#hitchell mope
weylersource · 2 months
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INCORRECT WYLER QUOTES (1/∞) (original post by @hitchell-mope)
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feralgodmothers · 1 year
Tag 10 people
Tagged by @hitchell-mope, thank you! 💗
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Black
Song that's stuck in my head: the Skins UK theme x3
Last song listened: Love In an Elevator by Aerosmith
Three favorite foods: French toast, pizza, mac and cheese
Last thing googled: Sia Berkeley
Dream trip: Europe tour
Anything I want right now: 👉🏽👌🏽 (So sorry. I’m on my period, and the horny symptom’s been flaring up like crazy this month 😣🤦🏽‍♀️)
Tagging: @hiraeth-doux, @crystallinee-waters, @stellaluna33, @fandomsmeantheworldtome, @nicoleanell, @emmanelson, @humanitys-strongest-bamf, @thegoddesspeaks, @trekkitkat, @roamwithahungryheart, @sullxo, @swanxlake (if you want to, plus anyone else who might like to 💞)
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Share ten different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag/send to ten people (anon or not).
Tagged by: @trekkiehood
August Walker (Walker)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
Ben Florian (Descendants)
Lela (Teen Beach Movie)
 Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Anya (Spy x Family)
Will Turner (Pirates of the Carribean)
Tagging: @laf-outloud, @hitchell-mope, @jack-of-ash, @frostysfrenzy, @small-scale-majestic, @walker-290, @chronicleofthingssupernatural, @dv-samgirl, and anyone else who wants to play!
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hitchell-mope · 1 month
Seriously? Again?
There’s another live action scooby doo show happening? Are you kidding me right now? It fucking better be for all ages and not like that riverdull bullshit. But if all else fails. I still have by beloved wishlist. Here it is if anyone want to read it: https://www.tumblr.com/hitchell-mope/697547122837471232/what-id-want-from-a-future-scooby-doo-show-andor
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brett-is-afraid · 7 months
Ot3 asks (Chuckle Polycast)
Credit to hitchell-mope for making the ask post
Who takes charge in bed?
All of them can, depending on the day. They really all go back and forth on who is in control. Ted ends up falling into that role most the time because it's just easiest for them.
Who gets taken care of in bed?
Schlatt more often is the one that's focused on. He subs more often than not. (Sidenote: Ted's a big fan of pillows princesses.)
Who would choose to do it in a car? Who would choose a plane? Who prefers the bed?
Ted and Charlie tend to be less into doing stuff where they could reasonably get caught. They don't mind doing stuff in cars, but they'd need convincing to mess around on a plane. Schlatt is for sure more willing to fuck on a plane and actually enjoys car sex. The only issue they run into is height wise. None of them are particularly small guys, so it takes a lot of maneuvering and cramping.
Do clothes get swapped after? If so is it intentional or accidental?
They all definitely steal each other's clothes. There are a lot of clothes that they don't even know who originally had it because it's just such a communal item at that point. Most the time, it's intentional. But sometimes, they just genuinely can't keep track of whose clothes are whose.
Were the dynamics easy to fall into?
It was very easy to fall into, for the most part. Their relationship is pretty much the same as their friendship, just with a romantic and sexual aspect added. They aren't really any different than they were before in daily life.
Who’s most likely to send videos and pictures of themselves to the other two?
Sex-wise? Schlatt, 100%. Just any kind of picture? Surprisingly, Ted. He takes a lot of photos of himself in daily life and always sends them to his partners. Charlie takes a ton of photos and sends them too, but they're always of things he's working on or cool (or funny) stuff he found.
Who encourages the other two to get out of their comfort zone?
All of them do it in a different way. Charlie drags them along to try things that they never would've even considered. Ted is reassuring when the others are nervous to do something, pushing them to try even if it's a little scary. Schlatt's the type to convince them to do things that are genuinely scary. (Shooting guns, playing with tanks, etc.)
Who’s really into flirting with the others in public?
Schlatt is the one to flirt the most, though he usually does it in his joking way to avoid anyone actually catching on. Charlie and Ted do it as well sometimes, but not as often.
Has the formation of the ot3 unlocked the risk taker in them?
It has. They all encourage each other to do things they wouldn't normally do. Schlatt has encouraged them all to take more risks when it comes to food, trying new and more interesting things.
Who brings new ideas to the bedroom?
All of them do in their own ways. Ted tends to look at different articles and find genuine tips or new things to try. He'll bring them up to the others whenever he finds something interesting. Charlie finds them as fun facts and it leads to them trying it. Schlatt just has the most ideas and brings them up to try.
Who made the first move?
Charlie or Ted did, for sure. But out of frustration more than wanting to actually confess. If it's Charlie, he gets annoyed that none of them have realized their feelings for each other yet and is annoyed by how long he's had to wait. If it's Ted, he's just frustrated with having to keep his feelings inside. All he wants to do is confess and get it off his chest.
Has the novelty worn off at all?
No, it's still just as good as it was. To them, it wasn't ever about novelty. Starting a relationship just took their dynamic to the next level and made them enjoy it even more.
