#hoffman panel
medixnoche · 8 months
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siblingisms ⁉️⁉️
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minilev · 8 months
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Game over
Ok but listen:
Hoffman saw John testing his most loyal apprentice for the second time. His shotgun chair was barely a test but a way for the sick man to restrain Mark while explaining how John is going to blackmail him into being an apprentice.
Amanda kept asking when's his test.
He gets the tape message that he'll be tested from John himself. After that it's been 3 months and then Jill surprises him when he's super busy with the zoo trial and FBI investigation.
Besides, Hoffman lived in the refurbished nerve gas house for some time between October 2005 and July 2006 ABOVE THE BATHROOM. And he has been in the bathroom and knew about it since Saw X for sure. He built his glass coffin trap like in the next room in the tunnels.
And after burning FBI agents and Jill's RBT he was in hiding for 8 months, using different Jigsaw's workshops and houses, I'm sure.
I don't believe Hoffman was stupid or arrogant enough to not to prepare in any way, especially knowing how Kramer's mind works. Why wouldn't he hide some lockpicks and tools in different corners of some SPECIAL places? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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elennemigo · 9 days
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This is gonna be long so buckle up! 😁
★ Eric official trailer released.
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★ New character poster.
★ "Benedict Cumberbatch, Abi Morgan and Lucy Forbes on New York puppet thriller Eric" (Royal Television Society)
★ "Benedict Cumberbatch is a troubled puppet master in new Netflix series Eric" (Entertainment Weekly) (my gifs)
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★ Eric Special Q&A and screening for SAG AFTRA. (Gallery) (my post) The q&a will be uploaded to their YT channel.
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★ Benedict did promo for Eric at FYSEE24 in Los Angeles. (Gallery)
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★ Panel with Benedict, Gaby Hoffmann, McKinley Belcher III and Abi Morgan after the screening at FYSEE24. (Gallery) (my post)
★ Eric UK Premiere. (Gallery) (my post)
Panel with Benedict, Gaby Hoffman, McKinley Belcher III, Abi Morgan, and Lucy Forbes.
Clips x x x x
Interviews: HeyUGuys (my gifs)/ Virgin Radio UK / Jodie McCallum / London Live / PA Entertainment / The News Movement
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★ Benedict in conversation with Zoe Ball on BBC Sounds. (there´s still time to listen this interview!)
★ Benedict and Eric featured in a few magazines. Check the scans here, courtesy of benedict-cumberbatch.com
★ "In the mystery Eric, desperation and decline manifest into a life-size monster puppet." (LA Times)
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★ Benedict Cumberbatch in Netflix show Eric: Dressing as monster is 'one of the most ludicrous things I've done' (BBC)
★ Benedict Cumberbatch warns history is repeating itself as streethomelessness soars. (Big Issue)
I´m gonna put all the press junket for Eric he did here, even tho they came out in different days, so they´re all together:
Metro Entertainment / Today / Sunrise / Bonnie Laufer / On Demand / Collider / Digital Spy / BAFTA / DC Film Girl / WHYY / Pix 11 News / Paul McGuire Grimes / LBC / ComingSoon.Net / Radio Times / Sky news/ Channel 4 (my gifs)
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★ Patrick Melrose debuted on Netflix US platform.
★ Lucy Forbes shared photos of the cast & crew on the set of Eric on her IG.
★ Eric premiered on Netflix!
★"Benedict Cumberbatch Battles Inner Demons in Eric." (TUDUM)
★ "Puppet Master" (Queue Netflix)
These interviews included a new photoshoot! (My post)
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★ "Benedict Cumberbatch on exploring dark characters in new Netflix series, Eric." (Irish examiner)
★ "Benedict Cumberbatch breaks down Eric's twists and turns: ´It's about the mess of being human´ " (GQ magazine)
✧ ── ⋅ FIN ⋅ ── ✧
There was a lot to compile and i might had missed something but hopefully, most it´s here. Enjoy! 😊
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pedgito · 2 years
Things we learned about Joseph Quinn from today's panel (Day Two):
Joe can count to five in German
Would cosplay as Steve Harrington
Recommends the Artic Monkeys but was going to say a techno song lmao
His favorite movie The Big Lebowski
Gaten crashes Joe’s panel for a question, asked who he’d save (him or keery) Joe said “You, obviously” waited for him to leave then said “Totally Joe.”
He wears Gris Dior
Favorite moment for S4, the max sequence in Dear Billy
How his day with Eddie in Hawkins go: He’d go see him play at the hideout then hang out.
He’d stay in a haunted house with Murray
What makes him happy at the moment: Family
What it was like to meet Metallica: Mad.
His favorite part about playing Eddie was all of it.
Eddie’s favorite musical is Hair, according to Joe. Joes not a big musical fan but is a big abba fan and has seen mamma Mia.
He’s a night owl
Christmas traditions: Family, Resolutions: None…yet.
SOMEONE ASKED ABOUT JOMIE BYE “it’s hard to get rid of that guy”
Joe met Dacre, thinks Billy & Eddie would get on well…then adds a maybe lmao
Someone repeated a question about what perfume he wears and he turned to the crowd and went “anyone remember?” pls i can’t
think it’s funny people ask about wesley, wesley got a j tattoo on his knee
did two self tapes and got his role for eddie
His core memory: time with friends between 15/18, skate boarding when he was a little boy
in low moments, he usually calls friends to talk
His favorite dish to cook for family/friends is a beef stew or a pasta dish or a lamb shoulder
he did at a play at 17 and realized he wanted to do acting
He would dress up as Gandalf if he was going to Comic Con as a visitor
Philip Seymour Hoffman is his fave actor
he thinks Eddie looks the way he was meant to look and wouldn’t change anything
when he has a bad day, he calls someone, has a bath, or goes for a run to calm down
him and Eddie are both chaotic in nature
the most memorable thing from this weekend for him is all of it
he enjoys Body Paint on the new Arctic Monkeys album
he hasn’t listened to Decide by Djo yet
his favorite color is burgundy
if he could be any singer for a day he’d be David Bowie
if he could be any dog he’d be an Old English Sheep dog
he said the filming for season 5 thing he asked in Tokyo was a joke
Glastonbury was a memorable concert experience for him
he thinks Eddie’s top artist would be Dua Lipa
he wouldn’t eat really weird foods like animal organs or something
his favorite techno artist is Mr. G
his favorite ABBA song is Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
he would time travel to 60s London, 80s Manchester, or Renaissance Italy
he likes the song Blush by Wolf Alice
he had fun with Jamie in Brazil and Japan
if he had a superpower, it would be flight
he finds it crazy that people have Eddie tattoos
it only took him a few takes to sling the guitar over his shoulder as Eddie
he thinks Eddie would love Eleven and be impressed by her powers
This panel was a mess and people were either repeating questions multiple times or asking really odd, invasive, uncomfortable things or kinda trauma dumping on him so this is a lot shorter so I’m sorry if this is super all over the place. Lots of people asking for shoutouts and a bunch of other bullshit. It was ridiculous lol.
