#hobi and jungkook basically confessing their love for yoongi on his birthday was a too great of a thing for me to ignore it
neverminditsnamjoon · 4 years
BTS Cuddling/Showing Affection (HCs)
In honor of Yoongi’s birthday, here is my first writing project for BTS! Massive thank you to @yoongisshadow​ for being my partner in crime, editor/proofreader, and providing some of the gifs!! Go follow her if you’re not already--she’s amazing!
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff, rated PG
Word Count: ~1800
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If he’s chilling on the couch, he likes when you put your head on his shoulder
That way he can rest his head against yours
Has definitely fallen asleep in this position (more than once)
He tends to sleep with his hands resting on his stomach
If you’re there, he’ll fold one of your hands under his, smiling serenely when you rub your fingers in circles over his tummy
If you’re laying in bed, he prefers to lay against your side, with a single arm thrown over your midsection
Will immediately wake up if you move
He enjoys other forms of cuddling as well
Like letting you rest with your head in his lap
“So you can look up and see my handsome face.”
He also loves hugs a ridiculous amount (have you seen those shoulders?? perfect for Hug!!)
Jin will find any excuse to hug you, and wraps his arms around you until he can literally feel you relax into him
Acts of service are his love language
So you best bet he’s gonna cook for you
If Jin doesn’t bring you food (and feed it to you himself) at least once a day, you get worried
You’re his go-to taste tester, and you get stupidly happy upon hearing Jin call to you from the kitchen, “Honey, come taste this for me.”
He owns a Kiss the Cook apron, and he will definitely enforce it
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Yoongi shows affection by giving you nice gifts
Sometimes it’s a coffee, made just the way you like it
Sometimes it’s a $1300 Chanel necklace
There’s no telling lol
Whether it’s a four-dollar coffee or something extravagant, the gift is always presented with a shrug and a nonchalant expression
But when you kiss him and whisper your thanks, he’s all gums
“Bad Boy” doesn’t do PDA, at all. However-
He is known to fall asleep at random, and you usually happen to be sitting next to him when he does
Taehyung has an album on his phone just for pictures of Yoongi snoozing on your shoulder, his mouth open
Tae never posts them for fear of his own life, but he’s sent you a couple
One of them is your lockscreen
When it’s just the two of you, he relaxes a little more
It’s a subtle, quiet vulnerability, but you’ve learned to pick up on it
When he gives you a gummy smile after you’ve had a bad day, you know it means “I care about you”
When he brushes his fingers across your back, you know he’s saying “I love you”
When he asks, “are you cold?”, you know it’s an invitation to curl up into his side
His arm around your shoulder is enough to feel how much he enjoys your presence
You toss and turn in the night, but Yoongi is in the exact same place when you wake
“Of course he’ll be a rock in his next life,” you think to yourself. “He already sleeps like one.”
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Bangtan’s resident Aquarius isn’t always the best at showing his emotions via physical affection
So Hobi doesn’t do any mushy-gushy affection in public
Mostly, it’s just him always trying to make you laugh
Goofy dances, dumb jokes, and silly faces. Anything to see his girl smile :’)
Every once in a while, he’ll give you a colored drawing he made, giggling a cute amount when he sees you’re excited about it
When he’s really, really tired, Hobi gets cuddly
He loves laying on his back between your legs, with his arms resting on them
If he leans his head back against your chest, he can hear the soft thrum of your heartbeat
This sound lulls him to sleep without fail, and it’s the sole reason he gets enough rest sometimes
When you come home from a rough day at work, he holds his arms open to you and squeezes you tight
For a man who’s an actual wordsmith, he can get mighty tongue-tied around you
So he puts his most intimate confessions in his raps
No one will ever hear them, but he utters them quietly to you when he thinks you’re asleep
He goes beet red one night when you open your eyes and gaze up at him with more love than you thought you could ever feel
“You wrote that for me?”
He can only sputter and chuckle nervously in response, but you kiss him and say, “I love it.”
“I love you,” is his answer, accompanied by his brilliant smile
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A very loving and sweet boyfriend, as we all can guess
Even being the leader of one of the biggest bands in the world, Joon manages to be a pillar of emotional support for you
He’s always sure to check in with you between practices and recording sessions, or when he’s away on tour
Has never forgotten a birthday or anniversary, treating you to a lovely dinner and flowers every time
He’s never afraid to show his affection for you wherever you happen to be
Sometimes it’s the weight of an arm slung over your shoulders, and a soft kiss pressed to the side of your head
The boys don’t even make fun of him for being affectionate, partly out of fear and partly out of respect because they can tell he loves you so much
When you’re out and about, it’s hand holding
One of your favorite memories is walking down the street downtown, window shopping and judging people together
You’re not sure how Joon makes hand-holding look and feel so cool, but he does
His love language is definitely words of affirmation, but he still likes getting you little gifts here and there, especially while he’s abroad
He knows better than to buy you anything breakable, for fear that it might not get to you in one piece lol
No matter what, they’re always thoughtful
Insists on being the big spoon all the time
So he can kiss the top of your head and wrap his arms around you to make you feel safe
Joon usually wakes up before you and makes breakfast, but on the rare occasion you get up first, he always comes looking for you
Just imagine a sleepy Namjoon waking up and calling out, “Baby?” when you get up before him :(
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This boy is constantly kissing you, holding your face with both hands and giggling
And he WILL pout if you’re not constantly kissing him too
Always has his arms around you, hugging you from the back with his chin resting on your shoulder
His favorite thing to do, to make you smile every time, is sweeping you along with him for a dance
Even if you’re not coordinated, he twirls you around the room, singing loudly until he sees you smile
“You’re doing great, baby!”
