#hit and run calgary
janeb93 · 2 years
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Personal injury can occur due to the negligence of another person and at times this injury can give you permanent physical damage. People are not very conscious about the true compensation laws for these types of injuries but you should apply for a full return depending upon the type of injury that you have got. There are different sort of personal injury claims that you can make and these claims will not only wrap the medical expenses but you will also get financial compensation for all of the mental frustration. 
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nksinjurylegal · 2 months
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asunsetgrace16 · 3 months
Died of a Broken Heart ⎥ NM29
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Pairing: Nathan MacKinnon x fem!reader
Summary: It turns out that it is possible to die of a broken heart
Warnings: sad sad sad, swearing,
Notes: I take it back. Kind of. I don't think my groove is entirely back, or maybe it was just the fics I was working on. I wrote this in four hours around midnight and this is my first attempt at writing something sad. I will say that it was hard to not cry writing this, so hopefully 🤞 you guys feel some emotions too. There isn't much dialogue in the beginning. Also, broken heart syndrome is in fact a real thing
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Word Count: 3.7k
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Nate is numb. He’s been numb since about 10:30 last night, when the police knocked on his door. He had been home for 20 minutes max, having just gotten back from Cale’s house, supper with him and Gabe and Mikko. Tracey was up in Calgary for a few days. Y/N had dinner plans with her work friends, it was Shannon’s birthday. The world tilted on its axis as he was told that Y/N was killed. They soberly tell him what happened forty-five minutes ago. Hit-and-run…they are looking for the driver…happened in the restaurant parking lot…no, she was the only one. Nate’s pretty sure he stops breathing, because he feels a firm hand on his elbow guiding him back into his house, coaxing him to take deep breaths. Blood rushes in his ears, and he thinks, Australia, their honeymoon. He lifts a hand to wipe his face. When did he start crying? 
The police stay for a while, watching him carefully until they are sure he won’t spiral into a panic attack, ironic all things considered. When he is semi-into it, they explain everything again. 
Ok,” Nate says, “would you...you mind, um, coming back in the morning? I need to hear this once some of the shock wears off.” His voice is quiet and strained. He doesn’t fight the tears silently rolling down his cheeks. They agree to his request, leaving with a handshake and squeeze on the shoulder, hints of agony shining through their masks of professionalism.
Nate stays sitting at his kitchen table, head in his hands. Sobs shake his body, uncontrollable and awful. He cries so hard he thinks he might cry himself sick. Eventually, he leans back, face twisted with emotion and damp with tears. Slowly, he heads to bed. Each movement is mechanical. He tosses and turns, his sleep is plagued by once-sweet memories of Y/N turned into cruel reminders that she was ripped from him.
Eventually he gives up and moves to the guest bedroom. He cries more, more than he ever has. He wants Y/N, he wants to kiss her, and hold her, and take her to games and-.
Next thing Nate knows, he is waking up to the sun streaming through the curtains. He is confused at first, the stiffness of the bed isn't what his bed feels like. As he opens his eyes, last night comes rushing back. He doesn’t want to believe it. They had just started their life together, with promises of love and kids and 60 more years. The tears start again, slower than the previous night but no less gut-wrenching. Reluctantly he heads to the bathroom. He looks worse than imagined. Red and puffy eyes that unfortunately make the blue pop, pale skin and chapped lips. Nate’s hands shake as he splashes water on his face. 
Taking a deep breath, he tries to get some semblance of a list to make sense in his mind. He shoots off a vague text to Bedsy, letting him know that he might be late for practice, not knowing how long the police will take. 
It turns out that it only takes half an hour. The same officers from the night before knock on Nate’s door at 7:30, introducing themselves and Parker and Walker. They recount the night before in more detail. Y/N was killed at 9:48 pm, during a hit-and-run in the restaurant parking lot. She was the only one, none of her friends were even injured. They tell Nate that it was an instant death, painless…that she didn’t suffer. Nate is frozen in his chair, back ramrod straight and hands clasped tightly. Walker leaves a copy of his first report, and his phone number in case Nate has questions. He walks them out, shaking their hands and thanking them for coming over again.
Returning to the kitchen, he pulls out a notepad and pen. Nate lists off the things he needs to do. Call his parents. Call Y/N’s parents. Call the funeral home. Talk to C-Mac and Bedsy and the team. Get through practice. 
He decides to wait on calling his parents, saving that for the afternoon. Same with the funeral home. He is in a daze the whole time he prepares for practice. He makes his usual protein drink, but he thinks that he used orange juice instead of water. Nate’s not sure. He also isn’t entirely sure how he made it to the arena without running a red light.
His whole walk to Bedsy’s office is stressful. He dreads the thought of having to have this conversation more than once. He knocks on the open door, seeing C-Mac there as well. 
“Hey Nate, I got your text.” Bedsy starts, looking at Nate, concerned, “You ok? Respectfully, you look like shit.”
“Feel like it too. Can uh, both of you come down to the dressing room? Like now? I have some, some uh,” Nate stops, swallowing, “some news, and I want to say it as few times as possible.”
“Sure, all right.” Bednar and C-Mac glance at each other, worried. They’ve seen Nate be not ok before, but this is new. Nate is silent during their trek to the dressing room, still holding his orange juice and green protein powder monstrosity. Bedsy opens the door, gesturing for Nate to go through first.
“Hey Nate, you forgot your jacket at mine last night. You didn’t pick up when I called.” Cale tells him. Nate is standing where Bedsy usually stands.
“Uh…ok thanks, Cale. I was um…I was a little preoccupied last night. Sorry” He responds. His voice is shaking, his hands are shaking, Bedsy and C-Mac are getting increasingly concerned and Nate feels on the verge of a panic attack.
Cale grins suggestively at him, “Ohhh, I see, I see how it is. Getting a little lovin’ on with Y/N I s-”
Nate interrupts abruptly, cutting straight to the chase, “Y/N is dead. She’s dead.”
The whole locker room freezes. Cale’s jaw drops. Someone's water bottle hits the floor.
“Holy shit-” 
“Oh my god.”
“Nate, you need to sit down.”
The voices swirl and blend around him. Nate’s vision loses focus, and cotton balls are stuffed in his ears. Hands find his elbows, easing him into a stall. Someone kneels in front of him. Nate stares, glassy eyes unseeing. 
Slowly, he comes back. His throat is raw and scratchy and he needs water. Mikko tosses over a water bottle and a clean, damp towel.
“Start from the beginning, Nate.” Jo urges softly.
So Nate recounts the story. The entire team is close around him as he repeats what he was told this morning and last night. Their faces reflect the horror and agony Nate feels. Tears fall when he says that her death was instant. He hears sniffles from somewhere, and everyone else is crying now, too.
“It’s good,” he says, “knowing that she wasn’t in pain, but it is awful knowing that there was no chance of saving her.” His voice breaks, he covers his mouth with a hand sobs as quietly as he can. Cale hugs one side and Jo’s on the other. Once the tears slow, he takes the towel that Mikko’s holding. 
“Practice is canceled, today and tomorrow.” Bednar says, “I don’t want Nate to be left alone. Cale, Jo, Mikko, go with him and grab Gabe too. I will talk to the league, see about rescheduling the game tomorrow. I will have to tell them, Nate.”
“No, you guys play. Say I’m out day to day or something. A practice muscle strain.” Nate objects.
“Nate, your wife died less than twelve hours ago. We will not be playing hockey. I’ll phone in and say we forfeit. I will tell Bettman that the news doesn’t go out until you, me, and C-Mac give an interview.”
The afternoon follows a similar pattern. Cale drives Nate home, Jo phones Gabe. Mel brings soup when she comes with Gabe. She folds Nate into a hug as he cries. He makes the excruciating phone call to his parents and hers. Cale smartly suggests doing a triple call so there’s only one conversation. 
“Where should I bury her?” Nate asks, “Here, or should she be back home?”
“Nate, her home has been with you for years. Keep her close to you.” Y/N’s dad tells him. Nate nods forgetting that they can’t actually see him. Gabe takes notes while they discuss the funeral over the phone. Granite headstone, brown casket, service at St. Andrew’s and burial in the graveyard nearby. The reception will be held in the hall near Nate’s house. He doesn’t want people in his house. The date is set for March 5th. 
The media has a field day upon the announcement that the Avs have forfeited their game against the Stars. Sid calls him within a minute.
Nate forces the team to play their next game three days later on February 28th. It’s at home against Buffalo. They lose in an uncharacteristic fashion, so much so that the Buffalo players notice something is really wrong.
Gabe takes care of most of the funeral arrangements, and Nate is forever grateful. He meets with the funeral director, sending with him the clothes he picked out for Y/N to be buried in. Before he leaves, he hands Nate a box.
Opening it, Nate finds her purse. Her phone. A box with her wedding rings. Jo finds him with shaking shoulders and his head in his hands.
On March 2nd, a week after Y/N died, Nate asks for a press conference. The Avs lost both games they played in that week, with Nate a very conspicuous absence. Bedsy asks over and over if Nate is sure that he wants to go through with it.
“I’m sure. It won’t be a secret for much longer.” Nate says. Bedsy just nods. The trio of Nate, Bedsy, and C-Mac file into the media room.
Nate starts, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. “I’m aware you all have been wondering where I have been this past week.”
The reporters nod. Nate takes a deep breath.
“On February 23rd, I received news. News that my wife was killed in a hit and run accident. It happened in a restaurant parking lot as she was heading to her car.” He stops as hands fly up. C-Mac picks someone.
“Nate, I am very sorry for your loss. Is this why the game was forfeited last week?”
“Yes, it was. It was a shock to all of us, and none of us were in any condition or mental state to play.”
“How is this going to affect the rest of your season?”
Nate scoffs quietly. His wife is dead and they are concerned with hockey. “I have decided to take an extended leave of absence from the team. I won’t be playing in the game tomorrow night, nor will I be for the rest of the season. My life was completely torn apart a week ago, I have more important things right now. I do ask that I be left alone right now, no reporters at my house or on the street. I want privacy.”
With that, Nate walks out. Cale is waiting to drive him home and he takes one look at Nate and pulls him in for a hug. He is tired of crying and tired of people saying they are sorry and tired of missing Y/N and tired of being tired.
No. 1 
February 24, 9:09 pm
Nate: Hey guys, I have some news.  Davo: Period at the end of the sentence. This won’t be good Nate: Y/N was killed last night, hit and run Sid: Oh my god, Nate Sid: Are you ok? Were you hurt? Davo: Oh shit Nate: I’m fine, but I guess that’s relative right now Nate: I wasn’t there. She went to dinner with friends. It happened in the parking lot Auston: I am so sorry, man. I realize that that is probably not what you want or need to hear, but I don’t know what else to say Nate: No no, it's ok. I appreciate it. I think I’m still in shock, so not much room for anything other that devastated right now Ryan: Is there anything we can do? Nate: No, not right now. Funeral’s on the 5th, if anyone wants to come. My place is full, but any of the guys would let you stay with them Sid: Of course we want to come, it's just a matter of whether we can Ryan: Even if any of us play, once the news is out most teams will probably want a player there for support Davo: I checked and it's in the middle of a break for us. Ryan and I will be there, Leon too probably Jack: We’re out west on a road trip, but I could try and pull some strings to come. Nico will try to be there too Owen: We are at the end of a homestand that day, but I’ll probably get to come. Can’t do much worse than we already are Owen: That was bad, sorry. Lame-ass excuse for a joke Nate: Don’t be. It almost made me not frown. Thank you Juraj: I’ll be there. We are in LA the day before. Newy will want to come Baby Connor: I’ve got a break before our trip down there. I’ll be there. Dammit why am I baby Connor again? Nate: Cause you are a baby. I really appreciate it, guys. Thank you Baby Connor: Dude obviously. You can’t just drop the worst news of your life and not expect your number 1 buddies to rally the troops and support you Nate: The kid’s gonna kill us all. I didn’t need to cry again but everything makes me cry now, I guess Baby Connor: Oh my god, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to Nate: I know, just messing with you
The funeral goes perfectly. Nate’s and Y/N’s parents arrived a few days ago and have been staying with him. It’s a comfort to have them there, though most days he feels like he’s wading through quicksand. There is usually a teammate there, or two. Sid flies in the day before, same with all the guys from the groupchat. Naz comes from Calgary. EJ and Tyson come, and other Tyson and Bo make the trip out with Owen. Alex comes with Juraj. Nate spends the day crying silent tears and hugging more people than he cares to remember. Mikko, Cale, EJ, Jo, Tyson, and Sid are pallbearers at the funeral. He gives a speech, short as he can get away with. His voice breaks and wavers the whole time. Y/N’s parents and Nate’s say a few words, and the priest reads the eulogy. 
The weather is mild for the burial, Nate almost wishes it was miserable. The day passes in a daze, making awkward small talk with people he barely knows, Thankfully they leave within an hour. The rest of the people there manage to lift the mood a little and Nate moves from crying to barely frowning. Connor Bedard sticks close to him most of the time. Nate is grateful for him, he’s a good kid with a good heart. He hugs Connor extra hard before he leaves to catch his flight to Utah.