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corn-fanfiction · 6 months
SAVIOUR COMPLEX (Mark Hoffman x F!Reader) (Pt. 13)
(Part 12) (Part 14)
Rated: M
Tags/TWs: language/ past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader's life is getting messy/ Detective Gibson/ LINDSEY PEREZ????/ CHAINSHIPPING MENTION???????/ trauma n grief/ hurt NO comfort
Housekeeping: I'm retconning that Lindsey wasn't killed by Mark. I've decided she took a long sabbatical after her injury and then returned only after the coffin trap.
You stand at the wooden panel door within the hospital. You reference the name scrawled on your note in your hand and compare it to the name plated on the door.
You knock and enter when prompted. Sitting behind a desk, 40s-50s something with slicked blond hair is a man. He's scribbling onto a notepad and looks up when you enter.
“Hello, sorry did we have an appointment?”
“No, sorry!” You lower your head and smile bashfully, pressing your way inside and closing the door behind you. “I hope I'm not inconveniencing you. It's…not a medical issue.”
He straightens, then tenses a little, but maintains his smile.
“Well…have a seat I suppose.”
You do.
“Thank you. I swear it'll only be a few minutes. I need guidance, and if you're willing I think you're the best person to offer it.”
You give him the opportunity to interject but when he doesn't, you continue. “There's someone in my life that I care very deeply about. He's just been arrested for connection to the Jigsaw murders. But…it's not him. I know it's not.”
Gordon nods and passes a pen between his hands. “Detective Lieutenant Mark Hoffman.”
Your eyes widen.
“Yes. You know him?”
“Not really. We've only met a handful of times.” Gordon puts down the pen, leans forwards on his elbows. Sighs. “Sometimes, we think we know people, know them to the very marrow of their being, and then the next moment they're a stranger.”
You look at the floor. “I know. But I've known bad men. I've been with a very very bad man. And Mark is not a bad man. He's hotheaded, and can be misguided sometimes but his intentions are good.”
“May I say something that might upset you to hear?”
You obviously want to say no. Your hands are starting to shake.
“That same thing could be said about Jigsaw. John Kramer or any of his accomplices.”
“But not him. Doctor, isn't there someone, anyone in your life that you would do anything for?”
And though you don't know it, in that moment, he thinks of Adam Stanheight.
“There was once.”
“I couldn't save him.”
Your throat begins to close up.
“I need to. Please.”
Gordon pushes back from the desk, seems to go over something in his head before clasping his hands together.
“I know someone who may be able to help. May. I can't legally give you any personal information but if you can find it, give her a call. Jill Tuck. John Kramer's widow.”
You recognize the name upon hearing it.
“She's a clinician, right?”
Gordon doesn't respond, doesn't even nod, but doesn't deny it.
“I hope I was able to help.”
You smile. “You did, in some measure. I really appreciate it.”
You get up to leave.
“Can I ask you something before you go?”
You turn.
“Of course.”
“What happens if you're wrong? I hope you're not. But, what if?”
You falter. “Not even a possibility I can entertain.”
Gordon nods in an understanding you don't know. You thank him again and leave the office.
You worked very hard to get Jill's home address. Not wanting to bombard her at work, you got the name of a reporter from Gerri, who got you Jill's address. Probably from some past or current harassment over her dead husband. You feel guilty for being the next in line.
She's in a nice complex and you knock on the door. After a moment of waiting, you hear approaching footsteps and the door opens. Your eyes widen when you recognize she's the woman you served at work.
“Oh, hi! Um, are you Mrs. Jill Tuck?”
She leans on the door. “Miss. And yes.”
After a moment, you shake your head.
“I know you. From the restaurant.”
“Oh yes, you're that nice waitress. What can I help you with?”
God, you really hate to do this to her now.
“I'm really sorry to do this but I'm desperate. Someone I care for very deeply needs my help. And I was told you'd be the best person to ask.”
She adjusts her posture and you notice that she keeps a sturdy blockade between you and her apartment.
“What's this about?”
“Mark Hoffman? He's a detective-”
“I know who he is.”
It's a clipped response.
“Oh. Well, he's been arrested. I need to prove his innocence.”
“And who told you to come to me?”
Her bubbly demeanor from the restaurant, even the positivity when she opened the door, has given way to a coldness. You understand, but it's still jarring.
“I don't know if I should say…”
“If you managed to find where I live, I think I deserve to know.”
“Dr. Lawrence Gordon.”
You shake your head. “I'm sorry. I think coming here was a mistake.”
“Look. All I can say, and if the police ask I'll tell them the same thing, is that I don't know anything about Jigsaw other than he was my husband. I don't know about any accomplices.”
You look at this woman and really see her. She's gorgeous, a kind face, weathered by what was likely the relentless stress of having a serial killer for a husband. You also distantly recall hearing something once about a baby, when everything came out…
And to think, here she is, collected and living.
“Okay. I'm sorry to have bothered you. Have a good rest of your day.”
“You too.”
She closes the door and you take yourself back down the hall. Another dead end. You check your watch and curse at the time, running out of the building and hailing a cab. You're almost late for work.
Half a shift in with decent tables and tips to match, and running drinks from the bar when your night manager catches you.
“Jesus, Jake! I'm not paying for these if you make me spill them.”
You're half joking but the look he gives you is full serious.
“I'm getting pretty tired of cops showing up around here. Got one asking up front.”
Your stomach knots and you return the drinks to the bartop. Wiping your moist hands on your apron you peek around the corner and blanche when you spot Gibson. And you have half a mind to go duck into the kitchen when he spots you and beckons you over.
He gets a good look at you, rubbing his jaw. He looks as worn as he did when they arrested Mark.
You lead him outside into the cool night air. The neon sign of the restaurant hums above you and casts yellow onto the wet pavement.
“What is it?” You ask and wrap your arms around yourself.
“You're being called in for questioning. Is it okay if I drive you?” He hooks his thumb in the direction of his car. You smudge a hand across your cheek and sigh.
“Can I finish my shift first?”
He looks at you, his eyes softening a little, before he nods.
You do finish your shift and throw your apron in your locker before walking out with Gibson. He actually opens the passenger door for you, something that gives you pause, before seating himself behind the wheel.
“Sorry it's so late,” he mutters and cranks up the heat.
“It's fine,” you lie. You did make him wait, and you're still a little surprised he did so in the first place. “I've actually been wanting to talk to you. I need you to tell me what evidence you have against Mark. And if you need incentive, I would be very happy to go to the chief and tell him about you assaulting me if you don't give me what I want.”
