marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Hi! Could you do an evolution of the crinoline? (with actual dates, not "late 1860s", 'cause that always confuses me. Like do you mean 1866-1869 or 1867-1869??? But I digress) Thanks!
I can see how that would be confusing!
There's very little in the way of exact dating involved, I'm afraid, because humans aren't a monolith or a machine. There's no point at which everyone says, en masse, "okay, time to switch from round to elliptical cage crinolines!" and suddenly that is All You See Forever.
But roughly 1865 is when you start to see skirt volume shift backward and the shape of the crinoline change:
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(Godey's Ladies' Book, April 1865.)
by 1867, the new shape has reached its zenith while still being a crinoline shape rather than the soft bustle of the early 1870s:
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(Another image from Godey's, October 1867.)
and then by 1869, skirts are almost verging on bustle territory, and may be supported by a so-called "crinolette" instead of the full, wide crinolines previously in fashion:
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(Il Bazar, February 1869.)
so roughly 1865-69 are the dates for the elliptical cage crinoline, with the round cage crinoline in prominence from its patenting in 1856 to around 1865.
Hope this helps!
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musicallisto · 1 year
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₍ moodboard for ˗ˏˋ@historical-fashion-devoteeˎˊ˗
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mtvunplugged1996 · 2 years
So. Saw your reblog of my reblog and what are you working on?!
oh cool!! i didn't know people paid attention to my notes 😭 i am currently working on a set of four portraits that are mucha/morris inspired. the first one is done and i'm working on the second:
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How did you colour that 1873 fashion plate from chic-a-gigot? I'm trying to colour mine (1866 corselet) and it's not working
Oh, I do all my drawing and stuff in Procreate these days— what I did was I opened the fashion plate, which had been tinted a bit pink throughout (I think by chic-a-gigot) and turned the saturation all the way down and the brightness a little bit up, in order to make it black and white again, and then I set it as a multiply layer and painted my colours onto the layer beneath it! That way the colours show through the white bits but the black lines/etching remain. 
I hope that helps! Good luck!
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raggedyfink · 1 year
Essay on the relationship between goth and grunge
Goth is a music based subculture created in the 80s. Pioneered by bands such as Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees and The Cure, it is a subculture with a convoluted history and tumultuous developments. Its aesthetic, sonic and lifestyle components being influenced primarily by horror films, avant garde art, music, cinema and literature, campy b movies, glam rock, punk, old Hollywood and classic literature, it has been among the most surviving counterculture amongst others of the same era, especially among teens and adults. It has survived, and continues to struggle against, numerous misconceptions and stereotypes by the media, perverted men and posers deliberately warping the scene to their advantage due to the efforts of those among the scene. It has clearly defined values and characteristics of those who choose to participate in the scene, that revolve around clubbing, social participation, seeing and being seen, political and cultural conscientiousness, creativity, insular tastes in media and hobbies and overall can be seen as a means of self help and building of one’s identity.
Grunge, on the other hand, at first seems the radical opposite.
Grunge, also a music based subculture, was created in Seattle in the 90s, although there is evidence to support that grunge type sounds have been around prior to the 90s in the form of bands such as Flipper and Green River. Nevertheless, grunge was popularized by bands such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice In Chains, becoming huge throughout the beginning to the middle of the decade. Amongst the members of Gen X who participated in the scene, the unfashion and sonic elements of grunge was influenced by feelings of directionless and lack of hope for the future, as the workforce at the time was still dominated by boomers who refused to leave space for Gen X. These historical components can be seen the deliberately slovenly fashion of grunge adherents in the form of flannel shirts, t shirts and ripped jeans, many Nirvana lyrics being purposely directionless to represent such feelings by Kurt Cobain, and an overall reclaiming of the stigma of poverty to combat the material excessiveness of the 80s. Grunge, as a sound, varies from the punk sounds of Mudhoney, alternative rock such as Nirvana, sludgy metal in the form of The Melvins, Soundgarden and Alice In Chains to an evenly sounded Mother Love Bone, but can be best described as a mix between Punk and Metal.
According to many goths and punks around at grunge’s rise to popularity, grunge was an especially disliked scene, due to the punks feelings of many grunge kids being the same individuals who bullied and ostracized the alternative crowd of the 80s, and would have done the same to Kurt Cobain had he never became famous, along with many goths and punks disliking the toxic masculinity displayed by grunge adherents in fashion and behavior, especially in regards to many hair metal bands going in a grunge direction.
Grunge has been documented and dissected, much to the dismay of those involved, since the beginning. The most famous example of this phenomenon is Marc Jacobs Perry Ellis fashion “grunge” runway of 1992-1993, reportedly so disliked it was burned by Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, along with causing Jacobs to be fired by Perry Ellis, due to an increasing concern of the commercialization of grunge that it never really recovered from to this day, another stark contrast it has from goth. If you look up grunge now on the internet, you will find a warped idea of grunge in the form of expensive fast fashion brands and clothing, Instagram accounts featuring hyper sexualized depictions of vaguely alternative women and the remaining devotees of true grunge culture in the form of old men and young people alike on the internet posting of bands like Nirvana.