Jimin showers you with compliments every chance he gets
From your outfit to your hair, to your talents to your glowing personality, he’s got a smooth compliment for it
When you’re relaxing in the evenings together, and Jimin is extra snuggly, he’ll push you over onto the couch and lay on top of you
He thrives on skin-to-skin contact and doesn’t care who sees
Because Jimin is babie, and better yet, he’s YOUR baby
He can fall asleep in any position, as long as you’re snuggled up with him
Hands holding, arms around each other, whatever--it’s all good to Mochi
He prefers to be woken up by you, instead of any of the members, because he can get kisses from you with just a second of puppy dog eyes
Will shamelessly flirt with you regardless of setting, and has definitely made eyes at you while he’s on stage or interviewing
Lots of people have one or two love languages, but Park Jimin has all five
He brings you gifts after every trip, and at this point you have more stuffed animals than you can count
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Also constantly kissing your face
Highkey loves it when you play with his hair (the man is basically a golden retriever)
He’s known to nuzzle his face into your neck, especially if he’s sleepy
Physical affection (giving and receiving) is the recipe for his happiness
Arms? Around you. Hands? Holding yours. Happy Tae? Check.
Tae is especially fond of giving you his clothes and accessories
If you look a bit chilly, Taehyung will immediately take off his coat and drape it around your shoulders
He’ll take off his hat or scarf and carefully place it on you, even sometimes giving you his necklaces and earrings
Loves doing activities together, whether it be cooking, video games, or being outside
As long as you’re nearby, Taehyung is having a blast
He’s particularly enthusiastic when it comes to supporting you in your career and passions
When you burst through the door yelling that you’ve gotten a promotion, Tae is all shrieking noises and throwing shoes
If you start a new hobby, Tae has pictures of whatever it is and has definitely shown them to everyone who will look
“Isn’t she great?”
When you’re alone together, he always serenades you
No matter the music you’re jamming to, Taehyung is dancing around you and singing it to you at full volume
When he’s sleepy or feeling down, Tae’s favorite way to snuggle is the two of you laying down facing each other
That way you can run your hands through his hair and he can whisper sweet nothings to you
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Enjoys receiving affection more than giving, unless you’re completely alone
If it’s just the two of you, Koo will make grabby hands for you to come sit on his lap while he’s at his computer
He’ll pick up takeout and pat the seat next to him, asking you join him for dinner
His hands are literally always in your hair
Brushing, twirling, stroking
Sings to you ALL. THE. TIME.
Sometimes absentmindedly, but other times he’ll show you a song idea and sing it to you shyly
He laughs and blushes a little when you praise him for it
Koo loves drawing on your arms, if you’ll let him, because it reminds you of him
When you’re around others, he isn’t as lovey-dovey, but you notice a slight pout in his lips if you aren’t giving him enough attention
This can be quickly relieved by bumping your nose into his neck, or squeezing his arm gently
But the best part of Jungkook’s affection for you? The way you know he REALLY cares about you?
Homeboy actually responds to your texts.
I know, I can’t believe it either
Koo has been seen many times pulling his phone out during a break in practice and smiling to himself as he replies to your memes and check-ins
The rest of the guys clown the shit out of him for being so babie with you, but he takes it like a champ
Because you’re his girl, and he loves you so much
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 6 years
BTS with Feelings for Another Member's Gf (Hyung Line)
Request:  Hey there I love your writing, you are doing a fantastic job. I was wondering if you are taking requests, if so I'm craving a bit of angst, I was wondering how the boys would do if they had feelings for another members girlfriend, how they would react to those feelings and if they would try anything to let her know how they feel. Thanks and again your writing is awesome.
Summary: wow so this is sad i am in every feeling I have ever had thanks anon
A/N: Maknae Line coming up soon
Warnings: just angst, alcohol tw some of these boys drink their feelings, Yoongi hates reader (in the softest way imaginable)
Word Count: 1911
Namjoon (RM)
Namjoon would feel so awful for having a crush on you
You'd been dating Taehyung for three months and Namjoon had been so warm and welcoming when you were nervous to meet the boys that you'd become fast friends
Namjoon always thought you were beautiful but he remembers the moment he realized he might be in love with you
You'd been tipsy at a party and when he went out on the balcony you were looking up at the sky
"Do you wonder if maybe whoever you're meant to be with is looking up at the same sky in a different hemisphere? If there are soulmates, so many people must miss out, huh?"