You're at your wit's end about helping Mark and you know that until you know for certain what they have against him, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Gibson's hand, still on the stick, positions it back to parked. He turns to you.
“When I take you to that room, I'm going to give you that evidence for free. You can even tell the chief too. I won't try to stop you. Believe it or not, regardless of my unprofessional and inappropriate behavior choices, I have no ill will against you. The disdain I harbor for Hoffman carried over into our interactions and I regret it.”
You're stunned into silence. He's looking at you, too, not avoiding your eyes.
“I say all of this so that hopefully you'll trust me when we get in that room. You can hate me, you can tell me to go fuck myself. But before that, can you at least listen?”
In the short time you've known him, Gibson has proved an enigma to you. Bad temper, bad mannered, but quick, sometimes smart. Downright nasty in some situations. But in the moment, when it counts…
He doesn't lead you to the interrogation room. Instead, he takes you to a conference room with warmer lighting and comfortable seats. There's coffee ready, and the blinds are pulled. And sitting across the table is a woman you've never seen before. Her curly black hair is pulled up and you can very clearly see the scars that mark her face and neck, like she'd been cut relentlessly.
“This is Special Agent Perez with the FBI.”
The rises to shake your hand. When she smiles at you, you manage to remember watching the TV reports. One of the first federal agents on the Jigsaw case.
“Holy shit. You're- I thought you were gone.”
“I took a sabbatical to distance myself from…Peter. but when Jigsaw started killing again I came back in.”
Peter… Strahm. The supposed official Jigsaw accomplice. Those details you were a bit shaky on.
Gibson invites you all to sit.
“I figured it would help to have her here. Make this a bit easier.”
You look between them. She seems warm and inviting judging by her resting face giving you attention and a soft look in her eyes. And…he's put another woman in the room with you.
You blow out air. He's really trying.
“Okay…What evidence?”
Perez speaks first. “Let's start with Peter- Agent Strahm. The FBI had reasonable suspicion of him due to…physical evidence being left at the scene of an earlier trap. But, through some medical dating, we were able to determine that the particular piece of evidence would have only been left after Peter was dead. In short-”
“You ruled him out.”
You look between them again.
“So you're saying he was framed.”
Silence. They're waiting for you to connect the dots.
You do.
“You're saying he was framed by Mark.”
Perez nods. You clench your fists around the fabric of your pants and focus on your breathing.
“So what about this new evidence?”
It's Gibson's turn now. He's sitting next to you and softens his posture to face you. “DNA samples, personal items, both found at the newest crime scene. Irrefutably Mark's.”
You're staring at the woodgrain of the table. You can't seem to blink.
“So that's it? That's enough to damn him? If Strahm was set up, why couldn't Mark be set up? Why do you get to believe Strahm but I can't do the same?”
For a moment, they're a little shocked at your words, stuttering between them before Gibson takes over.
“Well, with all due respect, you're not a detective or an FBI agent. And Agent Perez new Strahm for years. You've known Mark for a month. You've put in a lot of effort to gather support for Mark, but what have you found so far? Who's vouching for him?”
Your head begins to shake.
“No. I'm sorry, but no. I don't believe it. It's too easy.”
Perez leans further over the table.
“Have you heard of Occam's razor? That sometimes the simplest answer is the right one?”
“But, he cares about people. About his sister, about me.”
“Enough to kill his sister's abusive and murderous ex? To kill your ex?”
He promised.
“Let me ask you this. Has he ever acted out of the ordinary? Kept strange hours… acted violently or maliciously? Said strange things?”
“Yes but…”
“Is it possible you've suspected this and you don't want to believe it?”
Tears are forming and you don't think you can hide the wavering in your voice.
“I think… I think I should call a lawyer.”
“Because these questions- they're scaring me. Confusing me.”
“You're more than welcome to call a lawyer, but is a lawyer going to be able to ease your mind? These are the facts, this is what we know is true. Everything we know points to Hoffman, more than likely, being an accomplice to Jigsaw, and now taking on the mantle.”
It can't be true. Your hands move from your trousers to the table top, shaking against the smooth surface. You're suddenly very hot and Perez must notice this because she pours and slides you a glass of water. You consider it, reach out fingers, then draw back knowing that you can't possibly hold it.
“…can I see him?”
Gibson stutters.
“I'm not sure that's a good idea.”
You feel the tears return. You aren't entirely sure what you think talking to him will do. Maybe just seeing him will unlock the vice grip threatening to squash your heart? That this internal pain is the only thing you can consider managing?
“Please? I won't repeat any of what you just said, I promise. You can be in the room. But I need to be able to look him in the eyes.” They're silent, avoiding your eyes. “Gibson, please.”
He clicks his teeth, nods at the table.
“I'll see what I can do.”
“Thank you.”
Gibson walks out of the room, leaving just you and Perez, who reaches a hand to yours. Not to hold it, but like an extension of sympathy.
“Hey, I know what it's like, to go through life with everyone telling you that the person you trusted more than anything is a killer. It's hard. You're gonna get through it.”
You pull your hands back into your lap.
“You have the comfort of knowing for sure it wasn't Strahm though. And isn't it a comfort?”
You don't mean to harden your glare but it can't be helped. She knows this.
“It is, for what it's worth.”
The Chief agrees to five minutes between you and Mark with him in the holding cell and you a safe distance away, with Gibson's presence. You note that Perez is not invited.
Mark's sitting on a bench inside when you enter. The must've gotten some of his clothes from the lockers because he's changed into a shirt and jeans. You wonder if they've given any attention to his wounds or kept up with his pain med dosages.
He doesn't move when he sees you and it's suddenly very difficult to move your feet so you end up almost shuffling with Gibson at your back. You stop in front of Mark, plenty of space between you and the bars.
He looks up at you. Doesn't stand, doesn't speak.
“How's your leg?” You ask. He doesn't break away.
“Still hurts.”
You turn to Gibson.
“Have you been giving him pain meds? The hospital said-”
“We know. We have.”
You nod and turn back to Mark.
“Don't ask me.”
You let out a shaky breath.
“I have to.”
“You know what my answer will be.”
“Maybe, but I need to hear you, to see you say it.”
He doesn't move.
“Mark, did you kill-”
“Let me finish-”
“No, I can take accusations hurled from everyone but you.”
Your mouth drops. “I'm not accusing-”
“How many times and ways can I say it before you people get it? I didn't kill anyone!”
When he stands up your back hits the wall. You've heard him shout before, but never like this…never at you.
“It looks really bad from here, Mark.”
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning you should maybe calm down instead of scaring the one person you've got on your side,” Gibson snaps. Mark stills. Sees you and the way you've turned yourself inwards.
“I- I'm sorry. I'm tired. It's not an excuse but there it is. Hey,” he comes closer to the bars. “Thanks for coming. I mean it.”
