#hmmm i needed to add this to his timeline its important
ultrastimpaks · 4 years
It’s sometime between late December, 2277 and early January, 2278 when Bobby stumbles upon Reilly at the Chop Shop. 
He takes upon her request to save the rangers without a second thought. Charon doesn’t reason with the boy - although at some point he thinks to himself it’s a suicidal mission. If Reilly’s Rangers are cornered by a group of Super Mutants, what can a vault boy and a shotgun-carrying ghoul do? 
Nevertheless, soon enough Bobby and Charon find themselves in Vernon Square, about to enter Our Lady of Hope Hospital. The whole journey is tiring and dangerous, and on top of that Bobby is limping more than half of the way up to the Statesman Hotel. He’s never been that hurt before, and he’s certain he’s going to die. Maybe. Every corner they turn there’s a Super Mutant, and it’s not like they can be quiet about their arrival. Shots fired inside closed space reverberate and it takes two kills for every creature to come at them. 
It’s a great moment for Bobby to test his railway rifle though. It pierces through flesh easily, and it doesn’t take long for Charon and the teen to reach a silent agreement: Bobby cripples arms and legs and Charon finishes the job; it feels cruel at one point, but Bobby pushes the thought to the back of his mind as they get closer to the rooftop. 
Maybe he regrets accepting Reilly’s request. They almost got lost in the subway tunnels, would have been attacked by ferals had he not been wearing that disgusting flesh mask Roy Phillips gave him, then Super Mutants beat their ass multiple times and he was sure his ankle was twisted and maybe his arm was broken (he would have to wait for the Stimpak to wear off to be sure, but it looked ugly and arms aren’t supposed to look like that).
Eventually they save Reilly’s Rangers as the quest indicates (Bobby had a spare fission battery in his bag for some reason, which made things much quicker), but that was the first time the Wasteland made it clear he wasn’t invincible.
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savagesbonergarage · 3 years
A quickie with Maul WITHOUT PLOT
Wise of you to add that on the end there.... But is it gonna be effective? We'll see.
I'm gonna make this 100% just self-indulgent porn since that's really all it needs to be right
I'm malfunctioning how did they get there what's the occasion and the timeline and the state of the relationship and the galaxy and ahhhhhhhh okay I need to get it together
(A/N - General ns/fw, definitely more explicit than not, but overall still not super hard stuff?, quickie, bj, power kink I guess?, hidden feelings, I think that’s about it honestly, if I’m missing something let me know)
Throne sex? Throne sex.
"... And Prime Minister Almec's influence has recruited warriors from among the civilians who would join our cause," you reported.
You stood alone before Lord Maul, who sat in his signature pose with his mechanical leg propped up atop the throne of Mandalore, resting his head on his hand as he gazed out the large transparisteel pane with a look of complete boredom and disinterest. He didn't even bother to look your way as he responded drily. "Fascinating."
You were tempted to raise your eyebrow sightly, but even though he wasn't looking at you, the fear of confrontation kept you from doing so.
"Will there be anything else, My Lord?"
The zabrak finally managed to direct some of his attention to you, his menacing eyes looking you up and down as his countenance changed with an ominous smirk. "Yes. How long before my blissful solitude is once again interrupted?"
You immediately checked the chrono on your datapad, afraid that you may have caught your new leader in an agitated state. The last thing you wanted was to be a recipient of his anger if you displeased him somehow, so you opted to simply be efficient in the tasks you were given. "You have a meeting in about eight minutes, My Lord."
"I see..."
Something about the way he was intently gazing at you made you uneasy, as though you weren't quite finished here and were expected to know why. You straightened your posture and put your datapad away before you geared up to leave. "Do you require anything else of me, Lord Maul?"
There was a new look in his eyes, something you hadn't ever seen until now, and the sudden change in contrast from before of his full and immediate attention on you sent a strange, yet not unwelcome shiver coursing through your body. Somehow you felt the previous uneasiness slip away and in its place was...dare you acknowledge it...want? Whether it was involuntary or not, the powerful man before you had you wishing there really was more you could do for him.
His gaze was nearly leaving burning holes everywhere his golden eyes tracked on you, each place they lingered a pathway into some rather inappropriate thoughts as it was fairly obvious exactly which parts he was shamelessly staring at. What's more, you didn't mind it in the slightest. You felt a little exposed, but in such a delicious way. Could you truly be tempting him, or was he simply teasing you in some show of authority over you - or was he really just that bored?
Suddenly, your train of thought ended when Maul planted his leg back onto the ground and unflinchingly brought his gloved hands down to work at the sealing strip of his pants. You barely registered what was happening before an impressive phallic appendage was gloriously revealed, held between two of his fingers at the base as an offering. Despite being synthetic, it twitched and leaked just like-
"Well?" he implored nonchalantly with his non-existent brow raised in a curious manner.
It was too late to conceal the slack of your jaw and flush of your face, your heart pounding as you finally processed the reality in front of you. Reflexively, you swallowed and looked over your shoulder and then back to find that this wasn't some kind of joke or game, but a genuine request. It was a miracle you managed to speak coherently at all.
"Erm, right now, My Lord...? In eight minutes-"
"Seven, now," he interjected, adjusting himself to present his lap as a rather inviting seat, "but surely your schedule permits?"
He did have a point - and who were you to deny the needs of your handsome new ruler? You did make an obligation to yourself to do your tasks efficiently, and it wasn’t as though you were hesitant about the prospect of it, either. No, with an opportunity having presented itself like this, it would be suboptimal not to show your enthusiasm, wouldn’t it? Not to mention time was of the essence now, unless you were fine with a group of officials walking in on you fornicating with the dangerous zabrak...which, as you pondered the possibility, it only served to send that pluming heat within you to entirely new heights. He certainly wouldn’t stop if that were to be the case, and a hidden part of you hoped that it would indeed work out that way, if only so you could feel more like Maul’s favored slut.
You wondered if this was solely due to the influence of the beckoning sith atop his throne, or if you had secretly always been such a promiscuous person - in any case, it hardly mattered. The priority of the moment was in being a good little subject and serving your master, and perhaps if you did a suitable job, you’d be given the privilege of doing it again. In a bout of courage that faintly surprised you, you found yourself at the foot of his throne standing mere centimeters from his legs, careful not to touch him unless instructed to as you ardently asked the most important question of the evening.
“How would you like it, My Lord...?” You didn't bother to hide the sultriness in your voice, which seemed to please him immensely as the corner of his lip curled into a scheming smile, his hands quickly moving to your waist to pull you in closer as he answered.
"I trust in your discretion to satisfy me. I believe you already know what I want, and it seems that you're certainly eager to give it."
His hand slid over your thigh and to the source of your radiating heat, burrowing his digits between the crevice that the fabric of your pants was unfortunately shielding from the supple flesh there, yet that didn't prevent his touch from being any less euphoric. It might have embarrassed you somewhat at just how apparent your eagerness was, however it was clear that the man working at your own sealing strip was enjoying the spoils of your arousal already. His words still rang throughout your mind, making you relish in the freedom and permission that was implied there - he was asking you to be as slutty as you wanted, knowing full well that you were ready to be his whore the moment you first laid eyes on him.
He wasn't wrong.
With his affirmation to take charge and the ever-present knowledge that you were pressed for time at the forefront of your mind, you relaxed your inhibitions and got to work. After a few more ruts against his hand, his grip followed yours to your waistband and aided in tugging the annoying material to the floor, returning one to it's former place on your slick flesh as you stepped out of your pants and boots. It was impossible to suppress the moan that escaped your lips, however, you were aware that this wasn't solely for your pleasure.
Six minutes left.
You quickly got down on your knees and carefully handled his cock, licking your lips before you kissed the tip of the wet slit and wrapped your hot mouth around the circumference of the ridge, swiftly lapping your tongue around the head before you started sucking. His groan of approval fueled your movements as you gradually unhinged your jaw and began going deeper, bobbing your head with every stroke and eventually taking him as far as you possibly could. You gagged a little, but it didn't deter you in the slightest as every time you choked on him, a moan was drawn from his lips.
Not only could he feel everything despite not having an organic organ, your ministrations were proving to be more than what he was anticipating as he groaned and moved to grab a fistful of your hair to still your actions. Your hungry eyes meet his as you drew your head back and released his cock with a loud, echoing, wet pop and licked away the string of saliva that connected it with your bottom lip.
"Is everything all right, My Lord?" you inquired with a perverse lowness in your voice, already drunk on lust as he held you in place for a moment before slapping your waist in a gesture to rise through his uneven breaths.
You complied with his order, lifting yourself back onto your feet as Maul practically pulled you into his lap by your thighs in a hasty move that nearly had you falling against his chest, but you were able to brace yourself against his arms. His dick rested against your abdomen, still warm and wet from your tongue as his fingers found their way back to your entrance to prep you for his cock. The way he tilted you upwards to lightly jerk himself with your own slick as he lined up with you was so tantalizingly good that you nearly forgot about the time constraint you faced.
