#hnnng might just get my life started for real this time
madude21 · 1 year
Over time
Suzanne loved being pregnant with her bosses baby. Not only was he a good lover but also a great boss. When she started at a tech company she never imagined she would have it so easy.
At first she was just a regular secatatary, taking calls, scheduling meetings, and all the boring paper work no one wanted to do. After awhile she was sick of it and went to her boss ,Jack, to ask for a more important position.
She never really thought anything of him until she saw how dirty he really was. One day, as she approached his corner office she saw that it was locked and started to head back to her desk. Bit before that she heard a muffled "AAAHHH" sound.
Fearing her boss was in trouble she unlocked the door to help him. When the door was opened she saw Jack rubbingone out to his computer."GET THE HELL OUT" he yelled.
She quickly shut the door and stated back to her desk. So many thoughts were going through her head as she tried to forget about what she saw. Not 5 minutes had passed before Jack called her back into his office.
"I'm sorry you had to see that Suzanne, I know it was wrong and I'll think twice before trying that again. But please can we keep this between us, my dad would kill me if he found out what I did at his company" he explained
"I think we should get you a new lock. I got into your office with just a paper clip" Suzanne said in a calm voice. "What, why are you thinking about the door Suzanne"
"You can call me Suzie, and I think you're dad is the least of your worries". He gulped "I'm done for ain't I?" He asked with fear in his voice. "Now ever since I started here you've treated me fair and I think we can reach a fair agreement"
Jack thought the worst as he started to worry about what Suzie was planning. "what did you have in mind?"he asked in a shaky voice. "I know there a new branch management position open, I would like to have it" Suzie said smirking. "Done, it's yours" Jack said hoping that it was all. "There is one other thing". Susie got up and walk towards Jack with malicious intent.
"I want you put a baby's in me" Susie demanded. "What did you say?" Jack wanted to make sure that this was real. "With all this work I've been doing I haven't been able to really live a social life and I want to become a mother before it's too late". Jack was astonished, he didn't really have a social life either because he grew up rich and was basically raised by tutors. "I... uh... don't know what to say". "Don't say anything, just sit there and look pretty" Suzie bent over and took her panties off and dropped on the floor infront of him. Jack's heart raced as he couldn't believe what was happening right now. "Are we really doing this, right here, right now?". Susie ignored his words and started to unbuckle his pants. Jack was in shock, he knew that this was wrong but he was afraid of what she might do if he stopped her.
"just relax and try to be quiet this time" she put her leg over his chair, as her wet pussy hovered over his cock, she guided his dick inside her. "mmnng" she moned softly as to not draw any attention. Jack was enjoying himself until "hnnng" he didn't last long. Susie felt his worm cum inside her "that's ok boss, I got what I wanted". She got off him, turned around and bent over to pick he panties up.
"I'm not done yet" jack grabbed her wrist, his cock was still hard and his confidence had grown. "I don't mind making sure I'm pregnant" she leaned on his desk and presented her cum filled pussy. "I'm gonna enjoy this" he whispered in her ear as he started ramming his hips against her ass. His dick reaching deep inside her. They didn't care how loud they were, they fucked each other all morning that day.
That was 9 months ago and now Suzie sat in her own office with her beautifully round belly. Jack had her office custom made so that their coworkers were deaf to the sounds of their "one on one meetings". Jack entered her office and locked the door "thought we could have some fun before the meeting. How's my son doing". "he has been causing some trouble in there, I think he wants his daddy". Suzie bent over on here chair, awaiting Jack's dick. "You shouldn't even be working being a week overdue, but I can't deny that ass" Jack began fucking her. Wrapping his hands around her plump baby bump and feeling and his son kicking much more than usual "he's really fussy today huh?". Jack turned Suzie so that he could get a better grip of her belly "not so rough today" Suzie begged."I'll try" Jack responded as he pulled her belly aggenst his hips.
They made love for 20 minutes before the pains began. "Aaagh" " are you alright?" "Yes it's nothing, just don't stop". Jack continued, he couldn't resist her jucy pussy as it was extra wet today. " oh god, unnnggg" Suzie's water broke and soked her carpet floor. "Was that the baby" jack asked, worried. "No I just camed" she lied.
"Are you sure, that's a lot of juice" "yeah I've been drinking a lot of liquids" Susie didn't want to miss this meeting, she had to be present not because she needed to but she wanted to see Jack get his promotion. "I'll be fine I can last an hour before the baby comes" she thought. " you go get ready for the meeting, I'm going to clean up this mess and" she was interrupted by a painful contraction. "Are you ok" jack asked "just Braxton hics, nothing to worry about. You go I'll see you at the meeting" she said rushing him out the door. "Please, I want to see Jack inherent the company, just stay in there for a little while"
At the meeting, she was lucky to be seated at the far side, away from Jack. The CEO and Jack's dad, the owner and founder, sat at the other end of the table. As the meeting began the time between her contractions grew smaller. "It's only an hour, I can make it" she said as she felt her baby pushing against her cervix. The meaning was like any other boring corporate meeting. They started by sharing quarterly reports and future contracts. She couldn't focus on anything they were saying as she tried so hard to stay silent.
"Finally it was time for Jack to receive his promotion. Jack's father got up to address the room "now on to more exciting news, I think it's time to welcome our new CFO Jack" everyone in the room started clapping and as they did Suzie was able to let out a small whimper of pain as she felt like pushing. As the noise died down Jack started to speak "I am very honored to have this position and I would like to thank my branch manager, this could have happened without you Suzanne and I would like to thank you for all your hard work". She stood up trying very hard not to scream "thank you all for supporting me... I know times been tough but together we can-mnngg-get through it". She sat down quick, and as she did another contraction hit her.
When the meeting was overly quickly waddled to her office. She knew that she wasn't going to make it to the hospital and laid on the floor to push. A couple of minutes I'd pass and she could feel her baby halfway up the birth canal. Suddenly Jack swung the door opened " I knew it, why didn't you tell me?". "Just shut up and help me deliver this baby,I'm so close" she said pushing her baby. "No son of mine is being born in an office" Jack stuff cheese fingers inside Suzie and started to push their son back. "NNOOO, STOP" Suzie cried out in vain. "now I'm going to carry you and you're going to keep your legs shut until we get to the hospital, understood? " Suzie nodded.
The trip to the hospital was excruciating. Jack would constantly stick his fingers inside Suzie to make sure his baby stayed inside. Every time Suzie pushed he pushed back. But right as they got into the parking lot Suzie was able to push her babies head out. "PLEASE JUST LET ME FINNISH" "NO, YOU BETTER START WAIT TILL THE DELIVERY ROOM" Jack pulled her up. It was hard to walk when there was a baby in between her legs. Jack manage to find a wheelchair and sat her down. When they got to the lobby Jack yelled for the doctor's help but in vain because with one final push his son was born.
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beaversatemygrandma · 3 years
Hmmm I was just given another option of how my year may go.  I Could always move up to NC for a while with my dad, where I’ll actually have somebody who will help me move forward and teach me how to be a real adult.  Coming out as transmasc will likely not happen tho, but at least i could be openly bi up there.  (read more bc im rambly thinking about this stuff)
Not to mention he’s willing to take like two days off, get me insurance, a license and a car right as i go up there. Like instantly. Instead of this argument with my mom about how i’m rushing to get my license (im fuckin 21 im not rushing, i Need one). Plus she says she’d be okay with me moving back in, but i’d be paying rent, and she doesn’t want me to yet. (apparently wants to remodel her bathroom first but idk what that has to do with me) Not to mention she’s wanting to bail on this state as soon as my sister graduates. Which is maybe in a year and a half?  So, if i do that, I might not be in FL for a long while (at least six months or so but if i like it there? maybe longer), but at least I’d have a car and be able to drive back as i please. I love long road trips, so that’s def not out of the option for the one of you wondering ;3 
It would be a good change of pace and after talking to the bf about it, he says it might be a good chance to move on and get to do what i want to do instead of just existing as i am. Which is a bit sad, but ik we weren’t going to be a forever thing. We’ve established that one a while ago. But heck, as of the end of may it would be my longest relationship at 2 yrs. I’d definitely still talk to him too.  i mean sure, i dont know anyone there bc i havent lived there since i was 7, but id at least have my dad, youngest sister, and grandma. It’s a solid idea and my dad even knows people working at NCU and i might be able to get in there and actually do college now that im not burnt out to extreme points.  Plus, he wouldn’t charge me rent. 
And not knowing people would give me a good chance to put myself out there again and not struggle with sifting through the friends i have in my mom’s town to avoid the relations to my ex. And maybe not be suffocated by being close to all the town’s stoners. Like i am now. Ish. I stopped talking to people and im starting to wonder if its even worth trying to go back to them because i might not have the friendship degeneration thing, but ik all of them do. (except like one and i will REGRET leaving them behind bc we still text like once a month and theyre so fuckin encouraging and sweet even if it is the much older stoner i hung out with back in the panera days) Besides, being with that group just led me into turning into a stoner myself and im breaking away from that one because holy hell that was a Ride start to finish. (my brain goes FAST again and its shocking like holy shit i can read still) A lot of regretful stuff happened, even if some of it was fun as hell, but not worth it in the long run if i want to be a functioning human being. 
Will i go up there and be one of those people on tinder looking for friends because they’re new to town? yeah probably. Will it work? I fucking hope so. I want to gather other like-minded people to hang out with so bad. Maybe some other nb people too. (and tbh maybe a gf because heck yeah) 
I’m liking this idea currently. It’d be a nice change of pace. Having a supportive parent around would also be a nice thing. And my little sister needs an influence from somewhere (even if the two of our ADHD issues goes berserk when together. I’ll do something impulsive, then she does and it’s usually worse bc she’s only 12 and Much Worse with focus even on meds.) And my dad supports meds, unlike my mom. So if i could get this adhd treated, things might just get easier too. (instead of self-medicating with things i shouldnt self-medicate with lol) 
Random unrelated thing, i actually ended up talking to my mom about the mental health screenings she got me as a child. Apparently 2 doctors said i was super hyperactive with adhd and another one said aspergers. So. I might have undiagnosed aspergers too. So that’s a thing. (no she never medicated me or went any further with testing. bc giving benzos to kids is bad which i can understand, but i didnt grow out of it like she thought i would and it causes me problems.) 
The only things im really worried about with going up there, is of course, leaving people behind, possibly having to take care of my extremely hyperactive sister who overwhelms me, and being in a big city.  Like Big City my dude. It’s Charlotte. I mean yeah sure, its where i was born, but i havent been in a big city since i was 7. Relearning how to drive during Their rush hour instead of the one here will be very overwhelming.  Perks though, would be real public transportation (they have trains and real buses, like holy shit), a parent who gives a shit, and the insane amount of decent paying job openings up there that wouldn’t be in a tourist trap where i’d get disrespected by rich white people all the time bc they think im stupid or smth. (no avoiding karens tho if i go back into customer service but if i can help it, im avoiding that) 
But i think just having a parent who encourages me and wants me to progress in life would be the biggest help. My mom seems to not want to see me getting ‘better than her’ bc the rest of the family looks down on her for not being successful (ig, i mean her sister’s a lawyer who stole my college fund to put her kids into private schools and accessed the will from my granddad way too early and all that shit when we’re the ones who needed that money bc we make less than 20k a year) but still, aren’t you supposed to be proud of your child if they’re going to potentially be in a better spot than you are?  Like my dad continues to remind me that i graduated with honors and a bunch of special stuff and how that isn’t common and how i have so much potential that i dont think i have and how i can actually qualify for a decent well paying job if i just go back to school. Plus, he’s got the connections to NCU. That’s a good school. I really wouldn’t mind actually getting some peace of mind for the future by getting what i need to done. And He’ll Help Me. (EDIT: It’s not NCU, it’s UNC. The Tar Heels. The blue one. In NC. Not Cali.) And he even knows how the world works a lot better than my mom seems to. He actually knows how to use those government help things and work around all the issues there instead of the blanant avoidance my mom has to it. (i havent had insurance since i was 17, like heck i need to go get myself checked out for A Lot of things and i cant afford to do that. She also doesn’t believe in credit cards. Real words she’s said. I shit you not.) 
i think i might do it. i dont see myself thriving back at my mom’s. she’d just keep me under her control and prob have me just at yet another standstill like ive been in since 2017. (fuckin pandemic really didnt help that. chose a bad year to get my shit together tbh because that didnt work, hell, neither did i lol)  Yeah sure, i got to move out and see what that’s like. Living on my own, working over 40 hours a week, seeing how poverty+ tastes... it tastes bad. I dont want to do that again. I learned some things. I’ve matured and have (mostly) processed what the actual fuck the trauma i got during high school was. (ahh the neo-nazi and the abusive jackass of a bf i had... hoooboy...)  Plus real seasons?? Sign me up. I miss seeing orange leaves in the fall and snow in the winter. And not suffering with daily 90+ degree weather. 
