#hoard the hams
1sthisthingon · 5 months
Got my copy of hoard the Hans today!
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orgyofthedamned · 1 year
bro i am DYING to draw more hammer stuff i have 3 badges left before i can take a lil break tho. the end is in sight!!! 😭
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
something that's weird that I've noticed about our past is... we never really had an "in denial" phase about any of our queer identities? i mean, we didn't realize all of them immediately, but whenever we saw a term we resonated with us on any level we'd jump on it immediately. the DAY i learned what being not-hetero is i immediately decided i was pan. i heard the term genderfluid for the first time and decided that was me. and like, yes it wasn't what i identify as now. but even then- when things changed we were just kinda like "oh, ok, this is me now".
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piknim · 9 months
Hamster decided we're not friends and that i am actually very scary™ so ive been giving him a high value treat near his wheel every time i hear him wake up, but he doesnt like treats... he'll take it(or show interest) and eat like 2 bites then throw it back down. Ik he pouches things bc of his nest but ive never seen him with a full pouch
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slushrottweiler · 10 months
Netflix is blaming the Shadow and Bone cancellation on the strike because they want us to turn on the actors, writers and other workers who legit had to force this giant, multi-national company to give them fair compensation for their work!
Do not let them do it.
It's not the actors fault
It's not the writers fault
It's not the fault of those who password share
It's not the strikes fault.
The cancellation of Shadow and Bone rest entirely on the greedy hands of Netflix upper management and I hope suffocate on their hoarded wealth like a ham-fisted hubris story.
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
Let’s make this adorable~ Sal Fisher x afab reader who’s all about romance. Loves cooking for him and sending him love letters through his locker. She’s just enamored by him and has to express it.
OOH OOOH OOOH!!! YES, LOVE IT. Gonna do some headcanons. I love this man endlessly 🩵
Notes: I write all characters as adults (besides Pidge VLD) so this will be adult Sal, therefore out of high school so I’m gonna avoid the locker talk.
Sal x reader-Hopeless Romantic 💖
Cook for him and he’s gonna lose his absolute mind. He will go back for seconds even if he’s miserably stuffed already- just wants to show his appreciation
The only ppl who’ve ever cooked a meal for him is his mom and Lisa so it truly makes him feel so special and loved.
LOVES physical affection too! Hold his hand, link arms with him, kiss his prosthetic, hug him often- he loves it all.
He’s a bit self conscious and might be timid when showing you physical affection so feel free to take the lead! Initiate the touch first and he’ll become more confident and return the gesture ten fold!
Just don’t stop touching him okay? If anything, touch him more! As long as he has you in his grasp or can feel you hanging on him somewhere, he feels secure.
Plz plz plz leave him love notes everywhere and anywhere! Sticky notes on his gearboy, long thoughtful letters left folded up on his dresser, more sticky notes on his bathroom mirror about how gorgeous he is.
And he leaves them all in their respective spots, just letting you add more. He can’t stand to remove the notes, it hurts his heart a bit too much.
If you remove them yourself and replace them with new notes, he’ll actually probably cry at the loss of the old ones. Like 🥺
“you…threw them away? Why?”
“To make room for the new ones, babe! It’s fine, Sal, they’re just sticky notes.”
“No…no they’re not. They mean everything to me.”
Starts to remove them himself and saves every single one in a shoe box under his bed.
You bet your ass Larry teases him when he finds the box and starts digging through it all while Sal is absolutely proud and happy to go through it with him, rereading all your lovely poems and compliments.
Don’t be afraid to call him cute pet names or show PDA in front of his friends. He lives for that shit. Lowkey loves when Larry and Todd snicker and make faces at him after you kiss him or call him ‘honey’. He doesn’t care, it just makes him feel even more giddy and in love with you.
Kiss the inside of his prosthetic right in front of him and let him know it’s so he’ll always be able to kiss you even when you’re away from him
Bonus points if you wear lipstick so he can see the kiss mark before he puts his prosthetic on.