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 6 months
Tag Nine People You'd Like to get to Know Better!
Tagged by: @armandlucienduval
Favorite Color(s): Purple
Favorite Flavor(s): Chocolate, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Apple
Favorite Music: Showtunes, Country, Hard Rock
Favorite Movie(s): Heathers, Teen Beach Movie, 12 Angry Men
Favorite Series: Supernatural, Walker, Prodigal Son, Walker: Independence, Helluva Boss
Last Song: Anna's Villian Song by LydiatheBard
Last Series: Texas Rising
Last Movie: Taylor Swift Eras Tour
Currently Reading: The Anti-Communist Manifesto
Currently Watching: Supernatural
Currently Working On: Organizing my Drive
Tagging: @jack-of-ash, @do-these-eyes-look-human, @skysonata, @hitchell-mope, @wind-the-music-box, @stanfordprepped
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I was tagged by @hitchell-mope Thank you!
Relationship status: Married for 19 years
Favorite color: I don't have a favorite, I like colors
Song that's stuck in my head: Nobody's Baby by Devon Cole
Last song listened: Into the Mystic by Van Morrison
Three favorite foods: Pizza, Sushi, Tacos
Last thing googled: looked up images of Jared wearing a black cowboy hat
Anything I want right now: To not have to go to work... and yet.
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sneakyboymerlin · 21 days
Found it.
Some people are out here working miracles.
Quick link to the post here.
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salieri27 · 1 year
King Of Mean (if King Adam was the villian in D3)
Adam: i followed all the rules i drew inside the lines i never asked for anything that wasn't mine i waited patiently for my time but when it finely came she called his name (Adam walks to a framed photo of Ben and picks it up) Adam: and now i feel this overwhelming pain i mean its in my brain i mean its my veins my thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train i know exactly who to blame (Adam throws' the frame of ben on the ground shattering it) Adam: i never thought of myself as mean i always thought i would be the king And there's no in between 'Cause if I can't have that Then I would be the leader of the dark And the bad Now there's a devil on my shoulder Where the angels used to be And it's calling me the king (Adam walks to the museum and finds the crown of the king of auradon in a glass case) Adam: Being nice was my pastime But I've been hurt for the last time And I won't ever let another person take advantage of me The anger burns my skin, third-degree Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea There's nobody getting close to me They're gonna bow to the Evil King Your nightmare's my dream Just wait until they fall to my wicked schemes (Adam brakes the case with a crowbar and removes the crown) Adam: i never thought of myself as mean i always thought i would be the king And there's no in between 'Cause if I can't have that Then I would be the leader of the dark And the bad Now there's a devil on my shoulder Where the angels used to be And it's calling me the king of mean (calling me calling me) the king of mean (calling me calling me )the king of mean (Adam is instantly drawn to the Scepter of Maleficent) Adam:Something's pulling me It's so magnetic My body is moving Unsure where I'm headed All of my senses have left me defenseless This darkness around me Is promising vengeance The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive There's nothing to lose When you're lonely and friendless So my only interest is showing my son That I am the king And my reign will be endless (Endless) (Adam puts the crown on his head and takes the scepter instantly his royal blue suit turns into his cotillion outfit but its black with a black cape the cape had a fake fur trim) Adam: I want what I deserve I want to rule the world Sit back and watch them learn its finally my turn If my sons gonna be the king I'm gonna show him i still can rule I'll show them what it means Now that I am that I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad 'Cause the devil's on my shoulder Where the angels used to be And he's calling me the king of mean (Calling me, calling me) (Calling me, calling me) The king of mean (Calling me, calling me) i want what i deserve (Adam stamps the scepter and destroys the chandelier)
for @hitchell-mope
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phycoish · 2 years
Judge: How do you plead?
(Ricky looks as Gina)
Gina: (mouthing): not guilty
Ricky: hot milky
Gina: oh for gods sakes, just lock him up
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Descendants Fandom Ask
Found this on @hitchell-mope ‘s page and wanted to do my own.
The first character I first fell in love with? Carlos, and here six years later I still adore him.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now? Jane, I didn’t really like her until D3 but now I have a soft spot for her. 
The character everyone else loves that I don’t? Harry, I wish I could tell you why but I don’t know why?
The character I love that everyone else hates? I actually don’t have one? I mean I’m not anti-mal but she’s not in my top 6 characters you know?
The character I used to love but don’t any longer? As I get older I’m starting to find Evie more boring? She had so much potential but eventually felt like she just existed for Mal 
The character I would totally smooch? Lonnie <3
The character I’d want to be like no thank you (Maleficent is cool though if I can pick a parent, I want magic)
The character I’d slap? Mal, specifically D2/D3 Mal
A pairing that I love?  Canon, I have a soft spot for Jarlos. Semi-Canon: I’m really into GilJay and Huma. Fanon: Jaylos will always have a special place in my heart.