“Nate!” Cale calls, knocking on his door again. He’s normally never late, but things still aren’t normal. Nate was the one who suggested that they go skate, not practice, but just to skate. A change of scenery. Cale finally gives up and digs his key out of his pocket. He’s a little confused when he sees that none of the lights are on. Nate hasn’t been himself, but this is weird. Nate’s dog Aspen appears from the hallway. 
“Hey buddy, where’s Nate?” Cale asks him. Aspen circles Cale once before heading back towards Nate’s bedroom. Cale follows him. Nate’s door is shut tight and Aspen has his nose shoved in the corner. Opening the door, Aspen bounds to Nate’s side, where he looks to be still asleep. He whines, getting his nose under Nate’s hand.
“Oh my god.” Cale whispers. Nate is a shade of gray no living person should ever be. “Oh my god.” He moves to the bed. Nate is cool when Cale touches his wrist. He fumbles for his phone, dialing 911 when he doesn’t find a pulse.
“Sid…” Kathy calls up the stairs, “Get down here, you have to see this.”
Sidney hustles down at the tone of her voice. Kathy is standing behind the couch, remote gripped in one hand. He stands behind her, hand on her waist. Her hand drops the remote, coming up to cover her mouth as they hear the news.
"... and now we have saddening news coming from Denver, Colorado. It is with our deepest condolences that we announce the death of NHL star, Nathan MacKinnon. He was found early this morning after failing to meet teammate Cale Makar, for morning skate. Makar called 911 when he found MacKinnon in bed after he didn’t answer the door. According to law enforcement agencies, MacKinnon died peacefully at home overnight, but suddenly, with no chance of resuscitation once they arrived on the scene. His death comes just weeks after the death of his wife, Y/N. What this means for the Avalanche and the rest of the season, we don’t know. More, after the break.” 
Sid thumbs open his phone to the news app. Every headline is the same variation of announcing Nate’s death. Tears fall on the screen.
Colorado Avalanche teammates of Nathan MacKinnon, coach Jared Bednar, yet to speak on the star’s sudden death.
Breaking News: NHL Superstar Nathan MacKinnon, dead at 29. What does this mean for the Avalanche?
“The NHL offers its deepest sympathies and condolences to Nathan and Y/N MacKinnon’s families during this time of tragedy.”
“Nathan MacKinnon, announced dead this morning weeks after his wife, Y/N MacKinnon, was tragically killed…”
Details about Nathan MacKinnon’s death are expected soon.
Details emerge on the death of Colorado Avalanche star Nathan MacKinnon
J.P Burrow, 12:00 pm March 30th, 2025
Four weeks ago, the hockey world was shocked when Nathan MacKinnon, 29, appeared in a press conference after being notably and unusually absent from two home games, both lost in depressing fashion to weaker teams. What he revealed that day was the furthest thing from what anybody expected.
We were told that a week prior, MacKinnon’s wife Y/N, 27, was killed in a hit-and-run car accident. Her funeral was three days later. Understandably, MacKinnon withdrew from the public. His teammates were a constant source of support, but that only goes so far when grieving your spouse. He decided to take the rest of the season off.
MacKinnon and Y/N were married for three years, and together for nearly ten. They were fan-favorites throughout the league, despite them being notoriously private. MacKinnon never smiled as much as he did when he was talking about his wife. 
Now, thirteen days ago, the world was rocked again when it was announced that MacKinnon was dead. Details surrounding his death have been revealed after an autopsy. The report revealed that his heart sustained damage after Y/N’s death, caused by a sudden, constant surge of adrenaline in the days following. This causes a disruption of blood flow in the heart, similar to a heart attack. It is fittingly called Broken heart syndrome, where the death of a loved one can trigger the condition. Death is rare, but it happens.
We reached out to friends of MacKinnon’s across the league, his own teammates commented in a press conference earlier today.
Connor Bedard: Nate was a close friend of mine, he helped me a lot when I first got into the league. I looked up to him a lot. Once I got to know him outside of hockey, I learned just how amazing of a person he is– was. I was shocked to learn that he died. We had just landed in Denver for our game against them when Cale [Makar] called me.
Sidney Crosby: It was a lot for all of us, the whole month. I’ve been close with Nate for ten years, he's my best friend, so to say that I’m going to miss him is an understatement. I saw how much Y/N dying crushed him, they were made for each other. Hockey was his first love, but Y/N was his true love.
Gabe Landeskog: The season changed for all of us after Y/N died and Nate took time off. There will be no replacing Nate, his skill, his passion…it left a hole. I’m not going to sugarcoat things. This will be really difficult to come back from. It won’t be this season, maybe not even next season, but we are going to fight, for Nate. He would want us to.
“He really died of a broken heart.” Cale says before turning to bury his face in his wife’s hair, crying silently. He hasn’t been the same since finding Nate, taking his own leave from the team.
For the second time in a month, the Avalanche and company are reunited, standing in black around a grave beside the one they stood around three and a half weeks earlier, but another person short. Y/N’s headstone will be put in the same day as Nate’s. EJ is holding Aspen’s leash, who took him in when Nate died. He’s retiring, he told everybody when they gathered the second time. The past month reminded him that life is short. He is moving back to Denver to take over Nate’s house. They had found a notebook in his bedside table that had the beginnings of a will written in it. He wanted EJ to have Aspen, and the house if he wanted it. Pictures, his suits, and Y/N's wedding dress were to go to his parents, donate his and Y/N's clothes, and box away his Avalanche gear and ship it to Sid in Nova Scotia. Their wedding rings go to Sid too.
“But now they are together again.” Jo says, smiling through his tears. The thought brings some comfort to them, knowing that Nate has been reunited with the love of his life, and won’t spend the rest of his life missing Y/N.
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tyrelbauer · 2 months
Stampede Matt Rempe Request please!!
Y/n and Matt have been dating for a couple of years, both are from Calgary (obviously) but Y/n on day one of the Stampede is like Tate McRae's back up dancer and so Matt and his crew of his usual who goes there with him video tape Matt watching y/n but then afterwards (using Alley's new TikTok video that she posted from the night before as reference) but you can add whatever you would like for more of the plot of the request
"he's completely smitten" pairing: matt rempe x fem!reader
you stand backstage, the roar of the crowd at the stampede vibrating through your bones.
you've been dancing as a back up for tate mcrae for a few months now, but this show is different. it's your hometown, and matt is in the audience with your closest friends: alley, ty, steph, and ellie.
you get the cue to walk out and you all get in your spots. the music starts, and you hit your marks, moving in sync with the other dancers. the lights are blinding, but you know matt is out there somewhere, cheering you on.
tate's voice fills the air, and you lose yourself in the performance, every move an expression of your passion and dedication.
after the show, you rush off stage and get changed.
you go to text matt to see where he is but you end up running into alley. "you were amazing!" she exclaims, pulling you into a hug.
"thank you! did you get any good videos?" you ask, still somewhat catching your breath.
"oh, i got something even better." she hands you her phone, and you see a video of matt watching you dance.
as the performance progresses, his expression shifts from pride to pure, unadulterated love.
"look at him," alley says softly. "he's completely smitten."
you watch the video again, tears pricking your eyes. matt’s reaction is everything you needed to see. it's a reminder of why you push so hard, why you spend countless hours rehearsing. it's for moments like this, where your passion and love converge.
"please send me that." you hand alley her phone back as matt comes up and hugs you from behind.
you spin around to face him and he smiles. "you were incredible."
"so you enjoyed it?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.
"absolutely," he replies, kissing your forehead. "i'm so proud of you."
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Twinkfrump Linkdump
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in CHICAGO (Apr 17), Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Welcome to the seventeenth Pluralistic linkdump, a collection of all the miscellany that didn't make it into the week's newsletter, cunningly wrought together in a single edition that ranges from the first ISP to AI nonsense to labor organizing victories to the obituary of a brilliant scientist you should know a lot more about! Here's the other 16 dumps:
If you're reading this (and you are!), it was delivered to you by an internet service provider. Today, the ISP industry is calcified, controlled by a handful of telcos and cable companies. But the idea of an "ISP" didn't come out of a giant telecommunications firm – it was created, in living memory, by excellent nerds who are still around.
Depending on how you reckon, The Little Garden was either the first or the second ISP in America. It was named after a Palo Alto Chinese restaurant frequented by its founders. To get a sense of that founding, read these excellent recollections by Tom Jennings, whose contributions include the seminal zine Homocore, the seminal networking protocol Fidonet, and the seminal third-party PC ROM, whence came Dell, Gateway, Compaq, and every other "PC clone" company.
The first installment describes how an informal co-op to network a few friends turned into a business almost by accident, with thousands of dollars flowing in and out of Jennings' bank account:
And it describes how that ISP set a standard for neutrality, boldly declaring that "TLGnet exercises no control whatsoever over the content of the information." They introduced an idea of radical transparency, documenting their router configurations and other technical details and making them available to the public. They hired unskilled punk and queer kids from their communities and trained them to operate the network equipment they'd invented, customized or improvised.
In part two, Jennings talks about the evolution of TLG's radical business-plan: to offer unrestricted service, encouraging their customers to resell that service to people in their communities, having no lock-in, unbundling extra services including installation charges – the whole anti-enshittification enchilada:
I love Jennings and his work. I even gave him a little cameo in Picks and Shovels, the third Martin Hench novel, which will be out next winter. He's as lyrical a writer about technology as you could ask for, and he's also a brilliant engineer and thinker.
The Little Garden's founders and early power-users have all fleshed out Jennings' account of the birth of ISPs. Writing on his blog, David "DSHR" Rosenthal rounds up other histories from the likes of EFF co-founder John Gilmore and Tim Pozar:
Rosenthal describes some of the more exotic shenanigans TLG got up to in order to do end-runs around the Bell system's onerous policies, hacking in the purest sense of the word, for example, by daisy-chaining together modems in regions with free local calling and then making "permanent local calls," with the modems staying online 24/7.
Enshittification came to the ISP business early and hit it hard. The cartel that controls your access to the internet today is a billion light-years away from the principled technologists who invented the industry with an ethos of care, access and fairness. Today's ISPs are bitterly opposed to Net Neutrality, the straightforward proposition that if you request some data, your ISP should send it to you as quickly and reliably as it can.
Instead, ISPs want to offer "slow-lanes" where they will relegate the whole internet, except for those companies that bribe the ISP to be delivered at normal speed. ISPs have a laughably transparent way of describing this: they say that they're allowing services to pay for "fast lanes" with priority access. This is the same as the giant grocery store that charges you extra unless you surrender your privacy with a "loyalty card" – and then says that they're offering a "discount" for loyal customers, rather than charging a premium to customers who don't want to be spied on.
The American business lobby loves this arrangement, and hates Net Neutrality. Having monopolized every sector of our economy, they are extremely fond of "winner take all" dynamics, and that's what a non-neutral ISP delivers: the biggest services with the deepest pockets get the most reliable delivery, which means that smaller services don't just have to be better than the big guys, they also have to be able to outbid them for "priority carriage."
If everything you get from your ISP is slow and janky, except for the dominant services, then the dominant services can skimp on quality and pocket the difference. That's the goal of every monopolist – not just to be too big to fail, but also too big to care.
Under the Trump administration, FCC chair Ajit Pai dismantled the Net Neutrality rule, colluding with American big business to rig the process. They accepted millions of obviously fake anti-Net Neutrality comments (one million identical comments from @pornhub.com addresses, comments from dead people, comments from sitting US Senators who support Net Neutrality) and declared open season on American internet users:
Now, Biden's FCC is set to reinstate Net Neutrality – but with a "compromise" that will make mobile internet (which nearly all of use sometimes, and the poorest of us are reliant on) a swamp of anticompetitive practices:
Under the proposed rule, mobile carriers will be able to put traffic to and from apps in the slow lane, and then extort bribes from preferred apps for normal speed and delivery. They'll rely on parts of the 5G standard to pull off this trick.
The ISP cartel and the FCC insist that this is fine because web traffic won't be degraded, but of course, every service is hellbent on pushing you into using apps instead of the web. That's because the web is an open platform, which means you can install ad- and privacy-blockers. More than half of web users have installed a blocker, making it the largest boycott in human history:
But reverse-engineering and modding an app is a legal minefield. Just removing the encryption from an app can trigger criminal penalties under Section 1201 of the DMCA, carrying a five-year prison sentence and a $500k fine. An app is just a web-page skinned in enough IP that it's a felony to mod it.
Apps are enshittification's vanguard, and the fact that the FCC has found a way to make them even worse is perversely impressive. They're voting on this on April 25, and they have until April 24 to fix this. They should. They really should:
In a just world, cheating ripoff ISPs would the top tech policy story. The operational practices of ISPs effect every single one us. We literally can't talk about tech policy without ISPs in the middle. But Net Neutrality is an also-ran in tech policy discourse, while AI – ugh ugh ugh – is the thing none of us can shut up about.
This, despite the fact that the most consequential AI applications sum up to serving as a kind of moral crumple-zone for shitty business practices. The point of AI isn't to replace customer service and other low-paid workers who have taken to demanding higher wages and better conditions – it's to fire those workers and replace them with chatbots that can't do their jobs. An AI salesdroid can't sell your boss a bot that can replace you, but they don't need to. They only have to convince your boss that the bot can do your job, even if it can't.