Imagine he takes it off later around Larry and Ash and both of them are like “uh, Sally, you got a little something…on your face.” And he’s sitting there with a dopey grin and blushing cheeks like “yeah, I know~”
GOOD LORD, when yall are alone, feel free to pull his prosthetic off and just go ham with the face kisses. You don’t even need to ask to take his mask off when it’s just you and him, just yank it off and make out with him already
Gift him stuff! Doesn’t matter what it is- could be a dozen fresh roses, a lollipop from the dollar store or a shiny rock you found on the ground while walking to his house. He’s like a crow, he’ll hoard it all no matter how small.
All in all, he loves having an ultra loving and affectionate partner, just give him time to warm up to it and he’ll gradually start returning the favors.
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stergeon · 8 months
spending some more time chewing on the concept of byleth and edelgard constantly writing each other letters—both while one of them is off traveling and also when they're both at home and seeing each other every day. there's one on the emperor's desk in her study; one in byleth's storage locker in the barracks; one left on a pillow or slipped into a pocket or tucked into a book the other is reading.
the emperor is interrupted during a big meeting by a page delivering a "most crucial missive from the commander." she unseals it in front of everyone and it's a crude drawing of a smiley face that says "hello i love you"
edelgard would write these excessively verbose things, very heavy on the poetry and flowery language. there are a couple paragraphs of updates and then page after page after page of "i love you"s and "i miss you"s communicated in ten thousand different and increasingly grandiloquent ways. byleth has learned to bring a dictionary along on her trips so she can decode all the sesquipedalian nightmare terms edelgard uses to tell her she's pretty. most letters start and end with an implied threat that if anyone other than byleth reads it or finds out how soft the emperor is, there will be hell to pay, but it doesn't stop her from proceeding to go ham on the romantic sappiness.
meanwhile byleth's letters are. pretty straight and to the point. she's keeping her posted about the weather, about this dog that she met, about a cool tree she saw, and transcribing direct quotes and best wishes from their friends. but she also includes little mementos she picked up or shiny things she found (she's like a crow with pretty rocks, shells, and baubles), and presses flowers that she thinks edelgard will like, and attempts to sketch things she wishes edelgard got to see with her. it's painfully obvious that byleth will never have an artistic career, but edelgard adores every single drawing all the same.
(hubert made a suggestion to have the emperor and her adviser use different seals or envelopes for their personal and official correspondence. this was accepted as reasonable. several months later, edelgard found out he made the suggestion after the third instance in which he'd been doing his secretarial duties and responding to the emperor's mail, only to find the message from the emperor's adviser did not, in fact, contain the woman's latest report on the situation in fhirdiad or fodlan's locket, but a rather lurid list of her intentions for the emperor upon returning home to enbarr. one contained a diagram. hubert did not examine it.)
edelgard, who hoards every paper she's ever had reason to touch and who has a (frankly, pathological) filing system for everything in her life, has a special container for byleth's letters that is under lock and key. byleth, who lived out of a rucksack for most of her life and constantly had to consider carry weight when vetting her few belongings, doesn't really know how to... have... things. she struggled with toting around all this paper for a while, but couldn't bear to toss out even the simplest "meet me at 4pm for the council meeting" message. she had to make peace with the concept of using a drawer for something like long-term storage and frequently checks to make sure they're all still there.
both of them keep their favorite ones in the back of their respective journals and act like they're not so extremely, terminally soft on each other.
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niuniente · 2 months
top 3 best Finnish foods & beverages?
Food is a bit tricky because the food I love I can't eat them anymore or I can have it only a moderation and STILL might suffer of stomach problems lol
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Liver casserole (Maksalaatikko)
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Sautèd reindeer with smashed potatoes and lingonberry jam (Poronkäristys) (and add some Russian style gherkins to the side~)
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Traditional Christmas ham (Joulukinkku)
BEVERAGES I don't drink alcohol so those are out of this list
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Homemade Sima mead during 1st of May (Sima or Vappusima).
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SUN'S Strawberry soda, the best strawberry soda I've ever had.
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Finnair's blueberry juice which is always available on their flights. A few years ago they brought this beloved juice to K-company brand's stores (K-market, K Supermarket and Citymarket). HIGHLY recommending this if you ever come to Finland or take a Finnair flight.
