#hiya :D I just replied to your message!
sunnydayroleplay · 11 months
Hiya Jack! How are u! I missed you so much! Where have you gone?
Jack speaking, and here are your reminders sunspot!~
- If you're 18- DNI, this is a NSFW post and so is the game it is based off of. This is an 18+ community.
- Those under 18 interacting not only jeopardizes your own safety and well being , it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games.
- (As well as moral/ethics.)
! Sunshine Insider Information !
This post includes:
-Jack speaking/ Jack POV.
-Fourth wall breaking potentially??
-Wholesome :D
Hey sunshine! I've been as dandy as a sunflower in the summer! I missed you all so very much.
I've been all sorts of places, but one of them I haven't been to in awhile is well... here! Although I haven't been present for a long while, thank you all! Reading all your sweet messages and comments really remind me lots as to why I do what I do!
I also particularly enjoy reading all your requests and seeing what you come up with! However there are some...hm.. what's the word... concerning requests, I'd like to also remind you some basic ground rules. Ain't nothin' wrong with being a rule follower! It's good to be a leader, but sometimes it's better to be a follower.
Now, number on- I... hold on-
(insert comical searching sounds for stuff in tiny ass bag)
(my bad)
(insert comical searching sounds for stuff in tiny a██ bag)
Better- Oh! Here we go!
Ahem, here's a few thing's and rules I wrote down! Take notes my sunrises and sunsets.
Sunny Day Roleplay Rules and Reminders!
1. Please read the pinned comment and look at my boundaries there.
I'm tired of the amount of people who continue to disrespect my wishes and are actually trying to threaten me. I know I'm not the best writer/blogger, or the most popular, but the amount of people who ask me beyond inappropriate questions or make continuous requests to the point I have to block and report is unreal. I don't mean to be rude, but please. This is the main reason I had to take a longer break than last in the first place. I can't get things out as soon as you send them. And I cannot reply back to messages as soon as you dm them. I have a personal life too, my life does not revolve around this account.
I cannot stress this enough, the amount of literal ELEMENTARY school children I see following me or dmming my other SDJ accounts is unreal. At this point I don't even care if you're 13-14 (I do, but listen and don't twist my words) but if you're 9-12 on the internet talking with absolute strangers about NSFW shit? You need to put the iPad down and please go to bed. It's painfully obvious and it makes me and albeit a shit ton of people uncomfortable. Please, just stop.
3. To that one group of people. You know who you are.
Stop spamming me photos of James Corden on my twitter while I'm at work or sleeping. Thank you-
What, Jack?
That amount of profanity is-
Have you seen what you partake in this account content wise?
Anywho, that's going to be all for today! Have a happy, healthy sunny day, and be sure to eat well and drink water. And remember sunspot, I'll always be here for you.
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carelessflower · 7 months
(Im defo need to rewrite this and post in ao3 with a lot more detail and im writing this with no beta at 4 am with no sleep)
Magnus stood outside holding the duffel bag. He was frozen. Couldn't move. He wanted to run away from the problem.
He texted Raphael to meet him outside the Lightwood Manor.
"Have you seen Magnus?" Alec asked, its almost half 8, and dinner is getting ready. He looked at his phone and still no reply.
"He looked down earlier." Clary told him, which was not comforting. He took out his phone and ramg him again.
"Hiya its Magnus, Im probably avoiding you, so dont leave a voice message. Unless its Alec, then go right ahead."
"Magnus where are you? Im worried, just call me when you get this." Alec sat on the steps, waiting by the door.
A few minutes past by and the door opened, Magnus standing there, his jacket zipped up.
"Magnus!" Alec pulled him in for a hug.
"Sorry traffic was terriable." Magnus whispered, as he hugged Alec back.
"Im gonna go upstairs and get changed, and it looks like someone needs you." He said, as Tavvy was pulling at Alec's leg.
"Can you play with me. Max is to small and everyone here is no fun." Tavvy pouted, as Magnus walkes upstairs, Johnathan watched, as he followed him up, as Tavvy led Alec to the lounge.
Magnus opened his bedroom door, and unzipped his jacket, he still had a headache, but the neausa and dizziness has passed.
He looked at the faint bruises on his neck. Tracing his finger along the bruise. He went to the closet and grabbed a purple turtleneck and put it on, a knock on the door made him jump.
"Sorry didnt mean to scare you."
Magnus just shot Johnathan a glare, as he straighned his turtleneck and looked at the closet mirror.
No visible brusing.
"What now Johnathan?" He said, as he folded his shirt.
"Where's the duffel bag?"
"My appartment. God whats with the questions."
"Im sorry. I shouldnt have followed you, but you should have told me you were seeing your dad again."
"And what were you going to do? Arrest him? You made things worse you know that!" He wasnt angry at Johnathan, he was angry at himself. He was angry at the cops who were making the case against his dad.
"I know and im sorry, but I was looking out for you. If you dont want to tell me what you and your dad did. Thats fine, but please tell Alec the truth, he should know."
"I told him some parts..He just doesnt need to know yet." Magnus walked past Johnathan and headed downstairs.
Magnus headed to the lounge to see Alec reading Tavvy a book.
"Tavvy come on we are heading home." Mark called out, as Tavvy groaned
"Go and grab your coat Tavvy." Alec tickled him, which made Tavvu laugh and run out of the lounge.
"Are you alright?" Alec said, as Magnus sat beside him.
"Ive been worse." He lied.
"How about tomorrow we go to a nice restaurant just the two of us." Alec said,
"That would be nice." Magnus smiled, resting his head against Alec's.
"Dinner is ready." Maryse called, as the doorbell went.
"Ill get it." Shouted Isabelle.
Max crawled into the lounge, as Alec picked him up.
"Mom fed him so I can put him to bed." Jace announced.
"Do you want to go to uncle Jace." Alec cooed, as Max giggled.
"Take him to bed, put his dino toy in his cot." Alec said handing him over to Jace.
Isabelle came in, followed by an older male.
"Hodge its been a while." Alec smiled, hugging the older man. He hasnt seen Hodge since he was seventeen.
"You gotten taller Alexander. And you must be Magnus Bane." He smiled at Magnus, who smiled back.
"Im going to be staying here fot a bit..so i need to speak to Maryse." Hodge said walking to the kitchen to see Jocelynn ans Maryse talking
Sebastian and Simon were talking about D&D, and Clary and Jace came downstairs, talking about her new job at a small animation studio.
Johnathan pulled Magnus aside.
"Hodge was one of the bosses that was working on your dad's case." Johnathan whispered.
"I thought you werent supposed to tell?"
"Im being a friend here. Take that info, because I find it odd that he turns up after your father." Johnathan whispered, as he went to the kitchen.
(Short but part 7 date night)
uh oh 😦
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applebloomer1 · 1 year
Fell! :D hiya bud! Is your AU safe now? You're no longer forced to work for anyone to keep them safe?
Fell narrowed his sockets. "Oh lovely, they're talkin' directly to me now," He muttered, Horror at his side and taking his time to read the message himself. "My AU is just fine. When Fatal returned everything he destroyed, that included my home," He answered.
"And yet you still accept missions from Nightmare instead of running on home!" Horror pointed out.
"Just because they're alive again, doesn't mean they suddenly love me. Every single one of those pricks has their own creative reason to hate my guts," Fell growled back, pinprick flickering with wild magic.
"We don't hate you," Horror replied, smiling so much his sockets squinted upward.
Fell scoffed. "I know, idiot. That's why I'm here," He snapped back, smacking his hand through the message to get it away.
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slashpatty · 3 years
streaming interruptions
georgenotfound x streamer reader
summary: you decide to have a peaceful, early stream. unfortunately, george has other plans in mind.  w/c: 0.8k  a/n: let’s go, first fan-fiction completed! it’s not the best but hope y’all enjoy this! cw: slight language, slight cursing and lots of fluff Instead of taking a well-deserved break from streaming, here you were talking to your estatic chat at 11 in the morning. No matter how hard you tried, it was impossible to just leave your endearing community in the dark. They meant the whole world to you as they felt the same about their streamer, (Y/N).
With a following of over 500,000 on Twitch alone, your platform grew incredibly fast along with other web personalities. Unlike other content creators on the internet, you enjoyed showing your face at times. Ever since a certain someone complimented your appearance, you grew the confidence to show your face to your community, the world and friends.
“Hiya, everyone! Guess who is back on the never-ending streaming train?” You exclaimed, smiling directly at the camera. To amuse your audience, you faltered your smile their snarky comments. “C’mon guys, why do you guys doubt me so much...” 
While watching the chat zoom by with more warm welcomes and remarks, you spotted one particular username fly through the buzzing chat box — your nemesis yet good friend, GeorgeNotFound.
Whenever the two of you are in a voice chat together, havoc is always bound to strike. From petty fights to full-on PVP battles, the (Y/N) George duo never backs down from a challenge, especially from each other. Whether on-screen or behind the cameras, the friendship between both of you cannot be explained even by your closest friends.
Due to your abrupt daydreaming session, the audience suspected an unknown distraction took your attention away from the stream. However, it was a donation and the chat suddenly increasing speed that snapped you out of your brief trance.
GeorgeNotFound just donated $500
start your mickey mouse stream already or actually get a real job LMAO
A smile grew a little too quickly on your face which went unnoticed. You cracked your fingers, preparing to retaliate against the man who dared to one-up you.
“Thank you, George for the five-hundred dollar donation and the very helpful reminder,” you replied. “I just remembered I was planning on burning down our Minecraft cottage, silly me!”
Due to the following message ‘DON’T YOU DARE’ being spammed numerously in the chat by the upset content creator, you joined your survival world in hopes of finally being left alone. Unfortunately, your enemy joined the game and immediately demanded to be added to your call.
“(Y/N), how could you possibly destroy our home,” says an unhappy George as you adjust the volume of his microphone. You looked at the camera, and rolled your eyes in amusement.
“It’s not like I wanted to, but it’s a complete mess!”
Tension and silence filled the air for a brief moment before he released a raspy cry through your headphones.
You managed to hold in a chuckle before inhaling to apologize. “C’mon, I’m sorry. You have to admit, the dimensions of the house is so hideous-”
“Then, it’s OUR hideous house idiot,” he interjected loudly. “We built it together Y/N, so it’s very special to me! You may not see value in it, but I do.
You laughed his remark off but this sudden comment made your heart skip a beat. George had never said anything this unusual before. So for once, you did not have a comeback.
Silence crept back into the call but not until George started a small giggling fit which resulted with letting out piles of laughter. “CHAT, I GOT THEM, look at this loser!”
Confused about what got him so riled up, you stayed silent until you heard the sound of flickering flames in-game. Moving your mouse around, you paused once you realized your beloved cottage was burning to a crisp.
You covered your face with your hands, not bothering to look at chats’ expected thread of L’s. The distraction should have been obvious to you at the start, but you were oblivious to it because of the commotion George caused.
“You actually fell for it, how gullible are you (Y/N)?” You watched as his character crouched and spin in front of yours, appearing to be doing a victory dance.
“Gullible enough to actually think you cared about what we did together,” you sighed.
“Wait, hey I d-“
You deafened on Discord and looked over at your chat box. Messages mimicking George’s last words soured through the screen, tugging a grin on your lips.
“Chat, I think it’s best I hop off for the sake of my sanity and yours! Today was surprising and eventful, but I hope you enjoyed the stream!”
You clicked the undeafen button to quickly tell George to say farewell yet received something entirely different in return.
“Shit, shit, shit. What the hell is their favorite flower?” His little avatar ran around the biome in search of flowers. “This is impossible!”
Rolling your eyes, you heaved a deep sigh. “It’s (F/F) and don’t worry, I’ll graciously forgive you.”
You watched as his character ran back to yours and dropped the flower on the ground. As you moved it into your offhand, you crouched and stared into George’s goggles.
When he kneeled down along with you, it took a mere five seconds before you both burst out laughing.
Though your stream did not go originally as planned, George ruining your stream was a fond memory you both would never forget.
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Hiya gang!!
My internet kinda whacked out about 10 minutes ago. Hopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow evening because I still have a couple prompts to respond to and it's a pain in my arse to do them on my phone😅
I'll still get people's messages and notes and things because I do have a little data, but it's unlikely I'll reply unless it's quick and easy until I can get back on my laptop! :(
Check out The List of prompts, and let me know which are your favourites!! Try only for for 3 or fewer, I know ya'll get excited but it's hard to decide what to write when you send me a list of 10 favourite prompts😅 I'll get to all of them eventually, so don't panic, I just would like to know what's most popular so I know where to start :D
Hope y'all are good!! I love you!!
My Ko-Fi, which is where I post sneak peaks of upcoming works, check it out and consider donating!!
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Doubt | Tamaki Amajiki x Reader | Soulmate AU
AN: Hiya! This was a server prompt for the server I’m in! I got Tamaki, so here we go! Here is the main master list for the other characters!
Part 2!! Part 3!!
Pronouns used: They/them Length: 4.9k words
Summary: Everyone in the world has a soulmate and Tamaki Amajiki is no different. The thing is, he’s terrified to meet or talk to his soulmate because he’s scared they could a villain. That is... until he’s finally able to talk to you.
Full Name: (y/f/n) Quirk: (y/q) Age: 18
Every single person in the world has a soulmate. A predetermined pair, courtesy of the universe. Soulmates had a link, a way to communicate with each other. At the age of 18, anything someone wrote on their body would appear on their soulmate’s body, in the exact same spot.
Tamaki Amajiki knew he had a soulmate, someone bound to him for life. He just couldn’t believe that could be the case. Fated pairs were a scary thing due to the limited amount of knowledge surrounding the concept. No one knew why this weird ability existed, no one knew how these pairs were determined, and whether or not there was a person doing this.
