#hogwarts legacy deek
legacyshenanigans · 1 year
MC in the room of requirement
Deek: Deek sorted out your bookshelf while you were gone, Deek did it in alphabetical order, to make life easier for you *smiles*
MC: *smiles as she takes a book and sits down* Thank you Deek. *starts reading*
Deek: Erm..Deek couldn't help but notice you haven't brought that student you kissed here for a while?
MC: *closes book at looks at him confused* ..Student I kissed?
Deek: Deek tries not to be nosey or intrude, but you brought a student here a while ago, brown hair, freckles, and I saw you both kiss in one of the vivariums.
MC: ...You saw that?
Deek: Erm..Well yes *smiles*
MC: I..Erm..*blushes* Don't tell Professor Weasley. Don't tell anyone.
Deek: *gestures a zip over his mouth* I won't tell *smiles*
MC: *Goes back to reading*
Deek: ..So..Are you in love with him?
MC: Deek..This conversation is a little deep for my liking.
Deek: Oh! Apologies *Sweet smile*
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traceyc-uk · 1 month
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(How not to) Care of Magical Beasts: I do this all the time and feel mega guilty hurting my poor beast babies. Needed to finish the week with something silly
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Wizard swears
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nexeliam · 1 year
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Hogwarts Legacy fan-made poster, featuring Ameline Namel, the original character of my playthrough.
About 50 hours in the making.
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thenerdykneazle · 5 months
Left Behind
Summary: Ominis is feeling forgotten when he discovers his partners have run off on yet another adventure without him. He frets about the future of his relationship with two people who seem to neither need nor want him around. Can Sebastian and MC make amends with him when they return to the castle?
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who gave me the prompt and created the audio version of this story. Listen here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC x Sebastian Sallow
Warnings: light angst, sad Ominis
Word count: 2511
Ominis could hear the scrape of metal on stone as the door to the Room of Requirement materialised before him. He pushed it open and stepped inside. He could hear several cauldrons bubbling and the magical loom weaving away. The aromas of mallowsweet leaves and shrivelfigs hung thickly in the air from the potting tables along the wall.
“MC? Sebastian? Are you here?” he called as he took echoing steps into the centre of the large room.
A soft pop came from his right. “Deek saw the students leave nearly an hour ago,” the house-elf said.
Ominis groaned. “Ugh, of course, they did,” he groused. “Off to fight some dark wizards or search for artefacts in a hidden cave, no doubt.”
“MC told Deek they were going to collect ashwinder venom for a new potion,” Deek said timidly.
“What a surprise!” Ominis said sarcastically as he began to pace around the room. “That’s obviously more important than working on our project for transfiguration – like we had agreed on days ago! And, naturally, they didn’t tell me they’d miss our appointment. Plus, why ask the boy who can speak to snakes to tag along? Why would he be useful?”
Deek let out a squeak of fright as Ominis sent a hex at the adjacent wall, singeing a portrait of a witch with her pet niffler in her lap. “Deek is very sorry if he upset you,” the meek elf said in a trembling voice.
Ominis winced. “No, I’m not upset with you. I…I’m sorry,” he said, as a pang of guilt stabbed into his stomach. He hadn’t meant to scare the innocent elf. He was just frustrated.
Deek apologised again, as if he’d done anything wrong, before popping away again.
Ominis sighed as he trudged forward into the forest vivarium. Inside, he could hear unicorns galloping across the ground and jobberknolls soaring above the trees. Wand outstretched, Ominis walked down the cobblestone path to a bench by the water. The sun warmed his skin as he stepped out of the shade of the trees. As he sat there, a light breeze tousled his hair, making a few strands fall across his forehead. He usually liked to nap in the spot, but he didn’t feel up to it at the moment.
His attempt to brood angrily failed miserably, as Ominis just felt dejected. He sniffed as unshed tears made his nose begin to run. He didn’t understand why his companions constantly neglected him in favour of each other. He had been elated – eventually – to have MC make him and Sebastian a trio again. Something had been missing ever since Anne had to leave school. He thought MC had filled that void – not that she had replaced Anne, as the other Sallow twin was still like a sister to him. She was far better to him than any of his actual siblings, and nothing would change his love for her. But she wasn’t there anymore.