Four minutes.
Your canines pierced your bottom lip as he entered you, the galvanizing pressure against your walls as you adjusted to him being so invigoratingly good that your hands gripped his shoulders without warning as you moved to sink down completely, ripping a gasp from the both of you in unison. You knew that you’d need an entire minute just to get used to the feeling of being so full, although sadly you couldn’t afford that kind of time in the present moment. 
Maul, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be too preoccupied with that particular technicality and held you firmly by your hips to keep you from shifting, and in an unanticipated move he rested his forehead along the curve of your neck. The heat of his skin and breath tingled across your own flesh, the sensation strangely more intimate than the actual joining of your bodies - rather, it felt like a different kind of intimacy entirely. It wasn’t merely in the way his grip on you remained solid or the new titillation of his lips against your skin; it was in the stillness of it all, how instead of insisting you ride him immediately, he preferred to simply feel you for an evanescent occasion, no matter how brief. 
You momentarily forgot the apprehension you had when the compulsion to kiss him infiltrated your mind - not the sort of lustful kiss that would be more appropriate for the situation, but a tender, more profound one. Would he mind such a gesture, you wondered, or would he even be able to discern the difference? One of his hands had moved from your waist up to the nape of your neck as you thought this, eliciting a soft moan from your mouth as he lured you in closer to him until you were chest-to-chest, the indication of the motion prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck so that you were symmetrical to one another.
Two minutes. Only two minutes until...
There simply wasn’t time for this kind of lenient indulgence or immersion, nor did the circumstances permit for the kind of casual affection you wanted to deliver. There was also the fear of him retaliating against a more tender action if he caught one to consider, so with a whisper of a sigh, you started rocking and bucking your hips against him.
Maul had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point, an audible “oh!” escaping him as you continued your movements and utilized your nether muscles to grip his shaft with an ample amount of tightness. You fully planted your knees on either side of him and adjusted yourself so you could ride him properly - and in this case, that meant clutching onto his dick for dear life while you jerked up and down along his entire length like a jackhammer. 
His head rolled back and his eyes became half-lidded, the rapid rising and falling of his chest indicating his closeness as he kept one of his palms on your leg to grip the meat of your thigh for support. For the first time in minutes, he finally spoke again through a strangled groan.
“That’s it, stars it’s so...”
His train of thought seemed to leave him as you worked him even harder, somehow taking him even deeper when you kegeled with the entirety of his cock inside. A twinge of pain indicated that his cockhead was nearly breaching your cervix, a fact that might have concerned you if there was any reason to believe you could get pregnant - and even if there was...you weren’t so sure you would care. 
Less than a minute-
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you felt the crimson zabrak tense up beneath you and hold your hips tightly against him once more as he came, the spasming of his cock followed by the release of heat that filled your insides as he stilled and...
...and kissed you.
He had grabbed the nape of your neck again and brought your mouth to his all in one swift movement, capturing your lips with his own in a surprisingly graceful manner. It wasn’t chaste, his tongue immediately finding yours and warring with it as the dual beating in his chest matched the continuous pulsing of his gradually softening dick, but the action still caught you off-guard nonetheless. It certainly wasn’t unwelcome, and you found yourself matching his pace until he eventually relaxed, breathlessly parting from your lips and leaning back into his seat. 
There wasn’t much time to even think, as over the sound of your breaths you could hear the faint echo of footsteps down the hall fast-approaching. You quickly pushed yourself off of Maul’s lap and frantically gathered your pants, managing to hastily get each of your legs through the proper channels and hoist the waistband over your hips, still fumbling with the sealing strip while you faced your master as a barrage of stomping boots was perceived behind you. You ruler had managed to tuck himself back into his own trousers in time, a sly smirk hidden beneath his otherwise fierce countenance as he addressed you.
“We’ll continue this conversation where we left off later tonight.”
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. He was wanting to see you again, to have you service him again after this agreeably satisfying evening. You nodded, a faint smile gracing your features as you bowed and turned to leave, brushing past the officials entering the throne room who were none the wiser about the sinful conduct you’d engaged in with Lord Maul of Mandalore.
You still secretly wished the session would have continued longer than it had despite the newfound company.
And you certainly hoped to continue meeting and surpassing Maul’s expectations in the bedroom - or wherever he saw fit - for a long while to come.
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loveyoulou · 4 years
So, apparently, reading a certain harrie’s in depth essay sparked something in me and I could not just let it go without a fight. oops! If you want to get subjected to that...
As a Louie, I hope Louis does not get to read what I just read because it is straight up fucked. Yeah. Like have you considered the fact that these are actual people that you are talking about (that know each other and are friends) and not just some random product that needs to be compared and reviewed? Are they really reduced to that by their own species now? Honestly, who would want to be subjected to that kind of judgemental and inconsiderate thinking?
Pulling up stats and timeline,  as much as people find that important to make a relevant opinion on what they want to prove is pushing it a little bit too much. Yup, its all for the sake of research and credibility, I know... you take this very seriously, you've proven your point, and then what? You now have the proof that Louis is far more inferior than Harry? Hmmm...
What did he do to you? Has Louis offended you in any way personally? What did he do sooo offending that you seem to need to put him down like that? And quite passionately too.
Before I continue, I just want to thank Louis for releasing music even though he subjected himself to different kinds of garbage that people have been writing about him. Let us not forget that even though he is used to the prying eyes of the public, he is still a person. A person who has the right to grow into themselves in their own time, why are people being too judgemental about him?
He is where he is because he was given the opportunity and was brave enough to grab those that he actually wants. It’s not called wasted opportunities, its called a choice. That’s how life is. On top of that, over and over again he keeps on thanking his fans for giving him the chance to have the opportunity to do what he wants to do. It’s sweet right? Being acknowledged and constantly reminded of the fact that Louis checks up on his fan base? 
And boy, why did they (the harrie) make it seem like Louis is not working his ass off - he did when he was in the band and was overworked. He’s still doing it now, do you think releasing an album does not take a lot of hard work? Do you think looking for his own sound is not hard work? Hmmm...
Louis can easily find a different career if he wanted to. He could've just hid himself away from the public like Zayn because tell you what - it’s good for Zayn to not engage with the clownery that is media. Good for him, really, that he knows he does not want to engage or subject himself to all the industry related drama. His life is probably a bit more peaceful now that he is minding his own business. That is because that's what Zayn wants. But look! Even though he's tucked away from prying eyes people still has a way to throw something at him. Sigh.
Louis on the other hand, second guessed himself from starting a solo career. He even mentioned that he wanted to work on behind the spotlight and concentrate on songwriting... But then, he said he wanted to live with no regrets and wonder what could have happened if he actually pursued a solo career. As fans, we respect that and more than appreciate the fact that we can enjoy him and his music.
Saying things that he does not have pull - by pull, meaning he does not have enough clout (as what I have read from the harrie post) - meaning, he knows what direction he wants to take, and has values that might not be as  “controversial” or sex driven which attracts a lot of audience, is that it? A lot of artists that are famous nowadays are highly sexualized both in their songs and image. And I doubt that is what Louis wanted to be portrayed as or even be remembered as. He is more than that, very much.
I do not think Louis is the kind of person who will play the victim here, he has a very strong character and is very independent. He might have confidence issues that he needs to overcome and I will be crying the day he fully has it back.
The guy went through a lot - and he still pushes back at life. How many people would actually have the courage and energy to do that after all the hurdles he’s been through?
Having Louis on the XF delayed the album, but on the brighter side, he said so himself that he wanted the experience. And he’s good at it. As I saw it, he enjoyed the experience, with the extra middle finger to every anti when he and Dalton won. I may come off as naive but, people cant just see things as a one sided affair, its not like he did not get paid, okay? If money is all it is that he wants then, yes. He got paid, he was richer. Isn’t that what people think as the bottom line? Sigh.
It’s not like he was not able to at least share who he really is as a person - an individual that is far from the brand that was given to him when he was in the band. YES, because who would want to be branded as a drug addict, cheater, smoke all you like, negligent father? Of course he wanted to have a bit of his dignity restored, to show that he's not what always the media portrays he is.
His music was pushed back and its very unfortunate, but from what I saw is that it's a conscious decision to be involved in a show - he can decline if he wanted to. If he wanted to change his career after xf he can, but he went back to making music even though he is aware that his own music timeline was eternally botched up (a million times over) - but he still did it anyway even though he knew that it would be a struggle to compete within the music industry. Only to what? To have his music be attacked and saying that his decision to make his music more honest is contrived - my goodness with people’s double standards.