Tamaki always feared who his soulmate would be. One of the main fears was if they’d be a villain. What would he do? Every single fated pair fell in love the second they saw each other. What if Tamaki’s other half was a villain? How could he, a hero, fall in love with the enemy?
As his 18th birthday drew closer, Tamaki felt panic and anxiety rather than excitement. Both Mirio and Nejire did their best to convince him his other half wouldn’t be a villain, but how could they be so sure?
“Come on, Tamaki, it’ll be ok!” Mirio smiled. “I highly doubt your soulmate could be a villain! I bet they’re someone awesome with an amazing quirk!”
“Mirio… you’re too loud.” Tamaki muttered, stuffing his face into his arms that laid on his desk. His 18th birthday was just a few days away and then he’d have to face his soulmate.
“Oh hey, you could be worrying for no reason,” Nejire suggested, her legs swinging back and forth on the desk. “Maybe they’re only 16 or 17. You wouldn’t be able to talk to them then.”
“Huh,” Mirio said, “I didn’t even think about that. She’s got a good point.”
“What if they are over 18?” Tamaki argued, turning his head up toward them. “What if they’re like 20?”
“Well…” Nejire giggled sheepishly. “Then you’ll be talking to them! Imagine, Amajiki! What if they’re some awesome celebrity!”
“Or a super cool hero? Maybe from another country?” Mirio added. Tamaki tried his best to let them ease his worries, but no one could drown out that little voice in the back of his head. This was all speculation. They could be wrong.
Tamaki sighed as he looked at the clock on his nightstand. 11:43 pm on March 3rd. 17 minutes until he turned 18. He already had his pen ready and he’d decided where he’d write his little message. His mind was in a flurry of emotions, he wasn’t sure if he was excited or not. Well, he was, to an extent, but he was also scared- no, terrified.
What if they didn’t like him? What if his shyness and anxiety was too much for them? What about him? What if they were loud and mean like that Bakugou fellow? What if they were blunt and less understanding of his anxiety? He couldn’t handle that! There’s no way.
11:53 pm.
Mirio and Nejire had offered to stay with him but he declined, wanting to be alone. Both of them reminded him multiple times that they would be completely ok with him coming to their rooms for any reason. 
11:54 pm.
Tamaki’s hands rubbed his cheeks as he tried his best to calm down. His eyes kept returning to his little clock and it almost felt as if time was moving slower. His desperate need to talk to his love equally matched his need to run and hide from them, which didn’t even make sense!
“Coward…” He mumbled to himself as he fell back on his bed. His indigo eyes stared up at the ceiling and for once, he attempted to think positive thoughts about his fated lover, or at least, force himself to.
They could be like Mirio, a bright ball of sun who would be there to support him, always encouraging him no matter what the situation. Someone who would wrap their arms around him and whisper comforting words in his ears during his panic attacks or just when the world got too much to handle. Someone who could love someone like him unconditionally.
Tamaki jumped slightly when his phone rang, indicating he’d gotten a text. He picked it up and stared at it. He’d gotten 2 texts, one from Mirio and another from Nejire. Both of them said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” with a million emojis. Right as Tamaki was about to respond, he felt his blood run cold, numbing him as the realization of what would occur now filled him. 
18. He was 18 now. Shakily, Tamaki grabbed his pen and gingerly pulled back his sleeve, finding the perfect spot to write his greeting.
Tamaki waited patiently for a reply. He thanked both Mirio and Nejire, who wanted to know if his soulmate responded, to which he said no.
Five minutes went by, then ten, then 20. But he received no response. Tamaki frowned, falling on the bed again. Shouldn’t he be happy? He didn’t want to talk to his soulmate. He was too scared to face them. That wasn’t true, deep down, Tamaki was desperate to talk to his soulmate. He needed to talk to them, to know exactly who they were. Guess that wasn’t happening tonight. 
Without saying much to his friends, Tamaki turned off his lights and tried to sleep. He stared into the darkness, that dreadful feeling building up in the pit of his stomach. The feeling was overwhelming, especially when he came to the realization that he’d need to wait longer for the identity of his lifelong partner. It made him feel trapped and none of these overpowering emotions helped the tears that slid down his cheeks that night. What a great way to start his birthday.
Tamaki’s indigo eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the brightness in his room. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking at the clock next to him. 6:32 am. He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. 
Tamaki quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth. As he walked out to his room, he took off his shirt, walking to his closet to grab his uniform. He froze when he saw his wrist.
Happy birthday, love
They… responded!? Tamaki scrambled to find his pen, cursing when he failed to. He grabbed his backpack, quickly fishing out a pen and wrote his message underneath.
Good morning
Tamaki impatiently waited, hoping he’d be able to talk to his soulmate right now. He felt an odd tingling sensation on his wrist as he watched the letters slowly appear.
Good morning! How did you sleep?
Tamaki sat on his bed, shakily writing out his response.
Good, you? And thank you
I slept well! Sorry I responded late; I was a little busy! I’m so happy I finally get to talk you <3
How old are you? Did you wait long?
I turned 18 on (birthday)! Gosh, I was so nervous! What’s your name?
Tamaki debated whether he wanted to reveal his identity. What if they were a villain? It… didn’t matter. Tamaki felt something weird in his chest. He felt comfortable and happy now that he’d been able to talk to them. That anxious feeling he had was no longer there, almost as if it never was.
Tamaki Amajiki. Yours?
(Y/f/n)! That’s a super cute name
Tamaki’s face turned red at the compliment as their name swirled around in his head. (F/n). It was cute. He really liked it.
“(F/n)... it’s nice to meet you.”
“No way! Let me see!” Nejire said, yanking Tamaki’s arm.
“H-Hado! W-wait!” She pouted as he held his arm close to his chest. He unbuttoned his jacket and slid it off, letting his arm sit on the desk. Both Nejire and Mirio leaned in to read what they’d said.
“Wow! I’m so happy for you Tamaki!” Mirio smiled. “When do you plan to meet (f/n)?” Tamaki looked away. Wait… meeting already? Hold on! No one said anything about meeting anybody!
You’re still in school, right? What school do you go to?
Nejire read the message aloud before handing Tamaki a purple pen, which he thanked her for and wrote out his response.
I go to UA
No way! That’s awesome! Congrats on getting in! What course?
Omg! Omg! Omg! My soulmate’s a hero!!!!!
Both Nejire and Mirio chuckled at their response while Tamaki’s face turned a bright red. He immediately stood in front of a wall, holding his wrist against his chest.
“Guess they’re not a villain after all.” Nejire giggled. Sure, (f/n) could be lying to them and pretending to be an innocent civilian… but it felt different. Before, when Tamaki thought about his soulmate, he was so hesitant, confused, and uneasy. But now, a simple thought of his soulmate… and all those thoughts of uncertainty were put to rest. He wasn’t scared, he wasn’t uncomfortable, he wasn’t uneasy. He was content and relieved.
Tamaki felt his wrist tingle again, making his eyes move to the writing. He noticed how… adorable their writing was. The way the E’s curved, the way they wrote their T’s, the way some letters were connected and others weren’t.
You’re not in hero school? Tamaki wrote down, his head still against the cold wall.
‘Not really. My quirk’s (y/q), it’s not the worst with fighting villains, but I just don’t think I have it in me to be a hero’ After the words appeared on his skin, he watched as the others started to disappear. They must’ve been washing their arm to make more room for more writing.
“D-Do you g-guys have a wi-wipe?” Tamaki asked, turning to them. Nejire smiled, grabbing her back.
“Need to clean off the writing?” She asked, reaching into her bag. As she handed him a small wipe, Tamaki quietly thanked her, applying it to his arm. He cleared off most of the writing, while some remained as illegible smudges. “Here, keep it.” Nejire smiled, holding out the entire pack.
‘That’s an interesting quirk, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it.’
‘Wow, I surprised a hero! That’s a point for me.’ They quickly responded. ‘HEY! We should meet! I work at (workplace). You should totally come by! ‘ Tamaki’s anxiety spiked at the thought of meeting his soulmate. That calm, serene feeling fled almost immediately and he clenched his fists. No way. That was too much!
‘Maybe’ he responded, pulling his sleeve down, not bothering to see his soulmate’s reply. He felt the tingling, but ignored it, returning to his seat when the teacher came in. Tamaki felt awful, but there was no way he could meet his soulmate, just the thought of it was too much to handle.
Throughout the class period, Tamaki felt his arm tingle a couple of times, but he didn’t look to see what his soulmate wrote. He couldn’t.
“I’ll look for you, if you want!” Nejire chirped, while munching on her apple. All morning, Tamaki had ignored his soulmate in fear of seeing their response, however, at the same time he was desperate to see what they said.
“O-ok.” He said, holding his arm out. Nejire gently rolled his sleeve up and smiled at the response.
“Look, Amajiki!” He looked down at his arm, his indigo eyes widening a bit at the letters sprawled on his wrist.
‘Oh! I understand, it’s too much! We can wait!’
‘Why aren’t you responding?’
‘Are you upset?’
‘Oh! Duh! You have class! Have a good day, love’ Tamaki immediately searched for a pen, which was halted when Mirio held one out of him.
“Here.” He smiled.
“Thanks.” Tamaki took the cap off and began to write out his reply.
‘Yes, I’m sorry. I had class. Thanks for understanding.’
‘No problem, love!’
“I think it’s adorable how (l/n) keeps calling you love!” Nejire said, dreamily. She placed her hands on her cheeks and looked away. “How romantic!” Tamaki’s ears turned red and he covered his face.
“C-c-calm d-down!” However, he couldn’t help the smile that took over his lips at the thought of his soulmate. They were already understanding and caring. He wondered why he was so worried in the first place.
It had been a little over a month since (f/n) had started talking with their soulmate. They were a bit upset that he still didn’t want to meet up. Of course, they were willing to give him as much time as he needed, but it still hurt. Was there something wrong with them? Was Tamaki unhappy with his soulmate not being a hero? Probably, he was training to be one, so he’d need someone of his caliber standing at his side.
(f/n) frowned, sitting on the dinner table with their family. They were quiet throughout the entire dinner, staring at their clean arm. Tamaki was busy today, so they hadn’t been able to talk at all. (f/n) missed him. A lot more than they thought was possible.
“So, how are you and your soulmate getting along?” (m/n) asked, making (f/n) look up and smile.
“Good, we’re doing good.”
“Do you planning on meeting?” (d/n). (f/n) looked down at the plate of food in front of them at the question. Were they? So far, (f/n) was sure they weren’t.
“I… no.” (f/n) answered, taking a bite of their food.
“Why not?” (m/n) inquired, taking a sip of their drink. (f/n) shrugged, unsure of how to explain their situation.
“He’s got anxiety, so I think it’s just too difficult for him to meet me. I… I’m ok with it. I’ll wait until he’s comfortable.”
“Do you guys know what each other look like? Do you still talk through your skin? Are you friends on social media?” (d/n) asked, looking over at the clearly upset (f/n).
“No, yes, no.” (f/n) answered rather bluntly. “He just needs time. Besides, he’s really busy. He’s a hero in training, you know.” (f/n) informed.
“Oh? That’s awesome! What’s his hero name?” (f/n) frowned at the question again.
“H-he was too shy to tell me.”
“He’s not lying is he?” (m/n) asked, genuinely concerned. “I don’t mean for that to sound rude or anything, but… I worry about you, love.”
“I trust him,” (f/n) said. “I… trust him.” Dinner didn’t last long. (f/n) wasn’t able to eat anything, so instead, they chose to eat at another time. They went upstairs to their room, where they grabbed their pen and wrote out a short message.
‘Hope your patrol is going well! Stay safe, love! ‘ Sighing, (f/n) sat at their desk and started working on their homework for (college course). It was a good distraction because about two and a half hours had passed and (f/n) was exhausted enough to go to bed. They quickly changed into their pjs and got into bed, taking another look at their arm. Nothing. Not a damn thing. (f/n) desperately tried to keep their emotions under control, not wanting to cry for no reason. Stupid emotions.
Tamaki abruptly stopped, placing a hand on his chest. He felt an inconsolable sorrow deep in his heart. He looked around, thinking it could be a villain’s quirk.
“What’s wrong, Suneater?” Fat Gum asked, looking back at him. Unable to really respond, he just looked up at his mentor, a frown on his face. “Suneater?”
(f/n) smiled at their coworkers as they walked into their workplace. Walking to the elevator, they took it to the third highest floor, which was the 23rd floor. They were greeted by their coworker as they stepped out of the elevator and went to their office to start the day. 
For the first hour, everything was rather uneventful, (f/n) found themselves getting lost in their work, when they suddenly felt the building shake with such force, followed by a thunderous explosion. (f/n) frantically looked around, the atmosphere becoming tense as everyone looked at each other. Panic surged through the room, catching everyone off guard with a second explosion, another following right after, making the building shake once more.
“IT’S A VILLAIN ATTACK!” Someone yelled, causing fear to surge through them all. Everyone started to run towards the stairs in an attempt to get downstairs to get out of the building and far away from the scene.
(f/n) screamed as they were shoved down to the floor by the swarming crowd. There was another explosion, much closer to the room everyone was in. They pushed themselves to stand and try to escape, but as everyone ran across the large floor, it started to collapse. Slowly crumbling and falling apart, the group was separated, (f/n) being one of the few still stuck far away from the door. The remainder ran back towards the walls in an attempt to find some stable flooring.
The floor beneath (f/n) started to give in and break apart, they attempted to leap towards one of the more stable spots on the floor. But before they could even attempt to jump, they fell through.
“(L/N)!” Their friends screamed, trying to reach out and catch them, but they were too late. (f/n) shrieked as they fell through the floor. Unfortunately, the next two floors had also broken apart, which meant (f/n) was going to plummet at least twenty feet more! As a last ditch effort to save themselves, they quickly activated their quirk in an attempt to break their fall somehow.