A pairing that I despise? Fanon: Harlos makes me really uncomfortable but that could just be because I’ve seen a lot of things using it to make it abusive/toxic just because and I’m not into ships like that Canon: Chad x Audrey They just don’t feel like a healthy dynamic (At least from my interpretation) 
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feralgodmothers · 2 years
Shuffle My Playlist and Tag 10 People
I was tagged by @hitchell-mope, thank you! 💕
I Don’t Love You by My Chemical Romance
Paranoid by Black Sabbath
I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That) by Meatloaf
The Flame by Cheap Trick
The Show Must Go On by Queen
Sleep Alone by Bat for Lashes
Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones
Cum On Feel the Noize by Quiet Riot
A British Bank (The Life I Lead) by The Sherman Brothers
Let Yourself Go by Ginger Rogers
Tagging: @hiraeth-doux, @crystallinee-waters, @stellaluna33, @dead--poets, @kronoswheel, @nymphastral, @notsomecase, @daydreamreality, @emmanelson @a-little-counter-esperanto, @thingwithfeathers, @trekkitkat, @lizajane2, @branchofcinnamon (if you want to, plus anyone else who might like to! 💖)
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My dear friend @hitchell-mope came to me with the evil angst and now I must share it with you so that we can all suffer:
The midseason premiere shows August interacting with Abby regularly as if nothing is wrong. She looks a bit frail but she’s able to carry on a conversation with him.
Only, no one else is talking to her.
And everyone is wearing black and in an awfully somber mood.
It’s only when we get Cordell POV that we see that it’s Abby’s funeral and August has been talking to empty air the whole time.
Essentially: 35~ minutes of everything being Fine with Abby and August, 5 minutes of flashback to Abby’s death at the hospital, and the final minutes of the episode are dedicated to her funeral.
Evil bonus: the flashback is overlaid with audio of August’s eulogy for her.
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hitchell-mope · 1 month
My Universe au. The karamel wedding.
It’s the focus of the season four premiere. You know. Besides the Kaznia and Marsdin plots. May as well have some good in the bad as it were.
It’s held in Cat Grant’s garden and catered by Morgan Edge. It pays to have rich friends. And it doesn’t come much richer than Cat and Morgan.
Remember that dream Kara had in season three of her and Mon El in the field? The clothes they had in that dream are their wedding clothes.
On Kara’s side of the aisle were: Alex, Eliza, James, Lucy, Clark and Lois. J’onn agreed to perform the ceremony. He spent a week getting ordained
On Mon El’s side of the aisle were: Cat, Carter, Brainy, Samantha, Ruby and Morgan. Morgan was Cat’s Official Plus One.
Winn and Samantha hooked up the night before. Here’s the chat referring to it if you want to see it: https://www.tumblr.com/hitchell-mope/748675360349110272/on-the-morning-of-kara-and-mon-els-wedding-kara
Mon El was a little miffed that he didn’t get to plan the wedding. Because, as it out, on Daxam, planning a wedding is a man’s job. So as a compromise, Kara planned the dress code and the venue, Mon El planned the menu and the music, and then they planned the ceremony and their vows together.
The ceremony is held in English, kryptonian and Daxamite.
Sadly, because I misremembered the timeline, Nia is not at the wedding. So instead it’s Samantha who catches the bouquet.
Winn is the joint Best Man Of Honour. Neither Kara or Mon El could decide since he’s both their best friend. So they compromised.
Carter was the ring bearer. Ruby was the flower girl.
Eliza and Cat got into a slight argument over who had the better hat. J’onn won. And yes. J’onn was smug about it. It’s what he deserves.
Eliza walked down Kara down the aisle.
Brainy got a little too into the buffet and he woke up inside Cat’s home office the next day, covered in pastry crumbs and hugging Eliza’s hat.
Winn sang them in with his own special version of “The Wedding March”. He got a little bit carried away. But it made the both of them laugh so it was worth it.
Karamel were supposed to go on their honeymoon the next day. But they got called in to help President Marsdin. And this is when the canon plot starts.
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mochacake2016 · 3 years
5 things a out me
I was tagged by @hitchell-mope
1. I just went through a break up. I was in a 1 year and 4 months this relationship and they broke up with me on the anniversary date
2. I like to get in Fandoms where I don't finish watching the shows because I can't stay sitting down for too long
3. I have so many ships and most of them are bad boy/ good girl trope that I shouldn't be shipping 😁
4. I'm learning how to be spiritual and I have some native roots that I'm trying to reconnect
5. My flirting language is buying cookies or chocolates and giving them to my crush since I'm horrible at conversating. That's how I won my ex.
@hook-and-hope @huffleporg and anyone else that wants to join
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 2 years
What is your guiding principle?
Tagged by: @armandlucienduval
My result:
Hell hath no fury like you. You're guided by your fury. Yours is the righteous path, at least as far as you are concerned. You are driven to achieve your goals, and to hell with who ever gets in your way. But be careful that you don't take your feelings out on friends.
Tagging: @jack-of-ash, @hitchell-mope, @do-these-eyes-look-human, @cordellxwalker, @heldheart, @wind-the-music-box and anyone else who wants to try it!
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