Louis is not Harry - he is his own person. Harry seems to take his career as a job that needs to be done. It seems that for Harry his career is just that, a job that is why does whatever people tells him to do to stay relevant. Sing and he sings, act and he acts, pose nude and he takes off his clothes. He consented to that - he likes that. That’s how he is and people eat that shit up - his team knows what it is that makes a someone popular and so he does it. Maybe he enjoys it, maybe not, we don't know. What we know is that he does it, and again, people eat that shit up. That’s just how it is.
We should also be thankful that Niall and Liam for giving us new music, and be more considerate of Liam’s debut album (in case you did not personally like it). Liam also did not have the luxury to grow his music in the background just like Louis and the other boys so, why do we have to singlehandedly criticize them on that? We are very forgiving of other musicians, why do we overly criticize the boys for theirs? URGH. ALL of them worked their assess off, so please stop attacking them like we all know better.
The music industry is grueling what the hell, lets not add to the negativity.
So yeah, this got out of hand. DAMN. If you got this far, thank you for reading. Sorry for this long ass rant, it just happened. Imma go and stream the fuck out of Louis songs because I love him and his music gives me positive outlook in life.
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ourgreatconcavity · 5 years
My One-Act Play
Written for my Playwriting class during my senior year of college, fall semester.
                                                          Have it Your Way
                                               (Lights rise on a  deserted café. MICKEY is sitting at a table alone, taking occasional sips of his coffee. He is dressed in khakis and a  sweater with a dress shirt underneath. His demeanor is calm. LOUIS then enters the café, and sees MICKEY sitting. LOUIS, wearing jeans and a sweater with a hat, rushes over to the table and  takes the chair across from MICKEY.)
Hey, Mickey.
Morning, Louis.
I flew out to see you as fast as I could.
I see that.
How have you been? Sometimes I still don't believe that Dad is gone.
                                                           (A beat.)
I’ve been better. 
You should try keeping busy, keeps your mind off things. 
(MICKEY looks immensely uncomfortable, while LOUIS  looks somber, staring into nothingness.)  
I haven’t seen you in forever.
Yeah, it’s been a while.
What have you been up to?
I don’t know. Nothing?
Come on, you have to be up to something. You can’t be doing nothing for twenty years, and don’t say you’re doing nothing now; I can see your shoulders going up and down; you’re breathing, for one. Blinking, too, for another.
I mean, I've been depressed lately, but there isn't much to talk about. It's been hard.
                                                 (There is a real struggle for conversation. MICKEY is constantly touching his face and running his fingers through his hair, anxious.  LOUIS fidgets in his seat and keeps itching the back of his head. MICKEY looks at LOUIS and his outfit, eyeing him up and down.)
People are becoming more top-heavy it seems. Large sizes on top, and like, chicken legs or poles on the bottom. It’s like those huts built over water in the east; those skinny poles holding up so much weight, the tide teasing its power and destruction. 
Bro, have you looked in the mirror? Better yet, have you looked down? Everything on you is slim-fit when really, you need Slim-Fast.
I make it work. I do just enough exercise to fit in these outfits. I have it all worked out measurement wise. Like, if I have a medium fry at McDonald’s, I’ll have to do one hundred and fifty crunches to work out the fat. 
I’m guessing you’re the type of guy who only eats the top half of a Big Mac, too. 
...You’re not wrong. 
Do you eat all the scraps of lettuce that fall out too? 
Alright, now you’re going too far. I’m not going to tell you if you’re right or wrong; I’ll leave it ambiguous. Let’s just say I count every little sliver.
Lettuce is the most nutritionally devoid vegetable besides celery. It’s like the Styrofoam you get in a package, just fluffs it up but has no singular, meaningful purpose. It's just texture… set decoration. Yet everyone always gets it on their sandwich! You know one time, when I was a kid, I saw a giant head of lettuce in the fridge. I told Mom to make me a sandwich with just lettuce, like literally, white bread and lettuce. I cried after a few bites because I thought my taste buds died. 
Well, um… that's good to hear?
                                                                                     (A beat.)
So, how's Diane doing with the loss? I know her and Dad were close, conjoined at the hip almost. She blocked my number awhile ago; haven't been able to get in contact.
Did you say something?
Yeah, about the family.
Have you ever tried a Big Mac with tomato? You remember the jingle, right? Imagine the jingle with three extra syllables in the Big Mac melody; it would not fit. You might as well use an actual leaf of lettuce if you’re going to do that. And then if you use a leaf of lettuce, you’ll have to add those syllables into the melody, and then you get like an extra bar of music, and then McDonald's would have to pay the studio musicians more because of that extra bar, and then if they did have that extra bar, then everyone remembers the jingle with that extra bar, and it’s a whole calamity, like an alternate timeline. The question itself of a Big Mac with tomato makes no sense. 
Extra, extra, extra. So much extra, you really are. Well, since we're on the topic of extra, what about extra sauce?
The sauce is already on there, no need to add that to the jingle. Besides, the ‘correct amount of sauce’ is at the cook's discretion. For the very brief yet painful three months I worked there, each Big Mac I made had a specific number of fluid ounces of Mac Sauce.
What's the magic number?
Ain't important. You don't need to know.
                                               (Feigned frustration.)
Well that's some bullshit. 
                                                                                   (A beat.)
I haven't been able to get a hold of Mom yet. I don't know if she has gotten the will yet or --
                                                           (Slams fist on the table, screaming.)
Don't change the subject!
Oh, um… I just wanted to know---
The bun... give me your opinion on the bun.
But what about the famil-
                                                           (Slams fist on table.)
No! Now tell me…
                                                           (A beat.) What do you think about the bun…?
I don't know… I think it's fine?
Well, which bun are you talking about? For their 'Artisan Sandwiches' they use different buns than for their Quarter Pounders, and the buns for their Quarter Pounders are different than the buns they use for their Big Macs.
                                                           (A beat.)
Big Mac. I think it works well for the sandwich?
Well, it’s just a sesame seed bun. Notice the alliteration there: sesame seed. It’s like Mr. McDonald himself named that bun sesame seed so he could have some alliteration in his jingle. A true literary great. Even Joyce wouldn’t have that thought. 
I’m sure Joyce would be a Burger King guy; he’s the type to have it his way. Pynchon, too. Faulkner would be Subway, Steinbeck: In-n-Out Burger, or maybe a winery in Silas. 
What about Kafka? 
Hmmm. He’s a burger guy, but I don’t know where in particular. I feel no matter where he goes, the place would close due to an insect infestation. Or it would be a madhouse in there, like the DMV. 
Who else?
Maybe Cormac McCarthy... I could see him ordering a burger here, asking for it prepared like ‘the evening redness in the burger’, and he would probably get mad because the cashier taking his order only reads postmodern literature, and has no idea what Southern Gothic is, like he probably thinks it’s like a category at Party City for Halloween costumes. And when Mr. McCarthy gets his burger, the same as it's cooked for everyone else, McCarthy would complain fiercely in poetic anger, and the employee would tell McCarthy to hit the road, which is ironic because that’s a book by McCarthy, and also a popular phrase, AND also funny because the cashier wouldn’t know he’s making a literary reference to a book he knows nothing about.
I think you're talking out of your ass.
What about a McDonald’s McCarthy Mac’n’Milkshake? 
That’s wrong on two levels.
Care to elaborate?
I know for a fact McCarthy would not order a Mac and a shake – it would be a Mac and a Sprite, no ice. Second, McDonald's cannot call their shakes ‘milkshakes’ - they don’t have any actual milk in it. Haven’t you seen the commercials or the posters? No suspicion on why they don’t use MILK in the typical phrase that comes to mind, MILKSHAKE? 
I guess you’re right. You’re a whiz when it comes to McDonald’s.
They always bitched at me because I ate all the food that fell on the ground. They were really against that, like, reallllllly against it.
Yeah, I bet. Listen, have you been in contact with any of the family at all?
There was one time I almost bit my manager’s hand off. It was bad. It was the end of the night, and we were closing. We had some extra food, and I had been craving some nuggets, like really intense cravings, pregnancy style, like -- I wanted to mix sauce with sauce and apply it to the meat. Well, my manager takes all the nuggets, and all the sauces, and locks himself in the office, and it wasn’t even his office, it was the actual store managers office, and starts chompin’ away. Some people eat in their offices; well he was masticating heavily and aggressively in that office. I barge in and break the lock, hungry and angry, and I see a nugget in his hand, a golden fried literal nugget of recently introduced one hundred percent all white meat chicken. I go for the bite, and end up getting some arm, seasoned lightly with hair. I can even taste the dried tattoo ink. He’s screaming, and in that second, I knew I was fired. All my hard work gone for one leftover ten piece. 
Mickey, we need to talk about--
Ask me how it was.
                                                           (Sighs loudly.)
 Did it at least taste good? 
I’m not a cannibal, the arm was terrible. 
No, the nugget. 
Oh, it was okay. Could have used more seasoning. It looked good enough, but when I ate it, it was just alright. 
What a shame.
I didn’t even get any sauce! No honey mustard, no buffalo, no sweet and sour!