(f/n) landed on a broken column but wasn’t able to grab onto anything, causing them to slip and fall onto a block of concrete, then roll and slam into the ground on their side. A loud groan escaped their lips as they pushed themselves to stand.
An intense pain shot through their spine, making them fall to their knees, with a yelp escaping their lips. Their head was spinning, they felt nauseous, and when looking down, they could see bruises already starting to form and splotches of blood leaking through their now dirty clothing.
“RUN! (F/N) YOU HAVE TO RUN!” (f/n) looked around, but the doors were blocked off with rubble.
“I-I c-can’t!” They yelled back. “I-I can’t…” (f/n) fell to the floor, leaning against a piece of concrete as pain shot throughout their battered body.
“Suneater! Let’s go!” Fat Gum yelled, interrupting Tamaki, whose mind was on his food. “There’s an attack nearby at (workplace)!” Tamaki’s heart sank as fear filled his being. His… soulmate was there. His (f/n) worked there! Without another word, Tamaki quickly followed Fat Gum and the others to the scene of the crime, determined to save his other half.
Fat Gum was right, (f/n)’s workplace was ten minutes away from where they were. When they got there, their eyes widened in horror. Multiple parts of the building were blown apart, smoke emitting from the destroyed sections. People had gathered outside, a distance away, making it difficult for the heroes to get through.
“There’s still people in there!” Someone yelled when they noted the multiple heroes behind the large group.
“Get out of here! Get away!” Fat Gum yelled, then looked down at Tamaki who grabbed his arm.
“M-My soulmate’s in there! I-I have to get them!”
“I don’t know.” Fat Gum could see the fear and panic swirling in Tamaki’s eyes and took him by the shoulders.
“It’s ok. Come on, let’s save them.”
“Uh… wh-what the hell…” (f/n) stuttered as loud cracking echoed through the room. “N-no way!” They looked around and saw more cracks appearing on the floor. Their eyes scanned the room in an attempt to find anything to grab onto or use to not fall through, but there was nothing. Everything was just rubble, the previous two ceilings had broken through, destroying everything in the room.
Still, unwilling to give up, (f/n) crawled to the corner of the room, hoping the floor would be a bit more stable there. The cracks got louder and louder, making tears spring to their eyes.
“I-I don’t kn-know what to do… Tamaki…” they whispered, “Help me. I’m scared.” Finally the floor collapsed, making everything around (f/n) start to fall apart, including the wall they leaned against. They stood up, pain shooting through their body as the floor broke once again. (f/n) quickly grabbed onto a large piece of concrete and held on tightly as it plummeted through the next floor. A scream escaped their lips as the concrete broke apart on impact. (f/n)’s body slammed onto the ground causing them to scream out even louder. After a few moments of not moving, they pushed themselves to sit up and looked around.
Movement had become impossible at this point, making them fall onto their back. Their glossy eyes stared up at the ceiling, tears sliding down the sides of their face as a sob escaped their lips.
“Dammit…” (f/n) mumbled and coughed due to all the dust around the room. The exits were still blocked, but this time there was a large window to the left. It didn’t matter much, (f/n) couldn’t move, no matter how much they willed their body. They weren’t made like heroes were, (f/n) couldn’t shrug off the hits their body had taken. “T-Tamaki… p-please fi-find me…”
(f/n) tilted their head to the side, in an attempt to find something, anything. How would they look with a hero as a soulmate, but they died without fighting. By pure, utter luck, they spotted a pen not too far away. Their eyes widened and they tried to stand, but the pain that shot through their body stopped them.
“N-No…” They mumbled as they rolled over onto their stomach, a scream erupting from their lips at the sheer, intense pain. (f/n) knew something was horribly wrong, but they didn’t even want to think about the injuries right now. Forcing themselves to crawl, they slowly- at the pace of a snail- inched towards the pen.
After a few minutes, they reached out and snatched the pen off the ground, tearing off the cap and immediately writing on their palm.
Tamaki felt the tingling sensation and his eyes shot down to his palm. He saw the message and grabbed Fat Gum’s arm.
“P-Pen! I-I need a pen!” He exclaimed, looking up at his mentor, who looked at him confused.
“I don’t have a pen, Suneater,” He looked at the other heroes. “Do you have a pen?!” They looked at him with a confused expression.
“No?!” One of them yelled back.
“I-I have a pen!” A civilian yelled, reaching into her purse. Tamaki ran to her, giving her a moment to find it. He took it from her, writing underneath it.
Where are you?
Not sure. Hurt. Help.
I can’t find you like that.
Near 20th floor, by large window
Tamaki’s heart clenched as (f/n) slowly wrote out their answer. Their writing was messy and short, a clear indication of their current situation. His indigo eyes shot to the top of the building, as he desperately tried to find their room. But before anyone could do anything, the building started creaking and leaning backwards.
“THE BUILDING’S GONNA FALL! HAWKS!” Fat Gum screamed out as the said hero rapidly used his feathers to gather as many people as he could in the area he was currently. (f/n)’s eyes widened as they felt the building tilt, their body slid against the dirty floor, hitting the slab of concrete they had fallen with.
“He won’t get there in time…” Tamaki muttered, almost feeling wrong saying that of the fastest hero. “B-But I-I don’t know where they are.”
“Go!” Fat Gum commanded as he tried to help more civilians escape. “GO!” Large, feathery, white wings sprouted from Tamaki’s back and he quickly flew up to the 20th floor. His eyes quickly looked through all the windows and he was shocked at the debris he saw inside. Where was (f/n)?
The building started to fall and (f/n) closed their eyes, ready to accept their fate. They tried, they tried to contact Tamaki and no doubt he tried to find them. It just… wasn’t meant to be.
Tamaki darted in between all the window’s stopping when he saw a figure leaning against concrete, their back to him. The building was already falling and he had no way to get to (f/n). He used his tentacles, which immediately shattered the thick window between him and (f/n).
(f/n)’s eyes shot open and they turned their head, seeing large, purple objects shooting towards them. Their arms came up to protect their heads, but the large tentacles wrapped around their torso as their body slipped in between the gap of the shattered window.
Wide, terrified (e/c) eyes watched as the building fell and collapsed onto the ground below, tearing apart the road and the other buildings it landed on. The back of (f/n)’s hand landed on their mouth as tears spilled from their eyes. The damage was awful and frightening, but they felt relief wash over their body as arms wrapped around their torso.
“I got you.” They heard a deep male voice behind them. Tamaki quickly turned (f/n) so that he was able to hold them up in bridal style, wanting to make sure he wasn’t going to drop them. “You’re ok,” he soothed as he slowly moved towards the ground. “Everything’s ok. You’ll be just fine.” (f/n) was silent, their eyes landing on the hero saving them.
Suneater. That was Suneater, a student hero they’d seen plenty of times on the news. He was the shy type, he got easily embarrassed and scared when it came to cameras or big crowds.
“Suneater…” (f/n) whispered, making his eyes widen. He felt an odd sensation flow through him as his indigo eyes met their glossy (e/c) ones. He caught sight of something on their wrist... words?
No way.
“... (f-f/n)?”
“Tamaki?” His feet touched the ground and he immediately hugged (f/n) tightly, holding them close to him as his own nerves started to calm.
“I was so scared,” he said, his hands raking through their hair to calm them down. “I’m so glad you’re ok.” Their arms wrapped around his torso and they buried their face in his chest. They were silent for a moment, before (f/n) broke it.
“Y-You really smell like food.” His cheeks flushed red and he looked away, pointing to the pouches on his chest.
“Th-there’s f-food in here. For m-my quirk.”
“Right, manifest. It’s amazing… you’re amazing. Thank you for saving me, Suneater.” His cheeks were now a darker shade of red but he smiled regardless.
“Tama! Here!” (f/n) happily waved from the small booth they sat in. It had been a few days since the incident and they’d been meeting up pretty much every single day, whenever they had gotten the chance to. The day of the rescue, (f/n) spent at the hospital before Recovery Girl was brought in for healing most of the injured, including themselves. That day, Tamaki had visited them and had continued to meet up with them since.
Tamaki walked over to (f/n)’s booth and slid into the seat in front of them. (f/n) immediately reached out and took his hand, holding it tightly.
“How are you?” He asked.
“I’m good, feeling much better.” They responded, taking a sip of their favorite drink. “I missed you.”
“I m-missed you t-too.” He answered, getting shy again. Though the two hadn’t spent too much time together physically, they felt the natural attraction between them, thanks to that soulmate connection, but also the entire month they’d been communicating with each other. Their personalities melded well together and they felt an overwhelming amount of comfort by just being with each other.
Moments like that truly made Tamaki wonder why he was so scared to begin with. Sure, his fears of his partner being a villain were valid, plenty of heroes had to deal with that. However, he did feel a bit bad for judging (f/n) the way he had. He’d apologized a couple days back and they’d confirmed feeling the same way, which is one of the reasons why they were so happy to find out Tamaki was in the hero course.
“Wanna go on a date today? Like not here, but somewhere else.” He nodded, his large hand gently squeezing (f/n)’s.
“Sure. Wh-where?”
“Wherever you want. I just want to spend time with you.” Tamaki blushed at (f/n)’s statement, but he couldn’t help the smile that graced his soft features. Lifting their hand up, he pressed a gentle kiss on it.
“Anything for you, my love.” Now it was (f/n)’s turn to blush, he’d finally used the term of endearment they’d been using for him this whole time. Unable to handle it anymore, (f/n) moved to sit next to him, then pressed their lips against his warm and soft ones. Tamaki’s eyes widened and a violent blush spread to his cheeks, but he closed his eyes, melting against (f/n)’s touch. Their lips gently and slowly moved against each other and they were a perfect match, like two puzzle pieces.
Every single person in the world was bound to another through some magical, unknown force. A predetermined pair all thanks to the universe. No matter what anyone thought, no matter how much someone thinks they and their soulmate are incompatible, that just wasn’t the case. Their soulmate was theirs until the end of their time. Much like Tamaki and (f/n).
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. Part 5/7.
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7
Warings: Age Gap, Implied Smut, Maybe spelling and language.
Around 3500 words.
A Great Way to Say Goodbye.
A/N (D/P) is dream place
“Goodnight love.” He raised your hand; you didn’t even realise he had been holding and planted a gentle kiss to it before watching you walk away…
You sped walked home, using your phone as a torch, when you approached the front door you noticed all lights, other than the hallway were of. ‘well, this is a good sign’ you thought hoping this would mean everyone was asleep. You unlocked the door and quietly pushed your way inside closing and locking it behind you. So, focused on being quiet you didn’t notice Sam standing there, straight faced and eyebrows raised. But when turned to go upstairs you noticed the tall man blocking your way.
“Uhh Hi.” You stuttered out.
Sam let lose a grin. “So much for not being late huh?”
“We lost track of time.”
“Ah I see. You’re lucky Dean and Bobby are asleep.”
You let out a thankful breath. “Then why are you still up?”
“Making sure you got home safe and what not. You tired?”
“Not really to be honest.” You assumed you should be considering the walking and everything, but alas you found yourself wide awake.
“Neither, although to be honest I fell asleep during the film they put on.”
“Oh, course you did” you chuckled not surprised at all, “So what do you wanna do?”
“Chat for a bit? Catch up just the two of us?” he replied, you knew he wanted to know about your night but was too polite to just ask. You had plenty of time catching up over the past few days when Dean had gone out ‘wondering’ aka to bars.
“Sure, but my room so we don’t wake Dean up?” You say looking over your shoulder at a sprawled out snoring Dean on the sofa. You swear he can sleep anywhere.
Sam nodded his head, letting you past and following you up to your room. Closing the door behind the two of you as to limit noise Bobby would get if you ended up laughing too loud.
“So how was your night?” you asked, as you sat on your bed.
“Boring as usual, Dean found some crappy gang film and made us sit through it.” He said sitting opposite you on your bed.
“Or sleep through it?”
“Yeah, how about yours?”
“Fine” you say the corners of your mouth smiling.
“Fine? Doesn’t seem like the best word (N/N)”
“Well...” Then looking at Sam you realised how much you wanted to talk to someone about how happy you were feeling so you did, and Sam listened.
He listened to how nervous you were sitting down at the table, how you felt when he held your hand walking. How you could talk about anything and everything, and you did, but also how you wanted to get to know him more. You rambled on, Sam listening and asking more questions, until God knows how early in the morning. It was a nice feeling being able to talk to Sam like this, and he felt it to, he loved how you could open up and not be worried about what you said to him, he noticed this differed from when you were with the others, one example was when you let it slip out how your date was a bit older, and although this peaked his interest and caused a few questions he moved on, didn’t try to lecture you like Dean would. Eventually after talking about your night, and Sam telling you a few tales of random things, and how he had felt finding a picture of Jess and him the other day, you both fell asleep.
Both of you woke up around 1pm to Dean throwing pillows at you both and going on about how it was time to get your lazy arses up. Then the boys left Friday morning, having found a ghost to deal with. The house was once again quiet. You didn’t mind the quiet, but it was a bit lonely, but you knew they would be around again soon enough causing welcomed chaos.
You had shared a few messages with Crowley regarding your bowling plans, and both of you decided that 3pm sounded good, this time however you were picking him up. You had asked Bobby if you could use his car and he reluctantly gave in. That was where you were sat now, pulling up into a layby outside the hotel Crowley had given you the name of. Pulling out your phone you messaged him a quick
Y- Outside in a layby, look for the old blue Chevelle.
And within a few minutes Crowley walked up to the passenger door and got in.
“Hiya” you started as he settled, putting a belt on etc.
“Hello, how are you doing?” He replied looking straight at you.
“I’m doing good thanks Crowley. How about you?”
“Wonderful thank you.” He said still looking into your eyes.