Even if i can’t (the transphobia is scary my guy) come out as transmasc, i’ll still likely get my hands on a binder and just go full gnc. More than i was before tbh. I’ve always been the ‘tomboy’ so it wouldn’t be so out of place doing that all of the sudden. Prob also going to cut my hair to have that fauxhawk that can be used in the most nb ways. It seems very nice and very versatile.  Might help the dysphoria that I’ve apparently had since 2015, likely longer. That’s just when i learned the word for it. Which has been Much Much worse lately due to the quarantine mane i still have going on. (mom wouldn’t help me just shave it off.... ;-;  Tho it is only shoulder length now with an undercut. Better, but still not good.) And the weight. Oh god and the weight. I miss my days of being flat as a board and having people unable to tell what i was. But nooo, i gotta be curvy. Doesn’t help that my mom makes me feel bad about it too. (thanks for the plus size clothes i got last xmas... im not that big. Damn.) Might also be the birth control... my body has more female hormones now than it knows what to do with. I could benefit from a break from it tbh. 
Also, who knew that if i stop self-medicating in a certain way, I’d get my will to live back? I sure wasn’t expecting it to hit so soon after quitting after hearing all the bs about how it was addictive and hard to quit (it’s not. At all. sure there’s a certain reliance your brain gets if you smoke for like four years straight all day everyday, i didn’t personally but it was a decent amount, but after like a day or two it’s gone. No headaches. No weird pain and mood swings. Whoever started the shit about it being so bad obviously never tried it. *glares at fuckin reagan and DARE and all the racial/criminal issues that come with it*) Though, I’ll still be happy that it’s getting legalized. (not fully in either of these states but still, it’s at least decriminalized in NC) It is a good thing in moderation, like giving a cat catnip. Just an extra plaything tossed into your enclosure sometimes so you don’t get bored and depressed. I haven’t done it in a good two weeks though and only really will if i end up hanging out with said stoner friends or to knock myself out if insomnia is kicking my ass, but that’s really it. I don’t want to anymore and that’s the end of that.  Not going back to embracing stoner culture like i did back in my apt and panera days tho. There’s some sketchy people who come around and its usually with drugs that actually are bad. (like that one tinder date who tried to bring coke into my apt and me and my roommate had to quickly shut him down. Never did hear from him again. Which is good. Not gonna associate with that shit that’s actually addictive and potentially dangerous.) Anyways, just glad im not too burnt out anymore to think and talk to people. This is definitely a step in the right direction. I think i could actually have a chance if i make the move this year. I definitely have enough savings to drop on the whole move and car and whatever else I’d need. (stimmies themselves pay for the car bc i never did spend them) 
Hopefully, this will end with me feeling good about myself for the first time ever and actually doing something with my life instead of sitting around depressed as hell. Could maybe be a real adult for once. Hell, I’m almost 22, i need to get onto this shit. My gap year may have been four years, but im getting there.  The positive influence from the bf and his family have been good for me and i think it was the kick i needed to get me started. The pandemic has given me a chance to breathe and process things. So, it hasn’t been all bad.  I just have to remember to pace myself so i don’t burn out again. It took way too long to recover from it. 
Side note: Holy fuck the covid case in NC are SO MUCH LESS than FL. Like less than half. Only about 1k vs like 6k a day. Another pro I guess. 
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Witcher of the Night (Chapter 16)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: A horny and insecure witcher decided to talk what his mind has been keeping; making you see how much of a man he was that was worth to choose and be chosen. 
Warnings: NSFW 18+. (Yep. Again. Love it while it lasts, bb’s. Hehehe.) Some witcher in a rut. Finger sucking. Cream pie. Smut. Size kink. (I meant Geralt’s body build. LMAO *I base this story on the show. Not the game or books.*) an irritated bard? Ahehehehe. Nakedness? Geralt being soft and honest? (*screams*)
A/N: I was drained from the last chapter and I’ve taken a break. I was supposed to not update today due to it. I hope you can lend at least a minute to reblog or give me feedback, ghost readers out there! 💟 There ain’t no moments like this anymore because the plot will take its place on the next chapters! ENJOY WHILE IT LASTS!
TAGLIST IS STILL OPEN FOR THIS ONE! Heehee! Don’t forget to REBLOG, COMMENT OR GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU DID LOVE THIS CHAPTER! IT’LL MAKE ME SMILE! Sorry for the grammatical errors and such because English isn’t my mother tongue!
Disclaimer: PNG’s and pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi (GIF credits: littlechinesedoll)
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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You were sure he was after being fucked into oblivion by the witcher for countless of times already; taking a lot of orgasms in just about eight hours? He was lucky that he was a mutant. However, in your side? It was unfortunate because your stamina was weaker than his.
Your poor punani has been overworked and wrecked again. Lungs seem to be incapacitated, dangerously reaching the critical level for accepting Geralt's wishes; another round of ceaseless bliss in which you certainly didn't defy. Pants and wheezes were muddled against the mattress as you shoved your face on it, vigorously being burrowed from behind.
Here you thought; feeling mighty and confident that you could take and last for how long his enhanced self would.
Technically, you were wrong. Utterly wrong.
Was it round twenty-five already? Thirty? You may never know because every time Geralt finishes, his girth somehow magically becomes stone hard again like he never spilled himself inside you. If only he wasn't sterile, you were probably about to get pregnant with little witchers somehow based on how he always milks you in; like you were his pet, letting you take it good.
The white wolf's libido was overly developed as well. As you were told by the man, himself. He could go on for hours, days and even weeks, nailing you repeatedly until you have no energy to comprehend what was happening, and you were sure that his enhancement with the desires he had was a perk and also a disadvantage for your weak self who had her virginity taken just days ago.
Your sexual experiences are being expanded and learned by Geralt, not knowing before that you had a size kink of being choked in his own weight above yours, baptizing every nook and space in their home like animals in heat and being treated like you were such a fragile little thing before being corrupted; tainting your once chastised soul.
The witcher was a person who had given you a different outlook in life. Bringing you to a wonderland in the midst of being railed repeatedly; consistent with his rigorous, shameless pounding from the back. Brusque. Sharp. Perfect for the angle that hits the perfect spot, polishing your hole that has sent you ripples and waves of glory.
Geralt's moans were withdrawn, holding back those sounds of pleasure from ponderously watching his girth push and slither inside your heat. His mouth tightly shut and thick eyebrows scrunched in rapture. Aureate eyes intensely concentrated on his hard cock slowly drilling back, keeping his bulbous head in before slowly drawling back like he like watching you be filled with his girth; admiring how you were stretched around his hardened cock.
He'd felt your body intensely tremble beneath his.
Your knees were quivering with every plunge. Warm drizzles of your cunt leaking with a mixture of his fluid and yours together; like art combined with a color that creates a new one. The room smelled like sex and sweat with a scent of fresh grass because of how the windows were wide opened.
Nobody would see you both in such a debauched position, right? you've thought that when Geralt has lowered you down against the mattress, his weight crushing and pinning you down, quickly getting to his job; sticking his girth inside of you like he never would get tired of doing so after basically baptizing the hallway through the second floor.
Elbows began to feel sore. A desperate whine began to gurgle from your dry throat. Hand tightly grabbing onto one of his that laid on the curvatures of your hips, dragging you back to his swollen girth with every shove; filling you over and over like how you deserved because you've been a good girl. Every time he did, Geralt never misses the spot that could bring you into another restless, writhing orgasm.
The filthy sound of skin slapping on skin came with icherous slimy caresses of your nectar coating each other's carnal greed. Noise came with his bedpost hitting the wall like a maddened gorilla raging out of its cage, when all of a sudden; you've heard Kolby's strange bark that seem to come from the first floor, alarming you both that his family has already came back. Yet, here you were, splayed below the witcher and still getting driven to his extremes.
Geralt pulled his hand away from the bed post, leaving a print and a crack of his hand against the wood. His fingers slid through your dangling breasts, palms groping your teat as he began to knead onto it like a cat trying to suckle from his mother; claws out as he tweaked your sensitive nipple in one breast to the other. Simultaneously changing hands as he continued to reach you both to the edge of Nirvana.
Then, you've heard laughter and complaining downstairs.
"Geralt," you started with a mewl, your body being rocked from behind, the sheets thoroughly disheveled from your tiring day activities. His hand that fondled your teat trailed up your body; while the other glided down for what throbbing nub that was needed attention for another release.
His palm gently met your mouth when you've began to moan from his fingers touching your clit, rubbing and circling it the right, pleasuring way while he went on with his ceaseless ramming.
"Hnnng," you whimpered, voice muffled from his large, calloused hand that covered your mouth; hushing you from any noise that could echo out of the room.
The way he was manhandling you does it. From the moment he tried shushing you up, your heat began to clench around him. Your body squirming and thrashing under his skin. Weakened from the sudden action as it made you tremble; feeling the coil beginning to snap with just a few more jabs.
More thuds and unfathomable complaints echoed outside the room. With Jaskier finally knowing what caused the commotion that he somehow managed to be in. Geralt didn't seem to be bothered about the fact that their table has been wrecked; though, the bard might say otherwise.
His plowing slackened when you’ve felt him breath heavily from behind, 
"Shhhh. Quiet down, midget." he clasped his palms tighter on your mewling mouth; hearing his breathless grunts above you was making you squirm in his hold. It didn't take you another lewd moan when Geralt's thick index and middle finger skid in between the pillows of your lips, an act of pacifying your noise down which has gotten an elicit of your juices flowing down your thighs, soaking you more than ever. But, you never did deliberate to suck on those fingers like how your mind has told you.
The smutty action was enough for him to briefly glance down at you, engrossed and captivated by a never expected bustles from his naive, greenhorn of a woman. 
Another weakened moan was muffled beneath the palm that clasped your mouth. Your fingers trying to wrench his own away from slightly pinching on your sensitive clit, dragging you to where you wanted.
Neverland. Nirvana. Heaven. Where ever you could experience bliss.
Or basically Geralt's bed because you were currently being brought to the edge of the rainbows.
He was persistent and continued rubbing on your nub, his thick, long fingers thoroughly drenched from your arousal. 
"Ugh---Hmm. fuck." the white haired witcher deeply grunted and moaned, his jutting hips bottoming out as he continued his desperate, urgent drives. Thrusts turning reckless. Panting breaths like dogs in heat; embracing every bit of his urgency to reach the floating clouds.
Your real name has slipped out of his tongue, sounding so lewd which has taken you over the edge. Knees began to shake as the high took over. Muscles clenching and also your cunt tightly choking his girth to spill his seed, urging him to thoroughly coat your insides. Another loud breathless grunt left his ajar lips; the sweat dripping down his temples as it also drenched his chest from all the activities. His heartbeat was running miles after miles, chasing to catch yours.
"G-Geralt, Geralt, Geralt!" you've salaciously cried out with every sloppy thrusts in the midst of having a muscle spasm; choking in the blast of euphoria when he'd took his hand off your mouth, grabbing onto yours which has been holding onto the headboards for dear life. Hence, as the witcher pulled your hand away; he'd done the unexpected.
Geralt of Rivia has sweetly peppered the back of your hands with honeyed kisses to soothe your convulsion; treating you like he wasn't fucking you to oblivion nor corrupting you from behind.
You've heard his breath hitch. The way he'd dropped his large hand on the mattress over your small ones, gripping onto it hard; you knew he came. He'd panted heavily above you, the new position being surrounded by his gigantic warmth. Your juices soaking your inner thighs as his load shot inside you. All warm and cozy; giving you a fuzzy feeling inside your chest that you couldn't explain.
He never pulled out until he was finished. You were so full of him, his seed dripping out of your cunt when his semi-flaccid cock dragged out of your overused pussy, telling him how he’d filled you more than he planned to. Your knees eventually buckled and lost its will to be useful for you; your face down on the pillow, running short of breath as you planted over the tousled sheets.
