#historic tram
wolfman-al · 8 months
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A historic O-Series tram in the original 1960s livery that I saw yesterday in my neigbourhood.
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allthingseurope · 11 months
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Lisbon (by Evgeny Matveev)
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life-spire · 1 year
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Milan, Italy (by Gerardo Mendoza)
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I found an old meta post of @hansbekhart 's where they were talking about what public transport would've been like in Brooklyn in Steve and Bucky's day, suggesting someone might like to have a try and combining two maps to show both the subway and tramway / trolley system.
And as a meta nerd I thought I'd have a crack at i!
So here is Steve and Bucky's Brooklyn
just-subway, just-trolleys, and both subway + trolleys:
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*edit* of course as soon as I try it, I find someone else has done a proper one already!
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(other detailed source)
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walzerjahrhundert · 1 year
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Triebwagen 14, a so-called Herbrandwagen used in the tramway network of Karlsruhe, Germany in the 1900s before slowly getting replaced by a more powerful type from 1913 onwards.
built between 1899 and 1900 by Waggonfabrik Herbrand / Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft & Siemens-Schuckertwerke
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Electric tram on the streets of Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Dutch vintage postcard
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the-time-lord-oracle · 11 months
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ThinkTank's ex-Birmingham City Transport tramcar. She's the only Birmingham train to escape the cutter's torch so she's quite the valuable antique. 100 years ago, these trams would've been plying our city's streets taking us to wherever we needed to go.
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tiffanyachings · 2 years
got soaked to the bone on my way to work. had to walk around in plant-based treaty merch from head to toe because it was the only spare change of clothes in the office. spilled boiling hot tea over myself almost immediately. impulsively got a nose piercing. froze my feet off at a pro-immigration protest while a choir taught us three part harmonies. had dinner with with friends to warm up. nearly cried for joy over the first tram to newhaven
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diemelusine · 2 months
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Headquarters of Credit Suisse, Paradeplatz in Zürich. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Roland_zh
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fredomotophoto · 9 months
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imagewings · 2 years
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#cabin #compartment #tram #tramwaymuseum #tramwaymuseumloftus #historic #loftus #leicam240 #leicasummicron50mmf2 #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography (at Sydney Tramway Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqE-oQFvXUX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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johnwickb1tsch · 30 days
Sympathy for the Devil ~ Part 6
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A Donaka Mark x housekeeper!Reader fic, based on @discoscoob 's concept & bot! Warnings: Donaka Mark is a bad man with a soft spot for you. dark romance, possessive behavior, nonconsensual voyeurism, red flag red flag girl!🔺, psychological games, power imbalance, eventual dubcon/nsfw.
one. two. three. four. five.
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Six. 六
Your dark mood lasts for days. You do not shirk your duties, but you definitely brood, hating everything, most of all yourself. A part of you hopes that Donaka decides you’re not worth the trouble after a glimpse of this other side of you. He does not prod you further, seemingly steering clear of you. He had his fun taking you down a peg–what more could he want with you? Surely he has better things to do… The more time goes on, the more certain you are that his proposition was mostly in your head.
Amusingly, it’s little Mrs. Wong who gets you out of your funk, yelling at you in Cantonese and smacking you with a wooden spoon when (maybe?) you didn’t move out of her way fast enough in the kitchen. You are determined that someday she’s going to let you call her Auntie, but apparently you still have some distance to cover. Her temper is like a firecracker, loud but shortlived. She’s adorable and terrifying, and it’s all so ridiculous that you cannot stop laughing as you flee, and the shroud of your depression lifts again like the sun penetrating through the clouds.
The absurdity of life has always saved you in times like this. What do you have to be sad about, anyway? You are healthy, you are housed, and you are fed in this beautiful place. You are having an adventure. So what, if your diabolically handsome employer does not approve of you? You’re just here to clean his floors, for fuck’s sake. 
Maybe Donaka Mark is rich, but that doesn’t mean he has all the answers to the mysteries of life. You find your mental state improves, when it seems like he’s ignoring you. 