At first glance, especially looking at the masculine sides of grunge, that goth and grunge are inherently incompatible, and due to grunge’s popularity eating at the goth scenes previous dominance in youth culture of yesteryear. But, I would like to offer a different argument from an angle no one has quite considered. The feminine elements of grunge.
Kinderwhore, is a variant of grunge fashion worn by women in grunge bands and within grunge scenes that was created by Kat Bjelland of Babes in Toyland and popularized by Courtney Love.
Where exactly Kinderwhore gets its name is from journalist Everett True, during an interview with Kurt Cobain and Courtney love. The fashion revolves around purposely inflating traditional, girlish fashions to cartoonish levels, and then subverting them via aggressive, masculine behavior to avoid potential insecurities. Meaning, many women in grunge bands who dressed kinderwhore would always be as aggressive on stage as the men, oftentimes singing feminist lyrics.
The fashion itself revolves around babydoll dresses, slip dresses and Mary janes or combat boots, along with ripped tights, chokers, leather jackets, cardigans and dresses with lace details or Peter Pan collars.
Kinderwhore is related to riot grrl, which is a subset of punk that was underground in the 90s in contrast to grunge, but some within the grunge scene, especially Courtney Love, rejected and denied her work being riot grrl in the first place. If one sees riot grrls middle class origins, white feminism, exclusionary behavior towards trans women, and superficial lyrical and social attitudes, it’s easy to see why many within punk and grunge scenes would want to distance themselves from it. That being said, riot grrls only contribution worth noting to punk was it’s push towards inclusiveness to women due to punk growing increasingly misogynistic and unsafe for women in the 80s, and its efforts have done the most to make punk a better space for women.
What attracts many goths to goth fashion is a deliberate subversion of gender and gender roles in the form of its visuals. Many goths, men and women, would both wear makeup and dress masculine or feminine as they desired, especially due to goth’s acceptance of those deemed “different” by broader society. With keeping in mind to Kinderwhore, a fashion style that also revolves around subverting gender expectations, it is to be expected that among women of goth and grunge, a meeting was destined to take place. Among the women of 90s goth, it was common for them to combine goth fashion with kinderwhore looks.
In the 90s new wave bands such as Strawberry Switchblade, and deathrock bands such as Cinema Strange have experimented with Kindergoth (kinderwhore + goth) looks, that ultimately led designers such as Anna Sui sending her team to scout goth clubs to take inspiration for designs for future garments that would oftentimes be out of reach for many goths due to lack of affordability for the working class individuals in the scene.
With all these examples in terms of visuals, goth and grunge inspired looks is a feasible venture provided it is put under feminine lenses. Many attempts have been made by those who understand neither scene to create a “grunge goth” hybrid, as seen in many online accounts and opportunistic business ventures by outsiders, but a true grunge goth fusion would combine goth fashion with the ever subversive kinderwhore fashion, its legacy seen in many online aesthetics including the Morute aesthetic, a sister aesthetic subculture used primarily as a means of coping with childhood trauma via the means of girlish femininity combined with grunge and American gothic encapsulated by the works of Nicole Dollanganger and an assortment of women photographers on tumblr and beyond.
Sonically, there can be a case for similarities between goth and grunge. Both use a distorted bass, use vocals that howl and scream and punk like guitars. With these similarities in mind, I believe it is feasible for a grunge/deathrock hybrid band to exist, but as of this writing I cannot find a band that has done this. Perhaps some day.
Some wear leather some wear lace by Andi Harriman
https://youtu.be/peEUXhCY8lY by Angela Benedict and the comments cited
My dad, a true grunger :)
Various accounts from old punks on Reddit on r/punk
Marc Jacobs’s Perry Ellis Grunge Show: The Collection That Sent a Electric Shock Through '90s Fashion | Vogue
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lissomelace · 16 days
⭐️ i would love to hear any director’s commentary about point of pride!
Okay, I got this and my mind proceeded to go COMPLETELY BLANK of anything to talk about. So since this one is more general about the AU, I’m going to talk about the Aulendi.
I often tell people that if I could be anything in the world, I would want to be a Ñoldor elf, despite the murder. This is because I love making stuff, and really love how significant it is to their culture and identity. (and problems. I must not forget the problems.) So the majority of the Aulendi either a) do things I really want to do, or b) do things I have at least a little experience with. Which is why I love writing them, and loved building out their world.
TaÞarwen is (I think) the first one that I wrote in, and I sort of made her and that scene out of a combination of things, including: my dislike of fast fashion as an institution, my love of the Gender Neutral Skirt ™ (seriously, so many people wore ‘skirts’ for so much of history. They are SO much easier than pants), and my conviction that making proper clothing takes a whole lot of time and effort.
(You may notice that Findaráto still doesn’t have the custom outfits. Because it takes time to craft something Really Really Nice, and immortal elves who are also devotees of the god of craft most definitely take the time to Do Things Right.