You leaned your head on his shoulder and laughed at yourself being drunk and maudlin but Namjoon went dead silent because his heart was beating too fast against his chest
Jungkook was the first to notice something was going on with the leader
Jungkook watched his hyungs a lot in general, wanting to anticipate their moods and help when he could
The first night they had all seen you back from tour you ran and jumped into Taehyung's arms, making him laugh and drop his luggage and as you were kissing along Taehyung's jaw Jungkook saw Namjoon avert his eyes and silently head to his room with his head down
Jungkook knocked softly about half an hour later and at Namjoon's grunt, opened the door and peeked his head in
"Everything ok?"
Namjoon looked up from his computer and gave him a weak smile
"Sure, kid, everything's fine. I'm just tired."
Jungkook nodded but came back in another thirty minutes with a cup of tea
Namjoon took it gratefully. "Ah, we're lucky to have such a sweet maknae, huh?"
Jungkook smiled at the praise but hung around, waiting
Namjoon cocked his head at him
"What's up, Kook?"
Jungkook shrugged. "Just wondering if you're gonna tell Tae you're in love with his girlfriend or..."
Namjoon choked on his tea
"What-I'm not-"
Jungkook just gives him a look and Namjoon sighs
"I'll get over it," he mumbles
But he doesn't
A week later he asks you out to coffee and you're going on and on about Taehyung with stars in your eyes and Namjoon is smiling at you but lowkey wanting to die
He would never tell you or Taehyung
His relationship with the boys is so important to him
The only way you'd find out is if you and Tae ever broke up
You'd drifted apart while he was on tour and you'd decided to end things
But you still attended Namjoon's birthday party because of course he was still your friend
You end up out on the balcony again looking at the night sky
Namjoon's had too much soju and when you look over at him with the moonlight in your hair he kisses you
You both hear the sliding glass door slam shut, shaking the glass, and see Taehyung stalking out of the apartment
Yoongi (Suga)
When Jimin had first introduced you to the group, Yoongi had been sure you'd annoy him
You did
You irritated the shit out of him, poking at him, playful, tugging at his hair as he plopped down next to you and Jimin on the couch
He'd grumble about it and bat at you but never truly push you away
You'd put your head in his lap on the couch while Jimin was massaging your feet
You were so touchy and playful with him purely to annoy him and he hated it
He hated you
But what he hated most of all is how much he missed your antics when he was on tour
He hated how you looked when your head was in his lap, looking up at him with big eyes, whining "Come on, oppa, play with my hair."
He hated how the stands felt like silk in his fingers and how he'd wake up thinking about your smile
Most of all, he hated the tight feeling in chest when you and Jimin would sneak off to room, each one of your playful giggles feeling like a needle in him
He hated the way Jimin would wrap a possessive hand and around your ankle when you were sitting knees up on the couch
He hated that every time Jimin touched you his heart thumped "mine, mine, mine"
So he started to avoid you
He'd pretend to be busy in the studio
Pretend to be asleep when he was lying in bed and looking at the ceiling
You wouldn't let him for long, though
One night while Jimin was out late practicing for his upcoming solo dance you fell asleep on the couch, head on Yoongi's lap
He gently got up and covered you with a blanket before going to bed himself
Two hours later he hears his door creak open and no one else is in the house he knows it has to you so he squeezes his eyes shut and pretends to be asleep
He pretends his heart isn't racing when he feels you slip underneath the covers
"Oppa, I'm so cold," you whisper sleepily and God he hates how sweet your voice sounds, sweeter than any melody
He's wrapping you in his arms before he can think better of it and he hates how easy he falls asleep when he can feel your breath against his throat
He hates the tears in your eyes the next morning when Jimin slams open the door and makes a scene, hates how angry he gets when Jimin yells at you, hates how you kept telling Jimin it meant nothing because it was something Yoongi would dream about for weeks
He would never, ever tell you or Jimin, not in a million years
Just suffer in silence, even if you fucking married Jimin he’d stand at the wedding and smile
Jin doesn’t know he’s in love with you for the longest time and that’s the real problem
He met you before Hobi did, had actually introduced you two, thinking he’d be a good match
You and Hobi got along like wildfire and you were dating within the week and Jin told himself he was proud of his matchmaking skills
But when he made a joke and you didn’t even hear him because you were talking so excitedly with his friend, his stomach hurt
When you started spending more time at Hobi’s apartment than with them all together, Jin found himself inexplicably having the urge to bake your favorite pastries over and over
He had like 4 dozen Yakgwa piled up in his breadbox and he had no idea why
Namjoon comes over and Jin offers them to him because they’re getting stale and Namjoon raises an eyebrow
“So you’re in love with Y/n, huh?”