A special mention goes to wood tar soda Piki which has not been available for many, many years and I miss it every single day....
EDIT: I FUCKING FORGOT MY BELOVED MULLED WINE! I hoard it around the year and I'm always delighted if some randoms store still has a small stock around summer time.
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1800pain · 7 months
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A really fucking big Notion template by yours truly
I was requested by a follower of mine to create a gender hoard. So obviously, I did everything and more. You can look at my personal gender stash if you want ideas on what to make yours look like.
Templates within templates
Views. Too many of them. My head hurts.
And an about me?
I took the extra effort and sanity to be pretty in-depth about explaining things for people who are new to this sort of thing. There's a note at the top of the page called "Notes for template users" that I HIGHLY recommend to read to understand if you're new with Notion.
Does it look long? Yes. Is it actually long? Technically no. What I did was added a lot of views for the database so that you can pick whatever you like and just delete the rest. Just be sure you do it properly so you don't accidentally delete anything you actually want to keep.
The entire thing is meant to be pretty modular, meaning you're free to add and delete shit as you will, and you can also insert this into another template if you feel. It's pretty adaptable, so go ham. The only thing I will say about this template is that it wasn't made with DID/OSDD in mind, so there isn't say, categories for alters or specific labels etc for that, but you can fix that with just a few clicks.
You probably already know the next thing I'm going to say...
Endogenic systems/non-traumagenic systems and their supporters are not allowed to use my templates, full stop.
Bigots and assholes aren't allowed to use my templates. Eat shit and die.
You can edit it as much as you like as long as you do not redistribute any version of the template as your own.
I honestly didn't put a place for credit, which is fine because I don't require anybody credit me. If you do keep the credit (or make one in this case), you can move it anywhere you want.
It's 1 AM. I'm going to sleep now.
Also, I'm not really sure how to sort out these sorts of lists, so I just kinda put in the bare minimum after doing a few Google searches. If I get anything wrong or misrepresent something, it isn't my intention to be an asshole just because.
I'm exhausted. Good night.
Link: https://1800pain.notion.site/Gender-Sexuality-Pronouns-Hoard-Template-4cfac5f1336b4fcdb7d00f4be3f41b0b?pvs=4
EDIT: AHHHH I also forgot and I don't know where to put it—I added some references for pronouns/pronoun dressing rooms since I thought those were awesome and cool! Alright, that's all, I'm off to dream about men.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 2 years
The Dragon’s Hoard
The first one appeared in the middle of a storm. Lightning broke the night sky and rain pounded the earth. The dragon, as most, was asleep deep within his lair, exhaling plumes of ashy smoke and warming gold beneath his belly. A violent sneeze woke the dragon, he reared his great head and snapping his barbed tail. A second sneeze followed.
Mallow the Destroyer stalked down his mound of gold and swept across his caverns. He gave a wordless roar and his breath steamed in the chilly night air. The cave echoed with his threat: “None who enter here may leave.”
A small bundle sat on the floor next to a number of black-steel swords. A little hand seemed to be curiously poking at one.
The dragon roared. “WHO FORFEITS THEIR LIFE TO MY CAVES?” Mallow thumped his mighty tale against the ground and the bundle jumped.
The thing turned and snot ran down its face. A child, no more than seven. And they were staring up at the dragon with a starry-eyed confusion. The little creature rubbed her sleeve across her snotty nose a few times and blinked.
Mallow blew hot air in her face and her blonde curls swept back. 
A ratty scarf was tied around the girl’s neck, she was bundled up in several layers, a blue coat was far too large for her. Packaged like a stuffed ham, the girl’s arms stuck out at stark angles and she toddled more than walked in a pair of secondhand boots. 
“I am Laurel,” she announced in a voice that was far too loud. She wore a pair of thick earmuffs and two sets of bandages wrapped around her head. 
Mallow narrowed his eyes, he bared his terrible teeth, and thrashed his tail and the little creature wobbled and fell onto her behind. The girl’s eyes became even larger somehow, but she didn’t weep. Didn’t flee. Didn’t run. 