How badly you want to go to him. But even if Gibson wasn't standing right there waiting to prevent it… you're not sure you would.
It's almost like every once in a while you suddenly remember who Mark is and always has been. He's a cop, he knows he has power, he has a temper. He can be kind and loving or he can be cold. It's confusing to see both battling for control in front of you.
You turn to leave without thinking. Gibson is surprised but follows you out. You press the back of your hand to your mouth to stifle your crying when you hear Mark calling after you.
Occam's razor. Sometimes, the simplest answer is the right one.
And the answer was just staring you in the face.
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avocadoraisin · 1 month
just imagining hoffman in that last panel really excited to live out his 90s alpha wolf romance paperback fantasies, only to receive an outraged half-hour lecture on proper wolf biology from strahm.
i was already having fun in my brainspace thinking about Strahm and Hoffman slowly learning all about each other and their respective species quirks, including heats/ruts because WHAT CAN I SAY IM AN OMEGAVERSE GIRLIE, and thats so good i love that thank you
in my head vampires and werewolves are not known to be Real and Hoff is about to get the wake-up call of his life when it comes to what poor Strahm needs to feel better
damn if he wont try tho
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saleintothe90s · 5 months
478. 93 things about 1993, part 5
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(part 4)
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26. G.I. Joe and Barbie's voiceboxes get switched.
A group of performance artists switched the voiceboxes of about 300 G.I. Joe and Teen Talk Barbie. This was later referenced in the Simpsons episode Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacy:
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Poor Celeste.
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27. Bill's Half Brother
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Leon died in 2009 at the age of 70. He and Bill met a few times! 1
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28. The first dreidel in space
Spun by Jeff Hoffman.
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29. Lawrence comes out in For Better or for Worse (April 10th)
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Lawrence, Michael's friend in the strip came out of the closet in the spring of 1993. Of course, people got mad and demanded the strip be pulled from their local papers:
In the next few weeks, Lawrence, who is 17, will also reveal his sexual orientation to his mother and stepfather. Reader beware; the next two sentences give away plot details. His mother will insist Lawrence is mistaken, and his stepfather will throw Lawrence out of the house. He will spend a lonely night in a doughnut shop until Mike locates him and brings him home for a reconciliation with his famiy.
The plot line has already proved too rich for some tastes. Universal Press Syndicate editorial director Lee Salem says about 20 of some 1,400 newspapers subscribing to “For Better or For Worse” have asked for backup material that can be substituted for the Lawrence strips, and eight have canceled the comic outright.
Lynn Johnston, the Canadian cartoonist who writes and draws the 14-year-old strip, says she knew she was entering a sensitive area, but she’s a little surprised by the scope of the negative reaction.
“What I wrote was kind; it was caring,” she says. “It explored both sides of the issue.”
Thomas Mitchell did. He’s the editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, one of the newspapers pulling the Lawrence panels in favor of backup material.
“We had a pretty little heated argument among ourselves,” he says.
Mitchell finally decided parents shouldn’t abruptly find themselves explaining the material to their children over the morning Rice Krispies.
“It’s the comics page, man. Give me a break,” he says. “It’s an interesting topic. Teenage homosexuality: How do you handle it; how do you talk about it?”
Mitchell says he wouldn’t object to a feature story on the subject, possibly illustrated by strips from “For Better or For Worse.”
Bob Hansen of Enfield probably wishes he was getting Mitchell’s newspaper. Hansen is a Courant subscriber who called the paper Monday to complain about the tack Johnston’s strip had taken.
“I’m very upset about it,” he says. “Comics, in the first place, comics are for fun.”
Hansen says he doesn’t object to homosexuals, but he objects to having homsexuality pushed at people who aren’t interested in hearing about it. In particular, he disliked Lawrence’s remark, in Monday’s episode, insisting he isn’t confused about his orientation: “Everybody else is confused.” 2
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For the record, I obsessed over For Better or for Worse almost as much as I did Funky Winkerbean. Good to know Lawrence had a good ending as the strip wound to the end in the Summer of 2008.
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30. Dana Carvey almost becomes the host of Late Night.
He said no when offered. 3
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(eBay user 3d-ology)
31. Addy becomes an American Girl
There was some controversy among the company whether Addy would be "too real" for kids:
Indeed, the story of Addy may be too heavy for the frail shoulders of a doll, and it clearly represents a dramatic shift in the tone of these children's books. While the other dolls face such traumas as wild bears, sailing during a storm or even choosing between loyalty to the crown of England or the patriots of the new Colonies, none can really compare with watching your brother being whipped by a cruel overseer because he "done run off." In "Meet Addy," the first of her series, she escapes from slavery with her mother, after they are forcibly separated from the rest of the family.
Pittsburgh novelist Connie Porter, who was hired to write the Addy books, is aware of the criticism. "Some people don't want to see a character in slavery -- that's ridiculous," she said. "You can run the risk of being so politically correct that you can lose whole periods of history. Children are more ready to talk about these things than some adults are."
Porter, who met twice with the advisory board to discuss story content and the use of dialect, said that she has not trivialized slavery in any way. If anything, she has made it more real to a modern child than it might have been before, she said. "I tried to show how a black child would be treated during the day at the age of 9," she said. "That she had a job like a grown person. Addy works all day worming tobacco plants. She also serves occasionally for the master, who treats her with indifference. At one point they treat her badly. She's a piece of property." 4
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32. Krusty gets canceled, but marge doesn’t say anything. (May 13th)
Y'all Ever notice that Marge has no lines in the classic Simpsons episode "Krusty Gets Canceled"? She's there, but no lines. According to the DVD commentaries, Al Jean said that Julie Kavner felt uncomfortable being in an episode with so many celebrity guests, describing it as "tasteless". I guess she changed her mind through the years.
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33. Lorena Bobbit copycats
In a four-month period, at least three men besides John Bobbitt had their genitals trashed by angry women. In April, a 29-year-old woman in Milwaukee partially severed her boyfriend's penis after he announced that he wanted to break up, reported the Milwaukee Journal. In Waynesville, N.C., in July, Cynthia Mason Gillett, 28, was charged with setting her husband's genitals on fire while he slept after an argument, reported the Charlotte Observer. In April, Jose Dogelio, 31, was shot in the penis by a woman he was "flashing" on a street in Dasmarinas, Philippines, according to the Manila newspaper, People's Journal. 5
Cynthia was put on probation in January of 1994 because her husband refused to testify against her. She doused his genitals in nail polish and caught them on fire! 6 I could not find Jose's condition.
When I was a kid and I'd see pieces about Lorena and John Bobbit on the news, I pictured Lorena cutting John's penis off with scissors.