And Ominis’s feelings for MC were certainly different than his ones for Anne. Right from the start, they were a lot more like how he felt toward Sebastian. It had felt like a dream come true when they had decided to date each other – Ominis had thought he couldn’t ask for better partners. They both made him laugh. They both knew how to comfort him when he was upset. They both made his heart skip beats when they sat close or grabbed his hand to lead him to some newly discovered oddity in the castle or out on the grounds. Ominis normally hated when people grabbed him, but it was different with Sebastian and MC.
Though, neither was dragging him much of anywhere lately. The girl who had stolen a piece of his heart had also managed to steal most of their boyfriend’s time. They were always sneaking off to Merlin-knows-where to get into untold trouble. It made Ominis feel like an outsider in his own relationship.
Heavy thuds behind Ominis announced the approach of the hippogriffs even before Highwing’s chirping made their presence obvious. She nuzzled into the boy’s side before flopping down on the ground beside him, resting her head on the bench beside him. Caligo settled down on the opposite side of the boy.
Ominis laughed softly, despite the heaviness still in his chest at being abandoned. “At least you two still like me,” he said, giving each beast a pat on the head.
Caligo chittered happily as Highwing rubbed the side of her face against Ominis’s thigh in a display of affection.
“Maybe I should take a page out of Poppy’s book and promote you two to my best friends,” Ominis joked. He could feel Caligo’s head tilt with his hand still resting atop it. “You wouldn’t abandon me for each other, would you?”
They gave no response.
“What am I saying? Of course, you would,” Ominis said, shaking his head. “You two are a bonded pair.”
The words tasted bitter in his mouth.
“You know,” he continued to the hippogriffs, “I used to think Sebastian and I were a rather bonded pair. And, while I was sceptical of MC when she first arrived, she won me over. I thought I had gained a new partner in crime. I didn’t realise then that my old friend and my new one would slowly decide they were better off without me.”
Highwing made a sympathetic sort of chirp. At least, Ominis thought it sounded so.
“Yes, I suppose MC left you behind on this adventure too, didn’t she?” he observed. “She has a fancy upgraded broom and a duelling champion. What’s she need any of us for? Never mind that you saved her from those poachers. Or that I helped her defeat all those inferi in the catacombs – inferi that Sebastian created, mind you. But why have the blind boy tag along, right? I couldn’t possibly take care of myself – or, shock of shocks, be helpful.”
Caligo rested his head in Ominis’s lap. The boy stroked the creature’s head, smoothing his feathers gently. It made his fingers feel powdery to run them through his plumage, but it also soothed him.
“I just….I really can’t believe Sebastian replaced me so easily,” he said, struggling to get the words out as he was getting choked up. “After all we’ve been through together. After all that I’ve stood by him through. And MC…I confided in her about things I’d never even told Sebastian. They both mean so much to me, and…it’s like I’m expendable to them. They just ran off without telling me. Again. Not only do they not need me, they…they don’t even want me there.”
Ominis stayed in the comforting presence of his feathered companions. He felt a bit less alone with them on either side of him. Completely losing track of time, he just sat and sulked with them until two more people burst into the vivarium.
“Ominis?” MC called as she wound through the trees.
The blond didn’t bother replying. He had little interest in talking to either of his so-called partners. The hippogriffs scampered off when they heard their master’s voice.
“Traitors,” Ominis grumbled to himself.
“Ominis! There you are!” Sebastian said as the pair arrived at his bench. “We’ve been looking all over for you! We were worried something happened to you when you weren’t at dinner. You’d just disappeared!”
Ominis snorted out a laugh. “You two are the ones who disappeared,” he accused, crossing his arms over his chest in indignation. “We were supposed to work together in the library this afternoon, and you couldn’t be bothered to tell me you weren’t going to make it.”
“That was today?” MC asked guiltily, shifting nervously where she stood and making the leaves crunch under her feet.
“Yes, it was!” Ominis shot back irritably. He shifted away from her voice, turning his nose up in the air. “But I should’ve known better than to expect my boyfriend and girlfriend to show up to our study date.”
“I’m sorry, Ominis. We just got caught up–” Sebastian started, laying a hand on his shoulder.
Ominis shrugged him off. “You’re always getting caught up in something! And always leaving me behind!” he interjected.
“We didn’t think you’d want to come,” MC admitted, sounding remorseful.