Jin scoffs. Fucking...what
No way he’s not in love love is for fools and children and so what if he kinda liked the way your hair swung in that high ponytail you always wore or how you were a sassy little shit who never shut your mouth or how you had a freckle on your throat that showed when you swallowed hard enough OH MY GOD HE’S IN LOVE
Namjoon sees him doing calculations to see when he’s actually fallen in love with you
“You ok?”
“I...I introduced her to Hobi. WHY WOULD I INTRODUCE HER TO HOBI?”
Jin has a whole ass breakdown and Namjoon is trying so hard not to laugh at him pacing around his apartment and eating stale Yakgwa frantically
Jin would want to tell you
He’d want to call you immediately and invite you over and stammer out a confession
But Namjoon would talk him down
“He’s one of your best friends, Jin, you can’t just do that to him.”
“I knew her first!” Jin exclaims but his face is miserable because he knows the leader is right
He’s really bad at hiding his feelings though, especially when he’s around you and Hobi and Hobi gets all touchy with you after a few drinks, flirting and kissing you
Jin will get DRUNK
Act a whole fool although you don’t have a clue what he’s so mad about
Namjoon and Hobi will have to carry his heavy ass back to his apartment
Hobi will hear him murmuring your name as he finally passes out and he’ll confront Namjoon about it
Hobi will 100% ask you about it and when you say you have no idea what he’s talking about he will confront Jin
Jin will be mad defensive at first but he’ll admit it and hang his head but tell Hobi that he’ll never tell you
Hobi is the one that lets the cat out of the bag
You and Jin are joking around about something in the kitchen and he sees you place your hand on Jin’s chest and he kinda flips out about it
So when they’re yelling at each other over your head you snap and force them to come clean
Then you find out that Jin loves you and Hobi knows and Namjoon knows and basically everybody knows
You’ll have a choice to make
Hoseok (J-Hope)
When Hobi makes you laugh about something one day when Namjoon is busy in the studio and he notices how your eyes light up and the line of your throat when you throw your head back, he’ll instantly know he’s got a big crush on you
He will avoid you like the plague
You’ll know something’s up because he’s usually so open and friendly but you can’t pin him down for two minutes, he’s always on the way somewhere when you show up 
Hobi is just running from his feelings ok he wishes you would just let him live and quit trying to talk to him because your eyes are all bright and your skin looks so soft and he is just...d o n e
He’s able to avoid being alone with you for a while but he’s not able to avoid being with you and Namjoon together
He’d have to avoid Namjoon and all the other boys if he did that, and he won’t
But he’s uncharacteristically quiet when Namjoon pulls you into his arms while you’re sitting on the couch and his throat goes dry when you prop your legs on his lap, stretching your feet out and when you don’t move a muscle when Hobi wraps his hand around your ankle he feels like his heart will leap out of his chest
Eventually, he will tell Namjoon. He won’t tell you first because he feels like that would be sneaking around
He’ll sit him down and apologize and Namjoon will be a little salty but mostly concerned.
“So...what do you plan to do about it?”
“Nothing, Joon. Absolutely nothing. I just wanted you to know why I was being weird.”
Namjoon will have a eye on Hobi from then on around you, and he hates the way he goes silent when you talk or sneaks glances at you 
Eventually it’ll blow up one way or another, Namjoon will see you talking a lot to Hobi or you’ll rest your head on his shoulder while you’re watching a movie and he’ll calmly ask to talk to you
He’ll reveal Hobi’s crush and Hobi will want the ground to swallow him up
Even if you were to leave Namjoon for Hobi, he’d never do it, he’d let you go completely
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baahsu · 8 years
—To my love in 140 characters—
Jungkook struggles with his birthday post to Yoongi. Hoseok helps.
yoonkookseok | general |  2.9k words | yoongi's (late) bday fic | canon compliant | AO3
12:00 AM, read the bright screen of Hoseok's phone as it buzzed incessantly at his bedside table.
 Hoseok shot up from his bed, grabbing the device in a hurry and running to the door of his and Jimin's bedroom, the younger boy still fast asleep.
 As Hoseok opened the door and made to walk into the hallway he saw Jungkook dashing out of his own room towards the living room, laptop in hand and phone tucked in the waistband of his sweatpants, threatening to fall. Hoseok raised an eyebrow, curious, and followed after the maknae after sparing another glance at Jimin's sleeping form.
 "What are you doing, Jungkookie?" He asked, stepping next to the couch where the youngest had settled himself on, laptop propped over the center table, a video editor software and ten other tabs — and was that a Yoongi fancam? — opened.
 Jungkook jumped, not having noticed Hoseok's presence.
 "Hyung!" He took one hand to his chest, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Did Hoseok really have to creep up on him like that?
 He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart down, pressed "save" on the file he had opened and looked at Hoseok, "I'm working on my post for Yoongi hyung's birthday, I didn't  have time to do it earlier, so I have to hurry now."