Breaking the stare, you asked. “Do you know where the place is?”
“Of course, I do” he said looking forward as you started the car following his directions.
The car ride was short and filled with small talk and taking turns as instructed, until you arrive at your destination. The place was quite busy, which wasn’t a shock considering it was a Friday, you were just happy you had booked in advance. This was unknown to Crowley as he frowned looking at all the full lanes. But looking out of place he still followed you to the counter.
“Hi, Drew” you smiled to the guy behind the counter. He used to be the newspaper boy when you first moved in with Bobby and seeing as you were the last house on his route, he would stay and chat with you for a bit. He was probably your first friend, that was your age, you made after moving in. He was the sort of person you would see walking by and give a quick hello to, but not linger on for a full conversation.
“(Y/N), hey, how have you been?” the long-haired boy replied.
“Fine thanks, and you, didn’t know you worked here.”
“Good thanks, and yeah been here for about a year now. What can I do you for?”
“Cool, and we have a lane booked under my name.” you answered feeling Crowley’s hand on the small of your back.
He clicked the computer a few times and handed over your papers. “Right, you’ll be in lane 13, which in the cove over there. What sizes can I get you both?” he said smiling at the two of you.
You got your shoes and headed over to the cove holding lanes 11-14. Putting your shoes on, which Crowley begrudgingly did as well, you put your information into the computer.
“I’m going to put barriers up. Is that okay?” You asked laughing at the distasteful look on Crowley’s face regarding the shoes.
“Whatever you want love.”
You finished the settings clicking enter, then sat down beside him, a smirk on your face. “I think they suit you.”
“Ahh yes I must get some for my wardrobe.” He replied rolling his eyes at your giggle.
You both started playing. You are going first and only knocking 4 pins down. “Just warming up.” You claimed.
Crowley followed after, only knocking down 5. “Just warming up.” He mimicked.
The game was filled with many jokes at both your expenses. Soon enough after 3 rounds you had won, barely, but you still one. After you decided to go to a café that was near by to get some food and just chat.
You were sat at the small white table, as Crowley brought your drinks over and sat opposite you.
“So, you mentioned your brothers had gone?”
“Yeah, unfortunately.” You sighed.
“Know when they will be back?”
“Nope, just like with your job theirs is unpredictable.”
Crowley chuckled at this, “I see, although I doubt theirs is much like my job at all.”
“I still don’t understand what you do.” You stated sipping your drink.
“Well, it’s hard to explain.”
“You said you make deals, right? So, what sort of deals?”
“Many different ones.”
“To who?”
“Many different people.”
“Wow that narrows it down.” You say rolling your eyes slightly.
“Like I said love, it’s hard to explain.”
“Hmm maybe one day I’ll get it.”
“Yes maybe.”
“When you get better at explaining.” You both laughed.
*General time skip*
The next two weeks were perfect.
You spent them;
Training or helping Bobby out. Even being allowed to answer a few phone calls. Which you did a good job if you can say so yourself. The people on the other end found it helpful anyway.
You had seen Crowley quite a bit, growing closer and growing feelings towards the dark-haired man. Bobby wasn’t sure about you hanging out with your newfound friend so much, until he realised how happy you had been recently. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt guilty for you being stuck in the house with him all the time.
You and Crowley talked in detail about everything, well you leave out all the supernatural things of course. You both had planned late one night that he wanted to take you to (D/P). That was the start of you planning random trips together, that may never happen. But he promised no matter what he would take you to (D/P).
You had even heard from Sam a lot, he talked to you about all the things going on his end, the increase in the supernatural activity. How he had a weird one-night stand with this woman who called him James Bond. You took to filling him in on how Bobby was, and everything going on with Crowley. Sam was the only person you could properly tell, so you did. Including how he had taken up calling you princess, and it made you have butterflies.
Sam smiled on the other end of the phone when you would go on little tangents, not meaning to, about pointless things. He noticed, like Bobby, how happy you had been, not that you had been unhappy before, but now well it was hard to describe.  
Sam was the first person you talked about maybe loving the man you had been seeing.
It came up randomly a week ago. You both talking about a hunt him and Dean had been on where Dean had been fornicating with a witch, when out of the blue you asked.
“Sam, what does love feel like?”
Sam was a bit taken aback but he still answered. “Love? Well, it’s hard to exactly describe.”
“How do you know?”
“If you’re in love?” Sam asked.
“Well, I think it’s when someone makes you happy even when you’re sad. They understand you completely and you can talk to them about anything. The feeling you get when you’re with them is hard to explain, like a mixture of excitement and nervousness in one. But honestly I think you just know.” Sam smiled through the phone.
“I think I might…” You trailed of not wanting to sound stupid, after all you had known this man only 3 weeks.
“I think you might to.” Sam replied knowingly.
*It has been a total of 4 weeks since you first saw Crowley*
You’re led on the sofa listening to Bobby rant on about ‘stupid town people’. It’s 9pm on Monday and you both got back from dinner, him deciding it would be nice for you both to spend some time together outside the house.
Your phone went off, signalling a message. You waited for Bobby to finish his rant, commenting how he didn’t like anyone no matter what they did. He denied the fact and headed upstairs to do who knows what. So, you read your phone.
C: Good evening Princess. I know it’s late, but can we call?
Y: Sure, everything okay?
He replied by ringing you, you pick up immediately.
Y- “what’s up Crowley?”
C- “Oh nothing, just Peters coming back in time for next week’s service.”
Y- “Does that mean you’re leaving?”
C- “Originally I was going to stay a bit longer. But unfortunately, something kicking off at work and I need to be down there to sort it out.”
Y- “Oh” you replied, sure that he could hear the sadness in your voice. “are you leaving now?”
C- “(Y/N) do you really think I would leave without saying goodbye?”
Y- “I assumed this was your goodbye.”
C- “Always assuming things. No, I’m leaving early Wednesday morning, and was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together Tuesday. I know its late notice again but…”
Y- “Yes.” You said before even thinking, you didn’t have anything planned other than training and you’re sure Bobby wouldn’t mind being alone for one day. Realising you hadn’t finished you continued. “I’m not doing anything, and it would be nice to say goodbye before you go.”
C- “Well then, I suppose I better get some rest before tomorrow. How does 11am sound for getting some brunch?”
Y- “Perfect Crowley, and same I shall see you tomorrow.”
C- “Until then princess, Sleep well.”
Y- “You to.” And with that you hung up and put your phone on the table.
He was leaving. You knew he would eventually, but it was still quite a shock. You knew you could still call and chat, but you would miss hanging out with him every couple of days.
You were lost in thought when Bobby came in noticing your slightly downtrodden face.
“What’s up kid?” he asked sitting in the armchair looking at you.
Snapping out of your thought you looked up replying “Nothing much, although do you mind spending the day alone tomorrow?”
“Hmm depends why.” He asked eyeing you suspiciously.
“My friends leaving Wednesday, and we thought we would hang out.”
“And do what?”
“We didn’t get past brunch, but something.”
“How come your friends going?”
“He’s got to go back home, job and life and everything.”
“Of course, kid, go have fun, I’m sure I can handle myself for a day and not burn the house down.”
You look at him doubtfully, “hmm are you sure about that?”
“I’m old enough to look after myself.”
“Won’t argue with that. Thanks dad” you say heading upstairs. Before freezing at the bottom step. The first time in the 4 years being there you called him dad. You didn’t even mean to; you didn’t even know why you did. You look at Bobby unsure what his reaction would be. But he was grinning.
“No problem. Get some sleep.” he said his smile growing.
You headed up stairs got ready then falling asleep for the night.
The next morning you met Crowley at 11 in the park again. He still laughed at the fact he wasn’t allowed to pick you up. You weren’t sure why you still wouldn’t let him, but you didn’t. He drove you to coast, where you both had a lovely brunch, walked along the pier, went into a few shops (you buying a dress you found) and spent time together. You didn’t do much, but that didn’t matter you were both content in each other’s company.
When the sun started setting around 7pm. You had both decided you were hungry, and to Crowley’s suggestion decided that going to the Italian place that was halfway from where you were now, and your house was a good idea. But when you were nearly there you couldn’t help but laugh seeing your reflection in the mirror of the car. Crowley being confused gave you a sideways glance.
“Something wrong Princess?”
“Crowley, we can’t go to a restaurant like this.” You say mimicking to both your states. You not only were in casual clothes that didn’t seem like dinner wear, but also dusted with sand from beach. Plus, due to the wild wind of the coast your hair was a mess. Crowley looked at you then down and chuckled.
“I suppose your right, although I do want to try that place before I leave.” He thought for a moment. “We pass my hotel on the way, we could stop by my room freshen up, and you could change into that dress you brough back there.”
You didn’t respond immediately so Crowley continued. “Only if you want, I just thought seeing as we made reservations for the place, and we would have enough time as they are for quarter to 9, and its only 20 past 7 now. Or we could just do something else?” he rushed out, having one of his rare, but adorable nervous moments.
“Crowley” you said getting his attention, as he drives. “That sounds like a great idea.”
So, you went to his hotel room which to your surprise was very nice and suited him. He jumped in the shower and got dressed in the bathroom in little time, as you looked at the view from the bedrooms window.
“Bathrooms all free.” Came a voice behind you, breaking you out of your trance of the city. You nodded and without thinking went into shower. After the quick shower, you got out and wrapped a towel around you, before realising in your haste… you didn’t bring your clothes in. You put on your underwear and re wrapped the towel, knowing you weren’t putting your dirtied clothes back on and defeating the object of having a shower. So, you awkwardly peered your head around the door. Clinging the towel to your body you opened the door a bit more, to see Crowley sat on the bed looking at his hands. Noticing the door move however he looked up, to see your embarrassed face. Scanning the room, you see your bags at the end of the bed, and not thinking you could simply ask him to give it to you, you exited the room, still making sure the towel was wrapped around your frame.
“I uh, left my clean clothes out here.” You stuttered out.
(*Mini kind of warning, but not smut just heat?*)
He just looked at you. Crowley couldn’t help himself. He had been limiting himself to only hand kisses, or kisses on the cheek. But you stood in his room, red face from the warmth of the shower, wet hair dripping cooling water droplets over your exposed shoulder, in your bra straps peaking from beneath the towel. He couldn’t help it.
In one swift movement he got up and walked to you, meeting you outside the bathroom door and planted a kiss on your lips. Not a small peck, but one filled with passion and want. As hand rested on your cheek. You were shocked at first, but soon kissed back pulling him closer by his hair. You kissed of a while before you parted for air. Your faces still close, his hand still on your cheek and yours resting in his hair. Until he pulled away.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Why not?” You said confused and slightly hurt.
“I just, shouldn’t have.” He sat down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. You joined him sitting next to him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Crowley what’s wrong?” you ask quietly and innocently.
“I can’t, not yet. You’re too young and we haven’t known each other that long.” He shifts away out of your reach, still sat on the bed. “And you in that towel is making it really hard for me to concentrate.”
You look at him. “Crowley, we talked about this, I don’t mind your age. Plus I liked the kiss.”
He shifted his gaze to you, gazing down your body slightly before meeting your eyes. “If I kiss you like that again, I don’t know if i'll be able to stop.” He sighed averting his eyes, “especially when you’re looking like that.”
You shifted closer to him, “Maybe I don’t want you to stop” you reply, hoping your voice didn’t sound as nervous as you felt.
You had thought about it before, late at night alone in your room. But you had also never done it, with anyone, but you wanted this man before you and thought you could try. Hoping it wouldn’t backfire as you pressed a kiss to his neck.
“Princess” he groaned guiding your face away so he could look at you. “You don’t know what you want.”
You took a deep breath in, and without thinking to much about the consequences you stood up. Crowley’s eyes still on you, assuming he had convinced you and you were on the way to get your clothes. But he was proven wrong when, still with your back facing him spoke.
“I know what I want” and with that you dropped your towel, leaving you in your underwear, and you turned around to face him.
“Have you ever…” he trailed of, his mind wondering if he was actually considering giving in.
“No. But I want to, and I trust you.” You said seriously locking your eyes with his. “I want you Crowley, please.”
And with that he gave in, reached out to grab your waist pulling you down onto his lap, and you made out… which led to more…which led to now, you and Crowley led in his bed, both nude cuddling.
“I think we missed out dinner reservations” you giggled out.
“Yes princess, I think we did” he chuckled. “We can get room service though.”
And you did. You dropped Bobby a text saying you were staying with your friend, to his confusion and unliked agreement, and spent the night with Crowley, in one of his shirts. A great way to say goodbye.
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fluffyskies · 4 years
Sanders Sides
Ship: Could be seen as Moceit
Category: Tickling [Tickle-fic]
Roles: Ler Janus, Lee Patton, mentions of Virgil, Logan and Roman
Summary: Patton wanted to spend one on one time with the others but unexpected messages make them cut the bonding time short.
Note: This is actually the first time I'm writing Janus/Deceit °v°.
Patton had asked Virgil if he wanted to hangout this morning so they were in his room cuddling and talking.
"Ahhh this is relaxing...." Virgil said quietly
"Yeah this is" replied Patton
"I don't ever wanna leave..." said Virgil
"Well you don't have to it's only 8:30" Patton said happily
"W-wait? 8:30??"
"Mhm, that's what I said"
"Oh no, oh no I'm late!" the anxious side said getting out of the warm and toasty blankets.
"Late for what?" Patton asked
"O-oh umm.....R-roman asked me to help him" he stammered
"With what?"
Virgil knew that Patton was just curious to why he was leaving so soon, but he was a bit embarrassed to say. So he came up with a lie and hopefully it was believable.
"To....to....to help him chose some clothes for a new outfit" Virgil said with an awkward smile.