Good, Ominis thought. She should be sorry.
“We had to fly up into the mountains to find the ashwinders’ nests, and you hate flying,” she explained.
“But I love the two of you! I would’ve gone if you’d asked,” Ominis retorted. “But you clearly didn’t want me there.”
“That’s not true!” MC insisted.
“Isn’t it?” Ominis replied.
“You know it’s not,” Sebastian stated firmly, breaking back into the conversation. He often let MC handle Ominis when he was upset, as Sebastian was under the impression that MC “had a way with him.” The blond had clearly struck a nerve to make him feel the need to speak up.
“No, I don’t, Sebastian!” Ominis argued, growing angrier. Before he knew it, he was on his feet and jamming a finger in Sebastian’s chest. “You two just don’t want your little blind pet getting in the way. You don’t think I can handle myself out in the forest, right? You think you need to protect me from harm while you both run headfirst into danger. You treat me like a child!”
“Ominis!” MC gasped, taken aback at his outburst.
“Do either of you even want me around anymore?” he asked, trying not to let the pain show in his voice.
“Of course, we do,” Sebastian said, and his anger had dissipated. He took hold of Ominis’s hand. Ominis squeezed his in return. “We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I didn’t think you would want to go gallivanting through the Highlands.”
“What I want is to spend time with my boyfriend and girlfriend again. You two are always gone lately,” Ominis admitted.
MC wrapped her arms around him from behind. “I’m sorry, Ominis. We found a potion that might be able to cure Anne, and I’ve had tunnel vision about the whole thing. But I also didn’t want to get her hopes up if it didn’t pan out. I wasn’t sure we’d be able to find all of the ingredients.”
Ominis rested a hand on her arm that was across his stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he croaked.
“Ominis,” MC said chidingly, “you know you’re rubbish at keeping secrets from her.”
The boy’s cheeks flushed with heat. “I’m not that bad,” he said defensively.
“You told her what I’d bought her for Christmas three years in a row before I started hiding it from you, too,” Sebastian argued, making MC chuckle.
Ominis could feel her chest rumble against his back, and he melted into her.
“So, you two aren’t tired of me, then?” he asked a bit timidly.
MC laughed. “Hardly,” she replied before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“Who else would be the voice of reason?” Sebastian joked. Tenderly cupping his hand over Ominis’s cheek, he added, “You know I’m mad about you, you stupid git.”
“Ever the romantic,” Ominis replied drily.
MC giggled as Sebastian crashed his lips into Ominis’s. He had clearly taken the heir of Slytherin’s words as a challenge. One he met with force. If MC hadn’t been behind the lithe boy, Sebastian probably would have knocked him to the ground.
Sebastian tasted like the treacle tarts he always gorged on after chasing MC around on some ill-advised adventure. Ominis fisted his free hand into his boyfriend’s robes as he kissed him back, sliding his tongue into his mouth and making him moan. Sebastian quickly returned the favour – and then some, as he moved to trail open-mouthed kisses down the side of Ominis’s neck.
Panting as he pulled back, Sebastian’s smirk was practically audible. “Better?” he asked cheekily.
Ominis chuckled. “Much,” he replied silkily, stroking his thumb over the back of MC’s arm, which was still wrapped around him.
“Does this mean you’d want to help us get venom from the snake I’ve got in my nab-sack?” MC inquired, lifting her head off his shoulder. “Because I’d really prefer not to get bitten again.”
“You were bitten?” Ominis roared.
“Three times, actually, but Nurse Blainey patched me right up when we made it back to the castle,” she replied as if it were as casual of a fact as that it might rain the following afternoon.
Ominis felt like he might pass out before the rage steadied him. “You let her get bitten three times?” he growled at Sebastian.
“How is it my fault?” Sebastian asked, bewildered, but Ominis had already spun away from him, refocusing on MC.
His hands worried over every inch of her. “Are you sure you’re all right?” he asked. “Are you dizzy? Or in pain? Do you want me to take you back to the hospital wing for the night, just in case?”
“I’m fine,” MC insisted, and Ominis would bet a pretty galleon that she’d rolled her eyes.
“I got bitten too, you know,” Sebastian sulked.
“Merlin, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Ominis said, pulling MC into a tight hug.
Sebastian pouted even more at being ignored.