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Barker, Jennifer, and Medianews Group. “Former Paradise Resident Ritzenthaler, Clinton’s Half-Brother, Dies.” Chico Enterprise-Record (blog), January 14, 2009. https://www.chicoer.com/20090114/former-paradise-resident-ritzenthaler-clintons-half-brother-dies/. https://archive.is/YqjO4 .
Hartford Courant. “COMIC TACKLES CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE AS CHARACTER ANNOUNCES HE IS GAY.” March 31, 1993. https://www.courant.com/1993/03/31/comic-tackles-controversial-issue-as-character-announces-he-is-gay/. https://archive.is/dZIGX
Carter, Bill. 1995. The Late Shift: Letterman, Leno, and the Network Battle for the Night. New York: Hyperion. 225-226.
Rosenfeld, Megan. “WHOLESOME BABES IN TOYLAND.” Washington Post, May 24, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1993/05/24/wholesome-babes-in-toyland/b4ed92ca-1571-4ec9-9290-4dfb4ded0b7b/.
Shepherd, Chuck. “1993: THE YEAR OF THE WEIRD.” Washington Post, December 26, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1993/12/26/1993-the-year-of-the-weird/cca1ec6a-5dc9-4be6-9087-e26abe3c657f/.
Tulsa World . “Woman Who Burned Mate Gets Probation.” January 22, 1994. https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftulsaworld.com%2Fnews%2Fwoman-who-burned-mate-gets-probation%2Farticle_910a1d92-ff60-57f9-af48-af57d99ad8e2.html
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cmrosens · 27 days
Worldbuilding a Hellscape: Workshop
My most popular posts here seem to be my worldbuilding ones, so I thought I should let people know that I'm opening an online conference marking 200 years since the publication of James Hogg's Confessions of a Justified Sinner, with a creative writing "Building a Hellscape" workshop as a way of engaging with theology in SFF.
My workshop kicks off 09:30AM UK TIME - if you can't make that, it should be recorded so you should get the whole pack of recordings in your conference pack, post-conference when they are all uploaded and accessible.
It's a paid gig for me but as Romancing the Gothic is a project run entirely by one, very overworked person, and exists solely on donations, I've waived the fee.
I'll be getting you to think about some aspects of what a hellscape could be in a SFF context, using prompts like the ones I've posted here, and seeing what people come up with in the hour we have to dig in!
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: Romancing the Gothic presents its fourth annual online conference over two days - 24th and 25th August. The conference celebrates 200 years of James Hogg's Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner with a series of talks, events and workshops.
The conference is designed to cover different time zones so the days are long. People are recommended to come for as long as they want. The talks and sessions are recorded so that you don't miss anything even if you can't be there in person for specific times/sessions.
Early Bird Tickets, Concessions and Free Tickets
There will be early bird discounts on tickets until 24th June 2024.
Concession tickets are for students, the unwaged, retired people or anyone whose economic situation makes it necessary.
You can donate a ticket for those who are unable to afford to come.
You can donate directly to a person you know providing their name and email, or, for a random donation to help someone attend, enter the name "Sam Hirst" or "AN Other" in the name fields and email the donation ticket to sam[at]romancingthegothic[dot]com to help cover the cost of a free space for someone who needs one. 
(We offer a limited number of free tickets for those who cannot pay the ticket price, please email sam[at]romancingthegothic[dot]com for more information.)
We have live auto-generated captions. We provide slides and, where possible, scripts before the conference with alt-text for images. We have regular breaks and encourage people to take part in ways that are most comfortable for them. There is no forced participation.
If you have any accessibility needs, please get in touch at [email protected] and I will do my best to make sure these accommodations are provided.
Book your ticket below:
(All times are UK time, BST. Please check your local timezone so you don't miss you chosen events)
Saturday 24th August
9am - Greetings and conference set up
9.30 - 10.30 - Writing Workshop with author CM Rosens - 'Create a Hellscape: Using Theology in World-Building'
10.30 - 10.45 - BREAK
10.45 - 12.30 - Panel 1 - James Hogg: Work and Legacy
Nick Smith - I have since been induced to look to you as my guardian angel': Hogg's Highland Journeys and their influence on the Jusfitied Sinner
Mizuki Tsutsui - An analysis of Ian Rankin and James Mavor's draft of the film script of James Hogg'sJustified Sinner:Demon, Union and Adaptation
Martina Jauch - Masculinities, Mania, and Modes of Religion - ETA Hoffman's and Goethe's impact on James Hogg's The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
Laila Sougri - The parallax of Evil: Phenomenological Encounters with the Uncanny in the Works of James Hogg, Daphne du Maurier, and Mark Z. Danielewski
12.30 - 13.00 - BREAK
13.00 - 14.00 - Cooking Workshop and lunch with Allie Pino (co-author of The Gothic Cookbook) - 'Whistle While You Cook: Arepa-Making and Venezuelan Demonic Folklore with 'El Silbón' and the 'Dancing Devils of Yare'
14.00 - 14.15 - BREAK
14.15 - 15.45 - Panel 2 - Demonic Politics
Javier Mosqueda - Building the devil: indigenous and Christian elements in Jeronimo de Mendieta's concept of the demon
Jarrod DePrado - “A God is Not So Glorious As a King”: Religion as a Demonic Political Tool on Stage
Jan Marvin A. Goh - "holy mysteries/by the eyes of the dead': Exploring the Gothic in Divine Concept in Nick Joaquin's The Mass of St. Sylvester
Amy Coles - She has to be hammered into shape: Religion-Related Abuse and Female Suppression in Ray Russell's The Case Against Satan
15.45 - 16.00 - BREAK
16.00 - 17.45 - Women and the Demonic
Maria Belén Caparrós - ‘I’m not going to kill you. I’ m going to sacrifice you’: Patriarchal Spectrality, expressive violence and structural demons in Argentinian Contemporary Representation of Femicide
Vale McComb - WhatPuppet History didn't tell you: Examing a Trio of 17th cent. Possession Cases and What Happened Thereafter
Brenda Tolian - Down Into the Darkness of Anne Bannerman’s “Prologue”
Pauline Suwanban - Contemporary Devil Romances and Female Confidence (2020-2024)
17.45 - 18.00 - BREAK
18.00 - 19.00 - First Keynote - Adam Kotsko - 'Faust in the Anthropocene'
19.00 - 19.15 - Author Roundtable - The Modern Scottish Gothic
Anna Cheung, Helen Grant and further authors TBC
20.15 - 20.30 - BREAK
20.30 - 21.30 - Cocktail/Mocktail hours
SUNDAY 25th August
9.15 - Greeting
9.30 - 10.30 - Second Keynote - Martha McGill - "Evil Company": Internal and External Demons in Early Modern Scotland
10.30 - 10.45 - BREAK
10.45 - 12.15 - Panel 4 - Demons, Duality and Doubles
Gina Lyle - Literary Hauntings in Helen McClory's Bitterhall
Rowan McMonagle - 'Thrawn Janet'
Miranda Larsen - This is a merger, not a possession: Kurama's Complex Morality in Yu Yu Hakusho