"Oh ok then you go, don't wanna keep royalty waiting" Patton smiled
"Thanks Pat!" and then he was gone
Now that Virgil was gone Patton found himself wanting more bonding time. So he went to Logan's room to ask if he wanted to hangout.
On his way though he heard something unusual...was that laughter? Patton tried to ignore it but it was hard to not think about it. Once he arrived at Logan's door he knocked then asked if they could spend some time together. Which Logan happily agreed to and beckoned him to come in his room.
It had been about 15-20 minutes and Patton and Logan were playing a mind game. To Patton's surprised he was winning but Logan wasn't that far behind. He seemed distracted so he ask him if something was wrong, but he said it was nothing.
After about 10 more minutes Patton heard Logan's phone beep, he picked it up and handed it to him.
Virgil- Hey specs your appointment is ready
Logan- Ah thank you but I'm with Patton at the moment and I'm not sure what to do
Virgil- Oh you can just use my little excuse but tweak it a bit so its not suspicious
Logan- I will thanks
"Oh my apologies Patton but I may have to excuse myself"
"I'm afraid Virgil acquires my assistance"
"With what?"
"He wants a second opinion on Roman's outfit that he chose" Logan said clearing his throat.
"Hmm ok"
"Will you be fine?"
"Oh yeah, don't worry about me!" Patton said smiling
Logan just nodded and left in a hurry
And again Patton was left alone, it was getting harder to put on a smile because he just wanted to spend some time with the others. Now it seems as though their avoiding him? but he didn't want to think that was case.
Then just like before he started to hear laughter again.
Patton wanted to go and see for himself to why he was hearing laughter but he saw Roman in the living room.
"Hiya Ro"
The creative side turned his head and smiled
"Hey Padre"
Now Patton just had to know...if he was also going to have to leave.
"So are you busy?"
"Hmm, right now no but later I have plans"
He has plans, I wonder for what? Does it have to do with everyone? Is it linked to the laughter I've been hearing? Bunches of questions were going through his head.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering hehe, anyway wanna hangout?"
Then both of them went to Roman's room. They were listening to disney music and singing along to them.
It had already been awhile and Patton was starting to keep an eye on when Roman had his plans. The only weird thing was Roman kept checking his phone like he was expecting a notification soon. Then soon enough his phone dinged and Patton noted the way Roman smiled and bit his lip.
"Hey Pat I'm afraid we have to cut this short I'm sorry"
"I know you have plans correct?"
"Yep" he said as he turned to leave but was stopped when Patton grabbed his tunic.
"Wait a minute"
"Umm y-yes?"
"What exactly are these plans?"
Roman knowing how Patton can be sometimes, handed him a blank piece of paper. When Patton was confused to why he handed him a piece of paper, he used that to escape before Patton had the chance to ask about it.
Patton looked at the paper it wasn't blank it had something on it. It looked like a phone number and it said 'Call to schedule an appointment with Doctor Giggles'. Who's that? Patton thought. So without question he quickly dialed the number in his phone.
When the person on the other side pick up they said hello
"Hi this is Patton Sanders"
"Hello Mr. Sanders" the voice replied
"I'd like to schedule an appointment"
"Oh excellent, your appointment should be soon I will contact you as soon as we're ready"
"Ok thank you" and then he hung up
Also when he was in the call he noticed Roman's laughter echoing through the phone but it wasn't that loud. That seemed to raise Patton's suspicion even more than it was.
About a half and hour later his phone buzzed. He picked up the phone and saw he got a message. Patton clicked the message and read it and it said 'Your appointment is in a few minutes the Doctor is ready for you, here are directions to the room.
Directions? Patton thought. So he followed the directions to the door. Patton took a good look at the door and he didn't recognize it. He knew the Mind Palace very well and did not recall ever seeing this room before, maybe Roman made it?
Patton was now ready to see what was waiting for him on the other side. He slowly opened the door and saw a silhouette of a person. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the different lighting and when they did Patton was surprised to see....
"Janus? is that you?"
"Hmm? I do not know this Janus you speak of...I am Doctor Giggles"
"But you look just like him" the moral side looked from head to toe and that was indeed Janus in a doctors costume.
"Well we might have sssome sssimilarities but I assure you that we are not the sssame person"
"Ok I guess I made a mistake" Patton knew he was pretending so he might as well go along with it as well.
"Anyway Mr. Sanders would you please sit down over here and answer some questions"
Patton nodded his head and sat down
"Ok question #1 how ticklish are you?" he said with a smirk
Of course not knowing the doctor would flat out ask this question caught poor Patton of guard. He struggled to answer and his face was beginning to turn pink.
"I-im pretty...."
"Pretty what?
"Hmm ok" and he wrote it down in his note book
"Question #2 what are your favorite tickle tools?
And again Patton struggled to answer (poor little bean)
"I-I would have to s-say f-feathers and t-toothbrushes"
"Ok good" and he wrote that down
"Last question, what are your worst spots?
"W-what?" Patton said face getting warmer
"You heard me" the doctor smiled
"M-my thighs....b-be-stomach..and n-neck/ears"
"Ok good job now please wait here while I get the preparations"
"O-ok" Patton listened but he still confused on why he had to answer those questions.
When the doctor came back it finally occurred to Patton.
"So would you like to be restrained?" asked the doctor
"Kind of" Patton blushed. "Can I have my feet restrained...?"
"Csssertainly" he said as he got some rope and tied Patton's ankles. Patton watched with a wobbly smile.
"Nervous are we?"
With a bright vibrant blush he nodded
"Awe cute, well that's quite alright because since this is your first time here you would be a little nervous. But I assure you your gonna have fun" he said as he looked Patton's in the eyes.
All Patton could do was look hopeful squirming in place, anticipation jumping to a whole nother level as he watched Doctor Giggles pick up a feather. And that feather looked very very very fluffy.
Already Patton was giggling even at the sight of the feather and wiggling his toes. The doctor walks over to his feet positioning the feather right at his toes getting ready to saw at the sensitive skin in between.
"Are you ready Patton?" the doctor asked
Just as the doctor got his reply he started to saw the soft fluffy feather in between his ticklish toes. Making Patton giggle hysterically and he tried multiple times to catch the feather with his toes. But only to met with a buzzing electric toothbrush being stuck in between his toes instead.
"Eeeeeahahahaha!! Nahaha!"
The doctor grinned "Silly you can't do that or you'll get even more tickles"
Then tie went on and the doctor went to different spots eliciting many giggles. Squeaks when he brushed the feather on his neck or ears, squeals when he squeezed his thighs and the bubbliest laughter when he got his adorable tummy.
After about a half-hour later of this playful tickling it was over.
"Haaah that was fun!"
"Hmm glad you enjoyed yourself"
Doctor Giggles untied Patton's feet and helped him to his feet.
"Please come again some time" the doctor smiled
"I will!" Patton shouted happily as he skipped through the door, he'd definitely need to schedule more appointments
Hiya! Sorry I have made a t-fic in awhile 😣 I got caught up doing art so I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed I have another one coming soon! Have a nice day :D
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Clariii hiya I hope you are doing good 💕
I’m sorry I have taken a while to reply, been packing again to move into new student housing so busy stressful times sorting all that stuff out but I’m moving this week so not too much stress left <3
My tattoo actually didn’t hurt at all, I got my lil koi fish done on the side of my wrist like if you hold your arms out straight and then turn it to the side so your thumb is facing up its on that side if that makes any sense - ngl it was kinda relaxing, I told my tattoo artist that I could’ve fallen asleep
Also I saw your post about damiano and omg in so happy that you love them too - I thought you would like them and honestly the whole band are fashion icons and I am obsessed <3 because they won Eurovision they’ll do a Europe tour and I am hoping to get tickets whenever the dates are realised because I need to see them live
How are you doing? What have you been up to recently? I haven’t managed to make anymore progress on the film list you gave me so no film updates unfortunately - oh actually I went to see Candyman in the cinemas and it was not my favourite horror in the world, more gory than scary which I don’t mind but gore doesn’t bother me, I’m not very squeamish so if I see a horror movie I do want it to scare me and I can’t say that this one did so if you’ve seen it or were planning on it then that is just my thoughts <3
Anyways I’ll finish this lil ramble now, I’m glad to see you’re doing a bit better now but remember to stay hydrated and rest because being a bad bitch is hard work (I apologise if that was kinda cringe but I mean it with love) <3
I’ll love you and leave you now, hope you’re having a fantastic day and I’m sending you all the love and hugs in the world <333-🍯
hi honey bb!!!
no oh my gosh no need for apologies!!! that sounds really stressful but also really exciting!! i hope everything went smoothly <3
WAAAH THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE!!!!!!! omg no i totally get what you mean, i don't really mind the feeling but i'm also a huge masochist sooooo LMAO
YES YES YES OH MY GOSH I'M SO GLAD YOU SAW IT HAHAHA holy fuck yes i'm totally obsessed too honestly i think they're all v talented and i find them super inspiring???? both my boyfriend and i also feel this immense amount of pride for them, being italian ourselves you know? AAAAAH oh my gosh i hope you get tickets!!! we nearly bought tickets to their show in rome in 2022 since we plan to travel to italy in 2022 to explore potential places to live (but i really don't want to go in july lmao so :( we didn't purchase them).
i'm,,,,,,, ah. yeah. every day is different; some days are better than others. but i won't give up!!! i'm trying my very best to get better again, and i have a few appointments coming up etc.
in happier and more exciting news, i finally got my hair done!!! decided to dye it ash blonde (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ i really love it, i miiiiiiight post a photo for a split second to share it with everyone, waaah idk i'm rly shyyyy
other than that, i've been spending a lot of time with my family + my boyfriend. we've been going to the zoo a lot, and just this past weekend we went hiking right along the niagara whirlpools, so that was super fun and scary but rly pretty hehe <3 my boyfriend and i are also picking up learning italian again (LMAO) because the prospect of moving to italy seems to be becoming more and more of a reality with each passing day, so!! my mom's been speaking to me in italian at home, but she speaks a calabrian dialect and not standard italian, so there's a bit of a disconnect there hehehe <3 but it's still cool, she's so happy we're learning lmao
and then every day i write a bit of break my bones. i've been jumping between part four, part five, and the epilogue, but so far i'm really happy with what i've written, even if it's going suuuuper slowly (i only wrote like 800 words last night D: but it's better than nothing!)
i totally get u on the candyman issue; i wasn't planning on seeing it in theatres but i'm with you 100% on gore vs terror. like i LOVE gore but i don't find it scary. i haven't been to a theatre in so long and i miss it a lot but :( i'm still really selective on the public places i'll go to hahaha
ah thank you so much for this message, honeybun <333 i love you more than anything!!!!! i hope you're doing well, and that the beginning of school is being kind to you <3 HAHAHA pls ur so cute <33 i am trying my best to take care of myself, pinky promise!! hopefully i can return fully to my blog soon :(
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sunfloweradoring · 4 years
the one with the terrible first date
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Hi! So if you were wondering I was thinking of structuring the page like the stories with ‘the one with...’ being in chronological order. Obviously it’s totally fine to dip in & out whenever & to whichever story but I’ll refer back to events or things that happened in previous pieces. However, if you guys had specific requests whether they’re about one of the ‘the one with...’ stories or just in general I was thinking of doing some blurbs or mini one shots potentially connected to one of the stories if you just dropped me a message of what you were thinking. I hope this makes sense!
Anyway, enjoy this disastrous first date :) xx
word count: 2.8k
Ever since the party 10 days ago Harry and I had been in contact almost nonstop. We’d only spent a matter of hours chatting that night, but I felt like I’d managed to gain some sort of understanding of him as a person in that time; whilst I was kind of right about that, in the days we’d been texting and sharing the occasional phone call, I was starting to realise what a genuinely kind-hearted guy he really was.
Each call or initiating message from him always started asking about me: how I was, how my day had been, what I was going to be doing the next day. Somehow he also managed to shift the focus off himself to me, making me feel like not only did he really care about the answers to these queries, but that I was the centre of his attention.
Therefore, when one Tuesday evening (after a particularly boring day trawling through a couple of scripts sent to me by my agent) Harry asked if I wanted to ‘go out sometime over the weekend’ I felt an eruption of butterflies in my tummy and a stupidly big grin take over my features.
‘yeah, that’d be cool :)’ I replied, trying to vastly underplay the amount of ‘cool’ it would be.
‘great :D’ He responded, ‘what are you doing saturday night? would you maybe wanna come round mine?’
‘that sounds like fun, do you want me to bring anything? we could have a movie night or something’ I texted back, already starting to feel slightly overcome with excitement as my hands felt a little sweaty as they tightly grasped my phone.
‘you let me worry about everything! send me your address and i’ll pick you up at 6:30, just bring yourself and your beautiful face ;)’
“What are you gonna wear, then?” Saoirse questioned, leaning back against my headboard with her legs crossed out in front of her. I stood with my hands clamped to my hips, nearly half my wardrobe strewn out across the floor as I’d panicked earlier to find something to wear Saturday.
“Well, that’s the million pound question, isn’t it?” I huffed, pushing my hair out of my face as I inspected the various items of clothing cluttering up my bedroom carpet. “I don’t actually know what we’re doing so how am I supposed to know what to wear!”
Saoirse let out a little laugh as she swung her legs off the bed, pushing herself away from the mattress to stand beside me. “Okay, no need to get stressy. We’ve got the rest of the evening and all of tomorrow if we need it so just calm down.” She soothed, gently placing her hands on my arms as she guided me to take a seat on the bed. “What about this?” She questioned, leaning down and retrieving an emerald green knitted jumper from the pile and holding it up to her chest. “You could wear it with a skirt, or some trousers, jeans maybe. It would look really cute. Brings out your eyes.” Her words seemed to flow like a stream of conscious, her mind running away with her as she chucked it onto the bed beside me. I gathered it, holding it on my lap. It was my favourite jumper, but did it really shout first date?