“What are you doing? Tell me how you wish to die!” The dragon sneered, but it was no use. The child’s ears were stuffed and she could not hear him. Mallow was forced to dig out a cursed notebook and write down words in the common tongue.
Instead of answering, the child wiped at its snotty face and shrugged. She pointed at herself. “I am Laurel.”
Mallow might’ve eaten her or burned her to a crisp, but there was a note pinned to her overstuffed coat: for your hoard.
The first one's name was Laurel. The second was Rowan. They were sisters with black hair the texture of crow’s feathers and large eyes that made the youngest look constantly in awe and the older like she was lost in a composite maze.
They both had the same note pinned to their chest. And Mallow couldn’t eat something of his hoard– it could be valuable.
“Who approved this foolishness?” The dragon Mallow perched in front of the eldest. She held her young sister in her lap and exposed one pink ear to the draft. 
“My mother sent us,” Rowan said with a quick nod toward the mouth of the cave and a bit too loud. “She’s a witch.”
“Good for her.” 
“She’s says you’ve met before.”
Mallow narrowed his eyes. “Oh?” He gave a terrible grin with a terrible puff of his chest. “And she sent me unskilled tiny servants in response. How lovely.” “Don’t be daft,” Rowan said frankly and bounced her baby sister up and down on her knee. “Do you have any kindling?”
“I should turn you to splinters for asking,” Mallow narrowed his cat-like eyes. He enunciated slowly, “I only collect valuable things. Things worth more than your life. Things you cannot burn.”
“Aye,” the girl replied absently.
“Perhaps you should offer me something of the like in exchange for your life.”
The younger sister tugged on her sister. “Scary.” 
“Yes, yes.”
The dragon puffed up. “Your sister seems to have some sense.”
“Not you.” The sister’s eyes flicked to the dragon’s pile of whittled instruments from the Year of the Elder Crow. “We have something mum says you can’t say no to. Do you have kindling now?”
The dragon’s eyes went wide. He was a creature of want after all. “Something I can’t say no to? A Witch must like to gamble.” He repeated, smiling and leaning forward. The girl held his gaze.
“But I can’t show you ‘till tomorrow.”
The dragon circled around the children and thrashed his tails and made his threats, but Rowan was already putting her headgear back on and curling up around the other child. Mallow knew he was being played, but retribution could wait until morning.
The children were unarmed after all and he could spare some ancient tomes on taxation for their fire. 
An older child named Ralph arrived in the night. A mealy child who had pick-pocket hands and a lean-dog frame. 
“No! Absolutely not,” Mallow growled. “I am not here for the village’s lost scoundrel children.”
Ralph was wearing a gauzy series of headbands and sat down next to the others, sucking in his lower lip. Mallow bared his teeth and Rowan held up something wooden and boxy in front of the dragon’s long snout.
“It’s inside.” 
He delicately picked up a box with many indents and moving parts.
“A treasure from the Witch Hazel,” Rowan said loudly, one ear exposed. “If you can solve it that is.”
“There is no manmade contraption I cannot master.” The Dragon sat back on his haunches. “I'm sure your people say that's what dragon's traded our souls for."
The new boy, Ralph, folded his arms over his chest. “Lotta good souls do us.”
“Don’t say that,” Rowan hissed at him and clutched at the Witch’s holy hawthorn around her neck.
The dragon laughed. “Perhaps he can stay. Tell me, boy, how attached to your soul are you?"
Ralph crossed his arms over his chest. "Depends on what they're offering."
"Don't humor him." Rowan met the dragon's eyes and they seemed to burn. A challenge. “Our mum says you have a soul. She sent us here. And she is the cleverest and most revered lady–”
“Bragging doesn’t suit meals," he cut her off. Mallow turned the box around in his claws.
Rowan set her jaw. “We’re using the canvases as beds.”
“Don’t you dare. You’re leaving in the morning.”
The boy that was mostly ribs sniffed, “If you can solve that thing, aye?”
The ancient dragon griped, and snarled and eventually lay down to twist the small box into different shapes. Children’s play, it had to be children's play.
The children might be trying to trick that dragon. Mallow came down from the top of his pile of gold to ask for a hint on the puzzle box the next morning.