That said, it IS coming up!)
And the other significant ones we’ve seen are Meryanilda and Tiquwen. My experience with harps is definitely on the ‘making’ rather than the ‘playing’ side, but I’m still very new to making them, and have only dabbled. Still, I enjoyed getting to feature them and the sort of interplay between their craft, practiced by the Aulendi, and someone like Makalaurë, who has a competitive AND collaborative desire to work around and with the masters of HIS craft. Which is practiced to less of an institutional degree among the Aulendi.
When I started planning this story and universe, I started from the threesome and worked outward. What safe place could Findaráto find? What made Fëanáro’s family different from the other Ñoldor to such a degree that they had completely separate gender roles and social culture?
…It had to be craft. The fact that there is a culture in which craft is important and respected is still very different from a culture of craftspeople. Historically speaking, however much craftspeople were respected (or not) they were not a ruling class. Ruling classes are generally politicians, by birthright or (more rarely) election, religious leaders, and economic ones. Similarly, in my reading experience, I see few examples of actual craftspeople among the royal Ñoldor. The specific examples are Míriel (dead), Fëanáro (…complicated), Mahtan (among Aule’s folk, not Tirion, not royal), Nerdanel (same as Mahtan, don’t know if/how she fit into the court, but my guess is no), and Curufinwë II and III.
Most of the next generation comes into their own in Beleriand. They’re politicians, rulers, warriors, generals. They build things, yes, like cities (Turgon and Finrod), ships (Eärendil, with clear Telerin influence from Círdan), and Maeglin (half-Sindar, specifically learned smithing from his Sindarin father and not his Ñoldorin mother). There are a few other notable smiths, but still. Not directly in or from the ruling line, save Curufinwës 1-3.
(I'm not saying they aren't a culture of crafters, I'm just saying for the purposes of this story, I engineered a split working off of a potential subdivision in canon. Also, a culture is more than just the ruling line, that's only where we tend to focus because those are the significant and named figures in canon)
So that’s kind of where the split came from, in Point of Pride. The Ñoldor respect craft, and it is what their culture is known for, but most of the people who specifically devote themselves to it as a calling can be found in Aulë’s lands, which I feel has at least a little canonical justification. Even if they wouldn’t see themselves as priests, disseminating the work and ideas formed in his forges to the broader Ñoldorin culture at large is kind of the role they play in this story. And because of the physical and social distance, they had the room to develop in a drastically different way (as much as the two-way unawareness might be a bit unrealistic). I like the idea that the farther one gets from a strict social ‘court’ and the closer one gets to a sort of egalitarian unification of ideals and purpose in proximity to a literal deity, the more protected one gets from strict social consequences. And the less close someone is likely to look. Like nuns, who were allowed/required to eschew the social requirement of marriage for religious purposes (not an expert, don’t quote me on that). I’m not saying the Aulendi are religious figures to that sort of strict level, but by opting into the inner circle of a Vala, they are effectively opting out of the monarchy and the social structure of the Ñoldor, knowingly or not.
(Yes, this will cause problems later.)
Well, that was probably way too much!! Thank you for the chance to (over) explain some thoughts I had! I hope you enjoy reading this excessive wall of text, and thank you for the ask!
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burlveneer-music · 4 months
Molly Lewis - On the Lips - don't know if I'm ready for a full-on lounge/exotica (re)revival, but it's the perfect milieu for a whistler
Consider this your invitation to Café Molly, a lounge bar like they don’t make them anymore. The lights are low, the martinis are ice cold, the banquettes are velvet, and the stage is set for the electrifying talent of whistler Molly Lewis. Molly’s soft-focus cocktail music conjures up visions of classic Hollywood jazz clubs, Italian cinema soundtracks and lingering embraces between lovers. After the exotica stylings of The Forgotten Edge EP and the tropicalia-indebted Mirage EP, Molly wanted to encapsulate the sound of Café Molly for her debut album On The Lips, a dreamy tribute to classic mood music. That spellbinding sound, which usually comes to life in Los Angeles, has also popped up in Mexico City dancehalls, graced the runways of Paris and London Fashion Weeks, and made a magical appearance at a children's fairyland. Molly Lewis’s love for this smoky corner of the world doesn’t end with her songwriting. She is a devotee and an archivist, capturing and enlivening the pieces that endure. She was a regular at the legendary shows by Marty and Elayne, the lounge duo who spent almost 40 years playing LA’s Dresden bar. The duo came to global fame after an appearance in 1996’s Swingers and kept going long after that spotlight faded, finally finishing their nightly residency after the death of Marty at the ripe age of 89 last year. “That felt like the end of an era,” says Molly. But there are still flashes of that world to be found, and she finds them. “I’ve been spending a lot of time in New York lately, where there are a lot more of those moody, classic jazz bars,” she explains. Over the past few years Molly has flexed