Flirting with the cute gardener’s assistant doesn’t hurt your state of mind either. His name is Jun, he has an infectious laugh, and he offers to show you around the city on your next day off. Thinking some down time with someone your age will do you good, you are set to meet him at the bus stop down the hill from Mr. Mark’s house. 
However, he never shows. You try not to take it too hard, but it still bums you out. 
He does not return with the gardener the next week either, and then you start to worry. The kind old man who tends Donaka Mark’s plants just shrugged at your inquiry and said, “He quit.” 
It seems odd, but you brush it off. You suppose you’ll just have to explore the city on your own. You ask for the day off for your birthday, wanting to go do the touristy things, like ride the historic ferry and take the tram up to Victoria Peak. Maybe visit a temple, do some shopping at the Night Market, and definitely indulge in some local eats. Something about living in Hong Kong has you dreaming about noodles. It’s an affliction. You want to try them all. 
On your day there is a little carved wooden box on the table where you usually partake your breakfast in the common area of the servants’ quarters. You’re not sure why your heart falls to your feet with something like dread, but somehow you just know that Mr. Mark has not forgotten about you after all. 
With a forbidden thrill you flip the lid carefully, finding a domed-link silver filigree and enamel bracelet set with dreamy jade cabochons. The little details are exquisite, and you’re instantly enchanted. When you look carefully at the bauble, you realize the stylized blue designs aren’t flowers–they’re bats.
He remembered that conversation you’d had, that very first day. It warms you to your toes, and maybe scares you too. He's good to the staff, but you don't think he usually buys them jewelry.
You just know, deep down, that you shouldn’t accept it. You even set it back down in the box again, just looking at it with hands on your hips. 
But therein lies the crux of temptation: you want it. It’s pretty and well made, not cheap tourist junk, and…he’d put thought into this gift for you. 
This bait for you, you remind yourself. It’s still hard for you to believe that he’s propositioning you, if for anything, because a man like him could have a supermodel on each arm if he wanted. What the fuck would he want with a girl like you?
Maybe…it’s just an apology?
Not likely, but surely he’s not going to expect you to sleep with him for a silver bracelet??
You have a problem, and possibly, a screw loose. You know this is a flame you should not play with. You are toeing the line, dangerously close to falling in.
What if…you just wear it today, then give it back? It’s not like he’ll know. You doubt you’ll even see him today.
It feels like a guilty secret, as you pick it up again, clasp it on your wrist, and set out for your big day. You like the weight of the heavy silver on your skin–worse yet, you like knowing that Mr. Mark selected this bauble just for you. It feels…like a badge of honor, and you know it’s stupid, to feel proud of yourself for catching the attention of a man like him–but you can’t help it.
You are smart, but sometimes? Your heart is really really stupid.
You do not return to the house until well past after dusk, nearly midnight. You made a day of it, actually able to enjoy the city since Mr. Mark pays so well. You will remember the hand pulled noodles with beef you had for dinner in the Night Market for the rest of your life, they were so delicious. Watching the chef stretch them out from a lump of dough was like a religious experience. 
Having your fortune told in the Night Market was memorable too, but maybe a little unsettling. Squatted on a stool in the older woman’s stall, you paid 100HK dollars for her to look at your right hand and frown. She told you that money would never be a problem for you, but the men in your life would always cause you difficulty. Looking at your relationship with your father and every man after that, you reckon she was probably right. You know you should take it with a grain of salt, but you can’t quite shake the hum of unease in the back of your mind.
On tired feet you walk through the garden, around to the entrance to the servant’s quarters. 
"Did you have a nice day?" asks a voice from the shadows. You start, then realize Mr. Mark is sitting on the carved stone bench, on the path to the servants' wing of the house, tucked back in the manicured trees. 
Immediately you tuck your wrist behind your back.
“Mr. Mark?”
“Come here.”
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His voice is deliberately neutral–you can’t quite gauge his mood as you approach, feeling like a teenager caught staying out past her curfew. You have no way of knowing he has been waiting for hours, growing more and more annoyed that you are away from him, not under his watchful gaze, where you belong.
He knows where you were, if not exactly what you did. Unbeknownst to you, there is a tiny tracker inserted in your new bracelet you wear with such foolish avarice. 
