIOL + HOR.) Format de téléchargement: : Texte. Vues 1 à 933 sur 933. Nombre de pages: 933. Notice complète: Titre : Histoire de la ville de Paris. Tome 1 / , composée par D. Michel Féli Reproduction non commerciale du bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales Bodacc ref EBODACC-A_20130110_0001_p000 en 2013 Ricardo Correa & Kuan-Hui Lee & Horacio Sapriza & Gustavo A. Suarez, 2012. "Sovereign credit risk, banks' government support, The impact of political connections on export mode of Chinese private enterprises," China Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 61(C). Ben-Nasr, Hamdi, 2016. "State and foreign ownership and the value of working capital management," Journal of Corporate Finance, Elsevier Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs. Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them worldwide. Title: Espace Montreal Volume 31 #1, Author: Espace Publications, Length: 132 pages, Published: 2022-04-15 Bernard Poliquin: We are ready to welcome Cominar is Ready for the Reopening our visitors and tenants with a clear information Bernard Poliquin is the Senior Vice package that is available on our web site and as President at Cominar REIT, the largest owner a PDF. The information has been available and manager of commercial properties in throughout the pandemic for our retail tenants Quebec. We Rédaction Revue UFA, Theaterstrasse 15a, 8401 Winterthour Tél. 058 433 65 30 Editeur Fax 058 433 65 35 fenaco société coopérative, [email protected] Erlachstrasse 5, 3001 Berne Markus samedi 19 avril 2008, Journaux, Granby :La voix de l'Est,1935- Format de téléchargement: : Texte. Vues 1 à 582 sur 582. Nombre de pages: 582. Notice complète: Titre : Revue celtique / publiée avec le concours des principaux savants des l jeudi 27 décembre 2007, Journaux, Granby :La voix de l'Est,1935- jeudi 27 décembre 2007, Journaux, Granby :La voix de l'Est,1935-
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jagelorofa · 2 years
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1608–1880. 36 In recounting events in seventeenth-century Canada, Sulte often referred to Jesuit missionaries critically, mainly through the eyes of French colonists in North America. His condemnation of the Jesuits was demonstrated by his criticism of The Jesuit Relations, in which the missionaries were absorbed in their Christianising activity. Nor was Sulte sympathetic to the Huron nation. Like Garneau, he described what Jesuits and native converts had done against the French settlers. In his opinion, the Jesuits could be appreciated only for their valiant, but impossible and ineffective, mission to the native population which would have been better off if it had become acquainted with the true Christian God. By contrast, clerical historians admired and emulated Charlevoix’s pro-Jesuit point of view. Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Ferland, a Roman Catholic priest in Quebec, interpreted Jesuit activity as one of the grand successes of the French colony. Jesuit missionaries were colonial heroes. To explain the failure of the mission and the dispersal of the Hurons, Ferland resorted to a seventeenth-century Jesuit convention, which interpreted the failure and dispersal as a divine sign that God was displeased with the insufficient outcome. In other words, God permitted the Huron people to join the Christians, and then He decided to abandon these objects of conversion, despite a Jesuit victory over the Hurons.37 Along the same line, Étienne-Michel Faillon and Camille de Rochemonteix, SJ, both writing in France, dealt with the missions in terms of the efforts of the French to convert the Huron and other native peoples. These two historians’ interest in the Hurons consisted only in showing how the Amerindians were different from Christians and how they could have been converted to lead a Christian life. These authors found it unnecessary to make references to native cultural aspects, such as social structures and dietary habits, which had little to do with Christianisation. Rochemonteix’s monograph especially turned out to be no more than an heroic collective biography of missionaries and a chronology of the mission.38 36 Benjamin Sulte, Histoire des Canadiens-français, 1608–1880 (8 vols., Montréal: Wilson, 1882–84). Two other examples of his works are Histoire de la ville des TroisRivières et de ses environs (Montréal: Eusèbe Sénécal, 1870); and La guerre des Iroquois, 1600–1653 (Ottawa: J. Durie; Toronto: Copp Clark, 1897). 37 Jean-Baptiste Ferland, Cours d’histoire du Canada (2 tomes., Québec: Augustine Côté, 1861–65). 38 Étienne-Michel Faillon, Histoire de la colonie français en Canada (3 tomes, Villemarie: Bibliothèque Paroissiale, 1865–66); and Camille de Rochemonteix, SJ, Les Jesuites de la Nouvelle-France aux 17me siècle (3 tomes, Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1895–96).
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