12.15 - 13.00 - LUNCH BREAK
13.00 - 14.45 - Panel 5 - The Modern Demonic Imagination
Abhishek Sarkar - Religious Obsession and Murderous Zeal: The Fanaticism of the Serial Killer in Four Indian Films
Efram Sera-Shriar - From Demon World Village to Ghosts 'n Goblins: Popular Occulture, Videogame Censorship, and Satanic Panic in the 1980s
Máireéad Casey - Demon Possession, Sexual Grooming, and Resistance in We’re All Going to the World’s Fair (2021)
Kyria Van Gasse - I see his face but he's not me: the mental and emotional effect of playing the demonic and the monstrous in Live Action Role Play
14.45 - 15.00 - BREAK
15.00 - 16.45 - Panel 6 - Vampires and the Demonic
Mary Going - I Will not Lie Below: Demons, Vampires, and Contemporary Iterations of Lilith
Madhuchhanda Ray - At the Crossroads of the Hindu Demon and the Western Undead: Reading Satyajit Ray’s Quirky Vampire
Anca Simina Martin - The first Romanian Vampire Novel: The Case of the Vampire-priest Antagonist
Hayley Smith - Welcome to God's Army: Religion and Religious Extremism in Netflix's Midnight Mass
16.45 - 17.00 - BREAK
17.00 - 18.30 - Writing Workshop - Samantha Miles - Playwriting as Ritual: Summoning Demons and Constructing Hellscapes
18.30 - 19.00 - BREAK
19.00 - 20.45 - Panel 7 - Imagining Hell
Susan Vanderborg - "Hell is only a word": The Imperfect Demonic Translations of Event Horizon
Ruth-Anne Walbank - This deep hell of ills: Hellscapes and the Gothic in Lancashire Cotton Famine Poetry (1861-5)
Morgan Daimler - Tenants of Hell: Fairies, the Devil, and Folk Belief in Early Modern Scotland
Rebecca Marks - Blotting and Blurring Demons: Blake's Last Judgement
20.45 - 21.00 - FINAL REMARKS
As always, there is a code of conduct for our events. Please find it here. https://romancingthegothic.com/code-of-conduct/
Early Bird Discount available now until 24th June 2024: £17.50 Full Price ticket after 24 July 2024: £25.00 (INCLUDES BOTH DAYS)
Concession for students, retired or unwaged Early Bird Discount available now until 24th June 2024: £10.00 (INCLUDES BOTH DAYS) Concession ticket for students, retired or unwaged: £15.00 (INCLUDES BOTH DAYS)
Donate a Ticket: £15.00 (for anyone at any time! to donate one, this price stays the same) (INCLUDES BOTH DAYS)
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awheckery · 1 year
so for those of y'all who've been following me since before I busted out the historical research gong fu, you may remember the saga of Tess Piggy and the Bella Dots Design Wall project
I did eventually finish quilting all the dots, but my immune system threw a bitch fit, requiring a substantial rest period, so the thing's done, save for doing the binding my beloathed
I'll get around to it. eventually.
but at one point I was over at my parents' house and my mom saw the bella dots project and was like, 'omg I love it, can I have it?' and I was like 'excuse me??? I don't suffer over this kind of bullshit for other people, this bastard is MINE,' and thus was my mother somewhat disappointed, but even then, six-ish months ago, I filed the thought away and recalled that I had the Hoffman 1895 Bali Watercolor Panel hanging over my ironing board at home
it looks like this:
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I am following all the same steps that I did on the bella dots project, so I'm not gonna rehash any of that, except I put the walking foot back on my sewing machine and hooooooooooly shit, quilting diamonds is SO much faster than quilting circles, ilu walking foot, never leave me
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so much faster. holy shit.
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ollyollyaxe · 7 months
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..the hoffthrist is real... here's pt. 1 of my 'why does hoffman look Like That in saw iv' comic feat. my oc Oliver ♠️
individual panels under the cut
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lostyoursignal · 8 months
but i only leak water
He’s gotten very good at pretending that it isn’t happening.
words: 1.2k (written for sawtober day 16 - WATER)
read it on ao3 | sawtober series | prompt list
The floor is wet when he steps into his apartment, and his world-weary shoulders sag even further.
He had planned to be home by dark, but things rarely go to plan, and they never turn out how he wants them to, and he’s surprised he hasn’t called it quits by now, andandand. The apartment is dark, save for the silvery moonlight coming in the window at the end of the hall, and in its path, he can see the trail of water weaving across the hardwood.
He’d wanted carpet, but he supposes that carpet would be worse, because it would hold the water in. He’d step in it in his socks in the middle of the night like this. It’d soak in and he’d feel the cold the whole way to his bones for days after.
With trepidation, Lawrence takes a step across the threshold, and the toes of his Italian leather shoes splash against a floorboard where the water has puddled. It seems as though there’d been lingering. As though nothing is out of the ordinary, he closes and bolts the door behind him, and then begins the task of unwinding the scarf from around his neck, shrugging off his long coat and hanging the outerwear on the tree near the door. His ears are peeled for movement, and when he doesn’t hear anything, he moves in further. The sound of his cane hitting the floor sounds hollow, the sound waves bouncing off of the walls and into his ears as though the space is much, much bigger than it is.
The air inside his bedroom smells dank, like water that’s been left standing for long enough to go stale and filmy at the top. He can feel eyes on his back, can hear wheezing breath if he listens hard enough, but he won’t look until he absolutely has to, until there’s nowhere else to look.
He’s gotten very good at pretending that it isn’t happening.
Removing his prosthetic is a task, and the sound it makes when it hits the floor pulls a gasp from behind him, the force of it almost popping Lawrence’s ears with the gravitational pull of it. A shiver runs down his spine, and he doesn’t look, even though he wants to so desperately.
The crutches are the easiest way to get from his bedroom to the shower, and he goes with his flannel pajama pants slung over his shoulder, clean underwear tucked into the pocket of his shirt.
For a moment after he flicks the light on, the brightness of the bulbs leave a blue-green negative of a different bathroom on the inside of his eyelids. He sees it when he blinks. A lump forms in his throat. The dank smell has followed him here, and he wonders if it’ll sink into his clothes, if Amanda will smell it on him, if Hoffman will, if they’ll understand the weight of this thing that he carries with him, even though it can’t rationally be called his cross to bear.
Amanda would understand, no matter how little she might care for him.
There’s a laugh from just outside the bathroom door, and it’s garbled and water-logged. The tile is dry. Lawrence knows from prior experience that he would never venture in here alone.