SF writer Karl Schroeder is one of the rare sf practitioners who grapples seriously with the future, a "strategic foresight" guy who somehow skirts the bullshit that is the field's hallmark:
Writing on his blog, Schroeder describes the AI debates roiling the Association of Professional Futurists, and how it's sucking him into being an unwilling participant in the AI hype cycle:
Schroeder's piece is a thoughtful meditation on the relationship of SF's thought-experiments and parables about AI to the promises of AI hucksters, who promise that a) "general artificial intelligence" is just around the corner and that b) it will be worth trillions of dollars.
Schroeder – like other sf writers including Ted Chiang and Charlie Stross (and me) – comes to the conclusion that AI panic isn't about AI, it's about power. The artificial life-form devouring the planet and murdering our species is the limited liability corporation, and its substrate isn't silicon, it's us, human bodies:
What’s lying underneath all our anxieties about AGI is an anxiety that has nothing to do with Artificial Intelligence. Instead, it’s a manifestation of our growing awareness that our world is being stolen from under us. Last year’s estimate put the amount of wealth currently being transferred from the people who made it to an idle billionaire class at $5.2 trillion. Artificial General Intelligence whose environment is the server farms and sweatshops of this class is frightening only because of its capacity to accelerate this greatest of all heists.
After all, the business-case for AI is so very thin that the industry can only survive on a torrent of hype and nonsense – like claims that Amazon's "Grab and Go" stores used "AI" to monitor shoppers and automatically bill them for their purchases. In reality, the stores used thousands of low-paid Indian workers to monitor cameras and manually charge your card. This happens so often that Indian technologists joke that "AI" stands for "absent Indians":
Isn't it funny how all the really promising AI applications are in domains that most of us aren't qualified to assess? Like the claim that Google's AI was producing millions of novel materials that will shortly revolutionize all forms of production, from construction to electronics to medical implants:
That's what Google's press-release claimed, anyway. But when two groups of experts actually pulled a representative sample of these "new materials" from the Deep Mind database, they found that none of these materials qualified as "credible, useful and novel":
Writing about the researchers' findings for 404 Media, Jason Koebler cites Berkeley researchers who concluded that "no new materials have been discovered":
The researchers say that AI data-mining for new materials is promising, but falls well short of Google's claim to be so transformative that it constitutes the "equivalent to nearly 800 years’ worth of knowledge" and "an order-of-magnitude expansion in stable materials known to humanity."
AI hype keeps the bubble inflating, and for so long as it keeps blowing up, all those investors who've sunk their money into AI can tell themselves that they're rich. This is the essence of "a bezzle": "The magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it":
Among the best debezzlers of AI are the Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy's Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor, who edit the "AI Snake Oil" blog. Now, they've sold a book with the same title:
Obviously, books move a lot more slowly than blogs, and so Narayanan and Kapoor say their book will focus on the timeless elements of identifying and understanding AI snake oil:
In the book, we explain the crucial differences between types of AI, why people, companies, and governments are falling for AI snake oil, why AI can’t fix social media, and why we should be far more worried about what people will do with AI than about anything AI will do on its own. While generative AI is what drives press, predictive AI used in criminal justice, finance, healthcare, and other domains remains far more consequential in people’s lives. We discuss in depth how predictive AI can go wrong. We also warn of the dangers of a world where AI continues to be controlled by largely unaccountable big tech companies.
The book's out in September and it's up for pre-order now:
One of the weirder and worst side-effects of the AI hype bubble is that it has revived the belief that it's somehow possible for giant platforms to monitor all their users' speech and remove "harmful" speech. We've tried this for years, and when humans do it, it always ends with disfavored groups being censored, while dedicated trolls, harassers and monsters evade punishment:
AI hype has led policy-makers to believe that we can deputize online services to spy on all their customers and block the bad ones without falling into this trap. Canada is on the verge of adopting Bill C-63, a "harmful content" regulation modeled on examples from the UK and Australia.
Writing on his blog, Canadian lawyer/activist/journalist Dimitri Lascaris describes the dire speech implications for C-63:
It's an excellent legal breakdown of the bill's provisions, but also a excellent analysis of how those provisions are likely to play out in the lives of Canadians, especially those advocating against genocide and taking other positions the that oppose the agenda of the government of the day.
Even if you like the Trudeau government and its policies, these powers will accrue to every Canadian government, including the presumptive (and inevitably, totally unhinged) near-future Conservative majority government of Pierre Poilievre.
It's been ten years since Martin Gilens and Benjamin I Page published their paper that concluded that governments make policies that are popular among elites, no matter how unpopular they are among the public:
Now, this is obviously depressing, but when you see it in action, it's kind of wild. The Biden administration has declared war on junk fees, from "resort fees" charged by hotels to the dozens of line-items added to your plane ticket, rental car, or even your rent check. In response, Republican politicians are climbing to their rear haunches and, using their actual human mouths, defending junk fees:
Congressional Republicans are hell-bent on destroying the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau's $8 cap on credit-card late-fees. Trump's presumptive running-mate Tim Scott is making this a campaign plank: "Vote for me and I will protect your credit-card company's right to screw you on fees!" He boasts about the lobbyists who asked him to take this position: champions of the public interest from the Consumer Bankers Association to the US Chamber of Commerce.
Banks stand to lose $10b/year from this rule (which means Americans stand to gain $10b/year from this rule). What's more, Scott's attempt to kill the rule is doomed to fail – there's just no procedural way it will fly. As David Dayen writes, "Not only does this vote put Republicans on the spot over junk fees, it’s a doomed vote, completely initiated by their own possible VP nominee."
This is an hilarious own-goal, one that only brings attention to a largely ignored – but extremely good – aspect of the Biden administration. As Adam Green of Bold Progressives told Dayen, "What’s been missing is opponents smoking themselves out and raising the volume of this fight so the public knows who is on their side."
The CFPB is a major bright spot in the Biden administration's record. They're doing all kind of innovative things, like making it easy for you to figure out which bank will give you the best deal and then letting you transfer your account and all its associated data, records and payments with a single click:
And now, CFPB chair Rohit Chopra has given a speech laying out the agency's plan to outlaw data-brokers:
Yes, this is some good news! There is, in fact, good news in the world, bright spots amidst all the misery and terror. One of those bright spots? Labor.
Unions are back, baby. Not only do the vast majority of Americans favor unions, not only are new shops being unionized at rates not seen in generations, but also the largest unions are undergoing revolutions, with control being wrestled away from corrupt union bosses and given to the rank-and-file.
Many of us have heard about the high-profile victories to take back the UAW and Teamsters, but I hadn't heard about the internal struggles at the United Food and Commercial Workers, not until I read Hamilton Nolan's gripping account for In These Times:
Nolan profiles Faye Guenther, president of UFCW Local 3000 and her successful and effective fight to bring a militant spirit back to the union, which represents a million grocery workers. Nolan describes the fight as "every bit as dramatic as any episode of Game of Thrones," and he's not wrong. This is an inspiring tale of working people taking power away from scumbag monopoly bosses and sellout fatcat leaders – and, in so doing, creating a institution that gets better wages, better working conditions, and a better economy, by helping to block giant grocery mergers like Kroger/Albertsons.
I like to end these linkdumps on an up note, so it feels weird to be closing out with an obituary, but I'd argue that any celebration of the long life and many accomplishments of my friend and mentor Anne Innis Dagg is an "up note."
I last wrote about Anne in 2020, on the release of a documentary about her work, "The Woman Who Loved Giraffes":
As you might have guessed from the title of that doc, Anne was a biologist. She was the first woman scientist to do field-work on giraffes, and that work was so brilliant and fascinating that it kicked off the modern field of giraffology, which remains a woman-dominated specialty thanks to her tireless mentoring and support for the scientists that followed her.
Anne was also the world's most fearsome slayer of junk-science "evolutionary psychology," in which "scientists" invent unfalsifiable just-so stories that prove that some odious human characteristic is actually "natural" because it can be found somewhere in the animal kingdom (i.e., "Darling, please, it's not my fault that I'm fucking my grad students, it's the bonobos!").
Anne wrote a classic – and sadly out of print – book about this that I absolutely adore, not least for having one of the best titles I've ever encountered: "Love of Shopping" Is Not a Gene:
Anne was my advisor at the University of Waterloo, an institution that denied her tenure for fifty years, despite a brilliant academic career that rivaled that of her storied father, Harold Innis ("the thinking person's Marshall McLuhan"). The fact that Waterloo never recognized Anne is doubly shameful when you consider that she was awarded the Order of Canada:
Anne lived a brilliant live, struggling through adversity, never compromising on her principles, inspiring a vast number of students and colleagues. She lived to ninety one, and died earlier this month. Her ashes will be spread "on the breeding grounds of her beloved giraffes" in South Africa this summer:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Valeva1010 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hungarian_Goulash_Recipe.png
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sergeifyodorov · 3 months
Any interest in grading everyone’s first day of free agency? Would love to hear your thoughts!!
ooh okay ! well as tuned in as i am i didn't catch everything so this is going to be pretty incomplete/fairly uninformed but here's my attempt:
boston bruins: that zadorov contract LOL AND LMAO (i say as if hes not going to immediately skyrocket to excellence.) that lindholm contract might be even worse with the same caveat. A+ for me, a hater
buffalo sabres: what did they even do? C.
detroit red wings: kane is a bad move + jack campbell is fine at that contract + cam talbot is the epitome of "goalies? what's up with goalies?" + why do they have 4 goalies now. C-
florida panthers: lost montour, lost oel, lost lomberg. that reinhart contract is really good though. C+
montreal canadiens: if slaf continues on his upward trajectory that contract looks great; if he doesn't, they're already bad so it doesn't matter all that much. B
ottawa senators: what did they even do? get noah gregor? i hear he's very fast. C.
tampa bay lightning: where do i even start with this one
toronto maple leafs: the problem w/ all of the leafs' acquisitions is that they are Fine, some of them even Good, but they're just overpaid enough for me to not only get annoyed about it but also see 30 ft of insufferably rancid discourse every time i open twitter. B+
carolina hurricanes: appear to have lost half the guys i remember being on their roster, but the one dude they did end up signing was one of the small handful of good deals i saw handed out today. C
columbus blue jackets: this team's quality does not matter. you know what does matter? gaudreau/monahan reunion. A
new jersey devils: brett pesce's good. B+
new york islanders: anthony duclair's good but i mourn what lou lamoriello will make him do with his hair. C+
new york rangers: what did they even do. C.
pittsburgh penguins: incredibly committed to the bit of only signing players over 30 and they don't have poj back yet. C
washington capitals: genuine home runs in here. chychrun... pld... matt roy... didn't even give out valuable picks to acquire these assets! A
chicago blackhawks: i think they're trying to crawl out of this rebuild with no other serious potential core members other than bedard, which don't get me wrong is a bad move, but i also think they're not doing a terrible job of crawling out of the rebuild. B
colorado avalanche: kept jo drouin. C+
dallas stars: lyubushkin is incredibly bad and they gave him 3.25 aav. and casey desmith is there. F
minnesota wild: extended one of the sexiest toothless men on earth jake middleton. A
nashville predators: A+
st louis blues: what did they even do. C
utah hockey club: that durzi price is a bit steep but hey, if you've never had the money before i guess you might as well spend it. also sergachev was a BALLSY move i will miss you my cunty mistress. also we (the nhl) have a fucking iginla again... for our health. we need an iginla. B-
winnipeg jets: what did they even do. C
anaheim ducks: what did they even do. C
calgary flames: sharangovich extension + anthony mantha. tidy bit of business. zayne parekh YOU are the 2025 calder trophy winner. C+
edmonton oilers: managed to get a couple good players on nice cheap contracts, improved their rush game even more somehow, and will have to re-print their goalie's jerseys because they now have two different guys named skinner. A
la kings: gave joel edmundson nearly 4 million dollars a year. D
seattle kraken: stole brandon montour from florida. B+
san jose sharks: unlike the hawks, seem to be actively prepared to break out of the rebuild and trying to do it. toffoli? great! wennberg? a little overpaid but they're trying to hit the cap floor at this point so it's quite good! rumours of pavs return to san jose but you didn't hear it from me. B+
vancouver canucks: jake debrusk is gonna be a good linemate for petey imho. the hronek and myers contracts were a little rich but honestly they seem to be a lot more coherent ideologically than they were just a couple years ago. B
vegas golden knights: basically lost every remaining original misfit/otherwise quality forward in an effort to keep marchessault, and then lost marchessault anyway to the Power Of Divorce. and now they have ilya samsonov as their starting goaltender. F
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tkachuktkaching · 1 year
Keith & Chantal Tkachuk on how Matthew & Brady's vibrant personalities stem from colourful St. Louis roots
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It is an attitude and household like theirs in suburban St. Louis that has produced one of the league’s most colourful players off the ice, and one of the most entertaining players on it.
“I assume Brady is the off-ice one and Matthew is the on-ice one?” said Keith, laughing.
Brady’s infectious personality has been on display via several renditions of "Mr. Brightside" posted online by fans thrilled to see him letting loose in local establishments.
The toolkit Matthew has used to become one of the more polarizing and prolific 100-point scorers includes an innate ability to agitate while dazzling with memorable, between-the-leg finishes.      