Naturally, there were five more children in the small camp. Some of these kids wore rags tied around their heads in long strips that made them seem bulbous. Two of the kids wore almost nothing at all and walked around with fingers jammed in their ears.
They all had something different clutched in their puny hands or tied to their wastes with a note. For your treasure. For the dracon. Foyr yur horde.
The Dragon reared up. “I do not collect children.” He shook the cavern. Two of the kids stumbled forward and shoved puzzles made of hoops or stones at him. One presented a wooden jewelry box with a riddle.
Rowan batted her eyes and said very simply, “Can you not solve these? My mother, the witch,” she emphasized, “said you could.”
Mallow settled down in front of the older child, “Are these even solvable you urchin? Provide a hint to let me know they are not an impossible task.”
Rowan pointed at where to place his fingers.
The cave became far too lively and far too much singing and running filled the space. But some good came of it. After a great deal of twisting and complaining, Mallow conquered the cleverest of Witch Boxes.
He plucked a ring from inside the contraption and rotated it against the light. There seemed to be a small rainbow caught in the center of the jewel. “What is it?” “It’s a mood ring. A ring that can detect your mood.”
“Magic!” The dragon purred. He slipped it on the very end of his tail. “A gift indeed. What does it say, young witchling?”
“Purple means passion.” Rowan shrugged and went back to a kind of flower arrangement. “Or something.”
Mallow flicked his tail and grinned. Passion was indeed what he felt in the contest of wills with the box; proper magic.
An eerie-looking child, ghost-like and pathetic, stumbled toward him and held up a game of colored tiles. A player must “connect four” to best their opponent.
He settled down in front of the phantom child, Sally, to challenge her wits. “Very well, you may stay another night. My little hoard.”
The children ran in circles and seemed to acquiesce to the ideal through their cries of delight. —----
Dragons avoid spending time with their own kind, much less that of other species. Juveniles even worse. Which was why Mallow decided to turn them into an adequate army instead. Provided with creaky wooden swords and dinner-plate size shields, he rallied the children to prepare to do great battle.
“Yes! Yes, we will unleash the seven furies of hell and overtake the kings of the mountaintops and queens of the oceans. They will cower before us, lament their fates, and relinquish their gold to our cave."
Shrieking laughter and whooping answered Mallow. Laurel appeared to be making her wooden sword and wooden dagger kiss. Ralph was making one of the younger boys hit himself. Sally fell down, scraped her knees, and started crying. No matter, Mallow collected every medicinal wonder of the world.
His troops continued to train as Mallow dug through one of his herbal collections. He didn't see the figure appear.
Music began to play. A jaunty, slippery sound from a panpipe. The lullaby, sickly sweet and unnatural, filled the space and seemed to muffle the air itself like a blanket.
“Get off! Get off, you wanker!” 
Mallow turned in place. Ralph and others marched across the cavern, stiff-limbed and empty-eyed toward the opening. The other children were in chaos. Sally, bleeding knees and all, bodily tackled Marco to the ground and wrenched the gauze from out of his ears. The twins Lucas and Abigail wrestled on the ground, trying yank fingers out of ears.
The dragon flared his nostrils and stepped forward.
“Stop, stop!” Tears streamed down Laurel’s face as she held her sister back. She clawed bloody ribbons down Rowan’s arms, but the elder girl wrenched the earmuffs off her head and threw her to the ground, face empty.
A pair of yellow eyes glowed in the dark. The children were walking. The music played on.
Mallow leapt toward the front of the cave and let his fangs dripped molten hot. He roared, “You think to disturb the sanctity of my treasure?!”
The Pied Piper blew a sharper note, but Mallow was beyond such tricks and tore through the night with his claws. The Trickster was faster and ducked. He smiled something sour and cruel and blew a series of musical notes. The Trickster’s yellow eyes were swallowed by the dark.
A note was left in his place that simply read, PAY UP.
The dragon’s chest heaved and his breath steamed against the air. He threw himself into the sky and flew across the mountaintops, searching and lighting up the night in flames. But Pied Piper’s were not easily caught. 