her one-of-a-kind musical skill alongside Mark Ronson on the Barbie soundtrack, as well as with Dr Dre, Karen O, actor John C Reilly, Mac De Marco, fashion houses Chanel, Gucci and Hermes, and folk rock royalty Jackson Browne. After a performance with longtime friend Weyes Blood on Burt Bacharach’s The Look of Love during a Café Molly evening at LA’s Zebulon, Molly supported the singer on a US tour, introducing her sound to a brand new audience. “I forget sometimes that what I do has that factor of surprise and uniqueness – it is something that most people have never seen before,” says Molly. She too might never have entered the idiosyncratic world of whistling had she not as a teenager seen the 2005 documentary Pucker Up, which details the International Whistling Competition. Equally amused and bemused by the eccentric event, in 2012 she competed herself. Spending her early twenties in Berlin she then moved to LA to work in film – and returned to the contest in 2015 to take home first prize. One evening Molly did a turn at an open mic at the Kibitz Room, a tiny late-night bar inside historic LA deli Canter’s. Her display led to appearances at performance art happenings across the city, and she soon caught the ear of independent record label Jagjaguwar. On The Lips was recorded with producer Thomas Brenneck of the Menahan Street Band, Budos Band, Dap-Kings and El Michels Affair, at his newly-built Diamond West Studios in Pasadena. The pair bonded over the work of 1960s soundtrack composers Alessandro Alessandroni and Piero Piccioni, and, with something of an open door policy during the sessions, a stream of acclaimed musicians ended up across the album’s 10 tracks. With her intoxicating compositions, and wry brand of stagecraft (she might not be singing up there, but she can sure tell a joke) Molly Lewis looks set to join her heroes in the storied lore of the Los Angeles lounge scene and beyond. So pull up a chair, order your favorite drink, and prepare to fall for On The Lips.  PERFORMER LINE-UP: On The Lips Molly Lewis - Whistle, guitar, vocals Joe Harrison - Flute, bass Eric Hagstrom - Drums, clave Thomas Brenneck - Organ Written by: Molly Lewis
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sweetfirebird · 1 year
Multifandom fic recs!
I mentioned doing a fic recs list the other day, and since I couldn't work on my needlepoint for a while (in which I feel like Mr. Thorton's mother doing her linen embroidering in North & South), I actually did one.
This is a multifandom recs list because it was more fun to just skim through various fandom bookmarks than to do a concentrated list for one show or whatever. Also.. some of these are for fandoms I read in and some are just fics I stumbled across one day, so they could be representative of their fandoms or not I have no idea. {insert shrug emoji here}
These are also all m/m and I think.... fairly cis? I did consider doing some f/f and trans and Rules 63 stuff but uh my bookmarks are a mess. The only fandom where I set aside some genderfuckery aside in any sort of organized fashion is Les Mis with Rule 63 stuff which maybe should get its own post. ? If people wanted?
Anyway, read the tags for each story, etc
Recs across the starboard bow, captain!
Star Wars Rogue One
waaay before the movie. I've recced this before. Chirrut/Baze
A Monk in Good Standing (Must Be in Need of a Bro)
The Eagle
What Big Hands You Have
modern au, Esca is a size queen
From the Depths of His Heart
Canon-era werewolf AU
Canon-era  Esca teaches Marcus to kiss slow
Canon-era gay farmers with some yearning
The Losers
The First Eight Don't Count
Jensen is a cat sometimes. Like a house cat. Yeah it’s weird for him too.
By Daybreak We'll Be Gone
werewolf AU (sensing a recurring trope here lol)
(Obv Arthur/Eames.)
Breaking and Entering
Jeeves and Wooster
Bertie has lost something
Voltron (the… whatever the new cartoon’s subtitle was. Legendary Defender?)
(I know that fandom is a hotbed of strife) but I am not/was not involved in any of that. Yikes.)
the electric synthesized pop ballad of why keith can’t have nice things
a/b/o au... but like... he just wants to be good
The Vorkosigan Saga
This is Ivan/Byerly because that is the only ship that matters
Twenty-Year Man
Ivan's getting older and having some realizations despite himself. Also... side note but... carefully and cynically yearning Byerly is a delight.
Original, historical
Darling and the Cinderella Club
Teen Wolf --HOWEVER! These are all Teen Wolf/SGA fusion
Why? Because the space marine vibes are impeccable
All Sterek
Show You What All That Howl is For
The Ring of the Ancestors is Not a Euphemism
Faint is a Medical Term
What We Do in the Shadows
Something Here Will Eventually Have to Explode
Venom/Eddie, obviously
Good Omens
Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
Get Religion Quick (cause you're looking divine)
The Hobbit
all Bilbo/Thorin
pre-adventure sexual tension
The Subways of Men
modern au, but still with hobbits and dwarves
okay and then because idk I just love them finding each other after things
Plant Your Trees
It's Been a Long Day Without You, My Friend
(slight au)
And then one just to be sad
Hold Onto Hope If You've Got It
Les Mis
Enjolras/Grantaire because I am basic aw yeah
The Laurels of Doing is Enough
modern AU
True Love's Kiss
modern AU but with magic
The first in a small Star Trek AU series that is cute
A Reversal of Celestial Mechanics
Canon-era, Enjolras takes Grantaire up on his offers… offers Grantaire didn’t realize he was making lol
There is one where Grantaire is fucking Courf while they both discuss/hint at his feelings for Enjolras but I cannot begin to express the chaos of my bookmarks so.... couldn't find it.