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Geralt laid on the bed beside you, his large body built turned to you with an arm tucked below his head. Basking in all his glory and sweat with amber eyes solely worried for your weary form. You sounded like you were wheezing as he hovered over to pull the blankets over your waist, shielding you over the cold, crisp wind of the afternoon dew. Your whole body coated in the satiny sliver of your sweat combined with his and the witcher couldn't help but take in the view that he longed to be habituated once again before you came along.
Did he...actually break you while being drilled? he silently thought at the back of his tousled, half tied chalky white hair.
"Midget?" He softly muttered, using an elbow to peer down before you. Aureate eyes lingering a little bit longer. His fingers extending to graze along the line of sweat that covered your spine before reconsidering, hands ought to brush your disheveled hair away from your face, taking his time as he glided his fingers down through the side of your face.
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He doted on the spent image of your sprawled body in the middle of his bed. Your heart turning more warmer than it ever could when you've felt him watching you over, the blankets glazing atop of your skin as you've closed your eyes, trying to steady back your breathing.
"I'm...fine. Just...spent. Let me...breathe," you breathlessly whispered.
His faint, vibrating hum slowly calmed the fluttering butterflies flapping their wings inside your stomach. He earnestly cast his eyes over you. The thick pad of his fingers tracing along the hairs of your arm; giving you a shiver, padding down till the tips of yours before strikingly filling in the gaps of your fingers with his. Such a simple action making your heart feel snug with a hint of palpitation from the sudden, unusual gesture from the white wolf.
Well, he was certainly learning.
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You've taken a peek from under the flat fuzz of your pillows; seeing amiable, tired, tender eyes. Rough, large palms delicately scraping through your soft ones, entwined amongst the unkempt silk of sheets from the result of your passionate tupping.
With your eyes still shut, a jaded admission was sent to the latter; assuming things from your negative state of mind. This always happens in the movies, right? the small voice in the back of your mind stated. After all the blissful moments, complication and problems tries to hinder over the blithe that wanted you to believe that this was a much of a miracle to happen.
It was subtly telling you that your presence in their world had a time limit because you didn't belong to their world in the first place. Salt came pinching down your heart at the sudden realization of that; getting a gist of feeling by choosing to live in their world forever, there were instances that would get you coming back from your dimension. Every felicitious moment feeling like it was all temporary and a fleeting scene in your mind.
The idea struck like a lightning. You didn't belong to their world; nor do you fit in.
Such a change of heart that you wanted to scurry home since the first day you've arrived; thinking that everything was just a dream or a nightmare that couldn't wake you up. But, in this exact moment; you felt like not wanting to go home.
"Why do I feel like you wouldn't come back after your hunt?" you weakly muttered; brushing off the infectious thought that could bring the felicity down; pulling yourself closer to him. You've tossed the bad shadows trying to lure you in as you've focused on the golden light that Geralt could let you see through. His warm breath fanned your face as you heavily sighed out the worry crippling out of your chest.
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"You're overthinking." he deeply rasped, hearing him breath steady; sounding like his declaration had a double meaning. His thumbs brushed over your knuckles as he continued to reassure your troubled self, "---I never leave nor would I plan to. My family is my home,"
Geralt collected his thoughts, breaking through the spell you've always had to cast him in. Only your exquisite scent being the fire to thaw his walls down. It took him seconds before bluntly saying his next words, making you flutter your eyes open to see him softly smiling back at you. His tone warm, comforting and nesh for your sensitive, soft heart soul.
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"---you are also my home. I'll always come back to you---always will find you,"
Those words that he stunningly said made your heart skip a beat. The cicatrix glowing beneath the sheets without you knowing, ecstatic of what has come out from his lips as a burst of bliss spread right through your chest.
You've felt the adrenaline rush from his sudden admission and change of aura; abruptly making you nail your elbows on the table, repeatedly blinking back at the witcher when you've felt the balmy cloud of warmth spread around your eyes; close enough for you to cry and you languidly leaned down to his very peaceful face to softly give him a kiss on the lips in which he gladly reciprocated.
No. This wasn't sweet nothings where he tries to win over your heart. His words was a declaration of breaking those walls down for you. It was a key for you to come hopping in, an invitation of seeing the real him; his vulnerable side that nobody ever sees.
Hence, this was the first time you've had someone showing you what it felt to be important, needed and cared for. A person with real intentions. Sensations which you never knew it existed or believed that you would ever get to experience such.
Nevertheless, it took you a trip to another dimension just to have it.
Your mouth left his with a euphonious twang. There was no rush to the kiss or any type of greed. Just a succulent sharing of what you wanted him to feel from your quiet response of what he said. It needed no words of approval or even a shedding of your tears; erasing the worries away if you started bawling your eyes out from his secrets that he whispered. His thick brows furrowed in a questionable expression, intently eyeing your dewy peepers staring back at him. Utterly fond. The witcher feeling as if there was profound affection deep within your eyes as you tried to shield them over with that twinkling gaze of yours.
He knew what he was seeing or feeling from you. But, he chose to ignore as of the moment.
"Jaskier's fond of you," he abruptly admitted, downright apathetic; his gravel tone expressing a mixture of interest and a little bit of doubt, not for you but for himself.
That simple display of what you've visibly felt made your heart soften a lot more than it ever could. Finding it hard to believe that this person slash mutant in front of you also had his own issues, sounding diffident with just conferring about this surprising fact he noticed from his friend who seemed to be catching feelings for you that certainly was quite difficult to believe.
You were biting the tips of your tongue from saying anything further more, pulling back from driving too fast that maybe Geralt was falling behind.
"Jaskier? Your Jaskier? The bard who always tries to ruin my day? you’re hallucinating, Geralt." you wanted to snort from his accusation.
Geralt has given you a dirty look, appearing to look like he has issues with you that he didn't want to expand as he kept his silence and continued to send a grimace. Was he hallucinating? Were he hallucinating when he'd read those words upon your lips hours ago? Was your endearment just a slip of your tongue? A simple caught up in the heat of the moment?
Was he also just hallucinating when you’ve called him ‘love’?
"Am I, really?" the witcher stated flat, sending a displeased hum as he subtly played with the softness of your fingers clutched to his bigger ones.
Your eyes turned wide from his deadpan, "What did I do? That banter sounded sarcastic, kitty!"
The latter slowly blinked, dragging a sigh as his baritone timbre turned stern and also meek no matter how hard he tried to cover it up from the roughness that he wanted it to sound like, you could read between the lines and sure enough, he was self-effacing from his friend who was also fond of you.
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"Do...you like the bard?" he hesitatingly trailed off. The question ending with a pause as it sounded completely unforthright. You've given him a tender beam; child like and masking with nothing but innocence, affection and understanding, "Go on. I'm listening. Tell me what's on your mind," you started, seeing his tight lipped mouth shut. Those amber eyes briefly looking away from you,
"---Come on, please? Let me understand and see through the good heart that I've always believed in,"
Geralt gave it a moment. Exactly a minute as you've accepted the tranquil silence with him. Such silence that you have never imagined to be so comforting because back in your apartment, the stillness was eerie and cold; imagining hands trying to take your soul away from surviving a life by working in another country where you had no one but you.
"You're...significant to me." his glowing amber eyes turned heartfelt, shooting warmth through your skin and chest, "---you are a lot to handle. An unorthodox in my dimension. Yet, despite that, you're the havoc I didn't know I needed,"
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"You're calling me chaotic. How sweet of you," you deadpanned, snorting from his metaphors that got you successfully rolling your eyes back at him.
"Your existence brought me sheer confusion about you. But, I'd rather have that befuddlement than to not be with you,"
Destiny brought you to him. Those assumptions he'd taken into consideration was now taken into account. Thus, destiny just needed this to not fuck it up. It shouldn't because he much rather not imagine how it would happen nor how he would be able to accept such fate laid before him. 
"Jaskier's...a friend---he's important to me," he continued, feeling your other hand fall onto the side of his face; soft fingers tracing along the scar on his forehead and cheekbones with that glimmer in your eyes that make him want to give you another kiss; readable in your peepers was the acceptance he never knew he needed so badly, "---No matter how annoying he is. He's still my companion. A real...friend. I've seen how comfortable you are with him, saw how compatible you were with the bard,"
You've stopped brushing your fingers along his marks. Your free hand sluggishly propping below your chin as you've peered down. A small grin curling your lips, "When have you been a love guru? Does this version of you come up with a graphic chart that tells how many percentages do I seem to be compatible with Jaskier?"
He kept silent, staring straight into your eyes with a lukewarm expression; not understanding your references.
You've given him a faint raise of your brow, skeptically looking at him with an amused flicker of your peepers, "You've seen us that night. Explains why Jaskier was ranting about the door you've broken,"
Geralt kept his mouth tightly shut, shortly looking away before giving you a pensive response, "I've already fixed it---and you know it was not just about that,"
Pulling your closed fist under your chin, you've tilted your head to the side. Pleased by his tamed reaction as you've leaned closer to his face, adoring Geralt's sublime features that never fails to charm you everyday. His charisma totally knocking your wits out as you could finally see more of his true self.
You started, your words smoothly dancing per word; sounding utmost sincere and in wonder, "People in your world say witchers don't feel emotions," even being disregarded like they weren't humans, you silently added much more to yourself when you paused to talk, "---Well, my witcher is exactly the opposite because you're full of it even though you sound unenthusiastic all the time---comes with the mutations, I guess?"
The soft look in his eyes warmed your soul. Attentive of the stars that seem to float inside those amber pair; looking like he'd caught them for you. He stayed silent, never breaking his gaze away from you nor planning to move away from your body close to his.
"Do you want me to be with the bard?" your question caught him off guard, keenly reading through what your eyes wanted to say. The query sounding like it was just a quip.
"Will that make you happy?"
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Geralt warily asked, completely earnest of what he said that made you bite the inner plump of your lips. There was a long amount of silence, contemplating what made him think that way, even considering the idea of never getting in the way when you'll choose another person than him. Was he even real?
Your smile fell a little at the question, swiftly unwrapping your hands entwined with his which ignited a tight frown from the witcher when he miscalculated the sudden gesture. But, those dreadful thoughts ceased when you've poked his muscular chest, the part where his heart loudly beat beneath the pad of your index finger.
"Will that make...YOU happy?" you slowly emphasized and returned the question, intently gazing above him. When he never answered and stayed quiet, it was the right time to say words that couldn't be kept to yourself. You've forgotten to bite your tongue from saying anything further less.
"---But, YOU make me happy, Geralt of Rivia. Isn't that enough reason to choose you?"
Keen golden eyes deeply gazed into yours, as genuine than it has ever been before; sucking you in and having no chance to escape from the resplendent color of his hues. Geralt moved beneath to help himself by using his elbow, his sudden elevation making you tilt your head back to see him deeply staring, mouth turning into a tight straight line as he rasped.
"Even if it takes for your life back in your world to be taken away from you---fuck." he abruptly stopped in the middle of his sentence, briskly taking a glimpse of the door behind you when he could hear stealthy padded footsteps hiking up the stairs. 
Geralt sharply sat his back on the headboard. His silvery, unkempt half-tied hair moving as he does so, the white sheets pooling just below his torso. He looked bedraggled and utterly sweaty which made it feel so fulfilling to have him in your presence looking like that. A miraculous snack. You could never have this opportunity back in earth.
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You bit your lips from keeping yourself from grinning, curiously eyeing him as you mused. He deliberately scanned your exposed back, "What? What's happening?"
The latter took no questions and quickly pulled the covers over your shoulders as you laid on your front, slightly elevated with the help of your arms tucked under. He loudly sighed, sitting back on the wooden board. Recognizable footfall thumping louder and closer before a wind up bard barged in the room without knocking or announcing his presence.
"You two!" Jaskier exclaimed, ceasing midway in the middle of the room; looking lost and piqued. His pretty face morphed into a tight frown to find you and Geralt utterly rumpled under the sheets. You tossed a look over your shoulder to see the bard straight up crashing inside like there has been no lock or whatsoever.
Geralt motioned with his hands, palms on either side to show how taken aback he was from his friend who came trudging in like he owned the place. His face hinting with displeasure. Wordlessly gesturing towards the bard with a 'What the fuck?' face.