 Hoseok hummed in interest. He bent down to get a better look at the computer screen while the boy went back to typing something in a notepad document. "And what is it that you're working on exactly?"
 Jungkook opened his mouth to answer but stopped himself before he said anything. He wasn't about to reveal any details of his incredible birthday post before hearing about Hoseok's own.
 "You tell me first, hyung, what have you planned for Yoongi hyung's birthday?"
 Hoseok straighten himself, both eyebrows raised in slight surprise and amusement by Jungkook's defiance. The younger was just too cute.
 "Well, I'm going to make seven tweets, with a picture and a nice caption each, for each one of the years I've known Yoongi hyung. Sounds good, right?" He stuffed his chest, proud of himself.
 Jungkook took in Hoseok's words and his gaze unintentionally wavered, going from his computer screen to Hoseok and back to the screen. It sounded good indeed, like the type of thing that would send Yoongi down into memory lane and make him an emotional mess.
 "Yeah… It sounds awesome…" Jungkook offered in a small and slightly quivering voice. He slapped himself mentally; he didn't need to be feeling like a total failure right now, not in front of Hoseok and, most importantly, not when he needed to concentrate on his hyung's birthday project.
 Sensing the sudden shift on the younger's mood, Hoseok sit next to him on the couch and slung an arm over his shoulders, "What is it, Jungkookie?"
 "I-It's nothing. It's just—" He sighed, "I'm sure Yoongi hyung will love it."
 The intrigued look on Hoseok's face remained, though, "Well, yeah, that's the point of it… But what are you making? I'm sure he'll love it just as much."
 With his gaze fixed on the laptop's keyboard Jungkook let his fingers tap lightly over the keys, not really typing anything.
 "I wanted to make him a video, it's nothing much…"
 "A video?!" Hoseok screeched, which caused jungkook to slam his hand on the keys, startled.
 "Oh, sorry!" Hoseok lamely apologized as Jungkook fumbled to press "ctrl+z" and fix the text he had been previously writing. "I mean, are you really making him a video? That's amazing!"
 A small smiled graced Jungkook's lips. He had to give it to himself, his idea was really good.
 Yet, shortly after, the corners of his mouth turned downwards again. Even if the idea and its execution were amazing, they still wouldn't be on par to Hoseok's heartfelt tweets.
 He shook his head to dissipate the intruding thoughts. He wasn't envious of Hoseok, he simply felt like his efforts weren't good enough for Yoongi.
 Jungkook waited a few seconds until his mind was completely clear and began focusing on his editing again, but stopped before really doing anything, "Hyung, are your tweets ready yet?"
 Hoseok blinked. Oh shit.
 "No! I mean, kind of? I have the pictures and a draft of the captions I want to use, but I didn't get to post any of them yet. I better get working on that, though, I'm already half an hour late." Hoseok said after looking over at Jungkook's laptop. He scooted to the edge of the couch and fetched the phone he had thrown over the center table, quickly opening the twitter app.
 It seemed like he would be the first one to post, Hoseok noticed and made a low squealing noise. Perfect!
 As he started to type diligently on his phone, Jungkook glanced at the time in the corner of his computer and at the template of his video; 77 seconds in total and only a couple of frames ready. Panic started to settle into him, why haven't he started this earlier? There wouldn't be enough time now.
 Jungkook's hands began to shake and he typed another set of words into another frame and set it in its place on the timeline. He hadn't checked if the soundtrack synched with the frames yet — and how could he, not even 1% of them were finished —, hadn't even checked if the giant letter he wrote to his hyung was coherent enough to be put on full display to the whole world. There was just so much to do, he wouldn't have time to finish it all!
 And he might not have realized he had started crying, only being pulled out of his thoughts and stopping to take a deep breath when wet drips hit his hands and the keyboard keys, and Hoseok's hand started rubbing soothing circles on his back.
 "What's wrong Jungkookie, why are you crying?"
 Jungkook sniffled and rubbed a hand over his eyes, trying to stop the tears. He then thought better of it and decided to first use his shirt to wipe the laptop keys, he couldn't afford having his laptop getting damaged now. But obviously he didn't get every drop, the keys ending up somewhat wetter than before. Jungkook hiccupped, chest tightening and tears rolling down his cheeks at full force.
 "I— there's no time, hyung. I won't be able to finish the video in time. There's so much left... Scratch that, there's everything left. I should've started sooner, now even if I hurry—"
 "Shh, Jungkookie, it's ok, breathe with me. We have twenty four hours, there's no need to rush. You're doing great, take your time." Hoseok kept rubbing Jungkook's back, the act serving to calm both of them down. Seeing the younger so distressed only caused him to get distressed as well.