And finally...
Check, Please
Bless This Mess and Call It a Home
Magic AU
The Most Room in Our Hearts
Dex sees Nursey holding some kids and gets Feelings about it
(there is a small nurseydex commentfic with sort of a similar bent but like so many things, it was posted to tumblr then deleted so is now lost forever.)
ok this one is uhhh read the notes and tags. It is known to me and @vashti-lives as the one we don’t talk about  aka the 1950s coal miners AU
Strange Lovers
And to finish up, a Ransom/Holster kink/getting together fic that was actually the first thing I read for this fandom.
When You Got Skin in the Game (you stay in the game)
I will post this to pillowfort too but I need to stop and eat first.
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yoreatorium · 8 months
The history of Friday The 13th
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"The Death of Balder," by Danish painter Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, depicts a scene from Norse mythology. Balder (son of Odin) lies dead after being struck by a mistletoe spear thrown by Hödr, his blind brother. Hödr had been tricked by Loki, who can be seen behind him, stifling his laughter.
Friday the 13th has long been considered a day of bad luck, evil omens, and general misfortune in the Western world. Its influence is so widespread that one of the most well-known horror film franchises is named after the ominous day. From Norse mythology to The Canterbury Tales, let's embark on a brief journey to find out what happened to make this day so terrifying.
In Magic and Superstitions (1968), the author Douglas Hill recounts a Norse myth about the death of Balder. As 12 of the Norse gods host a dinner party in Valhalla, Loki (the god of mischief, trickery, and deception), who was not invited, arrives as the 13th guest. The gods are entertaining themselves by watching Hödr throw various weapons at Baldr, who is impervious to any injury. Balder's mother, the goddess Frigg, had previously made every weapon and object on Earth swear an oath to never hurt her son, after a prophetic dream in which she foresaw his death. She had, however, left out a small tree, the mistletoe, thinking it too young and unimportant for an oath to be demanded of it. Loki, who knew of this weakness, fashioned a spear from the mistletoe tree and tricked the blind Hödr into throwing it at Balder. To the horror of every god present, except for Loki, the mistletoe spear went right through Balder, killing him.
However, in the Prose Edda (the 13th-century Icelandic text considered the most complete source of our current knowledge on Norse mythology), where the story originally appears, no mention is made of either 12 gods being present or Loki being the 13th to arrive.
There are also similar Christian associations to the number 13: the tale of the Last Supper comes to mind, with Judas being thought by many to have been the 13th person to sit at the table. The Bible, however, does not mention the order in which the apostles sat.
Friday is considered to be a day of evil portents and misfortune by some historical sources. In A Dictionary of Superstitions (1996), authors Moria Tatem and Iona Opie say Friday was long considered an unlucky day in which one should not begin journeys or start new projects, as evidenced by lines such as "and on a Friday fell all this misfortune" which are present in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, written during the late 14th century.
Some have argued, however, that the line actually refers to the irony of the misfortune in question having happened to the protagonist - who is called a devotee of the goddess Venus - on a Friday, the day associated with the goddess in medieval astrology.
Direct association of Friday and the number 13 seem to have popped up in sources around the mid-1800s, such as in the 1834 play Les Finesses des Gribouilles, in which a character states that being "born on a Friday, December 13th", was the source of all their misfortunes. The association is then popularized through the 20th century, possibly starting with the novel Friday, the Thirteenth (1907) by T. W. Lawson, culminating in the creation of one the most popular horror franchises of all time - Jason's hockey mask becoming one of the most recognizable icons in film and pop culture.
- Opie, I., & Tatem, M. (1996). A Dictionary of Superstitions Hill, D. (1968). Magic and Superstitions Household, P. (2013). I seek unlucky Fridays in Chaucer and find none. Things that have interested me. https://peterhousehold.blogspot.com/2013/01/chaucer.html
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
After your most recent post, I find myself very curious to know which era you dress the most like. I mean, I know you're a Crimson Peak fanatic (note: just joking) so either late 1870s or turn-of-the-century, but which???
Also, could you show us (re: me) a picture of your latest creation?! It would be greatly valued and appreciated
No no, I definitely am a Crimson Peak fanatic. I wear my obsession with pride at this point.
It's actually somewhat broader: late 1860s to early 1880s. Elliptical Hoop, First Bustle, and Natural Form, to be a bit more specific. Historically (hah) early 1870s/First Bustle has been my absolute favorite, but I've been inspired by my descent into CPeak madness- and my increasing attempts to Victorianize my wardrobe in a practical fashion for daily life without going 1890s, which is fine but decidedly not my favorite -to look more into Natural Form. Tragically I cannot wear a giant trailing bustle skirt on the subway at rush hour. Woe and Lamentation.