In a league full of beige, both engaging, natural leaders stand out. 
Brady, captain of the Ottawa Senators, became a folk hero in Calgary last spring with his double-fisted celebrations in support of his brother’s playoff run.
Matthew, an alternate captain for the Florida Panthers, single-handedly resurrected the Battle of Alberta with a series of hits on Zack Kassian he punctuated with, “If he doesn’t want to get hit, then stay off the tracks.”
And the hits just keep on coming, from both.
“They’re not boring like a lot of guys in the NHL, tell ya that much,” said Keith, who was one of the more personable players of his era.
“I think it’s good they have a personality. It’s good for them, it’s good for the league, good for the team and it’s good for you guys. 
“You don’t want to talk to boring guys with programmed answers.”
Keith said he remembered watching Matthew on the After Hours segment on Hockey Night in Canada as a rookie, conducting the whole interview with his head down.
“I said, ‘What are you doing? Get your head up and talk,’” said Keith.   
“But now it’s like this (as he snaps his fingers).
“I watched Matthew interviewed last night and he was pretty good. He adds some normal stuff to it that people like. It’s not about the same answers. He does a good job.
“I think it’s being around the locker room for a long time, being comfortable.”
Both Tkachuks are armed with tremendous confidence, no doubt cultivated while growing up at their father’s knee in NHL dressing rooms. 
They’ve honed their interview skills under the glare of demanding Canadian hockey markets where all eyes are on their every move, and they know it.
Yet, they continue letting their personalities shine though.
Brady certainly does that well with a microphone in his hand, belting out The Killers’ anthem like he did just a few weeks ago when a fan posted him performing with teammates.
“The good news is every time he does it, he’s with his fiancée, so it’s not like he’s out by himself,” said Keith.
“If you were in Phoenix or New York no one would care, or know you. But you’re in Canada, so I just told him, you’ve got to be careful.
“It’s not like he’s being a goofball, idiot, drunk. He’s not like that. He just turned 23 years old, but he thinks like a 16-year-old. 
“He just likes to have fun.”
Sure, it’s all good fun like he’s had for years in his parents' basement with friends and family.
“He has a contagious personality – he always has a smile on his face, seems to be in a good mood and is fun to be around,” said Mom, sharing her theory on why his song is the Killers’ classic. 
“I think that’s just a popular college song – a fun song that the kids go crazy over.
Draft parties, grad parties, Christmas parties, you name it, the Tkachuks want to ensure everyone is included, as they value the importance not only of teammates bonding, but the spouses as well.
“One of the best parties was an Easter party we had one of the last years Keith played – we had the whole team over and we got this huge Easter bunny costume and Matthew got into it,” said Chantal, who Keith calls Julie McCoy, the cruise director from Love Boat.
“Matthew was about 12 and he just nailed it, holding the kids’ hands.
“All the moms were oohing and ahhing over how great an Easter bunny he was.
“Honest to god, I still get random texts from moms who said, 'That was just the best.'”
“They like the wine cellar and the scotch,” said a smiling Keith, who taught both his sons to revere their team’s support staff.
“I know what it felt like to be a young guy and not having anywhere to go, so I think it’s important to have that open-door policy.”
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That policy extended to the family basement, where current Blues star Robert Thomas lived his first two years in the league before renting Matthew’s St. Louis home this fall.
Keith has three TVs mounted in the basement so he can watch Thomas and both of his sons at the same time. After games, Keith would take on a fatherly role with Thomas and wait up for him to get home to share thoughts on his performance.
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bbygirlky18 · 1 year
hey i have a request you write a jey x reader but in the beginning roman is the one who brings (yn) into the bloodline to make her his but instead she catches feelings for jey and blows roman off and whenever jey betrayed roman (yn) goes with him leaving roman even more angrier at the idea jey took his girl... anyways (yn) and jey end up having expressing themselves the night she runs after him when he left the arena for a final time and she encourages him to come back.
Betraying the Betrayer! Jey Uso
Jey Uso x y/n
Warnings: Violence, Swearing!!
Word Count: 1578
A/N: Hi everyone!! This is the longest request I have ever written that contained over 1,500 words. This was sent in by anoymous so I hope y'all enjoy.
Y/n is your name
Being in the Bloodline is anyone’s dream except for y/n who goes by y/r/n in the ring. Roman had originally brought y/n in the Bloodline to be his girl but she fell head over heels for Jey Uso and Roman isn’t having it. Let’s see what happens.
The Bloodline is the most dominant faction on SmackDown but the guy who runs it is none other than the Head of the Table Roman Reigns. While he might be the most powerful male wrestler on SmackDown there’s someone who is more powerful than he is her name is y/n. She’s the current reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion and the current reigning SmackDown and Raw Women’s Tag Team Champion with Piper Niven. She even has her own faction called RKC which stands for Raging Knockout Champions. She runs it through Raw and SmackDown. On Raw, she has the Judgement Day in her faction, along with the current Raw and SmackDown Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and the World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins along with his with wife “The Man” Becky Lynch. 
Y/n sits in her locker room on her phone when she hears a knock on the door. “Come in,” she said looking up from her phone. Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, and Solo Sikoa walk in. 
Y/n keeps a straight face. “What do you want Roman?” Paul started speaking “Well the Tribal Chie-” Y/n stops him and says “I wasn’t asking you, Wiseman. I was asking Roman. If Roman can’t answer then you guys should leave, I have a match soon so if you want to talk make it quick.” Roman started talking “I talked to Adam about you joining the Bloodline. The Bloodline is full of champions.” Y/n looked at the group, her eyes on Jey’s for a moment until she said “Roman not to be rude but you can’t say the Bloodline is full of champions if you’re the only champion. Also not to sound like a bitch or anything but what makes you think I want to join you. Adam hasn’t talked to me about it yet. As for your answer if I’m joining I’m gonna say that I’ll think about it now get out of here I have my match in 5 minutes.” 
The Bloodline left and y/n went to Gorilla to face Natalya in her hometown of Quebec for her championship. Natalya’s music hit first and she did her thing. Y/n’s music hit next and she did her entrance and got in the ring. 
Samantha Irvin, y/n’s bestie, and the ring announcer started talking “Ladies & gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. This match is for the SmackDown Women’s Championship. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 135lbs, from Calgary, Alberto, Canada, Natalya. Her opponent and your SmackDown Women’s Champion weighing in at 171lbs from Quebec, Canada y/r/n.” Y/n did her thing and took off her belt and the match was underway. 
A little while later while the match was still happening Tamina came out, got in the ring, and started hitting y/n causing Natalya to get disqualified. Samantha spoke “Here’s your winner as a result of a disqualification and still your SmackDown Women’s Champion. Y/R/N!!!” Y/n grabbed a microphone and said “Bonjour à tous. Je suis tellement heureuse d'avoir gagné ce soir et je suis heureuse d'être toujours votre championne féminine de SmackDown. Je n'ai pas gagné juste pour moi. J'ai gagné pour nous tous. Je vous aime tous. Bonne nuit Québec. (Hello everyone. I'm so happy that I won tonight and I'm happy that I'm still your SmackDown Women's Champion. I didn't win just for me. I won for all of us. I love you all. Goodnight Quebec.)”
Once the match was over y/n went back to Gorilla only to be met with Adam and the Bloodline. Adam said “Y/n congrats on your win. You’re the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion just reaching 440 days. Anyway, I want you to be in the Bloodline storyline and I want you and Roman to have a romantic relationship.” 
Y/n, spit out the water that she was drinking and said “What! You want me to date him. Are you sure that’s a good idea because my personality and his personality probably won’t get along?” Adam said “Yes. You’ll be fine. Also, I need you two to talk about some strategies for your upcoming match together.” Y/n didn’t even bother arguing with Adam about it so she bit her tongue and nodded.
A few months pass by and y/n is enjoying herself with Jey cause he’s so funny. Y/n caught feelings for Jey when the Bloodline entered her locker room. Y/n and Jey have been spending a lot of time together causing her to blow off Roman and Roman doesn’t like it. 
It’s SmackDown and Jey has to make his decision on whether or not he’s in the Bloodline or out of the Bloodline. Y/n sat backstage shaking her leg when Jey came over and sat next to her. “Are you alright?” Jey asked with concern growing in his voice. Y/n looked at him and gave a small smile then sighed “I’m worried about you. A lot of things can happen tonight and I just want to make sure you’re safe.” 
He smiled a little bit and said “Aww is the SmackDown Women’s Champion worried about me? That’s cute.” Y/n lightly punched Jey on his shoulder and responded “Yes I’m deeply worried about you. We know how Roman gets he might find a way to get rid of you and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I watched you get hurt.” 
He hugged y/n and said “Don’t worry. You’re not getting rid of “Main Event” Jey Uso that easily.” She laughed and said “Well I have to get going Roman is waiting for me. This stays between me and you but I want to join you and Jimmy. I can’t stand Roman.” Jey said “I won’t tell a soul. Now go out there and kick his ass.” 
Y/n walked out with Roman and then Jey came out. While the dispute was happening Jimmy came out and Jey looked at Jimmy and said “You out and I’m out too.” Jey kicked Roman and y/n walked over to the rope and held it open for the twins until Roman started screaming. 
Y/n took her belts off and she hit Roman with the Dirty F5. Once Roman was down she left with the twins and she hugged Jey. 
A few more months later Jey was going against Roman for his championship and when Roman saw y/n with Jey he was furious. Roman got out of the ring and attacked y/n with a chair until Jey speared him through the barricade. Then the unthinkable happened when Jey went for the pin a mysterious man in a hoodie pulled him out. 
The mysterious man happened to be his twin brother Jimmy who turned on Jey. Jey couldn’t believe it. Jimmy threw him back in after kicking him in the face and Jey lost the match. 
Y/n walked backstage with Jey after he lost and she grabbed his hand and said “I need to talk to you but it can wait until next week. Are you ok?” Jey looked at her with worry and pain in his eyes and says “I’m fine. Are you ok? Roman beat you with the chair.” She smiled and said “I’m fine. Let's get out of here.” Jey and y/n walked out.
SmackDown is here and y/n needs to talk to Jey. Y/n sees Jey walking past her room and says “Jey I need to talk to you like right now but let's wait until tonight.” Jey being concerned about her, he just nods. Jimmy came out to explain why he did what he did but he waited for Jey to come out. 
Jey’s music hits and he walks out with y/n. Once everyone had to say what they had to Jey was silent and Roman started with his bullshit. 
Jey kicked Roman in his face and then he told Jimmy to come here and he kicked Jimmy in his face.  Jey looked at the camera and said “I’m out of the Bloodline, I’m out of SmackDown, I’m out of WWE.” Y/n hearing those words her heart shattered. Jey started leaving so she followed “Jey wait. Let’s talk about this.” Once Jey was backstage at the gorilla she said “JOSHUA SAMUEL FATU stop.” He turned around and she said “I have feelings for you that’s what I wanted to talk to you about but if you leave I can’t do that. Don’t g-” Before y/n could finish her sentence Jey kissed her and said, “I feel the same way.” She said “Then don’t leave. Stay for me. You can join my faction RKC I need a partner in crime cause the guys don’t like to listen. Fuck Jimmy, Fuck Roman, Fuck Solo. Stay here for me please.” Jey thought about it and said “Fine. I’ll stay for you since we’re dating now.” 
Jey stayed and continued to wrestle alongside his girlfriend and even get a few championships. Look what love does. It’s a powerful thing.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys. <33333
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kentjohnson91 · 17 days
Today we are going to discuss trades/slash free agency signings that have happened this offseason and how and why they made me upset:
Max Jones: Anaheim➡️Boston (free agency)
I love the chaos he ensued with Trevor and the other young guys
Was the first person to post about Jamie Drysdale being traded which was just a video of jamie dancing and smiling but then added like 10 thousand broken hearts
also as a bruins and red sox fan WHY ARE YOU GUYS NOT INCLUDING HIM
Zadorov and Lindholm threw out the first pitch at the Sox game the other night and Max and his wife (i think they’re married but maybe im wrong) were literally there but not invited to do that and also not sitting with the Lindholms and Zadorovs in the nice seats
It was not a numbers thing either because in like 2021 (?) they had like 7 new guys for the B’s on the field at 1 time
Nikita Zadorov: Vancouver➡️Boston (free agency)
As a Bruins fan SO EXCITED
As a fan of chaos i’m sad
Him and Myers reeking havoc on the ice together was so iconic for the short time we were blessed by it😔
Nick Blankenburg: Columbus➡️Nashville (free agency)
This was like one of very few moves i have not approved of by Mr Don Waddell
He was cooking from the start and then this happened
Like Ik he was probs gonna be in the AHL a lot but like for an undrafted defenseman he is good
He’s like 5’9” (more like 5’8 stop lying Nick) and runs around throwing hits on 6’3 or bigger guys
He’s my favorite little man and i want him back. He rounded out the Michigan group on Columbus too well.