 "T-Thank you, hyung. But look at you, I-I'm sure you’ve posted everything by now and Yoongi hyung has probably seen it already and is now smiling from ear to ear and—"
 "Jungkook. Jungkook." Hoseok hold the younger's face in his hands, staring right into his eyes, "Jungkook, please stop rambling. I've only posted one tweet, see?" Hoseok showed him his phone as reassurance. "And Yoongi hyung is most definitely sleeping, he'd never check twitter, or any sns for that matter, without getting his cup of coffee or some tea first, and none of us have seen him wobbling into the kitchen, have we."
 That seemed to do the trick. Jungkook sniffled a few last times and turned back to his laptop, his letter at the back of the screen and, at the front, the video software with the last edited frame playing on loop, bright and waiting for him to resume his work.
 "Alright," Jungkook took another deep breath, "everything's fine. It'll all be fine if I keep working." He muttered as self reassurance. He just had to work hard. Twenty four hours — now twenty three and a half — were more than enough.
 Hoseok smiled fondly at him, relieved he had calmed down, and pressed "send" on his next tweet. Five more to go.
 "But hyung," Jungkook called him not two seconds later, "what if everyone else tweets before me. What if it takes me so long to finish this I only get to post it ten hours after everyone else?" And there he went again, hands shaking and lips trembling as despair made its way into his body once more.
 Hoseok felt his heart hurt. As lovely as it was to have Jungkook so invested in working on something meaningful for Yoongi it also came at a high prince. Not only when it came to gifts and expressing their feelings, the younger was also always afraid he wasn't good enough for Yoongi, wasn't as good as Hoseok to be in a relationship with the older rapper, wasn't good enough to be together with two amazing people like Yoongi and Hoseok.
 "Don't worry about that. I can space my tweets out a little, and after the others wake up I'll tell them to wait. You have time, it's ok." Hoseok said slowly and caressed his cheek for good measure, feeling the tear stained skin warm up under his fingertips.
 A sweet smile made its way into jungkook lips, his nose crinkling slightly.
 "Thank you, hyung." And he resumed his editing, as determined as ever. Everything was fine, he'd be fine and his video would blow everyone away. The giggle that followed got covered by his hand, but Hoseok didn't fail to notice it.
 A huge smile formed on the rappers face and he got up, patting Jungkook on his shoulder to indicate he was leaving the room. He needed to check on the others and make sure his promised was kept. His Jungkookie was going to finish his birthday post on time and before the others, and he was going to make sure of that.
 He walked into his room, finding jimin still asleep. The same went for the other members as he checked up on them. Even Yoongi himself, which always made something for the fans during his birthday, was lost in dreamland, curled inside a blanket cocoon. Hoseok fought the urge to walk over to him and place a soft kiss on his lips, but he knew that would most likely stir him awake and, as much as he loved him, Jungkook was his priority at the moment, and if there was something the younger didn't need right now was Yoongi wandering around the dorm.
 He went back to his room and sat at the edge of his bed. He unlocked his phone to post another one of his tweets and waited. Someone was bound to wake up soon.
   But soon didn't come as soon as he had hoped. He spaced his tweets out with about five minutes in between them — thinking back at it now, he sighed; he should've used a bigger interval, fifteen minutes, maybe… Yeah, that would've worked better —, went to the kitchen twice to get some water and also went over to check on Jungkook, to which the boy reassuringly smiled at him and said he was fine, but within an hour he was done, all posted, and no one was awake yet. He grunted, lying on his bed. More waiting was ahead of him.
   Jimin was the first one to get up and Hoseok didn't even wait for the boy to gather his bearings before grabbing him by the arm and telling him to not post anything for Yoongi's birthday.
 Jimin yawned and rubbed at his eyes, "What?" He croaked out, voice hoarse from sleep.
 "Don't post anything for hyung's birthday yet, you have the whole day, there's no need to be all desperate and stuff." No need to be all desperate and stuff and yet here he was doing everything he could so Jungkook wouldn't become exactly that.
 Jimin seemed to take a second to process what Hoseok had said then stared at him blankly. "What, why? Not that I care about the time I post my photo, but… Why? Does it really matter when I do it?"
 "Of course it matters!" Hoseok said it so loudly and with such conviction Jimin stepped back, a half offended, half disgusted look on his face. "What's wrong with you, hyung."
 Hoseok sighed heavily, "Jiminie, listen, Jungkookie is struggling with his post, he's afraid he's not going to finish it on time, so please just wait. I'll do whatever you want me to later to make up for it."
 Jimin considered Hoseok's words once again.
 "If you think I wouldn't refrain from doing something when Jungkook — or any of you, I guess — might get upset by it, then that's on you and I take deep offense to that," he said in a mockingly serious tone, but his words were no less truthful. Hoseok groaned exasperatedly and Jimin raised a finger to shush him, "but, I'll wait. Jungkook's been talking about this 'amazing video' he was going to make for weeks," Hoseok sent him an indignant glare and he immediately understood what it meant, "video that he didn't talk to you about in fear you'd open your big mouth and blurt everything out to Yoongi, and as I was saying, I don't really feel like ruining the surprise, so I'll just sit back, maybe get something to eat. It's too early anyway." Jimin finished and walked straight past Hoseok, heading to the kitchen. In his way he greeted Jungkook and said something to him, but over the walls of their dorm Hoseok wasn't able to discern any of the words they shared.