You skeptically hushed whispers beside the witcher, timidly pulling the covers over your wild head, looking stunned as you exclaimed, "I thought you locked the room? I told you to lock it!---What if it was Cirilla?!---Don't you know what a lock is, Geralt?!"
Despite of your panicking and embarrassed state, he was entirely the opposite as he sounded lackadaisical, going on by glaring at the bard who has his face scrunched in utmost displeasure, "I didn't expect them to arrive home this early." the witcher rolled his eyes from his galled self and sent a scowl towards the bard.
Jaskier raised his brow in disbelief, "Early? We've been gone for 8 hours, Geralt!"
"Well, I thought you'll be gone for at least a day and not barge in our room after we had a 'moment', Bard. A knock would’ve suffice."
Another set of padded footsteps, this time it sounded like this person was merrily hopping through the hallway. Until a ball of Ashen hair peeked through the opened doorway with a short Hirikka standing in the middle of the threshold.
"I'm here---woah!" Cirilla seemed to be knocked out of her boots when she saw you emerging from under the covers, bashfully covering your chest with the sheets, looking mortified by everyone seeing you in that kind of state. You were glaring at the witcher who tossed your off the side for a while as he dealt with his scandalous and crazy family.
"---I knew it!" the princess of Cintra loudly clapped and jumped on her feet. Her excitement immediately dying down when she noticed that you both weren't actually clothed beneath the white blankets. She firmly crossed her arms, her nose scrunching in disgust, "---Also, gross! Please do lock the doors next time!"
She whistled at the flabbergasted Hirikka who was sniffing the whole room in bewilderment; stout stopping before the bard as he sniffed him loudly enough for Jaskier to wave his face off away from his face. Cirilla whistled another, catching the beast's attention and making Geralt wince due to his heightened hearing, "Kolby, let's go! I'm giving you a nice warm bath!" before she shut the door closed behind them when he'd run off towards the princess.
Geralt and Jasker were giving each other stern glares; seeming to be in a challenge where one shouldn't back down despite of how mean it appeared to be like.
Jaskier was the first to talk, beginning his interrogation, "Who ruined the dining table?"
You swallowed the butterflies wanting to fly out of your throat, lifting a shaky finger to point at the witcher who was still as he sat on his side of the bed, "I’m definitely not the person who has superpowers here---It's him," but, Geralt seemed to answer in the same time with you.
"No one."
Jaskier didn't seem to want and take everyone's bullshit as he crossed his arms in front of you both. Geralt's clothes on one hand and yours in the other that made a blush go straight up your whole face, burning the dignity that was left. You wanted to yell from how irresponsible you were for leaving your clothes all around the house when you promised yourself that it'll be fixed after your activity.
You didn't expect Geralt to take eight hours---or you did?----and actually forgot what was needed to remember.
"Oh, no one, Geralt? I suppose this shirt is also owned by no one, considering how unclad you are right now? Hmm. Would this tunic come from the Hirikka then?" the toubadour raised his hand where Geralt's black under tunic has been balled up.
Jaskier dramatically puffed out a sigh, sounding like it was the end of the world for what has welcomed them when they came back from their weekly visit for Cuthbert. He held forth about your sudden shenanigans around the house like a father delivering a tirade.
"We leave for eight hours and this is what you both welcomed us in," pause. "---A broken bloody table where we dine!" Another pause as he threw Geralt's clothes at his face in which he caught it perfectly, "---your clothes everywhere in the house like snakes who shed their skins anywhere they go!"
Lastly, his foot fidgeted on the wooden floors, tapping in anxiety as he remembered that tiny scratch he had seen on his beloved musical instrument, entirely galled from the wound it received like it was his baby.
"---and also my lute---my beloved lute falling on the floors! You've hurt her!"
"We didn't touch your lute," Geralt's response was tepid, lazily blinking back at the enraged bard who stood in the middle of the room.
Jaskier's raised his hands to his hips, raising a finger and opening his mouth, expression wild and ready to send another harangue before back paddling inside his train of thoughts.
He briefly shut his mouth, tilting his head to the side as he wondered out loud, "Oh, maybe the air pushed it to fall. I remembered how I left the windows opened too. However---!"
Geralt cut his verbal onslaught, his gaze narrowing at Jaskier who also didn't back down at sending a nasty lour at the entertained witcher.
"I'll fix whatever is needed to fix, bard. Stop your whining," you've felt the bed squeak and bounce. Geralt slipped his legs out of the sheets, feet plopping down the floors as he heavily sighed. It needed power; manpower for Jaskier to leave the room and Geralt knew he wouldn't leave until he pushes him out of the threshold.
The witcher stood tall and firm, completely au naturel from head to foot like how he have been when he was a baby, stark naked without being moved by the idea that Jaskier was in the same room as you. His bare ass never shaking him off and so does the bard.
"Leave. Out of my chambers, Jaskier."
Geralt sauntered to where he is. Your eyebrows raising in amusement as you've marveled over the witcher in the nude. His beautiful, rugged bare back on show with that A+ rating of his derriere in which you freely tried to memorize inside your head.
Though, you couldn't help but take a glimpse of Jaskier who seemed unfazed by this whole nakedness he was seeing; like he was familiar of the whole thing and the white wolf's dangly bits hanging and it has peaked your curiosity.
Do they bathe together then?
The bard has seen your amused smile with a skeptical brow raised to what you were witnessing. Thus, he peeked around Geralt to acknowledge your curiosity; pointing at you with a roguish grin, "That face tells that you have been swimming deep inside the vast depths of the sea, wondering why I am not bothered by the witcher's nudity---"
"Jaskier," Geralt sent a tired warning and held his slim shoulders, forcefully turning him around as he pushed him forward, towards the door.
"---It's because I have rubbed chamomile onto his lovely bottom before! It was true! I never lied! It was a part of the rules in becoming the rightful travel companion until you came along and began rubbing it for himself! Though, I doubt you did it to join our adventures!---"
You couldn't help but stifle your tee-hee from his admission. Finding their friendship amazing to the point that he does it for Geralt; receiving nothing but his altruism and adventures that the witcher has shared together with him.
Geralt loudly closed the door behind Jaskier; his mouth running on and on about how such a change of habits it has been when you came in their life. He'd knock a lot of times, calling out for the both of you and trying to want and barge in your moment but your white wolf finally knew what a lock is and slid the wooden block over the hook to lock his chambers.
"He seriously rubs chamomile on your butt?"
The skyclad man turned on his heel, raising a skeptical brow as you tried to focus hard on his face and not his body that stood before you.
"I guess that silence means yes, then. Oof, such bromance! Don't you think I'm the one who's actually becoming a hindrance between your platonic relationship with your bard?"
"Ridiculous." He took several steps closer, making you turn your head from becoming too flustered over his glorious, scarred body that he certainly isn't afraid or diffident about his imperfections anymore after you've treated them like it was a part of him that you will always accept. Geralt sat on your side, reaching over the bedside table to look beneath the drawers.
The latter placed a small, transparent bottle on your hand. A clear yellowish tone of liquid inside as you stared at it, thoroughly intrigued, "What's this? Is it another one of your witcher potions?"
Geralt hummed in negation, lifting his calloused hand to take your chin in between his fingers, turning your head to look at his ardent, shining amber, "Eucalyptus Oil. Took it from Cirilla's chambers. For you---For later. Perhaps, our recent activities had you feeling utterly spent,"
You've blinked, taken aback from his plans for whatever it is he wanted. Though, it didn't take you to put two on two together to know where his plans would take you, "Why are you---Oh. I know. I definitely know what you want." pause. "---you are insatiable, Geralt."
Geralt gently nudged your chin, tilting it up to his advantage as he leaned down to press a soft buss to your lips. Once again, he'd took your breath away by how tender he was handling you. The mere opposite of what people see and expected from because they never had the chance to walk through him; they didn’t have the courage to know who he really was.
His thumb that rested upon your chin were easily replaced with his lips, kissing you on the spot before gliding the dimples of his nose to yours, subtly giving you an Eskimo kiss.
"My overly developed lechery certainly comes from the mutation,"
Geralt's mouth lifted into a small, unusual beam, fluttering his eyes closed as he concentrated on you and that specific comfort he found. Questions came hitting him like stones, breaking the mirthful bubble that he was brought in.
He didn't want you to go home anymore because he'd found home in you.
But, what if fate had move mountains and threw his happiness away again? Leaving him no choice but to watch you go?
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Taglist for WOTN: (Strikethrough means I can’t tag you, bb’s! 💖) @alyxkbrl​​ @himarisolace​​ @barkingbullfrog​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​​ @vania-marie​​ @spookypeachx​ @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​​ @nympeth​​ @amirahiddleston​​ @gabethelobster​​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​​ @uncoolcloudyhead​​ @melaninstylezz​​ @psychosupernatural​​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​ @marvelousell​​ @kingniazx​​ @angelias134​​ @tapismyforte​​ @chook007​​ @covid-donotenter​​ @winter-moons​ @cheesecakeisapie​ @silverkitten547​​ @angelofthor​​ @carrieannewaywardson, @plantingmum​, @stuckupstucky​, @shesthelastjedi​, @a--1--1--3​, @gutfucks​​,
Overall witcher taglist: @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza​
General taglist for Henry: @agniavateira​​, @iloveyouyen​​, @rahdaleigh​​,
318 notes · View notes
dreamingofscully · 4 years
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6x18. “Milagro” - X-Files Rewatch
Lots of analysis below. So much to unpack with this episode. An EXTREMELY significant episode for Scully related to her feelings about and relationship with Mulder. This analysis goes into more depth in general, rather than a stream-of-consciousness observational post like my others tend to be.
Also, fanfic! I have a post-ep that I’d love y’all to check out that I wrote a while back in attempt to explain what happened with Scully in-between Milagro and The Unnatural.
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Bated Breath (AO3), rated G, 2198 words M/S UST, Post-episode (Milagro) Mulder drives Scully home from the hospital.
Onwards for analysis and speculation.
The soundtrack for this episode is amazing. Love the beating heart that Mark Snow incorporated.
At the beginning, the symbolism of Padgett removing his own heart. It reflects the emptiness of his heart, his incapability of having love, but the burning passion he believes he is capable of, with which he pursues Scully.
At Padgett’s stare, Scully is creeped out, but she is also curious. That someone would look at her so boldly and with such obvious lust, when she’s tried to think of herself as separate from such things for so long. 
Padgett wills things to happen, using his writing as a tool, a FOCUS, to channel his powers. He manifests things - the psychic surgeon (representing Padgett’s dark side), the lightbulbs not working, etcetera. He uses his creepy stalker insight to profile how people will act, then writes about it, but he can’t alter emotions, only manifest what is already there. (If he could make people think and do whatever he wanted, he wouldn’t have given up so easily when he recognized Scully’s love for Mulder.)
Mulder and Scully sitting close on his couch.
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Padgett suggests that Scully sticks to science and facts because otherwise she’d be viewed as weak and soft. Perhaps this is partly true for other people, but NOT for Mulder. Padgett doesn’t know her history, what she’s afraid of, the real reason she’s kept herself from believing for so long. However, Scully IS influenced by Padgett here - she stands up for herself (makes herself tough instead of soft) when Mulder makes her schedule for her and goes off to do her own investigation.
The burning heart tale that Padgett tells Scully: “Christ came to Margaret Mary his heart so inflamed with love that it was no longer able to contain its burning flames of charity. Margaret Mary... so filled with divine love herself, asked the Lord to take her heart... and so he did placing it alongside his until it burned with the flames of his passion. Then he restored it to Margaret Mary sealing her wound with the touch of his blessed hand.”
He wants to reenact this story with her, not realizing that her heart already belongs to another.
As Padgett tells Scully intimate details of her life it makes her incredibly uncomfortable. She’s an intensely private person, only lets in a few people. But here is some stranger who seems to KNOW her. How did she not know she was being watched? What other things does he know? It would bother her from a professional point of view as well as a personal one.
That someone thinks of her this way - a purely physical attraction rather than something cerebral and mutually respectful like she has with Mulder - it unsettles her. But his influence makes her more aware of her desires, the feelings she’s walled away for so long and hasn’t let herself acknowledge.
The conversation between Mulder and Scully in the autopsy bay is very interesting. Scully is VERY OPEN about what just happened between her and Padgett, something that is pretty unusual for her. She admits to being frightened, she tells him that this creepy guy knows “too much information and intimate detail”, and then openly challenges Mulder to do something about it. Scully KNOWS what Mulder will do.