Kevin Bahl: New Jersey➡️Calgary (trade)
Ik i say “im not a devils fan i just love him” about like half their team but like i swear its true
I need everyone to acknowledge the childhood friends to NHL teammates arc of him and the Hughes brothers and that is heartbreaking that it is no more
Also i understand it was an underpay for Markstrom but that will always happen for goalies (see Ullmark trade) so all the Devils fans acting like it was a good thing he was gone and not appreciating the time he put in there or the calgary fans mad they got him and hating him already made me wanna cry
also he just had a baby right before the trade and that means none of his NJD teammates get to see the baby and that will make me bawl (hehe bawl - bahl) like a baby no joke
John Marino: New Jersey➡️Utah (trade)
This poor man who tends to look like a kicked puppy for no reason seemed so happy there
with Jack, Luke, Nico, Kevin, Curtis, Nate like cmon why would you do this to me
Will never cope with whatever the fuck was goin on with him and Luke honestly
Ryan McLeod: Edmonton➡️Buffalo (trade)
this was another one like the Kevin one where the fans pissed me off instantly
“the other guy was such a good prospect he was gonna develop more and play for buffalo”
i’m gonna hold your hand when i tell you that McLeod is 24 (almost 25) and 25 year olds can STILL DEVELOP TOO THIS SHIT SHOULD NOT BE NEWS HELLO???
also people who started using what his brother did as an excuse to not want him
while no one knows for sure, randomly assuming with no real reason that he had any knowledge of his brothers part in the 2018 Team Canada Scandal is so unfair honestly
and ALSO they separated him from his pookie (Bouchard) and his gay dads (Leon and Connor)
Not coping
Linus Ullmark: Boston➡️Ottawa (trade)
where do i even begin
no more hugs
no more feeding each other during post game interviews
no more eating cinnamon buns that Ullys wife made them together
no being Matt Poitras dads together
I ofc understand from the business side but it doesn’t make it hurt less
Jake Debrusk: Boston➡️Vancouver (free agency)
This one stung
we all knew it was coming but like
he’s been here his whole career
him and McAvoy were the ultimate duo
scored their first goals on the same night
if anyone saw Charlie McAvoys post about him and Grizz just know i cried for hours over that shit
Matt Grzelcyk: Boston➡️Pittsburgh (free agency)
another one that hurt a lot
once again see charlie mcavoys post
also no more amazing interviews with Mr Grzelcyk (Matt’s dad)
He worked in the Garden forever so Matt LITERALLY LEARNED TO SKATE THERE
Anyways if i think of more im forgetting or something else happens before camp ill make another post but anyways
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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Victoria Cross for Lancaster pilot Squadron Leader Ian Bazalgette – August 1944
Header main image: ‘Beyond Praise’ – Bazalgette’s blazing Lancaster ND811, ‘F2-T’, with only one engine still running, skims the village of Senantes, France, before crashing on 4th August 1944. (Artwork: Len Krenzler)
Eighty years ago this month, in August 1944, an incredible and selfless act of supreme gallantry by Lancaster Pathfinder pilot Squadron Leader Ian Willoughby “Baz” Bazalgette resulted in the subsequent award to him of a posthumous Victoria Cross (VC).
Ian Bazalgette was born in the Canadian city of Calgary in October 1918, to parents of English and Irish background. The family always called him “Will” and in 1927, when he was nine years old, they all moved back to England. When the Second World War began, he was almost 21 and having volunteered for military service he initially served with the Royal Artillery, being commissioned in 1940, before transferring to the RAF Volunteer Reserve. After completing his pilot training, he joined 115 Squadron at Mildenhall in September 1942, to fly the Vickers Wellington twin-engine bomber operationally. In the RAF his nickname became “Baz”.
When he had completed 13 operations flying Wellingtons, Bazalgette and his squadron transitioned to the four-engine Lancaster and he flew a further 15 ‘ops’ against heavily defended targets in Europe, surviving some harrowing experiences, including a crash landing. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC), with the citation mentioning his “great courage and determination in the face of the enemy”. When his first operational tour was complete, he was posted as an instructor at No 20 Operational Training Unit, based at Lossiemouth in Scotland. Then in April 1944 he was ‘head hunted’ for the Pathfinder Force and joined 635 Squadron at RAF Downham Market, Norfolk, as a flight commander with promotion to acting squadron leader. He completed a number of Pathfinder target- marking operations in the lead-up to D-Day and afterwards.
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A 635 Sqn Lancaster with the unit’s ‘F2’ code letters at Downham Market in 1944. This aircraft has the H2S radar dome under the rear fuselage and is fitted with the then secret ‘Village Inn’ radar-directed Airborne Gun Laying Turret (AGLT) equipment for the rear turret. Bazalgette flew Lancaster ED811 ‘F2-T’ on 4th August 1944.
On 4th August 1944, on his 58th operation, Bazalgette was the master bomber for a daylight raid against the V-1 flying-bomb storage caves at Trossy St Maxim, France. He was tasked with marking the target and controlling the Main Force bombing. Nearing the target his Lancaster, ND811 ‘F2-T’, came under heavy anti-aircraft fire; both starboard engines were put out of action and serious fires broke out in the starboard wing and the fuselage. As the deputy master bomber had already been shot down, with the deaths of all those on board, the success of the attack depended on Bazalgette. Knowing this, he pressed onto the target, despite the state of his Lancaster, and marked it accurately.
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Sqn Ldr Ian Bazalgette DFC (far left) with his usual 635 Sqn crew (L to R): Geoff Goddard, Ivan Hibbert, Chuck Godfrey, Bob Hurnhall (who was replaced by Vernon Leeder on 4th August 1944), Douglas Cameron and George Turner.
After dropping his markers and bombs, Bazalgette’s crippled Lancaster dived almost out of control and bursts of ‘flak’ hit the nose of the aircraft badly injuring the bomb aimer, Flight Lieutenant Ivan Hibbert, whose right arm was almost torn off. The flight engineer, Sergeant George Turner, and the wireless operator, Flying Officer Charles “Chuck” Godfrey, dragged Hibbert from his position in the nose in a critical condition, carried him to the rest bunk, applied a tourniquet and injected him with morphine. The crew attempted to fight the flames inside the aircraft, but smoke filled the fuselage and the mid-upper gunner, Flight Sergeant Vernon Leeder RAAF, was overcome by fumes. Leeder was not part of Bazalgette’s usual crew, but had replaced Flight Sergeant Hurnhall for this sortie. Then the port inner engine failed and, with only one engine running, altitude could no longer be maintained. Bazalgette ordered those of his crew able to do so to abandon the aircraft, and four of them bailed out from low altitude. All four survived and subsequently evaded capture with the help of the French Resistance. Aware that his bomb aimer and the mid-upper gunner could not bail out and refusing to leave them, Bazalgette attempted to crash-land the burning Lancaster in a last effort to save them. He managed to put the aircraft down in a field near the small French village of Senantes, but moments later the Lancaster exploded and Bazalgette and his two comrades were killed.
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Left: Sqn Ldr Ian “Baz” Bazalgette. Centre: Bazalgette’s medals. Right: The BBMF Lancaster flies in tribute to all who flew with Bomber Command during the Second World War and especially those who lost their lives. (Lancaster image: Lisa Harding).
In August 1945 Squadron Leader Ian W Bazalgette DFC was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his heroic sacrifice in not abandoning his two wounded comrades who remained on board. The citation for his VC in the London Gazette included the words, “His heroic sacrifice marked the climax of a long career of operations against the enemy. He always chose the more dangerous and exacting roles. His courage and devotion to duty were beyond praise.”
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naanima · 1 year
Oh, dear Ratboy. I really like it when he does long podcasts. It helps that he can communicate. Interview starts around the 1h.11sec mark. Dot points things of interest:
He has finished moving from Calgary completely, doesn't even have winter clothes anymore. LOLs.
When he first arrived in Florida he was happy to take a backseat, but the team wanted him to get involved in the leadership group.
He really loves living in Florida.
VGK was the best team they played. Boston & Vegas were very similar. Talks about how Boston slapped them during two of the regular season games, but they played really well against them for the other two games. And that's why he had the belief they could win. OMFG. He fucked up by jumping on the ice and got the penalty LOLs. It was all his fault.
He thinks players who come through in OT etc are the ones who want the puck on their stick. Good or bad they will need to be able to live it.
His dad always preached live in front of the net. Take some physical abuse in the games, earn it to score. Can't get your stick tied up. He learns a lot from Brady when it comes to spinning it off and getting it into the net. Watches every one of Brady's games.
When he switched to the Right Wing he watched a lot of vids of good right wing players.
Evolved as a player year to year. Same mindset as when he was a kid, "screw you I'm getting that puck." Paul gets on him when he gets into a bit of a shoving match on ice with guys he shouldn't. LOLS.
Offseason - earlier was PT, playing catch-up in strength, conditioning wise more cardio in the hopes to play more mins and faster. He feels he is better prepared this season. He is back to 100%.
Microphones on ice - good for the game. NHL gotta do a better job. It is evolving more via the players and teams. Players don't like it too much bcos they would feel like walking on eggshells. If it is used properly it can grow the game.
Wedding vids - makes athletes look crazier than they are.
Media/SocMed blowing things up. Keith talking about his team being "soft' - he was pissed bcos of how it got blown up. They had a chance to be in the playoffs and then they lost four games in a row. Ouch.
His current health - "Everything feels great." He didn't realise he broke his sternum, he thought maybe a collarbone, it wasn't how hard the hit was, it was the spot. He had to leave the game bcos he had to do concussion protocol. Game 3 didn't really hit him how bad he was. After the game he was not feeling great. Drove home that night with a sling, probably shouldn't have done that. The next morning he couldn't get out of bed. The day after he had to call Brady to help him get up, he couldn't even remember if he had a shower. LOLs. During one of the scrums he couldn't even really grab people's jerseys.
Getting into fights etc. Not that they want to get into a fight, it is more that they just hate losing. LOLs.
Sticking Jonathan Quick - doesn't know what happened, he has no excuses. He is not a fan of goalies that play out of their creases.
Buddies with Auston Matthews & other hockey players. It is the game. He would run almost everybody... except Brady for a lot of reasons, one of them being Brady would take him down. Lols.
Olympics & World's etc - a shame that they can't play together. It is sad. His first dream is to win a Stanley Cup, and then to win for the US with his brother.
Right now - being down in Florida outside; jetskis etc. Not going to buy a boat. Love hanging out with his family and friends. He used to not like the beach at all, but now he is there all the time. He is not into nice cars. Only into golf and stuff on the waters. No gators close to his house, they are close to the rink (wtf).
Him changing team - talked to Calgary that he wasn't gonna sign a long-term contract, worked together with the team, and with permission he had one week to talk to a handful of teams. Came down to Carolina, St Louis' and Florida. He just wanted to learn everything he could before he made the decision.
Going back to Florida in a few days.
Taryn is doing great, was injured last year/season and when she came back she was great.
Invited to 6 weddings, attended 4.
Jack Eichel - his hit. Haven't seen the video.
Fav goal in the playoffs - when Cousins scores. The Carolina one.
Barky is so chill, he thinks Barky is the best player he ever played with/seen. Loves watching Barky playing, during training he learns from him.
Scoring between his legs, his dad was pissed. LOLs. He used to do a lot of trick stuff, flipping his picks etc. He remembers watching Kane and Crosby doing it when he was growing up.
He will chat with his dad after games, and nowadays his dad trusts him.
He thinks Brady is great, a great scorer. Brady's goal is to get the team into the playoffs. Ottawa loves Brady, he is a god there. They treat him and his family well bcos of Brady.
His parents come to Taryn, Brady and his games etc.
It is fascinating to me that Matthew is so very much, "I did this", 'it is my fault", "we didn't play well enough", "the other team is better" etc.
I typed this as I was listening to this so there will be mistakes. LOLs.
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cellythefloshie · 4 months
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;; Champagne Problems cellythefloshie's snapshot series
Summary: Charlie is hit by the repercussions of her actions. Adam had a solution. Snapshot for: Just Me & You Kinks & Tropes: n/a Word Count: 1.3k+
Heels in hand, Charlie could feel the morning dew as it dripped off the edge of each blade of grass she stepped into. They sprouted between her toes, bringing the slightest of chills during the hot summer night. No, it was morning now. Early morning. The music had long since faded, and guests had left in cars and convoys, while others returned to the cabins, intoxicated zombies craving their bed and dreading the hangover that would come in the morning. Charlie’s head had yet to hit the pillow, but it felt like she was dreaming all the same. 
Only in her dreams the company she kept would be Adam. Yet, there he was walking by her side, Banks running off ahead of them through the lawn after a late night of being cooped up in the cabin. He had more energy that she could fathom having, with sleep heavy on her tired eyes while her heart raced and her mind raged with thought. 
So much had changed since she had arrived at the cabin. Charlie had arrived with Wesley, living the falsehood of being happy with her life in so many ways. She told herself she was in love. That she loved the life that she had with Wesley in their condo in Calgary. She told herself that her job as a realtor was the one she had been working towards her entire life when, in reality, she was just doing whatever Wesley told her to do. She had done that every moment since she had met him, but she was rid of him now. For good. 
That thought alone excited her and left her terrified all at once. 
It left her hand lurching out for Adam’s, and she gripped it tight. The mere feeling of him was enough to rid her of all the worries that thinking of Wesley brought, but flooded her with a whole new concern. 