Did they ever charge you for extra sauce? 
No, that was one of the benefits. They let you have two sauces instead of one. It really adds up when you order a twenty piece during your break every shift. Those fifty cents for the sauce came in handy for the bus fare. Now all it’s good for is lottery tickets. I swear I’m winning one of these days. I can feel it!
                                                                                     (A beat.)
So, now that you've dodged the bullet long enough, when are we gonna start talking about the burial plans for Dad? Or the will?
When you were younger, which Kids Meal toy was your favorite? I always liked the Hot Wheels ones.
Stop! We have to talk about the family. Dad left us in a serious hole.
I was always pissed when they wouldn't offer me the Mighty Kids meal when we would go in. I mean, they could see that I was pretty grown--
Will you shut the fuck up and listen? I'm tired of beating around the bush. This is a serious subject!
Well yeah, the toys for the Mighty Kids meals were different than for the regular Kid's Meals--
You're in denial.
No, I'm not.
Don't you care about Dad? Don't you care about anything regarding this family? It's easier for you to talk about McDonald's than about our family?
Are you serious right now?
Yes, I'm serious! Now, you can either tell me if you've talked to the family, or you can just leave.
  (MICKEY gets up from his chair and pushes it in. LOUIS looks at him in astonishment.)
Are you serious? Seriously, Mickey?
 (MICKEY walks off the set, and LOUIS sits at the table, dumbfounded.)
Fine, Mickey. Have it your way.
0 notes
furederiko · 7 years
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Sheeesh!!! It's happening again. All these huge news came out just a day after I posted the last Random-News-Digest. I could've included them in that post instead!!! Personal ranting aside, let's get right through the news then... PS: Yeah, this one arrives a little early than usual, because I have to go off the grid for a while. At least until I return from embarking another exploration to the far off galaxy this week... ;D
Disney Live Action
Guy Ritchie is doing the live action adaptation for "Aladdin"? I'm sure you've already heard about that. The movie is going to be an action musical with Middle Eastern leads who have natural talents in singing and dancing? You've heard this before early last month? Well, it's a first for me, but of course... hell yes! That's GREAT news. But did you know which actor Ritchie is currently approaching to play the magical Genie? The answer is... much to everyone's surprise: Will Smith!
Okay, this casting? I'm not too sure about. The last time we had an African-American as a geenie was Shaquille O'Neal in "Kazaam", and that was... uhm, how do I put it? ODD? Not saying I don't like the idea, or that Smith's a bad actor, nor that I'm being racist or anything. I guess I just can't see the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" in this role. And if we're indeed going about race, why couldn't we get another Middle Eastern actor, or at least an Indian for the job? Someone who's more 'racially appropriate'. Of course Smith's appeal is understandable. He's an actual singer so he'll nail the musical part nicely, a natural Oscar-darling for dramatic moments, and has comedic chops that might rival the late Robin Williams. Even if I feel Williams is pretty much irreplacable in this role.
The problem with Smith however, is that he has turned down Tim Burton's "Dumbo" before. That was due to scheduling issue with "Bad Boys 3". That Michael Bay movie had just lost its director, thus putting it on an uncertain delay, yet Smith hasn't walked back to "Dumbo". Thus suggesting that he's probably just not 'keen on' the project. If that's any indication, could we even expect Smith to take a higher coveted role like the Genie instead? Many seems to doubt it. Beside, the current situation is, he's just in "early talks" for this role, and we know that in Hollywood, that means 'nothing is yet set in stone'. Or legal papers, if you prefer to be more modernly accurate. LOL.
If I have a voice in this movie's production, I say just let Genie become a fully CG character. You know, like those household members in "Beauty and the Beast"? Thus they can get practically anyone who's NOT Will Smith to voice the role. Someone who has strong comedic timing, and is equally masterful at singing. Hmmm... why am I suddenly reminded of Seth McFarlane? Perhaps, because he was a standout in Illumination's "Sing!" last year? He can even be a prolific Broadway actor. What about Jamie Fox, Hugh Jackman, Nathan Lane, or... LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA? I think those names are much better choices than Smith. Here's a completely random suggestion though: Timothy Omundson, or Ben Presley from "Galavant"!!! They live in UK, have worked with Alan Menken before, for a Disney's ABC series, and CAN totally sing. Anyway, we can expect confirmation to this pretty soon, because apparently the casting call explicitly stated that: "Rehearsals begin April 2017. Shooting July 2017-January 2018 in the UK.". And April is about to end pretty soon! LOL.
DC Films
Here's a quick one from Warner Bros and DC! Because as we all should understand by now, they won't ever let Marvel take the whole week of spotlight onto themselves, right? They just need to sneak a completely random news of development here and there. This time, it's from Joss Whedon, whose name has been kindly talked about recently thanks to Kevin Feige kindly mentioning him during Marvel Studios' open house. And this news came from a very ironic place too: The red carpet premiere of the new Guardians movie! LOL to that.
The news was, well, Whedon is NOT looking for a big name to fill in her lead actress for "Batgirl". He said clearly, "I don’t have my eye on anyone. I’m creating this character, I’m in a dialogue with her, and then we’ll see who joins that later on. I doubt it’ll be a name.", which means she can be anyone. Whedon had a soft spot for Oscar-nominee Saoirse Ronan before ended up going with Elizabeth Olsen for Wanda Maximoff in "Avengers: Age of Ultron". And his TV works have always involved a strong female lead, like Sarah Michelle-Gellar in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". So he can practically choose any actress for the character, including a relatively unknown. The big question though, how does WB feel about this? And considering the studio's really BAD habbit of pointlessly putting reference, will this actress debuted in "The Batman" before her solo movie? Which means she needs to be cast right away. We'll have to wait and see how this develops.
Wait a sec... turns out this news didn't really come from WB after all. But due to Variety asking Whedon about the project, when they bumped into him at the premiere. So not WB's intentional spotlight-hogging trick this time around. LOL. Sorry WB, my bad. This is why you shouldn't do that to other studios, as people would easily assume you're doing it again and again eventhough you're guilty of charge. Ahahahaha... *sigh*.
Fast and Furious
"The Fate of the Furious", which is a dumb title albeit a nice little twist on 'F8', raced through the box office and conquered the winning lane ever since it debuted. It has even amassed a record breaking global opening of all time, beating 2015's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"! But with the franchise started getting a little... tiring, the question is, for how much longer it has the engine to keep on running? If the latest statement by producer Neal Moritz is to be believed, we're going to see this drug race-inspired movie - at least - up to "Fast and Furious 10". Which might be dumbly named "Fasten Your Seatbelt". Get it? LOL. That's already one more than the previously reported "Fast and Furious 9" by the way. Remember when Lucas Black was approached to do it until 9, but ended up a no-show in 8?
It certainly ain't stopping anytime soon though. Why? Because already, a plan is in motion for a... spinoff. Yikes! Yes, because apparently, due to the much publicized rift (is it real or fake? That has been settled though, I think... *sigh*) between lead actor Vin Diesel, and new regular Dwayne Johnson, it seems fans are now shipping Johnson's Luke Hobbs with Jason Statham's Deckard Shaw. Yep, the bad guy who killed Sung Kang's Han Seoul-Oh. Seriously, will Han's death ever be avenged? I haven't seen the eighth movie yet, but it sounded like Hobbs and big bro Shaw (while lil bro Shaw was singing his way in "Beauty and the Beast") actually had... great chemistry together?
It's currently 'in talks' stage for now, but I can already see it happening. Particularly considering The Rock would do any film, while Statham is in need of another franchise after his participation in "The Expendables 4" is put into question. Chris Morgan is expected to write, and the timeline would put it between the 8th and 9th movie. I'm not too sure about this idea, but perhaps, somewhere along the line we might be seeing a Han and Gal Gadot's Giselle "Mr & Mrs Smith"-esque movie along the way? Especially after Gadot's profile will get another significant boost following this year's "Wonder Woman". I'd certainly would watch that.
X-Men Universe
Now here's what I consider a rather 'dumb' report serving the headlines for "Deadpool 2". Actress Leslie Uggams is set to reprise her role as Blind Al in the sequel. Why is that dumb? Duh... because she's an important element of the first movie, stealing scene every single time she showed up. It would be a crime to not have her back! Not to mention, he's Wade's roommate. What I'm curious to know however, is whether Morena Baccarin will indeed reprise her role as Vanessa as well. I sure hope she will, otherwise it would mess up continuity... not that FOX have actually cared about it. Then again, Deadpool could've gotten away with it by turning it as a mockery excuse towards FOX. While at the same time, punching jabs towards Marvel Studios' case of Pepper Potts and Jane Foster. Ain't that a good idea, right?