Mulder’s uncomfortable almost-smile when she tells him. How fucking real is that. I don’t know about you guys but I find myself smiling at the most inappropriate circumstances, so this hits home for me. (Thank you DD.)
Mulder and Padgett try to intimidate each other in the elevator. Don’t fucking mess with Scully! Mulder’s brooding walk down the hallway. 🔥 🔥 🔥
The love scene. Padgett writes what he wants to be true. He can influence the thoughts of others but cannot control them like Modell - only an encouragement in a particular direction, a manifestation of emotions already present. Scully’s disgust and fear is tempered by her curiosity of the strange and mysterious neighbour, which is why she ends up at his apartment. Padgett misinterprets her intellectual interest as romantic in nature.
“Loneliness is a choice.”
The implication: she can choose, at any time, to NOT be lonely. That she knows she’s lonely. What’s holding her back? This season was SHIT for Mulder and Scully’s relationship, but an undercurrent for her throughout the years she’s been his partner - fear. She’s scared to take that last step, to have him know all of her. For fear of death, of losing him. Being alone is safe.
Padgett talking to her like she’s an object, something to serve his writing rather than someone with a CHOICE. Another thing that reveals the emptiness of his heart.
The fantasy that Padgett has about Scully is meant to happen after she enters his apartment. The mugs in the fantasy are the same ones they drink coffee from, and in the fantasy they are still steaming hot. The lamp doesn’t light because it is off in the dream (another example of his ability to affect the physical but not the emotional).
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I love the symbolism of Scully looking out the window in Padgett’s bedroom. She’d see something similar out of Mulder’s apartment, just slightly different. But enough to make a difference. She feels desire, she has love in her heart, but only for Mulder. Padgett can never be a replacement, no matter how many words he writes.
Padgett believes they are headed to the bed, to the love scene he described in his writing. I don’t think it would happen even if Mulder hadn’t interrupted them. Regardless, Mulder is a wild card - he didn’t account for him to burst through the door, didn’t write about him, so Mulder can act independently, outside of the story.
Mulder’s jealousy at seeing Scully there with Padgett. He’s tense, tearing through his pages, heedless of the destruction he’s causing, handles Padgett roughly. Mulder manifests his frustration as aggression, and this time it’s extremely personal. From now on the interactions that Mulder has with Padgett are filled with tension. You can see that Mulder just wants to fucking MESS with this guy. Part jealousy, part protectiveness.
Padgett’s assertion that the characters choose the writers. Does he believe that Scully chose him? That the psychic surgeon isn’t merely a manifestation of the evil and emptiness in his own heart?
In the jail cell, Mulder moves forward to intimidate Padgett but Scully’s touch instantly pulls him back. This is Padgett’s first glimpse at the connection between Scully and Mulder. Up until now he’s only been observing Scully by herself, and listening to them talk in Mulder’s apartment. Now, though, he realizes in their FIRST INTERACTION in front of him, that she is in love with him. All the things that he’s seen regarding Scully’s interest in him have been misinterpretations.
Mulder confronts Scully in the hallway about her part in the book. Just a note that Padgett watches their interaction here as well, confirming his initial thoughts about Scully’s love for Mulder. I think he’d also realize Mulder loves her back, but in Padgett’s mind, who wouldn’t?
“You know you're in here, don't you?” - Mulder “I read a chapter. What does he say?” - Scully “Well, let's just say it ends with you doing the naked pretzel with "the stranger" on a bed in an unfurnished fourth floor apartment. (pause) I'm assuming that's a priori, too?” - Mulder “I think you know me better than that, Mulder.” - Scully
Mulder’s look while biting his bottom lip. Scully’s licking her lips here, too. Hnnng.  🔥 🔥 🔥
After realizing Scully can’t love him, Padgett writes this: “Grief squeezed at her eggshell heart like it might break into a thousand pieces its contents running like broken promises into the hollow places his love used to fill.”
A parallel to how Padgett is feeling himself. Or “thinks” its how he should feel, if he had a heart.
Mulder and Scully standing close at the graveyard. Scully touches his back when getting him to back off from the suspect.
Their argument - taking opposite sides.
Scully is compelled to feel less negative about Padgett, and doesn’t feel he is capable of murder, he’s just strange and mysterious. Also, she wants to believe that it’s just an innocent attraction. (Please PLEASE let someone normal be attracted to her for once!)
Padgett is looking DIRECTLY at Mulder when he says this. Afterwards, Mulder takes a quick look at Scully, who has a very vulnerable expression on her face and does NOT look at him.
Padgett’s statement makes Scully’s feelings REAL - they are something that EXISTS in the world. She can no longer deny it, push it away. Also, the fact that Mulder is RIGHT THERE, that he KNOWS, too.
Things can’t go back to normal, especially after the ending of the episode. I don’t think Scully wants them to. I think she chooses not to be lonely.
Padgett starts writing and talking to Naciamento/his dark self. His subconscious knows what story needs to be told. He needs to steal Scully’s heart to place it next to his, to have her in death if he can’t have her in life. This is the ending that only makes sense for this story - he wrote it to have her fall in love with him, for them to be together, but now it’s impossible.
Padgett’s comment that Scully has been “trying to get his attention”. Through her interest in Padgett? This is possibly a misinterpretation, but it also might be something she’d do, though subconsciously. In my headcanon, Scully’s been trying to get Mulder’s attention for fucking YEARS, so perhaps he is correct. She wants Mulder to see her as someone with needs and desires, not just his partner.
They sit closely on Mulder’s couch for the surveillance. 
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The difference between Scully on Padgett’s bed, and Scully on Mulder’s couch (bed). At Padgett’s, she’s sitting up straight, very uncomfortable, like she could leap up and aim her gun at his head if he tried anything strange. At Mulder’s side, she falls asleep because she’s so trusting and comfortable with him.
Padgett wants to prove he can love, so he uses whatever power he possesses to sacrifice himself and heal Scully. From the burning heart story: “he restored it to Margaret Mary sealing her wound with the touch of his blessed hand.”
Destroying the book and thus destroying his dark self isn’t enough. Scully is already hurt, bleeding everywhere. He also needs to heal Scully, and does this through his sacrifice. This is the reason I believe that Padgett’s powers come through himself, he doesn’t really need his typewriter or even a physical copy of his stories to manifest them, he just uses them as a crutch. Perhaps it was how he developed his powers - his insight into human nature through his writing.
When Mulder hears the gunshots, he rushes back to Scully. It’s interesting to think that Mulder nearly cost Scully her life. Her bullets may not have killed Naciamento, but they summoned Mulder, enabling Padgett to burn the book, sacrifice himself and thus save Scully. In essence, she saved herself despite Mulder’s innocent interference.
“A chance to give what he could not receive.”
Instead of killing her, Padgett decides to give her the gift of life and love. He knows she loves another, that her heart is full of love unlike his own empty heart. 
Scully’s breakdown.
She was about to die. It was the closest she’s come and in the most horrifying manner. Death is her greatest fear.
Being faced with something obviously supernatural (shooting Naciamento to no effect, being wounded then miraculously healed) would also make her confused and vulnerable - not being able to explain what happened and put it in a box.
The emotions she’s been trying desperately to repress have been brought to the surface this entire episode. 
More speculation/final thoughts:
This season has dealt with Scully’s fears quite a bit, but mostly with her inability to accept paranormal/unexplainable phenomena. She also holds another fear - death. And it’s consequence? She’s afraid to let people in, let them close. After her remission, she tried to take the chance - to let Mulder closer, to give her heart to Emily. When she’s burned by taking these chances, she buries her feelings again. She’s too scared to take another chance, and the tension between them lately has not been conducive to any sort of positive change in their relationship. The emotions brought to the surface in this episode come bursting forth at the end. Scully doesn’t try to hide them. She lets Mulder see her whole heart, her whole self - fears and all.
Through sharing her entire self with him, Scully’s changed. She can’t go back to pretending and hiding. Her fear about dying, about getting too close, doesn’t matter. I think that Scully’s lightness in the preceding episode (“The Unnatural”) shows how far she’s come.
She reveals her vulnerabilities to Mulder, her softness; his embrace of her as she lets her walls down is cathartic and freeing. Scully knows what she wants, and now her love is “out there”, a tangible thing that they are BOTH aware of. No more second-guessing, misinterpretations.
Later in season 7 (“all things”), when Scully has her breakthrough about her beliefs, she has a similar cathartic experience (her vision in the Buddhist temple). In this episode, her breakthrough is emotional and related to her feelings about Mulder instead of intellectual/spiritual and deeply personal.
I think this episode is where I diverge from much of the fandom in terms of its significance to the MSR and Scully. I don’t think they can go back from this (along with things that happen with Mulder in the next episode). I’ll talk about a few more things in my “The Unnatural” post. If you disagree, that’s fine, but… I just love the idea of them having more time together, and I like the way my theory works! <3
If you want to know more about what I think happened after this episode, I’d love it if you’d read my fic “Bated Breath”. I feel that it expresses my thoughts pretty well about what I thought Scully went through, and where Mulder was as well.
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babyybitchhh · 5 years
Okay ... episode 82 really fucked me up there at the beginning and I kind of figured it would. I’m really glad I didn’t watch this last night. The emotional whiplash between Asuma dying, Naruto doing his stupid, inconsequential clown act and then Shikamaru struggling to process what happened would have pissed me off ten times more if I hadn’t spaced these episodes out. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to squeeze Naruto’s godforsaken training right into the middle of this heavy, emotional shit but I hope he got fired.
The guy who directed “Team 10” though? Fuck. I’d kiss him right now if I could. And I’m not just saying that because I’m rabid over Shikamaru. This episode was a full on experience, especially the first half. The directorial choices were just consistently on point; the lighting, the camera angles, the pacing. This is the first time throughout the entirety of Naruto that I’ve watched so far where the mood was unhindered, uninterrupted, unburdened by whatever stupid shit is going on with team 7. It felt decidedly raw and the emotion throughout was palpable. This episode was a directorial masterpiece as far as I’m concerned and I will revisit it again at some point, without a doubt.
I’m sitting here trying to figure out which part was my favorite and I just can’t come up with an answer. Everything leading up to the break was simply fantastic. The opening scene with Shikamaru and Kurenai? The abrupt reminder that Konohamaru has now lost his uncle in addition to his grandfather? Shikamaru just coming right out and telling the bbq lady that Asuma is dead, like he wasn’t silently suffering under that cool facade? The shogi scene??? Fuck. That was intense. Watching Shikamaru gradually become more and more restless and irritated while his father talked was moving - at least for me, because I’ve definitely been there. Struggling to keep your feelings in check, trying desperately not to let the dam break when you’re so dangerously close to reaching critical mass, and the inevitable explosion. The way he really stepped up to Shikaku like he was going to do something. Just looking for that fight because it’s the only safety net you’ve got to fall back on when you’re literally incapable of comprehending your own heartache.
And then the cathartic numbness that comes after you scream and cry and allow yourself to actually feel the helpless anguish you don’t know what to do with. When you’re lying there, weak and spent and gross with dried tears on your face and aching puffy eyes, and you finally just stop feeling. It’s a blissful moment of internal quiet and you could see the moment where Shikamaru started to mentally pick himself up, trying to put the broken pieces of his psyche back together again while running completely on autopilot, and the accompanying symbolism of him picking up the shogi pieces was just ... nut. Like, it was real shit. I felt that entire scene deep in my bones tbh.
Actually this episode made me feel a LOT of things and I’d absolutely label it the best the series has to offer at this point. And what’s funny is you can tell it still didn’t have a very big budget but the director skillfully made due with what he had to really convey a very poignant and, imo, heartfelt message about the profoundly personal experience of loss. It was very human in a way that Naruto as a series has up until now failed to deliver on and, honestly, my love for Shikamaru has only grown because of it. I’m honestly weak right now. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually.