The shower is started, and he turns the water hot enough that it’ll feel like a punishment, that it’ll feel like purification by fire. It melts everything away, half of the time, and the other half it numbs him until he can’t quite feel the ache in his heart as it’s happening. He’ll take either.
He knows that it’s cowardice.
Stripped bare, he steps into his shower and slides the glass panel of the door shut again, sinking carefully down until he’s sitting on the seat that’d been installed shortly after he moved in. He closes his eyes, tilts his face up into the spray, and lets the day wash off of him. It’s late, and he’s got to be at the hospital in the morning, and everything had gone to hell at the warehouse that night. Amanda had been tense and snappish and he’d been the same. They could smell it on each other.
It was always worse when they were synched up on these things.
There’s a dull thud from outside the shower. When he turns his head, there’s a handprint in the steam on the glass, the water that’d been forced into drops tinged brown, and the spaces between them offering a translucent view into the empty bathroom beyond. He blinks, and then blinks again, and when his eyes open, there is a silhouette on the fogged glass, a shape that’s grown so familiar in the last six months that he doesn’t even startle at its appearance. He places his hand against the glass, as though this time it might be different, as though when he wipes away the fog, he’ll see him, instead of only being able to watch his shadow twitch and shift through frosted opacity.
He finishes his shower mechanically, and climbs out onto the cold tile carefully. The room is warm and full of steam, but the floor is cold, and the mix of sensation simultaneously grounds him and puts him back in that place. The air smells like rot. He’d be concerned about a stroke, if he didn’t know himself better.
Sluggishly, Lawrence drags a stool up to the vanity, sitting himself down on it and getting started with getting dressed. He feels his foot in phantom, even as he’s looking straight at his residual limb, rolling his pants up around it and carefully knotting them shut. He feels the bite of the saw against his ankle, too, at the same time that he feels the prickle on the back of his neck, hears the wet, shuddering inhale.
When he lifts his gaze, he freezes at the sight of his reflection, and at the reflection behind it. Adam doesn’t look much different than he had when he’d slithered out the door of that bathroom. His eyes are bright, and they shine with tears. He’s covered in blood that Lawrence knows is only partly his own, and his face is grimy. His hair sticks to his face in dark tendrils, plastered down with sweat, or dingy water from the tub, or something else entirely. The water drips off of his clothes, splashing around his bare feet.
It’s rare that Lawrence gets to see him like this, instead of a shadow outside of the shower, or around the corner in the kitchen, or at the edge of his bed in the dark. He breathes in slowly, meets Adam’s eyes through the mirror. He wants to say a million things. He can’t force a single one out past his pulse pounding in his throat.
“You lied,” Adam says, and his voice is wet; with tears or with grungy water, he can’t be sure. The sob that leaves him next sounds like it may have cracked his ribs on the way out. “You lied,” he repeats, louder, and Lawrence flinches, the protest dying in his throat. Adam’s eyes open wider, and Lawrence can see that the green of his irises has gone milky, filmed-over. “You said you’d come back.”
“I did,” Lawrence insists, low and firm, because that’s true, at least. Adam had been long dead by the time he got there. Adam shakes his head, lets out another sob.
Stupidly, Lawrence forgets for a moment that this is hell, and he is Orpheus, and Adam is Eurydice.
He turns around, but by the time he can see the space behind him in his peripherals, Adam is gone, and the floor is dry.
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typingtess · 11 months
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The settlements from the LAPD were what their lawyer promised – life-changing money after a life-changing encounter. Devin and Jordan Rountree were given separate settlements. That was a suggestion from their lawyer Ted Hoffman – two settlements, two recorded settlements for LAPD and two marks on the two officers' records. There was a written apology from Chief Davis with promises for retraining and changes.
Chief Davis promised its was a life-changing encounter.
Not changing LAPD. Or not changing much. For all of the Chief's talk about change, they were mostly promises, not much more. There were updates to protocols, a push for increased liaison officers between LAPD and the federal agencies working in the city. Training manuals were put under review.
Officer McNeil was put on a desk after he was retrained. He was three-years away from retirement. Under advice from his union lawyer, McNeil found a paper pushing job at Parker Center. For the rest of his career, he'd review security protocols at SoFi, Angels and Dodgers Stadiums and other large arenas for sporting events, concerts and other gatherings. He already lined up a security gig at the new Intuit Dome that began the day after his 50th birthday. He wasn't endangering that opportunity.
Officer Dubrons was retrained by LAPD and moved out to Topanga Division. 15-years away from retirement, Dubrons couldn't find as cushy a landing. He started sniffing around with several federal agencies but whenever he started getting some traction in the interview process, things would shut down suddenly. One friend at a three-letter agency said it wasn't the agent they pulled over but someone much higher in the chain of command who made it clear Dubrons was a hard no for any federal agency. Dubrons figured he's put in his time before retiring to some smaller department looking for a guy with big city experience.
But it was a life-changing encounter for the survivors.
With her settlement, Jordyn's medical school costs were largely covered. The little that was left over got her a studio condo near the campus. Devin wanted her to share a house with him – save that leftover money. No, she wanted her own place. It was time to be Jordyn and Devin, not Jordyn with Devin. When medical school was over, if she was leaving for a different city or a different part of Los Angeles, she'd have her degree free and clear and real estate to either rent out or sell. Dr. Jordyn Rountree would be on her way.
With Fatima's uncle Navid's help – Navid ran the third largest real estate firm in Los Angeles – Rountree found a fixer-upper. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms ranch, built in 1951, it looked good on the outside. Inside, both bathrooms were never updated and looked every minute of their 72-years. One bathroom had carpeting. One bedroom had paneling that probably looked great in the early 60's when it was put up but really didn't work now. There were mirrored walls in the living room and small bedroom – that would have to go. The kitchen was updated in 1977 – just in time to miss the avocado green period of American Kitchens.
While Navid had a dozen condos that were in turnkey condition lined-up, Devin wanted a house, he wanted a house in a good neighborhood. Navid's firm sold house on the block with all the bells and whistles for twice what Rountree was willing to pay. A little sweat-equity and some time, he'd have what Sam told him was the first investment in the rest of his life.
It was life-changing money after a life-changing encounter.
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adrianicsea · 1 year
in the 2011 texas frightmare saw apprentice panel, cary said something to the effect of that he always imagined that if lawrence ever did return to the series, it would be EITHER as an apprentice, or as someone who finally tears down the entire jigsaw legacy. and i think a lot about how like… we never find out if lawrence continues the games after he gets rid of hoffman. the original screenplay for 7 even made it clear that lawrence was grooming the survivor group into becoming apprentices or “jigsaw believers,” but they obviously didn’t pursue that in the final film which makes his actions more ambiguous. all to say that it very well COULD have ended with him. something something giving up the person you were and sacrificing your own life and heart and wellbeing for the greater good…. augh
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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BMW 503
As global economies looked to rebuild after World War II, automotive manufacturers vied to develop new ideas to reignite sales. BMW eyed the high-end market as a viable solution, in-part influenced by Max Hoffman, the New York-based importer of luxury European cars, who was convinced such cars would yield a profit in the US. As a result, the BMW 503 became the manufacturer’s first purpose-designed post-war coupé, also made in cabriolet form.