Oh yeah, by the way, FOX has announced the official release date for the movie! Eventhough the first movie opened in February, its success has apparently warranted this sequel to change gears into a Summer movie. Yes, it will now open in June 1st, 2018. Which is a rather crowded spot, since Disney has "Han Solo: A Star Wars Movie" to open in the previous week, and the following week has WB's all-female "Ocean's 8" and Paramount's "Bumblebee" movie. Is this a wise move, then? I doubt. That's the way it is with FOX though, they don't give a damn about things like this. They've also set up Josh Boone's "New Mutants" to arrive on April 13th, 2018. Which is, a few months... AHEAD. Huh?
And a little movie called "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" that will arrive in November 2nd, 2018. Squaring off directly against Disney's "Mulan" live action revisit, this news just came in several hours ago (thank Jesus I can add it before this post goes up *sigh*)! Nope, don't be mistaken, it's not "X-Men: The Last Stand" that practically ruined the franchise the first time. It's a... reboot of said movie? Meaning it has the ultimate potential (same story, same WRITER) to do the same? LOL. Need I remind you, these are 3 different movies, set in an entirely 3 different timeline/universe, right? Once again, LOL to that.
Aaaaanyway. With the uncertainty of WB to produce any DC Films earlier than December's "Aquaman", looks like FOX is snatching all the empty superhero slots, eh? The only empty space is in January, March, and August to October, with SONY's "Venom" already dated in the last one. So NICE move to FOX....!!! I guess? *sigh*
This is a direct follow up to the above paragraph. Remember the James Cameron's sequel that was supposed to open on December 2018, but got delayed and thus became occupied by "Aquaman"? Yep, I know what you're thinking. This whole release date business already sounds like a confusing game of chess! Well, brace yourself, because "Avatar 2", the sequel we never even asked, will now open on December 18th, 2020. Eeeeh? Not kidding. But what took Cameron so long to get one done? The answer is, because he's doing all FOUR sequels altogether. Yes, "Avatar 3" has been scheduled to open on December 17th, 2021, while "Avatar 4" and "Avatar 5" are coming in December 20th, 2024 and December 19th, 2025 respectively. Ain't that a mouthful to write! Those, if there's any among you, who are waiting for these... sequels, should be really happy to hear this news. You have 5 years of Avatar-time! You've got to hand it to Cameron though. This here is risky business. VERY risky. I can't even imagine what would happen if the 2nd movie is a bomb.
Marvel Studios
Let's start with the juiciest part! Just last week, I speculated that Marvel Studios will announce the female director for "Captain Marvel" when they return to Hall H of this year's San Diego Comic Con. Well, this is Marvel Studios, a studio known for catching people off guard, and they've done it again. Not just for one, but a double surprise at the same time.
Yes, the director for their first female-led female-centric movie has indeed been selected. And it's not one, but TWO of them! Marvel Studios officially announced (first reported by Variety) that Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck have been assigned to helm the project. So to you who wanted a female director, you get one. And those who prefer a male director, also get one. Fair and square!!! Intriguingly, their names weren't even part of the frontrunners list, so it certainly caught almost everyone by surprise. According to The Hollywood Reporter, apparently Marvel Studios met with several female directors since last summer; from Niki Caro (who has been hired to do "Mulan" instead), Lesli Linka Glatter, Lorene Scafaria, to Lucia Aniello, and Quicksilver's real life wife Sam Taylor-Johnson, with Jennifer Kent and Jennifer Yuh also in the early mix; before ultimately settling in on this "Mississippi Grind" duo. Turns out, they've managed to impress the studio with their vision for the movie, which put focus on elevating character's journey beneath all the spectacle. Sounds like something right up on Marvel Studios' alley, huh?
Just like the Russo Brothers, Boden and Fleck have done more TV based project, instead of big features. Does the similarity to Anthony and Joe feels more than mere coincidence? Clearly Marvel is taking their first female-led superhero VERY seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if Carol Danvers will be taking Steve Rogers' important role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward. To be honest, I'm not at all familiar with the duo's work, not on movies ("It's Kind of a Funny Story", "Sugar", "Half Nelson"), nor TV ("The Affair", "Billions"). But I'm hearing good things about them, and considering Marvel Studios has a powerful knack in choosing who they partnered with (particularly ever since they no longer serve under Ike Perlmutter), I've completely put my trust in their decision. Lest we forget, people doubted that Joss Whedon, James Gunn, and also the Russos would deliver before. And now their movies are considered among MCU's best. With the smart and loveable Oscar-winner Brie Larson more than excited to front, a script currently in progress by Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve, and an official production targetting a February 2018 start, "Captain Marvel" will arrive on March 8th, 2019.
After debuting their first worldwide tour in Tokyo, Japan, the Los Angeles Red Carpet Premiere for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" has been held on Friday. As always, the glamorous event took place at the El Capitan Theatre. Unlike previous movies, I couldn't catch the live stream of this premiere, because I'm running out of data charge on my internet! After all, when you're saving up money to watch the movie (tickets' pre-ordered by the way, yaaaay! XD), you have no choice but to wait until early next month to get it reinvigorated. Whoops, let's get back on track. Most of the cast attended the celebration. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, co-president Louis D'Esposito, VFX producer Victoria Alonso, and director James Gunn were obviously leading the pack. They were joined by returning actors Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Karen Gillan, Michael Rooker, and Sean Gunn, as well as new cast members Pom Klementieff, Chris Sullivan, Elizabeth Debicki, and Tommy Flanagan. Veteran actors Kurt Russel and Sylvester Stallone were also in attendance, with a surprise appearance of one David Hasselfhoff! Okay, I didn't even know he has a part in this movie. I thought his name in the recently released Original Soundtrack was just pure coincidence. By the way, said album's tracklist could potentially be considered spoilerish, so you might want to avoid it the way I do.
Another press junket was held following the premiere, and the folks behind this movie has been spilling additional details here and there. The kind of information that you would want to steer away and avoid, if like me, you don't want to be spoiled ahead of the game. This could range from the simplest bit like: - Various critics' reviews as well as the first accumulated RottenTomatoes score can be expected to arrive very soon. So check your favorite entertainment sites in the next 24 hours or more, to see what their journalists have to say about this movie. I'm personally avoiding the internet after this to avoid spoilers, and will get back once I've seen the movie. 3 days from now! YAAASSS!!! \(^o^)/ - The fact that the movie's core theme is about family. Sean Gerber of Modern Myth Media, even said that the movie was "pure love", and something that should be watched together with their family. Gunn even dedicated this movie to his parents during the LA premiere. - That baby Groot is the star of the movie! Even fellow Marvel Studios director Peyton Reed thought he could win an Oscar! - New official images released on Entertainment Weekly that hinted towards various plot points. - A supposed Nathan Fillion's cameo that got edited out. Complete with proof by the actor himself, that turned out to nothing but a... prank? LOL. Though it's possible he's indeed the actor that Gunn openly admitted had to cut during post production. - About "the collector’s museum"-level Easter-Eggs-filled scene that went out in the cutting room... and might not be available as the Deleted Scenes. - About a surprise pop star cameo. - To the more complex one, like the removal of one character by the name of... *drumrolls* Adam Warlock!
Yes, turns out the Warlock was originally a major part of "Vol. 2"! Confirming that it was indeed his cocoon we saw in the first movie, but was decided to be saved for later movies. Once again, Gunn has been pretty open about this before, as he said that the script originally had 'one other' member of the team that he unfortunately had to let go. Yes, he WAS talking about Warlock, as the decision to omit him was because "it was one character too many and I didn’t want to lose Mantis and Mantis was more organically part of the movie anyway. So I decided to save him for later.". Gunn expressed his love for him though, eventhough we also shouldn't expect to see Warlock in "Avengers: Infinity War" as well, much to fans dismay. Nevertheless, Feige gave assurance that we will definitely see this important cosmic being in future movies.
By future, I believe we can expect this important character to show up later in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3", or even earlier in the UNTITLED 2019's Avengers movie. As I've always said, Adam Warlock is an amazing character because he's basically serving as both protagonist and antagonist due to his alter-ego Magus. And the prospect of having him playing a crucial role in future Marvel cosmic universe is enough as an excuse for me. Gunn stated to EW, that the "the three movies work together as a whole, they’re going to tell one story,". Which is exactly the reason why he agreed and excited to continue with "Vol. 3". Don't forget, we're getting Warlock's comic-book's 'sister' Ayesha and her golden-skinned race in this second movie. It would be very obvious, if Warlock will indeed take the follow up spotlight on "Vol. 3". One more thing, Gunn's collaboration with Marvel Studios won't be stopping after "Vol. 3". Birth.Movies.Death speculated, that Gunn is basically the architect of Marvel Studios' future cosmic universe, and I'm inclined to agree on that. Which his role important going forward. After all, Feige himself stated that Gunn "could easily oversee additional stories beyond Vol. 3.". I honestly can't wait to see what we can expect next in the massive galactic side of MCU, considering some of its more popular properties like Galactus, or Silver Surfer, are owned by FOX.