“Those jeans are nice.” I spoke, leaning over the little rail at the end of my bed and pointing down to a blue pair of jeans. Saoirse glanced up at me, her eyebrows pulled together. “Um, no.” Was all she responded with.
“Right, so you’re both going to the cinema and then having some food?” My aunt, Rose, confirmed, hands submerged in the sink as she washed up the dishes. I nodded tentatively. I’d lived with her long enough for her to see straight through me and now exactly when I was lying; thus I hoped if I kept my speech to a bare minimum I may be able to get away with it. “Alright, well I hope you and Saoirse have a nice time, say hello to her for me.” Rose smiled, glancing at me before returning to her task. I released a silent breath before leaving the kitchen, going to the front door.
At 6:28 I wanted to be at the front of the drive to avoid anyone from the house seeing Harry picking me up. As far as they knew, Saoirse and I were having a friend date and that’s all they needed to know. 
“Bye!” I shouted behind me as I pulled the door closed, zipped up my blue puffer jacket and ran down the two porch steps and stood at the end of the drive. With my hands stuffed in my pockets to protect me from the late winter chill, I tried to shield my face as best I could in the top of my jacket. 
I’d barely been standing there five minutes before a car slowed in front of me, the passenger window lowering and a head popping out over the passenger seat. I bent my knees a little to allow me to see inside the car.
“Hiya! Sorry I’m a little late. I think it’s the universe’s law that if you’re going somewhere for a certain time, every single red light has to hit you first.” Harry chuckled, unbuckling his seatbelt and reaching for the handle of the driver’s door.
“It’s fine! Don’t worry.” I giggled, reaching for the handle of the passenger door. “Only like two-”
“Wait!” Harry squawked, shooting out of the car at the speed of light and running round in time to gently bat my hand away from the handle. “That’s my job.” He grinned, pulling open the door and gesturing with his hand for me to get in. I blushed a deep crimson. Fingers crossed he couldn’t see as I nipped into the car.
“Thank you.” I spoke shyly as he himself got back into the driver’s seat. He shot me a smirk as he started the car again.
“What kinda gentleman would I be if I let m’lady open a door for herself?” Harry joked, adopting a both accent as he drove away from the front of my house. The butterflies that had been dancing away inside my tummy since Tuesday suddenly became a frenzied explosion at his words; how on earth was I supposed to come with him saying things like this the rest of the night?
Harry’s little apartment was warm an cozy - a needed escape from the frosty outside. It was small and quaint, but what more could you expect of a 17 year old, really? 
“Welcome to my humble abode.” Harry spoke, flicking on the light to illuminate a modestly decorated studio flat. He closed the door, removing his coat as he gestured to take mine too.
“Thank you.” I repeated in the same tone as before, shimmying out of my jacket. 
“So I made us dinner, and we can watch something afterwards if you still wanted to. But let me just put the food back in the oven to warm it up, yeah?” He smiled, his hand ghosting over the the bottom of my back as a way to guide me through the flat.
“It already smells really nice in here.” I complimented, breathing in the aromas of the food he’d obviously prepared earlier. 
“Ye haven’t tried it yet.” Harry jested with a little laugh. “But thanks, it’s one of my mum’s recipes I think. She told me it would be a good thing to make for a first date.” He explained, placing two covered dishes into the oven and turning it on. 
“Can I ask what it is, or is it a surprise?” I questioned, attempting to glance under the foil before the oven was promptly closed.
“Oi, no it’s a surprise!” He interjected, quickly moving his body in front of the oven. There was only a matter of inches between our faces, causing (for the second but most certainly not the last time) a blush to sweep my cheeks. “Right let’s see what film we can start while we wait for that to heat up.” His voice was far softer than usual, his eyes momentarily darting between mine and my lips. 
I sat on his little sofa, flicking through the little booklet of DVDs he had stored. 
“When In Rome?” I questioned with a little laugh. “What’s a guy like you doing with a film like that?” I teased, looking up at him as he stood in front of the telly, hands holding the remote. 
“Heyyy,” Harry laughed, voice a little whiney. “I can be in touch with my feminine side, you know. I actually quite enjoy the odd RomCom.” He said, taking a seat next to me, his knee grazing the side of my jean covered leg.
“Sorry.” I giggled, continuing to flick through the pages. “Just never put you down for someone like that.” I shrugged.
“Oh? Then what kinda person did you put me down for then?” He smirked, leaning back into the sofa, his head propped in his hand as he elbow rested on the back of the cushion. 
“I don’t really know, maybe like every other teenage boy: too cool for this, and too busy with girls for that.” My words were intended as a joke, but there was a little part of me that perhaps thought there was some truth in it.
“No, no, no, definitely not.” Harry shook his head and sending his curls in every which direction, sitting up straighter. “My mother taught me to respect women, taught me to be kind to others and that you’re never too good for anything.” He said. A smile formed on my lips. He really was a true gentleman, wasn’t he?
“And then it just kinda went from there.” Harry summarised, sipping from the glass bottle of coke. “Just went on there as myself but I think it’s pretty cool I’ve come out in a band. Who knows, could be the next Beatles.” He laughed. “Nah, we may get somewhere but nothing like them. They’re legends.” 
Before I could reply, my nose scrunched in displeasure at the new waft of smells assaulting my nostrils. “What’s tha-” The shrill beeping noise of the fire alarm cut me off.
“Shit!” Harry shouted, leaping up from the sofa and dashing towards the oven. As he wrenched open the oven door, a pillow of smoke tumbled out, causing him to cover his mouth and nose with his elbow as he attempted to turn off any heat source making the situation worse. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.” He chanted to himself, grabbing the oven gloves and pulling the two dishes out of the oven, placing them on the side and pulling of the foil covering. “Well that looks delicious.” He sarcastically observed, standing to the side as I walked up next to him. The food was entirely black, charred beyond belief. 
“Oh my god, Harry.” I pursed my lips together to prevent the laugh that was attempting to escape. “I’m sorry. I thought it was gonna be really nice.” I cleared my throat, wafting the air around with my hand. 
“You can laugh.” Harry spoke with a grin, bumping his hip into mine playfully. This seemed to unleash the giggles that had been hiding in my throat. “I just wanted to impress you.” He quietly whined. I slowly calmed down, holding out my arms in a offered hug. He pushed the oven gloves off his hands, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my wait as mine encircled the back of his neck.
“You don’t need to try and impress me, Harry.” I spoke quietly, my lips near his ear. “I wanted to come on this date because I like you, not because I think you’re the next Jamie Oliver.” 
“Well I clearly showed that’s not in the near future, didn’t I!” He chuckled, his chest rumbling a little against mine.
“Let’s just order a pizza or something, yeah?” I offered, pulling away enough to see his face before he eagerly nodded. 
“You go sit down, I’ll get you another coke and I’ll order the pizza.” He smiled, quickly stealing a kiss from my cheek before he released me. “Anything in particular you want?” 
“Honestly anything, just not mushrooms.” I replied, turning around and taking my place on the sofa once more.
“No mushrooms? Are you like 5?” He joked, shooting me a wink as he picked up the phone to order the replacement food. I just giggled, shaking my head at him. 
He quickly ordered the pizza, going to the fridge and retrieving another bottle of coke. “Here ye go. Thanks for not freaking out about the food.” He smiled, getting a bottle opener to remove the top before walking in the direction of the sofa. What he hadn’t foreseen was that, in his panic to get to the oven only moments before, he’d managed to move the edge of the carpet into a folded position.
“Har-” I began but before anything else could leave my lips his sock covered toes connected with the dislodged carpet. His eyes widened in shock as he tripped forward towards the sofa, his hands going out to protect his fall, the bottle of coke flying forwards and spilling all over me. I shot up from the sofa, gasping at the sudden event.
“Oh my god! Oh my- Fuck, Y/N I’m so so so so sorry!” He panicked, jumping to his feet and approaching me with his hands held out to do something, yet he didn’t know what to do. 
“Um... it’s okay... uh do you have a towel or something before it goes everywhere?” I asked, looking down at my soaking jeans and the darkened material of the bottom half of my green jumper. 
“Uh, of course, yeah, let me just grab one.” Harry quickly ran off into the bathroom, coming back a second later with a towel. “I’m really sorry, Y/N. God this is terrible.” He muttered the second part of his sentence, handing me the towel as he stared at me. I wrapped it around myself, trying to soak up any of the liquid it could. “Here, let me get you something to change into. Can’t be sat there in those now.”
“Harry, it’s fine, honest-”
“No! I’ve been a twat, one sec.” Again he dashed off, coming back a moment later with a hoodie and a pair of joggers.
“Thanks, Harry.” I gave me a reassuring smile as I took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change. As I closed the door I could see him sat on the dry part of the sofa, head in hands. Poor boy. I looked at myself in the mirror, silently laughing to myself. This was certainly not how I was expecting tonight to go!
“God I can’t tell you how sorry I am.” Harry spoke, both our bellies now full with pizza as he walked with me to the door, grabbing both our jackets. I giggled at him as I put my jacket back on.
“Seriously, Harry, don’t worry about it. I’m literally the clumsiest person ever. It could have happened to anyone.” I replied.
“Really, the clumsiest?” 
“Okay,” I laughed. “The second clumsiest.” I jested, gently poking him with my elbow. “But you could do something to make it up.” I shyly added, avoiding eye contact. I could see his head snap in my direction.
“Anything! Yes, what is it?” He asked, stepping a little closer, but still remaining respectful with at least a few feet between us.
“You could give me a goodnight kiss.” I looked at his face, watching as his features seemed to light up.
“You still want to kiss me after I burned the food and tried to drown you in coke?” He asked, tone somewhat hopeful as he closed a little more of the space between us. I simply nodded my head, a little smile curving my lips. 
Harry’s grin remained prominent, his hands gentle as that came onto my waist, removing all the distance that was left between us. The intensity of his stare I had felt at the party was back, but I didn’t really have time to process it before we were both slowly leaning in to one another. 
His lips slowly pressed against my lips. The warmth of his skin against mine and the way neither of our mouths were entirely closed due to the fact we couldn’t stop grinning sent shivers shooting across my skin. His right hand left my waist, moving to cup my left cheek. My arms went around his middle, a sigh of pleasure leaving my lips as he pulled away, just enough to put a small amount of space between us so he could look me in the eye.
I think I could get used to that. 
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cherrylattesims · 4 years
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Woooowieee I’m the worst at replying to asks so I’m putting it all together under the cut!! Some of these are months old from before my hiatus even so sorry about that :/
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@smolteabirb​ you’re always sending me these cute messages n I adore you for it ;-; ♥
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@eqountl​ Thank u bb!! ♥♥ I’m the worst at these chain messages but know that I love n appreciate them all!! I wish I’d remember to spam you all w them
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@mahrigxld​ oof these are always so hard because I don’t feel like I have interesting facts about myself lmao so uhh here goes nothing
you know when you kinda like something n then people catch on and keep buying you things in that theme? ya well my thing is owls and I have so. many. owl related things in my house now n I don’t dare to reject them D:
I have a collection of creepy dolls as my friends call it lmao but they’re actually Pullips that I used to collect in my teens but don’t want to get rid of now bc they were so expensive :p
Fitting into the last one, I’m quite the hoarder D: all my screenshots, old cc etc I still have on my PC :p I should do a thorough cleaning but I’m also lazy
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@huniebun​​ @hufflepuff-sim​​ @plumbobtv​​ ♥♥♥
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@mossviol​ ‘just’ being months ago because that’s when you sent this sdjfsdf but THANK YOU ♥
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@simnosa​​ MWAH ♥ You’re the sweetest I’m sorry we haven’t interacted as much bb :(
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@bewilderedbee14​​ Hi there!! ♥ Thank you so much 🥺 Your sim in your pfp is so gorgeous!! ♥
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@anon this is super sweet!! I wish I knew who you were ;-; but know this ask made me v happy n I’ve been staring at it since I’ve got it ♥
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@vinkenja​​ hello darlin’ ♥ when I read this after I posted my hiatus post, this really soothed me! I hope I didn’t disappoint being back n posting again lmao ♥
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@whocouldchuckwood​​ hiya! I do have some older sims up for download but I don’t even like them myself anymore so oof. Be free to ask to download some of my model sims, I don’t use those anyway! I won’t ever do requests anymore though as people end up not downloading them n that’s just really rough! Thank you for the nice words though! ♥
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@anon thank you bbs ♥ so far so good n it’s good to be back!
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@lotusplum​ this is still accurate sadly :(( we should talk soon! ♥ much love to you ♥♥
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"Really Patton?!" Logan yelled, frustrated with his boyfriend, "It's not that hard! I simply asked you to make me a cup of coffee!" Patton shivered scared, he knew that things could escalate quickly. "Get over here!" Patton shuffled over to the kitchen, were shards of a mug lay. He hung his head ashamed. "Clean this up! If it's not cleaned up by the time I've finished working, you won't be going out for another 2 weeks!" Logan stormed out of the room, leaving Patton to shakily clean up the mug, tears flowed down his cheeks. Patton heard his phone vibrate. He walks over to the table and checks his messages.
Hey Patt, I've got nothing on today, wanna go to the coffee shop? :)
Before Patton could reply, Logan came back down the stairs.
"Patton?" Patton freezes realising he had forgotten to clean up the rest of the mess and remake Logan's coffee. "I thought I had myself quite clear. But obviously I had not." Logan came close to Patton, the smaller shivered hating when Logan came too close. Logan ran a hand over his back, scars and marks left from his last punishment. "Looks like we'll have to add to that"
Patton lay on the ground whimpering, tears threatening to spill, behind him, Logan regained his composure.
"I'm going out, you are staying here" with that he left. Patton limped his way back down to the dining table and texted Virgil.
No, I'm sorry. I can't.