What if Adam ghosted her again?
The thought alone left her stomach lurching - or maybe that was multiple glasses of wine she had consumed throughout the night, and continued to drink as Adam handed her a half empty bottle or white wine that they had been nursing since they had stolen it from the drink tent. 
Charlie took a long swing of the wine, her head tipping back until her mouth was so full the threat of spitting it out burned at the back of her throat. But maybe if she drank enough, she could calm the anxiety as she tried to convince herself that things would be different this time. That while hockey still consumed his life, and probably always would, he was grown up now. 
They both were. 
Yet, he was the one who had his life together, while hers seemed to be falling apart. 
She was single - or maybe she wasn’t?
She didn’t have a home to go back to. 
The only thing Charlie knew was only if what he had said was true, she had Adam - and he wasn’t going to let her forget that. 
Adam tugged his arm from her tight hold slowly, and Charlie fell away from him like a ribbon. Her body was loose, her arm falling back to her side and sending ripples through the satin of her dress. She could feel his eyes move over her body, admiring how the dress moved over her hips - but it wasn’t enough to distract him as they came to a standstill in the center of the lawn, standing between the old summer home and the flower bed that was still in need of repair since Banks' hand greeted her mere nights ago. 
“You’re quiet,” Adam hummed slowly, his hand reaching out to take the bottle back from her. “What are you thinking about?”
“Everything,” she sighed. 
“Hey.” Adam’s neck craned to look down at her as she stepped forward to fill the space between him. He made her feel small - she was small. “You can talk to me. You know that, right? I know when I first got to Winnipeg, I was stupid. I fucked this up, but I think we’re working on moving past that now?”
Charlie nodded slowly, and a single hand raised up to push back her dark hair as it fell into her face. 
“Yeah,” she breathed out, the single syllable unsteady, “I just,” her voice broke, “when this weekend is over, and you’re back in Winnipeg, what do I have left?” Charlie looked up at Adam, and his expression was blank - and she was sure his mind was too, as he searched for just the right thing to say. He was drunk, they both were, and he had used up all his sweet words when he had proclaimed his love for her in the middle of the dance floor. Or, it just could have easily been the fact that he knew nothing about her life. 
The two of them still had so much more catching up to do. 
“A job I hate,” Charlie started to list, “and no place to call home. I don’t even have a car to take me back to the city-” 
A sob caught in her throat, hot tears building up in her eyes like acid. If it had been anyone else with her, Charlie would have blamed it on the blinding light of the sun as it came up over the trees. But with Adam, she let them fall. He had seen her cry many times before, and if he was going to be in her life again, it wouldn’t be the last. 
The tears branched down her cheeks in hot streams that spilled over the swell of her lips. She licked them away, tasting their salt as her face contorted with frustration. Charlie tried to turn away, to hide the ugliness of her tears, but Adam’s arms were quick to take her. They coiled around her middle tight, his arms reaching up so that his hands gripped at her shoulders. Her brows furrowed for a moment as she wondered where the bottle of wine went, but then she felt it spill over the ground, leaving her feet sticky with its sweet liquor. 
“Shit,” she felt the warmth of his words against her neck as she clung to him, his strength hoisting her out of the wine puddle effortlessly and Adam just held her to him and he let her cry. 
Adam didn’t let her go until her tears had dried and her sobs had been silenced. Not once did Adam complain, or hush her, like Wesley would have. That fact left a weakness in her chest, one that had her clinging to him. His back, his arms, even as he began to pull away, Charlie grasped at his biceps, desperate to keep him close. 
Adam didn't go far. A single hand raised up and found her cheek. The warmth of his touch embraced her as he wiped away her tears. Charlie leaned into his gentle touch. It was there she found her calm, but his next words sent her heart racing;
“Quit your job,” Adam's words were a mere whisper, “and come to Winnipeg with me.” 
Jaw slacking, Charlie leaning back to look up at Adam and his soft gaze. Her lips wavered, struggling to find the right words to say, even if all she wanted to do was scream yes. But was that moving so fast? Maybe they could revisit the offer again in the morning when they hadn't drunk numerous bottles of wine. Or she could dive into all that was Ad-
Her eyes went wide as her gaze fell to the sight just beyond Adam. In the flower bed where she had hidden from him nights ago was Banks, his fur already caked with mud. A hand raising to her forehead, the dog's name leaving her lips in a sigh before they both moved to chase Banks through the muddy flower bed. 
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Taglist: @mp0625 @starshine-hockey-girl - and not on my taglist but tagging miss @wyattjohnston who enabled me to create Charlie and her world with Adam for a fic exchange <3
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nksinjurylegal · 2 months
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Hit and run accidents can have devastating consequences. Don't let the driver who caused your injuries escape responsibility. NKS Injury Legal is committed to holding hit and run drivers accountable. Contact us for expert legal representation.
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luke-hughes43 · 2 months
this is the official intro for mack and ally!
Allison 'Ally' Carter
born September 17, 2005
from Calgary, Alberta
has one brother, Sean
plays field hockey
goes to uc berkeley for field hockey
both her brother and dad played hockey growing up
her brother Sean plays for the Calgary Flames
her dad played for the flames and is now the general manager
ally meets macklin in mid September after a team outing event in San Jose leads to her literally running into mack at a restaurant
they hit it off and mack gets her number so that they can keep talking
they keep their sports out of it and just get to know each other outside of their sports worlds
mack makes it official on October 29
both are very clingy to each other
ally's roommate is no stranger to mack spending the night and ally is a frequent flyer at will, dani, and mack's apartment
ally grows close to dani, dani being like a big sister to ally, and often confides in her about everything not having a sister of her own
Mood Board:
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goldeneyedgirl · 9 months
TwiFicmas23 Day 9: to ground (jasper/archie)
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Good evening! An early post tonight because I am fueled by chocolate frogs, the potential for some amateur surgery tonight (doctor approved, it's fine), and the promise that the holiday season is nearly upon us and I'll stop waking up in a terrified haze that I've forgotten to order something that Amazon doesn't stock locally.
It's been a weird day.
Tonight I bring you what at least three people have requested: an Attempt at Jasper/Archie. This was started for Pride and I've continued working on it. This is the first draft, so it'll undergo some polishing and edits before it hits AO3, not to mention a ream of author's notes for context.
This is my first time writing m/m, so I'm oddly fascinated with how this turned out. I think it's okay? I think my biggest issue is characterizing Archie right and making sure I capture what we know about him with what we know about Alice.
I probably need to do more world/lore building for the boys like I have with Jess and Alice, but c'est la vie. I tried and I hope for all the people that wanted this, you enjoy it!
going to ground. The motel is dim and smells damp, some rundown place halfway to Olympia that was never more than half full, used by truckers and seasonal workers on their way to Peninsula and back home again. The bedspreads were shiny, discoloured polyester; the smell of mould and stale air permeating every crevice.
Archie isn’t happy. But it’s easier to be pissed at the state of this motel to distract himself.
Jasper’s stripped to his waist in the bathroom, prolonging the inevitable. Hot water will alleviate the pain for a short time, but he’s damn well pushing it. He’s not even treating the wounds anymore; he’s just hiding.
It’s always been Jasper’s habit to go to ground when he’s injured. In Calgary, in New Hampshire, and now in Forks. He won’t - can’t - even be around the Cullens when he’s that physically vulnerable. Archie always privately wondered if Jasper brought him alone so that someone had his back, or if he knew Archie would follow him to the ends of the Earth no matter what, or maybe so that he knew that Archie was protected.
His boy was wretchedly overprotective.
Which was, frankly, the reason that they were in this mess in the first place.
Scowling, Archie nudged the bed ruffle with his toe and nodded to himself when it crinkled like plastic. This place really was a dump. Normally, Jasper would take them out in the middle of the forest somewhere, carefully chosen for their inability to be tracked. After Calgary, it had taken Archie weeks to convince Jasper to go home, that it was safe. That they were safe, Maria was gone, and the Cullens were their family - they were no danger to them, they weren’t angry or upset with them for what Maria did (though Esme had been nigh hysterical at their sudden disappearance) - and they needed to go back.
New Hampshire had been somewhat easier; it had only taken a week to get Jasper home, and that hadn’t been an emotionally loaded incident, just some territorial nomads.
And now Forks.
Jasper had driven them here, and it was an unexpected that he hadn’t simply insisted on plunging into the Olympic National Park for days on end. But maybe that was more strategy - the woods were the first place the Cullens would look. A shitty motel halfway to Olympia wouldn’t be a place anyone would come looking for them for days - especially with both Bella and Jacob wounded.
Archie scowls again, and decided he’s been patient enough. He’s not one to sulk over big things - he wants the air cleared and everything resolved. But Jasper hates arguing so much that he’ll cloister himself rather than face Archie. It doesn’t matter where, as long as he can hide - in his study, in the garage with Rose, or - apparently - in a motel bathroom only a few steps above a truck stop.
The pain would be excruciating.
He’s been in there long enough.
“Jas.” He knocks on the door, and hears nothing besides the running tap. He waits a beat before he tries the knob - surprisingly, it’s unlocked and Archie wonders if he missed Jasper unlatching it, or if he just assumed it was locked.
Jasper’s slumped against the wall, his eyes pitch-black. There’s something about them that when they’re thirsty; vampires look gaunt and slightly grey-er than usual. A little closer to dead. Probably not noticeable to humans but to him, who looks at Jasper every single day, he looks miserable.
Archie moves closer, crouching down. Jasper’s eyes are tracking him, but he says nothing.
“Show me,” Archie says gently, but Jasper’s eyes have dropped to Archie’s right arm, covered by his sweatshirt.
“Jasper, you need to let me help you.” He can smell the venom - mostly Jasper’s, but there’s a sharp, foreign note that makes Archie worry. The scent is strong enough that the wound is still open, and it’s been hours. “Please.”
“Let me see it,” Jasper says hoarsely; speaking sounds painful. He needs to hunt, on top of everything, and he can’t. Not yet. Not til they take care of this.
“You first,” Archie replies firmly, but Jasper doesn’t move, his eyes fixed on Archie’s arm.
Sighing, Archie shoves the sleeve of his sweatshirt up; there’s an old ace bandage wrapped around it whilst the skin repaired. But after he removes it, the wound is obvious - the angry purpling of the bite has faded, now that it has been cleaned of foreign venom, it’s only slightly darker and will fade completely in a few hours, especially if Archie goes hunting. It’s a shallow wound, will barely scar. Frankly, Jasper’s given him more impressive marks in bed.
But Jasper doesn’t even stop the horror from rolling off him at the sight of it.
“Your turn,” Archie says in a voice that brooks no arguments, trying to squash the irritation down. It’s been a long time since Jasper’s been this… shaken up over anything, and it’s easier to pretend that it’s him being dramatic over Archie’s bite mark right now.
Jasper nods, and gets on his knees to lean forward.
It looks exactly like Archie’s visions showed him. Worse, actually, because this is real life.
The fissure runs down his back, parallel to his spine, from where his neck and shoulder meet, to his waist. The flesh has split like a geode, and Archie can see all the petrified fat and muscle right down to the bone, with an eerie golden sheen over it all. The edges are purple-black from the foreign venom, almost blistered. In contrast, the bite mark on the back of his neck looks benign, even though it should scare him more.
The whole thing makes him feel sick and frankly, Archie doesn’t feel even a tiny bit capable of dealing with this. He would give anything to have Rose or Carlisle here to patch Jasper up, whilst he flirted and made jokes to distract him.
But Jasper wouldn’t trust them. He might respect Carlisle, and love Rose, but when it comes down to the meat of it, he doesn’t trust them like he trusts Archie.
“Don’t be mad,” Jasper says in that same hoarse, flat voice. “Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad,” Archie replies, and it’s not totally a lie. He’s panicking internally, he’s still annoyed and frustrated, but he’s not angry.
Jasper lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a groan and a whine, and that pushes Archie into action - Jasper’s in pain and he’s sitting here navel-gazing.
“Come and lie on the bed, and we’ll clean this up. I promise I won’t make any moves on you,” Archie tugs him to his feet, his lame attempt at a joke falling flat. Jasper limps after him, looking miserable.
The groan Jasper lets out as he lies face-down on the bed is made uglier by the way the wound pulls and shifts as he moves. Archie’s not one with a weak stomach, but knowing that mess is attached to the person he loves most in the world… it’s hard to look at.
He almost understands why Edward’s so fixated on keeping Bella safe. If Jasper were as vulnerable as Bella…
There’s no one else to help them, so it has to be Archie.
The bag from the convenience store is on the nightstand; salt, a bottle of cheap vodka, and a tube of aloe vera. It was a goddamn crude kit; Carlisle would be horrified at the use of vodka. Actually, he’d be horrified by this whole set-up. In a perfect world, they’d be back at the Cullens and Archie would be allowed to do this properly.
But they aren’t and he can’t.
Archie had honestly never asked Jasper how they discovered flammable fluids could purge out foreign venom, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know -the vodka would draw out any venom that stuck to the open wound, since foreign venom gained a nearly honey-like stickiness to it after a short time. The inability to purge it successfully was nearly always what caused scarring. Salt worked to purge the rest of the foreign material out of it, and aloe vera kick-started their cells healing again.