   Jin was the next one to wake up and Hoseok told him the same thing he had said to Jimin, only in a more respectful tone — better not risk getting the elder to post some embarrassing picture of him and Yoongi as a birthday shenanigan.
   Lastly Hoseok checked on Namjoon and Taehyung, finding the two sleeping and snoring in their shared bedroom. The curtains were closed and both of them had earphones in — Namjoon was even wearing an eyes mask, as if the room wasn't already dark enough. It looked like neither of them would wake up soon, and Hoseok wasn't complaining.
   A few more hours passed and Hoseok was fighting the urge to lie on Jungkook's lap and fall into sleep's sweet embrace, but he didn't want to bother the youngest in his work and, besides, he still needed to keep watch in case one of the sleeping members decided to not be asleep anymore.
 He yawned and stretched, willing his eyes to remain open, when Jungkook jumped to his feet next to him, hands in the air, screaming "I'm done!!" with a fiery passion in his eyes.
 Hoseok jolted on the couch, both from shock and excitement. His heart almost ran out of his chest, but he willed it to stay put and pulled Jungkook into his arms in a tight hug.
 "That's great, Jungkookie!" Hoseok whispered in his ear, taking the opportunity to leave a kiss on his neck. "Let's post it, then!"
   When Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung emerged from their rooms it was already time to leave for the airport, no time for big cheers of "Happy birthday, Yoongi!!", only for a few pats on the back and reminders of "don't forget anything, we'll be away for a while."
 As expected, Yoongi didn't really bother to check twitter, Hoseok noticed as he walked to their van with an arm draped around the elder. The shorter man only uploaded a photo he took a couple of days before with a brief message thanking everyone for the support during his birthday when they got into the vehicle, which almost didn't happen either, since his phone almost shattered on the ground when Jungkook grabbed him by the arm and pulled him onto a seat by his side. Hoseok observed everything with a grin plastered on his face and Yoongi only scoffed at him, just watch and see if I'll bother looking at what you guys posted for me.
   Not true to his words (thoughts, to be precise) at all, Yoongi opened twitter as soon as he was relatively comfortable on his airplane seat, scrolling through the members' posts with badly hidden curiosity and enthusiasm bubbling out of his pores.
 Hoseok and Jungkook shared a knowing and fond look while observing him, but didn't comment on their boyfriend endearing behavior; he had received enough teasing from the other members as it was.
 A wave of affection washed over Yoongi when he finally saw what Jungkook and Hoseok had done, choosing to check their posts last in a sort of self-made surprise. And indeed a surprise it was. Birthday messages aside, just the amount effort and love put into them was enough to cause Yoongi's heart to grow three times in size.
 As he looked at their posts one more time he was glad to see that by now Jungkook, on his right, a hand squeezing his own over the armrest, had his eyes glued at the window admiring the morning sky, and Hoseok, on the left, still clutching at his arm after the takeoff and head resting on his shoulder, was sleeping soundly, so they couldn't see the huge smile that formed on his lips nor the tears that swelled up in his eyes.
 Yoongi kissed the top of Hoseok's head and the knuckles of Jungkook's hand, neither of them moving from their positions, and closed his eyes, the beat of Jungkook's video still faintly playing through his earphones.