“I am as long as I can breathe,” MC choked out.
Ominis instantly released her. “Sorry,” he muttered, raising a hand to her cheek and gently stroking his thumb over the smooth skin.
“It’s all right,” MC replied kindly before turning her head to press a kiss into his palm. “You’re sweet to worry, but I really am fine.”
“Barely! You’re never going out without proper supervision again,” Ominis asserted.
“Now who’s being treated like a chi–” MC started.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sebastian asked, offended.
“You know exactly what I meant, Sebastian,” Ominis said severely. “Clearly, you two are hazardous left to your own devices.”
“I’ll let that slight pass if it means you’ll start coming out with us,” Sebastian said lightly.
“Yes, I’ve quite made up my mind on it,” Ominis replied seriously.
“Brilliant! It’ll be great having more help. And if we all get stranded in one of those remote little cabins and have to share the one, tiny bed all pressed up against each other, well…all the better,” Sebastian added cheekily.
Ominis jumped slightly when he felt a hard pinch on his bum. “You’re a degenerate, Sebastian,” he tried to assert, but his face was going red imagining the scenario.
“You love me,” the mischievous boy stated confidently.
Ominis could tell he had stepped in rather close, because he could feel Sebastian’s breath puff over his nose and cheeks.
Ominis gave a dramatic sigh, refusing to give Sebastian the satisfaction of swooning at his flirting. “Against my better judgement, but, yes, I do. Both of you.”
“Good. Because we’ll never be tired of you, so you’re stuck with us,” MC said.
“Promise?” Ominis asked, feeling a jolt of insecurity.
Sebastian rested his forehead against his, their noses brushing together. “Promise,” he vowed.
Ominis relaxed. Pressed between the two people he loved most, he felt anything but unwanted.
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ask-deek · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Voice Audio Files
Deek wanted to share one of his new favourite websites with you all. Deek found it yesterday and has been looking through a lot of it.
Deek hopes you enjoy finding your favourite voice lines like he did! There are LOTS of audio files on here, All NPCS, (Yes...even Andrew Larson!!)
*Holds out the parchment containing the website to all free HL voice files*
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girl-named-matty · 2 months
Hogwarts Legacy characters and my first impressions of them pt.1
Semi-in order of when you meet them.
Eleazar Fig: Cool guy, seems to care a lot about me so that's nice.
George Osric: This guy is TOTALLY the villain. Why would he just come out of nowhere and be acting so weird and like he doesn't want anyone else to hear what he has to say? (LOL sorry George 💀We all know how that ended)
Ranrok: Naww who is this- DID HE JUST KILL THAT GOBLIN?!
Professor Black: Annoying. Annoying, Annoying, Annoying. GO AWAY.
Professor Weasley: She's awesome, super sweet, and she's in Gryffindor and I'm in Gryffindor so that's nice. Oh, wait a Weasley???
Cressida Blume: She's cute. Has cute freckles.
Nellie Oggspire: I need to be her friend IMMEDIATELY.
Garreth Weasley: Oh this guys a cutie--OH SHOOT HIS LAST NAME IS WEASLEY.
Natty Onai: Her name is Natty... and mine is Matty... We now we HAVE to be best friends.
Professor Ronen: Oh, he seems like fun!
Sebastian Sallow: Woah wait why are they fighting. OH SHOOT IS THAT GINGER KID ABOUT TO DIE- Oh, never mind. Was this guy allowed to do that? Is he gonna bully me? Should I be suspicious of him? Oh, well either way he's kinda cute.
Professor Hecat: Oh, she's cool.😎
Lenora Everleigh: So cute and has a very beautiful name.
Sirona Ryan: An absolute queen. Gave me free butterbeer and she seems really considerate of the other shop keepers. Oh and she defends me so yeah absolute queen.
Victor Rookwood: Uhh who is this guy? Oh shoot wait is he supposed to be another villain? His top hat is kinda goofy ngl. Also what kind of a threat is "Can't drink butterbeer forever?". I don't know whether to be intimidated or to laugh. Maybe both?
Theophilus Harlow: MY EYEESSSSSSS! 😭😭😭 (Sorry but he looks nasty)
Professor Garlick: OH SHE CUTEEEEEEE.