It’s not human blood; human blood would do the heavy lifting if they used that, but both of them know that it’s a slippery slope, and one that is best left alone for many reasons. The least of all is the fragile alliance they’ve formed with the Pack. Archie feels like they wouldn’t take kindly to them stealing blood from the hospital, even for injury treatment, so he didn’t even suggest it.
Carlisle would adore to discuss all of this in great detail - he’s been fixated on vampire healing principles for years. Archie should suggest it to Jasper as a holiday gift for next year. Hell, one page of notes would keep Carlisle and Eleazer occupied for days.
The worst part of treating Jasper, Archie decides as he very quickly douses Jasper’s back in salt and alcohol, is the fact that Jasper stays silent. Protesting the pain, even the smallest noise, is a sign of weakness. The only indication of the agony that he’s in is the tightening of his back and arm muscles.
So Archie talks. Everything spills out, all the inane shit that goes through his head - that he’s still disappointed that Bella didn't want to go to senior prom because the dress he had in mind would have been a showstopper, and no he wasn’t going to use it for her wedding dress because that dress has been drawn and cut for a while now.
He complains about the fight, that the wolves blocked his visions and there were one or two half-visions that looked like they spelt doom but nothing came to pass so now he’s reconsidering the accuracy. Or was the fact the wolves are unknowable affecting the outcome?
He’ll have fun debating that one with Edward at some point.
Archie isn’t sure when he runs out of easy words to say, but it does happen as he watches the foreign venom burn out of the fissure, and the room is silent. The only real communication they have is Archie’s hand rubbing Jasper’s shoulder soothingly; the only form of reassurance that he can offer right now. Too many things need to be said. Even more need to not be said.
So, they sit in silence. When the wounds look clear, Archie carefully helps Jasper lie back on the bed. It’ll take a while for them to heal, and it’s draining - Jasper told him that years ago. He’ll need to hunt immediately after this. Jasper lies back with a sigh, a breath released now that the worst of the pain has been dealt with, and closes his eyes. Archie takes up his spot in the rancid-looking armchair, hugging his knees to his chest, and waits.
Jasper breaks the silence after a couple of hours.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He sounds clearer, better, and it’s a tangible relief. Archie immediately crawls onto the bed, motioning for Jasper to lean forward so he can check his back. The fissure already looks so much better; the bite too has lightened, but both are going to leave a nasty scar.
“You still need to hunt,” Archie informs him, absently pressing a kiss to Jasper’s shoulder blade before settling Jasper back against the pillows.
He’s delicious and it doesn’t matter how many years pass, Archie still gets butterflies looking at him. Shirtless and in worn out jeans really is his very best look. If this were any other moment, just a quick getaway for some privacy…
But it isn’t.
“Talk to me,” Jasper said insistently, his hand reaching up to cup Archie’s cheek. “I know you’re still mad.”
“It was a stupid fucking risk,” Archie says precisely, but without the vehemence he had earlier. “I had everything under control. One bite is not the end of the world.”
“It is to me,” Jasper said simply. “When it’s you.”
Archie closed his eyes to drag up some patience. “Jasper. One bite verses this,” he waved his hand over him. “You were mauled. It was opportunistic and you could have gotten killed.” His voice rises and he has to stop himself, keep his temper. It’s the fear of what could have happened that makes him angry, he knows that. “I have seen you get hurt so many times over the years… so many near misses, so many times you’ve been so close to not coming back, not being there, that the fact you take those risks…”
He closes his eyes for a moment to compose himself, and instinctively lies next to Jasper, curled to rest his head on Jasper’s shoulder. It brings back memories, the scent of Jasper’s skin (the same leather-sun-wood he’s known for decades, but tinged with the venom and alcohol that leaves him uneasy) not quite soothing Archie’s anxiety. He remembers the visions where Jasper was too far gone to fight but he still went into battle. How many times did he nearly lose his head, did he nearly get overrun by enemy soldiers desperate to prove themselves by bringing down the Major of Monterrey?
How many times did Archie watch everything he ever wanted fade away for a second, because Jasper took a stupid fucking risk? And he was certain those days were over so many times - when they met; Ohio in ’49; Calgary is ’76; New Hampshire in ’81, and now Forks. It just never stops; it’s always going to linger, that idea that Jasper is never going to be safe, never going to be protected.
“If you’d been able to see it, would you have stopped me?” Jasper asks softly, one arm wrapping around Archie.
“Duh.” He’s tracing the scars on Jasper’s chest now, scars he knows so well he could draw them with his eyes closed - an absent gesture that calms him. “You never would have noticed.”
“Exactly.” Jasper waits for Archie to acknowledge his point, but he doesn’t look up. “I saw what was happening and I stopped it. The same way you would have for me.”
“But you were…” Archie scrunches his eyes up and turns away. “I would have been okay. One bite is nothing compared to all of this!”
Maybe this will turn into a proper argument. They haven’t had one since Calgary. Maybe they’re due for one.
“Come back,” Jasper says, and he sounds so tired that Archie rolls back over reflexively, but sprawled half-across Jasper’s chest this time, staring up into Jasper’s black eyes.
“I’ve seen arm bites go terribly, terribly wrong,” Jasper said in that low voice that he used just for Archie’s ears; intimate and almost dark. “You’ve seen Peter’s scars; that’s one of the better outcomes from a bad bite. And there is no part of me I wouldn’t sacrifice to make sure you aren’t the one with a mutilated arm - if we managed to save your arm at all. That newborn wasn’t going to just bite you; he was prepared to take his pound of flesh, and I…
“The injuries I’ve seen on the battlefield… Arch, I know what our venom can do to vampire skin. I’ve seen it go half necrotic, I’ve seen it eat through flesh until you just have to amputate at the shoulder. Neither Maria or I ever figured out why that happened to some bites. Only that it did and there was nothing we could do. It might just be a bite, but I couldn’t risk it. I wouldn’t risk anything about you, ever.”
Archie leads out a huff of breath and Jasper chuckles, brushing his hair from his face.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, it got away from me for a moment,” Jasper continued, his hand cupping Archie’s face again. “But I knew you were there and you had my back and that everything was going to be okay as long as you were.”
“You know that it’s the same for me, right? That it’s only going to be okay for me if you are?” Archie’s contemplating kissing him right now, but not if that’s going to interrupt this talk so that they have to finish it later. “I need you to… I need you to be selfish and be safe. Every time I think it’s gonna be okay and we don’t have to worry about dying any more, something changes and I’m tired, Jas. I’m so, so tired.”
Jasper ghosts a kiss over Archie’s cheek, and it’s not enough. “I’m never going to apologise for protecting you, and I’m never going to stop making sure you’re okay,” Jasper murmured, frowning as he shifted on the bed to redistribute their weight. “But I swear I will always come back to you, okay? When it’s our time, we’ll go together.”
Archie nods, and that’s when Jasper surprises him by pulling him flush and kissing him hard. It’s the kind of kiss that is always a precursor for more, especially if Jasper’s hand on his belt is any indication of how the rest of the night is going to go.
And he’s okay with that, as long as Jasper doesn’t mess up his back any worse.
Tomorrow, he’s going to have to check in with their family, reassure them that everything is okay, and drag Jasper home and pretend they just ran off to fuck in the woods and everything is fine. There were no grievous bodily wounds tended to in a rank little highway motel, there were no meltdowns.
But right now, he’s going to take this kiss, and the next one, and just be here and now, with the battle over and won and everyone in one piece. He’s going to get his boy naked and have one of those nights they don’t get to have very often in a family of seven where they don’t have to be quiet or subtle or keep one ear out for potential interruptions.
And he’s going to turn those words over in his mind - “When it’s our time, we’ll go together” - warm and safe, until he can trust and believe that they aren’t just a promise, but their future.
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d-nessi · 1 year
Oh boy that chapter is huuuge and took me 4 days. And as if this is not enought I need holy water after writing that filthy but cuuute fic. I lose control on some point, the reason it's so long. Sry but hope you like it❤️
WARNING: little bit of agression, being jealous, sickness,!! masturbation and smut is clearly marked!! Bella is a completely innocent potat and for me it was my first soft smut....hope it's not too trashy
Wordcount: 4k ...holy clicker....
Proofread: yes but I'm german as always so... ;)
Love that song and thought it fits perfect for this chapter♡
"bless you Honey" Bella sneezes.
"you ok?" I ask them.
"yeah I'm fine thanks" he smiles at me while we grab our luggage at the calgary airport, wrapped up tightly cause of the weather that hits us all pretty hard.
-22 degrees and pure white snow everywhere covers the world. "We should stop landing on different planets" I laugh and grab my tissue out of my pocket.
While we are about to leave the airport we hear someone calling "Bellie!" Almost cinematic, Bella turns around, her look which immediately tells me that she knows exactly who is calling her.
There it is! The huge and incredibly sweet grin of her!
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With a speed she is embraced, not by anyone no. There is only one who makes her laugh like that and that is papa Pedro. Even I have to smile broadly.
This happy mood is so contagious!
"Pedro, you're here already? God, I missed you so much all this time," she says so british I could melt.
"Bella, it's so good to see you here again! Aaaaaand yes I am already here today because I have to go through some scenes with Craig and Neil.
There's a lot coming up" He winks at her and then looks at me, who waits patiently.
"And who is this pretty young lady?" he asks smiling at me.
"aah so Pedro that's Y/N. Y/N? That's Pedro" Bella seems pretty happy which also makes me happy.
"It's an honor to meet you, Bella told me a lot about your time on set. I'm glad you took such good care of her" I tell him, which makes him look mischievously at Bella, as if he knew directly what was going on between us.
A real daddy. Pedro looks at his watch and gets a little hectic.
"I'm running out of time, I'll see you on set in the next few weeks! Adiós cariños" He waves as he leaves and Bella looks after him wistfully.
"Zaddy huh?" I give her a cheeky grin and she punches me on my arm. "Come on let's go before we freeze here".
With our luggage we move on until we finally arrive at our hotel room. "How did you stand it on the first shoot? This is inhumanly cold."
"eating a lot of healthy food and going pretty often outside." she says while unpacking her bag. She sneezes again and grabs a towel. "I need a hot bath. Tomorrow is the meeting with Neil right after breakfast."
"alright!" I throw myself on the bed and close my eyes while Bella takes a bath.
"Neiiil it's so nice to see you again" Bella hugs him with joy.
"Y/N!" I introduce myself and can't believe I'm in front of the head of Naughty Dog. "it's an absolutely honor to meet you! I really enjoyed every game you made!" I tell him in awe.
"so what is the next game your working on?" I look cheeky with the knowledge that he will not tell me anyway.
He looks mysterious and pretends not to know. A Cough. No not because Neil Druckman wants to distract.
No that came from Bella this time again.
"So let's get started right away! This way. There are a total of just over 600 women who have applied for Dina. a few of them are on the shortlist. we'll look at all of them and you Bella make it clear which ones you have a good feeling about."
"all right" she says rather absently and takes her text sheet in her hand. Again a cough as she tries to talk to the various Dina performers.
I can feel the tension emanating from Bella all the way to me. Something is not right.
I go closer to her to make sure that everything is in order since we are here for about 3 hours. The Dina actress also comes close to her, almost too close.
"Bella?" Neil looks questioningly at her as she makes no more sound.
I was about to push my way through when Bella collapses and the actress representing Dina catches her. She holds her bridal style which almost makes me puke.
"Bella! What's going on!?" I ask with concern all over my face.
"I don't know. We were just saying our lines and then she collapsed," the Dina actress says, looking worriedly at Bella, grabbing her forehead and putting her forehead against Bella's so she can better feel if he has a fever. "Give him to me!" my tone is anything but relaxed.
"I'll take her to the doctor" says the actress.
Bella is breathing heavily and obviously sweating, which only makes me more anxious.
"I told you to hand her over to me!!!" Without realizing that my tone sounds almost aggressive, I get almost threateningly close to the actress, who hands Bella to me, completely perplexed.
"I will immediately request the doctor to your hotel room, don't worry Y/N." Neil puts a hand on my shoulder and I leave together with Bella in bridal style the set, back to our room.
"I'm so sorry babe...I knew something was wrong. I shouldn't have let you go."
Her breath is still fast and short, totally sweaty, she doesn't even have the strength to hold on to me anymore.
"Y/N....." she whispers almost inaudibly while I look at her with a sad face.
"here we go" Arrived I immediately put her to bed her whole body shaking terribly.
"it's ok sweety...I'm here I promise" I cuddle up to him for now, take him in my arms and put my chin on his head.
Firmly gripped, he snuggles close to me and mumbles inaudibly something to himself. Completely exhausted, Bella tries to control her breathing, which is almost impossible due to the trembling.
"You're burning up...I'll get you something to cool you down"
With the cool cloth on his forehead I try to lower his temperature a bit. "If I only could swap places with you...If I only could be sick...not you"
"mmmhh...." Bella whimpers and is completely drenched in sweat.
"can you change your clothes? you're freezing because you're all sweaty babe" I say calmly but Bella shakes her head. "ok do you want me to help you?" a normal question.
She nods and tries to sit up with all her strength.