With one movie of 2017 out of the way, when can we expect the 2nd one then? The Los Angeles premiere for "Spider-Man: Homecoming" has been set for June 28th, 2017. Similar to the case of "Vol. 2", we can expect first screening reactions, critics reviews, and all the information dump related to Tom Holland's solo movie, beginning on early June. Or perhaps, much earlier? Yep, L.A. Times shared a new official photo of Spidey inside a pipe, accompanied by a breakdown of what his VERY convenient suit can do. After all, it's Tony Stark's creation! LOL. There's another one from EW, included in an article that focused on director Jon Watts' and Holland's experience with the production, considering the two "were in the same boat". In case you forget, "Homecoming" is the only MCU movie this year that takes place on Earth! So in that sense, it could be considered an important movie, because it's one of two that will directly lead up towards "Infinity War".
The other one is of course, Ryan Coogler's "Black Panther" that will arrive February 16th next year. A movie that had just wrapped production in Atlanta, but already sounds stunningly promising in many delicate ways: first female cinematographer in Rachel Morrison, dashing 'tribal-modern fusion' costumes by Oscar nominee Ruth E. Carter, fully imaginative high-tech metropolitan Wakanda, and stellar supporting cast, among others. Both Holland's Peter Parker and Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa debuted in "Captain America: Civil War" to critical acclaimed last year. We know that the two has officially joined the MCU's shirtless club, that even the bigwigs at Marvel Studios thought as something brag-worthy (LOL!!!). Yet the biggest question for them, is whether their stand-alone features will perform as good, or even better as the hype. Whether the directorial visions of Watts and Coogler are the right ones to catapult each solo title into their own franchises. Because if they are, then they will be joining the likes of Peyton Reed and Scott Derrickson who are moving forward with their second MCU movie.
Meanwhile, production for "Infinity War" is still ongoing in Scotland. And the latest sighting will make fans of the comics glee with joy. Why? Actor Paul Bettany was seen filming a romantic scene with Elizabeth Olsen, confirming that the relationship of his Victor Sha... I mean Vision and her Wanda Maximoff actually have progressed significantly since their encounter in "Avengers: Age of Ultron". There's something more to the scene though, because Bettany is NOT in his thick Vision makeup! Thus many have been assuming this could be either a dream-scene, or an alternate reality caused by one of the Infinity Stones. In fact, it makes sense to be the movie's happy ending too.
Speaking of 'happy ending', don't assume that this scene is part of the 2019's UNTITLED Avengers movie. Why? Eventhough the Russos DID plan to film both movies concurrently, apparently what might have sounded possible in theory, didn't work out so well in practice. Feige revealed to Collider, that the studio has decided to change course, and film both movies as back-to-back but entirely separate productions. "It became too complicated to cross-board them like that, and we found ourselves—again, something would always pay the price", he admitted, which might point out various issues like technical requirements of making sure both movie would be different from one another, actor's scheduling, and others. Which means, every behind the scenes candid images we've seen so far, are all part of "Infinity War". Feige then confirmed that they expect filming for the first movie to wrap in July, before moving on with the next one in August. Think of it like how Peter Jackson worked on his "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Hobbit" trilogies.
Last but not least, Feige also teased that while they are focusing on the seven ongoing tasks at hand, the MCU might be 'evolving' into a different form/route beginning in Phase 4. If... it can even be called that way, of course. "Certainly as we get to Infinity War there is a sense of a climax if not a conclusion to, by the time we’re at untitled Avengers 4, the 22 movies that will have encompassed the first three phases of the MCU. And what happens after that will be very different. I don’t know if it’s Phase 4, it might be a new thing.", he openly said to Collider. Intriguing, because if we observe closer, two of the confirmed titles ("Vol. 3" and "Homecoming 2") have their own separate and unique timelines; one probably mere months apart, while the other taking the "Harry Potter" yearly approach. A third that has been unofficially confirmed, the next chapter to "Doctor Strange", isn't likely to be bound by time and space either. Feige summed up that after 2019's Avengers movie, the MCU is "gonna be very, very different.". Hmmm... let's just say, I won't be at all surprised if the official title for Avengers 4 is called... "AVENGERS: SECRET WARS"! *wink*
Marvel TV
As Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." closing in on its 4th season finale, the fate of this ABC network series remains a huge question. Will it be renewed for a 5th year? And will it serve as the final season, as Entertainment Weekly has predicted before? Fans of the show, however small and numbered it might be, are anxious to find out. But while we're waiting for the answer, Marvel TV isn't stopping anytime soon. Instead, they are moving forward with their two Freeform projects.
The first one is Marvel's "New Warriors", as the former ABC family network officially announced its main roster! As speculated, it's a combination of actual "New Warriors" members from the comics, as well as ones from "Great Lake Avengers". The characters were revealed last week, complete with a catchy comic book art to accompany the announcement. They are (in list, because I love one): - Doreen Green, or Squirrel Girl. Well, duh? Obviously she's part of the show! Because it's the character that Freeform has always wanted to get from the beginning. According to Freeform, Doreen is an empowered girl, and a natural leader. Fitting to her power of acrobatic, and as such, she is bouncy and energetic. She will be accompanied by her pet squirrel Tippy Toe, everywhere she goes. - Craig Hollis, or Mister Immortal. True to his superhero alias, he's practically unable to die. Problem is, the lazy guy hasn't made use of this ability at all, and tends to be cocky and grumpy instead. Freeform calls him as the team's troublemaker. Or as I would see it... the jerk whom I would easily hate. - Dwayne Taylor, or Night Thrasher. He doesn't have any super ability, but he's a... Youtube artist? Huh? Ain't that something that the millenials would dig, right? He's rich kid who's pretending he's not, because he's a local celebrity 'hero' who is... shamelessly full of himself. Wow, our first two guys both sound annoying already. - Robbie Baldwin, or Speedball. His ability is to launch kinetic balls of energy, which of course would require CG work. His character description is kind of important, because it confirms that the show takes place in the MCU. Yes, because he's a fan of the Avengers Tower. Unfortunately, he's "impulsive and immature people-pleaser with a misplaced sense of confidence". My oh my, why do all the guys are characterized like this? - Zack Smith, or Microbe. This guy might already be my favorite, because he's a shy and sweet big guy who... talks to germs? Huh? Yep, his ability practically turns him into some kind of telepath, as he can tell everything from the millions germs scattering in the planet. Considering the MCU has very few people who can be categorized as an actual telepath (Scarlet Witch, and Mantis?), this is a good excuse to make Zack be another one. Judging from the character design, it seems like an Asian-American is going to be cast for this character. - Deborah Fields, or Debrii. This lesbian African-American is proud, and has a sharp tongue. Always unafraid to say what she thinks, and calls out people on their BS. Sounds like an amazing frenemy to either Craig, Dwayne, or Robbie, right? She has the power of telekinesis, and also acts as some sort of trickster.
If you ask me, I think these characters are good, and also wise choices because they represent diversity. No actor has been announced just yet because the casting process is said to commence very soon. But considering how fast this show is moving forward since it was greenlit, I wouldn't be surprised if we're getting cast announcement next week! I'm still not sure if I can see this show, considering it's airing on Freeform, but the idea of a 30-minutes 10-episodes only live-action comedy is too good for me to miss out. Obviously, if there's one main concern I have for it, is whether they can nail the VFX for show or not. And how much practical effects that will be utilized. Like the case of Tippy Toe, will an actual squirrel plays the rodent? Or a completely CG character? Of course, having characters like Mister Immortal, Night Thrasher, and Microbe is a beneficial cheat, considering their abilities can all be done practically. Even Debrii's power can also be done through simple camera tricks. The biggest challenge would be Speedball's, and the appearance of Squirrel Girl. Let's hope showrunner Kevin Biegel, and Marvel TV can work these out. Marvel's "New Warriors" is expected to arrive in 2018, which means, plenty of time to get the VFX done.
The first trailer for Marvel's "Cloak and Dagger" has been released! I did NOT see this coming. After all, the series won't premiere until Winter 2018, right? Unless, that literally means January or February, since both months are still regarded as winter. Hmmmm. Anyway, as soon as I'm done with the trailer, I'm 100% certain that this show is NOT for me. Not saying it's bad, because the whole teenage romance thing is, well, certainly new for Marvel. So a 'good job' for them is at hand? I don't know why, it just doesn't work for me. The lack of special effects, perhaps (that practical one looks... weak, and fake)? Too soap-opera for my taste, probably? Or is it because a conservative soul like me and some others just couldn't get the charm of it. Maaaaan, I feel old *sigh*. As I said before, as much as I liked the characters in the comics, I'm going to give this series a pass. It's definitely a no go for me. The only thing I liked about this is the logo... and that's saying much.