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I would die for Shikamaru and that’s not an exaggeration. Lol
But also can I mention how much I love Shikaku. He doesn’t get to show up very often but it seems like every time he does, he leaves an impression. I get this vibe from him that hes just slightly more empathetic than his son but he sort of coats it in a tough, hardass, masculine way that makes him come off as very blunt and almost cold. Which is exactly where Shikamaru got it from but (imo) his virtue as a Virgo sort of softens the bite. Whereas with Shikaku it feels borderline antagonistic, almost like he’s being purposely mean, but if you listen to what he’s saying he’s actually telling you exactly what you need to hear. It might not be what you want to hear but it will help you in the long run. This is not the first time he’s served up some cold hard truths and, in all honesty, it seems like every time he does make an appearance it’s specifically to kick Shikamaru’s butt into gear. I know I’ve seen people say that he didn’t really seem that bothered about his dad dying (which I take offense to, I haven’t even gotten to that part and I know that’s wrong) but I think we have to acknowledge the inherent difference in his relationship with Asuma and his relationship with his dad.
They BOTH played a huge role in shaping Shikamaru into the person he is but in completely different ways, drastically different roles. Asuma was almost like the cool, rough and tumble older brother he never had and Shikaku was the immovable rock supporting him throughout everything he did in life. This is why I so badly wanted the other characters to be satisfactorily fleshed out and explored because, based on what little tidbits of detail we’ve gotten about Shikamaru’s home life, it seems that even though he comes off as almost stern Shikaku never actually pushed him in any one direction. Nudges sure, I have no doubt. But even when his son was putting in the absolute bare minimum with no real goals or drive, he let him be. Like, I have this nagging thought in the back of my head that Shikaku knew Shikamaru would find his own way in life without his intervention, because he both loves and trusts his son, so he simply watched over him instead of trying to force something out of the boy. Protective and supportive, but at a healthy distance, yknow? Which is another thing ... I’ve also seen people say that Shikamaru was spoiled growing up and honestly? That’s not wrong. I don’t think he ever experienced real hardship until Asuma died and the growth we’re seeing in him as a person is just ... ugh.
Anyway, I word vomited all that just so I could say: my heart broke when Shikaku started talking about how he’s proud to be Shikamaru’s father and that he knows he’s not stupid enough to run off and get himself killed. I know what he was doing. Indirectly saying he loved him and would support whatever choice he made at this crucial junction. He let Shikamaru make his own decision and he was clearly proud of the path his son ended up choosing. But fuck, if the morbid irony didn’t pull at my heart strings. 😭 Knowing what’s coming at some point in the future, I look at scenes like that and I just ... it makes me real fucking sad, fam.
I’m just so weak for father figures anyway, even if they’re not good fathers. But when it involves a character I’m emotionally soft for AND he’s got a good dad .... god. Imma need a box of tissues here in a second. I wish Shikaku was my dad. 🤧 And I mean, I’m just saying, but I have this very distinct feeling that the Nara men - both Shikaku and Shikamaru - would treat a girl child different from a boy so honestly Shikadai is real fucking lucky he didn’t get that sister Shikamaru was talking about during the Chunin exam because he’d be all up in his feelings about it. He’s probably got it bad enough with Mirai tbh. But also how absolutely beautiful would Shikamaru’s hypothetical daughter be, hnnng.
Y’all thought my mans was spoiled, wait until you see what daddy Shikaku’s got to say about me.
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
My Top 10 GF Episodes
So, I wanted to try and figure out my favorite Gravity Falls episodes just for the fun of it...but I will say I’ve only seen most of the episodes once so it’s very possible that there are some I might like more if I watched them again?
Also, most of my favorites tend to be relevant to the plot, but there are a few that aren’t that I still love (also big surprise, I love pretty much every episode with Ford in it xD)
Since I’m going to explain my reasoning behind why I like these episodes and am including some pictures, I’m putting this below the cut!
Honorable mentions (because there are some that I love that didn’t make it inn the top ten):
"Gideon Rises"
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I feel like this episode is overlooked a lot, but it’s really good? I especially love how Dipper learns that he can be a hero without the journal. Plus you can SEE how much Stan wants to take care of Mabel and Dipper and sending them away hurts him but he does it because he can’t give them the care they need like oof my heart.
"Into the Bunker"
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I love this episodes because it really sparks Dipper’s journey of finding the Author, not to mention the shapeshifter is kind of terrifying and makes for some intense action! It also adds to the mystery which of course I love! Plus, they really did the whole Dipper talking to Wendy thing well and in a realistic sense which I appreciate a LOT.
"Sock Opera"
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This episode is so good I almost had it in my top ten, it was a close call. There is just so much I love about it? I think the main thing that I’m eh about is whatever the dude’s name is that Mabel is trying to impress. But everything else? Bill being terrible but hilarious, Mabel giving up her show for Dipper, just...solid and good and yes.
"The Stanchurian Candidate" 
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This one gives me all the Stan feels (and also Ford freaking giving a mind control device to kids like...Ford no...xD) But I love how it’s so TRUE to Stan, like he isn’t the best person when it comes to ideals, but if you put his family in danger, his golden heart shines through and you can’t help but love him!
10.  "The Time Traveler's Pig"
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I’ll admit, I haven’t rewatched this one yet, but I’m a sucker for time traveling shows and this one really helped me want to keep watching. It had interesting and fun elements that I enjoyed and Mabel and Dipper bonding that was so sweet and pure. Plus...fordshadowing...
9.  "Dreamscaperers"
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Such a pivotal episode in the series. Not only do we meet Bill for the first time, which is in and of itself foreboding, but we also get a look into Stan’s mind and a glimpse of his childhood (though I will admit I’m still not sure if the kid is supposed to be Stan or Ford because of the whole glasses deal...) and why he is so hard on Dipper. It’s just such a good insight into characters and as pointed out is the shifting point from a lighthearted show to a show with darker themes.  
8.  "Northwest Mansion Mystery"
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This one is just so creepy but also fun? And I really do love seeing Pacifica’s development, and how you can see why she acts like she does. It’s such an insight into her character and he stand against her parents is great! Not to mention Dipper is willing to give her a chance and says she doesn’t have to be like her parents. Like this boy said “you’re the worst” at the beginning but is willing to give her a second chance after seeing her home life. I don’t know I just love it.
7.  "Scary-oke"
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Okay I love every bit of this episode, I just rewatched it and it’s just SO GOOD! Like, it’s the perfect start to season two, with Stan starting the portal, to the government agents noticing the power source and checking it out, to Stan, Mabel, and Dipper singing together to defeat zombies (not to mention how freaking PROTECTIVE and WORRIED Stan was for the kids, my HEART), I just love every bit of this episode man.
6.  "The Last Mabelcorn"
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Another important plot episode that is all sorts of crazy and intense and great! I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of the unicorn part cause you know...the unicorns are jerks, but I LOVE the development with Ford and Dipper and how in the end Mabel didn’t need the unicorn’s acceptance because she had her family. Plus that one scene is SO INTENSE like dude...DUDE!
5.  "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future"
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This episode gives me SO MANY FEELS, like when I first watched it I was a mess (partly because I needed to go to bed but CLIFFHANGER MUCH) The difference between Mabel and Dipper’s relationship from the beginning to the end is so stark and it hurts, but you can understand BOTH sides and the parallels to Stan and Ford just oof...PLUS Dipper going on and adventure with Ford is like my favorite thing ever. “Say hop, it helps!” Ford you dork I love you.
4.  "Carpet Diem"
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Most of my favorite episodes are in season two, but let me tell you Carpet Diem is HILARIOUS. It was the first episode that I just absolutely loved because it made me LAUGH SO MUCH! Not only that, but the fordshadowing is there andi it’s real and painful. Also Mabel and Dipper realizing that they miss each other at the end...like ouch my heart but also so pure! <3
3.  "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls"
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I’m just gonna go out and say Gravity Falls has one of the most satisfying endings of any show. Sure, it’s not perfect, but it’s gosh darn close! There is so freaking much about this episode that I love. Every bit of Mabel and Dipper and how they trust each other so much and face Bill together without fear like my precious children! Ford not giving into Bill’s torture, but then him getting VERY worried when Bill goes after Mabel and Dipper, and then both Stan and Ford realizing how much they messed up and how they both would do ANYTHING to keep Mabel and Dipper safe. And then Stan’s sacrifice I just...it hurts me soul so much ever bit of that scene and everyone’s reactions just HURTS SO MUCH. But then Stan getting his memories back and just the pure bittersweet ending, like it’s so perfect but it also makes me cry just because these characters grow on you so much and seeing them parting just hurts my heart. The only thing I wish had been included would be the kids hugging Ford and Soos at the end (Mabel said “We said goodbye to everyone...” but we didn’t see them saying bye to Soos and Ford...maybe that would’ve been too much, I might’ve been even more of a mess...) Anyways, the entire end sequence, including the credits (and the MUSIC) is so perfect and my HEART! (this can easily be #1 for me too, but I love the other 2/3 so much too hnnng)
2. "Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons"
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This episode is just so freaking enjoyable??? There are a lot of reasons I love it tbh...I love the poking fun at D&D (because I’ve actually PLAYED D&D), I love the family bonding and how Mabel and Stan use their strengths to save their brothers, I love how Dipper and Ford bond and how they understand each other and just click so much and really love hanging out together. Plus this is the first episode where we really get to know Ford, at least post portal Ford - his dorkiness, his bamf-ness, how much he really does want to get to know his family. It just is...so good...not to mention the whole Ducktective bit, “I’ll have you know Ducktective has a mystery element and jokes that go over kids heads!” (I’m paraphrasing there I probably messed up the quote xD) And then the whole “twin brother” twist in it too, just so much 4th wall stuff that is so funny and I love it so much!
1. "Not What He Seems" & "A Tale of Two Stans" 
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I can’t split up these two episodes...I really can’t...I know everyone raves on “Not What He Seems” and it deserves that! It’s such an intense episode and the culmination of all of the questions that have been brought up throughout the show, at least relating to Stan and The Author. The entire episode is just leaves you so shook, not to mention that last scene with Mabel like...FREAKING EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER MUCH??? It is just such a freaking good episode and I really do love it, but to me you can’t just say “Not What He Seems” because it ends with you having about a bazillion more questions, enter:
 “A Tale of Two Stans” I’m going to admit, if I HAD to pick a favorite episode it might just be AToTS because I just adore Stan and Ford so much. Seeing their backstory is so interesting but also so freaking heartbreaking, it hurts me every time I watch it and yet I always love watching it??? Maybe it’s just seeing how much Stan and Ford had each other’s backs as kids and how there is so much that shakes their relationship, but there are still hints of how much they still care about and trust each other (even continuing on in the show). It really just sets up their stories so well and has you rooting for them to reconcile and forgive for the rest of the series. And thankfully we get it in the end. I just...love this episode despite the PAIN because I love those Stan twins...
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fictorium · 7 years
Hiii! As soon as I saw Grace/Frankie on your list, I knew I had to challenge you to come over here and play. I'd be delighted with anything you write, but I'm just gonna throw out several prompts and you can see if anything sticks. 1. One day can change everything. 2. A midday nap. 3. Not-so-secret secret relationship.
If there’s one concession Grace can make to the ageing process, cruel and unfeeling though it can be, it’s that she doesn’t need quite so much sleep. Not at night, anyway. What she would have given for these four and five hour spells that are enough back when Mallory was teething, or when the company had that rocky spell around the last recession. 
The hidden benefit, the one no one ever admits to, is that any deficit can be made up with the most simple of pleasures: an afternoon nap. Grace hasn’t had one on purpose since kindergarten, possibly, but in her new role as a lady of leisure it’s entirely up to her what two martinis at lunch and a comfortable sofa might lead to. 
Only now home is a beach house instead of an impeccably-styled mausoleum with hardwood floors, and the couch isn’t her domain until Robert crawls home from work when the evening is all but over. Or screwing Saul, as she’s since come to learn. That narrative never seems to stick, no matter how true she knows it to be. 
Still, what’s one more compromise in a world full of nothing quite as she wants it? When the post-lunch stupor begins to creep over her, Grace kicks off her heels and tiptoes upstairs to her room with them in hand. It’s not going to bed if she lies on top of the comforter, covered only by the purple throw that’s usually relegated to the chair in the corner. The pillow is barely beneath her cheek before the world fades out.
When she wakes, it’s still light at least. She’s a little too warm, just past cosy, but it doesn’t matter so much when the arm around her waist tenses and pulls her a little closer. Grace isn’t planning to get up just yet. Not until her bladder insists, as it inevitably will. Another little cruelty.
Wait a damn minute. Whose arm, exactly? Even at the closest they’d come to a real marriage, Robert had always slept with his back turned to her, a chasm between them on the mattress. Her anxiety spikes, the world reduced to the body pressed against her and the arm that pins her in place. Breathe, Grace. It’s Frankie’s voice she hears in her head. Breathe.