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bangtanhug · 6 years
Highlight of the dinner party
(my trans - so if its not perfect sorry.. i tried my best but dont blame me if i made a mistake please T-T )
 In the beginning they were debating how to cheer (with the alcohol) - Jimin suggested to go simple with Jjang (its often used when people clink glasses OR when they say something is good) - but Tae said let’s go with Eouuuuu -> Namjoon caught on quickly saying that you can interpret eouuu (the crying noise) into different things based on how you say it: it can show sadness, happiness etc etc - so they shouted eouuuu
They filmed this earlier again than their comeback +birthday (like every year) so they just thrown in their predictation for their achievements - funny, they predicted to land at #8 in top 100 but we all know they actually got #1 :D
Thay talked about the trip which was planned by Tae ( during festa there were pictures of it on the festa “magazine” - i dont know how to call it sorry hahah but im sure you remember it) -Jinmin slept in one room, Hoseok alone, Yoongi/Namjoon/Tae/Jungkook in one room but Jungkook couldn’t handle NAmjoon’s snoring so he slept somewhere else
They made Hobi drank for not putting the right amount of number on Yoongi’s cake lmao (there was a question about Yoongz’ brithday)...btw if you noticed he was drinking through a straw hahhaa also he is such a lightweight like at one point he blanked out and Namjoon even hurried Yoongi’s ith the questions because Hobi was getting red hahah
They scored each other’s style ...Seokjin said something about how face (your look) completes your style so even if your style is not good your face cane save it lmao...the confidence...  + They praised Namjooni saying if its fashin then its KimDaily ~..a.lso they said Jungkook has been the same for years :) - he only started to change recently [ this was where Tae hit hobi accidentally lmao]
BBMAs/AMAS talk - Yoongi said he cried after AMA but not because he felt like wow, yeah we did it (write history etce tce) but because of the pressure? - i hope i understood it well
my favourite one: IS it hard to be a maknae? it was a direct question to Kookie - Jimin or Yoongi even told him to be 100% honest, but Jungkook said its not that hard...it has never been (because he feels at ease with the hyungs)...he is more awkward with younger people
the next question about true happines??...or something which made them genuinely happy without force...Hobi said it was his mixtape (later he talked about how Namjoon and Yoongi taught him everything about music and how thankful he was for them) ...i didnt get Namjoon (sorry my skills are not on his level sorry) Jimin talked about how the rap line writes song for them, feeling always relatable because they are about them and even thanked them 
Suddenly we took a turn and we ended up with Namjoon and Yoongi talking about how Yoongi has music for Jimin...or in Jimin’s style? because it fits with him perfectly and Jimin was like: give me them, give me...and out of nowhere Tae said I will give you one ...BTW later they also talked baout how Tae was composing songs, Namjoon complimenting him and Jimin proudly saying that Hold Me Tight was also great and the beginning of V but that time the others /directs his words to Joonie˛/ doidnt take him seriously or there was a misunderstanding (sorry not clear) so Namjoon apologized and hugged Tae
Request of other members: Jimin pointed out something with the shoes..if im right, bangtan (Namjoon) doesnt put his soes in their places mostly hahah
MEmbers who you are thankful? - as I mentined before- Hoseok thank Yoongi and Namjoon for helping him improve as musician; Seokjin said Jimin: saying he is perfect , and hen he is having hard tie with dancing (namjoon too) he always helps them out ^^ ; Jimin pointed out the members, the team as his source of energy and teh reason why he works hard, Namjoon was talking about teh hard times during concerts; Taehyung revealed that when he was having a really hard time he received a long message from YOONGI!!!!! (everyone goes crazy over it) - Seokjin joked that eh barely got text from him, Namjoon saying that he gets short messages too hahahha Yoongi was csreaming from embarrassment - Yoongi said I love you in the end of his message ~ then it was revealed Jungkook also got message from Yoongi saying I love you at the end...and after that everyone was whining about how they want confession from Yoongi XD
what’s your motto in life ( i wont translate all of it because i already saw someone doing it on tumblr so...yeah...sorry t.t)
When I’m having hard time this is what i want to hear: - Tae isad: I love you then Jimin said that if Yoongu ever said i love you to him he would gain strength from it so Yoongi colly said: Jimina-ah i love you lol Tae was like after that: when i got the message i trie dto imagine how he would have sounded saying it (they asked him if it was similar) but tae imitated how he imagined it which was slightly different (NAmjin complainag again the lack of text from Yoongi’s part)
they they started the hardship of being an “idol” for being on the spotlight - the hardship how others see them - their stage “me” and real “me” struggle, the practice and yoongi was talking about the importance of family
- im getting tired...phew...my brain is freezing let me catch my breathe....-
btw my other highlight of the show was when Namjoon hurt his knee and Yoongi facepalmed or when Tae opened the soju hahah they were pretty funny in my opinion ~ also kookie admitting that he does 240 push-ups a day is pretty insane in my opinion lol   ...okay back to the main....
I didnt understand the next question ( im sorry im sorry...im going to study more in the summer to improve my korean ...im sorryT-T) but Jimin talked about a shooting experience if i get it right, saying that when it was cold he stopped thinking  (relatable lol)
they talked about school tests, and gave point out of 100 with different explanation to each other?  - they even joked that besides namjoon provbably nobody got 100 points on their tests  lol..and Yoongi even said that for his music exams he didnt get good results lol
last question: whats the meaning of happiness? ~ Jungkook siad: laughing/  Jimin joked at first but said he doesnt really know but something whcih makes him laugh, put him at ease? / Yoongi said he has been thinking about it for months but cant define it - basically you just feel it / NAmjoon: ...i cant ...im sorry i cant understand what namjoon says im so not on his vocab level that it hurts lmao / Seokjin: he talked about how he tries his best to lift up the mood / Hoseok said he thinks othervise than others - he said even if you’re happy you can cry? then Kookie said an idiom (once again im not on that level T-T) then Tae said happiness is when you dont have worry...he felt that when they went on the trip and he was just at peace, he gained lots of strength from it he just so happy during those days
Then Seokjin and Jungkook said the last words and they cheered ~
im sure there will be professional subs up soon...or some parts being translated  by others better than me ...but until they came out i wanted to at least help out others with that much i could understand...sorry if i made mistakes but i hope it was at least more than nothing ^^
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