I can't help but wonder if these lovers would somehow, in some way, have a crossover with the "New Warriors". Both are running in the same network, and the age gap between their characters aren't too big. Of course, we must not forget that "Cloak and Dagger" takes place in New Orleans, while "New Warriors" will be in... hold on, they haven't mentioned where the setting will be, huh? Character description for Speedball mentioned 'Avengers Tower' though, so it likely takes place in New York. If that's the case, now I'm wondering if Squirrel Girl and her friends will bump into any of the Defenders, or Doctor Strange, or even Spider-Man? Aaargh.... this whole #itsallconnected thing is confusing.
Would you look at that! Marvel's "Luke Cage" has... begun production for its 2nd season? Wowzers... Marvel is certainly firing on all cylinders, attacking on all front last week, huh? However, just like Marvel's "Jessica Jones", this report didn't arrive from Marvel, who usually posted an official announcement for a start of production. Instead, this silently came into public's attention through some keen-eyed fans who spotted the working title of "Luke Cage" being set up in Port Washington, New York. Add to that, Simone Missick's tweet about her training for the new season, and many can easily come into the same deduction.
Intriguingly, assuming this report IS true, "Luke Cage" going into production at the same time as "Jessica Jones" feels a little suspicious, eh? If I recall correctly, "Jessica Jones" showrunner Melissa Rosenberg did teased about Mike Colter's Luke's appearance in the series. So I'm secretly wishing this is the case, because his presence did wonder in the 1st season. Don't forget, Colter was cast due to his chemistry with Krysten Ritter! As for "Luke Cage", we need to remember that showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker actually wanted to do a "Heroes for Hire" show. But we all know how it turned out right? He was hired to do the solo series instead. With Scott Buck being occupied with Marvel's "The Inhumans", and the uncertainty of his Marvel's "Iron Fist" getting another season (sad to say, it's Netflix and Marvel TV's worst-reviewed show so far), could we be seeing Finn Jones' Danny Rand and Jessica Henwick's Colleen Wing entering the world of Luke Cage instead? I certainly hope so, because that would be the WISEST decision for both series. Coker would get what he have always wanted, and Marvel fans can finally see these two lead characters turning into that charming best buddies we've always seen in various other medias. Not to mention, Missick's Misty Knight can pair up with Henwick's Colleen as well. Once again, just like in the comics! To be honest, I don't have any interest to see new season for both series at this moment, but a pleasant twist like that would totally alter said plan completely... XD
Of course, that's merely a random speculation on my part. And a wishful thinking too. If the recent exclusive on MCU Exchange is also true, then well, such fantastic crossover already sounds unlikely. Which means, there goes my excitement level...
As for Marvel's "The Punisher", Tyler Bates who has done work for James Gunn's MCU movies, will be lending his hand to score the series. Possibly hinting towards a more rock and roll, or heavy metal vibe to the music. One more thing, actress Rosario Dawson had openly stated that she won't be showing in the series. Not really a surprise, because her Claire Temple never really interacted with Jon Bernthal's Frank Castle before. I think her role will specifically be taken over by Deborah Ann Woll's Karen Page this time. She did remark that she would love to be in it, but scheduling conflict somehow prevented her from doing so. Marvel's "The Punisher" is expected to premiere this Fall.
Kamen Rider Shally
Tokusatsu scooper Dukemon, posted some reports regarding the next Kamen Rider season following "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid". According to him, the rumored title will be "Kamen Rider Shally", and as previously hinted before, is a SUSHI-themed. Shally will be using the Shally Driver, and Neta Units to transform. He added that Shally will have three forms, obtained through the Neta units: Maguro, Ika, and Tamago. These are all obviously named after variants of Sushi that uses tuna, squid, and roll-egg respectively. For now, we need to consider this rumor with a huge grain of salt. But Dukemon is reliable, as many report he posted ended up becoming a fact. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
"Persona 5" is still taking the main attention of many Persona-fans until now, but it seems Atlus is already moving forward with new projects for the franchise. According to Gematsu, Ryu's Office, the company who worked with Atlus to register domain names, has submited several Persona-related ones on April 18th. These names include: P3D, P5AG, P5D, P5R, P5U, Persona-Dance, PQ2. Three more were submitted on April 4: Persona8, Persona9, and Persona10.
Since they have created a crossover title between "Persona 4" and "Persona 3" before in form of "Persona 4 Arena", it seems likely that one of said domain might be a continuation to said title. Perhaps, the P5U one stands for "Persona 5 Ultimax/Arena"? I hope that's the case, because the possibility of the Phantom Thieves of Heart crossing path with the Inaba Investigation Team is too good to ignore. The notion of a Persona title from 8 to 10 is also intriguing. I don't recall we have heard any rumble of a "Persona 6" just yet, but they already book the spot up to 10! That's... WOW, right? Nevertheless, if Atlus can continue building better and better game like what they have done with P5, I don't see why there can't be a "Persona 10" somewhere in the franchise's bright future...
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dp-pastandpresent · 5 years
Past and Present: Chapter 34
Danny and Sam were sitting on Clockwork's couch, staring up at the Observant before them, waiting for answers.
"Will you PLEASE just tell us what is happening here?" Sam asked again, as the Observant paced in front of the large screen.
"My dear. What you ask is much harder to answer than you would believe. The story of Clockwork, it dates back eons and would take far too long to tell."
"We have a right to know!" Sam shouted. "We WERE the ones who defeated him, you know!"
The Observant huffed at this. "Only because it has been planned that way since the day Clockwork took his job."
Sam raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, still not willing to give up.
"You mean, EONS AGO, someone decided that Clockwork would control time and that WE would be the ones to end it eventually?"
She looked at Danny, trying to get him to speak up, but he was still a bit shocked to even be in this position.
'Danny, help me here…'
"Well, actually, just him," the Observant said as he pointed to Danny, who was taken aback by the sudden acknowledgement.
"Me? It's always been… me?"
'Something still doesn't add up. How could anyone know so far back that one boy would save them all?'
"Yes and no."
"Which is it?" Sam demanded.
Sensing that he was not going to win the argument with this girl, the ghost in front of them let out a sigh and answered with as little emotion as possible.
"When the Ghost Zone came into existence, shortly after the creation of Earth, we Observants formed a council. Many of us came into being with the vast knowledge of our whole existence. We knew we had to pass on this information, and so we created books upon books of knowledge, many that exist in this realm even today.
"As we were creating these books, the knowledge poured out, some of it coming to us as we wrote. The prophecies were some of these things.
"Yes, there is more than one, please do not ask me to elaborate. For the one that is of importance right now is the one that pertains young Daniel.
"It stated, 'One day there will come a being strong enough to wield the power of both realms. Upon the removal of the cursed Amulet of Aragon, this being will take its true place amongst both humans and ghosts, freeing the Ghost Zone of the dark power that lingers over it, and taking its place as the protector of both realms.'
"At the time of its creation, we did not behold the true meaning, or what that darkness would be, however, we always knew it would be a human who would in some way share powers with ghosts. At what point in time this would happen stayed obscured from us though.
"It wasn't until we stumbled upon a young ghost, one that showed real potential as our protector, that we began to put the pieces together."
"Clockwork…" Danny nearly whispered as the ghost before him paused.
"You knew he would be the one to…"
"Create the savior? Precisely. But we were still unsure how. All we knew at the time was that this young ghost, wandering through the still very empty zone, unable to control the changes he found himself going through, was the one we needed to watch over the timelines and make sure things played out the way they were supposed to."
"Because that clearly worked," Sam snarked, still frustrated with the role she and Danny been made to play.
"PLEASE GIRL, let me finish!" The Observant was at the end of his wits with Sam, ready to just disappear back to his realm and leave the two of them to figure things out on their own.
"Sam… let him explain… please," Danny muttered, a hard look on his face.
"Fine… continue."
"So, we took him in. Told him it was his destiny to watch over both realms and help those who had passed move onto a world beyond the Ghost Zone. After all, this world was not created to house the dead forever.
"We gave him what he needed: this realm, the screens, the Graveyard, and of course his staff. We trained him to use his powers and to be what he became, passing on as much knowledge as we could and then, when the time was right, allowing him to freely do his job.
"For centuries, he worked without complaint. Helping those who needed it pass onto their next life, all the while watching over the timelines. But we knew it wouldn't last
"When we entrusted him with this realm, we had also included the library, which, at first, he did not know contained his true destiny. It wasn't until things began slowing down that he found the time to look through the books, and in so doing discover the prophecy.
"We knew the prophecy couldn't unfold until he discovered it, but what we didn't know was how obsessed he would become. Soon he lost all interest in helping those in need, instead allowing them to run amuck in the Zone. The screens he had once used to watch over the timelines became nothing more than a device for him to stare at aimlessly, always searching for the ONE.
"It was then that we realized, by creating this being who could control time and allow the prophecy to come true, that we had also created the darkness that same prophecy referred to."
It was Danny's turn to speak up now.