“Yes, I had a wonderful day,” you confirm, coming to stand before him, committed now even if you are walking into the lion’s den. You find it odd he’s waiting up for you, but it is a beautiful night to be out in the garden. A cool breeze is coming off the water, lifting your hair.
“Let’s see it then.” He points at your hand so casually held behind you, and you know you are caught out.
Almost guiltily, you extend your arm to show off your new acquisition in situ. 
He props your hand with just the tips of his fingers, his touch maddeningly light on your sensitive palm as he turns your wrist to inspect the bracelet, sending a thrill down your arm. He likes seeing the gift that he selected upon you.
“It suits you,” he finally assesses, though you still can’t tell if he’s displeased. “Do you like it?”
“Yes,” you answer, barely above a whisper, feeling as though you are sealing something between you as you admit it. 
“Well, that’s convincing.”
Your heart feels like a sea urchin lodging in your throat. You’re not sure what it is about this man that makes you want to please him–and tell him to fuck off–all in the same breath. 
Then he gets to the fun part–for him. “You shouldn’t have stayed out so late alone,” he scolds you. 
You cant your head and press your lips, holding in the smart remark that burns on your tongue as his coal-black eyes bore into you, settling for, "I didn't mean to worry you…but it is my day off. I think I'm free to do what I want." You just can't stop yourself from adding the last bit, and you wonder from his darkening expression if it will be your undoing.
He imagines in that moment what it would be like to reach out and put you over his knee. Instead, he stands abruptly, startling you into taking a step backwards. 
He likes that. 
It irks him, that you dare defy him, like he doesn’t know what’s best for you. If you insist on acting so tough, he’s tempted to throw you over his shoulder and show you just how little it would take to actually break you. 
"Were you drinking?" he asks darkly, hating the thought of you out in a bar, with other men, enjoying yourself. Laughing, like you were with the young gardener not so long ago. The moment he saw that on his camera feed that he constantly watches of you, Donaka saw red. You should not give your joy to others so freely. You sprinkle it around everywhere you go, and he covets it all for himself.
That boy had to go.
"No," you defend, and you’re telling the truth. "I just...walked around." There was plenty to see in Kowloon district. 
Donaka takes another step closer, his body almost pressing against yours, the heat of it warming you. He watches your reaction as he speaks, his voice low and firm. “You should have let me arrange a driver for you.”
This again. It feels as though he wants to cloister you away from experiencing the world, by shoving you in a car. "Donaka..." you sigh, slipping into using his first name for the first time ever, because you’re tired, and your feet hurt, and he is standing very close, talking to you like he has a say in what you do…
It’s maddening and arousing all at once, rubbing with a velvet touch against some long long cavewoman instinct in your brain, and if you’re not careful this just might be the night he outmaneuvers you. 
Donaka’s eyes narrow at hearing you dare to be so familiar with him, even if deep down he secretly loves it. He takes another step into you, crowding you against the stone wall, caging you in with an arm. He’s blocking your path to a quick exit into the servants’ quarters, you can’t help but notice. Your heart pounds in your ears–but you’re not half as afraid as you should be of this man. 
“Hong Kong is pretty safe, as it goes…” you continue to protest around the sound of your heart drumming in your ears, earning a scoff. 
“You have no idea, the sorts of things that could happen to a girl like you in this city.”
You can’t help but think you’re not sure if you feel safe here at home now. 
“If something happened…I would have called you,” you offer up, appealing to his ego as protector, the role he’s apparently decided to take on for himself without asking you. 
However, he sees right through you, rolling those beautiful dark eyes. “You should have let me take you out,” he suggests in a low tone that curls your toes in your sandals. He says it like it had been some option on your menu that you’d rejected. Never in a million years would it have even occurred to you to ask. 
You find yourself doing your best impression of a fish out of water, like the ones you’d seen stacked like cord wood in the market. His other hand lifts to touch your chin lightly, closing your mouth. “Would you have liked that?” 
You honestly don't know the answer to that. 