My latest creation isn't actually for me! It's this 1840s ball gown for my doll Maryse:
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Not a great picture, but I’m answering this as I get ready for work. Sorry!
It’s part of an ensemble I’m making for her based on the folk song “Fair Charlotte, or A Corpse Going To A Ball.” The skirt is beaded with aurora borealis crystals at the hem and pearlescent white glass beads in frost patterns, as you can hopefully tell. There are also some nail art snowflakes stitched on, which was a huge pain in the ass.
She’ll eventually have a styled wig to match, slippers and stockings, and possibly Charlotte’s mantle and “silken scarf” from the song.
The artist who made her, Marina Bychkova, is known for drawing inspiration from history, literature, and fairytales, especially darker stories. So I felt like this would be the perfect theme for her first real outfit!
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musicallisto · 1 year
I would love a 🌴, love being your mutual btw. Also where do you get the images for the moodboards from?? Would love to do some myself
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luigi boccherini - string quintet in E major, op.11 no.5
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mtvunplugged1996 · 1 year
Top 5 muted colours?
OOOH a classic.
Baby blue (my most beloved).
Pale pink.
Tan - I know tan is boring, but it goes with everything!
Light green - not my favorite (darker green is more my thing), but still pretty.
I'm hesitating on what to choose for this last one. Maybe I'll go with pale yellow?
Thank you for asking!
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Is there a "tie" here?
Hi Skippy & Friends- Pilgrim with a little news blip from the current Montecito Journal about the owner of the San Ysidro Ranch where the latest fahhbulahuus fashion shoot happened... "Commemorating her Majesty" Beanie Baby billionaire Ty Warner, 78, has paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth with an iconic plush toy Elizabeth, which goes on sale at the end of this month. The new cuddly toy is dressed in baby blue-Her Majesty's favorite color-and bears a gold embroidered crown on its chest. It is completed with a white and platinum colored ribbon, a nod to the 96-year-old monarch's historic 70-year reign. Ty has also made a $100,000 donation to Cruse Bereavement Support, a charity the sovereign supported for 38 years. Unfortunately for Beanie Baby devotees, the Queen Elizabeth edition is only available in the U.K., increasing its rarity value."
Perhaps Ty is picking up their tab. His 6,000 sq ft Warner cottage with pool at the ranch is availabe to rent for $10,000 per night according to their rate chart. It seems he is not married and has no kids...owns lots of famous hotels and resorts; was sentenced to 2 years of probation plus community service for tax evasion. At college he loved being on stage and is dramatic. He has donated more than $6 million to the Andre Agassi Foundation...as well as the Princess Diana Memorial Fund...hmmm. Over and out for now...
Hmmmm, very interesting….thank you dear Pilgrim❤️
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robertwilkos · 3 months
Balancing Tradition and Innovation in Premium Services
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Navigating the luxurious landscape of premium services requires a nuanced ballet between honoring the rich legacies upon which brands are built and steering them towards new horizons of innovation. This intricate balance is paramount, acting as the heartbeat of luxury brands. Tradition, with its deep roots, encapsulates the essence of brand heritage, embodying authenticity and a timeless allure that has weathered the ages. Conversely, innovation acts as the forward thrust, propelling brands into contemporary relevance and ensuring their resonance with the ever-evolving desires of today's consumer. The synthesis of these two forces crafts a narrative that is both captivating and enduring, allowing brands to weave the elegance of yesteryears with the dynamism of tomorrow.
The Essence of Tradition in Premium Services
Tradition in premium services is the bedrock upon which the temple of luxury is erected. It is the silent guardian of a brand's identity, nurturing a sense of belonging and steadfast loyalty among its aficionados. This veneration for the past is not an exercise in nostalgia but a celebration of the journey, the unparalleled craftsmanship, and the immutable values that have sculpted the brand’s unique position in the annals of luxury.
The stories of Rolex and Louis Vuitton illuminate the path of leveraging heritage to not only enhance a brand’s stature but also to forge an indelible mark on the consumer's heart. Rolex's unwavering dedication to precision over the decades has made it an emblem of enduring luxury, while Louis Vuitton’s saga of exquisite craftsmanship has rendered it an icon of fashion luxury. Through strategic storytelling and an emphasis on their historical craftsmanship, these brands manage to deepen consumer engagement, marrying the legacy of their past with the aspirations of their clients.
Innovating Within the Luxury Space
In the realm of luxury, innovation is the lifeline that ensures a brand's evolution and relevance in the face of changing times. The imperative to innovate beckons luxury brands to continuously explore new frontiers—be it through technology, sustainability, or customer engagement—to meet the nuanced expectations of a modern clientele without forsaking their essence. 
Tesla and Burberry emerge as beacons of how luxury brands can redefine their sectors through innovation. Tesla has revolutionized the concept of luxury mobility, intertwining eco-consciousness with high performance, thereby reimagining what luxury transportation can entail. Burberry’s foray into digital innovation, from harnessing social media to employing augmented reality, has repositioned a traditional luxury brand into a digital frontrunner, all while cherishing its British roots.