And as she does, she pats tentatively at the intruding arm. She’d know that hellish fabric anywhere. There’s even some drying paint on the cuff, just to confirm it.
“Frankie, I don’t remember inviting you into my bed.” Grace turns around to face her, somehow not caring to remove the arm that holds her so close. “This is my nap, and here you are crashing it.”
Frankie opens one eye, suspicious. “You’ve never crashed a party in your life, have you? Never gone to so much as a pool party without an engraved RSVP.”
“You have a perfectly serviceable bed of your own.” If she were standing this is the point where Grace would fold her arms, waiting for one foot to start tapping. Instead she reaches out to gently touch Frankie’s face, telling herself that it’s just to make sure there’s no wet paint that could transfer to clothing or bedding. “What’s so appealing about mine?” A whisper. A question she’s been trying not to ask.
“It has you in it, Grace.” Sometimes it would be easier if Frankie were more keen on lying. If she had some guile behind those startling blue eyes, an agenda of some kind that Grace could blame this surge in her chest on. It feels like the first deep breath after getting out of the city smog and down to the ocean. It feels like peace, and maybe belonging. Grace is going to have to ask someone, because she’s never been quite sure how that last one goes.
“I was napping,” Grace explains, although they both know that already. “What else is there to do on a Thursday afternoon?”
“Well...” Frankie leans in, moving her arm from Grace’s waist at last, only to place her hand on top of Grace’s, where it’s still cupping Frankie’s cheek. Her skin really is amazing, far better than it has any right to be. “We could always try this.”
When Frankie kisses her, it’s a question. A tender meeting of lips that doesn’t push or demand, doesn’t seem rote, like there’s a manual somewhere with a set of instructions. It’s a delicate thing, a whisper of reassurance and a promise that the water’s fine.
Grace kisses back, and it’s something more. A question answered, an ache that’s soothed. This isn’t what she expected all this time later. This isn’t who she expected to be.
And that? Might just be the best part about it. She tangles her fingers in Frankie’s hair, still so thick despite the silver running through it at all those intervals. They kiss again, and again, until Grace feel her eyes drooping just a little. She’s always felt sleepy when she’s happy. Frankie smiles at her, hugging her close and rubbing a thumb back and forth on Grace’s temple.
When she falls asleep this time, it’s with a smile on her face.
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otabekskitten · 7 years
I woke up to the song Too Good at Goodbyes playing in my head (this cover though I listened to for reference haha) and was thinking of Otayuri and then this AU was born xD I hope you enjoy!
So singer Yuri is singing this song in this small night club trying to compose himself as he just got left by yet another boyfriend. 
Beka sees Yuri and is like WOW I’m in love and tries to pursue Yuri.
So when the set was over Beka is like “Um hi your voice was so beautiful and I was wondering if you might be free tonight to just hang out maybe” 
Yuri is like uhhh what looking around like, 
“Um I think you have the wrong person right?”
“Nope its definitely you that I’m interested in.”
“Ha okay buddy sure thing, well I just got left by yet another boyfriend so I’m not interested but thanks pal.”
“Oh, well when you’re ready can I be there for you?”
Yuri hears such a refreshing sense of sincerity in this boy’s voice that he almost lets his guard down but says, “Maybe one day....” 
and runs off cause his heart is already beating so fast
“Pfft this kid won’t find me again it was just a one night flirting thing.... yea that was it” 
After about two weeks or so Yuri comes back to the night club to perform again and he sees Beka and is like “oh whatever” but then Beka sees him too and after the show says,
“Hey again, how are you? I hope youre doing alright. I realized we never introduced ourselves last time. I’m Otabek, Otabek Altin.” 
Yuri is once again like um what he’s serious??? so he hesitates but eventually says, 
“I’m Yuri, Yuri Plisetsky.” and as he reaches for Beka’s hand Beka sneaks a kiss on Yuri’s hand
“The pleasure is all mine.” 
Yuri feels such electricity both by Beka’s words but also the kiss. It’s something he’s never felt so strongly before. But he’s guarded and nervous cause as the song says... he’s too good at goodbyes
But ohoho it doesn’t end there! x3 Yuri slowly lets Beka into his life!
They exchange numbers and they talk like everyday, they hang out when they can.
They laugh and just have fun and Mila, Yuri’s best friend, says,
“You know Yuri you seem happier lately. I’m happy for you.”
Yuri is like “huh... I guess I am.”
And Yuri is starting to realize his feelings for Beka and thinks it can’t be the same as all the others before right? or that nah Beka probably has given up romantic wise already right?? 
Then one night they go hang out and it feels like a date that Yuri can barely hold in his feelings. 
At the end of the night Beka tries to kiss Yuri but says,
“Sorry I think I got too caught up in the moment.”
Yuri is disappointed because he was ready this time and unconsciously says out loud, “Oh i guess i did too...” and blushes when he tries to change the subject of conversation he ends up rambling.
He tries to walk away in the process but then Beka realizes what Yuri meant, that he felt the spark too. 
Beka gets up and grabs Yuri’s arm and turns him around. 
Yuri is blushing like mad now and says, “What....” trying to avoid eye contact staring at the ground, his eyes starting to tear up a bit. 
“I just dont want this to be another failed relationship, something that what could have been but was never real in the first place relationship” and continues to ramble
Beka just stay silent as he lifts Yuri’s face up and caresses his cheek and says, 
“I promise that this is real, I’m right here and I”m not gonna leave even if you push me away. I’ll still be here.”
He then kisses both of Yuri’s cheecks, his forehead, his nose, and then his lips. 
Yuri is melting every second as he was waiting for that sudden impact of the kiss on the lips. Beka though was taking this all in, he’s waited so long that he’s like this isn’t another dream right? 
After a much needed make out session >3< Beka walks Yuri home and they even hold hands. 
Yuri is like holy shit I hope he can’t feel how sweaty my palms get.
But then as if Beka had a feeling, a strong intuition, kisses the back of Yuri’s hand. 
Yuri blushes again remembering that electricity he felt when they first introduced themselves so long ago now. 
Beka then says, “I’m so happy”
Yuri is just left breathless and says, “I am too. Thank you for waiting for me.”
Beka is like hnnng, “Of course my love. I’d always wait for you.”
>3< and now I’m like lets make this a soulmate AU cause I love them so much and my heart is weak for soulmate aus.....lajsdfjl 
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eledritch · 7 years
enjoy this absolute mess I wrote while watching 
Episode 1: 
"Maybe not from the front" *explosion* HUNK ILY also is that an innuendo 
"I'll have a pizza roll" 
Keith's angry storm off from the table :( 
"Exiled brat" 
"Your own aggression is your undoing" foreshadowing to when lotor fights Keith?? 
"I remember what a thrill it was to meet him for the first time" OK LANCE
Episode 2: 
"Keith would be the worst leader of voltron" (Keith doesn't argue) 
"*scoffs* are you joking" KEITH SMILED 
Hunk: "Keith, make me a sandwich, stat! Yep, you heard right, I'm the leader now, dang it!" 
Lance: "this is your moment" "how long are we gonna let Lance stay in there" omg :'( 
"But I'm not you. I can't lead them like you" 
Lance: "get some alien diversity on the team" 
"This ones for you, Shiro" 
Zethrid getting excited to blow shit up 
Keith: "be careful with red!" 
Pidge: "wow we're really kind of a mess" 
Hunk: "yes awesome!!!" GOOD KIND SUPPORTIVE BOY
"On Altea we wear pink to honor our fallen warriors" BC FUCK YA GENDERED COLORS 
Episode 3: 
Keith: everyone stay out of my way! Lance: great. Great leadership. 
"I'm not really feeling that voltron feeling" HUNK 
"They'll be blind - no offense, Narti" is Narti like evil toph bc yes please 
Keith listens to Lance!!! 
Hunk being scared of the green lion 
Allura: "what would Lance do? *immediately starts flirting with blue*" 
Keith: "look I'm glad we're all makin fun of lance" 
Allura: HUNK, IM A LEG!! 
Keith learning leadership skills :'D 
 Episode 4: 
 Hunk: "ready to abort immediately" 
Pink haired Altean chick can kick me in the face (commander hira) 
Hunk: "you mean...slave labor" CALL THEM OUT 
Sven saving Lance's life like in the original BLESS UP SPACE HOSPITAL 
"I love this reality!" & I love you, Slav 
Episode 5: 
operation kuron????? kURO???? 
ahahaha his hair looks like a troll doll's when he's upside down 
This skintight black under armor is a real Look for u Shiro 
o no it's the bumpy whale of terror don't fall for it shiro tHAT IS NOT A WHALE 
@ the showrunners can Shiro ever, maybe, idk, CATCH A FUCKING BREAK 
does it have tentacles tho 
Why does Lotor have the same smirky eyebrow face as Lance 
*lotor delivers a severed arm to haggar* "but I am not my father" you, uh, you sure about that buddy 
Episode 6: 
Hunk's thumbs up omg 
Allura with a whip is my everything 
"hey, Keith? How many times are you gonna have to save me before this is over?" "As many times as it takes" BE STILL MY HEART 
lance: "you're lookin better!!" his wide eyes I die 
Shiro looks so much like Mako oh my god SO YOUNG LOOK AT THAT SHARP BOY 
Keith's face when he says "leave the math to pidge" I dieeeeee 
"A little mouse shower" *rapid electronic beeping* hunk is a gift to this world 
actual married couple k&s saying stuff in unison 
"this might be the worst post but it's MY post!" LOL THROK 
season 3 more like constantly walking into traps DO Y’ALL EVER LEARN
 what kind of title is King Groggery the Infirm 
Lance: "I got you, buddy!" *lil dopey Keith smile* 
Zethrid: "I'm going to enjoy crushing you" I'd enjoy it if you crushed me please 
"I'm proud of you Keith" ugly sobbing 
Lotor you sneaky lil bitch 
Episode 7: 
"Oh dear" Alfor u cutie 
"That's what I keep you around for Zarkon" "well perhaps a bit of discipline erosion would do you good zarkon" CONSTANT ALFOR FLIRTING OK
Space Cat Kova Haggar was a cat lady I die Honerva ahhhhh 
Is. Is Zarkon flustered LMAO 
BABY HELMET allura better have that helmet still 
Ok but why is allura's mom basically just her....could y'all have been any lazier with the design 
"I'll stick with being your right hand" ok but....have the black and red lions/Paladins always had a close relationship 👀 
This monster thing is some princess mononoke shit 
can I marry trigel just asking for a friend 
Ok Zarkon actually being sweet and holding Haggar's hand wtf cute......Also they have a sweet ass bed just sayin 
"I only hope it is not too late to heal the rift in my planet...and our friendship" soft zarkon, nice 
Are the creatures like the corruption in the quintessence??? 
RIP planet daibazaal damn thanks alfor 
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paranoiakrp · 5 years
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name / yuthakon “yutha” chachanatham d.o.b. / 06.25.96 age / 23 pronouns / he/him job / radio host societies / n/a  groups / tell tale heart › host two
skeptical. the only way you can accurately describe yutha is by saying that he’s pretty much skeptical to everything that according to him lacks ‘veracity’ and the ability to be remotely real. no matter how hard you try to make him believe in the occult that goes on in junae, he will deny it, entirely. it’s in his nature to be right, a being so prideful he rather chop off a limb than admit that in the end, someone else was right. and even so, underneath all of the pride and ego that he carries, he knows and is fully aware that in the end, something might be happening in this hellish town.
will he admit it? of course not.
but when whatever force tries to tamper with his work, that’s when he thinks that fighting for his personal interests might be worth the hassle. a man that can be equally dismissive as he is dedicated to his craft, to what he’s passionate about. a seeker of the truth, of the actual and only truth. chaotic neutral, if you will. ‘do what’s right if it’s right and if it benefits me’, it’s what he always says.
charming, funny, yet ready to throw sarcastic and mean comments your way if you say something he’s not too fond of. never one to keep his thoughts to himself, never one to back down from standing up to someone. yuthakon has grown to love fiercely, because despite not being loved as he had always wanted to, he has so much love to give, he can’t help but give himself entirely to the people he loves. a man that can be equally rough as he is soft with those he loves. yet, an individual who can hate and fight just as fiercely as he loves. passionate, intense, it might even deceive the people who believe he’s simply aloof.
his ability to feel and deny, it’s that simple. a walking contradiction, in basic words. loves hard, hates hard, believes all, believes nothing. in essence, the dedication to portray and show what’s more convenient for him at all times shines through everyday. he is, after all, the son of an actress (yet, can’t bring himself to love money and fame as much as she does), the son of a firefighter (yet, can’t bring himself to love fighting for others) and the step-son of a woman who’s way too eccentrically crazy (yet, being rational is much more mature than being eccentric and believing whatever people say about this town). isn’t it just weird? a bit odd? that the skeptical and dismissive yuthakon chaichanatham, who spent many years of his life in this town supposedly believes all of junae’s stories are glorified bullshit?
is it conviction? or is it cover-up denial? 
that’s up to people to find out.