An immediate reply.
Okay, that's fine.
Has something happened?
Patton knew he had to reply in code. It wasn't the most thought out code, nor was it the most top secret.
Red, blue and green.
Is Logan home?
I'm coming over.
Patton smiled.
Only a couple minutes went by before Virgil was at the door and comforting Patton.
"May I see what he did today?" Virgil kept his voice quiet. Pattons hesitantly nodded. Virgil rolled up Patton's shirt, just at the back, he gasped slightly.
"D-don't do anything... Logan will find out" Patton whimpered. Scared of his boyfriend.
"Why? Why did he do this?"
"I-I dropped a mug and spilt coffee everywhere.." Patton hung his head, embarrassed that he was still clumsy.
"No, don't be embarrassed. It was a mistake."
"Y-you have to go now... Logan will be home soon." Virgil shook his head.
"I don't care" he got up and grabbed the first aid kit he had brung with him.
Patton sat as still as he could as Virgil cleaned and closed Patton's cuts. Virgil began to clean a particularly deep cut, Patton winced at the sting.
"Sorry Patt, I just don't want it to get infected."
"I-it's okay.."
"You're being very brave" Patton mumbled a thankyou and gave Virgil a weak smile. Virgil gently wrapped a bandage around Patton's torso. "I'm so done with that guy. Why haven't you broken up with him?" Virgil asks, frustrated with how Logan was treating his friend (and secret crush).
"H-he says he l-loves me." Patton stuttered, sounding like he was trying more to convince himself than Virgil. Virgil shook his head and sighed turning Patton around.
"No, he doesn't love you. If he loved you he wouldn't hurt you. That's not what love is" Virgil explained gently. Pulling his friend of 18 years close to him. Memories of their child hood flushed in his head.
Virgil sat quietly in the corner of his new school. It was loud and rowdy. Nothing like what Virgil wanted.
"Hiya, are you knew here?" A bubbly kid with large circle glasses, freckles all over his face and sandy blonde hair asked Virgil. Virgil shyly nodded, he wasn't the best with new people, unlike the boy infront of him to make it worse Virgil was even more shy infront of people he's attracted to. He just so happened to be attracted to Patton.
"Awesome! We can be the best of friends!"
Then Logan showed up at the school..
"Salutations, what is your business here?" His voice was cold, almost robotic.
"I just saw you over here and thought you looked lonley! So, I can over here to ask you if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends, Virgil and Roman." Patton said brightly, "See that emo kiddo, squabbling with the boy in the white princey outfit? Yea that's them"
Patton was welcoming, warm and just a ball of sunshine, always putting others first.
And when Logan had asked him out in that cold manner of his, Patton couldn't resist. Virgil had a bad feeling about Logan from the beginning, but had begun to warm up to him, until Patton had come to hang out with Virgil. Virgil expected Patton to be so happy and excited, having his first sleepover with his boyfriend. But instead he was confronted with a sobbing Patton, a black eye and cracked glasses. His hair was a mess, even if it was usually messy.
Virgil was brought back to the present by Patton's sobs. Virgil began to hum a calming tune, letting Patton cry. Knowing that Patton was probably not allowed to cry around Logan.
"I-I want to leave him... I want to live with you Virgie..." Patton sobbed quietly. Virgils eyes widened, this was honestly his dream. Virgil came up with a plan,
"Patton? When are you allowed to go out again?" Patton sniffed.
"I-I think I might be able to go out to the groceries..."
Hi quick interruption, I just watched the new video, and if you haven't please skip the rest of this book till you have because i- *sigh* can't tell you, just go watch it all ready!
Virgil nodded,
"Tomorrow, I would like you to use that  excuse, I will be at the shopping centre waiting okay? Then I will take you to my place, I'll keep you safe until the cops take Logan." Patton looked up at Virgil with wide eyes, almost sparkling.
"R-really?" Virgil smiled.
"Logie? Can I go and get some groceries? I think I'm allergic to the- uh- yogurts you've been getting. Can I go see the brands that are there?" Patton lied. Logan look up from his book that he was reading and sighed heavily.
"Fine, I will be driving you. You better be quicker than 2 hours." Patton nodded trying to hide his excitement. "And don't call me 'Logie'" Logan added. Patton swallowed a sigh and nodded again.
"Virgil lets me call him nicknames," Patton thought before catching himself. "Virgil? Huh, okay then"
Logan drove Patton to the shopping centre, letting Patton go out on his own while Logan waited in the car, reading. Patton didn't need to worry about packing anything as when Virgil was over he had grabbed all the necessities. Patton walked into the shopping centre and spotted Virgil, leaning against a wall sipping on some coffee, scrolling his phone.
"Virgie? I'm ready." Patton said, standing next to Virgil. Virgil looked up from his phone and smiled.
"Awesome, now here's the tricky part" Patton cocked his head, he thought the plan was easy. Virgil sighed looking a bit guilty. "You're gonna have to break up with Logan, whether over text or the phone, it doesn't matter. You just need him to know that it's over." Pattons lip quivered, the thought almost sending him into a panic attack. Virgil pulled Patton into a hug, "I'll do it for you if I have to, okay?" Patton nodded, pulling away from the hug.
"What?!" Logan raised his voice, he was currently under arrest for physical and verbal abuse. (I googled it and yes that's possible) Two officers held him back, he was furious. Patton hid behind Virgil, not liking how angry Logan was. Virgil simply shrugged. The officers led Logan into the police car, Logan yelling and screaming his innocence. Patton shivered. Virgil turned around and pulled Patton close, and he broke. Virgil soothed him, bringing him inside his house.
"Do you want to sleep in my bed? I'll sleep on the couch if you don't feel comfortable" Virgil asked. Patton shook his head and mumbled,
"I want cuddles" Virgil grinned.
So, they fell asleep in each others arms. Virgil couldn't be happier, and Patton finally safe.
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bluefang128 · 4 years
hiya! 😊 pass the happy! when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 💛
Thanks for the message! I know I don’t have much to say or post; but I love when people send me positive messages like this! It happens so rarely ^^
Anyway.... 5 things that make me happy are-
1) Music (of all types and languages)
2) Reading (Books, fanfiction, w o r d s)
3) Movies (fantasy or heroic types)
4) Musicals (Broadway, Japanese, Disney)
5) Chatting! (With friends, new people, networking)
As for who I can pass this onto-
Hope y’all can share some happiness and to them (and anyone) I am super willing to talk about anything! Just send a dm (because its hard for me to start a convo... Im better at carrying one ^^)
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staysocky · 5 years
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answering a handful of asks under the cut !!
answers & replies here are generally:
brush settings
misc. responses
Anonymous said: Hello friend may I ask about your brush settings? Because I am in love with your colouring and line work!
Anonymous said: Your art is so cute! What brushes do you use?
Answer: i main SAI2 now, but here are the same settings when i was using them in the original SAI!! 
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(i just copied my own settings in SAI2 now so they should work the same... also sometimes i use the marker tool for doodling nowadays)
Anonymous said: do you post speedpaints anywhere? i'd love to see your painting process! your art style is phenomenal hngh 
Anonymous said: Do you have a youtube channel? Just wondering, since I can't seem to find it. I'd like to watch some speedpaints or something .u.
Anonymous said: could do you a tutorial on how you color hair??? its so pretty and baffles me all the time
Anonymous said: Would you ever do a tutorial showing how you draw? I've see you post on how you color but not lineart (ps your style is super duper cute!!)
Anonymous said: Ayy ;3c hello stocky, your art is amazing ;; how is your process for color your drawings? Plz need to know! God bless you♥
Anonymous said: How do you color soooo well? Can I get some tips? ( ;n; )
Answer: i’ve sometimes done lil art streams for friends before! i could use the same capture software to make speedpaints sometime.... i’ve been considering it for a while actually! 
my process can be a lil sloppy when i try to break it down into steps for tutorials so i think the best way to show + explain is through art streams (& video process)... 
i was thinking of starting art streams on twitch in the near future too... it’s just when i’ll finally be able to get setup finally that i’d be able to set a streaming schedule
Anonymous said: I never played Megaman but I used to watch my older brother play it, and I finally started playing it because of your art too lmao (i love it)
Answer: MEGAMAN GOOD!!! im so glad you’re enjoying the series now too!!
Anonymous said: Socky, will you restock the sanic charms (the knuckles and tails link one) or make other characters?? i love them !
Answer: THANK YOU i’m glad u like em!! each time they sell out i do plan to restock them so no worries!! 👍 I AM AIMING TO MAKE MORE CHARMS OF OTHER SONIC CHARACTERS TOO they’ll come eventually when i’m able to make the designs & get them ordered!!
Anonymous said: ((whispers, this may have been asked before and I wasn't sure where to ask it, but what does "i tried my best x5" mean? is it a reference to something? ;;))
Answer: OH NO WORRIES I’LL CLEAR IT UP!! it’s in reference to a youtube user’s rp comments as “kagamine len”. i’ve seen it MANY years ago & at that time it became sorta an inside joke between me & my friends. 
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later i referenced/used it as a response a few times on my len askblog to keep it going.
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it’s a small lil thing i guess but i’ve sorta adopted the saying now haha
Anonymous said: socks r gr8 doncha think
Anonymous said: ookay im going to sleep now sorry
Answer: no come back you are valid !!
Anonymous said: your aRT gives me heARTATTACKKKS
Anonymous said: Wanted to say I absolutely love your art and how you draw the Kagamines. Please keep it up!
Anonymous said: your art makes me cry out of joy. I am actually crying because your style makes me so happy!!!! keep up the good work!! <3
Anonymous said: your artstyle. CUTE
@transjackatlas​ said: you art style is absolutely adorable 💙💚💕
@emmi-san​ said: I only wanted to say that I love your art style and the cute representations of the vocaloid songs ✨💕
@tyranart​ said: Your arts wonderful and I hope your day is full of nothing but enjoyment
@thekillermarti​ said: how do you draw so cute?!
@dumiz-hyper-saiyan​ said:  Hiya! I wanted to ask, how is your art so great!? You are so so talented (I know it’s not really a question but I love your drawings so much! I hope we can be friends cause you seem to be a amazing person!) hehe!♥️
@seraphofivorylight​ said:  ( ̄▽ ̄) i just found ur blog today and i want to say i really love how soft ur art is !! its super pleasing to look and i definitely wish i could have some of these as prints to slap onto my wall of posters ✨ keep doing ur good work !! i hope ur doing well !!
Answer: THANK YOU SO MUCHHCH!!!!! i’m glad y’all are enjoying my art u folks are the MVPs & it’s super motivating to get your nice feedback _(┐「ε:)_ 💕 💕 //sends you all my lov e
@moderndayoutsider​ said: Just thought I'd shoot a message and say that I absolutely ADORE your art and you're one of my inspirations <3 God bless! Keep on doing what you're doing! :D
Anonymous said: ahh i wana say that ive been a fan of you for years and youve inspired my own art sm T_T... bout time i told you how much i love ur stuff 💖💖💖
Anonymous said: Woah, I'm a bit new to your blog and I just want to say how cute your art is. I'm literally so glad this was on my recommended. If I hadn't clicked on your blog then I don't know where I would be. To be honest, I would send you this on my real account but I'm actually really afraid to talk to you, and plus I'm really shy heheh. But keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to us all.
Anonymous said: Hi socky!!! I just wanna drop by and say that I love ur art so so so much !! The coloring and shape of it is so appealing and sometimes I spend hours at a time on your social media just marveling your art. It's really pretty!! Keep up the good work ✨✨✨
Answer: sdfgFDGDdsf knowing that u folks are inspired by my works makes it all worth it, i hope u know (;__;💕 💕 thank you so much for sticking around & enjoying!!! it really means A LOT pleas y’all have a lovely week!!
Anonymous said: Do you take commissions?
Anonymous said: Commission?
Answer: I SORTA HAVE COMMISSIONS OPEN tho i take them by a commission form which puts you on a waitlist. i’m more active on my twitter and tweet updates, & handle most contact about them there...
here’s a link to the tweet about my current commission info + the link to the form is inside --> [comm info]
Anonymous said: Where are you from? Your art is so clean and stylish!! 💖✨
@mysticmangaanimepainter​ said: What year u start drawing???😮 
Answer: started drawing wayyy back when i was able to first hold a crayon haha. tho i sorta started paying attention to what i was doing around middle school? started drawing digitally between middle & high school iirc... im from the US also !!
but to all who’s sent me nice messages & words of encouragement, thank you so much 😭💕💕💕 i rly appreciate em all & even tho i’m not very responsive here on tumblr i rly like to look at and read the messages from time to time;;;💖
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99centthoughts · 5 years
i keep reading 'orion' as 'onion' so thats. who they are to me now
ONION……………………….. now im picturing orion as onion from steven universe and i am very stressed out by the thought
MORE ASKS UNDER THE CUT!!! (a lot of asks im sorry)
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1) D..DONT DIE YET ANON……….. SOON!!! I have a break coming up and i wanna do more comics stuff 😭
2) LOL omg IM SORRY !!!! I Messed up the layout a couple of times while editing it so it must have been weird 😨
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1) Hiya! Honestly I think it would be best to get comfortable with more realistic proportions before you branch out into cartoon/anime style! I did it the other way round and I regret it a lot, bc I think it made my foundations really shaky and inconsistent. THAT’S NOT TO SAY u have to master the traditional art style before u start drawing any cartoons though!! I think it’s fine to do them together, just don’t neglect traditional anatomy and all that, bc it will help you a lot in the future regardless of the style you eventually choose to stick to!