This man fascinates you and repulses you. He's handsome and commanding and oh so forbidding. He scares you, but he draws you like a moth to a flame. Having these little flirtatious interactions around the house are one thing. Going out with him would be...something else entirely. The thought of what it could mean to socialize with a man like him, where you are so far from being equals, makes you uneasy. It's much safer to just...write about what might have been in your journal, later. 
"I'm not sure that would be appropriate," you finally answer breathily.
His smile for you is nothing less than the wolf baring its teeth. “Why not?”
"You're my boss..." you try to defend. You scare the shit out of me is the real answer you don't dare say aloud.
Donaka can’t help the dark laugh that falls from his lips at your answer, the way you flounder as you grasp for a defense, utterly drowning. A part of him wants to claim you right here and now, for being such a sweet, soft, naive little thing in his claws. 
He leans down closer to you, his head dipping down to your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “Is that the best excuse you’ve got?”
For a moment, you think your soul might evacuate from your body. 
"Pretty sure it's a good one," you barely manage to reply above a whisper.
“You still don’t understand what I’m offering you, do you?” he asks, his voice deceptively gentle, a dagger clothed in velvet.
You love it how he makes you out to be the obtuse one, when he is the one who has spoken so cryptically.
“I…might,” you answer. You’re not a complete innocent, or a total philistine.
What would a VIP experience on the arm of Donaka Mark be like? Although he can be charming when he wants to be, it makes you feel more anxious than intrigued. You imagine a dinner at some high-end restaurant you could never afford. Somewhere people go to be seen, more than to eat, though the food would undoubtedly be amazing. Somewhere you would feel incredibly out of place. Then what? A ride in one of his ugly but wicked fast sports cars? A night of hedonism at some exclusive club for millionaires only? And what would he expect as payment for all this? You can’t even say you wouldn’t be willing to give it. You want this man with a voracity that is–frankly–terrifying to you. 
You’ve never felt anything like it. 
What you wouldn’t like is the inevitable aftermath of later: he's offering you the opportunity to give yourself up–then get thrown away, with the enjoyment of some perks in between. You could repeat your mother’s history all over again, a thing you always swore up, down, and sideways you would never do.
Donaka watches all these thoughts play across your face, without a word aloud to accompany them. You just stare, unable to speak, and he narrows his eyes at you.
“Say one sentence of the novel you just wrote in your head out loud,” he challenges.
You open your mouth to try, but nothing comes out. All you can do is look up at him with what you are sure is a pathetic expression on your face, paralyzed. He is so close, and your eyes fixate for a long, damning moment on his mouth. In the end you have to close your eyes against that laser-like stare, shaking your head.
“You know something I find interesting about you,” he goes on. You open your eyes, though your tongue is still tied. “I think if I made you choose between an Hermès purse or that cheap bauble on your wrist this morning, you still would have chosen the bracelet, wouldn't you?”
“Yes,” you answer immediately, maybe not to your advantage. Then you feel a little relieved, glad it didn’t cost a fortune.
“Comparatively cheap,” he clarifies, as though he doesn't want you to feel too at ease. How did he know? 
You narrow your eyes, lifting your wrist towards him. “Maybe…you should take it back.”
You think you might die of a heart attack, when he folds your smaller hand in his, and kisses your knuckles lightly. “It’s too late for that.”
You’re not sure what that means, but as he strokes your thumb lightly with his, you start to tremble.
He pins you with his stare, looming over you, but makes no move, waiting. 
“It’s getting late…and I have to work tomorrow.”
He lifts an eyebrow, smirking down at you. “And whose fault is that?”
“Mine…though it’s starting to be yours.”
He snorts. “Then ask me for the day off again,” he dares you. When you answer him with yet more paralyzed silence he gets frustrated, tilting your face up with his huge hand engulfing your jaw. For a man who works in tech…his fingers are calloused, and strong, and your legs just might go out from underneath you.  “Ask me. Say it out loud, y/n. Tell me what’s going on, behind those big eyes.”
You, however, just shake your head against his masterful grip. “You don’t want to know.” 
“I like secrets, y/n. I want to know everything.” You suppose that is his bread and butter, with his security business and all his cameras…you don’t know why it never occurred to you before now, that it could be a personal obsession, as much as professional. 