Mallow returned and counted their heads. There were seventeen. Just as the number they had started with. The children looked up at him with enormous shining eyes and the younger ones threw their arms around his leg. Mallow tried to push them away and tell them of the nature of dragons: They don’t lose things.
Like many young, they didn’t seem to listen. The children slept at his feet that night.
The Piper tried to lure the children away from the cave several more times. All it took was one note and one pair of ears, sometimes the Piper brought in outside children as well and laid traps and schemes. Sometimes he simply grabbed one child under his arm and ran.
“They must pay,” he repeated like a rabid man. “They must pay their debts.”
Dragons however, did not pay prices. And he did not tolerate being stolen from. No matter how far the bard ran, the dragon was faster. He plucked Ralph back from the man’s arms and almost lit the ocean on fire. Marco and Laurel rode on his back from the dark forest.
Rowan learned to light Witch’s Fire and The Piper gained a new scar when he tried a fourth time. And a fifth.
That was the first year where no children drowned from the Town of Hoppling. Families from Bernick and Wastings and city children from the Skid Row and the fish monger districts that couldn’t pay the Piper, all arrived at the cave of the Dragon Mallow. They only had to bring a simple game and perhaps a clever riddle to share around the fire.
The Dragon gained a new name in the years he guarded his hoard and scared away the Piper. Dragons don’t have souls. But if they did, there might be one named Mallow, Saint of Children. Saint of Safety in Fire.
If you enjoyed the story please consider donating to my ko-fi or supporting me on patreon (even a dollar helps!), check out my Sapphic fantasy book as well!
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sprucebark · 9 months
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something u have to understand about my playstyle is that i Physically Cannot leave things behind if theres a chest. and i like looting. so therefore i go through a Lot of chests. and therefore get. so much food from structures.
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but i also have this thing called an Infinity Ham from the relics mod, which is just. infinite food in one object. so i have no NEED for my excessive food hoard
if anyone knows of any charities in minecraft let me know thank u
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feybeasts · 2 years
So yeah I turned your boyfriend into a kobold. Yeah, he attends to my hoard and has hips the size of ham hocks. Says “yip” and all that, yeah, whole nine yards
i’m sorry, you can’t have him back his coin stacking game is incredible
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sohcah--toa · 5 months
bullet train/マリアビートル details ~
Hello!! I recently dug up the Bullet Train script (if you search it up, you should be able to find it relatively easily!! I'm not sure if it's completely reliable but it seems to be the first version) and listened to the soundtrack. (It's awesome, you should listen if you haven't already!!)
There's a lot of stuff here about マリアビートル, I hope you enjoy reading 🥳 (It's really ridiculous)
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I attached a photo for reference in the book!! :D (there's highlighter marks, I'm sorry) His backstory is tragic and aahh noo 🥹... I won't say much on it because we're all thinking the same thing. In the script, this is carried over when Lemon passes out because of the water. But apparently, in the final movie, this isn't shown a lot. In the book and movie, they aren't brothers and have a considerably colder relationship, so I can understand why the childhood scene in the cut is so much more wholesome. (Still supersuper cool though!!)
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-- 2) "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
The original reason why this song was chosen for Bullet Train was because of Tangerine's West Ham United sticker (turns out, that's a football club). Hey!! But wait a minute!! There's a funny coincidence because Ladybug in the book was trying to become a football star. He has a quote that's like "my friend told me that someone like me could either become a footballer or a criminal, so I did both" and he says that his first crime was stealing a football.
The song delves into themes surrounding fortune as well!! I love their music selection 🙇‍♂️😤
Okay this part (in a way...) contains spoilers for Three Assassins, which is the first book of the "series"! ! The story revolves around a guy named Suzuki, who appears again in Bullet Train!! He kinda-sorta becomes friends with Ladybug and it's like 😊 they are so happy. To be completely honest, Suzuki's a bit traumatised but so is Ladybug, right?? Lovely friendship!!
It's also so interesting that he's reading a hotel buffet menu because his wife used to love eating at buffets and he adopted the habit of hoarding all the food as well. He's on the train to meet with his dead wife's family (which was extremely difficult for him after her passing).