“we’re getting close to the end of this lovely evening, so thank you everyone for allowing me, your host; none other but your always charming-expresso driven-widely awake yutha, to be with you on this quiet night with your favorite songs, stories, and everything else your heart wants to share with all of us. we have one last song for all of you, it was a suggestion by an anonymous caller and it’s… oh, come on, you guys! really? thriller?! we’re not even close to halloween! if you want a good 1984 hit song, here’s ‘what’s love got to do with it’, by the amazing and incomparable tina turner.”
‘you must understand, though the touch of your hand, makes my pulse react…’
his mother cradles the tiny, warm baby against her chest, there’s a smile on her face as she looks up to her husband. handsome, as always, and a happy, joyful grin on his features as he admires the woman he loves and now, the newest addition to their small family. she has fought so hard, between her quickly rising acting career and her husband’s demanding work as a firefighter, having a family together wasn’t an easy task at all; sacrifices were made, and in the end everything worked out in their favor.
that is, of course, until life gets in the way. pride. ego. aren’t those the usual things that create an irreparable breach between families? between love? that’s certainly what created distance in the chaichanatham marriage. a father too prideful to leave his job behind, too prideful to allow his wife to cover all expenses. a wife too in love with her job, with money, luxury and fame. everyone thinks about the things they love, the things they want, the things that will make them happier. but they don’t think about little yuthakon, not when the fights started, certainly not when the divorce papers were signed.
‘…that it’s only the thrill, of boy meeting girl, opposites attract…’
all week with mom, or rather all week with mom’s assistant. weekend with dad, or rather, weekends with a nanny. his parents insist that they love him, they kiss his forehead goodbye when they leave, they promise that they love him and they promise that they work so hard so he can have a promising future, the best future he can have. the problem is, that yuthakon is only a baby, a three year old toddler who can’t understand why mom isn’t home, instead her assistant is, eagerly trying to fill the void his mother has left in his life. a three year old toddler who can’t understand why dad isn’t home, instead a nanny is, also trying to eagerly fill the void his father has left in his life.
when yuthakon turns six years old, his father wants him to meet a new person. kwon kyungmi, a warm-hearted lady hailing from the mysterious and intriguing (in her words) town of junae. she is, everything his mother isn’t. warm, welcoming, sweet, willing to give him all of the attention, tucks him in bed at night and tells him stories about her birthplace, the corners, the murmurs, the buildings, the rumors, and he’s in complete awe. it is no wonder that when his father announces an imminent marriage, yuthakon expresses his desire to live with him, to stick with him. of course, he believes he must be doing an amazing job as a parent if his son is pretty much begging him to take him with him. in reality, yuthakon found the love of a parent in kyungmi that he couldn’t find in his own parents. his mother is shocked, which is rather idiotic. for how long can you neglect your child until he wants to look for love somewhere else? yet, she doesn’t fight it. his parents come to an agreement, he takes yutha with him, his mother continues her acting career and his step-mother decides it would be nice to move to junae. yuthakon is thrilled.
‘..it’s physical, only logical…y-o-u MuSt t-r-y to igNorE…that it m-e-aNs more than ʇɐɥʇ…’
life in junae isn’t as fun as he thought it would be. the seven year old boy gets there and realizes that all of the mental pictures his step-mother painted for him aren’t exactly perfect depictions of what this town looks like. this town is… boring. but he’s only seven years old, how exactly can a seven year old determine what’s thrilling and what isn’t regarding his surroundings? not much, or at least that’s what his father says when kyungmi expresses disappointment when she realizes her step-son isn’t too thrilled about the move. her husband reassures her though, that she has to give him time.
and time she gives him, to no avail. she feeds his child many stories, all of them exaggerated but fun, makes sure he sees the frightening side of the rumors going around, takes him to places, makes sure to wake up that starry-eyed feeling she saw in him when they met years ago in bangkok. nothing changes. it feels as if yuthakon had lost all ability to attach himself sentimentally to something, to a place, to a dream, to an idea. they don’t understand why, he seemed like such a lively kid years ago. his step-mother starts to wonder if so many years of emotional neglect had finally caught up to him. to improve this, she goes overboard. stories, theories, rumors, the whispers of town are being told by her in the most expressive, most exaggerated way that she can and as yuthakon grows older, he starts getting more and more sick of it.
until he calls bullshit. he calls bullshit on the rumors, on the story of this town, on whatever people say, he calls bullshit on the possible idea of any sort of paranormal activity going on. he calls bullshit on everything because the idea of it is completely ridiculous. ‘maybe that kind of stupid magic doesn’t work on foreigners like me’, he told kyungmi once. to be expected, really, she had fed the kid so many stories as a child, and even as a teenager, that her step-son now simply believes she had lied to him several times, and she takes full blame.
‘…oh what’s lOvE got to do, got tO Do with it, what’s ǝʌol ʇnq a :::::::!!:::!!::::::…hnnng… thriller! thriller night and no one’s gonna save you from the ʇsɐǝq about to ǝʞᴉɹʇs…’
by the time he turns fifteen years old, he’s had enough. he’s had enough of the town, of the people, of the whatever talk around town goes around, about his step-mother now showing an insane fascination for the supposed paranormal of junae. it’s stupid, it’s ridiculous and he’s had it. he tells his father it’s now time for him to go back to bangkok, to his mother. it breaks his heart. it breaks his step-mother’s heart, but if that’s what he wants? so be it.
life away from junae is… the same. except with less love. without a caring mother to love him, but with the same lack of a father and the same lack of interest from his actress mother. it’s whatever, he tells himself, detachment is easy, he’s learned to do this plenty of times before. he knows he’s loved, of course. he receives letters from his parents and friends back in junae and he makes sure to write them back, promises that he will visit them someday. there’s always a pretty special emphasis on ‘visit’, because there’s no way he will go back to live there. just no way.
‘…you hear the door ɯɐls and realize there’s ::::!!::::::…nowhere left to unɹ you feel the cold hand and wOndEr if you’ll ever see the sUn…’
growing up isolated from the rest of the world goes surprisingly well. with so many years of practice, it was only meant for that to happen. his new venture comes in the name of attending one of thailand’s most prestigious universities, where he decides to major in journalism. choosing that was, once again, surprisingly easy. with so many years he spent allowing people to feed him bullshit regarding the care and love his parents felt for him and the deluded stories of his step-mother; yuthakon wants to seek the truth. the truth of life, the veracity of the corners of the world. he’s not obsessed, that’s for sure, but he’s certain he wants to dedicate himself to finding the truth, to always looking at the rational side of things, the reality of the world as he knows it. paranormal activity and it’s various definitions? ridiculous.
university life changes plenty of things about him. besides the fact he becomes much more social, he realizes he has a special charm plenty of people feel deeply attracted to. perhaps his mysterious, yet approachable appearance. some even deemed him as the kind of person you can’t really reach, until you talk to them and realize they’re just like you and like me, that he’s nice, approachable and most of the times funny due to his innate way to throw ironic, sardonic and sarcastic comments here and there. he’s the good kind of ‘crude’, if such thing exists. people are, to put it simply, fascinated.
‘…you close your eyes and hOpE that tHIs is just imAginaTIon…::::!::::… hnnng… heeelp::::!ǝɯ:::!:::… second hand emotion, what’s love got to do, got to do with it…’
he graduates with honors and his mother offers to get him in touch with whatever companies he desires. he’s grateful, but turns her down. it’s not like he doesn’t appreciate his mother’s help, but a, he knows she’s doing it to try and redeem herself and b, he doesn’t need anyone’s help to thrive. sure enough, it takes him only four months to get a job at a tv channel. it’s not the biggest deal, certainly at all, considering the young boy is now the assistant of a tv producer. coffee runs? he’s on it. making sure the producer’s meal is ready and on time when he gets hungry? he’s on it. this is not the perfect idea that he had upon graduation, but he understands that good things come to those who wait (and work hard).
there’s not much that he can do (and saying ‘no’ isn’t an option) when kyungmi calls to inform him his father went missing. ‘it’s been three days, he hasn’t been home. i’m worried about him’ and upon questioning if police had gotten involved by now, she simply said ‘of course not! i know he’s missing, but he’s somewhere in this town, we have to find him’. yuthakon is skeptical, and naturally so. his step-mother being eccentrically ominous once again? of course she is. the fact she’s now gotten his father involved is definitely low, but at the same time, yuthakon decides to humor them. perhaps they miss him, so why not give them the pleasure?
so to off to junae, he goes.
‘…who needs a ʇɹɐǝɥ, when a thriller, thriLLer night! …heart CAn be brOken…’
he finds his father two days after he arrived to the old, boring town of junae. turns out, he was actually missing, just as it also turns that no, the “spirits” (as his step-mother came up with) didn’t take him. what actually happened is that his father had gotten drunk, so drunk he completely forgot the way back home and all because he had gotten fired from his job; that and the salary of his step-mother’s job as a teacher wasn’t enough.
this is the first time kyungmi talks to him without any sort of tricks or eccentricities, this is the first time his step-mother has a heart-to-heart with him and explains that his father, as years had passed by, felt more and more lost regarding him. he misses him. he wants to make things right. he wants to make up for all of those wasted years that he spent with his head dipped so deep in his work that he completely forgot he had a son. yuthakon gets it, but he refuses to stay. there’s no way.
still, he chooses to stick around for a couple of days.
then a couple of weeks.
then a couple of months.
‘you’re fighting for your life inside a ɹǝllᴉʞ, thriller… p-please::::!ʎpoqǝɯos!::::heeelp!::::m-e-e-e:::!…i’ve been thINKIng about my oWn protECtion, it sǝɹɐɔs me to feel this WAY… tonight!’
he should’ve known his father was going to make him feel weak enough to stick around. now, it feels too late to leave. bills are accumulating, his father still has that lost, deeply nostalgic look in his eyes every time he looks at him, meanwhile his step-mother stares at him with so much sadness and love. he can’t quite leave. he wants to, he can, but he won’t. it’s clear that his father needs him, and it’s clear that kyungmi thinks so too. so he stays. for now.
getting a new job a the town’s radio station was something he never thought would happen. so used to the stay behind the scenes agenda, this job was kind of similar to that, except he was actually relevant now, not just some boy running around delivering lattes. despite the small, shitty town (as he so endearingly describes it), he thinks the job is okay and far much, much better than what he had back home.
his mother doesn’t need him to come back, his father does need him to stay and he can’t do much but show that he has an actual warm heart his beloved parents can squeeze inside their hands and beg for silent forgiveness. he has forgiven them already. a man with a rough exterior after all, but the softness of an angel on the inside. it’s just so easy to convince him.
skeptical as he is, he still calls bullshit on everything. on the stories, on the rumors, on the lore surrounding town. he still believes everything are just fabricated stories to scare children. that is, of course, until telltale heart gets tampered with. he doesn’t know what. why. how and certainly not “who”, but he knows, just as everybody else, that someone or “something” is messing with their beloved station.
he, of course, won’t say it out loud, prideful after all, and admit that there is definitely something off about things. he will look for the rational explanation, like maybe some weirdo trying to mess with things, or some idiot trying to just scare them for fun. but deep down, deep, deep, deep down he’s starting to believe that perhaps all those stories his step-mother supposedly came up with all of those years ago might be true. might.
“…i, i’m really sorry about that. looks like our console didn’t want to play ‘what’s love got to do with it’ after all and tried to give us a funny uh… remix of that and ‘thriller’. my apologies again, for that very spooky rendition. but it’s now my time to go, until we meet again lovely night owls, don’t let the monsters under your bed get you! see ya!”
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