In either closed or open form, the 503 was positioned as an opulent grand tourer and was built alongside the luxuriously appointed 507 Roadster. With its welded tubular frame construction, aluminium panels, and alloy V-8 engine, the 503 quickly proved very expensive to build. During a production run from May 1956 to March 1959, BMW built just 413 Coupé and Cabriolet examples; 273 of those were the attractive tin-top version. Despite attempts to appeal to the US market with the fitment of a 3.2-litre V-8 engine, both the 503 and 507 struggled to bring in the sales expected by BMW, in large part due to a higher-than-expected list price, inflated due to spiralling build costs.
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redgoldsparks · 2 years
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September 4, SF Zinefest at the Metreon, San Francisco, CA 1-2pm panel: Just Existing is an Act of Protest with @gaiaw.xyz, @8_rock, @marinaomiart and @redgoldsparks
September 17 and 18, Small Press Expo (SPX), Bethesda, MD  1-2pm panel Saturday: Spotlight on Maia Kobabe moderated by Alex Hoffman
October 6-9 Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), Columbus, OH
October 22-23 Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE), Boston, MA
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thebetterbear · 2 years
Post Modern Art
Escaping Confines of Museum
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City, Michael Heizer. Located in Garden Valley, a desert valley in rural Lincoln County in the U.S. state of Nevada. land art sculpture. 1970-2022
Collapsing Boundaries Between High and Low
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Curious Kitten watercolor painting is a painting by Svetlana Novikova which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2013.
Rejecting Originality
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Andy Warhol 1928–1987. Silkscreen ink and acrylic paint on 2 canvases. 1982
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Fred Tomaselli, 2014, 60″ x 84″, photo-collage, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood panel, © 2014, courtesy of James Cohan Gallery and the artist
Working Collaboratively
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Meow Wolf. Sept. 13, 2021.
Adam Christopher
Andi Todaro
Ashley Frazier, Michael Sperandeo
Brandan Styles "Bzurk”, Ellie Rusinova
Brian Corrigan
Cal Duran, David Ocelotl Garcia
Cami Galofre
Chris Bagley
Christopher Owen Nelson
Christopher Short
Collin Parson
Corrina Espinosa
Dan Taro
David Farquharson
Dice 51
Douglas A. Schenck “DAS”
Dylan Gebbia-Richards
Frankie Toan
Ian McKenna
Jaime Molina, Pedro Barrios
Jennifer Pettus
Jess Webb
Jodi Stuart, Libby Barbee
Joseph Lamar
Joshua Goss
Justin Camilli
Justin Gitlin aka Cacheflowe
Kalyn Heffernan, Gregg Ziemba
Katy Zimmerman, Erika Wurth
Kia Neill
Kristin Stransky
Laaiaim Mayer
Lauri Lynnxe Murphy
Marjorie Lair, Kyle Vincent Singer
Maya Linke
Myah Sarles
Nicole Banowetz
Nolan Tredway
Ramón Bonilla
Reed Fox, Ben Weirich
Sabin Aell, Randy Rushton
Scott Hildebrandt
Sean Peuquet
Shayna Cohn
Sigrid Sarda
Sofie Birkin
Thomas Scharfenberg
Viviane Le Courtois
Wynn Earl Buzzell Jr.
Andrew Novick, Pamela Webb, Robert Ayala
Chad Colby, Lexis Loeb, Hayley Kirkman
Charles Kern, Ty Holter, Ben Jackson, Rachel Bilys, Brett Sasine
Demiurge LLC: Joe Riche and Wynn Buzzell
Eriko Tsogo, Jennifer Tsogo, Tsogo Mijid, Batochir Batkhishig
F. Ria Khan, Armon Naein, Blake Gambel, Calvin Logan, Charles Candon, Harrison Bolin, Luke Collier, Maria Deslis, Sky Johnson, Sofia Rubio-Topete
Ladies Fancywork Society
Merhia Wiese, Annabelle Wiese, Maggie Wiese, Eunseo Zoey Kim, Dan Griner
Mike Lustig, Mitch Hoffman, Tim Omspach, Nathan Koral, Evan Beloni, Ryan Elmendorf, Scott Wilson, Charlis Robbins
Molina Speaks, Stevon Lucero, DJ Icewater, Felix "Fast4ward" Ayodele, Diles, Emily Swank
Oren Lomena, Alaine "Skeena" Rodriguez, Alius Hu
Peniel Apantenco, Kim Shively, Colin Richard Ferguson Ward,  (In memoriam)
Sam Caudill, Sean Louis Rove, Juancristobal Hernández
Secret Love Collective: Katy Batsel, Lares Feliciano, Colby Graham, Piper Rose, Frankie Toan, Katy Zimmerman, Lauren Zwicky, Genevieve Waller
The Church of Many: Andrea Thurber, Elsa Carenbauer, Anna Goss, Maddi Waneka and Emily Merlin
Waffle Cone Club: Kyle Vincent Singer, Scott Kreider, Marjorie Lair
Everything is Terrible!
Kevin Bourland
Michael Lujan
Moment Factory
Nina Mastrangelo
Scott Geary, Wayne Geary, Gary Ashkin
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Paneel "Rehearsal for an Icon 2001 - Mona Lisa" von Olbinski, Grafikdruck. Digital Print
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Untitled (Studio)2014
Kerry James Marshall
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987) 1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 20 x 16" (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Overall installation with 3" between each panel is 97" high x 163" wide
Mixing Media
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Mama, Mummy and Mamma (Predecessors #2)
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 2014
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Zephyrus Rising, 2022. Acrylic on Acrylic. 32 × 16 × 22 in Duncan McDaniel
Mixing Codes
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 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 1503-6; On Winnie: Denis Colomb stoles (worn as a headdress, top and sleeves) 
Confronting the Gaze
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Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad David Ayer 2016 (left), Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey Cathy Yann 2021 (right)
Facing Abject
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Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, 1985/86, mixed media (Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, photo: Goggins World, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Constructing Identities
Creating Metaphors
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Martin Puryear. Ladder for Booker T. Washington, detail, 1996. Installation view at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. 2003
Using Narratives
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Damien Hirst The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 2013 Lentikulardruck80 x 120 cm
Irony, Parody, Parody Dissonance
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A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014). Kara Walker Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
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