There's this other book in the series called The Mantis or AX for the Japanese version. This one isn't talked about a lot but if you like family stories, this book is so so soo good. It really pulled at my heartstrings when I first read it but I can't say too much without spoiling everything. Anyway, it makes a few references to Bullet Train and literally starts with the main character, Kabuto (an assassin), having a flashback to talking to Tangerine and Lemon during one of his missions, where they had the same target so they worked together. The Twins really respect him, actually, but find it funny that he's so careful around his wife (YES KABUTO, AN ASSASSIN, HAS A WIFE). Some characters reappear so.. :")) yay!!
-- 5) 777
Ladybug comes back!! He comes back in the latest book in the series; 777. So far, the Japanese reviews have been pretty positive and I think there's an English translation coming in November!! 🥳 I like how the title is 777; 7 like 7 tails in Nanao (七尾), car 7, his favourite number is 7 (if I recall correctly), 7 the "lucky number".
-- 6) THIS GUY
No one asked but I heavily dislike the Prince in the book. (to be honest, who doesn't...) He's just mean for no reason and likes ruining people's lives, makes fun of poor Ladybug (this really isn't that bad compared to the other stuff he does) and yeah, the list goes on. Also apparently he (heavily) tortures other schoolmates and it's not like he gets paid for it like the Twins or the other guys. He just does it for fun?? OK!! The premise of his character is amazing and it's great to see a villain that's actually just straight evil but since he's designed that way, we are validated when hating him ww. He talks about politics as well for some reason... keeps referencing historical tragedies.... man.
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The Pusher is back too!! Weee~ (not really)
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In the movie, it seems as though this entire part got cut out which, like, is reasonable. I attached a photo from the Grasshopper (2015) movie for reference hahaha. The guy in the black suit is the Pusher!! Yeah, he pushes people!! (not in the fun way!!)
He is in charge of protecting Wataru from the Prince's guy, although he's reluctant at first. He's obsessed with bugs and stuff. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's probably going to be about bugs. The Pusher's also strangely poetic. Maybe it's because he likes old bands like the Rolling stones? Oh!! And he gets mentioned in The Mantis.
And speaking of the Kimura family, Yuichi Kimura says something very true and it's:
"who do they gotta make the train toilets so nasty"
This is very much a fact. In Mariabeetle, he gets kidnapped when he's 8 years old because he gets mistaken for a rich kid (after he lost a bet with his wealthy friend and had to wear his "rich person backpack"), then in the place he's being held captive, he escapes by HIMSELF since his dad isn't able to give the guys money for his son back (since they took the wrong person!!). But heyy he's resourceful and smart.
AND guess what?? He gets traumatised because there was this other boy being held but Ladybug didn't save him and it's haunted him ever since. This is also one of the reasons why he ends up helping the Prince even though he knows it won't do him any good.
Obviously, it gets worse from there. He makes it back to his family and they're pretty happy. Unfortunately, they're far from rich and Ladybug has to study extremely hard to get into a college. Spoiler alert, he doesn't. THE THING IS!! He studied so hard!! It's just that during his exam, some kid sneezed on his paper and he wiped it, smudging all his work and even his name!! Nanao! No!!
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To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
"We perished, each alone."
-> He really loves that quote. A lot. Also he's a Virginia Woolf fan!!
2. Forbidden Colours - Yukio Mishima
-> He's also a Yukio Mishima fan... I wonder if he's ever read "The Sound of Waves". What would he think about it? Hahaha this will keep me up at night 😅 (<- SLANTED EMOJI!!)
3. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
-> To talk about Article 41 of the Penal Code of Japan. (Mr Kotaro Isaka, the author, studied law, by the way!! It's interesting!!) However, here, Tangerine quotes Mishima on Article 41 ;)
4. Hemingway and Faulkner
-> Actually it's a collection so it's not really a book recommendation but these two people are real - Ernst Hemingway (the Old Man and the Sea guy) and William Faulkner. They didn't really get along, by the way, and even though they respected the other's work, they criticised more than praised. Sounds like the Twins.
5. Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
-> "Crime is no longer insanity, but simply common sense, almost a duty; anyway, a gallant protest."