These examples underscore an important narrative: that tradition and innovation are not mutually exclusive but complementary forces. Luxury brands that embrace this philosophy, integrating cutting-edge innovations with their storied heritage, not only enrich their brand appeal but also create an elevated, contemporary brand experience that resonates with both long-standing devotees and new enthusiasts.
The journey of blending the revered traditions of the past with the bright possibilities of the future is what ensures the enduring legacy and relevance of premium services, allowing them to shine across ages.
Integrating Innovation with Tradition
Navigating the confluence of tradition and innovation requires a thoughtful approach, ensuring that premium service providers not only stay relevant but also true to their core identity. The journey begins with a deep dive into the brand's soul, understanding the core values and unique selling propositions that have carved its niche in the luxury landscape. This introspective process is crucial, as it lays the foundation upon which innovation can be built without eroding the essence of the brand. 
With the brand's heritage as the guiding light, the next step involves scouting the horizons for opportunities to innovate. This could manifest in myriad ways—from revamping service delivery with cutting-edge technology to reimagining customer experiences that captivate the modern consumer's imagination. The innovation should not feel like an appendage but a natural evolution of the brand's offerings, seamlessly integrated and enhancing the traditional core rather than overshadowing it.
Communicating this innovation to consumers is an art in itself, one that requires weaving the narrative of novelty within the tapestry of tradition. It's about telling a story where innovation is presented as a chapter that enriches the brand's saga, not rewrites it. Through strategic storytelling and marketing, brands can illustrate how new initiatives or products are a continuation of their commitment to excellence, thereby reassuring consumers that the values they cherish remain intact. 
5 Successful Strategies for Balancing Tradition and Innovation
1. Collaborative Projects: Many luxury brands have ventured into collaborations with artists, tech companies, and other brands to infuse fresh perspectives into their traditional offerings. These partnerships can introduce innovative products or services while retaining the classic appeal of the brand, creating a buzz that appeals to both new and loyal customers.
2. Digital Transformation Initiatives: Embracing digital technology to enhance the customer experience has been a game-changer for traditional luxury brands. From virtual showrooms to augmented reality experiences, these digital ventures allow brands to offer innovative services while staying rooted in their heritage.
3. Sustainable Practices: Increasingly, luxury brands are integrating sustainability into their operations, aligning with the values of a new generation of consumers who prioritize environmental consciousness. By adopting sustainable practices, brands can innovate their product lines and processes without compromising on their traditional commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
4. Bespoke Experiences: Personalization has taken center stage in the luxury market, with brands offering bespoke services that cater to the individual preferences of their clientele. This strategy allows brands to remain innovative in how they engage with customers, crafting unique experiences that reinforce their traditional values of exclusivity and personal touch.
5. Storytelling Techniques: Innovative storytelling is a powerful tool for luxury brands aiming to bridge the gap between tradition and innovation. By crafting narratives that highlight the journey of innovation while anchoring them in the brand’s heritage, companies can engage consumers on an emotional level, fostering a deeper connection to both the brand’s legacy and its future.
These strategies exemplify how luxury brands can navigate the delicate balance between preserving their cherished traditions and embracing the innovations necessary to thrive in a constantly evolving market. By carefully selecting and implementing these approaches, premium service providers can ensure that their legacy endures while they continue to captivate and delight their clientele with fresh, relevant offerings.
Weaving the Future: The Luxury Brand Odyssey
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In the tapestry of luxury, threads of tradition and strands of innovation intertwine to craft a narrative that is as rich in history as it is forward-looking. "Legacy Meets Innovation" presents a visual journey through the essence of luxury branding, where the reverence for historical legacies is seamlessly woven with the pursuit of innovation. This diagram serves as a beacon for luxury brands navigating the complex waters of modern consumer expectations, technological advancements, and environmental responsibility.
The journey begins with a deep dive into the soul of luxury brands, exploring the bedrock of heritage that has anchored them through the ages. This foundation of core values and storied histories not only enriches the brand's identity but also connects with consumers on a profound level, evoking a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves.
As the narrative unfolds, the path leads into the realm of modernity, where embracing technological integration and responding to evolving market trends are not optional but imperative. This is where luxury brands prove their dynamism, adapting to the present without losing sight of their past. It is a delicate balance, a dance between maintaining the allure of exclusivity and personalization while engaging with consumers in the digital age.
Innovative storytelling and strategic marketing emerge as powerful tools in this journey, crafting narratives that resonate with both long-standing devotees and newcomers. These stories are not just recitations of past glories but vibrant chapters that invite consumers to be part of the brand's ongoing saga.
Sustainability and ethical practices reflect a shift in the luxury landscape, acknowledging that true luxury is not just about opulence but about contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world. This commitment to eco-friendliness and social responsibility marks a new chapter in the luxury narrative, one that aligns with the values of a new generation of consumers.