"ok hands up sweety" without much effort I have the hoodie in my hand.
quite clever Bella.........no bra.
I put the hoodie aside while Bella doesn't even notice that she is sitting topless in front of me.
I swallow, bite my lower lip with all my might.
Pull yourself together shit! I thought, while grabbing a loose shirt and pull it over her head.
"thaaat's a good boy" I joke, looking down at his trousers. "lay down then we'll have it done in a minute. The doctor will be here soon as well."
He lies down, his breath still faster than usual, I reach for his waistband.
If I didn't know better, he'd be bright red because of my actions.
I blame the fever. Trousers off and aside my gaze falls on his panties and I pray to God that this is now only wet because of all the sweat.
"jesus...." I say inaudibly and want to grab the new one as Bella grabs me by my arm, pulls powerless and looks at me completely blurred. "B...Bella....what..." I stammer "you have to put something on or you'll soon have pneumonia" I look at her worriedly, but she absentmindedly grabs my hand and leads it between her legs directly on her panties.
This is now a joke. my totally sick girlfriend is so delirious with fever that she can't even think straight. great! "Sweety your completely out of mind...come on" I take my hand back to me, breath deeply and want to put on her new shorts. When I start to put them on, she pulls her legs towards her and pouts while looking at me almost pathetically begging for more.
"Bella....if you want to make out ok, but not now and not when you're so sick!" I say with a stern look and put my hand on her thigh. "It's not that I don't want to but I want you to be yourself." Fuck I don't even know how much experience she has.
"We just leave the shorts off" I say relaxed and with a kiss on her thigh I wanted to cuddle up to her as it knocks on the door. I open and the doctor comes in, goes to her and looks at her more closely.
"I can reassure you, this is a common flu infection. in 2-3 days she should be much better!" He puts medicine on the table and wishes her a speedy recovery as he leaves.
"Well thank god it's nothing worse...so...let's give you your medicine and relax more" I say while I get everything ready, give it to her and finally nuzzle up to her. "the actress tho......" My face completely thoughtful while whispering.
----------------2 Days later----------‐-------
Bella is doing much better so he has decided to go back to work without remembering everything that happens the day he collapsed. Everyone is pleased to see that he is already feeling better. And as if I would have thought it, the same actress who grabbed Bella shows up.
"hey Bella are you feeling better?"
"yes thank you" he smiles simply and grabs his script. Almost affectionate as a dog, she creeps around Bella and speaks her lines.I sit in the background and trust Bella completely. When it comes to acting, she's a natural, she doesn't have to prove anything to anyone anymore.
A flurry of activity ensues when Pedro suddenly appears. Bella totally happy hugs him and they talk about various things.
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everyone laughs and the actress of Dina becomes super pushy. Bella obviously a bit annoyed takes it easy, which is not the case with me. This bitch gets on my nerves! Pedro greets Neil while Bella and the actress continue with the rehearsals.
"ugh... ok I think that's enough for now." Bella looks at the list of all the performers when he suddenly feeling hands on his shoulders.
"let's rehearse some other lines, i can recite some more!" the actress shouting completely weird.
Awkwardly Bella turns away and gives her a 'WTF' look."
"ah....sorry I have enou--"
"get your fucking hands off of her! I swear!" I walk over to Bella, all eyes on me. "don't you fucking dare touch her again!" i look at her like a mother wolf defending her young, ready to do anything.
"everything good here? stay calm" is the first thing pedro says. I stare at the actress and want to turn around when I hear her snort arrogantly. "Who are you to tell me what to do!"
I turn around, ready to kick her ass, but I don't get far. "HEY HEY relax!" shouts Neil and he and Bella hold me tight so I don't tear her apart.
"you fucking chick keep your hands better off of my girlfriend!" I growl at that bitch and I swear if they weren't holding me she would be the next bloater in the show without any recognition value.
Bella grabs my face in her hands "babe it's ok calm down I don't give a shit about her I promise you." She tries to placate me with a goddamn sweet look. "She just wanted to act for the show".
"Yeah... Exactly....." I said ironically
"Enough here now. You pack your things and get out! We'll find someone else for this part" The actress disappears and I sulk after her while Neil lets go of me. Bella also takes an annoyed breath and goes to Neil. "please don't blame her, the actress was very pushy" she explains relaxed.
"I understand, just let's get on with it already. something like that can't happen again!" Neil makes clear while Bella looks down at her feet reproachfully as she feels Pedro's hands on her back .
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"nice that you have someone who is obviously very important to you" he winks at Bella and claps his hands. "so let's just get on with the work and relax. VAMOS!"
Neil looks around at the other actresses and takes a cup of coffee. "Twenty minute break and then we'll continue. We don't have too much time left today." I go and find a quiet spot away from them.
The rest of the day was quiet and Bella took her role as ellie very serious. Unbelievable how she is so in charakter while acting. it's like seeing the ellie from the show, not my bella.
Well thats also pretty hot, I smile and still have a guilty conscience. the thought that this actress touched bella makes me sick to my stomach. So they call this professional? don't make me laugh....
"Hey Ellie! Look at me. It's Okay! your Home. Your Home!" The Dina actress speaks her line while Bella going nuts in this awfull scene I remember of the game. She is unbelievable. It's as if she's really experiencing these terrifying flashbacks.
I rest while the exercises come to an end and finally we can go back in our hotelrooms. The way back was silent. Bella is obviously exhausted and I'm still pissed about the stupid actress. When I arrive, I close the door in annoyance and look at Bella without a word, who just throws herself on the bed.
"Y/N are you ok? I mean come on....she just touched me...nothing serious." Bella gets up and comes towards me.
"where did she touch you?" I stand in front of her completely indifferent.
"what...?" Bella looks at me confused.
"show it to me..." I move closer, place both my arms by the sides of her head and lightly press her against the wall while looking into her eyes.
"W...why is that important?"
"because I will clean every single spot"
"And...how...? She looks at me almost helplessly.
"I'm gonna...." I start kissing her neck very gently than slowly work my way to her shoulder, making sure every single spot is mine. ".....Kiss every single spot on you where you've been touched" I say teasingly, a sweet moan escapes her mouth and her breathing becomes faster. damn she likes it....
but this satisfaction isn't enough for me......
every single kiss becomes more greedy and makes her body tremble. Doesn't seem like anyone has ever done it to her when she's that sensitive. "mhm..." a short whimper comes out while she loses all strength in her legs and sinks to the ground.
I squat down and give her a cheeky look. "Already done?" I get closer to see her sweaty face. "Babe everything alright? was I too bo--l-...." She interrupts me with a kiss, so I fall back on the floor with her, with my back to the bed and looks at me expectantly.
"...how experienced are you?" I almost whisper.
"had never the chance to make some..." she says a little ashamed and blushes.
I smile lovingly and take her cheek in my hand. "It's ok baby, then let's have this experience together. I've never been with a woman myself so...at least it's a little bit new for me as well.
She looks at me uncertainly and I kiss her carefully and tenderly on her soft lips, but she finds it difficult to respond.
"you wanna wait? it's ok...you decide when time is perfect" she looks so incredibly innocent I just wanna give her the pleasure of her life.
"just a little...I need time to think about it' or to...prepare" She stands up and takes a breath. "Honestly? That felt nice" She smiles really wide at me, just the kind of smile that could melt me.
"can you stop being so cute!? or otherwise I can't resist anymore" I laugh and poke her in the stomach. "Let's just snuggle and go sleeping. I have a whole workday on my laptop tomorrow while your being my ellie" I wink to her, grab her and throw her on the bed, she completely laughing.
--------------NEXT DAY---------------
The day starts pretty simply as we woke up. She is already awake, ready to continue rehearsing and bent over me to give me a soft kiss on my sleepy lips.
"see you this evening my darling" she said in the most british way I could just die. Her british acent is to damn hot as if the queen westeros speaks in person right next to me. Better don't call her Lady I thought and start to get ready as well.
Everyone spent today with their work without any further complications and I can't wait to take a hot shower and go to our bed.
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡WARNING SMUT ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I unlock the door and put my key down, take off my shoes and am about to enter the room when I hear strange noises. I stare at the door to our room and blink a few times because what I'm hearing sounds like someone having a hell of a time without me.
I peek through the door and I wish my eyes hadn't seen it THIS. There she lies completely naked and plays with her fingers in places that I would love to play. Her sweet and wet folds screaming for love.
Her movements looks clumsy almost helpless and fuck....I would help her so bad that only the thought of it gives me goosebumps everywhere.
She really tries hard and right now I understand what she's been meaning to 'prepare'. She looks like she doesn't do it that much. Did she ever cum on her own? All the thoughts making me nuts.
My heart is racing and I take a few steps back as Bella keeps moaning softly.
Shouldn't she still be on set for the night rehearsal? I grab the front doorknob to open the door only to slam it shut with a jerk.
Loud enough for Bella to hear. I wait a moment and walk slowly to the door, spy in and see that she's covered by her blanket.
well... "hey Bells sweety your tired? Thought you had to work through the whole night" I walk in.
"That's been postponed until tomorrow so I'm already there." Her voice is slightly shaky.
I can literally see that she's horny.
"I'll take a quick shower and then I'll go to bed with you"
Only briefly inside I come out of the bathroom. Her look almost hurts. She looks unrelaxed and her legs are visibly tense under the covers. Only with a towel around I look at her pitifully.
"How do you stand it?" I come to the edge of her bed and sit down. "I heard you when I came home"
Bella hides more under her blanket
"Without you, I didn't think much about it...but since I've had you, I've had this feelings again and again...." She looks at me for help, almost begging. I look at her and run my hand under the covers along her thighs the reason Bella melts already by that touch.
"I think your body would appreciate letting me blow off some pressure" I whisper softly.
"It's so embarrassing" She hides under her blanket, bright red in the face.
"Oh dear, it doesn't have to be. I just want you to feel good." I'd better keep the fact that my heart is racing to myself and crawl under the covers to her, can smell every scent from her body. He's screaming for relief so bad. I bend over her while supporting myself with my hands on the sides of her head.
"Don't worry, I'll do it very gently." She nods, her breathing shaky full of excitement.
"Tell me when I should stop" Still under the blanket, I bend down to her and start kissing her neck tenderly.
Soft moans escape her innocent lips and suddenly she grabs my towel. Her beautiful fawn eyes looking at me.
"It would only be fair if you weren't wearing anything either" she says with a shy gaze.
I smirk and let her undress me.
"your so beautiful" realizing what she is doing she gets tears in her eyes, covering the face with her hands. I gently grab them and kiss her tears away. "are you ok?" I said so calmly even a mountain lion could be tamed.
"yeah..it's just....I...I'm so happy right now" she smiles a bit embarrassed.
"well that's good. I wanna make you even more happy" I smile cheekily and kiss her softly on the mouth, deepen it and feel her hips press against me, giving me goose bumps everywhere. I work my way down to her chest and look at her almost begging. She nods shyly and small noises exiting her innocent lips, hips bucking under my touch.
Bella is already close to heaven I can feel it, her body already slightly shaking. While her breath getting more ponderous under her sinnful moans I keep working my way down, stopping right befor her most sensitive spot.
"can I touch you?" I breathe heavily, my heart to excited to beating correctly.
She hesitate for a single moment but nods, me pushing the blanket out of my fucking sight to pet her slit gently. A sudden moan escapes her mouth.
"holy shit....your so wet....and all for me!" While I realize where my fingers are right now, especially WHO I gave the pleasure I start to going nuts. I can barely hold myself back, the reason I kiss her clit making Bella to a moaning mess.
"Y.....Y/N..." Her moans starting getting heavier, her back arching off the bed begging for so much more of the sensation.
"w...weird feeling...w....please wait!"
"you ever cum by yourself baby?" I ask with a husky voice and move my hand a little bit slower. She shakes her head no and I start to move my hand faster, not thinking about to stop. "Y/N! wait i....it's so weird!" she moans ungodly under my kisses I startet again on her clit.
"it's ok......let it come. you will love it" I say between the kisses and can feel she wants to squeezes her shaking tighs. "t.....to much...it's to much oh gawd!" her moans complete out of control sounding almost pornographic while she tries to keep her breath.
"there you go darling" I can feel her whole pussy throbbing more, getting pretty intens and I speed up.
"I can't.....I can't contr...ol...feels...so good"
"cum all for me baby!" She screams so sinnfull and her whole body is trembeling while experiencing the feeling for the first time. "what a brave queen..." I kiss her belly, teasing her a bit more and finally let her calm down.
"holy fuck.....that was....-"
"intense?" I give her a sweet smile and cuddle up to her, taking the blanket that we're not getting cold.
"I never thought it would be so good" she says so british again I have to kiss her right now. She not that shy anymore deepens the kiss and whimpers in it.
"someone enjoyed the taste and wants more huh?" I look resolutely into her eyes.
"you're awesome Y/N" she kisses me.
"no.....you're awesome....you're everything for me...seriously. I think I love you Bella" I never was this serious in my life. Bella looks overwhelmed and just snuggles up to me with no response. That's enough for me...... for now.
Yeeeah so here we go. If u liked it show me if u want I'm just curious if its not trash😭
For more Chapters, stories and more just look at my Masterlist ♡ (next chap in progress)
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