You’re tempted. God, are you tempted, with this beast of a man looming over you, touching you, looking through you with those piercing dark eyes. Like he wants to eat you as much as he wants to fuck you… 
Somehow you know if you dare go down that path…there will be no turning back. 
You choose the coward’s road.
“Please…I think…it would be best…to call it a night.”
He weighs you with a heavy gaze for so long that you start to doubt he will let you go–in the darkest dungeon of your heart, you know that a part of you doesn’t want him to. It would be convenient, if he would make the choice for you. Let you taste the forbidden fruit with none of the blame…
You are losing your goddamned mind over this man. You need to stop.  
You never really know why in the end he releases you, pushing back from the wall to give you space. You side-step towards the door of the servant’s quarters, afraid for the predatory look he’s paying you, that he might change his mind.
 "Good night, Mr. Mark," you say quietly, before disappearing into the little building where you sleep. A rush of frustration flares inside him as you scamper away–again. He narrowly resists the urge to kick down your door and show you who you belong to.
“Good night,” he answers back through gritted teeth, only the crickets left to hear him. He’ll have your secrets, one way or another. He can genuinely say he tried–a first, in so long he can’t remember when. For what happens next…you will only have yourself to blame.
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dampfloks · 3 months
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Dampfstraßenbahn Feuriger Elias (Darmstadt) Trotz strömenden Regens und grauem Himmel in Darmstadt habe ich mit Kamera unterm Schirm versucht diese schöne historische Dampflok einzufangen.
Steam tram Feuriger Elias (Darmstadt) Despite pouring rain and grey skies in Darmstadt, I tried to capture this beautiful historic steam locomotive with my camera under my umbrella.
Tramway à vapeur Feuriger Elias (Darmstadt) Malgré une pluie battante et un ciel gris à Darmstadt, j'ai essayé de capturer cette belle locomotive à vapeur historique avec mon appareil photo sous le parapluie.
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life-spire · 1 year
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@ hktram0311
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wordcubed · 9 months
America could rapidly transform its cities into urban paradises if it simultaneously (a) privatized every street (b) required that commute time be counted and paid as if it was time spent working.
Everybody forgets that the much-ballyhooed trams/streetcars in America were privately owned and operated. But historically, most streetcar operators had signed contracts with cities to cover street maintenance costs, so when cars became popular, suddenly streetcar companies found themselves paying for the massive amount of wear and tear that cars cause to the road—effectively, subsidizing their own competition.
I say: bring that back! Privatize the roads and give them total freedom with the requirement that the owner pay all maintenance costs on a regular basis. They'd quickly figure out that lowering maintenance costs (banning cars) while still increasing usage (encouraging dense, efficient transit like streetcars) would be the way to go.
Couple that with requiring businesses to pay workers for their commute times, and most businesses would start putting immense pressure on other institutions to shorten commutes... encouraging dense, urban living.
There, I just pissed off both the Marxists and the capitalists following me. This is the perfect post because I get to be right and everybody else gets to be unhappy.
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amtrak-official · 7 months
Hey! So I live in a very conservative state with no intercity passenger rail lines connecting the major cities. The two major cities are geographically fairly close (about 60 miles from the center of one to the other) Tons of people drive back and forth between these two cities for work, shopping, leisure, major events, etc. I’ve talked to people in the past about how much better our lives would be if there was a train connecting the two cities and I always get the question of how would people get around within the cities once they arrived. It’s a fair question because both cities are very car oriented. The historic downtown areas of both cities are fairly walkable but also mostly full of cute shops and very few offices so putting a rail line to the center of town would be great for day trippers but wouldn’t do much for all the people daily commuting to giant office parks on the edge of town. Do you have any advice for what my response could be? Buses? Taxis? Bikes?
The main way I see people getting from town centers where train stations are located to the places where jobs are in the suburbs would ideally be things like busses and maybe trams if the city is large enough. Basically if we want rail to be effective we need good inner city transit to go with the intercity transit. I know it's not really a great answer but it is really the best way to get use out of a train line
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