I think the author is a heavy Fyodor Dostoevsky fan, just because he also referenced his works in Three Assassins.
6. Crime and Punishment ;D
-> "Science now tells us, love yourself before all men, for everything in the world relies on self-interest."
(CONT'D) yeahh this book was referenced in Three Assassins and one of the characters is obsessed with it. Glad to see that Tangerine is a fan too hahahaha.
Opinionated text here but Lemon is plain awesome.
"Between the principal's name and Doraemon's gadgets, it was blindingly obvious which one was more important."
To each their own and I know he's a criminal but he seems like he has no enemies. Sounds very wholesome.
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She's in Three Assassins AND the Mantis!! Hypercool. In both books, the Hornet is a team of a male and a female. The female is eliminated (this word choice ww) by Ladybug but the male is still up and kicking, though Ladybug feels bad about it. They use poison needles, like the movie, but they trigger anaphylaxis, which is a really dangerous allergic reaction that causes body shocks.
"If people knew that they might be killed by someone tomorrow, economic activity would grind to a halt."
... well 😅 take from that what you will.
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(that's Suzuki!!)
Cela dit... that's all.... so long, I'm sorry. But thank you so much if you read until the end!! I hope you at least found it a bit entertaining!! :"))
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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On March 13, 2024 The IDF said that Muhammad Abu Hasna, a commander in the t3rror group’s operations unit, was eliminated in the strike. According to a joint statement from the IDF and the Shin Bet, Abu Hasna was involved in seizing humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip and distributing it to Ham@s operatives.
Ham@s hoard flour and humanitarian aid in their warehouse. The warehouses of the Social Affairs Center and the Ministry of Development and Economy, affiliated with Ham@s, are filled with flour and food supplies discovered by Gaza residents after being bombed.
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yeastinfectionvale · 5 months
Coffee shop au where Uccio is the rude insufferable customer and Adora is the server
He bangs at the door before it's open because he is in a hurry and he has "things to do" (vale edits with taylor swifts songs to post on his secret tiktok), he hoards an entire table for four hours ordering only a single black coffee, he leaves vale's fake autographs as the only tip
One day Cate anitalianfrie (the pastries chef) gets tired of him and decides to put rat poison in the gluten free sugar free lactose free croissant he always orders (he doesnt have a problem with any of that, he just likes to be annoying. For lunch he eats cream cheese tortellini with ham and peas)
He ends up in the hospital but at this point Adora realises he was the love of their life all along (his psychosexual obsession with rosquez was too captivating)
Sadly he is threatening to sue the coffee shop so there is no other choice than to kill him :(
Adora accepts it for Cate's sake and when no one is around, sneaks in Uccio's hospital room and shows him Marc's sex tape. He dies on the spot. (too horrified or too turned on? Who knows)
Adora has to live with the consequences of their actions so decides to spiritually retreat in a monks place in the Himalaya mountains with no internet connection.
The world is finally free from Buccio and Ciuccio.
The end <3
Okay. wow amazing. ngl i'm sorta invested???? Do I have a kill streak or am I a one-hit wonder?? What is everyone else doing??? Does Cate ever get caught with attempted murder??
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brothermoth · 8 months
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Johnny boy with Victorian flower language? Yes please.
These drawings take me about 4-5 hours on a good day. Lots of scribbling and smearing gel pen with my poor fingers. I do a sketch in shitty ballpoint pen, and then mark out my base colors with Copic markers or my Ohuhu markers which are a much cheaper alternative. Then I go ham with the Gellyroll pens until he looks like a human person and not a blue tinted monstrosity
I love Gellyroll pens because they layer like good gouache paint! If you mess up, they're opaque enough to cover over it, and they have a good line quality that's easy for my shaky ass hands to be precise with. Make sure to use a mixed media paper though, because you can and will put holes in anything thinner. Blend when wet, and use a Moonlight pen to do so. I hoard the pastel pink ones because that's my go-to blender. The standard pens are not as opaque as Moonlight ones, but they make a great base layer.
My drawings are SMALL! They're only about 3 1/2 by 4 1/2 or 4x6 if I feel adventurous. Easier to work with, less surface area to cover.
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