"And you didn't do anything?" He got up from his seat and floated closer to the ghost. "Clearly you have power over him! You couldn't have just ended it then and there?"
"It is more than that. This prophecy was created when our world was born. We couldn't risk not allowing it to play out. We had to keep going, knowing that one day he would discover the savior the prophecy spoke of, and in doing so, end his own reign."
"It just doesn't seem right, allowing someone to take control like that and not giving them any repercussions for their actions."
And now it was Sam's turn to be the voice of reason, for after hearing the full story, she had begun to do some rethinking.
"Danny. I get that you're mad. I was too. But all the graphic novels and legends I've read about in Skulk and Lurk say the same thing: you have to let these prophecies play out, otherwise there are dire consequences."
Danny looked back at Sam, trying to figure out why she was suddenly having a change of heart.
"Besides, if they hadn't done all this, you wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have met you and well…" She blushed.
Danny sighed.
"Ok, I get it. You had to let him reign. But now that reign is over. Does that mean the prophecy is fulfilled?" He looked back to the remaining Observant.
The Observant let out a low chuckle as he watched Danny fall back to his seat.
"Ha! Nary. You see, you may have been able to control your powers when Clockwork needed defeating, but you still have a long way to go, young man."
Danny raised an eyebrow at this.
Seeing the couple's frustration, the Observant turned to face the screens again, willing the largest to turn on before turning back to them with a sigh.
"If you must know, Daniel, there is more to this story than defeating Clockwork."
Danny flies through the air at top speed, chasing after something as he emits green rays from his hands. The subject in question, as it turns out, is the same ghost he had met in the Zone on his way to Clockwork. But this time he's shooting rays at Danny, trying everything to win this battle.
"Welp. You must know how much your pelt is worth! I will get you eventually!"
The screen changed.
Danny is again battling a ghost, this time standing on the ground and watching as the trees around him come to life, the genie ghost behind them growing larger by the second.
"Who the heck wished for evil plants!"
The screen changed.
Amity Park, overgrown with vines, weeds, and flowers, as Danny blasts root after root to defeat their source.
The boy's voice brought them all back to reality as the observant paused the screen on a scene of Danny captured in a thorny vine.
"Had enough yet?" the Observant asked, his robotic voice showing a hint of amusement.
"What does any of this mean?" Danny asked, although he had a feeling he knew the answer.
"This, young man, is your destiny. Don't you see? Your future is more that eating ice cream on a doorstep with the girl. It's protecting your city, those you love. Learning to control your powers and using them for the greater good."
"I've already done that! Stopped fires, caught criminals, done things the police can't," Danny said in a frustrated voice as he got up from his seat. "And what good did it do me?"
"Yes, you did help the local law enforcement. And yes, they expected it and got lethargic BUT you know what else you did? You stopped ghosts. You used those powers that you were given to keep the harmful ones at bay. And now that the portal has been opened, and there is no one to help them move on, they will KEEP COMING."
"And someone has to stop them," Sam whispered.
" The girl is correct!"
Danny looked down at Sam.
"But Sam, you saw the powers I have, what I had to do to defeat HIM. What if I have to do that again and someone gets hurt?"
Before Sam could answer, the Observant spoke up again.
"Yes, someone could get hurt. But that is why you must trust your instincts. When you needed to defeat Clockwork, and your mouth shot out that…"
"Wail. The huge ghostly wail. I didn't even have to think, I just…"
"You just knew. And you will always know. Now that you've found a way to transform at will, your instincts can take control and you'll know what to do," Sam interjected. "And I will be here, to make sure that you don't harm anyone you aren't supposed to."
Danny looked lovingly at Sam, truly realizing how lucky he was to have found her. The way she was willing to stand up for him, throw herself in harm's way. That's what he loved. More than her sense of humor. More than her beauty. More than those deep purple eyes…
"Eyes…" he muttered, rising up again.
"Hmmm?" she questioned.
"You, Mr. Ummmm?"
"Just call me an Observant," the ghost said, a bit of amusement in his voice.
"Ok, Mr. Observant. Can you show me the human world in real time?" Danny asked, urgency in his voice.
"Danny? What's…?" Sam asked.
"I forgot about the Sarah! Tucker! The Fentons!"
Sam slapped her forehead.
The Observant turned to the screen, allowing it to change again, this time showing the Fentons' living room. Both Danny and Sam let out gasps as they realized how urgently they needed to get back home.
The Fentons were standing, looking down at the ground and the figure below them.
Sarah was on the ground, scooter on the floor behind them.
Just from looking, the group could tell that Sarah wasn't breathing. It wasn't until Tucker ran in that they got confirmation on the situation.
"The ER are on their way, but they don't seem to think they can do anything if her heart has already stopped," Tucker said, nearly breathless.
"She was fine this morning, energetic even. I can't believe she'd just pass out dead like this!" Maddie tried to reason.
"Given everything else we've been through, I'm wondering if this is related," Tucker added.
"You mean she died because something else happened!?" Jack scratched his head in thought.
"Well, she is sort of linked to Danny and Sam. Maybe something happened in there…"
The screen went fuzzy, not allowing the group to see more.
"That's my Grandma! Turn it back on!" Sam demanded, jumping up and almost attacking the Observant.
"I can't dear. Those screens are not designed to show unsure futures."
"Well then, take us home! Let us find a way to save her."
Danny got up as he spoke, finally beginning to realize that his story was indeed not over.
"Easier said than done young man, I can't just open a portal and send you home. I'll have to let you navigate yourself back…"
The couple drooped their heads at this. MORE traveling? Why couldn't they just return to the human realm the easy way?
"All the power in the world and you can't just send us home?" Danny asked, almost pleading.
The head Observant blinked down at the two, who still had pleading looks in their eyes.
The two perked up.
"I cannot send you to another realm. That is a power that no ghost has. BUT I believe I can open a portal near the opening to your world. I have never tried sending a human through though…"
Danny turned to Sam.
"Potentially get lost for eons trying to find a way home, or take the risk and let him send us through his?"
"Gee, what great options," Sam said sarcastically. "When you put it that way, I've taken so many risks already, might as well take more."
They both turned back to the Observant, who turned around and lifted his arms, green light coming from within to create a swirling vortex.
"Make it quick, and Daniel, hold her hand to be safe."
'I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise.'
Danny grabbed Sam's hand and floated them to the front of the vortex. He quickly turned his head to the ghost.
"Thank you. For everything."
"Daniel, as I said, you are far from finished. I am sure we will meet again."
As if pushed by a gust of wind, the two figures felt themselves falling into the abyss of green light.
"After all, there are more prophecies."
A green burst of energy exploded through the air, sending the young woman flying back. Brushing off her skirt, she regained her composure only to see the energy gone and two figures standing where there'd been no one before. The female figure was bent over, almost out of breath, black hair in her face. The male was holding on tight, making sure she was ok. When he finally looked up, the young woman gasped.
"You! I have been waiting by this portal for a long time to talk to you."
Danny flinched, taken unawares by the woman's presence. But upon his own closer inspection he realized that he recognized this woman.
"The dragon…" he muttered quietly, but she still heard him.
"Not anymore, oh great one. For I have not witnessed that part of me since your removal of my amulet. And for that, I am here to thank you."
Sam turned to Danny, who in turn raised an eyebrow, trying to remember all he had done for the woman.
"Ummm, you're welcome?"
"No! Don't you see! You told me to free myself, to confess about our powers. And when I finally did, well…my brother was finally put in his place."
"His place?"
"The dungeons to be exact. He abused his powers. Lost all those he loved and even his reign. You are looking at the new Queen of Eragon." She puffed herself up a bit at this, proud of what she had become.
"So thank you, great one. Our kingdom is forever in your debt."
"Again… you're welcome," he replied, looking around, hoping to spot the portal home.
Sam could sense the awkwardness and decided she should try and help.
"Danny. You saved her realm. YOU. You did something GOOD. Don't you see, this is what he was talking about. This is why you exist."
"Oh yes! Our prophecy. About my amulet. Did it come true, great one?" The woman's eyes widened with curiosity.
Danny smiled a bit at this, beginning to like being called "great one."
"Yes, you could say that… But now, ma'am, I must be finding my way back to the human realm. Can you point me in that direction?"
"Oh, of course. Anything for you! It's right there!" She pointed off to the right, where another green swirl was floating in the zone.
"But be careful, I think I saw another ghost go through earlier…"
Danny looked to Sam, raising an eyebrow, hoping they wouldn't have to deal with another ghost battle that day.
"Danny, we'll be ready for 'em," Sam smiled as they grabbed hands again and turned toward to portal.
"But for now, let's save my grandma!"
The ghost queen seemed confused as the two conversed, but knew that it must be important, for the couple seemed to be in a hurry.
"Good luck oh great one!"
The couple took one last look at the girl before stepping into the portal home, smiles on their faces.
"I hope you make a good queen!"
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