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thank YOU for enjoying my drawings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ahhhh thank you so much for such a sweet message oh gosh ANON YOU’RE MAKING MY HEART GROW 3 SIZES!!! Messages like this make me want to share everything with everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M HONESTLY SO HAPPY that my silly little tips and stuff can make drawing fun for you BC THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN HAVING FUN WHILE DRAWING!!! MAY YOU INSPIRE LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE and most importantly I hope you always find joy in your own art!!!! THIS MESSAGE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME AND YOU DO TOO ILU ANON!!! IM GONNA KEEP THIS FOREVER
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1) A NERD AND A PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) omg I have thought about basically every combination o f my ocs at least once anon lKMDLskdlj they would be cute!!!!!!! and a very calm couple… I feel like emmett would be patient enough to handle fay though it would take a lot to get there bc rn emmett is low key terrified of fay LOL 
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2) OH I googled around a bit bc tbh I have no idea what they are called too, and I think it’s called the terminator/ half tone?? it’s basically the bit of colour between the light and the core shadow (the darkest part of where the shadow starts) 
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THe coloured outline of shadows that alot of artists do is an exaggeration of how it looks in rl but it is pretty neat bc it makes the object look like it’s glowing haha 
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1) AW THANK YOU ANON!!!!!!!!! it’s so sweet that you’ve stuck around for so long and that you take the time to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE I’LL KEEP DRAWING AND MAKING ART THAT YOU ENJOY FOR YEARS TO COME!!!! 
2) OH no that plant is a random plant that I made up hahhaaa 
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1) HELLO AGAIN AND thank you ahhh it means a lot to me that you take the time to interpret and think about my art in such a thoughtful manner😭😭😭 It’s really sweet and it makes me look at my art in a different way? I was thinking that the redrawn version seems more stiff and I wasn’t sure if I liked them more than the old ones, but after seeing this message I was like ohhh that is true I did try different things with the new versions and that is something I should appreciate and be proud of !! so thank YOU for the lovely words, it is my absolute pleasure to share my art with u!! 
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1) I like using poses from magazines to study anatomy!! I either follow blogs that post magazine scans or I buy them myself when i can! Another thing I’ve found rly helpful was using fitness books/ videos as references… like those for muscle-building/ weight lifters, where there are diagrams of which muscles are working for a specific exercise. YOUTUBE has a lot of fitness videos, just type xxx workout, pause the video at any random frame, and u should be able to get a nice reference to study muscles with!! If u want references for the muscles themselves, some good books I’ve found helpful are: Strength training Anatomy and Anatomy for sculptors (I can give them to you off anon if you’d like)!
2) I HOPE YOU ARE enjoying the brushes !!! NO WORRIES AT ALL I’m happy to share my brushes with anyone who might want to try using htem!! SENDS YOU ALL OF MY LOVE BACK I HOPE YOU ARE ALWAYS HAPPY AND INSPIRED ❤❤
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1) omg this is so hard bc there are 213213 options and I could picture them as more than 1 type of fantasy creature tbh ……… BUT FIRST ONES THAT COME TO MIND WOULD BE : some kind faerie for fay haha, werewolf for tyler, centaur for emmett, vampire for jc, some kinda elemental spirit for cyrus, an orc for wade, and UHH some kind of wise gate guarding creature for parisi LOL 
ILY TOO AND thank YOU for loving my silly boys!!!!!!!!! 
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1) OR PERHAPS PARISI IS JUST ENORMOUS but also yes it’s true baby tyler is a tiny baby bean
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1) omg anon this is a lie I am terrible at drawing anything symmetrically and if I somehow produced anything to make u think so, it’s probably because I spent 10 hours on getting it to look ok LOL I.. TRY TO USE GUIDELINES and flip my canvas to check that things are balanced… that helps me out a lot :’D 
2) thank u anon for this ask it is beautiful and I will frame it and keep it in my room to encourage myself to start drawing batfam art again 
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1) HEY ANON and thank u! I have a list of resources that I’ve found helpful here (at the bottom of the page) !! I hope some of that might be useful for you and feel free to drop me another msg if u need more/ want something more specific!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST
2) omg I havent replied to asks in so long that I didnt even rmb what picture this was referring to and I had to go back and look LOL HE’S TRYING HIS BEST ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE CANT HELP BEING AN AVERAGE MAN SURROUNDED BY MODELS HOW RIDICULOUS OF THEM !!!! 
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wordtotherose · 5 years
Ahh, thank you kindly for your reply. =) Truly, I appreciate the reassurance. It is only that as mentioned, there a couple scenes I would dearly love to see. I found myself wondering -- when Crowley volunteers to take Aziraphale's job in Edinburgh -- how Crowley would go about blessing someone, and how it would work? (Crowley being mistaken for a priest would be doubly funny!) But I also wonder how Aziraphale might go about blessing someone? May I ask for a fic on this, please? Thank you!
Hiya! Here it is! I hope you enjoy, thank you so much for the prompt! :D 
1 - Edinburgh
“Toss you for Edinburgh.”
“Fine. Heads.”
The coin turns in the air and for a millisecond Crowley considers cheating, he doesn’t particularly mind Edinburgh after all and he knows Aziraphale is having a swell time lately hanging around Shakespeare. The journey up there is by far the hardest part of the job. He claps the coin down onto his hand and uncovers it so Aziraphale can see too.
“Heads. Looks like I’m off to Scotland.”
Aziraphale’s smile is worth it.
He stays for the end of the play, whispering into Aziraphale’s ear quippy comments about the performance. It doesn’t escape his notice that Shakespeare has edged closer to them again and is squibbling down on his parchment. He makes a point to make Aziraphale laugh in the gloomy parts of the play, earning dangerous looks from Burbage on stage. If Shakespeare overhears his jokes he is more than welcome to use them, the comedic plays are always better than the tragedies, in his opinion.
When it’s over, Aziraphale has to be dragged out of the Globe because he keeps making himself look like an idiot as he compliments Burbage and Shakespeare profusely. He’s getting funny looks from the spattering of other play watchers. Crowley also hasn’t eaten lunch and could do with something filling. Alcoholic too, just to take the edge off the annoyance at having to ride a horse all the way up north. It’s another half hour before they leave in the end. Turns out he still can’t help indulging the angel.
He gets the rundown on what Heaven wants Aziraphale to do and then they spend the rest of their meal arguing over the finer points of having so many soliloquies in a play and what counts as appropriate audience participation. Crowley steadfastly argues against shouting ‘buck up’ at the actors.
He gets to Scotland and makes a mental reminder to find a carriage or something to go home in because there’s no way in Heaven or Hell that he’s taking the trip again by horse.
Of course Aziraphale’s blessing has to do with rewarding a long-time church-goer for their faith which means the only time he knows they’ll be about it is when they’re leaving church on a Sunday morning. So he loiters and lurks outside the church until the session is over. He gets his fair share of funny looks, what with the tinted glasses, but encourages them to forget they’d seen anything easily enough. It takes a while but eventually the doors open again and he perks up from the bench he’d been lounging on and strides across the square to sift the intended woman out from the crowd. It’s a minor shock when he sees the child in her arms. A little girl. She looks deathly pale.
“Madam Stuart?” He asks when he’s in range, standing confidently and trying to exude the sense that she can trust him. He’s also trying to smile at the kid who just blearily looks through him. 
“Miss Stuart, Sir. Are you a priest? I heard a new priest was coming in from out of town.” 
Crowley looks down at his dark clothes. Then back up at her. Then down again, then at the woman’s eyes, trying to figure out if his ‘sense of trust’ has actually made him appear all holy and proper to her. She doesn’t wither under his gaze or do anything more than adjust the child in her arms. He shrugs internally; it makes things easier. And gives him something to bitch about to Aziraphale later.
“Sure. That’s me. The travelling priest... Would you follow me please?”
It’s really a testament to humanity’s stupidly trustful nature that Miss Stuart just nods and follows Crowley through the streets to loop round to a small grassy area, a couple trees. Almost a park. Empty, perfect for a quick blessing and minor miracle. Only. The minor miracle, Aziraphale had told him, was due for Miss Stuart which didn’t make sense when she wasn’t the one who was ill. Why reveal his wings to her to reinforce her faith in this difficult time when he could just heal the kid? Surely that was both more Good and more practical. It’s like Heaven wants the kid to die and for her to return to her faith during...during the grief…
Crowley stops under a tree and spins to face the woman who looks a little startled at their sudden stop. She squints up at him, trusting. So trusting. What was with humans and trusting people they don’t know just on their word? So foolish. He runs a hand through his hair and holds a hand out. She hesitates before taking it. She’s cold. Not surprising. Calloused fingers. She works then.
“Miss Stuart, I am on a mission to help you in this difficult time. Will you accept my blessing of good will?” He goes through the rote message, he could do it from afar but he likes to give them the option to refuse. 
Something falls in disappointment in her eyes but she nods. 
He digs into his power and uses part of his focus to try and mimic the soft, chilly feel of Aziraphale’s divinity when invoking the ‘blessing’. She’ll have some good luck for the rest of the year. But she isn’t technically blessed. He can’t actually do that. But the results are the same. Mostly.
“I- Pardon me for asking, Sir, but could you also give your blessing to my daughter? She is ill, you see, and they say there is no cure,” her voice trails away and Crowley can’t help the pang of anger in his chest. 
Kids. What is it with Heaven and not caring about kids?
“Of course, can I hold her hand?” 
The kid blinks up at him, a little spark of awareness resurfacing as he holds her small fingers in his. She’s feverish. Skin clammy and it makes Crowley feel sick himself. That Aziraphale was meant to be the one doing this. That, if the coin flip had gone a different way, he’d have sent Aziraphale to do this. And for all Aziraphale is sweet and compassionate and as in love with humanity as Crowley is, he knows deep down that Aziraphale wouldn’t have done what he’s about to. He wouldn’t have enjoyed leaving this child to die, but he’d have still done it. Faith in Heaven’s orders ranking higher than his personal moral qualms. 
Crowley shakes his head and squeezes the girl’s hand comfortingly. He isn’t going to leave her behind to this fate. 
2 - London
“Crowley, my dear. I really must get going now,” Aziraphale says, shuffling on the sofa he’s sitting on. 
Crowley is currently settled in his lap, heavy and soaking up the angel’s warmth. He doesn’t move. “Take me with you,” he rasps. 
“Crowley I cannot take a snake with me to do a blessing. They’ll get all flighty when they see you and if I don’t do this blessing I’ll get another note.” Aziraphale says all this in his ‘I mean it this time, you wily demon’ voice but also continues to stroke down Crowley’s scales. 
“Not moving, angel.”
They pause at this stand-off. Neither of them willing to budge until eventually Aziraphale huffs. He gathers Crowley up in his hands and drapes him, ignoring his hissed protests, onto his shoulders. Crowley readjusts, looping round to stop from sliding off and drops his head next to the angel’s neck. He flicks his tongue out to tickle Aziraphale.
“Who we blessing?” He asks as they leave the bookshop.
Aziraphale is gaining a fair few strange looks but they’ve only just started talking again after the holy water argument and Crowley isn’t willing to let go. It’s new now. Just ever so slightly different. That moment in the car had confirmed things for both of them and now they were readjusting, making the best of it as they can. It’s scary and thrilling and very freeing. 
“Just a quick in and out one at the homeless shelter. Teenager needs some unconditional love and faith and all that.” 
The weather’s not too bad, for London, but it’s chilly enough that Crowley goes through the complicated motions of burrowing under Aziraphale’s coat, popping his head out where he’d been before just this time under a layer of warmth. Lovely.
“You gonna talk to ‘em or just wave your fingers through the window?”
“Dream this time, I think.”
“If they’re not already asleep I’ll tempt them to a nap for you.” 
Aziraphale’s smile is obvious in the way his walk bounces a little. Crowley holds on a bit tighter. “Oh, thank you, my dear. That’s very sweet of you.”
“Eh, don’t shout it.”
“I do wonder how many people like them are out there, you know. So many people I could be helping...”
“Help too many and you’ll get reprimanded,” Crowley reminds him as they turn a corner. 
Aziraphale sighs. “I know but it just doesn’t seem fair. I’m allowed to reaffirm her faith and all but I could do so much more. She hates her body, Crowley, and I could change that! I could give her the body she wants but--”
“But you’d be in trouble. So would she. You know how humans are, they’d poke and prod her instead of leaving her alone to live her life. You don’t want to give her that.”
Another sigh. Crowley tickles his neck again, less in an attempt to make him laugh this time and more to try and comfort. “I’m sorry, angel.”
3 - Earth, Somewhere
It’s early days in their...acquaintanceship and they’re wandering around a desert. Just because they were both going the same way, towards a town where they’ve been assigned some odds and ends jobs. A couple blessings. A couple temptations. It’s still new and they’re feeling things out. Slowly. Carefully. 
They’re having a small debate over nothing really when Crowley pauses, wrinkling his nose. Aziraphale stops a step later and turns to face him, already asking what’s wrong but Crowley’s focused on the strange feeling building up. He waves away Aziraphale’s lifted hand that had been reaching for his arm and takes a step back. 
Then he sneezes.
Aziraphale cracks up laughing at Crowley’s expression but still gets out a quiet ‘bless you’ because he does have some manners still. Crowley’s terrified expression, morphing from his disgusted confusion, is more than enough to instantly sober Aziraphale up. 
“What did you just say?” Crowley asks, eyes darting across Aziraphale and looking for all the world like he expects himself to spontaneously combust. “Angel, did you just? Really?”
“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry! It’s not a real blessing, I promise.” Crowley’s terror eases a little with the reassurances but he’s still shifting his weight around. “My dear, I promise. I haven’t actually blessed you. You’re okay. It’s just a polite phrase.”
“Stupid phrase more like. What if you’d actually meant it? Who invented that, seriously.” Crowley shakes his head but starts walking again. “What were you saying about grapes, angel?”
And they continued on. Blissfully unaware of the tiny aura of luck that was following after Crowley like a shadow.
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