Collaborations and partnerships, especially those that transcend industry boundaries, inject fresh vitality into luxury offerings. They are the crucible where tradition and innovation meld, creating unique experiences that enrich the brand’s legacy.
"Legacy Meets Innovation" is not merely a diagram but a manifesto for the future of luxury branding. It is a guide for brands at the crossroads of heritage and progress, offering a vision for how to weave the elegance of yesteryears with the innovations of tomorrow. In this odyssey of luxury, the journey of balancing tradition with innovation is not just about preserving the past but about embracing the future with open arms, ensuring that the legacy of luxury continues to enchant and inspire across generations.
The Future of Luxury Services—A Harmonious Blend of Old and New
As we gaze into the crystal ball of luxury services, it's clear that the sector is on the cusp of a renaissance, driven by a blend of age-old traditions and groundbreaking innovations. Emerging technologies like AI and VR, sustainability concerns, and shifting consumer values are at the forefront of this transformation, urging brands to rethink how they can remain relevant and revered. The integration of digital advancements in personalized customer experiences, alongside a genuine commitment to eco-friendly practices, reflects not just a trend but a fundamental shift in expectations. The brands that will thrive are those that recognize this shift and adapt, ensuring that their legacy of craftsmanship and exclusivity embraces the new without losing its essence. The long-term benefits of maintaining this balance are profound—solidifying brand integrity, deepening customer loyalty, and distinguishing brands in a crowded market where authenticity and innovation are equally prized.
FAQs: Navigating the Tradition-Innovation Dynamic in Premium Services
How can luxury brands identify which traditions to preserve and where to innovate?
Luxury brands should conduct a thorough audit of their heritage, identifying core values and signature offerings that have defined their legacy. Innovation should then be targeted in areas that enhance these elements, ensuring that new initiatives resonate with the brand's identity and meet evolving consumer expectations.
What are the risks of too much innovation or too rigid an adherence to tradition in the luxury market?
Excessive innovation can dilute a brand's identity, alienating loyal customers who value its heritage. Conversely, an unwavering adherence to tradition may render a brand obsolete in the face of changing consumer preferences. The key risk in both scenarios is losing relevance, which can be mitigated by striking a careful balance.
How can feedback from high-end consumers inform the balance between tradition and innovation?
High-end consumers often provide invaluable insights into what they value most about a brand and where they seek improvement. Engaging directly with this clientele through surveys, focus groups, or personal interactions can uncover precise areas where tradition is cherished and innovation is desired.
Tips for small luxury businesses trying to establish a balance between traditional values and the need for innovation.
Small luxury businesses should leverage their agility to experiment with innovative practices in targeted ways, always ensuring these efforts are aligned with their core values. Building a strong narrative around how innovation enhances their traditional offerings can help in maintaining coherence and authenticity.
In wrapping up our exploration of balancing tradition with innovation in premium services, it's evident that this dynamic is not about compromise but about enrichment. By viewing tradition and innovation as complementary forces, luxury service providers can forge a brand narrative that's both deeply rooted and vibrantly alive. This approach not only honors the legacy upon which luxury brands are built but also propels them forward, ensuring they continue to captivate and enchant in an ever-evolving world. The journey ahead for luxury services is undoubtedly one of exciting possibilities, where the old and new converge to create experiences of unparalleled depth and beauty.
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thevikingtshirts · 5 months
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Seemore: https://www.besport.com/post/45081744
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jackkelley3714-blog · 7 months
Detroit Lions Jersey: Roaring With Pride On and Off the Field
In the realm of American football, there are jerseys that symbolize legendary teams. One such iconic piece of sports apparel is the Detroit Lions jersey. Steeped in history, this fierce and regal garment not only represents the team’s legacy but also serves as a source of motivation and community pride. Join us as we delve into the story behind the Detroit Lions jersey, exploring its evolution, symbolic value, and the passionate fan culture it inspires.
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A Roaring Evolution: From Leather to Modern Fabric: Take a trip back in time and discover how the Detroit Lions jersey has evolved from humble beginnings. Initially crafted using leather, these jerseys have undergone a remarkable transformation in terms of both design and materials. Explore the journey from basic and rudimentary uniforms to today’s cutting-edge athletic fabrics, providing both style and performance on the field.
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A Jersey of Legends: Honoring Past and Present Heroes: Lions fans know that chin straps are not the only thing tied tight on game day; emotions often run high as Detroit Lions jerseys honor the past and present heroes of the game. From the greats like Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson to the new faces making headlines, these quarterbacks, linebackers, and wide receivers have all proudly donned the jersey, etching their names in Lions lore. Explore the significance of these jerseys as a tribute to the players’ contributions and the bond they share with the fans.
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The Detroit Lions jersey represents more than just a piece of clothing; it embodies the heart and soul of Motown football. From its evolution to its historic significance, this iconic piece of sports apparel connects generations of fans in their shared love for the team. So, whether you’re wearing it in front of your TV or cheering alongside thousands at Ford Field, the Detroit Lions jersey is a powerful, roaring symbol of pride that ignites the spirit of Lions’ Nation.
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