Leander Prewett: Oh I HATE THIS GUY GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! SEBASTIAN SALLOW SAVE ME. PROFESSOR GARLICK HELP. (I promise I have changed my ways and I now love him)
Professor Sharp: OoOooo he looks intimidating but he is very handsome.
Andrew Larson: ANOTHER CUTIE RAVENCLAW! (throwing him in here now bc I'll tell you guys I didn't even know he had a name until like six or seven+ months ago so I got my first impression of him online LOL)
Lucan Brattleby: This kid looks fire. He's my little brother now and nobody can stop me.
Eric Northcott: He hasn't said a single word yet I do not like him. (Sorry Eric girlies)
Ominis Gaunt (1): Why does this guy keep talking to me in the hallways. Is he mad at me? WHAT DID I DO?! Oh, shoot wait is he blind? CAN HE SEE WITH HIS WAND??? DAWG THIS IS AWESOME. also he's really pretty.
Richard Jackdaw: Why does he look and sound exactly like Garreth? Is this another Weasley I don't know about?
Madam Kogawa: She looks cool. Kinda intimidates me tho and I have no idea why.
Everett Clopton: His voice is kinda annoying and we got in trouble but he did teach me how to go super fast on a broom so I'll give him that much.
Percival Rackham: Don't like him. I don't know why but I do not like him.
Professor Howin: ...is that dodo bird actually gonna attack me or are you just saying that-
Poppy Sweeting: Aww she looks cute. She is very small but obviously that doesn't stop her from defending beasts from bullies LETS GO! Oh also she's got a cool hippogriff friend!
Imelda Reyes: Oh, I am going to beat her time by a LANDSLIDE just because she said that to me. (rivals to lovers fr)
Lodgok: Oh he seems really nice for helping us but should I be suspicious of his connections to Ranrok?
Gladwin Moon: Saw this guy earlier and he was acting weird. And now I figure out it's because of some statues. Can this school get any weirder?
pt.2 coming soon 👀
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 7 months
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feelin cute, might post cursed shit <3
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yoshitsuno · 8 months
Hogtober Day 11 : House elves
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A little drawing of our dear friend Deek. I'm really glad we get to interact with him, he brings so much to the story too. He deserves to be drawn 💖
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When you see @ask-deek like your dirty FF's...
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Please you sweet soul...don't look to closely at them 🙈
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ravenclawella · 1 year
"Deek thinks you should drink some water" 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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A few quick sketches based on @tamayula-hl’s headcanons for Ominis as an animagus! I really wanted to make a version with my MC! Please excuse any inconsistencies—I have never drawn snakes or hummingbirds before, so this was definitely a learning experience 😂
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zetadraconis11 · 2 months
What would actually be funny is if Professor Weasley sees what MC has done with the the room of requirement.
That would be funny, as the RoR could look different depending on the MC. With my MCs Estelle and Cael, they're kinda organized and practical, so they wouldn't have clutter for the most part.
But if we're going with straight-up MC from the game, here's ONE scenario I can see happening...
*in the Room of Requirement*
Professor Weasley: My, my, you've certainly...changed the room. And...how many vivariums do you have?
MC: Four. I kept nabbing more and more creatures, and the room decided to give me more and more habitats.
Weasley: I see. And...what's that over there?
MC: My vault. All of the loot and money and clothes I found while on my adventures. Apparently I'm rich? I had no idea, I just found a ton of coins.
Weasley: And...where are your stations?
MC, leads her to the extra room: My workshop is over here.
Weasley: Merlin's beard! You seem to have your own business with that many potting and brewing stations!
MC: I have too many Mandrakes, though, and I ran out of Ashwinders to- *coughs* Nevermind.
Weasley: ...I see. Well, I'm glad that you are at home with the Room of Requirement. I think Deek is also-
MC: Please take him.
Weasley: I beg your pardon?
MC: He keeps telling me I should be "proud of all the potions I've brewed". *grabs her shoulders* If I hear him say that one more time...I might commit elf-icide.
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sinfulsyaneus · 1 year
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Garreth, we need to talk--I think your enthusiasm for potions has officially crossed a line
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animasola86 · 5 months
Room of Requirement (pre-phoenix): Forbidden Forest ambience (mysterious, eerie)
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"Sounds perfect."
[ LANDMARKS ETC MASTERLIST ] [ RoR Ambience Overview ]
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